05-07-2024 Council Agenda - SpecialCITY OF Federal Way Centered on Opportunity CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING AGENDA City Hall — Council Chambers* May 7, 2024 — 5:00 p.m. 1. CALL MEETING TO ORDER 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3. STUDY SESSION — CITY COUNCIL DISCUSSION REGARDING A PROPOSED JOINT CITIZEN COMMISSION MEETING • Presentation: Brian Davis, City Administrator 4. PUBLIC COMMENT RULES: In accordance with State Law, the City of Federal Way prohibits any testimony regarding any campaign for election or promotion of, or opposition to, any ballot proposition during the public comment. Council Rules prohibit any personal, impertinent, threatening or slanderous remarks, and no speaker may convey or donate their time for speaking to another speaker. All individual comments are limited to 3 minutes each. The Mayor may interrupt any speaker whose comments continue too long, relate negatively to others, disparage people based on race, national origin, gender, sexual orientation or other protected status, or are otherwise unconducive to a civil meeting. The Mayor has the authority to preserve order at all meetings of the Council, and to cause the removal of any person from any meeting for disorderly conduct. 5. COUNCIL DIRECTION/POSSIBLE COUNCIL ACTION 6. ADJOURNMENT City Council special meetings or study sessions may be recorded and televised live on Government Access Channel 21 or FW YouTube; please visit www.citvoffederalway.com for more information. Assisted listening devices are available, please contact the City Clerk prior to the meeting. *Remote attendance available via Zoom meeting code: 938 0263 0822 and passcode: 370773 https://cityoffederalway.zoom.us/j/93802630822?pwd=UEpHVGhPcl BXQ1 UyRytxalNLQzFFQT09 Assisted listening devices are available, please contact the City Clerk prior to the meeting.