08-13-2024 Council Packet - RegularCITY OF �. Fe deral Way Centered on Opportunity CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING AGENDA City Hall — Council Chambers* August 13, 2024 — 6:30 p.m. CALL MEETING TO ORDER 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3. MAYOR'S EMERGING ISSUES AND REPORT • Recognition of Thomas Fichtner, Xiao Guo, and Leif Ellsworth for response to Worldwide Technology Outage (Crowdstrike) on July 19 • Ground Breaking of New Joint Use Operations & Maintenance Facility on August 5 • Legislative Priorities Working Session with Representative Taylor (8/6) & Legislative Breakfast on November 7 at the Community Center at 7:30am • Recent Events: Pacific Raceways NHRA NW Nationals (7/20); Kiwanis Salmon Bake (7/26); Hanwoori Garden Fundraiser (8/4); National Night Out (8/6); Kid's Day (8/7); FUSION Gala (8/7); Federal Way Community Festival (8/10); • Upcoming Events: Lion's Club Car Show August 17; LifeStream Blood Bank Opening on August 21; Run with the Cops 5K on Saturday, August 24; Back to School Free Haircuts on Tuesday, August 27 at Town Square Park • Overview of 2025-2026 Biennial Budget Calendar 4. PUBLIC COMMENT RULES: In accordance with State Law, the City of Federal Way prohibits any testimony regarding any campaign for election or promotion of, or opposition to, any ballot proposition during the public comment. Council Rules prohibit any personal, impertinent, threatening or slanderous remarks, and no speaker may convey or donate their time for speaking to another speaker. All individual comments are limited to 3 minutes each. The Mayor may interrupt any speaker whose comments continue too long, relate negatively to others, disparage people based on race, national origin, gender, sexual orientation or other protected status, or are otherwise unconducive to a civil meeting. The Mayor has the authority to preserve order at all meetings of the Council, and to cause the removal of any person from any meeting for disorderly conduct. The City Council may amend this agenda and take action on items not currently listed. Regular Meetings are recorded and televised on Government Access Channel 21 and viewable on FW YouTube. For more information, or to view agenda materials and access public comment sign-up options, please visit www.citvoffederalway.com. To request accommodations or assisted listening devices, please contact the City Clerk prior to the meeting. *Remote attendance available via Zoom meeting code: 363 503 282 and passcode: 738163; or https://cityoffederalway.zoom.us/j/363503282?pwd=VmlocGOrd FVyTURaQnIL)RUIQOTQ4ZzO9 5. PRESENTATIONS a. Proclamation: 90th Anniversary of the Municipal Research and Services Center (MRSC) 6. COUNCIL COMMITTEE AND REGIONAL COMMITTEE REPORTS • Parks/Recreation/Human Services/Public Safety Committee (PRHSPS) • Land Use/Transportation Committee (LUTC) • Finance, Economic Development Regional Affairs Committee (FEDRAC) • Lodging Tax Advisory Committee (LTAC) • Regional Committees Report • Council President Report 7. CONSENT AGENDA Items listed below have been previously reviewed in their entirety by a Council Committee of three members and brought before full Council for approval; all items are enacted by one motion. Individual items may be removed by a Councilmember for separate discussion and subsequent motion. a. Minutes: July 16, 2024 Regular Meeting b. Monthly Financial Report — June 2024 c. AP Vouchers 06/18/2024 — 07/15/2024; Payroll Vouchers 06/01/2024 — 06/30/2024 d. 2025 WA Association of Sheriffs and Police Chiefs Body Worn Camera Grant Interlocal Agreement e. Copier and Printer Maintenance Agreement f. Purchase of Manage Detection and Response Services g. ARPA Grant Funds Reallocation h. Resolution: Federal Way Investment Policy Update i. Initiation of Development Agreement Negotiations for Sound Transits Operations and Maintenance Facility South 8. PUBLIC HEARING a. 2023-2024 Biennial Budget Amendment • Presentation: Steve Groom, Finance Director • Public Comment — 3 minutes each 9. COUNCIL BUSINESS a. Assessment Lien for Abatement at 1235 SW 313th Street • Presentation: Christina Dunlap, Code Compliance Supervisor The City Council may amend this agenda and take action on items not currently listed. Regular Meetings are recorded and televised on Government Access Channel 21 and viewable on FW YouTube. For more information, or to view agenda materials and access public comment sign-up options, please visit www.citvoffederalway.com. To request accommodations or assisted listening devices, please contact the City Clerk prior to the meeting. *Remote attendance available via Zoom meeting code: 363 503 282 and passcode: 738163; or https://cityoffederalway.zoom.us/j/363503282?pwd=VmlocGOrd FVyTURaQnIL)RUIQOTQ4Zz09 b. Proposed 2025-2027 Collective Bargaining Agreement with the Federal Way Police Officer Guild • Presentation: Vanessa Audett, Human Resources Director c. SR-99 FWHS Pedestrian Safety — 85% Status and Authorization to Bid • Presentation: Jason Kennedy, Senior Traffic Engineer d. Proposed Settlement Agreement Regarding the LeMaster Lawsuit • Presentation: Ryan Call, City Attorney e. Jet Cities Chorus Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) • Presentation: Autumn Gressett, Community Relations/Contract Administrator f. Federal Way Symphony Orchestra Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) • Presentation: Autumn Gressett, Community Relations/Contract Administrator g. Federal Way Youth Symphony Orchestra Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) • Presentation: Autumn Gressett, Community Relations/Contract Administrator h. Federal Wav Chorale Memorandum of Understandina (MOU • Presentation: Autumn Gressett, Community Relations/Contract Administrator 10. ORDINANCES First Reading a. Council Bill #881/Ordinance: 2023-2024 Biennial Budaet Amendment AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF FEDERAL WAY, WASHINGTON RELATING TO AMENDING THE 2023-2024 BIENNIAL BUDGET. (Amending Ordinance Nos. 22-941, 23-959, 23-974 and 24-986) • Presentation made during the public hearing • Public Comment — 3 minutes each b. Council Bill #882/Ordinance: Setting Municipal Court Judge Salary AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF FEDERAL WAY, WASHINGTON, RELATING TO FIXING THE SALARY OF MUNICIPAL COURT JUDGES; AMENDING FWRC 2.29.050 (Amending Ordinance Nos. 99-339, 01-397, 05-484, and 05-494). Presentation: Brian Davis, City Administrator Public Comment — 3 minutes each The City Council may amend this agenda and take action on items not currently listed. Regular Meetings are recorded and televised on Government Access Channel 21 and viewable on FW YouTube. For more information, or to view agenda materials and access public comment sign-up options, please visit www.citvoffederalway.com. To request accommodations or assisted listening devices, please contact the City Clerk prior to the meeting. *Remote attendance available via Zoom meeting code: 363 503 282 and passcode: 738163; or https://cityoffederalway.zoom.us/j/363503282?pwd=VmlocGOrd FVyTURaQnIL)RUIQOTQ4Zz09 c. Council Bill #883/Ordinance: Revising FWRC 8.50.010 Relating to Parking Recreational Vehicles on City Streets AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF FEDERAL WAY, WASHINGTON, RELATING TO RECREATIONAL VEHICLES PARKING ON CITY STREETS; AMENDING FWRC 8.50.010. (Amending Ordinance no. 24-983) Presentation: Kent van Alstyne, Assistant City Attorney Public Comment — 3 minutes each 11. COUNCIL REPORTS 12. EXECUTIVE SESSION a. Collective Bargaining Pursuant to RCW 42.30.140(4)(b) b. Pending/Potential Litigation Pursuant to RCW 42.30.110(1)(i) 13. ADJOURNMENT The City Council may amend this agenda and take action on items not currently listed. Regular Meetings are recorded and televised on Government Access Channel 21 and viewable on FW YouTube. For more information, or to view agenda materials and access public comment sign-up options, please visit www.citvoffederalway.com. To request accommodations or assisted listening devices, please contact the City Clerk prior to the meeting. *Remote attendance available via Zoom meeting code: 363 503 282 and passcode: 738163; or https://cityoffederalway.zoom.us/j/363503282?pwd=VmlocGOrd FVyTURaQnIL)RUIQOTQ4Zz09 CITY OF 4::*�& Federal Way PROCLAMATION "MRSC's 90th Anniversary" WHEREAS, the Municipal Research and Services Center, or MRSC, is a non-profit organization with a vision to empower local governments to better serve their communities through trusted guidance and services that support local government success; and WHEREAS, MRSC was originally established in 1934 as the University of Washington Bureau of Governmental Research, turning into a privately -operated non-profit in 1969; and WHEREAS, 2024 marks the 90th anniversary of MRSC providing reliable guidance for every topic imaginable for municipalities through the efforts of staff attorneys and policy consultants; and WHEREAS, MRSC operates under the guiding values of integrity, a supportive environment, effective communication, continuous improvement, responsibility, and collaboration, which, because of these values, MRSC is given the opportunity to provide services to all 281 cities and towns in Washington, including all 39 counties, and hundreds of special purpose districts, state agencies, and other government partners; and WHEREAS, MRSC is a helpful resource that is utilized by the City of Federal Way. NOW, THEREFORE, we, the undersigned Mayor and City Councilmembers of the City of Federal Way, do hereby proclaim MRSC's 90TH ANNIVERSARY in Federal Way, and celebrate 90-years of being the go -to for all governmental research. SIGNED, this 13th day of August, 2024 FEDERAL WAY MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL kA00 -r -► . Ien • ws,, 10.!•.r. Is . A a Assef{ — awso ,Council emiaer S H nda. Councilmember i� J ek Walsh, Councilmember I, � C,— Hoa44V a Councilmember Jack Dovey, Coun ' ember COUNCIL MEETING DATE: August 13, 2024 CITY OF FEDERAL WAY CITY COUNCIL AGENDA BILL SUBJECT: CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES ITEM #: POLICY QUESTION: Should the City Council approve the draft minutes for the July 16, 2024 Regular Meeting? COMMITTEE: N/A MEETING DATE: N/A CATEGORY: ® Consent ❑ Ordinance ❑ Public Hearing ❑ City Council Business ❑ Resolution ❑ Other STAFF REPORT BY: Stephanie Courtney, City Clerk Attachments: July 16, 2024 Regular Meeting Draft Minutes Options Considered: 1. Approve the minutes as presented. 2. Amend the minutes as necessary. MAYOR'S RECOMMENDATION: N/A MAYOR APPROVAL: N/A Committee Initial/Date COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: N/A N/A Council InitialIDate DEPT: City Clerk DIRECTOR APPROVAL: g ]nsuabDate N/A N/A N/A Committee Chair Committee Member Committee Member PROPOSED COUNCIL MOTION: "I move approval of the minutes as presented. " (BELOW TO BE COMPLETED BY CITY CLERK'S OFFICE) COUNCIL ACTION: ❑ APPROVED COUNCIL BILL # ❑ DENIED First reading ❑ TABLED/DEFERRED/NO ACTION Enactment reading ❑ MOVED TO SECOND READING (ordinances only) ORDINANCE # REVISED - 4/2019 RESOLUTION # CITY OF Federal Way Centered on Opportunity CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING MINUTES City Hall - Council Chambers July 16, 2024 - 6:30 p.m. 1. CALL MEETING TO ORDER Mayor Ferrell called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. City officials in attendance: Mayor Jim Ferrell, Council President Linda Kochmar, Councilmember Lydia Assefa-Dawson, Councilmember Paul McDaniel, Councilmember Susan Honda (remote), Councilmember Hoang Tran, Councilmember Jack Walsh, and Councilmember Jack Dovey. City staff in attendance: City Administrator Brian Davis, City Attorney Ryan Call, and City Clerk Stephanie Courtney. 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Mayor Ferrell led the flag salute. 3. MAYOR'S EMERGING ISSUES AND REPORT Mayor Ferrell reported on many recent community events and activities including the Red, White and Blues Festival, the North Lake Annual Parade, and the We Love Our City's city- wide serve day. He promoted multiple upcoming community events including the Kiwanis Salmon Bake at Steel Lake Park on July 26; the summer movie at Town Square Park on July 27; and Kid's Day at Steel Lake Park on August 7. The Mayor referenced National Night Out activities on August 6 throughout the city. The first Council meeting in August is rescheduled to the following week on Tuesday, August 13; the second meeting in August is canceled. He provided information regarding the King County Elections Vote Center that will be located at City Hall on Saturday, August 3; Monday, August 5; and Election Day on Tuesday, August 6. 4. PUBLIC COMMENT Mike Nugent, James Brux, and Judy Kimes shared concerns within the senior community of Belmor Park, including increasing rent cost. PJ Kasala requested the Council revisit allowing cannabis retailers in the city. Federal Way City Council Regular Minutes Page 1 of 4 July 16, 2024 Craig Patrick thanked city staff and promoted an upcoming clean-up event on July 27. Debra Osborn spoke regarding bullying and harassment she has experienced in Pierce County Superior Court. 5. COUNCIL COMMITTEE AND REGIONAL COMMITTEE REPORTS Parks/Recreation/Human Services/Public Safety Committee (PRHSPS): Councilmember Walsh reported the August committee meeting is canceled; the next regular meeting will be September 10. Land Use/Transportation Committee (LUTC): Councilmember Dovey reported the next committee meeting will be August 5 and will discuss motor homes. Finance, Economic Development Regional Affairs Committee (FEDRAC): Councilmember Tran reported on the July 23 meeting. Lodging Tax Advisory Committee (LTAC): Councilmember Assefa-Dawson noted there will not be a meeting in August. Regional Committees Report: Councilmember Honda provided updates from various regional boards and committees. She provided a Senior Advisory Commission update, overviewed discussions with members of the School Board at local coffee shops, and promoted the 68t6 Annual Kiwanis Salmon Bake at Steel Lake Park. Council President Report: Council President Kochmar reported on the recent State Auditor Exit Conference; the city had a clean audit and two small findings. She noted study sessions have been requested to discuss the public market and discuss term limits. 6. CONSENT AGENDA a. Minutes: July 2, 2024 Regular and Special Meeting Minutes b. SW Dash Point Road & 47th Ave SW Compact Roundabout — Project Acceptance c. SR-99 at S 373rd Street Roundabout & Access Management — 30% Design Report d. Lakota Middle School Safe Routes to School — SW Dash Point Road — Project Acceptance e. Pacific HWY Non -Motorized Corridor Phase 1 — S 304th to S Dash Point Road — Bid Award f. Adoption of Southwest King County Trails Plan g. Grant Acceptance for Comprehensive Plan Update COUNCIL PRESIDENT KOCHMAR MOVED APPROVAL OF THE CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS (A) THROUGH (G); SECOND BY COUNCILMEMBER WALSH. The motion passed unanimously as follows: Council President Kochmar yes Councilmember Tran yes Councilmember Assefa-Dawson yes Councilmember Walsh yes Federal Way City Council Regular Minutes Page 2 of 4 July 16, 2024 Councilmember McDaniel yes Councilmember Dovey yes Councilmember Honda yes 7. COUNCIL BUSINESS a. Joint Use Operations and Maintenance Facility — Authorization to Award EJ Walsh, Public Works Director introduced representatives from Corp Inc. Construction Company, the lowest responsive, responsible bidder for the project. Director Walsh noted six (6) bids were received on June 25, 2024. The project costs are within the maximum authorized bond amount and frontage improvement budget. Director Walsh, Director Groom and Mayor Ferrell answered various clarifying questions from Council. Anticipated ground breaking will be August 5 at 1:00 p.m. COUNCILMEMBER DOVEY MOVED TO AWARD THE JOINT OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE FACILITY FOR THE BASE BID PLUS ALTERNATE Al TO CORP INC. CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, THE LOWEST RESPONSIVE, RESPONSIBLE BIDDER, IN THE AMOUNT OF $40,128,296.46, AND APPROVE A CONTINGENCY OF $4,001,703.54, FOR A MAXIMUM AUTHORIZED CONTRACT AMOUNT OF $44,130,000.00; SECOND BY COUNCILMEMBER TRAN. The motion passed unanimously as follows: Council President Kochmar yes Councilmember Assefa-Dawson yes Councilmember McDaniel yes Councilmember Honda yes b. Opioid Settlement with Kroger Co. Councilmember Tran yes Councilmember Walsh yes Councilmember Dovey yes City Attorney Ryan Call provided information on a statewide opioid settlement negotiated by the Washington State Attorney General. 90% of cities over 10,000 population must sign -on to the settlement by August 12, 2024 in order for the settlement to take effect. Staff calculates Federal Way's share of the settlement to be $72,709, which can be used for approved opioid-related expenses. Director Call answered Council questions regarding use of the funds. COUNCIL PRESIDENT KOCHMAR MOVED TO AUTHORIZE CITY PARTICIPATION IN THE SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT NEGOTIATED BY THE WASHINGTON ATTORNEY GENERAL AND AUTHORIZE EXECUTION OF ALL REQUIRED DOCUMENTS; SECOND BY COUNCILMEMBER ASSEFA-DAWSON. The motion passed unanimously as follows: Council President Kochmar yes Councilmember Tran yes Councilmember Assefa-Dawson yes Councilmember Walsh yes Councilmember McDaniel yes Councilmember Dovey yes Councilmember Honda yes 8. COUNCIL REPORTS Councilmember Dovey provided no report. Federal Way City Council Regular Minutes Page 3 of 4 July 16, 2024 Councilmember Walsh acknowledged the great people of the city and the spirit of volunteerism. Councilmember Tran provided no report. Councilmember Honda requested a higher percentage be allocated for arts and follow past procedures of including the Arts Commission for the new facility. Councilmember McDaniel reported on events that he participated and attended in the region. Councilmember Assefa-Dawson reported on the many events in the community including the discussions at the county level on an action plan for climate change. She also promoted a bike safety event at Family Life Church. Council President Kochmar provided no report. 9. ADJOURNMENT There being nothing further on the agenda; the regular meeting was adjourned at 8:57 p.m. Attest: Stephanie Courtney, MIMIC, CPRO City Clerk Approved by Council: Federal Way City Council Regular Minutes Page 4 of 4 July 16, 2024 0 COUNCIL MEETING DATE: August 13, 2024 ITEM #: CITY OF FEDERAL WAY CITY COUNCIL AGENDA BILL SUBJECT: JUNE 2024 MONTHLY FINANCIAL REPORT POLICY QUESTION: Should the Council approve the June 2024 Monthly Financial Report? COMMITTEE: FINANCE, ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND REGIONAL MEETING DATE: July 23, 2024 AFFAIRS COMMITTEE (FEDRAC) CATEGORY: ® Consent ❑ Ordinance ❑ Public Hearing ❑ City Council Business ❑ Resolution ❑ Other STAFF REPORT BY: Steve Groom, Finance Director DEPT: Finance Attachments: June 2024 Monthly Financial Report Options to Consider: 1. Approve the June 2024 Monthly Financial Report as presented 2. Deny approval of the June 2024 Monthly Financial Report and provide direction to staff MAYOR'S RECOMMEND ION: Payor recomme ds approval of Option 1. MAYOR APPROV�Aal ( DIRECTOR APPROVAL: ly himl Mic le 3rsitial to COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: I move to forward the June 2024 Monthly Financial Report to the August 13, 2024 consent agenda for approval. Cn mitt;; PmhPr PROPOSED COUNCIL MOTION: "I move approval of the Monthly Financial Report. " (BELOW TO BE COMPLETED BY CITY CLERK'S OFFICE) COUNCIL ACTION: ❑ APPROVED ❑ DENIED ❑ TABLED/DEFERRED/NO ACTION ❑ MOVED TO SECOND READING (ordinances only) REVISED—1/2022 COUNCIL BILL # First reading Enactment reading ORDINANCE # RESOLUTION # CITY OF Federal Way DATE: July 23, 2024 TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Steve Groom, Finance Director Chase Donnelly, Deputy Finance Director SUBJECT: Monthly Financial FINANCE DEPARTMENT This report is to brief you on June's monthly and year-to-date (YTD) revenues and expenses, compared to budget and prior year, on the city's cash and fund balance positions, and on the monthly investment performance, transactions and current holdings. City's cash position continues to be strong, budgetary controls on expenditures are resulting in a slightly favorable variance and revenues are positive in total however the outlook is cautionary on some revenues are detailed in the following pages. General/Street Fund Summary: Revenues & Transfers In are favorable to YTD budget of $28.11M by $0.85M or 3.0%. Expenditures & Transfers Out are favorable to YTD budget of $31.99M by $239K or 0.7% primarily due to timing of ARPA spending and Police Officer position vacancies. 4.00% 3.00% 2.00% 1.00% 0.00% -1.00% Revenue General/Street Fund % of Budget General/Street Fund Cumulative Yearto Date $34,000,000 $32,000,000 $30,000,000 $28,000,000 $26,000,000 Revenue -0.75 % � Expense Budget 0 Actual Expense CITY OF V:�%M Federal Way Revenues and Expenditures: General & Street Fund Financial Highlights As detailed in the table below: FINANCE DEPARTMENT ' Sales Tax revenue is unfavorable to budget YTD by $0.26M or 3.2%, and $0.38M or 4.5% below prior year collections. Retail sales and services are $48K below 2023 YTD collections. ' CD Permits & Fees revenue is favorable to budget YTD by $0.34M or 23.8%, but $0.98M or 35.5% below prior year actual. ' Total Expenditures & Transfer Out is favorable to budget YTD by $239K or 0.7%, but $2.74M or 9.4% above prior year actual. Compared to budget, expenditures have been trending favorably, primarily due to filling of Police Department vacant positions, and timing of expenditures for ARPA spending. GENERAL & STREET FUND SUMMARY 2023 2024 Y1D Budgets, Actual Fawrak(11nfaioraNe) Annual Budget Annual Actual YTD Actual Annual Budget YTD Budget YTD Actual $ % Be inning Fund Balance $ 27,709,983 $ 27,709,983 $ 27,709,983 $ 22,437,667 $ 22,437,667 $ 22,437,666 nla nla Revenues: Sales Tax 20,972,402 20,805,515 8,333,338 20,996,000 8,219,436 7,955,918 (263,518) -3.2% Property Tries 11,762,933 11,662,976 6,242,016 11,938,554 6,389,505 6,305,370 (84,135) -1.3% State Shared Revenue 3,153,260 3,192,206 1,185,009 3,194,233 1,185,761 1,169,220 (16,541) -1.4% CD Permits & Fees 4,705,016 5,026,804 2,765,531 2,869,145 1,441,088 1,784,170 343,082 23.8% Business License Fees 682,631 758,932 399,216 685,345 379,817 389,128 9,311 2.5% Admissions Tax 339,265 846,424 181,717 390,155 83,761 144,368 60,606 72.4% OtherRevenues 15,106,999 15,098,647 5,503,832 13,343,495 5,407,031 6,206,281 799,250 14.8% Transfers in fromOther Funds to su oft operations 8,635,016 4,574,790 11,914,389 5,000,000 5,000,000 0.0% Total Revenues & Transfer In 65�57,522 61,966,294 24,610,658 65,331,316 28,106,399 28,954,454 848,055 3.0% Total EVenkares & Transfer Out 82,464,337 67,238,614 29,012,151 78,010,041 31,993,767 31,754,601 239,166 0.7% Total Fn&ng fundBalance I $10,603,168 $ 22,437,664 $ 23J08,490 $ 9,758,941 $18,550, 99 $ 19,637,519 nla nla CITY OF Federal Way Other Fund Financial Highlights FINANCE DEPARTMENT ■ Utility Taxes (unrestricted) are favorable to budget YTD by $0.58M or 11.3%, but $68K or 1.2% below prior year actual. Utility tax on water/sewer, solid waste, and electric services account for the increase above 2024 YTD budget. Real Estate Excise Tax (REET) is unfavorable to budget YTD by $1.09M or 44.3%, and $0.42M or 23.5% below prior year actual. This is an indicator of the Federal Way valuation and real estate volume of transactions. Expenditures & Transfer Out is favorable to budget YTD by $0.57M or 3.5%, but $3.00M above prior year actual. The favorable variance to budget is primarily due to timing of residential street overlay. OTHER SIGNIFICANT FUNDS OF NOTE 2023 2024 YTD Budget is. Actual Fawrable/(Unfawrable) Annual Budget Annual Actual YTD Actual Annual Budget YTD Budget YTD Actual $ % Revenues: Utility Tax IZ339,431 12,274,574 5,745,246 11,782,564 5,101,484 5,676,875 575,391 11.3% Utility Tax- Prop 1 Voter Package 3,662,436 3,572,904 1,675,936 3,360,436 1,455,309 1,656,080 200,771 13.8a/o Utility Tax- Solid Waste 10% 2,200,000 2,558,785 1,050,774 2,300,000 9%,065 1,145,181 149,116 150/o Real Estate Excise Tax 4,521,000 3,377,887 1.794,6% 5,576,000 2,461,972 1,372,473 (1,089,499) -44.3% Traffic Safety.,(Red Lig ht/School Zone) 3,800,000 4,376,677 2,643,553 3,060,000 1,579,700 1,823,502 243,801 15.4a/a Hot&Motel Lodgint Tax 293,000 299,459 10Q909 308,000 110,914 108,951 (1,%3) -1.8o/a Federal Way Community Center 1,411,875 1,619,063 703,988 1,93Q875 965,438 948,889 (16,548) -1.7% Perforrring Arts & Event Ctr Operations 1,659,780 2,228,419 806,652 1,279,780 475,051 921645 448,594 94.4o/a .Duffes Bay Centre Fund 727,698 757,060 417,299 527,698 263,849 421,402 157,553 59.7% Total Rewnues 30,615,221 31,064,828 14,939,053 30,125,354 13,409,782 14,076,997 667,215 5.0% Expenditures & Transfers Out: 'Utility TaxSupportto Other Funds foroperations 12,067,413 8,739,696 2,172,390 13,829,040 6,488,309 6,488,309 0.01/o Utility TaxPro osition i operations 4,471,873 3,916,074 1,786,835 4,603,703 2,301,852 2,099,125 202,727 8.8o/a 'Solid Waste 10%Utilit Tax -Residential Streets Overlay 3,680,166 2,742,060 316,327 2,300,000 1,150,000 84,905 1,065,095 92.6% .Real Estate Excise Tax Support to Debt and Capital Projects 6,055,343 4,035,343 2,223,343 5,788,245 n/a 'Traffic Safety (Red Light/School Zone) 3,871,735 3,519,748 1,358,444 4,272,419 2,136,210 1,688,162 448,048 21.0% HAYMotel Lodging Tax 150,000 86,949 18,500 65,000 32,500 32,500 100.0% Jail Fund Services 4,300,000 4,687,020 1,734,639 3,259,000 1,629,500 1,897,453 (267,953) -16.4% IFederal Way Community Center 2,459,893 2,456,401 1,130,537 2,306,857 1,153,428 1,400,812 (247,384) -21.4% perfon-ning Arts&Event Ctr Operations 2,983,359 3,418,881 1,413,221 2,483,359 845,614 1,396,305 (550,691) -65.1% IDumasBay Centre Fund 864,097 898,127 406,923 773,784 386,892 502,494 (115,602) -29.91/o Total &penditures & Transfers Out 40,903,879 34,500,298 12,561,160 39,681,407 16,124305 15,557,565 566,740 3.5% Flift Fund Balance Utility Tax (non -Prop 1) 4,789,743 8,180,988 8,218,965 4,891,245 7,258,395 n/a n/a Utility Tax - Prop IVoter Package 1,000,001 1,312,904 1,460,155 1,312,505 1'0K000 n/a n/a Utility Tax - Solid Waste 100/o 152,073 1,448,966 2,366,686 152,073 2,509,242 n/a n/a Real Estate Excise Tax Fund 1,683,316 2,560,202 2,789,011 2,347,958 3,932,675 n/a n/a Traffic Safety Fund 2,421,708 3,350,370 3,M,552 2,137,951 3,485,710 n/a n/a Hotefttel Lodging Tax 2,011,015 2,080,525 1,950,424 2,323,525 2,208,209 n/a n/a Jail Fund 0 34,283 249 34,283 653 n/a n/a Federal Way Communit Center 1,557,756 1,768,436 1.755,713 1,768,436 1,500,000 n/a n/a Perfortning Arts & Event Ctr Operations 658,344 791,462 267,367 567,861 318,803 n/a n/a Dumas Bay Centre Fund 2,202,259 2,197,592 1,720,885 2,216,504 2,116,500 n/a n/a [Total-5dirM Fund Balance I $16,476,216 $23,725,729 $ 2008,008 $ 17,752,341 ,$_ -. $24,330,186 : nla nla CITY OF Federal Way Sales Tax Revenue FINANCE DEPARTMENT Revenues are unfavorable to budget YTD by $0.26M or 3.2% and below prior year actual by $0.38M or 4.5%. The sales tax collected for transactions at point of sale is remitted to the City from the State on a two -month lag, after retailers remit to State the first month. LOCAL RETAIL SALES TAX REVENUES YTD June Month 2023 Actual 2024 Fawr abl a/(Unfawrabl e) Change from 2023 YTD Actual Ns Budget Budget Actual $ % $ % Jan 1,917,113 $ 1,948,353 $ 1,765,359 $ (151,754) -7.9% $ (182,994) -9.4% Feb 1,425,556 1,459,825 1,472,140 46,585 3.3% 12,315 0.8% Mar 1,599,609 1,445,064 1,474,086 (125,523) -7.8% 29,022 2.0% Apr 1,768,995 1,733,177 1,692,975 (76,020) -4.3% (40,202) -2.3% May 1,622,066 1,633,016 1,551,351 (70,715) -4.4% (81,665) -5.0% Jun 1,750,786 1,745,774 - - - - - Jul 1,931,467 1,921,230 - - Aug 1,850,860 1,903,016 - - - Sep 1,847,683 1,872,206 - Oct 1,783,836 1,875,739 - Nov 1,717,195 1,756,416 - - - Dec 1,590,350 1,702,183 YTD Total $ 8,333,338 $ 8,219,436 $ 7,955,911 $ (377,427) 4.5% $ (263.524) -3.20/4 Annual Totall $ 20,805,515 $ 20,996,000 $ 7,955,911 $ (377,427) -21% $ (263,524) -14% City of Federal Way- Sales Tax Revenue Received Cul i ent Year ACWaI VS, Budget and Priot Year $22,000,000 520,000,000 $18, 000, 000 $16,000,000 $14, 000, 000 $12,000,000 $10,000,000 $ 8,000, 000 O Budget Cumulative $ 6,000, 000 $ 4,000, 000 — Prior Year Cumulative $ 2, 000, 000 Actual cumulative $0 `Sze City of Federal Way City of Federal Way YTD Sales Tax Revenue Comparison by Location Sales Tax Revenue Comparison by Group Sa,s00,000 S1,400,000 Sa,000,000 Si,200,000 ss0r�o00 S1,000,000 s.;,0u0.o00 5S00,000 S?"O(L000 S000,000 5)"000,u011 S400,000 S20o,00a � � � s7,50n,nop 5L000.nin 5 � � s0g0n0 Lodging Gateway Ctr Pavilion Ctr Comma 312th-316th 348th 5 2020 z 2021 ■ 2022 ■ 2023 ■ 2024 nn-- a YTD 2023 YTD 2021 CITY OF Federal Way Business Licenses FINANCE DEPARTMENT Revenues are favorable to budget YTD by $9K or 2.5%, but below prior year actual by $ 1OK or 2.5%. 300 New Monthly Business License Count 250 200 I 150 i 100 i 50 LL 0 Jan Feb Mar Apr May June ❑ 2023 50 69 171 66 270 86 ■ 2024 122 110 121 126 138 102 *excludes outside contractor businesses Business License Revenue Month 2023 Actual 2024 Favorable/(Unfawrable) Change from 2023 YID Actual ws Budget Budget Actual $ % $ % Jan $ 62,005 $ 106,396 $ 67,071 5,066 8.2% (39,325) -37.0% Feb 44,674 65,225 50,905 6,232 13.9% (14,320) -22.0% Mar 86,195 47,853 54,399 (31,797) -36.9% 6,546 13.7% Apr 67,910 48,132 67,866 (45) -0.1% 19,734 41.0% May 61,588 37,317 67,517 5,929 9.6% 30,200 80.9% Jun 76,843 74,893 81,370 4,527 5.9% 6,477 8.6% Jul 59,531 48,167 - - - - - Aug 53,820 55,648 - - - - Sep 72,038 48,456 - - - Oct 525727 34,583 - - - - Nov 62,891 47,395 - - - Dec 58,709 71,278 - - - YTD Total $ 399,216 $ 379,817 $ 389,128 (10,088) -2.506 9,311 2.5% Annual Total $ 758,932 $ 685,345 n/a n/a I n/a I n/a I n/a CITY OF Federal Way FINANCE DEPARTMENT Community Development Permits Revenues are favorable to budget YTD by $0.34M or 23.8%, but below prior year actual by $0.98M or 35.5%. Annual Total 2019 - $4,546,432 2020 - $1,964.825 2021 - $3,229 113 2022 - $4 040 385 2023 - $5 026.795 $900,000 $800,000 - $700,000 $600,000 $500,000 $400,000 $300,000 $200,000 $100,000 $0 BUILDING & LAND LSEPFRMUS AND FEES (CD) Year-to-date thru June Month 2023 Actual 2024 Change from 2023 Fawrabl a/(Unfavorable) YTD Actual vs Budget Budget Actual $ % $ % Jan 213,046 170,083 651,394 438,349 205.8% 481,311 283.0% Feb 546,470 265,481 27,159 (519,312) -95.0% (238,322) -89.8% Mar 595,518 243,372 337,149 (258,369) -43.4°/a 93,777 38.5% Apr 383,643 245,428 258,713 (124,930) -32.6-/.l 13,285 5.4% May 669,687 307,435 220,696 (448,991) -67.0% (86,739) -28.2% Jun 357,167 209,290 289,059 (68,108) -19.1% 79,768 38.1% Jul 422,815 216,247 Aug 406,182 266,209 Sept 635,249 262,098 - ,Oct 293,644 240,848 'Nov 221,863 222,520 Dec 281,511 220,135 YID Total $ 2,765,531 $ 1,441,088 $1,784,170 $ (981,360) -35.5% $ 343,082 23.8% Annual Total $ 5,026,7951 $ 2,869,145 1 n/a I n/a I n/a n/a n/a City of Federal Way Historical Permit Fee Revenue by Month lab <(e.Qfat 0 aJ 1 Jc 1 � PQ�l 2019 2020 ■ 2021 02022 2023 2024 CIT Federal Way FINANCE DEPARTMENT Real Estate Excise Tax (BEET) Revenues are unfavorable to 2024 YTD budget by $1.09M or 44.3% and below 2023 YTD actual by $0.42M or 23.5%. June 2024 activities include 79 real estate transactions. There were 79 taxable residential sales (total sales $47.4M / $234K tax). $6,000,000 $5,000,000 $4,000,000 $3,000,000 $2,000,000 $1,000,000 $0 City of Federal Way - REET Revenue Received O Budget Cumulative - Prior Year Cumulative --0- Actual cumulative PJpo -e 0�1 1o� O11- REAL ES TATE EXCIS E TAX REVENUES Year-to-date thru June Month 2023 Actual 2024 Favorable/(Unfawr able) Change from 2023 YTD Actual vs Budget Budget Actual $ % $ % Jan $ 192,302 $ 254,304 $ 238,836 $ 46,534 24.2% $ (15,468) -6.1% Feb $ 253,046 388,035 196,038 1 (57,008) -22.5% (191,996) -49.5% Mar $ 438,312 395,863 156,490 (281,822) -64.3% (239,373) -60.5% Apr $ 254,266 381,237 222,390 (31,875) -12.5% (158,847) -41.7% May $ 313,961 533,283 323,592 9,631 3.1% (209,690) -39.3% Jun $ 342,809 509,250 235,126 (107,683) -31.4% (274,124) -53.8% Jul $ 248,329 474,462 - - - - Aug $ 284,620 642,919 - - - Sep $ 453,885 493,431 - - - - Oct $ 194,491 415,953 - - - - Nov $ 203,407 319,602 - - - - Dec $ 198,459 767,660 - - - YTD Total 1,794,696 2,4615972 1,372,473 (422,223) -23.5% 1 (1,089,499)1 44.3% Annual Total $ 3,377,887 $ 5,576,000 n/a n/a n/a I n/a I n/a CITY OF Federal Way Utility Tax Revenues FINANCE DEPARTMENT There are three components of utility tax revenues received by the City: 6% unrestricted utility tax, 1.75% Prop 1 utility tax, and 10% Solid Waste utility tax, as shown in summary below and in detail on the next page. The utility tax collected by utility companies is remitted to city on a 2-month lag. The City has a utility tax rebate program that opens January 1" and closes May 31 st of each year for qualifying low-income residents. The City processed 41 rebates in 2021 (total of $2,310), 24 rebates in 2022 (total of $1,305), 19 rebates in 2023 (total of $940) and 26 rebates (total of $1,810) to date in 2024. The 2024 rebate program has been posted to the city website and information material has been distributed to known past users and communicated to those who can relay to potential new ones. All Utility Tax by Category L)THffrY TAB - by Type Year-to-date thru June Utility Type 2023 Actual 2024 Actual Favor able/(Unfavor able) Change from 2023 $ % Electric $ 2,763,938 $ 2,931,175 $ 167,238 6.1% Gras $ 1,251,412 $ 1,017,319 (234,093) -18.7% Water/Sewer $ 1,153,933 $ 1,172,678 18,745 1.6% Solid Waste $ 814,349 $ 887,515 73,166 9.0% Solid Waste - 10% $ 1,050,774 $ 1,145,181 94,407 9.0% Cable $ 659,982 $ 578,290 (81,692) -12.4% Other $ 778,387 $ 747,848 (30,539) -3.9% Tax Rebate $ (820) $ (1,865) (1,045) n/a YTDTotal $ 8,471,955 $ 8,478,141 $ 6,186 0.1% City of Federal Way Utility Tax Revenue Comparison by Group S4,000,000 --- ---- ----- --------------- $3,000,000------.--- - - - - - ------- $2,000,000 -------------------------- $1,000,000---------- ----- S a o� ' S 2 2023 YTD 2024 YTD 4% CITY OF Federal Way FINANCE DEPARTMENT Unrestricted 6% Utility tax revenue is favorable to budget YTD by $0.58M or 11.3%, but below prior year actual by $0.07M or 1.2%. Ul11JTYT.4W (103) fear -late Wru Juae Moath 2023 Actual 2024 Fawratlel(LWmotatle) a Gom 2023 \TDAcha is Budge[ B et .Actual S Vat % Var $ Vat % Vat Jan S 1360.927 S 997.786 S 1224,760 S (136,161 •1009a S 226,974 227% Feb 99Q825 1,038209 1,055.647 58.823 591i 17,439 174.6 Mar 1394,153 1,15M 1�8151 (12416 -0.T'. 222,T13 192% Apr 1,068,698 976,39) 1.041.949 (26,949 -25% 65.457 67°/ Mal• 925.463 932.403 974.805 49342 53% 42.402 45% Jun 831,802 1.037323 Jul 804,851 83Q753 hS 949,142 805,048 Sept 1.095,812 1.021.679 - Oct 855,049 836.145 Nov 1.008.609 887.300 Dec I,0W.0 1253,932 - - - 1TD Sublolel S 5,746,066 S 5,103,695 S 5,678,740 S (67327 -11 % S 575,045 11.3 Rebate (ffi0) (2211 (1,865 (1.045 0.014 3461-156% 1TDTotuI S 5.745146 S 5.101A841 S 5.676.875 S (68372 -1.2 S 575391 113% Annual Tol S 12.274574 S 11.78256A W. rJa ; rill 1 ada City of Federal Way -103 Utility Tax Revenue Received 514,000,000 S'_2,000,003 5°0,000,030 58,O3QO03 S6,W0,0)0 SS 0,30 ODD Budget Cumulative PdorYear Cumulative 52,000,00J �Artualcumulative So ice- ccvl- Prop 1 Restricted 1.75% Utility tax revenue is favorable to budget YTD by $0.20M or 13.8%, but below prior year actual by $0.02M or 1.2%. Proposition I (l14) 1'e2r4o-date thru June About 2023 Actual 2024 Faiorallet(l hfawrable) Chage firm 2023 1 VDActual is Budget Buclpt Actual S1'ar % Vat Star % Var Jan S 241,103 S 284317 S 33LM 5 115,119 482% S 71705 256% Feb S 446,575 S 296,043 S 307.780 (11794) 41.1% 11,737 4.09a Mar S 406,628 S 330960 S 402.989 (1 -0.93 72530 21.9,E Apr S 311,704 S 218.417 S 303,873 (7,831) -29ra 25,456 9-1°i May S 269,927 S 265,873 S 294216 14289 53% 18343 69% Jun S 242,552 S 295.791 S Jul S 234.748 S 239A54 S Aue S 244,874 S 229558 S Sepl S 322205 S 291330 S Oct S 249J37 S 238A25 S Noe S 297.031 S 253.012 S Dec S 316220 S 357556 S YIDTotal S 1,675y3 S IA55309 S 1,656d180 S (19,856) 11% S 2W,111 13.8% Annual Total S 3SM04 S 3360,436 nla nla nle da da City of Federal Way -114 Utility Tax Proposition 1 Revenue Received 54,000,000 53,500,000 S3,000,000 52,500,000 52,000,000 51,500,000 = Budget Cumulative 51,000,000 r — Prior Year Cumulative 5500,000 Actual cumulative 50 Solid Waste Restricted 10.00% Utility tax revenue is favorable to budget YTD by $0.15M or 15.0%, but below prior year actual by $0.09M or 9.0%. ,®' ' ' � I I III �IIIIIIIII�IIIIIIII�� City of Federal Way -116 Solid Waste 10%Utility Tax Revenue Received S3,600,000 S2,500,000 S2,000,000 S"1'sm'000 5i,003.000 C Budget cumulative SSOJ,000 — PnorYear Cumulative } AcMl cumulative 50 p`€ SQ C CITY OF A Federal Way FINANCE DEPARTMENT Lodging Tax Revenue Revenues are unfavorable to budget YTD by $2.OK or 1.0%, but above prior year actual by $8K. HOTEL./MOTEL LODGING TAX REVENUES Year-to-date thru June Month 2023 Actual 2024 Favorable/(Unfavorable) Change from 2023 YTD Actual vs Budget Budget Actual $ % $ % Jan $ 16,787 $ 21,257 $ 16,832 $ 45 0.3% $ (4,426) -20.8% Feb 16,159 19,804 18,690 2,531 15.7% (1,114) -5.6% Mar 21,239 21,550 23,749 2,510 11.8% 2,199 10.2% Apr 27,280 25,724 26,135 (1,144) -4.2% 411 1.6% May 19,444 22,579 23,545 4,101 21.1% 967 4.3% Jun 21,163 21,992 - - - - - Jul 32,180 31,636 - - Aug 32,746 34,077 - - - - Sept 29,427 32,689 - - - Oct 40,254 31,253 - Nov 23,106 25,606 Dec 19,674 19,834 YTD Total $ 100,909 $ 110,914 $ 108,951 $ 8,042 8.0% $ (1.963) -1.8% Annual Total $ 299,459 $ 308,000 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a City of Federal Way - Lodging Tax Revenue Received $350,000 Current Year Actual vs. Budget and Prior Year 5300,000 $250,000 $200,000 $150,000 $100,000 L� Budget Cumulative - Prior Year Cumulative $50,000 .Actual cumulative $0 City of Federal Way Historical Lodging Tax Remittances by Month $45,000 $40,000 $35,000 - $30,000 $25,000 $20,000 $15,000 $10,000 i• $5,000 II r $0 i 2019 [1, 2020 02021 92022 02023 r 2024 CITY OF Federal Traffic Safety - Red Way / School Zone FINANCE DEPARTMENT Revenues are favorable to budget YTD by $0.24M or 15.4%, but below prior year actual by $0.82M or 31.0%. Traffic Safety Fund - Red Light Photo Revenue Month 2023 Actual 2024 Favorable/(Unfavorable) Change from 2023 YTD Actual vs Budget Budget Actual $ % $ % Jan $ 305,897 $ 262,385 $ 312,250 $ 6,353 2.1% $ 49,865 19.0% Feb 425,952 242,839 286,697 (139,255) -32.7% $ 43,858 18.1% Mar 582,573 249,610 316,418 (266,155) -45.7% $ 66,807 26.8% Apr 502,534 259,603 329,659 (172,875) -34.4% $ 70,056 27.0% May 424,939 257,290 291,228 (133,712) -31.5% $ 33,938 13.20o Jun 401,659 307,973 287,251 (114,408) -28.5% $ (20,723) -6.7% Jul 294,140 284,056 - $ - - Aug 263,310 200,766 - - - $ - - Sep 228,474 198,764 - $ - - Oct 348,651 262,668 - - $ - - Nov 319,588 301,792 - - $ - - Dec 278,962 232,254 - - $ - YTD Total ,'$ 2,643,553 $1,579,700 $1,823,502 $ (820,052) -31.0% $ 243,801 15.4% Annual Totalt $4,376.677 $3.060,000 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a Traffic Safety Fund pays for 1 Lieutenant, 8 Police Officers, 3 City Traffic positions, Municipal Court security services, red light photo services, Valleycomm emergency communication services, School Zone Enhancements capital improvement projects, and patrol vehicles. CITY OF .I. Federal Way Police Department Overtime Year-to-date PD overtime is $75K or 7.6% above prior year actual. The City's portion (unbillable) is $0.34M or 70.3% above YTD budget, and is funded entirely by PD vacancies. Overtime incurred is primarily due to service required for special events, shift call -in, shift extension, training, and special emphasis proactive activities. Jail Services FINANCE DEPARTMENT PD Overtime by Month Year-to4late thru June Month 2023 Actual 2024 (Fawrahle)/[Jnfawrable Change from 2023 YID Actual vs Budget Budget Actual $ % $ % Jan $ 116,488 $ 86,391 $ 128,863 $ 12,375 10.6% $ 42,472 4920/6 Feb 1 142,906 76,342 127,091 (15,815) -111% 50,749 665% Mar 130,707 71,047 147,441 16,734 12 8% 76,394 107.5% Apr 114,651 80,621 119,330 4,679 4.1% 38,709 48.01/6 May 139,773 92,960 162,016 22,243 15 9% 69,056 74.3% Jun 133,025 79,368 144,019 10,995 83% 64,652 81.5% Jul 154,339 128,292 - Aug 142,134 85,928 Sep 127,772 80,943 Oct 131,878 95,285 Nov 143,126 94,435 Dec 137,511 93,398 CilvPortion 777,550 486,728 828,761 51,211 6.6% 342,032 703% Billable 204,422 135,591 1 227,959 23,537 115%1 92,368 681% YIDTotal $ 981,972 $ 622319 $ 1,056,720 $ 74,748 7.6% $ 434,400 69.8% Annual Total $ 2,023,529 $ 1387,975 $ 1,056,720 $ 74,748 1 7.6% $ 434,400 1 69.8% Average Daily Population 80 70 I - 60 50 Ilfl 40 30 �o l . 0 yll Feb MY May E 2023 110.9 S 7 gl.I it., 70.9 • 202n 56.1 56 51 46.9. 53.1 City of Federal Way Jail Cost 8.000,000 7.000.000 6.000.000 5.00%000 4,004000 3,000,000 ■ zooaooD ■ 1 o0a 000 I � I 2016 Act 2019 Act 2020 Act 2021Act 2022 Act 2023 Act 2024 Dud 2024 YTD - Debt 5ervice Jail Services Jail and Alternatives to Confinement 2018 Actual 2019 Actual 2020 Actual 2021 Actual 2022 Actual I 2023 Actual 2024 Annual Budget YTD Actual Total Jail Operations $6,417,479 75,932,095 $1,712,883 $ 2,223,602 $2,871,368 $4,687,019 $ 3,259,000 $ 1,897,452 Debt Service Payments for SCOREJaiI 889,718 847,566 851,925 852,425 852,275 850,425 200,213 Total Jail Cost . $6,417,479 $6,821,813 $2,560,449 $ 3,075,527 $3,723,793 $5,539,294 $ 4,109,425 $ 2,097,665 The City maintains multiple contracts with other governmental agencies for its jail services, after it discontinued its owner relationship with SCORE Jail in December 2019. The budgeted average daily population (ADP) is 70, and average ADP was 53.2 for the first five months. June ADP will be available in July. The City continues to be liable for its portion of the debt service on the SCORE'building. The total remaining principal debt the City owes as of 12/31/2023 for SCORE is $9,335,000, and continues to be reduced by principal payments of about $0.9 million a year. CITY OF '�. Federal Way Federal Way Community Center FINANCE DEPARTMENT Revenues are below 2024 YTD budget by $17K or 1.7%, but above 2023 YTD actual by $0.24M, primarily due to increased memberships. Expenditures are above 2024 YTD budget of $1.15M by $0.25M or 21.4%. Community Center remaining building construction debt service principal as of 12/31/2023 was $7.13M. Federal Way Community Center as of 06/30/2024 2023 2024 YTD Budget 1s Actual Fawrable/(Unfawrable) Budget Annual Actual YTD Actual Budget YTD Budget YTD Actual 5 Beginning Fund Balance $ 1,737,273 $ 1.737,273 $ 1.737.273 $ 1.768.436 S 1,768.436 $ 1.768.436 n/a n/a Total Rewnues 1.411.875 1.619.063 703,988 1,930.875 965,438 948,889 (16.548) -1,7% Total Expenditures 2,459,893 2,456,401 1,130,537 2.306,857 1,153.428 1.400.812 (247384) -21.4% Revenues Over /(Under)Expenditures (1,048,018)1 (837,339) (426,549) (375,982) (187.991) (451,923) (263.932) 140.4% Recolery Ratio 57.4%1 65.9 % 62.3% 83.7%1 83.7 % 67.7 % n/a n/a Total Transfer In from General Fund/Utility Tax 868.501 868.501 1 44-4,989 1 375,982 1 187,991 183,487 (4,504) -24% Endi ng Fund Balance $ 1.557.756 $1,768,436 1 S1,755.713 S1,768.436 1 $ 1.768,436 $1,500A00 s(268.436) -15.2% Debt SeCllcePayments 1 822,123 822,123 1 061 827.873 103.936 103.936 00% Total FWCC Cost I S 3.282,016 $3,278,524 1 S 1.241.599 S 3.134.730 $ 1.257365 S 1.504.749 5 (247384) -19.7% Total City Support Is 1,690,6241 $1,690,624 f $ 556,0501 $1,203,855 L $ 291.927 1 $ 287,423 Dumas Bav Centre Revenues are above 2024 YTD budget by $0.16M or 59.7%, and above 2023 YTD actual by $4K. The facility reopened as of the beginning of August 2021. Expenditures are above 2024 YTD budget of $0.39M by $0.12M or 29.9%. Dumas Bay Centre Fund as of 06/30/2024 2023 2024 YTD Budget vs Actual Budget Annual Actual YTD Actual Budget YTD Budget YTD Actual Fawrable/(Unfalurable) $ % Beginnin2 Fund Balance $1,710,510 S 1,710,510 $ 1.710.510 52.197,592 $ 2,197.592 $ 2.197.592 n/a n/a Total Re\enues 727,699 757.060 41T299 527,698 263,849 421,402 157,553 59,7% Total Fxpenses 864,097 898,127 406,923 773,784 386,892 502.494 (115.602) -29.9% Relenues Owr/(Under)Expenses (136.399) (141,067) 10376 (246.086 (123.043) (81,092) 41,951 -34.1% Recolery Ratio 84.21o,l 84.29 % 102.55 % 68.20 % 68,20% 83.86% n/a n/a Total Transfer In 628.148 1 628,149 264.998 132A99 (132,499) n/a Fndin¢ Fund Balance $ 2,202.259 $ 2.197.592 $ 1,720,886 $ 2,216,504 S 2.207.048 $ 2.116.500 S (90,548) 4.1% Performing Arts & Event Center Operations (PAEC) Revenues are above year-to-date budget of $0.48M by $0.45M primarily due to the facility reopening, and operations coming back to pre -pandemic levels. The table below is updated through April 2024. Expenditures are $0.55M or 65.1 % above the YTD budget. Performing Arts & Event Center remaining building construction debt service principal as of 12/31/2023 was $4.95M. 115 Performing Arts & Event Center Operations (PAEC) 2019 Actual 2020 Actual 2621 Actual 2022 Actual 2023 Actual 2024 Budget YTD Budget 2024 YTD Actual YTD Budget vs. Actual Favorable/(Unfavorable) Beginning Balance (447,382) (110.546) 873,590 873,936 791,462 791,462 791,462 $ % Total Revenue 1,410,377 591,152 1,443,088 1,690,259 2,228,419 1,279,780 475,051 923,645 448,594 94.4% Total Transfer In from Utility Tax/General Fund 1,516,000 972,310 1,083,942 941,464 1,107,987 979,977 326,659 (326,659) -100.0% Total Expenditures 2,589,541 1,452,916 1 1,653,440 2.631,377 3,418,880 2,483,359 845,614 1,396,304 (550,690) -65.1 % Total PAEC Operation Balance $ (110,546) $ -0 $ 873,590 $ 873,936 $ 791,462 $ 567,861 $ 747,558 - $ 318,804 $ (428,755) -57.4% Debt Service Payments - 5M,241 553.7o 791,S30 7 772,320 67,08D 67,0800% Total PAEC Cost $ 2,589.541 $ 1,991,163 $ 2,206,695 $3.412,707 $4,191,651 $ 3,255,679 $ 912,694 $1,463.384 $ (550,690j Total City Support $ 1,510,557 1 $ 1,637,1197 $1,722,794 $1,880.658 $ 1,752,297 $ 393.739 $ 67,080 $ 326,659 83.0% CITY OF 7 Federal Way Fund Activity Summary FINANCE DEPARTMENT Fund#/Fund Name Begin Balance 1/l/2024 YID Revenues YID Expenditures YID Net Income/(loss) Ending Balance 06/30/2024* Required Fund Balance 001/101 General/Street Fund** $ 22,437,666 $ 29,954,454 32,754,601 $ (2,800,147) $ 19,637,519 $ 9,500,000 Special Revenue Funds: 102 Arterial Street 980,433 321,816 234,057 87,759 1,068,192 100,000 103 Utility Tax(*) 8,180,988 5,676,875 6,599,468 (922,593) 7,258,395 1,500,000 104 Affordable & Supportive Housing Sales Tax 145,923 17,343 131,715 (114,372) 31,551 106 Solid Waste & Recycling 458,902 331,153 281,722 49,432 508,333 107 Special Contracts/Studies Fund 1,035,701 11,391 14,235 (2,844) 1,032,857 - 109 Hotel/Motel Lodging Tax 2,080,525 127,684 127,694 2,208,209 200,000 III Federal Way Community Center 1,768,436 1,132,376 1,400,812 (269,436) 1,500,000 1,500,000 112 Traffic Safety Fund 3,350,370 1,823,502 1,688,162 135,340 3,485,710 1,200,000 113 Real Estate Excise Tax Fund 2,560,202 1,372,473 - 1,372,473 3,932,675 2,000,000 114 Prop 1 Utility Tax 1,312,904 1,786,219 2,099,123 (312,904) 1,000,000 1,000,000 115 Performing Arts & Event Ctr Operations 791,462 923,645 1,396,304 (472,659) 318,804 - 116 Solid Waste 101/u Utility Tax 1,448,966 1,145,181 84,905 1,060,275 2,509,242 119 CDBG 63,358 35,207 139,854 (104,647) (41,289) 120 Path & Trails 1,863,850 205,535 - 205,535 2,069,385 121 Technology 660,867 155,465 38,865 116,599 777,466 122 Jail Fund 34,283 1,863,822 1,897,452 (33,630) 653 188 Strategic Reserve Fund 3,002,082 3,002,082 3,000,000 189Parks Reserve Fund 1,133,157 - - 1,133,157 1,125,000 .Subtotal Special Revenue Funds 30,872,410 16,929,688 16,006,676 923,011 31,7959421 $11,625,000 201 Debt Service Fund (1,362,628) - 371,229 (371,229) (1,733,857) Capital Project Funds: 301 Downtown Redevelopment 5,327,997 20,952 20,952 5,348,949 302 Municipal Facilities 175,507 - 175,507 303 Parks 2,451,323 40,911 184,649 (143,738) 2,307,585 304 Surface Water Management 6,322,537 30,977 (30,977) 6,291,561 306Transportation 15,361,122 391,471 9,163,558 (8,772,087) 6,589,035 307 Capital Project Reserve Fund 370,343 370,343 Subtotal Capital Project Funds 30,008,830 453,333 9,379,183 (8,9259850) 219082,980 Enterprise Funds: 401 Surface Water Management 5,744,157 4,401,436 2,009,841 2,391,595 8,135,752 690,000 402 Dumas Bay Centre Fund 2,197,592 421,402 502,494 (81,092) 2,116,500 1,500,000 Subtotal Enterprise Funds 7,941,748 4,822,838 2,512,336 2,310,503 10,252,251 $ 2,190,000 Internal Service Funds 501 Risk Management 1,760,850 1,370,760 2,888,928 (1,518,168) 242,682 600,000 502Information Systems 4,288,639 1,836,638 1,964,475 (127,837) 4,160,802 503 Mail & Duplication 274,203 69,259 36,957 32,302 306,505 504 Fleet & Equipment 81159,943 1,589,162 1,724,194 (135,032) 8,024,911 505 Buildings & Furnishings 2,712,141 301,549 296,703 4,846 2,716,987 2,000,000 506 Health SelfIns urance Fund 4,020,794 2,096,166 2,614,537 (518,371) 3,502,422 507 Unemployment Insurance Fund 346,769 - 4,734 (4,734) 342,035 250,000 Subtotal Internal Service Funds 21,563,339 7,263,535 9,530,529 (2,266,994) 19,296,345 $ 2,850,000 Total All Funds $ 111,461,366 $ 59,423,848 $ 70,5549553 $ (11,130,706) $ 100,330,660 $ 26,165,000 CITY OF Federal Way Monthly Treasury Positions and Activity FINANCE DEPARTMENT This monthly report of all investment transactions to the city council via FEDRAC complies with RCW 35.39.032. The following pages provide a summary of the current investment portfolio holdings and the individual transactions and activity during the month. Portfolio Yield: The City's total annualized yield was 3.7%. The City's position in LGIP was $28.1 million and the laddered portfolio was $65 million. Annual Face Value Cost Yield % Yield $ City Portfolio: 65,000,006 62,586,113 3.404% 2,212,555 State investment Pool: 32,401,669 32,401,669 4.998% 1,619,521 Total: $ 97,401,669 $ 94,987,782 3.934% $3,832,076 Interest Revenue Compared to Budget and Prior Year Year-to-date interest revenue through June of $1,899,000 exceeds budget of $1,443,000 by $455,000 or 32% and exceeds prior year by $161,000 or 9%. Accrual basis interest for the month was $333,000. City of Federal Way - Investment Revenue $4,000,000 Current Year Actual vs. Budget and Prior Year $3,500,000 $3,000,000 $2,500,000 $2,000,000 $1,500,000 $1,000,000 $500,000 4% CITY OF Federal Way FINANCE DEPARTMENT The following city portfolio summary is provided by our third -party custodian, US Bank, and summarizes both the ending position and the activity within the month: embank Arct Name: CITY OF FEDERAL WAY SUMMARY - USD Page 1 Accl Number XXXXXXXD33 For period 06/01/2024 - 06/30/2024 ACTIVITY - SetttedfCleared Cash Activity Transaction Type Amount Purchases 000 Purchase Reversals 0.00 Sales 000 Sale Reversals 000 Withdrawals 000 Receipts (948,544.92) Deliveries 000 Principal Reversals 000 Interest 85,243 06 Interest Reversals 000 Interest Adjustments 000 Maturities 2,000,000.00 Calls 000 Puts 000 Paydowns 0 00 Paydown Adjustments 0 00 Payups 000 Payup Adjustments 000 Cash Dividends 000 Balance Changes 000 Stock Dividends coo Closeouts 000 Closeout Dividends D 00 Net Activity 1,136,698.14 HOLDINGS - Custody Your Sales Representative is: SAFEKEEPING OPERATIONS (800) 236-4221 Statement Contents `Summary 'Activity - Settled/Cleared Cash Act" 'Activity - Projected Activity for Next Statement Period Holdings Category Par/Shares Original Face Principal Cost Market Value Treasury Obligations 42,000,000.00000 42,000,000.00000 39,799,663.91 39,980,058 58 US Govemmetf Agency Securities 22,000,000.00000 22,000,000.00000 21,903,245.58 21,717,238 10 Cotpa+ate 5ewrd�es 1.000. 000.00000 1,000.00000000 943:100.00 947.232.76 Total Custody Holdings 65,000,000.00000 65,000,000.00000 62,646,109.49 62,644,529.44 Market Value is currently below both Original Face Value, the value we'll receive at maturity, and Principal Cost, what we paid. This is partially due to purchasing at discounts and also because rates have risen, so the investments purchased in the past, at lower rates, aren't as desirable on the secondary market, to those who trade actively. This is an unrealized change in market value, since all investments will be held to maturity, receiving full value. All investments are bullets, or uncallable, therefore full face value will be realized at maturity, received in cash. Maturities: During the month, the following investments matured: • 2021-005 US Treasury $1,000,000, matured June 2024, yielding 0.57% 2023-061 FHLB $1,000,000, matured June 2024, yielding 5.40% Purchases: During the month, the following investment was purchased, maximizing yield at the time of purchase, having first assured safety and liquidity of the entire portfolio (see addendum for complete rationale): 2024-091 FNMA $1,000,000, matures August 2025, yielding 5.00% CIT A 1% Federal Way FINANCE DEPARTMENT The maturity distribution of the laddered portion of the portfolio shows that $1-2 million will mature each month for the next 60 months, mitigating reinvestment (interest rate) risk, as follows: City of Federal Way Investment Portfolio Maturity Distribution - June 30, 2024 $2,500,000 — — $2,000,000 $1, 500,000 $1, 000,000 $500,000 $0 1' 10 .a` le, 4I'll 4 110 11 44 10,1�1 1�9 V 10 4 v^`c+ 11 le ao Ili,4a 4a 14 4% .0 +." 4101 and the diversification distribution partially mitigating credit risk, as follows: City of Federal Way Diversification by Issuer -June 30, 2024 US TREAS, $42,000,000 , 43.1% FHLB, $8,000,000 , 8.2% FFCB, $7,000,000 , 7.2% FNMA, $4,000,000 , 4.1% FHLMC, $ 2,000,000 , 2.1% TVA, $1,000,000, 1.0% AAPL, $1,000,000 , 1.0% LGIP, $32,401,669 , 33.3% CITY 4F A Federal Way FINANCE DEPARTMENT Safekeeping Report Detail This monthly safekeeping report of all investment transactions held in safekeeping by US Bank lists securities by maturity date, first obligations of the US Treasury, then US Government Agency Securities, and Corporate Securities last. Acd Name: CITY OF FEDERAL WAY HOLDINGS AS OF 06130/2024 - USD Page 5 Acd Number. XXXXXXX033 CUSTODY Maturity Security ID Rate Description Par/Shares Principal Cost Market Value Ticket Acq Date Original Face NAV Treasury Obligations 09/15/2024 91202CCX7 .375 U S TREASURY NOTE 1,000,000.00 995,898 44 989,443.36 392219201 1021 _375 NOTE 911512024 1,000,000.00 101152024 91282CDB4 625. U S TREASURY NOTE 1,000,000.00 1,000,000 00 985,996 09 392219779 1021 .625 NOTE 2024 1,D00,000.00 ' 111152024 91282CDH1 .750 U.S. Treasury Notes 1,000,000.00 1,001,17188 982,70508 819020954 1121 91282CDH1 14/152024 1,D00,000.00 011312025 912828Z52 1375 U S TREASURY NOTE 1,000,000.00 1,006,71835 9T7,373.05 819021510 0122 1 375 NOTE 2025 1,000,000.00 031312025 912828ZFO .500 U.S, Treasury Notes 1,000,000 00 963,437 50 965,43945 392222253 0322 912828ZFO 031312025 1,000,00000 041302025 912828ZL7 .375 U.S. TREASURY NOTES 1,000,000.00 932.343.75 960,898.44 392223194 04122 912828ZL7 0.375 0413025 1,000,000.00 051312025 912826ZTO .250 U S TREASURY NOTE 1.000,000 00 924,648.44 955,781.25 392223819 0522 .25 NOTE 25 1.000.000 00 061302025 912828ZW3 250 U.S. Treasury Notes 1,000,000 00 926,164 00 952,734.38 392224043 06122 .250, 06130/2025 071312025 91282CAB7 250 U S TREASURY NOTE 1,000,000(10 918,125.00 949,375.00 392224087 06122 25 NOTES 25 1,000,000.00 10/312025 91282CATB 250 U.S Treasury Notes 1,000,000.00 911,640.63 939,45112 392224292 07122 250, 10/31/2025 1,000,000.00 12/312025 9128285T3 2.625 U.S TREASURY NOTES 1,000,000.00 983,828.13 967,187.50 392224349 0722 2 625 NOTE 25 1.000,000 00 Acd Name: CITY OF FEDERAL WAY HOLDINGS AS OF 06130/2024 - USD Page 6 Acd Number. XXXXXXX033 CUSTODY Maturity Security ID Rate Description Par/Shares Principal Cost Market Value Ticket Acq Date Original Face NAV 01/312026 912B286A3 2.625 U S TREASURY NOTE 1.000,000 (10 984,218 75 965,742.19 751014661 0722 2.625 NOTE 2026 1,000,000.00 031312026 91282861-9 2250 U S TREASURY NOTE 1,000,000.00 964,630.00 957,148A4 751015129 0822 2 25 NOTE 26 1000,00000 0413012026 91282CBWO .750 U.S. Treasury Notes 1,000,000.00 909,960 94 929,765.62 392224636 0822 91282CBWO 0413012026 1,000,000.00 051312026 91282CCF6 -750 U S TREASURY NOTE 1.000,000 cc 907,968.75 927.109.38 392224637 0622 75 NOTE 2026 1,000,000.00 061302026 91282CCJ8 .875 U S. Treasury Notes 1,000,000.00 906,718.75 927,382.61 392224738 0922 91282CCJ8 06130/2026 1,000,000 00 071312026 912828Y95 1.875 U S. Treasury Notes 1,000,000 00 943,437.50 944.140,62 751015330 0922 1.875, 07/312026 1,000,000 Do 101312026 91282CDG3 1.125 U S. TREASURY NOTES 1,000,000 00 888.240,00 922,929.69 392225109 1022 1 125 NOTE 2026 1000,000 00 11/152026 9128281.124 2000. U S TREASURY NOTE 1,000,000.00 917,03125 941,054.69 751015708 1022 2 NOTE 26 1,000,000.00 111302026 91282CDK4 1250 UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 1,000,000 00 880,781 25 923,632 61 751015831 1022 1.25 NOTES 1113026 1,000,000.00 011312027 91282SZ78 1.500 U S. Treasury Notes 1,000,000 00 903,100 00 925,546 88 392225551 1122 912828Z78 113112027 1,000,000.00 021152027 912810EZ7 6625 USTREASURY BOND 1.000,000 00 1,105,93750 1,055,15625 392225738 1222 SER 2027 1,000,000.00 031312027 91282CEF4 2.500 U.S. TREASURY NOTES 1,000,000.00 956,40625 948.164.06 392225993 01123 2.50 NOTE 2027 1,000,000.00 4% CITY OF 4 Federal Way FINANCE DEPARTMENT tcct Name: CITY OF FEDERAL WAY HOLDINGS AS OF 06/30/2024 - USD Page 7 icct Number XXXXXXX033 CUSTODY Maturity Security ID Rate Description ParlShares Principal Cost Market Value Ticket Acq Date Original Face NAV 04/302027 91282CEN7 2.750 U-S. Treasury Notes 1,000,000.00 955,507.81 952,851.56 392226190 0223 91282CEN704/3012027 1,000,000.00 06/302027 91282CEW7 3.250 US TREASURY NOTE 1,000,000 00 973,920 00 965,390.62 392228443 0623 3250,061302027 1,000,00000 07/312027 91282CF82 2.750 US TREASURY NOTE 1.000,000 00 942,460 94 950,039.06 392228878 0723 2,750,07/31/2027 1,000,00000 08/312027 91282CFH9 3.125 US TREASURY NOTE 1,000,000 00 965,468.75 960,000.00 751017327 0723 91282CFH9 081312027 1,000,000 00 09/302027 91282CFMO 4.125 US TREASURY NOTE 1,000,000 00 999,726 56 989.53125 392229146 0723 4.125, 0913012027 1,000,000 00 10/312027 91282CFUO 4.125 US TREASURY NOTE 1,000,000 00 996,953 13 989,023 44 392229236 0723 4.125 NOTE 2027 1,000,000.00 12/312027 91282CGC9 3.875 US TREASURY NOTES 1,000,000 00 984,590 00 981,171 88 392229416 0723 3.875% NOTE 1213127 1,000,000.00 01/312028 91282CGH8 3.500 UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 1,000,000.00 973.125 00 969,453.12 392229538 0823 3.5%0113128 1,000,000.o0 02/152028 9128283WB 2.750 U S TREASURY NOTE 1,000,000.00 931,250.00 943,828.12 819029420 0923 2,75 NOTE 28 1,000,000 00 03/31/2028 91282CBS9 1.250 U S TREASURY NOTE 1,000,000.00 867,080 00 891,367.19 819029478 0923 1,25 NOTE 28 1,000,000 00 04/302028 91282CHA2 3.500 US TREASURY NOTE 1,000,900.09 955,546.88 968,515.62 819029935 1023 3.500, 0413012026 1,000,00o 00 05/15/2028 912M4N7 2.875 U.S. Treasury Notes 1,000.000 00 940,312 50 945,820.31 819030430 1123 9128284N7 511528 1,000,00000 tcct Name: CITY OF FEDERAL WAY HOLDINGS AS OF 06/30/2024 - USD Page 6 kcct Number XXXXXXX033 CUSTODY Maturity Security ID Rate Description ParlShares Principal Cost Market Value Ticket Acq Date Original Face NAV 05/312028 91282CCE9 1.250 U.S. Treasury Notes 1,000,000.00 860,215.81 897,500.00 931000049 1123 91282CCE9 5/312028 1,000,000.00 07/312028 91282CCRO 1.000 U S TREASURY NOTE 1,000,000 00 868.476 56 874,492 19 931000391 1223 07/3112028 1,000,000.00 081152028 9128294V9 2.875 U.S. Treasury Notes 1,000,000.00 943,867.19 943,164.06 931000566 1223 9128284V9 811528 1,000,000.00 09/302028 91282CJAO 4.625 U.S. TREASURY NOTE 1,000,000.00 1,031,679.69 1,008,984 38 751019815 1223 4.625 NOTE 9/302028 1,000,000.00 10/312028 91282CDF5 1.375 U.S. TREASURY NOTES 1,000,000.00 887,109.38 892,265.62 931000934 0124 1,375 NOTE 2028 1,000,000.00 11/302028 91282CDL2 1.500 U-S. TREASURY NOTES 1,000,000.00 888,395.94 665,390.62 819030919 0124 1.50 NOTE 2028 1,000,000.00 02/282029 91282CKD2 4.250 U S TREASURY NOTE 1,000,000.00 999,570.31 997.109.38 819030992 0224 4 250, 02128/2029 1,000,000.00 Treasury Obligations Total 42,000,000.00000 39,799,663.91 39,980,058.58 42,000,000.00000 US Government Agency Securities 071022024 3135GOV75 1.750 FEDERAL NATL MORTGAGE ASSN 1,000,000 00 1,029,480.00 999.536.21 751013094 1021 07102124 1,000,000.00 08/152024 3130AGWK7 1.500 FEDERAL HOME LOAN BANK 1,000,000 00 1,023,285.00 994.930.96 751013093 1021 0511512024 1,000,000.00 091132024 3130ATVD6 4.875 FEDERAL HOME LOAN BANKS 1,000,000.00 994,500.00 998,647.51 819027332 0323 CONS BD 4.875%24 1,000,000 00 121132024 3130APR80 .750 FEDERAL HOME LOAN BANK 1,000,000 00 995,541.00 979,55423 751013275 1221 1211312024 1,000,000 00 CITY OF A Federal Way FINANCE DEPARTMENT 4CrA Name: CITY OF FEDERAL WAY HOLDINGS AS OF 06/30/2024 - USD Page 9 4C# Number. XXXXXXX033 CUSTODY Maturity Security ID Ticket Rate Acq Date Description ParlShares Original Face Principal Cost Market Value NAY 121132024 3130ATUR6 4.625 FEDERAL HOME LOAN BANKS 1,000,000.00 992,652.00 996,441 98 819027291 0223 CONS BD 4.625%24 1,000,000.00 021062025 3130AYS49 4.750 FEDERAL HOME LOAN BANK 1,000,000.00 999,134.08 996,899.65 751020561 0224 CONS BD475%25 1,000,000.00 02/122025 3137EAEPO 1.500 FEDERAL HOME LOAN MTG CORP 1,000,000.00 1,002,357.00 976,670 69 819021816 0222 02/12125 1,000,000 00 04/012025 3133ELVO4 .950 FEDERAL FARM CR BKS 1,000,000.00 960,822.00 968,78125 819031258 9424 CONS BD 0.95%25 1,000,000.00 06/132025 3130AJKW8 .500 FEDERAL HOME LOAN BANKS 1,000,000 00 953,041.66 957,218.69 819031523 0524 CONS BD 0.5%25 1,000,000 00 06252025 3135G05X7 375 FEDERAL NATL MORTGAGE ASSN 1,000,000.00 909,873 00 947,81826 751014188 0622 08125/25 1,000,000.00 08252025 3135G05X7 .375 FEDERAL NATL MORTGAGE ASSN 1,000,000.00 947,367 84 947,81826 931002590 0624 08/25/25 1,000,000.00 09232025 3137EAEX3 .375 FEDERAL HOME LOAN MTG CORP 1,000,000.00 915,848.00 944,536 11 751014307 0622 09/2312025 1,000,000 00 11/012025 880591CJ9 6 750 TENN VALLEY AUTHORITY 1,000,000 00 1,115,095 00 1,028,338 16 751014409 0722 1110112025 1,000,000.00 02252026 3133ENJ35 3.320 FEDERAL FARM CREDIT BANK 1,000,000 00 998,689.00 975,409.56 751015104 0822 CONS BD 3.32%26 1,000,000.00 08/032026 3133END80 3.000 FEDERAL FARM CREDIT BANK 1,000,000 00 974,853.00 966,069.70 392224855 0922 CONS BD 3%26 1,000,000.00 kcct Name: CITY OF FEDERAL WAY HOLDINGS AS OF 06/30/2024 - USD Page 1( 4cd Number: XXXXXXX033 CUSTODY Maturity Security ID Rate Description Par/Shares Principal Cost Market Value Ticket Acq Date Original Face NAV 05/122027 3133EPJP1 3.625 FEDERAL FARM CR BKS 1,000,000 00 996,4167.00 974,k7.31 392228113 0523 CONS BD 3.625%27 1.000,000 00 12/082028 3130AXOK7 4750 FEDERAL HOME LOAN BANKS 1,000,00000 1,030,800.00 1.015,30447 931001147 0224 CONS BD 4 75%28 1,000,000 00 01/182029 3133EPW84 3.875 FEDERAL FARM CREDIT BANK 1,000,000.00 992,500.00 980,824 05 751020462 0124 CONS BD 3 875%29 1,000,000.00 03202029 3133EP5U5 4.125 FEDERAL FARM CR BKS 1,000.000 00 990,400.00 990,156 13 819031168 0324 CONS BD 4-125%29 1,000,000.00 04/302029 3133ERDH1 4.750 FEDERAL FARM CREDIT BANK 1,000,000.00 1,011,160.00 1,016,304.03 932000126 0524 CONS BD 475%29 1,000,000.00 051152029 31359MEU3 6250 FEDERAL NATL MORTGAGE ASSN 1,000,000 00 1,074,444 00 1.092,716 34 932000196 0524 05115/29 1,000,000.00 U5 Govemmenl Agency Securities Total 22,000,000.00000 21.903.245.58 21.717238,10 22,000,000.00000 Corporate Securities 11/132027 037833DK3 3.000 APPLEINC 1,000,00000 943,200.00 947,23276 392229402 0723 SR GLBL NT 3%27 1,000,000 00 Corporate Securities Total 1,000,000.00000 943,200.00 947.232.76 1,000,000.00000 Total Custody Holdings 65,000,000.00000 62,646,109.49 62,644,529.44 65,000,000.00000 ,&CITY OF Federal Way Cash Balance and Investment Positions: FINANCE DEPARTMENT The City's cash balance trend is shown below: • Total cash decreased from $ 110.0 million to 108.7 million. - Laddered investments decreased from $66.0 million to $65.0 million. The LGIP Investment Pool position decreased from $32.9 million to $32.4 million. $140,000,000 $120, 000, 000 $100,000,000 $80,000,000 $60,000,000 $40,000,000 $20,000,000 $0 City of Federal Way Cash and Investments - Historical Trend ILA 00 00 0) Q1 Q1 Qt O O O O 1-1 c-4 1-4 1-1 N N N N M N1 M M a '1 s--I 1-1 1i 1- r1 1i N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N Q ti Q - 0 9 Q __ Q ti Q -' 0 ti Q 0 ti Q __ 0 Q ® Investments (yield) C- LGIP (liquidity) ❑ Checking (safety) Benchmark and Portfolio Weighted Average Maturity (WAM) of the City's portfolio, including position in LGIP, is 564 days, an indicator of the portfolio's exposure to reinvestment risk as well as rate volatility. The portfolio is within the City's Investment Policy limit of 2.5 years or 900 days. The LGIP State Pool WAM was 17 days. The City's average maturity increased in part due to the decrease in cash balance at the LGIP and extending ladder out two months with purchases. Average Yield of the City's portfolio was 4.1 %, compared to 4.5% for the 2-year Constant Maturity Treasury index and 5.4% for the LGIP. Weighted Average Maturity Days (City Invesl—t Policy Ma,!mum is 900 Days) 1,11 -LGIP WAM -F%V WAM Portfolio Average Yield City Portfolio vs Benchmark vs. State Pool —LGIP Aq Y,eld o e —2.yr CMi —FW Avt, Yield CITY OF .. Federal Way Addendum — Investment Rationale Staff Review of Investment Rationale Date: June 17, 2024 FINANCE DEPARTMENT Investment # 2024-091 is a 1-year Federal National Mortgage Association (FNMA), face value $1,000,000, maturing August 25, 2025, purchased at 94.7 (discount) to yield 5.00%. This trade settles June 18, 2024 with Stifel Nicolaus, US Bank Safekeeping, replacing a maturity earning 5.4%. Liquidity: At May 31 sc month -end, total city cash was $110.0 million, checking account balance was $11.1 million (target minimum is $8 Million), laddered investment portfolio was $66.0 million (target is $65 million). State LGIP investment pool balance was $32.9 million (target minimum is $20 million). Safety; This purchase is a debt issue of a government -sponsored enterprise (GSE), that carries an explicit Federal guarantee, equivalent to Aaa/AA+ rating by Moody's and S&P. Yield. Yield is 5.00%. Comparable yields evaluated at time of purchase were: LGIP current 30-dayield 5.42% www.secureaccess.wa.gov 1- ear Treasury 5.13% ' Broker live inquiry 2-year Treasury 4.75% Broker live in ui 5-year Treasury 4.30% Bloomberq.com Callability. This investment is not callable (a bullet). Diversification. This purchase puts this issuer at 4.0% of total portfolio. This purchase adds to a maturity date previously covered to city's laddered portfolio, one of six maturities being double up on over the next 14 months. Outlook. The yield curve is currently completely inverted, with peak yield of 5.51 % at 3 months then downward sloping to 1-year at 5.13%, 2-year at 4.75%, the 5-year at 4.30%. The Federal Reserve Bank last executed no change in rate as uncertainty remains over inflation, money supply and Fed moves. Staff review: Deputy Finance Director. Date Finance Director: Date �_-T ell -1I-bz7(- ,3 7c COUNCIL MEETING DATE: August; 2024 ITEM #: CITY OF FEDERAL WAY CITY COUNCIL AGENDA BILL SUBJECT: AP VOUCHERS 06/18/2024 — 07/15/2024 AND PAYROLL VOUCHERS 06/01/2024 — 06/30/2024 POLICY QUESTION: Should the Council approve the AP vouchers in the total amount of $3,448,754.15 and the payroll vouchers in the total amount of $5,013,922.22? COMMITTEE: FINANCE, ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND REGIONAL MEETING DATE: July 23,2024 AFFAIRS COMMITTEE CATEGORY: ® Consent ❑ Ordinance ❑ Public Hearing ❑ City Council Business ❑ Resolution ❑ Other STAFF REPORT BY: Steve Groom, Finance Director DEPT: Finance I, the undersigned, do hereby certify under penalty of perjury that the materials have been furnished, the services rendered, or the labor performed as described herein and that the claims are just and due obligations against the City of Fede l W , Washington, and that I am authorized and certify said liens Fi ce Director - Attachments: Voucher List Options Considered: MAYOR'S RECOMME TION: MAYOR APPROVAL: �i 6111 DIRECTOR APPROVAL: 4d 11 COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: I move to forward the vouchers to the AugustV,2024 consent agenda for approval. f 3 PROPOSED COUNCIL MOTION: "I move approval of the vouchers pursuant io RCW 42.24. BELOW TO BE COMPLETED BY CITY CLERK'S OFFICE COUNCIL ACTION: ❑ APPROVED COUNCIL BILL # ❑ DENIED First reading ❑ TABLED/DEFERRED/NO ACTION Enactment reading ❑ MOVED TO SECOND READING (ordinances only) ORDINANCE # REVISED — 1/2022 RESOLUTION 9 CITY OF Federal Way Date: July 16, 2024 To: Steve Groom, Finance Director Chase Donnelly, Deputy Finance Director From: David Liang, Sr. Financial Analyst Subject: Monthly Disbursements Summary Finance Department The monthly Accounts Payable (AP) and Payroll vouchers report is attached. June disbursements had a decrease from May's expenditures due to lower spending on medical services, miscellaneous services, and transportation equipment. Payroll fluctuations from month to month are largely dependent on hiring and filling open positions, temporary help and termination payouts and quarterly taxes due. The following summarizes current and prior 2 months' disbursements for reasonableness comparison. AP voucher totals: • June $3,448,754.15 Construction projects 452,034 (P. 9) Consulting contracts 506,749 (P. 9) Medical Services —Claims 382,027 (p• 20) MISC Services & Charges 142,007 (p. 24) Professional Services 418,163 (p. 42) Repairs & Maintenance 203,737 (p• 52) Transportation Equipment 232,166 (p. 60) • May $4,184,663.36 • April $5,559,565.95 Payroll voucher totals: ■ June $5,013,922.22 • May $4,603,510.49 • April $4,453,332.75 City of Federal Way - Accounts Payable Check List Key Bank Page 1 of 63 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total ACCOUNT PAYABLE-ESCOM $951.00 291853 6/28/2024 NW WASHINGTON SYNOD, 6/6/2024 66333 $251.00 DBC-REFUND DAMAGE DEPOSIT 291882 6/28/2024 SAMARITAN CTR OF PUGET 85/24/2024 66331 $350.00 DBC-REFUND DAMAGE DEPOSIT 291963 7/15/2024 COMMUNITY CAFE COLLABOI5/26/2024 66549 $350 00 DBC-REFUND DEPOSIT#66549 ADVERTISING $10,181.42 291893 6/28/2024 SOUND PUBLISHING INC, 5/31/2024 8139174 $3,142.00 MO -AD ACCT#83733388 291894 6/28/2024 SOUND PUBLISHING INC, 2/29/2024 8130150 $450.00 PD/MO-AD ACCT#83724030 291908 6/28/2024 TILOBEN PUBLISHING CO.IN06/6/2024 M7884 $2,500.00 MO -ADVERTISING 291893 6/28/2024 SOUND PUBLISHING INC, 5/31/2024 8139174 $1,200.00 MO -AD ACCT#83733388 291901 6/28/2024 SWOFFORD EXCAVATING LLC11/16/2023 AG23-098 #4 $337.40 PW-AG23-098 FORMER TARGET BUIL 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $23 39 FWCC-ADVERTISING FEE 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $159.80 FWCC-ADVERTISING FEE 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $199.00 FWCC-ADVERTISING FEE 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $109.00 PARKS -ADVERTISING FEE 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $106.20 PARKS -ADVERTISING FEE 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $285.34 PARKS -ADVERTISING FEE 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $192.42 PARKS -ADVERTISING FEE 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $93.03 PARKS -ADVERTISING FEE 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $57.87 PARKS -ADVERTISING FEE 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $9.92 PARKS -ADVERTISING FEE 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $97.12 PARKS -ADVERTISING FEE 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $50.00 SWR-ADVERTISING 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $75.00 SWR-ADVERTISING 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $46.90 SWR-ADVERTISING 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $826 78 DBC-ADVERTISING 292042 7/15/2024 SOUND PUBLISHING INC, 2/29/2024 8130149 $220.25 FWCC-AD ACCT#83722480 Key Bank Page 2 of 63 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total AGRICULTURAL SUPPLIES $12,182.62 291750 6/28/2024 AGRISHOP INC, 6/7/2024 72194/1 $268.65 PKM-EQUIPMENT PARTS & REPAIRS 291898 6/28/2024 STAR LAKE GREENHOUSE IN6/11/2024 14753 $334.95 PKM-PLANTS 291815 6/28/2024 HOME DEPOT-DEPT 32-250076/11/2024 4020730 $65.92 PKM-REPAIR & MAINT SUPPLIES 291815 6/28/2024 HOME DEPOT-DEPT32-250076/13/2024 2202187 $135.68 PKM-REPAIR/MAINT SUPPLIES 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $36.32 PKM-AGRICULTURAL SUPPLIES 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $572.52 SWM-AGRICULTURAL SUPPLIES 291975 7/15/2024 EWING IRRIGATION PRODUC4/15/2024 21998945 $45,53 PKM-MAINT SUPPLIES 291975 7/15/2024 EWING IRRIGATION PRODUC-4/18/2024 22041405 $344A9 PKM-MAINT SUPPLIES 291975 7/15/2024 EWING IRRIGATION PRODUC-6/22/2024 22369508 $351.60 PKM-MAINT SUPPLIES 291975 7/15/2024 EWING IRRIGATION PRODUC75/29/2024 22424823 $97.99 PKM-MAINT SUPPLIES 291975 7/15/2024 EWING IRRIGATION PRODUC-6/31/2024 22454068 $97,99 PKM-MAINT SUPPLIES 291975 7/15/2024 EWING IRRIGATION PRODUC-3/14/2024 21743634 $358.78 PKM-MAINT SUPPLIES 291975 7/15/2024 EWING IRRIGATION PRODUC-0/28/2024 21849508 $47,84 PKM-MAINT SUPPLIES 291975 7/15/2024 EWING IRRIGATION PRODUC-6/312024 22477420 $194.18 PKM-MAINT SUPPLIES 291975 7/15/2024 EWING IRRIGATION PRODUC-6/10/2024 22541779 $2,646.91 PKM-MAINT SUPPLIES 291975 7/15/2024 EWING IRRIGATION PRODUC-6/11/2024 22555400 $3,716 25 PKM-MAINT SUPPLIES 291975 7/15/2024 EWING IRRIGATION PRODUC-11/14/2023 21065513 $2,318.76 PKM-MAINT SUPPLIES 292049 7/15/2024 T.E. WALRATH TRUCKING INC6/30/2024 INVG4807 $130.37 PKM-MEDIUM BARK 291976 7/15/2024 EWING IRRIGATION PRODUC 3/15/2024 21752311 $132.22 PWST-MAINT SUPPLIES 291976 7/15/2024 EWING IRRIGATION PRODUC-2/28/2024 21624416 $264.44 PWST-MAINT SUPPLIES 291975 7/15/2024 EWING IRRIGATION PRODUC'dO/26/2023 20916285 $21 53 PWST-MAINT SUPPLIES AIRFARE $4,750.37 625244759 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 CITY VISA $466.20 LAWS -AIRFARE 625244759 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 CITY VISA $30.30 LAWS -AIRFARE 625243793 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PD VISA $2,403.87 PD-AIRFARE 625243793 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PD VISA $1,850.00 PD-TRAVEL Key Bank Page 3 of 63 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description _ AmountGLTotal ASSOCIATION DUES $2,897.00 625243793 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PD VISA $350.00 PD-ASSOCIATION DUES 625243793 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PD VISA $1,632.00 PD-ASSOCIATION DUES 291865 6/28/2024 PETTY CASH -POLICE DEPT, 6/12/2024 034378 $50.00 PD - NTIA MEMBRSHIP- 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $225,00 IT-ASSOC. DUES 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $640.00 FI-2024 MEMBERSHIP ATHLETIC SUPPLIES $2,130.61 625244759 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 CITY VISA $114 00 FWCC-ATHLETIC SUPPLIES 625244759 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 CITY VISA $190.00 FWCC-ATHLETIC SUPPLIES 291802 6/28/2024 EWING IRRIGATION PRODUC 6/12/2024 22571652 $1,199 03 PKM-MAINT SUPPLIES 291975 7/15/2024 EWING IRRIGATION PRODUC'3/8/2024 21695682 $627.58 PKM-MAINT SUPPLIES AUTOMATION FEE $7,605.50 292000 7/15/20.24 LARSON DESIGN GROUP, 7/3/2024 24-101495 $7,482.50 CD-24-101495 PERMIT REFUND 292072 7/15/2024 ZAINO, DAVID 6/18/2024 24-102605 24-102603 $82.00 CD-24-102605 24-102603 PERMIT 291968 7/15/2024 CUSTOM ELECTRICAL SERVI(6/28/2024 24-102640 $41.00 CD-24-100270 PERMIT REFUND BOOKS, MAPS, & PERIODICALS $207.48 625243793 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PD VISA $5.95 PD-MNTHLY SUBSCR. 625244759 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 CITY VISA $8.82 MO -TWITTER MNTHLY CHRG 625244759 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 CITY VISA $15.99 MO -DIGITAL SUBSCR 625244759 6/25/2024 US BANK. 