07-02-2024 Council Packet - RegularCITY OF �. Fe dera I Way Centered on Opportunity CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING AGENDA **AMENDED AGENDA" City Hall - Council Chambers* July 2, 2024 - 6:30 p.m. 1. CALL MEETING TO ORDER 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 4:14 ►Ti [f]► I I *V:11:7 x9191r]► I10IC Ll &I • Police Department Promotional Ceremonies: Deputy Chief, Commander, Lieutenant, and Corporal 4. MAYOR'S EMERGING ISSUES AND REPORT • Fireworks reminders — Chief Andy Hwang • July 41" Red, White and Blues Festival at Celebration Park at 4:00 p.m • Recent Events: Farmer's Market Community Resource/Health & Safety Fair (6/22); Federal Way Amateur Radio Club Field Day (6/22); 1 st Annual Summer Fest at the Rhododendron Garden (6/22); Federal Way Lions Club Music Festival at Steel Lake Park (6/22); Officials Tour of IRG Woodbridge Corporate Park (6/27); More Than Athletes Athlete Camp (6/27); 2"d Annual Beauty of our African Roots (6/29); Summer Repair Cafe Fix -it Event (6/29) • Upcoming: Miles for Meso 5K on July 4; North Lake Fourth of July Parade at 11:00 a.m.; Federal Way's Got Talent Competition at the Farmer's Market on July 7; Summer Sounds Concert at Steel Lake Park on July 10; We Love Our City: City -Wide Serve Day on July 13 5. PUBLIC COMMENT RULES: In accordance with State Law, the City of Federal Way prohibits any testimony regarding any campaign for election or promotion of, or opposition to, any ballot proposition during the public comment. Council Rules prohibit any personal, impertinent, threatening or slanderous remarks, and no speaker may convey or donate their time for speaking to another speaker. All individual comments are limited to 3 minutes each. The Mayor may interrupt any speaker whose comments continue too long, relate negatively to others, disparage people based on race, national origin, gender, sexual orientation or other protected status, or are otherwise unconducive to a civil meeting. The Mayor has the authority to preserve order at all meetings of the Council, and to cause the removal of any person from any meeting for disorderly conduct. The City Council may amend this agenda and take action on items not currently listed. Regular Meetings are recorded and televised on Government Access Channel 21 and viewable on FW YouTube. For more information, or to view agenda materials and access public comment sign-up options, please visit www.cityoffederalway.com. To request accommodations or assisted listening devices, please contact the City Clerk prior to the meeting. 'Remote attendance available via Zoom meeting code: 363 503 282 and passcode: 738163: or https://cityoffederalway.zoom.us/i/363503282?pwd=VmlocGOrd FVVTURaQnlLRUIQOTQ4ZzO9 6. PRESENTATIONS a. Arts Commission Update and Report 7. COUNCIL COMMITTEE AND REGIONAL COMMITTEE REPORTS • Parks/Recreation/Human Services/Public Safety Committee (PRHSPS) • Land Use/Transportation Committee (LUTC) • Finance, Economic Development Regional Affairs Committee (FEDRAC) • Lodging Tax Advisory Committee (LTAC) • Regional Committees Report • Council President Report 8. CONSENT AGENDA Items listed below have been previously reviewed in their entirety by a Council Committee of three members and brought before full Council for approval; all items are enacted by one motion. Individual items may be removed by a Councilmember for separate discussion and subsequent motion. a. Minutes: June 18, 2024 Regular and Special Meeting b. Monthly Financial Report — May 2024 c. AP Vouchers 05/17/2024 — 06/17/2024; Payroll Vouchers 05/01 /2024 — 05/31 /2024 d. Abatement of 2647 S. Star Lake Road e. WA Criminal Justice Training Commission Wellness Grant f. Update of Video System Component for the Evidence Building g. Authorization to Add a Fixed Term Position in Public Works Department h. Purchase of Two Used Vehicles — Emergency Management i. Tourism Enhancement Grant (TEG) Recommendation 9. COUNCIL BUSINESS a. Redondo Culvert Bid Acceptance • Staff presentation: John Mulkey, Senior Civil Engineer b. WA State Military Emergency Management Division Extreme Weather Response Grant for Emergency Shelter • Staff presentation: Layela Wilson, Human Services Coordinator c. Global Spectrum LP (OVG360) 2023 Incentive Fee • Staff presentation: Autumn Gressett, Community Relations Liaison/Contract Administrator The City Council may amend this agenda and take action on items not currently listed. Regular Meetings are recorded and televised on Government Access Channel 21 and viewable on FW YouTube. For more information, or to view agenda materials and access public comment sign-up options, please visit www.cityoffederalway.com. To request accommodations or assisted listening devices, please contact the City Clerk prior to the meeting. 'Remote attendance available via Zoom meeting code: 363 503 282 and passcode: 738163: or https://cityoffederalway.zoom.us/i/363503282?pwd=VmlocGOrd FVVTURaQnlLRUIQOTQ4Zz09 d. FWCC Locker Room — Woodland Industries General Contracting, Inc. Change Order • Staff presentation: Autumn Gressett, Community Relations Liaison/Contract Administrator e. ADDED ITEM: TheraDeutic Courts Interaaencv Aareement • Presentation: Judge Dave Larson 10. ORDINANCES Second Reading/Enactment a. Council Bill #880/Ordinance: City of Tacoma Department of Public Utilities (Tacoma Water) Franchise AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF FEDERAL WAY, WASHINGTON, GRANTING CITY OF TACOMA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC UTILITIES, WATER DIVISION (TACOMA WATER), A NONEXCLUSIVE FRANCHISE TO OCCUPY RIGHTS -OF - WAY OF THE CITY OF FEDERAL WAY, WASHINGTON, WITHIN THE SPECIFIED FRANCHISE AREA FOR THE PURPOSES OF CONSTRUCTING, MAINTAINING, OPERATING, REPLACING, AND REPAIRING A WATER DISTRIBUTION AND TRANSMISSION SYSTEM WITHIN AND THROUGH THE CITY OF FEDERAL WAY. 11. COUNCIL REPORTS 12. EXECUTIVE SESSION • Pending/Potential Litigation Pursuant to RCW 42.30.110(1)(i) i&1 -1110,1111111,11111NkiI Ml=1ki III I The City Council may amend this agenda and take action on items not currently listed. Regular Meetings are recorded and televised on Government Access Channel 21 and viewable on FW YouTube. For more information, or to view agenda materials and access public comment sign-up options, please visit www.cityoffederalway.com. To request accommodations or assisted listening devices, please contact the City Clerk prior to the meeting. *Remote attendance available via Zoom meeting code: 363 503 282 and passcode: 738163; or https://cityoffederalway.zoom.us/j/363503282?pwd=VmlocGOrdFVVTU RaQnlORUIQOTQ4Zz09 COUNCIL MEETING DATE: July 2, 2024 ITEM #: Oil CITY OF FEDERAL WAY CITY COUNCIL AGENDA BILL SUBJECT: CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES POLICY QUESTION: Should the City Council approve the draft minutes for the June 18, 2024 Regular and Special Meetings? COMMITTEE: N/A MEETING DATE: N/A CATEGORY: ® Consent ❑ Ordinance ❑ Public Hearing ❑ City Council Business ❑ Resolution ❑ Other STAFF REPORT BY: Stephanie Courtney,City Clerk DEPT: City Clerk Attachments: June 18, 2024 Regular Meeting Draft Minutes June 18, 2024 Special Meeting Draft Minutes Options Considered: 1. Approve the minutes as presented. 2. Amend the minutes as necessary. MAYOR'S RECOMMENDATION: N/A MAYOR APPROVAL: N/A Committee Initial/Date N/A DIRECTOR APPROVAL: Council Initial/Date COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: N/A N/A N/A N/A Committee Chair Committee Member Committee Member PROPOSED COUNCIL MOTION: "I move approval of the minutes as presented. " (BELOW TO BE COMPLETED BY CITY CLERK'S OFFICE COUNCIL ACTION: ❑ APPROVED COUNCIL BILL # ❑ DENIED First reading ❑ TABLED/DEFERRED/NO ACTION Enactment reading ❑ MOVED TO SECOND READING (ordinances only) ORDINANCE # REVISED - 4/2019 RESOLUTION # CITY of Federal Way Centered on Opportunity CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING MINUTES City Hall — Council Chambers Remote Option Available via Zoom June 18, 2024 — 6:30 p.m. CALL MEETING TO ORDER Mayor Ferrell called the meeting to order at 6:33 p.m. City officials in attendance: Mayor Jim Ferrell, Council President Linda Kochmar, Councilmember Lydia Assefa-Dawson (remote), Councilmember Paul McDaniel (remote), Councilmember Susan Honda (remote), Councilmember Hoang Tran, and Councilmember Jack Walsh. City staff in attendance: City Administrator Brian Davis, City Attorney Ryan Call, and City Clerk Stephanie Courtney. 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Mayor Ferrell led the flag salute. 3. CERTIFICATES & RECOGNITION Municipal Court Student Art Show Recognition: Judge David Larson, Judge Brad Bales and Recreation Coordinator Cassie Swan read and presented local students with certificates of recognition. Arts Commissioner Chair Vickie Chenowith congratulated the students and thanked the Judges for the ongoing program. 4. MAYOR'S EMERGING ISSUES AND REPORT s July 4th Red, White and Blues Festival: Parks Director John Hutton provided information on the 29th annual Red, White and Blues Festival; the free event begins at 4:00 p.m. at Celebration Park. • Report on Recent Events: Mayor Ferrell provided a report on multiple community events including the Seattle International Film Festival visit, the Barker and Denny Cabin tours, FUSION Ribbon Cutting, and the Juneteenth Flag Raising at City Hall. • Upcoming Community Events: Federal Way City Council Regular Minutes Page 1 of 7 June 18, 2024 The mayor provided information on various upcoming events in the community including the Summer Fest at the Rhododendron Garden, and the Lions Club Music Festival at Steel Lake Park. He noted City Hall will be closed on June 19 in observance of the holiday. 5. PUBLIC COMMENT Geor a Bannan requested compassion for the homeless Barb Staab spoke in concern with increased noise pollution from the illegal fireworks and street racing. Mary Ehiis, President of the Historical Society distributed the Spring 2024 newsletter and highlighted upcoming society events. Ken Blevens believes in working together as a community, and supports treatment for drug addicted homeless individuals. Cheryl Hurst thanked the mayor for the city's support of the diaper bank. She spoke fondly of Federal Way and was emotional about_ moving out of state. Betty Taylor thanked the off -duty Officer who stopped and aided her grandson. She thanked the multiple agencies who also provided support to her family. Jan Barber promoted the 6th Annual Lions Club Music Festival on June 22. Anna Patrick referencing the special meeting discussion on housing, asked the city to be intentional and think about long term impacts. Jeremy Winzer promoted the Progress Pushers event with Todd Beamer High School students at city hall and provided input on the housing discussion. Craig Patrick reported on illegal activity at a local parish thanking the police department for their assistance. 6. PRESENTATIONS a. Proclamation: Juneteenth — June 19, 2024 (at 7:30pm) Councilmember Tran read and presented the proclamation to Diversity Commission Chair Saudia Abdullah. Chair Abdullah recognized Commissioner Rogers and her family for pursuing the recognition of Juneteenth. 7. COUNCIL COMMITTEE AND REGIONAL COMMITTEE REPORTS Parks/ Recreation/Human Services/Public Safety Committee (PRHSPS): Councilmember Walsh reported on the items that passed committee and are on the Council agenda for final approval. The next committee meeting will be July 9. Land Use/Transportation Committee (LUTC): Councilmember Dovey noted the next committee meeting is July 1 with discussion on zoning issues and housing. Federal Way City Council Regular Minutes Page 2 of 7 June 18, 2024 Finance, Economic Development Regional Affairs Committee (FEDRAC): Councilmember Tran noted the next committee meeting is June 25. Lodging Tax Advisory Committee (LTAC): Councilmember Assefa-Dawson provided an updated regarding Tourism Enhancement Grant application review. Regional Committees Report: Councilmember Honda provided a report on various regional Boards and Committees she attended including the South County Area Transportation Board and the Sound Cities Policy Issues Committee (PIC). She provided information on the upcoming Sound Transit Board meeting and reported on the 351 Annual Flag Day event at the King County Aquatics Center. Council President Report: Council President Kochmar reported on meeting with members of the city's commissions to discuss a joint meeting. She noted there will be special meeting scheduled to address issues and to celebrate the commission members. 8. CONSENT AGENDA a. Minutes: June 4, 2024 Regular Meeting b. Initiation of Development Agreement for the Commons c. Authorization to Enter an Interlocal Agreement with HGACBuy d. Purchase of a Hard Surface Cleaner Using Surface Water Management Funds e. Resolution: Celebration Park Field 7 Artificial Turf Funding/APPROVED RESOLUTION NO. 24-858 f. South King Housing and Homelessness Partners (SKHHP) 2025 Work Plan and Budget COUNCIL PRESIDENT KOCHMAR MOVED APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS A THROUGH F; SECOND BY COUNCILMEMBER WALSH. The motion passed unanimously as follows: Council President Kochmar yes Councilmember Tran yes CouncilmemberAssefa-Dawson yes Councilmember Walsh yes Councilmember McDaniel yes Councilmember Dovey yes Councilmember Honda yes 9. PUBLIC HEARING a. Resolution: Adoption of the 2025-2030 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP)/ APPROVED RESOLUTION NO. 24-859 Mayor Ferrell opened the public meeting at 7:42 p.m. City Traffic Engineer Rick Perez outlined the 6-year Transportation Improvement Plan (TIP) for 2025-2030. The plan, which is updated annually, outlines capital projects and is a requirement for grant eligibility. Mr. Perez overviewed the completed and proposed new projects. Council thanked Mr. Perez and inquired about street lighting. COUNCILMEMBER DOVEY MOVED APPROVAL OF PROPOSED RESOLUTION; SECOND Federal Way City Council Regular Minutes Page 3 of 7 June 18, 2024 BY COUNCIL PRESIDENT KOCHMAR. City Attorney Call noted a point of order, the public hearing needs to be completed and closed prior to approval. Councilmember Dovey withdrew his motion; Council President Kochmar withdrew the second. Mayor Ferrell called for public comment; no public comment was received. COUNCILMEMBER DOVEY MOVED TO CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING; SECOND BY COUNCILMEMBER KOCHMAR. The motion passed unanimously as follows: Council President Kochmar yes Councilmember Tran yes CouncilmemberAssefa-Dawson yes Councilmember Walsh yes Councilmember McDaniel yes Councilmember Dovey yes Councilmember Honda yes COUNCILMEMBER DOVEY MOVED APPROVAL OF THE PROPOSED RESOLUTION; SECOND BY COUNCILMEMBER WALSH. The motion passed unanimously as follows: Council President Kochmar yes Councilmember Tran yes CouncilmemberAssefa-Dawson yes Councilmember Walsh yes Councilmember McDaniel yes Councilmember Dovey yes Councilmember Honda yes b. Updated First Amendment to the 2023 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Annual Action Plan Mayor Ferrell opened the public meeting at 7:50 p.m. Human Services Coordinator Kim Bachrach overviewed the first amendment to the 2023 CDBG Annual Action Plan. As a pass -through entity, the city submits the Annual Action Plan to HUD detailing how the city plans to spend the allocated funds. Multiple projects were unable to move forward for various reasons, and those funds are reallocated. Mayor Ferrell called for public comment; no public comment was received. COUNCILMEMBER WALSH MOVED TO CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING; SECOND BY COUNCILMEMBER KOCHMAR. The motion passed unanimously as follows: Council President Kochmar yes Councilmember Tran yes CouncilmemberAssefa-Dawson yes Councilmember Walsh yes Councilmember McDaniel yes Councilmember Dovey yes Councilmember Honda yes COUNCILMEMBER WALSH MOVED APPROVAL OF THE PROPOSED AMENDMENT AS PRESENTED AND AUTHORIZE THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE ALL NECESSARY DOCUMENTS; SECOND BY COUNCILMEMBER TRAN. The motion passed unanimously as follows: Council President Kochmar yes Councilmember Tran yes CouncilmemberAssefa-Dawson yes Councilmember Walsh yes Councilmember McDaniel yes Councilmember Dovey yes Councilmember Honda yes Federal Way City Council Regular Minutes Page 4 of 7 June 18, 2024 10. COUNCIL BUSINESS a. 2024 Asphalt Overlay Bid Award Public Works Civil Engineer Jeff Huynh presented information on the project noting the bids received were greater than the available funding. Staff recommends removing one project and moving it to the following year. The overlay project is anticipated to start in July 2024. COUNCILMEMBER DOVEY MOVED TO AWARD THE CONTRACT FOR THE 2024 ASPHALT OVERLAY PROJECT TO LAKESIDE INDUSTRIES, INC., THE LOWEST RESPONSIBLE BIDDER, IN THE AMOUNT OF $4,674,783.50 WITH A CONTINGENCY OF $467,478.35 FOR A MAXIMUM CONTRACT AMOUNT OF $5,142,261.85, AND AUTHORIZE THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE THE CONTRACT; SECOND BY COUNCILMEMBER WALSH. The motion passed unanimously as follows:. Council President Kochmar yes Councilmember Tran yes CouncilmemberAssefa-Dawson yes Councilmember Walsh yes Councilmember McDaniel yes Councilmember Dovey yes Councilmember Honda yes b. Authorization to Bid Median Fencing Project on Pacific Highway South (S 304th Street to S 308th Street) Public Works Director EJ Walsh overviewed the median fencing project on Pacific Highway South 304th to 308th. This project is funded by a Transportation Improvement Board grant with the intention to complete the project before the fall. Director Walsh responded to Council questions. COUNCILMEMBER DOVEY MOVED TO AUTHORIZE STAFF TO SOLICIT BIDS FOR THE PROPOSED MEDIAN FENCING PROJECT ON PACIFIC HIGHWAY SOUTH (S 304TH ST TO S 308TH ST); SECOND BY COUNCILMEMBER TRAN. The motion passed unanimously as follows. Council President Kochmar yes Councilmember Tran yes CouncilmemberAssefa-Dawson yes Councilmember Walsh yes Councilmember McDaniel yes Councilmember Dovey yes Councilmember Honda yes c. Resolution: Authorization to Apply for Community Economic Revitalization Board Grant (CERB)/APPROVED RESOLUTION NO. 24-860 Economic Development Director Tanja Carter stated this resolution is an administrative housekeeping request. Director Carter was made aware the city's grant application, which was approved by Council on May 21, is required to include a City Council Resolution. Approval of the proposed resolution will complete the grant application requirements. COUNCILMEMBER TRAN MOVED APPROVAL OF THE PROPOSED RESOLUTION; SECOND BY COUNCILMEMBER WALSH. The motion passed unanimously as follows: Council President Kochmar yes Councilmember Tran yes CouncilmemberAssefa-Dawson yes Councilmember Walsh yes Councilmember McDaniel yes Councilmember Dovey yes Councilmember Honda yes Federal Way City Council Regular Minutes Page 5 of 7 June 18, 2024 11. ORDINANCES First Reading a. Council Bill #880/Ordinance: City of Tacoma Department of Public Utilities (Tacoma Water) Franchise AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF FEDERAL WAY, WASHINGTON, GRANTING CITY OF TACOMA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC UTILITIES, WATER DIVISION (TACOMA WATER), A NONEXCLUSIVE FRANCHISE TO OCCUPY RIGHTS -OF -WAY OF THE CITY OF FEDERAL WAY, WASHINGTON, WITHIN THE SPECIFIED FRANCHISE AREA FOR THE PURPOSES OF CONSTRUCTING, MAINTAINING, OPERATING, REPLACING, AND REPAIRING A WATER DISTRIBUTION AND TRANSMISSION SYSTEM WITHIN AND THROUGH THE CITY OF FEDERAL WAY. Public Works Deputy Director Desiree Winkler overviewed the franchise agreement which replaces the currently expired contract. This agreement includes two (2) automatic 5-year extensions. Mayor Ferrell called for public comment; no public comment was received. City Clerk Stephanie Courtney read the ordinance title into the record COUNCILMEMBER DOVEY MOVED TO FORWARD THE PROPOSED ORDINANCE TO THE JULY 2, 2024 COUNCIL MEETING FOR SECOND READING AND ENACTMENT; SECOND BY COUNCILMEMBER TRAN. The motion passed unanimously as follows: Council President Kochmar yes Councilmember Tran yes Councilmember Assefa-Dawson yes Councilmember Walsh yes Councilmember McDaniel yes Councilmember Dovey yes Councilmember Honda yes Second Reading/Enactment b. Council Bill #879/Ordinance: Limited Tax General Obligation Bond APPROVED ORDINANCE NO. 24-987 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF FEDERAL WAY, WASHINGTON, RELATING TO CONTRACTING INDEBTEDNESS; PROVIDING FOR THE ISSUANCE, SALE, AND DELIVERY OF ONE OR MORE SERIES OF NOT TO EXCEED $57,000,000 AGGREGATE PRINCIPAL AMOUNT OF LIMITED TAX GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS TO PROVIDE FUNDS TO PAY OR REIMBURSE THE CITY FOR THE COSTS OF ACQUISITION OF LAND AS THE SITE FOR AND CONSTRUCTION, REMODELING AND EQUIPPING OF A JOINT USE OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE FACILITY FOR CITY DEPARTMENTS AND OTHER CAPITAL PURPOSES, AND TO PAY THE COSTS OF ISSUANCE OF THE BONDS; FIXING OR SETTING PARAMETERS WITH RESPECT TO CERTAIN TERMS AND COVENANTS OF THE BONDS; APPOINTING THE CITY'S DESIGNATED REPRESENTATIVE TO APPROVE THE FINAL TERMS OF THE SALE OF THE BONDS; AND PROVIDING FOR OTHER RELATED MATTERS. City Clerk Stephanie Courtney read the ordinance title into the record. COUNCILMEMBER TRAN MOVED APPROVAL OF THE PROPOSED ORDINANCE; SECOND BY COUNCILMEMBER DOVEY. The motion passed unanimously as follows: Council President Kochmar yes Councilmember Tran yes CouncilmemberAssefa-Dawson yes Councilmember Walsh yes Councilmember McDaniel yes Councilmember Dovey yes Councilmember Honda yes Federal Way City Council Regular Minutes Page 6 of 7 June 18, 2024 12. COUNCIL REPORTS Councilmember Dovey, Councilmember Walsh, Councilmember Tran, Councilmember McDaniel, and Councilmember Assefa-Dawson had no additional report. Councilmember Honda very excited to tour an inclusive park in Vancouver. Council President Kochmar congratulated City Clerk Stephanie Courtney on receiving her Master Municipal Clerk (MMC) certification. 13. ADJOURNMENT There being nothing further on the agenda; the regular meeting was adjourned at 8:21 p.m. Attest: Stephanie Courtney, MMC, CPRO City Clerk Approved by Council: Federal Way City Council Regular Minutes Page 7 of 7 June 18, 2024 CITY OF �. Federal Way Centered on Opportunity CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING MINUTES City Hall — Council Chambers Remote Option Available via Zoom June 18, 2024 — 5:00 p.m. CALL MEETING TO ORDER Mayor Ferrell called the meeting to order at 5:00 p.m. City officials in attendance: Mayor Jim Ferrell, Council President Linda Kochmar, Councilmember Lydia Assefa-Dawson (remote), Councilmember Hoang Tran, and Councilmember Jack Walsh. City staff in attendance: City Administrator Brian Davis, City Attorney Ryan Call, and City Clerk Stephanie Courtney. 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Mayor Ferrell led the flag salute. Mayor Ferrell excused Councilmember Paul McDaniel and Councilmember Susan Honda; Councilmember Lydia Assefa-Dawson attended remotely. 3. STUDY SESSION a. Housing Chapter Update Community Development Director Keith Niven and Senior Planner Chaney Skadsen provided information on Housing as it relates to the city's Comprehensive Plan, reflecting on HB 1220, passed in 2021, with the intention to strengthen the creation of affordable housing. The amended law directs jurisdictions plan for sufficient land capacity for housing needs, provide for moderate density housing options within Urban Growth Area (UGAs), make adequate provisions for housing for existing and projected needs for all economic segments of the community, and identify racially disparate impacts, displacement and exclusion. With these goals in mind, detailed information was presented on Permanent Supportive Housing, Middle Housing, Affordable Housing and Displacement. Council thanked Director Niven and Ms. Skadsen for the presentations and asked clarifying questions. Federal Way City Council Special Minutes Page 1 of 2 June 18, 2024 4. ADJOURNMENT There being nothing further on the agenda; the special meeting was adjourned at 6:11 p.m. Attest: Stephanie Courtney, MMC, CPRO City Clerk Approved by Council: Federal Way City Council Special Minutes Page 2 of 2 June 18, 2024 • 0 t COUNCIL MEETING DATE: July 2, 2024 ITEM #: CITY OF FEDERAL WAY CITY COUNCIL AGENDA BILL SUBJECT: MAY 2024 MONTHLY FINANCIAL REPORT POLICY QUESTION: Should the Council approve the�2024 Monthly Financial Report? COMMITTEE: FINANCE, ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND REGIONAL MEETING DATE: June 25, 2024 AFFAIRS COMMITTEE (FEDRAC) CATEGORY: ® Consent ❑ Ordinance ❑ Public Hearing ❑ City Council Business ❑ Resolution ❑ Other STAFF REPORT BY: Steve Groom, Finance Director DEPT: Finance Attachments: May 2024 Monthly Financial Report Options to Consider: 1. Approve the May 2024 Monthly Financial Report as presented 2. Deny approval of the May 2024 Monthly Financial Report and provide direction to staff MAYOR'S RECOMM ENI�" ION: Mayor recommends approval of Option 1. MAYOR APPROVAL: 491 Nk101d t .4-,;Of W/ Vt,, DIRECTOR APPROVAL: Initial/Date' // Initial/Date AA�l COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: I move to forward the May 2024 Monthly Financial Report to the July 2, 2024 consent agenda for approval. CO3 mittee Chair Committee Member Committee Member PROPOSED COUNCIL MOTION: "I move approval of the Monthly Financial Report. (BELOW TO BE COMPLETED BY CITY CLERK'S OFFICE) COUNCIL ACTION: ❑ APPROVED COUNCIL BILL # ❑ DENIED First reading ❑ TABLED/DEFERRED/NO ACTION Enactment reading ❑ MOVED TO SECOND READING (ordinances only) ORDINANCE # REVISED — 1/2022 RESOLUTION # CITY OF ., Federal Allay DATE: June 25, 2024 TO: Mayor and City Council Management Team FROM: Steve Groom, Finance Director Chase Donnelly, Deputy Finance Director SUBJECT: Monthly Financial FINANCE DEPARTMENT This report is to brief you on May's monthly and year-to-date (YTD) revenues and expenses, compared to budget and prior year, on the city's cash and fund balance positions, and on the monthly investment performance, transactions and current holdings. Generally, City's cash position continues to be strong, budgetary controls on expenditures are resulting in a slightly favorable variance and revenues are positive. General/Street Fund Summary: Revenues & Transfers In are favorable to YTD budget of $23.74M by $0.56M or 2.4%. Expenditures & Transfers Out are favorable to YTD budget of $26.86M by $54K or 0.2% primarily due to timing of ARPA spending and Police Officer position vacancies. 2.50% 2.00% 36 1.50% 4 � 1.00% 0.50% 0.00% -0.50% Revenue $28,000,000 $26,000,000 $24,000,000 $22,000,000 General/Street Fund % of Budget General/Street Fund Cumulative Year to Date Revenue 0 Budget -0.20% Expense Actual ,&cm or Federal Way Revenues and Expenditures: General & Street Fund Financial Highlights As detailed in the table below: FINANCE DEPARTMENT ' Sales Tax revenue is unfavorable to budget YTD by $0.18M or 2.8%, and $0.31M or 4.6% below prior year collections. Retail sales and services are $23K below 2023 YTD collections. CD Permits & Fees revenue is favorable to budget YTD by $0.26M or 21.4%, but $0.91M or 37.9% below prior year actual. Total Expenditures & Transfer Out is favorable to budget YTD by $54K or 0.2%, but $2.75M or 11.4% above prior year actual. Compared to budget, expenditures have been trending favorably, primarily due to filling of Police Department vacant positions, and timing of expenditures for ARPA spending. GENERAL & STREET FUND SUMMARY 2023 2024 YID Budgehs. Actual Fawrablel(UnfawraDe) Annual Budget Annual Actual YID Actual Annual Budget YID Budget YID Actual $ % Beginning Fund Balance $ 27,709,983 $ 27,709,983 $ 27,709,983 $ 22,437,667 $ 22,437,667 $ 22,437,666 nla nla Rewnues: Sales Tax 20,972,402 20,805,515 6,711,212 20,996,000 6,586,420 6,404,564 (181,856) -2.8% Property Taxes 11,762,933 11,662,976 6,171,006 11,938,554 6,316,817 6,254,375 (62,442) -1.0% State Shared Revenue 3,153,260 3,192,206 859,969 3,194,233 860,515 847,094 (13,421) -1.6% CD Permits&Fees 4,705,016 5,026,8041 2,408,364 2,869,145 1,231,798 1,495,111 263,313 21.4% Business 1lcense Fees 682,631 758,932 322,373 685,345 304,924 307,758 2,834 0.9% Admissions Tax 339,265 846,424 122,507 390,155 56,469 104,420 47,951 84.9% OtherRevenues 15,106,999 15,098,647 4,311,778 13,343,495 4,382,394 4,886,950 504,555 11.5% Transfers in fromOtherFunds to support operations 8,635,016 4,574,790 11,914,389 4,000,000 4,000,000 0.0% Total Rewnues & Traosfer b 65,357,522 61,966,294 20907,269 65,331,316 23,739,337 24J!50, 71 560,935 2.4% Total Expenkres & Transfer Out 82,464,337 67,238,614 24,053,459 78,010,041 26,858,498 26,804,139 54,359 0.2% Total Ending Fund Balance $10,603,168 $ 22,437,664 $ 24563,793 $ 9,758,941 $19,318,506 $ 19,933,799 B131 nla 4% CITY OF Federal Way Other Fund Financial Highlights FINANCE DEPARTMENT Utility Taxes are favorable to budget YTD by $0.81M or 13.2%, but $71K or 1.0% below prior year actual. Utility tax on water/sewer and electric services account for the increase above 2024 YTD budget. ■ Real Estate Excise Tax (REET) is unfavorable to budget YTD by $0.82M or 41.8%, and $0.31 M or 21.7% below prior year actual. This is an indicator of the Federal Way valuation and real estate volume of transactions. s Expenditures & Transfer Out is favorable to budget YTD by $0.30M or 2.2%, but $4.48M above prior year actual. The favorable variance to budget is primarily due to timing of residential street overlay. OTHER SIGNIFICANT FUNDS OF NOTE 2023 2024 YfDBudget vs. Actual Favoradel(UnfawraNe) Annual Budiet Annual Actual YID Actual Annual Budget YfD Budget YTD Actual $ % Revenues: Utility Tax IZ339,431 12,189,955 4,819,838 11,782,564 4,215,054 4,694,529 1 479,474 11.41/o Utility Tax- Prop IVoter Package 3,662,436 3,657,523 1,406,0091 3,360,436 999,404 1,379,465 380,060 38.0% Utility Tax- Solid Waste 101/o 1200,000 2,558,785 833,325 2,300,000 958,333 913,783 (44,550) -4.6% Real Estate Fkise Tax 4,521,000 3,377,887 1.451.887 5.576,000 1,952,722 1,137,346 (815,376) 41.8% Traffic Safety (Red Light/School Zone) 3,800,000 4,376,677 2,241,894 3,060,000 1,271,727 1,536,251 264,524 20.81/o Hote&otcl Lodging Tax 293,000 29%459 81,465 308,000 88,335 85,406 (4930) -3.3% .Federal Way Community Center 1,411,875 1,61%063 572,772 1,930,875 804,531 767,065 (37,460 -4.71/o .Perfomung Arts&Event OrOperations 1,659,780 2,228,419 579,013 1,279,780 426,593 843,999 417,405 97.81/o Durflas Bay Centre Fund 727,698 757,060 313,854 527,698 219,874 410.370 190,495 86.61/o Total Revenues 30,615,221 31,064,827 12300,056 30,125,354 10,936,575 11,768,213 831,638 7.6% N nditures & Transfers Out: iUtility TaxSuppofttoOtherFundsforo erations 12.067.413 8339,696 1,879,501 13,829,040 5,354,453 5,354,453 0.01/0 TaxPro osition 1 operations 4,471,873 3,916,074 1,470,606 4,603,703 1,918,210 1,788,429 0,781 6.8% .Utility :Solid Waste 101/oUtilit Tax -Residential Streets Overlay 3,680,166 2,742,060 123,722 2,300,000 958,333 74,686 883,647 92.2% Real Estate Excise TaxSuppoft to Debt and Capital Projects 0,055,343 4,035343 5,788,245 - n/a Traffic Safety Red Light/School Zone) 3,871,735 3,519348 1,159,014 4,212,419 1,780,175 1,402,093 378,082 21.21/o Hotefttel Lodging Tax 150,000 86,949 18,500 65,000 27,083 27,083 100.01/0 .tail Fund Services 4,300,000 4,687,020 1,565,532 3,259,000 1,357,917 1,769,538 (411,621) -30.3% Federal Way Community Center 1459,893 2,456,401 1,128,064 2,306,857 961,190 1,156,503 (195,312) -20.3% Performing Ads & Event Or Operations 1983.359 1418,881 1,060,362 2,483,359 836,700 1,277,070 (440,310 -52.6% Dumas Bay Centre Fund 864,097 898,127 330,239 773,784 321410 393,515 (71,104) -22.1% Total nditures & Transfers Out 40,903,879 34,500 298 8,735,540 39,681,407 13,516,471 13,216, 86 300,185 21% b(ing Fund Balance Utility Tax(non-Pro 1) 4,789,743 8,180,988 7,586,446 4,891,245 7,643,832 n/a n/a Utility Tax- Prop IVoter Package 1,000,001 1,312,904 1,506,4571 1,312,505 1 1.003,540 n/a n/a Utility Tax -Solid Waste 10% 152,073 1,448,966 2,341,842 152,073 2,072,890 n/a n/a Real Estate Excise Tax Fund 1,683,316 2,560,202 4,669,545 2,347,958 3,697,548 n/a n/a Traffic Safety Fund 4,421,708 3,350,370 3,576,323 2,137,951 3,484,528 n/a n/a HotefttclLodging Tax 2,011,015 2,080,525 1,930,980 2,323,525 2,184,664 n/a n/a Jail Fund 0 34,283 1,456 34,283 47,568 n/a n/a Federal Way Community Center 1,557,756 1,M,436 1,501,9821 1,768,436 1,509,630 n/a n/a Perfomkg Ads & Event Or Operations 658.344 791,462 392,587 567,861 358,391 n/8 n/a Dumas Bay Centre Fund 2,202,259 2,197,592 1,694,124 1216,504 2,214,447 n/a n/a Total lb(finaFund Balance $16,476,216 $23,725,729 $ 25,201,743 $ 17,752J41 $ $24,217,038 ala n/a Federal Wa .� y FINANCE DEPARTMENT Sales Tax Revenue Revenues are unfavorable to budget YTD by $0.18M or 2.8% and below prior year actual by $0.31M or 4.6%. The sales tax collected for transactions at point of sale is remitted to the City from the State on a two -month lag, after retailers remit to State the first month. LOCAL RETAIL SALES TAX REVENUES YTD May Month 2023 Actual 2024 Favorable/(Unfavorable) Change from 2023 YFD Actual vs Budget Budget Actual $ % $ % Jan 1,917,113 $ 1,948,353 $ 1,765,359 $ (151,754) -7.9°% $ (182,994) -9.4% Feb 1,425,556 1,459,825 1,472,140 46,585 3.3% 12,315 0.8% Mar 1,599,609 1,445,064 1,474,086 (125,523) -7.8% 29,022 2.0% Apr 1,768,995 1,733,177 1,692,975 (76,020) -4.3% (40,202) -2.3% May 1,622,066 1,633,016 - - - Jun 1,750,786 1,745,774 - - - - Jul 1,931,467 1,921,230 - - - - - Aug 1,850,860 1,903,016 - - - - Sep 1,847,683 1,872,206 - - - - Oct 1,783,836 1,875,739 - - - - - Nov 1,717,195 1,756,416 - - Dec 1,590,350 1,702,183 - - YFD Total $ 6,711,272 $ 6,586,420 $ 6,404,560 $ (306.712) 4.6% $ (181.8591 -2.861;. Annual Total $ 20,805,515 $ 20,996,000 $ 6,404,560 $ (306,712) -17% 1 $ (181,859)1 -9% City of Federal Way - Sales Tax Revenue Received CuirentYeaiActual vs. Budgetand Prior Year $22,000,000 $ 20, 000, 000 $18, 000, 000 $16, 000, 000 $14,000,000 $12, 000, 000 $10,000,000 $ 8,000, 000 $6,000,000 ©Budget Cumulative $4,000,000 — Prior Year Cumulative $2,000.000 ag Actual cumulative $0 10 e�E ,�� c City of Federal Way City of Federal Way YTD Sales Tax Revenue Comparison by Location Sales Tax Revenue Comparison by Group 5 � , 700,000 Ss,,nanon s1,00o,000 0o0ao0 ssOgNTO s,,w') u0a se00,000 oo•:1noo S400,000 Si,SOi)000 S200,000 �l 000,0[IO t $ — SSugfiUO Lodging Gateway Ctr Pavilion Ctr Commons 312th-316[h 348[h 2020 w 2021 ■ 2022 ■ 2023 w 2024 - e YTD 2023 YTD 2024 CITY OF Federal Way FINANCE DEPARTMENT Lodging Tax Revenue Revenues are unfavorable to budget YTD by $2.9K or 3.3%, but on target with prior year. HOTELJMOTEL LODGING TAX REVENUES Year-to-date thru May Month 2023 Actual 2024 Favorable/(Unfavorable) Change from 2023 YFD Actual vs Budget Budget Actual $ % $ % Jan $ 16,787 $ 21,257 $ 16,832 $ 45 0.3% $ (4,426) -20.8% Feb 16,159 19,804 18,690 2,531 15.7% (1,114) -5.6% Mar 21,239 21,550 23,749 2,510 11.8% 2,199 10.2% Apr 27,280 25,724 26,135 (1,144) -4.2% 411 1.6% May 19,444 22,579 - - - Jun 21,163 21,992 - - Jul 32,180 31,636 - - Aug 32,746 34,077 - - Sept 29,427 32,689 - - Oct 40,254 31,253 - - Nov 23,106 25,606 - - - Dec 19,674 19,834 - - - - YCDTotal $ 81,465 $ 88,335 $ 85,406 $ 3,941 4.8% $ (2.930) -3.3% Annual Total $ 299,459 $ 308,000 n/a n/a n/a I n/a n/a City of Federal Way - Lodging Tax Revenue Received $350,000 Current Year Actual vs. Budget and Prior Year 5300,000 5250,000 $ 200, 000 5150,000 $100,000 Budget cumulative - Prior Year cumulative $50,000 �. Actual cumulative 50 City of Federal Way Historical Lodging Tax Remittances by Month $45,000 $40,000 $35,000 $30,000 f $25,000 $20,000 $15,000 - { f i I f $10,000 $5,000 �! $0 c� 2019 D 2020 ■ 2021 R 2022 ■ 2023 R 2024 CITY OF Federal Way Business Licenses FINANCE DEPARTMENT Revenues are favorable to budget YTD by $3K or 0.9%, but below prior year actual by $15K or 4.5%. 300 New Monthly Business License Count 250 200 150 *excludes outside contractor businesses Business License Revenue Month 2023 Actual 2024 Favorable/(Unfawrable) Change from 2023 YID Actual vs Budget Budget Actual $ % $ % Jan $ 62,005 $ 106,396 $ 67,071 5,066 8.2% (39,325) -37.0% Feb 44,674 65,225 50,905 6,232 13.9% (14,320) -22.0% Mar 86,195 47,853 54,399 (31,797) -36.9% 6,546 13.7% Apr 67,910 48,132 67,866 (45) -0.1% 19,734 41.0% May 61,588 37,317 67,517 5,929 9.6% 30;200 80.9% Jun 76,843 74,893 - - - - Jul 59,531 48,167 - - Aug 53,820 55,648 - Sep 72,038 48,456 - - Oct 52,727 34,583 - - Nov 62,891 47,395 - Dec 58,709 71,278 - YTD Total $ 322.373 $ 304,924 $ 307,758 (14,615) 4.5% 2,834 0.9% Annual Total $ 758,932 $ 685,345 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a CIT Federal Way Community Development Permits FINANCE DEPARTMENT Revenues are favorable to budget YTD by $0.26M or 21.4%, but below prior year actual by $0.91M or 37.9%. Annual Total 2019 - $4,546,432 2020 - $1,964,825 2021 - $3,229,113 2022 - $4 040 385 2023 - $5,026,795 $ 9 00, 000 $800,000 $700,000 $ 600,000 $500,000 $400,000 $300,000 $ 2 00, 000 $100, 000 $0 2019 BUILDING& LAND USEPERMI[TS AND FEES (CD) Year-to-date thru May Month 2023 Actual 2024 Change from 2023 Favorable/(Unfavorable) YTD Actual vs Budget Budget Actual $ % $ % Jan 213,046 170,083 651,394 438,349 205.8% 481,311 283.0% Feb 546,470 265,481 27,159 (519,312) -95.0% (238,322) -89.8% Mar 595,518 243,372 337,149 (258,369) -43.4% 93,777 38.5% Apr 383,643 245,428 258,713 (124,930) -32.6% 13,285 5.4% May 669,687 307,435 220,696 (448,991) -67.0% (86,739) -28.2% Jun 357,167 209,290 Jul 422,815 216,247 - Aug 406,182 266,209 - Sept 635,249 262,098 Oct 293,644 240,848 - Nov 221,863 222,520 Dec 281,511 220,135 YTD Total $ 2,408,364 $ 1,231,798 $1,495,111 $ (913,253) -37.9% $ 263,313 21.4% Annual Total $ 5,026.795 $ 2,869.145 n/a n/a I n/a I n/a n/a City of Federal Way Historical Permit Fee Revenue by Month i III � I I Ll LI i i i �Qt ,e ,�� ��� PJs, q'Q C�- �0J 2020 L! 2021 ■ 2022 ■ 2023 02024 CITY OF Federal Way Real Estate Excise Tax (BEET) FINANCE DEPARTMENT Revenues are unfavorable to 2024 YTD budget by $0.82M or 41.8% and below 2023 YTD actual by $0.31M or 21.7%.. May 2024 activities include 100 real estate transactions. There were 96 taxable residential sales (total sales $51.2M / $253K tax) and four commercial sales over $1M. City of Federal Way- REET Revenue Received $6,000,000 $5,000,000 $4,000,000 $3,000,000 $2,000,000 $1,000,000 $0 REAL ESTATE EXCISE TAX REVENUES Year-to-date thru May Month 2023 Actual 2024 Favor abl a/(Unfawr abl e) Change from 2023 YTD Actual vs Budget Budget Actual $ % $ % Jan $ 192,302 $ 254,304 $ 238,836 $ 46,534 24.2% $ (15,468) -6.1% Feb $ 253,046 388,035 196,038 (57,008) -22.5% 191,996) -49.5% Mar $ 438,312 395,863 156,490 281,822) -64.3% (23%373) -60.5% Apr $ 254,266 381,237 222,390 (31,875) -12.5% (158,847) -41.7% May $ 313,961 533,283 323,592 9,631 3.1% (209,690) -39.3% Jun $ 342,809 509,250 - - - Jul $ 248,329 474,462 - - Aug $ 284,620 642,919 - - - Sep $ 453,885 493,431 - - Oct $ 194,491 415,953 - Nov $ 203,407 319,602 - Dec $ 198,459 767,660 - - YTD Total 1,451,887 1,952,722 1,137,346 (314,540) -21.7% (815,376) 41.8% Annual Total $ 3,377,887 $ 5,576,000 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a CITY OF V�w Federal Way Utility Tax Revenues FINANCE DEPARTMENT Revenues are favorable to 2024 YTD budget by $0.81M or 13.2% but below 2023 YTD actual by $71K or 1.0%. The increase above year-to-date budget is primarily due to an increase in water/sewer utility tax, and electric utility tax. The utility tax collected by utility companies is remitted to city on a 2- month lag. UTILITY TAXES — — Year-to-date thru May Month 2023 Actual 2024 Favorable/(Unfavorable) Change from 2023 YID Actual Ns Budget Budget Actual $ Var % Var $ Var % Var Jan $ 1,807,080 $ 1,477,037 $ 1,802,136 . $ (4,944) -0.3% $ 325,099 22.0% Feb 1,650,189 1,536,875 1,592,595 (57,594) -3.5% 55,720 3.6% Mar 2,017,092 1,715,542 2,016,670 (422) 0.0% 301,128 17.6% Apr 1,585,574 1,445,367 1,578,185 (7,389) -0.5% 132,818 9.2% May 1,412,840 1,380,249 - - Jun 1,291,342 1,535,563 - - Jul 1,254,694 1,243,098 - - - Aug 1,309,112 1,191,724 - Sept 1,640,513 1,512,405 - - Oct 1,314,130 1,237,756 - - Nov 1,506,325 1,313,483 - - Dec 1,618,314 1,856,212 - - YTDSubtotal $ 7,059,935 $ 6,174,820 $ 6,989,586 $ (70,348) -1.0% $ 814,766 13.2% Rebate (765) (2,028) (1,810) (1,045) 0.0% 218 -10.8% YTD Total $ 7.059.170 $ 6,172,792 $ 6,987,776 $ (71,393) -1.0% $ 814,984 13.2% Annual Total $ 18.406,264 $ 17,443,000 n/a n/a I n/a n/a n/a uTI1 M TAXES - by Type Year-to-date thru May utility Type 2023 Actual 2024 Actual Fawrable/(Unfavorable) Change from 2023 $ % Electric $ 2,349,916 $ 2,443,594 $ 93,678 4.0% Gras 1,118,571 $ 882,197 (236,374) -21.1% Water/Sewer 906,681 911,632 4,951 0.5% Solid Waste 645,826 708,181 62,355 9.7% Solid Waste - 10% 833,325 913,783 80,458 9.7% -Cable 527,450 465,853 (61,597) -11.7% Other 678,166 664,347 (13,818) -2.0°/a Tax Rebate (765) (1,810) (1,045) n/a YTD Total 1 $ 7,059,170 1 $ 6,987,776 $ (71,31 City of Federal Way- Utility Tax Revenue Received $20,000,000 $18,000,000 $16,000,000 $14,000,000 $12,000,000 510,000,000 $8,000,000 56,000,000 c Budget Cumulative $4,000,000 — Prior Year Cumulative $ 2,000,000 Actual cumulative So .1 The City has a utility tax rebate program that opens January lst and closes May 3 1 " of each year for qualifying low-income residents. The City processed 41 rebates in 2021 (total of $2,310), 24 rebates in 2022 (total of $1,305), 19 rebates in 2023 (total of $940) and 26 rebates (total of $1,810) to date in 2024. The 2024 rebate program has been posted to the city website and information material has been distributed to known past users and communicated to those who can relay to potential new ones. CITY OF A 1%.,, Federal Way Proposition 1 Voter -Approved Utility Tax FINANCE DEPARTMENT Revenues are favorable to budget YTD by $0.38M or 38.0%. The fund continues to maintain a healthy fund balance. PROP 1 Utility Tax Fund 2023 2024 YID Budget vs. Actual Fawrahle/(Unfavorable) Budget Annual Actual Budget YID Budget YTD Actual $ % Beginning Balance: 1,571,054 1,571,054 1,312,504 $ 1,312,504 1,312,504 0 0.0% Total Prop 1 Revenues: 3,662,436 $ 3,657,523 3,360,436 $ 999,404 $1,379,465 $ 380,060 38.0% Transfer in from Utility Tax Fund 238384 - 1.243.268 $ 100.000 100.000 n/a Public Safety Improvement Positions & Costs: Police Services (includes 1 Records Specialist, 16 Police Officers, & 2 Lieutenants) 2,974,715 2,619,317 3,085,654 $ 1,285,689 1,161,757 123,932 9.6% Court Services (includes .50 Judge, 1 Court Clerk, and Pro Tern Pay, Public Defender contract 1.5 Prosecutors) 1,163,732 915,212 1,189,682 $ 495,701 383,397 112,304 22.7% Total Public Safety lmprowmentCosts 4,138,447 3,534,529 4,275,336 $ 1,781,390 1,545,154 236,236 13.3% Community Safety Program Costs: 1 Code Enforcement Officer 120,465 126,134 124,925 $ 52,052 72,704 (20,652) -39.7% .5 Assistant City Attorney 94,411 78,411 82,345 $ 34,310 36,832 (2,522) -7.3% 1 Parks Maintenance Worker I & Security 118,550 176,998 121,097 $ 50,457 133,737 (83,280) -165.1% Total Community Safety improvement Costs 1 333,427 1 381,543 328,368 136,820 243,274 (106,454) -77.8% Total Prop 1 Fie nditures: 4,471,873 1 3,916,072 4,603,704 $ 1,918,210 1'788,427 129,783 6.8% Total Fading Fund Balance: 1 $ 1.000.000_1 $ 1312.504 $1,312.504 $ 493.698 $1.003,542 $ (509.843) -103.3% Traffic Safetv - Red Light / School Zone Revenues are favorable to budget YTD by $0.26M or 20.8%, but below prior year actual by $0.71M or 31.5%. Traffic Safety Fund - Red Light Photo Revenue Month 2023 Actual 2024 Favorable/(Unfavorable) Change from 2023 YTD Actual vs Budget Budget Actual $ % $ % Jan $ 305,897 $ 262,385 $ 312,250 $ 6,353 2.1% $ 49,865 19.0% Feb 425,952 242,839 286,697 (139,255) -32.7% $ 43,858 18.1% Mar 582,573 249,610 316,418 (266,155) -45.7% $ 66,807 26.8% Apr 502,534 259,603 329,659 (172,875) -34.4% $ 70,056 27.0% May 424,939 257,290 291,228 (133,712) -31.5% $ 33,938 13.2% Jun 401,659 307,973 - $ - - Jul 294,140 284,056 $ - Aug 263,310 200,766 $ - Sep 228,474 198,764 - $ - Oct 348,651 262,668 - $ - Nov 319,588 301,792 $ - Dec 27&962 232,254 $ YTD Total $2.241,894 $1,271,727 $1.536,251 $ (705.643) -31.5% $ 264,524 20.8% Annual Total $4,376,677 $3,060,000 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a Traffic Safety Fund pays for 1 Lieutenant, 8 Police Officers, 3 City Traffic positions, Municipal Court security services, red light photo services, Valleycomm emergency communication services, School Zone Enhancements capital improvement projects, and patrol vehicles. CITY OF Federal Way Police Department Overtime Year-to-date PD overtime is $72K or 8.9% above prior year actual. The City's portion (unbillable) is $0.28M or 68:1% above YTD budget, and is funded entirely by PD vacancies. Overtime incurred is primarily due to service required for special events, shift call -in, shift extension, training, and special emphasis proactive activities. Jail Services FINANCE DEPARTMENT PD Overtime by Mouth Year-to-date thru May Mouth 2023 Actual 2024 (FavurableyUnfavorable Change from 2023 YID Actual is Budget Budget Actual $ % $ Jan $ 116,489 $ 86,391 $ 128,863 $ 12,375 106% $ 42,472 492% Feb 142,906 76,342 127,091 (15,815) -111% 50,749 665% Mar 130,707 71,047 147,441 16,734 12.8% 76,394 107.5% Apr 114,651 80,621 119,330 4,679 4.1% 38,709 48.01/o May 139,773 92,960 162,016 22,243 15.9% 69,056 74 3% Jun 133,025 79,368 Jul 154,339 128,292 Aug 142,134 85,928 Sep 127,772 80,943 Oct 131,878 95,285 Nov 143,126 94,435 Dec 137,511 93,398 City Portion 644,525 407361 684,741 40,216 6.2% 277380 68.1% Billable 164,946 106,432 196.6591 31.713 192% 90,226 84,8% YIDTotal $ 809,471 $ 513,793 $ 881,400 $ 71,929 8.9% $ 367,606 71.5% Annual Total $ 2,023,529 1 $ 1,387,975 $ 881,400 $ 71,929 1 8.9% $ 367,606 71.5 % Average Daily Population m � I So AO 30 I 20 I I iO Jan Feb Mar Apr L 2023 59.9 59.2 11.1 57.7 • 2024 56.a 56 51 48.9 City of Federal Way Jail Cost a 000.000 7.000.000 6.000.000 5.000.000 4.000.000 0000 00 2000.000 1ooa000 ■ 2018 Act 2019 Act 2020 Act 7P2100 MZA.3 2023Act 2aii am =4 T1P :. Nib, Service ■I05-k. Jail and Alternatives to Confinement 2018 Actual 2019 Actual 2020 Actual 2021 Actual 2022 Actual 2023 Actual 2024 Annual BAet YID Actual Total Jail Operations $6,417,479 $5,932,095 $1,712,883 $ 2,223,602 $2,871,368 $4,687,019 $ 31259.000 $ 1,769,537 Debt Service Payments for SCOREJail 889,718 847,566 851,925 852,425 852,275 850,425 Total Jail Cost $6,417,479 $6,821,813 $2,560,449 $ 3,075,527 $3,723,793 $5,539 94 $ 4,109,425 $ 1,769,537 The City maintains multiple contracts with other governmental agencies for its jail services, after it discontinued its owner relationship with SCORE Jail in December 2019. The budgeted average daily population (ADP) is 70, and average ADP was 53.2 for the first four months. May ADP will be available in June. The City continues to be liable for its portion of the debt service on the SCORE building. The total remaining principal debt the City owes as of 12/31/2023 for SCORE is $9,335,000, and continues to be reduced by principal payments of about $0.9 million a year. CITY OF Federal Way Federal Way Community Center FINANCE DEPARTMENT Revenues are below 2024 YTD budget by $37K or 4.7%, but above 2023 YTD actual by $0.19M, primarily due to increased memberships. Expenditures are above 2024 YTD budget of $0.96M by $0.20M or 20.3%. Community Center remaining building construction debt service principal as of 12/31/2023 was $7.13M. Federal Way Community Center as of05/31/2024 2023 2024 YTD Budget 1s Actual Fawrablel(llnfatoraWe) Budget Annual Actual YTD Actual Budget YTD Budget YTD Actual S % Beginning Fund Balance $ 1,737,273 $ 1,737,273 $ 1,737.273 $ 1.768A36 $ 1.768.436 $ 1,768A36 n/a n/a Total Rewnues lA11.875 1,619,063 572,772 1,930,875 804,531 767,065 (37,466) -4.7% Total Expenditures 2,459,893 2,456,401 1,128,064 2,306,857 961.190 1.156,503 (195.312) -20.37/. Reienues Over / (Under) a- nditures (1,048,018) (837,339) (555,292) (375,982) (156,659) (389.438) (232,779) 148.E Recowry Ratio 57.4% 65.9%, 50.8 % 83.7 % 83.7 % 66.3 % n/a n/a Total Transfer In from General Fund/Utility To 868.501 868,501 320,000 375,982 156,659 130,631 (26,028) • 16.6% Ending Fund Balance $ 1,557,756 $1.768,436 $1,501,982 $1,768,436 $ 1.768.436 $1.509.629 $ (258.807) -14.6 % DetrtServicePavments 1 822,123 922.123 822.473 827. 773 n/a Total FWCC Cost $ 3.282.016 $ 3.278.524 $1.950.536 $ 3.134.730 S 961.190 $1.156.503 $ (195312) -20.3 Total City Support I $ 1,690,624 1 $11690,624 1 $1.142,473 1 $1,203,855 1 $ 156,659 1 $ 130,631 Dumas Bay Centre Revenues are above 2024 YTD budget by $0.19M or 86.6%, and above 2023 YTD actual by $0.1OM. The facility reopened as of the beginning of August 2021. Expenditures are above 2024 YTD budget of $0.32M by $0.07M or 22.1 %. Dumas Bay Centre Fund as of05/31/2024 2023 2024 Y1D Budget 1s Actual Budget Annual Actual I YTD Actual Budget YTD Budget YrD I Actual Favorable/(Unfavorable) $ % Beginning Fund Balance $1,710,510 $1.710.510 $1,710.510 S2197392 $2.197.592 $2.197592 n/a n/a Total Rewnues 727,698 757,060 313,854 527,698 219,874 410 370 190.495 86.6°/ Total Eons 864.097 898.127 330.239 773,784 322.410 393.515 (71-]04) -22.1% Revenues ONer/(Under) Expenses (136.399), (141.067) (16385)l (246,086) (102,536) 16,855 119391 -116.4 Recowg Ratio 84.21%1 84.29% 95.04%n 68.20%1 68.20% 104.28% n/a n/a Total Transfer In 628.148 1 628.149 264.998 1 11OA16 (110,416) n/a Ending Fund Balance $ 2,202,259 1 S 2,197.1,92 $1,694.125 $ 2.216.504 1 $ 2,205A 7) $ 2.214,447 $ 8.qi5i 0.40/. Performing Arts & Event Center Operations (PAEC) Revenues are above year-to-date budget of $0.43M by $0.42M primarily due to the facility reopening, and operations coming back to pre -pandemic levels. Expenditures are $0.44M or 52.6% above the YTD budget. Performing Arts & Event Center remaining building construction debt service principal as of 12/31/2023 was $4.95M. 115 Performing Arts 8 Event Center Operations (PAEC) 2019 Actual 2020 Actual 2021 Actual —2022 Actual 2023 Actual 2024 Budget YTD Budget 2024 YTD Actual YTD Budget vs. Actual Favorablel(Unfavorable) Beginning Balance (447,382) (110,546) 873,690 873,936 791,462 791,462 791,462 $ % Total Revenue 1,410,377 r 591,152 r 1,443,088 1,690,259 2,223,419 r 1.279,780 426,593 843,999 417,405 97.8% Total Transfer In from Utility Tax/General Fund 1,516,000 972,310 1,083,942 941.464 1,107,987 979,977 326.659 (326,6591 Total Expenditures 2,589,541 1,452,916 1,653,440 2.631.377 3,418,880 2,483,359 836,700 1,277,069 (440,369) -52.6% Total PAEC Operation Balance $ 1110,546) $ 0 $ 873,590 $ 873,936 $ 791,462 $ 567,861 $ 708,015 $ 358.392 $ (349,623) -49.4/ Debt Service Payments 5313,247 553,25r 7 81,33ri772,071 172, nia Total PAEC Cost $ 2,589,541 $ 1,991,163 $ 2,206,695 $ 3,412,7U7 $ 4,191,551 $ 3,255,679 $ 836,700 $1,277,069 $ (440,369) -52.6% Total City Support $ 1,510,557 $ 1,637,197 $1,722,794 $1,880,658 $ 1,752,297 $ 326,659 $ - $ 326,659 100.01A 1k CITY OF VA�� Federal Way Fund Activity Summary FINANCE DEPARTMENT Fund#/FbndName Begin Balance 1/1/2024 YrD Revenues YID Expenditures YrD Net Income/(loss) Ending Balance 05/31/2024* RequiredFUnd Balance 001/101 GeneraUStreet Fund** $ 22,437,666 $ 24,300,271 26,804,140 $ (2,503,869) $ 19,933,797 $ 9,500,000 .Special Revenue Funds: 102 Arterial Street 980,433 158,637 191,552 (32,915) 947,518 100,000 103 Utility Tax(*) 8,180,988 4,917,297 5,454,453 (537,156) 7,643,832 1,500,000 104 Affordable & Supportive Housing Sales Tax 145,923 17,343 131,715 (114,372) 31,551 - 106 Solid Waste & Recycling 458,902 271,244 222,883 48,360 507,262 107 Special'Contracts/Studies Fund 1,035,701 11,391 14,235 (2,844) 1,032,857 - 109Hotel/Motel Lodging Tax 2,080,525 104,139 104,139 2,184,664 200,000 I I I Federal Way Community Center 1,768,436 897,696 1,156,503 (258,807) 1,509,629 1,500,000 112 Traffic Safety Fund 3,350,370 1,536,251 1,402,093 134,158 3,484,529 1,200,000 113 Real Estate Excise Tax Fund 2,560,202 1,137,346 1,137,346 3,697,548 2,000,000 114 Prop 1 Utility Tax 1,312,904 1,479,065 1,788,427 (309,363) 1,003,541 1,000,000 115 Performing Arts & Event Ctr Operations 791,462 843,999 1,277,069 (433,070) 358,392 - 116 Solid Waste 10%Utility Tax 1,448,966 698,610 74,687 623,923 2,072,890 119 CDBG 63,358 35,207 131,342 (96,135) (32,777) 120 Path & Trails 11863,850 204,675 204,675 2,068,525 121 Technology 660,867 133,691 19,481 114,210 775,077 122 Jail Fund 34,283 1,782,822 1,769,537 13,285 47,568 - 188 Strategic Reserve Fund 3,002,082 - 3,002,082 3,000,000 189 Parks Reserve Fund 1,133,157 1,133,157 1,125,000 Subtotal Special Revenue Funds 30,872,410 14,2299412 13,633,978 595,434 31,4679844 $11,625,000 201 Debt Service Fund (1,362,628) 29,931 (29,931) (1,392,559) - Capital Project Funds: 301 Downtown Redevelopment 5,327,997 20,784 20,784 5,348,781 - 302 Municipal Facilities 175,507 - 175,507 303 Parks 2,451,323 37,185 166,444 (129,259) 2,322,064 304 Surface Water Management 6,322,537 18,275 (18,275) 6,304,262 - 306Transportation 15,361,122 63,697 8,271,624 (8,207,928) 7,153,195 307 Capital Project Reserve Fund 370,343 370,343 Subtotal Capital Project Funds 30,008,830 121,665 8,456,343 (8,334,678) 21,674,152 Enterprise Funds: 401 Surface Water Management 5,744,157 4,356,293 1,582,075 2,774,218 8,518,375 690,000 402 Dumas Bay Centre Fund 2,197,592 410,370 393,515 16,855 2,214,447 1,500,000 Subtotal Enterprise Funds 7,941,748 4,766,663 1,975,589 2,791,073 10,732,822 $ 2,190,000 Internal Service Funds 501 Risk Management 1,760,850 1,121,708 2,764,211 (1,642,503) 118,347 600,000 502Information Systems 4,288,639 1,490,671 1,749,807 (259,136) 4,029,503 503 Mail & Duplication 274,203 57,716 31,467 26,248 300,452 504 Fleet & Equipment 8,159,943 1,331,253 1,427,546 (96,293) 8,063,650 505Buildings &Furnishings 2,712,141 251,291 276,965 (25,674) 2,686,467 2,000,000 506 Health Self Insurance Fund 4,020,794 1,740,712 1,710,793 29,919 4,050,713 - 507 Unemployment Insurance Fund 346,769 - 4,734 (4,734) 342,035 250,000 Subtotal Internal Service Funds 21,563,339 5,993,350 7,965,523 (1,972,173) 19,5919166 $ 2,850,000 Total All Funds $ 111,461,366 $ 499411,362 $ 58,865,506 $ (9,454,144) $ 102,0079222 $ 26,165,000 CIT Federal Way Monthly Treasury Positions and Activity FINANCE DEPARTMENT This monthly report of all investment transactions to the city council via FEDRAC complies with RCW 35.39.032. The following pages provide a summary of the current investment portfolio holdings and the individual transactions and activity during the month. Portfolio Yield: The City's total annualized yield was 3.7%. The City's position in LGIP was $28.1 million and the laddered portfolio was $65 million. ' Annual Face Value Cost Yield % Yield $ City Portfolio: 66,000,000 63,628,685 3.371% 2,224,765 State Investment Pool: 32,916,0150 32,916,060 4.624% 1,522,175 Total: $ 98,916,060 $ 96,544,745 3.788% $3,746,940 Interest Revenue Compared to Budget and Prior Year Year-to-date interest revenue through May of $1,227,000 exceeds budget of $1,202,000 by $363,000 or 30% and exceeds prior year by $169,000 or 12%. Accrual basis interest for the month was $321,000. City of Federal Way - Investment Revenue $4,000,000 Current Year Actual vs. Budget and Prior Year $3,500,000 $3,000,000 $2,500,000 $2,000,000 $1,500,000 $1,000,000 $500,000 $0 ,;§, 40 vsc V�Q 49 0� CITY OF ,�.. Federal Way FINANCE DEPARTMENT The following city portfolio summary is provided by our third -party custodian, US Bank, and summarizes both the ending position and the activity within the month: embank AcctName: CITY OF FEDERAL WAY SUMMARY - USD Page 1 Acct Number: XXXXXXX033 For period 05101/2024 - 05/3112024 ACTIVITY - SettledlCleared Cash Activiri Transaction Type Amount Purchases 000 Purchase Reversals 000 Sales 000 Salc Reversals 0.00 Withdrawals coo Receipts (3 045 853 99) Deliveries 0 00 Principal Revorsals 0.00 Interest 142 500-00 Interest Reversals 000 Interest Adjustments 0.00 Maturities 2000 000.00 Calls 000 Puts 000 Paydtxvns 0 OD Paydown Adjustments 0.00 Payups 0 OD Payup Adjustments coo Cash Dividends 0 OD Balance Changes 000 Stock Dividends 0 OD Closeouts 000 Closeout Dividends 0.00 Net ActMty (903.353.99) HOLDINGS - Custody Your Sales Representative is: SAFEKEEPING OPERATIONS (800)236-4221 Statement Contents 'Summary 'Activity - SettledlCleared Cash Activity 'Activity - Projected Activity for Next Statement Penod 'Holdings Category Par/Shares Original Face Principal Cost Market Value Treasury Obligations 43 000 000 00000 43 000.000 00000 40 7913.43 60 40,705,333 21 US Government Agency Securities 22.000 000 00000 22 000000 00000 21 954 137 74 21.659 860 62 Ct•tx*a'�__�_.