9c - OVG360 2023 Incentive FeeGlobal Spectrum L.P. (OVG360) 2073 Incentive Fee Autumn Gressett, Contract Administrator July 2, 2024 Policy Question Should the City Council approve the Global Spectrum L.P. (OVG360) 2023 Incentive Fee in the amount of $34,489.00 and authorize staff to remit payment? Background Per Section 3.2 of AG 18-088, Global Spectrum L.P. (OVG360) has performance metrics set to incentivize reduction of the financial impact to the City's General Fund. Global Spectrum L.P. (OVG360) has met and exceeded the performance criteria set forth in for the operation year 2023. Qualitative Component: The qualitative component allows the Manager to earn up to $10,000 each operating year, based on the City's evaluation of performance in five (5) specific areas. Each area is valued at up to $2,000. 1. Results of Customer Survey Scores a. $2,000 2. Tenant/Resident Group Relations 1. $1,737.50 3. Quality of Food and Beverage Services c. $1,955.56 4. Achievement of Annual Event Programming and Attendance Goals in the Theater d. $500 5. Achievement of Annual Event Programming and Attendance Goals in the Events Space e. $500 Total Earned for Qualitative Component: $6,563 4 Quantitative Component: The quantitative component stipulates that the Manager shall be paid 20% of the amount by which the actual Net Operating Income/Loss exceeds the Net Operating Income/Loss Benchmark. There is no cap on the amount that can be earned in this component. Benchmark for 2023: $ (1,001,021.00) Actual Net Loss 2023: $ (861,390.00) Ahead / (Behind) Benchmark: $ 139,631.00 Manager's 20% Share: $ 27,926.00 Total Compensation for 2023 - $34,489 Qualitative Component: $6,563 Quantitative Component: $27,926 Explanation of Payment OVG360 is being paid a total of $34,489 for 2023. This total reflects their combined earnings from both the qualitative and quantitative components of the performance evaluation. Policy Question Should the City Council approve the Global Spectrum L.P. (OVG360) 2023 Incentive Fee in the amount of $34,489.00 and authorize staff to remit payment? Mayor's Recommendation Option 1