08-08-24 Agenda Packet OUR MISSION: To advise City government to ensure Federal Way is a community that is united amidst diversity, where everyone is equally respected, valued, needed, and cherished. Equality is not sameness; it is equivalent value. REGULAR MEETING Agenda City Hall Hylebos Room Thursday, August 8, 2024 5:30 p.m. Notice: Meetings are held in-person at City Hall (33325 8th Avenue S). To request an accommodation to attend, please contact Victoria Banks, victoria.banks@cityoffederalway.com , 253-835-2604 no later than close of business the day before the meeting. 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. WELCOME & INTRODUCTIONS: Commissioners/Staff 3. PUBLIC COMMENTS (2 minutes/person) 4. COMMISSION BUSINESS 5. MANAGERS REPORT – Keith Niven a) DEI RFP 6. COMMISSIONER COMMENTS (15 min - 2 minutes/Commissioner) 7. NEXT MEETING • September 5, 2024, 5:30pm Hylebos Room, City Hall-Federal Way 8. ADJOURN Item Action/Info/Discussion Lead A. Approval of Minutes (May) Action Chair Abdullah B. Community Festival Discussion Abbie Wenick C. Minority-owned business partnership Discussion Tanja Carter D. Commission Renaming Discussion Vice Chair Rogers E. Commission Vacancies Discussion Chair Abdullah DIVERSITY COMMISSION MINUTES JULY 11, 2024 Diversity Commission July 11, 2024 Meeting Minutes Page 1 COMMISSION MEMBERS PRESENT: Saudia Abdullah in at 5:19 p.m. Chika Onyejiaka in at 5:39 p.m. Jennifer Kiiru on Zoom at in at 5:37 p.m. and came in at 5:48 p.m. Shante Lane on Zoom at in at 5:32 p.m. and left at 6:23 p.m. Craig Patrick in at 5:24 p.m. Trenise Rogers in at 5:29 p.m. Ron Walker in at 5:12 p.m. COMMISSION MEMBERS ABSENT: None. STAFF PRESENT: Keith Niven (Community Development Director) on Zoom Victoria Banks (Administrative Assistant I) Abbie Wenick (Special Events Assistant) Council Member Paul McDaniel CALL TO ORDER: Meeting called to order at 5:30 p.m. INTRODUCTION: Commissioner/Staff: Commissioners and Staff introduced themselves. PUBLIC COMMENT (2 mins. /person): Chair Karen Brugato, Art Commission, reported on an upcoming program called the Gallery Art Program that will happen this coming Fall season as well as the Arts Commission having a presence at the upcoming Federal Way Community Festival. August (August 13th) City Council meeting where there will be a special section for Commissioners to have cake. Commissioner Janine (Jan) Barber wants to reach out to the people who are trying to bring in diversity for the community, she was able to find that in the Lions Club community. By utilizing planning, the opportunity is presented with networking and engagement opportunities with the diverse population in the community. Ron Kaler spoke on an observation he had about the Diversity Commission not being as diverse as the commission’s name states. He along with other members of the community have been reaching out to community members of different ethnicities and nationalities to have them possibly join the Diversity Commission, to have the commission look like the community it represents. DIVERSITY COMMISSION MINUTES JULY 11, 2024 Diversity Commission July 11, 2024 Meeting Minutes Page 2 COMMISSION BUSINESS: A. Approval of Minutes (June 2024): Commissioner Walker motioned to approve the revised June 13, 2024 meeting minutes and Commissioner Craig seconded the motion. Motion carried 5 - 0. Changes to be made to the drafted June 2024 Meeting minutes are as follows: Change “hi” in the Public Comment section, last sentence, to “he” instead. B. Federal Way Community Festival: Staff member Abbie Wenick reported updates on the event. Also, approximately 20 volunteers are still needed. C. Community Engagement Subcommittee: Chair Abdullah stated that there is a need for more subcommittee members. Commissioners Abdullah, Patrick, and Lane have stated that are interested in being on the subcommittee. D. Roger Freeman Subcommittee: Chair Abdullah stated that there is a need for more subcommittee members. Would like applications ready for the school age applicants by the beginning on the 2024-2025 academic school year. An explanation was given to the new commissioners about what the award is for. Commissioners Abdullah, Walker, and Kiiru have stated that they are interested in being on the subcommittee. Commissioner Walker stated that he is interested in being on the subcommittee and Commissioner Kiiru stated she would also but would want to observe first before committing. E. Name Change: Vice-Chair Rogers stated that the commission is much more than just Diversity or the scope of the name and would like the name reflective of the work that is being done. Commissioner Patrick and Rogers has volunteer to converse about possible new name for rebranding of the commission. F. MJK Jr. Subcommittee: DIVERSITY COMMISSION MINUTES JULY 11, 2024 Diversity Commission July 11, 2024 Meeting Minutes Page 3 Chair Abdullah reported that there is another need for a subcommittee board. Commissioners Walker, Rogers, and Lane, as well as staff member Wenick, have stated that are interested in being on the subcommittee. Commissioner Walker mentioned the idea of having a Black-Tie Gala event for the MLK Jr celebration. G. Book Purchase: Vice-Chair Rogers stated a process is needed and volunteers to move forward with restarting this project. Commissioner Kiiru and Onyejiaka has agreed to volunteer. MANAGERS REPORT: Community Development Director Niven reported on the recruitment progress for the DEI Consultant and Community Services Manager. Request for Proposal (RPF) closes July 12,2024 and 9 consulting firms have showed their interest. City Commissioner Recognition special meeting on Tuesday, August 13, 2024 at 5 p.m. COMMISSIONER COMMENTS (15 mins. - 2 minutes/Commissioner): Commissioner Patrick presented the West Hylebos Encampment Cleanup that will be happening on Saturday, July 27, 2024. Thanked our public for coming. NEXT MEETING: Regular Meeting August 8, 2024 at 5:30 p.m. Hylebos Conference Room, City Hall, Federal Way, WA ADJOURN: Chair Abdullah adjourned the meeting at 6:36 p.m.