•np; 1-OOO.000.00000 1ODD 00000000 94320000 94348635 Total Custody Holdings 66,000,000-00000 66,000,000-00000 63,699,681.34 63,308,680.18 Market Value is currently below both Original Face Value, the value we'll receive at maturity, and Principal Cost, what we paid. This is partially due to purchasing at discounts and also because rates have risen, so the investments purchased in the past, at lower rates, aren't as desirable on the secondary market, to those who trade actively. This is an unrealized change in market value, since all investments will be held to maturity, receiving full value. All investments are bullets, or uncallable, therefore full face value will be realized at maturity, received in cash. Maturities: During the month, the following investment matured: 2021-007 US Treasury $1,000,000, matured May 2024, yielding 0.72% * 2023-060 US Treasury $1,000,000, matured May 2024, yielding 5.15% Purchases: During the month, the following investments were purchased, maximizing yield at the time of purchase for the maturity date being filled, having first assured safety and liquidity of the entire portfolio (see addendum for complete rationale): • 2024-088 FHLB $1,000,000, matures June 2025, yielding 5.09% ■ 2024-089 FFCB $1,000,000, matures April 2029, yielding 4.50% * 2024-090 FNMA $1,000,000, matures May 2029, yielding 4.56% CITY OF �►`.. Federal Way FINANCE DEPARTMENT The maturity distribution of the laddered portion of the portfolio shows that $1-2 million will mature each month for the next 60 months, mitigating reinvestment (interest rate) risk, as follows: City of Federal Way Investment Portfolio Maturity Distribution - May, 2024 $2,500,000 $2,000,000 $1, 500,000 $1,000,000 $500,000 $o and the diversification distribution partially mitigating credit risk, as follows: City of Federal Way Diversification by Issuer - May, 2024 US TREAS, $43,000,000 , 43.5% FHLB, $9,000,000 , 9.1% FFCB, $ 7,000,000 , 7.1% FNMA, $3,000,000 , 3.0% FHLMC, $2,000,000 , 2.0% TVA, $1,000,000, 1.0% AAPL, $1,000,000, 1.0% LGIP, $32,916,060 , 33.3% CITY OF A N.., Federal Way FINANCE DEPARTMENT Safekeeping Report Detail This monthly safekeeping report of all investment transactions held in safekeeping by US Bank lists securities by maturity date, first obligations of the US Treasury, then US Government Agency Securities, and Corporate Securities last. 4cct Name_ CITY OF FEDERAL WAY HOLDINGS AS OF 05/31/2024 - USD Page 5 4cct Number: XXXXXXX033 CUSTODY Maturity Security ID Rate Description Par/Shares Principal Cost Market Value Ticket Acq Date Original Face NAV Treasury Obligations 06' 15'2024 91282CCG4 .250 U S TREASURY NOTE 1.030.000 00 991,679 69 99790605 751013140 11121 25 NOTE 2024 1.OD0,000 00 09'15'202= 91282CCX7 .375 U S TREASURY NOTE 1.D00.000.00 995.8913.44 985 520 83 392219201 i0'21 375 NOTE 9,15'2024 1.000,000 00 10152024 91282CDB4 .625 U S TREASURY NOTE 1.000.ODD.00 982.w,B3 392219779 10.'21 625 NOTE 2024 1.000.00000 ' 11'152024 91282CDH1 .750 US Treasury Notes 1.000.000 00 1 001.171.88 979 5Di 95 819020954 11'21 91282CDH1 111512024 1.00Q000 00 OV312025 91282BZ52 1.375 US TREASURY NOTE 1.000,00000 1006.71875 97454, 02 819021510 0122 1 375 NOTE 2025 1,000.000 00 03'312025 912828ZFD 500 US Treasury Notes 1.030,000 00 963437 50 961 84570 392222253 03'22 912828ZFD 01�31;2025 1.000.000 00 04'302025 912828ZL7 375 US TREASURY NOTES 1.00Q000.00 932.3=3 75 957 080 OB 392223194 04'22 912828ZL7 0 375 04,30.25 1.O;A,000 00 05'312025 912828ZTO 250 US TREASURY NOTE 1.000,00000 924.8:84.4 9520/172 392223819 0522 25 NOTE 25 1.000,000 00 06'302025 912828ZVd3 250 U S Troasury Notes 1,004000 00 928 164 00 948 789 D5 392224043 0622 250 06+302025 1,000.000 00 07'312025 91282CAB7 250 U S TREASURY NOTE 1,000.000 00 918 125 00 945 039 06 392224067 06'22 25 NOTES 25 1.000.000 OO 10,3V2025 91282CAT8 250 U S Treasury Notes I GX'000 OO 9 111 840 63 934 414 05 Acct Name: CITY OF FEDERAL WAY HOLDINGS AS OF 05/3112024 - USD Page 6 .Acct Number: XXXXXXX033 CUSTODY Maturity Security ID Rate Description ParfShares Principal Cost Markel Value Ticket Acq Date Original Face NAV 12r312025 9128285T3 2.625 U.S TREASURY NOTES 1,000,000.00 983.82613 9632611.25 392224349 07'22 2 625 NOTE 25 1,000.900 DO OV31-2026 9128286A3 2.625 U S TREASURY NOTE 1:000.000 00 984.218 75 961 56253 751014661 OT22 2 625 NOTE 2026 1.030,000 00 03'312026 91282861-9 2,25G US TREASURY NOTE 1.00Q000.00 96463300 9528;250 751015129 0B'22 2 25 NOTE 26 1.000.000 00 04'30'2026 91282COWC 750 US Treasury Notes 1D00,000 DO 909 960 94 923 945 31 392224636 08'22 91282C131NO 0430'2026 1,000.00000 05'3 V2026 91282CCF6 750 U S TREASURY NOTE 1. 03Q000 00 907,968 75 921 17' 88 392224637 08'22 75 NOTE 2026 1. 000,000 00 06'302026 91282CCJ8 B75 US Treasury Notes 1,000.000 00 906.718 75 921 171 88 392224738 091,22 912B2CCJ8 06'30'2026 1.000.000 00 07'31;2026 912828Y95 1.875 US Treasury Notes 1.000,000 On 943 437 50 938 710 94 751015330 09'22 1875 07;3V2026 1.0m,00000 10'3112028 91282CDG3 i 125 US TREASURY NOTES L00GA00 00 8682— 00 9 i7 10935 392225109 10'22 1 125 NOTE 2026 1.000.000 DO 1V15+2026 912828U24 2000 US TREASURY NOTE 1.GDO.00000 917.03125 93507612 751015708 ,0'22 2 NOTE 26 1.000,000 00 1 V302026 91282CDK4 1 250 UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 1,000,000 00 680 781 25 917 773 4= 751015831 1W22 125 NOTES 11r30'26 1,000,000 00 O V31'2027 912828Z78 i 5DO US Treasury Notes 1.000.000 00 903 10D 00 919 453 12 392225551 i V22 912828Z78 1r31+2027 1,000,000 00 02'152027 912810EZ7 6 625 U S TREASURY BOND 1.000.000 00 1 105,937 50 1 050 273 4= 392225738 1222 SER 2027 1.000.000 00 CITY OF A Federal Way FINANCE DEPARTMENT cct Name: CITY OF FEDERAL WAY HOLDINGS AS OF 05/31/2024 - USD Page cct Number: XXXXXXX033 CUSTODY Maturity Security ID Ticket Rate Acq Date Description ParlShares Original Face Principal Cost Market Value NAV 03131/2027 91282CEF4 2'50D U.S TREASURY NOTES 1,0,00,00000 95640625 940742/9 392225993 01123 2-50 NOTE 2027 1.000.000 00 0413012027 91282CEN7 2,750 U.S" Treasury Notes 1.000,000 00 955,507.81 94714844 392226190 02123 91282CEN7 04,3012027 1.000.000 00 0613012027 91282CEW7 3.250 US TREASURY NOTE 1,000 000 00 973 920.00 958 203 12 392228443 06123 3 250 D6130i2027 1.000 000 00 0713112027 91282CFB2 2 750 US TREASURY NOTE 1,000,000 00 942 e60 94 942 304 69 392228878 07123 2 750" 07131!2027 1.000000 00 08131,'2027 91282CFH9 3 125 US TREASURY NOTE 1,000.000 00 965A66 75 952 265 62 751017327 07123 91282CFH9 09�31.2027 1,000 000 00 0913012027 91282CFM8 4.125 US TREASURY NOTE 1.000 000 00 999,726.56 982 226 56 392229146 07123 4 125" 09130.12027 1.030000 00 10'3112027 91282CFUO 4.125 US TREASURY NOTE 1.000,000 00 996,953 13 983203 12 392229236 07123 4 125 NOTE 2027 1.000,000 00 1213112027 91282CGC9 3.875 US TREASURY NOTES 1,000.000 00 984.59D.00 975.039.06 392229416 07123 3 875`._ NOTE 12131i27 1,000,000 00 0113 112028 91282CGHB 3 50D UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 1.000,000 00 973,125,00 960664 36 392229538 08123 3 5`nJDV31128 1.000.000 00 0211512028 91282831N8 2 750 U S TREASURY NOTE 1,000.000 00 931. 25000 934 882.81 819029420 09123 2 75 NOTE 28 1,000 000 00 0313112028 91282CBS9 1250 U S TREASURY NOTE 1,000,000 00 86708000 881210 9= B19029478 09123 1 25 NOTE 28 1.000 000 00 04130r2028 91282CHA2 3 5DD US TREASURY NOTE 1.000.000 DO 955.546.88 958 906 25 819029935 10,'23 3 500. 0413012028 1.000.000 00 Accl Name: CITY OF FEDERAL WAY HOLDINGS AS OF 0513112024 - USD Page 8 Acct Number: XXXXXXX033 CUSTODY Maturity Security ID Fate Description ParlShares Principal Cost Market Value Ticket Acq Date Original Face NAV 051152028 9126284N7 2 875 U.S Treasury Notes 1,030 000 00 940,312 50 936 367 19 819030430 11123 9128284N7 515+28 1.&00.000 00 051312028 91282CCE9 1250 U.S Treasury Notes 1,000,00000 86Q215.81 877109,38 931000049 11123 91282CCE9 5/312026 1 000 000 00 0713 V2028 91282CCRO 1 000 U S TREASURY NOTE 1,000 000 00 868,476 56 863 593 75 931000391 12123 07/3112028 1 ow 000 00 C811512028 9128284V9 2 875 US Treasury Notes 1,000 000 00 943.857 19 933 164 06 931000566 1223 9128284V9 R,15+28 1,000.00000 093012028 91282CJAO 4.625 U.S TREASURY NOTE 1.00000000 1,03 i.679 69 1.001 367, 19 751019815 12123 4 625 NOTE 913012028 1.0m 000 00 1013112028 91282CDF5 1 375 U,S TREASURY NOTES 1,000 000 00 887.109 38 873 281 25 931000934 0124 1 375 NOTE 2028 1,030,000 00 11r302028 91282CDL2 1 500 US TREASURY NOTES 1000.000 00 888,395 94 876 484 38 819030919 OV24 1"50 NOTE 2028 1000"000"00 0228 2029 91282CKD2 4.250 U S TREASURY NOTE 1.000000 DO 99R 570 31 98562500 819030992 0224 4 2K 02,'28�2029 1.000000 00 Treasury Obligations Total 43,000,000.00000 40,791,343.60 40.705.333"21 43.000,000 00000 US Government Agency Securitles 06/1412024 3130AV7F3 5.250 FEDERAL HOME LOAN BANKS 1.0X000 00 99&260 00 999.643 B8 392226815 03123 CONS BD 5 2S%24 1,000000-00 0710212024 3135GOV75 1750 FEDERAL NATL MORTGAGE ASSN 1 029,'80.00 996.759.96 751013094 10121 07102'24 1.000.000 00 0& 15,2024 3130AG'JdK7 i.500 FEDERAL HOME LOAN BANK 1.OD0"000 00 1 021285 00 991.719.39 751013093 i0121 05 51202L 1.000"000 00 CITY OF Federal Way FINANCE DEPARTMENT Acct Name_ CITY OF FEDERAL WAY HOLDINGS AS OF 0513112024 - USD Page I Acct Number: XXXXXXX033 CUSTODY Maturity Security ID Ticket Rate Acq Date Description Par/Shares Original Face Principal Cost Market Value NAV 09132024 3130ATVD6 4.875 FEDERAL HOME LOAN BANKS 1.000,000 00 994.500 00 997 788.57 819027332 03+23 CONS BD 4 875%24 1,000.000 00 12112024 3130APR80 .750 FEDERAL HOME LOAN BANK 1,000,000 00 995,541.00 975 844.86 751013275 12121 12+13'2024 1.000.000-00 121312024 3130ATUR6 4.625 FEDERAL HOME LOAN BANKS 1,00 ,000 00 99265200 995 047 16 819027291 02,'23 CONS BD 4.625'.24 1.3X.000.00 020&2025 3130AYS49 4.750 FEDERAL HOME LOAN BANK 1.030.000 00 999.134.08 995.634.05 751020561 02+24 CONS BD 4 75%25 1.000.000 00 02+122025 3137FALPO 1.503 FEDERAL HOME LOAN h1TG CORP 1,0X,000 00 1.002.357.00 973 930.76 819021816 02122 OZI2'25 1,000,000 00 04NP2025 3133ELVO4 .950 FEDERAL FARM CR BKS 1.030.000 00 960.B2200 965 38722 819031258 04�24. CONS BD 0.959025 1.000,000 00 06+1312025 3130AJK'A,'8 500 FEDERAL HOME LOAN BANKS 1.000,000 00 953,041 66 952.343 33 819031523 05+2= CONS BD 0.5°;25 1,000,000 00 0&2512025 3135GO5X7 .375 FEDERAL NATL MORTGAGE ASSN 1.030.000 00 909,873.00 943.198 92 751014188 06+22 0&2525 1,000,00000 09�23!2025 3137EAEX3 .375 FEDERAL HOME LOAN MTG CORP 915,848.00 940.317.03 751014307 06�22 09'232025 1,Q00.000.00 1VOV2025 880591C.19 6750 TENN VALLEY AUTHORITY 1,000.00000 1 t15.09500 1,024140 BO 751014409 07;22 11'0V2025 1.000.000 00 0225a2026 3133ENJ35 3.320 FEDERAL FARN1 CREDIT BANK 1.000.000 00 998.689,00 972-453,15 751015104 06+22 CONS BD 3 32%26 1,030,000 00 0&03,2026 3133FND80 3 000 FEDERAL FARM CREDIT DANK 1.00C.000 00 974,853.00 961.439 70 Acct Name- CITY OF FEDERAL WAY HOLDINGS AS OF 05131/2024 - USD Page 10 AcctNumber: XXXXXXX033 CUSTODY Maturity Security ID Ticket Rate Acq Date Description Par/Shares Original Face Principal Cost Market Value NAV 09r112026 3130ATF115 3.750 FEDERAL HOME LOAN BANKS 1.03-3 000.00 994 536 00 976,200 63 392224959 09+22 CONS BD 3 759e26 1.000 000 00 05;122027 3133EPJP1 3 625 FEDERAL FARM CR BKS 1.000 000.00 996.867 00 968 469 84 392228113 0523 CONS BD 3 6259527 1.00000000 12r0&2028 3130AXOK7 4 750 FEDERAL HOME LOAN BANKS 1,030 000 00 1 030800.00 1,005 166 77 931001147 02-24 CONS 3D4.75%28 1,030,000.00 011&2029 3133EPW8V- 3.875 FEDERAL FARM CREDIT BANK 1,000,000.00 992500A0 969 632.88 751020462 01i24 CONS BD 3.875329 1.000,000 DO 03+20+2029 3133EP5U5 4.125 FEDERAL FARM CR BKS 1.000.000 00 990.403.00 978 606.21 819031168 0124 CONS BD 4 1259629 1.000 000 00 04130.2029 3133ERDH I 4.75D FEDERAL FARM CREDIT BANK 1.O11.160,00 1,005,951.84 932000126 05�24 CONS BD 4 75%29 1 030,000 00 05r15'2029 31359MEU3 6 250 FEDERAL NATL MORTGAGE ASSN 1.000 000 00 107 4.E-4.00 1 070 18367 932000196 05124 05� 15�29 1 030,000 00 US Government Agency Securities Total 22,000,000.00000 21,954,137.74 21,659,860 62 22,000,000.00000 Corporate Securities 11113+2027 037833DK3 3 ODD APPLE INC 1,030,000 00 943,203.00 943 486 35 392229402 07123 SR GLBL NIT 3%27 1.000 000 00 Corporate Securities Total 1.000,000 00000 943,200,00 943.486 35 1 000,000.00000 Total Custody Holdings 66 000,000.00000 63.688,681,34 63,308,680.18 66,000,000.00000 CITY OF Federal Way FINANCE DEPARTMENT Cash Balance and Investment Positions: The City's cash balance trend is shown below: • Total cash decreased from $110.4 million to 110.0 million. 0 Laddered investments increased from $65.0 million to $66.0 million. • The LGIP Investment Pool position increased from $28.5 million to $32.9 million. $140,000,000 $120,000,000 $100, 000, 000 $80,000,000 $60,000,000 $40,000,000 $20,000,000 $0 City of Federal Way Cash and Investments - Historical Trend rl ri ei ei r-i ei N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N u ti n u 9 Q n ti n ti n a o a o a o a o a o a a ® Investments (yield) El LGIP (liquidity) Benchmark and Portfolio Weighted Average Maturity (WAM) of the City's portfolio, including position in LGIP, is 571 days, an indicator of the portfolio's exposure to reinvestment risk as well as rate volatility. The portfolio is within the City's Investment Policy limit of 2.5 years or 900 days. The LGIP State Pool WAM was 24 days in May. The City's average maturity increased in part due to the decrease in cash balance at the LGIP and extending ladder out two months with purchases. Average Yield of the City's portfolio was 4.1 %, compared to 4.5% for the 2-year Constant Maturity Treasury index and 5.4% for the LGIP. 630 540 '10 160 '270 180 90 0 ❑ Checking (safety) Weighted Average Maturity Days (City Investment Policy Maximum is 900 Days) —LGIP WAM VFW WAM Portfolio Average Yield City Portfolio vs Benchmark vs. State Pool e.01rJU, ;.0oo01:. - — — - -- 3,000076 - aoma: o c` _< c c o c _ oo c< o o` —LGIP Avg Yield --0-2-yr CMT VFW Avg Yield CITY OF Federal Way Addendum — Investment Rationale Staff Review of Investment Rationale Date: May 17, 2024 FINANCE DEPARTMENT Investment # 2024-088 is a 1-year Federal Home Loan Bank (FHLB), face value $1,000,000, maturing June 13, 2025, purchased at 95.30 (discount) to yield 5.09%. This trade settles May 20, 2024 with Stifel Nicolaus & Co, US Bank Safekeeping, replacing a $1 million US Treasury maturity that yielded 2.50%. Liquidity: At April 30t' month -end, total city cash was $1104 million, checking account balance was $16.8 million (target minimum is $8 Million), laddered investment portfolio was $65.0 million (target is $65 million). State LGIP investment pool balance was $28.5 million (target minimum is $20 million). Safety: This purchase is a debt issue of a government -sponsored enterprise (GSE), that carries an explicit Federal guarantee, equivalent to AaaIAA+ rating by Moody's and S&P. Yield. Yield is 5.09%. Comparable yields evaluated at time of purchase were: LGIP current 30-dayield 5.43% www.secureaccess.wa.gov 1-yea r Treasury 5.05% Broker live inquiry Same maturity Agenqy purchased Broker live inquiry 2-year Treasury 4.80% Bloombe .com Callability. This investment is not callable (a bullet). Diversification. This purchase puts this issuer at 6.4% of total portfolio. This purchase adds a maturity date previously not covered to city's laddered portfolio. Outlook. The yield curve is currently completely inverted, with peak yield of 5.53% at 4 month then downward sloping to 1-year at 5.05%, 2-year at 4.80%, the 5-year at 4.40%. The Federal Reserve Bank last executed no change in rate as uncertainty remains over inflation, money supply and Fed moves. Staff review: Deputy Finance Director: Date Finance Director: Date $ r CITY OF Federal Way Staff Review of Investment Rationale Date: May 20, 2024 FINANCE DEPARTMENT Investment # 2024-089 is a 5-year Federal Farm Credit Bank (FFCB), face value $1,000,000, maturing April 30, 2029, purchased at 101.1 (premium) to yield 4.50%. This trade settles May 21, 2024 with Wedbush Securities, US Bank Safekeeping, replacing a $1 million US Treasury maturity that yielded 0.72%. Liquidity: At April 30th month -end, total city cash was $110.4 million, checking account balance was $16.8 million (target minimum is $8 Million), laddered investment portfolio was $65.0 million (target is $65 million). State LGIP investment pool balance was $28.5 million (target minimum is $20 million). Safety: This purchase is a debt issue of a government -sponsored enterprise (GSE), that carries an explicit Federal guarantee, equivalent to Aaa/AA+ rating by Moody's and S&P. Yield. Yield is 4.50%. Comparable yields evaluated at time of purchase were: LGIP current 30-dayield 5.42% www.secureaccess.wa.gov 1- ear Treasury 5.14% Broker live inquiry 2-year Treasury 4.84% Broker live inquiry 5-year Treasury 4.46% Bloombe corn Callability. This investment is not callable (a bullet). Diversification. This purchase puts this issuer at 7.5% of total portfolio. This purchase adds a maturity date previously not covered to city's laddered portfolio. Outlook. The yield curve is currently completely inverted, with peak yield of 5.51 % at 4 month then downward sloping to 1-year at 5.14%, 2-year at 4.84%, the 5-year at 4.46%. The Federal Reserve Bank last executed no change in rate as uncertainty remains over inflation, money supply and Fed moves. Staff review: Deputy Finance Director: Ci Finance Director: Date /19 Date lz7lzoz, CITY OF Federal Way Staff Review of Investment Rationale Date: May 24, 2024 FINANCE DEPARTMENT Investment # 2024-090 is a 5-year Federal National Mortgage Association (FNMA), face value $1,000,000, maturing May 15, 2029, purchased at 107.4 (premium) to yield 4.56%. This trade settles May 28, 2024 with Wedbush Securities, US Bank Safekeeping, reducing liquidity on deposit with LGIP. Liquidity: At April 30th month -end, total city cash was $110.4 million, checking account balance was $16.8 million (target minimum is $8 Million), laddered investment portfolio was $65.0 million (target is $+65 million). State LGIP investment pool balance was $28.5 million (target minimum is $20 million). Safety: This purchase is a debt issue of a government -sponsored enterprise (GSE), that carries an explicit Federal guarantee, equivalent to AaalAA+ rating by Moody's and S&P. Yield. Yield is 4.56%. Comparable yields evaluated at -time of purchase were: LGIP current 30-dayyield 5.42% www.secureaccess.wa.gov 1- ear Treasury . 5.19% Broker live in ui 2-year Treasu 4.94% Broker live inquiry 5-year Treasury ; 4.53% Bloomberg.com Callability. This investment is not callable (a bullet), Diversification. This purchase puts this issuer at 3.2% of total portfolio. This purchase adds a maturity date previously not covered to city's laddered portfolio. Outlook. The yield curve is currently completely inverted, with peak yield of 5.51 % at 4 month then downward sloping to 1-year at 5.19%, 2-year at 4.94%, the 5-year at 4.53%. The Federal Reserve Bank last executed no change in rate as uncertainty remains over inflation, money supply and Fed moves. Staff review: - Deputy Finance Director �f Finance Director: Date F Date 2, Y za?, l a COUNCIL MEETING DATE: July 2, 2024 ITEM #: CITY OF FEDERAL WAY CITY COUNCIL AGENDA BILL SUBJECT: AP VOUCHERS 05/17/2024 — 06/17/2024 AND PAYROLL VOUCHERS 05/01/2024 — 05/31/2024 POLICY QUESTION: Should the Council approve the AP vouchers in the total amount of $4,184,663.36 and the payroll vouchers in the total amount of $4,603,510.49? COMMITTEE: FINANCE, ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND REGIONAL MEETING DATE: June 25,2024 AFFAIRS COMMITTEE CATEGORY: ® Consent ❑ Ordinance ❑ Public Hearing ❑ City Council Business F] Resolution ❑ Other STAFF REPORT BY: Steve Groom.. Finance Director DEPT: Finance I, the undersigned, do hereby certify under penalty of perjury that the materials have been furnished, the services rendered, or the labor performed as described herein and that the claims are just and due obligations against the City of Federal Way, Washington, and that I am authorized and certify said liens F' ce Director Attachments: Voucher List Options Considered: MAYOR'S RECOMMENDATION: MAYOR APPROV Initial/Date LI-01 Initial/Date DIRECTOR APPROVAL: COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: I move to forward the vouchers to the July 2, 2024 consent agenda for approval. Commitf6e Chair Committee Mem er Committee Member PROPOSED COUNCIL MOTION: "I move approval of the vouchers pursuant to RCW 42.24. " (BELOW TO BE COMPLETED BY CITY CLERK'S OFFICE COUNCIL ACTION: ❑ APPROVED COUNCIL BILL # ❑ DENIED First reading ❑ TABLED/DEFERRED/NO ACTION Enactment reading ❑ MOVED TO SECOND READING (ordinances only) ORDINANCE # REVISED — 1/2022 RESOLUTION # CITY OF ,.� Federal Way Date: June 18, 2024 To: Steve Groom, Finance Director Chase Donnelly, Deputy Finance Director From: David Liang, Sr. Financial Analyst Subject: Monthly Disbursements Summary The monthly Accounts Payable (AP) and Payroll vouchers report is attached. Finance Department May disbursements had a decrease from April's expenditures due to lower spending on professional services, consulting services, jail services, and repairs & maintenance. Payroll fluctuations from month to month are largely dependent on hiring and filling open positions, temporary help and termination payouts and quarterly tax due. The following summarizes current and prior 2 months' disbursements for reasonableness comparison. AP voucher totals: • May $4,184,663.36 Construction projects 183,635 (p. 8) Consulting contracts 425,505 (p. 9) Dispatch Services 496,721 (p. 12) Jail Services total 259,067 (p. 17-18) Medical Services — Claims 454,610 (p. 20) MISC Services & Charges 163,357 (p. 24) Operating Rentals/Leases 119,761 (p. 30) Professional Services 414,162 (p. 41) Repairs & Maintenance 188,848 (p. 51) Transportation Equipment 429,356 (p. 58) • April $5,559,565.95 • March $3,459,756.20 Payroll voucher totals: ■ May $4,603,510.49 ■ April $4,453,322.75 ■ March $4,825,386.08 City of Federal Way - Accounts Payable Check List Key Bank Page 1 of 62 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total ACCOUNT PAYABLE-ESCOM $1,599.78 291593 6/17/2024 EVERGREEN PIECEMAKERS, 6/3/2024 66304 $1,599.78 DBC-REFUND DEPOSIT#66304 ADVERTISING $8,382.69 525244759 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 CITY VISA $3 63 CD -ADVERTISING 525244759 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 CITY VISA $3 99 CD -ADVERTISING 525244759 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 CITY VISA $4.83 CD -ADVERTISING 525244759 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 CITY VISA $4.39 CD -ADVERTISING 525244759 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 CITY VISA $5.00 CD -ADVERTISING 525244759 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 CITY VISA $5 50 CD -ADVERTISING 525244759 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 CITY VISA $4.95 CD -ADVERTISING 525244759 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 CITY VISA $6-05 CD -ADVERTISING 525244759 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 CITY VISA $6.66 CD -ADVERTISING 525244759 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 CITY VISA $9.32 CD -ADVERTISING 525244759 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 CITY VISA $8.47 CD -ADVERTISING 525244759 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 CITY VISA $7.70 CD -ADVERTISING 525244759 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 CITY VISA $7.00 CD -ADVERTISING 525244759 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 CITY VISA $39-00 PARKS -ADVERTISING FEE 525244759 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 CITY VISA $442-60 PARKS -ADVERTISING FEE 525244759 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 CITY VISA $64.96 FWCC-ADVERTISING FEE 525244759 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 CITY VISA $48.53 FWCC-ADVERTISING FEE 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $29.95 FWCC-ADVERTISING FEE 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $159.80 FWCC-ADVERTISING-FEE 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $199.00 FWCC-ADVERTISING FEE 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $445.63 PARKS -ADVERTISING FEE 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $36.10 PARKS -ADVERTISING FEE 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $15,24 PARKS -ADVERTISING FEE Key Bank Page 2 of 62 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $82.42 PARKS -ADVERTISING FEE 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $47.84 PARKS -ADVERTISING FEE 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $253.46 PARKS -ADVERTISING FEE 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $62.59 SWR-ADVERTISING 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $125.00 SWR-ADVERTISING 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $35.00 SWR-ADVERTISING 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $25.00 SWR-ADVERTISING 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $15 00 SWR-ADVERTISING 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $12 10 SWR-ADVERTISING 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $11.00 SWR-ADVERTISING 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $10.00 SWR-ADVERTISING 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $10.00 SWR-ADVERTISING 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $10.00 SWR-ADVERTISING 291494 6/3/2024 SOUND PUBLISHING INC, 4/30/2024 8135701 $1.650.00 MO -AD ACCT#83733388 291465 6/3/2024 PRISMA INTERNATIONAL INC,4/10/2024 112280-D $338.50 PW-WRITTEN WORD TRANSLATION SV 291494 6/3/2024 SOUND PUBLISHING INC, 4/30/2024 8135701 $1,800.00 MO -AD ACCT#83733388 291494 6/3/2024 SOUND PUBLISHING INC, 1/31/2024 8127666 $303.00 FWCC-AD ACCT#83722480 291695 6/17/2024 SOUND PUBLISHING INC, 5/17/2024 FWM996210 $648.83 PW-AD ACCT#83722479 291587 6/17/2024 DAILY JOURNAL OF COMMER6/31/2024 3400036 $1,384.65 PW-NEWSPAPER AD AGRICULTURAL SUPPLIES $3,424.04 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $209.35 PKM-AGRICULTURAL SUPPLIES 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $610.38 PKM-AGRICULTURAL SUPPLIES 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $605.50 PKM-AGRICULTURAL SUPPLIES 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $605.60 PKM-AGRICULTURAL SUPPLIES 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $121.21 PKM-AGRICULTURAL SUPPLIES 291500 6/3/2024 T.E. WALRATH TRUCKING INC4/30/2024 0123436 $1.272 00 PKM-MEDIUM BARK AIRFARE $2,959.76 Key Bank Page 3 of 62 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 525243793 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PD VISA $64.72 PD-AIRFARE 525243793 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PD VISA $14.38 PD-AIRFARE 525243793 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PD VISA $447.10 P D-AIRFARE 525243793 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PD VISA $373,60 PD-AIRFARE 525243793 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PD VISA $24.50 PD-AIRFARE 525243793 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PD VISA $13.81 P D-AI RFAR E 525243793 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PD VISA $62.40 PD-AIRFARE 525243793 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PD VISA $366.60 PD-AIRFARE 525243793 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PD VISA $424.73 PD-AIRFARE 291510 6/3/2024 TUCKER, CURTIS 5/16/2024 TUCKER 2024 $316.20 PD-TRAVEL REIMB PATC TRAINING 291682 6/17/2024 ROTH. CRYSTAL 6/6/2024 ROTH 2O24 $851.72 AaMALI O KUAU UIL 291648 6/17/2024 MILES RESOURCES LLC, 5/20/2024 356441 SWM-ASPHALT SUPPLIES ASSOCIATION DUES 525243793 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PD VISA PD-ASSOCIATION DUES 525244759 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 CITY VISA FWCC-CONF REGISTRATION 525244759 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 CITY VISA SWM-CONFERENCE 525244759 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 CITY VISA PARKS-CONF REGISTRATION 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA LAW -ASSOCIATION DUES 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA FI-ASSOCIATION DUES 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA FI-ASSOCIATION DUES 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA PKM-CERTIFICATION 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA CK-ASSOC. DUES 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA CK-ASSOCIATION DUES 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA PWTR-ASSOCIATION DUES 291444 6/3/2024 MULLEN, CHRISTINE 5/20/2024 MULLEN 2024 PWTR-WA PE RENEWAL REIMB 291658 6/17/2024 NORTHWEST ASSOCIATION C5/1/2024 1015 CDHS-JANITORIAL SUPPLIES $860.85 $425 00 $840 00 $3,167.10 $640 00 $31.20 $60.00 $575.00 $314 00 $100.00 $100.00 $525.00 $116.00 $100.00 $860.85 $7,193.30 Key Bank Page 4 of 62 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGLTotal ATHLETIC SUPPLIES $2,220.22 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $804.19 PKM-ATHLETIC SUPPLS 291360 6/3/2024 BSN SPORTS, 5/26/2024 925600021 $1,416 03 PKM-OPER SUPPLIES AUTOMATION FEE $1.00 291388 6/3/2024 FAHMANT LLC, 5/10/2024 5/10/24 $1.00 CD -BUSINESS LICENSE REFUND BOOKS, MAPS, & PERIODICALS $24.80 525244759 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 CITY VISA $15 99 MO -NEWSPAPER SUBSCR 525244759 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 CITY VISA $8 81 MO -TWITTER SUBSCRIP BUILDING MATERIALS $1,520.82 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $676 09 PKM-BLDG MATERIALS 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $27.99 FWCC-BLDG SUPPLS 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $3 26 FWCC-BLDG SUPPLS 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $46.96 FWCC-BLDG SUPPLS 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $10.95 FWCC-MAINT SUPPLIES 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $36 35 FWCC-MAINT SUPPLIES 291486 6/3/2024 SHERWIN-WILLIAMS CO, 5/14/2024 7956-7 $112.57 PKM-FACILITIES PAINT SUPPLIES 291474 6/3/2024 ROBBLEE'S TOTAL SECURITY5/7/2024 54558 $606.65 PKM-SECURITY SERVICES CELLULAR PHONE AIR TIME $14,188.15 291357 6/3/2024 AT&T MOBILITY, 5/5/2024 287290386709X0513202 $1,279.03 IT/PWST-04/24 DATA CARDS 291516 6/3/2024 VERIZON WIRELESS, 5/13/2024 9964133448 $114.35 IT-05/23 CELLULAR SVC ACCT# 291516 6/3/2024 VERIZON WIRELESS, 5/13/2024 9964133448 $114.35 IT-05/23 CELLULAR SVC ACCT# 291720 6/17/2024 VERIZON WIRELESS, 5/13/2024 9964133447 $6,340.21 IT-04/24 CELLULAR SVC 291720 6/17/2024 VERIZON WIRELESS, 5/13/2024 9964133447 $6.340.21 IT-04/24 CELLULAR SVC CEMENT $59.92 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $59.92 PWST-CONCRETE CLOTHING AND FOOTWEAR $11,926.62 525244759 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 CITY VISA $740.37 CD -CLOTHING SUPPLIES 525244759 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 CITY VISA $169.74 F WC C-C LOTH I N G ALLOW 525244759 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 CITY VISA $435.82 PARKS -CLOTHING SUPPLIES Key Bank Page 5 of 62 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGLTotal 525244759 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 CITY VISA $18.17 PARKS -CLOTHING SUPPLS 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $173.53 PKM-CLOTHING ALLOW 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $136.49 PKM-CLOTHING ALLOW 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $63.84 PKM-CLOTHING ALLOW 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $9.91 PKM-CLOTHING ALLOW 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $134.00 PKM-CLOTHING ALLOW 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $559.00 PKM-CLOTHING ALLOW 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $412.77 PKM-CLOTHING ALLOW 291340 6/3/2024 911 SUPPLY INC, 5/16/2024 INV-2-38258 $348.22 PD-UNIFORM SUPPLIES 291499 6/3/2024 SYMBOLARTS LLC, 5/13/2024 0492881 $1,102 00 PD-BADGES 291399 6/3/2024 GCP WW HOLDCO LLC, WORK/3/2024 INV2040004892 $224.59 PW-UNIFORM SUPPLIES 291399 6/3/2024 GCP WW HOLDCO LLC, WORI,5/18/2024 INV2070005580 $797 98 PWST-UNIFORM SUPPLIES 291395 6/3/2024 FIRST RESPONDER OUTFITTE11/1/2023 202311FR001 $586.80 PD-UNIFORM SUPPLIES 291499 6/3/2024 SYMBOLARTS LLC, 5/9/2024 0492675 $727.32 PD-BADGES 291395 6/3/2024 FIRST RESPONDER OUTFITTE5/9/2024 4791-3 $148.77 PD-UNIFORM SUPPLIES 291499 6/3/2024 SYMBOLARTS LLC, 5/15/2024 0493214 $66.12 PD-BADGES 291340 6/3/2024 911 SUPPLY INC, 5/16/2024 INV-2-38259 $64.13 PD-UNIFORM SUPPLIES 291424 6/3/2024 KENT, KATIE 5/15/2024 KENT 2024 $200.00 PD-CLOTHING ALLOWING 291340 6/3/2024 911 SUPPLY INC, 5/22/2024 INV-2-38388 $21.91 PD-UNIFORM SUPPLIES 291340 6/3/2024 911 SUPPLY INC, 5/22/2024 INV-2-38395 $509.40 PD-UNIFORM SUPPLIES 291340 6/3/2024 911 SUPPLY INC, 5/22/2024 INV-2-38396 $146.55 PD-UNIFORM SUPPLIES 291533 6/17/2024 911 SUPPLY INC, 5/28/2024 INV-2-38492 $658.15 PD-UNIFORM SUPPLIES 291597 6/17/2024 FIRST RESPONDER OUTFITTE5/29/2024 5388-3 $536.67 PD-U N I FOR M/EQ U I P M ENT 291533 6/17/2024 911 SUPPLY INC, 5/30/2024 INV-2-38593 $77.13 PD-UNIFORM SUPPLIES 291533 6/17/2024 911 SUPPLY INC, 5/31/2024 INV-2-38614 $77.13 PD-UNIFORM SUPPLIES 291533 6/17/2024 911 SUPPLY INC, 5/31/2024 INV-2-38615 $168.59 PD-UNIFORM SUPPLIES Key Bank Page 6 of 62 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGLTotal 291533 6/17/2024 911 SUPPLY INC, 5/31/2024 INV-2-38618 $452.11 PD-UNIFORM SUPPLIES 291597 6/17/2024 FIRST RESPONDER OUTFITTE5/28/2024 5355-3 $586.26 PD-UNIFORM SUPPLIES 291599 6/17/2024 GCP WW HOLDCO LLC, WORIS/18/2024 CM2070000211 $89.33 PWST-UNIFORM SUPPLIES 291599 6/17/2024 GCP WW HOLDCO LLC, WOR6/9/2024 INV2070005552 $228.31 SWM-UNIFORM SUPPLIES 291599 6/17/2024 GCP WW HOLDCO LLC, WORK/3012024 INV2070005504 $704.77 PWTR-UNIFORM SUPPLIES 291576 6/17/2024 COASTAL FARM & HOME SUP11/12/2024 5257/45 $214.65 PKM-OPER SUPPLIES 291576 6/17/2024 COASTAL FARM & HOME SUP11/12/2024 5258/45 $336.09 PKM-OPER SUPPLIES COMMUNICATIONS $1,319.81 291352 6/3/2024 AMERICALLCOMMUNICATION5/1/2024 116417240501 $117.65 SWM/PWST/CHB-CALL CENTER SVC 291352 6/3/2024 AMERICALLCOMMUNICATIOh5/1/2024 116417240501 $117.65 SWM/PWST/CHB-CALL CENTER SVC 291363 6/3/2024 CENTURYLINK, 5/6/2024 333551143 $36.65 IT-05/24 PHONE SERVICES 291363 6/3/2024 CENTURYLINK, 5/6/2024 333551143 $208 69 IT-05/24 PHONE SERVICES 291363 6/3/2024 CENTURYLINK, 5/6/2024 333551143 $208.98 IT-05/24 PHONE SERVICES 291352 6/3/2024 AMERICALL COMM U N ICATION5/l/2024 116417240501 $117.65 SWM/PWST/CHB-CALL CENTER SVC 291357 6/3/2024 AT&T MOBILITY, 5/5/2024 287290386709X0513202 $135 40 IT/PWST-04/24 DATA CARDS 291516 6/3/2024 VERIZON WIRELESS, 5/10/2024 9963848626 $25.04 PWST-04/24 CELLULAR SVC 291542 6/17/2024 AMERICALLCOMMUNICATIOh5/29/2024 116417240529 $117.37 SWM/PWST/CHB-CALL CENTER SVC 291542 6/17/2024 AMERICALLCOMMUNICATION5/29/2024 116417240529 $117.37 SWM/PWST/CHB-CALL CENTER SVC 291542 6/17/2024 AMERICALLCOMMUNICATION5/29/2024 116417240529 $117.36 SWM/PWST/CHB-CALL CENTER SVC COMPUTER HARDWARE/EQUIPMENT $804.42 291720 6/17/2024 VERIZON WIRELESS, 5/13/2024 9964133447 $804.42 IT-04/24 CELLULAR SVC COMPUTER SOFTWARE -MAJOR $14,661.98 291628 6/17/2024 KARPEL COMPUTER SYSTEM5/24/2024 67371 $14,661.98 IT-AG22-056 PROSECUTION SOFTWA CONCEALED PISTOL LIC - FBI $477.00 291728 6/17/2024 WA STATE PATROL, 6/3/2024 12406940 $477.00 PD-BACKGROUND CHECKS CONCEALED PISTOL LIC - STATE $1,425.00 291725 6/17/2024 WA STATE DEPT OF LICENSIN5/28/2024 05/28/2024 CPL FEES $1,425 00 PD-05/28/2024 CPL FEES CONFERENCE/SEMINAR REGISTRATI( $29,200.79 525244759 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 CITY VISA $165.00 PARKS-CONF REGISTRATION Key Bank Page 7 of 62 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGLTotal 525244759 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 CITY VISA $155.85 MC -CONFERENCE 525244759 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 CITY VISA $155.85 MC -CONFERENCE 525244759 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 CITY VISA $45.70 MO -CONFERENCE 525244759 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 CITY VISA $22 04 MO -CONFERENCE 525244759 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 CITY VISA $46 81 MO -CONFERENCE 525244759 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 CITY VISA $90.00 MO -CONFERENCE 525244759 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 CITY VISA $385.00 PARKS-CONF REGISTRATION 525244759 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 CITY VISA $3,128.39 PWST-CONFERENCE 525243793 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PD VISA $350.00 PD-TRAINING 525243793 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PD VISA $738.00 PD-CONF REGISTRATION 525243793 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PD VISA $400.00 PD-CONF REGISTRATION 525243793 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PD VISA $435.00 PD-CONF REGISTRATION 525243793 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PD VISA $435.00 PD-CONF REGISTRATION 525244759 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 CITY VISA $385.00 PARKS-CONF REGISTRATION 525244759 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 CITY VISA $218.00 PARKS-CONF REGISTRATION 525243793 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PD VISA $1,095.00 PD-CONF REGISTRATION 525243793 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PD VISA $229.00 PD-TRAINING 525243793 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PD VISA $800.00 PD-CONF REGISTRATION 525243793 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PD VISA $195.00 PD-TRAINING 525243793 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PD VISA $450.00 PD-CONF REGISTRATION 525243793 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PD VISA $450.00 PD-CONF REGISTRATION 525243793 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PD VISA $1,980.00 PD-TRAINING 525244759 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 CITY VISA $165.00 PARKS-CONF REGISTRATION 525243793 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PD VISA $425.00 PD-CONF REGISTRATION 525243793 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PD VISA $475.00 PD-CONF REGISTRATION 525244759 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 CITY VISA $840.00 PARKS-CONF REGISTRATION Key Bank Page 8 of 62 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 525244759 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 CITY VISA $310,24 CD -CONFERENCE 525244759 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 CITY VISA $385.00 PARKS-CONF REGISTRATION 525244759 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 CITY VISA $836.00 FWCC-CONF REGISTRATION 525244759 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 CITY VISA $50.05 MO -CONFERENCE 525244759 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 CITY VISA $385.00 PARKS-CONF REGISTRATION 525244759 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 CITY VISA $30.00 PARKS -CONFERENCE 525244759 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 CITY VISA $30.00 PARKS -CONFERENCE 525243793 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PD VISA $350.00 PD-TRAINING 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $65.00 CK-CONFERENCE 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $1.256.50 PW-TRAINING 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $150.00 PWST-CONFERENCE 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $605.00 PKM-CONF REGISTRATION 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $90.00 CC -CONFERENCE 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $57.00 CC -CONFERENCE 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $300.00 LAW-CONF REGISTRATION 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $189 00 PWST-TRAINING 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $189.00 PWST-TRAINING 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $25.00 PKM-TRAINING 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $100 00 SWM-TRAINING 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $46.36 SWM-CONFERENCE 291520 6/3/2024 WA STATE CRIMINAL JUSTICE5/8/2024 201139634 $5,292.00 PD-TRAINING SVC 291724 6/17/2024 WA STATE CRIMINAL JUSTICE6/4/2024 201139717 $300.00 PD-TRAINING SVC 291724 6/17/2024 WA STATE CRIMINAL JUSTICE6/4/2024 201139717 $300.00 PD-TRAINING SVC 291724 6/17/2024 WA STATE CRIMINAL JUSTICE6/5/2024 201139738 $600 00 PD-TRAINING SVC 291711 6/17/2024 TIGER MOWERS LLC, 3/20/2024 8928004 $3,000 00 PWST-TRAINING CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS $183,634.84 Key Bank Page 9 of 62 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGLTotal 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $2,317.52 PKM-CONSTR. PROJECTS 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $2,374.04 PKM-CONSTR. PROJECTS 291343 6/3/2024 ACTIVE CONSTRUCTION INC,5/16/2024 AG22-011 #11 $2,500.00 PW-AG22-011 LAKOTA MIDDLE SCHO 291483 6/3/2024 SECURITY SOLUTIONS NW IN5/10/2024 359248 $1,519.26 IT- PKAVIGILON CAMERAS FOR H 291483 6/3/2024 SECURITY SOLUTIONS NW IN5/10/2024 359248 $4.590.68 IT- PKAVIGILON CAMERAS FOR H 291483 6/3/2024 SECURITY SOLUTIONS NW IN5/10/2024 359248 $500.28 IT- PKAVIGILON CAMERAS FOR H 291483 6/3/2024 SECURITY SOLUTIONS NW IN5/10/2024 359248 $866.88 IT- PKAVIGILON CAMERAS FOR H 291483 6/3/2024 SECURITY SOLUTIONS NW IN5/10/2024 359248 $866.88 IT- PKAVIGILON CAMERAS FOR H 291483 6/3/2024 SECURITY SOLUTIONS NW IN5/10/2024 359248 $527.76 IT- PKAVIGILON CAMERAS FOR H 291483 6/3/2024 SECURITY SOLUTIONS NW IN5/10/2024 359248 $7,687.92 IT - PKAVIGILON CAMERAS FOR H 291483 6/3/2024 SECURITY SOLUTIONS NW IN5/10/2024 359248 $150.00 Freight 291483 6/3/2024 SECURITY SOLUTIONS NW IN5/10/2024 359248 $1,704.39 Sales Tax 291376 6/3/2024 CORE TAP CONSTRUCTION 1_I5/15/2024 2419 $1.804.21 PKM-AG24-041 FWCC TEMP LOCKER 291422 6/3/2024 KANWAY ABATEMENT & DEMC4/22/2024 24068DR-1 $21.944.88 PW-AG24-043 ON -CALL ASBESTOS A 291422 6/3/2024 KANWAY ABATEMENT & DEMC4/22/2024 24076DR-1 $71,814.83 PW-AG24-043 ON -CALL ASBESTOS A 291398 6/3/2024 G&N SEPTIC TANK SERVICE L4/24/2024 46067 $525.00 PW-SEPTIC TANK PUMPING SERVICE 291398 6/3/2024 G&N SEPTIC TANK SERVICE L4/24/2024 46067 $53.56 Sales Tax 291398 6/3/2024 G&N SEPTIC TANK SERVICE L4/24/2024 46100 $645.00 PW-SEPTIC TANK PUMPING SERVICE 291398 6/3/2024 G&N SEPTIC TANK SERVICE L4/24/2024 46100 $65.80 Sales Tax 291422 6/3/2024 KANWAY ABATEMENT& DEMC4/26/2024 24068DR-2 $27,662.32 PW-AG24-043 ON -CALL ASBESTOS A 291484 6/3/2024 SECURITY SOLUTIONS NW IN5/10/2024 359246 $16,423.30 PKM- SECURITY CAMERAS 291484 6/3/2024 SECURITY SOLUTIONS NW IN5/10/2024 359246 $1,675.18 Sales Tax 291679 6/17/2024 REIGN CITY SERVICES LLC, 4/20/2024 AG24-013 #1 $15,415.15 PWST-AG24-013 CW PEDES SFTY IM CONSULTING CONTRACTS $425,505.08 291410 6/3/2024 HISTORICAL RESEARCH ASSC4/30/2024 0002404074 $1,316.00 CD-AG23-128 CULTURAL RESOURCES 291346 6/3/2024 AHBL INC, 4/30/2024 145023 $605.00 CD-AG20-555 EVALUATION OF LAND Key Bank Page 10 of 62 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGLTotal 291384 6/3/2024 ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCEA5/9/2024 195873 $2,663.92 CD-AG19-127 THIRD PARTY WETLAN 291508 6/3/2024 TRANSPO GROUP USA INC, 5/3/2024 32572 $23,456.63 PW-AG22-117 SR99 @ S 373RD ST 291508 6/3/2024 TRANSPO GROUP USA INC, 4/12/2024 32427 $280.79 PW-AG17-128 CITYWIDE ADAPTIVE 291428 6/3/2024 KPG INC, 5/16/2024 208520 $1,500.00 PW-AG21-195 ON -CALL PLAN REVIE 291389 6/3/2024 FEDERAL EXPRESS CORPOR4/26/2024 8-482-37389 $8.78 PW-MAILING SVC 291346 6/3/2024 AHBL INC, 4/30/2024 145157 $15,685.00 PW-AG23-209 JOINT OPER & MAINT 291505 6/3/2024 TIERRA RIGHT OF WAY SRVCS/3/2024 2400560 $23,689.40 PW-AG23-130 JOINT OPERATIONS & 291613 6/17/2024 HELIX DESIGN GROUP INC, 4/30/2024 2249100110-1 $102,921.19 PW-AG20-925 OPT & MAINT FACILI 291662 6/17/2024 PARAMETRIX INC, 5/29/2024 56133 $196.473,97 PW-AG24-020 CITY CTR ACC PRJ P 291662 6/17/2024 PARAMETRIX INC, 5/23/2024 56006 $17,428.70 PWST-CITY CENTER ACCESS AG17-1 291632 6/17/2024 KPFF INC, KPFF CONS ULTINGS/14/2024 518338 $7,223.65 PW-AG21-173 27TH AVE SWAT SW 291634 6/17/2024 KPG PSOMAS INC, 5/24/2024 208828 $5,454.50 SWM-AG24-025 ON -CALL SURVEYING 291655 6/17/2024 NARWHAL MET LLC, DBA WEF4/17/2024 2024-24412 $6,120.00 SWM/PWST-2023 FORECASTING SERV 291637 6/17/2024 LANGUAGE LINE SERVICES, I5/31/2024 11310248 $5.00 PWST-LANGUAGE SVC 291737 6/17/2024 WOOD ENVIRONMENT &, 5/28/2024 40038420 $3,766.45 C D-AG 19-122 G EOTEC H N I CAL THIRD 291709 6/17/2024 TIBERIUS SOLUTIONS LLC, 5/6/2024 2051 $14,792.10 CD-AG22-109 TAX INCREMENT FINA 291615 6/17/2024 HISTORICAL RESEARCH ASS(1/31/2024 0002401097 $1,094.00 CD-AG23-128 CULTURAL RESOURCES 291636 6/17/2024 LANDAU ASSOCIATES INC, 5/14/2024 0058186 $1,020.00 CD-AG19-156 THIRD PARTY WETLAN COPIER & PRINTER SUPPLIES $1,531.21 291373 6/3/2024 COMPLETE OFFICE, 4/24/2024 2282187-0 $76.72 HR-OFFICE SUPPLIES 291373 6/3/2024 COMPLETE OFFICE, 5/8/2024 2284908-0 $76.72 HR-OFFICE SUPPLIES 291373 6/3/2024 COMPLETE OFFICE, 5/8/2024 2284909-0 $153,44 HR-OFFICE SUPPLIES 291373 6/3/2024 COMPLETE OFFICE, 5/8/2024 2284911-0 $153.44 HR-OFFICE SUPPLIES 291373 6/3/2024 COMPLETE OFFICE, 5/20/2024 2287097-0 $230.16 HR-OFFICE SUPPLIES 291373 6/3/2024 COMPLETE OFFICE, 5/20/2024 2287098-0 $153.44 HR-OFFICE SUPPLIES 291373 6/3/2024 COMPLETE OFFICE, 5/20/2024 2287100-0 $76.72 HR-OFFICE SUPPLIES Key Bank Page 11 of 62 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Dale Invoice Deseriplien AmountGL Total 291373 W=024 COMPLETE OFFICE, 5/20/2024 2287101-0 $153.44 HR-OFFICE SUPPLIES 291373 6/3/2024 COMPLETE OFFICE, 5/20/2024 2287102-0 $76 72 HR-OFFICE SUPPLIES 291373 6/3/2024 COMPLETE OFFICE, 5/8/2024 2284912-0 $76.72 HR-OFFICE SUPPLIES 291373 6/3/2024 COMPLETE OFFICE, 5/8/2024 2284913-0 $153.44 HR-OFFICE SUPPLIES 291373 6/3/2024 COMPLETE OFFICE, 5/20/2024 2287099-0 $76.72 HR=OFFICE SUPPLIES 291560 6/17/2024 CAFFE D'ARTE LLC, 6/3/2024 555276 $73.53 HR-COFFEE SUPPLIES CORPORATIONS -GENERAL $80.00 291388 6/3/2024 FAHMANT LLC, 5/10/2024 5/10/24 $80.00 CD -BUSINESS LICENSE REFUND CUSTODIAL & CLEANING $15,836.28 291482 6/3/2024 SECURITAS TECHNOLOGY CC5/1/2024 6004122506 $215.52 CHB-MAINT SVCS STEEL LAKE BEAC 291482 6/3/2024 SECURITAS TECHNOLOGY CC5/1/2024 6004133483 $92.87 CHB-MAINT SVCS STEEL LAKE WOOD 291482 6/3/2024 SECURITAS TECHNOLOGY CC5/1/2024 6004133482 $150.69 CHB-MAINT SVCS CELEBRATION PAR 291517 6/3/2024 VESTIS, 5/7/2024 5120460901 $424 82 DBC-LINEN SVC 291517 6/3/2024 VESTIS, 5/14/2024 5120465109 $424.82 DBC-LINEN SVC 291517 6/3/2024 VESTIS, 5/7/2024 5120460900 $122.88 DBC-LINEN SVC 291517 6/3/2024 VESTIS, 5/14/2024 5120465108 $122.88 DBC-LINEN SVC 291491 6/3/2024 SMS CLEANING, 5/18/2024 FEDWAY-0524 $11,984.04 CHB-AG20-022 JANITORIAL SVC•- 291721 6/17/2024 VESTIS, 5/28/2024 5120473559 $122.88 DBC-LINEN SVC 291721 6/17/2024 VESTIS, 5/21/2024 5120468892 $122.88 DBC-LINEN SVC 291721 6/17/2024 VESTIS, 5/28/2024 5120473560 $424.82 DBC-LINEN SVC 291721 6/17/2024 VESTIS, 5/21/2024 5120468893 $424.82 DBC-LINEN SVC 291678 6/17/2024 REGENCY CLEANERS, DBA: F5131/2024 1578 $1,038 08 PD-AG21-017 PD DRY CLEANING SR 291687 6/17/2024 SECURITAS TECHNOLOGY CC5/1/2024 6004137704 $164.28 CHB-MAINTTENANCE SHOP 06/01/24 DEF REV-FWCC-REC TRAC $801.00 291668 6/17/2024 PHAM, NAM 5/28/2024 1232966 $801.00 FWCC-REFUND CALCELLED PGM #123 DEF REV-GEN REC-REC TRAC $1,180.00 291626 6/17/2024 JIN, JOY 5/24/2024 1230717 $180.00 FWCC-REFUND CALCELLED PGM #123 291596 6/17/2024 FEDERAL WAY WARRIORS AT15/29/2024 1233811 $1,000 00 FWCC-REFUND CALCELLED PGM #123 Key Bank Page 12 of 62 Check No, Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGLTotal DEPOSITIBONDS PAYABLE-PW $3,013.26 291402 6/3/2024 GOLDBERG, LARRY 5/22/2024 24-100745 $1.120.00 PW-REFUNDADMIN DEPOSIT24-100 291616 6/17/2024 HOEK, DAVID 6/11/2024 02-68862 $1,282.56 PW-DEPOSIT REFUND 291723 6/17/2024 VWA-FEDERAL WYA LLC, ATTIS/30/2024 20-1042470000 $610.70 PW- REFUND ADMINISTRATIVE CASH DEPOSIT-CD-BLDG OTHER BLDG RV $18,681.79 291528 6/3/2024 WEST COAST CODE CONSUL5/2/2024 UT24-5728-005 $540.00 CD-AG19-070 BUILDING DIVISION 291527 6/3/2024 WEST COAST CODE CONSUL"5/2/2024 UT24-5728-004 $18,141 79 PW-AG19-070 BUILDING DIVISION DISABILITY/SURVIVOR INSURANCE $94.80 291618 6/17/2024 HORNE. KATHY 6/13/2024 6/13124 $94 80 MO -STANDARD SUPP PREMIUMS DISPATCH SERVICES-INTERGOV $496,721.33 291515 6/3/2024 VALLEY COMMUNICATIONS C5/10/2024 0028028 $496,721.33 PD-MAY/JUN 2024 EMERG DISPATCH DP COMPONENTS $4,018.80 291742 6/17/2024 ZONES LLC, - 5/28/2024 K22597410102 $3,435.42 IT/PD-SIU CELLEBRITE UPS- 291742 6/17/2024 ZONES LLC, 5/18/2024 K22597410101 $583.38 IT-CELLEBRITE UPS — ELECTRICAL PERMITS $271.08 291604 6/17/2024 GREENWOOD HEATING &A/C5/31/2024 24-102302 $99.44 CD -REFUND PERMIT 24-102302 291731 6/17/2024 WASHINGTON ENERGY SERV5/7/2024 24-101939 $99.44 CD-24-101939 PERMIT REFUND 291609 6/17/2024 HARRIS, JOE 5/24/2024 24-102141 $72.20 CD-24-102141 PERMIT REFUND ELECTRICITY $95,038.90 291469 6/3/2024 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 4/29/2024 220028947798 $24,786.18 PWTR-04/24 PWTR STREETLIGHTS 291469 6/3/2024 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 5/13/2024 220028947798 $23,542.65 PWTR-04/24 PWTR STREETLIGHTS 291469 6/3/2024 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 4/17/2024 220030838597 $37.06 PWTR- 03/24 4451 SW 313TH ST # 291469 6/3/2024 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 4/16/2024 220034030399 $32.86 PWTR-03/24 34701 11TH PL S 291469 6/3/2024 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 4/16/2024 220031212834 $106,22 PWTR-03/24 1336 S 336TH ST 291469 6/3/2024 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 4/15/2024 220031179041 $53 11 PWTR-3/24 35700 ENCHANTED PKWY 291469 6/3/2024 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 4/15/2024 220031075454 $154.07 PWTR-03/24 1688 S 348TH ST# LI 291469 6/3/2024 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 4/15/2024 220031075421 $49 97 PWTR-03/24 1688 S 348TH ST# LI 291469 6/3/2024 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 5/17/2024 220030838597 $32 44 PWTR- 04/24 4451 SW 313TH ST # 291469 6/3/2024 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 4/12/2024 220030037323 $78 71 PWTR-03/24 1921 S 302ND ST Key Bank Page 13 of 62 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 291469 6/3/2024 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 4/12/2024 220031767019 $155.08 PWTR-03/24 31701 23RD AVE S 291469 6/3/2024 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 5/15/2024 220028560633 $18.20 PWTR-04/24 34701 11TH PL S 291469 6/3/2024 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 5/15/2024 220031075421 $52.95 PWTR-04/24 1688 S 348TH ST# LI 291469 6/3/2024 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 5/15/2024 220031075454 $144 37 PWTR-04/24 36201 ENCHANTED PKW 291469 6/3/2024 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 5/15/2024 220031179041 $54 21 PWTR-04/24 35700 ENCHANTED PKW 291469 6/3/2024 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 5/16/2024 220031212834 $94 72 PWTR-04/24 1336 S 336TH ST 291469 6/3/2024 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 5/16/2024 220034030399 $28.54 PWiR- 04/24 31816 47TH AVE SW# 291501 6/3/2024 TACOMA PUBLIC UTILITIES, 5/6/2024 100826512 $26 36 PWTR-01/18/24-03/18/24 35621 2 291469 6/3/2024 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 5/13/2024 300000009526 $16,521.53 PWTR-04/24 PWTR STREETLIGHTS 291469 6/3/2024 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 5/14/2024 220030037323 $72 51 PWTR-04/24 1921 S 302ND ST 291469 6/3/2024 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 5/14/2024 220031180106 $72 37 PWTR-04/24 31910 GATEWAY CENTE 291469 6/3/2024 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 5/14/2024 220031767019 $148 83 PWTR-04/24 31701 23RD AVE S 291469 6/3/2024 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 5/15/2024 220028151383 $107.52 PWTR-04/24 34404 16TH AVE S 291469 6/3/2024 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 4/15/2024 220028560633 $18.81 PWTR-03/24 34701 11TH PL S 291469 6/3/2024 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 4/15/2024 220028151383 $107.89 PWTR-03/24 34404 16TH AVE S 291469 6/3/2024 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 4/26/2024 300000009526 $9,311.66 PWTR-03/24 PWrR STREETLIGHTS 291469 6/3/2024 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 5/2/2024 300000009526 $7,300.20 PWTR-04/24 PWTR STREETLIGHTS 291469 6/3/2024 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 4/12/2024 220031179967 $37.28 PWTR-03/24 3014 S 320TH ST #LI 291469 6/3/2024 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC,4/29/2024 300000007322 $11,226.39 PWTR-04/24 PSE ELECTRICITY CHG 291469 6/3/2024 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 5/14/2024 220030875599 $458.68 PKM-04/24 2410 S 312TH ST 291469 6/3/2024 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 5/16/2024 220018358782 $11.04 PKM-04/24 550 SW CAMPUS DR #P1 291469 6/3/2024 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 5/14/2024 220014198398 $13.22 PKM-04/24 2645 S 312TH ST ELEC 291469 6/3/2024 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 5/14/2024 220025635438 $78.82 PKM-04/24 31132 28TH AVE S 291469 6/3/2024 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 5/16/2024 220003675349 $9.45 PKM-04/24 726 S 356TH ELECTRIC 291676 6/17/2024 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 5/16/2024 220027462302 $95.00 SWM-04/24 34016 9TH AVE S #X14 FIRST CLASS POSTAGE $2,435.44 Key Bank Page 14 of 62 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGLTotal 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $11.41 PWST-POSTAGE 291462 6/3/2024 PITNEY BOWES PRESORT SV5/4/2024 1025309042 $2.082.43 FI-MAILING SVC 291462 6/3/2024 PITNEY BOWES PRESORT SV5/4/2024 1025309043 $341.60 FI-MAILING SVC FOOD & BEVERAGE $11,529.69 525244759 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 CITY VISA $190.67 PARKS -FOOD SUPPLS 525244759 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 CITY VISA $50.06 MO -FOOD SUPPLIES 525244759 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 CITY VISA $46.06 MO -FOOD SUPPLIES 525244759 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 CITY VISA $79 74 MO -FOOD SUPPLIES 525244759 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 CITY VISA $95.97 MO -FOOD SUPPLIES 525244759 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 CITY VISA $147.88 PARKS -FOOD SUPPLS 525244759 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 CITY VISA $101.02 CD -FOOD SUPPLS 525244759 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 CITY VISA $67.80 CD -FOOD SUPPLS 525244759 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 CITY VISA $109.49 CD -FOOD SUPPLS 525243793 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PD VISA $752.11 PD-FOOD SUPPLIES 525243793 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PD VISA $105,57 PD-FOOD SUPPLIES 525243793 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PD VISA $84.18 PD-FOOD SUPPLIES 525243793 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PD VISA $152.60 PD-FOOD SUPPLIES 525243793 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PD VISA $26.15 PD-FOOD SUPPLIES 525243793 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PD VISA $5.96 PD-FOOD SUPPLIES 525243793 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PD VISA $5.95 PD-FOOD SUPPLIES 525243793 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PD VISA $131.96 PD-FOOD SUPPLIES 525243793 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PD VISA $56.06 PD-FOOD SUPPLIES 525243793 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PD VISA $67.44 PD-FOOD SUPPLIES 525243793 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PD VISA $73.85 PD-FOOD SUPPLIES 525243793 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PD VISA $32.67 PD-FOOD SUPPLIES 525243793 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PD VISA $76.21 PD-FOOD SUPPLIES Key Bank Page 15 of 62 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGLTotal 525243793 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PD VISA $62 04 PD-FOOD SUPPLIES 525244759 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 CITY VISA $64 26 MO -FOOD SUPPLIES 525244759 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 CITY VISA $4 99 MO -FOOD SUPPLIES 525244759 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 CITY VISA $4.99 MO -FOOD SUPPLIES 525243793 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PD VISA $9 89 PD-FOOD SUPPLIES 525243793 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PD VISA $76.24 PD-FOOD SUPPLIES 525244759 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 CITY VISA $154.71 PARKS -FOOD SUPPLS 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $323 49 SWM-FOOD SUPPLS 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $275 01 SWM-FOOD SUPPLS 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $4 84 PW-FOOD SUPPLS 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $157.66 MO -FOOD SUPPLS 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $135.36 MO -FOOD SUPPLS 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $199.84 MO -FOOD SUPPLS 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $-4.28 PARKS -REFUND 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $166.95 CC -FOOD SUPPLS 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $260.00 CC -FOOD SUPPLS 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $454.19 SWM-FOOD SUPPLS 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $23.94 SWM-FOOD SUPPLS 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $172.91 PKM-FOOD SUPPLIES 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $251 20 MOED-FOOD SUPPLS 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $31 71 MOED-FOOD SUPPLS 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $27.96 PKM-FOOD SUPPLIES 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $330 60 PKM-FOOD SUPPLIES 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $239.29 PKM-FOOD SUPPLIES 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $26 67 PKM-FOOD SUPPLIES 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $870.58 1 PKM-FOOD SUPPLIES Key Bank Page 16 of 62 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 291458 6/3/2024 PETTY CASH - FWCC, 4/25/2024 034338 $21.24 PARKS-SAFEWAY-STAFF MEETING FO 291458 6/3/2024 PETTY CASH - FWCC, 4/25/2024 034338 $13.47 PARKS-SAFEWAY-FDUB SNACKS 291492 6/3/2024 SOLANO, DAVID 5/13/2024 SOLANO2024 $24.28 MO-MEAUSOFTWARE SUBSCRIPTION 291458 6/3/2024 PETTY CASH - FWCC, 4/25/2024 034338 $49A6 PARKS-WALMART-FOOD FOR TRAININ 291512 6/3/2024 US FOODS INC, 5/7/2024 5985210 $-3.26 DBC-CATERING SUPPLIES 291512 6/3/2024 US FOODS INC, 5/9/2024 4633244 $871.50 DBC-CATERING SUPPLIES 291512 6/3/2024 US FOODS INC, 5/10/2024 5915964 $-7.29 DBC-CATERING SUPPLIES 291512 6/3/2024 US FOODS INC, 5/16/2024 4825591 $893.30 DBC-CATERING SUPPLIES 291512 6/3/2024 US FOODS INC, 5/17/2024 4878335 $34.99 DBC-CATERING SUPPLIES 291512 6/3/2024 US FOODS INC, 5/17/2024 5950059 $-1.61 DBC-CATERING SUPPLIES 291470 6/3/2024 QUENCH, INC, 4/22/2024 INV07315625 $200.00 PD-DRINKING WATER SVC 291471 6/3/2024 QUENCH, INC, 3/22/2024 INV07119249 $199.85 PD-DRINKING WATER SVC 291677 6/17/2024 QUENCH, INC, 5/22/2024 INV07459036 $214.33 PD-DRINKING WATER SVC 291650 6/17/2024 MOUNTAIN MIST WATER, 5/30/2024 006025061 $36.70 PD-WATER SVC ACCT#077665 291716 6/17/2024 US FOODS INC, 5/27/2024 5093654 $847.40 DBC-CATERING SUPPLIES 291716 6/17/2024 US FOODS INC, 5/31/2024 5234498 $34.99 DBC-CATERING SUPPLIES 291716 6/17/2024 US FOODS INC, 5/20/2024 4911010 $1,040.49 DBC-CATERING SUPPLIES 291716 6/17/2024 US FOODS INC, 5/22/2024 4987934 $15 93 DBC-CATERING SUPPLIES 291601 6/17/2024 GLANDON, AMY 6/5/2024 GLANDON 2024 $134 86 CC -SENIOR ADVISORY LUNCH 291677 6/17/2024 QUENCH, INC, 6/1/2024 INV07543547 $125.00 DBC-DRINKING WATER SVC GASOLINE $53,465.93 525244759 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 CITY VISA $100 00 PARKS -GAS 291392 6/3/2024 FEDERAL WAY PUBLIC SCHO(4/30/2024 AR14163 $19,516 98 FLT-04/24 VEHICLE FUEL 291392 6/3/2024 FEDERAL WAY PUBLIC SCHO(4/30/2024 AR14164 $31,896.09 PD-04/24 VEHICLE FUEL 291457 6/3/2024 PETROCARD INC., 5/15/2024 C465811 $1,030.45 PD-VEHICLE FUEL 291392 6/3/2024 FEDERAL WAY PUBLIC SCH09/30/2024 AR14164 $455.45 PD-04/24 VEHICLE FUEL Key Bank Page 17 of 62 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description_ AmountGL Total 291667 6/17/2024 _ _ PETROCARD INC., 5/31/2024 C478898 $439.96 PD-VEHICLE FUEL 291738 6/17/2024 WORLD KINECT ENERGY SER4/24/2024 24-079529 1 $27.00 FLT-PREM CO.NV GAS HEALTH INSURANCE PREM COBRA $179.52 291588 6/17/2024 DELTA DENTAL OF WA- GR 035/15/2024 1710653 $179.52 FI-JUNE 2024 COBRA PAYMENTS HEALTH INSURANCE PREMIUM $800.00 291348 6/3/2024 ALEXANDER, STACI 5/20/2024 ALEXANDER 2024 $100 00 PD-DEDUCTIBLE REIMB 291411 6/3/2024 HOBBS, WHITNEY 5/20/2024 HOBBS 2024 $100.00 PD-DEDUCTIBLE REIMB 291466 613/2024 PROCTOR, DARREN 5/21/2024 PROCTOR 2024 $200 00 PKM-DEDUCTIBLE REIMB 291703 6/17/2024 TAN, JEDIDIAH T 5/31/2024 TAN 2024 $100.00 PD-DEDUCTIBLE REIMB. 