09-29-2022 Council Minutes - SpecialCIT vz�:� Federal Way CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING MINUTES City Hall — Council Chambers* *remote attendance available via zoom September 29, 2022 — 5:00 p.m. 1. CALL MEETING TO ORDER Mayor Ferrell called the meeting to order at 5:02 p.m. City officials in attendance: Mayor Jim Ferrell, Council President Linda Kochmar, Deputy Mayor Susan Honda, Councilmember Lydia Assefa-Dawson, Councilmember Erica Norton, Councilmember Hoang Tran, Councilmember Jack Walsh, and Councilmember Jack Dovey. City staff in attendance: Interim City Administrator Brian Davis, City Attorney Ryan Call (virtually), and Deputy City Clerk Jennifer Marshall. 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Mayor Ferrell led the flag salute. 3. 2023-2024 BIENNIAL BUDGET WORKSHOP — DEPARTMENT PRESENTATIONS a. Federal Way Police Department Chief of Police Andy Hwang introduced his command staff and presented information on department accomplishments; he highlighted both funded and unfunded new program requests for the department. He answered various questions from Council and expressed appreciation for the ongoing support of the Police Department. b. Public Works Department Public Works Director EJ Walsh provided a department overview and presented information on the four main funds utilized in the department: Streets, Solid Waste and Recycling, and Fleet and Equipment Maintenance Fund for Non -Police. He thanked Public Works staff who were awarded a record -setting dollar amount of grants during the 2021-2022 grant cycle and provided detailed information on key items in this proposed budget. c. Debt: Operations Shop and Capital Planning Public Works Director EJ Walsh overviewed the timeline and financial plan for the Capital Planning of the Joint Use Operations Facility. Federal Way City Council Special Minutes - Budget Page 9 of 2 September 29, 2022 Finance Director Steve Groom provided information on the City's debt capacity and current debt status noting the City is in good standing. He explained the current practices for replacement and maintenance of long-lived assets and depreciated items, highlighting an infrastructure financing plan. Both Director Groom and Walsh responded to various questions from the Council and acknowledged items that will be adjusted prior to the upcoming special meeting on Tuesday, October 4. d. Council Questions/Discussion 4. ADJOURNMENT There being nothing further on the agenda; the special meeting was adjourned at 7:13 p.m. Attest: N PerPer M rshall e ut Cit Clerk Approved by Council: Federal Way City Council Special Minutes - Budget Page 2 of 2 September 29, 2022