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 CITY VISA $176.72 CD-BLDG RESEARCH BUILDING MATERIALS $6,338.18 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $213 64 FWCC-BLDING MATERIALS 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $33.96 FWCC-BLDING MATERIALS 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $-9.52 FWCC-BLDING MATERIALS 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $13.10 FWCC-BLDING MATERIALS 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $8.15 FWCC-BLDING MATERIALS 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $132.15 PKM-BLDG MATERIALS 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $1,672.11 PARKS-BLDING SUPPLS Key Bank Page 4 of 63 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $2,699.90 PARKS-BLDG MATERIALS 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $1,349.95 PARKS-BLDG MATERIALS 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $24.23 PARKS-BLDG MATERIALS 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $35,21 PARKS-BLDG MATERIALS 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $165.30 PARKS-BLDG MATERIALS CELLULAR PHONE AIR TIME $32,796.88 291758 6/28/2024 AT&T MOBILITY, 6/11/2024 287288982773X0619202 $6,020.89 IT-05/24 DATA CARDS 291758 6/28/2024 AT&T MOBILITY, 4/11/2024 287288982773X0419202 $6,059.78 IT-03/24 DATA CARDS 291758 6/28/2024 AT&T MOBILITY, 5/11/2024 287288982773X0516202 $6,099.76 IT-04/24 DATA CARDS 291758 6/28/2024 AT&T MOBILITY, 6/5/2024 287290386709X0613202 $1,279.03 IT/PWST-05/24 DATA CARDS 292057 7/15/2024 VERIZON WIRELESS, 6/13/2024 9966593227 $6,668.71 IT-05/24 CELLULAR SVC 292057 7/15/2024 VERIZON WIRELESS, 6/13/2024 9966593227 $6.668.71 IT 05/24 CELLULAR SVC CLOTHING AND FOOTWEAR $10,474.05 625243793 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PD VISA $527.38 PD-CLOTHING 625243793 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PD VISA $-57.52 PD-C LOTH I N G 625243793 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PD VISA $-63.92 P D-CLOTH I N G 625243793 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PD VISA $70.51 P D-CLOTH I N G 625243793 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PD VISA $57.52 P D-C LOTH I N G 625244759 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 CITY VISA $121.16 CD -CODE COMPLIANCE 625243793 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PD VISA $352A3 PD-CLOTHING 625243793 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PD VISA $122.02 P D-C LOTH I NG 291808 6/28/2024 FIRST RESPONDER OUTFITTE6/4/2204 5631-3 $33.06 PD-UNIFORM SUPPLIES 291808 6/28/2024 FIRST RESPONDER OUTFITTE6/10/2024 5844-3 $564,22 PD-UNIFORM SUPPLIES 291808 6/28/2024 FIRST RESPONDER OUTFITTE6/11/2024 5919-3 $27.55 PD-UNIFORM/EQUIP 291745 6/28/2024 911 SUPPLY INC, 6/5/2024 INV-2-38747 $88.20 PD-UNIFORM SUPPLIES 291745 6/28/2024 911 SUPPLY INC, 6/10/2024 INV-2-38854 $37.47 PD-UNIFORM SUPPLIES 291745 6/28/2024 911 SUPPLY INC, 6/10/2024 INV-2-38855 $321.75 PD-UNIFORM SUPPLIES Key Bank Page 5 of 63 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice _ _Description AmountGL Total 291902 6/28/2024 SYMBOLARTS LLC, 6/4/2024 0494734 $115.72 PD-BADGES 291745 6/28/2024 911 SUPPLY INC, 6/4/2024 INV-2-38706 $47.61 PD-UNIFORM SUPPLIES 291745 6/28/2024 911 SUPPLY INC, 6/5/2024 INV-2-38732 $42.65 PD-UNIFORM SUPPLIES 291745 6/28/2024 911 SUPPLY INC, 6/5/2024 INV-2-38733 $42.65 PD-UNIFORM SUPPLIES 291745 6/28/2024 911 SUPPLY INC, 6/5/2024 INV-2-38744 $70.25 PD-UNIFORM SUPPLIES 291745 6/28/2024 911 SUPPLY INC, 6/5/2024 INV-2-38746 $242.40 PD-UNIFORM SUPPLIES 291900 6/28/2024 SUMPTER, KYLE 6/20/2024 SUMPTER 2024 $600.00 PD-CLOTHING ALLOW 291919 6/28/2024 WARRICK, SHAWN 6/10/2024 WARRICK 2024 $600.00 PD-CLOTHING ALLOW 291781 6/28/2024 COFFEY, MICHAEL 6/11/2024 COFFEY 2024 $600.00 PD-CLOTHING ALLOW 291745 6/28/2024 911 SUPPLY INC, 6/5/2024 INV-2-38748 $239.12 PD-UNIFORM SUPPLIES 291745 6/28/2024 911 SUPPLY INC, 6/12/2024 INV-2-38909 $793.44 PD-UNIFORM SUPPLIES 291811 6/28/2024 GALLAGHER, JILL 6/10/2024 GALLAGHER 2024 $165.14 PD-EQUIP ALLOW 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $288.66 PKM-CLOTHING ALLOW 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $110.20 PKM-CLOTHING SUPPLS 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $33.06 PKM-CLOTHING SUPPLS 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $164.89 PKM-CLOTHING SUPPLS 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $62.10 PKM-OPER SUPPLIES 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $50,68 PARKS -CLOTHING ALLOW 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $766.90 PARKS -CLOTHING ALLOW 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $232.85 FWCC-CLOTHING SUPPLIES 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $267.53 FWCC-CLOTHING SUPPLIES 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $13.21 PWST-CLOTHING SUPPLS 291948 7/15/2024 ATAYI, SAYED 6/24/2024 6/24/24 $166 52 PW-SAFETY EQUIPMENT 291982 7/15/2024 GCP WW HOLDCO LLC, WORW3/2024 INV2040005320 $624.18 FLT-UNIFORM SUPPLIES 291939 7/15/2024 911 SUPPLY INC, 6/24/2024 INV-2-39206 $77.13 PD-UNIFORM SUPPLIES 291939 7/15/2024 911 SUPPLY INC, 6/26/2024 INV-3-39291 $586.53 PD-UNIFORM SUPPLIES Key Bank Page 6 of 63 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 291939 7/15/2024 911 SUPPLY INC, 6/27/2024 INV-2-39289 $22.02 PD-UNIFORM SUPPLIES 291939 7/15/2024 911 SUPPLY INC, 6/24/2024 CM-2-2471 $154.26 PD-UNIFORM SUPPLIES 291939 7/15/2024 911 SUPPLY INC, 6/24/2024 INV-2-39202 $281.02 PD-UNIFORM SUPPLIES 291939 7/15/2024 911 SUPPLY INC, 6/24/2024 INV-2-39203 $56.76 PD-UNIFORM SUPPLIES 291939 7/15/2024 911 SUPPLY INC, 6/24/2024 INV-2-39204 $564.51 PD-UNIFORM SUPPLIES 291939 7/15/2024 911 SUPPLY INC, 6/25/2024 INV-2-39235 $15.43 PD-UNIFORM SUPPLIES 291939 7/15/2024 911 SUPPLY INC, 6/25/2024 INV-2-39247 $168.59 PD-UNIFORM SUPPLIES 291939 7/15/2024 911 SUPPLY INC, 6/26/2024 INV-2-39290 $6.61 PD-UNIFORM SUPPLIES COMMUNICATIONS $514.10 291770 6/28/2024 CENTURYLINK, 6/6/2024 333551143 $30.30 IT-06/24 PHONE SERVICES 291770 6/28/2024 CENTURYLINK, 6/6/2024 333551143 $174.20 IT-06/24 PHONE SERVICES 291770 6/28/2024 CENTURYLINK, 6/6/2024 333551143 $174.20 IT-06/24 PHONE SERVICES 291758 6/28/2024 AT&T MOBILITY, 6/5/2024 287290386709XO613202 $135.40 IT/PWST-05/24 DATA CARDS COMPUTER HARDWARE/EQUIPMENT $5,620.20 292036 7/15/2024 SECURITY SOLUTIONS NW IN7/3/2024 362514 $5,100.00 IT-PD LICENSES FOR CAMERATRAI 292036 7/15/2024 SECURITY SOLUTIONS NW IN7/3/2024 362514 $520.20 Sales Tax COMPUTER SOFTWARE -MAJOR $6,612.00 291759 6/28/2024 AV CAPTURE ALL INC, 6/1/2024 2977 $6,000.00 IT - MC AV CAPTURE JUDICIAL BA 291759 6/28/2024 AV CAPTURE ALL INC, 6/1/2024 2977 $612 00 Sales Tax CONCEALED PISTOL LIC - FBI $450.00 292061 7/15/2024 WA STATE PATROL, 7/2/2024 12407579 $450.00 PD-BACKGROUND CHECKS CONCEALED PISTOL LIC - STATE $1,443.00 292059 7/15/2024 WA STATE DEPT OF LICENSIN6/26/2024 06/30/2024 CPL FEES $1,443.00 PD-06/30/2024 CPL FEES CONFERENCE/SEMINAR REGISTRATH $27,104.03 625244759 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 CITY VISA $898.00 MO -CONFERENCE 625244759 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 CITY VISA $30.00 MO -CONFERENCE 625244759 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 CITY VISA $90.00 MO -CONFERENCE 625244759 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 CITY VISA $90.00 MO -CHAMBER LUNCHEON 625244759 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 CITY VISA $646.99 MO -CONFERENCE Key Bank Page 7 of 63 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 625243793 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PD VISA $150 00 PD-CONF REGISTRATION 625243793 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PD VISA $700.00 PD-CONF REGISTRATION 625243793 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PD VISA $612 69 PD-CONE REGISTRATION 625243793 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PD VISA $250.00 PD-CONF REGISTRATION 625243793 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PD VISA $756.00 PD-CONF REGISTRATION 625243793 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PD VISA $435.00 PD-CONF REGISTRATION 625243793 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PD VISA $720.00 PD-CONF REGISTRATION 625243793 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PD VISA $820.00 PD-CONF REGISTRATION 625243793 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PD VISA $1,560.00 PD-CONF REGISTRATION 625243793 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PD VISA $795.00 PD-CONF REGISTRATION 625243793 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PD VISA $279.00 PD-CONF REGISTRATION 625244759 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 CITY VISA $40.00 FWCC-CONF REGISTRATION 625243793 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PD VISA $1,298.00 PD-CONF REGISTRATION 625243793 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PD VISA $250 00 PD-CONF REGISTRATION 625243793 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PD VISA $608.00 PD-CONF REGISTRATION 625244759 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 CITY VISA $248 00 PARKS-CONF REGISTRATION 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $32.97 SWM-CONFERENCE 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $88.09 SWM-TRAINING 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $52 33 SWM-TRAINING 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $35.00 LAW -SEMINAR 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $350.00 FWCC-WRPA CONF. 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $30 00 FWCC-WRPA CONF. 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $40.00 FWCC-CONFERENCE 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $35.00 FI-PSFO CONFERENCE 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $35 00 FI-PSFO CONFERENCE 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $35.00 FI-PSFO CONFERENCE Key Bank Page 8 of 63 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGLTotal 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $35,00 FI-PSFO CONFERENCE 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $35,00 FI-PSFO CONFERENCE 625249491 7/212024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $35.00 FI-PSFO CONFERENCE 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $35.00 FI-PSFO CONFERENCE 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6125/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $35.00 FI-PSFO CONFERENCE 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $550.00 FI-GFOA CONFERENCE 625249491 712/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $375.00 PKM-CERTIFICATION 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $35.06 IT -CONFERENCE 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $38,51 IT -CONFERENCE 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $140.56 IT -CONFERENCE 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $140,56 IT -CONFERENCE 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $-496.95 IT -REFUND 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $-38.51 IT -REFUND 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $496.95 IT -CONFERENCE 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $633.00 PKM-CERTIFICATION 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $90.00 CC-CONF REGISTRATION 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $268.20 CC -OFFICE SUPPLIES 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $100.00 CC-CONF REGISTRATION 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6125/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $100.00 CC-CONF REGISTRATION 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $100.00 CC-CONF REGISTRATION 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $100.00 CC-CONF REGISTRATION 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $150.00 CC-CONF REGISTRATION 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $2,500.00 CC-CONF REGISTRATION 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $845.00 SWR-CONFERENCE 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $3.128,29 PWST-CDL TRAINING 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $80 00 PKM-CONF REGISTRATION Key Bank Page 9 of 63 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGLTotal 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $369.00 PWST-CONFERENCE 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $361.78 MO -CONFERENCE REGISTRATION 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $3.167.10 SWM-OFFICE SUPPLS 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $100.00 SWM-CONFERENCE 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $376.41 PKM-CERTIFICATION 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $210.00 PKM-CERTIFICATION 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $999.00 IT -CONFERENCE CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS $452,034.02 291877 6/28/2024 REIGN CITY SERVICES LLC, 5/20/2024 AG24-013 #2 $259.285.85 PWST-AG24-013 CW PEDES SFTY IM 291924 6/28/2024 WESTERN SYSTEMS INC, 6/11/2024 28372PB4 $1,000.00 PW-AG19-164 CITYWIDE ADAPTIVE 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $363.75 PKM-CONSTRUCTION SVCS 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $15A0 PKM-CONSTRUCTION SVCS 291993 7/15/2024 ICON MATERIALS INC, 4/30/2024 AG24-028 #1 $125.840.60 PWST-AG24-028 MILITARY ROAD SO 291959 7/15/2024 CITY OF FEDERAL WAY, 3/19/2024 2410 RETAINGE $7,038.00 PKM-AG24-041 FWCC TEMP LOCKER 292065 7/15/2024 WESTERN SYSTEMS INC, 7/1/2024 28372PB5 $1,000,00 P W-AG 19-164 CITYWIDE ADAPTIVE 291949 7/15/2024 AUTOMATED GATES AND, 6/28/2024 239447 $15,291.63 PKM-AG24-046 SACAJAWEA PARK EN 292029 7/15/2024 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 5/31/2024 400004171072 $42,198.79 PWST-05/24 VARIOUS ADDRESS CONSULTING CONTRACTS $506,749.03 291907 6/28/2024 TIERRA RIGHT OF WAY SRVC16/4/2024 2400879 $9,967.70 PW-AG23-130 JOINT OPERATIONS & 291751 6/28/2024 AHBL INC, 5/31/2024 145546 $21.357.50 PW-AG23-209 JOINT OPER & MAINT 291756 6/28/2024 ASBESTOS NORTHWEST LLC,6/6/2024 202412295 $1,120.00 PW-ASBESTOS SURVEY FOR COFW JO 291857 6/28/2024 PARAMETRIX INC, 6/17/2024 56789 $17,044.30 PWST-CITY CENTER ACCESS AG17-1 291831 6/28/2024 LANDAU ASSOCIATES INC, 5/21/2024 0058264 $807 50 CD-AG19-156 THIRD PARTY WETLAN 291751 6/28/2024 AHBL INC, 5/31/2024 145916 $440.00 CD-AG20-555 EVALUATION OF LAND 291831 6/28/2024 LANDAU ASSOCIATES INC, 6/14/2024 0058562 $950 00 CD-AG19-156 THIRD PARTY WETLAN 291831 6/28/2024 LANDAU ASSOCIATES INC, 6/14/2024 0058564 $6,408.75 CD-AG19-156 THIRD PARTY WETLAN 291831 6/28/2024 LANDAU ASSOCIATES INC, 6/18/2024 0058599 $485.00 CD-AG19-156 THIRD PARTY WETLAN Key Bank Page 10 of 63 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 291828 6/28/2024 KPG PSOMAS INC, 6/17/2024 209431 $1,242.00 PW-AG24-025 ON -CALL SURVEYING 292053 7/15/2024 TRANSPO GROUP USA INC, 6/24/2024 32827 $45.665.08 PW-AG22-117 SR99 @ S 373RD ST 292013 7/15/2024 OTTO ROSENAU &ASSOCIATE/17/2024 89693 $824.50 PW-AG24-112 CITY PED SAFETY MA 292013 7/15/2024 OTTO ROSENAU & ASSOCIATI/4/2024 89886 $7,988 50 PW-AG24-112 CITY PIED SAFETY MA 292013 7/15/2024 OTTO ROSENAU &ASSOCIATE/19/2024 90003 1 $6,061.75 PW-AG24-133 MILITARY ROAD SOOT 291996 7/15/2024 KPFF INC, KPFF CONS ULTINC3/8/2024 509372 $719.60 PW-AG20-008 PACIFIC HW NON -MOT 291996 7/15/2024 KPFF INC, KPFF CONS U LTI N G2/8/2024 505457 $267,17 PW-AG20-008 PACIFIC HW NON -MOT 291996 7/15/2024 KPFF INC, KPFF CONSULTING12/15/2023 500112 $545.20 PW-AG20-008 PACIFIC HW NON -MOT 291996 7/15/2024 KPFF INC, KPFF CONSULTING4/14/2024 514991 $1.502.23 PW-AG20-008 PACIFIC HW NON -MOT 291996 7/15/2024 KPFF INC, KPFF CONS ULTING5/10/2024 517782 $3,479.56 PW-AG20-008 PACIFIC HW NON -MOT 291988 7/15/2024 HELIX DESIGN GROUP INC, 5/31/2024 A23-08705312024 $168.604.88 PW-AG20-925 OPT & MAINT FACILI 292016 7/15/2024 PARAMETRIX INC, 6/20/2024 56901 $176,622.31 PW-AG24-020 CITY CTR ACC PRJ P 292041 7/15/2024 SOFTRESOURCES LLC, 6/30/2024 5168 $25,987.50 IT -ENTERPRISE RESOURCE PLANNIN 291997 7/15/2024 KPG PSOMAS INC, 6/24/2024 209907 $8,658.00 PW-AG24-025 ON -CALL SURVEYING COPIER & PRINTER SUPPLIES $1,587.90 291964 7/15/2024 COMPLETE OFFICE, 7/3/2024 2295455-0 $429.65 HR-OFFICE SUPPLIES 291964 7/15/2024 COMPLETE OFFICE, 6/25/2024 2293733-0 $153.44 HR-OFFICE SUPPLIES 291964 7/15/2024 COMPLETE OFFICE, 6/25/2024 2293734-0 $76.72 HR-OFFICE SUPPLIES 291964 7/15/2024 COMPLETE OFFICE, 7/3/2024 2295210-0 $156.42 HR-OFFICE SUPPLIES 291964 7/15/2024 COMPLETE OFFICE, 7/3/2024 2295211-0 $156.42 HR-OFFICE SUPPLIES 291964 7/15/2024 COMPLETE OFFICE, 6/25/2024 2293732-0 $153.44 HR-OFFICE SUPPLIES 291964 7/15/2024 COMPLETE OFFICE, 6/25/2024 2293735-0 $153.44 HR-OFFICE SUPPLIES 291964 7/15/2024 COMPLETE OFFICE, 6/25/2024 2293736-0 $76 72 HR-OFFICE SUPPLIES 291964 7/15/2024 COMPLETE OFFICE, 6/25/2024 2293737-0 $153.44 HR-OFFICE SUPPLIES 291964 7/15/2024 COMPLETE OFFICE, 7/1/2024 2294939-0 $78 21 HR-OFFICE SUPPLIES CUSTODIAL & CLEANING $10,251.68 291913 6/28/2024 VESTIS, 6/4/2024 5120477736 $424.82 DBC-LINEN SVC Key Bank Page 11 of 63 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGLTotal 291913 6/28/2024 VESTIS, 6/11/2024 5120481998 $424.82 DBC-LINEN SVC 291913 6/28/2024 VESTIS, 6/18/2024 5120485697 $424.82 DBC-LINEN SVC 291769 6/28/2024 CEDAR BUILDING SERVICE IN6/1/2024 53667 $7,411.90 DBC-AG19-170 JANITORIAL & HOUS 291913 6/28/2024 VESTIS, 6/4/2024 5120477735 $122.88 DBC-LINEN SVC 291913 6/28/2024 VESTIS, 6/11/2024 5120481997 $122.88 DBC-LINEN SVC 291913 6/28/2024 VESTIS, 6/18/2024 5120485696 $122.88 DBC-LINEN SVC 291887 6/28/2024 SECURITAS TECHNOLOGY CC6/1/2024 6004224248 $155.58 CHB-MAINT SVCS CELEBRATION PAR 292032 7/15/2024 REGENCY CLEANERS, DBA: F6/30/2024 1625 $1,041.10 PD-AG21-017 PD DRY CLEANING SR DEF REV-FWCC-REC TRAC $1,900.00 291950 7/15/2024 BEDINE, PATRICK 6/22/2024 1252904 $25000 FWCC-REFUND CALCELLED PGM #125 292018 7/15/2024 PAREDES, ANGELICA 6/23/2024 1253370 $650.00 FWCC-REFUND CALCELLED PGM #125 291958 7/15/2024 CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST, 6/23/2024 1253387 $500 00 FWCC-REFUND CALCELLED PGM #125 291972 7/15/2024 EDMOND, JENNIFER 7/2/2024 1261941 $500 00 FWCC-REFUND CALCELLED PGM #126 DEF REV-GEN REC-REC TRAC $495.00 291764 6/28/2024 BOLTZ, RACHEL 6/20/2024 1251061 $100.00 FWCC-REFUND CANCELLED PGM #125 292066 7/15/2024 WHIPPLE, RACHIAH 7/2/2024 1261543 $395.00 FWCC-REFUND CALCELLED PGM #126 DEPOSIT-CD-BLDG OTHER BLDG RV $125.00 291923 6/28/2024 WEST COAST CODE CONSUU6/4/2024 UT24-57213-006 $125.00 CD-AG19-070 BUILDING DIVISION DISABILITY/SURVIVOR INSURANCE $189.60 291897 6/28/2024 STANDARD INSURANCE COM6/28/2024 06/28/24 $189.60 MO-APRIL & MAY PREMIUMS FOR K. DP COMPONENTS $47.37 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $47.37 IT -DP COMPONENTS ELECTRICAL PERMITS $270.75 292072 7/15/2024 ZAINO, DAVID 6/18/2024 24-102605 24-102603 $180.50 CD-24-102605 24-102603 PERMIT 291968 7/15/2024 CUSTOM ELECTRICAL SERVI(6/28/2024 24-102640 $90 25 CD-24-100270 PERMIT REFUND ELECTRICITY $63,018.91 291876 6/28/2024 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 6/13/2024 220030875599 $262 07 PKM-05/24 2410 S 312TH ST 291876 6/28/2024 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 6/13/2024 220025635438 $53.96 PKM-05/24 31132 28TH AVE S 291934 7/3/2024 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 4/22/2024 300000001978 $38 79 FWCC-876 S 333RD U096207587 Key Bank Page 12 of 63 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 291934 7/3/2024 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 4/22/2024 300000001978 $728 20 FWCC-876 S 333RD 001289247 291934 7/3/2024 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 4/22/2024 300000001978 $23,596,54 FWCC-876 S 333RD Z003478572 291934 7/3/2024 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 4/22/2024 300000001978 $3,133.04 PKM-S 324TH BLDG A Z004354804 291934 7/3/2024 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 4/22/2024 300000001978 $3,332.35 PKM- S 324TH BLDG B Z007917706 291934 7/3/2024 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 4/22/2024 300000001978 $224.77 PKM-31600 PETE VON REICHBAUER 291934 7/3/2024 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 4/22/2024 300000001978 $881.82 PKM- SAC PARK RR FIELD LIGHTS 291934 7/3/2024 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 4/22/2024 300000001978 $26.72 PKM- 1STAVE & CAMPUS DR. WINC 291934 7/3/2024 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 4/22/2024 300000001978 $599.22 PKM- 2410 S 312TH BEACH RR/CON 291934 7/3/2024 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 4/22/2024 300000001978 $142.29 PKM- 2410 S 312TH STORAGE- 291934 7/3/2024 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 4/22/2024 300000001978 $208.10 PKM- 21STAVE LAKOTA RR BLDG & 291934 7/3/2024 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 4/22/2024 300000001978 $53.96 PKM-7TH AVE SW N OF SW 320TH N 291934 7/3/2024 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 4/22/2024 300000001978 $5,298.55 PKM- 33914 19TH AVE SAG FIELD 291934 7/3/2024 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 4/22/2024 300000001978 $11.72 PKM- 28156 1/2 24TH HERITGE PA 291934 7/3/2024 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC. 4/22/2024 300000001978 $1.976.50 KM- 2645 S 312TH ANX-RRIFIELD- 291934 7/3/2024 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 4/22/2024 300000001978 $276.55 PKM- 2410 S 312TH WOODSHOP- 291934 7l3/2024 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 4/22/2024 300000001978 $262.64 PKM-726 S 356TH A093042663 291934 7/3/2024 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 4/22/2024 300000001978 $33.91 PKM- 2410 S 312TH STLK ST LIGH 291934 7/3/2024 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 4/22/2024 300000001978 $16,931.38 CHB- 33325 8TH AVE Z004537423 291934 7/3/2024 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 4/22/2024 300000001978 $785.89 CHB- 600 S 333RD EVID. BLDG UO 291934 7/3/2024 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 4/22/2024 300000001978 $732.94 CHB- 31104 28TH AVE S STLK SHO 291934 7/3/2024 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 4/22/2024 300000001978 $185.53 CHB- 31104 28TH AVE S HAUGE BO 291934 7/3/2024 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 4/22/2024 300000001978 $1,979,98 DBC- 3200 SW DASH PT ROAD- 291934 7/3/2024 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 4/22/2024 300000001978 $179,99 DBC- 3200 SW DASH PT ROAD- 291935 7/3/2024 TACOMA PUBLIC UTILITIES, 5/8/2024 100048250 291935 7/3/2024 TACOMA PUBLIC UTILITIES, 6/5/2024 292029 7/15/2024 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 1/16/2024 DBC-3/26/24-4/23/24 PUBLIC 100048250 DBC-4/26/24-5/22/24 PUBLIC 220031179041 CORR PV TR-01/24 35700 ENCHANTED PKW $462.33 $602.13 $6.00 Key Bank Page 13 of 63 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGLTotal 292029 7/15/2024 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 7/9/2024 220018358782 $11.04 PKM-05/24 550 SW CAMPUS DR #P1 FIRST CLASS POSTAGE 291868 6/28/2024 PITNEY BOWES PRESORT SV6/1/2024 1025470635 FI-PITNEY BOWES POSTAGE DEPOSI 291868 6/28/2024 PITNEY BOWES PRESORT SV6/1/2024 1025470636 FI-MAILING SVC FOOD & BEVERAGE 625244759 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 CITY VISA MO -FINANCE CLASS 625244759 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 CITY VISA MO -FINANCE CLASS 625244759 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 CITY VISA MO -FINANCE CLASS 625244759 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 CITY VISA PARKS -FOOD SUPPLIES 625244759 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 CITY VISA PARKS -FOOD SUPPLIES 625244759 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 CITY VISA PARKS -FOOD SUPPLIES 625244759 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 CITY VISA PARKS -FOOD SUPPLIES 625244759 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 CITY VISA PARKS -FOOD SUPPLIES 625244759 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 CITY VISA PARKS -FOOD SUPPLIES 625244759 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 CITY VISA CD -OFFICE SUPPLIES 625244759 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 CITY VISA CD -FOOD SUPPLIES 625243793 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PD VISA PD-FOOD SUPPLIES 625243793 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PD VISA PD-FOOD SUPPLIES 625243793 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PD VISA PD-FOOD SUPPLIES 625243793 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PD VISA PD-FOOD SUPPLIES 625243793 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PD VISA PD-FOOD SUPPLIES 625243793 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PD VISA PD-FOOD SUPPLIES 625243793 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PD VISA PD-FOOD SUPPLIES 625244759 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 CITY VISA MO-CFFFE SUPPLIES 625244759 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 CITY VISA MO -LOBBYIST LUNCHEON 625244759 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 CITY VISA PARKS -FOOD SUPPLIES 625244759 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 CITY VISA PARKS -FOOD SUPPLIES $2,000.21 $1,740.58 $259.63 $6.218.23 $18 43 $31.99 $347.35 $45.50 $16.20 $85.22 $67,77 $27.96 $216,65 $20.97 $49.99 $112,80 $103.61 $144.27 $131.78 $66.31 $167.46 $35.92 $6,00 $130.41 $21.95 $43.83 Key Bank Page 14 of 63 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGLTotal 625243793 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PD VISA $9.91 PD-OFFICE SUPPLIES 625243793 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PD VISA $65.47 PD-OPER SUPPLIES 625243793 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PD VISA $11.56 PD-OPER SUPPLIES 625243793 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PD VISA $49.92 PD-FOOD SUPPLIES 625243793 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PD VISA $105.38 PD-FOOD SUPPLIES 291864 6/28/2024 PETTY CASH -MC CHANGE FU6/6/2024 034371 $12.74 MC-5/8/24- WATER FOR JURY 291865 6/28/2024 PETTY CASH -POLICE DEPT, 6/12/2024 034378 $22.02 PD-FOOD FOR MAIT CALL OUT- 291880 6/28/2024 ROTH, CRYSTAL 4/19/2024 ROTH 2O24 $104.88 PD FOOD SUPPLIES 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $159.99 CC -FOOD SUPPLIES 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $138.40 CC -FOOD SUPPLIES 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE -1024 PRO VISA $82.29 FWCC-FOOD SUPPLS 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $75.41 PKM-FOOD SUPPLIES 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $263.12 PKM-FOOD SUPPLIES 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $59.94 PKM-FOOD SUPPLIES 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $76.53 PKM-FOOD SUPPLIES 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $526.24 PWST-FOOD SUPPLS 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $43 86 PKM-FOOD SUPPLIES 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $75 70 PKM-FOOD SUPPLIES 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $8.48 SWM-OPER SUPPLIES 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $41.96 SWM-OPER SUPPLIES 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $219.30 SWM-OPER SUPPLIES 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $43.86 SWM-FOOD SUPPLS 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $82A5 SWM-FOOD SUPPLS 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $22.62 PKM-FOOD SUPPLIES 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $15.01 SWM-FOOD SUPPLS 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $43.86 DBC-FOOD SUPPLIES Key Bank Page 15 of 63 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $43.86 DBC-FOOD SUPPLIES 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $4.58 DBC-FOOD SUPPLIES 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $156.59 DBC-FOOD SUPPLIES 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $242.00 DBC-FOOD SUPPLIES 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $52.36 DBC-FOOD SUPPLIES 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $182.65 DBC-FOOD SUPPLIES 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $30.00 DBC-FOOD SUPPLIES 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $181.55 MO -FOOD SUPPLIES 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $161.47 MO -FOOD SUPPLIES 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $11.74 SWR-FOOD SUPPLS 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $81.93 FOOD -SUPPLIES 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $218.88 PARKS -FOOD SUPPLIES 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $12.55 PARKS -FOOD SUPPLIES 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $132.68 PW-FOOD SUPPLS 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $93.88 PW-FOOD SUPPLS 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $46.94 PW-FOOD SUPPLS 292005 7/15/2024 MOUNTAIN MIST WATER, 6/27/2024 006072352 $45.52 PD-WATER SVC ACCT#077665 292055 7/15/2024 VANDERVEER, JEFFREY 7/2/2024 7/2/24 $160.08 PD-LUNCH FOR ORAL BOARD 291991 7/15/2024 HONDA,SUSAN 7/9/2024 HONDA2024#2 $106.00 CC-ADV TVL REIMB NATIONAL FOUN GASOLINE $80,668.49 291865 6/28/2024 PETTY CASH -POLICE DEPT, 6/12/2024 034378 $45.00 PD-GAS- 291865 6/28/2024 PETTY CASH -POLICE DEPT, 6/12/2024 034378 $74.43 PD - GAS- 291865 6/28/2024 PETTY CASH -POLICE DEPT, 6/12/2024 034378 $15 00 PD - GAS- 291805 6/28/2024 FEDERAL WAY PUBLIC SCHO(5/31/2024 AR14201 $33,056.45 PD-05/24 VEHICLE FUEL 291884 6/28/2024 SCHMIDT, KEITH 6/12/2024 SCHMIDT 2024 $82.63 PD-FUEL REIMS 291863 6/28/2024 PETROCARD INC., 6/15/2024 C489672 $471 57 PD-VEHICLE FUEL Key Bank Page 16 of 63 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGLTotal 291884 6/28/2024 SCHMIDT, KEITH 6/20/2024 SCHMIDT2024 $70.05 PD-FUEL REIMB 291805 6/28/2024 FEDERAL WAY PUBLIC SCHO(5/31/2024 AR14200 $17,403.75 FLT-05/24 VEHICLE FUEL 291928 6/28/2024 WORLD KINECT ENERGY SER5/10/2024 24-114026 $1,046.00 FLT-PREM CONV GAS 291805 6128/2024 FEDERAL WAY PUBLIC SCHOG/31/2024 AR14201 $506.44 PD-05/24 VEHICLE FUEL 291977 7115/2024 FEDERAL WAY PUBLIC SCHO(6/30/2024 AIR 14274 $350.56 PD-06/31 VEHICLE FUEL 291977 7/15/2024 FEDERAL WAY PUBLIC SCHO(6/30/2024 AR14274 $27,546.61 PD-06/31 VEHICLE FUEL HEALTH INSURANCE PREMIUM $100.00 291845 6/28/2024 MOSER, CURTIS 6/10/2024 MOSER 2024 $100.00 PW-DECUCTIBLE REIMBURSEMENT HOUSEHOLD SUPPLIES $18,142.35 291918 6/28/2024 WALTER E NELSON CO., 6/18/2024 994936 $940 04 PKM-JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 291918 6/28/2024 WALTER E NELSON CO., 6/10/2024 993460 $633.10 PKM-JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 291918 6/28/2024 WALTER E NELSON CO-, 6/12/2024 993691 $809.77 PKM-JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 291918 6/28/2024 WALTER E NELSON CO., 6/10/2024 993151 $638.77 FWCC-JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $39.21 FWCC-HOUSEHOLD SUPPLIES 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $38.51 FWCC-HOUSEHOLD SUPPLIES 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $-38.51 FWCC-HOUSEHOLD SUPPLIES 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $47.36 FWCC-HOUSEHOLD SUPPLIES 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $44.06 FWCC-HOUSEHOLD SUPPLIES 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK,' 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $8.88 DBC-HOUSEHOLD SUPPLIES 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $8.88 DBC-HOUSEHOLD SUPPLIES 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $62.33 DBC-OPER SUPPLIES 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $53.40 DBC-HOUSEHOLD SUPPLIES 291936 7/3/2024 WALTER E NELSON CO., 3/11/2024 974833 $122.54 PKM-JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 291936 7/3/2024 WALTER E NELSON CO., 3/18/2024 976325 $1,092.11 FWCC-JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 291936 7/3/2024 WALTER E NELSON CO., 3/22/2024 977730 $914.91 FWCC-JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 291936 7/3/2024 WALTER E NELSON CO., 1/8/2024 963544 $834.54 FWCC-JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 291936 7/3/2024 WALTER E NELSON CO., 1/10/2024 963856 $1,301.66 FWCC-JANITORIAL SUPPLIES Key Bank Page 17 of 63 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 291936 7/3/2024 WALTER E NELSON CO., 3/11/2024 974829 $1.042.90 FWCC-JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 291936 7/3/2024 WALTER E NELSON CO., 3/19/2024 976779 $353.85 PKM-JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 292062 7/15/2024 WALTER E NELSON CO., 6/20/2024 995470 $402.44 PKM-JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 292062 7/15/2024 WALTER E NELSON CO., 6/25/2024 996401 $263.25 PKM-JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 292062 7/15/2024 WALTER E NELSON CO., 6/26/2024 996981 $885 37 PKM-JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 292062 7/15/2024 WALTER E NELSON CO., 7/1/2024 997569 $790.81 PKM-JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 292062 7/15/2024 WALTER E NELSON CO., 5/6/2024 986419 $1,282,97 FWCC-JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 292062 7/15/2024 WALTER E NELSON CO., 6/19/2024 995148 $1.710.16 FWCC-JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 292062 7/15/2024 WALTER E NELSON CO., 6/26/2024 996984 $1.286.68 FWCC-JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 292062 7/15/2024 WALTER E NELSON CO., 6/24/2024 996044 $1,046.02 DBC-JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 292062 7/15/2024 WALTER E NELSON CO., 6/20/2024 995471 $1,526.34 CHB-JANITORIAL SUPPLIES INSURANCE -STOP LOSS $52,241.82 701242870 7/1/2024 AETNA LIFE INSURANCE COM6126/2024 J1642870 $52.241.82 FI-AETNA INSURANCE PREMIUMS JAIL CS - ISSAQ $90 AG19-068 $35,805.00 291960 7/15/2024 CITY OF ISSAQUAH, 6/26/2024 24000267 $35,805.00 PD-AG23-064 JAIL SVC-INMATE HO JAIL CS - KENT $150 + AG19-133 $27,345.00 291961 7/15/2024 CITY OF KENT, 6/12/2024 RI 74230 $27,345.00 PD-AG19-133 JAIL SVC INMATE HO JAIL CS - KING CO $197 + AG13-015 $31,317.20 291826 6/28/2024 KING COUNTY FINANCE DIV195/12/2024 3004788 $31,317.20 PD-AG23-123 DAJD OTH CITIES - JAIL CS - YAKIM CTY $57.65+ AG19-061 $5,040.00 291930 6/28/2024 YAKIMA COUNTY, 6/10/2024 MAY 2024 $5,040.00 PD-AG19-066 JAIL SVC-INMATE HO JOB ANNOUNCEMENTS $476.00 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $350 00 HR-JOB POSTING 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $125 00 CD -JOB POSTING LAND $45,867.40 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $65.00 PW-ASBESTOS PROCESS 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $172 40 PW-ASBESTOS PROCESS 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $65.00 PW-ASBESTOS PROCESS 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $65.00 PW-MAINT SVCS Key Bank Page 18 of 63 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGLTotal 291940 7/15/2024 99 INVESTMENT LLC, 7/11/2024 6/26/24 $45,500.00 PW-STATUTORY WARRANTY DEED LEGAL NOTICES $915.57 291893 6/28/2024 SOUND PUBLISHING INC, 5/24/2024 FWM996408 $74.27 CD -AD ACCT#83722477 291893 6/28/2024 SOUND PUBLISHING INC, 5/10/2024 FWM995885 $125.64 CDHS-AD ACCT#83722477 291893 6/28/2024 SOUND PUBLISHING INC, 5/10/2024 FWM995929 $348.25 PW-AD ACCT#83722477 291893 6/28/2024 SOUND PUBLISHING INC, 5/17/2024 FWM996209 $116A3 CD -AD ACCT#83722477 291893 6/28/2024 SOUND PUBLISHING INC, 5/17/2024 FWM996058 $100.91 CD -AD ACCT#83722477 291893 6/28/2024 SOUND PUBLISHING INC, 5/17/2024 FWM996057 $150.37 CD -AD ACCT#83722477 LODGING $19,754.74 625244759 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 CITY VISA $380.81 PARKS-CONF REGISTRATION 625244759 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 CITY VISA $496.36 LAWS -LODGING 625244759 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 CITY VISA $496.36 LAWS -LODGING 625244759 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 CITY VISA $422.44 LAWS -LODGING 625244759 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 CITY VISA $518,10 LAWS -LODGING 625243793 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PD VISA $335.24 PD-LODGING 625243793 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PD VISA $197,29 PD-LODGING 625243793 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PD VISA $197.29 PD-LODGING 625244759 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 CITY VISA $170.26 MC -AIRFARE 625244759 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 CITY VISA $504.78 MC -AIRFARE 625244759 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 CITY VISA $6.00 MC -AIRFARE 625244759 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 CITY VISA $510.78 MC -AIRFARE 625244759 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 CITY VISA $1,140.83 FWCC-LODGING 625244759 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 CITY VISA $1,126.29 FWCC-LODGING 625244759 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 CITY VISA $524.01 FWCC-LODGING 625244759 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 CITY VISA $1,388.33 FWCC-LODGING 625244759 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 CITY VISA $501.88 FI-LODGING 625244759 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 CITY VISA $380.81 PARKS -TRAINING Key Bank Page 19 of 63 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 625243793 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PD VISA $-5.00 PD-LODGING 625243793 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PD VISA $365.85 PD-LODGING 625243793 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PD VISA $369.45 PD-LODGING 625243793 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PD VISA $1,036.35 PD-LODGING 625243793 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PD VISA $1,036.35 PD-LODGING 625243793 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PD VISA $369.30 PD-LODGING 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $676.68 PWST-LODGING 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $994.76 CK-LODGING 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $144.86 FWCC-LODGING 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK; 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $858.11 PARKS -LODGING 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $281.12 IT -LODGING 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $339.68 HR-LODGING 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $339.68 HR-LODGING 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $676.68 SWM-LODGING 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $688.13 PARKS -LODGING 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA _ $621.66 SWR-LODGING 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $510.78 SWR-LODGING 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $621 66 SWR-LODGING 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $510 78 SWR-LODGING LONG DISTANCE CHARGES $1,379.22 291835 6/28/2024 LEVEL 3 FINANCING INC, LEVI6/1/2024 692021226 $63444 IT-06124 PHONE SERVICES ACCT#5 291835 6/28/2024 LEVEL 3 FINANCING INC, LEVI6/1/2024 692021226 $110 34 IT-06/24 PHONE SERVICES ACCT#5 291835 6/28/2024 LEVEL 3 FINANCING INC, LEVI6/1/2024 692021226 $63444 IT-06/24 PHONE SERVICES ACCT#5 MACHINERY & EQUIPMENT $25,858.09 291974 7/15/2024 ENERGY SYSTEMS HOLDING3/27/2024 107924-1 $25,858.09 PW-3 PORTABLE LIGHTING PLANTS MAYOR'S RECONIT10N AND AWARD P $339.67 625244759 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 CITY VISA $9.67 MO -SYMPATHY CARD Key Bank Page 20 of 63 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGLTotal 625244759 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 CITY VISA $227.63 MO -FUNERAL FLOWERS 625244759 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 CITY VISA $102.17 MO-FLOWERES MECHANICAL PERMITS $117.91 292020 7/15/2024 PAT'S PLUMBING, 6/18/2024 24-102599 $117.91 CD-24-102599 PERMIT REFUND MEDICAL SERVICES $6,642.19 291885 6/28/2024 SCORE, 5/30/2024 7866 $1,960.37 PD-AG23-009 JAIL SVCS INMATE H 291885 6/28/2024 SCORE, 6/3/2024 7876 $913.75 PD-AG23-009 JAIL SVCS INMATE H 291777 6/28/2024 CITY OF PUYALLUP, 6/4/2024 1799 $3,144.12 PD-05/24AG22-061 JAIL SVC IN 291960 7/15/2024 CITY OF ISSAQUAH. 6/26/2024 24000267 $623.95 PD-AG23-064 JAIL SVC-INMATE HO MEDICAL SERVICES - CLAIMS $382,026.66 621241016 6/21/2024 AETNA LIFE INSURANCE COM5/21/2024 54-24171-1016 $98.867.44 FI-AETNA INSURANCE PREMIUMS 628241126 6/28/2024 AETNA LIFE INSURANCE COM5/28/2024 54-24178-1126 $110,958.13 FI-AETNA KAISER HEALTH SERVICE 701249197 7/1/2024 KAISER FOUNDATION HEALTh7/1/2024 7/1/24 $1,558.59 FI-KASIER PYMT 705240991 7/5/2024 AETNA LIFE INSURANCE COM7/5/2024 54-24185-0991 $34,964.76 FI-AETNA INSURANCE PREMIUMS 705242107 7/5/2024 AETNA LIFE INSURANCE COM7/5/2024 54-24180-2107 $36,600.14 FI-AETNA INSURANCE PREMIUMS 712241116 7/12/2024 AETNA LIFE INSURANCE COM7/12/2024 54-24192-1116 $77,755.10 FI-AETNA INSURANCE PREMIUMS 712244567 7/12/2024 KAISER FOUNDATION HEALTh7/12/2024 INVSF0014567 $21,322.50 FI-KAISER HEALTH SVCS MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES $3,333.20 291826 6/28/2024 KING COUNTY FINANCE DIVIS/12/2024 3004788 $3,333.20 PD-DAJD OTH CITIES MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT $1,088.88 291833 6/28/2024 LEDYARD, KIMBERLY 6/7/2024 LEDYARD 2024 B $194.30 PARKS -MILEAGE 5/21-5/24/24 291760 6/28/2024 BATES, SABRINA 6/4/2024 BATES 2024 $192.96 PARKS-WRPA CONFERENCE 5/22-5/2 291842 6/28/2024 MEEKER, NICK 6/5/2024 MEEKER 2024 $125.42 DBC-MILEAGE REIMB 291883 6/28/2024 SCHMIDT, DAVID 6/7/2024 SCHMIDT 2024 B $194 30 PARKS -MILEAGE 291956 7/15/2024 CARTER, TANJA 6/26/2024 CARTER 2024 $381 90 MOED-ADV TVL ED IEDC FUTURE FO MINOR DP SOFTWARE $1,586.14 291862 6/28/2024 PETHEALTH SERVICES INC, 5/30/2024 SIUN14867270 $678.55 PD-PETHEALTH ONLINE LIC 291890 6/28/2024 SHI INTERNATIONAL CORP, 6/11/2024 B18427918 $45382 IT - PW ADOBE ACROBAT RO 2020 291890 6/28/2024 SHI INTERNATIONAL CORP, 6/11/2024 B18427918 $453.77 IT - PW ADOBE ACROBAT RO 2020 Key Bank Page 21 of 63 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGLTotal MINOR EQUIP-MISC $37,879.77 625244759 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 CITY VISA $48.67 FWCC-MINOR EQUIP 625243793 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PD VISA $271.85 PD-MINOR EQUIP 625243793 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PD VISA $119.24 PD-MINOR EQUIP 625243793 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PD VISA $42,96 PD-MINOR EQUIP 625243793 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PD VISA $39.50 PD-MINOR EQUIP 625243793 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PD VISA $86.16 PD-MINOR EQUIP 625243793 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PD VISA $465.13 PD-MINOR EQUIP 625243793 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PD VISA $301.72 PD-MINOR EQUIP 625243793 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PD VISA $87.06 PD-MINOR EQUIP 625243793 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PD VISA $216.92 PD-MINOR EQUIP 625243793 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PD VISA $163.79 PD-MINOR EQUIP 625243793 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PD VISA $2,190.76 PD-MINOR EQUIP 625243793 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PD VISA $238.94 PD-MINOR EQUIP 625243793 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PD VISA $137.89 PD-MINOR EQUIP 625243793 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PD VISA $107,15 PD-MINOR EQUIP 625243793 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PD VISA $57.95 PD-MINOR EQUIP 625243793 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PD VISA $26.44 PD-MINOR EQUIP 625243793 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PD VISA $1,239.14 PD-MINOR EQUIP 625243793 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PD VISA $177.42 PD-MINOR EQUIP 625243793 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PD VISA $90.01 PD-MINOR EQUIP 625243793 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PD VISA $46.26 PD-MINOR EQUIP 625243793 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PD VISA $751,90 PD-MINOR EQUIP 625243793 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PD VISA $163.80 PD-MINOR EQUIP 625243793 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PD VISA $480.20 PD-MINOR EQUIP 625243793 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PD VISA $2,190.76 PD-MINOR EQUIP Key Bank Page 22 of 63 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGLTotal 625243793 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PD VISA $280.99 PD-MINOR EQUIP 625243793 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PD VISA $1,156.00 PD-MINOR EQUIP 625243793 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PD VISA $111 61 PD-MINOR EQUIP 625243793 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PD VISA $266 07 PD-MINOR EQUIP 625243793 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PD VISA $581.42 PD-MINOR EQUIP 625243793 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PD VISA $738.23 PD-MINOR EQUIP 625243793 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PD VISA $2.190.76 PD-MINOR EQUIP 625243793 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PD VISA $2,190.76 PD-MINOR EQUIP 625243793 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PD VISA $267.15 PD-MINOR EQUIP 625243793 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PD VISA $311.91 PD-MINOR EQUIP 625243793 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PD VISA $21.75 PD-MINOR EQUIP 291745 6/28/2024 911 SUPPLY INC, 6/5/2024 INV-2-38745 $1,520.76 PD-UNIFORM SUPPLIES 291750 6/28/2024 AGRISHOP INC, 6/5/2024 72174/1 $571.89 PKM-EQUIPMENT PARTS & REPAIRS 291910 6/28/2024 VARI SALES CORPORATION, 6/17/2024 91113486 $1,338.93 SWM-OFFICE EQUIP 291790 6/28/2024 DELL MARKETING LP, 6/14/2024 10754452859 $1,701.08 IT- COMPUTER AND MONITORS FOR 291865 6/28/2024 PETTY CASH -POLICE DEPT, 6/12/2024 034378 $15.76 PD - LIGHTBULB/DEORDERIZER- 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $330.30 PKM-MINOR EQUIP 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $495.45 DBC-MAINT SVCS 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $461.39 SWM-MINOR EQUIP 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $133.42 SWM-MINOR EQUIP 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $171.91 SWM-MINOR EQUIP 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $177.42 SWM-MINOR EQUIP 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $30.81 SWM-MINOR EQUIP 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $689.99 SWM-MINOR EQUIP 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $102,45 PKM-MINOR EQUIP 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $174.11 PKM-MAINT SUPPLIES Key Bank Page 23 of 63 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGLTotal 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $206.89 IT -MINOR EQUIP 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $206.89 IT -MINOR EQUIP 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $192.86 FWCC-MINOR EQUIP 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $264.47 PWST-MINOR EQUIP 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $78.10 FLT-MINOR EQUIP 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $40.41 FLT-MINOR EQUIP 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $30.84 FLT-REPAIR PARTS 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $24.76 FLT-REPAIR PARTS 291978 7/15/2024 FIRST RESPONDER OUTFITTE4/25/2024 4244-3 $1,278,43 PD-UNIFORM/EQUIPMENT 291939 7/15/2024 911 SUPPLY INC, 6/14/2024 INV-2-39000 $1,653.00 PD-UNIFORM SUPPLIES 291939 7/15/2024 911 SUPPLY INC, 6/19/2024 INV-2-39094 $1,653.00 PD-UNIFORM SUPPLIES 291939 7/15/2024 911 SUPPLY INC, 6/21/2024 INV-2-39182 $1,619.94 PD-UNIFORM SUPPLIES 291953 7/15/2024 BRODERSON, CALISTA 6/19/2024 BRODERSON 2024 $107.00 PD-EQUIP ALLOW 292019 7/15/2024 PARKER, TIFFANY M 6/21/2024 PARKER 2024 $200.00 PD-EQUIP ALLOW 291939 7/15/2024 911 SUPPLY INC, 7/2/2024 INV-2-39431 $65.57 PD-UNIFORM SUPPLIES 291939 7/15/2024 911 SUPPLY INC, 7/2/2024 INV-2-39432 $118.02 PD-UNIFORM SUPPLIES 291970 7/15/2024 DELL MARKETING LP, 7/3/2024 10758008137 $2,841.21 IT - PW DELL LAPTOP FOR SWM PO 291970 7/15/2024 DELL MARKETING LP, 7/3/2024 10758008137 $289.80 Sales Tax 291970 7/15/2024 DELL MARKETING LP. 6/28/2024 10757136375 $816.54 IT- PW NEW MONITORS FOR EJ AND 291970 7/15/2024 DELL MARKETING LP, 6/28/2024 10757136375 $303,82 IT-PW NEW MONITORS FOR EJ AND 291970 7/15/2024 DELL MARKETING LP, 6/28/2024 10757136375 $114.28 Sales Tax MISC PROFESSIONAL SVS-INTERGOV $49,642.04 291915 6/28/2024 WA STATE DEPT OF TRANSPC6/17/2024 RE-313-ATB40617119 $3.371.27 PW-PROJECT LA09097R FEES 291916 6/28/2024 WA STATE DEPT OF TRANSPC4/17/2023 RE-313-ATB30417110 $9,172.90 PW-PROJECT LA09097R FEES 291915 6/28/2024 WA STATE DEPT OF TRANSPC6/13/2022 RE-313-ATB20613109 $1,466.08 PW-PROJECT LA09097R FEES 291914 6/28/2024 WA STATE AUDITOR'S OFFICE6/11/2024 L161736 $30,139.80 FI-STATE AUDITOR SERVICES Key Bank Page 24 of 63 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 291829 6/28/2024 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC'6/6/2024 6324006 $4,891.99 PW-FEDERAL WAY O & M FACILITY 292061 7/15/2024 WA STATE PATROL, 6/17/2024 00182976 $600.00 PD-BACKGROUND CHECKS MISC SERVICES & CHARGES $142,006.94 625244759 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 CITY VISA $131.25 CD -PERMIT CENTER 625244759 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 CITY VISA $82.66 CD-BLDG RESEARCH 625243793 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PD VISA $600.00 PD-MISC EXPENSES 625243793 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PD VISA $300.00 PD-MISC EXPENSES 625243793 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PD VISA $211.58 PD-MISC EXPENSES 625243793 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PD VISA $300.00 PD-MISC EXPENSES 625243793 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PD VISA $175.00 PD-OPER SUPPLIES 625243793 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PD VISA $610.00 PD-OPER SUPPLIES 625243793 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PD VISA $182.00 PD-OPER SUPPLIES 625244759 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 CITY VISA $360.00 PARKS -TRIP TICKET 625244759 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 CITY VISA $864.00 PARKS -TRIP TICKET 625244759 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 CITY VISA $94.51 PARKS -TRIP TICKET 625244759 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 CITY VISA $3,130.80 PARKS -FIELD TRIP 625243793 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PD VISA $81.64 PD-MISC EXPENSES 625243793 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PD VISA $93.65 PD-MISC EXPENSES 625243793 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PD VISA $0.99 PD-MISC EXPENSES 291894 6/28/2024 SOUND PUBLISHING INC, 2/29/2024 8130150 $630.00 PD/MO-AD ACCT#83724030 291849 6/28/2024 MV TOWING LLC, 6/12/2024 32641 $77.14 PD-VEHICLE TOW 291804 6/28/2024 FEDERAL WAY INDOOR RANC6/6/2024 284391 $132.24 PD-INDIVIDUAL RANGE US 291849 6/28/2024 MVTOW] NGLLC, 5/18/2024 32718 $77.14 PD-VEHICLE TOW 291849 6/28/2024 MVTOWING LLC, 5/20/2024 32860 $77.14 PD-VEHICLE TOW 291849 6/28/2024 MV TOWING LLC, 6/5/2024 32896 $77.14 PD-VEHICLE TOW 291849 6/28/2024 MV TOWING LLC, 6/9/2024 31747 $77,14 PD-VEHICLE TOW Key Bank Page 25 of 63 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 291865 6/28/2024 PETTY CASH -POLICE DEPT, 6/12/2024 034378 $41.54 PD - GEAR- 291803 6/28/2024 FDS HOLDINGS INC, DBACAR4/30/2024 90397678 $2,205.06 FWCC/PARKS-03/24 CARD CONNECT 291803 6/28/2024 FDS HOLDINGS INC, DBACAR5/24/2024 90409844 $3,419.39 FWCC/PARKS-04/24 CARD CONNECT 291803 6/2812024 FDS HOLDINGS INC, DBA CAR5/24/2024 90409845 $587.38 FWCC/PARKS-04/24 CARD CONNECT 291803 6/28/2024 FDS HOLDINGS INC, DBA CAR6/10/2024 92079151 $3,210.16 FWCC/PARKS-05/24 CARD CONNECT 291803 6128/2024 FDS HOLDINGS INC, DBACAR6/10/2024 92079152 $589.18 FWCC/PARKS-05/24 CARD CONNECT 291875 6/28/2024 PUBLIC SAFETY TESTING, 6/10/2024 2024-503 $1,276.00 PD-AG23-007 PUBLIC SAFETY TEST 291860 6/28/2024 PETEK & ASSOCIATES, REIGN5/14/2024 2455 $385.00 PD-PSYCH EVAL- MAY 2024 291917 6/28/2024 WA STATE EMPLOYMENT SE06/12/2024 24-020065-RDU-D6 $3.50 PD-WORK HISTORY J LEWIS 291917 6/28/2024 WA STATE EMPLOYMENT SE05/12/2024 24-020064-RDU-D5 $3.50 PD-WORK HISTORY D KING 291803 6/28/2024 FDS HOLDINGS INC, DBACAR4/30/2024 90397678 $2,205.06 FWCC/PARKS-03/24 CARD CONNECT 291803 6/28/2024 FDS HOLDINGS INC, DBA CAR5/24/2024 90409844 $3.419 39 FWCC/PARKS-04/24 CARD CONNECT 291803 6128/2024 FDS HOLDINGS INC, DBA CAR5/24/2024 90409845 $587.39 FWCC/PARKS-04/24 CARD CONNECT 291803 6/28/2024 FDS HOLDINGS INC, DBA CAR6/10/2024 92079151 $3,210.16 FWCC/PARKS-05/24 CARD CONNECT 291803 6/28/2024 FDS HOLDINGS INC, DBA CAR6/10/2024 92079152 $589.18 FWCC/PARKS-05/24 CARD CONNECT 291773 6/28/2024 CITY OF BONNEY LAKE, 5/3/2024 04302024 $16.813.63 FI-04/24 GAME FARM PARKADMIN 291772 6/28/2024 CITY OF AUBURN, 5/6/2024 24-037974 $4,166.67 FI-04/24 GAME FARM PARKADMIN 291776 6/28/2024 CITY OF PUYALLUP, 5/8/2024 1774 $13,277 14 FI-04/24 WATPA GRANT REIMB 291866 6/28/2024 PIERCE COUNTY FINANCE DE5/9/2024 CI-351296 $14,045.27 FI-04/24 WATPA GRANT REIMB 291775 6/28/2024 CITY OF LAKEWOOD, 5/9/2024 PD-02227 $22,945.73 FI-04/24 WATPA GRANT REIMB 291778 6/28/2024 CITY OF TACOMA POLICE DEF5/20/2024 50007249 $14,661.59 FI-04/24 WATPA GRANT REIMB 291865 6/28/2024 PETTY CASH -POLICE DEPT, 6/12/2024 034378 $10.99 PD - COURT DOCUMENTS- 291846 6/28/2024 MSC, 6/13/2024 #DEV2024-3715-04 $5,000.00 MO -SPONSORSHIP LUNCHEON 291810 6/28/2024 FW BLACK COLLECTIVE, 6/17/2024 2 $2,500.00 MO -SILVER SPONSORSHIP 291799 6/28/2024 ELAVON INC, 5/31/2024 CA4152100782 $7,234.57 FI-MAY CITY HALL MERCHANT FEES 291799 6/28/2024 ELAVON INC. 5/31/2024 CA4152100783 $168.71 FI-MAY FWCC MERCHANT FEES Key Bank Page 26 of 63 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 291799 6/28/2024 ELAVON INC, 5/31/2024 CA4152100784 $555 26 FI-MAY DUMAS BAY MERCHANT FEE 291799 6/28/2024 ELAVON INC, 5/31/2024 CA4152100785 $312.71 FI-MAY CITY HALL MERCHANT FEES 291799 6/28/2024 ELAVON INC, 5/31/2024 CA4152100923 $83.18 FI-MAY PROBATION OFFICE MERCHA 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $15.00 FI-NSF FEE 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $312.68 LAW -RECORDING 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $42.49 LAW-EFILING SVC 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $26.49 LAW -CERTIFIED COPIES 292021 7/15/2024 PEER WASHINGTON, PEER W7/5/2024 25-DES-2024.06 $2,315.79 MC-AG22-025 PEER RECOVERY SERV 292021 7/15/2024 PEER WASHINGTON, PEER W7/5/2024 25-FED-2024.06 $5,614.04 MC-AG22-025 PEER RECOVERY SERV 291945 7/15/2024 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 6/2612024. 16JP-4GL9-FP4X $247.15 MC-MISC EXEPENSE 291945 7/15/2024 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES 6/26/2024 1JHG-3GJX-XCX3 $-63.36 MC-MISC EXEPENSE 291966 7/15/2024 COUNSELING SERVICES OF V71112024 12 $160.00 MC -ASSESSMENT 292007 7/15/2024 MV TOWING LLC, 6/14/2024 30030 $77,14 PD-VEHICLE TOW 292007 7/15/2024 MV TOWING LLC, 6/19/2024 32017 $77.14 PD-VEHICLE TOW 292007 7/15/2024 MV TOWING LLC, 6/20/2024 32021 $77.14 PD-VEHICLE TOW 292007 7/15/2024 MV TOWING LLC, 6/20/2024 32738 $77.14 PD-VEHICLE TOW 292007 7/15/2024 MV TOWING LLC, 6/22/2024 32647 $77.14 PD-VEHICLE TOW 292007 7/15/2024 MV TOWING LLC, 6/22/2024 32648 $77.14 PD-VEHICLE TOW 292007 7/15/2024 MVTOW] NGLLC, 6/24/2024 30031 $77.14 PD-VEHICLE TOW 292007 7/15/2024 MV TOWING LLC, 6/25/2024 32053 $77.14 PD-VEHICLE TOW 292007 7/15/2024 MV TOWING LLC, 6/30/2024 32045 $132,24 PD-VEHICLE TOW 292007 7/15/2024 MVTOWING LLC, 6/28/2024 32151 $77,14 PD-VEHICLE TOW 292061 7/15/2024 WA STATE PATROL, 7/2/2024 12407579 $137.50 PD-BACKGROUND CHECKS 292031 7/15/2024 REDWOOD TOXICOLOGY LAB5/31/2024 30861420245 $419.30 MC -TOXICOLOGY SVCS 292052 7/15/2024 THUILLIER, JENNIFER 6/28/2024 202443 $80.00 SWR-GRAPHIC DESIGN FOR OUTREAC MY BLDG PRMT ONBRD FEE $44.50 Key Bank Page 27 of 63 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $44 50 IT-MISC EXPENSE NATURAL GAS $2,380.56 291934 7/3/2024 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 4/22/2024 300000001978 $1,113.03 DBC- 3200 SW DASH PT ROAD- 291934 7/3/2024 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 4/22/2024 300000001978 $395.33 PKM-726 S 356TH A093042663 291934 7/3/2024 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 4/22/2024 300000001978 $101.18 DBC- 3200 SW DASH PT ROAD- 291934 7/3/2024 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 4/22/2024 300000001978 $356.53 CHB- 600 S 333RD EVID. BLDG 00 291934 7/3/2024 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 4/22/2024 300000001978 $378.72 CHB- 31104 28TH AVE S STLK SHO 291934 7/3/2024 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 4/22/2024 300000001978 $35.77 CHB- 31104 28TH AVE S HAUGE - NON GOVT DP SERVICES $26,541.38 291803 6/28/2024 FDS HOLDINGS INC, DBACAR4/30/2024 90397676 $25.00 IT-03/24 CH CARD CONNECT FEE 291803 6/28/2024 FDS HOLDINGS INC, DBACAR6/10/2024 92079150 $25.00 IT-05/24 CH CARD CONNECT FEE 291803 6/28/2024 FDS HOLDINGS INC, DBA CAR5/24/2024 90409843 $25.00 IT-04/24 CH CARD CONNECT FEE 291932 6/28/2024 ZOHO CORPORATION, 6/12/2024 610265468 $7,795.00 IT -MANAGE ENGINE ANNUAL RENEWA 291932 6/28/2024 ZOHO CORPORATION, 6/12/2024 610265468 $3,045.00 IT -MANAGE ENGINE ANNUAL RENEWA 291932 6/28/2024 ZOHO CORPORATION, 6/12/2024 610265468 $1,105.68 Sales Tax 291789 6/28/2024 CULTURE FOUNDRY LLC, 6/18/2024 21220155614 $9,250.00 IT-AG23-211 WEB CONTENT STRATE 291813 6/28/2024 GLOBAL DATA VAULT, LLC, 6/20/2024 9253528 $3,295.00 IT-AG23-061 BACKUP & DISASTER 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $55.13 IT -SOFTWARE SVCS 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $159.80 IT -SOFTWARE SVCS 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $25.53 IT -SOFTWARE SVCS 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $21.98 IT -SOFTWARE SVCS 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $449.99 IT -SOFTWARE SVCS 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $35.24 IT -SOFTWARE SVCS 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $8.78 IT -SOFTWARE SVCS 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $29.70 IT -SOFTWARE SVCS 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $599.98 IT -SOFTWARE SVCS 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $54.00 IT -SOFTWARE SVCS Key Bank Page 28 of 63 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGLTotal 292001 7/16/2024 LEXISNEXIS RISK, 6/30/2024 3095185038 $535.57 IT -SUBSCRIPTION CONTENT FEATUR OFFICE SUPPLIES $10,429.67 625244759 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 CITY VISA $71.98 CD -OFFICE SUPPLIES 625244759 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 CITY VISA $27.54 CD -OFFICE SUPPLIES 625244759 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 CITY VISA $9.55 CD -OFFICE SUPPLIES 625243793 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PD VISA $104.11 PD-OFFICE SUPPLIES 625244759 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 CITY VISA $12.57 CD -OFFICE SUPPLIES 625244759 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 CITY VISA $128-51 CD -MAILING SVCS 625244759 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 CITY VISA $16.21 CD -OFFICE SUPPLIES 625244759 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 CITY VISA $72.08 CD -OFFICE SUPPLIES 625244759 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 CITY VISA $77.99 CD -OFFICE SUPPLIES 625244759 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 CITY VISA $115.76 CD -OFFICE SUPPLIES 625244759 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 CITY VISA $17.96 CD -OFFICE SUPPLIES 625244759 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 CITY VISA $17.60 MO -OFFICE SUPPLIES 625244759 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 CITY VISA $18.06 FWCC-OFFICE SUPPLIES 625244759 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 CITY VISA $71.74 FWCC-OFFICE SUPPLIES 625244759 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 CITY VISA $24.64 FWCC-OFFICE SUPPLIES 625244759 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 CITY VISA $826.33 MO -OFFICE SUPPLIES 291784 6/28/2024 COMPLETE OFFICE, 6/6/2024 2285382-1 $66.90 MC -OFFICE SUPPLIES 291784 6/28/2024 COMPLETE OFFICE, 6/5/2024 2290496-0 $44.19 CD -OFFICE SUPPLIES 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $8.81 HR-OFFICE SUPLS 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $57.17 CK-OFFICE SUPPLIES 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $22.29 DBC-OFFICE SUPPLIES 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $11.29 DBC-OFFICE SUPPLIES 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $4.40 DBC-OFFICE SUPPLIES 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $76.61 IT -OFFICE SUPPLS Key Bank Page 29 of 63 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGLTotal 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $99.06 PKM-OFFICE SUPPLIES 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $213.55 PKM-OFFICE SUPPLIES 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $175.32 PKM-OFFICE SUPPLIES 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $20:75 PKM-OFFICE SUPPLIES 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $55.25 PKM-OFFICE SUPPLIES 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $156.33 - PKM-OFFICE SUPPLIES 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $22.12 PKM-OFFICE SUPPLIES 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $33.13 PKM-OFFICE SUPPLIES 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $16.52 SWR-OFFICE SUPPLS 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $82.62 SWR-OFFICE SUPPLS 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $3.99 FWCC-OPER SUPPLIES 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $213 06 SWM-OFFICE SUPPLS 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $141.61 PWST-OFFICE SUPPLS 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $33.05 PWST-OFFICE SUPPLS 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $704 77 PWST-OFFICE SUPPLS 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $38.39 PWST-OFFICE SUPPLS 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $45.17 PWST-OFFICE SUPPLS 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $36.80 SWR-OFFICE SUPPLS 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $5.95 CC -OFFICE SUPPLIES 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $600.00 CC -OFFICE SUPPLIES 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $77.13 CC -OFFICE SUPPLIES 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $115.61 CC -OFFICE SUPPLIES 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $13.61 CC -OFFICE SUPPLIES 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $43.90 CC -OFFICE SUPPLIES 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $14.99 CC -OFFICE SUPPLIES 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $47.36 IT -OFFICE SUPPLS Key Bank Page 30 of 63 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 291964 7/15/2024 COMPLETE OFFICE, 6/21/2024 2293458-0 $29.27 HR-OFFICE SUPPLIES 292024 7/15/2024 PRINTERY COMM U NICATIONE3/29/2024 240094 $1,507.46 FI-BC IMPRINTS 292024 7/15/2024 PRINTERY COMM UNICATIONES/30/2024 240177 $2.455.15 FI-BC IMPRINTS 291964 7/15/2024 COMPLETE OFFICE, 6/17/2024 2292328-0 $31.65 PWST/SWM-OFFICE SUPPLIES 291964 7/15/2024 COMPLETE OFFICE, 6/17/2024 2292470-0 $13.20 PW/PWTR/PWST/SWM/SWR-OFFICE SU 291964 7/15/2024 COMPLETE OFFICE, 6/25/2024 2293815-0 $53.31 PW-OFFICE SUPPLIES 291964 7/15/2024 COMPLETE OFFICE, 6/26/2024 2292918-0 $955,00 PW/PWST-OFFICE SUPPLIES 291964 7/15/2024 COMPLETE OFFICE, 6/17/2024 2292470-0 $5.65 PW/PWTR/PWST/SWM/SWR-OFFICE SU 291964 7/15/2024 COMPLETE OFFICE, 6/17/2024 2292328-0 $31.65 PWST/SWM-OFFICE SUPPLIES 292011 7/15/2024 ODP BUSINESS SOLUTIONS L6/14/2024 371018856001 $18.62 PD-OFFICE SUPPLIES 291964 7/15/2024 COMPLETE OFFICE, 6/17/2024 2292470-0 $3.78 PW/PWTR/PWST/SWM/SWR-OFFICE SU 291964 7/15/2024 COMPLETE OFFICE, 6/17/2024 2292470-0 $7.54 PW/PWTR/PWST/SWM/SWR-OFFICE SU 291964 7/15/2024 COMPLETE OFFICE, 6/25/2024 2293815-0 $5.44 PW-OFFICE SUPPLIES 291964 7/15/2024 COMPLETE OFFICE, 6/25/2024 2293943-0 $49.98 PW-OFFICE SUPPLIES 291964 7/15/2024 COMPLETE OFFICE, 6/26/2024 2292918-0 $97.41 PW/PWST-OFFICE SUPPLIES 291964 7115/2024 COMPLETE OFFICE, 6/17/2024 2292470-0 $7 54 PW/PWTR/PWST/SWM/SWR-OFFICE SU 292011 7/15/2024 ODP BUSINESS SOLUTIONS 1-6/17/2024 367576937001 $239.65 PD-OFFICE SUPPLIES 292011 7/15/2024 ODP BUSINESS SOLUTIONS L6/17/2024 371838654001 $3.04 PD-OFFICE SUPPLIES OPERATING RENTALS/LEASES $10,943.66 291927 6/28/2024 WILLIAMS SCOTSMAN INC, 6/13/2024 9021175507 $1,375.70 PKM-AG22-062 RENTALAGREEMENT 291926 6/28/2024 WILLIAMS SCOTSMAN INC, 6/14/2024 9021185682 $1.432 16 PKM-AG22-062 RENTALAGREEMENT 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $50.64 CK-SHREDDING SVCS 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $23.02 CK-SHREDDING SVCS 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $36.84 CK-SHREDDING SVCS 292069 7/15/2024 WILLIAMS SCOTSMAN INC, 6/27/2024 9021286336 $1.337 30 PKM-AG22-062 RENTALAGREEMENT 292050 7/15/2024 THE HUMANE SOCIETY FOR, 7/1/2024 PS-INV103207 $6,688 00 PD-AG21-033 ANIMAL SHELTER PSA OTHER MISC REVENUE $3,917.47 Key Bank Page 31 of 63 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 625243538 6/25/2024 WA STATE REVENUE DEPART6/25/2024 601-223-538 $0.01 FI-05/24 REMIT SALES TAX 625243538 6/25/2024 WA STATE REVENUE DEPART6/25/2024 601-223-538 $1,012.10 FI-05/24 REMIT SALES TAX 625243538 6/25/2024 WA STATE REVENUE DEPART6/25/2024 601-223-538 $256.46 FI-05/24 REMIT SALES TAX 625243538 6/25/2024 WA STATE REVENUE DEPART6/25/2024 601-223-538 $1,876.80 FI-05/24 REMIT SALES TAX 291754 6/28/2024 ANNA'S PARTY RENTALS, 6/13/2024 21826 $772 10 MO -EQUIP RENTAL OTHER MISCELLANEOUS REVENUE $11,352.44 625243538 6/25/2024 WA STATE REVENUE DEPART6/25/2024 601-223-538 $11,35244 FI-05/24 REMIT SALES TAX OTHER OPERATING SUPPLIES $42,812.50 625243793 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PD VISA $5.95 PD-MNTHLY SUBSCR. 625244759 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 CITY VISA $227.01 CD -OFFICE SUPPLIES 625243793 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PD VISA $702.35 PD-MINOR EQUIP 625244759 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 CITY VISA $314.06 PARKS-OPERS SUPPLIES 625244759 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 CITY VISA $41 86 PARKS-OPERS SUPPLIES 625244759 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 CITY VISA $269.41 PARKS-OPERS SUPPLIES 625244759 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 CITY VISA $226.93 PARKS-OPERS SUPPLIES 625244759 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 CITY VISA $15.42 PARKS-OPERS SUPPLIES 625244759 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 CITY VISA $46.20 PARKS-OPERS SUPPLIES 625244759 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 CITY VISA $363.65 PARKS-OPERS SUPPLIES 625244759 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 CITY VISA $20.87 PARKS-OPERS SUPPLIES 625244759 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 CITY VISA $70.82 PARKS-OPERS SUPPLIES 625244759 6/25/2024 US BANK, -6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 CITY VISA $58.57 PARKS-OPERS SUPPLIES 625244759 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 CITY VISA $96.76 PARKS-OPERS SUPPLIES 625244759 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 CITY VISA $27.55 PARKS-OPERS SUPPLIES 625244759 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 CITY VISA $49.40 PARKS-OPERS SUPPLIES 625244759 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 CITY VISA $42.76 PARKS-OPERS SUPPLIES 625244759 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 CITY VISA $42.34 PARKS-OPERS SUPPLIES 625244759 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 CITY VISA $13.10 PARKS-OPERS SUPPLIES Key Bank Page 32 of 63 Check No. Date _ Vendor _ Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGLTotal 625244759 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 CITY VISA $44.06 PARKS-OPERS SUPPLIES 625244759 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 CITY VISA $44.07 PARKS-OPERS SUPPLIES 625244759 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 CITY VISA $21.59 PARKS-OPERS SUPPLIES 625244759 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 CITY VISA $172.55 PARKS-OPERS SUPPLIES 625244759 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 CITY VISA $125.33 PARKS-OPERS SUPPLIES 625244759 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 CITY VISA $157.97 PARKS-OPERS SUPPLIES 625244759 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 CITY VISA $69.19 PARKS-OPERS SUPPLIES 625244759 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 CITY VISA $-351.54 PARKS -REFUND 625244759 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 CITY VISA $42.93 CD-GRAFFTI SUPPLIES 625244759 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 CITY VISA $35.21 CD -GRAFFITI SUPPLIES 625244759 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 CITY VISA $12.65 CD -GRAFFITI SUPPLIES 625244759 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 CITY VISA $52 83 CD -GRAFFITI SUPPLIES 625244759 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 CITY VISA $149.97 CD -GRAFFITI SUPPLIES 625244759 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 CITY VISA $44.16 CD -GRAFFITI SUPPLIES 625244759 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 CITY VISA $43,83 CD -GRAFFITI SUPPLIES 625244759 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 CITY VISA $67.15 FWCC-OPER SUPPLIES 625244759 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 CITY VISA $22,43 FWCC-OPER SUPPLIES 625244759 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 CITY VISA $57.82 FWCC-OPER SUPPLIES 625244759 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 CITY VISA $9 90 FWCC-OPER SUPPLIES 625244759 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 CITY VISA $74.88 FWCC-OPER SUPPLIES 625244759 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 CITY VISA $104.75 FWCC-OPER SUPPLIES 625244759 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 CITY VISA $26.43 FWCC-OPER SUPPLIES 625244759 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 CITY VISA $10 84 FWCC-OPER SUPPLIES 625244759 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 CITY VISA $19.99 PARKS-OPER SUPPLIES 625244759 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 CITY VISA $171.76 PARKS-OPERS SUPPLIES 625244759 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 CITY VISA $348.00 PARKS-OPERS SUPPLIES Key Bank Page 33 of 63 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGLTotal 625244759 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 CITY VISA $156,22 PARKS-OPERS SUPPLIES 625244759 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 CITY VISA $17Z22 PARKS-OPERS SUPPLIES 625244759 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 CITY VISA $40.79 PARKS-OPERS SUPPLIES 625244759 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 CITY VISA $65 15 PARKS-OPERS SUPPLIES 625244759 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 CITY VISA $52.00 PARKS-OPERS SUPPLIES 625244759 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 CITY VISA $59.37 PARKS-OPERS SUPPLIES 625244759 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 CITY VISA $1,866.72 PARKS-OPERS SUPPLIES 625244759 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 CITY VISA $41 82 PARKS-OPERS SUPPLIES 625244759 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 CITY VISA $39 02 PARKS-OPERS SUPPLIES 625244759 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 CITY VISA $165 54 PARKS-OPERS SUPPLIES 625244759 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 CITY VISA $44.94 PARKS-OPERS SUPPLIES 625244759 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 CITY VISA $25.00 PARKS-OPERS SUPPLIES 625244759 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 CITY VISA $102.44 PARKS-OPERS SUPPLIES 625244759 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 CITY VISA $18.69 PARKS-OPERS SUPPLIES 625244759 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 CITY VISA $382.97 PARKS-OPERS SUPPLIES 625244759 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 CITY VISA $33.93 PARKS-OPERS SUPPLIES 625244759 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 CITY VISA $115.62 PARKS-OPERS SUPPLIES 625244759 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 CITY VISA $37.43 PARKS-OPERS SUPPLIES 625244759 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 CITY VISA $215.86 PARKS-OPERS SUPPLIES 625244759 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 CITY VISA $19.58 PARKS-OPERS SUPPLIES 625244759 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 CITY VISA $105 22 PARKS-OPERS SUPPLIES 625244759 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 CITY VISA $29.20 PARKS-OPERS SUPPLIES 625244759 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 CITY VISA $76.96 PARKS-OPERS SUPPLIES 625244759 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 CITY VISA $43.82 PARKS-OPERS SUPPLIES 625244759 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 CITY VISA $164.97 PARKS-OPERS SUPPLIES 625244759 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 CITY VISA $125 26 PARKS-OPERS SUPPLIES Key Bank Page 34 of 63 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGLTotal 625244759 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 CITY VISA $100 73 PARKS-OPERS SUPPLIES 625244759 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 CITY VISA $104.16 PARKS-OPERS SUPPLIES 625244759 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 CITY VISA $242.20 PARKS-OPERS SUPPLIES 625244759 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 CITY VISA $1.250.00 PARKS-OPER SUPPLIES 625244759 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 CITY VISA $2,800.39 PARKS-OPER SUPPLIES 625243793 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PD VISA $132.22 PD-OPER SUPPLIES 625243793 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PD VISA $18.70 PD-OPER SUPPLIES 625243793 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/26/2024 JUNE 2024 PD VISA $248.77 PD-OPER SUPPLIES 625243793 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PD VISA $181.96 PD-OPER SUPPLIES 625243793 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PD VISA $105.15 PD-OPER SUPPLIES 625243793 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PD VISA $11.96 PD-OPER SUPPLIES 625243793 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PD VISA $-17.17 PD-OPER SUPPLIES 625243793 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PD VISA $-120.92 PD-OPER SUPPLIES 625243793 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PD VISA $120.92 PD-OPER SUPPLIES 625243793 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PD VISA $93.03 PD-OPER SUPPLIES 625243793 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PD VISA $16.76 PD-OFFICE SUPPLIES 625243793 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PD VISA $17,18 PD-OPER SUPPLIES 625243793 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PD VISA $49 47 PD-OPER SUPPLIES 625243793 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PD VISA $35.85 PD-OPER SUPPLIES 625243793 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PD VISA $96 96 PD-OPER SUPPLIES 625243793 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PD VISA $355.08 PD-OPER SUPPLIES 625243793 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PD VISA $164.94 PD-OPER SUPPLIES 625243793 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PD VISA $147.94 PD-OPER SUPPLIES 625243793 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PD VISA $49.19 PD-OFFICE SUPPLIES 291865 6/28/2024 PETTY CASH -POLICE DEPT, 6/12/2024 034378 $2 20 PD - KEY TAGS- 291865 6/28/2024 PETTY CASH -POLICE DEPT, 6/12/2024 034378 $12.99 PD - LINT ROLLERS— Key Bank Page 35 of 63 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 291865 6/28/2024 PETTY CASH -POLICE DEPT, 6/12/2024 034378 $20.97 PD - STIR STICKS- 291865 6/28/2024 PETTY CASH -POLICE DEPT, 6/12/2024 034378 $11.17 PD - ELECTRICAL TAPE- 291837 6/28/2024 LIMITED ENERGY SERVIC INC6/20/2024 P 6357 $1,082.26 IT- PD HID SEOS CREDENTIALS- 291865 6/28/2024 PETTY CASH -POLICE DEPT, 6/12/2024 034378 $14 41 PD - REIMBURSEMENT FOR VISA RE 291865 6/28/2024 PETTY CASH -POLICE DEPT, 6/12/2024 034378 $85.83 PD - CONTAINERS- 291865 6/28/2024 PETTY CASH -POLICE DEPT, 6/12/2024 034378 $5.00 PD - PARKING- 291869 6/28/2024 PLATT ELECTRIC SUPPLY, 5/31/2024 Y902828 $8,729,21 PKM- LIGHT BULBS FOR THE FIELD 291814 6/28/2024 GRAINGER INC, 6/3/2024 9137893351 $94,73 FLT-MAINT SUPPLIES 291850 6/28/2024 NAPAAUTO PARTS, 6/17/2024 152905 $110.84 FLT-REPAIR & MAINT 291865 6/28/2024 PETTY CASH -POLICE DEPT, 6/12/2024 034378 $68.97 PD-CANDY/SPEAKER FOR EVENT- 291750 6/28/2024 AGRISHOP INC, 6/13/2024 72236/1 $84.89 PKM-EQUIPMENT PARTS & REPAIRS 291753 6/28/2024 ALPINE PRODUCTS INC, 5/30/2024 TM-224259 $224,48 PKM-OPER SUPPLIES 291929 6/28/2024 XTREME GRAPHIX INC, 6/11/2024 24-1162 $39,42 PKM-AG23-165 PARKS SIGNAGE- 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $16.52 PKM-OPER SUPPLIES 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $-16.52 PKM-OPER SUPPLIES 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $198.27 PKM-MINOR EQUIP 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $57.24 PKM-OPER SUPPLIES 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $243.35 PARKS-OPER SUPPLIES 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $16.52 