291690 6/17/2024 SHEMEREKO,YEGOR 614/2024 SHEMEREKO2024 $30000 HR-DEDUCTIBLE REIMB HOUSEHOLD SUPPLIES $10,165.35 291524 6/3/2024 WALTER E NELSON CO., 5113/2024 987819 $542 05 PKM-JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 291524 6/3/2024 WALTER E NELSON CO., 5113/2024 987985 $308 54 PKM-JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 291524 6/3/2024 WALTER E NELSON CO., 5/14/2024 988062 $672.23 PKM-JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 291524 6/3/2024 WALTER E NELSON CO., 5/15/2024 988463 $625 88 PKM-JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 291524 6/3/2024 WALTER E NELSON CO., 5/10/2024 987583 $585.75 FWCC-JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 291524 6/3/2024 WALTER E NELSON CO., 5/20/2024 989282 $1,016.17 FWCC-JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 291729 6/17/2024 WALTER E NELSON CO., 5/30/2024 990950 $1,208.33 FWCC-JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 291729 6/17/2024 WALTER E NELSON CO_, 6/3/2024 991716 $1.178.27 FWCC-JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 291729 6/17/2024 WALTER E NELSON CO., 5/28/2024 990553 $1,527 39 CHB-JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 291729 6/17/2024 WALTER E NELSON CO., 5/21/2024 989425 $610.24 DBC-JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 291729 6/17/2024 WALTER E NELSON CO., 5/28/2024 990551 $1,135.41 PKM-JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 291729 6/17/2024 WALTER E NELSON CO., 5/30/2024 990961 $755.09 PKM-JANITORIAL SUPPLIES HUMAN SERVICES -CATHOLIC COMM I $41,255.91 291445 6/3/2024 MULTI -SERVICE CENTER, 4115/2024 1ST QTR 2024 $21,255.91 CDHS-AG23-071 EMER ASSIS RES N 291365 6/3/2024 CITY OF AUBURN, 5/16/2024 24-038020 $20,000.00 CDHS-2024 MARY'S PLACE FUNDING INSURANCE -STOP LOSS $50,622.91 603249200 6/312024 AETNA LIFE INSURANCE COM5/3/2024 J1570630 $50.622.91 FI-AETNA INSURANCE PREMIUMS JAIL CS - ISSAQ $90 AG19.068 $34,650.00 Key Bank Page 18 of 62 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 291570 6/17/2024 CITY OF ISSAQUAH, 5/8/2024 24000202 $34,650.00 PD-AG23-064 JAIL SVC-INMATE HO JAIL CS - KENT $150 +AG19-133 $26,245.00 291368 6/3/2024 CITY OF KENT, 5/10/2024 RI 74064 $26,245.00 PD-AG19-133 JAIL SVC INMATE HO JAIL CS - KING CO $197 +AG13-015 $26,994.79 291425 6/3/2024 KING COUNTY FINANCE DIVI55/7/2024 3004755 $26,994.79 PD-AG23-123 DAJD OTH CITIES — JAIL CS - NISQUALLY $13,104.00 291449 6/3/2024 NISQUALLY INDIAN TRIBE, 4/30/2024 39565 $13,104.00 PD-AG23-017 JAIL SVCS JAIL CS - SCORE $158,073.13 291480 6/3/2024 SCORE, 5/6/2024 7824 $158,073.13 PD-AG23-009 JAIL SVCS INMATE H KC HEALTH DEPT-INTERGOVT $7,528.74 291631 6/17/2024 KING COUNTY MENTAL HEAL15/29/2024 2154962 $7,528.74 CDHS-1ST/2024 LIQUOR EXCISE TA LAND $3,390.61 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $65.00 PW-MAINT SVCS 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $65.00 PW-MAINT SVCS 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $65 00 PW-MAINT SVCS 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $65 00 PW-MAINT SVCS 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $689.60 PW-MAINT SVCS 291663 6/17/2024 PARRIS, RANDALL R 6/3/2024 6/3/24 $2,441 01 PW-RELOCATION EXPENSES LEGAL NOTICES $2,212.54 291494 6/3/2024 SOUND PUBLISHING INC, 4/5/2024 FWM994203 $173 20 CDHS-AD ACCT#83722477 291494 6/3/2024 SOUND PUBLISHING INC, 6/30/2023 8108123 $315.00 CK-AD ACCT#83722476 291494 6/3/2024 SOUND PUBLISHING INC, 4/19/2024 FWM994888 $68.56 CK-AD ACCT#83722476 291494 6/3/2024 SOUND PUBLISHING INC, 3/1/2024 FWM992120 $29496 PW-AD ACCT#83722477 291494 6/3/2024 SOUND PUBLISHING INC, 4/5/2024 FWM994134 $133.25 CD -AD ACCT#83722477 291494 6/3/2024 SOUND PUBLISHING INC, 4/12/2024 FWM994245 $140.86 CD -AD ACCT#83722477 291494 6/3/2024 SOUND PUBLISHING INC, 4/12/2024 FWM994316 $157.98 CD -AD ACCT#83722477 291494 6/3/2024 SOUND PUBLISHING INC, 4/19/2024 FWM994853 $116.13 CD -AD ACCT#83722477 291695 6/17/2024 SOUND PUBLISHING INC, 5/24/2024 FWM996680 $47.60 NEWSPAPER ADVERTISING 291587 6/17/2024 DAILY JOURNAL OF COMMER6/17/2024 3399639 $765.00 PW-NEWSPAPER AD LODGING $8,385.61 Key Bank Page 19 of 62 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGLTotal 525243793 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PD VISA $223.60 PD-LODGING 525243793 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PD VISA $791.03 PD-LODGING 525243793 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PD VISA $791.03 PD-LODGING 525243793 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PD VISA $-164.41 PD-LODGING 525243793 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PD VISA $-164.41 PD-LODGING 525244759 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 CITY VISA $213.26 CD -LODGING 525243793 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PD VISA $930.45 PD-LODGING 525243793 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PD VISA $282 50 PD-LODGING 525243793 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PD VISA $898.99 PD-LODGING 525243793 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PD VISA $1,548.48 PD-LODGING 525243793 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PD VISA $804 60 PD-LODGING 525243793 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PD VISA $804 60 PD-LODGING 525243793 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PD VISA $643.68 PD-LODGING 525243793 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PD VISA $-284.57 PD-LODGING 525243793 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PD VISA $-284,57 PD-LODGING 525243793 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PD VISA $-284.57 PD-LODGING 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $548.10 FI-LODGING 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $548 10 FI-LODGING. 291510 6/3/2024 TUCKER, CURTIS 5/16/2024 TUCKER 2024 $539.72 PD-TRAVEL REIMB PATC TRAINING LOW INCOME SENIOR UTAX REBATE $425.00 291370 6/3/2024 COBS, SHENEA 5/24/2024 COBB 2023 $55.00 FI-2023 UTAX REBATE 291421 6/3/2024 JOHNSON, CARRIE 5/24/2024 JOHNSON 2023 $65 00 FI-2023 UTAX REBATE 291347 6/3/2024 ALCOTT, MARCELLE 5/20/2024 ALCOTT 2024 $65.00 FI- 2023 UTILITY TAX REBATE 291396 6/3/2024 FLETCHER, CLARA 5/20/2024 FLETCHER 2024 $100 00 FI-2023 UTILITY TAX REBATE 291403 6/3/2024 GONZALEZ, CARMELO 5/20/2024 GONZALEZ 2024 $85.00 FI-2023 UTILITY TAX REBATE 291563 6/17/2024 CARNES, WANG J 6/12/2024 CARNES 2023 $55.00 FI-2023 UTILITY TAX REBATE MEDICAL SERVICES $10,694.45 Key Bank Page 20 of 62 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 291480 6/3/2024 SCORE, 5/3/2024 7808 $1,360.00 PD-AG23-009 JAIL SVCS INMATE H 291480 6/3/2024 SCORE, 5/6/2024 7824 $6,928.81 PD-AG23-009 JAIL SVCS INMATE H 291369 6/3/2024 CITY OF PUYALLUP, 5/7/2024 1769 $1,654.80 PD-04/24AG22-061 JAIL SVC I N M 291367 6/3/2024 CITY OF ISSAQUAH, 5/9/2024 24000215 $162,48 PD-AG23-064 JAIL SVC-INMATE HO 291570 6/17/2024 CITY OF ISSAQUAH, 5/8/2024 24000202 $588.36 PD-AG23-064 JAIL SVC-INMATE HO MEDICAL SERVICES - CLAIMS $454,610.22 524241038 6/3/2024 AETNA LIFE INSURANCE COM5/23/2024 54-24143-1038 $162.727.51 FI-AETNA KAISER HEALTH SERVICE 603249197 6/3/2024 KAISER FOUNDATION HEALTI6/1/2024 6/1/24 $1,558.59 FI-KASIER PYMT 531240978 6/3/2024 AETNA LIFE INSURANCE COM5/31/2024 54-24150-0978 $97,078.20 FI-AETNA KAISER HEALTH SERVICE 607242090 6/7/2024 AETNA LIFE INSURANCE COM6/7/2024 54-24152-2090 $107,725.65 FI-AETNA KAISER HEALTH SERVICE 607240986 6(7/2024 AETNA LIFE INSURANCE COM6/7/2024 54-24157-0986 $85,520.27 FI-AETNA KAISER HEALTH SERVICE MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES $28,430.76 291425 6/3/2024 KING COUNTY FINANCE DIVIS5/7/2024 3004755 $6,732-78 PD-AG23-123 DAJD OTH CITIES- 291480 6/3/2024 SCORE, 5/6/2024 7824 $21,697.98 PD-AG23-009 JAIL SVCS INMATE H MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT $1,803.14 291337 5/21/2024 LARSON, DAVID A 4/30/2024 LARSON 2024 $79.78 MC -JUDICIAL SPRING CONF MILEAG 291356 6/3/2024 ASSEFA-DAWSON, LYDIA 5/28/2024 ASSEFA-DAWSON 2024 $19Z96 CC -ASSOCIATION OF WA CITIES AN 291414 6/3/2024 HONDA, SUSAN 5/28/2024 HONDA2024 $192.96 - CC -ASSOCIATION OF WA 291426 6/3/2024 KOCHMAR, LINDA 5/28/2024 KOCHMAR 2024 $192 96 CC -ASSOCIATION OF WA CITIES AN 291440 6/3/2024 MCDANIEL, PAUL 5/28/2024 MCDANIEL2024 $19296 CC -ASSOCIATION OF WA CITIES AN 291523 6/3/2024 WALSH, JACK 5/28/2024 WALSH 2O24 $192.96 CC -ASSOCIATION OF WA CITIES 291349 6/3/2024 ALIZAI, SHEKIB 5/23/2024 ALIZAI 2024 #2 $10.72 PWST-MILEAGE 5/16/24 291358 6/3/2024 BRIGGS, JULIANNE 5/21/2024 BRIGGS 2024 $193.88 HR-MILEAGE 291606 6/17/2024 GUPTAR, ASHRIYA 5124/2024 GUPTAR 2024 $192 29 PARKS -MILEAGE 5/24124 291575 6/17/2024 CLEMONS, DAVID 5/31/2024 CLEMONS 2024 $163.35 DBC-MILEAGE 05/03/24-05/31124 291620 6/17/2024 HUTCHINSON, KEVIN 6/4/2024 HUTCHINSON 2024 $198.32 PARKS -MILEAGE 5/22/24 MINOR DP EQUIPMENT $414.49 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $-114.49 IT -REFUND Key Bank Page 21 of 62 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total MINOR DP SOFTWARE $568.79 291487 6/3/2024 SHI INTERNATIONAL CORP, 5/13/2024 B18309256 $372.28 IT-PW-SWM ADOBE PHOTOSHOP PRO- 291487 6/3/2024 SHI INTERNATIONAL CORP, 5/13/2024 B18309256 $37.97 Sales Tax 291492 6/3/2024 SOLANO, DAVID 5/13/2024 SOLANO 2024 $158.54 MO-MEAUSOFTWARE SUBSCRIPTION MINOR EQUIP-MISC $42,226.17 525244759 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 CITY VISA $996.54 SWM-MINOR EQIPMENT 525243793 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PD VISA $13441 PD-MINOR EQUIP 525243793 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PD VISA $61 71 PD-MINOR EQUIP 525244759 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 CITY VISA $38 52 PARKS -MINOR EQUIP 525244759 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 CITY VISA $440.39 PARKS -MINOR EQUIP 525244759 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 CITY VISA $69.11 PARKS -MINOR EQUIP 525243793 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PD VISA $2,124.31 PD-MINOR EQUIP 525243793 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PD VISA $1,230.93 PD-MINOR EQUIP 525243793 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PD VISA $34.80 PD-MINOR EQUIP 525243793 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PD VISA $154.23 PD-MINOR EQUIP 525243793 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PD VISA $-28.90 PD-MINOR EQUIP 525243793 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PD VISA $462.40 PD-MINOR EQUIP 525243793 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PD VISA $159 40 PD-MINOR EQUIP 525243793 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PD VISA $59.40 PD-MINOR EQUIP 525243793 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PD VISA $-1,096.97 PD-MINOR EQUIP 525243793 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PD VISA $31 91 PD-MINOR EQUIP 525243793 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PD VISA $1,702.59 PD-MINOR EQUIP 525243793 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PD VISA $398.54 PD-MINOR EQUIP 525243793 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PD VISA $516.89 PD-MINOR EQUIP 525243793 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PD VISA $4.972.81 PD-MINOR EQUIP 525243793 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PD VISA $55,68 PD-MINOR EQUIP 525243793 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PD VISA $287.72 PD-MINOR EQUIP Key Bank Page 22 of 62 Check No. Date Vendor _ Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGLTotal 525243793 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PD VISA $186.24 PD-MINOR EQUIP 525243793 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PD VISA $562.53 PD-MINOR EQUIP 525243793 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PD VISA $132.23 PD-MINOR EQUIP 525243793 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PD VISA $46-24 PD-MINOR EQUIP 525243793 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PD VISA $142.31 PD-MINOR EQUIP 525243793 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PD VISA $328 10 PD-MINOR EQUIP 525243793 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PD VISA $1,460 28 PD-MINOR EQUIP 525243793 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PD VISA $325.91 PD-MINOR EQUIP 525243793 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PD VISA $297.51 PD-MINOR EQUIP 525243793 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PD VISA $51 01 PD-MINOR EQUIP 525243793 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PD VISA $206 87 PD-MINOR EQUIP 525243793 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PD VISA $125 91 PD-MINOR EQUIP 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $107 97 FLT-SMALL TOOLS 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $75 30 FLT-SMALL TOOLS 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $95.83 FLT-SMALL TOOLS 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $110 18 FLT-SMALL TOOLS 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $44.07 FLT-MINOR EQUIP 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $38.22 FLT-MINOR EQUIP 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $93.67 FLT-MINOR EQUIP 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $153.94 FLT-MINOR EQUIP 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $191 40 IT -SOFTWARE SVCS 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $195 27 IT -SOFTWARE SVCS 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $77.53 SWM-MINOR EQUIP 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $33.02 SWM-MINOR EQUIP 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $31.91 SWM-MINOR EQUIP 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $17.91 SWM-MINOR EQUIP Key Bank Page 23 of 62 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $32.98 SWM-MINOR EQUIP 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $505.90 SWM-MINOR EQUIP 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $1,148.45 SWM-MINOR EQUIP 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $589.02 SWM-MINOR EQUIP 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $96.96 SWM-MINOR EQUIP 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $71.58 SWM-MINOR EQUIP 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $99 10 SWM-MINOR EQUIP 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $59.40 SWM-MINOR EQUIP 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $63.25 PKM-MINOR EQUIP 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $597 22 PKM-MINOR EQUIP 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $567.29 PKM-MINOR EQUIP 291351 6/3/2024 AMB TOOLS & EQUIPMENT, A6/17/2024 T336847 $31 02 PKM-TOOLS/EQUIPMENT 291409 6/3/2024 HEAD -QUARTERS PTS, 5/2/2024 63672 $1,190.00 SWM-AG18-017 PORTABLE TOILETS 291502 6/3/2024 TAGOILELAGI, JOEL STEPHEN5/14/2024 2024 TAGOILELAGI $200 00 PD-UN I FORM ALLOW. 291340 6/3/2024 911 SUPPLY INC, 5/16/2024 INV-2-38257 $470.64 PD-UNIFORM SUPPLIES 291681 6/17/2024 RODRIGUEZ, JOSEPH 5/27/2024 RODRIGUEZ 2024 $435 08 PD-RENTAL CAR 291652 6/17/2024 NADER, SARA 5/29/2024 NADER 2024 $200 00 PD-EQUIP ALLOW 291557 6/17/2024 BRODERSON, CALISTA 6/5/2024 BRODERSON 2024 $195.54 PD-EQUIP ALLOW 291684 6/17/2024 SAN DIEGO POLICE EQUIPME5/30/2024 661767 $4,074.81 PD-AMMUNITION- 291556 6/17/2024 BRACCO, ROBERT 6/6/2024 BRACCO 2024 $140-93 PD-EQUIP ALLOW 291533 6/17/2024 911 SUPPLY INC, 5/17/2024 INV-2-38325 $1,653,00 PD-UNIFORM SUPPLIES 291533 6/17/2024 911 SUPPLY INC, 5/17/2024 INV-2-38328 $1,653.00 PD-UNIFORM SUPPLIES 291533 6/17/2024 911 SUPPLY INC, 5/17/2024 INV-2-38329 $1,653.00 PD-UNIFORM SUPPLIES 291533 6/17/2024 911 SUPPLY INC, 5/21/2024 INV-2-38392 $1,520.76 PD-UNIFORM SUPPLIES 291547 6/17/2024 AXON ENTERPRISE INC, 5/3/2024 INUS247612 $6,876,48 PD-AG21-196 POLICE BODY -WORN C 291713 6/17/2024 TURF STAR INC, 5/31/2024 INV020980 $162.98 PKM-MAINT SUPPLIES Key Bank Page 24 of 62 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice _ Description AmountGL Total MISC PROFESSIONAL SVS-INTERGOV $37,188.97 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $250.00 PW-LICENSING 291519 6/3/2024 WA STATE AUDITOR'S OFFICE5/9/2024 L161162 $1,112.80 FI-STATE AUDITOR SERVICES 291425 6/3/2024 KING COUNTY FINANCE DIVIS4/30/2024 11014652 $627.44 IT-AG20-063 KING COUNTY I -NET 291425 6/3/2024 KING COUNTY FINANCE DIVIc4/30/2024 11014652 $109.12 IT-AG20-063 KING COUNTY I -NET 291726 6/17/2024 WA STATE DEPT OF TRANSPC5/14/2024 RE 41 JZ0247 L060 $1,446.94 P W-P ROJ ECT JZ0247 FEES 291630 6/17/2024 KING COUNTY FINANCE DIVIS5/13/2024 133711 $9,942.00 WM-WRIA9ILA AG16-051 EXP:04 291630 6/17/2024 KING COUNTY FINANCE DIVIS5/15/2024 133825 $23,700.67 SWM- UTILITY BILLINGS AG90-23D MISC SERVICES & CHARGES $163,356.76 525244759 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 CITY VISA $270.00 PARKS-MISC EXPENSE 525244759 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25I2024 MAY 2024 CITY VISA $-200.00 PARKS -REFUND 525244759 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 CITY VISA $300.00 PARKS-MISC EXPENSE 525244759 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 CITY VISA $200.00 PARKS-MISC EXPENSE 525244759 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 CITY VISA $10.00 PARKS -TRIP TICKET 525244759 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 CITY VISA $1.030.00 PARKS -TRIP TICKET 525244759 5125/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 CITY VISA $288.00 PARKS -TRIP TICKET 525244759 5/25I2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 CITY VISA $320.00 PARKS -TRIP TICKET 525243793 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PD VISA $736.00 PD-OPER SUPPLIES 525243793 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PD VISA $52.70 PD-MISC EXPENSES 525243793 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PD VISA $37.04 PD-MISC EXPENSES 525243793 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PD VISA $960.50 PD-MISC EXPENSES 525243793 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PD VISA $306.00 PD=MISC EXPENSES 525243793 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PD VISA $1,990.75 PD-OPER SUPPLIES 525243793 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PD VISA $2,882.17 PD-MISC EXPENSES 525243793 5125/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PD VISA $61.82 PD-MISC EXPENSES 525243793 5/2512024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PD VISA $2,836.11 PD-MISC EXPENSES 525244759 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 CITY VISA $10.95 FI-MISC EXPENSE Key Bank Page 25 of 62 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGLTotal 525244759 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 CITY VISA $11.62 FI-MISC EXPENSE 525244759 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 CITY VISA $515.74 PARKS-MISC EXPENSE 525244759 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 CITY VISA $348.00 PARKS-MISC EXPENSE 525244759 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 CITY VISA $92.70 CD-BLD DEPT RESEARCH 525244759 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 CITY VISA $2,510.28 CD -WORK MGMT-PRO YEARLY RECURR 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $76.04 CD-MISC EXPENSE 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $770 30 CD-MISC EXPENSE 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $93.00 MOED-MISC EXPENSE 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $312.68 LAW-EFILING SVC 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $2.74 LAW -COPIES 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $27 49 LAW -COPIES 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $396.61 MC-MISC EXPENS 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $199 31 FWCC-MAINT SVCS 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $3 95 FWCC-MAINT SVCS 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $114.10 FWCC-MAINT SVCS 291468 6/3/2024 PUBLIC SAFETY TESTING, 5/13/2024 2024-490 $2,854.00 PD-AG23-007 PUBLIC SAFETY TEST 291456 6/3/2024 PETEK&ASSOCIATES, REIGM/13/2024 2398 $1.925.00 PD-PSYCH EVAL-APR 2024 291521 6/3/2024 WA STATE EMPLOYMENT SEC513/2024 24-015403-RDU-A5 $3.50 PD-WORK HISTORY D. KING 291506 6/3/2024 T-MOBILE USA INC, 5/10/2024 9567727742 $100 00 PD-AREA DUMP 291385 6/3/2024 EQUIFAX CREDIT INFORMATI(5/23/2024 2060428998 $45.19 PD-CREDIT REPORTING SVC 291446 6/3/2024 MV TOWING LLC, 5/15/2024 32851 $77.14 PD-VEHICLE TOW 291393 6/3/2024 FEDERAL WAY ROTARY SERV5/22/2024 05/22/24 $1,200.00 MO -SPONSORSHIP 291472 6/3/2024 REDWOOD TOXICOLOGY LAB4/30/2024 30861420244 $571.20 MC -TOXICOLOGY SVC 291383 6/3/2024 ELAVON INC, 4/30/2024 CA4121100755 $9,828.31 FI-APRIL CITY HALL MERCHANT FE 291383 6/3/2024 ELAVON INC, 4/30/2024 CA4121100756 $167.87 FI-APRIL FWCC MERCHANT FEES 291383 6/3/2024 ELAVON INC, 4/30/2024 CA4121100757 $583.00 FI-APRIL DBC MERCHANT FEES Key Bank Page 26 of 62 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGLTotal 291383 6/3/2024 ELAVON INC, 4/30/2024 CA4121100758 $1,732.74 FI-APRIL MC MERCHANT FEES 291383 6/3/2024 ELAVON INC, 4/30/2024 CA4121100896 $1,588,66 FI-APRIL PROBATION MERCHANT FE 291391 6/3/2024 FEDERAL WAY KOREAN AMEF5/14/2024 05142024 $5.000.00 MO -EVENT SPONSORSHIP 291473 6/3/2024 RESTORING MINDZ, 5/20/2024 012 $1,000.00 MO -HOLISTIC SPORTS CAMP 291392 6/3/2024 FEDERAL WAY PUBLIC SCHO(4/30/2024 AR14186 $811.03 PARKS -METER READ 02/16/24-04/1 291516 6/3/2024 VERIZON WIRELESS, 5/13/2024 9964133449 $720,18 PD-04/24 CELLULAR SVCACCT# 291707 6/17/2024 THUILLIER, JENNIFER 5/30/2024 202438 $180.00 SWR-GRAPHIC DESIGN FOR OUTREAC 291572 6/17/2024 CITY OF PUYALLUP, 3/31/2024 1710 $14,796.17 FI-03/24 WATPA GRANT REIMB 291573 6/17/2024 CITY OF TACOMA POLICE DER/2/2024 50007195 $22,941.03 FI-03/24 WATPA GRANT REIMB 291569 6/17/2024 CITY OF BONNEY LAKE, 4/5/2024 03312024 $16,019.06 FI-03/24 WATPA GRANTAUTO THEF 291669 6/17/2024 PIERCE COUNTY FINANCE DE4/1012024 CI-349834 $22,445.84 FI-03/24 WATPA GRANT REIMB 291567 6/17/2024 CITY OF AUBURN, 4/11/2024 24-037908 $4,166.66 FI-03/24 GAME FARM PARK ADMIN 291571 6/17/2024 CITY OF LAKEWOOD, 4/11/2024 PD-02200 $20,521.09 FI-03/24 WATPA GRANT REIMB 291719 6/17/2024 VALLEY CITIES COUNSELING,6/6/2024 6/6/24 $1,000.00 MO -SPONSORSHIP RECOVERY BREAKF 291536 6/17/2024 ACCOUNTEMPS (ROBERT HAB/3/2024 63664407 $1,115.92 MO-ADMINSTRATIVE TEMP 291651 6/17/2024 MV TOWING LLC, 5/26/2024 32868 $132 24 PD-VEHICLE TOW 291651 6/17/2024 MVTOWING LLC, 6/1/2024 32882 $77.14 PD-VEHICLE TOW 291651 6/17/2024 MVTOWING LLC, 5/22/2024 32630 $7714 PD-VEHICLE TOW 291670 6/17/2024 POWERDMS INC, 3/26/2024 INV-49604 $8,878 46 PD-POWERTIME SUBCRIPTION YEARL 291651 6/17/2024 MVTOW NG LLC, 5/31/2024 32635 $7714 PD-VEHICLE TOW 291689 6/17/2024 SERENITY COUNSELING SERS/29/2024 05 $150.00 MC -DV ASSESSMENT- 291689 6/17/2024 SERENITY COUNSELING SERS/29/2024 06 $250.00 MC -DV ASSESSMENT- 291664 6/17/2024 PEER WASHINGTON, PEER W6/5/2024 25-FED-2024.05 $4,545.45 MC-AG22-025 PEER RECOVERY SERV 291727 6/17/2024 WA STATE EMPLOYMENT SE05/3/2024 24-018414-RDU-D5 $3 50 PD-WORK HISTORY P SHANKLIN 291728 6/17/2024 WA STATE PATROL, 6/3/2024 12406940 $205 50 PD-BACKGROUND CHECKS MY BLDG PRMT ONBRD FEE $19,384.46 Key Bank Page 27 of 62 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $47.60 IT -ONLINE PERMITTING 291568 6/17/2024 CITY OF BELLEVUE, 5/24/2024 49471 $19.336.86 IT -AG 20-087 Q2 2024 MBP SUBSC NON GOVT DP SERVICES $33,329.54 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $8.68 IT- WEBSITE TESTING 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $155.40 IT -SOFTWARE SVCS 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $159.80 IT -SUB RENEWAL 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $55.13 IT - WEBSITE TESTING 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $48.00 IT -CLOUD RECORDING 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $236.45 IT - NON GVT DP SERVICES 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $21.98 IT -SOFTWARE SVCS 291487 6/3/2024 SHI INTERNATIONAL CORP, 5/13/2024 B18310271 $881.85 IT- GIS ADOBE CREATIVE CLOUD F 291487 6/3/2024 SHI INTERNATIONAL CORP, 5/13/2024 B18310271 $89.95 Sales Tax 291425 6/3/2024 KING COUNTY FINANCE DIVIS4/30/2024 11014652 $627.44 IT-AG20-063 KING COUNTY [-NET 291401 6/3/2024 GLOBAL DATA VAULT, LLC, 5/20/2024 9253265 $6.590 00 IT-AG23-061 BACKUP & DISASTER 291489 6/3/2024 SMARSH INC, 4/30/2024 INV-169358 $91.61 IT-AG16-055 NETGUARD TEXT MESS 291341 6/3/2024 ABSOLUTE SOFTWARE INC.. 5/14/2024 INV01565590 $9,756 80 IT -ABSOLUTE LICENSES YEARLY 291341 6/3/2024 ABSOLUTE SOFTWARE INC., 5/14/2024 INV01565590 $6,000.00 IT -ABSOLUTE LICENSES YEARLY 291341 6/3/2024 ABSOLUTE SOFTWARE INC, 5/14/2024 INV01565590 $1,607.19 Sales Tax 291694 6/17/2024 SMARSH INC, 5/31/2024 INV-174959 $91.61 IT-AG16-055 NETGUARD TEXT MESS 291680 6/17/2024 RIGHT SYSTEMS INC, 5/20/2024 SI-186685 $812.34 IT- CISCO SMARTNET RENEWAL FO 291680 6/17/2024 RIGHT SYSTEMS INC, 5/20/2024 SI-186685 $812.34 IT- CISCO SMARTNET RENEWAL FO 291680 6/17/2024 RIGHT SYSTEMS INC, 5/20/2024 SI-186685 $753.06 IT- CISCO SMARTNET RENEWAL FO 291680 6/17/2024 RIGHT SYSTEMS INC, 5/20/2024 SI-186685 $242.53 Sales Tax 291639 6/17/2024 LEXISNEXIS, 5/31/2024 3095124307 $535.57 IT-05/24 SUSCRIP CONTENT 291743 6/17/2024 ZOOM VIDEO COMMUNICATICS/26/2024 INV258497179 $64.50 IT -ZOOM ONE BUSINESS ANNUAL 291628 6/17/2024 KARPEL COMPUTER SYSTEM5/24/2024 67371 $3,410.88 IT-AG22-056 PROSECUTION SOFTWA Key Bank Page 28 of 62 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGLTotal 291717 6/17/2024 USIC HOLDINGS INC, 5/31/2024 662060 $125.65 IT-AG19-078 UGD ULT LOCATE CON 291717 6/17/2024 USIC HOLDINGS INC, 4/30/2024 657546 $150.78 IT-AG19-078 UGD ULT LOCATE CON OFFICE SUPPLIES $6,877.69 525244759 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 CITY VISA $49.13 FWCC-OFFICE SUPPLIES 525243793 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PD VISA $36.04 PD-OFFICE SUPPLIES 525244759 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 CITY VISA $227.01 CD -OFFICE SUPPLIES 525244759 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 CITY VISA $19.55 CD -OFFICE SUPPLIES 525244759 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 CITY VISA $82.30 CD -OFFICE SUPPLIES 525244759 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 CITY VISA $104.58 CD -OFFICE SUPPLIES 525244759 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 CITY VISA $52.04 CD -OFFICE SUPPLIES 525244759 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 CITY VISA $20.86 CD -OFFICE SUPPLIES 525244759 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 CITY VISA $8.80 MO -OFFICE SUPPLS 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $11.90 MO-OFFICESUPPLS 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $21.75 PKM-OFFICE SUPPLS 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $39.11 PKM-OFFICE SUPPLS 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $25.32 SWR-OFFICE SUPPLS 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $122.64 HR-OFFICE SUPPLS 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $825.40 CK-OFFICE SUPPLS 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $131.14 CK-OFFICE SUPPLS 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $23.68 SWM-OFFICE SUPPLIES 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $25.36 SWM-OFFICE SUPPLIES 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $24.76 SWM-OFFICE SUPPLIES 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $15.40 SWM-OPER SUPPLIES 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $48.10 PWTR-OFFICE SUPPLS 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $252.12 PARKS -OFFICE SUPPLS 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $5.95 I CC -OFFICE SUPPLS Key Bank Page 29 of 62 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice _Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $43.87 CC -OFFICE SUPPLS 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $43.90 CC -OFFICE SUPPLS 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $14.99 CC -OFFICE SUPPLS 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $27.41 PWST-OFFICE SUPPLS 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $283.22 PWST-OFFICE SUPPLS 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $63.34 PW-OFFICE SUPPLIES 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $138.70 PWST-OFFICE SUPPLS 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $113.38 PW-OFFICE SUPPLIES 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $82 64 PWST-OFFICE SUPPLS 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $58 92 MC -OFFICE SUPPLS 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $119 43 MC -OFFICE SUPPLS 291373 6/3/2024 COMPLETE OFFICE, 5/10/2024 2285382-0 $101.69 MC -OFFICE SUPPLIES 291373 6/3/2024 COMPLETE OFFICE, 5/15/2024 2286598-0 $12120 MC -OFFICE SUPPLIES 291373 6/3/2024 COMPLETE OFFICE, 5/3/2024 2284403-0 $26.72 PW-OFFICE SUPPLIES 291464 6/3/2024 PRINTERY COMMUNICATION£5/16/2024 240227 $148.36 PWST-BC IMPRINTS 291373 6/3/2024 COMPLETE OFFICE, 5/16/2024 2286668-0 $25.86 MO -OFFICE SUPPLIES 291452 6/3/2024 ODP BUSINESS SOLUTIONS L5/7/2024 366833961001 $31239 PD-OFFICE SUPPLIES 291373 6/3/2024 COMPLETE OFFICE, 5/13/2024 2286048-0 $35A7 MO -OFFICE SUPPLIES 291580 6/17/2024 COMPLETE OFFICE, 6/3/2024 2289727-0 $220.40 CD -OFFICE SUPPLIES 291691 6/17/2024 SIR SPEEDY PRINTING #0905,5/31/2024 144874 $714.76 CD -PRINTING SERVICES 291699 6/17/2024 STAPLES BUSINESS ADVANTA11/30/2023 3553683218 $154.18 PD-OFFICE SUPPLIES 291699 6/17/2024 STAPLES BUSINESS ADVANTA11130/2023 3553683220 $92.09 PD-OFFICE SUPPLIES 291699 6/17/2024 STAPLES BUSINESS ADVANTP3/31/2024 6000985698 $4949 PD-OFFICE SUPPLIES 291699 6/17/2024 STAPLES BUSINESS ADVANTR3/31/2024 6000985699 $41.49 PD-OFFICE SUPPLIES 291699 6/17/2024 STAPLES BUSINESS ADVANTA/30/2024 6001935013 $191.95 PD-OFFICE SUPPLIES 291699 6/17/2024 STAPLES BUSINESS ADVANTF5/31/2024 6003651722 $270.66 PD-OFFICE SUPPLIES Key Bank Page 30 of 62 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGLTotal ~291580 6/17/2024 COMPLETE OFFICE, 5/21/2024 _ 2287497-0 $35.02 CK-OFFICE SUPPLIES 291699 6/17/2024 STAPLES BUSINESS ADVANTP3/31/2024 6000985697 $21548 PD-OFFICE SUPPLIES 291699 6/17/2024 STAPLES BUSINESS ADVANTA11/30/2023 3553683222 $190.10 PD-OFFICE SUPPLIES 291699 6/17/2024 STAPLES BUSINESS ADVANTA11/30/2023 3553683223 $6.59 PD-OFFICE SUPPLIES 291699 6/17/2024 STAPLES BUSINESS ADVANTA11/30/2023 3553683225 $31.87 PD-OFFICE SUPPLIES 291699 6/17/2024 STAPLES BUSINESS ADVANTP3/31/2024 6000985700 $25.19 PD-OFFICE SUPPLIES 291699 6/17/2024 STAPLES BUSINESS ADVANTF4/30/2024 6001935012 $46 91 PD-OFFICE SUPPLIES 291699 6/17/2024 STAPLES BUSINESS ADVANTR5/31/2024 6003651721 $56.95 PD-OFFICE SUPPLIES 291699 6/17/2024 STAPLES BUSINESS ADVANTR5/31/2024 6003651723 $129.85 PD-OFFICE SUPPLIES 291580 6/17/2024 COMPLETE OFFICE, 5/23/2024 2288109-0 $31.24 PWST-OFFICE SUPPLIES 291580 6/17/2024 COMPLETE OFFICE, 1/26/2024 2264746-0 $24.90 FI-OFFICE SUPPLIES 291580 6/17/2024 COMPLETE OFFICE, 3/13/2024 2273785-0 $116.58 FI-OFFICE SUPPLIES 291580 6/17/2024 COMPLETE OFFICE, 5/28/2024 2288624-0 $141.52 FI-OFFICE SUPPLIES 291580 6/17/2024 COMPLETE OFFICE, 5/30/2024 2289179-0 $82.20 PWST-OFFICE SUPPLIES 291580 6/17/2024 COMPLETE OFFICE, 5/23/2024 2288109-0 $7.47 PWST-OFFICE SUPPLIES 291699 6/17/2024 STAPLES BUSINESS ADVANTP3/31/2024 6000985696 $28.67 PD-OFFICE SUPPLIES 291659 6/17/2024 ODP BUSINESS SOLUTIONS 1-5/22/2024 369111176001 $36 00 PD-OFFICE SUPPLIES OPERATING RENTALSILEASES $119,760.82 601246907 6/l/2024 FWPAEC QALICB, 6/1/2024 2024 QTR 2 $100,321,00 FI-SUBLEASE PAYMENT 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $64.46 CK-SHREDDING SVCS 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $46.04 CK-SHREDDING SVCS 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $41.44 CK-SHREDDING SVCS 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $9.20 CK-SHREDDING SVCS 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $4.60 CK-SHREDDING SVCS 291531 6/3/2024 WILLIAMS SCOTSMAN INC, 5/2/2024 9020841554 $1,357.34 PKM-AG22-062 RENTAL AGREEMENT 291531 6/3/2024 WILLIAMS SCOTSMAN INC, 5/16/2024 9020948587 $1,375.70 PKM-AG22-062 RENTALAGREEMENT Key Bank Page 31 of 62 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGLTotal 291531 6/3/2024 WILLIAMS SCOTSMAN INC, 5/17/2024 9020958981 $1,432.16 PKM-AG22-062 RENTALAGREEMENT 291736 6/17/2024 WILLIAMS SCOTSMAN INC, 5/30/2024 9021061259 $1.337.30 PKM-AG22-062 RENTALAGREEMENT 291704 6/17/2024 THE HUMANE SOCIETY FOR, 6/3/2024 PS-INV103196 $6,688.00 PD-AG21-033 ANIMAL SHELTER PSA 291623 6/17/2024 IRON MOUNTAIN INFORMATIC5/31/2024 JMJK919 $3,383.58 CK-STORAGE SVC 291549 6/17/2024 BALLI ROAD LLC, 6/1/2024 4232 $3,700.00 PD-AG23-027 SUBSTATION LEASE - OTHER CURRENT ASSETS $4,564.21 291448 6/3/2024 NAVIA BENEFIT SOLUTIONS, 5/8/2024 10855742 $4,564.21 HR-SECTION 125 FUNDING DEPOSIT OTHER MISC REVENUE $2,471.18 528243485 6/3/2024 WA STATE REVENUE DEPART5/28/2024 601-223-538 $-1,401.40 FI-04/24 REMIT SALES TAX 528243485 6/3/2024 WA STATE REVENUE DEPART5/28/2024 601-223-538 $1,605.91 FI-04/24 REMIT SALES TAX 528243485 6/3/2024 WA STATE REVENUE DEPART5/28/2024 601-223-538 $2,266.66 FI-04/24 REMIT SALES TAX 528243485 6/3/2024 WA STATE REVENUE DEPART5/28/2024 601-223-638 $0.01 FI-04/24 REMIT SALES TAX OTHER MISCELLANEOUS REVENUE $-1,387.92 528243485 6/3/2024 WA STATE REVENUE DEPART5/28/2024 601-223-538 $-1,387.92 FI-04/24 REMIT SALES TAX OTHER OPERATING SUPPLIES $34,956.62 525243793 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PD VISA $770.91 PD-MISC EXPENSES 525243793 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PD VISA $5.95 PD-OPER SUPPLIES 525244759 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 CITY VISA $-374.33 FWCC-REFUND 525244759 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 CITY VISA $-374.33 FWCC-REFUND 525244759 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 CITY VISA $-374.33 FWCC-REFUND 525244759 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 CITY VISA $-374.33 FWCC-REFUND 525244759 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 CITY VISA $-374 33 FWCC-REFUND 525244759 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 CITY VISA $-374.33 FWCC-REFUND 525244759 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 CITY VISA $-374.33 FWCC-REFUND 525244759 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 CITY VISA $16.52 PARKS-OPER SUPPLIES 525244759 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 CITY VISA $119.99 PARKS-OPER SUPPLIES 525244759 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 CITY VISA $99.60 PARKS-OPER SUPPLIES 525244759 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 CITY VISA $29.26 PARKS-OPER SUPPLIES Key Bank Page 32 of 62 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGLTotal 525244759 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 CITY VISA $247.00 PARKS-OPER SUPPLIES 525244759 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 CITY VISA $1,054.62 PARKS-OPER SUPPLIES 525244759 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 CITY VISA $326.20 PARKS-OPER SUPPLIES 525244759 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 CITY VISA $2,253.60 PARKS-OPER SUPPLIES 525244759 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 CITY VISA $24.26 PARKS-OPER SUPPLIES 525244759 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 CITY VISA $209.36 PARKS-OPER SUPPLIES 525244759 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 CITY VISA $326.20 PARKS-OPER SUPPLIES 525244759 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 CITY VISA $39 09 MO-OPER SUPPLS 525244759 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 CITY VISA $16.50 MO-OPER SUPPLS 525244759 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 CITY VISA $21 46 CD-OPER SUPPLIES 525243793 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PD VISA $158.44 PD-OPER SUPPLIES 525243793 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PD VISA $60.44 PD-OPER SUPPLIES 525244759 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 CITY VISA $1,108.99 CD-OPER SUPPLIES 525244759 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 CITY VISA $33.34 CD-OPER SUPPLIES 525244759 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 CITY VISA $124.59 - CD-OPER SUPPLIES 525244759 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 CITY VISA $20.91 CD-OPER SUPPLIES 525244759 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 CITY VISA $151.28 CD-OPER SUPPLIES 525243793 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5125/2024 MAY 2024 PD VISA $21.73 PD-OPER SUPPLIES 525243793 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PD VISA $17.60 . PD-OPER SUPPLIES 525243793 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PD VISA $80.84 PD-OPER SUPPLIES 525243793 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PD VISA $41.13 PD-OPER SUPPLIES 525243793 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PD VISA $110 67 PD-OPER SUPPLIES 525243793 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PD VISA $268.65 PD-OPER SUPPLIES 525243793 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PD VISA $59 92 PD-OPER SUPPLIES 525243793 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PD VISA $745.18 PD-OPER SUPPLIES 525243793 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PD VISA $57 89 PD-OPER SUPPLIES Key Bank Page 33 of 62 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 525243793 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PD VISA $102.78 PD-OPER SUPPLIES 525243793 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PD VISA $93.56 PD-OPER SUPPLIES 525243793 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PD VISA $81.64 PD-OPER SUPPLIES 525243793 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PD VISA $45.78 PD-OPER SUPPLIES 525243793 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PD VISA $39.25 PD-OPER SUPPLIES 525243793 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PD VISA $446,52 PD-OPER SUPPLIES 525243793 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PD VISA $-45.78 PD-OPER SUPPLIES 525243793 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PD VISA $-29 96 PD-OPER SUPPLIES 525243793 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PD VISA $-17.60 PD-OPER SUPPLIES 525243793 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PD VISA $192.37 PD-OPER SUPPLIES 525243793 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PD VISA $14.31 PD-OPER SUPPLIES 525243793 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PD VISA $30 45 PD-OPER SUPPLIES 525243793 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PD VISA $42.22 PD-OPER SUPPLIES 525243793 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PD VISA $13.21 PD-OPER SUPPLIES 525243793 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PD VISA $19.36 PD-OPER SUPPLIES 525243793 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PD VISA $301.58 PD-OPER SUPPLIES 525243793 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PD VISA $5.95 PD-OPER SUPPLIES 525243793 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PD VISA $7.69 PD-OPER SUPPLIES 525243793 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PD VISA $25 87 PD-OPER SUPPLIES 525243793 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PD VISA $150 69 PD-OPER SUPPLIES 525243793 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PD VISA $145 00 PD-OPER SUPPLIES 525243793 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PD VISA $145 00 PD-OPER SUPPLIES 525243793 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PD VISA $87.00 PD-OPER SUPPLIES 525244759 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 CITY VISA $115496 PARKS-OPER SUPPLIES 525244759 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 CITY VISA $19.78 PARKS-OPER SUPPLIES 525244759 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 CITY VISA $19.78 PARKS-OPER SUPPLIES Key Bank Page 34 of 62 Check No, Date Vendor _ Invoice Date Invoice _ Description AmountGL Total 525244759 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 CITY VISA $620.92 PARKS-OPER SUPPLIES 525244759 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 CITY VISA $1,759.18 PARKS-OPER SUPPLIES 525244759 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 CITY VISA $12 91 PARKS-OPER SUPPLIES 525244759 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 CITY VISA $471 94 PARKS-OPER SUPPLIES 525244759 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 CITY VISA $466.33 PARKS-OPER SUPPLIES 525244759 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 CITY VISA $213.38 PARKS-OPER SUPPLIES 525243793 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PD VISA $491.40 PD-OPER SUPPLIES 525243793 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PD VISA $55.02 PD-OPER SUPPLIES 525243793 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PD VISA $0 99 PD-OPER SUPPLIES 525243793 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PD VISA $33.05 PD-OPER SUPPLIES 525243793 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PD VISA $208.97 PD-OPER SUPPLIES 525244759 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 CITY VISA $76 78 FWCC-OPER SUPPLIES 525244759 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 CITY VISA $31.50 FWCC-OPER SUPPLIES 525244759 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 CITY VISA $23.11 FWCC-OPER SUPPLIES 525244759 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 CITY VISA $111.39 FWCC-OPER SUPPLIES 525244759 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 CITY VISA $104.75 FWCC-OPER SUPPLIES 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $88.06 FWCC-OPER SUPPLIES 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $32.89 SWM-OPER SUPPLIES 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $43.86 SWM-OPER SUPPLIES 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $1,315 31 SWM-OPER SUPPLIES 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $32 56 SWM-OPER SUPPLIES 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $183.42 SWM-OPER SUPPLIES 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $17.63 SWM-OPER SUPPLIES 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $32.56 SWM-OPER SUPPLIES 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $44.00 SWM-OPER SUPPLIES 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $103 80 SWM-OPER SUPPLIES Key Bank Page 35 of 62 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGLTotal 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $55.05 SWM-OPER SUPPLIES 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $12 00 SWM-OPER SUPPLIES 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $40.73 SWM-OPER SUPPLIES 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $29.91 SWM-OPER SUPPLIES 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $50.04 SWM-OPER SUPPLIES 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $89.79 PARKS-OPER SUPPLIES 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $16.57 PARKS-OPER SUPPLIES 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $67.10 PARKS-OPER SUPPLIES 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $4.00 PARKS-OPER SUPPLIES 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $211.08 PARKS-OPER SUPPLIES 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $156.46 PARKS-OPER SUPPLIES 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $504.00 PARKS-OPER SUPPLIES 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $159.73 PWST-OPER SUPPLS 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $778.00 PARKS-OPER SUPPLIES 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $142.14 FWCC-OPER SUPPLIES 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $27.53 PWST-OPER SUPPLS 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $308 43 PWST-OPER SUPPLS 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $461.20 PWST-REFUND 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $461 20 PWST-OPER SUPPLS 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $184.59 PKM-OPER SUPPLIES 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $214.00 PARKS-OPER SUPPLIES 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $22.22 PARKS-OPER SUPPLIES 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $295 00 PARKS-OPER SUPPLIES 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $132.23 PARKS-OPER SUPPLIES 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $35 00 HR-FISH/SPIRIT Award Gift Card 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $95 00 HR-FISH/SPIRIT Award Gift Card Key Bank Page 36 of 62 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGLTotal 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $82.51 PKM-OPER SUPPLIES 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $1,031.65 PKM-OPER SUPPLIES 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $1,037.70 EOC-OPER SUPPLS 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $69,67 EOC-OPER SUPPLS 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $81.33 EOC-OPER SUPPLS 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5125/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $50.03 IT-OPER SUPPLS 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $88.14 IT-OPER SUPPLS 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $117.64 FLT-OPER SUPPLIES 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $124.04 FLT-OPER SUPPLIES 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $142 16 FLT-OPER SUPPLS 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $12 00 PARKS-OPER SUPPLIES 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $49.91 PKM-OPER SUPPLIES 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $143.65 CHB-OPER SUPPLIES 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $32 97 SWR-OPER SUPPLS 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $13.99 SWR-OPER SUPPLS 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $76.71 SWR-OPER SUPPLS 291458 6/3/2024 PETTY CASH - FWCC, 4/25/2024 034338 $70.00 PARKS -SHINING BRIGHT DAYCARE-P 291532 6/3/2024 XTREME GRAPHIX INC, 5/9/2024 24-350 $410.63 PKM-AG23-165 PARKS SIGNAGE- 291532 6/3/2024 XTREME GRAPHIX INC, 5/9/2024 24-814 $50.37 PKM-AG23-165 PARKS SIGNAGE- 291413 6/3/2024 HOME DEPOT-DEPT 32-250076/20/2024 6510201 $32.99 PKM-REPAIR/MAINT SUPPLIES 291532 6/3/2024 XTREME GRAPHIX INC, 5/10/2024 24-2034 $49.28 PKM-AG23-165 PARKS SIGNAGE- 291447 6/3/2024 NAPAAUTO PARTS, 5/14/2024 150125 $84.67 FLT-REPAIR & MAINT 291447 6/3/2024 NAPAAUTO PARTS, 5/21/2024 150753 $13.62 FLT-REPAIR & MAINT 291450 6/3/2024 NORMED, 5/8/2024 72057 $233.93 PD-FIRSTAID SUPPLIES 291379 6/3/2024 DELL MARKETING LP, 5/22/2024 10749978582 $3,104.29 PWST- OPER SUPPLS 291507 6/3/2024 TOPCON SOLUTIONS INC, TO5/10/2024 INV282743 $420.00 PWST- TWO ADDITIONAL BLUEBEAM Key Bank Page 37 of 62 Check No, Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 291507 6/3/2024 TOPCON SOLUTIONS INC, TO5/10/2024 INV282743 $42.84 Sales Tax 291490 6/3/2024 SMARTSHEET INC, 5/19/2024 INV1865348 $1,983.60 PWST-OPER SUPPLIES 291444 6/3/2024 MULLEN, CHRISTINE 5/20/2024 MULLEN 2024 $19.78 PWTR-SUPPLIES REIMB 291458 6/3/2024 PETTY CASH - FWCC, 4/25/2024 034338 $15.17 PARKS-WINCO-FRIENDSHIP THEATRE 291458 6/3/2024 PETTY CASH - FWCC, 4/25/2024 034338 $12.65 PARKS-SAFEWAY-WD40 291442 6/3/2024 MONTGOMERY, SARA 5/10/2024 MONTGOMERY 2024 $304.23 PARKS-OPER SUPPLS 291458 6/3/2024 PETTY CASH - FWCC, 4/25/2024 034338 $12.88 PAR KS-WALMART-PAD LOCK REPLACEM 291458 6/3/2024 PETTY CASH - FWCC, 4/25/2024 034338 $5,28 PARKS-JOANN-PROGRAM CRAFTS 291458 6/3/2024 PETTY CASH - FWCC, 4/25/2024 034338 $8.53 PARKS-MICHAELS-FD FLOWER PENS 291610 6/17/2024 HART HEALTH & SAFETY INC,5/23/2024 1023854 $131.03 FWCC-FIRSTAID KIT SUPPLIES 291540 6/17/2024 ALPINE PRODUCTS INC, 5/30/2024 TM-224249 $162,42 PW-MAINT SUPPLIES 291657 6/17/2024 NORMED, 5/28/2024 72475 $167.38 PD-FIRSTAID SUPPLIES 291699 6/17/2024 STAPLES BUSINESS ADVANTA11/30/2023 3553683221 $49.31 PD-OFFICE SUPPLIES 291700 6/17/2024 STOP STICK LTD., 5/17/2024 0033658-IN $4,973.22 PD-OPER SUPPLIES 291653 6/17/2024 NAPA AUTO PARTS, 6/3/2024 151807 $171,30 FLT-REPAIR & MAINT 291602 6/17/2024 GRAINGER INC, 5/15/2024 9119845247 $432.19 PKM-MAINT SUPPLIES 291739 6/17/2024 XTREME GRAPHIX INC, 5/29/2024 24-857 $128 12 PKM-AG23-165 PARKS SIGNAGE- 291537 6/17/2024 AGRISHOP INC, 5/31/2024 72101/1 $249.20 EQUIPMENT PARTS & REPAIRS 291739 6/17/2024 XTREME GRAPHIX INC, 6/3/2024 24-1051 $170.82 PKM-AG23-165 PARKS SIGNAGE- 291540 6/17/2024 ALPINE PRODUCTS INC, 5/23/2024 TM-224140 $32 26 PKM-OPER SUPPLIES PARKING/TOLLS $1,257.93 525243793 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PD VISA $3.00 PD-TOLLS 525243793 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PD VISA $13.00 PD-TOLLS 525243793 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PD VISA $8.80 PD-TOLLS 525243793 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PD VISA $187.00 PD-TOLLS 525243793 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PD VISA $463.50 PD-TOLLS Key Bank Page 38 of 62 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 525243793 5/25/2024 US BANK, 525243793 5/25/2024 US BANK, 525243793 5/25/2024 US BANK, 525243793 5/25/2024 US BANK, 525243793 5/25/2024 US BANK, 525243793 5/25/2024 US BANK, 525243793 5/25/2024 US BANK, 525243793 5/25/2024 US BANK, 525243793 5/25/2024 US BANK, 291479 6/3/2024 SCARPACI, STACIE 291478 6/3/2024 SANDERS, DANIEL 291408 6/3/2024 HANSCOM, SUSAN 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PD VISA PD-TOLLS 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PD VISA PD-TOLLS 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PD VISA PD-TOLLS 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PD VISA PD-TOLLS 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PD VISA PD-TOLLS 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PD VISA PD-TOLLS 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PD VISA PD-TOLLS 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PD VISA PD-TOLLS 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PD VISA PD-TOLLS 5/2/2024 SCARPACI2024 MC-MPA CONFERENCE 5/2/2024 SANDERS 2024 MC-MPA CONFERENCE 5/2/2024 HANSCOM 2024 ru - �.uuuvna Hu i u 291627 6/17/2024 JR SETINA MANUFACTURING 6/412024 286854 RM-REPAIR PARTS 291702 6/17/2024 SYSTEMS FOR PUBLIC SAFE15/17/2024 46942 RM-VEH MAINT SVC 291702 6/17/2024 SYSTEMS FOR PUBLIC'SAFE15/20/2024 46945 RM-VEHICLE REPAIR PD - CLAIMS GLIPL 291423 6/3/2024 KEATING, BUCKLIN & MCCOR5/112024 22444 LALN-AG23-159 LEGAL SVCS- 291423 6/3/2024 KEATING, BUCKLIN & MCCOR5/1f2024 22445 LAIN-AG23-159 LEGAL SVCS- 291434 6/3/2024 LISA ELLIOTT ATTORNEY AT L5/16/2024 92 LAW-AG24-049 LEGAL SERVICES — PER DIEM MEALS 291356 6/3/2024 ASSEFA-DAWSON, LYDIA 5/23/2024 ASSEFA-DAWSON 2024 CC -ASSOCIATION OF WA CITIES AN 291414 6/3/2024 HONDA. SUSAN 5/23/2024 HONDA2024 CC -ASSOCIATION OF WA 291426 6/3/2024 KOCHMAR, LINDA 5/23/2024 KOCHMAR 2024 CC -ASSOCIATION OF WACITIESAN 291440 6/3/2024 MCDANIEL, PAUL 5/23/2024 MCDANIEL2024 CC -ASSOCIATION OF WACITIES AN 291523 6/3/2024 WALSH, JACK 5/23/2024 WALSH 2O24 CC -ASSOCIATION OF WA CITIES 291349 6/3/2024 ALIZAI, SHEKIB 5/23/2024 ALIZAI 2024 PWST-ADV TVLTOPCON SOLUTIONS $335.50 $5.00 $13.25 $30 00 $14.00 $6.50 $18.00 $24.50 $6.50 $48 93 $48.93 $31 52 $989 25 $897 32 $1, 018:43 $5,554 50 $207.00 $2.530.00 $121 00 $121.00 $121.00 $121.00 $121.00 $15.00 $2,905.00 $8,291.50 $1,841.18 Key Bank Page 39 of 62 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 291427 6/3/2024 KOVAR, REBECCA 4/25/2024 KOVAR 2024 $80 00 PW-WA STATE RECYCLING ASSOC CO 291412 6/3/2024 HOBDAY, REECE 4/25/2024 HOBDAY 2024 $80.00 SWR-ADV TVL WA STATE RECYCLING 291558 6/17/2024 BROWN, CHELSEA 5/31/2024 BROWN 2024 $15.00 SWM-WATER EDUCATION ADOPT-A-ST 291551 6/17/2024 BERRETH, AARON 5/16/2024 BERRETH 2O24 $15.00 PWST-ADV TVL REIMB TOP CON SOL 291578 6/17/2024 COLE, JOHN 5/16/2024 COLE 2024 $15.00 PWST-ADV TL TOPCON SOLUTIONS 291586 6/17/2024 CURRY, STACEY 5/16/2024 CURRY 2024 $15.00 PWST-ADV TL TOPCON SOLUTIONS 291612 6/17/2024 HEDRICK, LEE 5/16/2024 HEDRICK2024 $15.00 PWST-ADV TVL TOP CON SOLUTIONS 291619 6/17/2024 HUGHES, RICHARD 5/16/2024 HUGHES 2024 $15.00 PWST-ADV TVL TOPCON SOLUTIONS 291646 6/17/2024 MCINTOSH, DONALD 5/16/2024 MCINTOSH 2O24 $15 00 PWST-ADV TVL TOP SOLUTIONS 291647 6/17/2024 MICHAELS, PAUL 5/16/2024 MICHAELS 2024 $15.00 PWST-ADV TVL TOPCON SOLUTIONS 291649 6/17/2024 MOSER, CURTIS 5/1612024 MOSER 2024 $15 00 PWST-ADV TVLTOPCON TRAINING 291566 6/17/2024 CHATTOPAHYAY, SOMA 5/28/2024 CHATTOPAHYAY 2024 $186.00 PWTR-ADV TL ITE CONFERENCE 291559 6/17/2024 BUCHANAN, KYLE 5/16/2024 BUCHANAN 2024 $740 18 PD-CALEA CONFERENCE PLUMBING PERMITS $269.54 291555 6/17/2024 BOYAKINS, MAY 5/16/2024 24-102103 $269.54 CD-24-102103 PERMIT REFUND POLLUTION CONTROL SVS-INTERGO\ $73,401.00 291675 6/17/2024 PUGET SOUND CLEAN AIR AC-1/20/2024 24-036 $73,401.00 CDHS-2024 CLEAN AIR ASSESSMENT POSTAGE/DELIVERY SERVICES $2,114.35 525243793 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PD VISA $16.09 PD-POSTAGE 525244759 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 CITY VISA $29.55 CD -MAILING SVCS 525244759 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 CITY VISA $39.40 CD -MAILING SVCS 525244759 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 CITY VISA $17.00 CD -MAILING SVCS 525244759 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 CITY VISA $29.55 CD -MAILING SVCS 525244759 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 CITY VISA $39.40 CD -MAILING SVCS 525244759 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 CITY VISA $31.96 CD -MAILING SVCS 525244759 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 CITY VISA $23.97 CD -MAILING SVCS 525244759 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 CITY VISA $19.70 CD -MAILING SVCS Key Bank Page 40 of 62 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 525244759 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 CITY VISA $29.55 CD -MAILING SVCS 525244759 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 CITY VISA $39.40 CD -MAILING SVCS 525244759 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 CITY VISA $19.70 CD -MAILING SVCS 525244759 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 CITY VISA $23.97 CD -MAILING SVCS 525244759 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 CITY VISA $39.95 CD -MAILING SVCS 525244759 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 CITY VISA $23.97 CD -MAILING SVCS 525244759 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 CITY VISA $15.98 CD -MAILING SVCS 525244759 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 CITY VISA $15.98 CD -MAILING SVCS 525244759 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 CITY VISA $23.97 CD -MAILING SVCS 525244759 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 