01-19-2022 Planning Commission Minutes Planning Commission Minutes Page 1 January 19, 2022 CITY OF FEDERAL WAY PLANNING COMMISSION January 19, 2022 6:30 p.m. Via Zoom MEETING MINUTES Commissioners present: Lawson Bronson, Tim O’Neil, Wayne Carlson, Tom Medhurst, Diana Noble- Gulliford, Anna Patrick, and Jae So. Commissioners excused: Hope Elder, Eric Olsen. City Staff present: Planning Manager Keith Niven, City Attorney Kent van Alstyne, Associate Planner Chaney Skadsen, and Community Development Director Brian Davis. CALL TO ORDER Chair Bronson called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. MINUTES After discussion, the December 1, 2021, minutes were approved as presented. PUBLIC COMMENT None ELECTION OF OFFICERS Lawson Bronson was nominated by Commissioner Carlson and seconded by Commissioner Noble-Gulliford to serve as Chair for 2022. Motion passed unanimously. Wayne Carlson was nominated by Chair Bronson and seconded by Commissioner Noble-Gulliford to serve as Vice Chair. Motion passed unanimously. COMMISSION BUSINESS The public hearing from the previous meeting on the 2021 text amendments was continued. Planning Manager Niven listed the proposed amendments as follows: 1. SEPA Noticing – Libraries Proposal is to drop noticing at libraries. Instead, the noticing would occur on the City’s website. 2. Final Plat Proposal is to have the Community Development Director approve final plat instead of City Council approval. 3. Plat Alteration Proposal to have the Hearing Examiner approve plat alterations instead of City Council. 4. Docket Process & Noticing Proposal to add a step to go to the Planning Commission initially for public comments. 5. Convalescent Centers Proposal to allow convalescent centers in other RM zones. Graphic shown. 6. Planning Commission Proposal to allow Commission alternates to serve as full members to meet quorum obligations. 7. Non-substantive housekeeping items Proposal to make a variety of administrative corrections with no change in substance. 8. Electric fences Proposal to add electric fences for businesses. Planning Commission Minutes Page 2 January 19, 2022 9. Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) parking Proposal to remove the requirement of an addition parking space for an ADU when near a major transit stop. Graphic shown. 10. Height for Accessory Structures Proposal to clarify code language. 11. ADU Permit Proposal to clarify code language for when an ADU permit is necessary. Graphic shown. 12. SEPA Categorical Exemptions Proposal to change the noticing thresholds. Graphic shown. 13. Unrelated persons Proposal to align the FWRC with Washington State law. Graphic shown. 14. Boundary Line Adjustment (BLA) Proposal to clarify that BLA process is not intended to negate other city code requirements. Planning Manager Niven noted the public comments at the last meeting revolved around Item Nos. 8 and 9, and discussion of the Commission included Nos. 6, 9, and 13. After a question from Commissioner O’Neil, Planning Manager Niven and Attorney Van Alstyne explained the new statutory limitations for defining “family” and noted the proposed definition started with Bellevue’s definition and then was adapted to Federal Way. Director Davis confirmed to Commissioner O’Neil that enforcement on this issued would be complaint based. Commissioner O’Neil asked if single-family will be eliminated, to which Van Alstyne indicated there is talk at the state level, but nothing has been passed. Planning Manager Niven explained that currently electric fences are only allowed in the city for livestock purposes. The proposal is to expand it to certain uses in the CE zone and for government purposes in all zones. Commissioner Noble-Gulliford acknowledged the need for expanding electric fence allowances but expressed frustration that the need is because of increased crime. Michael Pate from Amarok described his product and noted it is not highly-charged or unsightly and asked that the proposed ordinance be expanded to other zones. After Commission questions of Mr. Pate and his product, Director Davis noted that the proposed ordinance is for all electric fences, not just Mr. Pate’s product. Commissioner Carlson agreed the ordinance captures traditional and newer electric fences, so it becomes of question of which zones the Commission wants electric fences. Commissioner O’Neil would like to see them allowed in all commercial zones. Commissioner Medhurst is in support of the ordinance as proposed and noted it is his experience that electric fences help reduce graffiti and theft. Planning Manager Niven noted the balance that is sought in the ordinance by achieving both safety and aesthetics. Director Davis explained the background for this proposal was from City Councilmembers who wanted a broader allowance for electric fences without too much sacrifice of aesthetics. Commissioner Medhurst asked for clarity on the issue off-street parking for ADUs with respect to the pending appeal of the recent Director Interpretation. Attorney Van Alstyne said the current code requires one additional off-street parking space for an ADU, but when a property does not have an ADU it does not require the additional off-street parking space. After receiving clarification from Planning Manager Niven on when Planning Commission Alternates can count toward quorum and/or hearing requirements, Commissioner Carlson moved to recommend approval of the ordinance as proposed. Seconded by Medhurst. Commissioner Patrick moved to amend the main motion to include licensing requirements for convalescent centers, which died for lack of a second. Commissioner Patrick moved to amend the main motion to remove Item No. 5 (Convalescent Centers) entirely from the proposed ordinance. Seconded by Commissioner Noble-Gulliford, and passed unanimously. The main motion then passed unanimously. Planning Commission Minutes Page 3 January 19, 2022 MANAGER REPORT Planning Manager Niven presented the meeting calendar for the rest of the year, which is busier than usual due to the Comprehensive Plan Update project. Commissioner O’Neil was appointed to serve as the Planning Commission representative on the ad hoc committee for the Comp Plan Update. Planning Manager Niven and Associate Planner Skadsen presented on downtown redevelopment concepts, specifically redevelopment of the City-owned Town Center 3 (former Target) property and the 21 st Avenue S corridor with a potential grade-separated crossing of S. 320th St. NEXT MEETING February 15, 2022 Regular Meeting. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 8:56 p.m.