FLT-MAINT SUPPLIES 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $21.50 FLT-OPER SUPPLIES 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $63.80 IT-OPER SUPPLS 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $479.71 IT-OPER SUPPLS 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $1,152 00 SWR-OPER SUPPLS 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $1,573.66 SWR-OPER SUPPLS 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $237.16 PARKS-OPER SUPPLIES 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $121.84 PARKS-OPER SUPPLIES Key Bank Page 36 of 63 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGLTotal 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $293 00 PARKS-OPER SUPPLIES 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $265.20 . PARKS-OPER SUPPLIES 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $40.75 PARKS-OPER SUPPLIES 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $17.17 PARKS-OPER SUPPLIES 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $26.27 PARKS-OPER SUPPLIES 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $200.00 PARKS-OPER SUPPLIES 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $310.50 PARKS-OPER SUPPLIES 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $97.26 PARKS-OPER SUPPLIES 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $23.26 PARKS-OPER SUPPLIES 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $-14.96 PARKS -REFUND 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $14.31 PARKS-OPER'SUPPLIES 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $48.48 SWM-OPER SUPPLIES 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $225.91 SWM-OPER SUPPLIES 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $494.44 SWM-OPER SUPPLIES 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $958.74 CD-OPER SUPPLIES 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $740.64 IT-OPER SUPPLS 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $42 76 PARKS-OPER SUPPLIES 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $89.79 PARKS-OPER SUPPLIES 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $416.00 SWM-OPER SUPPLIES 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $5.48 DBC-OPER SUPPLIES 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $330.92 PARKS-OPER SUPPLIES 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $318.00 PARKS-OPER SUPPLIES 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $89.92 PARKS-OPER SUPPLIES 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $41.03 PARKS-OPER SUPPLIES 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $25.33 PARKS-OPER SUPPLIES 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $189.42 PARKS-OPER SUPPLIES Key Bank Page 37 of 63 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $115.15 PARKS-OPER SUPPLIES 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $57.32 PARKS-OPER SUPPLIES 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $237.16 PARKS-OPER SUPPLIES 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $131.56 PWST-OPER SUPPLIES 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $639.54 DBC-OPER SUPPLIES 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $1.377.50 DBC-OPER SUPPLIES 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $100.00 DBC-OPER SUPPLIES 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $16.86 DBC-OPER SUPPLIES 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $4 26 DBC-OPER SUPPLIES 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $19.77 DBC-OPER SUPPLIES 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $4.84 DBC-OPER SUPPLIES 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $135.35 DBC-OPER SUPPLIES 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $12.00 DBC-OPER SUPPLIES 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $88.16 DBC-OPER SUPPLIES 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $14.80 DBC-OPER SUPPLIES 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $3,99 DBC-OPER SUPPLIES 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $44.14 DBC-OPER SUPPLIES 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $131.56 SWM-OPER SUPPLIES 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $197.U7 SWM-OFFICE SUPPLIES 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $160.07 FWCC-OPER SUPPLIES 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $185.20 FWCC-OPER SUPPLIES 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $30.80 FWCC-OPER SUPPLIES 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $497.70 FWCC-OPER SUPPLIES 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $27.51 PARKS-OPER SUPPLIES 291986 7/15/2024 HART HEALTH & SAFETY INC,6/26/2024 1025174 $223.06 FWCC- FOR SUPPLIES FOR FIRSTA 292044 7/15/2024 STAPLES BUSINESS ADVANTf6/30/2024 6005927987 $130.06 PD-OFFICE SUPPLIES Key Bank Page 38 of 63 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 292044 7/15/2024 STAPLES BUSINESS ADVANT/6/30/2024 6005927986 $62.78 PD-OFFICE SUPPLIES 292044 7/15/2024 STAPLES BUSINESS ADVANT/6/30/2024 6005927989 $218.03 PD-OFFICE SUPPLIES 292044 7/15/2024 STAPLES BUSINESS ADVANT/6/30/2024 6005927988 $599.93 PD-OFFICE SUPPLIES 291975 7/15/2024 EWING IRRIGATION PRODUC74/11/2024 21969671 $218.77 PKM-MAINT SUPPLIES 291954 7/15/2024 BSN SPORTS, 4/26/2024 925600021 $1,416,03 PKM-OPER SUPPLIES 291984 7/15/2024 GRAINGER INC, 7/3/2024 9172472541 $268.74 CHB-MAINT SUPPLIES 291984 7/15/2024 GRAINGER INC, 7/5/2024 9172854573 $137.95 CHB-MAINT SUPPLIES 291984 7/15/2024 GRAINGER INC, 3/7/2024 9045725521 $58.46 FLT-MAINT SUPPLIES 292071 7/15/2024 XTREME GRAPHIX INC, 6/19/2024 24-1090 $476.33 PKM-AG23-165 PARKS SIGNAGE- 292051 7/15/2024 THE PART WORKS INC, 6/28/2024 INV107934 $108.04 PKM-MAINT SUPPLIES PARKING/TOLLS $1,416.20 625243793 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PD VISA $9 50 PD-TOLLS 625243793 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PD VISA $52.00 PD-TOLLS 625243793 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PD VISA $3.80 PD-TOLLS 625243793 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PD VISA $18.00 PD-TOLLS 625243793 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PD VISA $19,50 PD-TOLLS 625243793 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PD VISA $26.00 PD-TOLLS 625243793 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PD VISA $6.50 PD-TOLLS 625243793 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PD VISA $104.00 PD-TOLLS 625243793 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PD VISA $14.50 PD-TOLLS 625243793 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PD VISA $6.00 PD-TOLLS 625243793 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PD VISA $26.00 PD-TOLLS 625243793 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PD VISA $84.50 PD-TOLLS 625243793 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PD VISA $257.00 PD-TOLLS 625243793 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PD VISA $14.00 PD-TOLLS 625243793 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PD VISA $149.50 PD-TOLLS Key Bank Page 39 of 63 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGLTotal 625243793 6/25/2024 _ _ US BANK, 6125/2024 JUNE 2024 PD VISA $13.00 PD-TOLLS 625243793 6/2512024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PD VISA $19.50 PD-TOLLS 625243793 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PD VISA $39.00 PD-TOLLS 625243793 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PD VISA $3.00 PD-TOLLS 625243793 6125/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PD VISA $167.50 PD-TOLLS 625243793 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PD VISA $19.50 PD-TOLLS 625243793 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PD VISA $40.00 PD-TOLLS 625243793 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PD VISA $55.50 PD-TOLLS 625243793 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PD VISA $26 00 PD-TOLLS 625243793 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PD VISA $55 50 PD-TOLLS 625243793 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PD VISA $42.50 PD-TOLLS 625244759, 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 CITY VISA $10.99 MO -PARKING 625244759 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 CITY VISA $4 00 PARKS -PARKING FEE 625244759 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 CITY VISA $4.00 PARKS -PARKING FEE 291865 .6/28/2024 PETTY CASH -POLICE DEPT, 6/12/2024 034378 $6.00 PD - PARKING- 291865 6/28/2024 PETTY CASH -POLICE DEPT, 6/12/2024 034378 $12 00 PD - PARKING- 291865 6/28/2024 PETTY CASH -POLICE DEPT, 6/12/2024 034378 $22.00 PD - PARKING- 291865 6/28/2024 PETTY CASH -POLICE DEPT, 6/12/2024 034378 $10.86 PD - PARKING- 291865 6/28/2024 PETTY CASH -POLICE DEPT, 6/12/2024 034378 $55 05 PD - PARKING AT CONFERENCE- 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $19.50 SWR-PARKING TOLLS PD - CLAIMS AUTO $15,539.21 291849 6/28/2024 MV TOWING LLC, 6/12/2024 32734 $220.40 RM-VEHICLE TOW 291903 6128/2024 SYSTEMS FOR PUBLIC SAFE16/17/2024 46950 $1,467 86 RM-VEHICLE REPAIR 291904 6/28/2024 SYSTEMS FOR PUBLIC SAFEl6l7/2024 46949 $1,018 43 RM-RSK 24-0003668 291849 6/28/2024 MV TOWING LLC, 5/8/2024 32595 $220.40 RM-VEHICLE TOW 291830 6/28/2024 LAKES BODY SHOP, 5/31/2024 22750 $12.259.48 RM-AUTO BODY REPAIR - PD 6541 Key Bank Page 40 of 63 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGLTotal 291849 6/28/2024 MV TOWING LLC, 6/6/2024 32727 $220,40 RM-VEHICLE TOW 292007 7/15/2024 MV TOWING LLC, 6/27/2024 32743 $132.24 RM-VEHICLE TOW PD - CLAIMS GL/PL $19,470.38 291825 6/28/2024 KEATING, BUCKLIN & MCCOR6/3/2024 22700 $14,212.38 RM-AG23-159 LEGAL SVCS- 291838 6/28/2024 LISA ELLIOTT ATTORNEY AT 1-6/18/2024 113 $5,258.00 RM-AG24-049 LEGAL SERVICES - PER DIEM MEALS $3,658.00 291827 6/28/2024 KING, LOGAN 6/18/2024 6/20/24 $108.00 PD-ADV TVL REIMB AR15/M4 ARMOR 291763 6128/2024 BLACKSHEAR, RB 6/18/2024 BLACKSHEAR 2024 $311.00 PD-ADV TVL REIMB SRO SUPERVISO 291779 6/28/2024 CLARK, ERIC 6/20/2024 CLARK 2024B $108.00 PD-ADV TVL REIMB AR15/M4 ARMOR 291833 6/28/2024 LEDYARD, KIMBERLY 6/7/2024 LEDYARD 2024 $164.00 PARKS-ADV TVL REIMB WRPA CONFE 291748 6/28/2024 ADAME, ESAIEL 6/11/2024 ADAME 2024 $15 00 SWM-ADV TVL FLAGGER TRAINING 291761 6/28/2024 BECK, KELTON 6/11/2024 BECK 2024 $15.00 SWM-ADV TVL FLAGGER TRAINING 291870 6/28/2024 PRINCE, DAVID 6/18/2024 PRINCE 2024 $378 00 PD-ADV TVL REIMB NATIA 2024 CO 291765 6/28/2024 BRACCO, ROBERT 6/20/2024 BRACCO 2024 $378 00 PD-ADV TVL 2024 NATIA CONF 291883 6/28/2024 SCHMIDT, DAVID 6/7/2024 SCHMIDT2024 $164.00 PARKS-ADV TVL REIMB WRPA CONFE 291816 6/28/2024 HOOD, COLTEN 6/11/2024 HOOD 2024 $15.00 PWSR-ADV TVL FLAGGER TRAINING 292017 7/15/2024 PARANADA, ISAIAH 6/14/2024 PARANADA 2024 $300.00 PWST-ADV TVL CDL TRAINING 291962 7/15/2024 COLLIER, ROBERT 6/25/2024 COLLIER 2024 $300.00 PWST-ADV TVL CDLTRAINING 291967 7/15/2024 CRAMER, SEAN 6/27/2024 CRAMER 2024 $15.00 PWST-ADV TVL REIMB FLAGGER TRA 291947 7/15/2024 ASSEFA-DAWSON, LYDIA 7/9/2024 ASSEFA-DAWSON 2024 $106.00 CC -NATIONAL FOUNDATION FOR WOM 291991 7/15/2024 HONDA, SUSAN 7/9/2024 HONDA2024 $188.00 CC-ADV TVL REMB NLC 291956 7/15/2024 CARTER, TANJA 6/26/2024 CARTER 2024 $255.00 MOED-ADV TVL ED IEDC FUTURE FO 292006 7/15/2024 MULLET, BRYAN 7/8/2024 MULLET 2024 $134.00 PD-EQUIP REIMBURSEMENT 292064 7/15/2024 WEBSTER, ARIANNA 716/2024 WEBSTER 2024 $134.00 PD-ADV TVL CHILD DEATH INVESTI 291955 7/15/2024 BUCHANAN, KYLE 7/8/2024 BUCHANAN 2024 $285.00 PD-CALEA CONFERENCE 292034 7/15/2024 ROTH, CRYSTAL 7/8/2024 ROTH 2O24 $285.00 PD-CALEA CON F. PLUMBING PERMITS $143.18 Key Bank Page 41 of 63 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 292039 7/15/2024 SMITH, ROSEMARY 6/12/2024 24-102481 $143.18 CD-24-102481 PERMIT REFUND POSTAGE/DELIVERY SERVICES $1,865.50 625244759 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 CITY VISA $15.98 CD -MAILING SVCS 625244759 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 CITY VISA $39.95 CD -MAILING SVCS 625244759 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 CITY VISA $39.95 CD -MAILING SVCS 625244759 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 CITY VISA $79.34 CD -HUMAN SVCS 625244759 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 CITY VISA $23.97 CD -MAILING SVCS 625244759 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 CITY VISA $15.98 CD -MAILING SVCS 625244759 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 CITY VISA $18,40 CD -MAILING SVCS 625244759 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 CITY VISA $31.96 CD -MAILING SVCS 625244759 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 CITY VISA $23.97 CD -MAILING SVCS 625244759 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 CITY VISA $7.99 CD -MAILING SVCS 625244759 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 CITY VISA $15.98 CD -MAILING SVCS 625244759 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 CITY VISA $23.97 CD -MAILING SVCS 625244759 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 CITY VISA $15.98 CD -MAILING SVCS 625244759 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 CITY VISA $15.98 CD -MAILING SVCS 625244759 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 CITY VISA $9,68 CD -MAILING SVCS 625244759 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 CITY VISA $31.96 CD -MAILING SVCS 625244759 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 CITY VISA $23.97 CD -MAILING SVCS 625244759 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 CITY VISA $23.97 CD -MAILING SVCS 625244759 6/25/2024 US BANK, '6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 CITY VISA $19.70 CD -MAILING SVCS 625244759 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 CITY VISA $19.70 CD -MAILING SVCS 625244759 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 CITY VISA $7.99 CD -MAILING SVCS 625244759 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 CITY VISA $23.97 CD -MAILING SVCS 625244759 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 CITY VISA $15.98 CD -MAILING SVCS 625243793 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PD VISA $64.52 PD-POSTAGE Key Bank Page 42 of 63 Check No Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGLTotal 291868 6/28/2024 PITNEY BOWES PRESORT SV6/1/2024 1025470635 $414.43 FI-PITNEY BOWES POSTAGE DEPOSI 291868 6/28/2024 PITNEY BOWES PRESORT SV6/1/2024 1025470636 $61.82 FI-MAILING SVC 291865 6/28/2024 PETTY CASH -POLICE DEPT, 6/12/2024 034378 $66 30 PD- SHIPPING- 291865 6/28/2024 PETTY CASH -POLICE DEPT, 6/12/2024 034378 $13.63 PD - SHIPPING- 291868 6/28/2024 PITNEY BOWES PRESORT SV6/1/2024 1025470635 $607 82 FI-PITNEY BOWES POSTAGE DEPOSI 291868 6/28/2024 PITNEY BOWES PRESORT SV6/1/2024 1025470636 $90.66 FI-MAILING SVC PRINTING/PHOTO SERVICES 291871 6/28/2024 PRINTERY COMMUNICATION:4/30/2024 240161 $991.68 HR-BC IMPRINTS 291871 6/28/2024 PRINTERY COMMUNICATION3/30/2024 240202 $678.44 HR-BC IMPRINTS 291871 6/28/2024 PRINTERY COMMUNICATION:4/30/2024 240162 $1,237.37 HR-BC IMPRINTS 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $132 63 PARKS-PRINTING/PHOTO SERVICES 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $103.11 PARKS-PRINTING/PHOTO SERVICES 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $416 01 SWM-PHOTO SVCS 292038 7/15/2024 SIR SPEEDY PRINTING #0905,6/28/2024 145136 $1.259.59 CD -PRINTING SERVICES 291983 7/15/2024 GOS PRINTING CORPORAT1O6/17/2024 96110 $24745 PD-PRINTING SERVICES 291983 7/15/2024 GOS PRINTING CORPORAT106/17/2024 96111 $144.36 PD-PRINTING SERVICES 291983 7/15/2024 GOS PRINTING CORPORAT1O6/17/2024 96112 $144.36 PD-PRINTING SERVICES PRO PLANS, STL LK & BROOK LK MA! 291751 6/28/2024 AHBL INC, 5/31/2024 145827 $9,030 00 PKM-AG23-174 BROOKLAKE & STEEL PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 625244759 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 CITY VISA $89.73 CD-INTERPERTER SVCS 625244759 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 CITY VISA $695 00 FWCC-LICENSING FEE 625244759 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 CITY VISA $484 88 FWCC=STAFF SCHEDULING 625244759 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 CITY VISA $14.22 FWCC-STAFF SCHEDULING 625244759 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 CITY VISA $4.98 FWCC-STAFF SCHEDULING 291911 6/28/2024 VERMONT SYSTEMS INC, 6/18/2024 VS013116 $5,850.00 IT -ANNUAL REC-TRAC SUPPORT FO 291888 6/28/2024 SEMISI-TUPOU, VAIVAO T 6/11/2024 06/11/24 $140.00 MC -INTERPRETER SERVICES $5,355.00 $9,030.00 $418,162.88 Key Bank Page 43 of 63 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 291888 6/28/2024 SEMISI-TUPOU, VAIVAO T 6/10/2024 06/10/24 $140.00 MC -INTERPRETER SERVICES 291888 6/28/2024 SEMISI-TUPOU, VAIVAO T 6/6/2024 06/06/24 $210.00 MC -INTERPRETER SERVICES 291888 6/28/2024 SEMISI-TUPOU, VAIVAO T 6/4/2024 06/04/2024 $280,00 MC -INTERPRETER SERVICES 291888 6/28/2024 SEMISI-TUPOU, VAIVAO T 6/13/2024 06/12/24 $140.00 MC -INTERPRETER SERVICES 291820 6/28/2024 INTERCOM LANGUAGE SVCS,B17/2024 24-310 $2,135.63 MC -INTERPRETER SVC 291746 6/28/2024 ABOU-ZAKI, KAMAL 6/12/2024 06/12124 $118.00 MC -INTERPRETER SVC 291820 6/28/2024 INTERCOM LANGUAGE SVCSS/14/2024 24-360 $2.410 01 MC -INTERPRETER SVC 291818 6/28/2024 INLIFE CLINIC LLC, 5/31/2024 FWPD053124 $700 00 PD-CONSULTING SVCS 291872 6/28/2024 PRISMA INTERNATIONAL INC,6/20/2024 118315-H $151 90 WRITTEN WORD TRANSLATION SERVI 291771 6/28/2024 CHILDRENS HOME SOCIETY, 4/15/2024 1ST QTR 2024 $2,750 00 CDHS-AG23-058 MENTAL HEALTH CO 291793 6/28/2024 DOMESTIC ABUSE WOMEN'S 4/22/2024 1ST QTR 2024 $3,750.00 CDHS-AG23-105 DAWN COMMUNITY 291891 6/28/2024 SKCSRA-SOCCER REFEREES6/9/2024 2781 $1.472 00 PARKS-AG18-009 SOCCER,REFEREE 291800 6/28/2024 ELTEC SYSTEMS DBA, SCHIN6/5/2024 7153944407 $668.39 CHB-AG21-045 ELEVATOR SVC- 291762 6/28/2024 BLACK DOG SOUND &RECOR5/9/2024 5/9/2024 $2,000.00 PARKS -SUMMER SOUNDS CONCERTS 291893 6/28/2024 SOUND PUBLISHING INC, 5/31/2024 8139215 $1,875.00 FWCC-AD ACCT#83754398 291762 6/28/2024 BLACK DOG SOUND &RECOR519/2024 5/9/24 $6,100.00 PARKS -RED WHITE & BLUES FESTIV 291792 6/28/2024 DODGE, DAVID 6/6/2024 6/6/24 $5,000.00 PARKS -RED WHITE & BLUE FESTIVA 291896 6/28/2024 STACY JONES BAND, 6/10/2024 07042024 $1,250.00 PARKS -RED WHITE & BLUES FESTIV 291749 6/28/2024 ADURO LLC, 5/31/2024 INV7177 $1,689.80 HR-AG19-209 WELLNESS PGM- 291749 6/28/2024 ADURO LLC, 5/31/2024 INV7214 $4,300.00 HR-AG19-209 WELLNESS PGM- 291824 6/28/2024 KAY CATERING, 6/5/2024 3426 $38,533.59 DBC-AG23-024 DUMAS BAY CATERIN 291889 6/28/2024 SERENITY COUNSELING SERS/10/2024 25 $250.00 MO -DV ASSESSMENT CASE#2A063908 291889 6/28/2024 SERENITY COUNSELING SERS/13/2024 26 $250.00 MO -DV ASSESSMENT CASE#4A018503 291851 6/28/2024 NEWTON AND HALL, 6/7/2024 2024-1000 $6,850.00 MO -ATTORNEY FEE 291795 6/28/2024 EDWARD NELSON LAW OFFI05/12/2024 2024-05 $4,000.00 MO-AG21-160 PUBLIC DEFENSE ATT 291780 6/28/2024 CODE PUBLISHING COMPANY5/29/2024 GC10014161 $835.55 CK-CODE SERVCIES Key Bank Page 44 of 63 Check No. Date Vendor _ Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 291854 6/28/2024 OLBRECHTS &ASSOCIATES, 15/8/2024 MARCH -MAY 2024 $3,759.39 CK-AG20-961 HEARING EXAMINER S 291747 6/28/2024 ACCOUNTEMPS (ROBERT HA5/10/2024 63691995 $1,423.76 MO-ADMINSTRATIVE TEMP 291747 6/28/2024 ACCOUNTEMPS (ROBERT HAB/17/2024 63719794 $269 36 MO-ADMINSTRATIVE TEMP 291747 6/28/2024 ACCOUNTEMPS (ROBERT HA16/17/2024 63721030 $1,233.60 MO-ADMINSTRATIVE TEMP 291832 6/28/2024 LANGUAGE LINE SERVICES, 15/31/2024 11319782 $2,757 72 PD-AG21-199 LANGUAGE SVC 291796 6/28/2024 EFELLE MEDIA, 6/12/2024 57841 $810.00 MOED-BI ANNUAL HOSTING 291798 6/28/2024 EL CENTRO DE LA RAZA, 6/14/2024 1ST QTR 2024 $11,507.93 CDHS-AG24-058 ARPA HS GRANTAF 291931 6/28/2024 YWCA SEATTLE- KING COUN16/14/2024 1ST QTR 2024 $619.80 CDHS-AG24-107 ECONOMIC EMPOWER 291879 6/28/2024 ROCK PROJECT MGMT SERVI/3/2024 1509 $12,823.75 PARKS-AG23-206 PROJECT MANAGEM 291819 6/28/2024 INNOVAARCHITECTS INC, 4/30/2024 0004662 $89.786.72 PARKS-AG23-260 FWCC LOCKER ROO 291899 6/28/2024 SUMMIT LAW GROUP, 6/18/2024 154755 $11,047.06 HR-LEGAL SVCS 291912 6/28/2024 VERRAMOBILITY, 5/31/2024 INV0078286 $52,250.00 PD-AG21-034 PHOTO ENFORCEMENT 291867 6/28/2024 PIERCE COUNTY SECURITY 116/5/2024 435401 $300.00 PARKS-AG23-207 SECURITY SERVIC 291867 6/28/2024 PIERCE COUNTY SECURITY 116/5/2024 435406 $180.00 PARKS-AG23-207 SECURITY SERVIC 291867 6/28/2024 PIERCE COUNTY SECURITY 116/5/2024 435437 $175.00 PARKS-AG23-207 SECURITY SERVIC 291867 6/28/2024 PIERCE COUNTY SECURITY 116/5/2024 435438 $180.00 PARKS-AG23-207 SECURITY SERVIC 291867 6/28/2024 PIERCE COUNTY SECURITY 116/5/2024 435482 $180.00 PARKS-AG23-207 SECURITY SERVIC 291867 6/28/2024 PIERCE COUNTY SECURITY 116/5/2024 435483 $180.00 PARKS-AG23-207 SECURITY SERVIC 291867 6/28/2024 PIERCE COUNTY SECURITY 116/5/2024 435691 $375.00 PARKS-AG23-207 SECURITY SERVIC 291867 6/28/2024 PIERCE COUNTY SECURITY 116/5/2024 435702 $180.00 PARKS-AG23-207 SECURITY SERVIC 291867 6/28/2024 PIERCE COUNTY SECURITY 116/5/2024 435731 $300.00 PARKS-AG23-207 SECURITY SERVIC 291867 6/28/2024 PIERCE COUNTY SECURITY 116/5/2024 435769 $180.00 PARKS-AG23-207 SECURITY SERVIC 291822 6/28/2024 JM ARTS CONSULTING LLC, 6/7/2024 FW-1003 $10,000.00 PARKS-AG24-057 PAEC COMMUNITY 291911 6/28/2024 VERMONT SYSTEMS INC, 6/18/2024 VS013116 $5,850 00 IT -ANNUAL REC-TRAC SUPPORT FO 291821 6/28/2024 JIMENEZ PRODUCTIONS, DA\6/11/2024 0056 $105.00 IT-AG23-010 VIDEO PRODUCTION S 291821 6/28/2024 JIMENEZ PRODUCTIONS, DA\,6/18/2024 0057 $140.00 IT-AG23-010 VIDEO PRODUCTION S Key Bank Page 45 of 63 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGLTotal 291821 6/28/2024 JIMENEZ PRODUCTIONS, DX6/22/2024 0059 $35.00 IT-AG23-010 VIDEO PRODUCTION S 291821 6/28/2024 JIMENEZ PRODUCTIONS, DX6/22/2024 0060 $900,00 IT-AG23-010 VIDEO PRODUCTION S 291821 6/28/2024 JIMENEZ PRODUCTIONS, DA\j6/18/2024 0058 $1,325.00 IT-AG23-010 VIDEO PRODUCTION S 701242870 7/1/2024 AETNA LIFE INSURANCE COM5/26/2024 J1642870 $9,560.64 FI-AETNA INSURANCE PREMIUMS 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $275,00 FI-WELLNESS GIFT CARDS 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $1,200.00 FI-WELLNESS GIFT CARDS 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $1,950.00 FI-WELLNESS GIFT CARDS 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $250.00 FI-WELLNESS GIFT CARDS 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $450,00 FI-WELLNESS GIFT CARDS 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $100.00 FI-WELLNESS GIFT CARDS 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA . $25.00 FI-WELLNESS GIFT CARDS 70224026 7/2/2024 WA STATE DEPT OF LICENSIN7/2/2024 0-088-060-276 $75.00 HR-DRIVING RECORDS 292027 7/15/2024 PROTECTYOUTH SPORTS, 6/30/2024 1176771 $319.00 HR-BACKGROUND CHECKS 291951 7/15/2024 BIO DECON SOLUTIONS LLC, 6/26/2024 3822 $4,987.65 CD -WASTE DISPOSAL 292054 7/15/2024 VALENTINE, CHARLES 7/6/2024 07/06/24 $1,000.00 PARKS -SUMMER SOUNDS CONCERTS 291992 7/15/2024 HOT RODSTER BAND, RODNE4/27/2024 4/27/24 $1,000.00 PARKS -SUMMER SOUNDS CONCERTS 292033 7/15/2024 REPTILE ISLE, 4/2/2024 04/2124 $1,500.00 PARKS -REPTILE SHOW 292040 7/15/2024 SNAPOLOGY, 7/1/2024 1177 $1,938 30 PARKS-AG24-116 SUMMER STEM CAM 291989 7/15/2024 HIT CONNECTIONS ENTERTAF7/10/2024 015865 $1,000.00 PARKS -SUMMER SOUNDS CONCERTS 291969 7/15/2024 DAVID LICHTENSTEIN, 7/10/2024 7/10/24 $600.00 PARKS -KIDS DAY PERFORMANCE 291952 7/15/2024 BLACK DOG SOUND &RECOR5/8/2024 5/8/24 $700.00 PARKS -SOUND AT KIDS DAY 291979 7/15/2024 FIRST STUDENT, INC, 6/27/2024 459070 $1,769.87 PARKS-AG19-240 CHARTER BUS TRA 291979 7/15/2024 FIRST STUDENT, INC, 7/1/2024 11987040 $1,217.79 PARKS-AG19-240 CHARTER BUS TRA 292008 7/15/2024 NAVIA BENEFIT SOLUTIONS, 6/28/2024 10864802 $419,80 HR-FLEX PLAN ADM SVCS AG12-061 291973 7/15/2024 ELTEC SYSTEMS DBA, SCHIN7/1/2024 8106617144 $428,55 CHB/FWCC-AG21-045 ELEVATOR SVC 291973 7/15/2024 ELTEC SYSTEMS DBA, SCHIN7/1/2024 8106617145 $428.55 CHB/FWCC-AG21-045 ELEVATOR SVC Key Bank Page 46 of 63 heck No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGLTotal 291999 7/15/2024 LANE POWELL PC, 6/25/2024 3934463 $20.324.12 PW-AG24-077 LEGAL SERVICES-- 292070 7/15/2024 WU. THOMAS 6/18/2024 06/18/24 $118.00 MC -INTERPRETER SVC 291943 7/15/2024 ABOU-ZAKI, KAMAL 6/24/2024 06/24/24 $118.00 MC -INTERPRETER SVC 292037 7/15/2024 SEMISI-TUPOU, VAIVAO T 6/28/2024 06/28/24 $140.00 MC -INTERPRETER SERVICES 292037 7/15/2024 SEMISI-TUPOU, VAIVAO T 7/1/2024 07/1/24 $140.00 MC -INTERPRETER SERVICES 291994 7/15/2024 INTERCOM LANGUAGE SVCS15/28/2024 24-372 $2,615,00 MC -INTERPRETER SVC 291994 7/15/2024 INTERCOM LANGUAGE SVCS6/28/2024 24-321 $280.00 MC -INTERPRETER SVC 291973 7/15/2024 ELTEC SYSTEMS DBA, SCHIN7/1/2024 8106617144 $435.84 CHB/FWCC-AG21-045 ELEVATOR SVC 291973 7/15/2024 ELTEC SYSTEMS DBA, SCHIN7/1/2024 8106617145 $435.84 CHB/FWCC-AG21-045 ELEVATOR SVC 291965 7/15/2024 CORRECTIONS SOFTWARE, 5/1/2024 55744 $500.00 MC-06/24 PROBATION COMPUTER SY 292035 7/15/2024 SAFAROVA-DOWNEY,ALMIRA7/2/2024 07/02/24 $140.00 MC -INTERPRETER SVC 292026 7/15/2024 PROGRESS PUSHERS, 6/12/2024 1ST QTR 2024 $6,603,16 CDHS-AG24-053-CREDIBLE MESSENG 292045 7/15/2024 STEWART MACNICHOLS HAR117/9/2024 24005 REVISED $51,105.00 MO-AG22-115 01/24 PUBLIC DEFEN PUBLIC UTILITY SERVICES $54.89 291783 6/28/2024 COMCAST OF WASHINGTON 16/1/2024 8498 34 016 1554623 $54.89 FWCC-06/24 CABLE SVC PURCHASE OF RESALE ITEMS $3,674.72 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $590 72 FWCC-SNACKS FOR RESALE 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $433 09 FWCC-SNACKS FOR RESALE 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $352.26 FWCC-SNACKS FOR RESALE 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $80.00 FWCC-TRAINING 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $7.70 FWCC-SNACKS FOR RESALE 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $737 24 FWCC-SNACKS FOR RESALE 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $-769.91 FWCC-SNACKS FOR RESALE 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $450.36 FWCC-SNACKS FOR RESALE 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $94 00 FWCC-SNACKS FOR RESALE 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $46 97 FWCC-SNACKS FOR RESALE 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $769.91 FWCC-SNACKS FOR RESALE Key Bank Page 47 of 63 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $10.46 FWCC-SNACKS FOR RESALE 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $421.45 FWCC-SNACKS FOR RESALE 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $187.62 FWCC-SNACKS FOR RESALE 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $98,36 FWCC-SNACKS FOR RESALE 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $4.93 FWCC-SNACKS FOR RESALE 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $20 55 FWCC-SNACKS FOR RESALE 291981 7/15/2024 FONTE COFFEE ROASTER, 6/26/2024 299305 $139.01 FWCC-CAFE COFFEE SUPPLY PW - CLAIMS PROPERTY $84,405.15 291826 6/28/2024 KING COUNTY FINANCE DIVI54/30/2024 133608-133620 $77,828 69 RM-RSD FW PJ#133608-133620 291826 6/28/2024 KING COUNTY FINANCE DIV155/31/2024 134290-134293 $6,576.46 RM-RSD FW#134290-134293 RENTAL CARS/GROUND TRANSPORT $690.13 625244759 6/25/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 CITY VISA $71.00 FI-TAXIS 291847 6/28/2024 MULLET, BRYAN 6/10/2024 MULLET 2024 $26892 PD-RENTAL CAR 291767 6/28/2024 BUCHANAN, KYLE 6/12/2024 BUCHANAN 2024 $350 21 PD-RENTAL CAR RENTAL OF FURNITUREIEQUIPMENT $2,273.88 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $100 00 PKM-EQUIPMENT RENTAL 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $-16.12 PKM-REFUND 291987 7/15/2024 HEAD-QUARTERSPTS, 6/30/2024 63910 $2,19000 PKM-AG24-033 PORTABLE TOILET S REPAIR & MAINT SUPPLIES $20,477.38 291815 6/28/2024 HOME DEPOT-DEPT 32-250071615/2024 0034304 $31 76 CHB-REPAIR & MAINT SUPPLIES 291815 6/28/2024 HOME DEPOT-DEPT 32-250076/12/2024 3035084 $187 77 CHB-REPAIR & MAINT SUPPLIES 291815 6/28/2024 HOME DEPOT-DEPT 32-250076/17/2024 8021427 $26.40 CHB-REPAIR & MAINT SUPPLIES 291802 6/28/2024 EWING IRRIGATION PRODUC-6/10/2024 22548408 $220.04 PKM-MAINT SUPPLIES 291815 6/28/2024 HOME DEPOT-DEPT 32-2500716/10/2024 5513091 $28.61 PKM-REPAIR & MAINT SUPPLIES 291852 6/28/2024 NORTHSHORE VILLAGE, ACE 6/12/2024 14231 $13.20 PKM-MAINT SUPPLIES 291750 6/28/2024 AGRISHOP INC, 6/13/2024 72233/1 $95.95 PKM-EQUIPMENT PARTS & REPAIRS 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $46.26 PKM-MAINT SUPPLIES 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $52.88 PKM-MAINT SUPPLIES Key Bank Page 48 of 63 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $56A8 PKM-MAINT SUPPLIES 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $38.46 PKM-MAINT SUPPLIES 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $44.07 PKM-MAINT SUPPLIES 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $71.04 PWST-MAINT SUPPLIES 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $58 41 IT-MAINT SUPPLS 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $118.75 PKM-MAINT SUPPLIES 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $187.33 PKM-MAINT SUPPLIES 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $17.61 PKM-MAINT SUPPLIES 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $118.75 PKM-MAINT SUPPLIES 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $16.52 PKM-MINOR EQUIP 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $28.59 PKM-MAINT SUPPLIES 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $214.87 PKM-MAINT SUPPLIES 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $59 38 PKM-MAINT SUPPLIES 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $2.51 PKM-MAINT SUPPLIES 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $118.75 PKM-MAINT SUPPLIES 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $10.45 PKM-MAINT SUPPLIES 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $130.39 PKM-MAINT SUPPLIES 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $-130.39 PKM-MAINT SUPPLIES 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $215.56 PKM-MAINT SUPPLIES 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $204.79 PKM-MAINT SUPPLIES 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $322.19 PKM-MAINT SUPPLIES 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $35.66 PKM-MAINT SUPPLIES 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $24.22 CHB-MAINT SUPPLIES 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $36.17 CHB-MAINT SUPPLIES 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $403.42 PARKS-MAINT SUPPLIES 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $1,269.63 PARKS-MAINT SUPPLIES Key Bank Page 49 of 63 Check No. Date Vendor _ Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $1,920.00 SWM-MAINT SUPPLIES 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $1.440.00 SWM-MAINT SUPPLIES 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $430.93 SWM-MAINT SUPPLIES 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $21 81 SWM-MAINT SUPPLIES 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $106 84 PARKS-MAINT SUPPLIES 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $24.73 PKM-MAINT SUPPLIES 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $12.96 PKM-MAINT SUPPLIES 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $43.99 PKM-MAINT SUPPLIES 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $58 08 PKM-MAINT SUPPLIES 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $274.09 DBC-MAINT SUPPLIES 291975 7/15/2024 EWING IRRIGATION PRODUC-3/15/2024 21748831 $169 77 PKM-MAINT SUPPLIES 291975 7/15/2024 EWING IRRIGATION PRODUC7/12/2023 20028282 $644.63 PKM-MAINT SUPPLIES 292022 7/15/2024 PLATT ELECTRIC SUPPLY, 6/28/2024 5F92551 $5,465.96 PKM-ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES 292022 7/15/2024 PLATT ELECTRIC SUPPLY, 6/28/2024 5E48287 $917 31 PKM-ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES 292063 7/15/2024 WASHINGTON ROCK QUARRII6/22/2024 98779 $57 79 PKM-MAINT SUPPLIES 291976 7/15/2024 EWING IRRIGATION PRODUC-6/10/2024 22260820 $680.08 PKM-MAINT SUPPLIES 291976 7/15/2024 EWING IRRIGATION PRODUC-6/15/2024 22306464 $117.22 PKM-MAINT SUPPLIES 291976 7/15/2024 EWING IRRIGATION PRODUC 6/30/2024 22440948 $257.01 PKM-MAINT SUPPLIES 292012 7/15/2024 ORCA PACIFIC INC, 6/26/2024 INVO609556 $579.16 PKM-POOL CHEMICALS AG17-002 291984 7/15/2024 GRAINGER INC, 5/1/2024 9103729605 $30.48 CHB-MAINT SUPPLIES 291984 7/15/2024 GRAINGER INC, 5/9/2024 9114480669 $10.66 CHB-MAINT SUPPLIES 291984 7/15/2024 GRAINGER INC, 10/18/2023 9875360456 $-128 02 CHB-MAINT SUPPLIES 291984 7/15/2024 GRAINGER INC, 6/18/2024 9155413454 $470 82 CHB-MAINT SUPPLIES 291984 7/15/2024 GRAINGER INC, 6/20/2024 9158495458 $16.60 CHB-MAINT SUPPLIES 291984 7/15/2024 GRAINGER INC, 6/25/2024 9163075006 $216.03 CHB-MAINT SUPPLIES 291984 7/15/2024 GRAINGER INC. 6/25/2024 9163337281 $5.17 CHB-MAINT SUPPLIES Key Bank Page 50 of 63 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGLTotai 292058 7/15/2024 WA ARCHITECTURAL HARDW7/2/2024 IN099408 $44.12 CHB-MAINT SVC 291984 7/15/2024 GRAINGER INC, 3/12/2024 9049580187 $863 36 CHB-MAINT SUPPLIES 291984 7/15/2024 GRAINGER INC, 3/14/2024 9053319456 $45 45 CHB-MAINT SUPPLIES 292009 7/15/2024 NORTHSHORE VILLAGE, ACE6/26/2026 14264 $1.32 CHB-MAINT SUPPLIES 291984 7/15/2024 GRAINGER INC, 6/6/2024 9143263276 $18.70 CHB-MAINT SUPPLIES 292068 7/15/2024 WHITE CAP, 5/14/2024 10019917897 $236 65 PKM-MAINT SUPPLIES 291984 7/15/2024 GRAINGER INC, 6/10/2024 9146362281 $182.22 PKM-MAINT SUPPLIES 291975 7/15/2024 EWING IRRIGATION PRODUC-3115/2024 21749503 $88.61 PKM-MAINT SUPPLIES 291984 7/15/2024 GRAINGER INC, 3/18/2024 9057022130 $122 72 PKM-MAINT SUPPLIES 291984 7/15/2024 GRAINGER INC, 3/28/2024 9069462662 $75.43 PKM-MAINT SUPPLIES 291975 7/15/2024 EWING IRRIGATION PRODUC-5/23/2024 22383482 $196.43 PKM-MAINT SUPPLIES 291984 7/15/2024 GRAINGER INC, 6/21/2024 9159942102 $13.62 PKM-MAINT SUPPLIES 291944 7/15/2024 AGRISHOP INC, 6/25/2024 72325/1 $289.81 PKM-EQUIPMENT PARTS & REPAIRS 291990 7/15/2024 HOME DEPOT-DEPT 32-250076/27/2024 8030777 $15.36 PKM-REPAIR/MAINT SUPPLIES 291944 7/15/2024 AGRISHOP INC, 7/1/2024 72356/1 $22.41 PKM-EQUIPMENT PARTS & REPAIRS 291984 7/15/2024 GRAINGER INC, 7/2/2024 9170542923 $40.89 PKM-MAINT SUPPLIES REPAIR PARTS $6,641.33 291909 6/28/2024 TURF STAR INC, 6/6/2024 INV022284 $131.68 PKM-MAINT SUPPLIES 291909 6/28/2024 TURF STAR INC, 6/1012024 INV022791 $384 77 PKM-MAINT SUPPLIES 291859 6/28/2024 PEAK INDUSTRIAL INC, PEAK6/14/2024 PSI-377t20 $681.06 FLT-REPAIR PARTS 291801 6/28/2024 EMERALD SERVICES INC, 4/30/2024 94316918 $424.01 FLT-REPAIR PARTS 291850 6/28/2024 NAPAAUTO PARTS, 6/18/2024 153016 $65.78 FLT-REPAIR & MAINT 291814 6/28/2024 GRAINGER INC, 5/16/2024 9121846050 $218.51 FLT-MAINT SUPPLIES 291850 6/28/2024 NAPAAUTO PARTS, 6/4/2024 151884 $105.72 FLT-REPAIR & MAINT 291909 6/28/2024 TURF STAR INC, 6/14/2024 INV023963 $89.17 FLT-MAINT PARTS . 291892 6/28/2024 SONSRAY MACHINERY LLC, 6/14/2024 PSO136106-1 $348.07 FLT-MAINT PARTS & SVC Key Bank Page 51 of 63 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 291755 6/28/2024 ARG INDUSTRIAL, 6/14/2024 T066414 $16,99 FLT-REPAIR PARTS 291814 6/28/2024 GRAINGER INC, 6/17/2024 9153640215 $88.34 FLT-MAINT SUPPLIES 291755 6/28/2024 ARG INDUSTRIAL, 6/17/2024 T066446 $153 32 FLT-REPAIR PARTS 291755 6/28/2024 ARG INDUSTRIAL, 6/17/2024 T066465 $86.30 FLT-REPAIR PARTS 291755 6/28/2024 ARG INDUSTRIAL, 6/5/2024 T066110 $8773 FLT-REPAIR PARTS 291755 6/28/2024 ARG INDUSTRIAL, 6/6/2024 T066154 $30.19 FLT-REPAIR PARTS 291850 6/28/2024 NAPAAUTO PARTS, 6!7/2024 152182 $43.54 FLT-REPAIR & MAINT 291850 6/28/2024 NAPAAUTO PARTS, 6/10/2024 152371 $277,94 FLT-REPAIR & MAINT 291755 6/28/2024 ARG INDUSTRIAL, 6/13/2024 T066369 $36.56 FLT-REPAIR PARTS 291850 6/28/2024 NAPAAUTO PARTS, 6/14/2024 152721 $62.75 FLT-REPAIR & MAINT 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $33.53 FLT-REPAIR PARTS 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 'JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $19,14 FLT-REPAIR PARTS 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, - 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $9.23 FLT-REPAIR PARTS 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $55.09 FLT-REPAIR PARTS 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $8.68 FLT-REPAIR PARTS 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $11 43 FLT-REPAIR PARTS 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $110.08 FLT-REPAIR PARTS 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $26.16 FLT-REPAIR PARTS 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $47 85 FLT-REPAIR PARTS 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $48.94 FLT-REPAIR PARTS 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $109.94 FLT-REPAIR PARTS 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $49.57 FLT-REPAIR PARTS 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $65.39 FLT-REPAIR PARTS 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $617.10 FLT-REPAIR PARTS 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $10.94 FLT-REPAIR PARTS 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $25.28 FLT-REPAIR PARTS Key Bank Page 52 of 63 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $33.54 FLT-REPAIR PARTS 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $82.64 FLT-REPAIR PARTS 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $123,36 FWCC-REPAIR PARTS 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $61.52 FWCC-REPAIR PARTS 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $59.40 FWCC-REPAIR PARTS 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $19.05 FWCC-REPAIR PARTS 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $294.09 FWCC-REPAIR PARTS 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $66.11 FWCC-REPAIR PARTS 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $240,00 FWCC-REPAIR PARTS 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $169.86 FWCC-REPAIR PARTS 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $70.72 PKM-REPAIR PARTS 291944 7/15/2024 AGRISHOP INC, 6/28/2024 D03913/1 $735.69 PKM-EQUIPMENT PARTS & REPAIRS 291944 7/15/2024 AGRISHOP INC, 6/28/2024 72350/1 $60.67 PKM-EQUIPMENT PARTS & REPAIRS 291984 7/15/2024 GRAINGER INC, 3/8/2024 9047073755 $31,46 FLT-MAINT SUPPLIES 291984 7/15/2024 GRAINGER INC, 2/16/2024 9023682181 $12.44 FLT-MAINT SUPPLIES REPAIRS AND MAINTENANCE $203,737.23 291886 6/28/2024 SECOMA FENCE INC, 6/11/2024 21386 $2,942,34 PKM-FENCE REPAIR SVC 291906 6/28/2024 THUNDERING OAK ENTERPRI6/13/2024 12702 $1,045.95 PKM-AG19-115 TREE SVC AGREEMEN 291906 6/28/2024 THUNDERING OAK ENTERPR16/18/2024 12704 $3,220.43 PKM-AG19-115 TREE SVC AGREEMEN 291806 6/28/2024 FERRELLS FIRE EXTINGUISHl6/7/2024 38439 $236.93 PKM-FIRE EXTINGUISHER SVC 291925 6/28/2024 WHIRLWIND SERVICES INC, V5/11/2024 8179 $113.07 PKM-AG24-004 PARKING LOT SWEEP 291785 6/28/2024 COPIERS NORTHWEST INC, 5/31/2024 INV2841664 $1,008.39 IT-AG21-019 PRINTER/COPIER MAI 291858 6/28/2024 PATRIOT FIRE PROTECTION 115/29/2024 1328782 $286.52 DBC-ANNUAL MAINT SVC 291817 6/28/2024 HTR GLASS & CONSTRUCT1O6/7/2024 24002-2 $1,899.85 DBC-AG20-018 DOOR & WINDOW MAI 291785 6/28/2024 COPIERS NORTHWEST INC, 5/31/2024 INV2841664 $156.86 IT-AG21-019 PRINTER/COPIER MAI 291785 6/28/2024 COPIERS NORTHWEST INC, 5/31/2024 INV2841664 $1,075.62 IT-AG21-019 PRINTER/COPIER MAI Key Bank Page 53 of 63 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGLTotal 291878 6/28/2024 ROBBLEE'S TOTAL SECURITY6/4/2024 145847 $253.67 PKM-SECURITY SERVICES 291878 6/28/2024 ROBBLEE'S TOTAL SECURITY6/10/2024 54592 $965.02 PKM-SECURITY SERVICES 291809 6/28/2024 FROULAALARM SYSTEMS IN(6/11/2024 272295 $424.28 FWCC-FIRE ALARM MAINT 291840 6/28/2024 MACDONALD MILLER, 5/24/2024 SVC299580 $1,975.50 CHB/FWCC-AG19-042B HVAC SVC- 291855 6/28/2024 ORCA PACIFIC INC, 5/28/2024 INV0609133 $14,634 19 FWCC-POOL CHEMICALS AG17-002 291844 6/28/2024 MORGAN SOUND, INC, 6/10/2024 MS1118016 $524.83 FWCC-SERVICE CALL 291766 6/28/2024 BRODIE ENTERPRISES, INC, 6/14/2024 WA5557 $605.08 FWCC-UPHOLSTERY SVC 291794 6/28/2024 EAGLE TIRE &AUTOMOTIVE (6/8/2024 203787 $281.02 FLT-VEHICLE MAINT 291794 6/28/2024 EAGLE TIRE &AUTOMOTIVE (6/11/2024 203847 $51.56 FLT-VEHICLE MAINT 291834 6/28/2024 LES SCHWAB TIRE CTRS OF \6/12/2024 37800704377 $57.28 FLT-VEHICLE MAINT 291794 6/28/2024 EAGLE TIRE & AUTOMOTIVE (5125/2024 203458 $370.49 FLT-VEH MAINT 291794 6/28/2024 EAGLE TIRE &AUTOMOTIVE (5/20/2024 203328 $622.33 FLT-VEH MAINT 291794 6/28/2024 EAGLE TIRE & AUTOMOTIVE (5/20/2024 203300 $491.16 FLT-VEH MAINT 291794 6/28/2024 EAGLE TIRE &AUTOMOTIVE (6/15/2024 203958 $330.00 FLT-VEHICLE MAINT 291794 6/28/2024 EAGLE TIRE & AUTOMOTIVE (6/17/2024 203993 $51.56 FLT-VEHICLE MAINT 291794 6/28/2024 EAGLE TIRE & AUTOMOTIVE (6/18/2024 203998 $97.99 FLT-VEHICLE MAINT 291794 6/28/2024 EAGLE TIRE & AUTOMOTIVE (5/18/2024 203281 $224.69 FLT-VEH MAINT 291794 6/28/2024 EAGLE TIRE &AUTOMOTIVE (6/15/2024 203946 $74.21 FLT-VEHICLE MAINT 291794 6/28/2024 EAGLE TIRE & AUTOMOTIVE (6/15/2024 203957 $64.30 FLT-VEHICLE MAINT 291834 6/28/2024 LES SCHWAB TIRE CTRS OF 16/17/2024 37800705181 $22.04 FLT-VEHICLE MAINT 291834 6/28/2024 LES SCHWAB TIRE CTRS OF 16/17/2024 37800705246 $74.90 FLT-VEHICLE MAINT 291873 6/28/2024 PRO TOUCH AUTO INTERIOR 6/19/2024 64394 $286.52 PD-VEH MAINT SVC 291794 6/28/2024 EAGLE TIRE & AUTOMOTIVE (5/29/2024 203769 $2,004.34 PD-VEH MAINT 291794 6/28/2024 EAGLE TIRE & AUTOMOTIVE (6/3/2024 203618 $472 52 PD-VEH MAINT 291794 6/28/2024 EAGLE TIRE &AUTOMOTIVE (6/3/2024 203640 $397.76 - PD-VEH MAINT 291794 6/28/2024 EAGLE TIRE &AUTOMOTIVE (6/5/2024 203670 $98 11 PD-VEH MAINT Key Bank Page 54 of 63 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGLTotal 291794 6/28/2024 EAGLE TIRE & AUTOMOTIVE (615/2024 203672 $98.11 PD-VEH MAINT 291849 6/28/2024 MV TOWING LLC, 6/14/2024 32736 $77.14 PD-VEHICLE TOW 291903 6/28/2024 SYSTEMS FOR PUBLIC SAFE16/17/2024 47549 $364.16 PD-VEH MAINT SVC 291823 6/28/2024 JR SETINA MANUFACTURING 6/18/2024 287685 $598.70 PD-REPAIR SVC 291768 6/28/2024 CAR WASH ENTERPRISES, 6/19/2024 MAY24-13 $696.00 PD-05/24 VEHICLE WASHES 291920 6/28/2024 WASHDUP, LLC, 5/31/2024 653 $201.63 PD-MAY CAR WASH SVC 291895 6/28/2024 SOUTH TACOMA GLASS SPEC5/31/2024 73426 $842.27 PD-VEH MAINT 291849 6/28/2024 MV TOWING LLC, 6/14/2024 32642 $77.14 PD-VEHICLE TOW 291794 6/28/2024 EAGLE TIRE & AUTOMOTIVE (6/1212024 203854 $155.71 PD-VEH MAINT 291794 6/28/2024 EAGLE TIRE & AUTOMOTIVE (6/12/2024 203868 $91.17 PD-VEH MAINT 291794 6/28/2024 EAGLE TIRE &AUTOMOTIVE (6/13/2024 203893 $972.52 PD-VEH MAINT 291794 6/28/2024 EAGLE TIRE & AUTOMOTIVE (6/17/2024 203992 $404.60 PD-VEH MAINT 291794 6/28/2024 EAGLE TIRE & AUTOMOTIVE (6117/2024 203990 $333.03 PD-VEH MAINT 291794 6/28/2024 EAGLE TIRE & AUTOMOTIVE (6/14/2024 203926 $250.25 PD-VEH MAINT 291794 6/28/2024 EAGLE TIRE & AUTOMOTIVE (6/6/2024 203699 $558.17 PD-VEH MAINT 291794 6/28/2024 EAGLE TIRE &AUTOMOTIVE (6/6/2024 203723 $86.01 PD-VEH MAINT 291794 6/28/2024 EAGLE TIRE &AUTOMOTIVE (6/7/2024 203752 $126.74 PD-VEH MAINT 291794 6/28/2024 EAGLE TIRE &AUTOMOTIVE (617/2024 203768 $1,100.64 PD-VEH MAINT 291904 6/28/2024 SYSTEMS FOR PUBLIC SAFEl6/7/2024 47565 $104.04 PD-VEH MAINT SVC 291794 6/28/2024 EAGLE TIRE & AUTOMOTIVE (6/11/2024 203830 $98.11 PD-VEH MAINT 291856 6/28/2024 PAPE MACHINERY INC, 6/17/2024 917694 $2.378.52 FLT-MAINT SUPPLIES 291921 6/28/2024 WASHDUP, LLC, 5/31/2024 652 $55,93 FLT-MAY CAR WASH SVC 291834 6/28/2024 LES SCHWAB TIRE CTRS OF \6/7/2024 37800703682 $22.04 FLT-VEHICLE MAINT 291794 6/28/2024 EAGLE TIRE & AUTOMOTIVE (6/812024 203778 $140.91 FLT-VEH MAINT 291794 6/28/2024 EAGLE TIRE & AUTOMOTIVE (6/8/2024 203784 $226.43 FLT-VEH MAINT 291757 6/28/2024 ASPHALT PATCH SYSTEMS, 6/10/2024 55154 $14,981.50 PWST-AG23-246 ON CALL SIDEWALK Key Bank Page 55 of 63 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGLTotal 291861 6/28/2024 PETERSEN BROTHERS INC, 12/16/2023 2209303 $-138.63 %5 RETAINAGE 291861 6/28/2024 PETERSEN BROTHERS INC, 12/16/2023 2209303 $2,77Z45 PWST-AG22-076 ON -CALL GUARD RA 291774 6/28/2024 CITY OF FEDERAL WAY, 12/16/2023 AG22-076 #3 RETAINGE $138.63 PWST-AG22-076 ON -CALL GUARD RA 291874 6/28/2024 FRS GROUP INC, 6/13/2024 107649 $1,983.18 SWM-WASTE DISPOSAL 291839 6/28/2024 LLOYD ENTERPRISES INC, 6(7/2024 20461 $1.276.94 SWM-WOOD AND VEGETATION DEBRIS 291839 6/28/2024 LLOYD ENTERPRISES INC, 6/10/2024 20460 $1,389 00 SWM-WOOD AND VEGETATION DEBRIS 291839 6/28/2024 LLOYD ENTERPRISES INC, 6/7/2024 20462 $1,276.94 SWM-WOOD AND VEGETATION DEBRIS 291750 6/28/2024 AGRISHOP INC, 6/7/2024 72195/1 $165.39 SWM-EQUIPMENT PARTS & REPAIRS 291750 6/28/2024 AGRISHOP INC, 6/7/2024 72196/1 $159,92 SWM-EQUIPMENT PARTS & REPAIRS 291812 6/28/2024 GIRARD RESOURCES & RECl6/11/2024 9130343 $285.00 SWM-MAINT SVC 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $2&90 SWM-REPAIR & MAINTENANCE SVCS 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $269.64 SWM-REPAIR & MAINTENANCE SVCS 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $200.34 SWM-MAINT SUPPLIES 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $342.80 SWM-MAINT SUPPLIES 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $123.34 SWM-MAINT SUPPLIES 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $63:96 SWM-MAINT SUPPLIES 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $74 85 SWM-MAINT SUPPLIES 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $186.04 SWM-MAINT SUPPLIES 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $43.97 SWM-MAINT SUPPLIES 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $36 15 IT-MAINT SVCS 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $1,243 61 PKM-MAINT SVS 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $868.10 PKM-MAINT SVS 292067 7/15/2024 WHIRLWIND SERVICES INC, V7/1/2024 8485 $86 90 PARKS-AG24-004 PARKING LOT SWE 292067 7/15/2024 WHIRLWIND SERVICES INC, V71112024 8486 $217.77 PARKS-AG24-004 PARKING LOT SWE 292067 7/15/2024 WHIRLWIND SERVICES INC, V71112024 8487 $80.62 PARKS-AG24-004 PARKING LOT SWE 292067 7/15/2024 WHIRLWIND SERVICES INC, V7/1/2024 8488 $62.81 PARKS-AG24-004 PARKING LOT SWE Key Bank Page 56 of 63 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 291976 7/15/2024 EWING IRRIGATION PRODUC-6/7/2024 22528994 $15 33 PWST-MAINT SUPPLIES 291976 7/15/2024 EWING IRRIGATION PRODUC6/11/2024 22558301 $216.03 PWST-MAINT SUPPLIES 291976 7/15/2024 EWING IRRIGATION PRODUC 6/13/2024 22579182 $8.48 PWST-MAINT SUPPLIES 291975 7/15/2024 EWING IRRIGATION PRODUC6/14/2024 22597649 $493.46 PWST-MAINT SUPPLIES 291976 7/15/2024 EWING IRRIGATION PRODUC-3/27/2024 21844465 $92 19 PWST-MAINT SUPPLIES 291976 7/15/2024 EWING IRRIGATION PRODUC710/19/2023 20862464 $172.23 PWST-MAINT SUPPLIES 292067 7/15/2024 WHIRLWIND SERVICES INC, V'6/26/2024 8432 $62 81 PARKS-AG24-004 PARKING LOT SWE 292067 7/15/2024 WHIRLWIND SERVICES INC, V6/27/2024 8448 $217.76 PARKS-AG24-004 PARKING LOT SWE 292067 7/15/2024 WHIRLWIND SERVICES INC, V6/27/2024 8449 $91.09 PARKS-AG24-004 PARKING LOT SWE 292067 7/15/2024 WHIRLWIND SERVICES INC, V6/27/2024 8450 $91.08 PARKS-AG24-004 PARKING LOT SWE 292067 7/15/2024 WHIRLWIND SERVICES INC, V71112024 8484 $61.78 PARKS-AG24-004 PARKING LOT SWE 292067 7/15/2024 WHIRLWIND SERVICES INC, V6/25/2024 8384 $139.24 PARKS-AG24-004 PARKING LOT SWE 292067 7/15/2024 WHIRLWIND SERVICES INC, V6/25/2024 8392 $62,170.83 PARKS-AG24-004 PARKING LOT SWE 292067 7/15/2024 WHIRLWIND SERVICES INC, V6/26/2024 8422 $97.36 PARKS-AG24-004 PARKING LOT SWE 292067 7/15/2024 WHIRLWIND SERVICES INC, V6/26/2024 8423 $340.24 PARKS-AG24-004 PARKING LOT SWE 292067 7/15/2024 WHIRLWIND SERVICES INC, V6/26/2024 8430 $127.72 PARKS-AG24-004 PARKING LOT SWE 292067 7/15/2024 WHIRLWIND SERVICES INC, V6/26/2024 8431 $103.64 PARKS-AG24-004 PARKING LOT SWE 291941 7/15/2024 AADVANCED SEPTIC SERVICE/17/2024 696969 $1,167.57 PKM-REPAIR & MAINT SVCS 291942 7/15/2024 AADVANCED SEPTIC SERVICE/17/2024 696999 $850.19 PKM-REPAIR & MAINT SVCS 292043 7/15/2024 SPRAGUE PEST CONTROL, 6/18/2024 5476002 $146.68 PKM-FACILITIES PEST CONTROL 292067 7/15/2024 WHIRLWIND SERVICES INC, V6/25/2024 8383 $62.81 PARKS-AG24-004 PARKING LOT SWE 291985 7/15/2024 GREENPOINT LANDSCAPING 6/25/2024 1271418395 $1,648.59 FWCC-LANDSCAPE MAINT SVC 291957 7/15/2024 CASCADE ENGINEERING SER6/17/2024 ML-24061723777 $284 89 PD-RADAR CALIBRATION 291971 7/15/2024 EAGLE TIRE & AUTOMOTIVE (6/19/2024 204054 $678 43 FLT-VEH MAINT 292007 7/15/2024 MV TOWING LLC, 6/18/2024 31749 $132.24 PD-VEHICLE TOW 291971 7/15/2024 EAGLE TIRE & AUTOMOTIVE (6/19/2024 204044 $94,43 PD-VEH MAINT Key Bank Page 57 of 63 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGLTotal 291971 7/15/2024 EAGLE TIRE &AUTOMOTIVE (6/29/2024 204313 $143.50 FLT-VEHICLE MAINT 291971 7/15/2024 EAGLE TIRE & AUTOMOTIVE (6/29/2024 204312 $409.27 FLT-VEHICLE MAINT 292015 7/15/2024 PAPE MACHINERY INC, 6/28/2024 917975 $792 39 FLT-MAINT SUPPLIES 291971 7/15/2024 EAGLE TIRE &AUTOMOTIVE (7/2/2024 204381 $1,633.34 FLT-VEHICLE MAINT 291971 7/15/2024 EAGLE TIRE & AUTOMOTIVE (6/21/2024 204131 $303 15 FLT-VEH MAINT 291971 7/15/2024 EAGLE TIRE & AUTOMOTIVE (6/22/2024 204147 $819.48 FLT-VEHICLE MAINT 291971 7/15/2024 EAGLE TIRE & AUTOMOTIVE (6/22/2024 204149 $1,832 71 FLT-VEHICLE MAINT 291971 7/15/2024 EAGLE TIRE &AUTOMOTIVE (6/26/2024 204218 $792.08 FLT-VEHICLE MAINT 292023 7/15/2024 POMP'S TIRE SERVICE INC, 6/28/2024 2010026298 $10,262 79 FLT-TIRE SERVICES 291971 7/15/2024 EAGLE TIRE &AUTOMOTIVE (7/1/2024 204315 $96.22 FLT-VEHICLE MAINT 291971 7/15/2024 EAGLE TIRE & AUTOMOTIVE (6/27/2024 204264 $1,629 89 PD-VEH MAINT 292048 7/15/2024 SYSTEMS FOR PUBLIC SAFE%/27/2024 47665 $240.46 PD-VEH MAINT SVC 292014 7/15/2024 PACIFIC ONE, 6/28/2024 1-24386 $1,878 25 PD-COLLISION REPAIRS 291971 7/15/2024 EAGLE TIRE & AUTOMOTIVE (6/28/2024 204266 $46.65 PD-VEH MAINT 291971 7/15/2024 EAGLE TIRE & AUTOMOTIVE (6/28/2024 204272 $240 67 PD-VEH MAINT 291971 7/15/2024 EAGLE TIRE & AUTOMOTIVE (6/28/2024 204282 $4,448.76 PD-VEH MAINT 292007 7/15/2024 MV TOWING LLC, 6/25/2024 32035 $132.24 PD-VEHICLE TOW 292007 7/15/2024 MV TOWING LLC, 6/25/2024 32801 $132.24 PD-VEHICLE TOW 291971 7/15/2024 EAGLE TIRE & AUTOMOTIVE (6/26/2024 204234 $86 53 PD-VEH MAINT 292025 7/15/2024 PRO TOUCH AUTO INTERIOR 6/26/2024 64556 $176.32 PD-VEH MAINT SVC 292025 7/15/2024 PRO TOUCH AUTO INTERIOR 6/26/2024 64557 $176 32 PD-VEH MAINT SVC 291971 7/15/2024 EAGLE TIRE & AUTOMOTIVE (6127/2024 204263 $282 93 PD-VEH MAINT 291971 7/15/2024 EAGLE TIRE & AUTOMOTIVE (6/20/2024 204090 $346 01 PD-VEH MAINT 291971 7/15/2024 EAGLE TIRE &AUTOMOTIVE (6/20/2024 204091 $301.95 PD-VEH MAINT 291971 7/15/2024 EAGLE TIRE & AUTOMOTIVE (6/20/2024 204092 $98 20 PD-VEH MAINT 291971 7/15/2024 EAGLE TIRE & AUTOMOTIVE (6/21/2024 204130 $232 53 PD-VEH MAINT Key Bank Page 58 of 63 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGLTotal 291971 7/15/2024 EAGLE TIRE &AUTOMOTIVE (6/24/2024 204177 $98.20 PD-VEH MAINT 291971 7/15/2024 EAGLE TIRE &AUTOMOTIVE (6/25/2024 204211 $46.65 PD-VEH MAINT 291971 7/15/2024 EAGLE TIRE & AUTOMOTIVE (6/19/2024 204046 $140.97 PD-VEH MAINT 291971 7/15/2024 EAGLE TIRE & AUTOMOTIVE (6/2012024 204057 $69.83 PD-VEH MAINT 291971 7/15/2024 EAGLE TIRE &AUTOMOTIVE (6/20/2024 204061 $34.92 PD-VEH MAINT 291971 7/15/2024 EAGLE TIRE & AUTOMOTIVE (6/20/2024 204075 $1,359.58 PD-VEH MAINT 291971 7/15/2024 EAGLE TIRE & AUTOMOTIVE (6/20/2024 204077 $98.20 PD-VEH MAINT 291971 7/15/2024 EAGLE TIRE & AUTOMOTIVE (6/20/2024 204089 $98.08 PD-1/EH MAINT 292046 7/15/2024 SUNSET FORD INC, 7/5/2024 FOCS337977 $8,010.81 PD-%IEHC REPAIR & MAINT SVC 291971 7/15/2024 EAGLE TIRE & AUTOMOTIVE (7/2/2024 204357 $887.31 PD-VEH MAINT 291971 7/15/2024 EAGLE TIRE &AUTOMOTIVE (7/212024 204383 $923.21 PD-VEH MAINT 291971 7/15/2024 EAGLE TIRE & AUTOMOTIVE (7/3/:2024 204396 $97.10 PD-VEH MAINT 292002 7/15/2024 LLOYD ENTERPRISES INC, 6/25/2024 20552 $1,497.34 SWM-WOOD AND VEGETATION DEBRIS 292028 7/15/2024 PRS GROUP INC, 7/2/2024 108008 $2,002.15 SWM-WASTE DISPOSAL 291946 7/15/2024 ASPHALT PATCH SYSTEMS, 6/24/2024 55201 $15,551.50 PWST-AG23-246 ON CALL SIDEWALK ROAD SVCSIPERMITS-INTGVT $1,439.71 292060 7/15/2024 WA STATE DEPT OF TRANSPC5/14/2024 RE-313-ATB40514187 $51 23 PW-PROJECT LA10627R FEES 292060 7/15/2024 WA STATE DEPT OF TRANSPC6/17/2024 RE 41 JZ1812 L009 $1,388 48 PW-PROJECT JZ1812 FEES SALES TAX PAYABLE $2,368.79 625243538 6/25/2024 WA STATE REVENUE DEPART6/25/2024 601-223-538 $2,368 79 FI-05/24 REMIT SALES TAX SALES TAX PAYABLE-RECREAT $9,631.73 625243538 6/25/2024 WA STATE REVENUE DEPART6/25/2024 601-223-538 $115.74 FI-05/24 REMIT SALES TAX 625243538 6/25/2024 WA STATE REVENUE DEPART6/25/2024 601-223-538 $9,515.99 FI-05/24 REMIT SALES TAX SEWER BILLINGS $1,008.53 291829 6/28/2024 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC'6/10/2024 3671801 $255.10 PKM-04/24 31600 20TH AVE S. M# 291829 6/28/2024 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC'6/10/2024 460602 $131.50 PKM-04/24 2645 312TH ST S #191 291829 6/28/2024 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC'6/7/2024 888302 $54.73 PKM-04/24 31104 28TH AVE S M#2 291998 7/15/2024 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC16/14/2024 101 $49.10 PKM-04/24 31132 28TH AVE S M#2 Key Bank Page 59 of 63 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGLTotal 291998 7/15/2024 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC'6/14/2024 824102 $98.20 PKM-04/24 30009 16TH AVE S IRR 291998 7/15/2024 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC'6/14/2024 899802 $419.90 PKM-04/24 2410 312TH ST S BEAC SMALL OFFICE APPARATUS $47.06 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $40.72 PWST-OFFICE SUPPLS 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $6.34 PWST-OFFICE SUPPLS SMALL TOOLS - SHOP $194.22 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $36.34 CHB-SMALL TOOLS 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $30.57 FWCC-SMALL TOOLS 291984 7/15/2024 GRAINGER INC, 7/5/2024 9172854581 $127.31 CHB-MAINT SUPPLIES STATE COVID -19 GRANT TRUCK $21,218.71 292047 7/15/2024 SYSTEMS FOR PUBLIC SAFE77/2/2024 46097 $21,218.71 PD-VEH MAINT SVC STATE COVID-19 GRANT BUSIN REIME $14,690.01 291791 6/28/2024 DEVELOPMENT COUNSELLOF5/31/2024 109366 $24.98 CDHS-AG24-037 CITY MARKETING - 291782 6/28/2024 COLLABORATIVE PARTNERS,6/1/2024 1499 $7,286.25 MOED-AG23-257 GRANT WRITER SER 292003 7/15/2024 MADCAP MARKETING, 6/21/2024 4639 $7,378.78 MOED-AG23-264 PEOPLE PLACES & STATE COVID-19 GRANT MINOR EQUII $35,616.92 291881 6/28/2024 ROYAL RESTROOMS OF WA, 5/29/2024 2405039 $25,300.00 PARKS-AG24-050 TEMPORARY LOCKE 291787 6/28/2024 CORT PARTY RENTAL, 4/25/2024 170980-4 $85.68 FWCC-AG24-059 FWCC TEMP LOCKER 291787 6/28/2024 CORT PARTY RENTAL, 5/23/2024 170982-3 $10.231.24 FWCC-AG24-059 FWCC TEMP LOCKER STONE & GRAVEL $356.79 291786 6/28/2024 CORLISS RESOURCES INC, 5/2/2024 2047966 $93.75 PKM-CONCRETE SUPPLIES 291905 6/28/2024 TE WALRATH TRUCKING INC5/21/2024 TC437651 $102 36 PKM-MEDIUM BARK 291905 6/28/2024 T.E. WALRATH TRUCKING INC5/28/2024 TC437870 $153.54 PKM-MEDIUM BARK 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $7.14 PKM-STONE & GRAVEL TAXES/ASSESSMENTS-INTERGOVT $24,408.31 625243538 6/25/2024 WA STATE REVENUE DEPART6/25/2024 601-223-538 $24,408.31 FI-05/24 REMIT SALES TAX 625243538 6/25/2024 WA STATE REVENUE DEPART6/25/2024 601-223-538 $13.721.23 FI-05/24 REMIT SALES TAX 625243538 6/25/2024 WA STATE REVENUE DEPART6/25/2024 601-223-538 $-13,721.23 FI-05/24 REMIT SALES TAX TIRES $1,129.44 291794 6/28/2024 EAGLE TIRE & AUTOMOTIVE (6/11/2024 203837 $207.99 PD-VEH MAINT Key Bank Page 60 of 63 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGLTotal 291971 7/15/2024 EAGLE TIRE &AUTOMOTIVE (6/21/2024 204126 $28.65 PD-VEH MAINT 291971 7/15/2024 EAGLE TIRE & AUTOMOTIVE (6/25/2024 204208 $835.50 PD-VEH MAINT 291971 7/15/2024 EAGLE TIRE & AUTOMOTIVE (6/27/2024 204259 $28 65 PD-VEH MAINT 291971 7/15/2024 EAGLE TIRE &AUTOMOTIVE (7/1/2024 204328 $28.65 PD-VEH MAINT TOPSOIL $224.48 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $112 24 PKM-TOPSOIL 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $112.24 PKM-TOPSOIL TRAFFIC CONTROL EQUIPMENT $13,224.00 291980 7/15/2024 FLOCK GROUP INC, 5/1/2024 INV-39464 $6,612.00 PD/IT-AG24-097 FLOCK SAFETY CA 291980 7/15/2024 FLOCK GROUP INC, 5/1/2024 INV-39464 $6.612.00 PD/IT-AG24-097 FLOCK SAFETY CA TRAFFIC INFRACTIONS $709.00 291807 6/28/2024 FERRER-RAMIREZ. ASUNCIOI6/6/2024 0992200059457 $164.00 MC -REFUND VIOLATION DISMISSAL 291848 6/28/2024 MUNGAI, BENSON 6/6/2024 0992300237243 $25.00 MC -REFUND VIOLATION DISMISSAL 291788 6/28/2024 CRUZ, GLORIAGONZALEZ 6/6/2024 0992300321229 $50,00 MC -REFUND VIOLATION DISMISSAL 291995 7/15/2024 KINYANJUI, SILVIA 6/26/2024 0992200203998 $51.00 MC -REFUND VIOLATION DISMISSAL 292056 7/15/2024 VAUGHNES, HELENA 6/26/2024 0992200336111 $114.00 MC -REFUND VIOLATION DISMISSAL 292030 7/15/2024 PV HOLDING CORP, 6/26/2024 0992300281605 $305.00 MC -REFUND VIOLATION DISMISSAL TRANSPORTATION EQUIPMENT $232,166.30 291933 7/3/2024 CLARY LONGVIEW LLC, BUD (2/2012024 3RU521 REISSUE $33.156.52 FLT-NEW VEHICLE 291933 7/3/2024 CLARY LONGVIEW LLC, BUD (2/26/2024 3RU685 REISSUE $37,551.85 FLT-NEW VEHICLE 292010 7/15/2024 NORTHWEST BUS SALES INC712/2024 54122 $116,932,00 FLT-PURCHASE OF A 2024 FORD EN 292010 7/15/2024 NORTHWEST BUS SALES INC7/2/2024 54122 $12,160.93 Sales Tax 10.4 292048 7/15/2024 SYSTEMS FOR PUBLIC SAFE17/2/2024 46081 $21.031.66 PD-VEH MAINT SVC 292048 7/15/2024 SYSTEMS FOR PUBLIC SAFE17/2/2024 46083 $11,333.34 PD-VEH MAINT SVC UNCLAIMED PROPERTY $150.00 292004 7/15/2024 MOUNT MORIAH SEATTLE CH7/15/2024 07/31/18 $150.00 DBC-REISSUE REFUND/RETURN RENT WASTE DISPOSAL BILLINGS $28,513.88 291752 6/28/2024 ALL BATTERY SALES & SERV16/14/2024 300-10142731 $26.75 SWR-COLLECTION, TRANSPORTATION 291752 6/28/2024 ALL BATTERY SALES & SERVI6/14/2024 300-10142731 $2.73 Sales Tax Page 61 of 63 Key Bank Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 291922 6/28/2024 WASTE MANAGEMENT OF WP6/1/2024 3497181-1055-5 $197.30 PW-05/01/24 - 05/31/24 2808 S 291922 6/28/2024 WASTE MANAGEMENT OF WP6/112024 3497190-1055-6 $1.592.01 PW-05/01/24 - 05/31/24 30980 2 291922 6/28/2024 WASTE MANAGEMENT OF WA61112024 3497191-1055-4 $4,912.57 PW-05/01/24 - 05/31/24 2808 S 291922 6/28/2024 WASTE MANAGEMENT OF WA61112024 3497198-1055-9 $776.20 PW-05/01/24 - 05/31/24 31014 2 291922 6/28/2024 WASTE MANAGEMENT OF WP6/1/2024 3497199-1055-7 $776.20 PW-05/01/24 - 05/31/24 31016 2 291922 6/28/2024 WASTE MANAGEMENT OF WA61112024 3497202-1055-9 $3.255.92 PW-05/01/24 - 05/31/24 30922 2 291922 6/28/2024 WASTE MANAGEMENT OF WP6/1/2024 3497213-1055-6 $4,484.00 PW-05/01/24 - 05/31/24 31000 2 291922 6/28/2024 WASTE MANAGEMENT OF WP6/1/2024 3497212-1055-8 $1,023.60 PW-DISPOSAL:LITTER CONTAINER 291836 6/28/2024 LIBERTY TIRE RECYCLING, LL6/13/2024 2754829 $123,75 SWR-DUMP & TIRE RECYCLING 291841 6/28/2024 MCDONOUGH & SONS INC, 5/31/2024 275138 $10,964.66 PWST-AG23-008 2023 STREET SWEE 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $300.00 PWST-WASTE DISPOSAL 625249491 7/2/2024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $31.81 SWR-WASTE DISPOSAL 625249491 7/212024 US BANK, 6/25/2024 JUNE 2024 PRO VISA $46.38 SWR-WASTE DISPOSAL WATER BILLINGS $4,736.61 291829 6/28/2024 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC'6/14/2024 3088801 $32,10 PWST-04124 2000 312 ST S IRR M 291829 6128/2024 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC'6/14/2024 3200201 $32.10 PWST-04/24 32001 WEYERHAEUSER 291829 6/28/2024 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC16/10/2024 3336101 $32.10 PWST-04/24 31026 PACIFIC HWY S 291829 6/28/2024 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC16/10/2024 3364101 $32.10 PWST-04/24 29102 PACIFIC HWY S 291829 6/28/2024 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC'6/10/2024 3481301 $32 10 PWST-04/24 SR 99 S 279TH TO S 291829 6/28/2024 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC'6/10/2024 3540201 $32.10 PWST-04/24 29627 PACIFIC HWY S 291829 6/2812024 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC6/1012024 3540301 $32.10 PWST-04/24 28719 PACIFIC HWY S 291829 6/28/2024 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC16/14/2024 3653601 $229.12 PWST-04/24 31114 28 AVE S M#20 291829 6/28/2024 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC'6/14/2024 3657701 $32.10 PWST-04/24 1456 S 308TH ST 308 291829 6/28/2024 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC'6/14/2024 3702201 $34 29 PWST-04/24 1119 S DASH POINT R 291829 6/28/2024 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC6/14/2024 3791001 $32.10 PWST-04/24 2139 S 316TH #19211 291829 6/28/2024 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC'6/14/2024 835904 $70.34 PWST-4/24 30421 16 AVE S IRR M Key Bank Page 62 of 63 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 291829 6/28/2024 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC'6/2112024 3568001 $32 10 PWST-04/24 30799 PAC HWY IRRIG 291829 6/28/2024 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC6/10/2024 482405 $32.10 PWST-04/24 28850 PACIFIC HWY S 291829 6/28/2024 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRICT/10/2024 3545101 $32 10 PWST-04/24 29102 PACIFIC HWY S 291829 6/28/2024 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRICT6/10/2024 3568101 $32 10 PWST-04/24 30799 PAC HWY IRRIG 291829 6/28/2024 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRICT6/10/2024 3621801 $32.10 PWST-04/24 1401 SW 312TH STREE 291829 6/28/2024 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC16/10/2024 482303 $32.10 PWST-04/24 28866 PACIFIC HWY S 291829 6/28/2024 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRICT/5/2024 2832301 $3Z10 - PKM-04/24 30619 16TH AVE SW M# 291829 6/28/2024 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRICT/5/2024 2984001 $32.10 PKM-04/24 31850 7TH AVE SW M#2 291829 6/28/2024 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC'6/7/2024 888302 $31.16 PKM-04/24 31104 28TH AVE S M#2 291829 6/28/2024 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRICB/10/2024 1941803 $311 89 PKM-04/24 31600 20 AVE S M#191 291829 6/28/2024 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC16/10/2024 2049903 $32.10 PKM-04124 31600 20 AVE S M#191 291829 6/28/2024 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRICT6/10/2024 3586001 $77.96 PKM-04/24 31531 1STAVES M#42 291829 6/28/2024 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC'6/14/2024 924602 $32.10 PKM-04/24 2301 S 292ND ST IRR 291829 6/28/2024 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRICT6/10/2024 3671801 $228.84 PKM-04/24 31600 20TH AVE S. M# 291829 6/28/2024 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC16/10/2024 460602 $239.28 PKM-04124 2645 312TH ST S #191 291935 7/3/2024 TACOMA PUBLIC UTILITIES, 5/8/2024 100048250 $42.01 DBC-3/26/24-4/23/24 PUBLIC 291935 7/3/2024 TACOMA PUBLIC UTILITIES, 6/5/2024 100048250 $54.72 DBC-4/26/24-5/22/24 PUBLIC 291998 7/15/2024 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC'6/14/2024 3642501 $-157.88 PWST-04/24 30801 14TH AVE S M# 291998 7/15/2024 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC16/14/2024 3837901 $111.96 PWST-04/24 31201 28TH AVE S M# 291998 7/15/2024 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC7/5/2024 3518001 ,$101.09 PWST-05/24 35205 PACIFIC HWY S 291998 7/15/2024 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC7/5/2024 3552401 $32.1.0 PWST-05/24 35503 PACIFIC HWY S 291998 7/15/2024 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC7/5/2024 3578601 $188 20 PWST-05/24 32001 PACIFIC HWY S 291998 7/15/2024 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC7/5/2024 3715001 $-182.82 PWST-05/24 34697 PAC HWY S WAT 291998 7/15/2024 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC7/5/2204 3383601 $32.10 PWST-05/24 33647 20TH AVE S I 291998 7/15/2024 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC7/5/2024 2961401 $32.10 PWST-05/24 34727 PACIFIC HWY S 291998 7/15/2024 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC7/5/2024 3238401 $536.18 PWST-05/24 32001 PACIFIC HWY S Key Bank Page 63 of 63 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGLTotal 291998 7115/2024 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC7/5/2024 3336201 $32.10 PWST-05/24 32409 PACIFIC HWY S 291998 7/15/2024 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC7/512024 3336301 $32 10 PWST-05/24 32409 PACIFIC HWY S 291998 7/15/2024 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC7/5/2024 3383701 $32 10 PWST-05/24 32500 PACIFIC HWY S 291998 7/15/2024 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC7/5/2024 3513001 $434.07 PWST-05/24 33647 20TH AVE S I 291998 7/15/2024 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC'6/14/2024 101 $32.10 PKM-04/24 31132 28TH AVE S M#2 291998 7/15/2024 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC'6/14/2024 2322804 $32.10 PKM-04/24 31600 20TH AVE S. M# 291998 7/15/2024 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC'6/14/2024 2814401 $32.10 PKM-04/24 2645 312TH IRRIANNEX 291998 7/15/2024 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC'6/14/2024 822402 $382 90 PKM-04/24 30009 16TH AVE S IRR 291998 7/15/2024 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC'6/21/2024 3033601 $25230 PKM-04/24 28159 24TH PL S M#22 291998 7/15/2024 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC6/14/2024 824102 $198.64 PKM-04/24 30009 16TH AVE S IRR 291998 7/15/2024 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC'6/14/2024 896402 $32.10 PKM-04/24 2410 312TH ST #22141 291998 7/15/2024 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC'6/14/2024 899802 $381.52 PKM-04/24 2410 312TH ST S BEAC 291998 7/15/2024 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC'6114/2024 888103 $239 94 CHB-04/24 31132 28TH AVE S M#2 WORK RELEASE $5,183.00 291843 6/28/2024 MOON SECURITY SVC INC, 4/30/2024 1236860 $405.00 PD-HOUSE ARREST 291843 6/28/2024 MOON SECURITY SVC INC, 5/31/2024 1241179 $108.00 PD-HOUSE ARREST 291797 6/28/2024 EHM WASHINGTON LLC, 4/30/2024 30836 $325.00 PD-MONITORING SVC 291797 6/28/2024 EHM WASHINGTON LLC, 4/30/2024 31331 $300.00 PD-MONITORING SVC 291797 6/28/2024 EHM WASHINGTON LLC, 4/30/2024 31336 $27000 PD-MONITORING SVC 291744 6/28/2024 2 WATCH MONITORING INC, 5/1/2024 51790 $2,860 50 PD-HOME MONITORING 291797 6/28/2024 EHM WASHINGTON LLC, 5/31/2024 31743 $325.50 PD-MONITORING SVC 291797 6/28/2024 EHM WASHINGTON LLC, 5/31/2024 31744 $310.00 PD-MONITORING SVC 291797 6/28/2024 EHM WASHINGTON LLC, 5/31/2024 31754 $27900 PD-MONITORING SVC Total $3,448,754.15 06/20/24 CW-PAYROLL VOUCHERS 6/1-6/15 $2,023,501.07 07/05/24 CW-PAYROLL VOUCHERS 6/16-6/30 $2,990,421.15 TOTAL JUNE 2024 PAYROLL $5,013,922.22 00- COUNCIL MEETING DATE: August.6r,2O24 ITEM #: CITY OF FEDERAL WAY CITY COUNCIL AGENDA BILL SUBJECT: 2025 WASPC BODY WORN CAMERA GRANT AGREEMENT POLICY QUESTION: Should the City of Federal Way, Federal Way Police Department enter in to an agreement with the Washington Association of Sheriffs and Police Chiefs (WASPC) to accept Body Worn Camera grant funds for FY 2025? COMMITTEE: FEDRAC MEETING DATE: July 23, 2024 CATEGORY: ® Consent ❑ Ordinance ❑ Public Hearing ❑ City Council Business ❑ Resolution ❑ Other STAFF REPORT BY: Commander Kyle Buchanan DEPT: Police Department Attachments: 1. Staff Report 2. WASPC body worn camera grant agreement Options Considered: 1. Approve the proposed WASPC body worn camera grant agreement. 2. Do not approve proposed the WASPC body worn camera grant agreement and provide direction to staff. MAYOR'S RECOMMENDATION: Option 1. MAYOR APPROV Initial pate : / Snilial DIRECTOR APPROVAL: COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: I move to forward the proposed WASPC body worn camera grant agreement and signature authorization to the AugustA-2024 consent agenda for approval. ommittee Chair Coibmittee Member Coi ittee Meniber PROPOSED COUNCIL MOTION: "I move to accept the WASPC body worn camera grant authorize the Chief of Police to execute said agreement. " (BELOW TO BE COMPLETED BY CITY CLERK'S OFFICE) COUNCIL ACTION: ❑ APPROVED COUNCIL BILL # ❑ DENIED First reading ❑ TABLED/DEFERRED/NO ACTION Enactment reading ❑ MOVED TO SECOND READING (ordinances only) ORDINANCE # REVISED - 4/2019 RESOLUTION # CITY OF FEDERAL WAY MEMORANDUM DATE: July 23, 2024 TO: City Council Members VIA: Jim Ferrell, Mayor FROM: Andy J. Hwang, Chief of Police SUBJECT: 2025 WASPC Body Worn Camera Grant Agreement Financial Inivacts: The Federal Way Police Department (FWPD) has been awarded a Body Worn Camera grant from the Washington Association of Sheriffs and Police Chiefs (WASPC) in the amount of $15,590. The grant money will be used to purchase additional body worn cameras (BWC) and pay for the training associated with the BWCs that all new officers receive. Acceptance of the grant requires no matching funds from the City. Background Information: When FWPD implemented a BWC program in 2021, staffing levels in the police department were low and police departments were struggling to recruit qualified officers. Due to these factors, FWPD ordered 143 BWC while FWPD was authorized 150 Officers. FWPD staffing has rebounded during the past three years and the police department is coming close to reaching its staffing goal of 150 officers. When the police department becomes fully staffed, the new officers will need BWCs and training on the use of the BWCs. FWPD applied for a BWC grant through WASPC and was granted $15,590 for the purchase of cameras and the reimbursement of training costs to officers. $11,162.06 will be used to purchase BWCs and $4,427.94 will be used to reimburse salary and benefits for the officers' BWC training. Rev. 7/18 DocuSign Envelope ID: 0347F632-B8E54941-98E3-2F73829675B0 WASHINGTON ASSOCIATION OF SHERIFFS AND POLICE CHIEFS INTERAGENCY AGREEMENT —SPECIFIC TERMS AND CONDITIONS BODY -WORN CAMERA (BWC) GRANT PROGRAM FY 2025 OVERVIEW: The Washington State Legislature, via budget proviso in the 2023 Legislative Session (see ESSB 5187 allocated $1,600,000 to the Washington Association of Sheriffs and Police Chiefs (WASPC) for 2023-2025 biennium, for a body -worn camera grant program in order to assist law enforcement agencies to establish and expand body -worn camera programs. The funds are to be distributed to local law enforcement agencies to fund the following: the initial purchase, maintenance, and replacement of body -worn cameras; ongoing costs related to the maintenance and storage of data recorded by body -worn cameras; costs associated with public records requests for body -worn camera footage AGREEMENT: This AGREEMENT is entered into by and between the WASHINGTON ASSOCIATION OF SHERIFFS AND POLICE CHIEFS (hereinafter referred to as WASPC) and the FEDERAL WAY POLICE DEPARTMENT (hereinafter referred to as the RECIPIENT). Award Recipient Name and Address: Federal Way Police Department 33325 gth Ave S Federal Way, WA 98003 Project Title: Body -Worn Camera Grant Program FY 2025 Agreement No: BWC-25-07 Grant Award: $15,590.00 Agency Contact: Title: Lt. Jeffrey VanderVeer Email: jeffrey.vanderveer@cityoffederalway.com Phone: 253-835-6791 Funding Cycle: July 1, 2024—June 30, 2025 Funding Authority: WA Association of Sheriffs and Police Chiefs Service Area: City of Federal Way The WASPC point of contact for the Body -Worn Camera Grant Program is Sydney Hansen, Program Coordinator, 360-486-2402 or shansen@waspc.org. FUNDING SOURCE: Funding for this AGREEMENT is provided to WASPC through the Criminal Justice Training Commission from the State of Washington. These are state funds allocated by the Washington State Legislature. Funding awarded the RECIPIENT shall not exceed the amount shown above. DocuSign Envelope ID: 0347F632-BBE5-4941-9BE3-2F73B29675B0 Body -Worn Camera Grant Program FY 2025 Page 2 of 2 SCOPE OF WORK: Grant recipient shall: • Use agency procurement procedures to purchase up to $11,162.06 for AXON body -worn cameras. Use agency procurement procedures to fund up to $4,427.94 in salary and benefits for the 3- hour BWC Training for newly hired officers. Grant funds may not be used to purchase tasers or any other bundled contract items not associated with body -worn cameras. Grant funds must be utilized, and all items purchased must be received on or before June 30, 2025, in compliance with the State Administrative and Accounting Manual. htt s: ofm.wa. ov sites default files ublic le ac olic SAAM 24A-03 2024 06 01, df DATA COLLECTION AND REPORTING: The Body -Worn Camera Grant Report form (link below) shall be completed by July 15, 2025. https.//waspc:.formstack.com/forms/2025wasjpcbwcgrantreport INVOICES FOR REIMBURSEMENT: Requests for reimbursement shall be included in the BWC Grant Report and must include a completed and signed A-19 and any applicable receipts. Requests for reimbursement shall be submitted by July 15, 2025. SIGNATURE: IN WITNESS WHEREOF, WASPC and RECIPIENT acknowledge and accept the terms of this AGREEMENT and attachments hereto, and in witness whereof have executed this AGREEMENT as of the date and year written below. The rights and obligations of both parties to this AGREEMENT are governed by the information on this Award Sheet and Letter and other documents incorporated herein. For WASPC Name: Kim Goodman For RECIPIENT Name: Title: Chief of Staff Title: Agency: Washington Association of Sheriffs Agency: & Police Chiefs Date: 6/18/2024 Signature: Doc uSigncd by; F�K% c-'64mo, Date: Signature: Andy Hwang Chief of Police Federal Way Police Department COUNCIL MEETING DATE: August 13, 2024 CITY OF FEDERAL WAY CITY COUNCIL AGENDA BILL ITEM #: 7e SUBJECT: COPIER & PRINTER MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT POLICY QUESTION: Should City Council approve the Copier & Printer Maintenance Agreement with Copiers Northwest, Inc.? COMMITTEE: FEDRAC MEETING DATE: July 23, 2024 CATEGORY: ® Consent ❑ Ordinance ❑ Public Hearing ❑ City Council Business ❑ Resolution ❑ Other STAFF REPORT BY: Thomas Fichtner DEPT: Information Technology Attachments: 1. Staff Report 2. Copier & Printer Maintenance Agreement 3. NASPO/DES Master Agreements for both Canon and HP Options Considered: 1. Approve the proposed agreement. 2. Do not approve the proposed agreement and provide direction to staff. MAYOR'S RECOMMENDATION: Option 1 MAYOR APPROVAL: r� �` 13 DIRECTOR APPROVAL:IE 7 - Z C mil c Con it initial Mate f tiat ate fnitiallDate COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: I move to forward the proposed Copier & Printer Maintenance Agreement to the August 13, 2024 consent agenda for approval. Co Kmittee Chair Committee Mernbee 1 CimittegImember PROPOSED COUNCIL MOTION: "I move approval of the proposed Agreement Copiers Northwest, Inc. for a sum not to exceed One Hundred Eighty Thousand and 00/100 ($180, 000.00), and authorize the Mayor to execute said agreement. " BELOW TO BE COMPLETED BY CITY CLERK'S OFFICE) COUNCIL ACTION: ❑ APPROVED COUNCIL BILL # ❑ DENIED First reading ❑ TABLED/DEFERRED/NO ACTION Enactment reading ❑ MOVED TO SECOND READING (ordinances only) ORDINANCE # REVISED - 4/2019 RESOLUTION # CITY OF FEDERAL WAY MEMORANDUM DATE: July 23, 2024 TO: City Council Members VIA: Jim Ferrell, Mayor FROM: Thomas Fichtner, IT Director SUBJECT: Copier & Printer Maintenance Agreement Financial Impacts: The total cost to the City over the term of the three-year agreement is $180,000 ($60,000/year). The budget for the Copier and Printer Maintenance contract in included within the Council Approved 2023/2024 Biennial Budget under the Information Technology 502/503 funds for copier/printer maintenance. Background information: The City has a variety of copiers and printers that require supplies and maintenance. The City has worked with a variety of vendors over the years, however, for the past 13 years has been using Copiers Northwest to supply toner and other supplies as well as maintain the copiers and printers when they need repair. Copiers Northwest has proved over the last agreement term, since 2021, to be a quality provider of supplies and service for the City's fleet of copiers and printers. The City uses cooperative purchasing contracts when possible to reduce the staff burden during procurement. The State of Washington maintains a cooperative purchasing contract with the National Association of State Procurement Officials (NASPO) #06619 for Copiers and Managed Print Services. Of the 17 vendors on the State of Washington NASPO contract, Copiers Northwest is the only one that is an authorized dealer (for sale and maintenance) for both HP and Canon equipment. This allows the City to utilize one agreement for both the copiers (Canon) and printers (HP). The current NASPO contract expires on July 31, 2024, however, Copiers Northwest will honor the pricing contained within the attached Goods and Services agreement for the three-year term, at which point will be renewed with the updated NASPO contract pricing at that time. The services offered as well as the pricing are based on the NASPO negotiated pricing and is priced "per click" or "per page" that is printed. This is an industry standard pricing model that works well for the City; when usage increases, we pay more, if it decreases (going more paperless) we pay less. The proposed agreement allows the City to add/subtract equipment as needed over the term of this agreement. Within the attached Rev. 7/18 Goods and Services Agreement, Exhibit "M contains a detailed list of the City's current fleet of copiers and printers. This contract encompasses both copiers and printers into one contract providing streamlined management and invoicing. Rev. 7/18 CITY Way CITY HALL 33325 8th Avenue South Federal Way, WA 98003-6325 (253) 835-7000 www. cifyof ederahvay com GOODS AND SERVICES AGREEMENT FOR COPIER & PRINTER MAINTENANCE This Goods and Services Agreement ("Agreement") is made between the City of Federal Way, a Washington municipal corporation ("City"), and Copiers Northwest, Inc., a Washington corporation ("Contractor"). The City and Contractor (together "Parties") are located and do business at the below addresses which shall be valid for any notice required under this Agreement: COPIERS NORTHWEST, INC.: John Hines 615 S Alaska Street Seattle, WA, 98108 (206) 282-1200 (telephone) The Parties agree as follows: CITY OF FEDERAL WAY: Thomas Fichtner 33325 8th Ave. S. Federal Way, WA 98003-6325 (253) 835-2547 (telephone) (253) 835-2509 (facsimile) thomas. fichtner(a-,cityoffederalwa_y. com 1. TERM. The term of this Agreement shall commence on August 1, 2024, and shall continue until the completion of the Work, but in any event no later than July 31, 2027 ("Term"). This Agreement may be extended for additional periods of time upon the mutual written agreement of the City and the Contractor. A 1 - 2.1 Work. The Contractor shall provide goods, materials or services and otherwise perform the work more specifically described in Exhibit A, attached hereto and incorporated by this reference ("Work"), performed to the City's satisfaction, within the time period prescribed by the City and pursuant to the direction of the Mayor or his or her designee. 