CITY VISA $29.55 CD -MAILING SVCS 525244759 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 CITY VISA $7.99 CD -MAILING SVCS 525244759 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 CITY VISA $23 97 CD -MAILING SVCS 525244759 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 CITY VISA $25.50 CD -MAILING SVCS 525244759 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 CITY VISA $34 00 CD -MAILING SVCS 525244759 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 CITY VISA $31 96 CD -MAILING SVCS 525243793 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PD VISA $26 25 PD-POSTAGE 525243793 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PD VISA $14.54 PD-POSTAGE 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $5.08 LAW -POSTAGE 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $12.78 LAW -POSTAGE 291462 6/3/2024 PITNEY BOWES PRESORT SV5/4/2024 1025309042 $495.82 FI-MAILING SVC 291462 6/3/2024 PITNEY BOWES PRESORT SV5/4/2024 1025309043 $81.33 FI-MAILING SVC 291462 6/3/2024 PITNEY BOWES PRESORT SV5/4/2024 1025309042 $727 20 FI-MAILING SVC 291462 6/3/2024 PITNEY BOWES PRESORT SV5/4/2024 1025309043 $119 29 FI-MAILING SVC PRINTING/PHOTO SERVICES $6,147.87 525244759 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 CITY VISA $2,496.56 MO -PRINTING SVCS 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $563.93 CC -PRINTING SVC Key Bank Page 41 of 62 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGLTotal 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $52.54 CC -PRINTING SVC 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $311.05 CC -PRINTING SVC 291405 6/3/2024 GOS PRINTING CORPORATIO5/8/2024 95994 $107 28 PD-PRINTING SERVICES 291464 6/3/2024 PRINTERY COMMUNICATION£5/16/2024 240226 $826.48 HR-BC IMPRINTS 291522 6/3/2024 WA. DEPT OF CORRECTIONS,5/3/2024 FCU2404.7750 $1,790.03 PKM-CONTRACT K12614 PRO PLANS, STL LK & BROOK LK MA! $11,360.00 291346 6/3/2024 AHBL INC, 4/30/2024 145064 $11,360.00 PKM-AG23-174 BROOKLAKE & STEEL PROFESSIONAL SERVICES $414,161.70 525244759 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 CITY VISA $484.44 FWCC-STAFF SCHEDLING 525244759 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 CITY VISA $695.00 FWCC-LICENSING FEE 525244759 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 CITY VISA $40 81 CD -PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 525244759 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 CITY VISA $199.04 PARKS-INFLATABLIES SERVICE 525244759 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 CITY VISA $4,311.67 PARKS -PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 86571915 5/30/2024 WA STATE DEPT OF LICENSIN5/30/2024 0-086-571-915 $45.00 HR-DRIVING RECORDS 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $25.00 FI-Wellness Gift Cards 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $875.00 FI-Wellness Gift Cards 603249200 6/3/2024 AETNA LIFE INSURANCE COM5/3/2024 J1570630 $9,283 52 FI-AETNA INSURANCE PREMIUMS 291443 6/3/2024 MOSS & BARNETT, 5/15/2024 806450 $504.00 LAW-18-046 LEGAL SVC CABLE FRA 291514 6/3/2024 UTILITIES UNDERGROUND, 4/30/2024 4040154 $520.08 SWM-LOCATING SVC AG13-018- 291513 6/3/2024 USIC HOLDINGS INC, 4/30/2024 656494 $6,570.54 PWTR/SWM-AG19-078 UGD ULT LOCA 291513 6/3/2024 USIC HOLDINGS INC, 4/30/2024 656494 $2,815.94 PWTR/SWM-AG19-078 UGD ULT LOCA 291394 6/3/2024 FEDERAL WAY SYMPHONY, 5/14/2024 2024-1 $10,733.32 PARKS-AG24-096 CONCERT SERIES- 291494 6/3/2024 SOUND PUBLISHING INC, 4/30/2024 8135739 $834.00 PARKS -AD ACCT#83754398 291488 6/3/2024 SHOOTING STARS, 5/15/2024 05/15/24 $2,382.90 FWCC-AG20-002 BASKETBALL TRAIN 291495 6/3/2024 SPECTRA LABORATORIES LL(5113/2024 5007901 $504.00 SWM-WATER TESTING 291415 6/3/2024 INLIFE CLINIC LLC, 4/30/2024 FWPD043024 $700.00 - PD-AG23-133 PEER SUPPORT- 291445 6/3/2024 MULTI -SERVICE CENTER, 4/15/2024 1ST QTR 2024 $5.000.00 CDHS-AG23-071 EMERASSIS RES N Key Bank Page 42 of 62 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 291366 6/3/2024 CITY OF COVINGTON, 1/22/2024 0009028 $49,000.00 CDHS-2024 COVINGTON MOU 291397 6/3/2024 FUSION, ATTN DAVID HARRIS(4/15/2024 1ST QTR 2024 $8.860.00 CDHS-AG24-052 2024 SEVERE WEAT 291374 6/3/2024 CONGOLESE INTEGRATION N4/15/2024 1ST QTR 2024 $3,750.00 CDHS-AG23-035 CIN HEALTH BOARD 291362 6/3/2024 CENTER FOR HUMAN SERVIC3/9/2024 1ST QTR 2024 $700.00 CDHS-AG23-018 FAMILY SUPPORT P 291390 6/3/2024 FEDERAL WAY BOYS & GIRLS4/15/2024 1ST QTR 2024 $1,530.00 CDHS-AG23-044 TEEN CENTER YOUT 291431 6/3/2024 LANE POWELL PC, 5/9/2024 3930030 $35,551 63 PW-AG19-225 LEGAL SERVICES- 291416 6/3/2024 INTERCOM LANGUAGE SVCS5/10/2024 24-260 $4.070.00 MC -INTERPRETER SVC 291416 6/3/2024 INTERCOM LANGUAGE SVCS5/17/2024 24-289 $3,027.50 MC -INTERPRETER SVC 291485 6/3/2024 SEMISI-TUPOU, VAIVAO T 5/20/2024 05/20/24 $140.00 MC -INTERPRETER SVC 291477 6/3/2024 SAFAROVA-DOWNEY, ALMIRA5/20/2024 05/20/24 $140.00 MC -INTERPRETER SVC 291371 6/3/2024 CODE PUBLISHING COMPANY4/30/2024 GC10013965 $77.70 CK-REVISED CODE 291371 6/3/2024 CODE PUBLISHING COMPANY5/21/2024 GC00125871 $914.66 CK-REVISED CODE 291436 6/3/2024 LUKEESSER, 5/10/2024 APRIL2024 $3,500.00 MO-AG20-014 LOBBYING SVC- 291497 6/3/2024 STEWART MACNICHOLS HAR15/17/2024 24004 REVISED $52,370.00 MO-AG22-115 04/24 PUBLIC DEFEN 291432 6/3/2024 LANGUAGE LINE SERVICES, 14/30/2024 11289079 $2.645.76 MC-AG21-199 LANGUAGE SVC 291342 6/3/2024 ACCOUNTEMPS (ROBERT HA15/13/2024 63578938 $1,539.20 MO-ADMINSTRATIVE TEMP 291342 6/3/2024 ACCOUNTEMPS (ROBERT HA5/20/2024 63607316 $1,539.20 MO-ADMINSTRATIVE TEMP 291342 6/3/2024 ACCOUNTEMPS (ROBERT HA5/27/2024 63636206 $1,115.92 MO-ADMIN TEMP 291459 6/3/2024 PHENOMENALSHE, 5/8/2024 1ST QTR 2024 $32,057.66 CDHS-AG23-272 ARPA HS GRANT 291475 6/3/2024 ROCK PROJECT MGMT SERV14/1/2024 1485 $14,417.50 PARKS-AG23-206 PROJECT MANAGEM 291390 6/3/2024 FEDERAL WAY BOYS & GIRLS4/15/2024 1ST QTR 24 $7,125.00 CDHS-AG23-241 BEHAVIORAL HEALT 291475 6/3/2024 ROCK PROJECT MGMT SERVE/1/2024 1493 $13,448.75 PARKS-AG23-206 PROJECT MANAGEM 291359 6/3/2024 BROHAMM LLC, 5/8/2024 BH-FW-7424 $2,500.00 FWCC-MUSICAL PERFORMANCE 291476 6/3/2024 ROCKSHOP, 5/8/2024 5/8/24 $3,000.00 FWCC-BAND 291364 6/3/2024 CHAMELEON PERFORMANCE3/23/2024 334 $650.00 PARKS -STILT WALKER ENTERTAINER 291416 6/3/2024 INTERCOM LANGUAGE SVCS,5116/2024 24-296 $170 00 LAW -INTERPRETER SVC Key Bank Page 43 of 62 _Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 291419 6/3/2024 JIMENEZ PRODUCTIONS, DA\6/11/2024 0049 $1,425.00 IT-AG23-010 VIDEO PRODUCTION S 291419 6/3/2024 JIMENEZ PRODUCTIONS, DAV5/11/2024 0048 $560.00 IT-AG23-010 VIDEO PRODUCTION S 291419 6/3/2024 JIMENEZ PRODUCTIONS, DAV6/21/2024 0050 $122.50 IT-AG23-010 VIDEO PRODUCTION S 291498 6/3/2024 SUMMIT LAW GROUP, 5/17/2024 154059 $1,097.50 HR-LEGAL SVCS 291353 6/3/2024 AMERICAN NATIONAL RED CF4/30/2024 22684848 $912 00 HR-ADULT FIRSTAID 291461 6/3/2024 PIERCE COUNTY SECURITY 115/2/2024 434128 $1,980.00 PKM-AG23-207 SECURITY SERVICES 291461 6/3/2024 PIERCE COUNTY SECURITY 115/2/2024 434256 $300.00 PKM-AG23-207 SECURITY SERVICES 291461 6/3/2024 PIERCE COUNTY SECURITY I15/2/2024 434259 $180.00 PKM-AG23-207 SECURITY SERVICES 291461 6/3/2024 PIERCUOUNTY SECURITY 115/2/2024 434291 $175 00 ti PKM-AG23-207 SECURITY SERVICES 291461 6/3/2024 PIERCE COUNTY SECURITY 115/2/2024 434292 $180 00 PKM-AG23-207 SECURITY SERVICES 291461 6/3/2024 PIERCE COUNTY SECURITY 115/2/2024 434339 $180 00 PKM-AG23-207 SECURITY SERVICES 291461 6/3/2024 PIERCE COUNTY SECURITY 115/2/2024 434340 $180.00 PKM-AG23-207 SECURITY SERVICES 291461 6/3/2024 PIERCE COUNTY SECURITY 115/2/2024 434551 $375.00 PKM-AG23-207 SECURITY SERVICES 291461 6/3/2024 PIERCE COUNTY SECURITY 115/2/2024 434591 $300.00 PKM-AG23-207 SECURITY SERVICES 291461 6/3/2024 PIERCE COUNTY SECURITY 115/2/2024 434628 $180.00 PKM-AG23-207 SECURITY SERVICES 291461 6/3/2024 PIERCE COUNTY SECURITY 115/2/2024 434562 $180 00 PKM-AG23-207 SECURITY SERVICES 291417 6/3/2024 INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE3/18/2024 CP504B $29.57 FI-ID 82-1610677 FORM 990 - 12 291451 6/3/2024 NOVOGRADAC & COMPANY L4/26/2024 10623733 $9,000.00 PAEC-AUDIT 2023 291420 6/3/2024 JM ARTS CONSULTING LLC, 5/13/2024 FW-1002 $10,000 00 PAEC-AG24-057 PAEC COMMUNITY E 291625 6/17/2024 JIMENEZ PRODUCTIONS, DA�6/1/2024 0052 $1,600.00 IT-AG23-010 VIDEO PRODUCTION S 291625 6/17/2024 JIMENEZ PRODUCTIONS, DAW/4/2024 0054 $105 00 IT-AG23-010 VIDEO PRODUCTION S 291625 6/17/2024 JIMENEZ PRODUCTIONS, DAW/5/2024 0055 $35 00 IT-AG23-010 VIDEO PRODUCTION S 291622 6/17/2024 INTERCULTURAL CHILDREN, 4/26/2024 1ST QTR 2024 $7,945 00 CDHS-FATHERS IN TRANSITION 291655 6/17/2024 NARWHAL MET LLC, DBA WEP4/17/2024 2024-24412 $6,120 00 SWM/PWST-2023 FORECASTING SERV 291670 6/17/2024 POWERDMS INC, 4/29/2024 INV-50786 $4,516.19 PD- POWERREADY (FTO) SUBSCRIPT 291670 6/17/2024 POWERDMS INC, 4/29/2024 INV-50786 $460.65 Sales Tax Key Bank Page 44 of 62 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Desertion AmountGLTotal 291722 6/17/2024 VNF SOLUTIONS LLC, 5/31/2024 445397 $5,000.00 MO-AG21-015 FEDERAL LOBBYING S 291722 6/17/2024 VNF SOLUTIONS LLC, 5/31/2024 445398 $5,000.00 MO-AG21-015 FEDERAL LOBBYING S 291670 6/17/2024 POWERDMS INC, 4/29/2024 INV-50780 $9,409.12 PD-POWERDMS SUBSCRIPTION YEARL 291670 6/17/2024 POWERDMS INC, 4/29/2024 INV-50780 $959.73 Sales Tax 291577 6/17/2024 CODE PUBLISHING COMPANY5/31/2024 GC00125871 $830 00 CK-CODE SERVCIES 291621 6/17/2024 INTERCOM LANGUAGE SVCS5/24/2024 24-298 $2.030.00 MC -INTERPRETER SVC 291535 6/17/2024 ABOU-ZAKI, KAMAL 5/28/2024 05/28/24 $118.00 MC -INTERPRETER SVC ' 291546 6/17/2024 AVEDISYAN, RUBEN 5/28/2024 5/28/24 $157,50 MC -INTERPRETER SVCS 291741 6/17/2024 ZHELEZNYAK, MICHAEL 6/4/2024 06/4/24 $140.00 MC -INTERPRETER SVC 291710 6/17/2024 TIERRA RIGHT OF WAY SRVCS/3/2024 2400561 $1,183.85 PWST-AG24-018 ONCALL REAL ESTA 291546 6/17/2024 AVEDISYAN, RUBEN 3/12/2024 3/12/24 $140,00 MC -INTERPRETER SVCS 291621 6/17/2024 INTERCOM LANGUAGE SVCS5/31/2024 24-255 $280,00 MC -INTERPRETER SVC 291621 6/17/2024 INTERCOM LANGUAGE SVCS5/31/2024 24-304 $1,230 00 MC -INTERPRETER SVC 291584 6/17/2024 CORRECTIONS SOFTWARE, S3/1/2024 55411 $500.00 MC-04/24 PROBATION COMPUTER SY 291584 6/17/2024 CORRECTIONS SOFTWARE, £4/1/2024 55573 $500.00 MC-05/24 PROBATION COMPUTER SY 291625 6/17/2024 JIMENEZ PRODUCTIONS, DA\6/28/2024 0051 $122.50 CC-AG23-010 VIDEO PRODUCTION S 291625 6/17/2024 JIMENEZ PRODUCTIONS, DA\6/312024 0053 $105 00 CC-AG23-010 VIDEO PRODUCTION S 291696 6/17/2024 SPECTRA LABORATORIESLL(5/24/2024 5007996 $672.00 SWM-WATER TESTING 291696 6/17/2024 SPECTRA LABORATORIES LL(5/24/2024 5008003 $414.00 SWM-WATER TESTING 291644 6/17/2024 MCCARL, KIRSTEN 6/3/2024 6/3/24 $511 50 PARKS -PIANO FRIENDSHIP THEATRE 291671 6/17/2024 PRISMAINTERNATIONAL INC,6/6/2024 116361-0 $205.00 SWR-WRITTEN WORD TRANSLATION S 291595 6/17/2024 FEDERAL WAY CHORALE, 5/31/2024 2 $2,250.00 PARKS-AG24-069 CONCERT SERIES- 291538 6/17/2024 ALEX ZERBE ENTERTAINMEN6/6/2024 1333 $1,200.00 PARKS -RED WHITE & BLUES FESTIV 291734 6/17/2024 WESTERN DISPLAY FIREWOR7/4/2024 24-7436 #2 $6,875.00 PARKS-AG24-036 COMMUNITY FIREW 291734 6/17/2024 WESTERN DISPLAY FIREWOR7/4/2024 24-7436 #3 $13,750.00 PARKS-AG24-036 COMMUNITY FIREW 291717 6/17/2024 USIC HOLDINGS INC, 5/31/2024 663033 $2,492 80 PWTR/SWM-AG19-078 UGD ULT LOCA Key Bank Page 45 of 62 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 291564 6/17/2024 CENTERSTAGE THEATRE AR112/19/2023 12/19/23 $4,700,00 PARKS-AG24-094 THEATRE PRODUCT 291608 6/17/2024 HAHN, ANGELA EUNICE 3/25/2024 3/25/24 $500.00 PARKS-AG24-048 LOANED ART AGRE 291706 6/17/2024 THE TIGER KIDS, 5/28/2024 5/28/24 $1,576.00 PARKS-AG19-217 MARTIALART CLA 291706 - 6/17/2024 THE TIGER KIDS, 5/29/2024 5/29/24 $297.00 PARKS-AG19-217 MARTIALART CLA 291718 6/17/2024 UTILITIES UNDERGROUND, 5/31/2024 4050153 $491,04 SWM-LOCATING SVC AG13-018- 291717 6/17/2024 USIC HOLDINGS INC, 5/31/2024 663033 $5,816.54 PWTR/SWM-AG19-078 UGD ULT LOCA 291553 6/17/2024 BIO DECON SOLUTIONS LLC, 5/29/2024 3716 $4,999.77 CD -WASTE DISPOSAL 291656 6/17/2024 NAVIA BENEFIT SOLUTIONS, 5/30/2024 10857172 $426.20 HR-FLEX PLAN ADM SVCS AG12-061 291585 6/17/2024 COUNSELING SERVICES OF V5/3112024 009 $160.00 MC -ASSESSMENT 291585 6/17/2024 COUNSELING SERVICES OF V5/31/2024 10 $160.00 MC -ASSESSMENT 291585 6/17/2024 COUNSELING SERVICES OF V5/31/2024 11 $160 00 MC -ASSESSMENT 291673 6/17/2024 PROTECT YOUTH SPORTS, 6/1/2024 1167062 $296.00 HR-BACKGROUND CHECKS PUBLIC UTILITY SERVICES $54.89 291372 6/3/2024 COMCAST OF WASHINGTON I5/1/2024 8498 34 016 1554623 $54.89 FWCC-05/24 CABLE SVC PURCHASE OF RESALE ITEMS $2,637.49 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $102 70 FWCC-SNACKS FOR RESALE 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $10.93 FWCC-SNACKS FOR RESALE 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $50445 FWCC-SNACKS FOR RESALE 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $754.50 FWCC-SNACKS FOR RESALE 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $315 73 FWCC-SNACKS FOR RESALE 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $220.26 FWCC-SNACKS FOR RESALE 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $468.65 FWCC-SNACKS FOR RESALE 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $33.58 FWCC-SNACKS FOR RESALE 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $153.26 FWCC-SNACKS FOR RESALE 291458 6/3/2024 PETTY CASH - FWCC, 4/25/2024 034338 $73.43 PARKS -AMAZON -CAFE RESALE RECON & AWARD PGM $279.75 525244759 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 CITY VISA $279.75 MO -CONFERENCE RENTAL OF FURNITURE/EQUIPMENT $9,776.52 Key Bank Page 46 of 62 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGLTotal 291438 6/3/2024 MACHINERY POWER & EQUIP5/7/2024 G2156902 $239.69 SWM-EQUIPMENT RENTAL 291438 6/3/2024 MACHINERY POWER & EQUIP5/10/2024 G21569021 $144.64 SWM-EQUIPMENT RENTAL 291409 6/3/2024 HEAD -QUARTERS PTS, 5/15/2024 63678 $680.00 PKM-AG24-033 PORTABLE TOILET S 291611 6/17/2024 HEAD -QUARTERS PTS, 5/31/2024 63717 $1,640.00 PARKS-AG24-033 PORTABLE TOILET 291715 6/17/2024 UNITED RENTALS (NORTH AM5/14/2024 233774952-001 $546.53 SWM-EQUIPMENT RENTAL 291642 6/17/2024 MACHINERY POWER & EQUIP4/24/2024 G2156901 $6,525.66 SWM-MAINT SUPPLIES REPAIR & MAINT SUPPLIES $17,364.24 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $313.98 SWIM MAINT SVCS 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $7.00 SWM-MAINT SVCS 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $290.82 SWM-MAINT SVCS 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $77.93 PARKS-MAINT SUPPLIES 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $36.32 PKM-MAINT SUPPLIES 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $43.94 PKM-MAINT SUPPLIES 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $26.40 PKM-MAINT SUPPLIES 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $113.37 PKM-MAINT SUPPLIES 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $134.31 PKM-MAINT SUPPLIES 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $53.01 PKM-MAIN MATERIALS 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $3,648.00 PARKS-MAINT SUPPLIES 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $51.77 PKM-MAINT SUPPLIES 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $627,34 PARKS-MAINT SUPPLIES 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $21.99 PARKS-MAINT SUPPLIES 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $826,50 PKM-MAI NT S U P P LS 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $128.94 PKM-MAINT SUPPLS 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $31.80 PKM-MAINT SUPPLIES 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $66.08 PKM-BLDG MATERIALS 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $198.18 PKM-BLDG MATERIALS Key Bank Page 47 of 62 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $59.32 PKM-MAINT SUPPLIES 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $53.18 PKM-MAINT SUPPLIES 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $95.83 PKM-MAINT SUPPLIES 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $166.30 PKM-MAINT SUPPLS 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $59.46 PKM-MAINT SUPPLS 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $31.44 PKM-MAINT SUPPLIES 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $153.17 PKM-MAINT SUPPLIES 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $220,06 PKM-MAINT SUPPLIES 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $33.03 PKM-MAINT SUPPLIES 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $32.98 CHB- MAINT SUPPLIES 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $1.52 CHB- MAINT SUPPLIES 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $44.76 CHB- MAINT SUPPLIES 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $66.10 FWCC-MAINT SUPPLIES 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $-38.51 FWCC-MAINT SUPPLIES 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $44.10 FWCC-MAINT SUPPLIES 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $38.51 FWCC-MAINT SUPPLIES 291453 6/3/2024 ORCA PACIFIC INC, 5/10/2024 INV0608910 $526.92 PKM-POOL CHEMICALS AG17-002 291453 6/3/2024 ORCA PACIFIC INC, 5/16/2024 INV0608988 $739.89 PKM-POOL CHEMICALS AG17-002 291413 6/3/2024 HOME DEPOT-DEPT 32-250075/212024 4522568 $88.42 CHB-REPAIR/MAINTENANCE SUPPLIE 291413 6/3/2024 HOME DEPOT-DEPT 32-2500715/6/2024 0032269 $103.96 CHB-REPAIR/MAINTENANCE SUPPLIE 291406 6/3/2024 GRAINGER INC, 5/7/2024 9111131216 $555.92 CHB-MAINT SUPPLIES 291413 6/3/2024 HOME DEPOT-DEPT 32-25007617/2024 9523455 $15.95 CHB-REPAIR/MAINTENANCE SUPPLIE 291406 6/3/2024 GRAINGER INC, 5/9/2024 9113666557 $39.32 CHB-MAINT SUPPLIES 291406 6/3/2024 GRAINGER INC, 5/9/2024 9114131205 $62.45 CHB-MAINT SUPPLIES 291413 6/3/2024 HOME DEPOT-DEPT 32-250076/15/2024 1253263 $-12.08 PKM-REPAIR/MAINT SUPPLIES 291345 6/3/2024 AGRISHOP INC, 5/15/2024 72007/1 $30.85 PKM-EQUIPMENT PARTS & REPAIRS Key Bank Page 48 of 62 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 291345 6/3/2024 AGRISHOP INC, 5/20/2024 72038/1 $182.60 PKM-EQUIPMENT PARTS & REPAIRS 291345 6/3/2024 AGRISHOP INC, 5/22/2024 7205511 $30 87 PKM-EQUIPMENT PARTS & REPAIRS 291413 6/3/2024 HOME DEPOT-DEPT 32-250075/13/2024 3514176 $11.01 PKM-REPAIR/MAINT SUPPLIES 291413 6/3/2024 HOME DEPOT-DEPT 32-250075/1412024 2022880 $122 10 PKM-REPAIR/MAINT SUPPLIES 291350 6/3/2024 ALPINE PRODUCTS INC, 5/14/2024 TM-223866 $322 63 PKM-MAINT SUPPLIES 291511 6/3/2024 TURF STAR INC, 5/13/2024 INV016419 $238.22 PKM-MAINT PARTS 291463 6/3/2024 PLATT ELECTRIC SUPPLY, 5/15/2024 5E43326 $257.28 PKM-ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES 291345 6/3/2024 AGRISHOP INC, 5/16/2024 72014/1 $27.56 PKM-EQUIPMENT PARTS & REPAIRS 291345 6/3/2024 AGRISHOP INC, 5/8/2024 71968/1 $95.95 PWST-EQUIPMENT PARTS & REPAIRS 291463 6/3/2024 PLATT ELECTRIC SUPPLY, 5/8/2024 5D92911 $613.95 PKM-ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES 291463 6/3/2024 PLATT ELECTRIC SUPPLY, 5/8/2024 5D93059 $11 85 PKM-E LECTR I CAL SUPPLIES - 291361 6/3/2024 CASCADE MOBILE MIX, 5/9/2024 41284 $650.18 PKM-MAINT SUPPLIES 291406 6/3/2024 GRAINGER INC, 5/6/2024 9109841537 $1,250.06 PKM-MAINT SUPPLIES 291387 6/3/2024 EWING IRRIGATION PRODUC"5/10/2024 22255434 $572 18 PKM-MAINT SUPPLIES 291739 6/17/2024 XTREME GRAPHIX INC, 5/29/2024 24-801 $136.33 PKM-AG23-165 PARKS SIGNAGE- 291537 6/17/2024 AGRISHOP INC, 5/31/2024 72102/1 $340.77 PWST-EQUIPMENT PARTS & REPAIRS 291686 6/17/2024 SECOMA FENCE INC, 5/28/2024 21296 $1,570.35 PKM-FENCE REPAIR SVC 291617 6/17/2024 HOME DEPOT-DEPT 32-2500776/3/2024 2613449 $10.07 PKM-REPAIR & MAINT SUPPLIES 291537 6/17/2024 AGRISHOP INC, 6/4/2024 72161/1 $64,07 PKM-EQUIPMENT PARTS & REPAIRS 291537 6/17/2024 AGRISHOP INC, 5/23/2024 72066/1 $34,33 PKM-EQUIPMENT PARTS & REPAIRS 291537 6/17/2024 AGRISHOP INC, 5/23/2024 72067/1 $66.11 PKM-EQUIPMENT PARTS & REPAIRS 291735 6/17/2024 WHITE CAP, 4/23/2024 10019811570 $76.02 PKM-MAINT SUPPLIES 291617 6/17/2024 HOME DEPOT-DEPT 32-250075/29/2024 7511471 $22.58 PKM-REPAIR & MAINT SUPPLIES 291617 6/17/2024 HOME DEPOT-DEPT 32-250075/29/2024 7511491 $17.00 PKM-REPAIR & MAINT SUPPLIES 291617 6/17/2024 HOME DEPOT-DEPT 32-250076/30/2024 6025017 $41.04 CHB-REPAIR & MAINT SUPPLIES 291705 6/17/2024 THE PART WORKS INC, 5/23/2024 INV106744 $6.42 CHB-MAINT SUPPLIES Key Bank Page 49 of 62 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGLTotal 291617 6/17/2024 HOME DEPOT-DEPT 32-250076/15/2024 1202040 $48.44 CHB-REPAIR & MAINT SUPPLIES 291602 6/17/2024 GRAINGER INC, 5/2/2024 9106689038 $49.34 CHB-MAINT SUPPLIES 291617 6/17/2024 HOME DEPOT-DEPT 32-250076/30/2024 6033914 $49 89 CHB-REPAIR & MAINT SUPPLIES 291602 6/17/2024 GRAINGER INC, 5/24/2024 9130904437 $167.56 CHB-MAINT SUPPLIES 291602 6/17/2024 GRAINGER INC, 5/24/2024 9130904445 $34 27 CHB-MAINT SUPPLIES 291602 6/17/2024 GRAINGER INC, 5/29/2024 9133471855 $22 35 CHB-MAINT SUPPLIES 291602 6/17/2024 GRAINGER INC, 5/29/2024 9134084061 $101.65 CHB-MAINT SUPPLIES 291705 6/17/2024 THE PART WORKS INC, 5/30/2024 INV106909 $198.68 CHB-MAINT SUPPLIES REPAIR PARTS $9,263.94 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $95.90 FLT-REPAIR PARTS 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $16.21 FLT-REPAIR PARTS 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $110.71 FLT-REPAIR PARTS 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $8.67 FLT-REPAIR PARTS 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $309.04 FLT-REPAIR PARTS 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $105.78 FLT-REPAIR PARTS 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $10.74 FLT-REPAIR PARTS 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $242.18 FLT-REPAIR PARTS 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $68,31 FLT-REPAIR PARTS 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $16.52 FLT-REPAIR PARTS 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $66.11 FLT-REPAIR PARTS 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $9.09 FLT-REPAIR PARTS 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $40,75 FLT-REPAIR PARTS 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $40.76 FLT-REPAIR PARTS 291354 6/3/2024 ARG INDUSTRIAL, 5/17/2024 T065622 $434.07 FLT-REPAIR PARTS 291447 6/3/2024 NAPAAUTO PARTS, 5/20/2024 150675 $209.18 FLT-REPAIR & MAINT 291447 6/3/2024 NAPA AUTO PARTS, 5/23/2024 150973 $5,37 FLT-REPAIR & MAINT Key Bank Page 50 of 62 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGLTotal 291447 6/3/2024 NAPAAUTO PARTS, 5/13/2024 150013 $9.90 FLT-REPAIR & MAINT 291447 6/3/2024 NAPAAUTO PARTS, 5/15/2024 150248 $22.99 FLT-REPAIR & MAINT 291447 6/3/2024 NAPAAUTO PARTS, 5/15/2024 150278 $50.61 FLT-REPAIR & MAINT 291481 6/3/2024 SEATTLE AUTOMOTIVE, DISTF5/15/2024 S5-9092217 $519.42 FLT-REPAIR PARTS 291447 6/3/2024 NAPAAUTO PARTS, 5/16/2024 150416 $17.21 FLT-REPAIR & MAINT 291447 6/3/2024 NAPAAUTO PARTS, 5/16/2024 150424 $6.79 FLT-REPAIR & MAINT 291511 6/3/2024 TURF STAR INC, 5/8/2024 INV015579 $317.10 FLT-MAINT PARTS 291354 6/3/2024 ARG INDUSTRIAL, 5/8/2024 T065317 $147.59 FLT-REPAIR PARTS 291447 6/3/2024 NAPAAUTO PARTS, 5/9/2024 149690 $126.58 FLT-REPAIR & MAINT 291447 6/3/2024 NAPAAUTO PARTS, 5/9/2024 149760 $25.08 FLT-REPAIR & MAINT 291455 6/3/2024 PAPE MACHINERY INC, 5/9/2024 15274577 $2,051.30 FLT-MAINT SUPPLIES 291493 6/3/2024 SONSRAY MACHINERY LLC, 5/9/2024 PSO131692-1 $295,29 FLT-MAINT PARTS & SVC 291518 6/3/2024 VILMASIGNS, 5/7/2024 4527 $1,657.41 FLT-MAINT SUPPLIES 291447 6/3/2024 NAPAAUTO PARTS, 5/8/2024 149576 $37.24 FLT-REPAIR & MAINT 291653 6/17/2024 NAPAAUTO PARTS, 5/21/2024 150819 $184.88 FLT-REPAIR & MAINT 291602 6/17/2024 GRAINGER INC, 5/9/2024 9113194154 $257.93 FLT-MAINT SUPPLIES 291714 6/17/2024 ULINE, 5/14/2024 178130319 $308.54 FLT-MAINT SUPPLIES 291653 6/17/2024 NAPAAUTO PARTS, 5/24/2024 151069 $11 00 FLT-REPAIR & MAINT 291713 6/17/2024 TURF STAR INC, 5/15/2024 INV017163 $89 27 FLT-MAINT PARTS 291594 6/17/2024 FASTENAL, 10/31/2023 WAAUB98706 $452.16 FLT-MAINT SUPPLIES 291653 6/17/2024 NAPAAUTO PARTS, 3/19/2024 3530-959346 $8.75 FLT-REPAIR & MAINT 291692 6/17/2024 SIX ROBBLEES' INC, 5/24/2024 02P53005 $53 44 FLT-SUPPLIES & MAINT 291653 6/17/2024 NAPAAUTO PARTS, 5/24/2024 151107 $54 99 FLT-REPAIR & MAINT 291653 6/1.7/2024 NAPAAUTO PARTS, 5/24/2024 151108 $72 51 FLT-REPAIR & MAINT 291654 6/17/2024 NAPAAUTO PARTS, 5/24/2024 151109 $48.42 FLT-REPAIR & MAINT 291543 6/17/2024 ARG INDUSTRIAL, 5/24/2024 T065835 $117 38 FLT-REPAIR PARTS Key Bank Page 51 of 62 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGLTotal 291654 6/17/2024 NAPAAUTO PARTS, 5/28/2024 151303 $40.73 FLT-REPAIR & MAINT 291653 6/17/2024 NAPAAUTO PARTS, 5/29/2024 151408 $47.88 FLT-REPAIR & MAINT 291653 6/17/2024 NAPAAUTO PARTS, 5/29/2024 151426 $103.64 FLT-REPAIR & MAINT 291653 6/17/2024 NAPAAUTO PARTS, 5/29/2024 151442 $130.27 FLT-REPAIR & MAINT 291544 6/17/2024 ARG INDUSTRIAL, 6/3/2024 T066004 $94.98 FLT-REPAIR PARTS 291543 6/17/2024 ARG INDUSTRIAL, 6/3/2024 T066016 $113.27 FLT-REPAIR PARTS REPAIRS AND MAINTENANCE $188,847.55 525243793 5/25/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PD VISA $940.71 PD-MAINT SVCS 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $1,007.42 FLT-REPAIR MAINT SERVICES 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $90.34 SWM-MAINT SVCS 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $161.60 SWM-MAINT SVCS 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $2,120.00 SWM-MAINT SVCS 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $678.50 SWM-MAINT SVCS 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $678.11 SWM-REPAIR MAINT SVCS 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $186 19 SWM-REPAIR MAINT SVCS 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $1,801 24 SWM-REPAIR MAINT SVCS 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $1,801 24 SWM-REPAIR MAINT SVCS 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $-377.12 SWM-REPAIR MAINT SVCS 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $79.30 SWM-REPAIR MAINT SVCS 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $1,060.00 SWM-CONCRETE DISPOSAL 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $1,111.66 PWST-MAINT SUPPLIES 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $1,277,16 FWCC-MAINT SVCS 291344 6/3/2024 ADVANCED PRO FITNESS REI3/27/2024 03272402T $617.66 FWCC-FITNESS EQUIP REPAIR 291503 6/3/2024 TERMINIX, 5/8/2024 446651551 $125.63 FWCC-PEST CONTROL 291344 6/3/2024 ADVANCED PRO FITNESS REI5/14/2024 0512401TD $1.452.44 FWCC-FITNESS EQUIP REPAIR 291437 6/3/2024 MACDONALD MILLER SERVIC5/15/2024 SVC298399 $1.292.10 FWCC-AG19-042B HVAC SVC- Key Bank Page 52 of 62 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 291484 6/3/2024 SECURITY SOLUTIONS NW IN4/25/2024 358523 $3,289.47 CHB-AG22-001 STEEL LK VIDEO SE 291355 6/3/2024 ASPHALT PATCH SYSTEMS, 5/15/2024 55068 $5.610.00 PWST-AG23-246 ON CALL SIDEWALK 291355 6/3/2024 ASPHALT PATCH SYSTEMS, 5/17/2024 55076 $16,243 00 PWST-AG23-246 ON CALL SIDEWALK 291467 6/3/2024 PRS GROUP INC, 5/14/2024 107069 $1,793.43 SWM-WASTE DISPOSAL 291418 6/3/2024 JADES JET CITY CARPET CLE5/14/2024 24/1986 $6,582.80 SWM-PERVIOUS CONCRETE CLEANING 291418 6/3/2024 JADES JET CITY CARPET CLE5/14/2024 24/1986 $664.86 Sales Tax 291400 6/3/2024 GIRARD RESOURCES & RECY5/14/2024 9129797 $335 00 SWM-MAINT SVC 291382 6/3/2024 EJ USA, INC, 5/20/2024 110240033046 $815.81 SWM-MAINT SUPPLIES 291525 6/3/2024 WASHDUP, LLC, 10/31/2023 620 $7.99 FLT-OCT CAR WASH SVC 291525 6/3/2024 WASHDUP, LLC, 11/30/2023 625 $15.98 FLT-NOV CAR WASH SVC 291386 6/3/2024 EQUIPMENT EXPERTS INC, 5/14/2024 M1-28486 $1,528 51 FLT-DOT INSPECTIONS AND REPAIR 291386 6/3/2024 EQUIPMENT EXPERTS INC, 5/14/2024 M1-28486 $155.91 Sales Tax 291433 6/3/2024 LES SCHWAB TIRE CTRS OF l5/17/2024 37800700711 $377.62 FLT-VEHICLE MAINT 291381 6/3/2024 EAGLE TIRE &AUTOMOTIVE (5/18/2024 203282 $141.38 FLT-VEHICLE MAINT 291433 6/3/2024 LES SCHWAB TIRE CTRS OF �5/20/2024 37800701085 $834.19 FLT-VEHICLE MAINT 291404 6/3/2024 GORDON TRUCK CENTERS, 115/23/2024 SR301076000:01 $2,700.00 FLT-REPAIR TO FLEET SERVICE TR 291404 6/3/2024 GORDON TRUCK CENTERS, 115/23/2024 SR301076000:01 $275 40 Sales Tax 291525 6/3/2024 WASHDUP, LLC, 4/30/2024 649 $238 29 PD-APRIL CAR WASH SERVICE 291530 6/3/2024 WHITMAN GLOBAL CARPET C511012024 570340 $2.455.53 CHB-AG20-949 CARPET CLEANING S 291504 6/3/2024 THUNDERING OAK ENTERPR15/23/2024 12670 $1,568.93 PKM-AG19-115 TREE SVC AGREEMEN 291529 6/3/2024 WHIRLWIND SERVICES INC, V6/9/2024 7290 $217.76 PKM-AG24-004 PARKING LOT SWEEP 291509 6/3/2024 TRUSTED PLUMBING & HEAT14/25/2024 10934 $2,038.70 PKM-REPAIR AND MAINT SVC 291529 6/3/2024 WHIRLWIND SERVICES INC, 1R5/16/2024 7332 $139.24 PKM-AG24-004 PARKING LOT SWEEP 291496 6/3/2024 SPRAGUE PEST CONTROL, 5/18/2024 5445227 $146,68 PKM-FACILITIES PEST CONTROL 291439 6/3/2024 MACMOR INC, 5/6/2024 19129 $16,473.18 PWST-AG23-006 2023 RIGHT -OF -WA 291375 6/3/2024 COPIERS NORTHWEST INC, 4/30/2024 INV2825044 $86478 IT-AG21-019 PRINTER/COPIER MAI Key Bank Page 53 of 62 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 291375 6/3/2024 COPIERS NORTHWEST INC, 4/30/2024 INV2825044 $134.52 IT-AG21-019 PRINTER/COPIER MAI 291375 6/3/2024 COPIERS NORTHWEST INC, 4/30/2024 INV2825044 $922.44 IT-AG21-019 PRINTER/COPIER MAI 291643 6/17/2024 MACMOR INC, 6/3/2024 19265 $14.826.97 PWST/SWR-AG23-006 2023 RIGHT-0 291660 6/17/2024 OLSON BROTHERS PRO -VAC 5/8/2024 • 213293 $2,288.41 PKM-CLEANING SMALL UNDERGROUND 291534 6/17/2024 AADVANCED SEPTIC SERVICE/24/2024 695365 $1,088.23 PKM-REPAIR & MAINT SVCS 291541 6/17/2024 AUS TOWING & RV STO RAG E 4/29/2024 93536 $206.63 PKM-TOWING SVCS 291698 6/17/2024 SPRAGUE PEST CONTROL, 5/23/2024 5445193 $86.67 PKM-FACILITIES PEST CONTROL 291708 6/17/2024 THUNDERING OAK ENTERPR15/29/2024 12674 $2,422.20 PKM-AG19-115 TREE SVC AGREEMEN 291534 6/17/2024 AADVANCED SEPTIC SERVICI4/18/2024 692713 $376 33 SWM-REPAIR & MAINT SVCS 291712 6/17/2024 TOTAL LANDSCAPE CORPORi5/31/2024 1901 $1,824.91 PKDBC-AG19-224 LANDSCAPE MAINT 291698 6/17/2024 SPRAGUE PEST CONTROL, 5/23/2024 5443880 $137.74 DBC-FACILITIES PEST CONTROL 291591 6/17/2024 EAGLE TIRE &AUTOMOTIVE (5/7/2024 203032 $160.83 PD-VEH MAINT 291591 6117/2024 EAGLE TIRE & AUTOMOTIVE (5/11/2024 203132 $132.79 FLT-VEHICLE MAINT 291591 6/17/2024 EAGLE TIRE &AUTOMOTIVE (5/11/2024 203137 $128.59 FLT-VEHICLE MAINT 291638 6/17/2024 LES SCHWAB TIRE CTRS OF \5/14/2024 37800700197 $201.61 FLT-VEHICLE MAINT 291683 6/17/2024 RWC INTERNATIONAL LTD, 6/4/2024 RA103008262:01 $3,601.33 FLT-THE TRUCK WAS BUILT WITH A 291730 6117/2024 WASHDUP, LLC, 4/30/2024 648 $55.93 FLT-APRIL CAR WASH SERVICE 291550 6/17/2024 BEN-KO-MATIC CO, OWEN EQ5/6/2024 00114878 $4,266.12 FLT-MAINT & REPAIR SVCS 291592 6/17/2024 EQUIPMENT EXPERTS INC, 5/17/2024 M1-28556 $1,485.35 FLT-DOT INSPECTIONS AND REPAIR 291592 6/17/2024 EQUIPMENT EXPERTS INC, 5/17/2024 M2-28542 $389.78 FLT-DOT INSPECTIONS AND REPAIR 291638 6/17/2024 LES SCHWAB TIRE CTRS OF \5/16/2024 37800700517 $969.17 FLT-VEHICLE MAINT 291592 6/17/2024 EQUIPMENT EXPERTS INC, 5/16/2024 M2-28525 $392.09 FLT-DOT INSPECTIONS AND REPAIR 291592 6/17/2024 EQUIPMENT EXPERTS INC, 5/16/2024 M2-28526 $392.09 FLT-DOT INSPECTIONS AND REPAIR 291592 6/17/2024 EQUIPMENT EXPERTS INC, 6/3/2024 M2-28806 $232.08 FLT-DOT INSPECTIONS AND REPAIR 291592 6/17/2024 EQUIPMENT EXPERTS INC, 6/3/2024 M2-28807 $329.09 FLT-DOT INSPECTIONS AND REPAIR 291592 6/17/2024 EQUIPMENT EXPERTS INC, 6/3/2024 M2-28808 $232.08 FLT-DOT INSPECTIONS AND REPAIR Key Bank Page 54 of 62 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 291591 6/17/2024 EAGLE TIRE & AUTOMOTIVE (5/6/2024 203008 $86.01 PD-VEH MAINT 291591 6/17/2024 EAGLE TIRE & AUTOMOTIVE (5/6/2024 203012 $305.36 PD-VEH MAINT 291591 6/17/2024 EAGLE TIRE & AUTOMOTIVE (5/6/2024 203025 $305.24 PD-VEH MAINT 291591 6/17/2024 EAGLE TIRE & AUTOMOTIVE (5/28/2024 203486 $246 40 PD-VEH MAINT 291591 6/17/2024 EAGLE TIRE & AUTOMOTIVE (5129/2024 203497 $196.10 PD-VEH MAINT 291591 6/17/2024 EAGLE TIRE & AUTOMOTIVE (5/30/2024 203549 $278.58 PD-VEH MAINT 291591 6/17/2024 EAGLE TIRE &AUTOMOTIVE (5/3012024 203550 $1,135.11 PD-VEH MAINT 291672 6/17/2024 PRO TOUCH AUTO INTERIOR 5/30/2024 64365 $176.32 PD-VEH MAINT SVC 291672 6/17/2024 PRO TOUCH AUTO INTERIOR 5/30/2024 64368 $176.32 PD-VEH MAINT SVC 291591 6/17/2024 EAGLE TIRE & AUTOMOTIVE (5/24/2024 203416 $97.99 PD-VEH MAINT 291591 6/17/2024 EAGLE TIRE & AUTOMOTIVE (5/24/2024 203429 $51 56 PD-VEH MAINT 291591 6/17/2024 EAGLE TIRE & AUTOMOTIVE (5/28/2024 203477 $246 40 PD-VEH MAINT 291591 6/17/2024 EAGLE TIRE &AUTOMOTIVE (5/2812024 203481 $203.53 PD-VEH MAINT 291591 6/17/2024 EAGLE TIRE & AUTOMOTIVE (5/28/2024 203484 $436.89 PD-VEH MAINT 291591 6/17/2024 EAGLE TIRE &AUTOMOTIVE (5/28/2024 203485 $249 09 PD-VEH MAINT 291591 6/17/2024 EAGLE TIRE & AUTOMOTIVE (5/8/2024 203062 $39.61 PD-VEH MAINT 291591 6/17/2024 EAGLE TIRE & AUTOMOTIVE (5/10/2024 203095 $499.84 PD-VEH MAINT 291591 6/17/2024 EAGLE TIRE &AUTOMOTIVE (5/10/2024 203104 $98.11 PD-VEH MAINT 291672 6/17/2024 PRO TOUCH AUTO INTERIOR 5113/2024 64186 $671.61 PD-VEH MAINT SVC 291591 6/17/2024 EAGLE TIRE &AUTOMOTIVE (5/16/2024 203231 $2,731.43 PD-VEH MAINT 291591 6/17/2024 EAGLE TIRE & AUTOMOTIVE (5/24/2024 203414 $195.98 PD-VEH MAINT 291591 6/17/2024 EAGLE TIRE &AUTOMOTIVE (4/4/2024 202290 CORRECTION $13.28 PD-VEH MAINT 291591 6/17/2024 EAGLE TIRE & AUTOMOTIVE (5/31/2024 203574 $79.97 PD-VEH MAINT 291591 6/17/2024 EAGLE TIRE &AUTOMOTIVE (5/31/2024 203575 $98.11 PD-VEH MAINT 291591 6/17/2024 EAGLE TIRE & AUTOMOTIVE (5/23/2025 203395 $940 72 PD-VEH MAINT 291702 6/17/2024 SYSTEMS FOR PUBLIC SAFE15/10/2024 46941 $305.76 PD-VEH MAINT SVC Key Bank Page 55 of 62 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 291701 6/17/2024 SUNSET FORD INC, 5/31/2024 FOCS336237 $945.78 PD-VEHC REPAIR & MAINT SVC 291697 6/17/2024 SPEEDY GLASS - TACOMA. 6/3/2024 i-6005-1033613-o $66.12 PD-VEHICLE WINDSHIELD REPAIR 291697 6/17/2024 SPEEDY GLASS - TACOMA, 6/3/2024 i-6005-1033642-o $33.06 PD-VEHICLE WINDSHIELD REPAIR 291697 6/17/2024 SPEEDY GLASS - TACOMA. 6/3/2024 i-6005-1033655-o $51167 PD-VEHICLE WINDSHIELD REPAIR 291697 6/17/2024 SPEEDY GLASS - TACOMA, 6/5/2024 i-6005-1034214-o $33.06 PD-VEHICLE WINDSHIELD REPAIR 291591 6/17/2024 EAGLE TIRE &AUTOMOTIVE (5/612024 203027 $1,167.42 PD-VEH MAINT 291591 6/17/2024 EAGLE TIRE & AUTOMOTIVE (5/20/2024. 203305 $83.74 PD-VEH MAINT 291591 6/17/2024 EAGLE TIRE & AUTOMOTIVE (5/20/2024 203309 $478.74 PD-VEH MAINT 291672 6/17/2024 PRO TOUCH AUTO INTERIOR 5/22/2024 64196 $176.16 PD-VEHICLE CLEANING SVC 291591 6/17/2024 EAGLE TIRE & AUTOMOTIVE (5/23/2024 203391 $682.39 PD-VEH MAINT 291591 6/17/2024 EAGLE TIRE & AUTOMOTIVE (6/3/2024 203615 $98.11 PD-VEH MAINT 291672 6/17/2024 PRO TOUCH AUTO INTERIOR 6/4/2024 64376 $176.32 PD-VEHICLE CLEANING SVC 291629 6/17/2024 KING COUNTY FINANCE DIVI55/9/2024 2154806 $1,595.75 SWM-REPAIR & MANT SVCS 291581 6/17/2024 CORE & MAIN LP, 5/14/2024 U887602 $85.04 SWM-MAINT SUPPLIES 291581 6/17/2024 CORE & MAIN LP, 5/14/2024 U888212 $41.37 SWM-MAINT SUPPLIES 291600 6/17/2024 GIRARD RESOURCES & RECY5/28/2024 9130065 $399.00 SWM-MAINT SVC 291674 6/17/2024 PRS GROUP INC, 6/4/2024 107441 $929.20 SWM-WASTE DISPOSAL 291581 6/17/2024 CORE & MAIN LP, 4/26/2024 U298651 $4,998.54 SWM-MAINT SUPPLIES 291545 6/17/2024 ASPHALT PATCH SYSTEMS, 5/31/2024 55110 $3,961.50 PWST-AG23-246 ON CALL SIDEWALK 291545 6/17/2024 ASPHALT PATCH SYSTEMS, 5/31/2024 55111 $13,015.00 PWST-AG23-246 ON CALL SIDEWALK 291545 6/17/2024 ASPHALT PATCH SYSTEMS, 5/23/2024 55101 $22,330 00 PWST-AG23-246 ON CALL SIDEWALK 291603 6/17/2024 GREENPOINT LANDSCAPING 5/25/2024 1271417726 $1,648.59 FWCC-LANDSCAPE MAINT SVC 291641 6/17/2024 MACDONALD MILLER SERVIC5/31/2024 SVC300347 $432.54 FWCC-AG19-042B HVAC SVC- 291643 6/17/2024 MACMOR INC, 6/3/2024 19265 $6,190 53 PWST/SWR-AG23-006 2023 RIGHT-0 SALARIES & WAGES $21,736.50 291633 6/17/2024 KPG INC, 5/21/2024 205540 $21,736.50 PW-AG21-195 ON -CALL PLAN REVIE SALES TAX PAYABLE $7,355.72 Key Bank Page 56 of 62 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGLTotal 528243485 6/3/2024 WA STATE REVENUE DEPART5/28/2024 601-223-538 $7,355.72 FI-04/24 REMIT SALES TAX SALES TAX PAYABLE-RECREAT $13,202.24 528243485 6/3/2024 WA STATE REVENUE DEPART5/28/2024 601-223-538 $470.29 FI-04/24 REMIT SALES TAX 528243485 6/3/2024 WA STATE REVENUE DEPART5/28/2024 601-223-538 $12,731.95 FI-04/24 REMIT SALES TAX SEWER BILLINGS $9,082.46 291430 6/3/2024 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC'5/7/2024 2865803 $49.10 PKM-04/24 726 356TH ST M/H ANE 291430 6/3/2024 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC'5/7/2024 3461301 $6,740.48 FWCC-03/24 876 S 333RD DIET M#1 291430 6/3/2024 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC'5/7/2024 2865902 $49.10 PKM-04/24 729 356TH ST S CRE T 291430 6/3/2024 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC'5/7/2024 2926402 $119.01 PKM-03/24 33914 19TH AVE SW #2 291430 6/3/2024 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC'5/7/2024 2926501 $109.27 PKM-03124 33914 19TH AVE SW M# 291430 6/3/2024 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC'5/7/2024 2913103 $790.70 CHB-03/24 33325 8TH AVE S M#21 291430 6/3/2024 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC'5/7/2024 3405101 $59.40 CHB-03/24 600 S 333RD ST #2103 291430 6/3/2024 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC'5/7/2024 3075201 $161.10 PKM-03/24 1095 324TH ST S M#22 291430 6/3/2024 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC'5/7/2024 3075301 $74.85 PKM-03/24 1095 324TH ST S #221 291430 6/3/2024 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC'5/7/2024 3075401 $105.10 PKM-03/24 1095 324TH ST S #221 291635 6/17/2024 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC'5/29/2024 1014202 $74.85 PKM-04/24 312 DASH PT RD M#211 291635 6/17/2024 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC'5/29/2024 1768602 $749.50 PKM-04/24 3200 DASH PT RD 4878 SMALL OFFICE APPARATUS $300.00 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $300.00 PW-TRAINIIgG SMALL TOOLS - SHOP $4,067.63 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $228.78 SWM-SMALL TOOLS 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $440 PKM-REFUND 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $194.87 PKM-MAINT SUPPLIES 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $31.43 SWM-SMALL TOOLS 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $187.17 FWCC-SMALL TOOLS 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $54.80 FWCC-SMALL TOOLS 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $53.98 FWCC-SMALL TOOLS 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $29.73 FWCC-SMALL TOOLS Key Bank Page 57 of 62 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGLTotal 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $79.29 PKM-MAINT SUPPLIES 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $105.76 PKM-MAINT SUPPLIES 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $220 24 PKM-MAINT SUPPLIES 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $518.59 PKM-SMALLTOOLS 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $1,964.95 PKM-MAINT SVCS 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $35.58 OFFICE,SUPPLIES 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $35.24 COMPUTER PERIFIALS 291350 6/3/2024 ALPINE PRODUCTS INC, 5/15/2024 TM-223912 $154.42 PW-MAINT SUPPLIES 291406 6/3/2024 GRAINGER INC, 5/9/2024 9114480651 $78.22 CHB-MAINT SUPPLIES 291617 6/17/2024 HOME DEPOT-DEPT 32-250076/28/2024 8333624 $98.98 PKM-REPAIR & MAINT SUPPLIES STATE COVID-19 GRANT BUSIN REIME $29,450.09 291380 6/3/2024 DEVELOPMENT COUNSELLOF4/30/2024 109114 $2.958,09 CDHS-AG24-037 CITY MARKETING - 291380 6/3/2024 DEVELOPMENT COUNSELLOF5/1/2024 109015 $13,246.00 CDHS-AG24-037 CITY MARKETING - 291589 6/17/2024 DEVELOPMENT COUNSELLOF6/1/2024 109263 $13,246.00 CDHS-AG24-037 CITY MARKETING - STATE COVID-19 GRANT MINOR EQUII $10,231.24 291378 6/3/2024 CORT PARTY RENTAL, 5/23/2024 170982-1 $10,231.24 FWCC-AG24-059 FWCC TEMP LOCKER STONE & GRAVEL $444.26 291377 6/3/2024 CORLISS RESOURCES INC, 5/13/2024 2048784 $327.96 SWM-CONCRETE SUPPLIES 291583 6/17/2024 CORLISS RESOURCES INC, 5/22/2024 2049574 $116.30 PKM-CONCRETE SUPPLIES TAXES/ASSESSMENTS-INTERGOVT $45,538.78 528243485 6/3/2024 WA STATE REVENUE DEPART5/28/2024 601-223-538 $-5,967.80 FI-04/24 REMIT SALES TAX 528243485 6/3/2024 WA STATE REVENUE DEPART5/28/2024 601-223-538 $5,967,80 FI-04/24 REMIT SALES TAX 528243485 6/3/2024 WA STATE REVENUE DEPART5/28/2024 601-223-538 $44,903.94 FI-04/24 REMIT SALES TAX 291429 6/3/2024 LAKE KILLARNEY IMPROVEM15/7/2024 05/07/24 $600 00 PKM-2024 LAKE KILLARNEY WEED C 291460 6/3/2024 PIERCE COUNTY BUDGET & F4/30/2024 0421303016 $34 84 PKM-2024 NOX WEED TIRES $28.63 291591 6/17/2024 EAGLE TIRE &AUTOMOTIVE (6/1/2024 203589 $28 63 PD-VEH MAINT TOPSOIL $379.97 291582 6/17/2024 CORLISS RESOURCES INC, 8/8/2023 2030882 REISSUE $274.85 PWST-MAINT SUPPLIES Key Bank Page 58 of 62 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGLTotal 291582 6/17/2024 CORLISS RESOURCES INC, 11/17/2023 2037249 REISSUE $105.12 PWST-CONCRETE SUPPLIES TRAFFIC INFRACTIONS $2,154.00 291407 6/3/2024 HAIDER, HASIBULLAH 5/15/2024 0992100301421 $164 00 MC -REFUND VIOLATION DISMISSAL 291561 6/17/2024 CARLSON, CHRIS 6/6/2024 0992200047916 $41.42 MC -REFUND VIOLATION DISMISSAL 291562 6/17/2024 CARLSON, CHRISTINE 6/6/2024 0992200087540 $235.00 MC -REFUND VIOLATION DISMISSAL 291693 6/17/2024 SKYES, RICHARD 6/6/2024 0992200126983 $68.41 MC -REFUND VIOLATION DISMISSAL 291740 6/17/2024 YU, SHI 6/6/2024 0992200148615 $275,00 MC -REFUND VIOLATION DISMISSAL 291645 6/17/2024 MCCARTHER II, TODD 6/6/2024 0992200155370 $70.42 MC -REFUND VIOLATION DISMISSAL 291598 6/17/2024 GALINDO, OLIVER ROMERO 6/6/2024 0992200164695 $235.00 MC -REFUND VIOLATION DISMISSAL 291666 6/17/2024 PERKINS, HOMER 6/6/2024 0992300324181 $40.00 MC -REFUND VIOLATION DISMISSAL 291665 6/17/2024 PEREZ, ROSAMURILLO 6/6/2024 0992400012983 $15.00 MC -REFUND VIOLATION DISMISSAL 291579 6/17/2024 COLVIN, CAROLYN 6/6/2024 0992400022636 $80.00 MC -REFUND VIOLATION DISMISSAL 291661 6/17/2024 OLSON, LAWRENCE 6/6/2024 0992400059901 $118.00 MC -REFUND VIOLATION DISMISSAL 291565 6/17/2024 CHAMPAGNE, DENNIS 6/6/2024 0992400103170 $57.00 MC -REFUND VIOLATION DISMISSAL 291548 6/17/2024 BAKER, JUDITH A. 6/6/2024 0992200004792 $115.89 MC -REFUND VIOLATION DISMISSAL 291605 6/17/2024 GROSSMAN, PETER K & LILIA6/6/2024 0992300073309 $139.00 MC -REFUND VIOLATION DISMISSAL 291733 6/17/2024 WEISS,ATHENA 6/6/2024 0992300270970 $56.86 MC -REFUND VIOLATION DISMISSAL 291685 6/17/2024 SCHULZ, KENNETH & CHERYI6/6/2024 0992300274667 $243.00 MC -REFUND VIOLATION DISMISSAL 291688 6/17/2024 SELLERS, ROBERT L & REZEL6/6/2024 0992300293162 $25.00 MC -REFUND VIOLATION DISMISSAL 291552 6/17/2024 BILLINGHAM, CHRISTOPHER 15/6/2024 0992300315700 $25 00 MC -REFUND VIOLATION DISMISSAL 291607 6/17/2024 HA, MIN J & JOHN H 6/6/2024 0992300321047 $90.00 MC -REFUND VIOLATION DISMISSAL 291590 6/17/2024 DUCHOW, GLORIA 6/6/2024 0992200352183 $25 00 MC -REFUND VIOLATION DISMISSAL 291554 6/17/2024 BIVENS, CYNTHIA 6/6/2024 0992200363073 $35.00 MC -REFUND VIOLATION DISMISSAL TRANSPORTATION EQUIPMENT $429,355.39 291338 5/21/2024 CLARY LONGVIEW LLC, BUD (5/1/2024 3RY536 $36,556.81 PD-SIU VEHICLE REPLACEMENT 202 291454 6/3/2024 OSW EQUIPMENT & REPAIR 1-3/18/2024 518931 $23,060,46 Sales Tax 291454 6/3/2024 OSW EQUIPMENT & REPAIR 1-3/18/2024 518931 $228,321.38 FLT-UPFITTING FOR KENWORTH 5YR Key Bank Page 59 of 62 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGLTotal 291574 6/17/2024 CLARY LONGVIEW LLC, BUD (2/26/2024 3RU685 $37,551.85 FLT-COU NCI L APPROVED 8/8123 291574 6/17/2024 CLARY LONGVIEW LLC, BUD (2/20/2024 3RU521 $33,156.52 FLT-COUNCIL APPROVED 8/8/23 291574 6/17/2024 CLARY LONGVIEW LLC, BUD (2/20/2024 3RU521 REISSUE $33,156.52 FLT-NEW VEHICLE 291574 6/17/2024 CLARY LONGVIEW LLC, BUD (2/26/2024 3RU685 REISSUE $37,551.85 FLT-NEW VEHICLE UREA $27,651.33 291435 6/3/2024 LTI, INC, 5/6/2024 944872 $13,956.24 PWST-ISCO BULK ROAD SALT (80/1 291640 6/17/2024 LTI, INC, 6/4/2024 945258 $13.695.09 PWST-ISCO BULK ROAD SALT (80/1 WASTE DISPOSAL BILLINGS $54,864.53 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $47.03 SWR-COMM GARBAGE AUDIT 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $31.81 SWR-REST GARBAGE AUDIT 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $655.00 PWST-DUMP FEE 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $327 50 PWST-DUMP FEE 525249491 6/2/2024 US BANK, 5/25/2024 MAY 2024 PRO VISA $222.25 PWST-DUMP FEE 291441 6/3/2024 MCDONOUGH & SONS INC, 2/29/2024 273655 $10,964.66 PWST-AG23-008 2023 STREET SWEE 291441 6/3/2024 MCDONOUGH & SONS INC, 3/31/2024 273654 $10,964.66 PWST-AG23-008 2023 STREET SWEE 291400 6/3/2024 GIRARD RESOURCES & RECY5/7/2024 9129674 $1.179.00 PWST-MAINT SVC 291526 6/3/2024 WASTE MANAGEMENT OF WA4/1/2024 3481192-1055-0 $3,377 40 PW-03/01/24 - 03/13/24 PARRIS 291732 6/17/2024 WASTE MANAGEMENT OF, WA4/1/2024 3481188-1055-8 $20,315 13 PW-03/01/24 - 03/31/24 JACOBS 291624 6/17/2024 JAMES SANTERELLI ENTERPI5/2/2024 225021 $675.00 SWR - PROVIDE COLLECTION, SHIRE 291539 6/17/2024 ALL BATTERY SALES & SERVIO/12/2024 300-10135777 $162 55 SWR-COLLECTION, TRANSPORTATION 291539 6/17/2024 ALL BATTERY SALES & SERVI6/6/2024 300-10142210 $29.61 SWR- COLLECTION, TRANSPORTATIO 291539 6/17/2024 ALL BATTERY SALES & SERVI6/14/2024 300-10140606 $111.90 SWR - COLLECTION, TRANSPORTATI 291539 6/17/2024 ALL BATTERY SALES & SERV16/30/2024 300-10141652 $206.65 SWR-COLLECTION, TRANSPORTATION 291629 6/17/2024 KING COUNTY FINANCE DIVI54/30/2024 155173 $5,594.38 PWST-SOLID WASTE DISPOSAL WATER BILLINGS $7,078.53 291430 6/3/2024 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC5/7/2024 2573402 $32.10 PWST-03/24 34800 14 PL SW M#22 291430 6/3/2024 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC'5/16/2024 3042401 $32.10 PWST-03/24 336 ST SW IRR MTR M Key Bank Page 60 of 62 Check No, Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 291430 6/3/2024 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC'5/16/2024 3341801 $32.10 PWST-03/24 35826 16 AVE S IRRI 291430 6/3/2024 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC'5/16/2024 3776101 $32.10 PWST-03/24 1510 S 348TH ST #19 291430 6/3/2024 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC'5/16/2024 3341901 $32.10 PWST-03/24 1559 S 356 ST IRRIG 291430 6/3/2024 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC'5/16/2024 3519201 $32.10 PWST-03/24 35700 22ND AVE SW 1 291430 6/3/2024 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC'5/16/2024 3610801 $32 10 PWST-03/24 1210 S 356TH ST M#2 291430 6/3/2024 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC'5/16/2024 3715101 $128.72 PWST-03/24 35070 PACIFIC HWY S 291430 6/3/2024 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC'5/16/2024 3715201 $32.10 PWST-03/24 35702 PACIFIC HWY S 291430 6/3/2024 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC'5/16/2024 3742601 $153.31 PWST-03/24 1218 S 356TH ST IRR 291430 6/3/2024 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC'5/16/2024 2781401 $32.10 PKM-03/24 2501 349TH PL SW M#9 291430 6/3/2024 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC'5f7/2024 3753001 $92,76 PKM-03/24 550 SW CAMPUS DR M#2 291430 6/3/2024 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC'5/7/2024 99902 $32.10 PKM-03/24 411 348TH ST S M#210 291430 6/3/2024 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC'5/13/2024 2798301 $32.10 PKM-03/24 1499 SW 325TH PL IRR 291430 6/3/2024 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC'5/13/2024 2830801 $32.10 PKM-03/24 2700 340TH PL SW #21 291430 6/3/2024 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC'5/7/2024 101103 $126.61 PKM-03/24 630 356TH ST M#21035 291430 6/3/2024 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC'5/7/2024 2926402 $251.55 PKM-03/24 33914 19TH AVE SW #2 291430 6/3/2024 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC'5/7/2024 2926501 $248 04 PKM-03/24 33914 19TH AVE SW M# 291430 - 6/3/2024 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC'5/7/2024 3266301 $32.10 PKM-03/24 1540 SW 356TH ST#220 291430 6/3/2024 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC'5/7/2024 3568601 $34.21 PKM-03/24 34915 4TH AVE S A 291430 6/3/2024 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC'5/7/2024 2957001 $32 10 PKM-03/24 1095 324TH ST S M#64 291430 6/3/2024 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC'5/7/2024 3050801 $1,414.26 PKM-03/24 1095 324TH ST S M#19 291430 6/3/2024 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC'5/7/2024 3075201 $240.85 PKM-03/24 1095 324TH ST S M#22 291430 6/3/2024 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC517/2024 3075301 $212.21 PKM-03/24 1095 324TH ST S #221 291430 6/3/2024 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC'5f7/2024 3075401 $220 60 PKM-03/24 1095 324TH ST S #221 291430 6/3/2024 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC'5/7/2024 2913103 $56440 CHB-03/24 33325 8TH AVE S M#21 291430 6/3/2024 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC'5/7/2024 2922203 $16 64 CHB-03/24 33325 8TH AVE S M#21 291430 6/3/2024 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRICbf7/2024 2922503 $32.10 CHB-03/24 33325 8TH AVE S M#21 Key Bank Page 61 of 62 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 291430 6/3/2024 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRICT/7/2024 3405101 $72.88 CHB-03/24 600 S 333RD ST #2103 291430 6/3/2024 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRICT5/7/2024 3499201 $32.10 CHB-03/24 2220 S 333RD ST#2016 291430 6/3/2024 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC5/7/2024 101002 $52.42 PKM-03/24 BROOKLAKE MAIN HALL 291430 6/3/2024 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC'5/7/2024 3461301 $1,797.16 FWCC-03/24 876 S 333RD DET M#1 291430 6/3/2024 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC'5/7/2024 3474201 $229.39 FWCC-03/24 876 S 333RD DET M#2 291430 6/3/2024 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRICT/7/2024 3474301 $16.64 FWCC-03/24 876 S 333RD DET M#2 291635 6/17/2024 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRICT5/29/2024 2592802 $32.10 PKM-04/24 1210 333RD ST SW #8 291635 6/17/2024 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRICT5/29/2024 2781501 $32,10 PKM-04/24 31200 DASH PT RD SW 291635 6/17/2024 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC'5/29/2024 2906301 $3210 PKM-04/24 312 DASH PT RD SW #2 291635 6/17/2024 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC'5/29/2024 1014202 $139.94 PKM-04/24 312 DASH PT RD M#211 291635 6/17/2024 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRICT/29/2024 2592702 $32.10 PKM-04/24 32837 10 PL SW IRR M 291635 6/17/2024 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRICT/23/2024 3059601 $32.10 PKM-04/24 3200 349TH ST S M#22 291614 6/17/2024 HIGHLINE WATER DISTRICT, 5/15/2024 19221-00 $208.35 PWST-03/15/24-05/13/24 PAC HWY 291635 6/17/2024 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRICT/16/2024 3687901 $183.49 PWST-03/24 1221 S 352ND ST IRR WITNESS FEES/JUROR FEES $743.00 54765 6/4/2024 ARVISAIS, CANDACE 4/18/2024 04/18/2024 $22.00 MC - JURY PAY 54782 6/4/2024 HUANG, BRANDON 4/18/2024 04/18/2024 $23.00 MC - JURY PAY 54772 6/4/2024 COLLIN, CHRISTINA 4/18/2024 04/18/2024 $19.00 MC - JURY PAY 54766 6/4/2024 BAIRD, CONSTANCE 4/18/2024 04/18/2024 $19.00 MC - JURY PAY 54795 6/4/2024 PHILLIP, DOUGLAS 4/18/2024 04/18/2024 $40.00 MC - JURY PAY 54790 6/4/2024 MATLICK, ELIZABETH 4/18/2024 04/18/2024 $17,00 MC - JURY PAY 54775 6/4/2024 EMERICH, ASIANETTE 4/18/2024 04/18/2024 $17.00 MC - JURY PAY 54779 6/4/2024 HAYS, HOWARD CLARENCE 4/18/2024 04/18/2024 $21.00 MC - JURY PAY 54767 6/4/2024 BUCHANAN, MATTHEW 4/18/2024 04/18/2024 $19 00 MC - JURY PAY 54788 6/4/2024 LIM, MIN 4/18/2024 04/18/2024 $20 00 MC - JURY PAY 54769 6/4/2024 CATAHAN, MODESTO 4/18/2024 04/18/2024 $21 00 MC - JURY PAY Key Bank Page 62 of 62 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 54764 6/4/2024 54776 6/4/2024 54768 6/4/2024 54774 6/4/2024 54784 6/4/2024 54786 6/4/2024 54791 6/4/2024 54785 6/4/2024 54771 6/4/2024 54787 6/4/2024 54789 6/4/2024 54794 6/4/2024 54792 6/4/2024 54778 6/4/2024 54781 6/4/2024 54770 6/4/2024 54783 6/4/2024 54793 6/4/2024 54780 6/4/2024 54773 6/4/2024 54777 6/4/2024 291339 6/3/2024 291339 6/3/2024 291339 6/3/2024 ABREJERA, SUSAN 4/18/2024 04/18/2024 FAIROW, TERRY 4/18/2024 04/18/2024 CARR-WARE, VICTORIA 4/18/2024 04/18/2024 DEAN, ALEXANDRA 4/18/2024 04/18/2024 LAVOLL, AMBER 4/18/2024 04/18/2024 LEUNG, JUSTIN 4/18/2024 04/18/2024 MCNETT, KEVIN 4/18/2024 04/18/2024 LEE, KYU 4/18/2024 04/18/2024 CODDE, LYNNZEE 4/18/2024 04/18/2024 LEWIS, CADEY 4/18/2024 04/18/2024 LIU, LEWIS 4/18/2024 04/18/2024 PEN, JOHN FUNG CHEN 4/18/2024 04/18/2024 MIGLIAZZO, DEENA 4/18/2024 04/18/2024 GOMEZ, KOLESON BLAKE 4/18/2024 04/18/2024 HIPOLITO, SAMUEL JULIAN 4/18/2024 04/18/2024 CLEAVER, TIMOTHY 4/18/2024 04/18/2024 LAKE, WAYNE 4/18/2024 04/18/2024 NAIGULEVU, ILIANA 4/18/2024 04/18/2024 HAZENBERG, EMMA 4/18/2024 04/18/2024 DEAL, GAGE 4/18/2024 04/18/2024 GANNAW GERALDINE 4/18/2024 04/18/2024 WORK RELEASE 2 WATCH MONITORING INC, 5/1/2024 51789 2 WATCH MONITORING INC, 5/6/2024 51838 2 WATCH MONITORING INC, 5/6/2024 51839 Total MC - JURY PAY MC - JURY PAY MC - JURY PAY MC - JURY PAY MC - JURY PAY MC - JURY PAY MC - JURY PAY MC - JURY PAY MC - JURY PAY MC - JURY PAY MC - JURY PAY MC - JURY PAY MC - JURY PAY MC - JURY PAY MC - JURY PAY MC - JURY PAY MC - JURY PAY MC - JURY PAY MC - JURY PAY MC - JURY PAY MC -JURY PAY PD-HOME MONITORING PD-HOME MONITORING PD-HOME MONITORING $4,184,663.36 5/20/24 CW-PAYROLL VOUCHERS 5/1-5/15 $2,014,773.69 6/05/24 CW-PAYROLL VOUCHERS 5/16-5/31 $2,588,736.80 TOTAL MAY 2024 PAYROLL $4,603,510.49 $23.00 $17.00 $19.00 $37 00 $37.00 $20.00 $19.00 $18.00 $20.00 $39.00 $42.00 $23.00 $20.00 $20.00 $21.00 $19 00 $21.00 $16.00 $17.00 $22.00 $35.00 $4,876.75 $4,687.25 $2,625 75 $12,189.75 COUNCIL MEETING DATE: July 2, 2024 ITEM #: CITY OF FEDERAL WAY CITY COUNCIL AGENDA BILL SUBJECT: ABATEMENT OF 2647 S STAR LAKE RD, FEDERAL WAY, WA 98003 POLICY QUESTION: Should the City Council authorize abatement of the property located at 2647 S Star Lake RD, Federal Way, WA 98003 in the amount of $30,859.53? COMMITTEE: FEDRAC MEETING DATE: June 25, 2024 CATEGORY: ® Consent ❑ Ordinance ❑ Public Hearing ❑ City Council Business ❑ Resolution ❑ Other STAFF REPORT BY: Curtis Richards Code Enforcement Officer DEPT: Community Development Attachments: 1. Staff Report 2. Goods & Services Agreement Options Considered: 1. Approve the proposed abatement of the S Star Lake property and authorize the agreement. 2. Do not approve proposed abatement of the S Star Lake property and provide direction to staff. MAYOR'S RECOMMENDATION: Option 1. MAYOR APPROVAL r i' DIRECTOR APPROVAL: Cp mit Cpu i InitiaUDate InitiaUDate InitiaUDate COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: I move to forward the proposed abatement and associated agreement to the July 2, 2024, consent agenda for approuur_ mmittee Chair olnmittee Member f kwpiuiWe Member PROPOSED COUNCIL MOTION: "I move approval of the proposed abatement of the S Star Lake Rd property in the amount of $30,859.53 and authorize the Mayor to execute the associated agreement. " (BELOW TO BE COMPLETED BY CITY CLERK'S OFFICE COUNCIL ACTION: ❑ APPROVED COUNCIL BILL # ❑ DENIED First reading ❑ TABLED/DEFERRED/NO ACTION Enactment reading ❑ MOVED TO SECOND READING (ordinances only) ORDINANCE # REVISED - 4/2019 RESOLUTION # CITY OF FEDERAL WAY MEMORANDUM DATE: June 25, 2024 TO: City Council Members VIA: Jim Ferrell, Mayor W FROM: Keith Niven, Community Development Director Curtis Richards, Code Enforcement Officer SUBJECT: Abatement of 2647 S Star Lake Rd, Federal Way, WA 98003 Financial Impacts: The cost to the City for the Abatement of 2647 S Star Lake Rd was included within the approved budget under the Community Development, budget line 001-5200-074-558-50- 490. Costs incurred during the abatement of the property will be recovered through billing the property owner. If the owner does not pay within the approved timeframe the City will file an assessment lien on the property in order to recoup the funds through the property taxes. Backp_round Information: This property has had multiple code enforcement cases since it was purchased by the current owner, Geoffrey Au Yeung, in April 2006. These cases were opened in 2008, 2018, 2019, 2022, and 2023. These violations consisted of accumulations of junk and debris, junk cars, motorhomes, trucks, and the fire damage of the primary residence on this parcel. Abatement Plan: The planned abatement would clean the property of all junk, litter and debris. This includes cement debris, cinder blocks, cut brush, old tires, discarded building materials, discarded household goods, all vehicles and vehicle parts including recreational vehicles, boats, and campers, and miscellaneous junk/litter. The cost of the abatement is broken down per the following • $5,605.00 Biohazard Labor • $7,967.00 Dump Fees • $876.00 Supplies • $100.00 Sharps Disposal • $3,294.00 Rental Equipment • $670.00 Junk car removal Rev. 7/18 • $195.00 Hazardous waste disposal • $1,908.11 WA Sales Tax @10.2% • $20,615.11 Total Bill from Bio Decon Solutions, LLC for the abatement • Additional $4759.00 plus $485.42 WA Sales Tax @ 10.2% for a total of $5,244.42 to add the gate and secure the easement road per the addendum from Bio Decon Solutions. • Additional $5,000 as a contingency reserve if additional dumping has occurred after the bid was submitted and before abatement starts. • Grand total: $30,859.53 Procedure: Pursuant to FWRC 1.15.080 1, "The city may perform the abatement upon noncompliance with the terms of an unappealed notice and order, ..." With the abatement costing more than $20,000 the Request for Proposal process was followed and council approval is necessary. Rev. 7/18 CITY HALL ,Z41CITY OF 33325 81" Avenue South Fed era f Way Federal Way, WA 98003-6325 .