9a - Redondo Culvert Bid AcceptanceRedondo Creek at 16th Ave S Culvert Replacement Public Works Department (ENGINEEERING DIVISION) 7/2/2024 1 Policy Question Should the Council award the Redondo Creek at 16th Ave S Culvert Replacement project to Tucci and Sons, Inc., the lowest responsive, responsible bidder and approve a transfer from the Surface Water Management Capital Fund 304 unallocated? Background Information • Three bids were received and opened on June 211 2024 for the project. The lowest responsive, responsible bidder is Tucci and Sons, Inc with a Bid of $3,064,660.21. PROJECT BUDGET ESTIMATED EXPENSES Design $ 300,000.00 Right of Way $ 40,000.00 Construction Contract $ 3M641660.21 Contingency $ 306,466.02 Construction Management (City Staff) $ 49,676.77 Construction Management $ 442,197.00 Total $ 4,213,000.00 AVAILABLE FUNDING SWM User Fees (2022 approved budget) $ 300,000.00 SWM User Fees (2023 approved budget) $ 800,000.00 Surface Water Management Capital Fund 304 unallocated $ 3,113,000.00 Total $ 4,21300.00 Options Considered • Award the Redondo Creek at 161" Ave S Culvert Replacement project to Tucci and Sons, Inc., the lowest responsive, responsible bidder, in the amount of $3,064,660.21 and approve a contingency of $306,466.02, for a maximum contract amount of $3,371,126.23 and approve a transfer of $3,113,000.00 from the Surface Water Management Capital Fund 304 unallocated and authorize the Mayor to execute the contract. • Reject all bids for the Redondo Creek at 16t" Ave S Culvert Replacement project and provide direction to staff to rebid the project and return to Committee for further action. Mayor's Recommendation The Mayor recommends Option 1. Questions? Vicinity Map FedeA ay 3�363 -Men- 34293 - Redondo Creek Culvert Replaceent . 6� 06 Puget Sotrnd n 5. a° A3os nst e _ ewatanet �� s]r�[n s[ qo- s Sw �aoin s[ gW ]]E[n se 6 ]�o[n g �s € TeM o o J yem s ; [yyyL,Jlll f $ Y s aoem st U _ L4 Q {oasn P6) a G x S Sacajawea Park Legend ® Project Location Parcels Streams Parks o Cgy Limits — Building Footprint