2.2 Warranties. The Contractor warrants that it has the requisite training, skill, and experience necessary to provide the Work and is appropriately accredited and licensed by all applicable agencies and governmental entities, including but not limited to obtaining a City of Federal Way business registration. The Contractor warrants it will provide services in a manner consistent with the accepted practices for other similar services within the Puget Sound region in effect at the time those services are performed. The Contractor warrants goods are merchantable, are fit for the particular purpose for which they were obtained, and will perform in accordance with their specifications and Contractor's representations to City. The Contractor shall, at its sole cost and expense, correct all Work performed which the City deems to have defects in workmanship and material discovered within one (1) year after the City's final acceptance of the Work. This Agreement is subject to all warranty provisions established under the Uniform Commercial Code, Title 62A RCW. In the event any part of the goods are repaired, only original replacement parts shall be used; rebuilt or used parts are not acceptable. When defects are corrected, the warranty for that portion of the work shall extend for one (1) year from the date such correction is completed and accepted by the City. The Contractor shall begin to correct any defects within seven (7) calendar days of its receipt of notice from the City of the defect. If the Contractor does not accomplish the corrections within a reasonable time as determined by the City, the City may complete the corrections and the Contractor shall pay all costs incurred by the City in order to accomplish the correction. GOODS AND SERVICES AGREEMENT - 1 - 4/2023 A4SCITY OF ,�� Federal Way CITY HALL 33325 8th Avenue South Federal Way, WA 98003-6325 (253) 835-7000 www cityoffederalway. com 2.3 Time. Documentation, and Inspection. Work shall begin immediately upon the effective date of this Agreement. Work shall be subject, at all times, to observation and inspection by and with approval of the City, but the making (or failure or delay in making) such inspection or approval shall not relieve Contractor of responsibility for performance of the Work in accordance with this Agreement, notwithstanding the City's knowledge of defective or non -complying performance, its substantiality or the ease of its discovery. 2.4 Clean Up. At any time ordered by the City and immediately after completion of the Work, the Contractor shall, at its own expense, clean up and remove all refuse and unused materials of any kind resulting from the Work. In the event the Contractor fails to perform the necessary clean up, the City may, but in no event is it obligated to, perform the necessary clean up and the costs thereof shall be immediately paid by the Contractor to the City and/or the City may deduct its costs from any remaining payments due to the Contractor. 3. TERMINATION. Either party may terminate this Agreement, with or without cause, upon providing the other party thirty (30) days' written notice at its address set forth on the signature block of this Agreement. The City may terminate this Agreement immediately if the Contractor fails to maintain required insurance policies, breaches confidentiality, or materially violates Section 12 and such may result in ineligibility for further City agreements. 4. COMPENSATION. 4.1 Amount. In return for the Work, the City shall pay the Contractor an amount not to exceed a maximum amount and according to a rate or method as delineated in Exhibit B, attached hereto and incorporated by this reference. The Contractor agrees that any hourly or flat rate charged by it for its services contracted for herein shall remain locked at the negotiated rate(s) for the Term. Except as otherwise provided in Exhibit B, the Contractor shall be solely responsible for the payment of any taxes imposed by any lawful jurisdiction as a result of the performance and payment of this Agreement. 4.2 Method of Payment. On a monthly basis, the Contractor shall submit a voucher or invoice in the form specified by the City, including a description of what Work have been performed, the name of the personnel performing such Work, and any hourly labor charge rate for such personnel. The Contractor shall also submit a final bill upon completion of all Work. Payment shall be made on a monthly basis by the City only after the Work has been performed and within thirty (30) days after receipt and approval by the appropriate City representative of the voucher or invoice. If the Work does not meet the requirements of this Agreement, the Contractor will correct or modify the work to comply with the Agreement. The City may withhold payment for such work until the work meets the requirements of the Agreement. 4.3 Defective or Unauthorized Work. If any goods, materials, or services provided under this Agreement are either defective, unauthorized, or otherwise do not meet the requirements of this Agreement, the Contractor will correct or modify the work to comply with the Agreement and the City reserves the right to withhold payment from the Contractor until the goods, materials, or services are acceptable to the City. If Contractor is unable, for any reason, to complete any part of this Agreement, the City may obtain the goods, materials or services from other sources, and Contractor shall be liable to the City for any additional costs incurred by the City. "Additional costs" shall mean all reasonable costs, including legal costs and attorney fees, incurred by the City beyond the maximum Agreement price specified above. The City further reserves its right to deduct these additional costs incurred to complete this Agreement with other sources, from any and all amounts due or to become due the Contractor. GOODS AND SERVICES AGREEMENT - 2 - 4/2023 CITY OF � Federal Way CITY HALL 33325 8th Avenue South Federal Way, WA 98003-6325 (253) 835-7000 www ciryol%deralway com 4.4 ' Non -Appropriation of Funds. If sufficient funds are not appropriated or allocated for payment under this Agreement for any future fiscal period, the City will not be obligated to make payments for Work or amounts incurred after the end of the current fiscal period, and this Agreement will terminate upon the completion of all remaining Work for which funds are allocated. No penalty or expense shall accrue to the City in the event this provision applies. 4.5 Final Payment: Waiver of Claims. Contractor's acceptance of final payment shall constitute a waiver of any and all claims, except those previously and properly made and identified by Contractor as unsettled at the time request for final payment is made. 5. INDEMNIFICATION. 5.1 Contractor Indemnification. The Contractor agrees to release indemnify, defend, and hold the City, its elected officials, officers, employees, agents, representatives, insurers, attorneys, and volunteers harmless from any and all claims, demands, actions, suits, causes of action, arbitrations, mediations, proceedings, judgments, awards, injuries, damages, liabilities, taxes, losses, fines, fees, penalties expenses, attorney's fees, costs, and/or litigation expenses to or by any and all persons or entities, including, without limitation, their respective agents, licensees, or representatives, arising from, resulting from, or in connection with this Agreement or the performance of this Agreement, except for that portion of the claims caused by the City's sole negligence. Should a court of competent jurisdiction determine that this Agreement is subject to RCW 4.24.115, then, in the event of liability for damages arising out of bodily injury to persons or damages to property caused by or resulting from the concurrent negligence of the Contractor and the City, the Contractor's liability hereunder shall be only to the extent of the Contractor's negligence. Contractor shall ensure that each sub -contractor shall agree to defend and indemnify the City, its elected officials, officers, employees, agents, representatives, insurers, attorneys, and volunteers to the extent and on the same terms and conditions as the Contractor pursuant to this paragraph. The City's inspection or acceptance of any of Contractor's work when completed shall not be grounds to avoid any of these covenants of indemnification. 5.2 Industrial Insurance Act Waiver. It is specifically and expressly understood that the Contractor waives any immunity that may be granted to it under the Washington State industrial insurance act, Title 51 RCW, solely for the purposes of this indemnification. Contractor's indemnification shall not be limited in any way by any limitation on the amount of damages, compensation or benefits payable to or by any third party under workers' compensation acts, disability benefit acts or any other benefits acts or programs. The Parties further acknowledge that they have mutually negotiated this waiver. 5.3 City Indemnification. The City agrees to release, indemnify, defend and hold the Contractor, its officers, directors, shareholders, partners, employees, agents, representatives, and sub- contractors harmless from any and all claims, demands, actions, suits, causes of action, arbitrations, mediations, proceedings, judgments, awards, injuries, damages, liabilities, losses, fines, fees, penalties expenses, attorney's fees, costs, and/or litigation expenses to or by any and all persons or entities, including without limitation, their respective agents, licensees, or representatives, arising from, resulting from or connected with this Agreement to the extent solely caused by the negligent acts, errors, or omissions of the City. 5.4 Survival. The provisions of this Section shall survive the expiration or termination of this Agreement with respect to any event occurring prior to such expiration or termination. 6. INSURANCE. The Contractor agrees to carry insurance for liability which may arise from or in connection with the performance of the services or work by the Contractor, their agents, representatives, GOODS AND SERVICES AGREEMENT - 3 - 4/2023 ,4S urr of ,�� Federal Way CITY HALL 33325 8th Avenue South Federal Way, WA 98003-6325 (253) 835-7000 www cityoffederatway com employees or subcontractors for the duration of the Agreement and thereafter with respect to any event occurring prior to such expiration or termination as follows: 6.1. Minimum Limits. The Contractor agrees to carry as a minimum, the following insurance, in such forms and with such carriers who have a rating that is satisfactory to the City: a. Commercial general liability insurance covering liability arising from premises, operations, independent contractors, products -completed operations, stop gap liability, personal injury, bodily injury, death, property damage, products liability, advertising injury, and liability assumed under an insured contract with limits no less than $2,000,000 for each occurrence and $2,000,000 general aggregate. b. Workers' compensation and employer's liability insurance in amounts sufficient pursuant to the laws of the State of Washington; C. Automobile liability insurance covering all owned, non -owned, hired and leased vehicles with minimum combined single limits in the minimum amounts required to drive under Washington State law per accident for bodily injury, including personal injury or death, and property damage. 6.2. No Limit of Liability. Contractor's maintenance of insurance as required by the agreement shall not be construed to limit the liability of the Contractor to the coverage provided by such insurance, or otherwise limit the City's recourse to any remedy available at law or in equity. The Contractor's insurance coverage shall be primary insurance as respect the City. Any insurance, self-insurance, or insurance pool coverage maintained by the City shall be excess of the Contractor's insurance and shall not contribute with it. 6.3. Additional Insured. Verification. The City shall be named as additional insured on all commercial general liability insurance policies. Concurrent with the execution of this Agreement, Contractor shall provide certificates of insurance for all commercial general liability policies attached hereto as Exhibit C and incorporated by this reference. At City's request, Contractor shall furnish the City with copies of all insurance policies and with evidence of payment of premiums or fees of such policies. If Contractor's insurance policies are "claims made," Contractor shall be required to maintain tail coverage for a minimum period of three (3) years from the date this Agreement is actually terminated or upon project completion and acceptance by the City. 6.4 Survival. The provisions of this Section shall survive the expiration or termination of this Agreement. 7. CONFIDENTIALITY. All information regarding the City obtained by Contractor in performance of this Agreement shall be considered confidential subject to applicable laws. Breach of confidentiality by the Contractor may be grounds for immediate termination. All records submitted by the City to the Contractor will be safeguarded by the Contractor. The Contractor will fully cooperate with the City in identifying, assembling, and providing records in case of any public records disclosure request. 8. WORK PRODUCT. All originals and copies of work product, including plans, sketches, layouts, designs, design specifications, records, files, computer disks, magnetic media or material which may be produced or modified by Contractor while performing the Work shall belong to the City upon delivery. The Contractor shall make such data, documents, and files available to the City and shall deliver all needed or contracted for work product upon the City's request. At the expiration or termination of this Agreement, all originals and copies of any such work product remaining in the possession of Contractor shall be delivered to the City. 9. BOOKS AND RECORDS. The Contractor agrees to maintain books, records, and documents which sufficiently and properly reflect all direct and indirect costs related to the performance of the Work and maintain such accounting procedures and practices as may be deemed necessary by the City to assure proper accounting GOODS AND SERVICES AGREEMENT - 4 - 4/2023 CITY OF CITY HALL �� Fe d era I Way33325 8th Avenue South Federal Way, WA 98003-6325 (253) 835-7000 www cityof ederafway. com of all funds paid pursuant to this Agreement. These records shall be subject, at all reasonable times, to inspection, review or audit by the City, its authorized representative, the State Auditor, or other governmental officials authorized by law to monitor this Agreement. 10. INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR / EMPLOYEE CONDITIONS. 10.1 Independence. The Parties intend that the Contractor shall be an independent contractor and that the Contractor has the ability to control and direct the performance and details of its work, the City being interested only in the results obtained under this Agreement. The City shall be neither liable nor obligated to pay Contractor sick leave, vacation pay or any other benefit of employment, nor to pay any social security, income, or other tax which may arise as an incident of employment, except as specifically provided in Section 4. Industrial or any other insurance that is purchased for the benefit of the City, regardless of whether such may provide a secondary or incidental benefit to the Contractor, shall not be deemed to convert this Agreement to an employment contract. If the Contractor is a sole proprietorship or if this Agreement is with an individual, the Contractor agrees to notify the City and complete any required form if the Contractor retired under a State of Washington retirement system and agrees to indemnify any losses the City may sustain through the Contractor's failure to do so. 10.2 Safety. Contractor shall take all necessary precautions and shall be responsible for the safety of its employees, agents, and subcontractors at the work site and in the performance of the contract work and shall utilize all protection necessary for that purpose. Contractor shall comply with all applicable provisions of federal, state and municipal safety and health laws and codes, including without limitation, all OSHA/WISHA requirements, Safety and Health Standards for Construction Work (Chapter 296-155 WAC), General Safety and Health Standards (Chapter 296-24 WAC), and General Occupational Health Standards (Chapter 296-62 WAC). Contractor shall erect and properly maintain, at all times, all necessary guards, barricades, signals and other safeguards at all unsafe places at or near the site for the protection of its employees and the public, safe passageways at all road crossings, crosswalks, street intersections, post danger signs warning against known or unusual hazards and do all other things necessary to prevent accident or loss of any kind. Contractor shall protect from damage all water, sewer, gas, steam or other pipes or conduits, and all hydrants and all other property that is likely to become displaced or damaged by the performance of the Work. The Contractor shall, at its own expense, secure and maintain a safe storage place for its materials and equipment and is solely responsible for the same. 10.3 Risk of Work. All work shall be done at Contractor's own risk, and Contractor shall be responsible for any loss of or damage to materials, tools, or other articles used or held for use in connection with the work. Industrial or any other insurance that is purchased for the benefit of the City, regardless of whether such may provide a secondary or incidental benefit to the Contractor, shall not be deemed to convert this Agreement to an employment contract. Even though Contractor is an independent contractor, the work must meet the approval of the City and shall be subject to the City's general right of inspection to secure satisfactory completion. 11. CONFLICT OF INTEREST. It is recognized that Contractor may or will be performing professional services during the Term for other parties; however, such performance of other services shall not conflict with or interfere with Contractor's ability to perform the Services. Contractor agrees to resolve any such conflicts of interest in favor of the City. Contractor confirms that Contractor does not have a business interest or a close family relationship with any City officer or employee who was, is, or will be involved in the Contractor's selection, negotiation, drafting, signing, administration, or evaluating the Contractor's performance. 12. EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER. In all services, programs, activities, hiring, and employment made possible by or resulting from this Agreement or any subcontract, there shall be no discrimination by GOODS AND SERVICES AGREEMENT - 5 - 4/2023 CITY OF CITY HALL Federal Way Feder l Avenue South Federal Way, WA 98003-6325 (253) 835-7000 www ciryoffederalway.com Contractor or its subcontractors of any level, or any of those entities' employees, agents, subcontractors, or representatives against any person because of sex, age (except minimum age and retirement provisions), race, color, religion, creed, national origin, marital status, or the presence of any disability, including sensory, mental or physical handicaps, unless based upon a bona fide occupational qualification in relationship to hiring and employment. This requirement shall apply to, but not be limited to, the following: employment, advertising, layoff or termination, rates of pay or other forms of compensation, and selection for training, including apprenticeship. Contractor shall comply with and shall not violate any of the terms of Chapter 49.60 RCW, Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Americans With Disabilities Act, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, 49 CFR Part 21, 21.5 and 26, or any other applicable federal, state, or local law or regulation regarding non-discrimination. 13. GENERAL PROVISIONS. 13.1 Interpretation and Modification. This Agreement, together with any attached Exhibits, contains all of the agreements of the Parties with respect to any matter covered or mentioned in this Agreement and no prior statements or agreements, whether oral or written, shall be effective for any purpose. Should any language in any Exhibits to this Agreement conflict with any language in this Agreement, the terms of this Agreement shall prevail. The respective captions of the Sections of this Agreement are inserted for convenience of reference only and shall not be deemed to modify or otherwise affect any of the provisions of this Agreement. Any provision of this Agreement that is declared invalid, inoperative, null and void, or illegal shall in no way affect or invalidate any other provision hereof and such other provisions shall remain in full force and effect. Any act done by either Party prior to the effective date of the Agreement that is consistent with the authority of the Agreement and compliant with the terms of the Agreement, is hereby ratified as having been performed under the Agreement. No provision of this Agreement, including this provision, may be amended, waived, or modified except by written agreement signed by duly authorized representatives of the Parties. 13.2 Assignment and Beneficiaries. Neither the Contractor nor the City shall have the right to transfer or assign, in whole or in part, any or all of its obligations and rights hereunder without the prior written consent of the other Party. If the non -assigning party gives its consent to any assignment, the terms of this Agreement shall continue in full force and effect and no further assignment shall be made without additional written consent. Subject to the foregoing, the rights and obligations of the Parties shall inure to the benefit of and be binding upon their respective successors in interest, heirs and assigns. This Agreement is made and entered into for the sole protection and benefit of the Parties hereto. No other person or entity shall have any right of action or interest in this Agreement based on any provision set forth herein. 13.3 Compliance with Laws. The Contractor shall comply with and perform the Services in accordance with all applicable federal, state, local, and city laws including, without limitation, all City codes, ordinances, resolutions, regulations, rules, standards and policies, as now existing or hereafter amended, adopted, or made effective. If a violation of the City's Ethics Resolution No. 91-54, as amended, occurs as a result of the formation or performance of this Agreement, this Agreement may be rendered null and void, at the City's option. 13.4 Enforcement. Time is of the essence in this Agreement and each and all of its provisions in which performance is a factor. Adherence to completion dates set forth in the description of the Services is essential to the Contractor's performance of this Agreement. Any notices required to be given by the Parties shall be delivered at the addresses set forth at the beginning of this Agreement. Any notices may be delivered personally to the addressee of the notice or may be deposited in the United States mail, postage prepaid, to the address set forth above. Any notice so posted in the United States mail shall be deemed received three (3) days after the date of mailing. Any remedies provided for under the terms of this Agreement are not intended to be exclusive, but shall be cumulative with all other remedies available to the City at law, in equity or by statute. The failure of the City GOODS AND SERVICES AGREEMENT - 6 - 4/2023 CITY OF Fe d e ra I way CITY HALL 33325 8th Avenue South Federal Way, WA 98003-6325 (253) 835-7000 www cityoffederalway com to insist upon strict performance of any of the covenants and agreements contained in this Agreement, or to exercise any option conferred by this Agreement in one or more instances shall not be construed to be a waiver or relinquishment of those covenants, agreements or options, and the same shall be and remain in full force and effect. Failure or delay of the City to declare any breach or default immediately upon occurrence shall not waive such breach or default. Failure of the City to declare one breach or default does not act as a waiver of the City's right to declare another breach or default. This Agreement shall be made in, governed by, and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the State of Washington. If the Parties are unable to settle any dispute, difference or claim arising from this Agreement, the exclusive means of resolving that dispute, difference, or claim, shall be by filing suit under the venue, rules and jurisdiction of the King County Superior Court, King County, Washington, unless the parties agree in writing to an alternative process. If the King County Superior Court does not have jurisdiction over such a suit, then suit may be filed in any other appropriate court in King County, Washington. Each party consents to the personal jurisdiction of the state and federal courts in King County, Washington and waives any objection that such courts are an inconvenient forum. If either Party brings any claim or lawsuit arising from this Agreement, each Party shall pay all its legal costs and attorney's fees and expenses incurred in defending or bringing such claim or lawsuit, including all appeals, in addition to any other recovery or award provided by law; provided, however, however nothing in this paragraph shall be construed to limit the Parties' rights to indemnification under Section 5 of this Agreement. 13.5 Execution. Each individual executing this Agreement on behalf of the City and Contractor represents and warrants that such individual is duly authorized to execute and deliver this Agreement. This Agreement may be executed in any number of counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original and with the same effect as if all Parties hereto had signed the same document. All such counterparts shall be construed together and shall constitute one instrument, but in making proof hereof it shall only be necessary to produce one such counterpart. The signature and acknowledgment pages from such counterparts may be assembled together to form a single instrument comprised of all pages of this Agreement and a complete set of all signature and acknowledgment pages. The date upon which the last of all of the Parties have executed a counterpart of this Agreement shall be the "date of mutual execution" hereof. [Signature page follows] GOODS AND SERVICES AGREEMENT - 7 - 4/2023 CITY OF Federal Way CITY HALL 33325 8th Avenue South Federal Way, WA 98003-6325 (253) 835-7000 www.. ci"ffederalway. com IN WITNESS, the Parties execute this Agreement below, effective the last date written below. CITY OF FEDERAL WAY: Jim Ferrell, Mayor DATE: COPIERS NORTHWEST: By. Printed Name: Title: DATE: STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) ss. COUNTY OF 1 ATTEST: Stephanie Courtney, CMC, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: J. Ryan Call, City Attorney On this day personally appeared before me , to me known to be the of that executed the within and foregoing instrument, and acknowledged the said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said corporation, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that he or she was authorized to execute said instrument and that the seal affixed, if any, is the corporate seal of said corporation. GIVEN under my hand and official seal this day of 20_ Notary's signature Notary's printed name Notary Public in and for the State of Washington. My commission expires GOODS AND SERVICES AGREEMENT - 8 - 4/2023 CITY OF Federal Way EXHIBIT A SERVICES CITY HALL 33325 8th Avenue South Federal Way, WA 98003-6325 (253)835-7000 www atyoffederahvay com The Contractor shall do or provide the following services for the City's copiers and printers repair, maintenance, support and supplies: Contractor agrees to provide all services in accordance with the terms and conditions of the following National Association of State Procurement Officials (NASPO) and Washington State Department of Enterprise Services (DES) contracts and their successors: i. DES Copiers and Managed Print Services Contract #06619 ii. NASPO ValuePoint Master Agreement for Canon U.S.A., Inc. #140595 iii. NASPO ValuePoint Master Agreement for HP Inc. #140596 2. Qualifications: Contractor must be certified by HP and Canon and able to perform maintenance and repair services on all network attached Copiers and printers listed in Exhibit "D." 3. Contractor acknowledges that they have inspected all printers and that all equipment is in good working condition at the time this contract was executed. GOODS AND SERVICES AGREEMENT - 9 - 4/2023 CITY OF CITY HALL Federal Way Feder 8th Avenue South Federal Way, WA 98003-6325 (253) 835-7000 www cityotfedera/way. com EXHIBIT B COMPENSATION 1. Total Compensation: In return for the Services, the City shall pay the Contractor an amount not to exceed One Hundred Eighty Thousand and 00/100 Dollars ($180,000.00). The actual payment shall be based on the actual number of pages printed and copied by each device and the "cost per click rate" set in the attached Equipment Inventory and Rates (Exhibit "D"). GOODS AND SERVICES AGREEMENT - 10 - 4/2023 CITY OF CITY HALL South Fe d e ra i WayFeder 8th Avenue 8003 � Federal Way, WA 98003-6325 (253) 835-7000 www cllyoffederalway. com EXHIBIT C CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE See attached insurance certificate. GOODS AND SERVICES AGREEMENT - 11 - 4/2023 4!FCITY of CITY HALL Fe d e raY Y �y Feder 8th Avenue South ederal Way, WA 98003-6325 (253) 835-7000 tvww cityotfederalway com EXHIBIT D EQUIPMENT INVENTORY & RATES 1. The City's printers and copiers are all manufactured by Hewlett Packard (HP) or Canon. 2. All pricing listed in the equipment inventory table below is based on current NASPO/DES Contract #06619 (for both HP #140596 and Canon #140595 Master Agreements) terms and conditions Section 4.4.2. 3. City agrees to purchase new equipment only listed on the current NASPO/DES contract in order to receive service and be added to this agreement. 4. City agrees to replace equipment by "End of Useful Life" as agreed upon by City and Contractor, per terms and conditions for both HP #140596 and Canon #140595 Master Agreements, Legacy Equipment Section 4.4.2(f). 5. The City and Contractor will amend the equipment inventory table as needed to add/remove any printer/MFP from this list or modify pricing based on the current NASPO/DES contract during the term of this agreement. 6. Current equipment inventory of City's printers/MFPs: Make Model Serial Number Equipment Number B/W Color HP Laserjet Color M577c MFP MXBCJ6N166 GF278 0.0182 0.0825 HP Laserjet Color M577c MFP MXBCK3V 1 WL GF280 0.0182 0.0825 HP Laserjet Color M479fdw MXBCM7TIHB I U877 0.0216 0.0976 HP Laserjet Color M479fdw MXBCM7T1J2 HU882 0.0216 0.0976 HP Laserjet Color M479fdw MXBCM7TIFQ HU883 0.0216 0.0976 HP Laserjet Color M479fdw MXBCM7TIJT HU884 0.0216 0.0976 Canon IR14351F RZJ08877 GX361 0.0198 Canon IR14351F RZJ06001 GX363 0.0198 Canon IR1435IF RZJ06002 GX365 0.0198 Canon IR1435IF RZJ08694 GY311 0.0198 Canon IR1435IF RZJ10563 GY312 0.0198 Canon IR1435IF RZJ08692 GY313 0.0198 Canon IR1435IF RZJ22812 GZ771 0.0198 Canon IR1435IF RZJ24324 GZ792 0.6198 Canon iR6565i II X-NF01252 HK759 0.0070 Canon IRC7565i II XXJ00628 HK746 0.0084 0.0559 Canon IRC5550i II XUG00888 HK782 0.0088 0.0595 Canon IRC7570i III 2KS01590 HR942 0.0084 0.0559 HP LaserJet M725dn A3 MFP MXDCMB23X2 E 118386 0.0106 HP Laserjet M605n CNBCHB60V4 FK370 0.0141 GOODS AND SERVICES AGREEMENT - 12 - 4/2023 ,4S CITY OF ,Federal CITY HALL Wa+ � 33325 8th Avenue South Federal Way, WA 98003-6325 (253) 835-7000 www cityoffederalway com HP LaserJet M605n CNBCHB60V7 FK371 0.0141 HP LaserJet M605n CNBCH820WK FK373 0.0141 HP LaserJet M605n CNBCH820Z3 FK374 0.0141 HP Laser'etM605x CNDCJ6MIWH FK469 0.0141 HP LaserJet M605x CNDCJ6MIVB FK470 0.0141 HP LasejetM605x CNDCJ6MIWW FK471 0.0141 HP LaserJet M605dn CNDCK6YIFZ GF276 0.0141 HP LaserJet M605dn CNDCK6YIJJ GF277 0.0141 Canon IR6575i III 2LM02040 HR974 0.0070 HP LaserJet M725dn A3 MFP MXDCM7T33P HS325 0.0106 HP LaserJet M725z mfp MXDCMD40BS HS326 0.0106 HP LaserJet M725z rnf2 MXDCLC80Z6 HS327 0.0106 HP LaserJet M725dn A3 MFP MXDCMCD3DT HS365 0.0106 HP LaserJet M725dn A3 MFP MXDCM952FO HS366. 0.0106 HP LaserJet M725dn A3 MFP MXDCM951 WV HS367 0.0106 HP LaserJet M725dn A3 MFP MXDCM4BITK HS368 0.0106 Canon IR DX C5840 2YJ03391 JL501 0.0074 0.058 Canon IR DX C3730 2UR10164 JL870 0.0106 0.065 Canon Colorwave 3600 493601928 JT801 $22.14/mo and .09 c c Canon I Ima ePress Lite C265 35 00728 JT093 -0.009 0.045 Canon Ima ePress Lite C265 35 01366 JT101 0.009 0.045 Canon IR DX C5850 2XWO7909 JP467 0.0074 0.05 Canon IR DX C6860 3MJ04125 JP402 0.0059 Canon IR DX 4825 3XK00989 JP399 0.0087 Canon Ima ePress Lite C265 35 02378 JX968 0.009 0.0449 Canon Ima ePress Lite C265 35 02385 JX969 0.009 0.0449 Canon IR DX C5850 2XW13343 JX970 0.0074 0.0499 Canon Ima ePress Lite C265 0.009 0.045 Canon Ima ePress Lite C265 0.009 0.045 Canon Ima ePress Lite C265 0.009 0.045 HP Color LaserJet MFP E47528f 0.0204 0.0727 HP Color LaserJet E45028 0.0253 0.0846 HP LaserJet E40040 0.0160 HP LaserJet E40040 0.0160 GOODS AND SERVICES AGREEMENT - 13 - 4/2023 RETURN TO: TERRY SMITH EXT: 2550 CITY OF FEDERAL WAY LAW DEPARTMENT ROUTING FORM 1. ORIGINATING DEPT./DIV: INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 2. ORIGINATING STAFF PERSON: THOMAS FICHTNER EXT: 2547 3. DATE REQ. BY: ASAP 4. TYPE OF DOCUMENT (CHECK ONE): ❑ CONTRACTOR SELECTION DOCUMENT (E.G., RFB, RFP, RFQ) ❑ PUBLIC WORKS CONTRACT ❑ SMALL OR LIMITED PUBLIC WORKS CONTRACT ❑ PROFESSIONAL SERVICE AGREEMENT ❑ MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT 14 GOODS AND SERVICE AGREEMENT ❑ HUMAN SERVICES / CDBG ❑ REAL ESTATE DOCUMENT ❑ SECURITY DOCUMENT (E.G. BOND RELATED DOCUMENTS) ❑ ORDINANCE ❑ RESOLUTION ❑ CONTRACT AMENDMENT (AG#): ❑ INTERLOCAL ❑ OTHER 5. PROJECTNAME: PRINTER / COPIER MAINTENANCE 6. NAME OF CONTRACTOR: COPIERS NORTHWEST ADDRESS: 615 S ALASKA STREET, SEATTLE, WA, 98108 TELEPHONE (206)282-1200 E-MAIL: draphael@copiersnw.com FAX: SIGNATURENAME: JOHN HIDES TITLE CFO 7. EXHIBITS AND ATTACHMENTS: ® SCOPE, WORK OR SERVICES IN COMPENSATION ❑ INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS/CERTIFICATE ❑ ALL OTHER REFERENCED EXHIBITS ❑ PROOF OF AUTHORITY TO SIGN ❑ REQUIRED LICENSES ❑ PRIOR CONTRACT/AMENDMENTS 8. TERM: COMMENCEMENT DATE: 08/01/2024 COMPLETION DATE: 07/31/2027 9. TOTAL COMPENSATION $180,000.00 (INCLUDE EXPENSES AND SALES TAX, IF ANY) (IF CALCULATED ON HOURLY LABOR CHARGE - ATTACH SCHEDULES OF EMPLOYEES TITLES AND HOLIDAY RATES) REIMBURSABLE EXPENSE: ❑ YES @ NO IF YES, MAXIMUM DOLLAR AMOUNT: $ IS SALES TAX OWED 10YES ONO IF YES, $ PAID BY: ❑ CONTRACTOR ❑ CITY RETAINAGE: RETAINAGE AMOUNT: ❑ RETAINAGE AGREEMENT (SEE CONTRACT) OR ❑ RETAINAGE BOND PROVIDED A PURCHASING: PLEASE CHARGE TO: 502-1100-046-(512-50-480, 518-88-480) & 503-1100-046-(512-50-480, 518-88480, 521-88-480) 10. DOCUMENT/CONTRACT REVIEW INITIAL / DATE REVIEWED INITIAL / DATE APPROVED ❑ PROJECT MANAGER 0 DIRECTOR TF - 6/28/24 ❑ RISK MANAGEMENT (IF APPLICABLE) ❑ LAW JRC 7/3/2024 11. COUNCIL APPROVAL (IF APPLICABLE) COMMITTEE APPROVAL DATE: COUNCIL APPROVAL DATE: 12. CONTRACT SIGNATURE ROUTING ❑ SENT TO VENDOR/CONTRACTOR DATE SENT: DATE REC'D: ❑ ATTACH: SIGNATURE AUTHORITY, INSURANCE CERTIFICATE, LICENSES, EXHIBITS ❑ CREATE ELECTRONIC REMINDERINOTIFICATION FOR 1 MONTH PRIOR TO EXPIRATION DATE (Include dept. support staff if necessary and feel free to set notification more than a month in advance if council approval is needed.) INITIAL / DATE SIGNED ❑ LAW DEPARTMENT * SIGNATORY (MAYOR OR DIRECTOR) ❑ CITY CLERK ❑ ASSIGNED AG# AG# COMMENTS: 2/2017 7f COUNCIL MEETING DATE: August 13, 2024 CITY OF FEDERAL WAY CITY COUNCIL AGENDA BILL SUBJECT: PURCHASE OF MANAGE DETECTION AND RESPONSE (MDR) SERVICE ITEM #: POLICY QUESTION: Should City Council approve the purchase of Manage Detection and Response (MDR) service? COMMITTEE: FEDRAC MEETING DATE: July 23, 2024 CATEGORY: ® Consent ❑ Ordinance ❑ Public Hearing ❑ City Council Business ❑ Resolution ❑ Other STAFF REPORT BY: Thomas Fichtner Attachments: 1. Staff Report 2. Critical Insight — Statement of Service DEPT: Information Technology Options Considered: 1. Approve the proposed purchase. 2. Do not approve proposed purchase and provide direction to staff. MAYOR'S RECOMMENDATION: Option 1 MAYOR APPROVAL: \ JV-Z DIRECTOR APPROVAL: 1 r— !I5 COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: "I move to forward the proposed purchase of Manage Detection and Response (MDR) service to the August 13, 2024, consent agenda for Council approval. " �j V rt" .a C imittee Chair ommt ee Member I C mmitt e Member PROPOSED COUNCIL MOTION: "I move approval of the proposed pzrichdsK of Manage Detection and Response (MDR) service from Critical Insight, Inc. for a total sum not to exceed $224,256.23. " (BELOW TO BE COMPLETED BY CITY -CLERKS OFFICE) COUNCIL ACTION: ❑ APPROVED COUNCIL BILL # ❑ DENIED First reading ❑ TABLED/DEFERRED/NO ACTION Enactment reading ❑ MOVED TO SECOND READING (ordinances only) ORDINANCE # REVISED - 5/2024 RESOLUTION # CITY OF FEDERAL WAY MEMORANDUM DATE: July 23, 2024 TO: City Council Members VIA: Jim Ferrell, Mayor FROM: Thomas Fichtner, IT Department SUBJECT: Purchase of Manage Detection and Response (MDR) Service Financial Imnacts: The cost to the City for the purchase of Manage Detection and Response (MDR) service, is $74,737.85 peryear. For the proposed 3-year term it totals $224,213.55. Included in the Council approved 2024 Adjusted Budget, is a $75,000-line item within the IT Department operating budget to cover this expense. Upon completion of the initial 3-year subscription term for the MDR service, the service agreement will automatically renew for subsequent one-year terms subject to an inflator based on the greater of CPI or 5%. This will impact future costs and budget. Background Information: The proposed MDR service provided by Critical Insight, Inc. is another layer of security and defense to protect the City's information systems. This system works by ingesting logs, telemetry and network data from various systems at a collection point, then uses an automated system to filter the "noise" from a potential real threat. The potential threats are brought up to a 24/7 Security Operations Center (SOC) for human analysis. If a threat is deemed credible, immediate action is taken to defend the system, and the City is notified. The City can also reach out to the SOC at any time in order to discuss an event with an SOC Analyst or Supervisor. In today's highly connected world, not only are our staff and community increasingly dependent on digital services, but the threat landscape continues to evolve even faster. Unfortunately, employing a team of highly trained security professionals is not something that municipal budgets can afford. The MDR service provided by Critical Insight is a way the City can leverage an always -on, fully staffed 24/7 SOC and the necessary tools, training and infrastructure that it takes to operate one at a small fraction of the price. The MDR service also store log files to satisfy retention and compliance. The City will also Rev. 7/ 18 have regular meetings with the SOC to discuss our systems, what events have been seen, and to provide recommendations for improving security posture. The City will also have a dedicated Customer Success Manager and Security Strategist that will be assisting the City with this service throughout the contract duration. This MDR service is another layer in the City's overall cybersecurity strategy. This service will help the City with compliance with the Criminal Justice Information Systems (CJIS), Payment Card Industry (PCI), and for our cyber liability insurance policy. As part of the MDR service, a security assessment and tracking tool is included at no additional charge for the City to perform a self -assessment to identify where further improvements are needed. Unfortunately, there is not one "silver bullet" to defend against the vast amount of threats on the Internet. However, this, along with other cyber-security strategies, policies and internal controls help put the City in a much better position to help prevent and/or reduce the size and scale of a potential attack. Critical Insight, Inc. was founded by a local government cybersecurity professional and a healthcare security professional. Their mission is to help protect governments and critical infrastructure. In fact, about 50% of their customers are local governments within the State of Washington. Their network of contacts in our local government industry makes their expertise even more valuable. This service from Critical Insight, Inc. is being purchased utilizing the Council Approved interlocal National Cooperative Purchasing Alliance (NCPA) cooperative purchasing agreement (AG# 21-203). Rev. 7/18 CC� Critical Insight Name: Kevin Rolnick Email: kevin.rolnick@criticalinsight.com Phone: +1206-307-8035 Bill To: Name: Thomas Fichtner Company: City of Federal Way Address: 33325 8th Ave S, Federal Way, WA, US, 98003-6325 Phone: 253.835.2547 Ship To: STATEMENT OF SERVICE Quote Date: 05-24-2024 Quote Expiration: 07-12-2024 Name: Thomas Fichtner Company: City of Federal Way Address: 33325 8th Ave S, Federal Way, WA, US, 98003-6325 Phone: 253.835.2547 CI-MDR-FULL-5-50 Monitoring of supported Endpoints, Office 365, On-Prem, AWS, 50 user(s) $24,000.00 $23,039.50 10.5% $21,480,00 and/or Azure. If threats are identified, Cl will quarantine endpoints and users based on criteria in pre -approved playbocks. CI-MDR-FULL-5-51-1000 MDR for All Environments: Users 51-1000 350 user(s) $42,000.00 $40,316.50 10.5% $37,590.00 CI-P: 2U-5 2U Collector(s): To monitor On-Prem environments, Critical Insight 1 unit(s) $12,000.00 $11,519.00 10.5% $10,740.00 ' will provide and manage collector(s) for the duration of the service,' CI-P: 2U-5-1TS 2U Collector(s) One-time Setup $ flat $600.00 $575.00 100% $0.00 CI-LR-5 Log Retention Base 5TB: Critical Insight will ingest and retain On- F terabyte(s) $3,900.00 $3,743.00 10.5% $3,490 56 Prem logs, maintaining an encrypted copy according to an arranged retention period, to satisfy records retention requirements. Extracts of log data will be provided per customer request when needed, CI•LR- iTS-5 LR one-time Setup, 1 flat $195 00 $187 19 100% $0 00 ' Subtotal $82.695 00 $73,300.56 Initial Invoice Per Btlfing Ferlod 12 months $82,695.00 $73,300.56 'Estimated Sales Tax 10.20% estimatedrate $1,702.89 $1,45152 Invoice $84,397.89 $74,752.08 Critical Insighte and the Critical Insight logo are the trademarks of Critical Insight, Inc. @2024 Critical Insight, Inc. All rights reserved. 1/17 TERMS AND CONDITIONS This Statement of Service ("SOS"), effective as of the date of the signature of the last party to sign (the "Effective Date") is subject to the Critical Insight Master Services Agreement, the Critical Insight Description of Service attached here as Exhibit A, and any other Exhibits, Attachments or Amendments hereto, which are each incorporated herein by reference, and which together with this SOS constitute the "Agreement". Unless otherwise provided in this SOS, capitalized terms herein shall be as defined elsewhere in the Agreement. The terms of this Agreement constitute the final expression of the parties' binding understanding in respect to the subject matter hereof and supersede all prior or contemporaneous agreements, representations and understandings, written and oral, in respect to same. Customer acknowledges that it has read the Agreement and agrees to be bound by its terms. • The term of this SOS is 36 month(s) commencing the Effective Date hereof, which upon expiration shall automatically renew for successive annual renewal terms until terminated as provided in the Master Services Agreement. • Billing shall be based on Critical Insight reporting. Critical Insight and Customer shall reconcile in good faith any discrepancies in their respective tracking records, provided Critical Insight's reporting shall control in the event of an irreconcilable discrepancy. • Customer shall be invoiced on an annual basis in advance. ■ The first invoice shall be issued thirty (30) days following the Effective Date. • Payment of invoiced amounts due no later than thirty (30) calendar days from date of invoice. ■ NCPA Contract Number: NCPA 01-97 Critical Insight® and the Critical Insight logo are the trademarks of Critical Insight, Inc. ©2024 Critical Insight, Inc. All rights reserved. 2/17 C Critical Insight C[Wck one of the following: Purchase Order Required ❑ Purchase Order Not Required Customer Signature I f Nam i M Fe,rre. Title AU Date �� 3120?,4 Critical Insight, Inc. Signature Name Title Date Internal Information Affiliate: N/A Billing Contact Name Billing Street Address City, State, Zip Billing Contact Phone Billing Email Critical Insight® and the Critical Insight logo are the trademarks of Critical Insight, Inc. ©2024 Critical Insight, Inc. All rights reserved. 3/17 ccDvircin CI-P & CI -MDR C Critical Insight EXHIBIT A DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE SERVICE MDR: ON -PREMISES RELEASE STATUS GENERALLY AVAILABLE CI-CVI MDR: AWS MDR: 0365 (FORMERLY MDR: MCAS) GENERALLY AVAILABLE GENERALLY AVAILABLE MDR: EDR MDR: MICROSOFT AZURE j GENERALLY AVAILABLE GENERALLY AVAILABLE MDR: IOT GENERALLY AVAILABLE ON -PREMISES VULNERABILITY SCANNING WITH NESSUS GENERALLY AVAILABLE CI-LR f ON -PREMISES LOG RETENTION GENERALLY AVAILABLE ALL COMMERCIALLY AVAILABLE PRODUCTS & SERVICES OFFERED BY CI TO CUSTOMERS ARE DETAILED IN THIS DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES, SOME OF WHICH MAY NOT BE IN YOUR SUBSCRIPTION. PLEASE SEE YOUR STATEMENT OF SERVICES FOR A LISTING OF THE SERVICES YOU HAVE PURCHASED. "GENERALLY AVAILABLE" PRODUCTS & SERVICES ARE SUBJECT TO THE SERVICE LEVEL COMMITMENTS OR "SLA'S" SET FORTH ON PAGE 10 HEREOF. PRODUCTS & SERVICES LISTED AS "ALPHA" OR "BETA" ARE NOTSUBJECTTO ANY SLA'S. ALPHA/BETA PRODUCTS & SERVICES ARE PROVIDED'AS IS' WITH NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. CI SHALL USE COMMERCIALLY REASONABLE EFFORTS TO SUPPORT ALPHA AND BETA PRODUCTS & SERVICES ONLY ON AN 'AS AVAILABLE' BASIS. 'THE PROVISIONING PROCESS TO SET UP THE INGEST CAPABILITIES FOR EACH ENVIRONMENT 'WILL BE ALIGNED TO THE MUTUALLY AGREED DATA STREAMS. THESE MUTUALLY AGREED DATA STREAMS ARE DOCUMENTED IN THE DATA INGEST LIST. CHANGES TO THE DATA INGEST LIST CAN OCCUR BASED UPON MUTUAL WRITTEN AGREEMENT (EMAIL SUFFICES) BETWEEN CI CRITICAL INSIGHT AND THE CUSTOMER. CI'S PRICING IS BASED ON THE ENVIRONMENTS THAT ARE MONITORED; PLATFORM ANY ADDITIONAL DATA STREAMS THAT INTRODUCE NEW ENVIRONMENTS MAY RESULT IN ADDITIONAL SUBSCRIPTION FEES. (CI-P) ENVIRONMENTS: • ON -PREMISES COLLECTOR(S) ("COLLECTOR") • 0365 [FORMERLY MCAS] • ENDPOINT DETECTION & RESPONSE ("EDR") Critical Insight® and the Critical Insight logo are the trademarks of Critical Insight, Inc. ©2024 Critical Insight, Inc- All rights reserved. 4/17 • AMAZON WEB SERVICES ("AWS") • MICROSOFT AZURE ("AZURE") • INTERNET OF THINGS / OPERATIONAL TECHNOLOGY ("IOT") FOR ON PREMISES ENVIRONMENTS WITH COLLECTORS, CI WILL DELIVER AND INSTALL, OR PROVIDE INSTRUCTION FOR INSTALLATION OF, THE CI COLLECTOR ON CUSTOMER PREMISES AND VERIFY OPERATION. FOR ALL ENVIRONMENTS, CI WILL PROVIDE RELEVANT PROVISIONING INSTRUCTIONS FOR MONITORING TOOLS AND DATA STREAMS. DATA STREAMS: EACH ENVIRONMENT HAS UNIQUE DATA STREAMS AND CI WILL MONITOR ALL DATA STREAMS DOCUMENTED IN THE DATA INGEST LIST THROUGH APPROVED DATA INGESTION METHODS. THE FOLLOWING LIST DETAILS COMMON DATA STREAMS CI MONITORS PER ENVIRONMENT. THE DATA STREAMS CI WILL MONITOR FOR THE CUSTOMER ARE DOCUMENTED IN THIS DATA INGEST LIST: ■ ON -PREMISES • SPECIFIC INTRUSION -DETECTION EVENT STREAMS • SPECIFIED DEVICE, SERVER, INFRASTRUCTURE, AND APPLICATION LOGS • CONTINUOUS ONSITE PACKET COLLECTION FOR NETWORK SEGMENTS SPECIFIED BY CUSTOMER • CI WILL GENERATE FLOW RECORDS FROM COLLECTED PACKETS • CI EPHEMERALLY STORES PACKETS FOR A PERIOD LIMITED BY THE STORAGE CAPACITY OF THE CUSTOMER'S CHOSEN COLLECTORS • AWS • GUARDDUTY ALERTS • CLOUDTRAIL LOGS • VPC FLOW RECORDS • 0365 • SPECIFIC MICROSOFT DEFENDER FOR CLOUD APPS ALERT & EVENT STREAMS ■ SPECIFIC MICROSOFT DEFENDER FOR CLOUD APPS DISCOVERY ALERTS & EVENT STREAMS ■ Azure AD INTEGRATION FOR RAPID QUARANTINE ACTION AND USER ENRICHMENT • EDR • SPECIFIC SECURITY EVENT STREAMS DEPENDING ON APPROVED EDR • SPECIFIC ACTIONS DEPENDING ON APPROVED EDR ■ MICROSOFT AZURE • SPECIFIC MICROSOFT DEFENDER FOR CLOUD APPS ALERT & EVENT STREAMS • SPECIFIC MICROSOFT DEFENDER FOR CLOUD ALERT & EVENT STREAMS • SPECIFIC MICROSOFT AZURE AD IDENTITY PROTECTION ALERT & EVENT STREAMS • IOT ■ SPECIFIC SECURITY EVENT STREAMS FOR ARMIS SPECIFIC MICROSOFT AZURE AD IDENTITY PROTECTION ALERT & EVENT STREAMSSOME DATA STREAMS, SUCH AS SECURITY INFORMATION AND EVENT MANAGEMENT (STEM) STREAMS OR EXTENDED DETECTION & RESPONSE (XDR) PRODUCTS WILL AGGREGATE DATA ACROSS MULTIPLE ENVIRONMENTS. CI WILL INCLUDE THE XDR OR SIEM PRODUCT AS AN ADDITIONAL DATA STREAM SO LONG AS IT IS AGGREGATING DATA STREAMS THAT ARE ALREADY DOCUMENTED IN THE DATA INGEST LIST. Critical Insight" and the Critical Insight logo are the trademarks of Critical Insight, Inc. ©2024 Critical Insight, Inc. All rights reserved. 5/17 SOME DATA STREAMS INCLUDE FUNCTIONALITY THAT ENABLES CI TO PERFORM ACTIONS IN THE CUSTOMER ENVIRONMENT. IN CASES WHERE A DATA STREAM PROVIDES THIS FUNCTIONALITY, CI AND THE CUSTOMER WILL AGREE TO THE SCOPE AND ACTIONS THAT WILL BE TAKEN IN A SEPARATE DOCUMENT, I.E. RAPID QUARANTINE PLAYBOOK. CI WILL TAKE NO ACTION UNTIL THIS AGREEMENT IS DOCUMENTED IN WRITING. ACTIVATION: .AN ENVIRONMENT WILL BE CONSIDERED ACTIVATED FOR MONITORING WHEN ALL SPECIFIED DATA STREAMS FOR AN ENVIRONMENT ARE ACTIVATED. FOR EACH DATA STREAM, CI WILL: • VERIFY CUSTOMER'S DATA STREAM IS CONFIGURED PER PROVISIONING INSTRUCTIONS • WORK WITH CUSTOMER TO GENERATE TEST ALERTS WHERE POSSIBLE • VERIFY TRANSMISSION OF ANY CUSTOMER DATA INTO CI'S CORPORATE ANALYSIS MANAGED DETECTION SYSTEMS, SOC DASHBOARDS AND TICKETING AND RESPONSE (CI -MDR) CI MONITORS DELIVERY OF DATA STREAMS ON AN AUTOMATED BASIS AS AVAILABLE AND WILL ALSO PERFORM PERIODIC MANUAL REVIEWS. FOR DATA STREAMS THAT INCLUDE FUNCTIONALITY THAT ENABLES CI TO PERFORM ACTIONS IN THE CUSTOMER ENVIRONMENT, THE ACTIONS WILL BE ACTIVATED ONCE THE CUSTOMER AND CI AGREE IN WRITING AND THE ACTIONS ARE TESTED WITH THE CUSTOMEI TO ENSURE OPERATIONAL READINESS. MONITORING: UPON THE SUCCESSFUL ACTIVATION OF SPECIFIED ENVIRONMENTS, CI WILL INGEST ANY APPROVED DATA STREAMS AND WILL ELEVATE ALERTS FROM THOSE STREAMS FOR REVIEW, AS APPROPRIATE. CI ANALYSTS REVIEW APPROVED DATA STREAMS FOR INDICATORS OF COMPROMISE WHICH INCLUDE BUT ARE NOT LIMITED TO: MANAGED DETECTION AND RESPONSE • ALERTS LINKED TO POOR REPUTATION IPS OR DOMAINS (CI -MDR) 000MMAND AND CONTROL CONNECTIONS • ANOMALOUS OR SUSPICIOUS ALERT PATTERNS • SUDDEN SHIFTS IN THE VOLUME OF KEY ACTIVITIES • EVENT CORRELATION WITH REGIONAL, SECTOR, OR GLOBAL CAMPAIGNS SELECTED EVENTS FROM 3RD PARTY SERVICES (SUCH AS 3RD PARTY EDR PRODUCTS, MICROSOFT PRODUCTS, AWS'S GUARDDUTY, ETC.) FOR DATA STREAMS THAT INCLUDE FUNCTIONALITY THAT ENABLES CI TO TAKE ACTION IN THE CUSTOMER ENVIRONMENT, CI WILL WORK WITH THE CUSTOMER TO PERIODICALLY TEST ACTIONS TO ENSURE SERVICE QUALITY. RESPONSE: • INVESTIGATION TICKET CREATED AND ASSIGNED TO CI ANALYST WITH A GOAL TO CONCLUDE THE INVESTIGATION WITHIN THE SPECIFIED SLA (SEE SLA AGREEMENT) • ANALYSTS INVESTIGATE AND ATTEMPTTO CONFIRM AN INCIDENT HAS OCCURRED BY MANAGED DETECTION ANALYZING RELEVANT AND AVAILABLE DATA AND RESPONSE 0 IN THE COLLECTOR ENVIRONMENT, "RELEVANT DATA" REFERS TO THE PACKET (CI -MDR) CAPTURE, NETWORK FLOWS AND SYSTEM LOGS FROM 30 SECONDS PRIOR TO UNTIL 30 SECONDS AFTER THE SUSPECT ACTIVITY IN STANDARD INVESTIGATIONS. WHEN WARRANTED, THE TIME PERIOD MAY EXPAND. • FOR ALL OTHER ENVIRONMENTS, RELEVANT AND AVAILABLE DATA REFERS TO ALL DATA THAT CI IS ABLE TO CAPTURE AND EFFECTIVELY MONITOR FROM THE APPROVED DATA STREAMS. Critical Insight® and the Critical Insight logo are the trademarks of Critical Insight, Inc. ©2024 Critical Insight, Inc. All rights reserved 6/17 ■ CONFIRMATION OCCURS WHEN EVIDENCE OF ATTACK OR COMPROMISE IS VERIFIED BY A CI ANALYST ED RESPONSE: • FOR ALL CONFIRMED INCIDENTS, NOTIFY CUSTOMER WITHIN THE SPECIFIED SLA (SEE SLA AGREEMENT) • FOR URGENT OR HIGH SEVERITY INCIDENTS, A FINAL INCIDENT ACTION PLAN WILL BE DELIVERED TO CUSTOMER AT THE TIME THAT ALL RELATED TICKETS ARE CLOSED. THE REPORT WILL INCLUDE: • SUMMARY OF INCIDENT • SUMMARY OF ANY CONFIRMED ACTIONS TAKEN (BY CI AND/OR CUSTOMER) ■ FINAL STATUS AND/OR RESOLUTION RAPID QUARANTINE: • IF CUSTOMER HAS A DATA STREAM THAT INCLUDE ACTIONS SUCH AS ISOLATING ENDPOINT,QUARANTINE ENDPOINT, OR BLOCK ACCOUNT, THE CUSTOMER CAN COMPLETE A RAPID QUARANTINE PLAYBOOKTO AUTHORIZE CI TO TAKE ADDITIONAL REMEDIATION ACTIONS. • CI WILL TAKE ACTION GOVERNED BY THE MUTUALLY AGREED RAPID QUARANTINE PLAYBOOK WHEN ANY INVESTIGATION REACHES THE THRESHOLDS DETERMINED IN THE PLAYBOOK. • ONCE AN INVESTIGATION REACHES THE THRESHOLDS, CI WILL EXECUTE ACTIONS DETAILED IN THE RAPID QUARANTINE PLAYBOOK WHICH MAY INCLUDE BUT ARE NOT LIMITED TO: • USE EDR TO QUARANTINE AN ENDPOINT • USE MICROSOFT AZURE ACTIVE DIRECTORY TO BLOCK AN ACCOUNT • REACH OUT TO CUSTOMER FOR APPROVAL TO QUARANTINE • NOTIFY CUSTOMER OF INCIDENT MONTHLY ACTIVITY UPDATES: • PUBLISHED MONTHLY • SECURITY INFORMATION RELEVENT TO THE ENVIRONMENT • INVESTIGATIONS COMPLETED • HIGH PRIORITY INVESTIGATIONS PERFORMED ■ AUTOMATICALLY CONDUCTS INTERNAL NETWORK VULNERABILITY SCANS AT CUSTOMER - DEFINED FREQUENCIES AND IP SCOPES(S) • IDENTIFIES INSECURE CONFIGURATIONS, OPEN PORTS AND SERVICES, VULNERABLE SOFTWARE/SERVICE VERSIONS, AND MISSING PATCHES • GENERATES REPORTS WITH STEPS TO ELIMINATE EACH VULNERABILITY, AS WELL AS RISK CONTINUOUS VIA CVSS SCORES TO ALLOW PRIORITIZATION OF REMEDIATION EFFORTS VULNERABILITY . POPULATES A WEB DASHBOARD TO VIEW STATISTICS, VISUALIZATIONS, AND RESULTS IDENTIFICATION a TABULAR RESULTS (CI-CVI) • GRAPHICAL REPRESENTATION OF TIME -BASED TRENDS FOR NEWLY IDENTIFIED VULNERABILITIES AND FOR REMEDIATED VULNERABILITIES Critical Insight® and the Critical Insight logo are the trademarks of Critical Insight, Inc. ©2024 Critical Insight, Inc. All rights reserved. 7/17 • DURING DEPLOYMENT CUSTOMER WILL PROVIDE CI WITH A LIST OF: • IN -SCOPE LOG SOURCES • STATIC IP OF THOSE LOG SOURCES ■ TIMEZONE OF THE LOG SOURCES • DURING DEPLOYMENT CUSTOMER WILL CONFIGURE THEIR LOG SOURCES TO SEND TO CI'S COLLECTOR AND CI WILL VERIFY SUCCESSFUL RECEPTION OF LOGS ■ THE SERVICE WILL BE ACTIVATED ONCE ALL IN -SCOPE LOG SOURCES ARE BEING RECEIVED SUCCESSFULLY BY CI'S CLOUD INFRATSTRUCTURE • CI WILL STORE, HASH, AND ENCRIPT THE IN -SCOPE LOGS THROUGHOUT THE LIFETIME OF THE SERVICE LOG RETENTION IT IS THE CUSTOMER'S RESPONSIBILITY TO SUCCESSFULLY TRANSFERTHE LOGS (CI-LR) ACCORDING TO CI'S DEPLOYMENT DOCUMENTATION • CUSTOMER CAN SUBMIT A REQUEST TO CI SUPPORT CONTAINING THE LOG, SOURCE, AND TIMEFRAME THEY WANT LOGS FROM ■ CI WILL PULL THE LOGS ACCORDING TO THE REQUEST & TIMEZONE ON RECORD AND SECURELY TRANSFER THE REQUESTED LOGS VIA CI'S FILE SHARE • UP TO 5 DATA REQUESTS AND UP TO 10% OF TOTAL SOTRED DATA CAN BE REQUESTED PER YEAR. MORE REQUESTS MAY BE SUBJECTTO A DATA OR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES FEE • AT THE END OF THE CONTRACT, CI WILL TRANSFER ALL STORED DATA BACK TO THE CUSTOMER AS PART OF THIS SERVICE Critical Insight' and the Critical Insight logo are the trademarks of Critical Insight, Inc. ©2024 Critical Insight, Inc. All rights reserved. 8/17 INCIDENT CLASSIFICATION FOR CRITICAL INSIGHT MDR INCIDENT DESCRIPTION — SEVERITY _. AN URGENT PRIORITY SECURITY INCIDENT IS A NETWORK EVENT OR SET OF NETWORK EVENTS THAT IS BELIEVED TO PRESENT A SERIOUS AND IMMEDIATE RISK TO THE CUSTOMER'S NETWORK ENVIRONMENT. Cl WILL CONTACT THE CUSTOMER (CONTACT ON FILE) VIA PHONE AND EMAILTO ATTEMPT RESOLUTION. EXAMPLES OF URGENT PRIORITY SECURITY INCIDENTS INCLUDE: ■ SUSPECTED ACCOUNT COMPROMISE WITH ACCOUNT MISUSE OBSERVED URGENT • CUSTOMER SECURITY DEVICE HAS ALERTED Cl TO A LIKELY COMPROMISE THAT HAS BEEN VERIFIED USING OTHER MDR DATA/TOOLS WITH NO EVIDENCE THE SECURITY DEVICE HAS MITIGATED THE INCIDENT • SUSPECTED MALWARE INFECTION WITH EVIDENCE OF IMMEDIATE BUSINESS IMPACT • COMMUNICATIONS OBSERVED WITH A SUSPECTED MALICIOUS HOST WITH EVIDENCE OF DATA EXFILTRATION OR IMMEDIATE BUSINESS IMPACT REGULATED DATA SEEN UNENCRYPTED GOING TO AN EXTERNAL DESTINATION A HIGH PRIORITY SECURITY INCIDENT IS A NETWORK EVENT OR SET OF NETWORK EVENTS THAT IS BELIEVED TO PRESENT A RISK TO THE CLIENT'S NETWORK ENVIRONMENT. Cl WILL CONTACT THE CUSTOMER (CONTACT ON FILE) VIA PHONE AND EMAIL TO ATTEMPT RESOLUTION. EXAMPLES OF HIGH PRIORITY SECURITY INCIDENTS INCLUDE: • SUSPECTED OR POTENTIAL ACCOUNT COMPROMISE WITH NO MISUSE OBSERVED HIGH • SUSPECTED MALWARE INFECTION WITH EVIDENCE OF MALWARE SPREADING BUT NO EVIDENCE OF IMMEDIATE BUSINESS IMPACT • SUSPECTED OR POTENTIALSYSTEM COMPROMISE WITH NO EVIDENCE OF MISUSE • REGULATED DATA SEEN UNENCRYPTED BETWEEN TWO INTERNAL HOSTS A MEDIUM PRIORITY SECURITY INCIDENT IS A NETWORK EVENT OR SET OF NETWORK EVENTS THAT MAY BE A RISK TO THE CLIENT'S NETWORK ENVIRONMENT AND MAY INFORM FUTURE CUSTOMER ACTIONS. Cl WILL CONTACT THE CUSTOMER (CONTACT ON FILE) VIA EMAILTO ATTEMPT RESOLUTION. EXAMPLES OF MEDIUM PRIORITY MEDIUM SECURITY INCIDENTS INCLUDE: • ATTEMPTED ACCOUNT COMPROMISE WITH NO EVIDENCE OF SUCCESS • SUSPECTED MALWARE INFECTION WITH NO EVIDENCE OF MALWARE SPREAD OR IMMEDIATE BUSINESS IMPACT A LOW PRIORITY SECURITY INCIDENT IS A NETWORK EVENT OR SET OF NETWORK EVENTS THAT IS NOT BELIEVED TO REPRESENT AN IMMEDIATE RISK TO THE CLIENT'S NETWORK ENVIRONMENT BUT DOES WARRANT AWARENESS AND INVESTIGATION. Cl WILL CONTACT THE CUSTOMER (CONTACT ON FILE) VIA EMAILTO ATTEMPT LOW RESOLUTION. EXAMPLES OF LOW PRIORITY SECURITY INCIDENTS INCLUDE: • POTENTIALLY UNWANTED PROGRAM OBSERVED • OTHER ISSUE THAT IS NOT AN IMMEDIATE SECURITY THREAT OBSERVED Critical Insight® and the Critical Insight logo are the trademarks of Critical Insight, Inc. ©2024 Critical Insight, Inc. All rights reserved. 9/17 SERVICE LEVEL AGREEMENT' CI PRODUCT DESCRIPTION SERVICE LEVEL SLA CREDIj COLLECT, NORMALIZE, 99 9% UPTIME IN A GIVEN MONTH FOR STORE, TRANSMIT, AND 2% OF THE CI COLLECTOR WHILE CLIENT RETAIN SECURITY EVENT MONTHLY FEE CRITICAL INSIGHT NETWORK IS FUNCTIONAL DATA PLATFORM (CI-P) MAINTENANCE OF CI REPLACEMENT DEVICES SHIPPED 2% OF COLLECTOR WITHIN 3 BUSINESS DAYS OF FAILURE MONTHLY FEE EVALUATE SECURITY ALERTS 99% OF EVENTS ESCALATED TO AND DETERMINE IF THEY ANALYST FOR REVIEW IN A GIVEN 2% OF ARE FALSE POSITIVES OR MONTH EVALUATED WITHIN 90 MONTHLY FEE ACTUAL INCIDENTS MINUTES MANAGED DETECTION AND RESPONSE (CI -MDR) 99% OF CONFIRMED INCIDENTS IN A INCIDENT REPORTING AND GIVEN MONTH REPORTED TO 2% OF REMEDIATION FOLLOW-UPS CUSTOMER WITHIN 30 MINUTES OF MONTHLY FEE CONFIRMATION AS VULNERABILITY SCANS COMPLETE, CONTINUOUS SCHEDULED VULNERABILITY REPORT DATA UPLOADED TOR VULNERABILITY SCANNING OF CUSTOMER 2% OF CUSTOMER PORTAL O DELIVERED TO IDENTIFICATION NETWORK; REPORT UPLOAD MONTHLY FEE CUSTOMER WITHIN HOURS OF SCAN (CI-CVI) OF SCAN RESULTS COMPLETION 1. SERVICE LEVEL AGREEMENTS ONLY APPLY TO PRODUCTS & SERVICES IN GENERAL AVAILABILITY. ALPHA AND BETA PRODUCTS & SERVICES ARE NOT SUBJECT TO THIS SLA. PLEASE SEEPAGE 1 FOR A LIST OF PRODUCTS & SERVICES AND THEIR COMMERCIAL AVAILABILITY STATUS. Critical Insight" and the Critical Insight logo are the trademarks of Critical Insight, Inc. ©2024 Critical Insight, Inc. All rights reserved. 10/17 C Critical Insight CRITICAL INSIGHT MASTER SERVICES AGREEMENT v.01182024 THIS MASTER SERVICES AGREEMENT ("MSA"), together with any then -current Statement of Service ("SOS") between Customer and Critical Insight, Inc.("CI") and the related exhibits, documentation and specifications CI may from time to time deliver or make available to Customer, govern and control the Services described in the ordering SOS. Capitalized terms not otherwise defined below shall have the meaning assigned to them in the SOS. Unless otherwise stated in a SOS, the terms of this MSA shall control any conflicting or inconsistent term in such SOS. Definitions. Capitalized terms in this Agreement not otherwise defined have the meaning described below, for both singular and plural form. a. "Agreement" means this MSA, each SOS, and each exhibit that supplements the MSA and/or a SOS, as each such document may be amended from time to time. b. "Appliance" means the computer hardware unit integrated in Customer's Internet server stack as part of Ci's provisioning process and included in, and required to enable activation and performance of, the Cl Products. c. "CI Assets" means all computer hardware, software, networking tools and equipment, appliances and devices owned and operated or licensed by Cl that are deployed or engaged in performance, in whole or part, of the Services, including any Appliance(s) provided to Customer in connection with the Services. d. "Cl Products" means the Cl Programs, Appliances, monitoring and response services, action plans, Reports, graphics, pictorial and functional representations, spreadsheets, presentations, analyses, processes, methods, procedures, concepts, know-how, techniques, practices, and all related manuals and Documentation, and modifications and improvements in respect to any of the foregoing, provided, delivered or made available to Customer by Cl pursuant to a mutually executed SOS. e. "Cl Programs" means the Critical Insight® monitoring software programs and applications, designs, inventions, source code, tools, and third -party software and solutions, patches, updates and new versions to any of the foregoing, and user ID's, user interfaces, tokens, passwords and portals licensed or sublicensed to Customer by Cl, but excludes custom programs, if any, developed by Cl for Customer. f. "Cl Services" means the consulting services described in the ordering SOS and any other professional services that Cl provides to Customer at Customer's request g. "Customer Data" means the in -bound and out -bound Internet borne data hosted on Customer's proprietary servers that is monitored by the Cl Programs. h. "Customer Infringement Exclusion" means (i) Customer's use of the Cl Programs except as permitted under this Agreement or Customer's combination of the Cl Programs with any hardware, software or other materials either that are not provided by Cl, or that could not reasonably have been anticipated to be used in combination with the Cl Programs, in each case where absent such combination the Cl Programs would be non -infringing, (ii) Customer's use of other than the most current release of the Cl Programs that results in a claim or action for infringement that could have been avoided by use of the current release, provided that Cl has supplied Customer with the most current release at no additional fee, or (iii) the provision by Customer to Cl of materials, designs, know-how, software or other intellectual property with instructions to Cl to use the same in connection with the Cl Programs. i. "Confidential Information" means all information, data, and material one party hereto (the receiving party) obtains from the other party (the disclosing party) in connection with this Agreement; provided, that Confidential Information does not include information that: (i) was known to the receiving party without restriction before receipt from the disclosing party; (ii) is publicly available through no fault of the receiving party; (iii) is rightfully received by the receiving party from a third party without a duty of confidentiality; or (iv) is independently developed by the receiving party without reference to any Confidential Information of the disclosing party. Confidential Information also includes the terms of this Agreement, non-public personal or financial information relating to a party's employees, customers or contractors, all trade secrets, processes, proprietary data, information or documentation and any pricing or product information the disclosing party provides to the receiving party. j. "Documentation" means the Service descriptions, playbooks, instructions and protocols set forth in digital or hard copy format and provided or made available to Customer by Cl. k. "Effective Date" means the date set forth in the signature block of this Agreement. I. "Excused Downtime" means any of the following: (i) force majeure events as defined in Section 15.a_ hereof; (ii) data transmission failures outside the control of CI; and (iii) scheduled and emergency maintenance outages. Schedule maintenance is generally conducted between the hours of 8 p.m. Saturday and 8 a.m. Sunday, U.S. Pacific Time. Maintenance outages include, without limitation, installation of software updates and patches, service packs and routine server and application configuration changes. Cl may schedule a non - routine maintenance outage on an as needed basis in its sole discretion and, except in instances of emergency Critical Insight' and the Critical Insight logo are the trademarks of Critical Insight, Inc. ©2024 Critical Insight, Inc. All rights reserved. 11/17 maintenance, will use commercially reasonable efforts to notify Customer forty-eight (48) hours in advance of any such outage. m. "Report" means any written summary, analysis, finding, schedule or other, similar document prepared for Customer by Cl as part of the Services specified in the ordering SOS. n. "Security Breach" means the actual or suspected unauthorized third -party access to or use of the Cl Assets that compromises the security or functionality of such assets or the confidentiality or integrity of any Customer Confidential Information stored thereon. o. "Services" means the Cl Products and Cl Services together. p. "Services Term" shall have the meaning set forth in Section 11.a. hereof. q, "Termination Event" means with respect to either party, that party becomes the subject of a proceeding under the Bankruptcy Code, (i) seeking the appointment of a trustee, receiver or custodian or (ii) seeking the liquidation, winding -up, dissolution, reorganization or the like of such party, and the proceeding is not dismissed within 30 days of its commencement. If a party is subject to a Termination Event, such party shall promptly use commercially reasonable efforts to seek court authorization to pay all post -petition fees due hereunder as an administrative expense. r. "Termination Fee" means the pro -rated portion of the total Service fee specified in the ordering SOS applicable to the period remaining in the then current Services Term as of the effective date of termination. 2. Services. Cl will provide Customer the Services set forth in one or more SOS's, which the parties may enter into from time to time, for the term of such SOS. Each SOS, and any related exhibits, attachments and documentation, will provide additional terms and conditions specific to the Services described in such SOS. 3. Implementation & Performance. At all times during the term of the SOS, Customer will provide to Cl such access to Customer's technology infrastructure, including proprietary and licensed software and service programs and applications, and authorized personnel as specified in the SOS, the Documentation, and as Cl may otherwise reasonably require to configure, integrate, enable, deliver and perform the Services set forth in the SOS. Customer will promptly obtain and provide to Cl any required licenses, approvals, consents, permissions and credentials to Customer's facilities, systems, hardware, devices, software and services, as necessary for Ci's timely access, performance and delivery of the Services. Customer acknowledges and agrees (a) that Ci's performance and delivery of the Services are at all times conditioned upon (i) Customer providing timely, secure and unencumbered access to Customer's authorized personnel, facilities, equipment, systems, hardware, software, devices, network and data, and (ii) Customer's timely decision -making and granting of such approvals, authorizations or permissions as Cl may reasonably require to perform the Services; and (b) that Cl shall not be in breach of its Services obligations hereunder, or liable for any resulting loss, damage or injury, arising from or in any way related to (A) Customer's failure to timely satisfy and perform the conditions to Ci's performance herein specified, or (B) Ci's implementation and performance of Documentation -authorized protocols. 4. Cl Program License. Upon mutual execution of an SOS for delivery of Cl Program support, payment of the fees set forth in such SOS and for the duration of the term of such SOS, Customer will have a nonexclusive, non -assignable (except as provided in Section 16.e.], non-sublicensable, royalty -free, worldwide limited right to access and use the Cl Programs solely for Customer's internal business operations and subject to the terms of this Agreement. Only Customer's authorized personnel may access and use the Cl Programs, and Customer is solely responsible for compliance with this Agreement by users accessing the Cl Programs with Customer's credentials. 5. Ownership and Restrictions. Customer retains all ownership and intellectual property rights in and to Customer Data and, subject to timely payment of applicable Service fees, any Reports prepared by CI for Customer. Cl irrevocably assigns and transfers to Customer all of its worldwide right and title to, and interest in, the Reports, including all associated copyright, patent, trade secret, trademark and any other intellectual property or proprietary rights ("Intellectual Property Rights"). Additionally, Cl grants to Customer a non-exclusive, worldwide, royalty -free, irrevocable, perpetual, non -terminable, transferable, sublicensable license to all Intellectual Property Rights used in the creation of the Reports in order for Customer to exercise its rights in the Reports as contemplated by the applicable SOS. Without limiting the foregoing, (i) the Reports are "works made for hire" to the extent permitted by law, and (ii) Cl will not assert, and otherwise waives, any "moral rights" in the Reports and CI hereby assigns all right, title and interest in such materials to Customer and agrees to reasonably assist Customer, at Customer's expense, to perfect such interest. Except for Reports provided to Customer as part of the Services, Cl retains all ownership and Intellectual Property Rights in and to the Services, and in furtherance thereof, Customer may not: a. Remove or modify any proprietary marking or notice of Ci's proprietary rights; b. Make any aspect of the Services available in any manner to any third party for commercial use by such party, unless such access in expressly permitted in a SOS; c. Modify, make derivative works from, disassemble, reverse engineer or reverse compile any part of the Services (the foregoing prohibition includes, without limitation, review of data structures, signatures or similar materials produced by the Services), or access or use the Services in order to build or support, and/or assist a third party in building or supporting, products or services competitive to Cl; d. Except for Reports and as required by applicable law, disclose to any third party the results of any Service without Ci's prior written consent; Critical Insight® and the Critical Insight logo are the trademarks of Critical Insight, Inc. ©2024 Critical Insight, Inc. All rights reserved. 12/17 [1 e. License, sell, rent, lease, transfer, assign, distribute, display, host, outsource, disclose, permit timeshare or service bureau use, or otherwise commercially exploit or make the Services available to any third party other than as expressly authorized under this Agreement. Exclusions. Customer is solely responsible for any hardware, software and networking tools, devices and appliances that are not provided by Cl pursuant to this Agreement. Customer's responsibilities include, without limitation, Customer systems installation, maintenance and administrator activities, software and application licensing requirements, conditions and related financial commitments. Customer is solely responsible, at Customer's expense, for establishing, maintaining, operating and regulating Customer's access to the Internet, including without limitation, all computer hardware and software and properly configured and installed systems, browsers, modems, access lines and distributed networks necessary to enable, maintain, monitor and control Customer's Internet access. CI Assets. During the term of this Agreement, Cl shall observe and maintain data, technical and physical systems and asset security, personnel practices, and continuous monitoring and maintenance protocols in respect to each of the foregoing, all in design, manner and practice consistent with then prevailing industry standards, to: (a) protect and maintain the integrity of (i) all Customer Data and Customer Confidential Information in Ci's possession, and (ii) CI Assets, from unauthorized use, alteration, access, disclosure, damage or destruction; (b) detect, protect against and prevent a Security Breach; and (c) provide Cl employees and agents the appropriate training necessary to maintain the confidentiality, security and physical integrity of (i) Customer Data and Customer Confidential Information in Ci's possession, (ii) Ci's Confidential Information, and (iii) the Cl Assets. Cl shall promptly notify Customer upon discovery of a confirmed Security Breach. Ci Programs Service Levels. Cl will use commercially reasonable efforts to achieve the minimum availability of the Cl Programs set forth in the Documentation, not including the Excused Downtime, and Cl will monitor the availability of its systems on a 24/7 basis. Warranties, Disclaimers and Exclusive Remedies. Cl warrants (i) that the Services will be performed in all material respects in accordance with the Service Documentation referenced in the ordering SOS, (ii) that the Services shall be maintained and available at the service levels specified in Section 8 hereof, and (iii) that the Cl Services will be performed in a good and workmanlike manner substantially in accordance with then current industry standards. If the Services provided to Customer for any given calendar month during the Services Term are not performed as warranted, Customer must provide written notice to Cl no later than five (5) business days after the last calendar day of such month or, if different, as provided in the ordering SOS. Cl DOES NOT GUARANTEE THAT THE SERVICES WILL BE PERFORMED ERROR -FREE OR UNINTERRUPTED, OR THAT Cl WILL CORRECT ALL SERVICE ERRORS. CUSTOMER ACKNOWLEDGES THAT Cl DOES NOT CONTROL THE TRANSFER OF DATA OVER COMMUNICATIONS FACILITIES, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATIONS, THE INTERNET, AND THAT THE SERVICES MAY BE SUBJECT TO THE LIMITATION, DELAYS, AND OTHER PROBLEMS INHERENT IN THE USE OF SUCH COMMUNICATIONS FACILITIES. IN ADDITION, DELIVERY OF THE Cl SERVICES MAY BE CONTINGENT UPON THE ACCESS, SUPPORT AND COOPERATION OF CUSTOMER, WITHOUT WHICH SUCH SERVICES CANNOT BE PERFORMED. Cl IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR, AND SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMES LIABILITY FOR, ANY DELAYS, DELIVERY OR SERVICE FAILURES OR OTHER LOSS OR DAMAGE RESULTING FROM SUCH PROBLEMS AND CONDITIONS. FOR ANY BREACH OF THE ABOVE WARRANTIES, Cl WILL REMIT A SERVICE FEE CREDIT TO CUSTOMER EQUAL TO TEN PERCENT (10%) OF (A), IF FOR Cl PRODUCTS, THE NET MONTHLY FEES FOR THE APPLICABLE Cl PRODUCTS FOR THE MONTH IN WHICH THE BREACH OCCURRED; AND (B), IF FOR Cl SERVICES, THE NET SERVICE FEE SET FORTH IN THE ORDERING SOS. THE CREDIT WILL BE APPLIED AS FOLLOWS: (X) FOR Cl PRODUCTS, AT CUSTOMER'S SOLE ELECTION, (i) AS AN OFFSET AGAINST ACCRUED BUT UNPAID FEES THEN OWED TO Cl, IF ANY, (ii) AS A CREDIT TOWARD RENEWAL TERM FEES, IF ANY, NEXT COMING DUE, OR (iii) AS A REFUND PAYMENT BY Cl-, AND (Y) FOR Cl SERVICES, ONLY AS AN OFFSET TOWARD ANY ACCRUED BUT UNPAID FEES OWED TO Cl FOR THE RELATED SERVICES, AND APPLICATION OR REMITTANCE, AS THE CASE MAY BE, OF SUCH CREDIT WILL REPRESENT CUSTOMER'S EXCLUSIVE REMEDY, AND FULL SATISFACTION OF CI'S SOLE LIABILITY, FOR ALL WARRANTIES SPECIFIED IN THIS AGREEMENT. EXCEPT AS SPECIFICALLY SET FORTH HEREIN, THE SERVICES, INCLUDING ANY REPORTS OR OTHER TANGIBLE OR INTANGIBLE ITEMS FURNISHED BY Cl TO CUSTOMER, ARE PROVIDED ON AN "AS IS" BASIS WITH NO WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS OF ANY KIND. Cl MAKES NO WARRANTY, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, THAT THE SERVICES WILL RENDER CUSTOMER'S NETWORK AND SYSTEMS SAFE FROM MALICIOUS CODE, INTRUSIONS, OR OTHER SECURITY RISKS OR BREACHES OR THAT THE SERVICES WILL DETECT, REPORT OR NEUTRALIZE ALL SUCH MALICIOUS CODE, INTRUSIONS, SECURITY RISKS OR BREACHES. TO THE EXTENT NOT PROHIBITED BY LAW, THE FOREGOING WARRANTIES ARE EXCLUSIVE AND THERE ARE NO OTHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING FOR HARDWARE, SOFTWARE, SYSTEMS, NETWORKS, ENVIRONMENTS OR SERVICES OR FOR MERCHANTABILITY, NONINFRINGEMENT, SATISFACTORY QUALITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. 