(253) 835-7000 www.Federahwywa.gov GOODS AND SERVICES AGREEMENT FOR ABATEMENT OF NUISANCE CONDITIONS LOCATED AT 2647 SOUTH STAR LAKE ROAD This Goods and Services Agreement ("Agreement") is made between the City of Federal Way, a Washington municipal corporation ("City"), and Bio Decon Solutions, LLC, a Washington limited liability company ("Contractor"). The City and Contractor (together "Parties") are located and do business at the below addresses which shall be valid for any notice required under this Agreement: BIO DECON SOLUTIONS, LLC: Scott Barkley 1907 96t' Ave Ct E Edgewood, WA 98371 (253)320-8657 (telephone) ons.com The Parties agree as follows: CITY OF FEDERAL WAY: Curtis Richards 33325 8th Ave. S. Federal Way, WA 98003-6325 (253) 835-2647 (telephone) 1. TERM. The term of this Agreement shall commence upon the effective date of this Agreement, which shall be the date of mutual execution, and shall continue until the completion of the Work, but in any event no later than September 30, 2024 ("Term"). This Agreement may be extended for additional periods of time upon the mutual written agreement of the City and the Contractor. 2.1 Work. The Contractor shall provide goods, materials or services and otherwise perform the work more specifically described in Exhibit A, attached hereto and incorporated by this reference ("Work"), performed to the City's satisfaction, within the time period prescribed by the City and pursuant to the direction of the Mayor or his or her designee. 2.2 Warranties. The Contractor warrants that it has the requisite training, skill, and experience necessary to provide the Work and is appropriately accredited and licensed by all applicable agencies and governmental entities, including but not limited to obtaining a City of Federal Way business registration. The Contractor warrants it will provide services in a manner consistent with the accepted practices for other similar services within the Puget Sound region in effect at the time those services are performed. The Contractor warrants goods are merchantable, are fit for the particular purpose for which they were obtained, and will perform in accordance with their specifications and Contractor's representations to City. The Contractor shall, at its sole cost and expense, correct all Work performed which the City deems to have defects in workmanship and material discovered within one (1) year after the City's final acceptance of the Work. This Agreement is subject to all warranty provisions established under the Uniform Commercial Code, Title 62A RCW. In the event any part of the goods are repaired, only original replacement parts shall be used; rebuilt or used parts are not acceptable. When defects are corrected, the warranty for that portion of the work shall extend for one (1) year from the date such correction is completed and accepted by the City. The Contractor shall begin to correct any defects within seven (7) calendar days of its receipt of notice from the City of the defect. If the Contractor does not accomplish the corrections within a reasonable time as determined by GOODS AND SERVICES AGREEMENT - 1 - 4/2023 CITY HALL ,Zk�CITY OF 33325 8T,� Avenue South Federal Way Federal flay, WA 98003-6325 .(253) 835-7000 www_ Federohvmywv. go v the City, the City may complete the corrections and the Contractor shall pay all costs incurred by the City in order to accomplish the correction. 2.3 Time Documentation and Inspection. Work shall begin immediately upon the effective date of this Agreement. Work shall be subject, at all times, to observation and inspection by and with approval of the City, but the making (or failure or delay in making) such inspection or approval shall not relieve Contractor of responsibility for performance of the Work in accordance with this Agreement, notwithstanding the City's knowledge of defective or non -complying performance, its substantiality or the ease of its discovery. 2.4 Clean Up. At any time ordered by the City and immediately after completion of the Work, the Contractor shall, at its own expense, clean up and remove all refuse and unused materials of any kind resulting from the Work. In the event the Contractor fails to perform the necessary clean up, the City may, but in no event is it obligated to, perform the necessary clean up and the costs thereof shall be immediately paid by the Contractor to the City and/or the City may deduct its costs from any remaining payments due to the Contractor. 3. TERMINATION. Either party may terminate this Agreement, with or without cause, upon providing the other party thirty (30) days' written notice at its address set forth on the signature block of this Agreement. The City may terminate this Agreement immediately if the Contractor fails to maintain required insurance policies, breaches confidentiality, or materially violates Section 12 and such may result in ineligibility for further City agreements. 4. COMPENSATION. 4.1 Amount. In return for the Work, the City shall pay the Contractor an amount not to exceed a maximum amount and according to a rate or method as delineated in Exhibit B, attached hereto and incorporated by this reference. The Contractor agrees that any hourly or flat rate charged by it for its services contracted for herein shall remain locked at the negotiated rate(s) for the Term. Except as otherwise provided in Exhibit B, the Contractor shall be solely responsible for the payment of any taxes imposed by any lawful jurisdiction as a result of the performance and payment of this Agreement. 4.2 Method of Payment. On a monthly basis, the Contractor shall submit a voucher or invoice in the form specified by the City, including a description of what Work have been performed, the name of the personnel performing such Work, and any hourly labor charge rate for such personnel. The Contractor shall also submit a final bill upon completion of all Work. Payment shall be made on a monthly basis by the City only after the Work has been performed and within thirty (30) days after receipt and approval by the appropriate City representative of the voucher or invoice. If the Work does not meet the requirements of this Agreement, the Contractor will correct or modify the work to comply with the Agreement. The City may withhold payment for such work until the work meets the requirements of the Agreement. 4.3 Defective or Unauthorized Work. If any goods, materials, or services provided under this Agreement are either defective, unauthorized, or otherwise do not meet the requirements of this Agreement, the Contractor will correct or modify the work to comply with the Agreement and the City reserves the right to withhold payment from the Contractor until the goods, materials, or services are acceptable to the City. If Contractor is unable, for any reason, to complete any part of this Agreement, the City may obtain the goods, materials or services from other sources, and Contractor shall be liable to the City for any additional costs incurred by the City. "Additional costs" shall mean all reasonable costs, including legal costs and attorney fees, incurred by the City beyond the maximum Agreement price specified above. The City further reserves its right to deduct these additional costs incurred to GOODS AND SERVICES AGREEMENT - 2 - 4/2023 CrFY HALL 1% CITY OF 33325 Ke, Avenue South Federal flay Federal Way, WA 98003-6325 (253) 835-7000 www_ FederuMayv,u. go u complete this Agreement with other sources, from any and all amounts due or to become due the Contractor. 4.4 Non -Appropriation of Funds. If sufficient funds are not appropriated or allocated for payment under this Agreement for any future fiscal period, the City will not be obligated to make payments for Work or amounts incurred after the end of the current fiscal period, and this Agreement will terminate upon the completion of all remaining Work for which funds are allocated. No penalty or expense shall accrue to the City in the event this provision applies. 4.5 Final Payment: Waiver of Claims. Contractor's acceptance of final payment shall constitute a waiver of any and all claims, except those previously and properly made and identified by Contractor as unsettled at the time request for final payment is made. 5. INDEMNIFICATION. 5.1 Contractor Indemnification. The Contractor agrees to release indemnify, defend, and hold the City, its elected officials, officers, employees, agents, representatives, insurers, attorneys, and volunteers harmless from any and all claims, demands, actions, suits, causes of action, arbitrations, mediations, proceedings, judgments, awards, injuries, damages, liabilities, taxes, losses, fines, fees, penalties expenses, attorney's fees, costs, and/or litigation expenses to or by any and all persons or entities, including, without limitation, their respective agents, licensees, or representatives, arising from, resulting from, or in connection with this Agreement or the performance of this Agreement, except for that portion of the claims caused by the City's sole negligence. Should a court of competent jurisdiction determine that this Agreement is subject to RCW 4.24.115, then, in the event of liability for damages arising out of bodily injury to persons or damages to property caused by or resulting from the concurrent negligence of the Contractor and the City, the Contractor's liability hereunder shall be only to the extent of the Contractor's negligence. Contractor shall ensure that each sub -contractor shall agree to defend and indemnify the City, its elected officials, officers, employees, agents, representatives, insurers, attorneys, and volunteers to the extent and on the same terms and conditions as the Contractor pursuant to this paragraph. The City's inspection or acceptance of any of Contractor's work when completed shall not be grounds to avoid any of these covenants of indemnification. 5.2 Industrial Insurance Act Waiver. It is specifically and expressly understood that the Contractor waives any immunity that may be granted to it under the Washington State industrial insurance act, Title 51 RCW, solely for the purposes of this indemnification. Contractor's indemnification shall not be limited in any way by any limitation on the amount of damages, compensation or benefits payable to or by any third party under workers' compensation acts, disability benefit acts or any other benefits acts or programs. The Parties further acknowledge that they have mutually negotiated this waiver. 5.3 City Indemnification. The City agrees to release, indemnify, defend and hold the Contractor, its officers, directors, shareholders, partners, employees, agents, representatives, and sub- contractors harmless from any and all claims, demands, actions, suits, causes of action, arbitrations, mediations, proceedings, judgments, awards, injuries, damages, liabilities, losses, fines, fees, penalties expenses, attorney's fees, costs, and/or litigation expenses to or by any and all persons or entities, including without limitation, their respective agents, licensees, or representatives, arising from, resulting from or connected with this Agreement to the extent solely caused by the negligent acts, errors, or omissions of the City. 5.4 Survival. The provisions of this Section shall survive the expiration or termination of this Agreement with respect to any event occurring prior to such expiration or termination. GOODS AND SERVICES AGREEMENT - 3 - 4/2023 CITY HALL CITY OF 33325 8T= Avenue South Fe d e ra I Way Federal Way, WA 98003-6325 (253) 835-705-7D00 www.Federatwaywv.gov 6. INSURANCE. The Contractor agrees to carry insurance for liability which may arise from or in connection with the performance of the services or work by the Contractor, their agents, representatives, employees or subcontractors for the duration of the Agreement and thereafter with respect to any event occurring prior to such expiration or termination as follows: 6.1. Minimum Limits. The Contractor agrees to carry as a minimum, the following insurance, in such forms and with such carriers who have a rating that is satisfactory to the City: a. Commercial general liability insurance covering liability arising from premises, operations, independent contractors, products -completed operations, stop gap liability, personal injury, bodily injury, death, property damage, products liability, advertising injury, and liability assumed under an insured contract with limits no less than $2,000,000 for each occurrence and $2,000,000 general aggregate. b. Workers' compensation and employer's liability insurance in amounts sufficient pursuant to the laws of the State of Washington; C. Automobile liability insurance covering all owned, non -owned, hired and leased vehicles with minimum combined single limits in the minimum amounts required to drive under Washington State law per accident for bodily injury, including personal injury or death, and property damage. 6.2. No Limit of Liability. Contractor's maintenance of insurance as required by the agreement shall not be construed to limit the liability of the Contractor to the coverage provided by such insurance, or otherwise limit the City's recourse to any remedy available at law or in equity. The Contractor's insurance coverage shall be primary insurance as respect the City. Any insurance, self-insurance, or insurance pool coverage maintained by the City shall be excess of the Contractor's insurance and shall not contribute with it. 6.3. Additional Insured, Verification. The City shall be named as additional insured on all commercial general liability insurance policies. Concurrent with the execution of this Agreement, Contractor shall provide certificates of insurance for all commercial general liability policies attached hereto as Exhibit C and incorporated by this reference. At City's request, Contractor shall furnish the City with copies of all insurance policies and with evidence of payment of premiums or fees of such policies. If Contractor's insurance policies are "claims made," Contractor shall be required to maintain tail coverage for a minimum period of three (3) years from the date this Agreement is actually terminated or upon project completion and acceptance by the City. 6.4 Survival. The provisions of this Section shall survive the expiration or termination of this Agreement. 7. CONFIDENTIALITY. All information regarding the City obtained by Contractor in performance of this Agreement shall be considered confidential subject to applicable laws. Breach of confidentiality by the Contractor may be grounds for immediate termination. All records submitted by the City to the Contractor will be safeguarded by the Contractor. The Contractor will fully cooperate with the City in identifying, assembling, and providing records in case of any public records disclosure request. 8. WORK PRODUCT. All originals and copies of work product, including plans, sketches, layouts, designs, design specifications, records, files, computer disks, magnetic media or material which may be produced or modified by Contractor while performing the Work shall belong to the City upon delivery. The Contractor shall make such data, documents, and files available to the City and shall deliver all needed or contracted for work product upon the City's request. At the expiration or termination of this Agreement, all originals and copies of any such work product remaining in the possession of Contractor shall be delivered to the City. GOODS AND SERVICES AGREEMENT - 4 - 4/2023 CITY HALL CITY OF 333258a` Avenue South Federal Way (253)Federal Utley, WA 98003-6325 vzh:�(2535835-7000 mm-Federatwaywu.gov 9. BOOKS AND RECORDS. The Contractor agrees to maintain books, records, and documents which sufficiently and properly reflect all direct and indirect costs related to the performance of the Work and maintain such accounting procedures and practices as may be deemed necessary by the City to assure proper accounting of all funds paid pursuant to this Agreement. These records shall be subject, at all reasonable times, to inspection, review or audit by the City, its authorized representative, the State Auditor, or other governmental officials authorized by law to monitor this Agreement. 10. INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR / EMPLOYEE CONDITIONS. 10.1 Independence. The Parties intend that the Contractor shall be an independent contractor and that the Contractor has the ability to control and direct the performance and details of its work, the City being interested only in the results obtained under this Agreement. The City shall be neither liable nor obligated to pay Contractor sick leave, vacation pay or any other benefit of employment, nor to pay any social security, income, or other tax which may arise as an incident of employment, except as specifically provided in Section 4. Industrial or any other insurance that is purchased for the benefit of the City, regardless of whether such may provide a secondary or incidental benefit to the Contractor, shall not be deemed to convert this Agreement to an employment contract. If the Contractor is a sole proprietorship or if this Agreement is with an individual, the Contractor agrees to notify the City and complete any required form if the Contractor retired under a State of Washington retirement system and agrees to indemnify any losses the City may sustain through the Contractor's failure to do so. 10.2 Safety. Contractor shall take all necessary precautions and shall be responsible for the safety of its employees, agents, and subcontractors at the work site and in the performance of the contract work and shall utilize all protection necessary for that purpose. Contractor shall comply with all applicable provisions of federal, state and municipal safety and health laws and codes, including without limitation, all OSHA/WISHA requirements, Safety and Health Standards for Construction Work (Chapter 296-155 WAC), General Safety and Health Standards (Chapter 296-24 WAC), and General Occupational Health Standards (Chapter 296762 WAC). Contractor shall erect and properly maintain, at all times, all necessary guards, barricades, signals and other safeguards at all unsafe places at or near the site for the protection of its employees and the public, safe passageways at all road crossings, crosswalks, street intersections, post danger signs warning against known or unusual hazards and do all other things necessary to prevent accident or loss of any kind. Contractor shall protect from damage all water, sewer, gas, steam or other pipes or conduits, and all hydrants and all other property that is likely to become displaced or damaged by the performance of the Work. The Contractor shall, at its own expense, secure and maintain a safe storage place for its materials and equipment and is solely responsible for the same. 10.3 Risk of Work. All work shall be done at Contractor's own risk, and Contractor shall be responsible for any loss of or damage to materials, tools, or other articles used or held for use in connection with the work. Industrial or any other insurance that is purchased for the benefit of the City, regardless of whether such may provide a secondary or incidental benefit to the Contractor, shall not be deemed to convert this Agreement to an employment contract. Even though Contractor is an independent contractor, the work must meet the approval of the City and shall be subject to the City's general right of inspection to secure satisfactory completion. 11. CONFLICT OF INTEREST. It is recognized that Contractor may or will be performing professional services during the Term for other parties; however, such performance of other services shall not conflict with or interfere with Contractor's ability to perform the Services. Contractor agrees to resolve any such conflicts of interest in favor of the City. Contractor confirms that Contractor does not have a business interest or a close family GOODS AND SERVICES AGREEMENT - 5 - 4/2023 CITY HALL CITY OF s.= 33325 8 Avenue South Federal Way Federal Way, WA 38003-6325 (253) 835-7000 www_FederaMuywa.gov relationship with any City officer or employee who was, is, or will be involved ,in the Contractor's selection, negotiation, drafting, signing, administration, or evaluating the Contractor's performance. 12. EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER. In all services, programs, activities, hiring, and employment made possible by or resulting from this Agreement or any subcontract, there shall be no discrimination by Contractor or its subcontractors of any level, or any of those entities' employees, agents, subcontractors, or representatives against any person because of sex, age (except minimum age and retirement provisions), race, color, religion, creed, national origin, marital status, or the presence of any disability, including sensory, mental or physical handicaps, unless based upon a bona fide occupational qualification in relationship to hiring and employment. This requirement shall apply to, but not be limited to, the following: employment, advertising, layoff or termination, rates of pay or other forms of compensation, and selection for training, including apprenticeship. Contractor shall comply with and shall not violate any of the terms of Chapter 49.60 RCW, Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Americans With Disabilities'Act, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, 49 CFR Part 21, 21.5 and 26, or any other applicable federal, state, or local law or regulation regarding non-discrimination. 13. GENERAL PROVISIONS. 13.1 Interpretation and Modification. This Agreement, together with any attached Exhibits, contains all of the agreements of the Parties with 'respect to any matter covered or mentioned in this Agreement and no prior statements or agreements, whether oral or written, shall be effective for any purpose. Should any language in any Exhibits to this Agreement conflict with any language in this Agreement, the terms of this Agreement shall prevail. The respective captions of the Sections of this Agreement are inserted for convenience of reference only and shall not be deemed to modify or otherwise affect any of the provisions of this Agreement. Any provision of this Agreement that is declared invalid, inoperative, null and void, or illegal shall in no way affect or invalidate any other provision hereof and such other provisions shall remain in full force and effect. Any act done by either Party prior to the effective date of the Agreement that is consistent with the authority of the Agreement and compliant with the terms of the Agreement, is hereby ratified as having been performed under the Agreement. No provision of this Agreement, including this provision, may be amended, waived, or modified except by written agreement signed by duly authorized representatives of the Parties. 13.2 Assignment and Beneficiaries. Neither the Contractor nor the City shall have the right to transfer or assign, in whole or in part, any or all of its obligations and rights hereunder without the prior written consent of the other Party. If the non -assigning party gives its consent to any assignment, the terms of this Agreement shall continue in full force and effect and no further assignment shall be made without additional written consent. Subject to the foregoing, the rights and obligations of the Parties shall inure to the benefit of and be binding upon their respective successors in interest, heirs and assigns. This Agreement is made and entered into for the sole protection and benefit of the Parties hereto. No other person or entity shall have any right of action or interest in this Agreement based on any provision set forth herein. 13.3 Compliance with Laws. The Contractor shall comply with and perform the Services in accordance with all applicable federal, state, local, and city laws including, without limitation, all City codes, ordinances, resolutions, regulations, rules, standards and policies, as now existing or hereafter amended, adopted, or made effective. If a violation of the City's Ethics Resolution No. 91-54, as amended, occurs as a result of the formation or performance of this Agreement, this Agreement may be rendered null and void, at the City's option. 13.4 Enforcement. Time is of the essence in this Agreement and each and all of its provisions in which GOODS AND SERVICES AGREEMENT - 6 - 4/2023 CITY HALL CITY OF 33325 ST`= Avenue South Fe d e ra I Way Federal Way, 'WA 98003-6325 (253)835-7000 www_Federahuvywa.gov performance is a factor. Adherence to completion dates set forth in the description of the Services is essential to the Contractor's performance of this Agreement. Any notices required to be given by the Parties shall be delivered at the addresses set forth at the beginning of this Agreement. Any notices may be delivered personally to the addressee of the notice or may be deposited in the United States mail, postage prepaid, to the address set forth above. Any notice so posted in the United States mail shall be deemed received three (3) days after the date of mailing. Any remedies provided for under the terms of this Agreement are not intended to be exclusive, but shall be cumulative with all other remedies available to the City at law, in equity or by statute. The failure of the City to insist upon strict performance of any of the covenants and agreements contained in this Agreement, or to exercise any option conferred by this Agreement in one or more instances shall not be construed to be a waiver or relinquishment of those covenants, agreements or options, and the same shall be and remain in fall force and effect. Failure or delay of the City to declare any breach or default immediately upon occurrence shall not waive such breach or default. Failure of the City to declare one breach or default does not act as a waiver of the City's right to declare another breach or default. This Agreement shall be made in, governed by, and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the State of Washington. If the Parties are unable to settle any dispute, difference or claim arising from this Agreement, the exclusive means of resolving that dispute, difference, or claim, shall be by filing suit under the venue, rules and jurisdiction of the King County Superior Court, King County, Washington, unless the parties agree in writing to an alternative process. If the King County Superior Court does not have jurisdiction over such a suit, then suit may be filed in any other appropriate court in King County, Washington. Each party consents to the personal jurisdiction of the state and federal courts in King County, Washington and waives any objection that such courts are an inconvenient forum. If either Party brings any claim or lawsuit arising from this Agreement, each Party shall pay all its legal costs and attorney's fees and expenses incurred in defending or bringing such claim or lawsuit, including all appeals, in addition to any other recovery or award provided by law; provided, however, however nothing in this paragraph shall be construed to limit the Parties' rights to indemnification under Section 5 of this Agreement. 13.5 Execution. Each individual executing this Agreement on behalf of the City and Contractor represents and warrants that such individual is duly authorized to execute and deliver this Agreement. This Agreement maybe executed in any number of counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original and with the same effect as if all Parties hereto had signed the same document. All such counterparts shall be construed together and shall constitute one instrument, but in making proof hereof it shall only be necessary to produce one such counterpart. The signature and acknowledgment pages from such counterparts may be assembled together to form a single instrument comprised of all pages of this Agreement and a complete set of all signature and acknowledgment pages. The date upon which the last of all of the Parties have executed a counterpart of this Agreement shall be the "date of mutual execution" hereof. [Signature page follows] GOODS AND SERVICES AGREEMENT - 7 - 4/2023 CITY HALL CITY OF 33325 Eff Avenue South Federal Way Federal Way, WA98fl03-6325 (253) 835-7000 www.Federolwvywa.gov IN WITNESS, the Parties execute this Agreement below, effective the last date written below. CITY OF FEDERAL WAY: Jim Ferrell, Mayor DATE: BIO DECON SOLUTIONS, LLC: By: Printed Name: Title: DATE: STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) ss. COUNTY OF 1 ATTEST: Stephanie Courtney, CMC, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: J. Ryan Call, City Attorney My commission expires. On this day personally appeared before me to me known to be the of Bio Decon Solutions, LLC that executed the within and foregoing instrument, and acknowledged the said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said limited liability company, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that he or she was authorized to execute said instrument. GIVEN under my hand and official seal this day of 2024. Notary's signature Notary's printed name Notary Public in and for the State of Washington. My commission expires GOODS AND SERVICES AGREEMENT - 8 - 4/2023 CITY OF CITY HALL Federal WayFeder 8th Avenue South Federal Way, WA 98003-6325 (253) 835-7000 www cityoffederalway. com EXHIBIT A SERVICES 1. The Contractor shall do or provide the following: Remove all junk, litter and debris throughout the property located at 2647 South Star Lake Road, Federal Way. This includes cement debris, cinder blocks, cut brush, old tires, discarded building materials, discarded household goods, all vehicles and vehicle parts including recreational vehicles, boats, and campers, and miscellaneous junk/litter. Any City of Federal Way erosion control measures will be adhered to as required by Surface Water Management (SWM). This includes installing filters in catch basin #223 83, (a site map with catch basin and conveyances will be provided) filters to be removed when project is complete. To ensure no pollutants enter open conveyances, silt fence may be necessary. Also, ensure there is no track -out into public right of way from vehicles entering and leaving South Star Lake Road. All stockpiles shall be covered if unworked for more than 12 hours (i.e. Plastic sheeting/sandbags). All exposed /disturbed soils shall be secured if unworked for more than 2 consecutive days (i.e. straw, plastic sheeting, etc.). Periodically check site to ensure no rills, gullies, or signs of erosion have formed especially after a storm event. If pollutants enter the system immediately respond to mitigate and stop pollutants from entering the system and notify City of Federal Way staff. Install a 6' chain link gate with posts set 10'. apart with cement. Install ecology blocks on each side of the gate to secure the edges of the road, and supply security chain and one padlock. Remove old cement posts. , GOODS AND SERVICES AGREEMENT - 9 - 4/2023 CITY OF Federal Way EXHIBIT B COMPENSATION CITY HALL 33325 8th Avenue South Federal Way, WA 98003-6325 (253) 835-7000 www cityoffederalway. com 1. Total Compensation: In return for the Services, the City shall pay the Contractor an amount not to exceed Twenty Five Thousand Eight Hundred Fifty Nine and 53/100 Dollars ($25,859.53). 2. Method of Compensation: Flat Fee The City agrees to pay a flat fee, provided by the estimate. • $5,605.00 Biohazard Labor • $7,967.00 Dump Fees • $876.00 Supplies • $100.00 Sharps Disposal • $3,294.00 Rental Equipment • $670.00 Junk car removal • $195.00 Hazardous waste disposal • $1,908.11 WA Sales Tax @10.2% • $20,615.11 Total Bill from Bio Decon Solutions, LLC for the abatement • Additional $4759.00 plus $485.42 WA Sales Tax @ 10.2% for a total of $5,244.42 to add the gate and secure the easement road per the addendum from Bio Decon Solutions. • Grand Total: $25,859.53 GOODS AND SERVICES AGREEMENT - 10 - 4/2023 liv of �L Federal Way EXHIBIT C CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE CITY HALL 33325 8th Avenue South Federal Way, WA 98003-6325 (253) 835-7000 www cityotTederalway. com GOODS AND SERVICES AGREEMENT - 11 - 4/2023 8e COUNCIL MEETING DATE: July 2, 2024 ITEM #: CITY OF FEDERAL WAY CITY COUNCIL AGENDA BILL SUBJECT: WA CRIMINAL JUSTICE TRAINING COMMISSION (CJTC) WELLNESS GRANT POLICY QUESTION: Should the City of Federal Way / Federal Way Police Department accept a grant from the Washington Criminal Justice Training Commission for officer wellness? COMMITTEE: FEDRAC MEETING DATE: June 25, 2024 CATEGORY: ® Consent El Ordinance ❑ Public Hearing ❑ City Council Business ❑ Resolution ❑ Other STAFF REPORT BY: Commander Thad Hodge DEPT: PD Attachments: 1. Staff Report Memo 2. WA Criminal Justice Training Commission (CJTC) Grant Contract 3. WA Criminal Justice Training Commission (CJTC) Request for Proposal Options Considered: 1. Authorize the grant acceptance and associated contract. 2. Do not authorize the proposed grant acceptance and provide direction to staff. MAYOR'S RECOMMEND TION: Option 1. f , MAYOR APPROVAL:( DIRECTOR APPROVAL: Can i tce >Cauncil loo, InitiavDalc lniti /Date Initial/Date , COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: I move to forward the proposed grant acceptance and associated contract to the July 2, 2024, consent agenda for approval. VCmnmi�ttee�ember Coe ttee Chair Co ini ee Member PROPOSED COUNCIL MOTION: I move to authorize the grant acceptance and authorize the Chief of Police to execute the associated grant contract. (BELOW TO BE COMPLETED BY CITY CLERK'S OFFICE COUNCIL ACTION: ❑ APPROVED COUNCIL BILL # ❑ DENIED First reading ❑ TABLED/DEFERRED/NO ACTION Enactment reading ❑ MOVED TO SECOND READING (ordinances only) ORDINANCE # REVISED — 11/2019 RESOLUTION # f _ CITY OF FEDERAL WAY MEMORANDUM DATE: June 17, 2024 TO: City Council Members VIA: Jim Ferrell, Mayor FROM: Andy Hwang, Police Department SUBJECT: WA Criminal Justice Training Commission (CJTC) Wellness Grant Financial Impacts: The grant to the Federal Way Police Department (FWPD) from the Washington Criminal Justice Training Commission (CJTC) will be $17,500 and will be credited to the Police Department, budget line item 001-2100-090-521-13. There are no matching funds required. Background Information: The Officers and Civilian Staff of the Federal Way Police Department serve a growing city of over 100,000 diverse citizens and a myriad of visitors every day. Taking steps to ensure the comprehensive health and wellness of those serving such a large community is vital for success. In recognition of that, an Officer Wellness program has been implemented, with numerous initiatives already showing the benefits of the program's strategies. The program is supported by the leadership of the Wellness Coordinator, Commander Thaddeus Hodge, multiple staff assistants, and the Police Department Administration. Commander Hodge oversees the program initiatives and reports directly to Chief Hwang and Deputy Chief Sumpter. Current Prolzram: • The program has revitalized two wellness rooms with relaxation and stress - reduction tools. Each room has a bunk bed for Officers to rest between short turnarounds or during inclement weather if they can't get home, a massage chair, Bluetooth speaker, soft light, a yoga mat, and small muscle manipulation tools. • FWPD has a team of seven Peer Support members: one Lieutenant, two Corporals, one Detective, two Officers, and one Jail Transport Officer. They are receptive to those needing advice or conversation with someone who has shared experience, and they will respond when the department or an individual needs help. Rev. 7/18 • A fitness hour has also been implemented, and officers and staff members are encouraged to utilize it during the week if the call/work volume allows it. There is a gym in City Hall and a gym at a substation from which to choose. A good portion of staff also choose to walk outside and get some fresh air for their fitness hour. ■ FWPD also has a wellness fridge with fresh fruit, protein, and other healthy snacks. FWPD is trying to encourage healthy snack alternatives for busy days. • The wellness Program has also organized and funded a PD softball team. This is a healthy alternative for friends and families to gather outside work in a safe and relaxed environment. • FWPD has a current mental health professional available eight hours a month to help with the mental well-being of department staff. ■ A list of specialty healthcare providers referred by staff is continuously updated and made available so officers have a list of local providers for preventative care. • When new information and resources are created or received, they are announced and readily available to everyone in the Patrol area of the station to reduce stigma and increase accessibility. Material includes mental health resources through local programs and our insurance, self- and family assistance, financial counseling, etc. Proposed Proararn: FWPD will continue the current initiatives and expand the program to improve the overall physical and mental wellness of officers, staff, and their families. With funds from the WSCJTC Officer Wellness Grant, FWPD will partner with DexaFit Seattle and provide more resources and training on physical health, stress management, and financial wellness. FWPD will also purchase more physical wellness tools like a Reverse hyper. DexaFit DexaFit would provide a screening analysis for each officer on body composition, body fat, fat percentage, muscle lean mass, bone density, overall bone health, and muscle symmetry. These measurements will help to identify health risks. The officers would receive information on the projected cardiovascular disease and diabetes. A 3D imaging scan can provide accurate body measurements. This will help with tracking posture analysis and balance tests. A metabolic cart will provide a nutritional assessment. A stress test can map physical stressors in the individual. All this information can be used to proactively address physical fitness moving forward, which in turn has proven to improve the overall mental well- being of the individual. Reverse hyper Reverse hyperextensions machines are a great way to safely strengthen the muscles in your back without having to stand on the ground. This equipment can be beneficial if you have an injury, as it can help you rehabilitate your back and Rev. 7/18 build strength. Using the reverse hyperextension machine, you work the muscles, joints, and soft tissue in your lumbar spine. This can help improve circulation and nutrient supply to your intervertebral discs. The movement created by this machine is similar to what you might experience with an inversion table but with the added benefit of strength training and conditioning. Police officers and others who spend much time sitting or engaging in other activities that lead to poor posture may experience internal rotation in their shoulder area. This can cause pain and mobility problems. Regular use of the reverse hyperextension machine can help strengthen your back muscles and alleviate these symptoms. Regular use of a reverse hyper can strengthen the back, which can help relieve symptoms of pain and mobility problems due to internal shoulder rotation. Benefits of the Reverse Hyper • Provides spine decompression that can't easily be duplicated by other equipment. • Strengthens the posterior chain and lower back. ■ Can be used as a rehabilitation tool for those with low -back issues. • Helps with flexibility and aids in dynamic range of motion. • Helps keep athletes progressing and healthy without additional external loading of the spine. • Helps with lower -back recovery after heavy pulling sessions Rev. 7118 DocuSign Envelope ID: 0847CDD2-2027440C-BEF1-D44CB04015C5 WSCJTC Contract No. Washington State IA25-021 Criminal Justice Training Commission Program Index 529 This Contract is between the State of Washington, Washington State Criminal Justice Training Commission and the Contractor identified below and is governed by Department of Enterprise Services Procurement Policies. Contractor Name: Contractor Address: City of Federal Way Police Department 33325 8th Ave. S., Suite 101, Federal Way, WA 98003 Contact: Thaddeus Hodge Contact Telephone: Contact E-Mail 253-835-6764 Thaddeus. hodaeia7cilyofFederalway.com Statewide Vendor Number: (SWV): Click here to apply or provide number below: 0015957-00 WSCJTC Contact Information Manager of this contract or project. Name and Title. E-mail Address Susa n.Rogel(&c'tc.wa.aov Susan Rogel, Grant Manager Telephone 206-939-8437 Contract Start Date Contract End Date Contract Maximum Amount July 1, 2024 June 30, 2025 $17,500 Subcontracting Authorized? YIN Travel Expenses Authorized? YIN Y Y FOR THE WSCJTC: FOR THE CONTRACTOR: Susan Rogel 5.4" IZgd 6/12/2024 City of Federal Way Police Department Manager Date Contractor Business Name Brian Elliott bnm' f,(bf 6/12/2024 Department Manager Date Date Monica Alexander k.41n iux & ,a I/ '- 6/13/2024 Executive Director Date Contractor signature Holly White WSCJTC Contract Specialist Date Print Name & Title Andy Hwang, Chief of Police Andy. hwancit offederalwa .com DocuSign Envelope ID: 0847CDD2-2027-440C-BEF1-D44CB04015C5 Statement of Work. This contract was won competitively, and contract incorporates by reference the Statement of Work WSCJTC published in the Request for Proposal, which the Contractor's proposal specifically agreed to perform. This grant is for the purpose of establishing officer wellness programs, to include, building resilience, injury prevention, peer support, physical fitness, proper nutrition, stress management, suicide prevention, physical health, mental health supports/services and any other program that focuses on officer wellbeing. OUTCOME REPORTING AND BILLING TIMELINES 1. Outcome Report 2. Invoice (A-19 and backup documentation — submitted in one PDF document all to ether DUE DATES: 1. October 15, 2024 (July, August, & September) 2. January 15, 2025 (October, November, & December) 3. April 15, 2025 (January, February, & March) 4. July 10, 2025, FINAL submission (April, May, & June) REQUIRED OUTCOMES FOR REPORT: (See allocation amounts on last page) 1. Dexafit — document number of officers who participate. 2. Reverse Hyperextension Machine — Document when received and document use. 3. Complete officer survey of usefulness of all services and suggestions for future officer wellness services. Report outcomes in final report. Exclusive Agreement. This contract, with its attachments and documents incorporated by reference, contains all of the terms and conditions the parties agreed to. No other contract terms or conditions shall be deemed to exist or bind the parties. The parties signing above confirm they have read and understand this entire Contract and have the authority to enter this Contract. WSCJTC and the Contractor may amend the contract by mutual written agreement. Payment. WSCJTC shall pay the Contractor for performance of the Statement of Work, in response to invoices specifying hours worked or work completed but shall not pay in advance. Payments are made by Electronic Funds Transfer using the bank routing information the Contractor provides. Nondiscrimination. a. Nondiscrimination Requirement. During the term of this Contract, Contractor, including any subcontractor, shall not discriminate on the bases enumerated at RCW,49.60.530(3). In addition, Contractor, including any subcontractor, shall give written notice of this nondiscrimination requirement to any labor organizations with which Contractor, or subcontractor, has a collective bargaining or other agreement. b. Obligation to Cooperate. Contractor, including any subcontractor, shall cooperate and comply with any Washington state agency investigation regarding any allegation that Contractor, including any subcontractor, has engaged in discrimination prohibited by this Contract pursuant to RCW 49.60.530(3). c. Default. Notwithstanding any provision to the contrary, WSCJTC may suspend Contractor, including any subcontractor, upon notice of a failure to participate and cooperate with any state agency investigation into alleged discrimination prohibited by this Contract, pursuant to RCW 49.60.530(3). Any such suspension will remain in place until WSCJTC receives notification that Contractor, including any subcontractor, is cooperating with the investigating state agency. In the event Contractor, or subcontractor, is determined to have engaged in discrimination identified at RCW 49.60.530(3), WSCJTC may terminate this Contract in whole or in part, and Contractor, subcontractor, or both, may be referred for debarment as provided in RCW 39.26.200. Contractor or subcontractor may be given a reasonable time in which to cure this noncompliance, including implementing conditions consistent with any court -ordered injunctive relief or settlement agreement. d. Remedies for Breach. Notwithstanding any provision to the contrary, in the event of Contract termination or suspension for engaging in discrimination, Contractor, subcontractor, or both, shall be liable for contract damages as authorized by law including, but not limited to, any cost difference between the original contract DocuSign Envelope ID: 0847CDD2-2027-440C-BEF1-D44CB04015C5 and the replacement or cover contract and all administrative costs directly related to the replacement contract, which damages are distinct from any penalties imposed under Chapter 49.60, RCW. WSCJTC shall have the right to deduct from any monies due to Contractor or subcontractor, or that thereafter become due, an amount for damages Contractor or subcontractor will owe WSCJTC for default under this provision. Industrial Insurance Coverage. WSCJTC will report the Contractor to the Department of Labor and Industries (L&I) as a "non -employee covered worker" and will pay L&I insurance premiums. Any injuries the Contractor suffers in the course of performing this contract are covered by L&I. The Contractor and his/her physician should claim accordingly. If this contract authorizes subcontracting, the Contractor provides L&I coverage for any subcontract workers; WSCJTC and the State assume no liability for them. Termination. No guarantee of work is made or implied as a result of this Contract: merely signing this contract does not guarantee the Contractor any specific amount of payment. WSCJTC may terminate this Contract by providing written notice to the Contractor. Termination shall be effective on the date specified in the termination notice. WSCJTC shall be liable for only authorized services provided on or before the date of termination. Assignment. The Contractor may not assign this Contract, or its rights or obligations to a third party. Confidentiality. The Contractor shall not disclose any information WSCJTC designates confidential. This contract and the Contractor's proposal, if any, become the property of the WSCJTC, subject to the Public Records Act RCW 42.56. Disputes. If a dispute arises under this contract, it shall be resolved by a Dispute Board. The WSCJTC Executive Director and the Contractor shall each appoint a member to the Board. The Executive Director of the WSCJTC and the Contractor shall jointly appoint a third member to the Dispute Board. The Board shall evaluate the dispute and resolve it. The Board's determination shall be final and binding to all parties to this Contract. Indemnity. Contractor agrees to hold harmless WSCJTC for any claim arising out of performance or failure to perform the contract, without regard to actual or alleged negligence by State employees. Governing Law. This Contract shall be governed by the laws of Washington. The jurisdiction for any action hereunder shall be the Superior Court for the State of Washington. The venue of any action hereunder shall be in the Superior Court for Thurston County, State of Washington. Rights in Data. Material created from this Contract shall be "works for hire" as defined by the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976 and shall be owned by WSCJTC, including but not limited to reports, documents, videos, curricular material, exams or recordings. Such materials are subject to RCW 42.56, the Public Records Act; WSCJTC may disclose such documents in accordance with the PRA. Severability. If any provision of this Contract or any provision of any document incorporated by reference shall be held invalid, such invalidity shall not affect the other provisions of this Contract which can be given effect without the invalid provision, if such remainder conforms to the requirements of applicable law and the fundamental purpose of this Contract, and to this end the provisions of this Contract are declared to be severable. Waiver. A failure by the WSCJTC to exercise its rights under this contract shall not preclude WSCJTC from subsequent exercise of such rights and shall not constitute a waiver of any rights under this contract unless stated to be such in writing and signed by an authorized representative of WSCJTC and attached to the original contract. Total Allocation $17,500 Dexa Fit for approx. 46 Officers $16,277 Reverse Hyperextension Machine $1,223 WASHINGTON STATE CRIMINAL JUSTICE TRAINING COMMISSION r Monica Alexander, Executive Director 19010 1st Avenue South . Burien, WA 98148 • Phone: 206-835-7300 . www.cltc.w0.Qov Request for Proposal The Washington State Criminal Justice Training Commission (WSCJTC) invites written proposals to perfonn the work summarized below. In addition, this Request for Proposal (RFP) describes in detail the process for submitting responsive proposals. Officer Wellness Intent: The WSCJTC is to provide grants to local law enforcement and corrections agencies for the purpose of establishing officer wellness programs. Proposals are to include but are not limited to, building resilience, injury prevention, peer support, physical fitness, proper nutrition, stress management, suicide prevention, physical health services and mental health supports/services. Additional programs are also encouraged to focus on officer wellbeing. • Date RFP Posted: April 1, 2024. • Funding Available $1,500,000. ■ Term of Contract: From July 1,2024 to June 30, 2025. • Proposal Question Meeting (Zoom) April 10 @ 2pm. Susan Rogel is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting: Topic: Officer Wellness Grant Time: Apr 10, 2024 02:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada) Join Zoom Meeting h!Ws://us02web.zoom.us/i/82086942476?pwd=SXp*Wnh 3ZZXRMU3E5N'FsemFMdz09 Meeting ID: 820 8694 2476 Passcode: 909835 One tap mobile +12532050468„82086942476#,,,,*909835# US +12532158782„82086942476#,,,,*909835# US (Tacoma Dial by your location • +1 253 205 0468 US • +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma) • +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston) • +1 669 444 9171 US • +1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose) • +1 719 359 4580 US • +1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC) • +1 305 224 1968 US • +1 309 205 3325 US TRAINING THE GUARDIANS OF DEMOCRACY • +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago) • +1 360 209 5623 US • +1 386 347 5053 US • +1 507 473 4847 US • +1 564 217 2000 US • +1 646 9313860 US +.1 689 278 1000 US • +1 929 436 2866 US (New York) • 833 548 0276 US Toll -free • 833 548 0282 US Toll -free • 877 853 5247 US Toll -free • 888 788 0099 US Toll -free • Proposals Due: by 3pm, May 2, 2024, Return completed proposals to: susan.rogel@ojtc.wa.gov • Proposal Review: May 9-16, 2024 • Proposal Decisions by: May 16, 2024 • Contracts start date: July 1, 2024 Point of Contact for this RFP: NAME: Susan Rogel, Grant Manager ADDRESS: WSCJTC, 19010 15t Ave. South, Burien, WA 98148, MS: TB-35 PHONE: 206-939-8437 Email: susan.rogel@cjtc.wa.gov Proposal Submission Each agency must submit to the RFP Point of Contact named above a single proposal by email attachment. WSCJTC will consider that email an electronic signature intended to bind the Agency. The WSCJTC will consider proposals to include an acceptance period at least until the scheduled date of announcing the successful applicant. WSCJTC will not consider late submissions to be responsive proposals. All proposals become the property of the WSCJTC, subject to the Public Records Act, RCW 42.56, and will not be returned. If an Agency wants to designate one or more parts of its proposal exempt from public disclosure, the Agency must clearly designate those parts. Marking the entire proposal exempt from disclosure will not be honored. The Agency must either limit the claimed exemption or withdraw the proposal. WSCJTC reserves the right to cancel or to suspend the RFP in whole or in part before naming the recipient. RESPONSIVE PROPOSALS The review panel will review proposals to determine compliance with documentation requirements and instructions specified in this RFP. Failure to comply with RFP requirements may result in rejection of the proposal as non -responsive. WSCJTC reserves the right at our,sole discretion to waive minor irregularities. A resl2onsive proposal includes: 1. COVER SHEET Date of Application: April 23, 2024 Name of Organization(s) Applying: Federal Way Police Deaprtment Contact Name: Commander Thaddeus Hodge Contact phone number: 253-835-6764 Contact email address: thaddeus.hodge@federalwaywa.gov Address (principal/administrative office): 33325 8th Ave S # 101 City Federal Way State WA Zip 98003 Amount Requested: $ 8,600 Geographic area to be served: Federal Way, WA Director(s) Signature, Director Name(s) Printed: Andy Hwang, Chief of Police Agency contract signer Name: Andy Hwang, Chief of Police Date: Contract signers Email address: andy.hwang@federalwaywa.gov (Contracts will be sent via Docusign): 3 2. APPLICATION A. Narrative a. Organization information B. Proposed Program a. Describe the proposed program in detail. b. Describe the program's outcomes to be measured (what do you hope to gain if funded) and your plan to meet them. i. Identify the specific outcome(s) needed to show success of your proposed program, "what will you know if your program is successful" and Identify personnel responsible for collecting data needed to communicate the outcomes. Identify other organizations, partners, or funders participating in the project and their roles. C. Finances, including: a. Program budget, See last page or contact Susan Rogel @ susan.ro el c'tc.wa. ov for excel form. WSCJTC reserves the right to select the agency without further discussion or negotiation of the proposals received, so proposals should be the most favorable terms the agency can offer. WSCJTC reserves the right to contact an Agency for clarification of its proposal. Nothing compels WSCJTC to select the agency based solely on the lowest proposed cost. WSCJTC reserves the right to weigh a variety of relevant factors in selecting the agency. Conditions of the Contract Award: • If WSCJTC names an agency, WSCJTC will immediately begin drafting a contract with the agency. • WSCJTC will pay for the progress and completion of work described in the statement of work, but not in advance. • No work can be performed, nor any expenses incurred before the contract is signed. • WSCJTC will not pay for an Agency's cost in preparing its proposal. • Contracts WSCJTC award are contingent upon funding. • This RFP does not obligate WSCJTC to enter into a contract. DEBRIEFING OF UNSUCCESSFUL BIDDERS On request, WSCJTC will schedule a telephonic debriefing conference of one hour or less with an unsuccessful bidder, if requested before the deadline specified in the RFP schedule above. Debriefing is limited to a critique of the Agency's proposal. Comparison with other proposals is not allowed. PROTESTS Agencies who have participated in a debriefing conference may, within three days following the conference, file with the RFP manager a written or emailed protest of the acquisition, limited to: • Allegations of bias, discrimination, or conflict of interest on the part of the WSCJTC employees who decided upon the Agency. • Allegations of WSCJTC's non-compliance with this RFP, as revised by WSCJTC, except where the RFP specifies WSCJTC discretion and "reserved rights." The protest must state the grounds for the protest, including specific facts, must specify the actions being protested, and must describe the corrective action being requested. Upon receipt of a protest, WSCJTC's Executive Director will appoint an employee who was not involved in the procurement to review the record, consider all relevant facts, and issue a decision within five business days of receipt of the protest. If additional time is required, the protesting parry will be notified of the delay. The final determination of the protest shall: • Find the protest lacking in merit and uphold WSCJTC's action; or • Find only technical or harmless errors in the WSCJTC's actions and find WSCJTC to be in substantial compliance and uphold WSCJTC's actions; or • Find the protest essentially valid and recommend to the Executive Director steps to: o correct the errors and fairly re-evaluate all responsive proposals received, or o reject all proposals and start the RFP process over again, or o make the protestor whole for any lost opportunity. Budget Line Item ��.. _ _ ._ 1. Supplies Itemize all supplies. 