10. Indemnity. Critical Insight' and the Critical Insight logo are the trademarks of Critical Insight, Inc. ©2024 Critical Insight, Inc. All rights reserved. 13/17 a. CI Infringement Indemnity. Subject to Section 10.c., Cl will defend Customer in any suit or cause of action, and indemnify and hold Customer harmless against, and pay on behalf of Customer, any damages awarded to third parties in any such suit or cause of action (including reasonable attorneys' fees awarded to such third parties and settlement amounts) alleging that the CI Programs as provided by Cl and used in accordance with the terms of this Agreement infringe upon any United States patent, copyright, trade secret, or other proprietary right of a third party, provided that, the foregoing infringement indemnity will not apply and Cl will not be liable for any damages assessed in any suit or cause of action to the extent resulting from a Customer Infringement Exclusion. If any Cl Program is held or believed to infringe on any third party's Intellectual Property Rights, Cl may, in its sole discretion, (i) modify the Cl Program to be non -infringing, (ii) obtain for Customer a license to continue using such Cl Program, or (iii) if neither (i) nor (ii) are commercially practical, terminate this Agreement as to the infringing Cl Program and return to Customer any unearned fees paid by Customer to Cl in advance. This Section 10.a. states Ci's entire liability and Customer's exclusive remedies for infringement of Intellectual Property Rights of any kind. b. Customer Infringement Indemnity. Subject to Section 10.c., Customer will defend Cl in any suit or cause of action, and indemnify and hold Cl harmless against, and pay on behalf of Cl, any damages awarded to third parties in any such suit or cause of action (including reasonable attorneys' fees awarded to such third parties and settlement amounts) alleging infringement upon any United States patent, copyright, trade secret, or other proprietary right of a third party, to the extent that any such suit or cause of action results from an allegation of a Customer Infringement Exclusion. This Section 10.b. states Customer's entire liability and Ci's exclusive remedies for infringement arising from a Customer Infringement Exclusion. c. Indemnity Conditions. The indemnities set forth in this Agreement are conditioned upon the following: (i) the indemnitee ("Indemnitee") promptly notifies the indemnitor ("Indemnitor") in writing of such suit or cause of action, provided, that, any failure by Indemnitee to so promptly notify Indemnitor will not serve to reduce or forfeit an Indemnitee's rights hereunder unless and only to the extent such failure prejudices the rights and remedies of Indemnitor in respect to such suit or proceeding, (ii) the Indemnitor controls any negotiations or defense and the Indemnitee assists the Indemnitor as reasonably required by the Indemnitor, and (iii) the Indemnitee takes all reasonable steps to mitigate any potential damages that may result. 11. Term and Termination. a. Services under this Agreement shall be provided for the initial Services Term set forth in the ordering SOS. Unless Cl receives written notice from Customer at least sixty (60) days prior to the expiration of the then current Services Term, the SOS and related Services shall automatically renew for successive renewal Services Terms of one (1) year each. The initial term of the Services and any renewal term thereof are, herein, the "Services Term". Upon expiration or earlier termination of the Services Term, (i) if Cl Services, all obligations of Cl to perform and deliver, and all rights of Customer to receive, the CI Services, including the Cl Services listed on the ordering SOS, shall contemporaneously terminate, (ii) if Cl Products, all rights of Customer to access and use, and all obligations of Cl to enable and provide, the Cl Products, including the Cl Products listed in the ordering SOS, shall contemporaneously terminate, (iii) if no ordering SOS is then in effect, the term of this Agreement shall contemporaneously terminate or expire, as applicable, and (iv) Customer shall promptly assemble any Appliance(s) located on Customer's premises for retrieval by Ci's designated vendor for delivery to Cl (at Ci's sole expense). Customer is responsible for (x) returning such Appliance(s) to Cl in good and operable condition, normal wear and tear excepted, and (y) the full replacement cost of any Appliance that is damaged while in Customer's possession or that Customer otherwise fails to return to Cl as herein required, which amount shall be due upon demand by Cl. b. If either party breaches a material term of the Agreement and fails to cure the breach within thirty (30) calendar days of delivery by the non -breaching party of written notice of breach and demand for cure thereof, then the breaching party is in default and the non -breaching party may without further notice to the breaching party immediately terminate the then current SOS. If Cl terminates the SOS and related Services Term as specified in the immediately preceding sentence, Customer shall pay to Cl all accrued but unpaid fees, if any, for the period prior to the effective date of termination, plus, as an early termination fee and not a penalty, the Termination Fee. In addition to the foregoing, any then current SOS will automatically terminate in the event of a Termination Event. c. In addition, Cl may immediately upon written notice to Customer, at Ci's sole election, either (i) suspend the Services under the ordering SOS, including without limitation and if applicable, Customer's passwords, account and access to and use of the Cl Products, or (ii) terminate the ordering SOS, (A) if Customer fails to pay Cl as required under this Agreement and fails to cure the non-payment within ten (10) calendar days of delivery by Cl of written notice of breach due to non-payment, (B) if Customer violates any provision of Sections 3, 4, 5 or 13 hereof, or (C) if Cl concludes that Customer's requests, requirements or commercial activities expose the Services or Cl personnel to risk of harm, damage, injury, liability or violation of applicable law. Any suspension by Cl of the Services under this Section 11.c. shall not excuse Customer from its continuing obligation to make payment(s) under the ordering SOS. d. Sections 1, 5, 6, 9, 10 and 12 - 16 shall survive termination or expiration of this Agreement. 12. Fees. Expenses, Taxes and _lnvoicin . Critical Insight" and the Critical Insight logo are the trademarks of Critical Insight, Inc. ©2024 Critical Insight, Inc. All rights reserved. 14/17 a. Customer shall pay the fees for the Services ordered as set forth in the ordering SOS. All fees due under this Agreement are non -cancelable and payments thereof are non-refundable. Customer shall reimburse CI for actual and reasonable expenses incurred by Cl in performing the Services (i) only on a pass -through basis without markup, and (ii) only if preapproved by Customer in the ordering SOS or similar writing. Fees and expenses, if any, listed in a SOS are exclusive of taxes. Customer is responsible for payment of any sales, value-added or similar taxes imposed by applicable law for the Services ordered by Customer, except for taxes based on Ci's income. b. Commencing the initial renewal Services Term (if any) and on an annual basis thereafter, all fees shall be subject to adjustment, in Ci's sole reasonable discretion, in an amount not to exceed the greater of (i) the change in the U.S. Department of Labor CPI -All Urban Consumers for the immediately preceding annual period, and (ii) 5%. c. Unless otherwise specified in the ordering SOS, (i) fees for Cl Products are payable in advance on an annual basis, and (ii) fees for Cl Services are payable in arrears on a monthly basis. In each instance payment is due within thirty (30) calendar days from the invoice date. Late payments shall accrue interest at the lesser of (i) 12% per annum, and (ii) the highest statutory rate, from the payment due date until paid in full. In the event of Customer's termination of a SOS for any reason prior to expiration of its stated Services Term, Cl shall be entitled to receive, and Customer shall pay on demand, as an early termination fee and not a penalty, the Termination Fee. In the event Customer's past due account is submitted to an attorney or collections service for recovery, Cl shall be entitled to recover the cost of collection, including reasonable attorneys' fees, in addition to all past due amounts. The rights and remedies set forth in this Section 12 are in addition to any other legal, equitable and contractual rights and remedies available to Cl. 13. Confidentiality; Security. a. The receiving party will use Confidential Information of the disclosing party solely for the purposes of performing its obligations under the Agreement. The receiving party will not disclose or make Confidential Information of the disclosing party available to any third party, except as specifically authorized by the disclosing party in writing. Upon the disclosing party's written request, the receiving party will promptly return to the disclosing party all of its Confidential Information, or certify in writing signed by an authorized representative that it has destroyed all such materials; provided that, in no event will the receiving party be obligated or required to amend, modify or destroy back up media and systems maintained in the ordinary course of business and designed in a manner to prevent the unauthorized access to or use of the data stored on such media and systems. Neither party will disclose to the other party or use in performance of its obligations hereunder any information, data, materials, or documents of a third party considered confidential or proprietary without the written authorization of such third party. Each party may disclose Confidential Information of the other party when compelled to do so by law, including any freedom of information act or other public records laws applicable to a public sector Customer, if such party provides, where legally permissible, reasonable prior notice to other party. In furtherance of the foregoing, CI shall require each of its employees and agents providing any aspect of the Services hereunder to execute a confidentiality agreement incorporating confidentiality and non-use provisions consistent with, and no less restrictive than, the requirements of this Section 13.a. b. At all times during the Services Term, Cl shall maintain reasonable and appropriate safeguards, security measures and protocols, which in no event shall be less effective than industry -standard safeguards, security measures and protocols, designed to (i) reasonably protect Customer's Confidential Information in Ci's possession from unauthorized use, alteration, access or disclosure; and (ii) detect and prevent a breach of such safeguards, security measures and protocols by any unauthorized party. c. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Cl may use the Customer's information for purposes other than the performance of the Services but only in an aggregated, anonymized form, such that Customer is not identified, and Customer will have no ownership interest in such aggregated, anonymized data. 14. Limitation of Liability. WITHOUT LIMITING ANY INDEMNIFICATION OBLIGATIONS OF A PARTY UNDER SECTION 10 OF THIS AGREEMENT OR (EXCEPT AS EXPRESSLY PROVIDED OTHERWISE BELOW) THE LIABILITY OF A PARTY FOR ANY BREACH OF ITS OBLIGATIONS UNDER SECTION 13 OF THIS AGREEMENT, TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT PERMITTED BY LAW, IN NO EVENT WILL (A) EITHER PARTY, OR ITS SUPPLIERS, LICENSORS, AGENTS AND/OR REPRESENTATIVES, BE LIABLE TO THE OTHER PARTY FOR ANY INDIRECT, INCIDENTIAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL LOSSES OR DAMAGES WHATSOEVER (INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, SPECIAL, PUNITIVE OR EXEMPLARY DAMAGES), WHETHER OR NOT SUCH PARTY WAS ADVISED IN ADVANCE OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH LOSS OR DAMAGE AND (B) A PARTY'S, OR ITS SUPPLIERS, LICENSORS, AGENTS AND/OR REPRESENTATIVES, TOTAL LIABILITY FOR ALL CLAIMS ARISING FROM OR RELATING TO THIS AGREEMENT, REGARDLESS OF THE NATURE OF THE CLAIM, EXCEED THE AMOUNT OF FEES PAID OR PAYABLE BY CUSTOMER UNDER THIS AGREEMENT FOR THE SERVICES DURING THE TWELVE (12)-MONTH PERIOD IMMEDIATELY PRIOR TO THE EVENT, ACT OR OMISSION GIVING RISE TO SUCH LIABILITY; PROVIDED, THAT, IN NO EVENT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES SHALL EITHER PARTY'S, OR ITS SUPPLIERS, LICENSORS, AGENTS AND/OR REPRESENTATIVES, CUMULATIVE LIABILITY EXCEED THE LESSER OF (X) THE TOTAL CONTRACT PRICE OF THE APPLICABLE SOS, OR (Y) TWO HUNDRED AND FIFTY THOUSAND DOLLARS ($250,000). THIS LIMITATION OF LIABILITY IS INTENDED TO APPLY WITHOUT Critical InsightO and the Critical Insight logo are the trademarks of Critical Insight, Inc. ©2024 Critical Insight, Inc. All rights reserved. 15/17 REGARD TO WHETHER OTHER PROVISIONS OF THIS AGREEMENT HAVE BEEN BREACHED OR HAVE PROVEN INEFFECTIVE. 15. Export. Export laws of the United States and any other related local laws and regulations may apply to the Services. Such laws govern Customer's use of the Services and any data provided by CI to Customer under this Agreement, and Customer shall comply with all such laws and regulations. No data, information, software programs and/or other materials resulting from the Services will be exported, directly or indirectly, in violation of these laws, or will be used for any purpose prohibited by these laws. 16. General. a. Force Majeure. Neither party shall be liable to the other party or deemed to be in default for any delay or failure in performance of any obligation under the Agreement or interruption of any Service resulting, directly or indirectly, from acts of God, civil or military authority, acts of the public enemy, acts of terrorism, acts of third parties over whom the party has no control, war, riots, civil disturbances, insurrections, accidents, fire, explosions, earthquakes, floods, epidemics, pandemics, the elements or any other similar cause beyond the reasonable control of such party. b. Audit. Cl may audit, at its own expense, Customer's user logs and related data for the purpose of determining Customer's compliance with the terms of this Agreement, including any then operative SOS. Audits shall be conducted by Cl or its designee and shall be limited to records from the Effective Date of the ordering SOS to the month of the audit. CI shall be limited to one (1) audit per twelve (12) consecutive calendar month period. Cl shall give ten (10) business days prior written notice of its intention to perform an audit. If any audit reveals non-compliance by Customer of any material term of the Agreement, then (i) Customer shall promptly initiate and prosecute to completion any remedial action required to cure such non-compliance, provided such non- compliance is reasonably subject to cure, and (ii) if the non-compliance is a variance of 5% or more in the total count of network users upon which Customer's then -current annual subscription fee is based, then CI may adjust the annual subscription fee specified in the ordering SOS for the period then remaining in the Services. In addition, if any audit reveals actual network users exceeding contracted network users by 5% or more, then Customer shall pay Cl for all underpayments, plus interest, and shall reimburse Cl for the reasonable cost of the audit. c. Notice. Except as provided herein, any notice, approval or consent required or permitted hereunder shall be: (i) in writing; (ii) delivered by (A) hand or by overnight courier service, or (B) electronic mail to the respective addresses of the parties as set forth in the ordering SOS (or such other address a party may designate in writing); and (iii) effective upon actual delivery if by hand or courier service (or upon attempted delivery if receipt is refused), or upon electronic confirmation of successful delivery if by email. d. Integration; Waiver. This Agreement, including any SOS, Documentation, exhibit, document or information or policy accessed by referenced URL, is the complete agreement for the Services ordered by Customer, and supersedes all prior or contemporaneous agreements, representations and understandings, written or oral, regarding such Services. If any provision of this Agreement shall be judicially determined to be unenforceable or invalid, that provision shall be limited or eliminated to the minimum extent necessary so that the Agreement shall otherwise remain in full force and effect and enforceable. A party's rights, obligations and restrictions hereunder may not be waived except in a writing signed or digitally accepted by an authorized representative of each party. e. Non -Solicitation. During the term of this Agreement and for a period of twelve (12) months thereafter, neither party shall, directly or indirectly, solicit for employment, employ or engage, whether as an employee or independent contractor, any employee or independent contractor of the other party involved in the delivery, management, performance, review or acceptance of the Services or Deliverables hereunder. In the event a party hires a current or former employee or contractor of the other party in violation of this Section 16.e., the breaching party shall pay the other party, on demand, a placement fee equal to forty percent (40%) of the newly hired or engaged individual's annual base compensation (or budgeted first year aggregate fees). f. Assignment. No right or obligation under the Agreement (including the obligation to pay or right to receive monies due) may be assigned, delegated or subcontracted by a party without the prior written consent of the other party, and any purported assignment without such consent shall be void; provided, that no such consent shall be required in the event of an assignment resulting from the merger of a party with and into a third party, or the sale of (i) all or substantially all of the party's assets, or (ii) a controlling interest in a party's voting equity. g. Licensor Rights. The licensors or providers of any third -party software or solutions incorporated and made part of the Services provided to Customer hereunder shall each be express beneficiary of, and shall each be entitled to rely upon and enforce, the provisions of this Agreement h. Controlling Law. This Agreement shall be construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Washington without regard to its principles of conflict of laws. The exclusive jurisdiction and venue of any action relating to this Agreement shall be the Superior Court of Washington for the County of King or the United States District Court for the Western District of Washington and each party hereto submits itself to the exclusive jurisdiction of such courts and waives any argument relating to the convenience of forum. The rights and remedies herein provided are in addition to those available to either party at law or in equity. Critical Insight® and the Critical Insight logo are the trademarks of Critical Insight, Inc. ©2024 Critical Insight, Inc. All rights reserved. 16/17 i. Customer Reference. CI may use Customer's name and logo to identify Customer as a Cl customer on Ci's website and in other marketing materials so long as Customer's name and logo do not appear with greater prominence than Ci's other customers. j. Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in any number of counterparts, each of which shall be deemed to be an original as against any party whose signature appears thereon, and all of which shall together constitute one and the same instrument. A faxed, .pdf or electronic signature shall have the same legally binding effect as an original signature. k. Modification. This Agreement and any SOS may not be changed, altered or modified except in a writing signed by an authorized representative of each of the parties hereto; provided, that, notwithstanding the foregoing, Documentation that by its terms may be modified by email communication among authorized representatives of the parties may be so modified with binding effect. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement effective as of Date"). CRITICAL INSIGHT, INC. By: Title: COMPANY -NAME: By: 7 Title:�A Critical Insight® and the Critical Insight logo are the trademarks of Critical Insight, Inc. ©2024 Critical Insight, Inc. All rights reserved. 17/17 (the "Effective RETURN TO: TERRY SMITH EXT: 2550 CITY OF FEDERAL WAY LAW DEPARTMENT ROUTING FORM ORIGINATING DEPT./DIV: INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 2. ORIGINATING STAFF PERSON: THOMAS FICHTNER EXT: 2547 3. DATE REQ. BY: ASAP 4. TYPE OF DOCUMENT (CHECK ONE): ❑ CONTRACTOR SELECTION DOCUMENT (E.G., RFB, RFP, RFQ) ❑ PUBLIC WORKS CONTRACT ❑ SMALL OR LIMITED PUBLIC WORKS CONTRACT ® PROFESSIONAL SERVICE AGREEMENT ❑ MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT ❑ GOODS AND SERVICE AGREEMENT ❑ HUMAN SERVICES / CDBG ❑ REAL ESTATE DOCUMENT ❑ SECURITY DOCUMENT (E,G. BOND RELATED DOCUMENTS) ❑ ORDINANCE ❑ RESOLUTION ❑ CONTRACT AMENDMENT (AG#): ❑ INTERLOCAL ❑ OTHER S. PROJECT NAME: PURCHASE OF MANAGE DETECTION RESPONSE (MDR) SERVICE NAME OF CONTRACTOR: CRITICAL INSIGHT ADDRESS: 500 PACIFIC AVENUE, SUITE 650, BREMERTON, WA, 98337 TELEPHONE (206)307-8035 E-MAIL: KEVIN.ROLNICK@CRITICALINSIGHT.COM FAX: SIGNATURE NAME: KEVIN ROLN 1CK TITLE VP OF FIELD SALES - NAMED ACCOUNTS 7. EXHIBITS AND ATTACHMENTS: ® SCOPE, WORK OR SERVICES ❑ COMPENSATION ❑ INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS/CERTIFICATE ❑ ALL OTHER REFERENCED EXHIBITS ❑ PROOF OF AUTHORITY TO SIGN ❑ REQUIRED LICENSES ❑ PRIOR CONTRACT/AMENDMENTS 8. TERM: COMMENCEMENT DATE: TBD Im COMPLETION DATE: 3 YEARS (36 MONTHS) TOTAL COMPENSATION $ 224,256,23 (3-YEAR PERIOD) / $74,752.08 (PER BILLING PERIOD) (INCLUDE EXPENSES AND SALES TAX, IF ANY) (IF CALCULATED ON HOURLY LABOR CHARGE - ATTACH SCHEDULES OF EMPLOYEES TITLES AND HOLIDAY RATES) REIMBURSABLE EXPENSE: ❑ YES ONO IF YES, MAXIMUM DOLLAR AMOUNT: $ IS SALES TAX OWED 10YES 10NO IF YES, $ 1,451.52 PAID BY: ❑ CONTRACTOR IN CITY RETAINAGE: RETAINAGE AMOUNT: ❑ RETAINAGE AGREEMENT (SEE CONTRACT) OR ❑ RETAINAGE BOND PROVIDED PURCHASING: PLEASE CHARGE TO: 502-1100-046-518-68-414 10. DOCUMENT/CONTRACT REVIEW ❑ PROJECT MANAGER IM DIRECTOR ❑ RISK MANAGEMENT (IF APPLICABLE) ❑ LAW INITIAL / DATE REVIEWED INITIAL / DATE APPROVED TF - 6/28/24 irc 7/2/2024 11. COUNCIL APPROVAL (IF APPLICABLE) COMMITTEE APPROVAL DATE: COUNCIL APPROVAL DATE: 12 CONTRACT SIGNATURE ROUTING ❑ SENT TO VENDOR/CONTRACTOR DATE SENT: DATE REC'D: ❑ ATTACH: SIGNATURE AUTHORITY, INSURANCE CERTIFICATE, LICENSES, EXHIBITS ❑ CREATE ELECTRONIC REMINDER/NOTIFICATION FOR 1 MONTH PRIOR TO EXPIRATION DATE (Include dept. support staff if necessary and feel free to set notification more than a month in advance if council approval is needed.) ❑ LAW DEPARTMENT ® SIGNATORY (MAYOR OR DIRECTOR) ❑ CITY CLERK ❑ ASSIGNED AG# COMMENTS: INITIAL / DATE SIGNED AG# 2/2017 COUNCIL MEETING DATE: August 13, 2024 ITEM #: CITY OF FEDERAL WAY CITY COUNCIL AGENDA BILL SUBJECT: ARPA GRANT FUNDS REALLOCATION POLICY QUESTION: Should the City Council reallocate the ARPA funding not yet disbursed and assign it to Public Safety salaries, benefits, supplies and services? COMMITTEE: FEDRAC MEETING DATE: July 23, 2024 CATEGORY: ® Consent ❑ Ordinance ❑ Public Hearing ❑ City Council Business ❑ Resolution ❑ Other STAFF REPORT BY: Steve Groom .Finance Director DEPT: Finance Attachments: 1. Staff Report Options Considered: 1. Approve the proposed reallocation. 2. Do not approved proposed reallocation and provide direction to staff. MAYOR'S RECOMMEND TION: ption 1. MAYOR APPROVAL' I �, DIRECTOR APPROVAL: f e 2vzy 'C milt ' C 67 ficil Him [Dale lnrtiall ce lnit alll]at COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: I move to forward the reallocation of ARPA grant funds as proposed to the August 13, 2024, consent agenda for approval. _ Committee Chair miMemberC mmitts Member Co PROPOSED COUNCIL MOTION: "I move approval of the reallocation of ARPA grant funds as proposed. " (BELOW TO BE COMPLETED BY CITY CLERK'S OFFICE COUNCIL ACTION: ❑ APPROVED COUNCIL BILL # ❑ DENIED First reading ❑ TABLED/DEFERRED/NO ACTION Enactment reading ❑ MOVED TO SECOND READING (ordinances only) ORDINANCE # REVISED— 1/2022 RESOLUTION # CITY OF FEDERAL WAY MEMORANDUM DATE: July 23, 2024 TO: City Council Members VIA: Jim Ferrell, Mayor Brian Davis, City Administrator FROM: Steve Groom, Finance Director SUBJECT: ARPA Grant Fund Reallocation Financial Impacts: This is to avoid the loss of ARPA grant funds that might be required to be returned. All funds are currently obligated, projects approved by City Council. However, any project completed under budget creates savings that would need to be obligated. The deadline for obligating ARPA funds is December 31, 2024, after which realized savings could not be approved for new uses and would have to be forfeited and returned to the US Treasury. Therefore, in order to fully maximize the ARPA grant, staff proposes to swap public safety salaries, benefits, supplies and services. All projects can proceed as approved, funded by General Fund savings, without the administrative time and effort of further ARPA compliance reporting and savings can be re -obligated with no loss of funding. Back round Information: The full ARPA grant was for $19,216,886. As of March. 31, 2024, $10,565,063 remained undisbursed, due to timing of project management, supply chain and invoicing. City Council has approved 100% of the ARPA grant across 52 projects, well within the deadline of Dec. 31, 2024. Disbursements are allowed through December 31, 2026. The General Fund's 2024 Police Salaries budget is $15.3 million, Benefits is $5.0 million, Supplies is $481,000 and Services and Charges is $737,000, a total of $21.6 million; more than sufficient to avoid overlapping expenses charged to other grants or restrictions. By charging Public Safety to the ARPA contract, we will 1) finalize the ARPA grant, utilizing the full amount, 2) end the administrative time and effort for compliance reporting and audit, 3) create budget savings in the General Fund with which to charge all of the council -approved ARPA projects, 4) eliminate the December 31, 2024 deadline. Rev. 7/18 7h COUNCIL MEETING DATE: August 13.2024 CITY OF FEDERAL WAY CITY COUNCIL AGENDA BILL ITEM #: SUBJECT: RESOLUTION: CITY OF FEDERAL WAY INVESTMENT POLICY UPDATE POLICY QUESTION: Should the City Council approve the proposed updates to the Investment Policy? COMMITTEE: FEDRAC MEETING DATE: July 23, 2024 CATEGORY: ❑ Consent ❑ Ordinance ❑ Public Hearing ❑ City Council Business ® Resolution ❑ Other STAFF REPORT BY: Steve Groom, Finance Director DEPT: Finance Attachments: 1. Staff Report 2. Resolution 3. Investment Policy of the City of Federal Way Options Considered: 1. Approve proposed resolution. 2. Do not approved proposed resolution and provide direction to staff. MAYOR'S RECOMMENDATION: Option 1. MAYORAPPROVAL. 1 DIRECTOR APPROVAL: �.b2 Co ilt Cood� cif I i atc Inil aV m lniii 1((Dat COMMITTEE' RECOMMENDATION: I move to forward the proposed resolution to the August 13, 2024, consent agenda for approval. _ .— PROPOSED COUNCIL MOTION: "I move approval of the proposed resolution. (BELOW TO BE COMPLETED BY CITY CLERK'S OFFICE) COUNCIL ACTION: ❑ APPROVED COUNCIL BILL # ❑ DENIED First reading 0 TABLED/DEFERRED/NO ACTION Enactment reading ❑ MOVED TO SECOND READING (ordinances only) ORDINANCE # REVISED—1/2022 RESOLUTION # CITY OF FEDERAL WAY MEMORANDUM DATE: June 17, 2024 TO: City Council Members VIA: Jim Ferrell, Mayor Brian Davis, City Administrator FROM: Steve Groom, Finance Director SUBJECT: Resolution: City of Federal Way Investment Policy Update Financial Impacts: There is no financial impact to the City. Background Information: The City of Federal Way Finance Department is to requesting four technical adjustments to the City's existing investment policy. The investment policy, as amended in 2023 is serving the City's financial needs; the goals of Safety, Liquidity and Yield are being met. The current policy received the certification of the Washington Public Treasurers Association. The proposed changes to the policy are: Staff recommends modifying the language for the apportionment of interest to accommodate bond restrictions. Interest earned on bond proceeds is required to be spent on the project for which the bond was approved. This is a legal requirement for tax exempt bond financing, and better articulates RCW 35.39.034. (p. 3) 2. The description for Agencies in current policy copies the exact language of the RCWs but could be simpler and clearer. Staff recommends describing exactly what the City has been, and will continue to purchase by describing the actual issuers. (p. 6) 3. Maximum maturities are currently limited to 5 years (60 months) and the City has encountered the situation where purchasing an investment 60 months into the future might put the City out of compliance by a few days. For example, if today were March 20, 2024, we could not yet purchase a 5-year maturity if the exact maturity date was March 31, 2029. Adding one more month will simplify compliance. (p. 7) 4. Updated correct web addresses for Washington State Treasurer. (p. 8) and City of Federal Way's Finance page. (p. 25) RESOLUTION NO.24-861 A RESOLUTION of the City of Federal Way, Washington, repealing Resolution No: 23-837 and modifying and adopting the investment policy to govern the investment of public funds. WHEREAS, the City Council seeks at all times to maintain the highest fiscal integrity with respect to its administration of public funds; and WHEREAS, the assets of the City include a portion of the City's total cash held in reserve, funds that are available to be invested at the highest rate of return having assured sufficient safety of principal and liquidity; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Federal Way adopted its most recent Investment Policy on March 8, 2023, by Resolution No. 23-837; and WHEREAS, the investment policy should be periodically updated to reflect best practices, City -specific circumstances and current language. NOW THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FEDERAL WAY, RESOLVES AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Resolution No. 23-837 with all attachments is hereby repealed effective August 13, 2024. Section 2. Investment Policy. The City Council of the City of Federal Way hereby adopts the Investment Policy as attached hereto as Exhibit A. Section 3. Severability. If any section, sentence, clause or phrase of this resolution should be held to be invalid or unconstitutional by a court of competent jurisdiction, such invalidity or unconstitutionality shall not affect the validity or constitutionality of any other section, sentence, clause, or phrase of this resolution. Resolution No. 24- Page 1 of 3 Section 4. Corrections. The City Clerk and the codifiers of this resolution are authorized to make necessary corrections to this resolution including, but not limited to, the correction of scrivener/clerical errors, references, resolution numbering, section/subsection numbers and any references thereto. Section 5. Ratification. Any act consistent with the authority and prior to the effective date of this resolution is hereby ratified and affirmed. Section 6. Effective Date. This resolution shall be effective immediately upon passage by the Federal Way City, Council. RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FEDERAL WAY, WASHINGTON this 13th day of August, 2024. [signatures to follow] Resolution No. 24- Page 2 of 3 CITY OF FEDERAL WAY: JIM FERRELL, MAYOR ATTEST: STEPHANIE COURTNEY, MMC, CPRO, CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO FORM: J. RYAN CALL, CITY ATTORNEY FILED WITH THE CITY CLERK: PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL: RESOLUTION NO.: Resolution No. 24- Page 3 of 3 EXHIBIT A CITY OF Federal Way Centered on Opportunity Investment Policy of the City of Federal Way Policy Approval Date: , 2024 Authorized by: Resolution No. 24- . e e CERTIFICATE of CEUNCE 0' Investment Policy �{ awarded to*r CITY OF FEDERAL WAY 2023 The in,-, num p,dir. .uhmiwdI r,.. i.r. w..a-Ih.•,i:uu la'd-:-'Adi.lu Ihr II..• \1 uyuu I'uhlii 'Pn•u,urrry \....... Supersedes: Policy Dated: March 8, 2023 Authorized by. Resolution No. 23-837 City of Federal Way, Finance Department 33325 8th Ave South, Federal Way, WA 98003 City of Federal Way Investment Policy Table of Contents I. Purpose..........................................3 X. Diversification................................7 II. Policy.............................................3 XI. Maximum Maturities ........................ 7 III. Scope and Applicability .................. 3 XII. Safekeeping and Custody ............... 8 IV. Governing Authority XIII. Collateralization ..............................8 a. Enabling Legislation..................3 XIV. Performance Standards .................. 8 b. Delegation of Authority .............4 a. Downgraded Securities ............. 8 V. Objectives XV. Reporting and Disclosure a. Safety..................................__4 a. Monthly b. Liquidity .................................... 4 Quarterly b. ...................................9 c. Yield ...5 VI. Prudence XVI. Investment Strategy ........................................5 a. Buy and Hold ............................9 VII. Ethics and Conflict of Interest ........ .5 b. Segmented Portfolio .................9 VIII. Authorized Financial Dealers and XVII. Internal Controls ...........................10 Institutions ...................................... 6 XVIII. Review, Approval and Adoption ....10 IX. Authorized Investments a. Washington State Treasurer Local Government Investment Pool .........6 b. Agencies, Federal government- Addenda: sponsored enterprise obligations .... 6 XIX. Glossary 11 agencies, wholly -owned XX. Text of Washington Statutes corporations, and supranationals.... 6 (RCWs)........................................A5 d. Corporate notes ..............................6 XXI. Text of City's Municipal Code .......20 e. Washington State/local government bonds.............................................7 XXII. Broker/Dealer Questionnaire ........21 f. Other-State/local government bonds XXIII. Approved Broker/Dealer List ........24 ....................................................... 7 g. Same -county local government XXIV. Policy Acknowledgement..............25 registered warrants .........................7 h. Commercial paper ..........................7 i. Non-negotiable CDs ......................7 j. Prohibited investments .......................... 7 p. 2 of 25 City of Federal Way Investment Policy Investment Policy I. Purpose The purpose of this Policy is: • To establish investment objectives and parameters necessary to safeguard public funds entrusted to the City of Federal Way, • To articulate City Council's intent for the governance over city investments ■ To communicate clear policy and strategy guidelines for city investment administration • To demonstrate to citizens, taxpayers and voters a transparent and accountable stewardship plan. The City's manageable cash ranges from $60 to $90 million, of which a portion may be invested in a laddered portfolio after assuring sufficient liquidity and safety; cyclical liquidity is kept in the Washington State Treasurer's Local Government Investment Pool and the safety of operating cash is maintained in depository bank accounts. II. Policy It is the policy of the .City of Federal Way to invest public funds in a manner that, giving first regard to safety, suitability and liquidity, will maximize long-term yield in conformance with State Statutes, Federal Regulations and City Charter. III. Scope and Applicability The investment policy applies to all financial assets of the City of Federal Way. These are accounted for in the City of Federal Way's Comprehensive Annual Financial Report and include: ➢ General Fund ➢ Special Revenue Funds ➢ Capital Project Funds ➢ Enterprise Funds ➢ Internal Service Funds ➢ Trust and Agency Funds ➢ Any new fund created by Council, unless specifically exempted by Council. Investments of City Funds may be made on a pooled basis across all funds, with interest apportioned for the benefit of the eneral fund except for interest on bond proceeds which shall remain restricted to be spent for the stated purposes of the bond issue or used in such manner as the initiating ordinances, resolutions, or bond covenants may lawfully_ prescribe. (RCW 35.39.034) IV. Governing Authority Enabling Legislation All investments shall be managed in a manner responsive to the public trust, consistent with state statutes (Revised Code of Washington (RCW). Authority to manage the City's investment program is derived from RCW sections 35A.40.050 and 35.39.032 and from the Federal Way Revised Code sections 3.45.010 and 3.45.020. p. 3 of 25 City of Federal Way Investment Policy Delegation of Authority This policy provides for accountability and transparency to city council. The City Council authorizes the Finance Director or their designee, to engage in investment -related transactions within this policy without prior approval. The Finance/Economic Development/Regional Advisory Committee (FEDRAC), comprised of three city council members, may review and conduct oversight of transactions and monthly reporting prior to council review and approval. Management responsibility for the investment program is delegated by the Mayor to the Finance Director, who shall establish procedures for the operation of the investment program consistent with this investment policy. Such procedures shall include explicit delegation of authority to persons responsible for investment transactions to provide adequate redundancy by properly trained and informed staff. No person may engage in an investment transaction except as provided under the terms of this policy and the procedures established by the Finance Director. The Director shall be responsible for all transactions undertaken and shall establish a system of controls to regulate the activities of subordinate officials. All staff engaging in investment transactions shall attend public investment training, which may include staff training by a qualified Finance Director. Staff shall not engage in any policy -allowed investment transaction for which they cannot articulate a rationale for having done so. Contracted Management Any external investment manager engaged to assist in the management of the city's investment portfolio will be held to the prudent investor standard of care (RCW 11.100.020). V. Objective _ The prime objectives of this City's investment activities shall be the suitability of every investment to the financial requirements of the city, considering, in priority order: ➢ Safety: Safety of principal is the foremost objective of the investment program. Investments of the City of Federal Way shall be undertaken in a manner that seeks to ensure the preservation of principal in the overall portfolio. Each investment transaction shall be conducted in a manner to avoid principal loss arising from security default, institution default, broker -dealer default, safekeeping fraud, or the avoidable loss on the premature sale of an investment ➢ Liquidity: The City's investment portfolio will be structured to meet all expected obligations in a timely manner, to avoid premature sale of an investment at a loss of principal. This is to be achieved by comparing investment maturities with forecasted cash flows and maintaining sufficient liquidity for contingencies across all funds. A 3- to 5-year historical liquidity trend history, combining the city's main checking accounts, LGIP, and the investment portfolio, will clearly indicate annual seasonal low cashflows. ➢ Yield, or Return on investment: The City's investment portfolio shall be designed with the objective of attaining as high a rate of return as prudently possible having first satisfied the objectives of Safety and Liquidity. p. 4 of 25 City of Federal Way Investment Policy VI. Prudence The standard of prudence to be used by investment officials shall be the "prudent investor standard," which, as enacted by State Statute (RCW 11.100.020), says: 9) A trustee shall invest and manage trust assets as a prudent investor would, by considering the purposes, terms, distribution requirements, and other circumstances of the trust. In satisfying this standard, the trustee shall exercise reasonable care, skill, and caution. 2) A trustee's investment and management decisions respecting individual assets must be evaluated not in isolation but in the context of the trust portfolio as a whole and as a part of an overall investment strategy having risk and return objectives reasonably suited to the trust." Investment officers acting in accordance with the written procedures and exercising due diligence shall be relieved of personal responsibility for individual security's credit risk or marketplace changes, provided deviations from expectations are reported in a timely fashion and appropriate action is taken to control adverse developments. VII. Ethics and Conflicts of Interest Officers and employees involved in the investment process shall refrain from, or disclose, personal business activity that could conflict with proper execution of the investment program, or which could impair their ability to make impartial investment decisions. Employees and investment officials shall disclose to the City Manager any material financial interests in the financial institutions to conduct business with in this jurisdiction, and they shall further disclose any large personal financial/investment positions that could be related to the performance of the City's portfolio. Employees and officers shall subordinate their personal investment transaction to those of the City of Federal Way, particularly with regard to the time of purchases and sales. The intent of "disclosure:" an employee is unlikely to personally own a controlling interest in a security that becomes the best investment for the city such as a highly rated Microsoft or Coca- Cola medium -term note and should not have to sell their personal position in order to serve the city. Employees and officers shall refrain from, or disclose, any personal investment transactions with the same agents with whom business is conducted on behalf of the city and shall avoid, or disclose, transactions that might impair public confidence. Consistent with general City Policy, officers and employees involved in the investment process may not accept any valuable gift, favor or gratuity which is made on the basis of his or her position in the City's service. Vill. Authorized Financial Dealers and Institutions The Finance Director or his/her designee will maintain a list of broker/dealers, which are authorized to provide investment services. To be eligible to do business with Federal Way, a broker/dealer must provide a Broker/Dealer Questionnaire that includes the following: audited financial statements, current securities -related licensing; proof of registration and licenses held with the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA); proof of registration with the State of Washington Securities Division; provide current active municipal client references; and certification of having read the City's current investment policy. An annual review of the financial condition of qualified bidders will be conducted by the Finance Director, or his/her designee. p. 5 of 25 City of Federal Way Investment Policy IX. Authorized Investments State statutes permit local governments in the state of Washington only the specific investments permitted by state law, limited to the following: A. The primary investment instruments expected to be utilized in the City of Federal Way's Investment Portfolio are: ➢ State of Washington Local Government Investment Pool (LGIP), the public funds investment account for investment and reinvestment by the state treasurer. RCW 43.250.040 Agencies. U.S. Government Agency obligations and U.S. Government Sponsored Enterprises (LSE's, which may include Federal Farm Credit Bank (FFCB). Federal Home Loan Bank (FHLB), Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation (FHLMCIFreddie Mac). Federal National Mortgage Association (FNMA/Fannie Mae). Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA), and Federal Agricultural Mortgage Corporation (FAMCAIFarmer Mac)) , federal land bank bonds and hQdt;ml mati ^F*'fi^^; of paFtiE;ipat ^^, or the obligations of any other government sponsored corporation whose obligations are or may become eligible as collateral for advances to member banks as determined by the board of governors of the federal reserve system; RCW 39.59.040 (5) * Treasuries. Certificates, notes, or bonds of the United States, or other obligations of the United States or its agencies, or of any corporation wholly owned by the government of the United States; or United States dollar denominated bonds, notes, or other obligations that are issued or guaranteed by supranational institutions, provided that, at the time of investment, the institution has the United States government as its largest shareholder; RCW 39.59.040 (4). * Corporate notes purchased on the secondary market; with a minimum credit quality rating of upper medium investment grade - at least A by Standard and Poor's, A2 by Moody's, or A by Fitch - on the date of purchase. RCW 39.59.040 (8) and Washington State Investment Board Policy No. 2.05.500. B. The following secondary investment instruments are not expected to be routinely utilized in the City of Federal Way's Investment Portfolio but are also authorized by State Statute and should be disclosed and explained on council monthly reporting: Bonds of the state of Washington and any local government in the state of Washington;" RCW 39.59.040 (1) ➢ General obligation bonds of a state other than the state of Washington and general obligation bonds of a local government of a state other than the state of Washington, which bonds have at the time of investment one of the three highest credit ratings of a nationally recognized rating agency RCW 39.59.040 (2) ➢ Registered warrants of a local government in the same county as the government making the investment;" RCW 39.59.040 (3) p. 6 of 25 City of Federal Way Investment Policy Commercial paper purchased in the secondary market with.maturities not exceeding 270 days, and with a short-term credit rating at time of investment not less than A-1 by Standard & Poor's Rating Services and/or P-1 by Moody's Investors Service and/or F-1 by Fitch Rating Agency. Furthermore, the long-term credit ratings of the issuer at the time of investment shall not be less than one of the three highest ratings as rated by a nationally recognized rating agency. RCW 39.59.040 (7) and Washington State Investment Board Policy No. 2.05.500 ➢ Non -Negotiable Certificates of Deposit with financial institutions qualified by the Washington Public Deposit Protection Commission. (RCW 39.58.130) Prohibited Investments Equities (stocks), Collateralized mortgage obligations, Money market mutual funds, Inverse Floaters, Negotiable Certificates of Deposit, Repurchase and Reverse Repurchase Agreements, Cryptocurrency and any investment type not expressly permitted by City Council in this policy are not eligible investments for the City. X. Diversification Investments in securities shall not exceed the following percentages of the portfolio at time of purchase: State Local Government Investment Pool 100% Securities -Treasury Government Sponsored Agency Securities 100%, (40% per issuer) Corporate notes 15%, lesser of 2% or $1 million per issuer Commercial Paper Same-State/Local Securities Certificates of deposit 10%, lesser of 2% or $1 million per issuer Other-State/Local Securities 5%, lesser of 2% or $1 million per issuer Same -county local government issuer only by city council resolution XI. Maximum Maturities ➢ Staggered maturities are to be a component of the diversified investment strategy, employed to minimize reinvestment risk due to rate fluctuations building a reasonably laddered maturity schedule. ➢ The average maturity of the portfolio will not exceed 2.5 years, including cash in depository accounts and the state investment pool. (For the purposes of this calculation, the maturity date of callable securities will be the final maturity date). ➢ The expected and final maturity of any security will not exceed 5 years and 1 month (61 months) at time of purchase. p. 7 of 25 City of Federal Way Investment Policy XII. Safekeeping and Cu Security transactions entered into by the City of Federal Way shall be conducted on a delivery - versus -payment (DVP) basis. Securities will be held by third party custodian designated by the Finance Director, or his/her designee, and evidenced by safekeeping reports which will be reconciled monthly to the portfolio. Third -party custodial reports shall be required monthly, to list, at a minimum, each individual security, CUSIP, purchase date, cost, market value, par value, and maturity date. XIII. Collateralization State statute (RCW 39.58) requires that all deposits of public funds be made with qualified public depositaries, protected through the actions of the Public Deposit Protection Commission (PDPC), comprised of the State Treasurer, Governor and Lieutenant Governor. State law requires that all deposits of public funds over and above federally insured amounts (including Certificates Of Deposit) be collateralized in accordance with regulations of the PDPC. All collateral is held by the PDPC. The PDPC ensures public funds deposited in banks are protected should a financial institution become insolvent. The names of authorized public depositaries may be found at: hUps: lltre.waxiov/qualified -pub lic-depositaries-#wanks t40S tFe w „E)v4)E' baRk'' XIV. Performance Standards Benchmark. The City's cash management portfolio shall be managed using as comparison for yield of 2-Year Constant Maturity US Treasury Index. It can be expected that the city portfolio's average yield will be trail the benchmark's yield in times of rising interest rates and lead the benchmark's yield in times of falling interest rates. Downgraded Securities. The city may, from time to time, be invested in a security whose rating is downgraded. In the event a rating drops below the minimum allowed by this policy, the Finance Director will review and recommend an appropriate plan of action to the Mayor and City Council via the FEDRAC. If the city utilizes an Investment Advisor, that Investment Advisor shall notify the city and recommend a plan of action within one month. The city may continue to hold a downgraded investment to maturity if a probable outcome is the eventual realization of full value, rather than a realized loss if divested prior to maturity. LAVA :-..ii Monthly Reports The Finance Director shall make a monthly report of all investment transactions to the city council via FEDRAC. (RCW 35.39.032) The Finance Director shall prepare an investment report to FEDRAC, Mayor and City Council that provides a summary of the current investment portfolio and the individual transactions executed to show holdings and activities during the reporting period conform to the investment policy. The report should include the following: ➢ An asset listing showing par value, cost and market value, type of investment, issuer, days to maturity and interest rate of each security; ➢ Average days to maturity of the portfolio; p. 8 of 25 City of Federal Way Investment Policy ➢ Maturity distribution of the portfolio and distribution by type of investment. ➢ Credit quality of portfolio holdings; and, ➢ Average weighted yield to maturity of portfolio on investments ➢ Performance comparison to benchmark XVI. INVESTMENT STRATEGY Buy and Hold. As a strategy, the City of Federal Way's investments will not be actively traded, meaning that no attempt to "buy low and sell high" or "time the market" will be made. Investments purchased with the intent of providing investment income shall be intended to be held to maturity, relying on following a prudent course of action for income rather than predicting market direction. Securities may be sold before they mature if market conditions present an opportunity for the City to capture a benefit or to avoid a risk but the strategy will be primarily buy -and -hold. Portfolio Segmenting. In keeping with the priorities of Safety, Liquidity then Yield, the first considerations of investing will be the immediate operational needs and scheduled disbursements of capital expenditures and debt service payments. ➢ The Safety Segment of the Portfolio is held primarily in the City's depository bank, and will be maintained at adequate levels to ensure availability. ➢ The Liquidity Segment of the portfolio is held primarily in the State LGIP. This will allow for seasonal fluctuations, primarily the April/October inflows of Property Tax and outflows of capital projects. ➢ This Yield Segment of the portfolio is the portion of the city's cash reserves which, based on historical analysis, long-term budgetary planning or council -approved reserve policy, will not be subject to seasonal spending and can be invested comfortably long-term. This segment is invested in a laddered portfolio comprised of Agencies, Treasuries and other authorized investments. XVII. Internal Controls The Office of the State Auditor requires that in accordance with Revised Code of Washington 43.09.260, the City of Federal Way must undergo annual financial examinations performed by State Examiners. Investment management is to be included as part of the annual independent audit to assure compliance with this investment policy. The City's internal controls shall be designed to prevent losses of public funds arising from fraud, employee error, misrepresentation by third parties, or unanticipated changes in financial markets. Controls which the City deems important include, but are not limited to: • Control of collusion ■ Separation of functions ■ Separation of transaction authority from accounting and recordkeeping • Custodial safekeeping • Avoidance of bearer -form securities • Specific limitations regarding securities losses and remedial action • Clear delegation of authority to subordinate staff members • Written confirmation of telephone transactions • Supervisory authority of employee actions p. 9 of 25 City of Federal Way Investment Policy • Minimize the number of authorized investment officials • Documentation of transactions and strategies XVIII. Investment Policy Review, Approval and Adoption The City of Federal Way's investment policy shall be adopted by resolution of the City Council. The policy shall be reviewed annually by the Finance Director and any significant modifications must be approved by the City Council, with prior review by the FEDRAC. p. 10 of 25 City of Federal Way Investment Policy Addendum: Glossary Accrued Interest— Interest earned but not yet received Active Investment Management — the active trading of securities, selling prior to maturity and purchasing secondary issues, in an effort to earn higher portfolio yield by the continual monitoring of financial markets, spreads and pricing opportunities of individual securities. Requires substantially more staff time than passive investing. (see also Passive Investment Management) Agencies — (See Government Sponsored Entities) Entities chartered by Congress, such as: Fannie Mae (FNMA) Freddie Mac (FHLMC), Federal Home Loan Bank (FHLB), Federal Farm Credit Bank (FFCB). These entities carry an implicit guaranty of the federal government. Amortization — a mathematical calculation that pays off a balance evenly while at the same time adding interest for every period. Asked — The price at which securities are offered. Bid — The price offered for securities. Broker— A broker brings buyers and Sellers together for a commission paid by the initiator of the transaction or by both sides; he does not hold a position. In the money market, brokers are active in markets in which banks and institutional investors buy and sell bills, notes or bonds and in interdealer markets. Bullet (Non -callable Bond) — a bond issue in which all of its outstanding principal amount may not be redeemed before maturity by the issuer, therefore assuring interest earnings through to the end maturity date. Callable Bond — a bond issue in which all or part of its outstanding principal amount may be redeemed before maturity by the issuer Certificate of Deposit (CD) — a deposit of funds for a specified period of time that earns interest at a specific interest rate. Collateral — Securities, evidenced by a deposit or other property which a borrower pledges to secure repayment of a loan. Also refers to securities pledged by a bank to secure deposits of public moneys. Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) — The independently -audited annual report for the City of Federal Way. It includes entity -wide financial statements as well as financial statements for major funds and fund types, notes to the financial statements and required schedules. Certificates of Deposit (CD) — A time deposit with specific maturity and interest rate evidenced by a certificate. Commercial Paper — Unsecured short-term corporate obligations with maturities less than 270 days. p. 11 of 25 City of Federal Way Investment Policy Coupon — (a) The annual rate of interest that a bond's issuer promises to pay the bondholder as a percentage of the bond's face value. Cryptocurrency — a digital or virtual currency that is secured by cryptography, typically decentralized networks based on blockchain technology, a decentralized ledger enforced by a network of computers. Currently prohibited because it can lose principal, and is therefore unsafe. It is not legal tender, essentially a risky, anonymous, volatile foreign currency. Custody— (Safekeeping) A service to customers rendered by banks for a fee whereby securities are held by an independent third party for protection from fraud or theft. Dealer — A dealer, as opposed to a broker, acts as a principal in all transactions, buying and selling for their own account. Delivery versus Payment (DVP) —Delivery of securities with a simultaneous exchange of money for the securities used in conjunction with a third -party custodian to assure integrity of the exchange and to prevent fraud or misdirection, similar to an escrow process in real estate. (Delivery versus receipt is a delivery of securities with an exchange of a signed receipt for the securities.) Discount — The difference between the cost price of a security and its value at maturity when quoted at lower than its face value. A security selling below original offering price shortly after sale is also considered to be at a discount. This can be the normal mathematically equalizing of the stated rate of an investment with prevailing market rates. Discount Securities — Non -interest -bearing money market instruments that are issued at a discount and redeemed at maturity for full face value. Diversification — Dividing investment funds among a variety of securities offering independent returns and credit quality. Federal Credit Agencies — Agencies of the Federal government and guaranteed by the full faith and credit of the US Government set up to supply credit to various classes of institutions and individuals, e.g., Ginnie Mae, Sallie Mae, Tennessee Valley Authority. Fannie Mae — The trade name for the Federal National Mortgage Association (FNMA), a U.S. GSE (government -sponsored entity). Farmer Mac — The trade name for the Federal Agricultural Mortgage Corporation (FAMC), a GSE (government -sponsored entity). Federal Funds Rate - The target rate of interest at which Fed funds are traded. This rate is currently pegged by the Federal Open Market Committee. Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) — Consists of seven members of the Federal Reserve Board and five of the twelve Federal Reserve Bank Presidents. The President of the New York Federal Reserve Bank is a permanent member while the other presidents serve on a rotating basis. The Committee periodically meets to set Federal Reserve funds target rate and guidelines regarding purchases and sales of Governments Securities in an open market as a means of the influencing the volume of bank credit and money supply in the economy. p. 12 of 25 City of Federal Way Investment Policy Federal Reserve System — The central bank of the United States created by Congress and consisting of a seven member Board of Governors in Washington, DC. There are 12 Region Banks and about 5700 commercial banks that are members of the system. Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) — A Federal Agency that insures bank deposits, currently capped at $250,000 dollars per deposit. FEDRAC — Finance / Economic Development / Regional Advisory Committee, an advisory committee comprised of three city council members. Financial Industry Regulatory Authority, Inc. (FINRA) - a private corporation that acts as a self - regulatory organization (SRO). FINRA is the successor to the National Association of Securities Dealers, Inc. (NASD) and the member regulation, enforcement and arbitration operations of the New York Stock Exchange. Freddie Mac — The trade name for the Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation (FHLMC), a GSE (government -sponsored entity). Ginnie Mae — the trade name for the Government National Mortgage Association (GNMA), a GSE (government -sponsored entity). Government Sponsored Entities (GSEs) — ("Agencies") Entities chartered by Congress, such as: Fannie Mae (FNMA) Freddie Mac (FHLMC), Federal Home Loan Bank (FHLB), Federal Farm Credit Bank (FFCB). These entities carry an implicit guaranty of the federal government. Interest Rate Risk — the risk associated with declines or rises in interest rate that cause an investment in a fixed -income security to increase or decrease in market value. Investment Committee — Comprised of the City Manager and Finance Director or their designees. The committee is authorized to make investments of city funds, as authorized by law, and, at any time, to liquidate investments, and to engage in all such transactions without prior consent of city council, but subject to investment policy reporting requirements. Leverage - Increasing the output compared to the input. In investments, a negative application would be multiplying the yield on investable funds by investing using borrowed funds in addition to cash on hand; the risk is that when a loss is experienced, the borrowed funds must be repaid in full, multiplying the loss to the investor. Liquidity— A liquid asset is one that can be converted easily and rapidly into cash Liquidity Risk — the risk that an entity (i.e. the city) may be unable to meet short term financial demands due to the inability to convert investments to cash without a loss of principal and/or interest income. Market Risk — the risk that the value of a security will rise or decline as a result of changes in market conditions, typically interest rates. Market Value — The price at which a security is trading and could presumably be purchased or sold. p. 13 of 25 City of Federal Way Investment Policy Maturity— the date upon which the principal of an investment is due and paid. New Issue — An investment available at the time of issuance, and therefore not subject to the secondary market that would involve competitive bidding or price uncertainty. Non -callable Bond (Bullet) — a bond issue in which all of its outstanding principal amount may not be redeemed before maturity by the issuer, therefore assuring interest earnings through to the end maturity date. Par Value — (face value) the amount of principal that must be paid at maturity. Passive Investment Management- investing methodically, managing primarily diversification and maturities, with the intention of holding to maturity rather than seeking to make gains through market price fluctuations. Principal - the original sum of money put into an investment at time of purchase. Reinvestment Risk - the risk that the proceeds from the payment of principal and interest would have to be reinvested at a lower rate than the original investment. This is a risk of all investments regardless of maturity date or call feature because of the uncertainty of future interest rates. Call features increase reinvestment risk because of the added uncertainty; issuers typically call their bonds in a declining interest rate environment. Safekeeping — A service to customers rendered by banks for a fee whereby securities and valuables of an types and descriptions are held in the bank's vaults for protection. Secondary Market— A market made for the purchase and sale of outstanding issues following the initial distribution. Securities and Exchange Commission — Agency created by Congress to protect investors in securities transactions by administering securities legislation. Treasury Bills — A non -interest bearing discount security issued by the U.S. Treasury to finance the National Debt. The above most bills are issued to mature in three months, six months, or one year. Treasury Bond — Long-term U.S. Treasury securities having initial maturities of more than 10 years. Treasury Notes — Intermediate term coupon bearing U.S. Treasury securities having initial maturities of from one to ten years. Yield— the rate of annual interest income return on investment, expressed as a percentage. p. 14 of 25 City of Federal Way Investment Policy Addendum — Text of Washington Statutes (RCW) Governing Investments of Public Funds by Local Governments (Intended only for easy reference for the reader — current statutes should be confirmed) RCW 11.100.020 Management of trust assets by fiduciary. 1) A trustee shall invest and manage trust assets as a prudent investor would, by considering the purposes, terms, distribution requirements, and other circumstances of the trust. In satisfying this standard, the trustee shall exercise reasonable care, skill, and caution. 2) A trustee's investment and management decisions respecting individual assets must be evaluated not in isolation but in the context of the trust portfolio as a whole and as a part of an overall investment strategy having risk and return objectives reasonably suited to the trust. 3) Among the circumstances that a trustee shall consider in investing and managing trust assets are such of the following as are relevant to the trust or its beneficiaries: a) General economic conditions; b) The possible effect of inflation or deflation; c) The expected tax consequences of investment decisions or strategies; d) The role that each investment or course of action plays within the overall portfolio, which may include financial assets, interests in closely held enterprises, tangible and intangible personal property, and real property; e) The expected total return from income and the appreciation of capital; f) Other resources of the beneficiaries; g) Needs for liquidity, regularity of income, and preservation or appreciation of capital; and h) An asset's special relationship or special value, if any, to the purposes of the trust or to one or more of the beneficiaries. 4) A trustee shall make a reasonable effort to verify facts relevant to the investment and management of trust assets. 5) A trustee may invest in any kind of property or type of investment consistent with the standards of this section. 