2. Professional Services/Public Agency Contracts List the names of all professional service contracts (e.g., contracts with other entities or consultants). Itemize the services that will be provided by each and show funds allocated to each. Show hours and billing rates for all contracted staff. 3. Training and Travel Itemize all costs associated with training and travel. 4. Fixed Assets/Equipment Itemize all equipment and fixed assets. 5. Other (Posters, Fliers, Technology, etc.) Itemize any other costs Totals 6 Grant Funds Narrative Detail 1 #REF! COUNCIL MEETING DATE: July 2, 2024 CITY OF FEDERAL WAY CITY COUNCIL AGENDA BILL SUBJECT: UPDATE OF VIDEO SYSTEM COMPONENTS FOR THE EVIDENCE BUILDING ITEM #: POLICY QUESTION: Should the City Council approve the update of the video system components for the Evidence building? COMMITTEE: FEDRAC CATEGORY: ® Consent ❑ Ordinance ❑ City Council Business ❑ Resolution STAFF REPORT BY: Thomas Fichtner MEETING DATE: June 25, 2024 ❑ Public Hearing ❑ Other DEPT: Information Technology Attachments: 1. Staff Report 2. Security Solutions Video System Components Quote Options Considered: 1. Approve the proposed update of the video system components for the Evidence building. 2. Do not approve proposed update and provide direction to staff. MAYOR'S RECOMMENDATION: Option 1. MAYOR APPROVAL: DIRECTOR APPROVAL: COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: I move to forward the proposed update of the video system components for the Evidence building to the July 2, 2024, consent agenda for approval. ti Coffimittee Chair Commift —e ember Comb ee Member PROPOSED COUNCIL MOTION: "I move approval of the proposed update of the video system components for the Evidence building for the sum not to exceed $27, 548.79. " (BELOW TO BE COMPLETED BY CITY CLERK'S OFFICE) COUNCIL ACTION: ❑ APPROVED COUNCIL BILL # ❑ DENIED First reading ❑ TABLED/DEFERRED/NO ACTION Enactment reading ❑ MOVED TO SECOND READING (ordinances only) ORDINANCE # REVISED - 5/2024 RESOLUTION # CITY OF FEDERAL WAY MEMORANDUM DATE: June 14, 2024 TO: City Council Members VIA: Jim Ferrell, Mayor FROM: Thomas Fichtner, IT Department SUBJECT: Update of Video System Components for the Evidence Building Financial Impacts: The cost to the City for the update of the video system components for the Evidence building is not to exceed $27,548.79. This project was included within the 2022 JAG Grant project for the Property Evidence Facility Safe City security camera upgrade. The JAG Grant has a total amount of $33,387 allocated for this project. Sales tax may not be covered by the grant and will be absorbed by the police department's operating budget. Background Information: The Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Program funds are used to support all components of the criminal justice system. JAG funded projects may address crime through the provision of services directly to individuals and/or communities and by improving the effectiveness and efficiency of criminal justice systems, processes, and procedures. The 2022 JAG Grant funds will be used to purchase equipment utilized by the Federal Way Police Bomb Disposal Unit (BDU) for the removal and disposal of explosives. In addition, grant funds in the amount of $33,387 have been allocated to be used to upgrade and enhance Safe City CCTV/security cameras in and around the Property/Evidence facility. The existing cameras have largely been in place since the building was constructed in mid-2000's and need to be upgraded. These new cameras will be installed in some existing and new locations to enhance coverage in and around the building for safety and security of staff and property. The equipment is being purchased from Security Solutions, leveraging the Washington Learning Source (WLS) cooperative purchasing contract #WLS306 per Council approved Resolution AG#22-067. - Rev. 7/18 OSECURITY S 0 L U T 1 0 N S BELLINGHAM LOCK & SAFE CITY OF FEDERAL WAY Federal Way, WA VIDEO SYSTEM COMPONENTS: 14 AVIGILON ACC7-ENT 7 AVIGILON 12.0W-H5A-FE-D01-IR 3 AVIGILON 24C-H5A-3MH 3 AVIGILON WLMT-1001 3 AVIGILON CRNMT-1001 3 AVIGILON H5AMH-AD-PEND1 3 AVIGILON H5AMH-D0-00VR1 1 AVIGILON 10.0C-H5DH-D01-IR 1 AVIGILON H5DH-MT-NPTA1 1 AVIGILON WLMT-1021 3 AVIGILON 8.00-1­16A-1301-I11 5 AVIGILON H5A-FE-MT-NPTA1 5 AXIS T911353 1 Shipping NOTE: 1. Prices do not include labor to install or program. Contact Info: Jerry Haynes License H5A Fisheye Camera Multisensor Camera Wall Mount for Large Pendant Camera Corner Mount for Larger Pendant Pendant Mount Adapter Dome Cover Dual Head Outdoor Camera Daul Head Pendant Adapter Pendant Arm Mount Bullet IR Camera NPT Adapter for Fisheye Indoor Telescopic Ceiling Mount May 21, 2024 Unit Price $253.21 $964.55 $1,921.98 $87.96 $105.13 $144.48 $144.48 $1,299.23 $51.33 $76.13 $1,415.50 $51.33 $173.88 $225.00 Ext. Price $3, 544.94 $6, 751.85 $5,765.94 $263.88 $315.39 $433.44 $433.44 $1, 299.23 $51.33 $76.13 $4, 246.50 $256.65 $869.40 $225.00 Subtotal $24,533.12 Sales Tax $2,502.38 TOTAL $27,035,50 WLS pricing Warranty - Terms & Conditions a - All parts and labor are warranted for one year. b - Balance to be billed at net 30 days from completion of work. c - Additional work requested beyond the SCOPE OF WORK in this proposal, will be billed as time and materials at a rate of $95.00 per hour unless the scope of the work requires a new proposal. Additional work will not be performed above and beyond this proposal without owner consent. d - This proposal is valid for 30 days from issue date. Presented by: Darcy Boersma - Security Solutions NW Authorized Representative Acceptance: (please sign here) 1619 N State St. Bellingham WA, 98225 t 360.734.4940 f 360.647.9540 www.ssnw.co WESCO° ` UCSC Anixter Inc. (a WESCO Company) Send Purchase Orders to Anixter Inc. 2301 Patriot Blvd. Glenview, IL 60026 Customer CITY OF FEDERAL WAY 33325 8TH AVENUE S FEDERAL WAY, WA 98003 Jerry Haynes Phone:(206)394-9259 Fax: — Email: Jerry.Haynes@cityoffederalway.com Quick Quote 5/30 QUOTATION Date: 05/31/2024 Quote #: QOOCFGKX Customer: 116817 Line Quantity Part Number and Description UM Unit Price Extended Price 1 2000 CM-00423CS34-6U-09 MF 232.89 465.78 U N884015814/10 234P UTP-RISER SOL BC CAT6 CS34R GRY C6 4/23 U/UTP CPK 1KFT Quote Total: 465.78 TERMS CHARGE Freight Terms: PPD/CHARGE Shipment: MATERIAL IN ANIXTER INVENTORY IS SUBJECT TO PRIOR SALE. Notes: ORDER ACCEPTANCE BASED UPON PRIOR CREDIT APPROVAL MATERIAL NON -RETURNABLE WITHOUT RETURN AUTHORIZATION. Currency: USD Please refer all inquiries to: Aden Markwell Phone: (206)850-8019 Mobile: -- Fax: -- aden.markwell@anixter.com Comments: 21419 64th Ave S KENT, WA 98032 US COPPER CABLE PRICES VALID FOR 14 DAYS ALL OTHER ITEMS VALID 20 DAYS UNLESS NOTED AT THE ITEM LEVEL. Wesco may charge you storage and transportation fees if you do not take possession or accept delivery of the above products within ninety (90) days or agreed upon terms from such products being available for delivery or pick-up BY ACCEPTING THIS QUOTE, YOU AGREE THAT THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF SALE PUBLISHED AT VJYWJ.RNVXTER.COMII£f3hdSANIICONDITIONS ARE EXPRESSLY INCORPORATED INTO AND SHALL GOVERN THIS TRANSACTION Page 1 of 1 quote -en -US Version 2.5.1 RETURN TO: TERRY SMITH EXT: 2550 CITY OF FEDERAL WAY LAW DEPARTMENT ROUTING FORM 1. ORIGINATING DEPT./DIV: INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 2. ORIGINATING STAFF PERSON: THOMAS FICHTNER EXT: 2547 3. DATE REQ. BY: 06/17/24 4. TYPE OF DOCUMENT (CHECK ONE): ❑ CONTRACTOR SELECTION DOCUMENT (E.G., RFB, RFP, RFQ) ❑ PUBLIC WORKS CONTRACT ❑ SMALL OR LIMITED PUBLIC WORKS CONTRACT ❑ PROFESSIONAL SERVICE AGREEMENT ❑ MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT ❑ GOODS AND SERVICE AGREEMENT ❑ HUMAN SERVICES / CDBG ❑ REAL ESTATE DOCUMENT ❑ SECURITY DOCUMENT (E.G. BOND RELATED DOCUMENTS) ❑ ORDINANCE ❑ RESOLUTION ❑ CONTRACT AMENDMENT (AG#): ❑ INTERLOCAL ® OTHER QUOTE S. PROJECT NAME: UPDATE OF VIDEO SYSTEM COMPONENTS FOR THE EVIDENCE BUILDING 6. NAME OF CONTRACTOR: SECURITY SOLUTIONS ADDRESS: 1619 N STATE STREET, BELLINGHAM, WA, 98225 TELEPHONE (360)734-4940 E-MAIL: DARCYB@SSNW.CO FAX: (360)647-9540 SIGNATURE NAME: DARCY BOERSMA TITLE ASSISTANT PROJECT MANAGER 7. EXHIBITS AND ATTACHMENTS: 9 SCOPE, WORK OR SERVICES ❑ COMPENSATION ❑ INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS/CERTIFICATE ❑ ALL OTHER REFERENCED EXHIBITS ❑ PROOF OF AUTHORITY TO SIGN ❑ REQUIRED LICENSES ❑ PRIOR CONTRACT/AMENDMENTS 8. TERM: COMMENCEMENT DATE: Upon Approval COMPLETION DATE: 08/31/24 9. TOTAL COMPENSATION $ 27,548.79 (INCLUDE EXPENSES AND SALES TAX, IF ANY) (IF CALCULATED ON HOURLY LABOR CHARGE - ATTACH SCHEDULES OF EMPLOYEES TITLES AND HOLIDAY RATES) REIMBURSABLE EXPENSE: ❑ YES ©NO IF YES, MAXIMUM DOLLAR AMOUNT: $ IS SALES TAX OWED OYES ®NO IF YES, $ 2,549.89 PAID BY: ❑ CONTRACTOR@ CITY RETAINAGE: RETAINAGE AMOUNT: ❑ RETAINAGE AGREEMENT (SEE CONTRACT) OR ❑ RETAINAGE BOND PROVIDED ® PURCHASING: PLEASE CHARGE TO: 001-2100-090-521-22-414 10. DOCUMENT/CONTRACT REVIEW INITIAL / DATE REVIEWED INITIAL / DATE APPROVED ❑ PROJECT MANAGER N DIRECTOR TF - 6117 ❑ RISK MANAGEMENT (IF APPLICABLE) ® LAW TMW 6/18/24 11. COUNCIL APPROVAL (IF APPLICABLE) COMMITTEE APPROVAL DATE: COUNCIL APPROVAL DATE: 12. CONTRACT SIGNATURE ROUTING ❑ SENT TO VENDOR/CONTRACTOR DATE SENT: DATE REC'D: ❑ ATTACH: SIGNATURE AUTHORITY, INSURANCE CERTIFICATE, LICENSES, EXHIBITS ❑ CREATE ELECTRONIC REMINDER/NOTIFICATION FOR 1 MONTH PRIOR TO EXPIRATION DATE (Include dept. support staff if necessary and feel free to set notification more than a month in advance if council approval is needed.) INITIAL / DATE SIGNED ❑ LAW DEPARTMENT S. SIGNATORY (MAYOR OR DIRECTOR) ❑ CITY CLERK ❑ ASSIGNED AG# AG# COMMENTS: 2/2017 COUNCIL MEETING DATE: July 2, 2024 ITEM #:_ S_g CITY OF FEDERAL WAY CITY COUNCIL AGENDA BILL SUBJECT: AUTHORIZATION TO ADD ONE FIXED TERM POSITION POLICY QUESTION: Should City Council authorize the addition of one fixed term Construction Inspector Position? COMMITTEE: FEDRAC MEETING DATE: June 25, 2024 CATEGORY: ® Consent ❑ Ordinance ❑ Public Hearing ❑ City Council Business❑ Resolution ❑ Other STAFF REPORT BY: EJ Walsh, 1' L: Directoi--- DEPT _Public Works Attachments: 1. Staff Report Options Considered: 1. Authorize the addition of one fixed term Construction Inspector Position. 2. Do not authorize the addition of one fixed term Construction Inspector Position and provide direction to staff. MAYOR'S RECOMMENDATION: Option 1. MAYOR APPROVAL: ` f DIRECTOR APPROVAL: 40-1-('il Lo*-" Com ittee co trail f f Initial/Date Initial/Date Initial/Date COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: I move to forward Option #1 to the July 2, 2024 consent agenda for approval. Com lttee Chair tommlttee Member Colnnl PROPOSED COUNCIL MOTION: "I move approval of the addition of one fixed term Construction Inspector position. " BELOW TO BE COMPLETED BY CITY CLERK'S OFFICE COUNCIL ACTION: ❑ APPROVED COUNCIL BILL # ❑ DENIED First reading ❑ TABLED/DEFERRED/NO ACTION Enactment reading ❑ MOVED TO SECOND READING (ordinances only) ORDINANCE # REVISED — 11/2019 RESOLUTION # DATE.: TO: VIA: FROM: SUBJECT: CITY OF FEDERAL WAY MEMORANDUM June 25, 2024 FEDRAC Committee Jim Ferrell, Mayor EJ Walsh, P.E., Public Works Director Authorization to add one Fixed Tern Po. ition FINANCIAL IMPACTS: This position is funded by grants and restricted funds within the Transportation Capital Improvement Program. No foreseeable financial impacts to the general fund are expected as a result of this authorization. BACKGROUND: The Public Works department uses a combination of full-time, fixed -term, temporary, and consultant inspectors to oversee both public and private construction within City Right of Way and City owned properties. Over the last several years the number of available temporary inspector applicants has decreased with the amount of construction occuring around the Puget Sound, which has resulted in the City not having the ability to provide sufficient inspection coverage. Additionally, we are finding it more and more challenging to obtain consultant inspection firms with adequate staff to meet the City's demands. Public Works has the opportunity to convert one of our existing temporary inspectors to a two (2) year fixed - term construction inspector and is recommending proceeding with the conversion to be able to provide continued construction inspection. This will not eliminate the continued need for additional temporary and consultant inspectors. The temporary inspector position is currently funded through the Transportation Capital Improvement Program (Streets CIP) which is comprised of grants and restricted revenue sources. This position is classified as Grade 38, with a range from $6,587 to $8,342 per month plus benefits. The approximate total (salary plus benefits) for the first year amount to $116,500. COUNCIL MEETING DATE: July 2, 2024 ITEM #: FOR CITY OF FEDERAL WAY CITY COUNCIL AGENDA BILL SUBJECT: Purchase of two used vehicles for the Emergency Management Program. POLICY QUESTION: Should the City Council authorize the purchase of two used vehicles for the Emergency Management Program using previously approved program budget funds? COMMITTEE: FEDRAC MEETING DATE: June 25, 2024 CATEGORY: ® Consent ❑ Ordinance ❑ Public Hearing ❑ City Council Business ❑ Resolution ❑ Other STAFF REPORT BY: Kevin Pelle , Emergency Manager DEPT: Emergency Management Attachments: 1. FEDRAC memo dated June 18, 2024 Options Considered: 1. Authorize staff to proceed with the purchase two used vehicles for the Emergency Management Program using previously approved program budget funds. 2. Do not authorize staff to proceed with the purchase of two used vehicles for the Emergency Management Program using previously approved program budget funds and provide direction to staff. MAYOR'S RECOMMENDATION: Option 1. MAYOR APPROVAL: DIRECTOR APPROVAL: Initial/Date COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: I move to forward Option I to the July 2, 2024 City Council Consent Agenda for approval. % Ca lttee Chair �AC mitt�N1 er C J ConWittee Member PROPOSED COUNCIL MOTION: "I move to authorize staff to proceed with the purchase two used vehicles for the Emergency Management Program using previously approved program budget funds. (BELOW TO BE COMPLETED BY CITY CLERK'S OFFICE) COUNCIL ACTION: ❑ APPROVED COUNCIL BILL # ❑ DENIED First reading ❑ TABLED/DEFERRED/NO ACTION Enactment reading ❑ MOVED TO SECOND READING (ordinances only) ORDINANCE # REVISED— 1/2022 RESOLUTION # CITY OF FEDERAL WAY MEMORANDUM DATE: June 25, 2024 TO: FEDRAC Committee VIA: Jim Ferrell, Mayor FROM: Kevin Pelley, Emergency Manager—�- �j— SUBJECT: Purchase of two used vehicles for the Emergency Management Program FINANCIAL IMPACTS: This is proposed to be purchased using approved program budget funds within the 2024 budget. The proposed total cost is anticipated to be $3,500. BACKGROUND: In a disaster or major emergency, the City of Federal Way will require a mobile incident command post and mobile communications capabilities. The city does not currently have these capabilities. Skagit County is currently divesting of their mobile incident command post and mobile commuications vehicles and offered to sell to the City of Federal Way two used vehicles equipp[ed with radios, antenas, and other communications equipment for a total price of $3,500. The 2024 Emergency Management Program buget includes the $53,746 which will be reimbursed by Washington State through FEMA's Emergency Management Performance Gant (EMPG). $17,110 of that grant was designated for improving communications capabilites. The purchase of these two vehicles will significantly improve our communications capabilities. Within the approved budget documents, the Emergency Management program budget was summarized and the two Emergency Management vehicles were not explicitly identified. The purchasing requirements for, vehicles and equipment requires specific authorization prior to expansion of the City fleet. Federal Way Emergency Management Vehicle Proposal Proposal: Federal Way Emergency Management requests authorization from Council to purchase used Mobile Incident Command Vehicle and Mobile Communications Vehicles from Skagit County for a total cost of $3500 which will be reimbursed under our 2024 Emergency Management Performance Grant (EMPG). Background In the event of a major disaster (earthquake, volcanic eruption, cyber attack) Federal Way requires capabilities to provide incident command and communications. • In accordance with FEMA's Incident Command System (ICS), Incident Commanders (IC) must achieve situational awareness. • A major disaster will disrupt communications (cell phone, internet, and first responder radio retransmission systems.) • Federal Way does not have a mobile incident command post or mobile communications systems. • Skagit County Office of Emergency Management is divesting their d mobile incident command post and an ambulance converted to a =' y�+r. mobile communications vehicle. The Plan • The City seeks authorization to purchase and equip one 28' Class C Motorhome and one converted Ambulance from Skagit County Emergency Management for $3,500. • The motorhome will provide a mobile incident command post with power generation, radio, cellular, internet, and wireless data reception and transmission, multiple work stations, and conference capabilities. • The ambulance will provide emergency communications with power generation, radio and cellular retransmission capability for first responders and emergency workers and disaster assistance locations. • Regional partners such as adjacent cities, King and Pierce County, and others may also utilize these vehicles. • The EMPG will reimburse the City the $3,500 Skagit County is charging for the two vehicles. • The purchase of additional communication equipment will be reimbursed by the EMPG. • The Federal Way Amateur Radio Club has offered to install, test, and operate communication equipment at no cost. Additional Information se is approved, maintenance will be provided by deral Way Public Works; • South King Fire will store the Mobile Incident Command Vehicle; • The Mobile Communications Vehicle will be parked in the North Lot with the two Emergency Management Trailers; • The purchase of the vehicles and additional communication equipment will be reimbursed by the EMPG; • The Federal Way Amateur Radio Club has offered to install, test, and operate communication equipment; • And lessons learned from the operation of these vehicles will inform possible future improvements in incident command and communications. Options: 1: Forward the request to purchase one Mobile Incident Command Post and one Mobile Communications Vehicle from Skagit County Office of Emergency Management for $3,500 to the July 2, 2023 consent agenda for approval. 2: Do not forward the recommendation to purchase EM Vehicles to consent and provide direction to the staff. Mayor's Recommendation: Option 1 } Questions COUNCIL MEETING DATE: DULY 2, 2024 ITEM #: CITY OF FEDERAL WAY CITY COUNCIL AGENDA BILL SUBJECT: TOURISM ENHANCEMENT GRANT RECOMMENDATION 2024 POLICY QUESTION: Should the City Council approve LTAC's recommendation for the 2024 Tourism Enhancement Grant? COMMITTEE: FEDRAC MEETING DATE: TUNE 25, 2024 CATEGORY: ® Consent ❑ Ordinance ❑ Public Hearing ❑ City Council Business ❑ Resolution ❑ Other STAFF REPORT BY: TANJA CARTER DEPT: ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 8i Attachments: 1. Staff Report 2. Tourism Enhancement Grant Application with Income and Expense form: a. Pacific Northwest Aerospace for Defense Conference, August 28, 2024 in the amount of $2,500.00; Options Considered: 1. Approve the proposed Tourism Enhancement Grant Recommendation 2024. 2. Do not approve proposed Tourism Enhancement Grant Recommendation 2024 and provide direction to staff. MAYOR'S RECOMMENDATION: Option 1. MAYOR APPROVAL-A-/b1 L Initial Initial APPROVAL: 42 InitiaVDate COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: I move to forward the proposed Tourism Enhancement Grant Application Recommendation 2024 to the July 2"d, 2024 consent agenda for approval. Co nittee Chair domrrn ttee Member Committee Member PROPOSED COUNCIL MOTION: "I move approval of the proposed Tourism Enhancement Grant Application Recommendation 2024. " (BELOW TO BE COMPLETED BY CITY CLERK'S OFFICE) COUNCIL ACTION: ❑ APPROVED COUNCIL BILL # ❑ DENIED First reading ❑ TABLED/DEFERRED/NO ACTION Enactment reading ❑ MOVED TO SECOND READING (ordinances only) ORDINANCE # REVISED - 5/2024 RESOLUTION # CITY OF FEDERAL WAY MEMORANDUM DATE: July 25"', 2024 TO: City Council Members VIA: Jim Ferrell, Mayor FROM: Tanja Carter, Economic Development Director SUBJECT: Tourism Enhancement Grant Recommendation 2024 Financial Impacts: Funding for Tourism Enhancement Grants (TEG) comes from a one percent sales tax collected through a City Lodging Tax. The funds may only be used for tourism related events and festivals, tourism marketing, and capital improvements for tourism -oriented venues with the goal that such funding increases hotel stays in Federal Way and replenishes the lodging tax fund. Annually, the Lodging Tax Advisory Committee (LTAC) requests that City Council budget a portion of the lodging tax collected for TEG's. Should LTAC determine that all TEG requests support tourism enhancement and will replenish the lodging tax fund - but exceed the budgeted amount, a budget amendment can be made to fully fund applications. The below requests, if approved, do not require a budget amendment. The remaining balance in the Lodging Tax Fund after the budget amendment is within the current year's revenue. The total value of the requested TEG's is $2,500.00. The Remaining balance of the total budget amount would be $6,500.00 Backp,round Information: The Lodging Tax Advisory Committee (LTAC) met on June I Ith, 2024 and reviewed all of the requests received for TEG. The following is a summary of the event: The Pacific Northwest Aerospace Alliance (PNAA): PNAA is a non-profit organization comprised of a coalition of aerospace companies serving North America's largest commercial aerospace manufacturing cluster, primarily centered in the Pacific Northwest. The PNAA team works tirelessly to organize events that inform aerospace leaders, facilitate connections within the industry, and promote collaboration and innovation. One of PNAA's flagship annual events is the Defense Conference, to held at the Performing Arts and Event Center in Federal Way on August 28t', 2024 from Sam — 5pm. This conference attracts a diverse array of business professionals, with many traveling from Rev. 7/18 neighboring states and a couple reported from international locations. The team projects around 40-50 overnight stays for this one -day event and is currently in the process of coordinating room block discussions with local hotels. Past Defense Conferences have seen attendance figures ranging from 85 to 500 attendees, including staff members. For the upcoming event, PNAA anticipates a turnout of just over 100 participants. Following the conference sessions, attendees typically engage in networking activities and meetings at local establishments. To promote the Defense Conference, PNAA utilizes various channels including their website, social media platforms such as Linkedln and Facebook, newsletters, and mid -month mailers leading up to the event. Additionally, industry partners play a crucial role in spreading the word through their own social media channels, newsletters, and industry calendars. PNAA also features information about local hotels offering block rates on their website to encourage overnight stays for attendees. 2024 TEG DATE OF AMOUNT HEADS PROJECTED CONTACT APPLICATIONS EVENT NAME EVENT REQUESTED IN BEDS ATTENDEES PERSON RD 1 LISA DEFENSE PNAA AUG. 28 8A-5P $2,500 40-50 105 CHILDS CONFERENCE Rev. 7/18 CITY of qvmwwaftmL;� Federal Way Centered on Opportunity 2023/24 City of Federal Way LTAC Tourism Enhancement Grant APPLICATIONS ARE DUE AND MUST BE RECEIVED NO LATER THAN APRIL 14th OR OCTOBER 16thAT 5 PM. Incomplete and/or late applications will not be considered/prioritized for funding cycle. Applications may not be amended or changed after the deadline for submission. The proposal and all documents filed with the City are public records. Read the Overview and Instructions before completing the application. Please submit your completed application along with the required documentation electronically to: iulianna.labrake@cityoffederalway.com ❑ Completed and signed the cover sheet with this packet ❑ Completed application (attach additional sheets if necessary) ❑ A copy of your agency's current non-profit corporate registration with Washington Secretary of State ❑ Brochures and/or other supplemental information about your event/activity/facility and/or recent tourism promotion efforts APPLICATIONS ARE DUE NO LATER THAN APRIL 14th OR OCTOBER 16th AT SPM. LATE APPLICATIONS WILL NOT BE CONSIDERED DURING FUNDING CYCLE. The City of Federal Way's Lodging Tax Advisory Committee (LTAC); will review the applications in May and November. The Committee may wish to interview applicants for more information or clarification. Applicants will be notified of the date and time their application will be reviewed by the Lodging Tax Advisory Committee. It is recommended that a representative of your organization be on hand at the review to answer questions from the LTAC. tilgghcatioi?s must be submitted at least 180 days prior to your event to be considered for funding 1 1 Tourism Enhancement Grant Event Application Revised March 2023 'alk CITV OF Federal Way Centered on opportunity 2023/24 City of Federal Way LTAC Tourism Enhancement Grant Official Event, Program, or Activity Name: PNAA/PNDC 2024 Defense Conference Grant Amount Requested: $ $6,000.00 Pacific Northwest Aerospace Alliance Organization Agency Name Merrie Beth Childs Contact Name 93-1117303 Federal Tax ID Number Executive Administrator Title 16625 Redmond Way Ste M #187 Redmond WA 98052 Mailing Address City State Zip 425-885-0290 x105 Phone PAEC - 31510 Pete von Reichbauer Way S Federal Way, WA 98003 Event Location www.pnaa.net Working on event website now Website Check all service categories that apply to this application: mchilds@pnaa.net Email Address August 28th, 2024 Event Date(s) ❑ Tourism Promotion/Marketing ❑x Operation of a Special Event/Festival designed to attract tourists ❑ Operation and/or Capital Expenditures of a Tourism -Related Facility owned by a Municipality or a Public Facilities District Check which one of the following applies to your agency: (Note: for -Profit organizations are currently not eft ible for any lodging tax €undin .) ® Non-Profit(Attach copy of current non-profit registration with Washington Secretary of State) ❑ Public Agency ❑ Other 2 1 Tourism Enhancement Grant Event Application Revised March 2023 2023/24 City of Federal Way LTAC CITY OF Federal Way Tourism Enhancement Grant Centered on Opportunity GENERAL INFORMATION 1. Describe your tourism -related event/facility/marketing program? g-{he Ann a. nafejise Co for over 10 years This event draws attendees from multiple states every year. with over night stays at the local Motels near by. This year we will be hosting our eventat the Federal Way Performing Arts & Event Center, in Federal Way WA. The Defense iCon erence Is a fuli day event from am- pm. endance Is this a new event/facility/marketing program? Yes No X Has your organization ever applied for a TEG? Yes No _ X Has your organization received a TEG award in the past? Yes Scope (Geographical Reach) of the event: 40 Less than 50 miles (Federal Way, Auburn, etc.) 10 More than 50 miles (Western WA) 7 Statewide 40_ Multi -States (Western US) National 3 International If yes, when? No X If yes, when? 2. How did you hear about the City of Federal Way Lodging Tax Funding Program? We reached out to a city representative and were refered to the grant. 3. How do you intend to use the Lodging Tax funds if selected as a funding recipient? (Please be as descriptive as possible with the strategy, plan and reasons for yourapplication.) beverages as well as audio & visual. As a non-profit every dollar helps off set our cost just a bit. The estimate for the venue is just over $13,000.00. The ability to offset the venue cost allows us to spend money on different items for the event like mar e ing, promotional items, supplies and spea er cos s. 4. Are you applying for Lodging Tax Funding from another community/ies? No Not for this event- 3 1 Tourism Enhancement Grant Event Application Revised March 2023 2023/24 City of Federal Way LTAC CITY OF Federal Way Tourism Enhancement Grant Centered on Opportunity If yes, list the other jurisdiction(s), amount(s) requested and status. N/A FINANCIAL INFORMATION On a separate sheet, attach a budget for the event listing revenues and expenses. In addition to revenue provided by the organization or the event/ facility/marketing program (ticket sales, etc.), include a list of other sources of forecasted revenue support, either those requested and pending or confirmed (sponsorship, grants, etc.). Is this support in -kind or financial? If financial, include the amount. Do you expect to make a profit? Yes X No If yes, how much? $1,000.00 5. What will you or your organization do differently this year that will improve upon last year's/previous event/facility/marketing program(s)? place to reach out to all of our contacts via newsletters, mid -month mailers, emails and calls. Promoting the event on industry calendars as well as through social media. 6. What is the overall budget for your event/facility/ma rketing program? - Please provide an itemized list identifying each type of expenditure to be reimbursed. - Separate documents/pages are permitted if more space is needed. Overall budget is $18,000 and we are asking for the $6.000 to go towards the Venue cost which is estimated at $13,000, 7. Please identify your top 5 sources of revenues anticipated for your event/facility/marketing program, not including requested City of Federal Way LTAC funds. (Please do not include in -kind contributions.) Source of Revenue Amount Confirmed? Y/N Date Funds Available Sponsors $ 2,000.00 No Once secured Registrations $ 16,000.00 No After the event Exhibitors $ 1000.00 No Once secured 4 1 Tourism Enhancement Grant Event Application Revised March 2023 2023/24 City of Federal Way LTAC CITY OF Federal Way Tourism Enhancement Grant Centered on Opportunity 8. What will you cut from your proposal or do differently if full funding for your request is not available or not recommended? We would need to cut back on marketing & promotions as well as staffing costs at the event. Please list the risks and challenges to your success and how you plan to mitigate these? Examples include: space, staff, money, time, marketing, etc. The risk is not reaching our attendance for the event of 100+. The plan mitigate would be to promote the event earlier than before through emails, newsletters, social media and cold calling to help reach the attendance goa s. MARKETING On a separate sheet, attach information on how the event will be publicized and marketed. List all publications and media venues (Facebook, Twitter, website, brochures, newspaper, magazines, etc.); in addition to any give away promotional materials that will be used. 10. Describe your tourism -related event/facility/marketing program: I also promote the event in our newsletters, mid -month mailers each month up -to the event. Our industry partners will also be promoting the event on social media, their newsletters as well as industry calendars. PNAA staff -will also be promoting the event while attending other industry events over the next several 11. Describe why tourists will travel to Federal Way to attend yourevent/facility/marketing program: The Ryent has mnnyy-enPat Ath-ndPP% that Conk fnrwnrd to attending each +ear these attendees inia us from all over Washin tan & Oregon. Our partner PNDC is based out of Oregon and will also be promoting the event to their members and community. 12. Describe the prior success (number of attendees, media exposure, etc.) of your event/facility/marketing program in attracting tourists: In previous years we have seen over 100+ attendees from multiple states and counties. The event is one that our members and community look forward to attending and hearing industry news and insights every year. 13. Describe your target tourist audience (location, demographics, etc.): Our main audience is companies and people in Aerospace & Defense. The majority of our attendees come from Washington & Oregon. 5 1 Tourism Enhancement Grant Event Application Revised March 2023 2023/24 City of Federal Way LTAC CITY OF Federal Way Tourism Enhancement Grant Centered on Opportunity 14. Describe how you will promote your event/facility/marketing program to attract overnighttourists: The Defense Conference wmll-be marketed on our website. sacial Media (Linked In.-FaceQook. etc-). we ill also promote the event in our newsletters, mid -month mailers each month up -to the event. Our industry partners will also be promoting the event on social media, their newsletters as well as industry calendars. e will be posting local notels with block rates to our we si e to help attract overnight guests. 15. Describe how you will promote lodging establishments, restaurants, and businesses located in the City of Federal Way. What will the City of Federal Way/Tourism and lodging industry get in return for funding (e.g. logos, links print material, radio, TVetc.)? We intend to reach out to hotels near the venue to reserve rooms at block rates, and plan to promote them via email as well as on the event page. Our attendees ypica y head over to local eslablighments Tof dinnef ana meetings after the event has ended. EVENT INFORMATION Length of the event/facility/marketing program: X One day Two days Three days Four days Five or more days Location of the event/facility/marketing program: X Federal Way South King/North Pierce County Other Tourism Season: X Peak Season (Jun -Sep) Shoulder Season (Oct, Jan -Mar) Off Season (Nov -Dec, Apr -May) Proposed venue(s): Federal Way Perfoming Arts & Event Center Have you confirmed the availability of the proposed dates at the primary venue? Yes X No Will you have a need for secondary or practice venues? Yes No X Proposed schedule of the event for each day: Date Time Date Time 08/28/2024 9am 08/28/2024 5pm The event will be all day. 6 Tourism Enhancement Grant Event Application Revised March 2023 "'k 2023/24 City of Federal Way LTAC CITY OF _ Federal Way Tourism Enhancement Grant Cenrered on Opportunity ECONOMIC IMPACT OF EVENT Breakdown of projected attendees over the course of the event: Date:08/28/24 Date. Date: Date: TOTAL Attendees Attendees Attendees Attendees Attendees Spectators Participants 100 Support Staff 5 TOTAL ATTENDEES 105+ Provide an estimate of where projected attendees will travel from and their projected room nights (total number of rooms for their entire stay) during the event. Local Regional Multi -States Attendees (less than (Western WA Statewide (Western National International TOTAL 50 miles) greater than US) 50 miles) Spectators i Room nights Room nights Room nights Room nights Room nights Room nights Participants 50 Room nights Room nights Room nights Room nights Room nights Room nights Support 4 Room nights Room nights Room nights Room nights Room nights Room nights Staff TOTAL 54 Total Projected Attendees 100 Total Projected Room Nights 50+ What types of business do you expect will be affected? Services (gas, mini -marts, etc.) Yes Restaurants Yes Shopping Entertainment Lodging Yes 7 1 Tourism Enhancement Grant Event Application Revised March 2023 CITY OF Federal Way Centered on Opportunity LODGING AND HOTEL STAYS 2023/24 City of Federal Way LTAC Tourism Enhancement Grant Will you be listing any "Official Lodging" for this event? Yes X If yes, provide name, address, contact person, and phone number. No We will be workinq with the hotels near by to reserve rooms with block rates for our attendees. Provide all hotels/motels that you will include in all your publicity for the event/facility/marketing program. We plan to reach out to La Quinta Inn, Comfort Inn, Courtyard Seattle -Federal Way, Hampton Inn & Suites. List all the hotels/motels where rooms have or will be blocked for spectators, participants, and support staff. Projected Attendees Hotel/Motel Name Number of Blocked Rooms Spectators Participants Hampton Inn & Suites TBD Courtyard Seattle -Federal Way TBD Comfort Inn La Quinta Inn TBD TBD Support Staff Courtyard Seattle -Federal Way TBD 8 Tourism Enhancement Grant Event Application Revised March 2023 2023/24 City of Federal Way LTAC CITY OF Federal Way Tourism Enhancement Grant Centered on Opportunity State Law Excerpts and Notes (RCW 67.28,181k) Use of Lodging Tax Fund Lodging tax revenues under this chapter may be used, directly by any municipality or indirectly through a convention and visitor's bureau or destination marketing organizationfor: a. Tourism marketing; b. Marketing and operations of special events and festivals designed to attract tourists; c. Supporting operations and capital expenditures of tourism -related facilities owned or operated by a municipality or a public facilities district; or d. No longer permitted*: Supporting the operations of tourism -related facilities owned or operated by nonprofit organizations described under 26 U.S.C. Sec. 501(c)(3) and 26 U.S.C. Sec. 501(c)(6) of the internal revenue code of 1986, as amended. *Note that, as of July 1, 2013, capital expenditures for tourism -related facilities owned by non rofit organizations are no longer permitted expenditures of lodging tax funds. Lodging Trrx Advisory Committee (ii) The local lodging tax advisory committee must select the candidates from amongst the applicants applying for use of revenues in this chapter and provide a list of such candidates and recommended amounts of funding to the municipality for final determination. The municipality may choose only recipients from the list of candidates and recommended amounts provided by the local lodging tax advisory committee. Note that, the State Auditor's Office is interpreting the law to mean that all users of funds, including municipalities, are considered applicants and must follow relevant application procedures. So, cities and counties should submit applications for their own projects to the LTAC. Note that, a city or county does not have to fund the full list as recommended by the LTAC and can choose to make awards in the recommended amounts to all, some, or none of the candidates on the list. Applico►it Reporting Re-Wir�raaer�ts In a municipality with a population of five thousand or more, applicants applying for use of revenues must submit their applications and estimates to the local lodging tax advisory committee of how any moneys received will result in increases in the number of people traveling for business or pleasure on a trip: i. Away from their place of residence or business and staying overnight in paid accommodations; ii. To a place fifty miles or more one way from their place of residence or business for the day or staying overnight; or iii. From another country or state outside of their place of residence or theirbusiness. (c)(i) All recipients must submit a report to the municipality describing the actual number of people traveling for business or pleasure on a trip. Note that, local governments, as part of their contract with recipients, should require that the final report be provided immediately afterthe event or activity. Local governments will then, in turn, report this information annually to JLARC using their online reporting system. 9 1 Tourism Enhancement Grant Event Application Revised March 2023 2023/24 City of Federal Way LTAC CITY OF Federal Way Tourism Enhancement Grant Centered on Opportunity RCW 67.28.080 - Definitions. L "Acquisition" includes, but is not limited to, siting, acquisition, design, construction, refurbishing, expansion, repair, and improvement, including paying or securing the payment of all or any portion of general obligation bonds, leases, revenue bonds, or other obligations issued or incurred for such purpose or purposes under this chapter. 2 "Municipality" means any county, city or town of the state of Washington. 3. "Operation" includes, but is not limited to, operation, management, and marketing. 4. "Person" means the federal government or any agency thereof, the state or any agency, subdivision, taxing district or municipal corporation thereof other than county, city or town, any private corporation, partnership, association, or individual. 5. "Tourism" means economic activity resulting from tourists, which may include sales of overnight lodging, meals, tours, gifts, or souvenirs. 6. "Tourism promotion" means activities, operations, and expenditures designed to increase tourism, including but not limited to advertising, publicizing, or otherwise distributing information for the purpose of attracting and welcoming tourists; developing strategies to expand tourism; operating tourism promotion agencies; and funding the marketing of or the operation of special events and festivals designed to attract tourists. 7. "Tourism -related facility" means real or tangible personal property with a usable life of three or more years, or constructed with volunteer labor, and used to support tourism, performing arts, or to accommodate tourist activities. The undersigned certifies that the information provided above is true and accurate and any projections are based on history of similar events and activities that are available to the industry and adjusted to local conditions. Applicant's Signature: Applicant's Printed Name: Merrie Beth Childs Applicant's Title: Executive Administrator Date: 05/24/2024 10 Tourism Enhancement Grant Event Application Revised March 2023 N W a� c d a x W w H C 0) N O N O o-- O �D W 69 69 fi9 N O O O O om O O O O ¢ Ln O O kn 6A 69 r- 7 &n � 69 69 W O O O O 0 O O O O q n O O �n 1 0 r7 � 10 69 6A .0 m m C 0 0 0 0 ++ � y 0 0 0 0 QJ E kn O O ,n .0 N 69 69 N o" W V = 0 0 0 0 o 0 O O o0 0o C O oo H _ V 00 In dl �M 69 0 69 69 O Ln O } 4a an o o M M O � us le �} O ih O O I l"I C O N 00 m IA- O O o0 0o 0 E L.L� �"� i O OO N M V uO. `r° wi—rli O E U N O OU O M V LY ev ss o O y p� 0 co co � ° Q. E a in M — (U a x 0 c O C > cn +� LN V '.P L i ON w Q w H Y O O) 0 � i m j, �_ o a) E, hD O L N N d - M w N o O W .c Q 1� N 6/14/2024 Background Pacific Northwest Aerospace Alliance (PNAA) Defense Conference August 281h, 2024 $2, 500.00 application request Event History 10+ Years Out of State Attendees Projected 40 Overnight Stays Projected 40-50 Less than 50 Miles 40 More then 50 Miles 10 Statewide 7 International 3 Policy Question • Should the City Council approve LTAC's recommendations for the 2024 Tourism Enhancement Grant? Options to Consider Option 1: Forward the proposed Tourism Enhancement Grant Recommendation 2024 to July 2nd, 2024 consent agenda for approval. Option 2: Do not forward proposed Tourism Enhancement Grant Recommendation 2024 and provide direction to staff. Mayor's Recommendation: Option 1. 6/14/2024 Questions & Contact Information tanja.carter®cityoffederalway.com 206-445-2706 S. o���a we COUNCIL MEETING DATE: July 2, 2024 CITY OF FEDERAL WAY CITY COUNCIL AGENDA BILL SUBJECT: REDONDO CREEK AT 16T" AVE S CULVERT REPLACEMENT - BID AWARD ITEM #: POLICY QUESTION: Should the Council award the Redondo Creek at 161h Ave S Culvert Replacement project to Tucci and Sons, Inc., the lowest responsive, responsible bidder and approve a transfer from the Surface Water Management Capital Fund 304 unallocated? COMMITTEE: MEETING DATE: CATEGORY: ❑ Consent ❑ Ordinance ❑ Public Hearing ® City Council Business ❑ Resolution ❑ Other STAFF REPORT BY: John Mulkey, P.E. DEPT: Public Works Attachments: 1. Memo Dated July 2, 2024 2. Bid tabulation Options Considered: 1. Award the Redondo Creek at 16" Ave S Culvert Replacement project to Tucci and Sons, Inc., the lowest responsive, responsible bidder, in the amount of $3,064,660.21 and approve a contingency of $306,466.02, for a maximum contract amount of $3,371,126.23 and approve a transfer of $3,113,000.00 from the Surface Water Management Capital Fund 304 unallocated and authorize the Mayor to execute the contract. 2. Reject all bids for the Redondo Creek at 161' Ave S Culvert Replacement project and provide direction to staff to rebid the project and return to Committee for further action. MAYOR'S RECOMMENDATION: Option 1. MAYOR APPROVAL: COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: IRECTOR APPROVAL: ay` (Ot% Initial/Date Jack Dovey, Committee Chair Jack Walsh, Committee Member Hoang Tran, Committee Member PROPOSED COUNCIL MOTION: "I move to award the Redondo Creek at 16th Ave S Culvert Replacement project to Tucci and Sons, Inc., the lowest responsive, responsible bidder, in the amount of $3, 064, 660.21 and approve a contingency of $306,466.02, for a maximum contract amount of $3,371,126.23 and approve a transfer o $3,113, 000.00 from the Surface Water Management Capital Fund 304 unallocated and authorize the Mayor to execute the contract. " BELOW TO BE COMPLETED BY CITY CLERK'S OFFICE COUNCIL ACTION: ❑ APPROVED COUNCIL BILL # ❑ DENIED First reading ❑ TABLED/DEFERRED/NO ACTION Enactment reading ❑ MOVED TO SECOND READING (ordinances only) ORDINANCE # REVISED - 5/2024 RESOLUTION # CITY OF FEDERAL WAY MEMORANDUM DATE: July 2, 2024 TO: City Council Members VIA: Jim Ferrell, Mayor FROM: EJ Walsh, P.E., Public Works Director John Mulkey, P.E., Senior Civil Engineer SUBJECT: Redondo Creek at 161h Avenue S Culvert Replacement - Bid Award Financial Impacts: The cost to the City for the Redondo Creek Culvert Replacement was included within the approved budget under the Public Works Department, Capital Project #34293. In accordance with the approved budget, this item is funded by Surface Water Management (SWM) User Fees. Upon completion of the project, ongoing costs associated with operations and maintenance will be performed and funded through SWM maintenance. Funding requirements for operations and maintenance of infrastructure is reviewed and adjusted as required during the budget process. Background Information: Three bids were received and opened on June 21, 2024 for the project. Please see attached Bid Tabulation. The lowest responsive, responsible bidder is Tucci and Sons, Inc. ESTIMATED EXPENSES Design Right of Way Construction Contract Contingency Construction Management (City Staff) Construction Management Total AVAILABLE FUNDING SWM User Fees (2022 approved budget) SWM User Fees (2023 approved budget) Surface Water Management Capital Fund 304 unallocated Total $ 300,000.00 $ 40,000.00 $ 3,064,660.21 $ 306,466.02 $ 49,676.77 $ 442,197.00 $ 4,213,000.00 $ 300,000.00 $ 800,000.00 $ 3,113,000.00 $ 4,213,000.00 Public Works will be requesting a transfer of funds from Surface Water Management Capital Fund 304 unallocated to make up for the shortfall. Rev. 7/18 CITY OF FEDERAL WAY Project Number: 36293 Bid Opening Date: 6/21/2024 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Project Title: Redondo Creek at 16th Ave S Culvet Replacement Bid Opening Time: 9:05 a.m. BID TABULATION Bid e1 Tucci 8 Sons, Inc Tacoma, WA Bid 42 REED TRUCKING AND EXCAVTING ,INC Tacoma, WA Bid s3 Orion Marine Contractors, Inc- Federal Way, WA Bid C4 41h Lowest Bidder CITY, STATE Bid N5 5lh Lowest Bidder CITY, STATE Bldf$ 6th Lowest Bidder CITY, STATE Engineers Estimate BID.SCHEOULE A: CULVERT REPLACEMENT' . - Lem Bid Item Description Unit n Unit Price Total Unit Price Total Unit Price Total Unit Price Total Unit Prica Total Unit Price Total Unit Price Total A01 MOBILIZATION LS 1 5 114 50.00 5 1146%00 5225.000A0 S 226000,08 S296,000.00 S 296.000,06 - _ S S _ _ S _ $ _ _ S S S181.000.00 S 181000110 A02 PROJECT TEMPORARY TRAFFIC CON-1 ROL LS i S 140.000.00 $ 140.000.00 A .30.000.00 S :30,000.00 5 65.11190A0 S 65.00040 5 $ $ 146 000.00 $ 146,000.00 A03 FLAGGERS Hour 1792 5 72,00 $ 129.024.00 S T0.00 5 12$.440.00 S 100.00 S 1%9 ZOOAO $ S _ S 70.00 $ 125,440A0 A04 PORTABLE CHANGEABLE MESSAGE SIGN Hour 4000 $ 4.00 S 16.000,00 :S 3.00 $ 12.000.00 $_ 12,500.00 S 7.50 $ 30,000.00 $ _ _ _ S S _ 3 6.00 S 20,000.00 A05 STRUCTURE SURVEYING LS 1 S 11,400,00 $ 11,400,00 _ T 12.500MO $ 15,000.00 $ 15,000AO S _ _ S S f - $ 5,000.00 S 10000.00 S 5,000,00 s 5,000.00 S 10000,00 S 5,000.00 A06 ROADWAY SURVEYING LS 1 S 5.800.00 S 5.800.00 5 7:500-00 S 4,000.00 S 7,500.00 $ 10.000-00 $ 10.000-00 _ _ S _ S 3 _ f _ $ S _ A07 AS -BUILT SURVEY AND RECORD DRAWINGS LS 1 $ 3,000.00 $ 3,000.00 S 4,000A0 $ 10,000.00 $ 10,000.00 $ A0S CONTRACTOR DESIGNED WOR K ACCESS LS 1 S 35000,00 S 38000,00 S 15m 0040 5 76,000.00 $z25,000,00 S 225,000.00 - S S $ 50.000.00 S 50.000.00 A09 SPCGPfAN LS t 300.00 5. 300100• S 1.aw= S- 1.000.00 $ z.8D0,00 $ 2,60.ao S _ s $ 7A00.00 5 1.000.00 A10 CLEARING ANU G12UBt71NG LS 1 $ 30.000.00 S 30.000.00 3 10,000.00 1 5.000.00 $ 10,000.00 $ 10,000.00 $ 10.000.00 _ S 5 _ ST S $ 6,000.00 S 5.000.00 $ 6,000.00 S 5.OWJDD All ROADSIDE CLFJN4UP FA 1 S S Od0.0o S .5 000,00 $ 5.000-00 S 5 000.00 S s,008.00 _ _ S Al2 TREE REMOVAL EA 50 S 1 450-00 S 72 500.00 S 750.00 S 37 500.00 S 125.00 S 36,250.00 S _ _ S f S 1 $ S S 550.00 S 27 500A0 A13 REMOVAL OF STRUCTURES AND OBSTRUCTIONS LS 1 S 20,000.00 $ 20,000.00 $ 15,000.00 $ 15,000.00 $ 35,000.00 $ 35,000.00 - $ $ • $ 8,000.00 $ B4O00.00 A14 QUARRY SPALLS -Ton W $ 105-00 S 6 300,00 S 100.00 $` 0;000,05 S 1W.Do S 4A00.00 $ S 100.00 $ 6,000.00 A76 ROAMMV EXCAVATION. WM. HAVL CY 100 $ 206.00 S 20,000,00 S 100_o0 S 10,000.00 S 100.20 $ f 0400.00 s _ s 5 40:00 s i 100M A76 CHANNEL)=XCAVA TOIN INGL. HAUL CY. L7 S. 124.00 S 07 40.D0 $ 1004(1 S 120.00 $ 72 i70D,00 S 16.800.00 S 100.00• $ 72.700.01) _ _ _ S_ - _ $ - f S •S $ T00.00 $ 7&?q0,.W A17 UNSIIIIAELE FFOITNUAIION EXCAVATION lNCL. HAUL CY 140 S 200.00 S 28,000.00 $ 200.00 $ 28,000.00 S - S - $ 50.00 S 50,00 $ 7,000.00 $ 114.000A AiB GRAVEL BORROW Tan 400 S $4.00 S 51.200,00..8 40•00 S. 32,000.00 S 65.00 $ fi2.000.00 S S A19 COMMON BORROW CY 100 $ 225,00 $ 22,500.00 $ 60.00 S 6,000.00 S 95.00 $ 9,500.00 5 _ S - $ $ S $ 50.00 $ 5,000.00 A20 EMBANKMENT COMPACTOIN CY 100 S 32,00 $ 3.299.00 $ 10_00 S WOO 3 _ 1,000.00 S 2,100,00 S 20.00 $ 2000,00 _ $ - $ $ 50.00 $ 55.00000 A21 SHORING OR EXTRA EXCAVATION CLASS B FOR STORM DRAIN PIPE SF 210 $ 56.00 S 11,760.00 $ 20.00 $ 4,200.00 _ _:$� Y $ - S - $ 5.00 s 1.050.00 A22 TRENCH SAFETY SYSTEMS LS 1 5 24.W4,00 5 24,000.00 S 1,5W.W _ S. 1,500.00 $ 2,590.00 $ 2,600.00 5 S S 10.080,00 S la.000.00 A23 STRIMn RE EXCAVATION INCL. HAUL CY 1100 S 125.00 S 137 500.00 S 70.00 $ 77.000.00 S 95.00 S 104 500.00 _ $ S S $ 60.0g a 55 600.00 A24 DEWATERING LS 1 S 28.000.00 $ 28 000.00 $ 50.000.00 S 50,000.00 S 15 000.00 $ 15 000.00 _ _ _ S 5 S S 25 000.00 $ 25.000X0 A25 CONTROL DENSITY FILL CY 60 S 350.00 $ 21 000.00 $ 250.00 $ 15.000.00 $ 325.00 .S 19.Sr10.00 S _ _ S $ ____ _ S S 600.00 S 36 000.00 P38 BALLRST Ton So $ 138.00 S 8 960,00 S 75.00 S 3;760.00 S T118.00 S d 008.00 _ $ __ _ 5 S 90,00 $ 4,506.00 A27 CRUSHED SURFAC NB BASE COURSE Ton 100 S 102.00 S 10.200,00 S 70.00 S 7.000.00 S 100.00 $ 10,000.00 S S S $ 95.50 s s o00.00 A26 SHOULDER FINISHING Mile 0.01 $ 220.000.00 $ 2.200.00 S 500 000.00 $ 5.000,00 5 350.000.00 S 3.500.00 5 $ _ _ _ S S 50 000-00 $ 500.00 A29 MAINTENANCE ROCK Ton 10 $ 240,00 $ 2400.00 $ 150.00 $ 1,500.00 S 100.00 $ 1,000.00 $ $ _ _ $ S 90.00 S 900.00 A30 STREAMBED SEDIMENT Ton 200 $ 128.110 S 25.600.00 $ 70.00 S $4.0130,00 S $25.00 S 25000.00 $ $ S S 100.00 S 20000.Z10 A31 STREAMBED SAND Ton 100 $ 120,00 S 12,000.00 $ 76.00 _ $ 71500-00 S. 32.800100 5 11$.00 $ 11.5W,00 _ $ _ S m S _ Y __ _ _ _ S _ S S Z00A0 5 20000A0 A32 STREAMBED COBBLES 12 1N. Ton 410 $ 17000 S 0,700,00 S S0.00 $ 125.00 S 51,250,00 S S 100.W $ 41,000211 A33 STREAMBED BOULDER TYPE i to 1140 $ 35.00 $ 20400.00 $ 200.00 $ 16&000.00 S 110,00 $ 92.40MOO .S S $ S 150.= $ 126.W.00 A34 STREAMBED BOULDER TYPE 2 EA 260 5 115.00 S .2$ 760.00 $ 225-00 $ 56250.00 S 120,00 S 30.000.00 S S ST $ 200110 $ 50 000.00 A35 STREAMBED BOULDER TYPE 3 EA 230 S 189.00 $ 43,4/0.00 S 250.00 $ 57,500_00 f 32,000.00 S 2-00-00 $ 46.000.00 S 5 $_ $ - $ 250-00 $ 57 500.00 A36 STREAMBED BOULDER TYPE 1 (CHANNEL EDGE) EA 160 $ 35,00 $ 5,600.00 f 200.00 $ 110,00 $ 17,600.00 f $ - _ $ 250.00 $ 40,000.00 A37 STREAMBED BOULDER TYPE 2 (CHANNEL EDGE EA 70 $ 115.00 S 8,050.00 S 225.00 $ 15,750-00 $ 120.00 $ 8,400.00 $ $ - $ $ 250.00 $ 17,500.00 A33 SHORIFK4OR EXTRA EXCWATN]N ". A. LS 1 is 9.900.00 S 9,900.00 S 10 000.00 S 10.000.00 S 75.000.00 S 75.000,00 _ S S _ S S 27 000.00 S 27 000,00 A39 FURNISHING SOLDIER PILE- WlBX97 LF 216 $ 127.00 S 27A32.00 S 175-00 S 37.800-00 S 140.00 $ W,240.00 _ _ _ S .3 S S 186,00 $ 39 960.00 A40 FURNISHING SOLDIER PILE- WIBX130 LF 515 $ 189.00 $ 97 335.00 $ 225.00 S 115.875.00 S 200.00 $ 103.000,00 S S S S 220.00 3 113,300.00 A41 FURNISHING SOLDIER PILE - W14X102 LF 990 S 204.00 $ 201.960.00 .S 225.00 S 222,750.00 $ 220.00 $ 217,800.00 _ S S S $ 185.00 $ 183,150.00 A42 TIMBER LAGGING SF 3200 S 29A0 S 92,000,00 S 40A0 S 128,M.00 5 17.50 5 55A00,00 5 S 1 S 35.p0 $ 172000,00 A43 SHAFT-24• LF 950 S 201.00 5 190,860.00 S 200.00 $ 1913.000.90 S 280AD S 100,M.00 s _ 5 _ _ 5 S _ _ _ S _ S T S .0o S 190.000.00 A44 SHAFT -30"DIAMETER LF 690 $ 248,00 S 171.120.00 S 225.00 S155.250-00 $ 5.700,00 S 240-00 S 165600-00 _ _' _ _ S $ 225-00 S 155.250,00 A45 PREFABRICATED DRAINAGE MAT SY 114 S 23.00 S 2.622.00 5 50.00 $ 65.00 S 7.410.00 S $ 5 10.00 S 1.140.00 A46 CONCRETE FACIA PANEL SF 1030 S 248.00 $ 255 440.00 S 300.00 $ _ 309.000.00 $ 25,000.00 $ 12s.00 $ 128.750.00 S _ _ _ s $ $ 3 _ S S $ 100.00 $ 103,000.00 A47 REMOVING SOLDIER PILE SHAFT OBSTRUCTIONS FA 1 S 25,000.00 $ 25,000.00 $ 25,000.00 $ 25,000.00 $ 25,000-00 _ $ $ $ 25,000.00 $ 25,000.00 A40 CONTRACTOR DESIGNED BURIED STRUCTURE NO, 1 LS 1 $ 406,000.00 $ 406,000.00 S 350,000.00 $ 350,000.00 $ 8,000.00 S 500,000.00 $ 500,000.00 $ - $ - $ 300,000.00 $ 300,000.00 A49 CLASS TV REINF CONC. STORM SEWER PIPE 12 IN, DW.M. LF 40 $ 158.00 $ 6,320.00 $ 200.00 S 300.00 S 12,000.00 $ - $ $ 150.00 $ 6.000.00 ASO CONNEMN TO DRAINAGE STRUCTURE EA 1 $ 3,700.00 S 3 700.00 S 3,500.00 S 3,500.00 S 2.000.00 $ 2,000.00 5 S. S 1,000.00 S 1,000.00 A51 POTHOLING FA 1 S 5.000.00 $ 5,000.00 _ S 5 000_DO S 5,000.00 5 5-000.00 S 5.000.00 5 5,000.00 S $ 3. $ 5.000A0 $ 5.000.00 A52 IRESOLUTION OF UTILITY CONFLICTS FA 1 1 S 5.000.00 $ 5.000.00 S 6,000.00 $ 5,000.00 $ 5.000.00 :S S $ $ 5,000.00 S 5.000.00 A53 ESC LEAD DAY 112 S 30.00 $ 3.360.00 $ 50.00 _ S 5.600.00 $ 50.00 S 5 ua 3 S i $ 50.00 S 5690At1 A54 SILT FENCE LF 10o S 0.00 3 900.00 S 7.00 s 700,00 $ 1S.= $ 1,600.00 " 5 _ _ $ 5 _ $ $ 5.08 $ 500.0o ASS BIOFILTER BAGS EA 20 $ 4440 5 880.00 5 100.00 S 2.000.00 $ 200570 $ 4,022 $ S $ 10.00 $ 200.00 AI G HIGH VISIBILITY FENCE LF 3D0 $ 6.00 S 1.800.00 S 4,DO $ 1 00.00 S 7.00 S 2 100.00 S S S S 5.00 5 1,500.00 A57 BIODEGRADABLE EROSOIN CONTROL BLANKET SY 300 $ 5.00 $ 1,500.00 $ 5.00 _ S 12.00 $ 1,500,00 $ 10.00 $ 3,000.00 $ - $ - $ $ 10.00 $ 3,000.00 A58 COMPOST SOCK LF 350 S 4.00 S 1.400.00 $ 4.200.00 S 12.00 $ 4.200.00 S E S. S 20.00 S 7,000.00 Page 1 of 3 Bid III Bid p2 Bid #3 Bid it4 Bid 1u Bid IN Tucci & Sons, Inc. REED TRUCKING AND Orion Marine Contractors, Inc. 41n Lorn]at Brdder 51h Lowssl Bidder 61h Lowest Bidder Engineers Estlmate EXCAVTING ,INC Tacoma, WA Tacoma, WA Federal Way, WA CITY, STATE CITY, STATE CITY, STATE A69 r1NE COMPOST Cy 100 S 90.00 $ 9.000.00 S 85.00 S 70.00 S 8.500.00 5 100.00 S 10 000.00 S i i $ S S _ S 5 100,00 $ 10 000.00 A60 ARBORIST MULCH CY 60 $ 67.00 S 4.020.00 _ S 4.200.00 5 100.00 S 61000.00 $ $ 75.00 $ 4.500.00 A61 SEE-DE.DLAWN SY 450 $ 5.00 $ 2.250.00 S 6,50 S 2,925.00 $ 9.00 $ 4050.00 S .S S 5.00 $ 2250.00 A62 PS ACER MACROPHYLLUM /BIG LEAF MAPLE; EA 20 $ 53.00 $ 1,060,00 S 5500 $ 1,10000 $ 100.00 $ 2,000.00 $ - S - $ 55,00 $ 1,100.00 5 GAL.CONT. S A63 PS THUJA PLICATA/ WESTERN RED CEDAR; 5 EA 22 S 53.00 $ 1,166.00 $ 55.00 S 1.210.00 $ 100.00 S 2,200.00 $ S - S 55,00 $ 1,210.00 GAL. CONT. $ 10.00 $ 550,00 . S A64 8TPJ SASITCHENSIS/ SITKA WILLOW; LIVE EA 55 $ 8.00 $ 440.00 S 20.00 S 1,100.00 $ - $ $ 5.00 $ 275.00 S A65 PS HALODISCUS DISCOLOR/ OCEANSPRAY; 1 EA 53 S 17.00 $ 901.00 $ 20.00 S 1.060.00 $ 35.00 S 1,855.00 $ S - $ 8.00 $ 424.00 CAL CONT. , $ A66 PS SYMPHORICARPOS ALBUSI SNOWBERRY; EA B2 $ 17.00 S 1,394.00 $ 20.00 S 1,640.00 $ 35.00 $ 2,B70.00 $ - S $ 20.00 $ 1,640,00 1 GAL. CONT. PS RUBUS PARVIFLORUS% THIMIBLEBERRY; 1 GAL. CONT. EA 82 $ 17.00 $ 1,394.00 S 20,00 $ 35.00 $ 2,B70.00 $ - S - $ 20.00 $ 1,640.00 _ A67 _ S 1.640.00 _ $ - $ - A68 PS RUBUS SPECTABILIS/ SALMONBERRY; 1 EA 82 S 17.00 $ 1,394.00 S 2000 $ 1.640.00 $ 35,00 S 2,870.00 $ - S $ 20.00 $ 1,640.00 AL. CONT. A69 PS POLYSTICHUM MUNITUNUSVVnDFERN; 1 EA 150 $ 17.00 $ 2,550.00 $ 20,00 $ 3,000.00 $ 35.00 $ 5,250.00 _ $ - S - $ - $ 20.00 $ 3,000.00 GAL. CONT. A70 PS GAUL T HEKIA'SHALLON/ SALAL; 1 GAL. CONT. EA 150 $ 17.00 $ 2,550.00 S 20,00 _ $ 3,000.00 $ 35.00 $ 5,250.00 $ $ - $ S S 20A0 $ 3,000.00 A71 PS FRAGARIA VESCA/ WOODLAND EA 150 $ 17.00 $ 2,550,00 $ 20,00 $ 3,000.00 $ 35.00 $ 5,250.00 $ - S $ 20.00 $ 3,000.00 STRAWBERRY; 1 GAL. CONT, $ 8,000.00 S A72 WORK ACCESS LANDSCAPE RESTORATION FA 1 $ 8,000.00 $ 8,000.00 $ 8,000.00 S 8,00B,00 $ 8,000.00 $ $ $ 8,000.00 $ 8,000.00 A73 TEMPORARY STREAM DIVERSION LB 1 $ 43 000.00 $ 45.000.00 $ 50.000:00 3_504100.00 S 40,000.00 $ 40,000.00 $ $ 5 S 50,000.00 S so- 000.00 674 FISH EXCLUSION ASSISTANCE FA 1 $ 5,000.00 $ 5.000AO $ 5.000.00 S 5A00.00 S 5.000.00 S 5,01JUX0 _ .