6) A trustee who has special skills or expertise, or is named trustee in reliance upon the trustee's representation that the trustee has special skills or expertise, has a duty to use those special skills or expertise. RCW 35.39.030 Excess or inactive funds —Investment. Every city and town may invest any portion of the moneys in its inactive funds or in other funds in excess of current needs in: (1) United States bonds; (2) United States certificates of indebtedness; (3) Bonds or warrants of this state; (4) General obligation or utility revenue bonds or warrants of its own or of any other city or town in the state; (5) Its own bonds or warrants of a local improvement district which are within the protection of the local improvement guaranty fund law; and (6) In any other investments authorized by law for any other taxing districts. RCW 35.39.032 Approval of legislative authority —Delegation of authority —Reports. No investment shall be made without the approval of the legislative authority of the city or town expressed by ordinance: PROVIDED, That except as otherwise provided by law, the legislative authority may by ordinance authorize a city official or a committee composed p. 15 of 25 City of Federal Way Investment Policy of several city officials to determine the amount of money available in each fund for investment purposes and make the investments authorized as indicated in RCW 35.39.030 as now or hereafter amended and the provisions of RCW 35.39.034, without the consent of the legislative authority for each investment. The responsible official or committee shall make a monthly report of all investment transactions to the city legislative authority. The legislative authority of a city or town or city official or committee authorized to invest city or town funds may at any time convert any of its investment securities, or any part thereof, into cash. RCW 35.39.034 Investment by individual fund or commingling of funds —Investment in United States securities — Validation. Moneys thus determined available for this purpose may be invested on an individual fund basis or may, unless otherwise restricted by law be commingled within one common investment portfolio for investment. All income derived from such investment shall be apportioned and used for the benefit of the various participating funds or for the benefit of the general or current expense fund as the governing body of the city of [or] town shall determine by ordinance or resolution: PROVIDED, That funds derived from the sale of general obligation bonds or revenue bonds or similar instruments of indebtedness shall be invested, or used in such manner as the initiating ordinances, resolutions, or bond covenants may lawfully prescribe. Any excess or inactive funds on hand in the city treasury not otherwise invested, or required to be invested by this section, as now or hereafter amended, may be invested by the city treasurer in United States government bonds, notes, bills, certificates of indebtedness, or interim financing warrants of a local improvement district which is within the protection of the local improvement guaranty fund law for the benefit of the general or current expense fund. All previous or outstanding investments of city or town funds for the benefit of the city's or town's general or current expense fund which have been or could be made in accordance with the provisions of this section, as now or hereafter amended, are declared valid. RCW 39.58.020 Public funds —Protection against loss. All public funds deposited in public depositaries, including investment deposits and accrued interest thereon, shall be protected against loss, as provided in this chapter. RCW 39.58.030 Public deposit protection commission —State finance committee constitutes —Proceedings. The Washington public deposit protection commission shall be the state finance committee. The record of the proceedings of the public deposit protection commission shall be kept in the office of the commission and a duly certified copy thereof, or any part thereof, shall be admissible in evidence in any action or proceedings in any court of this state. RCW 39.58.050 Collateral for deposits —Segregation —Eligible securities. (1) Every public depositary shall complete a depositary pledge agreement with the commission and a trustee, and shall at all times maintain, segregated from its other assets, eligible collateral having a value at least equal to its maximum liability and as otherwise p. 16 of 25 City of Federal Way Investment Policy prescribed in this chapter. Eligible securities used as collateral shall be segregated by deposit with the depositary's trustee and shall be clearly designated as security for the benefit of public depositors under this chapter. (2) Securities eligible as collateral shall be valued at market value, and the total market value of securities pledged in accordance with this chapter shall not be reduced by withdrawal or substitution of securities except by prior authorization, in writing, by the commission. (3) The public depositary shall have the right to make substitutions of an equal or greater amount of eligible securities at any time. (4) The income from the securities which have been segregated as collateral shall belong to the public depositary without restriction. (5) Each of the following enumerated classes of securities, providing there has been no default in the payment of principal or interest thereon, shall be eligible to qualify as collateral: (a) Certificates, notes or bonds of the United States, or other obligations of the United States or its agencies, or of any corporation wholly owned by the government of the United States; (b) State, county, municipal, or school district bonds or warrants of taxing districts of the state of Washington or any other state of the United States, provided that such bonds and warrants shall be only those found to be within the limit of indebtedness prescribed by law for the taxing district issuing them and to be general obligations; (c) The obligations of any United States government -sponsored corporation whose obligations are or may become eligible as collateral for advances to member banks as determined by the board of governors of the federal reserve system; (d) Bonds, notes, or other securities or evidence of indebtedness constituting the direct and general obligation of a federal home loan bank or federal reserve bank; (e) Revenue bonds of this state or any authority, board, commission, committee, or similar agency thereof, and any municipality or taxing district of this state; (f) Direct and general obligation bonds and warrants of any city, town, county, school district, port district, or other political subdivision of any state, having the power to levy general taxes, which are payable from general ad valorem taxes; (g) Bonds issued by public utility districts as authorized under the provisions of Title 54 RCW, as now or hereafter amended; (h) Bonds of any city of the state of Washington for the payment of which the entire revenues of the city's water system, power and light system, or both, less maintenance and operating costs, are irrevocably pledged, even though such bonds are not general obligations of such city. (6) In addition to the securities enumerated in this section, the commission may also accept as collateral a letter of credit from a federal home loan bank or a federal reserve bank on behalf of a public depositary, naming the commission as beneficiary. Such letters are not subject to a completed depositary pledge agreement. As such, the commission must act as the safekeeping agent for letters of credit. (7) A public depositary may also segregate such bonds, securities, and other obligations as are designated to be authorized security for public deposits under the laws of this state. (8) The commission may determine by rule or resolution whether any security, whether or not enumerated in this section, is or shall remain eligible as collateral when in the commission's judgment it is desirable or necessary to do so. RCW 39.58.135 Limitations on deposits. p. 17 of 25 City of Federal Way Investment Policy Notwithstanding RCW 39.58.130, (1) aggregate deposits received by a public depositary from all treasurers and the state treasurer shall not exceed at any time one hundred fifty percent of the value of the depositary's net worth, nor (2) shall the aggregate deposits received by any public depositary exceed thirty percent of the total aggregate deposits of all public treasurers in all depositaries as determined by the commission. However, a public depositary may receive deposits in excess of the limits provided in this section if eligible collateral, as prescribed in RCW 39.58.050, are pledged in an amount equal to one hundred percent of the value of deposits received in excess of the limitations prescribed in this section. RCW 39.59.010 Definitions. Unless the context clearly requires otherwise, the definitions in this section apply throughout this chapter. (1) "Bond" means any agreement which may or may not be represented by a physical instrument, including but not limited to bonds, notes, warrants, or certificates of indebtedness, that evidences an obligation under which the issuer agrees to pay a specified amount of money, with or without interest, at a designated time or times either to registered owners or bearers. (2) "Local government" means any county, city, town, special purpose district, political subdivision, municipal corporation, or quasi -municipal corporation, including any public corporation, authority, or other instrumentality created by such an entity. (3) "State" includes any state in the United States, other than the state of Washington. RCW 39.59.020 Authorized investments —Local government authority. (1) Local governments in the state of Washington are authorized to invest their funds and money in their custody or possession, eligible for investment, in investments authorized by this chapter. (2) Nothing in this section is intended to limit or otherwise restrict a local government from investing in additional authorized investments if that local government has specific authority to do so. RCW 39.59.040 Authorized investments —Bonds, warrants, certificates, and other investments. Any local government in the state of Washington may invest in: (1) Bonds of the state of Washington and any local government in the state of Washington; (2) General obligation bonds of a state and general obligation bonds of a local government of a state, which bonds have at the time of investment one of the three highest credit ratings of a nationally recognized rating agency; (3) Subject to compliance with RCW 39.56.030, registered warrants of a local government in the same county as the government making the investment; (4) Certificates, notes, or bonds of the United States, or other obligations of the United States or its agencies, or of any corporation wholly owned by the government of the United States; or United States dollar denominated bonds, notes, or other obligations that are issued or guaranteed by supranational institutions, provided that, at the time of investment, the institution has the United States government as its largest shareholder; p. 18 of 25 City of Federal Way Investment Policy (5) Federal home loan bank notes and bonds, federal land bank bonds and federal national mortgage association notes, debentures and guaranteed certificates of participation, or the obligations of any other government sponsored corporation whose obligations are or may become eligible as collateral for advances to member banks as determined by the board of governors of the federal reserve system; (6) Bankers' acceptances purchased on the secondary market; (7) Commercial paper purchased in the secondary market, provided that any local government of the state of Washington that invests in such commercial paper must adhere to the investment policies and procedures adopted by the state investment board; and (8) Corporate notes purchased on the secondary market, provided that any local government of the state of Washington that invests in such notes must adhere to the investment policies and procedures adopted by the state investment board. RCW 43.250.040 Authority of official to place funds in the public funds investment account --Investment of funds by state treasurer --Degree of judgment and care required. If authorized by statute, local ordinance, resolution, or other appropriate official action, the state treasurer, a government finance official or financial officer or his or her designee, or authorized tribal official, may place funds into the public funds investment account for investment and reinvestment by the state treasurer in those securities and investments set forth in RCW 43.84.080 and chapter 39.58 RCW. The state treasurer shall invest the funds in such manner as to effectively maximize the yield to the investment pool. In investing and reinvesting moneys in the public funds investment account and in acquiring, retaining, managing, and disposing of investments of the investment pool, there shall be exercised the judgment and care under the circumstances then prevailing which persons of prudence, discretion, and intelligence exercise in the management of their own affairs, not in regard to speculation but in regard to the permanent disposition of the funds considering the probable income as well as the probable safety of the capital. p. 19 of 25 City of Federal Way Investment Policy Addendum — Text of Federal Way Revised Code Federal Way Revised Code contains no language pertaining to investments. This page is to confirm there are no city -level restrictions beyond state statutes. p. 20 of 25 City of Federal Way Investment Policy Addendum — Broker/Dealer Questionnaire The Washington city of Federal Way, incorporated in 1990, provides a range of municipal services, including general government, police, streets, community development, planning and zoning, code enforcement, parks and recreation, and municipal services. Roughly 340 employees serve about 96,000 residents covering about 23 square miles with an annual operating budget of around $85 million. The City's manageable cash ranges from $60 to $90 million of which about $40 is invested principally in Treasuries and GSE medium term notes with remaining liquidity maintained in the Washington State Treasurer's Local Governmental Investment Pool LGIP. The City has adopted a written Investment Policy that regulates the standards and procedures used in its cash management activities. The most current policy is publicly available and should be reviewed prior to completing this form. Firm Name: Year Founded: Corporate office address: Telephone #s: Principal, Managing Director or Partner: Name Title Direct phone E-mail address Is your firm a broker (does not own securities being offered Is your firm a dealer (does own securities being offered)? _ Local office address: Please attach a bio or resume of the primary and secondary representatives covering this account, including securities -related employment history, licensing, certificates, complaints, disciplinary action, arbitration, litigation: Primary Representative: Name Title Direct phone E-mail address Secondary Representative: Name Title Direct phone E-mail address p. 21 of 25 City of Federal Way Investment Policy Provide proof of registration with State of Washington Provide proof of Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) Provide documentation that your firm is qualified under SEC rule 15C3-1 (Uniform Net Capital Rule) Provide most recent audited financials Is your firm is examined by and subject to rules and regulations of: FDIC SEC NYSE Comptroller of Currency Federal Reserve System List three current, active, comparable, municipal client references: Entitv Name Contact Address Phone / E-mail Entitv Name Contact Address Phone / E-mail Entitv Name Contact Address Phone / E-mail ❑ attached ❑ NA ❑ attached ❑ NA ❑ attached ❑ NA ❑ attached ❑ NA ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Yes ❑ No What market sectors are you and your firm currently involved? (Please feel free to provide additional information regarding specialization in any of the following market sectors). Firm Involvement US Treasuries US Agency Bonds Washington State Bonds Municipal Bonds Corporate Bonds CDARS Commercial Paper Other Broker Involvement Please provide your normal custody and delivery process, including specific banking relationships. What was your firm's total volume in US Government and agency securities trading last year? p. 22 of 25 City of Federal Way Investment Policy Has this firm, or the representatives assigned to this account, been subject to a regulatory agency, state or federal investigation for alleged improper, disreputable, unfair or fraudulent activities related to the sale of securities or money market instruments that resulted in a suspension or censure? ❑ Yes (attached) ❑ No Is there outstanding litigation which would materially affect your financial stability? ❑ Yes (attached) ❑ No Do you provide any fixed income research and economic commentary? ❑ Yes (attached) ❑ No Describe the precautions -taken by your firm to protect the interests of the public when dealing with a local public entity. ❑ Attached ❑ NA Has any client sustained a loss on a securities transaction engendered from a misunderstanding or misrepresentation of the risk characteristic of a financial instrument by your firm? ❑ Yes (attached) ❑ No Please confirm that you are: (1) familiar with the Revised Code of Washington (RCW) Sections 39.59.010 et al. (2) have read, understand and agree to comply with the provisions of City of Federal Way's current investment policy by signing below. Name Title: Name Title: Name: Title: Signature: Date: Signature: Date: Signature: Date: p. 23 of 25 City of Federal Way Investment Policy Approved Broker/Dealer List The following brokers have completed BDQs and investment policy acknowledgements on file with the City: Mischler Financial Group, Seattle, WA Jason Klinghoffer, Corona Del Mar Office Piper Sandler & Co Greg Sandler, Seattle Office Stifel, Nicolaus Josh Gorham, Seattle Office Wedbush Securities, Los Angeles, CA Don Collins, Irvine Office p. 24 of 25 City of Federal Way Investment Policy Addendum — Acknowledgement of Receipt/Adherence to Current Policy City of Federal Way requires an annual certification from authorized Financial Dealers and Institutions of having read the current investment policy. It is the intent of the City of Federal Way to pro -actively contact current existing financial institutions annually, or at any change in the city's investment policy, and to maintain the current investment policy on the city's public website. This is to acknowledge receipt of the City of Federal Way's current Investment Policy adopted by City Council on 07/02/2024. Entity name: Name: Signature: Please sign and submit via mail or email to: City of Federal Way 33325 8th Ave South, Finance Department Federal Way, WA 98003 Title: Date: Current staff contact information is available on the City Website: h ttOS:4 n,.nar ni tyGffeded al'A;ale nnmlrnnteRtIFinanro htt s //www.federalwa a- oV/finance p. 25 of 25 COUNCIL. MEETING DATE: August 13, 2024 ITEM #: 7i CITY OF FEDERAL WAY CITY COUNCIL AGENDA BILL SUBJECT: INITIATION OF DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT NEGOTIATIONS FOR SOUND TRANSIT'S OPERATIONS & MAINTENANCE FACILITY SOUTH POLICY QUESTION: Should the City Council authorize staff to initiate negotiation of a development agreement for Sound Transit's Operations & Maintenance Facility South? COMMITTEE: Land Use & Transportation CATEGORY: ® Consent ❑ City Council Business MEETING DATE: Aug. 5, 2024 ❑ Ordinance ❑ Public Hearing ❑ Resolution ❑ Other STAFF REPORT BY: Matthew Blinstrubi Associate Planner to,,-j-6 7 45-/24DEPT: Community Development Attachments: 1. Staff Report Options Considered: 1. Authorize negotiation of a development agreement for Sound Transit's Operations & Maintenance Facility South. 2. Do not authorize negotiation of a development agreement and provide direction to staff. MAYOR'S RECOmm MAYOR APPROVAL: TION: Option 1. Date DIRECTOR APPROVAL: Lo -1.Z; , Initial Date COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: I move to forward the request to the Aug. 13, 2024 consent agenda for approval._ j Chair /racVW61sh, IR6ritmittVe Member Hoang Trffn, Committee Member PROPOSED COUNCIL MOTION: "I �o# to authorize staff to initiate negotiation of a development agreement for Sound Transit's Operations & MrAtenance Facility South. " (BELOW TO BE COMPLETED BY CITY CLERK'S OFFICE) COUNCIL ACTION: ❑ APPROVED COUNCIL BILL # ❑ DENIED First reading ❑ TABLED/DEFERRED/NO ACTION Enactment reading ❑ MOVED TO SECOND READING (ordinances only) ORDINANCE # REVISED — 1/2022 RESOLUTION # r CITY OF FEDERAL WAY MEMORANDUM DATE: July 25, 2024 TO: Land Use & Transportation Committee VIA: Jim Ferrell, Mayor FROM: Keith Niven, CD Director' Matthew Blinstrub, Associate Planner SUBJECT: Initiation of Development Agreement Negotiations for Sound Transit's Operations & Maintenance Facilitv South Financial Impacts There are no unanticipated financial impacts incurred for initiating the negotiation of a development agreement for Sound Transit's Operations & Maintenance Facility South. The applicant will be paying permitting fees for State Environmental Policy Act ("SEPA") review and the development agreement. Background Information Sound Transit completed environmental review for the Operations & Maintenance Facility (OMF) South and published the Final Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) on June 7, 2024. On June 27, 2024, the Sound Transit Board approved the OMF South project to be built at the location generally known as "Christian Faith Center". The project is being designed to receive, test, commission, store, maintain, and deploy about 144 light rail vehicles (LRVs) in support of Sound Transit's Link light rail system expansion to Federal Way and Tacoma. The facility would also receive, test, and commission new LRVs for the entire Link light rail system. The City received the attached letter from Sound Transit on July 22, 2024, requesting that the City Council authorize staff to begin negotiations for a development agreement for the OMF South project. Sound Transit requests a development agreement in order to establish an agreed -upon regulatory framework within which the proposed facility would be constructed. The development agreement affords an opportunity to work with the applicant to promote development of the site, and also achieve community benefits that might not be able to be realized without a development agreement. See FWRC 19.85.120 (Factors to be considered in review of a development agreement). Based on FWRC 19.85.040 (Initiation of Proposals), only the City Council or Council. Committee may initiate preparation and negotiation of a development agreement. In response to Sound Transit's July 22"d request letter, the current action before the Council is to approve negotiation of a development agreement with Sound Transit. Note that this is not an action to approve or deny a specific development agreement proposal. Any approval or denial of the ultimate development agreement will require a public hearing before the City Council pursuant to FWRC 19.85.150 (Public Hearings and City Council Action). Mayor's Recommendation Initiate development agreement negotiations for Sound Transit's OMF South. Attachment Request Letter from Sound Transit Rev, 6/2020 SOUNDTRANSIT July 22, 2024 Keith Niven, AICP, CEcD Community Development Director City of Federal Way 33325 8th Avenue South, 2nd Floor Federal Way. WA 98003-6325 Subject: Master Land Use Application Form Dear Keith Niven_ Sound Transit formally requests the Federal Way City Council authorize staff to begin negotiations for a development agreement for its Operations and Maintenance Facility (OMF) South_ The OMF South is necessary to meet Sound Transifs need for expanded LRV maintenance capacity as identified in the Sound Transit 3 (ST3) plan approved by the voters in 2016_ Sound Transit completed environmental review for the OMF South and published the Final Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) on June 7, 2024. On June 27, 2024, the Sound Transit Board approved the OMF South project to be built at the Preferred Alternative 336t' Street site identified in the EIS_ It is important that the City and Sound Transit have an agreed upon regulatory framework to move forward this voter - approved project. Therefore, Sound Transit requests that City staff be authorized to negotiate a development agreement for this project as authorized pursuant to FViRC 19.85.040_ Sincerely. 7/22 24 Cur -vie Hawkins Project Development Director Operations & Maintenance Facility (OMF) South Sound Transit M COUNCIL MEETING DATE: August 13, 2024 ITEM #: CITY OF FEDERAL WAY CITY COUNCIL AGENDA BILL SUBJECT: PUBLIC HEARING: 2023-2024 BIENNIAL BUDGET AMENDMENT POLICY QUESTION: N/A COMMITTEE: N/A CATEGORY: ❑ Consent ❑ City Council Business STAFF REPORT BY: Steve Attachments: N/A ❑ Ordinance ❑ Resolution Finance Director MEETING DATE: N/A ® Public Hearing ❑ Other DEPT: Finance Background: Hearing consistent with notice for budget amendment per RCW 35A.34.130 MAYOR'S RECOMMENDATION: N/A MAYOR APPROVAL: N/A -] DIRECTOR APPROVAL: '1 Committee 'oui i iat(Dalc �� Initial/Date ni�ial/ ile COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: N/A Committee Chair Committee Member Committee Member PROPOSED COUNCIL MOTION(S): N/A BELOW TO BE COMPLETED BY CITY CLERK'S OFFICE COUNCIL ACTION: ❑ APPROVED COUNCIL BILL # ❑ DENIED ' First reading ❑ TABLED/DEFERREV/NO ACTION Enactment reading ❑ MOVED TO SECOND READING (ordinances only) ORDINANCE # REVISED — 1/2022 RESOLUTION # COUNCIL MEETING DATE: August 13, 2024 ITEM #: CITY OF FEDERAL WAY CITY COUNCIL AGENDA BILL SUBJECT: ASSESSMENT LIEN FOR ABATEMENT AT 1235 SW 313TH ST, FEDERAL WAY, WA 98023 POLICY QUESTION: Should the City Council approve staff to place an assessment lien on the property located at 1235 SW 313t' St, Federal Way, WA 98023 in the amount of $4,287.29 for abatement costs incurred during cleanup of nuisance conditions on the property? COMMITTEE: N/A CATEGORY: ❑ Consent ® City Council Business MEETING DATE: N/A ❑ Ordinance ❑ Public Hearing ❑ Resolution ❑ Other STAFF REPORT BY: Christina Dunlap, Code Compliance DEPT: Community Development Supervisor Attachments: 1. Staff Report Options Considered: Approve the proposed assessment lien on the Taylor property in the amount of $4,287.29. Revise the amount and approve placement of assessment lien on property. Do not approve proposed assessment lien on the Taylor property and provide direction to staff. 1. 2. 3. MAYOR'S RECOMMENDATION: Option 1. MAYOR APPROVAL: AIREC" I'OR APPROVAL: Vj -),U l InitialiMte COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: N/A Committee Chair Committee Member Committee Member PROPOSED COUNCIL MOTION: "I move approval of the proposed assessment lien on the Taylor property in the amount of $4,287.29. " BELOW TO BE COMPLETED BY CITY CLERK'S OFFICE COUNCIL ACTION: ❑ APPROVED COUNCIL BILL # ❑ DENIED First reading ❑ TABLED/DEFERRED/NO ACTION Enactment reading ❑ MOVED TO SECOND READING (ordinances only) ORDINANCE # REVISED - 4/2019 RESOLUTION # CITY OF FEDERAL WAY MEMORANDUM DATE: July 22, 2024 TO: City Council Members VIA: Jim Ferrell, Mayor FROM: Keith Niven, Community Development Director Christina Dunlap, Code Enforcement Officer SUBJECT: Assessment Lien for Abatement at 1235 SW 3131h St, Federal Way, WA 98023 Financial Impacts: The cost to the City for Assessment Lien for Abatement at 1235 SW 313th St ("Taylor property") was included within the approved budget under the Community Development, budget line 00 1 -0000-074-3 5 9-91 -000. Background Information: The Taylor property has a long -documented history of repeated code violations dating back to November 4, 1993. Documented complaints include exterior junk and debris, junk vehicles, illegal parking of vehicles, the storing of building materials, equipment, tools, and scrap metal outside of a completely enclosed building, dilapidated structures and/or fences, and overgrown vegetation. Although records show numerous attempts by the City to obtain code compliance, the property has a cyclical history of refusal to comply with code violation orders issued. The City has investigated and attempted to enforce city public nuisance provisions under Title 7 and 19 under FWRC. Abatement: In the most recent case, No. 22-104181, allotice of Violation ("NOV") and Order to Correct was filed on December 12, 2023 for the Taylor property. Code enforcement made numerous attempts to contact the Taylors to discuss what actions needed to be taken in order to bring their property into full compliance. All of the conversations unfortunately have not resulted in any cleanup of the property. On February 7, 2024, Bio Decon Solutions, LLC completed the abatement of Mr. and Mrs. Rev. 7/18 0 Taylor's property and brought it into compliance with city code. The City of Federal Way was invoiced in the amount of $4,287.29, a copy of which is attached to this report. See break down of the invoice below: $2,277.00 Labor $1,420.00 Disposal Fees $197.00 Supplies $393.29 Tax (10.1% $4,287.29 Total Billing from Bio Decon Solutions, LLC The City of Federal Way Finance Department sent an invoice to Mr. Taylor via certified mail on March 20, 2024. To date, Mr. Taylor has made no attempt to pay the City. Per FWRC 1.15.080, the City may seek reimbursement for the costs _of the abatement by placing an assessment lien on the property. It should be noted that the Taylor property was abated previously in August of 2021 and brought into compliance. The overall cost of that abatement was $19,592.72. Procedure: Pursuant to FWRC 1.15.080 4(a), a copy of the report and a notice of the time and date when the report shall be heard by the City Council must be served on the person responsible for payment at least five days prior to the hearing before the City Council. The City properly served Mr. and Mrs. Taylor prior to the abatement. City Council Action: Pursuant to FWRC 1.15.080 4(b), the City Council shall review the report and such other information on the matter as it receives and deems relevant at the hearing. The City Council shall confirm or revise the amounts in the report, authorize collection of that amount or, in the case of a debt owed by a property owner, authorize placement of an assessment lien on the property as provided herein. Mayor's Recommendation: Mr. Taylor was advised prior to the abatement that an invoice would be sent for the cleanup costs. As mentioned previously, Mr. Taylor was also provided the invoice via certified mail and given 30 days to make payment to the City. Based on the record, staff believes the charges incurred are just, reasonable and should not be reduced. Therefore, the Mayor recommends the City Council authorize these costs as an assessment lien against the property to ensure payment through the tax system. Rev, 7/18 . q Council Options: 1. Approve the proposed assessment lien on the Taylor property in the amount of $4,287.29. 2. Revise the amount and approve placement of an assessment lien on the property. 3. Do not approve proposed assessment lien on the Taylor property and provide direction to staff. Rev. 7/18 000 10 DECO S0LUT10INS City of Federal Way (253) 278-6441 Notes: Bio Decon Solutions, LLC Contractor# BIODEDS873KS 1907 96th Ave Ct E Edgewood, WA 98371 (253) 320-8657 www.biodeconsolutions.com Scott@biodeconsolutions.com Invoice 3624 Invoiced Date: Feb 8, 2024 Due Date: Mar 9, 2024 Status: Invoiced 1235 SW 313th Street, Federal Way, WA 98023 *Removal and disposal of all items in the front yard excluding vehicles and items inside of vehicles as shown on 1 /24/24 Item Unit Price Amount Labor $2,277.00 $2, 277.00 Dump fees $1,420.00 $1,420.00 Supplies $197.00 $197.00 Net 15 payment for businesses and government agencies. Subtotal $3,894.00 Tax (10.1%) $393.29 Total $4, 287.29 Amount Paid $0.00 Amount Due $4,287.29 1/1 we COUNCIL MEETING DATE: August 13, 2024 ITEM #: CITY OF FEDERAL WAY CITY COUNCIL AGENDA BILL SUBJECT: PROPOSED 2025-2027 COLLECTIVE BARGAINING AGREEMENT WITH THE CITY OF FEDERAL WAY POLICE OFFICERS GUILD POLICY QUESTION: Should the City Council authorize the Mayor to execute the Proposed Collective Bargaining Agreement with the Police Officers Guild? COMMITTEE: N/A MEETING DATE: N/A CATEGORY: ❑ Consent ❑ Ordinance ❑ Public Hearing ® City Council Business ❑ Resolution ❑ Other STAFF REPORT BY: Vanessa Audett, Human Resources Director DEPT: Human Resources Attachments: 1. Staff Report 2. Proposed 2025-2027 Collective Bargaining Agreement with the City of Federal Way's Police Officers Guild Options Considered: 1. Approve the proposed Collective Bargaining Agreement. 2. Reject the proposed Collective Bargaining Agreement and direct the City to continue negotiations. MAYOR'S RECOMMENDATION: Option 1 MAYOR APPROVAL: N/A Committee Initial/Date COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: N/A Initial/Date RECTOR APPROVAL: Committee Chair Committee Member Committee Member PROPOSED COUNCIL MOTION: "I move approval of the proposed 2025-2027 Collective BargainingAgreement with the Police Officers Guild, and authorize the Mayor to execute said agreement. " (BELOW TO BE COMPLETED BY CITY CLERK'S OFFICE) COUNCIL ACTION: ❑ APPROVED COUNCIL BILL # ❑ DENIED First reading ❑ TABLED/DEFERRED/NO ACTION Enactment reading ❑ MOVED TO SECOND READING (ordinances only) ORDINANCE # REVISED— 11/2019 RESOLUTION # CITY OF FEDERAL WAY HUMAN RESOURCES DEPARTMENT Memorandum Date: August 13, 2024 To: City Council Members From: Vanessa Audett, Human Resources Director Subject: 2025-2027 Police Officers Guild Collective Bargaining Agreement The contract presented conforms with authority and instructions previously provided by Council to the City's negotiating team. Financial Impacts - Wages: Contract Wage Increase 2025 $1.06 MM 2026 $714K 2027 Pending Reopener Wage increases include: Total Annual Cost of Wa es $20AMM $21.1 MM Pending Reopener ■ Implementation of a new 6-Step Market -Based Wage Scale ■ 3.5% COLA adjustment in 2025 and 2026 Background Information: The current Guild contract expires December 31, 2024. Negotiations for a new contract began in May of 2024 and a tentative agreement was reached through collective bargaining during June of 2024. Mayor's Recommendation: Approve the proposed CBA with the Police Officers Guild. CITY OF FEDERAL WAY AND FEDERAL WAY POLICE OFFICERS GUILD Collective Bargaining Agreement 2025-2027 Table of Contents ARTICLE 1: GUILD RECOGNITION AND MEMBERSHIP ............................................ 1 Section1. Recognition.................................................................................................... 1 Section 2. Status at Academy....................................................................................... 1 Section 3. Guild Membership......................................................................................... 1 Section 4. Dues Deduction............................................................................................. 1 Section 5. List of Employees......................................................................................... 1 Section 6. Hold Harmless............................................................................................... 1 ARTICLE 2: MANAGEMENT RESPONSIBILITIES........................................................ 2 ARTICLE 3: HOLIDAYS....................................................................................................... 4 Section 1. Observed Holidays....................................................................................... 4 Section2. Work on Holidays.......................................................................................... 5 Section 3. Use of Banked Holiday Hours..................................................................... 5 Section 4. Holiday Scheduling....................................................................................... 6 ARTICLE 4: VACATIONS.................................................................................................... 6 Section 1. Vacation Accrual........................................................................................... 6 Section 2. Probationary Employees.............................................................................. 6 Section3. Accrual............................................................................................................ 6 Section 4. Vacation Increments..................................................................................... 7 Section 5. Payment Upon Death ......................... Section 6. Forfeiture of Vacation................................................................................... 7 Section 7. Vacation Scheduling - Seniority Basis ....................................................... 7 Section 8. Vacation Cash Out....................................................................................... 8 ARTICLE 5: SICK LEAVE.................................................................................................... 8 Section 1. Sick Leave Usage......................................................................................... 8 Section 2. Washington Paid Sick Leave...................................................................... 8 Accrual......................................................................................................................... 9 CarryForward..................................................................................................................... 9 Verification for Absences Exceeding Three Days ....................................................... 10 Reinstatement of Employment....................................................................................... 10 Retaliation Prohibited...................................................................................................... 10 Section 3. Sick Leave Payment at Time of Retirement ........................................... 10 Section 4. Washington Paid Family Medical Leave(PFML)................................... 10 Section 5. Industrial Insurance Leave........................................................................ 11 Section 6. Family Care and Death.............................................................................. 12 Section 7. Statement of Physician.............................................................................. 12 Section 8. Fitness for Duty........................................................................................... 13 Section9. Physical Fitness.......................................................................................... 13 Section 10. FMLA Leave... ............ ........ ........... ...... ............... .................................... 13 Section 11. Shared Leave.............................................................................................. 14 ARTICLE6: WAGE RATES... ..... ..................................................................................... 15 Section1. Wages........................................................................................................... 15 Section 2. Career Development Program.................................................................. 15 Section3. On -Call Pay................................................................................................. 15 Section4. Extra -Duty Pay............................................................................................ 15 Section5. Corporal........................................................................................................ 15 ARTICLE 7: HOURS OF WORK...................................................................................... 16 Section1. Work Shifts................................................................................................... 16 Section2. Shift Bidding................................................................................................. 18 Section 3. Specialty Assignments............................................................................... 18 Section 4. Shift Trades ...................... ................................... ...................... ..... _... -.... 18 Section5. Out of Class................................................................................................. 18 Section6. On-Call......................................................................................................... 18 ARTICLE8: OVERTIME.................................................................................................... 20 Section1. Scheduling................................................................................................... 20 Section2. Callback........................................................................................................ 20 Section 3. . ................................ 7(K) Exemption...................................................... ..... 21 Section4. Non-Pyramiding.......................................................................................... 21 Section5. FLSA Provisions......................................................................................... 22 ARTICLE 9: MEDICAL, DENTAL, AND LIFE INSURANCE PROGRAMS ................ 22 Section1. Health Plan.................................................................................................. 22 Section2. HRA VEBA Plan.......................................................................................... 23 ARTICLE 10: MISCELLANEOUS..................................................................................... 25 Section 1. Auto/Auto Reimbursement........................................................................ 25 Section 2. Appearances Before the Civil Service Commission, PERC, or Labor Arbitrators.......................................................................................................................25 Section 3. Guild Negotiating Committee..................................................................... 25 Section 4. Guild Business............................................................................................ 25 Section 5. Bulletin Boards............................................................................................ 26 Section 6. Damage of Personal Effects..................................................................... 26 Section 7. Personnel Files........................................................................................... 26 Section 8. Uniforms and Equipment .......... __............................................................ 26 Section9. Jury Duty...................................................................................................... 28 Section 10. PIO / OPS / PSO......................................................................................... 28 Section 11. Community Center...................................................................................... 28 Section 12. Domestic Partner/Partnership................................................................... 28 Section 13. Tuition Reimbursement.............................................................................. 29 ARTICLE 11: PROHIBITED PRACTICES...................................................................... 29 ARTICLE 12: REDUCTION-IN-FORCE.......................................................................... 30 Section1. Layoff............................................................................................................ 30 Section2. Recall............................................................................................................ 30 ARTICLE 13: DISCIPLINARY INVESTIGATIONS....................................................... 30 Section 1. Criminal Investigations............................................................................... 30 Section 2. Disciplinary Definitions............................................................................... 30 Section 3. King County Inquests................................................................................. 30 Section4. Just Cause.....-... ............. ............................. .............................................. 30 Section 5. Off -duty Misconduct................................................................................... 31 Section 6. Disciplinary Investigations ........................................ ................................. 31 Section 7. Pre -Discipline Meetings............................................................................. 32 Section 8. Imposing Discipline..................................................................................... 32 Section 9. Maintenance of Disciplinary Records...... ................................................ 32 ARTICLE 14: GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE...................................................................... 33 Section 1. Grievance Procedure Steps...................................................................... 33 Section 2. Arbitration Panel......................................................................................... 34 Section3. Time Limits................................................................................................... 35 Section 4. Multiple Procedures.................................................................................... 35 Section 5. Step 3 Submission...................................................................................... 35 Section 6. Just Cause Standard.................................................................................. 35 Section 7. Probationary Period.................................................................................... 35 Section 8. Parties to the Agreement........................................................................... 36 ARTICLE 15: NONDISCRIMINATION............................................................................. 36 ARTICLE 16: DRUG TESTING......................................................................................... 36 ARTICLE 17: SENIORITY.............................................................................. ARTICLE 18: SAVINGS CLAUSE.................................................................................... 40 ARTICLE 19: RESERVED................................................................................................ 41 ARTICLE 20: DURATION.................................................................................................. 41 APPENDIXA......................................................................................................................... 42 WAGES.......................................................................................................................42 DEFERRED COMPENSATION: .................................................................................... 42 APPENDIXB......................................................................................................................... 43 OVERVIEW FOR CAREER DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM ........................................ 43 APPENDIXC..................................................................................................... 45 CALLBACK OVERTIME.................................................................................................. 45 APPENDIXD........................................................................................................................ 47 DETECTIVES................................................................................................................... 47 TRAFFICUNIT.................................................................................................................47 CITY OF FEDERAL WAY AND FEDERAL WAY POLICE OFFICERS GUILD Collective Bargaining Agreement PREAMBLE: The Federal Way Police Officers Guild ("Guild") and the City of Federal Way ("City") mutually recognize the importance of ensuring the highest level of public service. The parties agree that it is of paramount importance that they constantly and vigilantly work to further this goal. The parties are dedicated to provide the best possible police protection to the citizens of Federal Way, and have entered into this collective bargaining agreement (the "Agreement") in a spirit of cooperation and collaboration in an effort to further this goal. ARTICLE 1: GUILD RECOGNITION AND MEMBERSHIP Section 1. Recognition The City recognizes the Guild as the exclusive bargaining representative for all employees in the bargaining unit as certified by the Public Employment Relations Commission (PERC). Section 2. Status at Acade The provisions of this contract shall not apply to police officer candidates prior to or while they are attending the State required police academy. Section 3. Guild Membership All employees whose classification or job title is included in Article 1, Section 1 of this Agreement may voluntarily join the Guild as a member. Section 4. Dues Deduction Upon receipt of the Guild's notification that it has obtained an employee's authorization to deduct dues and fees from their payroll, the City shall deduct from the pay of such employee the amount of dues and fees as certified by the secretary of the Guild and shall transmit the same to the Guild within five business days of the issuance of pay checks. The City will stop deducting an employee's dues and fees no later than the second payroll period following receipt of the Union's notification of the same. Section 5. Employee Information The City will transmit to the Guild current employee information consistent with RCW 41.56.035. Section 6. Hold Harmless The Guild will indemnify and save the City harmless from all suits, actions, and POLICE GUILD COLLECTIVE BARGAINING AGREEMENT 2022-2024 Page J 1 claims against the City or persons acting on behalf of the City whether for damages, compensation or any combination thereof, arising out of the City's faithful compliance with the terms of this Article. In the event of any suit or proceeding brought to invalidate this Article, the Guild will actively defend the suit or action. However, in the event any determination is made by the highest court having jurisdiction that this Article is invalid, the Guild shall be solely responsible for any reimbursement. ARTICLE 2: MANAGEMENT RESPONSIBILITIES Section 1. The Guild recognizes the right of the City to operate and manage its affairs in all respects in accordance with its lawful authority. The City retains the authority that the City has not expressly delegated or modified by this Agreement. Section 2. Management rights and responsibilities shall include, but are not limited to, the following examples: The City and the Department shall retain all rights and authority to which by law they are entitled. 2. The City shall have the authority to organize and reorganize the operations within the Department. 3. The Guild recognizes the right of the Department to enforce the Department Rules and Regulations, and operational procedures and guidelines. 4, The City has the exclusive right to schedule work and overtime work as required in the manner most advantageous to the City, consistent with the applicable provisions of this Agreement. 5, The City has the right to assess an employee's performance of their job. 6. The City has the right to: a. discipline, suspend, and discharge non -probationary employees for just cause. Scheduling of disciplinary days off will be at the convenience of Department operations. b. discharge probationary employees for any reason. Employees who are discharged before completing their probationary period shall not have access to the grievance procedures of this Agreement to protest or challenge the discharge, or the reasons therefor. C. recruit, hire, promote, fill vacancies, transfer, assign, and retain POLICE GUILD COLLECTIVE BARGAINING AGREEMENT 2025-2027 Page 12 employees. d. lay off employees for lack of work or funds or other legitimate reasons. 7. The City has the right to determine business hours, to determine the starting and quitting times, and to discontinue work that would be wasteful or unproductive. 8. The City has the right to control the Police Department budget. 9. The City has the right to determine the methods, location, means and processes by which work shall be accomplished. 10. The City shall have the right to take any and all actions necessary in the event of an emergency. 11. The City shall have the right and at its sole discretion to place an employee on paid administrative leave if it determines it to be appropriate. The parties recognize the City may perceive a need to make operational changes in areas that are not covered by the above management responsibilities. In the event the City desires to make such a change in a mandatory subject of bargaining, the City shall give the Guild at least twenty-one (21) days' notice of the desired change. The Guild may request bargaining of the issue, and the City thereafter will meet with the Guild in an effort to resolve the issue. Failure of the Guild to request bargaining within the twenty-one (21) day notice period shall constitute waiver of the right to bargain the change. If the Guild does request bargaining and the parties are unable to achieve resolution, either party may request the assistance of a PERC mediator and the parties will work to expedite that process. If mediation is unsuccessful the issue will expeditiously be taken to interest arbitration pursuant to the standards contained in RCW 41.56. POLICE GUILD COLLECTIVE BARGAINING AGREEMENT 2025-2027 Page 13 ARTICLE 3: HOLIDAYS Section 1. Observed Holidays On January 1st of each year, the City shall bank (provide) one hundred and twelve (112) hours of holiday pay for each bargaining unit employee for the following observed holidays: Commonly Called First day of January_ Third Monday of Januwy New Year's Da Martin Luther King Day Third Monday of February President's Day Last Monday of May Memorial Da 19th Day of June Juneteenth Fourth day of July Independence Da First Monday of September Labor Da 11th Day of November Veteran's Da Fourth Thursday of November Thanksgiving Da Friday following the fourth Day after Thanksgiving 25th day of December Christmas Day 3 Floating Holidays For employees hired after January 1 st in a given year, the City may prorate the hours to be banked and shall bank (provide) the number of hours of holiday pay calculated by multiplying the number of holidays remaining to be celebrated in that year by eight (8) hours (e.g., for an employee hired on March 1 st, sixty-four (64) hours calculated by multiplying the number of holidays (not including floating holidays) remaining to be celebrated in that year [eight (8)] by eight (8) hours). If an employee permanently leaves the service of the employer before December 31st of any given year, the City may deduct banked hours credited to the employee's holiday pay bank equal to the number of holidays remaining to be celebrated in that year multiplied by eight (8) hours, as well as eight hours for the floating holiday if the termination occurs prior to July 1 st of that year. In addition to the one hundred and twelve (112) banked holiday hours, the City shall also provide 22 holiday hours (total of 134 in the holiday bank) which will not be prorated but will be a lump sum added at the beginning of the calendar year or upon commencement of employment. If hired before July 1, the employee will receive the additional twenty-two (22) hours upon commencement of employment. However, if hired on or after July 1, the employee will receive only eleven (11) hours upon POLICE GUILD COLLECTIVE BARGAINING AGREEMENT 2025-2027 Page 14 commencement of employment. The three (3) floating holidays are banked on January 1st of each year, provided that the City shall not be requested to bank hours for floating holidays for any employee hired on or after July 1st during the employee's year of hire. Floating holidays are use or lose, will not be carried forward or cashed out if an employee permanently leaves the service of the employer. Section 2. _Work on Holidays The decision of whether an employee will be required to work on an observed holiday will be made by the City. Employees working on Thanksgiving Day, Christmas, and New Year's Day shall be paid at time and one half for each hour worked. Employees working on Independence Day shall be paid at double time for each hour worked. Section 3. Use of Banked Holiday Hours All employees shall make reasonable efforts to expend their banked holiday hours prior to the end of each year (December 31 st). Employees may use their banked holiday hours in increments no smaller than two hours, and shall use all banked holiday hours prior to using any vacation hours. Banked holiday hours shall be used on a first earned, first out (FIFO) basis. In the event an employee does not use all of his/her banked holiday hours prior to December 31 st, the employee will forfeit the remaining banked holiday hours, except that an employee may carryover unused banked holiday hours until June 30th of the following year, if: a. the employee makes a reasonable effort to use his/her banked holiday hours/pay, the employee is denied the opportunity to use banked holiday hours/pay by his/her supervisor, and the employee has written documentation of said effort in the form of completed Department leave request forms reflecting that the use of banked holiday hours/pay had been denied by the employee's supervisor, and/or b. the employee was prevented from using banked holiday hours/pay because of approved leave resulting from military service, long term disability, work related injury, or a similar reason. If an employee is unable to schedule banked carry-over time to be used by June 30th of the following year, the Deputy Chief shall attempt to schedule the banked carry-over time prior to June 30th of that year. If the Deputy Chief is unable to schedule the banked carry-over time by June 30th of that year, the City shall, upon the employee's next regularly scheduled payday, cash out the hours that cannot be further carried -over under these provisions at the employee's then -current rate of pay. POLICE GUILD COLLECTIVE BARGAINING AGREEMENT 2025-2027 Page 15 The City shall track employee use of banked holiday hours and, upon request, the City shall provide employees and the Guild with annual reports in October of each year reflecting the amount of banked holiday hours/pay for each bargaining unit employee. Section 4. Holiday Scheduling Minimum staffing in patrol is set forth in MOS 41.1.1(G), except that the City shall have discretion to drop minimum staffing levels by no more than two officers on the holidays listed above in Section 1. On Thanksgiving and Christmas each patrol may have up to three officers gone on vacation/holiday/comp time. For all other holidays, the City may allow time off consistent with other days of the year, based on the need to maintain minimum staffing in patrol. ARTICLE 4: VACATIONS Section 1. Vacation Accrual After six months of continuous service in pay status, regular, full-time employees shall accrue vacation benefits while in pay status, based upon their seniority, as indicated in the following table: Full Years of Service Through end of Year 5 Annual Leave in Hours 96 Upon be.9inning of Year 6 132 Upon beginning of Year 11 150 Upon beginning of Year 16 180 Upon beginning of Year 21 204 Upon beginning of Year 26 220 Upon beginning of Year 31 228 Section 2. Probationary Employees At the end of six months of continuous employment with the Department in pay status, employees shall receive forty-eight (48) hours of vacation credit. Probationary employees are not entitled to the use of vacation hours during the first six months of employment. Probationary employees who separate employment prior to successful completion of the FTO program shall not be paid for accrued vacation. Section 3. Accrual Employees with six months of service shall accrue vacation benefits on a semi- monthly basis, consistent with the City's payroll periods. Part time regular employees POLICE GUILD COLLECTIVE BARGAINING AGREEMENT 2025-2027 Page 16 shall accrue vacation leave in accordance with the vacation leave schedule set forth in Section 1 of this Article, however, such accrual rates shall be prorated to reflect his/her normally scheduled work week. Section 4. Vacation Increments Vacation may be used in two-hour increments at the discretion of the Chief or his/her appointed designee. Section 5. Payment Upon Death In cases of separation by death, payment of unused vacation benefits shall be made to the employee's estate, or in applicable cases, as provided by RCW, Title 11. Section 6. Forfeiture of Vacation The maximum total vacation accrual is two times the employee's annual accrual rate. All employees shall use all of their excess vacation accrual prior to December 31 st, or forfeit the excess, provided, an employee's total vacation accrual may exceed the maximum stated herein, upon request and with approval of the Department and the Mayor, if cyclical workloads, work assignments or other reasons as may be in the best interests of the City prevent the City from scheduling the vacation. Employees who leave City employment for any reason will be paid for their unused vacation up to the maximum specified herein, except that employees who become disabled in the line of duty and retire as a result thereof, shall be paid for all unused accrued vacation in their account at the time of the termination of their employment. Any employee who voluntarily leaves the department and does not give the City two weeks' notice shall forfeit all unused vacation, unless such notice is not reasonably possible. Section 7. Vacation Scheduling - Seniority Basis During January, the Department shall conduct a bid for vacations for the following year. The bid shall be by seniority, and conducted by division and shift. All vacation bid requests shall be for work weeks. Vacation requests submitted subsequent to the vacation bid shall be granted dependent upon Department needs on a first come, first served basis. The City shall make the determination of how many employees may be on vacation at any one time subject to minimum staffing levels in MOS 41.1.1(G) and consistent with other provisions of this Agreement, including Article 3, Section 4. If the City cancels vacation once it has been approved and the affected employee has incurred non-refundable expenses in planning for the same, the employee shall be reimbursed by the City for those expenses. Any employee called POLICE GUILD COLLECTIVE BARGAINING AGREEMENT 2025-2027 Page 17 back to duty once vacation has begun shall be reimbursed for any additional transportation costs incurred in returning to duty. Section 8. Vacation Cash Out Annually, each employee may elect to cash out forty (40) hours of accrued vacation. An employee electing to cash out forty (40) hours of accrued vacation must provide notice to HR no later than November 1. Payment for those employees electing to cash out forty (40) hours of accrued vacation shall be made on the first pay check in December. An officer must have at least one hundred (100) total hours of sick leave, banked holiday hours, and vacation hours in order to participate in vacation cash out. ARTICLE 5: SICK LEAVE Sick leave benefits are accrued by employees based on their eligibility to participate in either the LEOFF I or LEOFF II systems. a. LEOFF I employees shall receive temporary disability payments in accordance with state law. b. LEOFF II employees shall earn 8 hours paid sick leave per month of employment, up to a maximum of 1080 hours. Section 1. Sick Leave Usage Accrued sick leave benefits may be used by an employee to avoid loss of pay if the employee is unable to work due to personal illness or injury, enforced quarantine in accordance with community health regulations, or for family care purposes in accordance with state law, the City's Employee Guidelines Section 8.1 Sick Leave, and Section 5 of this Article. Sick leave benefits may be used in one quarter-hour (15 minutes) increments. Section 2. Washington_ Paid Sick Leave Pursuant to Chapter 296-128-600 through 296-128-770 of the Washington Administrative Code (WAC) and Revised Code of Washington 49.46.210, Washington Paid Sick Leave is available to Guild members to care for their health and the health of their family members. Washington Paid Sick Leave may be used for: an employee's mental or physical illness, injury or health condition; preventive care such as a medical, dental or optical appointments and/or treatment; care of a family member with an illness, injury health condition and/or preventive care such as a medical, dental, optical appointment; closure of the employee's place of business or child's school/place of care by order of a public official for any health -related reasons; and when the employee or the employee's family member is a victim of domestic violence, sexual POLICE GUILD COLLECTIVE BARGAINING AGREEMENT 2025-2027 Page 18 assault, or stalking. Authorized use of Washington Paid Sick Leave for domestic violence, sexual assault or stalking includes: seeking legal or law enforcement assistance or remedies to ensure the health and safety of employee's and their family members including, but not limited to, preparing for, or participating in, any civil or criminal legal proceeding related to or derived from domestic violence, sexual assault or stalking; seeking treatment by a health care provider for physical or mental injuries caused by domestic violence, sexual assault, or stalking; attending health care treatment for a victim who is the employee's family member; obtaining, or assisting the employee's family member(s) in obtaining, services from a domestic violence shelter, a rape crisis center, or a social services program for relief from domestic violence, sexual assault or stalking; obtaining, or assisting a family member in obtaining, mental health counseling related to an incident of domestic violence, sexual assault or stalking in which the employee or the employee's family member was a victim of domestic violence, sexual assault or stalking; and, participating, for the employee or for the employee's family member(s), in safety planning, or temporary or permanent relocation, or other actions to increase the safety from future incidents of domestic violence, sexual assault, or stalking. For purposes of Washington Paid Sick Leave, "family member" is defined as: a biological, adopted, or foster child, stepchild, or a child to whom the employee stands in loco parentis or legal guardian, or is a de facto parent, regardless of age or dependency status; a biological, adoptive, de facto, or foster parent, stepparent, or legal guardian of an employee or the employee's spouse or domestic partner, or a person who stood in loco parentis when the employee was a minor child; a spouse, domestic partner, grandparent, grandchild or sibling. Accrual As established by law, an employee shall accrue one (1) hour of Washington Paid Sick Leave for every forty (40) hours worked. Washington Paid Sick Leave will accrue in conjunction with regular sick leave according to the collective bargaining agreement. Carry Forward The total sick leave hours that will be carried forward at year-end, for both standard sick leave and Washington Paid Sick leave, will be one thousand eighty (1,080) hours. This will include a maximum of forty (40) hours of Washington Paid Sick Leave as provided by law. If an employee is not at the maximum carry forward of one thousand eighty (1,080) hours, any hours of Washington Paid Sick Leave in excess of the forty (40) hour carry forward amount will be transferred to the City sick leave bank, so that employee does not lose hours that they previously would have banked prior to the establishment of Washington Paid Sick Leave. In no case will POLICE GUILD COLLECTIVE BARGAINING AGREEMENT 2025-2027 Page 19 more than a combined total of one thousand eighty (1,080) hours be carried forward. Article 5, Section 1 of the CBA is modified to reflect the combined maximum accrual of 1,080 hours. Verification for Absences Exceeding Three Days If an employee is seeking to use or has used Washington Paid Sick Leave for authorized purposes for more than three (3) consecutive days during which the employee is/was required to work, the employee may be required to provide documentation that establishes or confirms that the use of paid sick leave is for an authorized purpose. Reinstatement of Employment Employees separating or retiring from employment will not be provided with financial or other reimbursement for unused, accrued Washington State Paid Sick Leave, except as set forth below. If an employee leaves employment and is rehired within twelve (12) months of separation, any accrued, unused paid sick leave will be reinstated to the employee's paid sick leave bank. Should the reinstatement occur in a new fiscal year, the maximum bank will be the forty (40) hours carry over provided that the employee had forty (40) or more hours banked upon separation. Retaliation Prohibited Pursuant to Chapter 296-128-770 of the WAC, any discrimination or retaliation against an employee for lawful exercise of paid sick leave rights is prohibited. Employees will not be disciplined for the lawful use of Washington Paid Sick Leave. Section 3. Sick Leave Payment at Time of Retirement a. LEOFF Retirement. Upon retirement into LEOFF II, the City agrees to pay twenty-five percent (25%) of an employee's unused accrued sick leave hours and unused accrued Washington Paid Sick Leave hours at the employee's current hourly rate, with a maximum payment cap of two hundred seventy (270) hours. b. Death in the Line of Duty. The City agrees to pay one hundred percent (100%) of an employee's unused accrued sick leave hours and unused accrued Washington Paid Sick Leave hours at the employee's current hourly rate when death occurs in the line of duty. Section 4. Washington Paid Famil Medical Leave PFML Guild members will pay the employee portion of the premium and the City will pay the employer portion of the premium as established by State law. PFML runs concurrently with FMLA. While on PFML: POLICE GUILD COLLECTIVE BARGAINING AGREEMENT 2025-2027 Page 110 • the employee will continue on their elected health insurance plan, to include the obligation to make employee premium payments; and • The City's health insurance premium contributions for the employees will continue while the employee is on PFML. An employee who elects the PFML benefit may supplement their PFML benefit with their accrued earned benefit leave up to a maximum of 16 hours per week. Section 5. If the state Industrial Insurance Leave grants industrial insurance benefits, the employee will remain fully compensated under the City's "kept on salary" program ("Program"). The Program will continue the full salary, excluding extra -duty overtime, without deducting any leave for thirty (30) working days. In the event the employee cannot return to work on the thirty-first (31 st) working day, the employee would become eligible for time loss. Unless otherwise required by State law, the procedure for workers' compensation time loss payment/reimbursement will be as follows: State Industrial Insurance will pay time loss compensation according to a set formula based on marital status and number of dependents. Employees cannot use sick leave and receive worker's compensation at the same time, because this results in "double payment". Employees must use the time loss money from worker's compensation to "buy back" the sick leave used. Compensatory time cannot be bought back. "Buy back" for vacation leave is optional. Since worker's compensation only pays a percentage of full wages, an employee can only "buy back" a percentage of the leave used with that money, however, the employee will not suffer the income loss that occurs when he/she only receives worker's compens-Ption benefits. When an employee receives a worker's compensation time loss check, he/she should turn the check over to payroll. Based upon the employee's hourly rate and the amount of worker's compensation time loss received, payroll will determine the amount of leave to be bought back. Payroll will notify the employee when all available sick leave and/or vacation leave has been used, and then the employee will keep additional worker's compensation time loss payments until he/she is able to return to work. The City will continue to pay its portion of health insurance premiums for up to a total of six (6) months while an employee is on "kept on salary" and subsequently receiving workers' compensation time loss payment. An employee who has been away from work due to an injury may not return to work without a written statement from the appropriate medical personnel stating the employee is able to resume his/her job duties, or specifying limits on duties which can be performed. POLICE GUILD COLLECTIVE BARGAINING AGREEMENT 2025-2027 Page 111 Section 6. Family Care and Death a. Bereavement Leave. In the case of death of a member of an employee's immediate family, regular, full-time employees shall be entitled up to 30 hours of paid bereavement leave. Regular, full-time employees who have exhausted their bereavement leave, shall be entitled to use sick leave in the amount of up to thirty (30) hours when death occurs to a member of the employee's immediate family. Upon approval by the Chief of Police, an additional twenty (20) hours of sick leave may be used by the employee when death occurs to a member of the employee's immediate family. b. Family Care Leave. Employees may use sick leave for family care purposes in accordance with state law and the City's Employee Guideline. C. Immediate Family. Immediate family is defined as the employee's parent, spouse or domestic partner, children, sister, brother, mother-in- law, father-in-law, sister-in-law, brother-in-law, grandparents, grandchildren, aunt, uncle, and step -relations equivalent to those listed. At its option, the Chief of Police may construe this definition more broadly to include other persons living in the employee's household, or to established relationships having attributes to familial ties. Section 7. Statement of Physician The City may reasonably require a physician's statement for the purpose of assuring that sick leave benefits are being used in conformance with this article, to verify that an officer has been released to return to duty, and for FMLA related compliance. Officers involved in significant incidents are subject to a return to work evaluation conducted pursuant this section of the Agreement. The parties agree to the following process for disclosure of the Return to Work Report that is prepared. a. Upon written request from the Guild to review the Return to Work Report, the City shall schedule a meeting with the Guild Representative and the officer. b. The officer must sign a release in order for the Guild Representative to view the report, which will be provided to the City. c. The officer and the Guild will both attend the meeting when the Chief discloses the Return to Work Report, unless no release is signed by the officer in which event only the officer will attend. POLICE GUILD COLLECTIVE BARGAINING AGREEMENT 2025-2027 Page 112 d. In the event the Guild subsequently files a grievance and the Guild has obtained a signed release from the employee, the Chief will provide a copy of related documents to the Guild's attorney upon written request. Any information provided to the City will be placed in the ADA compliant confidential file, and will not be put in the officer's personnel file. Any required contact employees have with their own physician related to the requirements of this Agreement may be done during work hours, provided it is at a time that does not interfere with other duties. If an employee is required to be physically examined by his/her own physician as a condition of opining on the effects a particular drug may have on the employee's work performance, that examination shall be considered time worked. Section 8. Fitness for Duty The City may require that an employee take a fitness for duty examination when the City has reasonable doubt that the employee can perform the essential functions of the job, consistent with State and Federal law. If the City requires an employee to submit to a fitness for duty evaluation, the City shall provide the employee and the Guild in advance of the evaluation an explanation of why the City is requiring the evaluation. The employee shall have the right to obtain copies of all documents generated as a result of the evaluation within a reasonable time from the City's receipt of the documents. The employee will be required to submit to the first evaluation without loss of pay. If the City's evaluation is that the employee is not fit for duty, the employee shall have the right to obtain a second non -binding opinion at the employee's own expense and on the employee's own time (off -duty or paid leave time). No such expenses for this second opinion may be turned in for reimbursement under the City's self-insurance program. If the two evaluations are inconsistent on the employee's fitness for duty, the evaluators shall jointly select a third, qualified evaluator. The expense for the third evaluation shall be equally borne by the City and the employee. The Guild agrees to pay the employee's portion of the cost of the third evaluator in the event that the'employee does not. The opinion of the third evaluator shall be final and binding upon the parties. Section 9. Physical Fitness Minimum Fitness Standards. The City will discharge its duty to bargain with the Guild before setting minimum fitness standards for the bargaining unit, and will bargain the effects of setting the standards, such as testing procedures, etc. This duty does not apply to individual medical decisions regarding officers. Section 10. FMLA Leave For purposes of determining the twelve (12) week leave period provided by the POLICE GUILD COLLECTIVE BARGAINING AGREEMENT 2025-2027 Page 113 FMLA, such period shall run concurrent with the employee's accrued paid leave period. The amount of leave available for use is based on a rolling twelve (12) month period. Section 11. Shared Leave An employee may be eligible to receive shared leave if all of the following conditions are met: a. The employee suffers, or has an immediate family member suffering from an illness, injury, impairment, or physical or mental condition which is of an extraordinary or severe nature and which has caused, or is likely to cause, the employee to go on leave without pay status or to terminate his or her employment with the City; and b. The employee has completed one year of employment with the City; and c. The employee has depleted or will shortly deplete his or her total of accrued vacation, sick leave, compensatory time, holiday time and/or other paid leave; and d. Prior to the use of shared leave, the employee has abided by the City's sick leave policy; and e. When appropriate, the employee has diligently pursued and is found to be ineligible for other disability benefits including workers comp time loss; and f. The use of shared leave will not significantly increase the City's costs, except for those costs which would otherwise be incurred in the administration of this program or which would otherwise be incurred by the Department. The Chief and the Mayor have the discretion to deny a request for shared leave. The employee shall be required to provide appropriate medical justification and documentation both of the necessity for the leave and the time which the employee can reasonably be expected to be absent due to the condition. Unless otherwise approved by the Chief or the Mayor the employee's eligibility to receive shared leave will be limited to the highest total number of hours of his/her own sick leave balance in the 12 months prior to the shared leave request, so that the employee is eligible to receive a "match" to his/her own accrued sick leave bank. An employee shall not receive more than the equivalent of one-half of the number of hours in his/her typical work year as shared leave throughout his/her employment. To the extent possible, shared leave should be used on a consecutive basis. Shared leave will be administered in accordance with the Employee Guidelines. POLICE GUILD COLLECTIVE BARGAINING AGREEMENT 2025-2027 Page 114 ARTICLE 6: WAGE RATES Section 1. Wages Wage rate shall be as specified in Appendix A. Section 2. Career Development Program A description of the Career Development Program is contained in Appendix B. Section 3. On -Call Pay Employees assigned as detectives, employees assigned to the Traffic Unit/Major Accident Investigation Team (MAIT), Major Crime Scene Team (MCST), and the Bomb Unit shall receive an additional three (3) percent of the top step wage rate per month as on call pay. Employees assigned to more than one position requiring the payment of on -call pay shall receive on -call pay for only one such position. Section 4. Extra -Duty Pay a. Employees assigned as Field Training Officers ("FTOs") shall receive an additional seven (7) percent of the top step wage rate per month, as extra - duty pay for all time spent in the actual training of employees. b. Employees assigned as K-9 officers (" K-9") shall receive an additional three (3) percent of the top step wage per month. c. Employees assigned as Firearms Instructor, Defensive Tactics Instructor, or any other instructor at the Chief's discretion, shall receive an additional three (3) percent of the top step wage per month. d. Subject to testing and eligibility requirements, employees that are bilingual in Spanish, Vietnamese, Korean, Russian, ASL (or equivalent), and/or any other language at the Chief's discretion, shall receive an additional three (3) percent of the top step wage per month. e. Employees assigned to SWAT/HNT/CNT shall receive an additional three (3) percent of the top step wage per month. SWAT/HNT/CNT pay shall not be duplicated or pyramided with on -call pay. f. Employees assigned to MCST or MAIT shall receive an additional three (3) percent of the top step wage per month. MCST or MAIT pay shall not be duplicated or pyramided with on -call pay. Section 5. Corporal Corporals are included in the bargaining unit. Corporals will perform the tasks POLICE GUILD COLLECTIVE BARGAINING AGREEMENT 2025-2027 Page 115 set forth in Manual of Standards Section 11.1 and 11.2. Corporals will receive a pay differential of five (5) percent above E step police officer. The parties agree that the Corporal position is not a civil service rank. ARTICLE 7: HOURS OF WOR Section 1. Work Shifts a. The Patrol Division will continue to work a 4/10 schedule. Shift starting hours and the number of positions per shift will be determined from time to time by the City. The City may institute a power patrol shift (5/8 schedule). b. Detectives will work a 4/10 schedule with either Mondays or Fridays off. In the event of court appearances or operational needs of the Police Department the City may adjust the shifts and work days of Detectives to minimize overtime expenses to the City, provided however, that where a Detective's or Detectives' shift or work .day is adjusted because of operational needs of the Police Department, the employee(s) will be given at least 72 hours advance notice of such adjustment. In the event an employee or employees are not provided with the notice required by this section, the employee or employees will be paid overtime for all hours worked outside the employee's normal shift. Normal work hours will be from 0600 — 1600 or 0700-1700. Detectives will be authorized to work a traditional 5/8 schedule upon request. Except for the rotating on -call detective assignment, if the City determines to have individual schedules for detectives that do not have weekends off, the City will initially request volunteers and then make the assignment by inverse seniority if there are insufficient volunteers. Detectives and SIU will continue to flex their time when reasonably possible so as to minimize overtime. c. The swing shift or weekends for detectives described in Appendix D may be implemented when there are fifteen (15) detectives. In the event the number of detectives falls below fifteen (15), the City has a one (1) month grace period to fill the detective vacancy. If the number of detectives remains below fifteen (15) following the one (1) month grace period, all detectives shall be switched to day shift unless a detective or detectives prefers to remain on swing shift. d. During the fourth quarter of each year, the Department shall conduct a bid among detectives for days off for the following year. The bid and the selection of days off shall be by Department seniority. In the event it becomes necessary to fill a vacancy in a swing shift position at a time other than when days off are bid for the following year, the City shall first request volunteers for the swing shift from the detectives. In the event there are no POLICE GUILD COLLECTIVE BARGAINING AGREEMENT 2025-2027 Page 116 volunteers, selection of detectives for the swing shift shall be made by reverse Department seniority. e. In the event a new employee is assigned to detectives after bidding has been completed for a year, such employee may not use his/her Department seniority to displace/bump another detective. f. Traffic Officers assigned to the Field Operations Division will work a 4/10 schedule. In the event of court appearances or operational needs of the Police Department, the City may adjust the shifts and work days of Traffic Officers to minimize overtime expenses to the City, provided however, that where a Traffic Officer's or Traffic Officers' shift or work day is adjusted because of operational needs of the Police Department, the employee(s) will be given at least 72 hours advance notice of such adjustment. In the event an employee or employees are not provided with the notice required by this section, the employee or employees will be paid overtime for all hours worked outside the employee's normal shift. Traffic Officers will be authorized to work a traditional 5/8 schedule upon request. g. The Saturday schedule for Traffic Officers described in Appendix D may be implemented when there are eight (8) traffic officers. In the event the number of Traffic Officers falls below eight (8), the City has a one (1) month grace period to fill the Traffic Officers' vacancy. If the number of Traffic Officers remains below eight (8) following the one (1) month grace period, all Traffic Officers shall be switched to a Monday -Friday schedule unless a Traffic Officer or Traffic Officers prefers to remain on a Saturday shift. h. During the fourth quarter of each year, the Department shall conduct a bid among the Traffic Officers for days off for the following year. The bid and the selection of days off shall be by Department seniority. In the event it becomes necessary to fill a vacancy in a position on the Saturday schedule at a time other than when days off are bid for the following year, the City shall first request volunteers for the Saturday schedule from the Traffic Officers. In the event there are no volunteers, selection of Traffic Officers shall be made by reverse Department seniority. In the event a new employee is assigned to traffic after bidding has been completed for a year, such employee may not use his/her Department seniority to displace/bump another traffic officer. Canine officers will work a 4/9 schedule but be paid for a 4/10 schedule. All time spent in the extraordinary care of the dog (e.g., veterinary visits) shall be at the overtime rate. POLICE GUILD COLLECTIVE BARGAINING AGREEMENT 2025-2027 Page 117 k. The City may continue the assignment of storefront and Mall officers to a different schedule. Future non-traditional specialized assignments may also be put on a different schedule (i.e., 5/8) Reopener The parties agree that the City may reopen the issue of shift scheduling with the Guild. Any such bargaining will be handled on an expedited basis. After 60 days, either party may request a mediator from the PERC. The parties agree to waive the arbitration panel and agree to select a single arbitrator in accordance with the PERC procedure, and to cooperate in expediting the arbitration procedure. m. The normal workday shall be inclusive of the thirty -minute lunch period for all members of the bargaining unit. Officers in investigations will flex their schedules so as to minimize the impact on the City. Section 2. Shift Bidding Patrol Officers, Traffic Officers, and Detectives will bid annually for their work shift and days off based upon seniority. The bid sheets will be posted for one week, and officers on leave may bid by proxy or email. The City may move an officer during the year, or after reviewing the bid results, based upon reasonable necessity. In making such changes, the City will (when practicable) initially request volunteers, and thereafter make remaining assignments by utilizing the least senior officer(s) that meets the Departments' needs. Section 3. Specialty Assignments The assignment of employees to specialty units shall be made by the City. Section 4. Shift Trades With management approval, shift trades may be made, upon request of the employee. Under no circumstances will a shift trade result in the payment of contractual overtime, or have any other additional cost to the City. Section 5. Out of Class An officer assigned by the City to perform work out of class (i.e. - as a lieutenant) will receive a 7% premium for those hours spent performing those duties. A Corporal assigned by the City to perform work out of class (i.e. as a Lieutenant) will receive a 7% premium, in addition to the Corporal pay, for those hours spent performing those duties. Section 6. On -Call a. Employees assigned as detectives for CIS and SIU, and employees assigned to the Bomb Unit may be placed on a rotating, on -call schedule. POLICE GUILD COLLECTIVE BARGAINING AGREEMENT 2025-2027 Page 118 No detective is required to act as a back-up or secondary on -call, but the parties recognize when contacted all detectives are urged and encouraged to accept necessary call -ins. The rotating, on -call schedule for employees assigned as detectives and the procedures for assigning such employees to the rotating, on - call schedule shall be the rotating, on -call schedule and procedures that are currently being used for detectives. The on -call schedule for employees assigned to the Bomb Unit and the procedures for assigning such employees to the on -call schedule shall be the on -call schedule and procedures that are currently being used for employees assigned to the Bomb Unit. b. Employees assigned to the Traffic Unit/Major Accident Investigation Team may be placed on a rotating, on -call schedule so long as no fewer than eight (8) employees are assigned to the single Traffic Unit/Major Accident Investigation Team on call schedule. The Major Accident Investigation Team shall be composed of those employees assigned to the Traffic Unit and volunteers obtained by the City using the current procedure used for making specialty assignments. ii. The rotating, on -call schedule for employees assigned to the Traffic Unit/Major Accident Investigation Team and the procedures for assigning such employees to the rotating, on -call schedule shall be same as the rotating, on -call schedule and procedures that are currently being used for detectives. c. Employees who are on -call pursuant to an on -call schedule authorized by this section shall carry a City provided pager or be reachable by telephone, and shall generally respond within one (1) hour. POLICE GUILD COLLECTIVE BARGAINING AGREEMENT 2025-2027 Page 119 ARTICLE 8: OVERTIME Any time worked in excess of the assigned shift shall be paid at the overtime pay rate. Except in emergency situations, Department approval is required before working overtime. Overtime shall be paid at time and one-half (1-1/2) times the employee's regular hourly rate of pay. Overtime shall be accrued in increments of one -quarter hour, with the major portion of one -quarter hour to be paid as one -quarter hour. a. Compensatory time may be accrued by an employee at the time and one- half (1-1/2) rate in lieu of pay for court time, callbacks, or overtime up to a maximum of eighty (80) hours. The accrual of compensatory time is contingent on approval by the City. b. Compensatory time off shall be used in accordance with the provisions of the Fair Labor Standards Act and the case law decided there under, including Mortensen v. County of Sacramento. Section 1. Scheduling The City has the right to schedule overtime work as required in a manner most advantageous to the Department, consistent with the requirements of municipal employment and the public safety. Section 2. Callback Any employee called back after finishing his/her regular shift, or called to report on his/her day off for any reason (including being called into court on matters arising directly from the officer's employment as a police officer), shall be guaranteed three (3) hours pay at one and one-half (1-1 /2) times his/her regular straight -time hourly rate of pay. If the assignments require time over the three (3) hour guarantee, all time over the three (3) hours shall be paid at the rate of one and one-half (1-1/2) times his/her regular straight -time hourly rate of pay. a. When an officer is called back to work within a three (3) hour period immediately preceding his/her regular shift, he/she shall be entitled to pay at one and one-half (1-1/2) times his/her regular straight -time hourly rate of pay from the time of appearance to the time his/her regularly scheduled shift begins, whatever that period of time shall be. b. All court time accumulated which begins when an officer is on duty and extends past his/her regular shift, shall be compensated at one and one- half (1-1/2) times the regular straight -time hourly rate of pay for the period following the regular duty shift. POLICE GUILD COLLECTIVE BARGAINING AGREEMENT 2025-2027 Page 120 c. (i) Between two regular work shifts, graveyard patrol officers who are called back to work or attend court during hours outside the officer's regular work shifts will be granted up to eight consecutive hours of break from work for a rest period before being required to return to work. The break begins when the employee arrives back at the police station following the court or work obligation. c. (ii) When the rest period encroaches into an employee's subsequent regular work shift and the employee intends to exercise the rest break option, the employee must notify an on -duty supervisor or commander in advance of the anticipated tardy arrival. The employee will be paid (at the regular straight time rate) for rest break hours as if the employee was present at work. c. (iii) This does not create a mandate for the employee to take an eight -hour break before the employee can return to a work assignment. There is no rest period granted in association with extra duty work — the expectation is that officers will manage such optional work in a manner that allows them sufficient rest prior to their regular work shifts. c. (iv) If an officer calls in sick following the rest period instead of returning to work as scheduled, the entire shift will be deducted from the officer's sick leave. d. In the event an officer is given less than twelve (12) hours' notice of cancellation of a scheduled off -duty court appearance, he/she shall be entitled to three (3) hours pay at one and one-half (1-1/2) times their regular straight -time hourly rate of pay. Notice of cancellation will first be attempted by direct phone message. If no contact is made, a message to voice mail (either at home or the Department) indicating time and date of message shall suffice as notification. See Appendix C for additional provisions regarding Callback Overtime. Section 3. 7(K) Exemption The City has elected a 7(K) exemption pursuant to the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA). The City may determine a work period consistent with the 7(K) exemption, and will pay the overtime rate for FLSA hours worked in excess of -the maximum permitted in that work period, unless overtime pay has already been paid pursuant to the requirements of this Agreement. Section 4. Nan -Pyramiding Premium or overtime pay shall not be duplicated or pyramided. POLICE GUILD COLLECTIVE BARGAINING AGREEMENT 2025-2027 Page 121 Section 5. FLSA Provisions The City will comply with the hours of work provisions of the FLSA regarding the determination of compensable time. ARTICLE 9: MEDICAL, DENTAL, AND LIFE INSURANCE PROGRAMS Section 1. Health Plan. The Employer shall provide LEOFF I employees such coverage as is mandated by RCW Chapter 41.26, the Law Enforcement Officers and Firefighters Retirement System Laws of 1969, as revised. For LEOFF II employees the coverage shall be as follows: a. (i) The Employer shall pay each month one hundred percent (100%) of the premium necessary to purchase employee coverage and ninety percent (90%) of the premiums necessaryfor the purchase of dependent coverage (excluding spouses who are eligible for other coverage through their place of employment) under AETNA PPO or Kaiser HMO insurance plans, or equivalent, as selected by the employee. The City will reimburse actual expenses incurred in order to cover the annual deductible payments under the PPO Plan ($100 individual, max $300 family). b. (ii) There will be a Plan A and a Plan B. An officer must complete the Healthcare Questionnaire, the Biometric Screening, and the officer must participate in the City's wellness program meeting the established criteria by September 30 of each year in order to be eligible for Plan A in the succeeding year. The Guild will work with the City to develop mutually agreeable challenges. c. If the City seeks to change current medical plan providers, the City will provide notice and opportunity to bargain. Any new medical plan providers must provide benefits at least equivalent to the current plan providers. d. (iii) The Guild will work with the City to ensure that the City is not required to pay any excise tax under the Affordable Care Act. e. Dental and Vision Plans. The Employer shall provide Group Dental Plan equivalent to the AWC Plan F for LEOFF I dependents and LEOFF II employees and their dependents. The Employer shall provide Group Vision Plan to the employees and their dependents. f. Other. The life insurance benefit shall be two (2) time's annual salary to a maximum of $220,000. Additionally, the Employer agrees to a section 125 plan to allow for pretax payment of employee insurance co -pays by the employee. POLICE GUILD COLLECTIVE BARGAINING AGREEMENT 2025-2027 Page 122 Section 2. HRA VEBA Plan The City will maintain a HRA VEBA Plan, health reimbursement arrangement, that will at a minimum provide for: (a) eligibility for all bargaining unit employees, (b) irrevocable selection for the group of mandatory participation as defined by the plan, (c) immediate vesting of all contributions, (d) reimbursement of qualified out-of-pocket medical care as defined by the IRS for medical expense deductions under Section 213 of the Internal Revenue Code, and (e) transfer of an account to a surviving spouse/eligible dependent for use for eligible medical expenses upon the death of the employee. a. Employer Contribution. Effective January 1, 2025, each bargaining unit employee will receive a one- time City lump sum contribution of $500 into the employee's HRANEBA account, which the City will contribute by the first pay period of the year (January 20tn) Effective January 1, 2026, each bargaining unit employee will receive a one- time City lump sum contribution of $500 into the employee's HRANEBA account, which the City will contribute by the first pay period of the year (January 20tn) Effective January 1, 2027, each bargaining unit employee will receive a one- time City lump sum contribution of $500 into the employee's HRANEBA account, which the City will contribute by the first pay period of the year (January 20tn) Should an unforeseen delay occur with the City contribution, the City will notify the Guild when it becomes aware of such delay. City contributions will be made to the Standard HRA, which allows for active access of HRANEBA funds, provided that the employee is covered on the City's health insurance plan or covered on another qualified group health plan. Should an employee not meet the coverage criteria, the City contribution will be made to a Post -Separation HRANEBA account and funds would not be available to the employee until after separating from service. The City will make no other contributions to the plan. b. Mandatory Employee Contribution. Effective on the first of the month following 30 days from the date of ratification and on a monthly basis thereafter, each employee will make a mandatory twenty-five ($25.00) dollar per month pre-tax contribution to the employee's HRANEBA. Section 4: Retiree Medical Trust 1. The Guild and its members will participate in a retiree medical trust administered by PORAC Retiree Medical Trust ("RMT"). Effective January 1, POLICE GUILD COLLECTIVE BARGAINING AGREEMENT 2025-2027 Page 123 2021, the City will deduct from employee gross wages and transfer a pre-tax employee contribution of $50.00 on a bi-monthly basis for each employee on an ongoing basis. There shall be no employee election available to take the employee contribution amount in cash or to determine the employee contribution amount. 2. The City is not a party to the RMT, aside from transferring funds, and has no obligations related to the RMT's management, regulatory compliance, or performance. In the event the RMT becomes insolvent or unable to pay retiree medical benefits, the City has no financial obligation to the RMT, the Guild, or the Guild's members. 3. There will be no cost to the City of establishing the RMT. The Guild will pay to the City such reasonable and necessary sums related to any payroll programming needed to effectuate any City automatic transfer of employee funds to the RMT. 4. The City will comply with reasonable rules set by the RMT with regard to reporting and depositing the required contributions set forth above. In the event the reporting requirement of the RMT requires reporting beyond that which the City typically provides to third -party benefit providers, the City will require the Guild to pay for any costs related to programming or producing such reports. Prior to engaging in any activity that could result in such an expense, the City will secure the Guild's authorization. 5. The Guild agrees to indemnify and hold the City harmless from any liabilities of any nature that may arise as a result of the operation of the RMT, except for the obligation of the City to remit and report the non -elective transfer of employee contributions as described above. 6. The monies contributed to the RMT shall only be used for retiree health insurance premiums or health care expenses, as allowed by the law and the RMT Summary Plan Description. There shall be no employee election or option available to take employee amounts in unrestricted cash. 7. The purpose of the RMT is to provide for retiree medical coverage and reimbursement benefits. The RMT shall be and remain separate and apart from any City health insurance or City administered HRA/VEBA funding program. 8. The employee contributions to the RMT as set forth above shall be included as salary for purpose of calculating pension benefits, unless otherwise dictated by law of the administrative rules of the State of Washington LEOFF II Retirement Plan. POLICE GUILD COLLECTIVE BARGAINING AGREEMENT 2025-2027 Page 124 ARTICLE 10: MISCELLANEOUS Section 1. Auto/Auto Reimbursement. a. (i) Take Home Cars. Upon the completion of the probationary period, bargaining unit employees who live within the City limits and/or PAA (Potential Annexation Area) shall be issued take home vehicles which may be used to commute to and from work and for transportation to all matters arising directly from the officer's employment as a police officer, including extra -duty employment. Also, school resource officers who live within the City limits, the on -call detective, K-9 officers, employees assigned to SIU, and traffic officers assigned to motorcycles shall continue to be issued take home vehicles in accordance with current practice. a. (ii) The Study Of Take Home Car Program. A labor management committee shall be maintained to study and discuss the pros and cons of expanding the boundary for take home cars and submit its findings for biennial budget discussions. a. (iii) Employee Vehicles. All employees who have been authorized to use their own transportation on City business shall be reimbursed for actual mileage at the then current reimbursement recognized by the Internal Revenue Service. Section 2. Appearances Before the Civil Service Commission PERC or Labor Arbitrators Employees who are requested by the City to attend proceedings before the Civil Service Commission, PERC, or a labor arbitration may attend without loss of pay. Employees called solely as a fact witness (as opposed to a grievant, etc.), shall be allowed to testify without loss of pay only during the time of their testimony. The parties will cooperate in scheduling such witnesses so as to minimize any disruption to the Department. Section 3. Guild Negotiating Committee Up to four (4) employees who serve on the Guild Negotiating Committee shall be allowed time off from duty to attend negotiating meetings with the City. Section 4. Guild Business The Department shall afford Guild representatives a reasonable amount of time while on -duty to consult with appropriate management officials, Guild counsel and/or aggrieved employees, provided that the Guild representatives and/or aggrieved employees contact their immediate supervisors, indicate the general nature of the business to be conducted, and request the necessary time off. Such time off will not be allowed whenever the City reasonably determines it will interfere with Department operations and Guild representatives shall not use excessive time in handling such POLICE GUILD COLLECTIVE BARGAINING AGREEMENT 2025-2027 Page 125 responsibilities. The Guild shall give the City as much advance notice as reasonably possible of such time off requests. Section 5. Bulletin Boards The City shall permit the use of a bulletin board by the Guild for the posting of notices relating to official Guild business, so long as the matters posted are not discriminatory or otherwise unduly interfere with the operations of the Department. Section 6. Damage of Personal Effects Employees who, in the line of duty, suffer damage to personal property and/or clothing, will have same repaired or replaced at Department expense. Damage caused by ordinary wear and tear will not be covered, and replacement will be limited to personal effects of regular and ordinary value (i.e.-no Rolex watches). Section 7. Personnel Files Employees shall have access to complete copies of their personnel files at any reasonable time. The employee may request removal of material that he/she believes is erroneous or irrelevant. If the employee does not agree with the City's decision, he/she may prepare a statement responding to or supplementing the material in the file, and that statement will be placed in the file. Section 8. Uniforms and Equipment a. (i) Department Issued Uniforms and Equipment. As detailed more fully in a Memorandum of Agreement between the parties agreement on uniforms, all commissioned officers shall be furnished required uniforms and equipment. a. (ii) Dry -Cleaning. Uniforms shall be dry-cleaned at the City's expense as necessary. a. (iii) Annual Allowance. All employees shall be paid an annual allowance per the schedule below for reimbursement for expenses incurred in the purchase of job -related footwear, clothing, and pre -approved accessories. No such payment will be rolled over to the next year in the event an employee does not purchase job -related footwear, clothing, or accessories during a year. Officers assigned to the Criminal Investigations Section property crimes or crimes against persons units and the Administrative Officer in Professional Standards will be paid up to $600 per calendar year. This amount is expected to cover the cost of clothing needed in the investigations unit (sport coats, crime scene clothes, etc.), accessories, and uniform footwear. Traffic officers assigned to motorcycles shall be paid up to $325 per calendar year. This amount is expected to cover the cost of required POLICE GUILD COLLECTIVE BARGAINING AGREEMENT 2025-2027 Page 126 footwear, clothing, accessories, and eye protection. • All other employees will be paid up to $300 per calendar year. This amount is expected to cover the cost of accessories, footwear, and other items of clothing needed in uniform service. If an employee is transferred to CIS during a calendar year, the combined total reimbursement is capped at $600 for that year, regardless of whether the employee used some allowance funds earlier in the year. Likewise, the total reimbursable expense is capped at $325 for new motorcycle officers. Employees must retain receipts of purchased items and submit the receipts collectively to the City for reimbursement one time per calendar year at any time during the year but no later than December 31. The City will reimburse each employee once annually up to the maximum allowed amount(s) as outlined above. As used in this Section, "accessories" include the following items. Nothing prohibits the City and Guild from modifying this list through written agreement. • T-shirts (black or white) • Turtleneck shirt & mock turtle neck shirt (plain black, "FWPD" embroidery is optional) • Socks (black) ■ Baseball caps (with FWPD mini -patch) • Watch cap (with FWPD mini -patch) • Nylon web gear • "Comfort Fit" Belt System ■ Handcuffs (nickel -plate or black finish) • Metal baton • Mini -flashlight • Mini -flashlight pouch/holder ■ Key Holder ■ Latex glove holder • Radio earpiece • Folding knife (no more than 4" blade length) • Patrol bag / Carry case ■ External Armor Carrier (see MOS 41.35D External Body Armor • Specs) • Suspenders for duty belt • Holsters (must comply with department specifications for either • Uniform or plain clothes on -duty use) • Firearms (must comply with department specifications for either ■ uniform or plain clothes on -duty use) ■ Sights for firearms (must comply with department specifications for POLICE GUILD COLLECTIVE BARGAINING AGREEMENT 2025-2027 Page 127 either uniform or plain clothes on -duty use) Section 9. Jury Duty An employee required by law to serve on jury duty shall continue to receive salary for up to eighty (80) hours for each separate occasion the employee is required to serve, shall be relieved of regular duties, and assigned to day shift for the period of time so assigned to jury duty. The fees, exclusive of mileage, paid by the Court for jury duty shall be forwarded to the City. The City shall have the right to request the court to excuse the employee from any or all jury duty if there are circumstances that would make the absence of the employee an undue hardship on the City or other personnel. When an employee is notified to serve on jury duty, he/she will inform his/her immediate supervisor as soon as possible, but not later than two weeks in advance, regarding the dates of absence from regular duties. Officers who have time remaining on their shift at the time of release or dismissal from jury duty shall immediately contact their supervisor to determine whether they should report for duty. Section 10. PIO / OPS / PSO The duties currently performed by the Public Information/Crime Prevention Officer and the duties previously performed by the bargaining unit employee assigned to the Office of Professional Standards may be assigned to non -bargaining unit employees employed by the City. Section 11. Community Center Guild members will be eligible to participate in the Federal Way Community Center's employee discount program pursuant to the Employee Guidelines. The parties recognize the City may need to make changes to the program. In the event the City desires to make changes, the City shall give the Guild at least ten (10) days' notice of the desired change. The Guild may request bargaining of the issue, and the City thereafter will meet with the Guild in an effort to resolve the issue. Section 12. Domestic Partner/Partnershi a. Requirements. In order to constitute a domestic partner under this agreement an employee must sign an affidavit stating that both parties are: (i) Not related by blood closer than would bar marriage in Washington State. (ii) Not married to another or in any other domestic/civil partnership. (iii) 18 years of age. POLICE GUILD COLLECTIVE BARGAINING AGREEMENT 2025-2027 Page 128 (iv) Competent to contract when the domestic partnership began. (v) Each other's declared sole domestic partner. (vi) Currently sharing primary residence/mutual support/intend indefinitely. (vii) In an intimate, committed, and exclusive relationship (viii) Of the same sex and/or opposite sex and responsible for each other's common welfare. b. Benefits (i) A person whom an employee identifies as his or her domestic partner by completing an Affidavit of Domestic Partner will be treated as and provided the same benefits as an employee's "spouse"/"dependent" for all purposes under this agreement. (ii) A dependent child of a person whom an employee identifies as his or her domestic partner by completing an Affidavit of Domestic Partner will be treated as and provided the same benefits as an employee's "child"/"dependent" for all purposes under this agreement. Section 13. Tuition Reimbursement a. (i) The City will reimburse employees for the cost of tuition and for the cost of books, for prospective requests only, as long as the subject matter of the specific course or course of study is job -related and the tuition costs do not exceed those found at the University of Washington. a. (ii) In order to obtain the reimbursement, the bargaining unit member must successfully complete the course, attaining a C grade or higher and must reimburse the City if they leave the City's employ within two years of class completion. a. (iii) The City shall make twenty thousand dollars ($20,000.00) per year available to bargaining unit members for tuition reimbursement. If at any time during a year the maximum twenty thousand dollars ($20,000.00) limit is reached, then all subsequent requests for tuition reimbursement shall be denied. ARTICLE 11: PROHIBITED PRACTICES Neither the Guild nor the City shall initiate, authorize, or participate in any strike, work stoppage, work slow -down, lock -outs, or any other unlawful organized effort that interferes with the efficient operation of the Department. Employees covered by this Agreement who engage in any of the actions prohibited in Section 1 above shall be subject to such disciplinary actions as may be determined, up to and including discharge and termination, by the City. The Guild POLICE GUILD COLLECTIVE BARGAINING AGREEMENT 2025-2027 Page 129 agrees that the level of any such disciplinary action issued by the City shall be final and binding, and in no case be construed as a violation by the City of any provision of this Agreement. ARTICLE 12: REDUCTION -IN -FORCE Section 1. Layoff Employee layoffs shall be made on the basis of job performance and seniority. Absent significant and material distinctions in job performance, the employee with the least amount of seniority shall be laid off first. Relative job performance shall be determined on the basis of qualifications and job performance evaluations. Section 2. Recall Employees laid off in accordance with the provisions of this Article will be offered reinstatement into future vacancies of the same classification in the inverse order of layoff, for a period of one year from the date of layoff. An employee that has been laid off must keep the City informed of their current address and phone number. An employee who fails to report for duty within three days of being recalled (or commits to return within three days, even though he/she cannot actually return for up to two calendar weeks due to the requirement to give notice to an interim employer), or who rejects an opportunity for reinstatement, shall be removed from the recall list. ARTICLE 13: DISCIPLINARY INVESTIGATIONS Section 1. Criminal Investigations In criminal matters, an employee shall be afforded the Constitutional rights available to any citizen. Section 2. Disciplinary Definitions For purposes of this article, "discipline" means verbal warnings, written reprimands, suspension without pay, a withheld step, demotion, and discharge. "Consequential discipline" means suspension without pay, a withheld step, demotion, and discharge. "Corrective discipline" means verbal warnings and written reprimands. "Disciplinary Investigation" includes standards investigations done by the Police Department and investigations done by Human Resources or an agent thereof. "Interrogation" means any questioning of a subject employee by an agent of the City who is conducting a disciplinary investigation. Section 3. King County Inquests The City will not impose corrective or consequential discipline against an employee based solely on the findings of a King County inquest proceeding. Section 4. Just Cause No employee shall be subject to discipline except for just cause. POLICE GUILD COLLECTIVE BARGAINING AGREEMENT 2025-2027 Page 130 Section 5. Off -duty Misconduct An employee who engages in off -duty misconduct may be subject to discipline when: (1) the off -duty misconduct, if known, would harm the City's reputation in the community; (2) the off -duty conduct materially affects the employer's business operation; or (3) the conduct is inconsistent with the office that the police officer holds. Section 6. Disciplinary Investigations In disciplinary investigations the following guidelines shall be as follows: a. The Department will notify a member of the Guild E-Board: 1. Prior to serving an employee with notice of the disciplinary investigation; 2. Prior to interviewing subject employee; and 3. Of the results of an investigation after it is completed. b. The subject employee shall be informed of the nature of the matter in sufficient detail to reasonably apprise him/her of the matter. Nothing herein shall operate as a waiver of the Guild's right to request information. C. Employee will be given reasonable notice of scheduled interview times unless such notice would jeopardize the successful completion of the investigation. The notice will also: 1. Advise the employee whether s/he is being interviewed as a witness or is the subject of the investigation (is accused of wrong -doing); 2. Advise the subject employee of his/her right to have a Guild representative present at the interview. Neither the investigator nor the police administration will discourage the presence of a Guild representative; and 3. When a subject or witness employee states a desire to have representation present, the Department will allow a reasonable time for the employee to summon representation. d. Interrogations shall take place at the City Police Department and will occur during the employee's normal work hours; during the employee's assigned administrative leave hours; or at a time and place agreed upon by the interviewer and the Guild. e. During the interrogation and before questioning occurs, the investigator POLICE GUILD COLLECTIVE BARGAINING AGREEMENT 2025-2027 Page 131 will inform the employee that failure to fully and truthfully answer questions may result in disciplinary action up to and including termination. f. Questioning shall not be overly long and the employee shall be entitled to such intermissions as are reasonably necessary. The employee shall not be subjected to any offensive language or abusive questioning, nor shall he/she be threatened with dismissal, transfer or other disciplinary punishment as a guise to attempt to obtain his/her resignation. g. The Employer shall not require any employee covered by this Agreement to take or be subjected to a lie detector test as a condition of continued employment. Nor shall polygraph evidence of any kind be admissible in disciplinary proceedings, except by stipulation of the parties to this Agreement. h. The Department shall tape record the interrogation of a subject employee. Upon request, a copy of the tape and the transcript will be provided to the Guild. For all Guild witnesses (other than the subject employee), the Department will either tape the interview or seek a written statement, which will become part of the investigation and will be provided to the Guild upon request. Disciplinary investigations shall be concluded in a reasonable time. Section 7. Pre -Discipline Meetings Prior to the imposition of corrective or consequential discipline, the Department shall provide a complete copy of the investigation file to the Guild. In addition, the Department shall notify the Guild of the proposed level of corrective or consequential discipline. In cases where corrective or consequential discipline is recommended, the subject employee and/or the Guild may meet with the Chief of Police or his/her designee to provide mitigating circumstances related to the disciplinary action being considered. Section 8. Imposinq Discipline The Department shall provide written notice to the subject employee and the Guild of the imposed discipline, including a summary of the factual conclusions and the policies, procedures and/or standards violated. Verbal reprimands are subject to steps 1 through 4 of the Article 14 Grievance Procedures; written reprimands are subject to steps 1 through 5 of the Article 14 Grievance Procedures. Consequential discipline is subject to all steps of the Article 14 Grievance Procedure. Section 9. Maintenance of Disciplinary Records Disciplinary records will be maintained and used consistent with the Department's Manual of Standards Section 26.1.8 and State retention schedule for government records. POLICE GUILD COLLECTIVE BARGAINING AGREEMENT 2025-2027 Page 132 ARTICLE 14: GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE Section 1. Grievance Procedure Steps a. Any grievance that may arise between parties concerning the application, meaning, or interpretation of this Agreement, shall be settled in the manner prescribed by this grievance procedure. b. A "Grievance" is defined as a claim or dispute by an employee, group of employees, or the Guild concerning the interpretation or application of the provisions of this Agreement. Nothing in this procedure shall prohibit an employee from discussing a complaint directly with his supervisor or department head without representation by the Guild, as provided by State Law. C. Should a subject for claim or dispute arise, there shall be no stoppage of work by employees, but an earnest effort shall be made to settle such claims or disputes promptly and in the manner hereinafter outlined. Step 1 An employee or a group of employees claiming to have a grievance shall discuss the complaint with the immediate supervisor within ten (10) calendar days of the alleged occurrence, or when they reasonably should have known of the alleged occurrence. The supervisor shall attempt informal resolution of the grievance within seven (7) calendar days after it is presented. Step 2 Provided the grievance is not settled satisfactorily at step 2, it may be presented to the Police Chief (or designee) by the Guild within seven (7) calendar days of the supervisor's response or the expiration of the time limit in step 2. The submission shall be in writing, setting forth the nature of the grievance, the articles of this agreement allegedly violated, and the requested remedy. The Police Chief or designee shall attempt to settle the grievance within ten (10) calendar days after it has been presented, and shall respond in writing. Step 3 If the grievance is not settled by the Police Chief or designee within the time allowed, it must be presented in writing to the Mayor or designee with a copy to the Director of Human Resources, by the Guild within seven (7) calendar days of the Police Chief's response or the expiration of the time limit in step 2. The Mayor (or designee) shall have fourteen (14) days to review the grievance. If the Mayor (or designee) does not respond or otherwise settle the POLICE GUILD COLLECTIVE BARGAINING AGREEMENT 2025-2027 Page 133 grievance within the fourteen -day period, the grievance shall be automatically advanced to Step 4, and shall not be forfeited by either party. Step 4 If the grievance is not settled at Step 3 and involves discipline other than an oral or written warning, the matter may be submitted, in writing by the Guild, to arbitration within thirty (30) calendar days of the date that the Mayor's (or designee's) review is due. Oral and written warnings may only be grieved through step 3 of this procedure. However, if the City attempts to introduce prior oral or written warnings in a subsequent discipline case that is subject to arbitration, the City shall be required to prove that it had just cause to issue those prior oral or written warnings as well as the instant discipline. Section 2. Arbitration Panel For non -disciplinary grievances, the City and the Guild shall try to agree upon a mutually acceptable Arbitrator. If the parties fail to agree, they shall request a list of seven (7) Arbitrators from PERC. The parties shall alternatively strike from the list until only one name remains. For disciplinary grievances, the arbitrator shall be assigned by PERC under the arbitrator assignment process for law enforcement personnel disciplinary grievances established by SSB 5055 (2021). The decision of the Arbitrator shall be final and binding on the parties. a. The Arbitrator shall make his/her own rules of procedure. The Arbitrator shall have no authority to amend, alter, or modify this Agreement or its terms, and shall limit his/her decision solely to the interpretation and application of this Agreement. b. Each grievance or dispute will be submitted separately except when the City and the Police Guild mutually agree to have more than one grievance or dispute submitted to the Arbitrator. C. The losing party shall bear the expense of the Arbitrator. The losing party shall be denominated in the award. When there is no winning party, the cost of the Arbitrator shall be borne equally by the parties. d. All other costs and expenses will be borne by the party incurring them, including the costs of representation. e. The Arbitrator shall have thirty (30) days from the close of the hearing to issue an award. POLICE GUILD COLLECTIVE BARGAINING AGREEMENT 2025-2027 Page 134 Section 3. Time Limits Time limits will be strictly adhered to, but may be extended by mutual written agreement upon reasonable request, except for situations where no timely grievance is filed. While forfeiture under this clause will finally resolve the matter in dispute, it will not establish a precedent between the parties on issues of contractual interpretation. Section 4. Multiple Procedures In the case of disciplinary actions, both appealable to the Civil Service Commission and grievable under the terms of this contract, a written election of remedies shall be made after receipt of the Step 6 response. An employee may elect to either pursue an appeal to the Civil Service Commission or continue with the contractual grievance procedure, but not both. If mutually agreed, time limits will be extended up to 30 days to complete a reasonable investigation before the selection of remedies is made. An appeal will be timely under the Civil Service rules if it is filed within ten (10) days of the completion of step 6 of the grievance procedure. Section 5. Step 2 Submission In those instances where disciplinary action is based on reasonable evidence of the commission of a crime, or the proposed discipline involves suspension or termination of the employee, Step 2 of the Grievance Procedure will be initiated immediately. Section 6. Just Cause Standard No employee may be discharged, suspended without pay, demoted (except as provided below) or disciplined in any way except for just cause. The City may withhold a step increase, for a specified period of time, for just cause. Section 7. Probationary Period All newly hired must serve a probationary period. The probationary period for newly hired employees shall end one year from the date the employee completes the training academy and receives his/her commission. The probationary period for lateral hires shall end six (6) months from the date the employee is hired. The probationary period shall be extended for the number of work days equal to the number of work days an employee was absent in excess of 10 work days during the probationary period; provided that the taking of scheduled and approved vacation shall not be counted toward the ten day period The probationary period is an extension of the hiring process; therefore, the provisions of this Article will not apply to employees if they are discharged during their initial probationary period for not meeting the requirements of the classification. Grievances brought by probationary employees involving issues other than discharge or demotion may be processed in accordance with this Article. POLICE GUILD COLLECTIVE BARGAINING AGREEMENT 2025-2027 Page 135 Section 8. Parties to the Agreement In as much as this is an agreement between the City and the Guild, no individual employee may make use of the provisions of this Article, except as expressly provided above. ARTICLE 15: NONDISCRIMINATION The Employer and the Guild shall not unlawfully discriminate against any individual with respect to compensation, terms, conditions, or privileges of employment on any basis prohibited by law. Claims of unlawful discrimination shall not be processed in accordance with the grievance procedure denominated herein. The Employer and the Guild agree that they will cooperate in complying with the Americans with Disabilities Act. ARTICLE 16: DRUG TESTING Section 1. Reporting to work under the influence of alcohol and/or illegal drugs, or the use, sale, or possession by an employee of illegal drugs is strictly prohibited and will result in disciplinary action, including immediate termination. For the purpose of this policy, substances that require a prescription or other written approval from a licensed physician or dentist for their use shall also be included when used other than as prescribed. Each employee must advise the Employer if they are using prescription or other over-the-counter drugs they know or reasonably should know may impair their ability to perform job functions and/or operate machinery such as automobiles. In such situations, the following process shall apply: a. If the officer has been specifically informed by his/her physician that the drug(s) will not impair performance or the ability to operate an automobile, the officer is not required to make a disclosure to the Department. b. In cases where an officer makes an advisement to the Department, the Chief shall determine whether the drug could impair the ability of an officer to operate an automobile or perform other job functions (hereafter "impair performance"). In situations where the answer to that question is not otherwise clear to the Chief, or in cases where the officer believes that there will be no impaired performance, the Chief will seek the expertise of a medical professional to determine whether the drug(s) could impair performance. c. If the medical professional consulted by the Chief states that the drug would not impair performance, or if the Chief is otherwise able to make this same determination, the officer will be so informed and no further action will be taken. POLICE GUILD COLLECTIVE BARGAINING AGREEMENT 2025-2027 Page 136 d. If the medical professional concludes the drug could impair performance, or if otherwise required pursuant to this Agreement, the officer will provide written authorization from a physician that the drug will not impair performance. In responding to the request, the physician will only be asked to confirm that the drug will not impair performance, and will not be asked to provide an further information to the Chief. e. If the physician determines that_ the drug could impair performance that information will be provided to Human Resources for a determination of whether accommodations can be made. Any information provided to the City will be placed in an ADA compliant confidential file, and will not be put in the officer's personnel file. Any required contact employees have with their own physician, related to the requirements of this Agreement, may be done during work hours, provided it is at a time that does not interfere with other duties. If an employee is required to be physically examined by his/her own physician as a condition of opining of the effects a particular drug may have on the employee's work performance, that examination shall be considered time worked. Any voluntary request by an employee for assistance with his/her own alcohol abuse problem will remain confidential and shall not be used as the basis for any disciplinary action provided that the request for assistance is initiated prior to being identified as impaired through the procedures herein. The parties recognize the essential purpose of any law enforcement agency is to enforce the criminal laws. Moreover, the parties recognize the courts have held it would substantially impair law enforcement agencies if they were required to employ individuals within their ranks who have violated the very laws said agencies are charged with enforcing. Therefore, the Employer reserves the right to refuse to employ or continue the employment of individuals who are or have been engaged in serious criminal conduct, whether drug related or not. Section 2. Where a supervisory employee of the City has a reasonable suspicion to believe an employee is under the influence of alcohol or illegal drugs, or is abusing the use of prescription or over-the-counter drugs, or is using illegal drugs, the employee in question will be asked to submit to discovery testing. Such tests include breath tests, urinalysis and/or blood screens to identify any involvement with alcohol or such drugs. An employee who refuses to submit to discovery testing for alcohol and/or illegal drugs shall be conclusively presumed to be under the influence of alcohol or an illegal drug for the purpose of administering this Article, and therefore will be subject to POLICE GUILD COLLECTIVE BARGAINING AGREEMENT 2025-2027 Page 137 discipline, including immediate discharge. Section 3. For the purpose of administering this Article the following definition of terms is provided: a. Reasonable Suspicion. Reasonable suspicion is based on specific objective facts and reasonable inferences from those facts, that discovery testing will produce evidence of a violation of this policy; b. Under the Influence. In determining whether an employee is under the influence, the following cutoff levels shall be used for the initial screening of specimens to determine whether they are negative for these drugs or classes of drugs: (Nanograms per milliliter) (nglml) Test Level Amphetamines................................................................................... 1000 Barbiturates.................................................................................................... 300 Benzod iazepines............................................................................................ 300 Cannabinoids................................................................................................. 100 Cocainemetabolites....................................................................................... 300 Methadone..................................................................................................... 300 Methaqualone................................................................................................ 300 Opiates(Codeine).......................................................................................... 300 Opiates(Morphine)........................................................................................ 300 Phencyclidine (PCP)........................................................................................ 25 Propoxyphene................................................................................................ 300 Level of the positive result for alcohol ..................................... 0.04 blood alcohol C. Illegal Drugs. All forms of narcotics, depressants, stimulants, hallucinogens, and cannabis, for which sale, purchase, transfer, or unauthorized use or possession is prohibited or restricted by law. d. Over -the -Counter Drugs. Are those drugs that are generally available without a prescription and are limited to those drugs that are capable of impairing the judgment of an employee to safely perform the employee's duties. e. Prescription Drugs. All drugs that are used in the course of medical treatment and have been prescribed and authorized for use by a licensed practitioner/physician or dentist. Section 4. If an employee is required to submit to a drug test, the following procedure shall be followed: a. The employee shall be given notice of an opportunity to confer with a Guild POLICE GUILD COLLECTIVE BARGAINING AGREEMENT 2025-2027 Page 138 representative, if one is readily available. b. The employee shall be given an opportunity to explain the reasons for the employee's condition, such as reaction to a prescribed drug, fatigue, exposure to toxic substances, or any other reasons known to employee, to the test administrator. The Guild representative may be present during this discussion. C. The Employer may request urine and/or blood samples. d. Urine and blood samples shall be collected at a local laboratory, hospital or medical facility. The Employer shall transport the employee to the collection site. The Employer and/or Guild representative may be allowed to accompany the employee to the collection site and observe the bottling and sealing of the specimen. The employee shall not be observed by the Employer when the urine specimen is given. e. All specimen containers, vials, and bags used to transport the specimen, shall be sealed to safeguard their integrity (upon request, in the presence of the Employer, employee and Guild representative) and proper chain -of -custody procedures shall be followed. f. The collection of the samples shall be performed at CHEC Medical Center and the testing at Drug Proof, or at another collection center or laboratory mutually agreed to by the parties. The results of such tests shall be made available to the Employer and the Guild. g. If a specimen tests positive in an immunoassay screen test, the results must be confirmed by a gas chromatography/mass spectrometry tests. The specimen must show positive results at/within the following limits on the GC/MS (gas chromatography/mass spectrometry) confirmatory test to be considered positive: h. If immunoassay is specific for free morphine, the initial test level is 25 ng/ml. Section 5. Confirmatory Test. Marijuana metabolites... ....................................... 15 ng/ml Cocaine metabolites.................................................................150 ng/ml Opiates Morphine........................................................................300 ng/ml Codeine......................................................................... 300 ng/ml Phencyclidine.......................................................................... 25 ng/ml Amphetamines Amphetamine.................................................................. 500 ng/ml Methamphetamine........................................................... . 500 ng/ml POLICE GUILD COLLECTIVE BARGAINING AGREEMENT 2025-2027 Page 139 Section 6. At the employee's or the Guild's option, a sample of the specimen may be requisitioned and sent to a laboratory chosen by the Guild for testing. The cost of this test will be paid by the Guild or the employee. Failure to exercise this option may not be considered as evidence in an arbitration or other proceeding concerning the drug test or its consequences. The results of this second test shall be provided to the City. Section 7. The employee and the Guild (upon consent of the employee) shall be informed of the results of all tests, and provided with all documentation regarding the tests as soon as the test results are available. Such disclosure shall be in conformance with the Americans with Disabilities Act. Section 8. The parties designate the Medical Review Officers (MRO) provided by AWC to review all confirmed positive test results and communicate those results to the Employer. An MRO shall have the responsibility to determine when an individual has failed a drug test in accordance with the standards enumerated herein. The MRO shall retain all records of all positive tests for at least five years and records of all negative tests for at least one year. Section 9. If the results of the drug test are positive, and support a conclusion that the employee used an illegal drug, abused the use of a prescription or over-the- counter drug, or reported to work while under the influence of alcohol, the employee shall be subject to discipline, including immediate discharge. ARTICLE 17: SENIORITY The term seniority as used in this Agreement will be defined as total service as a police officer for those officers hired before July 15, 1997, and as total service as police officers with the City of Federal Way for employees hired thereafter. However, previous service as a Federal Way police officer will not be considered for employees rehired after two years or more of separation from the Department. For new and lateral hires on or after January 1, 2022: the employee's date of hire will be used for City seniority (for benefits, insurance, leave accruals, and other Citywide purposes), and the employee's commission date will be used for Police Department seniority (for overtime, vacation bid, shift bid, take home cars, and other Police Department specific purposes). ARTICLE 18: SAVINGS CLAUSE Should any provision of this Agreement be rendered or declared invalid by reason of any existing or subsequently enacted legislation, or by any decree of a court of competent jurisdiction, such invalidation shall not invalidate the remaining portions hereof; provided, however, upon such invalidation the parties agree to meet and POLICE GUILD COLLECTIVE BARGAINING AGREEMENT 2025-2027 Page 140 negotiate the affected provision(s). The remaining provisions shall remain in full force and effect. ARTICLE 19: RESERVED ARTICLE 20: DURATION This agreement shall be effective until December 31, 2027. Except as otherwise provided by the express terms of this Agreement, all terms and conditions of this agreement shall become effective on the date of signing. DATED this day of )2024. CITY OF FEDERAL WAY: FEDERAL WAY POLICE GUILD: Jim Ferrell, Mayor Andrew Sederberg, Guild President POLICE GUILD COLLECTIVE BARGAINING AGREEMENT 2025-2027 Page 141 APPENDIX A WAGES Police Officer: Effective January 1, 2025 a 3.5% COLA increase plus specific market adjustments. Step A Step B Step C Step D Step E Step F (Academy) [Completed ^ 13 to 24 mo. (25-36 mo)(37-48 mo.) 49+ mo. Academy to12mo) $7,110 $7,466 $7,875 $8,544 $9,271 $10,059 Effective January 1, 2026 a 3.5% COLA increase. Step A Step B Step C (13-24 mo.) Step D (25-36 mo.) Step E Step F (Academy) (Completed (37-48 mo.) 49+ mo. $9,595 $10,411 Academy to 12 mo.)_ $7,727 $8,151 $8,843 $7,359 Effective January 1, 2027, wage re -opener only. The Guild understands that former employees will not receive retroactive pay pursuant to this Agreement. DEFERRED COMPENSATION: The City shall maintain a qualified deferred compensation program, requiring the City to match monthly contributions made by bargaining unit employees up to a maximum City contribution of two (2) percent of the employee's base rate of pay. POLICE GUILD COLLECTIVE BARGAINING AGREEMENT 2022-2024 Page 142 APPENDIX B OVERVIEW FOR CAREER DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM Item 0-5 years 6-10 years 11-15 years 16-20 years 21 years + Career Development Program 0%* 3.25% 5.25% 7.25% 9.25% 1 % 1 % 1 % 2% City Residency 1 % 1 % A. A. Degree 2% 2% I 2% 2% Bachelor's 4% 4% 4% 4% 4% Degree Placement on the schedule is based on total years of experience as a commissioned police officer regardless of whether such experience is with the City or other jurisdictions. The steps under this schedule are not cumulative and an employee is only entitled to the percentages under the step (i.e. 0-5 years, 6-10 years, 11-15 years, 16- 20 years, 21 years+) they are currently at. New hire Officers must be off probation to receive Career Development Pay. However, Lateral hire Officers will, receive Career Development Pay during probation. An employee who is in the Career Development Program and establishes residency in the City shall immediately begin receiving Career Development Residency pay. An employee who is in the Career Development Program and leaves residency in the City shall immediately cease receiving Career Development Residency pay. The percentages set forth above are calculated on and added to the base rate. Matrix Requirements (at least one of the following three): 1. Formal education (at least 2 credits) at an accredited college or university, or POLICE GUILD COLLECTIVE BARGAINING AGREEMENT 2022-2024 Page 143 2. Obtain at least 50 hours of specialized or in-service training annually, or 3. Serve in a specialized or collateral assignment. a. Specialized Assignments: SWAT, SOU, SROs, Commons, Mall, FTO, CIS/SIU, Traffic Unit, Bomb Unit, K-9, Basic Academy Tac Officer. b. Collateral Assignments: Firearms Instructor, Defensive Tactics Instructor, First Aid Instructor, Motor Instructor, EVOC Instructor, SFST Instructor, Traffic School Instructor, BAC Instructor, Radar Instructor, MAIT Team, Drug Recognition Expert ("DRE"), DRE Instructor, Civil Disturbance Unit ("CDU"), Administrative Officer, Crisis Communications Unit/HNT, Taser Instructor, and MCST Station and such other assignments as mutually agreed by the parties. Review of officer performance in the Career Development Program Matrix will occur at time of the officer's performance appraisal. Failure to meet requirements of program will result in loss of Career Development Program percentage only for a minimum of one (1) year. A failure to meet the requirements of the program will not result in the loss of education and/or residency pay. In any year in which the City fails to fund or offer training or tuition reimbursement at the level of public universities in the State of Washington, the continuing education requirements to participate in the Career Development Program will be waived. POLICE GUILD COLLECTIVE BARGAINING AGREEMENT 2025-2027 Page 144 APPENDIX C CALLBACK OVERTIME Home preparation time and travel time to & from work are not compensated. (The only exception is for unexpected specialty callbacks as described below.) Compensation for extra work begins at the start of the shift for which the employee signed up, at the start of a pre -planned meeting, or at the scheduled start of another planned event. When an officer is unexpectedly called back for patrol coverage outside of regular shift starting times:' • For officers without a take home vehicle, overtime starts when the employee arrives at the police station. ■ For employees with take home vehicles, overtime starts when the officer is in uniform, in their police vehicle, within the city limits, and calls in service. For court appearances during an employee's normal time off, overtime starts at the designated appearance time in court.2 If, however, the officer first arrives at the FW police station to get a police car, overtime includes travel time from FWPD to court. Overtime continues until the employee is released from court and arrives back at FWPD. For specialty employees3 responding to an unexpected callback during their normal off -duty hours, overtime starts at the time the employee gets the call directing them to come to work. Pre -arrival time is capped at one hour. (One hour prior to arrival or the actual commute time, whichever is less.) This applies the same to all responding specialty employees, whether they go to the police station first or travel directly to the scene. Compensation for travel time specifically does not apply to: ■ Regular work shifts • Travel time home from work, no matter what the occasion or event • Shift call -in or callback for patrol • Any extra work to which the employee was assigned in advance (i.e., a planned operation by CIS, a scheduled warrant service by SWAT, work teams on July 4, etc.) 1 This includes occasions when CBA Article 8, Section 3 would normally apply. 2 This includes when an officer drives directly to court from home. 3 Applicable specialties include CIS, SWAT, BDU, MATT, and Total Station. POLICE GUILD COLLECTIVE BARGAINING AGREEMENT 2025-2027 Page 145 • Work for which the employee voluntarily signed -up (extra patrol shifts, emphasis patrols, extra duty, etc.) • Any pre -approved overtime (by definition, if something is pre -approved then it isn't an unexpected callback, such as CIS case completion on a weekend) ■ Training (as an instructor or student) ■ RSO work POLICE GUILD COLLECTIVE BARGAINING AGREEMENT 2025-2027 Page 146 APPENDIX D DETECTIVES Proposition Model: Adding 4 detectives Day Shift 0600 — 1600 Swing Shift 1100 - 2100 Persons Unit 5 1 Property Unit 5 1 Family Unit 2 (new positions) 2 (new positions) 12 4 ■ Total of 16 detectives ■ Modify a lieutenant schedule to cover Swing Shift hours • Detectives will work Monday through Friday. At the Department's discretion, detectives may work on weekends. • Detective can adjust schedule with supervisor approval — current practice TRAFFIC UNIT • Proposition Model: Adding 4 Traffic Officers (3 motorcycle and 1 car) • Work Days: Monday — Saturday ■ Hours: 0600 — 2100 • Motorcycle Officers will work day light hours (some will be adjusted for Winter and Summer seasons) ■ Accident Cars will work Day and Swing Shift hours, (i.e., to 2100 hours) ■ If DUI Officer is assigned to Traffic Unit, the hours will be into early morning hours, i.e. 0400 hours. POLICE GUILD COLLECTIVE BARGAINING AGREEMENT 2025-2027 Page 147 9c COUNCIL MEETING DATE: August 13, 2024 CITY OF FEDERAL WAY CITY COUNCIL AGENDA BILL ITEM #: SUBJECT: AUTHORIZATION TO AWARD MEDIAN FENCING PROJECT ON PACIFIC HIGHWAY S (S 304T" STREET TO S 308TH STREET) _cn trite r l��d POLICY QUESTION: Should City Council approve the award of the Median Fencing Project on Pac Hwy S (S 304'h St to S 3081'' St) to South Sound Fencing, LLC for the amount of $43,986.00? COMMITTEE: N/A MEETING DATE: N/A CATEGORY: ❑ Consent ❑ Ordinance ❑ Public Hearing ® City Council Business ❑ Resolu n,,/�/❑ Other STAFF REPORT BY: Jason Kennedy,_Sr. Traffic Engine _ DEPT: Public Works Attachments: 1. Staff Report Memo 2. 36250 Bid Tabulations Options Considered: 1. Approve the award of the Median Fencing Project on Pacific Highway S (S 304th Street to S 308th Street) to South Sound Fencing, LLC for the amount of $43,986.00 and approve a $3,000.00 contingency for a maximum contract authorization of $46,986.00? 2. Do not award the Median Fencing Project on Pacific Highway S (S 304t' Street to S 308" Street) and provide direction to staff. MAYOR'S RECOMMENDATION: Option 1. MAYOR APPROVAL: N 1h Committee Initial/Date COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: DIRECTOR APPROVAL: r ' �L� e (i�`ZDzK Initial/Date Jack Dovey, Committee Chair Jack Walsh, Committee Member Hoang Tran, Committee Member PROPOSED COUNCIL MOTION: "I move to award the Median Fencing Project on Pacific Highway S (S 304th Street to S 308th Street) to South Sound Fencing, LLC for the amount of $43,986.00 and approve a $3,000.00 contingency for a maximum contract authorization of $46, 986.00. " (BELOW TO BE COMPLETED BY CITY CLERK'S OFf ICE) COUNCIL ACTION: ❑ APPROVED COUNCIL BILL # ❑ DENIED , First reading ❑ TABLED/DEFERRED/NO ACTION Enactment reading ❑ NIOVED TO SECOND READING (ordinances only) ORDINANCE # REVISED - 5/2024 RESOLUTION # CITY OF FEDERAL WAY MEMORANDUM DATE: August 13, 2024 TO: City Council VIA: Jim Ferrell, Mayor FROM: EJ Walsh, P.E., Public Works Director ` ri Jason Kennedy, Senior Traffic Engine SUBJECT: Authorization to Award Median Fencing Project on Pacific Highway S (S 304ch Street to S 308`h Street) Financial Impacts: The currently allocated funding from the Transportation Improvement Board (TIB) grant project budget is $120,800.00, with a City match of $128,600 from the Transportation Fund for a combined total project budget of $249,400. The lowest, responsive, responsible bid received for the Median Fencing Project on Pacific Highway S (S 3041h Street to S 308`h Street) was from South Sound Fencing, LLC for $43,986.00. Upon completion of this project, ongoing costs associated with maintenance will be performed and funded through Operations Division maintenance. Funding requirements for maintenance of infrastructure is reviewed and adjusted as required during the budget process. Background Information: In an effort to improve pedestrian safety on Pacific Highway S in the vicinity of Federal Way High School (FWHS) between S 304' Street and S 3081 Street, the Public Works Department, Police Department, and Federal Way Public Schools (FWPS) have had ongoing discussions about possible engineering, enforcement, and educational solutions that could be implemented in this corridor. The outcome of the stakeholder discussions resulted in the creation of a project that would attempt to make improvements to pedestrian mobility through improved streetlighting, median fencing to encourage crossing at intersections, and reducing speeds during school ingress and egress periods along Pacific Highway S between S 304"' Street and S 308' Street via a 30 MPH advisory school speed zone. The City will replace luminaire heads at the intersection of S 308' Street and Pacific Highway S, as well as the first one on each side of the intersection and each side of Pacific Highway S away from the intersection (8 total) with higher wattage LEDs to improve pedestrian visibility. Red Light Indicator lights will also be installed on the signal heads at both intersections within this corridor to provide easier way for police to enforce red-light running. The City will also refresh all crosswalk markings and stop lines at S 308" Street and Pacific Highway S. All of aforementioned solutions, besides the median fencing, will be implemented by King County on behalf of the City. A request for bids for fencing installation was released through the Small Public Works Roster process and the City received 8 responsive bids. Please see attached Bid Tabulation. The lowest, responsive, responsible bidder is South Sound Fencing, LLC for $43,986.00. August 13, 2024 City Council Page 2 Project Costs: Original Revised Estimated Expenditures Estimate Estimate Design $25,000 $15,000 Other Improvements (signs, striping, lights) $51,000 $77,014 Construction Contract (Median Fencing) $144,000 $43,986 Construction Contingency $14,400 $14,400 Construction Mgmt and Inspection $1� $15,000 Total Estimated Expenditures $249,400 $165,400 Available Funding Grant (TIB) $120,800 $120,800 Transportation Fund $128,600 $128,600 Total Available Funding $249,400 $249,400 cc: Project File Att: 36250 Bid Tab 2 C(TY OP FE➢ERAL. WAY pmj"l Numd.F: 3U257 Bid Opening Dew A q-t Gill, 2024 PUB UC WORKS DEPARTMENT Pmloc! Tilly: $R99 FVvNS Fed. sln.- Safely Improwrm201 Bid Opening Time: 15:68 A.M BID TABULAIUON V.nde Nema— Luylul--a won Eceneny Erica Mukr— WA rildn Baelu Prld LLC FbWkc. WA 0'of Saulh S.Rd Feahlf Tune. WA 1YdH S.caOu F— T.—. WA lyd .7 N Aramtl F„G CF-"' Uk-cc0, WA didp F-9peclMb Tacoma, WA B.d a1 Inllna F.. TuKWft. WA a'n re +a «n P:: +c • a•+n Auhun. WA P:tl e. Cud[ Frndng LLC Uc—lr•, WA ...to OBS Fro CanpeM RN . WA B13 SC14E ULE Al: Fmrin sh Cam Iola n, S1Y lufe 0-14 an unn ar unllMm fain UnS Pdo Tom I U. Pd.. T9m I Unll Pdm Tam I Udt Pilo Told Unit Pna. Tam Und Fl. I Toth WMPdo Tmd Unp-- Tam Un."'k- Tom 1 McGlan FenclnB.Cunplele 1200' LS I 1 S O4.03 i 6403 S2900000 S 29,00000 S43.900.00 5 43,900.00 S63 a6195 S 6306195 SO423104 S O4.23104 S6639500 S 66,395 n0 569,70000 5 69.70000 San 90516 S 6998516 5130.99900 S 13B,9gg.00 'TOYAL9W dW INn1a IAGW7a sdAr ls. 'fA.Of 290P].90 SJ1 fOL00 S W f f{911a f0040------------ i ajy}ii0 s 1]a'J6AS - GIm1E COHfRACYOR CFRT161GATp3Q! WAGE LAW [;U11P1.IAk`CE AOOEIIIT r1 1 faa 03 007 DD SCO 1 sal 071." 32a. s-% 9".70G.94 S •IS s15c 00 Vµln Urpf YEy +'E6 1T: [L'S ''-ES _ •TS rL1 AlASD+1 FOR BE iECi10.Y WSDOT Spec 1-031 BIG Ema WSDOT Spec 1-031 Bid E— W SDOT Spec 1-02 13 (2al p.r.�[Gtl Arbrt�n Ha AcknaWaG9etl W SDOT Spec 1-02 10 (16) Propwel lam nu properly execuleG Pe9a 1 d re I COUNCIL MEETING DATE: August 13, 2024 lM I "d I'll CITY OF FEDERAL WAY CITY COUNCIL AGENDA BILL SUBJECT: PROPOSED SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT REGARDING THE LEMASTER LAWSUIT. POLICY QUESTION: Should the City Council approve the proposed settlement agreement regarding the LeMaster lawsuit? COMMITTEE: N/A MEETING DATE: N/A CATEGORY: ❑ Consent ❑ Ordinance ❑ Public Hearing ® City Council Business ❑ Resolution ❑ Other STAFF REPORT BY: J. R an Call, City Attorney DEPT: Law Attachments: Staff Report Options Considered: 1. Approve the agreed upon settlement in the matter of LeMaster v. COFW. 2. Refuse the proposed settlement and provide staff with directions. MAYOR'S RECOMMENDATION: Option 1. MAYOR APPROVAL: N/A f � ] �r z DIRECTOR APPROVAL: 711 Committee Counci lnitiallDate r 1 Initial/Date Initial/Date COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: N/A Committee Chair Committee Member Committee Member PROPOSED COUNCIL MOTION: "I move approval of the proposed settlement in the matter of LeMaster v. City of Federal Way in the amount of $125,000." BELOW TO BE COMPLETED BY CITY CLERK'S OFFICE COUNCIL ACTION: ❑ APPROVED COUNCIL BILL # ❑ DENIED First reading ❑ TABLED/DEFERRED/NO ACTION Enactment reading ❑ MOVED TO SECOND READING (ordinances only) ORDINANCE # REVISED — 12/2017 RESOLUTION # CITY OF FEDERAL WAY MEMORANDUM DATE: August 13, 2024 TO: City Council Members VIA: Jim Ferrell, Mayor FROM: Ryan Call, City Attorney SUBJECT: LeMaster Settlement Agreement Financial Impacts: The City will pay $125,000 from the Risk Management Fund in exchange for a release of all claims against the City. Background Information: Plaintiff tripped on a sidewalk uplift while walking on the north sidewalk of S. 348th St near Pacific Highway S. Plaintiff had preexisting medical conditions that aggravated the impact of the fall. The parties agreed to pre-trial mediation. Through mediation a settlement of $125,000 was reached. This matter predates the City's entry into the WCIA insurance pool. Therefore, the City is responsible for all costs associated with this litigation up to our insurance retention limit of $250,000. Rev. 7/18 COUNCIL MEETING DATE: August 13, 2024 CITY OF FEDERAL WAY CITY COUNCIL AGENDA BILL 9e ITEM #: SUBJECT: JET CITIES CHAPTER OF SWEET ADELINES MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING 2024 POLICY QUESTION: Should the City Council approve the proposed Memorandum of Understanding and authorize the Mayor to execute? COMMITTEE: N/A MEETING DATE: N/A CATEGORY: ❑ Consent ❑ Ordinance ❑ Public Hearing ® City Council Business ❑ Resolution ❑ Other STAFF REPORT BY: Autumn Gressett DEPT: Parks Attachments: 1. Staff Report 2. Jet Cities Chapter of Sweet Adelines Memorandum of Understanding Options Considered: 1. Approve the proposed Memorandum of Understanding. 