$ $ .S $ 5.00 ,00 S iwo.0o A75 TYPE 1 LOG STRUCTURE _ TYPE 2 LOG STRUCTURE EA EA EA _2 3 u I S 3,150.00 S 6.300.00 $ 7,500.00 S 16.000.00 S 6.500.00 S 13.000.00 S S S $ 6.000,00 $ 12.000.00 A76 $ 2.850.00 $ B 550.00 $ 7.500.00 S 22 5100.00 S 80o0.0g S 18,000.00 S $ S S 8.0oS16 o00.00 A77 TYPE 3 LOG STRUCTURE $ 3.015.00 S 1SA90.0o 3 7000A0 $ 42�P00AU S 4 00" S 27000A0 :&. $ S $ fi000.00 S 3600000 TOTAL -BID SCHEDULER ✓5id.ilamvinciuda ilea lax S 2,900.622i00 S•2`T7�;864Atl e•J..i �r%. •i' ] 1 I Page 2 of 3 fiid #1 Tucci 6 Sons, Inc, Tacoma, WA Bid 42 REED TRUCKING AND EXCAVTING ,INC Tacoma, WA Bid r3 Orion Marine Contractors, Inc. Federal Way, WA Bid 44 4th Loweat Bidder CITY, STATE Bid 95 5th Lowest Bidder CITY, STATE Sid 116 6th Loweat Bidder CITY, STATE Engineers Estimate SCHEEIBl:E.Rz L SKEHAVEN.WATER:JINU.-SEWERiIMPROVEMENTS . m Sid item Description Unit r UnIt Price Total Unit Price Total Unit Price Total Unit Price Total Unit Price Total Unit Price Total Unit Price Total But MATERIAL TESTING LS i S 5D00.00 S 5.000.00 $ 10.000,00 S 50R.00 S _ 10,000.00 S 2.000.00 S 15.000,00 $ 15.000,00 _ - _ _ $ _ _S _ $ & _ S $ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ S _ _ $ _ $ S S $ _ _ $ $ 1,60D.00 5 1,890.Do SD2 UTILITY POTHOLE EA 4 S 7000A0 S 4090,00 S 1 L000.00 S 4000A0 S $700.00 S 2800.00 B03 AS-BUILI SURVEY AND RECORD DRAWINGS MIN- 1310 S5 OD0.00 LS 1 $ 5,000.00 $ 5,000.00 f 5,000.00 $ 51000.00 $ 5,000.00 $ 5,000.00 $ - $7,000.00 $ 7,000.00 604 REMOVE AC WATER MAIN IS IN. 3 8 IN. LF 1o0 $ 19A0 $ 1,900.00 S 25.00 $ 2.500.000 S 100.00 S 10.000,00 S $40.00 $ 41.000,60 605 SHORiNO OR EXTRA EXCAVATION CUSS 0 SF 700 $ 2.00 S $ 2.00 $ 1 A00.00 $ 10.00 $ 7,000.00 _ _ _ _ _ S $440 S $ 000A B06 CONTROLLED DENSITY FILL Cy 3 3 300.00 S 900.00 _ S 500,00 _ S 1.500.00 S 40OAD S 1,200.00 $ S S400.00 $ 1 0090 B07 MINOR CHANGE FOR WATER IMPROVEMENTS EST. 1 S 10.000.00 $ 10,000.00 S 10,000.00 $ 10,000.00 $ 10,000.00 S 10,000.00 _ _ $ - $ $10,000.00 $ 10,000.00 BOB CLASS 52 DUCTILE IRON PIPE FOR WATER MAIN 8 IN, DIAM. LF 85 $ 190.00 $ 16,150.00 $ 200.00 $ 17,000.00 $ 250.DO $ 21,250.00 $ - $ - $ $160.00 $ 13,600.00 809 STEEL CASING, 16 IN. DIAM. LF 35 S 179.00 $ 6,265.00 $ 500.00 S 17.500.00 5 450.DO $ 15.750.00 -3 $ S S700tOO $ 24 500.00 1370 ADDITIONAL DUCTILE IRON FITTINGS• LB 190 S 6,00 S 1 140.00 $ 25.00 $ 4.750.00 S 15.00 $ 2.850.00 _ S $ S $6.00 S 1,140.00 B11 0A]vL CT TO EXISTING WATER MAIN, 8 IN. EA 2 $ 3,900.00 $ 7,800.00 $ 4,000.00 f 8.000.00 $ 7,250.00 $ 14,500.00 $ T - $ - $ - $ $3,500.00 $ 7,D00.00 B12 REMOVAL AND REPLACEMENT OF UNSUITABLE FOUNDATION MATERIAL' CY 10 $ 125.00 $ 1,250.00 $ 150.00 f 1,500.00 $ 250.00 $ 2,500.00 $ $ $95.00 $ 950.00 B13 ITHRUST COLLAR EA 1 5 2,000.00 $ 2,000.00 $ 250.00 $ 250.00 $ 6,500_00 $ 6.500.00 $ _ _ $ $ $ $4,000.00 $ 4,00000 B14 CRUSHED SURFACING TOP COURSE FOR fRENCHHACKFILL TN 100 S 43.00 $ 4,300.00 $ 45.00 $ 4.500.00 $ 100.00 $ 10,000.00 $ $ $60.00 $ 6,000.00 B15 ItMI'ORAFiY WAIEH StKVIGE .4IJU CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCWG LS 1 $ 6,100.00 $ 6,100.00 $ 2.500.00 $ 2,500.00 $ 30,000.00 $ 30,000.00 $ $ - S $ - f $4,000.00 S120o.00 $ 4.000.00 $ 30 000.00 B16 SPLIT STEEL CASING. 16-IN, DIAM LF 25 $ 690.00 S 17 50.00 430.00 _ S __0 750.00 $ 600.00 3 15,000.00 _ $ B17 TEMPORARY SANITARY SEWER CASING SUPPORT LS 1 $ 2,500.00 $ 2,500.00 S 2,500.00 $ 2,500.00 $ 2.500.00 $ 15,000.00 $ 15,000.00 $ $ - _ $ • $25.000.00 $ 25.000.00 B18 SANITARY SEWER REMOVAL AND TEMPORARY FLOW SYSTEM LS 1 $ 6,400.00 $ 6,400.00 $ 2.500.00 $ 10,000.00 $ 10,000.00 $ 10,000.00 $ 10.000.00 T $ $ $ - $ - $5,000.00 $9.500.00 $6,000.00 $ 5,000.00 $ 9,500.00 $ 6,000.00 B19 IMANHOLE 48-IN. DIAM. TYPE 1 FA 1 S 10,500.00 S 10.500.00 S 64500,00 $ 6,500.00 $ $ - S $ - 620 TEMPORARY SANITARY SEWER BYPASS PUMPING LS 1 $ 29,000.00 $ 29,000.00 $ 15,000.00 $ 15.000.00 _ $ 10,000,00 $ 25,000.00 $ 25,000.00 _ _ $ - $ - B21 MINOR CHANGE FOR SEWER IMPROVEMENTS EST. 1 $ 10,000.00 $ 10,000.00 _ $ 10.000,00 $ 10,000.00 $ 10,000.00 $ - $ $ 10,OOD.00 $ 10,000.00 DBTOTALi BID SCHEDULE 0 - SALES TAX 110,24j TOTAL-SCHEDi3LES - - 3 148:85%011 5 15.1B3.21 3 164.035.21 -- - $ 135;650.00 S I15116.10 1 1a44BS, 30 3-:240;550L0o $ 24535.10 _ �L :785.0a5.10 "$ - 4 u'Lli llor ��ri�'e - 'BID SCHEDULE A $ 2,900,622.00 $ 3,003,130.00 $ 3,292,269.00 BID SCHEDULE B $ 164,038.21 $ 149,486.30 $ 265,086.10 - $ - $ 194,271.58 TOTAL $ 3,064,660.21 $ 3,152,616.30 $ 3.517.351.10 S 3 f f 2,909.140.58 V;L M176..i i/ Y 120,000 uV t ;517,,57 IU BIDDER'S CHECKLIST -A..- 6f•7 PROPOSAL ADDENDUM#1 BID BOND SUBCONTRACTOR LIST CONTRACTOR CERTIFICATION - WAGE LAW COMPLIANCE PROPOSAL FOR INCORPORATING RECYCLED MATERIALS APPRENTICESHIP PLAN _ _YIX. X _ % % ]C_ % X - X X % X X 1f X R X. X. X Page 3 of 3 0 COUNCIL MEETING DATE: July 2, 2024 ITEM #: CITY OF FEDERAL WAY CITY COUNCIL AGENDA BILL SUBJECT: EXTREME WEATHER RESPONSE GRANT -APPLICATION POLICY QUESTION: Should the City apply for a grant for Extreme Weather Response, for extreme heat, cold, or poor air quality shelters. COMMITTEE: N/A MEETING DATE: N/A CATEGORY: Consent ❑ Ordinance ❑ Public Hearing City Council Business ❑ Resolution ❑ Other STAFF REPORT BY: Layelah Wilson DEPT: Community Development Attachments: 1. Staff Report Options Considered: 1. Approve the proposed request to apply for grant funding. 2. Do not approve the request to apply for grant funding and provide direction to staff MAYOR'S RECOMMENDATION: Option 1 MAYOR APPROVAL: NIA C�' DIRECTOR APPROVAL: Y{�� 6.26.24 Committer Con it Initial/Date InitiaVDate Initial Date COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: N/A Committee Chair Committee Member Committee Member PROPOSED COUNCIL MOTION: "I move approval of the City applying to the Washington Military Department for the Extreme Weather Response Grant. " (BELOW TO BE COMPLETED BY CITY CLERIC'S OFFICE) COUNCIL ACTION: ❑ APPROVED COUNCIL BILL # ❑ DENIED First reading ❑ TABLED/DEFERRED/NO ACTION Enactment reading ❑ MOVED TO SECOND READING (ordinances only) ORDINANCE # REVISED - 5/2024 RESOLUTION # CITY OF FEDERAL WAY MEMORANDUM DATE: June 26, 2024 TO: City Council Members VIA: Jim Ferrell, Mayor FROM: Keith Niven, Community Development Director Layelah Wilson, Human Services Coordinator SUBJECT: WA State Military Emergency Management Division Extreme Weather Response Grant for Emergency Shelter Financial Impacts: This application will have no financial impacts other than staff time at this time. If funding is approved additional funding will be added to the emergency shelter budget. Background Information: The City and FUSION has been in partnership providing shelter and resources to our unhoused and vulnerable populations at time of need during extreme weather patterns. Our current contracted budgets are up to $15,000.00 annually which provides $30.00 per hour per staff person (1-2 minimum), and hotel stays when applicable or necessary due to shelter capacity. This grant application if approved will allow Human Services Funds to allocate or increase Human Services contracts for direct services. The Extreme Weather Response Grant will support extreme heat, cold and or poor air quality shelters that was established by Substitute House Bill 1012. The application period is ongoing from 06/17/2024-06/01 /2025 and is highly recommended to apply sooner than later. As funds are expended "first come, first served" the city will have the opportunity to be reimbursed for costs incurred of extended shelter use. This grant application is non- competitive meaning as long as funds are available jurisdictions will be reimbursed. Rev. 7/18 9c COUNCIL MEETING DATE: July 2, 2024 CITY OF FEDERAL WAY CITY COUNCIL AGENDA BILL SUBJECT: GLOBAL SPECTRUM L.P. (OVG360) 2023 INCENTIVE FEE ITEM #: POLICY QUESTION: Should the City Council approve the Global Spectrum L.P. (OVG360) 2023 Incentive Fee in the amount of $34,489.00 and authorize staff to remit payment? COMMITTEE: FEDRAC CATEGORY: ® Consent .�}� ❑ Ordinance K, City Council Business /' � �/25�� j�❑ Resolution STAFF REPORT BY: Autumn Gressett Attachments: 1. Staff Report 2. Global Spectrum L.P. Incentive Calculation MEETING DATE: June 25, 2024 ❑ Public Hearing ❑ Other DEPT: Parks Options Considered: 1. Approve the proposed incentive fee and authorize payment. 2. Do not approve proposed incentive fee and provide direction to staff. MAYOR'S RECOMMENDATION: Option 1. IRCCTOR APPROVAL: Q&dd /712,,rjZy InitiaVDate COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: I move to forward approval of the inccsir{t .v ee and payment authorization to the July 2, 2024, o erat agenda. ` �!r Cfoll(cc�� ps b Co ittee Chair C mmittee Me --tuber WoMemter PROPOSED COUNCIL MOTION: "I move approval of the incentive fee and payment authorization. BELOW TO BE COMPLETED BY CITY CLERK'S OFFICE COUNCIL ACTION: ❑ APPROVED COUNCIL BILL # ❑ DENIED First reading ❑ TABLED/DEFERRED/NO ACTION Enactment reading ❑ MOVED TO SECOND READING (ordinances only) ORDINANCE # REVISED - 5/2024 RESOLUTION # CITY OF FEDERAL WAY MEMORANDUM DATE: June 25, 2024 TO: City Council Members VIA: Jim Ferrell, Mayor FROM: John Hutton, Parks Director SUBJECT: Global Spectrum L.P. (OVG360) 2023 Incentive Fee Financial Impacts: The cost to the City for the Global Spectrum L.P. (OVG360) 2023 Incentive Fee is $34,489.00. This item was not included within the approved budget for the Global Spectrum L.P. 2023 Incentive Fee. As proposed, it will be funded by budget savings from the 115- Performing Arts and Event Center Fund from General Fund. Background Information: Per Section 3.2 of AG 18-088, Global Spectrum L.P. (OVG360) Contract, there is a provision for an annual incentive fee based on specific performance metrics. This incentive fee is designed to encourage and reward Global Spectrum's efforts in managing the Performing Arts and Event Center (PAEC) effectively. The total cost of the incentive fee each year is contingent upon Global Spectrum's success in reducing the subsidy required from the General Fund to support the PAEC fund. By achieving or exceeding performance benchmarks, Global Spectrum can significantly lower the financial burden on the General Fund. Staff seeks approval from the Council to pay the Incentive Fee for Global Spectrum's management of the PAEC for the year 2023, in accordance with the terms outlined in the contract. Oualitative Component: The qualitative component allows the Manager to earn up to $10,000 each operating year, based on the City's evaluation of performance in five (5) specific areas. Each area is valued at up to $2,000. a. Results of Customer Survey Scores i. OVG360 conducted regular customer satisfaction surveys throughout the year. OVG360 achieved an average customer satisfaction score of 93.5%, which falls within the "excellent" range, thereby earning the full $2,000 for this category. b. Tenant/Resident Group Relations i. OVG360 maintained strong, positive relationships with tenant and resident groups, as evidenced by minimal complaints and active Rev. 7/18 engagement in monthly meetings. They earned $1,737.50 in this category, reflecting an overall high performance with minor areas for improvement. c. Quality of Food and Beverage Services i. The quality of food and beverage services was consistently high, with positive feedback from event attendees and a significant increase in sales. OVG360 earned $1,955.56 for maintaining high standards and innovative offerings. d. Achievement of Annual Event Programming and Attendance Goals in the Theater i. OVG360 achieved approximately 80% of the annual event programming goals and attendance targets. This performance earned them $500 in this area. e. Achievement of Annual Event Programming and Attendance Goals in the Events Space i. While OVG360 achieved most of the programming goals in the events space, targets were not met. They earned $500 for their satisfactory performance with room for slight improvement. Total Earned for Qualitative Component: $6,563 Quantitative Component: The quantitative component stipulates that the Manager shall be paid 20% of the amount by which the actual Net Operating Income/Loss exceeds the Net Operating Income/Loss Benchmark. There is no cap on the amount that can be earned in this component. Benchmark for 2023: $ (1,001,021.00) Actual Net Loss 2023: $ (861,390.00) Ahead / (Behind) Benchmark: $ 139,631.00 Manager's 20% Share: $ 27,926.00 B. Total Compensation for 2023 a. Qualitative Component: $6,563 b. Quantitative Component: $27,926 c. Total Payment to OVG360 for 2023: $34,489 Explanation of Payment OVG360 is being paid a total of $34,489 for 2023. This total reflects their combined earnings from both the qualitative and quantitative components of the performance evaluation. Conclusion OVG360 has met and exceeded the performance criteria set forth in their management contract for the operating year 2023. Their exceptional performance in customer satisfaction, tenant relations, food and beverage quality, and event programming has warranted the payment of $34,489. This payment reflects their commitment to excellence and successful operational management. Rev. 7/18 Global Spectrum LLP Incentive - 2023 Qualitative Components Average % j Totallncentive Average % of Customer Surveys %1 1,869.57 $20 for every 1% maximum $2,000 Average % of RAO Surveys 86.9% $ 1,737.50 $20 for every 196, maximum $2,000 1Average % of FB Service Surveys 97.8% $ 1,955.56 $20for every 196, maximum $2,000 Annual Event Programming/Attendance - Theater - Not to exceed $2,000 Achieve Theater Ticket Revenue Achieve Patron Attendance Achieve 92 paid usage days Goal (Budget) Actual Percentage $ 1,204,493 $ 977,644 81.17% 39,636 33,940 85.63% 92 1 79 1 85.87%1 Annual Event Programming/Attendance - Event Space - Not to Exceed $2,000 Achieve Event Space Revenue Achieve F&B Revenue Achieve 182 paid usage days Quantitative Components Benchmark Actual Operating Loss Ahead / (behind) benchmark x20% $ 980,321 $ 494,482 50.44% $ 476,449 $ 361,244 75.82% 182 128 70.339/ $ (1,001,021) IRF,1 lAgnl 139,b31 $ 27,926 $100 bonus for $250 Bonus if 5O% $250 Bonus if 100% of goal reached Goal reached each additional growth $ 250 $ $ - $ 250 $ N/A N/A - $ $ - $ 250 $ $ $ 250 $ N/A N/A $ $ Total Incentive $ 500 $ 500 Total Qualitative: Total Quantitative: $ 27,926 Total Due to Global Spectrum $ 34,489 COUNCIL MEETING DATE: July 2, 2024 CITY OF FEDERAL WAY CITY COUNCIL AGENDA BILL ITEM #: SUBJECT: FWCC LOCKER ROOM — WOODLAND INDUSTRIES GENERAL CONTRACTING, INC CHANGE ORDER POLICY QUESTION: Should the City Council approve the proposed change order and authorize staff to execute it? COMMITTEE: N/A CATEGORY: ❑ Consent ® City Council Business MEETING DATE: N/A ❑ Ordinance ❑ Public Hearing ❑ Resolution ❑ Other STAFF REPORT BY: Autumn Gressett DEPT: Parks Attachments: 1. Staff Report 2. Woodland Industries General Contracting, Inc Change Order 3. Innova Architects Field Observation Report Options Considered: 1. Approve the proposed change order. 2. Do not approve proposed change order and provide direction to staff. MAYOR'S MAYOR APPROV TION: Option 1. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: N/A DIRECTOR APPROVAL: awG ftG� o� y 607 Initial/Date Committee Chair Committee Member Committee Member PROPOSED COUNCIL MOTION: "I move approval of the proposed change order. " /BELOW TO BE COMPLETED BY CITY CLERK'S OFFICE) COUNCIL ACTION: ❑ APPROVED COUNCIL BILL # ❑ DENIED First reading ❑ TABLED/DEFERRED/NO ACTION Enactment reading ❑ MOVED TO SECOND READING (ordinances only) ORDINANCE # REVISED - 5/2024 RESOLUTION # CITY OF FEDERAL WAY MEMORANDUM DATE: July 2, 2024 TO: City Council Members VIA: Jim Ferrell, Mayor FROM: John Hutton, Parks DirectorL)a/ SUBJECT: FWCC Locker Room — Woodland Industries Change Order Financial Impacts: The cost for Woodland Industries Change Order for additional floor demolition was not included within the approved budget. As proposed, $43,529.00 will be funded by ARPA funding under the existing FWCC Locker Room budget. Upon completion of the additional demo, future costs will be incurred but are currently unknown. These costs will be due to needing to install a new concrete floor within the locker rooms. Background Information: During demolition, the contractor had to pause when they got to the tile floor due to discrepancies between existing conditions and as -built documentation. Instead of a concrete topping slab, a dry -pack mortar setting bed was used throughout the locker rooms causing issues such as water saturation and rotting of the gypsum wallboard in partition walls, as well as rusted fire alarm conduits. Complete removal of the tile finish and dry -pack mortar setting bed will be necessary as the current condition does not allow for new flooring to be put over the top. Attachments: Innova Architects Field Observation Report Rev. 7/18 267760A PROJECT NUMBER CONTRACT CHANGE ORDER AG 24-125 AGREEMENT NUMBER FWCC — LOCKER ROOM SOFT DEMOLITION PROJECT TITLE CHANGE ORDER NUMBER EFFECTIVE DATE WOODLAND INDUSTRIES GENERAL CONTRACTING, INC CONTRACTOR SUMMARY OF PROPOSED CHANGES: This Change Order covers the work changes summarized below: Removal of approximately 3500 sq. ft. of 4-inch sand slurry, weight: approx. 60 tons The time provided for completion in the Contract is ❑ Unchanged ® Increased by 25 Working Day(s) ❑ Decreased by_ Working Day(s) This Document shall become an Amendment to the Contract and all provisions of the Contract not amended herein will apply to this Change Order. Will this change affect expiration or extent of Insurance coverage? ❑ Yes ® No If "Yes" Will the Policies Be Extended? ❑ Yes ❑ No MODIFICATIONS TO UNIT PRICES: ITEM NO: ITEM PREVIOUS REVISED QTY UNIT PRICE UNIT PRICE ADD OR DELET THESE ITEMS ARE APPROXIMATE OR ESTIMATED QUANTITIES INVOLVED IN THIS CHANGE: ITEM NO. ITEM QTY UNIT PRICE ADD OR DELETE 1 Removal of sand slurry 1 $43,529.00 ADD TOTAL NET CONTRACT: INCREASE $ 43,529.00 1 DECREASE $ DEPARTMENT RECAP TO DATE: ORIGINAL CONTRACT AMOUNT $ 102 393.00 PREVIOUS CHANGE ORDERS $ 0.00 THIS CHANGE ORDER $ 43,529.00 NEW CONTRACT AMOUNT $ 145,922.00 STATEMENT: Payment for the above work will be in accordance with applicable portions of the standard specifications, and with the understanding that all materials, workmanship and measurements shall be in accordance with the provisions of the standard specifications, the contract plans, and the special provisions governing the types of construction. CITY OF FEDERAL WAY FWCC - LOCKER ROOM SOFT DEMOLITION — PROJECT # 267760A RFB-14 CFW RFB VERSION 2023-APR The execution of this Change Order shall constitute full satisfaction and a waiver of any and all claims by the Contractor arising out of, or relating in any way to, the Work identified, to be performed, or deleted pursuant to Change Order except as specifically described in this Change Order. CONTRACTOR'S SIGNATURE DATE PARKS DIRECTOR CITY OF FEDERAL WAY DATE FWCC - LOCKER ROOM SOFT DEMOLITION — PROJECT # 267760A RFB-15 CFW RFB VERSION 2023-APR Field Observation Date: 18 June 2024 INNOVA Proj. No: 23-041 Prepared by: Scott Saladis, INNOVA Architects cc: Alex DeLara, INNOVA Architects Steven G. Hall, INNOVA Architects Todd Enninga, Rock Project Management services Leif Ellsworth, Community Center Manager George Richen, City of Federal Way Lee Rogers, Woodland Industries Molly Rogers, Woodland Industries Project: Federal Way Community Center Locker Room Renovation Re: Field Observation, 12 June site visit THE FOLLOWING WAS NOTED: INNOVA architects Arrived on site 12 June at 9:00 am for a scheduled site visit with representation from INNOVA, Rock Project Management (RPM), the City of Federal Way, and Woodland Industries. The weather was mild, approximately 600, with light clouds. Present at the walkthrough were Scott Saladis, Alex DeLara and Steven G. Hall (INNOVA Architects), Todd Enninga (RPM), Leif Ellsworth and George Richen (City of Federal Way) and Lee Rogers and Molly Rogers (Woodland Industries). The intent of this site walk was to review site conditions and concerns brought up during demolition by Woodland Industries. Additionally, the condition of existing partition wall framing and structural members were also reviewed. General Demolition of wall finishes and substrate was mostly complete at the time of our site visit, with cleanup of fasteners and debris noted as still needing to be performed. Demolition of the tile floor finish and setting bed had been halted due to existing conditions differing from that shown in the as -built documentation. The following is a list of observations and recommended corrections: ■ In general, it appears that rather than a concrete topping slab installed on top of the structural slab, a dry -pack mortar setting bed was utilized with a skim -coat of concrete on the top for the tile finish to adhere to - see Reference Photo #13. This condition is assumed to be throughout the locker room areas that were identified on the as -built drawing set as areas to receive a concrete topping slab. Further demolition will be required to confirm this assumption. In addition to the condition noted above, the interior partition walls were framed at the structural slab level, rather than the level of the topping slab - see sketch of condition provided as Reference Photo #01. This results in the lower 4" +/- of the wall being below the finish floor level and in direct contact with the structural slab. Additionally, the dry -pack mortar setting bed was installed directly against the water-resistant GWB used in the partition wall construction. This resulted in the GWB becoming saturated with water and rotting out the studs that it was in contact with - see reference photos #03, #04, #05, #06 and #14 - #18. ■ Fire alarm conduit within the wall cavity, and leading to under slab conduit runs, was observed to be compromised, with the conduit entirely rusted through - see reference photo #08. Maintenance staff reported no issues with the fire alarm system, however, this condition should be corrected. Breaks in other conduit within the wall cavity were also observed - see Reference Photos #11 and #12. • A cursory review of cast-iron drain lines was performed, but hampered by demolition debris resting in the steel wall track. Condition of the exposed structural columns was reviewed. The above -slab areas of the structural columns appear to be in good condition, with only surface rust present. Baseplates were not visible, making inspection of the baseplates and connecting bolts/ nuts not possible - see Reference Photo #09 and #010. A greasy substance was observed on the web of the column, possibly protecting the column from contact with the adjacent slab, was encountered on an exposed column at the level of the topping slab. Recommendations Complete removal of the tile finish and dry -pack mortar setting bed will be necessary. Representatives from Dur-A-Flex (basis of design epoxy -resin flooring supplier) were on -site to review the existing conditions and determined that overlay on the existing tile flooring was not possible due to the condition and installation method of the tile. The only viable option for flooring is to remove the tile finish as designed and to also remove the dry -pack mortar setting base and come back with a concrete topping slab. Partition wall framing will need to be reconstructed in order to replace rusted and rotted wall framing. Our team has determined two viable options of framing replacement: o Option 1 - Removal and replacement of wall framing from a level approximately 3'-0" above the floor surface. This will require installation of a double -track - one track to capture the existing framing to remain and another track, inverted from the upper track, to capture the new lower framing. This condition will create a "knee -joint" in the wall and require additional structural framing within the wall to stiffen the wall construction. The benefit of this option is that everything above the 3'-0" line will remain as existing o Option 2 - Removal and replacement of deficient wall framing in its entirety. This option will require wall framing to be removed and replaced to the level of the floor above. This option will disturb much more of the existing framing, but will eliminate the need for additional framing to stiffen the "knee -joint" condition noted in Option 1. Option 2 is the recommended approach supported by the design team Regardless of the option chosen, the base of the walls will be revised to sit on top of the new topping slab rather than the level of the structural slab - see Reference Photos #02 and #07. This method will follow construction best practices and provide a better solution for the long- term durability of the facility The site should be re -visited by both the Mechanical and Electrical engineering teams to inspect all conduit and plumbing that goes beneath the structural slab for any damage caused by water contact. The concrete slab around one structural column should be demolished to a level that further inspection of the column can be accomplished. Construction best -practices would have a diamond shaped pour -back/ isolation joint around the column, and is assumed to be the case here. The structural engineer should review the condition of the column prior to removal of the concrete slab to a level where the baseplate would be exposed to determine if this would be necessary. Left the site at approximately 12:45 pm Photos attached END OF FIELD OBSERVATION REPORT 2 n g WaTV --ems 5Mx ' Gw4 Ok1�Ibt: 'MT114& 791.E 4C. vy &5G !� � Ik �(L4 (�G H14CT I [ �u.�oca Sr'+cwY I G�w�..rr 71 W' f?•i�CE/L - Lo-S�Lti� I Gn�9'M'!Z'—CwSiDe r It (/fy�y Cwt•2ti1L� ToP4 wU S2es v� sYs.�+�r� S+•r5 L rl>n rlc. Srl�.a:rva�9� Svr; E��Sri NL� �+�,� t7ov �e�varewr wsinw Reference Photo #01 - Existing Condition Reference Photo #02 - Proposed /41 401 Reference Photo #03 - Rotted Framing Reference Photo #04 - Rotted Framing 9 r� Reference Photo #05 - Rotted Framing h Reference Photo #06 - Rotted Framing 3 - 7, Reference Photo #07 - Buried Bottom Track Reference Photo #09 - Structural Column Reference Photo #08 - Fire Alarm Conduit Reference Photo #10 - Structural Column Reference Photo #11 - Compromised Conduit Reference Photo #12 - Compromised Conduit 0 Reference Photo #13 - Test Demolition Reference Photo #15 - General Conditions Lf 5 . 6 . Reference Photo #17 - General Conditions Reference Photo #14 - General Conditions Reference Photo #16 - General Conditions Reference Photo #18 - General Conditions 11 A 0 COUNCIL MEETING DATE: July 2, 2024 ITEM #: CITY OF FEDERAL WAY CITY COUNCIL AGENDA BILL SUBJECT: THERAPEUTIC COURTS INTERAGENCY AGREEMENT POLICY QUESTION: Should the City Council authorize acceptance of grant funds awarded by the Administrative Office of the Courts ("AOC") for therapeutic court services and authorize staff to execute any related contracts to accept and spend the grant money? COMMITTEE: N/A MEETING DATE: CATEGORY: ❑ Consent ❑ Ordinance ❑ Public Hearing ® City Council Business ❑ Resolution ❑ Other STAFF REPORT BY: Judge Dave Larson DEPT: Municipal Court Attachments: 1. AOC Interagency Agreement IAA25701 Options Considered: 1. Authorize acceptance of the AOC grant to fund therapeutic court services. 2. Do not authorize acceptance of the grant and provide direction to staff. MAYOR'S RECOMMENDATION: Option 1. MAYOR APPROVAL: _ N/A Commttee Initial/Date COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: N/A Committee Chair Z�% JUDGE APPROVAL: Initial/Date Committee Member Committee Member PROPOSED COUNCIL MOTION: "I move to authorize the acceptance of grant funds awarded by AOC and authorize the court to execute all related contracts to accept and spend the grant money. " (BELOW TO BE COMPLETED BY CITY CLERK'S OFFICE) COUNCIL ACTION: ❑ APPROVED COUNCIL SILL # ❑ DENIED First reading ❑ TABLED/DEFERRED/NO ACTION Enactment reading ❑ MOVED TO SECOND READING (ordinances only) ORDINANCE # REVISED— 11/2019 RESOLUTION # DocuSign Envelope ID: 2EC94794-3385-4608-9AFC-D654B9C31A61 INTERAGENCY AGREEMENT — IAA25071 BETWEEN WASHINGTON STATE ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICE OF THE COURTS AND FEDERAL WAY MUNICIPAL COURT (IN PARTNERSHIP WITH DES MOINES MUNICIPAL COURT) FOR THERAPEUTIC COURTS THIS AGREEMENT (Agreement) is entered into by and between the Washington State Administrative Office of the Courts (AOC) and Federal Way Municipal Court (in partnership with Des Moines Municipal Court) (Court), (individually known as "Party" and collectively known as "Parties"). The Parties hereby enter into this Agreement whereby Court will perform certain services for, and provide product deliveries to AOC. The Court is subject to the terms and conditions specified in Attachment A and agrees to the following terms and conditions. PURPOSE The purpose of this Agreement is to provide reimbursements to assist Courts with costs related to Therapeutic Court and must use funding to identify individuals before their court with substance use disorders or other behavioral health needs and engage those individuals with community -based therapeutic interventions within the Court's jurisdiction in accordance with the Court's application, and Statement of Work (Attachment A). ll. REIMBURSEMENT A. The awarded amount is $175,000.00. Court will use funds as described in the Attachment A and Attachment B. B. General. AOC shall provide reimbursement to the Court for approved and completed reimbursements by warrant or account transfer within 30 days of receipt of a properly completed A-19 invoice and the completed data report as required below. III. PERIOD OF PERFORMANCE Performance under this Agreement begins July 1, 2024 regardless of the date of execution, and ends on June 30, 2025. IAA25071 Page 1 of 6 DocuSign Envelope ID: 2EC94794-3385-4608-9AFC-D654B9C31A61 IV. COMPENSATION AND PAYMENT A. AOC will reimburse the Court up to a maximum/NTE/ of $175,000.00 for payments made by the Court during the period from July 1, 2024 to June 30, 2025 related to the Therapeutic Court Program. B. The Court shall submit invoices to AOC for expenditures no more frequently than monthly, and no less frequently than quarterly. Invoices shall be submitted on state form A-19. C. Before payment can be processed, properly -completed A-19 invoices must be submitted to payables@courts.wa.gov with CC to _C LJTherapeuticCou rtsApplication s(7a.cou rts.wa.goy D. If this agreement is terminated, the Court shall only receive payment for performance rendered or costs incurred in accordance with the terms of this agreement prior to the effective date of termination. E. The Court shall maintain sufficient backup documentation of expenses under this agreement. F. Payments made by AOC within 30 days of receipt of a properly -completed A-19 invoice shall be deemed timely. G.. This amount includes expenses necessary or incidental to performing the items under the Statement of Work, including, but not limited to, travel, lodging and per diem related expenses. Court will submit an invoice after the completion and acceptance of each deliverable listed in the Attachment A. The awarded amount is $175,000.00. The Court will use the funds for the following cost categories: Cost Category Amount Personnel Costs $165,000.00 Staff Equipment & Technology $1,500.00 Team Training/Travel $0.00 Treatment Services $5,000.00 Recovery supports $3,500.00 Other Direct Costs $0.00 Total Amount $175,000.00 Up to 10% of funds can be moved from one or more spending category to another, but any adjustments beyond 10% require the explicit written consent of AOC's Point of Contact, and in no case may the total amount exceed the total amount listed above. IAA25071 Page 2 of 6 DocuSign Envelope ID: 2EC94794-3385-4608-9AFC-D654B9C31A61 Funds cannot be used for: • replacing or supplementing the salary of current employees of the Court (employees must be taking on additional work or be a new employee to be eligible for funding), • program incentives that constitute a gift or reward • items and activities outside of the cost categories listed in the Court's contract. V. BILLING PROCEDURES Court will submit properly prepared Form A-19s via email to AOC Financial Services at Payables(a)courts.wa.gov and include a CC to CLJTherapeuticCourtsApplications _,courts.wa.gov. Invoices shall be submitted no less frequently than quarterly during the term of the contract. Incorrect or incomplete invoices shall be returned by AOC to Court for correction and reissuance, and may result in delays in funding. All Invoices shall provide and itemize, at a minimum, the following: A. Contract Number; B. Court name, address, phone number; C. Court Federal Tax Identification Number; D. Description of Services to be provided; E. Date(s) Services will be provided; F. Total Invoice Price. Payment will be considered timely if made by the AOC within thirty (30) calendar days of receipt of a properly prepared invoice. Payment shall be sent to the address designated by the Court. The AOC may, in its sole discretion, terminate the contract or withhold payments claimed by the Court for services rendered if the Court fails to satisfactorily comply with any term or condition of this contract. No payments in advance or in anticipation of services or supplies to be provided under this contract shall be made by the AOC. VI. REVENUE SHARING A. AOC in its sole discretion, may initiate the revenue sharing. AOC will notify the Court no later than May 1, 2025 that AOC intends to reallocate funding among courts. If AOC determines the Court may not spend all monies available under the Agreement, then AOC may reduce the Agreement amount. If AOC determines the Court may spend more money than is available under the Agreement and for its scope, then the AOC may increase Agreement amount. IAA25071 Page 3 of 6 DocuSign Envelope ID: 2EC94794-3385-4608-9AFC-D654B9C31A61 B. If the AOC initiates the revenue sharing process, then the Court must submit a final revenue sharing A19 to payablesgcouris.wa.gov_ and copy/cc to CLJTherapeuticCourtsApplicationscourts.wa.gov between July 11, 2025 and August 1, 2025. VII. APPROPRIATIONS The terms of this Agreement are contingent upon sufficient appropriations and authorization being made by the Legislature of Washington State (Legislature) for the performance of this Agreement. If sufficient appropriations and authorization are not made or removed by the Legislature, this Agreement will terminate immediately upon written notice being given by the AOC to the Court. The decision as to whether appropriations are sufficient to perform the duties under this Agreement is within the sole discretion of AOC. Vill. AGREEMENT ALTERATIONS AND AMENDMENTS This Agreement may be amended by agreement of the parties. Such amendments are not binding unless they are in writing and signed by personnel authorized to bind each of the parties. IX. INDEPENDENT CAPACITY The employees or agents of each party who are engaged in the performance of this Agreement shall continue to be employees or agents of that party and shall not be considered for any purpose to be employees or agents of the other party. X. RECORDS, DOCUMENTS, AND REPORTS The Court shall maintain books, records, documents and other evidence of accounting procedures and practices which sufficiently and properly reflect all direct and indirect costs of any nature expended in the performance of this agreement. These records shall be subject at all reasonable times to inspection, review, or audit by personnel duly authorized by the AOC and the Office of the State Auditor, or so authorized by law, rule, regulation, or agreement. The Court will retain all books, records, documents, and other material relevant to this agreement for six years after settlement, and make them available for inspection by persons authorized by this provision. XI. RIGHT OF INSPECTION The Court shall provide right of access to its facilities to the AOC, or any of its officers, or to any other authorized agent or official of the state of Washington at all reasonable times, in order to monitor and evaluate performance, compliance, and/or quality assurance IAA25071 Page 4 of 6 DocuSign Envelope ID: 2EC94794-3385-4608-9AFC-D654B9C31A61 under this agreement. XII. DISPUTES Disputes arising under this Agreement shall be resolved by a panel consisting of one representative from the AOC, one representative from the Court, and a mutually agreed upon third party. The dispute panel shall thereafter decide the dispute with the majority prevailing. Neither party shall have recourse to the courts unless there is a showing of noncompliance or waiver of this section. XIII. TERMINATION Either party may terminate this Agreement upon thirty (30) days written notice to the other party. If this Agreement is so terminated, the parties shall be liable only for performance rendered or costs incurred in accordance with the terms of this Agreement prior to the effective date of termination. XIV. GOVERNANCE This Agreement is entered into pursuant to and under the authority granted by the laws of the state of Washington and any applicable federal laws. The provisions of this Agreement must be construed to conform to those laws. In the event of an inconsistency in the terms of this Agreement, or between its terms and any applicable statute or rule, the inconsistency will be resolved by giving precedence in the following order: A. Applicable state and federal statutes and rules; B. This Agreement; and C. Any other provisions of the agreement, including materials incorporated by reference. XV. ASSIGNMENT The work to be provided under this Agreement, and any claim arising hereunder, is not assignable or delegable by either party in whole or in part, without the express priorwritten consent of the other party, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld. XVI. WAIVER A failure by either party to exercise its rights under this Agreement does not preclude that party from subsequent exercise of such rights and is not a waiver of any other rights under this Agreement unless stated to be such in a writing signed by an authorized representative of the party and attached to the original Agreement. IAA25071 Page 5 of 6 DocuSign Envelope ID: 2EC94794-3385-4608-9AFC-D654B9C31A61 XVII. SEVERABILITY If any provision of this Agreement, or any provision of any document incorporated by reference is held invalid, such invalidity does not affect the other provisions of this Agreement which can be given effect without the invalid provision and to this end the provisions of this Agreement are declared to be severable. XVIII. AGREEMENT MANAGEMENT The program managers noted below are responsible for and are the contact people for all communications and billings regarding the performance of this Agreement: Leah Niccolocci PO Box 41170 Olympia, WA 98504-1170 Lea h. n iccolood(c-Dcou rts.wa .gov David A. Larson 33325 8th Ave S. Suite 102 Federal Way, WA 98003 d avi d , I a rs o ri (j5� ci tyo ffede ralway. co m XIX. ENTIRE AGREEMENT This Agreement contains all the terms and conditions agreed upon by the parties. No other understandings, oral or otherwise, regarding the subject matter of this Agreement are considered to exist or to bind any of the parties to this agreement unless otherwise stated in this Agreement. AGREED: Washington State Administrative Office of the Courts VAWV, i'VIaf- rlALild z5ignarure Dawn Marie Rubio Name 6/27/2024 vaw4 torsew _State Court Administrator Title Date Signature David Larson Name Presiding Judge Title IAA25071 Court 6/27/2024 Date Page 6 of 6 DocuSign Envelope ID: 2EC94794-3385-4608-9AFC-D654B9C31A61 ATTACHMENT A: STATEMENT OF WORK The Court must use funding to identify individuals before their Therapeutic Court with behavioral health needs outlined in their application and engage those individuals with community -based therapeutic interventions within the Therapeutic Court's jurisdiction in accordance with the Court's funding application. I. Use of Funds (including but not limited to — refer to budget and allowable costs for): • 'Personnel Costs • Staff Equipment & Technology • Team Training/Travel • Treatment Services • Recovery Supports • Other Direct Costs II. REPORTING The Court shall submit quarterly reports to AOC documenting the progress of their therapeutic court program and engage in technical assistance calls with the Behavioral Health team quarterly. These reports shall provide: • The number of program participants (therapeutic court referrals, entries, opt in agreements, active participants, terminations and graduations) for the corresponding quarter, • the services provided to program participants for the corresponding quarter, • challenges faced by the Court in operating their therapeutic court program during the corresponding quarter. On the following schedule: Reporting schedule: Period Quarter Report Due 07/01 /24-09/30/24 1 10/15/24 10/01 /24-12/31 /24 2 01 /15/25 01 /01 /25-03/31 /25 3 04/15/25 04/01 /25-06/30/25 1 7/15/25 final report for the ear Failure to submit a report by the due date will adversely affect the Court's eligibility for future funding. Your AOC Program Manager will provide you with the link to the reporting portal via email prior to the quarterly report due date. Other deliverables are required if applicable to a specific Therapeutic Court. When there is any question about deliverables, Court should communicate with the AOC Program Contact (refer to IAA25071 A-1 DocuSign Envelope ID: 2EC94794-3385-4608-9AFC-D654B9C31A61 section XIX of the agreement) to determine which deliverables are applicable to your Court. When using these funds, other deliverables may include the following: Planning ■ Therapeutic Court staff shall complete applicable Best Practice Standards modules on-line courses/E-learning at https:Hallrise.org/trainings/online-courses/ • Identify Target Population (e.g. eligibility and exclusion criteria, utilize valid Risk - Need s-Responsivity tool — RNR). ■ Identify Team Roles and Responsibilities (judge, prosecutor, defense, coordinator, case manager, etc.). • Equity and Inclusion (e.g. staff training, equity monitoring, equitable treatment, equitable incentives, and sanctions). Implementation • Develop guidelines, policies and procedures for therapeutic court structure, including drug testing practices, incentive and response policies, phase structure, and handbooks. • Hold stakeholder meetings (prosecution, defense, treatment, law enforcement, probation, etc.) • Create Memorandum of Understanding (MOU's) with stakeholders Scale & Sustain • Begin evaluation of data to assess successes and areas of need by completing the Washington Therapeutic Court Evaluation and Review (WATER) on an annual basis, according to the period of performance of this award (Refer to section III of the agreement). Process review/evaluation (after WATER). • Employ continuous quality improvement methods to refine the model, updating model and adopted guidelines, policies and procedures as required, and as it relates to Best Practice standards. Other Develop system to track and evaluate performance of therapeutic court programming. Attend regular meetings with the Administrative Office of the Court Behavioral Health Program. Attend trainings identified and/or provided by the Behavioral Health Program. IAA25071 A-2 DocuSign Envelope ID: 2EC94794-3385-4608-9AFC-D654B9C31A61 ATTACHMENT B: USE OF FUNDS FY2025 Use of Funds Allowable Expenses Common allowable expenses listed below. Supporting documents -are required for all allowable expenses. See what's required under each spending category. Nersonnei costs Personnel salaries and benefits for staff while working on therapeutic court duties or procedures Court Staff including: • Coordinator • Case Manager • Peer Support • Prosecution • Defense • Probation • Judicial Officers o Judges o Pro Tern Judges o Commissioners Supporting documents must list staff member name, staff member title, pay period • Payroll Ledgers • Pay Stubs Please highlight/write amount charged to AOC funding on supporting documentation and ensure it matches amount listed on A19. Unallowable Expenses The list of unallowable expenses is not exhaustive. If you are unsure whether your expense is allowable, please contact CLJTherapeuticCou rtsAlications@cou rts.wa. ov for clarification before making a purchase. j Personnel Costs Court Staff including: • Security Personnel • Supporting the salary/benefits of any staff member not related to the therapeutic court ■ Indirect Cost Staff Eguipment & Technology Staff Equipment & Technolo • Furniture o Couches IAA25071 A-3 DocuSign Envelope ID: 2EC94794-3385-4608-9AFC-D654B9C31A61 r 0 0 Includes equipment, supplies, software, and IT maintenance for staff that support the programComputers Cell Phones Printers/Fax Machines Staff Desk equipment and supplies o Office Chairs for Staff o Office Desk for Staff o Desk Phone o Keyboard/Mouse o Monitor(s) o Headsets o Computer Webcams o Desk Organizers/Storage o Pens/Pencils o Paper/Notebooks o Paper Clips/Binders/Stapler o A/V equipment for courtroom o Other Office supplies o Translation Services (program materials) IT Maintenance and Tech Support Software Subscriptions Supplies for community meetings and staff retreats Supporting documents must list name of vendor, purchase date, amount paid, and method of payment • Receipts ■ Invoices Please highlight/write amount charged to AOC funding on supporting documentation and ensure it matches amount listed on A19. Team Trainin /Travel Training for program staff on the use of Risk-Needs-Responsivity (RNR) assessments and evidence -based treatment modalities. o Beds o Armoire o Atelier o Chaise longue o Chifforobe o Dresser o TV Stands o Bookcases o Accent Chairs o Conference Table • Software o New subscriptions for case management software o OCourt Subscriptions • Other Technology o A/V equipment for conference rooms Team Training/Travel • Training and travel expenses not pre - approved by AOC staff • Staff mileage to/from work site • Purchase of vehicles IAA25071 A-4 DocuSign Envelope ID: 2EC94794-3385-4608-9AFC-D654B9C31A61 Exceptions to below list can be submitted for preapproval to C LJThe ra pe uticCou rtsApp licati ons(sc-o u rt s.wa.gov Prioritized Trainings • WSADCP trainings/conferences All Rise trainings/conferences Other Eligible Training Suggestions upon approval of contract team • NADCP trainings/conferences • Center for Justice Innovation (CJI) trainings/conferences Travel expenses related to training • Meals (per diem rate) • Air travel — travel insurance/refundable tickets recommended • Lodging (per diem rate) — the AOC will not reimburse until after checkout • Transportation o Mileage o Car rental o Parking o Other Transport • Ferries • Taxis • Uber/Lyft ■ Bus fare • Shuttle fare ■ Subway/Link/Railway fare *Tips cover transportation and must not be over 15% of purchase total. Supporting documents must list names and titles of therapeutic court staff attending, name of vendor, purchase date, amount paid, and method of payment IAA25071 A-5 DocuSign Envelope ID: 2EC94794-3385-4608-9AFC-D654B9C31A61 • Receipts (receipts not required for meals, the AOC reimburses at the per diem rate) • Invoices Please highlight/write amount charged to AOC funding on supporting documentation and ensure it matches amount listed on A19. Treatment Services Treatment services not covered by participants' insurance or co-insurance, costs that are deemed unaffordable to the participants, and compliance monitoring. Participants are encouraged to apply for Apple Care. • Participant Medical Insurance Deductibles and Spend Downs • Therapeutic Services not covered by participant insurance but recommended by treatment or therapeutic court staff (i.e. DV treatment) • Lab & Toxicology Testing • Treatment Staff/Peer Support contracted by the court o Mental Health Services o Peer Support Services o SUDP o Veteran's Support Services Supporting documents must list name of vendor, purchase date, amount paid, and method of payment • Receipts • Invoices Please highlight/write amount charged to AOC funding on supporting documentation and ensure it matches amount listed on A19. Treatment Services • Professional Licensing Fees • Services that are eligible and covered via participants medical insurance (i.e. Ongoing treatment for a participant with Medicaid/private insurance in lieu of local BHA) IAA25071 A-6 DocuSign Envelope ID: 2EC94794-3385-4608-9AFC-D654B9C31A61 Recovery Supports Recovery Su arts Other services for participants that are not . Gas cards accessible through other local, state, or • Gift Cards federal programs, services meant to ensure participants' success in program. *Not an exhaustive list Participant Transportation o Bus Passes o Uber/Lyft Rides o Car Services o Other Transit Services Food & Beverages - *Participants o Meals (*Graduation or other pre -approved event; must have agenda & sign in sheet, or other approved documentation — no more than $20.00 per person) o Snacks o Water o Non-alcoholic Beverages (*no mocktails allowed Food & Beverages *Staff o Meals (*Must follow your agency policy on meal purchases for meetings. Agenda and sign in sheet required.) o Non-alcoholic Beverages (*no mocktails allowed • Cell Phones through a checkout program • Cell Minutes • Hygiene Products • Recovery Housing- when all other supports have been exhausted • Education o Parenting Classes o Financial Literacy • Gifts • Logoed apparel • Driver Educational Courses • License reinstatement fees (i.e. Tickets, fines, etc.) • Advertising on radio stations, newspapers, billboards, etc. IAA25071 A-7 DocuSign Envelope ID: 2EC94794-3385-4608-9AFC-D654B9C31A61 • Graduation supplies • Driver's license/ID replacement fee Su2porting documents must list name of vendor, purchase date, amount paid, and method of payment • Receipts • Invoices Please highlight/write amount charged to AOC funding on supporting documentation and ensure it matches amount listed on A19. Other Direct Costs Miscellaneous expenses directly related to program delivery or participant recovery supports. Requires pre -approval. Submit toCLJTherapeuticCourtsA lications Qcou rts.wa. ov IAA25071 A-8 10a COUNCIL MEETING DATE: June 18, 2024 ITEM #:_ _ CITY OF FEDERAL WAY CITY COUNCIL AGENDA BILL SUBJECT: CITY OF TACOMA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC UTILITIES (TACOMA WATER) FRANCHISE ORDINANCE POLICY QUESTION: Should the city grant Tacoma Water a non-exclusive franchise to occupy specific rights - of -way for the purposes of constructing, maintaining, operating, replacing and repairing a water distribution and transmission system within and through the City of Federal Way? COMMITTEE: Land Use and Transportation MEETING DATE: June 3, 2024 CATEGORY: ❑ Consent ® Ordinance ❑ Public Hearing ❑ City Council Business ❑ Resolution ❑ Other STAFF REPORT BY: Desiree Winkler, P.E. DEPT: Public Works Attachments: 1. Staff Report 2. Franchise Ordinance. Options Considered: 1. Approve the proposed franchise ordinance. 2. Do not approve proposed franchise ordinance and provide direction to staff. MAYOR'S RECOMMENDATION: Option 1. MAYOR APPROVAL: , DIRECTOR APPROVAL:Vf� ✓��Z°�'l Ca ittee Cou it Initial/Date lnitlaMalc Iniu*Daw COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: I move to forward the proposed ordinance to first reading on June 18, 2024. Chair FIRST READING OF ORDINANCE 2024 Council Meeting for second ri Committee Member Hoana Tran, Committee Member Z8, 2024) "I move to forward the proposed ordinance to the July 2, and enactment. " SECOND READING OF ORDINANCE (JULY 2, 2024) "I move approval of the proposed ordinance. " (BELOW TO BE COMPLETED BY CITY CLERKS OFFICE) COUNCIL ACTION: APPROVED DENIED ❑ TABLED/DEFERREDINO ACTION le MOVED TO SECOND READING (ordinances only) REVISED - 5/2024 COUNCIL BILL # First reading Enactment reading ORDINANCE # RESOLUTION# f � '►1 CITY OF FEDERAL WAY MEMORANDUM DATE: June 3, 2024 TO: City Council Members VIA: Jim Ferrell, Mayor FROM: EJ Walsh, P.E., Public Works Directorzk`---- �esiree S. Winkler, P.E., Deputy Public Works Director SUBJECT: City of Tacoma Department of Public Utilities (Tacoma Water) Franchise Ordinance Financial Impacts: Tacoma Water paid a fee of Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000.00) to cover the administrative expenses incurred by the City that are directly related to preparing and approving this Franchise. Tacoma Water will be required to pay additional permitting fees for installation, operation and maintenance of their facilities, including, but not limited to right-of-way permits, annual maintenance blanket permits and work hour variances. Any additional future revenue will be based upon Federal Way Revised Code (FWRC) 3.10.040(9). Background Information: Tacoma Water provides water service to a portion of Federal Way, primarily west of Hoyt Road. In addition, Tacoma Water has two water transmission mains running through Federal Way. Tacoma Water had an existing franchise with the city which expired in November 2022. This new Franchise Ordinance will bring Tacoma Water back into conformance with Federal Way Revised Code (FWRC) Chapter 3.10. Rev. 7/18 ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE of the City of Federal Way, Washington, granting City of Tacoma Department of Public Utilities, Water Division (Tacoma Water), a nonexclusive franchise to occupy rights -of -way of the City of Federal Way, Washington, within the specified franchise area for the purposes of constructing, maintaining, operating, replacing, and repairing a water distribution and transmission system within and through the City of Federal Way. WHEREAS, Tacoma Water has requested a franchise from the City of Federal Way, in order to operate and maintain a water distribution and transmission system within the rights -of -way; and WHEREAS, the City Council of Federal Way finds that it is in the public interest to grant such a franchise, which will specify the rights and duties of Tacoma Water; and WHEREAS, RCW 35A.47.040 permits the City of Federal Way to grant nonexclusive franchises for the use of public streets, bridges or other public ways for, inter alia, pipes, hydrants, services, and appurtenances thereof for water service; and WHEREAS, in granting such a nonexclusive franchise, the City of Federal Way reserves such other powers and authorities granted to Washington code cities by general law and specifically reserves its right to adopt further regulations under its police powers. NOW THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FEDERAL WAY, WASHINGTON, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Definitions Where used in this Franchise the following terms shall be defined as follows: 1.1 "City" means the City of Federal Way, Washington, a municipal corporation of the State of Washington, and its respective successors and assigns. 1.2 "Council" means the City of Federal Way Council acting in its official capacity. Ordinance No. 23- Page I of 34 1.3 "Director" means the Public Works Director, or designee, of the City of Federal Way Public Works Department. 1.4 "Facilities" means Franchisee's water distribution and transmission system, and associated appurtenances. 1.5 "Franchise Area" means the rights -of -way of the City as shown in Exhibit A. Generally, the west end of the City and the BPA right-of-way corridor. Exhibit A may be updated by the City upon the City's acquisition or vacation of right-of-way. 1.6 "Franchisee" means Tacoma Water and its respective successors and assigns if consented to by the City of Federal Way as provided in Section 26 herein. 1.7 "FWRC" means the Federal Way Revised Code. 1.8 "Public Fire Protection" means fire hydrants, the water distribution system to make the hydrants operational, the necessary hydrant water supply, and related system and administrative activities. 1.9 "Public Project" means City initiated capital improvement project as listed in the City's Capital Improvement Plan, . including, but not limited to, roadway improvement, pedestrian improvement projects, and City -owned utility, that is undertaken by or on behalf of the City and is funded by the City (either directly with its own funds or with other public funds obtained by the City). 1.10 "Rights -of -way" means the surface of and space along, above, and below any street, road, highway, freeway, lane, sidewalk, alley, court, boulevard, parkway, drive, and/or unimproved right- of-way now or hereafter be laid out, platted, dedicated, acquired, or improved within the present or extended limits of the City. Ordinance No. 23- Page 2 of 34 1.11 "Services" means "Water Distribution Business" (as such term is defined in RCW 82.16.010). 1.12 "Utility Easement" means a property right for a designated parcel(s) of land granted by a property owner that give utility companies the permitted use of the private property for the good of the community. Section 2. GrantlAcceptance 2.1 Grant of Franchise. The City hereby grants to Franchisee the nonexclusive right to enter upon the Franchise Area for the limited purpose of constructing, excavating, installing, maintaining, restoring, and repairing Facilities within the Franchise Area. This Franchise is specifically limited to the right for Franchisee to install Facilities owned and operated by Franchisee. Nothing contained within this Franchise shall be construed to grant or convey any right, title, or interest in the Rights - of -Way of the City to Franchisee other than for the purpose of providing the Services, nor to subordinate the primary use of the Right -of -Way as a public thoroughfare. This Section does not restrict the Franchisee's ability to utilize telemetric devices to monitor and operate its water distribution system or to monitor and control the usage. 2.2 Acceptance by Franchisee. Franchisee shall have no rights under this Franchise, nor shall Franchisee be bound by the terms and conditions of this Franchise, unless Franchisee shall, within thirty (30) days after the effective date of this Franchise, file with the City its written acceptance of this Franchise and all of its terms and conditions. In addition, Franchisee shall submit proof of insurance obtained and additional insured endorsement pursuant to Section 24. The administrative fee pursuant to Section 22 is due within thirty (30) days of receipt of the invoice from the City. Ordinance No. 23- Page 3 of 34 Section 3. City Pro er /Non -Exclusive Franchise 3.1 Cily Property. This Franchise does not and shall not convey any right to Franchisee to install its Facilities on, under, over, across, or to otherwise use City -owned or leased properties of any kind outside the Franchise Area, or to install Facilities on, under, over, across or otherwise use any City - owned or leased property within the Franchise Area other than the Rights -of -Way. 3.2 Non -Exclusive Franchise. This Franchise is not an exclusive Franchise and shall not be construed to in any manner prohibit the City from granting other and further Franchises in, under, over, upon, and along the Franchise Area, nor from exercising such other powers and authorities granted to the City by the Washington State Constitution and general law, including the City's right to adopt future regulations under its police powers. Such Franchise shall in no way prevent or prohibit the City from using any of said roads, streets, or other public properties or affect its jurisdiction over them or any part of them, and the City shall retain power to make all necessary changes, relocations, repairs, maintenance, establishment, improvement, dedication of same as the City may deem fit, including the dedication, establishment, maintenance, and improvement of all new Rights -of -Way, thoroughfares and other public properties of every type and description. 3.3 No Impairment of Easement Rights. The terms of this Franchise shall not impair or interfere with Franchisee's rights under any Utility Easements that cover areas within any existing or future City Rights -of -Way. The Franchisee's easement rights shall remain in effect unless formally relinquished by the Franchisee or condemned by the City. 3.4 Termination of Easements. Franchisee agrees to release its easements on private property that has become City property pursuant to a public or private project if requested by the City. If such a release is requested by the City, the City shall pay just compensation to Franchisee for such release. Ordinance No. 23- Page 4 of 34 The Parties shall negotiate in good faith to determine the appropriate amount of just compensation to be paid. 3.5 Relocation of Facilities in Easements. If the City requires relocation or adjustment of Franchisee's facilities in easements on private property that has become City property pursuant to a public or private project, the City agrees to pay the Franchisee's necessary relocation or adjustment costs of its facilities. 3.6 The City agrees to pay Franchisee's necessary relocation costs of its facilities for five years after completion of the project in the event a city public project requires the relocation. 3.7 Operation Costs. To the extent permitted by law and as otherwise expressed in this Franchise, Franchisee shall be solely responsible for the operation, maintenance, repair, and construction of its Facilities. Section 4. Term Subject to Franchisee filing its acceptance pursuant to Section 2.2, the term of this Franchise shall be for a period of ten (10) years commencing on the effective date of this Franchise, unless terminated earlier pursuant to this Franchise or other applicable law. The Franchise will automatically extend for up to two (2), five (5) year periods, unless either party, not less than one hundred eighty (180) days prior to the expiration of the Franchise, provides the other party of its intent to terminate the Franchise at the end of the current Franchise term. Section 5. Wdrants and Fire Suppression System Costs In exchange for other good and valuable considerations in the Franchise, the parties agree that during the term of the Franchise, Franchisee shall be responsible for costs to operate and maintain all portions of the water system, including fire hydrants and those components of the water system that Ordinance No. 23- Page 5 of 34 provide fire suppression benefits (collectively the Fire Suppression System) within the Franchise Area. Section 6. Location of Facilities 6.1 Location. The Facilities permitted by this Franchise shall be installed underground, except for features required to be above ground (e.g. hydrants, air releases, valve boxes, meter boxes). The location of the Facilities, their depths below the surface of ground or grade of a right-of-way, and any related existing equipment to which the Facilities are connected shall be depicted on a map and submitted to the City. Franchisee shall update such map as soon as reasonably practicable to reflect actual or anticipated improvements to the system. Any such map (or update thereof) so submitted shall be for informational purposes only and shall not obligate Franchisee to undertake any specific improvements, nor shall such map be construed as a proposal to undertake any specific improvements. 6.2 WSDOT. To the extent that any Rights -of -Way within the Franchise Area are part of the state highway system ("State Highways") are considered managed access by the City and are governed by the provisions of Chapter 47.24 RCW and applicable Washington State Department of Transportation ("WSDOT") regulations, Franchisee shall comply frilly with said requirements in addition to local ordinances and other applicable regulations. Without limitation of the foregoing, Franchisee specifically agrees that: 6.2.1 Any pavement trenching and restoration performed by Franchisee within State Highways shall meet or exceed applicable WSDOT requirements; 6.2.2 Any portion of a State Highway damaged or injured by Franchisee shall be restored, repaired, and/or replaced by Franchisee to a condition that meets or exceeds applicable WSDOT requirements; and Ordinance No. 23- Page 6 of 34 6.2.3 Without prejudice to any right or privilege of the City, WSDOT is authorized to enforce in an action brought in the name of the State of Washington any condition of this Franchise with respect to any portion of a State Highway. 6.3 GIS Data. At such time as Franchisee develops or employs Geographic Information System ("GIS") technology, Franchisee shall submit the information required in Section 6.1 above in digital GIS format, showing the location of its Facilities within the Franchise Area. 6.4 Desigp Markings. In the event the City desires to design new streets or intersections, renovate existing streets, or make any other public improvements, Franchisee shall at the City of Federal Way's request, provide the location of Franchisee's underground Facilities within the Franchise Area by either field markings or by locating the Facilities on the City's design drawings, and shall provide all other reasonable cooperation and assistance to the City. 6.5 One Call Locator Service. Prior to doing any work in the Franchise Area, the Franchisee shall follow established procedures, including contacting the Utility Notification Center in Washington and comply with all applicable State statutes regarding the One Call Locator Service pursuant to Chapter 19.122 RCW. Further, upon request from a third party or the City, Franchisee shall locate its Facilities consistent with the requirements of Chapter 19.122 RCW. The City shall not be liable for any damages to Franchisee's Facilities or for interruptions in service to Franchisee's customers that are a direct result of Franchisee's failure to locate its Facilities within the prescribed time limits and guidelines established by the One Call Locator Service regardless of whether the City issued a permit. Section 7. Noninterference of Facilities 7.1 Maintenance of Facilities. Franchisee agrees to maintain its Facilities and perform any and all activities authorized by this Franchise: (1) so as not to unreasonably interfere with the free Ordinance No. 23- Page 7 of 34 passage of traffic; (2) in accordance with the laws of the State of Washington and FWRC requirements, Franchise provisions, regulations, resolutions and rules, as now existing or as hereafter amended; and (3) as required by the Director. Nothing in this section shall require Franchisee to comply with any Director requirements that directly conflict with any of the provisions of this Franchise. This requirement applies whether the work is performed by the Franchisee, its agents, employees, subcontractors, or other third parties at Franchisee's direction. 7.2 Interference with Use of the Streets. When installing, locating, laying, or maintaining Facilities, apparatus, or improvement, Franchisee shall not interfere with the use of any street to any greater extent than is necessary, and shall leave the surface of any such street in as good condition as it was prior to performance by Franchisee of such work. Any Facility, apparatus, or improvement shall be laid, installed, located, or maintained in conformance with instructions given by, and to the satisfaction of the City. In any event, Franchisee shall, at its own expense, and to the satisfaction of the City in accordance with the terms of the right-of-way permit, restore to City standards and specifications any damage or disturbance caused to streets as a result of Franchisee's construction or operations. 7.3 Vegetation Mann ement. 7.3.1 Franchisee shall provide routine maintenance of a minimum of three (3) feet in all directions of its above -ground Facilities to allow clear view of Facilities. Any damage to the Franchisee's Facilities due to inability to locate such facilities during the course of City maintenance shall be the responsibility of the Franchisee. 7.3.2 Franchisee shall not apply any pesticide or herbicide within the Franchise Area without prior approval of the City, which approval shall not be unreasonably withheld. If Franchisee first obtains such approval from the City to apply a specific product in accordance with a defined Ordinance No. 23- Page 8 of 34 procedure on an ongoing basis throughout the Franchise Area, Franchisee shall not thereafter be required to obtain the City's approval on each occasion such product is so applied. Section 8. Requirement to Obtain Permits & Work in the Right of Way 8.1 Permits and Permit Applications. Franchisee shall, at its expense, obtain all permits, including rights -of -way permits, and pay all permit fees required by applicable City ordinances, regulations, resolutions, and rules prior to commencing any work within the Franchise Area. The manner of excavation, construction, installation, backfill, and temporary structures such as, but not limited to, traffic turnouts and road obstructions shall meet the standards of the FWRC and be satisfactory to the Director. All traffic control shall be in accordance with the right-of-way permit, and shall be in accordance with the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices ("MUTCD"). 8.2 Emergency Exception to Permit Requirement. In the event of an emergency in which Franchisee's Facilities within the Franchise Area are in a condition as to immediately endanger the property, life, health, or safety of any individual, Franchisee may take action immediately to correct the dangerous condition without first obtaining any required permit so long as: (1) Franchisee informs the City of the nature and extent of the emergency, and the work to be performed, by phone to the City's right-of-way emergency phone number, 253-835-2725, as soon as is practicable; and (2) such permit is obtained by Franchisee as soon as practicable following cessation of the emergency. 8.3 Worn in the Rights -of -Way. During any period of relocation, construction or maintenance, all work performed by Franchisee or its contractors and subcontractors shall be accomplished in a safe and workmanlike manner, so to minimize interference with the free passage of traffic and the free use of adjoining property, whether public or private. Franchisee shall at all times post and maintain proper barricades, flags, flaggers, lights, flares and other measures as required for the safety of all members of the general public and comply with all applicable safety regulations during such period Ordinance No. 23- Page 9 of 34 of construction as required by the ordinances of the City or the laws of the State of Washington, including RCW 39.04.180 for the construction of trench safety systems. 8.4 Coordination of Activities. Franchisee shall meet with the City and other franchise holders and users of the Rights -of -Way upon written notice as determined by the City, to schedule and coordinate construction in the Rights -of -Way. All construction locations, activities, and schedules shall be coordinated, as ordered by the City to minimize public inconvenience, disruption or damages. 8.5 Public Notification of Activities. At least ten (10) days prior to its intended construction of Facilities, except those activities that impact the use of the adjacent property for less than an eight (8) hour period, Franchisee shall inform all residents in the immediately affected area that a construction project will commence, the dates and nature of the project, and provide a toll -free or local phone number which the resident may call for further information. A pre-printed door hanger maybe used for this purpose. Section 9. Standard of Performance 9.1 Backfilling Rquirements. The Franchisee shall not excavate for a distance of more than one hundred feet (100') without immediately backfilling and compacting to surface grade and City standards. Backfilled trench areas within a driving lane must be patched, either temporarily or permanently, before the end of the work day in which they have been opened. Trench areas within the right-of-way, but not within a driving lane, must also be patched within the time limits specified by the City on the right-of-way use permit. 9.2 Restoration Standards. Final surface restoration shall be completed within thirty (30) days, unless otherwise mutually agreed upon, and shall be equal to or better than the surface condition prior to permit issuance in accordance with the City of Federal Way Development Guidelines. Ordinance No. 23- Page 10 of 34 9.3 Asphalt Overlay. Any asphalt overlay completed within the Franchise Area during the five (5) year -period immediately prior to the date of permit application shall not be open cut by Franchisee unless required by an emergency and subject to the provisions of Section 8.2 above. Franchisee shall install new asphalt overlay on any street that is open cut, whether in an emergency or otherwise, for a minimum of one (1) block (approximately 500 feet) in length in both directions from the open cut, unless determined otherwise by the Director. 9.4 As -Built Mans. Within fifteen (15) days of completion of any installation of Franchisee's Facilities within the Franchise Area as part of, or as required by, a public project, Franchisee shall submit to the Director plans, stamped by a Professional Engineer licensed by the State of Washington, showing the "as -built" location of the Facilities. 9.5 Joint Trench. If Franchisee shall at any time plan to make excavations in any area covered by this Franchise, Franchisee shall afford the City, upon receipt of a written request to do so, an opportunity to share such excavation, PROVIDED THAT: 9.5.1 Such joint use shall not unreasonably delay the work of the Franchisee causing the excavation to be made; 9.5.2 Such joint use shall be arranged and accomplished on terms and conditions satisfactory to both parties; and 9.5.3 Franchisee may deny such request for safety reasons. 9.6 Intentionally Omitted. 9.7 Safety. Franchisee shall, at all times, employ professional care and shall install and maintain and use industry -standard methods for preventing failures and accidents that are likely to cause damage, injuries, or nuisances to the public. All structures and all lines, equipment, and connections in, over, under, and upon the Rights -of -Ways, wherever situated or located, shall at all times be kept Ordinance No. 23- Page 11 of 34 and maintained in a safe condition. Franchisee shall comply with all federal, State, and City safety requirements, rules, regulations, laws, and practices, and employ all necessary devices as required by applicable law during the construction, operation, maintenance, upgrade, repair, or removal of its Facilities. Upon reasonable notice to Franchisee, the City reserves the general right to inspect the Facilities to evaluate if they are constructed and maintained in a safe condition. 9.8 Additional Safety Standards. 9.8.1 Franchisee shall endeavor to maintain all equipment lines and facilities in an orderly manner, including, but not limited to, the removal of all unused pipes or service lines. All installations of equipment, lines, and ancillary facilities shall be installed in accordance with industry -standard engineering practices and shall comply with all federal, State, and local regulations, ordinances, and laws. 9.8.2 Any opening or obstruction in the Rights -of -Way or other public places made by Franchisee in the course of its operations shall be protected by Franchisee at all times by the placement of adequate barriers, fences, or boarding, the bounds of which, during periods of dusk and darkness, shall be clearly marked and visible. 9.9 Stop Work Order. On notice from the City that any work is being performed contrary to the provisions of this Franchise, or in an unsafe or dangerous manner as determined by the City, or in violation of the terms of any applicable permit, laws, regulations, ordinances, or standards, the work may immediately be stopped by the City. The stop work order shall: 9.9.1 Be in writing; 9.9.2 Be given to the person doing the work or posted on the work site; 9.9.3 Be sent to Franchisee by overnight delivery; 9.9.4 Indicate the nature of the alleged violation or unsafe condition; and Ordinance No. 23- Page 12 of 34 9.9.5 Establish conditions under which work may be resumed. Section 10, Survey Markers and Monuments 10.1 Survey Markers and Monuments. Franchisee shall, using a licensed surveyor, immediately replace all markers or monuments disturbed during any work by Franchisee within the Franchise Area. Franchisee shall pay all costs associated with such lost, destroyed or disturbed monuments or markers. 10.2 Surface Markings/Stakes. Prior to Franchisee commencing any excavation work within the Franchise Area, Franchisee shall reference all monuments and markers relating to subdivisions, plats, highways, and other surveys. The reference points shall be located so that they shall not be disturbed during the Franchisee's operations under this Franchise. The method of referencing these monuments or other points shall be approved by the City before placement. The construction shall be made as expeditiously as conditions permit, and as directed by the City. The cost of monuments or other markers lost, destroyed, or disturbed, and the expense of replacement of the monuments, shall be borne solely by the Franchisee. A complete set of reference notes for monuments and other ties shall be filed with the City. Section 11. Work of Subcontractors and Contractors Franchisee's contractors and subcontractors shall be licensed and bonded in accordance with State law and the City's ordinances, regulations, and requirements. Work by contractors and subcontractors are subject to the same restrictions, limitations, and conditions as if the work were performed by Franchisee. Franchisee shall be responsible for all work performed by its contractors and subcontractors and others performing work on its behalf as if the work were performed by Franchisee and shall ensure that all such work is performed in compliance with this Franchise and applicable law. Ordinance No. 23- Page 13 of 34 Section 12. Right of City to Complete Work 12.1 Non-Compliance/Work Performed by City. In the event Franchisee fails to comply with any applicable federal, state or City laws, ordinances, rules, regulations, or standards or with any of the terms of this Franchise, or if such work by Franchisee endangers property or the public and such noncompliance continues for a period of ten (10) days after Franchisee receives written notice from the City regarding the noncompliance, the City may, but in no event is the City obligated to, order any work completed, including without limitation Franchisee's obligation to repair pursuant to Section 14 herein and Franchisee's obligation to remove or relocate facilities pursuant to Section 13 herein. If the City causes such work to be done by its own employees or by any person or entity other than Franchisee, Franchisee shall, upon the City's written request, immediately reimburse the City for all reasonable costs and expenses incurred by the City in having such work performed, which costs may include the City's reasonable overhead expenses and attorneys' fees; however, the City shall not have any water work accomplished by any person or entity other than Franchisee or a qualified and licensed water utility contractor. 12.2 No Liability for Dania e. The City shall not be liable for any damage to or loss of Facilities within the Rights -of -Way as a result of or in connection with any public works, public improvements, construction, grading, excavation, filling, or work of any kind in the Rights -of -Way by or on behalf of the City, except to the extent directly and proximately caused by the gross negligence or willful acts of the City, its employees, contractors, or agents. The City shall further not be liable to Franchisee for any direct, indirect, or any other such damages suffered by any person or entity of any type as a direct or indirect result of the City's actions under this Section 12 except to the extent caused by the gross negligence or willful acts of the City, its employees, contractors, or agents. Ordinance No. 23- Page 14 of 34 Section 13. Required Relocation of Facilities 13.1 City Reservation of Rights. The City reserves the right to use, occupy and enjoy all or any part of the Franchise Area, either above, below, or adjacent to the Facilities, for any purpose that is not inconsistent with the terms and conditions of this Franchise. The rights reserved herein include, without limitation, the construction, installation, and/or maintenance of any electrical, water, sewer or storm drainage line, traffic signals, street lights, trees, landscaping, bicycle paths and lanes, equestrian trails, sidewalks, other pedestrian amenities, and other public street improvement projects. 13.2 City's Duties. In the event the City undertakes any work, including necessary maintenance within a right-of-way in which Franchisee's facilities are located, and such work necessitates the relocation of Franchisee's then existing Facilities within the Franchise Area, the City shall: 13.2.1 Provide written notice of the required relocation to Franchisee within a reasonable time prior to the commencement of such City work; and 13.2.2 Provide Franchisee with copies of pertinent portions of the -City's plans and specifications so that Franchisee may relocate its Facilities to accommodate the City work. Nothing in this section shall be construed as to relieve Franchisee of its duty and obligation to relocate its Facilities, at Franchisee's sole cost, for any improvement project undertaken by, or on behalf of, the City in the interest of public health, safety, welfare, necessity, or convenience, as adjudged in the sole discretion of the City. 13.3 Franchisee's Duties. Within thirty (30) days of receipt of the City notice under Section 13.2.1 requiring relocation and receipt of the plans and specifications pursuant to Section 13.2.2, Franchisee shall raise, lower, or move such Facilities within the Franchise Area at its sole cost and expense to the location or position directed by the City, to cause the least interference with the improvement, repair, or alteration contemplated by the City and to conform to such new grades as Ordinance No. 23- Page 15 of 34 may be established. If the City improves a Right -of -Way, Franchisee shall, at its sole cost and expense, upon receipt of notice, replace the Facilities located in the improved subgrade of the improvement with substitute Facilities conforming to the specifications for the improvement of the Right -of -Way. Nothing contained within this Franchise shall limit Franchisee's ability to seek reimbursement for relocation costs when permitted by RCW 35.99.060. 13.4 Delay. Upon a notification of a relocation delay due to Franchisee, Franchisee agrees to work cooperatively with the City, other franchisees and utilities and the City's third -party contractor to resolve any such issues. If the Franchisee is unable to informally resolve the claims of a City contractor, subcontractor, and/or a third -party claim that arises from Franchisee's relocation delays, the Franchisee shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless the City pursuant to Section 23 from costs, claims or liability arising from such delay. The delay claim of a City utility whose funding and operations are required by Washington state law to be kept separate from those of the City's general fund shall be considered a third -party claim for the purposes of this resolution process and the indemnity. The parties acknowledge and agree that Franchisee shall not be responsible for these indemnifications, defense or hold harmless requirements and/or costs, claims, liability and/or damages due to delays caused by circumstances beyond the control of Franchisee; the gross negligence, willful misconduct, or unreasonable delay of the City; or the negligence, willful misconduct or delay of any unrelated third party. In the event that the acts of a third parry as set forth in the preceding sentence contribute to the delay, the Franchisee may be liable for its proportionate share of the costs, claims or liability. Circumstances beyond the control of Franchisee is defined for purposes of this Franchise as strikes, lockouts, sit-down strike, unusual transportation delays, riots, floods, washouts, explosions, earthquakes, fire, storms, weather (including inclement weather which Ordinance No. 23- Page 16 of 34 prevents construction), acts of the public enemy, wars, terrorism, insurrections, and any other similar act of God event. 13.5 Locate. Upon request of the City and in order to facilitate the design of City street and Right - of -Way improvements, Franchisee agrees, at its sole cost and expense, to locate, and if reasonably determined necessary by the City, to excavate and expose its Facilities for inspection so that the Facilities' location may be taken into account in the improvement design. The decision as to whether any Facilities need to be relocated in order to accommodate the City's improvements shall be made by the City upon review of the location and construction of Franchisee's Facilities. The City shall provide Franchisee at least fourteen (14) days' written notice prior to any request for excavation or exposure of Facilities. Section 14. Damage Repair In case of damage by the Franchisee, its agents or employees or by the Facilities of the Franchisee to Rights -of -Way, or to public and private improvements within or adjacent to Rights -of -Way, the Franchisee agrees to repair the damage at its own cost and expense. The Franchisee shall, upon discovery of any such damage, immediately notify the City. The City will inspect the damage, and set a time limit for completion of the repair. If the City discovers damage caused by the Franchisee to Rights -of -Way, or to public and private improvements within or adjacent to Rights -of -Way, the City shall give the Franchisee notice of the damage and set a time limit in which the Franchisee must repair the damage. In the event the Franchisee does not repair a right-of-way or an improvement as required in this section, the City may repair the damage pursuant to Section 12 of this Agreement. Section 15. Default 15.1 Remedies. The City may elect, without any prejudice to any of its other legal rights and remedies, to obtain an order from the superior court having jurisdiction compelling Franchisee to Ordinance No. 23- Page 17 of 34 comply with the provisions of the Franchise and to recover damages and costs incurred by the City by reason of Franchisee's failure to comply. In addition to any other remedy provided herein, the City reserves the right to pursue any remedy to compel or force Franchisee and/or its successors and assigns to comply with the terms hereof, and the pursuit of any right or remedy by the City shall not prevent the City from thereafter declaring a forfeiture or revocation for breach of the conditions herein. Provided, further, that by entering into this Franchise, it is not the intention of the City or Franchisee to waive any other rights, remedies, or obligations as otherwise provided bylaw equity, or otherwise, and nothing contained herein shall be deemed or construed to affect any such waiver. 15.2 Notice and Cure; Damages. If Franchisee shall violate, or fail to comply with any of the provisions of this Franchise, or should it fail to heed or comply with any notice given to Franchisee under the provisions of this Franchise, the City shall provide Franchisee with written notice specifying with reasonable particularity the nature of any such breach and Franchisee shall undertake all commercially reasonable efforts to cure such breach within thirty (30) days of receipt of notification. If the parties reasonably determine the breach cannot be cured within (30) thirty days, the City may specify a longer cure period, and condition the extension of time on Franchisee's submittal of a plan to cure the breach within the specified period, commencement of work within the original thirty (30) day cure period, and diligent prosecution of the work to completion. If the breach is not cured within the specified time, or Franchisee does not comply with the specified conditions, City may, at its discretion, (1) commence revocation proceedings pursuant to Section 15.3, or (2) claim damages of Two Hundred Fifty Dollars ($250.00) per day against the Franchisee or bond set forth in Section 25, or (3) pursue other remedies as described in Section 15.1 above. 15.3 Revocation of Franchise. If Franchisee willfully violates or fails to comply with any of the provisions of this Franchise, or through willful misconduct or gross negligence fails to heed or Ordinance No. 23- Page 18 of 34 comply with any notice given Franchisee by the City under the provisions of this Franchise, then Franchisee shall, at the election of the Federal Way City Council, forfeit all ' rights conferred hereunder and this Franchise may be revoked or annulled by the Council after a hearing held upon notice to Franchisee. Section 16. Limited Rights This Franchise is intended to convey only a limited right and interest to Franchisee in the Franchise Area. This Franchise is not a warranty of title or conveyance of any ownership interest in or to the Franchise Area to Franchisee. The City reserves the right to limit or exclude Franchisee's access to a specific route, public Right -of -Way or other location when, in the judgment of the Director there is inadequate space (including but not limited to compliance with ADA clearance requirements and maintaining a clear and safe passage through the Rights -of -Way), a pavement cutting moratorium, unnecessary damage to public property, public expense, inconvenience, interference with City utilities, or for any other reason determined by the Director. Section 17. Eminent Domain The existence of this Franchise shall not preclude the City from acquiring by condemnation, in accordance with applicable law, all or a portion of Franchisees Facilities within the Franchise Area for the fair market value thereof. In determining the value of such Facilities, no value shall be attributed to the right to occupy the Area conferred by this Franchise. Section 18. Non -Assumption In consideration of the Franchisee bearing all costs for Fire Suppression Systems as described in Section 5, and for other terms and conditions of this Franchise, the City agrees not to exercise and to forbear its statutory authority pursuant to Chapter 35.13A RCW or other statutes to attempt to assume jurisdiction over all or part of the Franchisee or any Franchisee's responsibilities, property, Ordinance No. 23- Page 19 of 34 facilities, equipment or utility customers located within or without the City's corporate limits during the term of this Franchise. The City's agreement and forbearance include not facilitating or cooperating with any other city or town to attempt pursuant to RCW 35.13A.060 or as such statute may be amended or superseded to assume jurisdiction over the Franchisee or any Franchisee's responsibilities, property, facilities, equipment or utility customers located within or without the City's corporate limits during the term of this Franchise. Section 19. Vacation If at any time the City, by ordinance, vacates all or any portion of the Franchise Area, the City will not be liable for any damages or loss to the Franchisee by reason of such vacation. The City shall notify Franchisee in writing not less than thirty (30) days before vacating all or any portion of the Franchise Area, if Franchisee has Facilities within such area planned for vacation. The City may, after thirty (30) days written notice to Franchisee, terminate this Franchise with respect to any such vacated area. At Franchisee's request, the City will, if practicable, reserve an easement for Franchisee's existing facilities to continue to use the vacated area. Franchisee must provide to the City information necessary for the City to reserve such easement within the thirty (30) day period. Section 20. Compliance with Laws 20.1 General. Franchisee shall comply with all applicable federal, state and City laws, franchises, resolutions, regulations, standards, policies and procedures, as now existing or hereafter amended or adopted, including without limitation the State Environmental Policy Act; provided, however, that if any term or condition of this Franchise and any term or condition of any City law, code, franchise, resolution, regulation, standard, procedure, permit, or approval are in conflict, the term or condition of this Franchise will control. Ordinance No. 23- Page 20 of 34 20.2 Future City of Federal Way Re lation. Franchisee acknowledges that the City may develop rules, regulations, ordinances, and specifications for the use of the right -of -Way which shall govern Franchisee's Facilities and activities hereunder as if they were in effect at the time this Franchise was executed by the City and Franchisee covenants and agrees to be bound by same. Section 21. Guarantee Franchisee shall guarantee work completed by the Franchisee under this Franchise for a period of ten (10) years against settlement or repair including Facilities and right-of-way restoration. This guarantee shall apply only to such settlement or repair that the City attributes to Franchisee's Facilities, actions or omissions. Section 22. Charge for Administrative Costs 22.1 Administrative Fee. Franchisee shall pay a one-time fee for the actual administrative expenses incurred by the City that are directly related to the receiving and approving this Franchise pursuant to RCW 35.21.860, including the costs associated with the City's legal costs incurred in drafting and processing this Franchise. Such administrative fee shall be offset against the fee deposit required pursuant to FWMC 4.22.040; provided, however, if the administrative fee exceeds the fee deposit, then the Franchisee shall remit such additional amounts within thirty (30) days of receipt of an invoice from the City. No construction permits shall be issued for the installation of Facilities authorized until such time as the City has received payment of this fee. Franchisee shall further be subject to all permit fees associated with activities undertaken through the authority granted in this Franchise or under the laws of the City. Where the City incurs costs and expenses for review, inspection, or supervision of activities, including, but not limited to reasonable fees associated with attorneys, consultants, City Staff and City Attorney time, undertaken through the authority granted in this Franchise or any ordinances relating to the subject for which a permit fee is not established, Ordinance No. 23- Page 21 of 34 Franchisee shall pay such costs and expenses directly to the City in accordance with the provisions of Section 22.3. 22.2 Emergency Repair Costs. In addition to Section 22.1, Franchisee shall promptly reimburse the City in accordance with the provisions of Section 22.3 and Section 22.4 for any and all costs the City reasonably incurs in response to any emergency situation involving Franchisee's Facilities, to the extent said emergency is not the fault of the City. 22.3 Reimbursement of Expenses. Franchisee shall reimburse the City within sixty (60) days of submittal by the City of an itemized billing for reasonably incurred costs, itemized by project, for Franchisee's proportionate share of all actual, identified expenses incurred by the City in planning, constructing, installing, repairing, altering, or maintaining any City facility as the result of the presence of Franchisee's Facilities in the Rights -of -Way. Such costs and expenses shall include but not be limited to Franchisee's proportionate cost of City personnel assigned to oversee or engage in any work in the Rights -of -Way as the result of the presence of Franchisee's Facilities in the Rights - of -Way. Such costs and expenses shall also include Franchisee's proportionate share of any time spent reviewing construction plans in order to either accomplish the relocation of Franchisee's Facilities or the routing or rerouting of any utilities so as not to interfere with Franchisee's Facilities. 22.4 Calculation of Costs. The time of City employees shall be charged at their respective rate of salary, including overtime if applicable, plus benefits and reasonable overhead. Any other costs will be billed proportionately on an actual cost basis. All billings will be itemized so as to specifically identify the costs and expenses for each project for which the City claims reimbursement. A charge for the actual costs incurred in preparing the billing may also be included in said billing. At the City's option, the billing may be on an annual basis, but the City shall provide the Franchisee with the City's itemization of costs, in writing, at the conclusion of each project for information purposes. Ordinance No. 23- Page 22 of 34 Section 23. Indemnification 23.1 General. Franchisee agrees to indemnify and hold harmless and defend the City, its elected officials, officers, employees, agents, and volunteers from any and all claims, demands, losses, actions, and liabilities (including costs and all attorneys' fees) to or by any and all persons or entities, including, without limitation, their respective agents, licensees, or representatives, arising from, resulting from, or connected with this Franchise to the extent caused in part or in whole by the acts, errors or omissions of the Franchisee, its officers, partners, shareholders, agents, employees, for any delays on City construction projects caused by or arising out of the failure of Franchisee to remove or relocate its Facilities in a timely manner, or by the Franchisee's breach of any provisions of this Franchise; provided, however, that this section shall not be construed as requiring Franchisee to indemnify, hold harmless or defend the City against claims or damages arising from the gross negligence or intentional misconduct of the City, its agents or employees. These indemnification obligations shall extend to claims that are not reduced to a suit and any claims that may be compromised, with Franchisee's prior written consent, prior to the culmination of any litigation or the institution of any litigation. 23.2 Notification. In the event any claim, demand, suit or action is commenced against the City that gives rise to Franchisee's obligation pursuant to this Section 23,.the City shall promptly notify Franchisee thereof. The City's failure to so notify and request indemnification shall not relieve Franchisee of any liability that Franchisee might have, except to the extent that such failure prejudices Franchisee's ability to defend such claim or suit. Franchisee's selection of an attorney to defend any such claim, demand, suit, or action shall be subject to the City's approval, which shall not be unreasonably withheld. Franchisee shall not settle or compromise any such suit or action except with prior written consent of the City, which shall not be unreasonably withheld. The City shall have Ordinance No. 23- Page 23 of 34 the right at all times to participate through its own attorney in any suit or action which arises pursuant to this Franchise when the City determines that such participation is required to protect the interest of the City or the public. In the event that Franchisee refuses the tender of defense in any suit or any claim, as required pursuant to the indemnification provisions within this Franchise, and said refusal is subsequently determined by a court having jurisdiction (or such other tribunal that the parties shall agree to decide the matter), to have been a wrongful refusal on the part of Franchisee, Franchisee shall pay all of the City's reasonable costs for defense of the action, including all expert witness fees, costs, and attorney's fees, and including costs and fees incurred in recovering under this indemnification provision. 23.3 RCW 4.24.115. In the event it is determined that RCW 4.24.115 applies to this Franchise, Franchisee agrees to defend, hold harmless and indemnify the City to the maximum extent permitted thereunder, to the full extent of Franchisee's negligence. It is further specifically and expressly understood that the indemnification provided constitutes Franchisee's waiver of immunity under Title 51 RCW, solely for the purposes of this indemnification, relating solely to indemnity claims made by the City directly against the Franchisee for claims made against the City by Franchisee's employees. This waiver has been mutually negotiated by the parties. 23.4 Inspection or acceptance by the City of any work performed by Franchisee at the time of completion of construction shall not be grounds for avoidance by Franchisee of any of its obligations under this Section 23. Notwithstanding any other provisions of this Section 23, Franchisee assumes the risk of damage to its Facilities located in the Rights -of -Way and upon City -owned property from activities conducted by the City, its officers, agents, employees, volunteers, elected and appointed officials, and contractors, except to the extent any such damage or destruction is caused by or arises from any grossly negligent, willful, or criminal actions on the part of the City, its officers, agents, Ordinance No. 23- Page 24 of 34 employees, volunteers, or elected or appointed officials, or contractors. Franchisee releases and waives any and all such claims against the City, its officers, agents, employees, volunteers, or elected or appointed officials, or contractors. Franchisee further agrees to indemnify, hold harmless and defend the City against any claims for damages, including, but not limited to, business interruption damages, lost profits and consequential damages, brought by or under users of Franchisee's Facilities as the result of any interruption of service due to damage or destruction of Franchisee's Facilities caused by or arising out of activities conducted by the City, its officers, agents, employees or contractors, except to the extent any such damage or destruction is caused by or arises from the gross negligence or any willful, or criminal actions on the part of the City, its officers, agents, employees, volunteers, or elected or appointed officials, or contractors. Section 24. Insurance 24.1 Minimum Limits. The Franchisee agrees to carry as a minimum, the following insurance, in such forms and with such carriers as are satisfactory to the City. 24.1.1 Workers' compensation and employer's liability insurance in amounts sufficient pursuant to the laws of the State of Washington; 24.1.2 Commercial general liability insurance with combined single limits of liability not less than $5,000,000 for bodily injury, including personal injury or death, products liability, contractual coverage, operations, explosion, collapse, underground and property damage; and 24.1.3 Automobile liability insurance with combined single limits of liability not less than $5,000,000 for bodily injury, including personal injury or death, and property damage. 24.1.4 Umbrella liability policy with limits not less than $1,000,000 per occurrence and $5,000,000 in the aggregate. Ordinance No. 23- Page 25 of 34 24.1.5 If Franchisee maintains umbrella insurance (primary, excess, or a combination thereof) that exceeds the above insurance limits, such insurance shall constitute compliance with this Section. 24.2 Mandatory Insurance Provisions. The comprehensive general liability insurance and automobile liability insurance policies shall be endorsed to contain the following provisions: 24.2.1 The City, its officers, elected officials, employees, and volunteers are to be named as additional insured; and 24.2.2 Coverage shall apply separately to each insured against whom claim is made or suit is brought, except with respect to the limits of the insurer's liability. Coverage shall be primary as to the City, its officers, officials, employees, and volunteers. Any insurance or self-insurance by the City, its officers, officials, employees, or volunteers shall be in excess of Franchisee's required insurance. 24.3 Verification of Coverage. Franchisee shall furnish the City with certificates of insurance and original endorsements evidencing the coverages required by this Section. The certificates and endorsements shall be signed by a person authorized by the insurer to bind coverage on its behalf and must be received and approved by the City prior to the commencement of any work. At the City's request, Franchisee shall deliver certified copies of all required insurance policies. 24.4 Cancellation of Policy. Upon receipt of notice from its insurer(s), Franchisee shall use all commercially reasonable efforts to provide the City with thirty (3 0) days' prior written notice of any such cancellation. Within fifteen (15) days prior to said cancellation or intent not to renew, Franchisee shall obtain and furnish to the City replacement insurance policies meeting the requirements of this Section 24. Failure to provide the insurance cancellation notice and to furnish to the City replacement insurance policies meeting the requirements of this Section 24 shall be Ordinance No. 23- Page 26 of 34 considered a material breach of this Franchise and subject to the City's election of remedies described in Section 15.1 above. Notwithstanding the cure period described in Section 15.2, the City may pursue its remedies immediately upon a failure to furnish replacement insurance. 24.5 No Limitation on Liability. Franchisee's maintenance of insurance as required by this Section 24 shall not be construed to limit the liability of Franchisee to the coverage provided by such insurance, or otherwise limit the City's recourse to any remedy available at law or equity. Further, Franchisee's maintenance of insurance policies required by this Franchise shall not be construed to excuse unfaithful performance by Franchisee. 24.6 Self -Insurance. As of the effective date of this Franchise, Franchisee is self -insured. Section 25. Bond The Franchisee, as a public agency, shall not be required to comply with the City's standard bonding requirement for work in the City's Rights -of -Way. Section 26. Abandonment 26.1 In the event that the use of any part of the Facilities are discontinued for any reason for a continuous period of six (6) months or more, or in the event such system or property has been installed in any Right -of -Way or other public place without complying with the requirements of this Franchise or other City ordinances, Franchisee shall, upon being given thirty (30) days' notice, remove'at its expense all such discontinued Facilities other than any which the City maypermit to be abandoned in place. In the event of such removal, Franchisee shall promptly restore the Right -of - Way or other areas from which such property has been removed to a condition satisfactory to the City. 26.2 Any property of Franchisee remaining in place ninety (90) days after such notice, termination or expiration of this Franchise shall be considered permanently abandoned. The City may extend Ordinance No. 23- Page 27 of 34 such time not to exceed an additional ninety (90) days. Any costs incurred by the City in safeguarding such Facilities or removing the Facilities shall be reimbursed by Franchisee. Nothing contained within this Section 26 shall prevent the City from compelling Franchisee to remove any such Facilities through judicial action when the City has not permitted Franchisee to abandon said Facilities in place. 26.3 Upon Franchisee request, the Director may permit abandonment in place. Franchisee shall submit such a request in writing, detailing the adverse impacts of removal of the property requested to be abandoned. Any property of Franchisee to be abandoned in place shall be abandoned in such manner as the City shall prescribe. Upon permanent abandonment of the property of Franchisee in place, the property shall become that of the City, and Franchisee shall submit to the City Clerk an instrument in writing, to be approved by the City Attorney, transferring to the City the ownership of such property. 26.4 The provisions of this Section 26 shall survive the expiration, revocation, or termination of this Franchise. Section 27. General Provisions 27.1 Entire Agleement. This Franchise contains all of the agreements of the parties with respect to any matter covered or mentioned in this Franchise and no prior agreements or understandings pertaining to any such matters shall be effective for any purpose. 27.2 Modification. No provision of this Franchise may be amended or added to except by agreement in writing signed by both of the parties. 27.3 Assignment. All of the provisions, conditions, and requirements herein contained shall be binding upon the Franchisee, and no right, privilege, license or authorization granted to the Franchisee hereunder may be assigned or otherwise transferred without the prior written Ordinance No. 23- Page 28 of 34 authorization and approval of the City, which the City may not unreasonably withhold, condition or delay; provided, that a merger or consolidation of Franchisee with or into another Title 57 water - sewer district shall not be considered an assignment for the purposes of this provision and shall not be subject to the City's approval. 27.4 No Waiver. Failure of either party to declare any breach or default by the other party immediately upon the occurrence thereof, or delay in taking any action in connection therewith, shall not waive such breach or default, but such party shall have the right to declare any such breach or default at any time. Failure of either party to declare one breach or default does not act as a waiver of such party's right to declare another breach or default. 27.5 Governing Law. This Franchise shall be made in and shall be governed by and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the State of Washington. Venue for any dispute related to this Franchise shall be the United States District Court for the Western District of Washington, or King County Superior Court. 27.6 Authority. Each individual executing this Franchise on behalf of the City and Franchisee represents and warrants that such individual is duly authorized to execute and deliver this Franchise on behalf of the Franchisee or the City. 27.7 Notices. Any notices required to be given by the City to Franchisee or by Franchisee to the City shall be delivered to the parties at the following addresses: CITY OF FEDERAL WAY Attn: Public Works Director 33325 8th Avenue South Federal Way, WA 98003 with a copy to: CITY OF FEDERAL WAY Attn: City Attorney TACOMA WATER Attn: Franchise Manager 3628 35"' Street Tacoma, WA 98409-3192 Ordinance No. 23- Page 29 of 34 33325 8th Avenue South Federal Way, WA 98003 Any notices shall be delivered personally to the addressee of the notice or sent by United States certified mail, postage prepaid, to the address set forth herein. Any notice so sent shall be deemed received three (3) business days after the date of mailing. Routine communications may be sent via e-mail. 27.8 Captions. The respective captions of the sections of this Franchise are inserted for convenience of reference only and shall not be deemed to modify or otherwise affect in any respect any of the provisions of this Franchise. 27.9 Remedies Cumulative. Any remedies provided for under the terms of this Franchise are not intended to be exclusive but shall be cumulative with all other remedies available to the City at law, in equity or by statute. 27.10 Hazardous Substances. Franchisee shall not introduce or use any hazardous substances (chemical or waste), in violation of any applicable law or regulation, nor shall Franchisee allow any of its agents, contractors or any person under its control to do the same. Franchisee will be solely responsible for and will defend, indemnify and hold the City, its officers, officials, employees, agents and volunteers harmless from and against any and all claims, costs and liabilities including reasonable attorneys' fees and costs, arising out of or in connection with the cleanup or restoration of the property associated with Franchisee's use, storage, or disposal of hazardous substances, whether or not intentional, and the use, storage, or disposal of such substances by Franchisee's agents, contractors or other persons acting under Franchisee's control, intentional or not. Ordinance No. 23- Page 30 of 34 Section 28. Severability If any section, sentence, clause, or phrase of this Franchise should be held to be invalid or unconstitutional by a court of competent jurisdiction, such invalidity or unconstitutionality shall not affect the validity or constitutionality of any other section, sentence, clause, or phrase of this Franchise. Section 29. Ratification Any act consistent with the authority and prior to the effective date of this Franchise is hereby ratified and affirmed. Section 30. Effective Date This Franchise shall take effect and be in full force five (5) days after its passage and publication, according to law (see Effective Date below). PASSED by the City Council of the City of Federal Way this day of 2024. [Signatures on following page] Ordinance No. 23- Page 31 of 34 CITY OF FEDERAL WAY: JIM FERRELL, MAYOR ATTEST: STEPHANIE COURTNEY, CMC, CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO FORM: RYAN CALL, CITY ATTORNEY FILED WITH THE CITY CLERK: PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL: PUBLISHED: EFFECTIVE DATE: ORDINANCE NO.: Ordinance No. 23- Page 32 of 34 ACCEPTANCE: The undersigned hereby accepts all the rights and privileges of the above granted License and acknowledges that such rights and privileges are subject to and limited by all of the terms, conditions and obligations contained therein. DATED this day of , 20 TACOMA WATER: 51-5 Heather Pennington Its: Interim Tacoma Water Superintendent Approved as to form Martha Lantz, Deputy City Attorney Ordinance No. 23- Page 33 of 34 City of Tacoma Water Service Area �tyo FederalWay4 Federal Way, Wa. Federal Wav & Second Supply Pir)eline (P)253- 35-7 009800 (w) www.cityo"eceraiway.com Exhibit ! irk Poverty Puget Sound -J r 110d I V V ■��1R �J' ! 4 •� �, `#', r � � -� - ice. � � >. y a r 1 N • C ° S 348th 5T r coy m� �,1 l sT �— ty ? + Ca th ST I N .s Legend �'�`t �•Q �— Franchise Area _ t L I_ J Water Service Area Federal Way City Limits i Federal Way Centered on Opportunity R.Aeri e1PW15treetslProjects1AgreementsV This map is intended for use 0 0.5 1 as a graphical representation. ' Miles The City of Federal Way makes N no warranty as to its accuracy. •.mxd