2. Do not approve proposed Memorandum of Understanding and provide direction to staff. MAYOR'S RECOMMENDATION: Option 1. MAYOR APPROVA laitunl (]air C/ Initial/Date COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: N/A DIRECTOR APPROVAL: 4a r ,2p2f/ 1117 In ial/Date Committee Chair Committee Member Committee Member PROPOSED COUNCIL MOTION: "I move approval of the proposed Memorandum of Understanding. " (BELOW TO BE COji1PLETED BYCITY CLERK'S OFFICE COUNCIL ACTION: ❑ APPROVED COUNCIL BILL # ❑ DENIED First reading ❑ TABLED/DEFERRED/NO ACTION Enactment reading ❑ MOVED TO SECOND READING (ordinances onl)) ORDINANCE # REVISED- 5/2024 RESOLUTION# CITY OF FEDERAL WAY MEMORANDUM DATE: August 13, 2024 TO: City Council Members VIA: Jim Ferrell, Mayor FROM: John Hutton, Parks Director SUBJECT: Jet Cities Chorus Memorandum of Understanding 2024 Financial Impacts: This item was not included within the approved budget for the Performing Arts and Event Center. As proposed, it will be funded by the 115-fund. Upon completion of the Jet Cities Chorale MOU 2024, future costs are unknown. Background Information: Jet Cities Chorus was founded on July 3, 1962. Members are from all walks of life, of all ages, and from all over the Seattle/Tacoma Metropolitan area. Some are semi-professional musicians --and some last sang in their high school choir --but all love to sing and perform. Jet Cities has performed in shows, festivals, ceremonies, and celebrations throughout the South Puget Sound area. They sing four-part, a cappella harmony, barbershop style, and sing songs from all eras, including popular music, show tunes, and jazz. Since the opening of the Federal Way Performing Arts and Event Center (PAEC) in 2017, Jet Cities Chorus has held the designation of Resident Artist Organization at the PAEC. The Chorus' previous Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) is set to expire on August 31, 2024. In February 2024, City staff initiated discussions with the Board of Directors of each Resident Artist Organization to address the renewal of their MOUs. Given the unique needs and circumstances of each group, the draft documents and ensuing discussions have been meticulously detailed to ensure comprehensive support for both the Resident Artist program as a whole and the specific requirements of each organization. The new MOU offers substantial benefits, including the waiver of rental and associated fees for up to two performances at the PAEC. Additionally, each performance is entitled to a rehearsal from Monday to Thursday, also with waived rental and fees. Any additional rental requests will be accommodated at discounted rates, as outlined in the RAO rate schedule. Rev. 7/l8 MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN CITY OF FEDERAL WAY AND JET CITIES CHAPTER OF SWEET ADELINES THIS MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING ("IIOU") dated effective upon mutual execution by- all parties, defines the respective responsibilities of the undersigned representatives of the jet Cities Chapter of Sweet Adelines dba jet Cities Chorus ("jet Cities") a Washington non-profit corporation and the Clo- of Federal Way- ("Cite") a Washington municipal corporation, together "Parties," in connection with the Performing Arts and Event Center ("PAEC") located at 31510 Pete von Reichbauer Way- South, Federal Way-, WA 98003. RECITALS WHEREAS, _jet Cities brings world -class performers and music to the Federal Way communlo, and is committed to nurturing th&region's talented young artists; and WHERAS; Jet Cities hosts performances that are open to and benefit the public in South King CountS,, Washington; and WHEREAS; the Cit`- owns the Performing Arts and Events Center of Federal Way- ("PAEC"), a 716-seat performing arts center, approximately 8,400 square feet event space, kitchen, and associated office space located is Federal Way, Washington; and WHEREAS, the City- has engaged OVG360 to manage and operate the PAEC on behalf of the City; and WHEREAS, the City has the right and authority- to engage jet Cities in a NIOU for Resident Arts Organization ("RAO") status at the PAEC; and WHEREAS, the City- desires to engage Jet Cities in RAO status at the PAEC on behalf of the City, and jet Cities desires to accept such engagement, pursuant to the terms and conditions engaged herein. NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the terms and conditions contained herein, jet Cities and City- agree as follows: 1. RESIDENT ARTS ORGANIZATION BENEFITS. In accordance With this Agreement, the City- shall provide RAO status to the jet Cities with the RAO benefits listed below, but not limited to; a. Priority --booking status for the PAEC theatre and event spaces in advance of other groups, but after PAEC presenting season, which has fast priority-. b. Waived rental and fees for up to t\Vo (2) performances at the PAEC; each performance shall also receive a Monday --Thursday rehearsal with wain-ed rental and fees. In addition, jet Cities will receive waived rental and fees for up to 46 weekly practices on mutually* agreeable dates. Additional rental requests will receive discounted rental rates and other fees per the RAO rate schedule, available in the Page 1 14 RAO Policy-, unless otherwise defined In this IAOU. RAO rate schedule shall be reviewed on annual basis and adjustments_ may be made as approved by the Cat -. c. The Agreement between Jet Cities and the CM- shall not be assigned or sublet without written permission of the City-. 2. TERM. This Agreement shall take effect on the date of mutual execution and shall expire on August 31, 2025, unless terminated earlier bt- either pant with ninety (90) day-s advanced written notice. The Jet Cities acknowledges that at the conclusion of Agreement, the Jet Cities must reapply to maintain its status. The Jet Cities acknowledges it must reapply- to maintain its status and execute a new agreement with the City- at or prior to the conclusion of this Agreement. Should the City- terminate this agreement early, any confirmed public performance dates on the calendar at the time of termination will be honored under the same conditions, however, no additional dates may be added. 3. RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE JET CITIES: a. Jet Cities agrees that their pritmart- mission at the PAEC shall be to produce and present performing arts events that are open to the public. b. Jet CidesJshall present a udrinium of (1) production each performance season (September — August) with a combined total of at least (2) public performances. c. The Jet Cities must comply- with the RAO Policy-. Should conditions change such that the Jet Cities no longer meets the criteria and requirements of the RAO Policy-, the Jet Cities shall notify- the City- promptly- in writing. The Jet Cities shall be responsible to reimburse the PAEC or the GO- for benefits received under the RAO Policy- and this Agreement during any time that the Jet Cities no longer met the conditions of a RAO under the RAO policy. d. The Jet Cities agrees to submit season date requests, including rehearsal needs, requested amounts, and preferences, no later than February- 1 of each year. e. The Jet Cities or a representative talent of the Jet Cities will perform at one (1) free public event hosted bt- the City- or OVG360 at the PAEC each year, at no charge to the City- or OVG360. Performance shall be on a mutually agreeable date. f. loll tickets for Jet Cities performances at the PAEC shall be sold through the PAEC box office; on behalf of the Cite, OVG360 will retail all related seri-ices fees as earned revenue. The Jet Cities will provide a link to the PAEC website for online ticket purchases on the Jet Cities website. g. The Jet Cities agrees to work with the PAEC presenting season to .coordinate schedules so the needs of all organizations can be met and to accommodate any special circumstances for specific events. h. The Jet Cities shall use the PAEC facilities in a safe manner and shall comply- with all PAEC rules and requirements of use and all applicable municipal, state, and federal laws, codes, and rules and regulations pertaining to the premises and all other codes and rules and regulations prescribed by the fire and police departments and other governmental authorities i1 effect at the time of this Agreement and as amended. 4. RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE CITY: a. Cite- will not charge Jet Cities a merchandise commission. b. CmT will provide Jet Cities with space i1 any season brochures at no cost. C. City will provide a webliik on the PAEC website for Jet Cities. Page 2 14 d. City- will include Jet Cities in the PAEC weeklt- e-mail blast as needed, at no cost. Additionally, CM- will send jet Cities -specific email blasts for performance announcements. Details of each will be discussed and agreed to b� the jet Cities and City- e. GoT will provide a marketing credit towards social media advertising/marketing for the jet Cities for each performance, as outlined in the RAO Police. f. CitS- will provide final approved season date in response to the jet Cities submitted requests no later than 1\lay 1 of each year. CONTACT PERSONS. The following persons shall be the contact persons for this Agreement. Either part` may change its contact person by providing written notice to the other partjT of the change, including the name, title, telephone number, and email address of the new contact person. Emailed notification is acceptable. _jet Cities: Lindsey- Smith, Team Nlanager PO Box 4371 Federal Way WA, 98063 Phone: 25 3- 307-8762 Email: Unive aldlinx lc m CitS-: Autumn Gressett, Contract Administrator 33325 8`�' Ave S Federal Wad-, WA 98003 Phone: 253-835-6901 Email: utunm-Gresse t federalwa. 1ya. ot- OVG360: Stacia Winters, General Manager 31510 Pete iron Reichbauer Way S Federal Way, WA 98003 Phone: 253-835-7013 Email: stacia.cvinters oaku-iew -ou .coin 6. NOTICES. All notices sent or required to be sent shall be sent in writing by email or by registered or certified mail, return receipt requested, postage prepaid, to the contact person. 7. INDEMNIFICATION AND HOLD HARMLESS PROVISIONS. a. jet Cities agrees to indemnify and hold the CitS ,its elected officials, officers, employees, agents, and volunteers harmless from any and all claims, demands, losses, actions and liabilities (including costs and attorney fees) to or by any and all persons or entities, including without limitation, their respective agents, licensees, or representatives, arisi ig from, resulting from or connected with this Agreement to the extent solely caused by the negligent acts, errors, or omissions of the jet Cities, its partners, shareholders, agents, employees or volunteers or by jet Cities breach of Page 3 14 this Agreement. The City agrees to indemnify and hold Jet Cities, its officers, directors, shareholders, partners, employees, and agents harmless from any and all claims, demands, losses, actions and liabilities (including costs and attorney- fees) to or by any and all persons or entities, including, without limitation, their respective agents, licensees, or representatives, arising from, resulting from or connected with this Agreement to the extent soleh- caused by the negligent acts, errors, or omissions of the CitS-, its employees or agents. b. Each paroT to this Agreement shall be responsible for its own acts and/or omissions and those of its officers, employees, and volunteers operating within the scope of their employment, duties, and authority. No part- to this Agreement shall be responsible for the acts and/or omissions of entities or individuals not a part. to this Agreement. 8. DISPUTE RESOLUTION. The Cit-,and Jet Cities agree to communicate openly- and work to resolve any issues, disagreements, or disputes amicably. If a dispute arises directly or indirectly from this Agreement and no amicable resolution can be reached thtough settlement negotiations, the Parties, together or individually-, may immediately terminate this Agreement by providing notice ui writing. 9. COUNTERPARTS. This Agreement may be executed u7 multiple counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original, but all of which together shall constitute one and the same instrument. This Memorandum of Understanding constitutes the entire Agreement between the above -named Parties. No waiver, change, modification or termination of this Agreement is valid or binding unless agreed to in writing and signed by all Parties. N WITNESS, the Parties execute this Memorandum of Understanding below, effective the last date written below. CITY OF FEDERAL WAY: By:. Jun Ferrell, tilayot. Date: JET CITIES CHAPTER OF SWEET ADELINES dba JET CITIES CHORUS: Lindsey- Smith, Team Manager Date: Page 414 9f COUNCIL MEETING DATE: August 13, 2024 ITEM A. CITY OF FEDERAL WAY CITY COUNCIL AGENDA BILL SUBJECT: FEDERAL WAY SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING 2024 POLICY QUESTION: Should the City Council approve the proposed Memorandum of Understanding? COMMITTEE: FEDRAC MEETING DATE: July 23, 2024 CATEGORY: ® Consent ❑ Ordinance ❑ Public Hearing ❑ City Council Business ❑ Resolution ❑ Other STAFF REPORT BY: Autumn Gressett DEPT: Parks Attachments: 1. Staff Report 2. Federal Way Symphony Orchestra Memorandum of Understanding Options Considered: 1. Approve the proposed Memorandum of Understanding. 2. Do not approve proposed Memorandum of Understanding and provide direction to staff. MAYOR'S RECOMMENDATION: Option 1. MAYOR APPROVAL: `� DIRECTOR APPROVAL: Initin Male I iiin mr COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: I move to forivard the proposed Memorandum of• Understanding to the August 13, 2024, consent agenda for approval. t` C=t� Imittee Chair Committee Member t�mml ember PROPOSED COUNCIL MOTION: "I move approval of'the proposed Memorandum of•Understanding. " (BELOW TO BE COMPLETED BY CITY CLERK'S OFFICE) COUNCIL ACTION: ❑ APPROVED COUNCIL BILL ❑ DENIED First reading ❑ TABLED/DEFERRED/NO ACTION Enactment reading ❑ MOVED TO SECOND READING (ordinances onl) ORDINANCE # REVISED - 5/2024 RESOLUTION # CITY OF FEDERAL WAY MEMORANDUM DATE: July 10, 2024 TO: City Council Members VIA: - Jim Ferrell, Mayor FROM: John Hutton, Parks Director SUBJECT: Federal Way Symphony Orchestra Memorandum of Understanding 2024 Financial Impacts: This item was not included within the approved budget for the Performing Arts and Event Center. As proposed, the budgeted cost to the City will be $52,000 and will be funded by the Performing Arts and Event Center I I5-fund. Background Information: The Federal Way Symphony Orchestra (Symphony) has been a cornerstone of the community for 40 years, consistently delivering high -quality, professional music performances. Since the opening of the Federal Way Performing Arts and Event Center (PAEC) in 2017, the Symphony has held the designation of Resident Artist Organization at the PAEC. The Symphony's previous Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) is set to expire on August 31, 2024. In February 2024, staff initiated discussions with the Board of Directors of each Resident Artist Organization to address the renewal of their MOUs. Given the unique needs and circumstances of each group, the draft documents and ensuing discussions have been meticulously detailed to ensure comprehensive support for both the Resident Artist program as a whole and the specific requirements of each organization. The new MOU offers substantial benefits, including the waiver of rental and associated fees for up to six performances at the PAEC. Additionally, each performance is entitled to a rehearsal from Monday to Thursday, also with waived rental and fees. Any additional rental requests will be accommodated at discounted rates, as outlined in the RAO rate schedule. Rev. 7/18 MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN CITY OF FEDERAL WAY AND FEDERAL WAY SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA THIS MEMORANDUM .OF UNDERSTANDING ("hIOU") dated effective upon mutual execution by all patties, defines the respective responsibilities of the undersigned representatives of the Federal Way Symphony, Orchestra ("Symphony") a Washington non-profit corporation and the City of Federal Way ("City") a Washington municipal corporation, together "Parties," ui connection with the Performing Arts and Event Center ("PAEC) located at 31510 Pete von Reichbauer Way South, Federal Way, WA 98003. RECITALS WHEREAS, the SyTmphony brings world -class performers and music to the Federal Way communitST and is committed to nurturing the region's talented young artists; and WHERAS; the Symphony hosts performances that are open to and benefit the public in South King County, Washington; and WHEREAS; the City owns the Performing Arts and Events Center of Federal Way ("PAEC"), a 716.-seat performing arts center, approximately 8,400 square feet event space, kitchen, and associated office space, located in Federal Way, Washington; and WHEREAS, the City has engaged OVG360 to manage and operate the PAEC on behalf of the City; and WHEREAS, the City has the right and authorityT to engage Symphony in a I\IOU for Resident Arts Organization ("RAO") status at the PAEC; and WHEREAS, the City desires to engage Symphony in RAO status at the PAEC on behalf of the City, and Symphony desires to accept such engagement, pursuant to the terms and conditions engaged herein. NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the terms and conditions contained herein, Symphony and City agree as follows: 1. RESIDENT ARTS ORGANIZATION BENEFITS. In accordance with this Agreement, Citj, shall provide RAO status to the Symphony with the RAO Benefits listed below, but not limited to; a. Priority -booking status for the PAEC theatre and event spaces inadvance of other groups, but after PAEC presenting season, which has first priority-. b. Waived rental and fees for up to six (6) performances at the PAEC; each performance shall also receive a Monday -Thursday rehearsal with waived rental and fees. Additional rental requests will receive discounted rental rates and other fees per the RAO rate schedule, available ui the RAO Policy, unless otherwise defined in this 1\I0U. RAO rate schedule shall be reviewed on annual basis and adjustments may be made as approved by the CityT. Page 1 1 4 c. The Agreement between the Symphony and City shall not be assigned or sublet without written permission of the Cite. 2. TERM. This Agreement shall take effect on the date of mutual execution and shall expire on August 31, 2025, unless terminated earlier by either party with ninety- (90) days advanced written notice, or if conditions change such that the Symphony no longer meets the qualifications to be a RAO. The Symphony acknowledges it must reapply- to maintain its status and execute a new agreement with the City at or prior to the conclusion of this Agreement. Should the City- terminate this agreement early, any confirmed public performance dates on die calendar at the tune of termination will be honored under the same conditions, however, no additional dates maybe added. 3. RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE SYMPHONY: a. Symphony agrees that their primary, mission at the PAEC shall be to produce and present performing arts events that are open to the public. b. Symphony shall present a inuiitnum of (3) productions each performance season (September — August) with a combined total of at least (6) paid -public performances c. The Symphony must comply with the RAO Policy. Should conditions change such that the Symphony no longer meets the criteria and requirements of the RAO Policy, the Symphony shall notify the City promptly in writing. The Symphony shall be responsible to reimburse the PAEC or the City for benefits received under the RAO Policy and. this Agreement during any time that the Symphony no longer met the conditions of a RAO under the RAO Policv. d. The Symphony agrees to submit season date requests, including rehearsal needs, requested amounts, and preferences, no later than February- 1 of each year. e. The Symphony or a representative talent of the Symphony will perform at one (1) free public event hosted by the City or O�TG360 at the PAEC each year, at no charge to the City, or OVG360. Performance shall be on a mutually agreeable date. f. All tickets for Symphony performances at the PAEC shall be sold through the PAEC box office; on behalf of the City, O�TG360 will retain all related setvices fees as earned revenue. The Symphony will provide a link to the PAEC website for online ticket purchases on the Symphony's website. g. The Symphony agrees to work with the PAEC presenting season to coordinate schedules so the needs of all organizations can be met and to accommodate any special circumstances for specific events. h. The Symphony, shall use the PAEC facilities in a safe manner and shall comply with all PAEC rules and requirements of use and all applicable municipal, state, and federal laws, codes, and rules and regulations pertaining to the Premises and all other codes and rules and regulations prescribed by, the fire and police departments and other governmental authorities in effect at the time of this Agreement and as amended. 4. RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE CITY: a. City, will not charge the Symphony a merchandise commission. b. City- will provide the Symphony with space in season brochures at no cost. c. City will provide a -,vebhnk on the PAEC website for Symphony. d. City, will include Symphony in the PAEC weekly e-mail blast as needed, at no cost. Additionally, City will send Symphony -specific email blasts for performance Page 2 14 announcements. Details of each will be discussed and agreed to by the Symphony and Cit\,. e. Cm,T will provide a marketing credit towards social media advertising/marketing for the Symphony for each performance, as outlined in the RHO Policy. f. City- will provide final approved season date in response to the Symphony's submitted requests no later than May 1 of each year. CONTACT PERSONS. The following persons shall be the contact persons for this Agreement. Either party may change its contact person by providing written notice to the other party of the change, including the name, title, telephone number, and email address of the new contact person. Emailed notification is acceptable. Symphony: Brandon Jenkins -Moak, President P.O. Box 4513 Federal Way, WA 98063 (253) 252-2693 Email: brandon f�vc'.ca City: Autumn Gressett, Contract Administrator 33325 8"' rive S Federal Way, WA 98003 Phone: 253-835-6901 Email: Autumn.Gressett@federaltva-,%va.gov OVG360: Stacia Winters, General Manager 31510 Pete von Reichbauer Way S Federal Way, WA 98003 Phone: 253-835-7013 Email: staria.wintersQoakvie-,vMgp..—q= 6. NOTICES. All notices sent or required to be sent shall be sent in writing b)T email or by registered or certified mail, return receipt requested, postage prepaid, to the contact person. 7. INDEMNIFICATION AND HOLD HARMLESS PROVISIONS. The Symphony agrees to indemnify and hold the City, its elected officials, officers, employees, agents, and volunteers harmless from an)T and all claims, demands, losses, actions and liabilities (including costs and attorney fees) to or by any and all persons or entities, including without limitation, their respective agents, licensees, or representatives, arising from, resulting from or connected with this Agreement to the extent solely caused by the negligent acts, errors, or omissions of the Symphony, its partners, shareholders, agents, employees or volunteers or by the Symphony's breach of this Agreement. The City agrees to indemnify and hold the Symphony, its officers, directors, shareholders, partners, employees, and agents harmless from any Page 314 and all claims, demands, losses, actions and liabilities (including costs and attorney- fees) to or by any and all persons or entities, including, without limitation, their respective agents, licensees, or representatives, arising from, resulting from or connected with this Agreement to the extent solely caused by the negligent acts, errors, or omissions of the City, its employees or agents. b. Each party to this Agreement shall be responsible for its own acts and/or omissions and those of its officers, employees, and volunteers operating within the scope of their employment, duties, and authority. No party to this Agreement shall be responsible for the acts and/or omissions of entities or individuals not a part to this Agreement. DISPUTE RESOLUTION. The City, OVG360 and Symphony- agree to coma-nur icate openly and work to resolve any issues, disagreements, or disputes amicably. If a dispute arises directly or indirectly from this Agreement and no amicable resolution can be reached through settlement negotiations, the Parties, together or individually, may immediately terminate this Agreement by providing notice in writing. COUNTERPARTS. This Agreement may be executed in multiple counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original, but all of which together shall constitute one and the same instrument. This Memorandum of Understanding constitutes the entire Agreement between the above -named Parties. No waiver, change, modification or tertr ination of this Agreement is valid or binding unless agreed to in writing and signed by all Parties. IN WITNESS, the Parties execute this Memorandum of Understanding below, effective the last date written below. CITY OF FEDERAL WAY: Bv: Jun Ferrell, Mayor Date: FEDERAL WAY SYMPHONY: By: Brandon Jenkins -Moak, President Date: Page 4 14 COUNCIL MEETING DATE: August 13, 2024 CITY OF FEDERAL WAY CITY COUNCIL AGENDA BILL ITEM #: SUBJECT: FEDERAL WAY YOUTH SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING 2024 POLICY QUESTION: Should the City Council approve the proposed Memorandum of Understanding? COMMITTEE: FEDRAC MEETING DATE: July 23, 2024 CATEGORY: ® Consent ❑ Ordinance ❑ Public Hearing ❑ City Council Business ❑ Resolution ❑ Other STAFF REPORT BY: Autumn Gressett DEPT: Parks Attachments: 1. Staff Report 2. Federal Way Youth Symphony Orchestra Memorandum of Understanding Options Considered: I. Approve the proposed Memorandum of Understanding. 2. Do not approve proposed Memorandum of Understanding and provide direction to staff. MAYOR'S RECOMMENDATION: Option 1. MAYOR APPROVAL U DIRECTOR APPROVAL:�hditliDwe Cot 6 i n i r ial: I:7nra [niiia .Dare COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: I move to .forward the proposed Memorandum of Understanding to the August 13, 2024, consel7t agenda, for approval. PROPOSED COUNCIL MOTION: "I move approval of'the proposed Memorandum of Understanding. " (BELOW TO BE COMPLETED BY CITY CLERK'S OFFICE) COUNCIL ACTION: ❑ APPROVED ❑ DENIED ❑ TABLED/DEFERRED/NO ACTION ❑ MOVED TO SECOND READING (ordinances onl)) REVISED - 5/2024 COUNCIL BILL # First reading Enactment reading ORDINANCE # RESOLUTION # CITY OF FEDERAL WAY MEMORANDUM DATE: July 10, 2024 TO: City Council Members VIA: Jim Ferrell, Mayor FROM: John Hutton, Parks Director SUBJECT: Federal Way Youth Symphony Orchestra Memorandum of Understanding 2024 Financial Impacts: This item was not included within the approved budget for the Performing Arts and Event Center. As proposed, the budgeted cost to the City will be $47,000 and will be funded by the Performing Arts and Event Center 115-fund. Background Information: The Federal Way Youth Symphony Orchestra (FWYSO) was founded in 2007 with the motto of "Excellence, Service, and World Education". FWYSO has served the community by visiting single moms, homeless, city facilities, military bases and nursing homes. FWYSO was invited to Los Angeles in 2012 and visited South Korea in the summers of 2014, 2017, 2019 performing music in more than 7 cities. Since the opening of the Federal Way Performing Arts and Event Center (PAEC) in 2017, the Symphony has held the designation of Resident Artist Organization at the PAEC. The FWYSO 's previous Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) is set to expire on August 31, 2024. In February 2024, staff initiated discussions with the Board of Directors of each Resident Artist Organization to address the renewal of their MOUs. Given the unique needs and circumstances of each group, the draft documents and ensuing discussions have been meticulously detailed to ensure comprehensive support for both the Resident Artist program as a whole and the specific requirements of each organization. The new MOU offers substantial benefits, including the waiver of rental and associated fees for up to three performances at the PAEC and up to forty-six weekly practices. Additionally, each performance is entitled to a rehearsal from Monday to Thursday, also with waived rental and fees. Any additional rental requests will be accommodated at discounted rates, as Rev. 7/18 outlined in the RAO rate schedule. Rev. 7/ 18 MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN CITY OF FEDERAL WAY AND FEDERAL WAY YOUTH SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA THIS MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING (" 1\IOU") dated effective upon mutual execution by all parties, defines the respective responsibilities of the undersigned representatives of the Federal Way Youth Symphony- Orchestra ("Youth Symphony") a Washington non-profit corporation, the City- of Federal Way ("City") a Washington municipal corporation and Global Spectrum, L.P. ("OVG360") a Delaware limited partnership in connection with the Performing Arts and Event Center ("PAEC) located at 31510 Pete von Reichbauer Wad- South, Federal Way, WA 98003. RECITALS WHEREAS, the Youth Symphony brings world -class performers and music to the Federal Way community and is committed to nurturing the region's talented young artists; and WHERAS; the Youth Symphony hosts performances that are open to and benefit the public in South King County, Washington; and WHEREAS; the City owns the Performuig Arts and Events Center of Federal Way ("PAEC"), a 716-seat performing arts center, approximately 8,400 square feet event space, kitchen, and associated office space, located in Federal Warr, Washington; and WHEREAS, the CitS, has engaged OVG360 to manage and operate the PAEC on behalf of the City;. and WHEREAS, the City has the right and authority to engage Youth Symphony in a MOU for Resident Arts Organization ("RAO") status at the PAEC; and WHEREAS, the City desires to engage Youth Symphony it RAO status at the PAEC on behalf of the City, and Youth Symphony desires to accept such engagement, pursuant to the terms and conditions engaged herein. NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the terms and conditions contained herein, Youth Symphony and City agree as follows: 1. RESIDENT ARTS ORGANIZATION BENEFITS. In accordance with this Agreement, City shall provide RAO status to the Youth Symphony- with the RAO Benefits listed below, but not limited to; a. Priority -booking status for the PAEC theatre and event spaces ii advance of other groups, but after PAEC presenting season, which has first priority-. b. Waived rental and fees for up to three (3) performances at the PAEC; each performance shall also receive a 1\1onday-Thursday rehearsal with waived rental and fees. In addition, Youth Symphony will receive waived rental and fees for up to 46 Nveekly practices on mutually agreeable dates. Additional rental requests will receive discounted rental rates and other fees per the RAO rate schedule, available in the Page 1 14 RAO Policy-, unless otherwise defined 111 this 1\IOU. RAO rate schedule shall be reviewed on annual basis and adjustments may be made as approved by the City-.. c. The Agreement between the Youth Symphony and City shall not be assigned or sublet without written permission of the Citj-. TERM. This Agreement shall take effect on the date of mutual execution and shall expire on August 31, 2025, unless terminated earlier by either party with ninety (90) days advanced written notice. The Youth Symphony acknowledges it must reapply to maintain its status and execute a new agreement with the City- at or prior to the conclusion of this Agreement. Should the Cite termuiate this agreement early, any confirmed public performance dates on the calendar at the time of termination will be honored under the same conditions, however, no additional dates may be added. 3. RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE YOUTH SYMPHONY: a. Youth Symphony agrees that their prni -nar T mission at the PAEC shall be to produce and present performing arts events that are open to the public. b. Youth Symphony shall present a tniilitnum of (2) productions each performance season (September — August) with a combined total of at least (3) public performances c. The Youth Symphony must comply with the RAO Police. Should conditions change such that the Symphony no longer meets the criteria and requirements of the RAO Policy, the Symphony shall notify- the Cite promptly in writing. The Youth Symphony shall be responsible to reimburse the PAEC or the City for benefits received under the RAO Policy and this Agreement during any tune that the Youth Symphony no longer met the conditions of a RAO under the RAO Policy. d. The Youth Symphony agrees to submit season date requests, including rehearsal needs, requested amounts, and preferences, no later than February? 1 of each year. e. The Youth Symphony or a representative talent of the Youth Symphony will perform at one (1) free public event hosted by- the City or O�TG360 at the PAEC each year, at no charge to the City- or O�TG360. Performance shall be on a mutually agreeable date. f. All tickets for Youth Symphony performances at the PAEC shall be sold through the PAEC box office; on behalf of the City, OVG360 will retain all related services fees as earned revenue. The Youth Symphony will provide a link to the PAEC ,vebsite for online ticket purchases on the Symphony's website. g. The Youth Symphony agrees to work with the PAEC presenting season to coordinate schedules so the needs of all organizations can be met and to accommodate any special circumstances for specific events. h. The Youth Symphony shall use the PAEC facilities in a safe manner and shall comply with all PAEC rules and requirements of use and all applicable municipal, state, and federal laws, codes, and rules and regulations pertaining to the Premises and all other codes and rules and regulations prescribed by the fire and police departments and other governmental authorities in effect at the tune of this Agreement and as amended. 4. RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE CITY: a. City will not charge the Youth Symphony a merchandise commission. b. CitS- will provide the Youth Symphony with space in season brochures at no cost. Page 214 c. City will provide a weblink on the PAEC website for Youth Symphony. d. Cite willinclude Youth Symphony in the PAEC weekly e-mail blast as needed, at no cost. Additionally-, City will send Youth Symphony -specific email blasts for performance announcements. Details of each will be discussed and agreed to by the Youth Symphony and Citrn. e. City- will provide a marketing credit towards social media advertising/marketing for the Youth S)-mphony for each performance, as outlined in the RAO Policy. f. City will provide final approved season date in response to the Youth SNTmphon5's submitted requests no later dian May 1 of each year. 5. CONTACT PERSONS. The following persons shall be the contact persons for this Agreement. Either part, may change its contact person by providing written notice to the other parts- of the change, including the naive, title, telephone number, and einail address of the new contact person. Emailed notification is acceptable. Youth Symphony: Rick Kong, Director 2808 S 308"' Ln Federal Way, WA 98003 Phone: 425-647-3847 Email: rhkongl2@�rnail.com City: Autumn Gressett, Contract Administrator 33325 8"' AN-e S Federal Wad-, WA 98003 Phone: 253-835-6901 Email: .Autumn.Gressettgfederalwavwa.goy OVG360: Stacia Winters, General Manager 31510 Pete iron Reichbauer Way S Federal Wa3T, WA 98003 Phone: 253-835-7013 Email: stada.winters@oakviexvgrounTcom NOTICES. All notices sent or required to be sent shall be sent in writing b`T email or b3- registered or certified mail, return receipt requested, postage prepaid, to the contact person. 7. INDEMNIFICATION AND HOLD HARMLESS PROVISIONS. The Youth Symphony agrees to indemnify and hold the CitT, its elected officials, officers, employees, agents, and volunteers harmless from any and all claims, demands, losses, actions and liabilities (including costs and attorney fees) to or by any and all persons or entities, including without limitation, their respective agents, licensees, or representatives, arising from, resulting from or connected with this Agreement to the extent solelJ7 caused by the negligent acts, errors, or omissions of the Youth S)Tmphony' its partners, shareholders, agents, employees or volunteers or Page 3 14 by the Youth Symphony's breach of this ,-agreement. The City agrees to indemnify and hold the Youth Symphony, its officers, directors, shareholders, -partners, employees, and agents harmless from any and all claims, demands, losses, actions and liabilities (including costs and attorney fees) to or by and- and all persons or entities, including, without limitation, their respective agents, licensees, or representatives, arising from, resulting from or connected with this Agreement to the extent solelAT caused b`T the negligent acts, errors, or omissions of the GO,, its employees or agents. b. Each parts- to this Agreement shall be responsible for its own acts and/or omissions and those of its officers, employees, and volunteers operating within the scope of their employment, duties, and authority. No party to this Agreement shall be responsible for the acts and/or omissions of entities or individuals not a part to this Agreement. DISPUTE RESOLUTION. The City and Youth Symphony agree to communicate openly and work to resolve any issues, disagreements, or disputes amicably. If a dispute arises directly or nnditectly from this Agreement and no amicable resolution can be reached through settlement negotiations, the Parties, together or individually, may nrunediately terminate this Agreement by providing notice in writing. COUNTERPARTS. This Agreement maybe executed in multiple counterparts, each of which shall he deemed an original, but all of which together shall constitute one and the same instrument. This Memorandum of Understanding constitutes the entire Agreement between the above -named Parties. No waiver, change, modification or terinination of this Agreement is valid or binding unless agreed to in writing and signed by all Parties. IN WITNESS, the Parties execute this I\Iemorandum of Understanding below, effecti-�-e the last date written below. CITY OF FEDERAL WAY: By: Jun Ferrell, Mayor Date: FEDERAL WAY YOUTH SYMPHONY: B)T: Rick Kong, Director Date: Page414 wow COUNCIL MEETING DATE: August 13, 2024 ITEM #: CITY OF FEDERAL WAY CITY COUNCIL AGENDA BILL SUBJECT: FEDERAL WAY CHORALE MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING 2024 POLICY QUESTION: Should the City Council approve the proposed Memorandum of Understanding? COMMITTEE: FEDRAC MEETING DATE: July 23, 2024 CATEGORY: ® Consent ❑ Ordinance ❑ Public Hearing ❑ City Council Business ❑ Resolution ❑ Other STAFF REPORT BY: Autumn Gressett DEPT: Parks Attachments: 1. Staff Report 2. Federal Way Chorale Memorandum of Understanding Options Considered: 1. Approve the proposed Memorandum of Understanding. 2. Do not approve proposed Memorandum of Understanding and provide direction to staff. MAYOR'S RECOMMENDATION: Option I. MAYOR APPROVAL: [RECTOR APPROVAL: 1,lz,6% ' tial/Date COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: I move to forivard the proposed Memorandum of Understanding to the August 13, 2024, consent agenda. for approval. r Con71111ttee Chair Committee ember ember PROPOSED COUNCIL MOTION: "I move approval of'the proposed memorandum of Understanding. " (BELOW TO BE CONIPLETEi3 BY CITY CLERK'S OFFICE COUNCIL .ACTION: ❑ .APPROVED COUNCIL BILL # ❑ DENIED First reading ❑ TABLED/DEFERRED/NO ACTION Enactment reading_ ❑ MOVED TO SECOND READING (ordinances onl)) ORDINANCE # REVISED - 5/2024 RESOLUTION # CITY OF FEDERAL WAY MEMORANDUM DATE: July 10, 2024 TO: City Council Members VIA: Jim Ferrell, Mayor FROM: John Hutton, Parks Director SUBJECT: Federal Way Chorale Memorandum of Understanding 2024 Financial Impacts: This item was not included within the approved budget for the Performing Arts and Event Center. As proposed, the budgeted cost to the City will be $16,000 and will be funded by the Performing Arts and Event Center 115-fund. Background Information: In the fall of 1993, under the direction of Don Barrows, the Chorale began its first rehearsal. Under the direction of Artistic Director, Laird Thornton, The Chorale has grown to become a premier regional choir in the Puget Sound. Each season, the Chorale strives for musical excellence and performs. for diverse audiences with a wide variety of musical pieces and styles. Since the opening of the Federal Way Performing Arts and Event Center (PAEC) in 2017, the Symphony has held the designation of Resident Artist Organization at the PAEC. The Chorale's previous Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) is set to expire on August 31, 2024. In February 2024, staff initiated discussions with the Board of Directors of each Resident Artist Organization to address the renewal of their MOUs. Given the unique needs and circumstances of each group, the draft documents and ensuing discussions have been meticulously detailed to ensure comprehensive support for both the Resident Artist program as a whole and the specific requirements of each organization. The new MOU offers substantial benefits, including the waiver of rental and associated fees for up to two performances at the PAEC. Additionally, each performance is entitled to a rehearsal from Monday to Thursday, also with waived rental and fees. Any additional rental requests will be accommodated at discounted rates, as outlined in the RAO rate schedule. Rev. 7/18 MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN CITY OF FEDERAL WAY AND FEDERAL WAY CHORALE THIS MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING (" l\IOU") dated effective upon mutual execution by all parties, defines the respective responsibilities of the undersigned representatives of the Federal Way Chorale ("Chorale") a Washington non-profit corporation and the City of Federal Wad- ('City") a Washington municipal corporation, together "Parties," in connection with the Performing Arts and Event Center ("PAEC") located at 31510 Pete von Reichbauer Way South, Federal Wa)-, WA 98003. RECITALS WHEREAS, the Chorale brings world -class performers and music to the Federal Way community and is coininitted to nurturing the region's talented young artists; and WHERAS; the Chorale hosts performances that are open to and benefit the public in the City and surrounding areas in South King County, Washington; and WHEREAS; the City owns the Performing Arts and Events Center of Federal Way ("PAEC"), a 716-seat performing arts center, approximately- 8,400 square feet event space, kitchen, and associated office space, located in Federal Way, Washington; and WHEREAS, the City- has engaged OVG360 to manage and operate the PAEC on behalf of the CitNT; and WHEREAS, as the property owner, the City- has the right and authority to engage Chorale in a MOU for Resident Arts Organization ("RAO") status at the PAEC; and WHEREAS, the City desires to engage Chorale in RAO status at the PAEC on behalf of the City, and Chorale desires to accept such engagement, pursuant to the terms and conditions engaged herein. NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the terms and conditions contained herein, Chorale and City agree as follows: RESIDENT ARTS ORGANIZATION BENEFITS. In accordance with this Agreement and the City's RAO Police incorporated into this Agreement as Exhibit A, the Cite shall provide RAO status to the Chorale with the following RAO benefits: a. PriorMT-booking status for the PAEC theatre and event spaces in advance of other groups, but after PAEC presenting season, which has first priority-. b. Waived rental charges and fees for up to two (2) performances at the PAEC; each performance shall also receive one 1\1onday-Thursday- rehearsal teservation(s) with waived rental charges and fees. Additional rental requests will receive discounted rental rates and other fees per the RAO rate schedule, available in the RAO Policy, Page 114 unless otherwise defined in this NIOU. RAO rate schedule shall be reviewed on annual basis- and adjustments may be made as approved by the City-. c. This Agreement and the benefits conferred by it shall not be assigned or sublet Without written permission of the City. 2. TERM. This Agreement shall take effect on the date of mutual execution and shall expire on August 31, 2025, unless terminated earlier by either party with ninetj7 (90) days advanced written notice, or if conditions change such that the Chorale no longer meets the qualifications to be a RAO. The Chorale acknowledges it must reapply to maintain its status and execute a new agreement with the City at or prior to the conclusion of this Agreement. Should the City terminate this agreement early, any confirmed public performance dates on the calendar at the tune of termination will be honored under the same conditions, however, no additional dates may be added. 3. RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE CHORALE: a. The Chorale agrees that their primary mission and activity shall be to produce and present performing arts events that are open to the public. b. The Chorale shall present a minimum of (2) productions each performance season (September — August) with a combined total of at least (2) paid -ticket public performances. c. The Chorale must comply with the RAO Policy. Should conditions change such that the Chorale no longer meets the criteria and requirements of the RAO Policy, the Chorale shall notify the City promptly in writing. The Chorale shall be responsible to reimburse the PAEC or the City for benefits received under the RAO Police and this Agreement during any time that the Chorale no longer met the conditions of a RAO under the RAO Policy. d. The Chorale agrees to submit season date requests, including rehearsal needs, requested amounts, and preferences, no later than FebruarS, 1 of each year. e. The Chorale or a representative talent of the Chorale will perform at one (1) free public event hosted by the City or OVG360 at the PAEC each year, at no charge to the City or OVG360. Performance shall be on a mutually agreeable date. f. All tickets for Chorale performances at the PAEC shall be sold through the PAEC box office; on behalf of the City, OVG360 will retain all related services fees as earned revenue. The Chorale will provide a link to the PAEC website for online ticket purchases on the Chorale's website. g. The Chorale agrees to work with the PAEC presenting season to coordinate schedules so the needs of all organizations can be met and to accommodate any special circumstances for specific events. h. The Chorale shall use the PAEC facilities in a safe manner and shall comply with all PAEC rules and requirements of use and all applicable municipal, state, and federal laws, codes, and rules and regulations pertaining to the Premises and all other codes and rules and regulations prescribed bi the fire and police departments and other governmental authorities in effect at the tirne of this Agreement and as amended. 4. RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE CITY: a. City will not charge the Chorale a merchandise commission. b. Ciq will provide the Chorale with space in season brochures at no cost. c. City will provide a weblink on the PAEC website for Chorale. Page 214 d. City- will include Chorale iii the PAEC weekly e-mail blast as needed, at no cost. Additionally, Cite will send Chorale -specific email blasts for performance announcements. Details of each will be discussed and agreed to by the Chorale and Cite. e. City- will provide a marketing credit towards social media advertising/marketing for the Chorale for each performance, as outlined in the RAO Policy. f. Cite will provide final approved season date in response to the Chorale's submitted requests no later than May 1 of each year. 5. CONTACT PERSONS. The following persons shall be the contact persons for this Agreement. Either party may change its contact person by providing written notice to the other parts- of the change, including the name, title, telephone number, and email address of the new contact person. Emailed notification is acceptable. Chorale: Randall Norsttem, Secretary . PO Box 26182 Federal Way WA, 98093 Phone: 253-861-8798 Email: secretary@fwchorale.com City: Autumn Gressett, Contract Administrator 33325 8"' Ave S Federal Way, WA 98003 Phone: 253-835-6901 Email: Autuinn.C,reS ett u, feder,,tlw it-tN';i. OVG360: Stacia Winters, General Manager 31510 Pete von Reichbauer Way S Federal Way, WA 98003 Phone: 253-835-7013 Email: stacia.winters@o;tk riewgroup.coin 6. NOTICES. All notices sent or requited to be sent shall be sent in writing by email or by registered or certified mail, return receipt requested, postage prepaid, to the contact person. 7. INDEMNIFICATION AND HOLD HARMLESS PROVISIONS. a. The Chorale agrees to indemnify and hold the City, its elected officials, officers, employees, agents, and volunteers harmless from any and all claims, demands, losses, actions and liabilities (including costs and attorney- fees) to or by any and all persons or entities, including without limitation, their respective agents, licensees, or representatives, arising from, resulting from or connected with this Agreement to the extent solely caused by the negligent acts, errors, or omissions of the Chorale, its partners, shareholders, agents, employees or volunteers or by the Chorale's breach of this Agreement. The City agrees to indemnify and hold the Chorale, its officers, Page 3 14 directors, shareholders, partners, employees, and agents harmless from any and all claims, demands, losses, actions and liabilities (including costs and attorney fees) to or by any and all persons or entities, including, without limitation, their respective agents, licensees, or representatives, arising from, resulting from or connected with this Agreement to the extent solely- caused by the negligent acts, errors, or orr fissions of the City, its employees or agents. b. Each party to this Agreement shall be responsible for its own acts and/or omissions and those of its officers, employees, and volunteers operating within the scope of their employment, duties, and authority. No parts- to this Agreement shall be responsible for the acts and/or omissions of entities or individuals not a part to this Agreement. 8. DISPUTE RESOLUTION. The City and Chorale agree to communicate openly and work to resolve any issues, disagreements, or disputes amicably. If a dispute arises directly or indirectly from this Agreement and no amicable resolution can be reached through settlement negotiations, the Parties, together or individually, imay immediately terminate this Agreement by providing notice in writing. COUNTERPARTS. This Agreement may be executed in multiple counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original, but all of which together shall constitute one and the same instrument. This Memorandum of Understanding constitutes the entire Agreement between the above -named Parties. No waiver, change, modification, assignment, or termination of this Agreement is valid or binding unless agreed to in writing and signed by all Parties. IN WITNESS, the Parties execute this Memorandum of Understanding below, effective the last date written below. CITY OF FEDERAL. WAY: By: Jim Ferrell, Mayor Date: FEDERAL WAY CHORALE: By: - Randall Norstrem, Secretary Date: Page 4 14 COUNCIL MEETING DATE: August 13, 2024 ITEM #: 10a CITY OF FEDERAL WAY CITY COUNCIL AGENDA BILL SUBJECT: ORDINANCE: 2023-2024 BIENNIAL BUDGET AMENDMENT POLICY QUESTION: Should the City Council approve the 2023-2024 Biennial Budget amendment? COMMITTEE: FEDRAC CATEGORY: ❑ Consent ® Ordinance ❑ City Council Business ❑ Resolution STAFF REPORT BY: Steve Groom, Finance Director Attachments: 1. Staff Report 2. Ordinance 3. Exhibits A - F MEETING DATE: July 23, 2024 ❑ Public Hearing ❑ Other DEPT: Finance Options Considered: 1. Adopt the proposed ordinance. 2. Do not adopt the proposed ordinance and provide direction to staff. MAYOR'S RECOMMEND ION: Option 1. MAYOR APPROVAL / ,lChSl DIRECTOR APPROVAL: 6441A+I � COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: I move - to forward the proposed ordinance to a public hearing and first reading on August�K,, 2024. Came ittee Chair mniittee Member Comm ee ember PROPOSED COUNCIL MOTION(S): FIRST READING OF ORDINANCE (AUGUST 13, 2024): "I move to forward the proposed ordinance to the September 3, 2024, Council Meeting for second reading and enactment. " SECOND READING OF ORDINANCE (SEPTEMBER 3, 2024): "I move approval of the proposed ordinance. " BELOW TO BE COMPLETED BY CITY CLERK'S OFFICE COUNCIL ACTION: �� `` ❑ APPROVED COUNCIL BILL # 68-4+- ✓�yyT3! ❑ DENIED First reading ❑ TABLED/DEFERRED/NO ACTION Enactment reading ❑ MOVED TO SECOND READING (ordinances only) ORDINANCE # REVISED - 1/2022 RESOLUTION # CITY OF FEDERAL WAY MEMORANDUM DATE: July 23, 2024 TO: City Council Members VIA: Jim Ferrell, Mayor FROM: Steve Groom, Finance Director Chase Donnelly, Deputy Finance Director SUBJECT: 2023-2024 Biennial Budget Amendment Back round Information: The 2023/2024 Budget was approved and adopted November 15, 2022 and amended June 6, 2023 September 5, 2023, November 21, 2023, and May 21, 2024. This is the second quarterly amendment of the year, and is done to capture items council has approved during the year, or any contract increases. All departments submit unfunded budget needs through a waiting list review process with the Mayor, City Administrator and Finance Department staff to assure that the needs are prioritized on a citywide basis. Finance has reviewed and updated the biennial budget for all funds to confirm that required ending fund balances will be met and recommends approval. All changes are reflected in Exhibit F. Financial Impacts: General Fund 2024 expenditures previously authorized by council adoption and/or amendment was $75,187,438; the new revised General Fund expenditures that will now be authorized in 2024 will be $76,522,438, largely from transfer out to Jail fund for increased jail costs. The better -than -budgeted actual revenue received in the first six months does allow us to fund $1,035,000 in higher -than -budgeted jail costs. While year-end forecasted revenues will be updated in subsequent quarters, the City has realized better -than -budgeted actual revenues in investment income ($455,000), unrestricted utility tax ($500,000), and permits & fees ($343,000) while Sales Tax is currently under budget ($263,000). Jail cost is estimated to exceed budget by $1.8 million, so Q2 adjustment from increased investment revenue, utility tax, and permits fees provides significant partial funding until further revenue in later quarters are recognized. All other material changes to the proposed budget amendment are increases to grant revenue with the increases to expenses they fund, items previously approved by council or increased non - discretionary obligations and include: Rev. 7/18 The following tables detail the adjustments to expenditures budgets required for the 2023/2024 Biennial Budget: Adjustments to General Fund Fund Desd%ionofExpenditure/lnterfundTmnsfer L 2024$ funded by 001Geoeral QCTheropeutic Court Grant Expenditure $ 175,000 Grant 001Geoeral Port of Seattle Grantbpeoditure NO Grant 001General 'frainiogGraotsfxpenditures %,000 Grant 001General Transfer out Wail Fund for incusedjailservices 1,035,000 Utilirytalinterest/Permit f ees 001General Transfer out to debt service fund for interest expenditure 15,000 UtilirytaxlloterestiPcOtfees 'fod $ 1,335,000 Adjustments to Non —General Funds Fund DescdptionofUpend!WmilnterfundTmnsfer 2024$ fundedby 102Artebl%eetOvedayfund Overlay carryoverfor28bRood Diet ProjPhll&IakehavenUtiliWAdjustments $ 812,253 r4rterialStreetFund Balance &Reimbursement 103 UtilityTax fund Transfer out to General fund 500,000 IJtilityTax lOAffordable&5upprtHou5iigSales/UseT3xfund 2024HousiogCapitolfund 1406Expenditure 6,715,4ffordableEupprt Housing Fund Balance 109Hotel/Motel EodgingbxFund ItodgingTax UpeodituresIncrease 100,000Itodgingbx fund Balance 115 PAEC fund iPAECfund Operational Expenditure Increase 1,015,494 IEvent Fees and PAEC fund Balance 116Solid Waste 11/o Utility Tax Fund 'Residential streetoveraly j257,025 Solid Waste 210 Uti%Tax Fund Balance 120Paths & Trails fund Transfer out to fleet fund for recreation shuttle bus purchase 30,9 (Paths&Trails fund Balance 122415ekefund Iail Cost Increase U35,0D0 Transfer in from General fund 201 Debt 5ervice fund Interest Expenditure for lnterfundloin 4000 Transfer in from General fund 301 Downtown Redevelopment fund Transfer out toTransportotionProj-21stAVEIS320th5T5igoal&Pod Improve 355,000 illfT 303ParksCIPfund Resurface SaghalieTennis Courts 89,683 Grant 301 5urface Water Management CIP fund Redondo Creek Culvert Replacement& Reduce Transfer to0therfunds 1,758,079 SWMCIPfundBalance 306Tr8nsportationCIPfund Joint Operations &Maintenancefacility & Contracted Project increases 8,879,731 TransportationCIPFund Balance, Grants, and BondProceeds 401 DBC fund DBC fund Operation Expenditure Increase 280,603 Rental fees and DBC fund Balance 504fleet &Equipment fund Recreation Shuttle Bus Purchase 85,176 fleet& Equipment fund Balance and Trans[ Infrom Paths&Trails iota) $16,279,39 Exhibits A - F are attached to provide an accountable chronology: • Exhibit A — original Adopted Budget, adopted November 15, 2022 • Exhibit B — first amendment, adopted June 6, 2023 • Exhibit C — second amendment, adopted September 5, 2023 • Exhibit D — third amendment, adopted November 21, 2023 • Exhibit E — fourth amendment, adopted May 21, 2024 • Exhibit F — fifth amendment proposed for adoption September 3, 2024 Rev. 7/18 ORDINANCE NO.24_ AN ORDINANCE of the City of Federal Way, Washington, relating to amending the 2023-2024 Biennial Budget. (Amending Ordinance Nos. 22-941, 23-959, 23-966, 23-974 and 24-986) WHEREAS, the tax estimates and budget for the City of Federal Way, Washington, for the 2023-2024 fiscal biennium were prepared and filed on September 15, 2022, as provided by Titles 35A.34 and 84.55 of the Revised Code of Washington; and WHEREAS, the budget was printed for distribution and notice published in the official paper of the City of Federal Way setting the time and place for public hearing on the budget and said notice stating copies of the budget can be obtained on-line and at the Office of the City Clerk; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Federal Way held public hearings on October 18 and November 1, 2022, and considered the public comments presented; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Federal Way approved the budget ordinance on November 15, 2022 (adopted budget attached as Exhibit A); and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Federal Way approved the first amended budget ordinance on June 6, 2023 (adopted budget amendment # 1 attached as Exhibit B); and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Federal Way approved the second amended budget ordinance on September 5, 2023 (adopted budget amendment #2 attached as Exhibit Q and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Federal Way approved the third Ordinance No. 24- Page 1 of 9 Rev 1/22 amended budget ordinance on November 21, 2023 (adopted budget amendment #3 attached as Exhibit D). WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Federal Way approved the fourth amended budget ordinance on May 21, 2024 (adopted budget amendment #4 attached as Exhibit E). NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FEDERAL WAY, WASHINGTON, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section. 1. 2023-2024 Budget Amendment. That the budget for the 2023-2024 biennium is hereby amended in the amounts and for the purposes as shown on the attached Exhibit F ("2023-2024 Proposed Amended Budget #5") Section 2. Administration. The Mayor shall administer the Biennial Budget and in doing so may authorize adjustments to the extent that they are consistent with the budget approved herein. Section 3. Severability. Should any section, subsection, paragraph, sentence, clause, or phrase of this chapter, or its application to any person or situation, be declared unconstitutional or invalid for any reason, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this chapter or its application to any other person or situation. The City Council of the City of Federal Way hereby declares that it would have adopted this chapter and each section, subsection, sentence, clauses, phrase, or.portion thereof, irrespective of the fact that any one or more sections, subsections, sentences, clauses, phrases, or portions be declared invalid or unconstitutional. Ordinance No. 24- Page 2 of 9 Rev 1/22 Section 4. Corrections. The City Clerk and the codifiers of this ordinance are authorized to make necessary corrections to this ordinance including, but not limited to, the correction of scrivener/clerical errors., references, ordinance numbering, section/subsection numbers and any references thereto. Section 5. Ratification. Any act consistent with the authority and prior to the effective date of this ordinance is hereby ratified and affirmed. Section 6. Effective Date. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force five (5) days from the time of its final passage as provided by law. PASSED by the City Council of the City of Federal Way this day of , 2024. CITY OF FEDERAL WAY: JIM FERRELL, MAYOR ATTEST: STEPHANIE COURTNEY, MMC, CPRO, CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO FORM: J. RYAN CALL, CITY ATTORNEY FILED WITH THE CITY CLERK: PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL: PUBLISHED: EFFECTIVE DATE: ORDINANCE NO.: Ordinance No. 24- Page 3 of 9 Rev 1/22 EMBIT A 2023-2024 Adopted Budget 2023 2024 Beginning Fund Beginning Fund Ending Fund Fund Balance Revenue Expenditure Balance Revenue Expenditure Balance ,General Fund 12,415,532 56,854,231 S 60,077,654 9,192,109 61,108,379 S 61,300,485 S 9,000,001 Special Revenue Funds: Street 210,983 5,715,475 5,426,458 500,000 5,595,163 5,595,163 500,000 Arterial Street 100,001 1,563,000 1,563,000 100,001 1,563,000 1,563,000 100,001 Utility Tax 4,579,047 11,830,565 11,619,868 4,789,743 11,782,564 15,072,308 1,500,000 Sales/Use Tax- Affrd. & Supprt. Housing 140,702 125,000 125,000 140,702 125,000 125,000 140,702 Solid Waste/Recycling 311,052 722,200 641,647 391,604 722,200 654,343 459,462 Special Contract/Studies 462,890 - 462,890 - 462,890 Hotel/Motel Lodging Tax 1,720,995 293,000 65,000 1,948,995 308,000 65,000 2,191,995 Community Center 980,517 2,799,376 2,279,893 1,500,000 2,306,857 2,306,857 1,500,000 Traffic Safety Fund 3,109,153 3,000,000 3,846,735 2,262,419 3,060,000 4,122,419 1,200,000 Utility TaxProposition I 1,612,395 3,859,478 4,471,873 1,000,000 4,603,704 4,603,704 1,000,000 Performing Arts & Event Center 541,702 2,387,767 2,483,359 446,111 2,259,757 2,483,359 222,509 Soid Waste 101/o Utility Tax 152,012 2,200,000 2,200,000 15ZO12 2,300,000 2,300,000 15ZO12 Community Development Block Grant 28,268 886,193 886,193 28,269 789,717 789,717 28,268 Paths and Trails 1,895,150 170,600 100,000 1,965,750 172,216 600,000 1,537,966 Technology 235,810 149,250 385,060 149,250 534,310 Jail Service 164,252 2,335,748 2,500,000 (0) 2,700,000 2,700,000 (0) Strategic Reserve 3,000,001 - 3,000,001 - 3,000,001 Parks Reserve 1,120,891 5,000 1,125,891 5,000 1,130,891 Debt Service Fund 3,118,184 2,446,368 2,446,368 3,118,184 2,446,459 2,446,459 3,118,184 Capital Project Funds: Real Estate Excise Tax 4,110,900 5,521,000 7,055,343 2,576,557 5,576,000 5,788,245 2,364,312 Downtown Redevelopment 3,496,123 - 205,000 3,291,123 - 150,000 3,141,123 Municipal Facilities 175,185 175,185 - 175,185 Parks 1,497,896 367,000 367,000 1,497,896 767,000 767,000 1,497,896 Surface Water Management 1,744,296 2,044,312 3,359,608 429,000 1,556,230 1,805,273 179,957 Transportation 1,125,725 19,269,000 19,912,000 482,725 50,927,649 49,507,000 1,903,373 Capital Project Reserve 369,963 - 369,963 - 369,963 Enterprise Fund: Surface Water Management 2,897,393 6,226,871 6,450,608 2,673,656 6,228,298 8,104,300 797,654 Dumas Bay Centre 1,132,849 1,155,846 764,097 1,524,599 792,696 773,784 1,543,510 Internal Service Funds: Risk Management 1,158,255 2,307,763 2,657,763 808,255 2,120,877 2,329,131 600,001 Information Technology 3,734,945 3,243,845 3,646,229 3,332,561 3,288,845 3,393,541 3,227,865 Mail & Duplication 255,919 135,947 154,901 236,965 135,947 161,901 211,011 Fleet & Equipment 7,621,866 2,425,039 3,336,067 6,710,838 2,399,475 1,711,734 7,398,580 Buildings & Furnishings 2,161,252 728,099 789,772 2,099,579 603,099 664,772 2,037,906 Health Insurance 3,579,885 4,956,000 5,256,726 3,279,159 4,956,000 5,256,726 2,978,433 Unem to ment Insurance 245,846 - 70,000 175,846 70,000 105,846 Grand Total All Funds S 71,207,836 S 145,723,974 S 154,758,165 1 S 62,173,646 S 181,349,382 S 187,211,223 S 56,311,805 Ordinance No. 24- Page 4 of 9 Rev 1/22 M[BITB 2023-2024 Adopted Budget Amendment #1 2023 2024 Beginning Fund Beginning Fund Ending Fund Fund Balance Revenue Expenditure Balance Revenue Expenditure Balance ,General Fund S 27,500,556 S 58,056,122 S 76,002,369 S 9,554,309 S 61,040,879 S 61,590,721 S 9,004,467 (Special Revenue Funds: Street 359,300 5,975,158 5,834,458 500,000 5,595,163 5,595,163 500,000 Arterial Street 999,047 1,563,000 2,462,047 100,0w 1,563,000 1,563,000 100,000 Utility Tax 4,643,952 12,196,316 12,050,524 4,789,743 11,782,564 15,072,308 1,500,000 Sales/Use Tax- Affrd.&Supprt.Housing 147,938 125,000 125,000 147,938 125,000 125,000 147,938 Solid Waste/Recycling 395,438 722,200 725,598 392,040 722,200 654,343 459,897 Special Contract/Studies 987,117 987,117 - 987,117 Hotel/Motel Lodging Tax 1,867,690 293,000 65,000 2,095,690 308,000 65,000 2,338,690 Community Center 1,737,337 2,799,376 2,279,893 2,256,820 2,306,857 2,306,857 2,256,820 Traffic Safety Fund 2,445,305 3,000,000 3,846,735 1,598,570 3,060,000 4,122,419 536,151 Utility TaxProposition 1 1,570,837 3,901,478 4,471,873 1,000,441 4,603,704 4,603,704 1,000,441 Perforating Ads & Event Center 873,647 2,387,767 2,483,359 778,055 2,259,757 2,483,359 554,454 Community Development BlockCaant 25,107 886,193 886,193 25,107 789,717 789,717 25,106 Solid Waste 101/oUtility Tax 1,632,178 2,200,000 3,680,166 152,012 2,300,000 2,300,000 152,012 Paths and Trails 1,888,280 170,600 100,000 1,958,980 172,216 600,000 1,531,096 Technology 459,967 149,250 28,350 580,867 149,250 12,000 718,117 Jail Service 7,487 2,492,513 2,500,000 0 2,700,000 2,700,000 0 Strategic Reserve 3,001,354 - 3,001,354 - 3,001,354 Parks Reserve 1,132,882 5,000 1,137,882 5,000 1,142,882 Debt Service Fund (1,367,880) 3,814,248 2,446,368 (0) 2,446,459 2,446,459 (0) Capital Project Funds: Real Estate Excise Tax 3,216,755 5,521,000 7,055,343 1,682,412 5,576,000 5,788,245 1,470,167 Downtown Redevelopment 4,498,575 205,000 4,293,575 - 150,000 4,143,575 Municipal Facilities 175,412 175,412 175,412 Parks 2,031,573 367,000 657,664 1,740,909 767,000 767,000 1,740,909 Surface Water Management 4,570,034 3,243,885 7,032,179 781,740 1,556,230 1,805,273 532,697 Transportation 15,937,599 19,323,650 31,642,185 3,619,064 50,927,649 49,507,000 5,039,713 Capital Project Reserve 370,253 370,253 370,253 Fnterprise Fund: Surface Water Management 4,510,546 6,226,871 7,588,980 3,148,437 6,228,298 8,104,300 1,P72,435 Dumas Bay Centre 1,710,216 1,155,846 764,097 2,101,965 792,696 773,784 2,120,877 Internal Service Funds: RiskManagement 1,516,609 2,307,763 2,657,763 1,166,609 2,120,877 2,329,131 958,355 Information Technology 4,259,029 3,484,045 3,886,429 3,856,646 3,514,145 3,618,841 3,751,950 Mail & Duplication 279,133 135,947 154,901 260,179 135,947 161,901 234,225 Fleet & Equipment 8,545,676 2,550,039 4,944,651 6,151,064 2,399,475 1,711,734 6,838,805 Buildings & Furnishings 2,114,858 728,099 789,772 2,053,185 603,099 664,772 1,991,512 Health Insurance 3,659,129 4,956,000 5,256,726 3,358,403 4,956,000 5,256,726 3,057,677 Unemployment Insurance 252,016 - 70,000 182,016 - 70,000 112,016 Grand Total All Funds S 107,954,951 S 150,737,366 S 192,693,624 S 65,998,694 S 181,507,182 S 187,738,757 S 59,767,119 Ordinance No. 24- Page 5 of 9 Rev 1/22 EIHIBITC 2023-2024 Amended Budget#2 2023 2024 Beginning Fund Beginning Fund Fading Fund Fund Balance Revenue Expenditure Balance Revenue Expenditure Balance General Fund S 27,350,553 $ 59,091,457 S 76,87%596 S 9,569,414 $ 61,580,879 $ 6Z130,721 $ 9,019,572 ;Special Revenue Funds: Street 359,430 5,991,404 5,850,704 500,130 5,611,409 5,611,409 500,130 Arterial Street 998,845 1,563,000 2,461,845 IK000 1,563,000 1,563,000 100,001 Utility Tax 4,646,109 12,449,431 12,303,640 4,791,900 11,78Z564 15,072,308 1,502,157 Sales/Use Tax -AN. & Supprt. Housing 148,016 125,000 125,000 148,016 125,000 125,000 148,016 Solid Waste/Recycling 395,459 74200 725,598 39Z061 72Z200 654,343 459,918 Special ContracUStudies 987,302 - 450,000 537,302 537,302 Hotel/Motel Lodging Tax 1,868,015 293,000 65,000 2,096,015 308,000 65,000 2,339,015 Community Center 1,737,273 2,799,376 2,279,893 2,256,756 2,306,857 2,306,857 2,256,756 Traffic Safety Fund 2,493,443 3,000,000 3,846,735 1,646,708 3,060,000 4,122,419 584,290 Utility TaxProposition 1 1,571,054 3,901,478 4,471,873 1,000,658 4,603,704 4,603,704 1,000,658 Perforating Arts & Event Center 873,936 2,387,767 2,483,359 778,344 2,259,757 2,483,359 554,743 Community Development Block Crant 25,107 8%193 886,193 25,107 789,717 789,717 25,106 Solid Waste 101/oUtility Tax 1,632,240 2,200,000 3,680,166 15%074 2,300,000 2,300,000 15ZO74 Paths and Trails 1,888,688 170,600 366,376 1,692,912 172,216 600,000 1,265,128 Technology 459,999 149,250 259,350 349,899 149,250 12,000 487,149 Jail Service 7,260 2,492,740 2,500,000 0 2,700,000 2,700,000 0 Strategic Reserve 3,002,082 3,002,082 - 3,002,082 Parks Reserve 1,133,157 5,000 1,138,157 5,000 1,143,157 Debt Service Fund (1,366,565) 3,814,248 2,446,368 1,315 2,446,459 2,446,459 1,315 Capital Project Funds: Real Estate Excise Tax 3,417,658 5,521,000 7,055,343 1,683,315 5,516,000 5,788,245 1,471,070 Downtown Redevelopment 4,499,350 - 205,000 4,294,350 150,000 4,144,350 Municipal Facilities 175,507 - 175,507 - 175,507 Parks Z03ZO64 633,376 924,040 1,741,400 767,000 767,000 1,741,400 Surface Water Management 4,570,673 3,243,885 7,032,179 78Z379 1,556,230 1,805,273 533,336 Transportation 15,939,217 19,323,650 31,64%185 3,62Q682 50,927,649 49,507,000 5,041,331 Capital Project Reserve 370,343 370,343 370,343 Fnterprise Fund: Surface Water Management 4,511,222 6,226,871 7,588,980 3,149,113 6,228,298 8,104,300 1,273,111 Dumas Bay Centre 1,710,510 1,155,846 764,097 %10%259 792,696 773,784 2,121,171 Internal Service Funds: RiskManagement 1,516,845 2,307,763 2,657,763 1,166,845 %120,877 2,329,131 958,591 Information Technology 4,260,137 3,684,045 4,276,429 3,667,753 3,514,145 3,618,841 3,563,057 Mail & Duplication 279,203 135,947 154,901 26Q249 135,947 161,901 234,295 Fleet & Equipment 8,548,261 2,550,039 4,959,137 6,139,163 2,399,475 1,711,734 6,826,904 Buildings & Furnishings Z115,458 1,328,099 1,389,772 2,053,785 603,099 664,772 1,992,112 Health Insurance 3,660,088 4,956,000 5,256,726 3,359,362 4,956,000 5,256,726 3,058,636 Unemployment Insurance 25ZO36 70,000 18Z036 70,0001 1IZO36 Grand Total A11 Ands S 107,869,976 S 153,108,665E 196,051,249 S 64,927,393 S 182,063,428 S 188,295,003 1 S 58,695,819 Ordinance No. 24- Page 6 of 9 Rev 1 /22 EXHIBIT D 2023.2024 Amended Bud¢et #3 2023 2024 Ending Fund Beginning egmnmgun Fund Fund Balance Revenue Expenditure Balance Revenue Expenditure Balance ,General Fund $ 27,350,553 $ 62,582,016 $ 79,829,531 $ 10,103,039 $ 61,774,549 $ 62,877,587 $ 9,000,000 Special Revenue Funds: Street 359,430 6,011,404 5,870,704 500,130 5,611,409 5,611,409 500,130 Arterial Street 998,845 1,563,000 2,461,845 100,000 1,563,000 1,563,000 100,001 Utility Tax 4,646,109 12,449,431 12,305,797 4,789,743 11,782,564 15,072,308 1,500,000 Sales/Use Tax - Affrd. & Supprt. Housing 148,016 125,000 134,000 139,016 125,000 125,000 139,016 Solid Waste/Recycling 395,459 735,799 739,197 392,061 793,797 725,940 459,919 Special Contract/Studies 987,302 - 50,000 937,302 - 400,000 537,302 Hotel/Motel Lodging Tax 1,868,015 293,000 150,000 2,011,015 308,000 65,000 2,254,015 Community Center 1,737,273 2,280,376 2,459,893 1,557,756 2,306,857 2,306,857 1,557,756 Traffic Safety Fund 2,493,441 3,800,000 3,871,735 2,421,708 3,060,000 4,272,419 1,209,290 Utility Tax Proposition 1 1,571,054 3,900,820 4,471,873 1,000,000 4,60'VO4 4,603,704 1,000,000 Performing Arts & Event Center 873,936 2,767,767 2,983,359 658,344 2,259,757 2,483,359 434,743 Community Development Block Grant 25,107 901,193 901,193 25,107 789,717 789,717 25,106 Solid Waste 10%Utility Tax 1,632,240 2,200,000 3,680,166 152,074 2,300,000 2,300,000 152,074 Paths and Trails 1,888,688 170,600 401,376 1,657,912 172,216 600,000 1,230,128 Technology 459,999 149,250 84,350 524,899 149,250 187,000 487,149 Jail Service 7,260 4,292,740 4,300,000 0 2,700,000 2,700,000 0 Strategic Reserve 3,002,082 - 3,002,082 - 3,002,082 Parks Reserve 1,133,157 5,000 1,138,157 5,000 1,143,157 Debt Service Fund (1,366,565) 3,829,248 2,461,368 1;315 2,446,459 2,446,459 1,315 Capital Project Funds: Real Estate Excise Tax 3,217,658 4,521,000 6,055,343 1,683,315 5,576,000 5,788,245 1,471,070 Downtown Redevelopment 4,499,350 1,000,000 3,463,669 2,035,681 - 150,000 1,885,681 Municipal Facilities 175,507 - 175,507 - 175,507 Parks 2,032,064 683,816 1,258,040 1,457,840 767,000 767,000 1,457,840 Surface Water Management 4,570,673 3,293,885 7,082,179 782,379 1,556,230 1,805,273 533,336 Transportation 15,939,217 24,244,248 38,604,114 1,579,351 60,727,649 62,307,000 (0) Capital Project Reserve 370,341 - 370,343 370,343 Enterprise Fund: Surface Water Management 4,511,222 7,562,395 7,763,379 4,310,238 6,320,939 9,090,691 1,540,486 Dumas Bay Centre 1,710,510 1,355,846 864,097 2,202,259 792,696 773,784 2,221,171 Internal Service Funds: Risk Management 1,516,845 2,307,763 2,657,763 1,166,845 2,538,083 3,104,928 600,000 Information Technology 4,260,137 3,684,045 3,806,929 4,137,253 3,514,145 4,392,191 3,259,207 Mail & Duplication 279,203 135,947 164,901 250,249 135,947 161,901 224,295 Fleet & Equipment 8,548,261 2,635,039 5,980,818 5,202,482 2,399,475 2,878,734 4,723,223 Buildings & Furnishings 2,115,458 1,336,099 1,389,772 2,061,785 603,099 664,772 2,000,112 Health Insurance 3,660,088 5,414,000 5,714,726 3,359,362 4,956,000 5,256,726 3,058,636 UnemploXMent Insurance 252.036 162.964 95.000 1 320,000 70,000 250,000 Grand Toral.9ll Fundy f 107,869,976 f 166,393,691 $ 212,057,118 f 62,206,550 $ 192,638,542 S 206,341,003 S 48,504,089 Ordinance No. 24- Page 7 of 9 Rev 1 /22 EUIIBITE 2023-2024 Amended Budget 44 2023 2024 Beginning Fund Beginning Fund Ending Fund Fund Balance Revenue Expenditure Balance Revenue Expenditure Balance General Fund S 27,350,553 S 62,582,016 S 79,829,531 S 21,809,705 S 62,539,549 S 75,187,438 S 9,161,816 Special Revenue Funds: Street 359,430 6,011,404 5,870,704 627,961 5,611,409 5,642245 597,124 Arterial Street 998,845 1,563,000 2,461,845 980,434 1,563,000 1,563,000 980,434 Utility Tax 4,646,109 12,449,431 12,305,797 8,180,988 11,782,564 15,072,308 4,891,245 Sales/Use Tax- Affrd.&Supprt.Housing 148,016 125,000 134,000 145,923 125,000 125,000 145,923 Solid Waste/Recycling 395,459 735,799 739,197 458,902 793,797 725,940 526,759 Special Contract/Studies 987,302 - 50,000 1,035,702 - 400,000 635,702 Hotel/Motel Lodging Tax 1,868,015 293,000 150,000 2,080,525 308,000 65,000 2,323,525 Community Center 1,737,273 240,376 2,459,893 1,768,436 2,306,857 2,306,857 1,768,436 Traffic Safety Fund 2,493,443 3,800,000 3,871,735 3,350,371 3,060,000 4,272,419 2,137,952 Utility TaxProposition 1 1,571,054 3,900,820 4,471,873 1,312,504 4,603,704 4,603,704 1,312,504 Performing Arts & Event Center 873,936 2,767,767 2,983,359 791,463 2259,757 2,483,359 567,861 Community Development BlockCaant 25,107 901,193 901,193 63,358 789,717 789,717 63,357 Solid Waste 101/oUtility Tax 1,632,240 2200,000 3,680,166 1,448,966 2�00,000 2,300,000 1,448,966 Paths and Trails 1,888,688 170,600 401,376 1,863,850 172,216 600,000 1,436,066 Technology 459,999 149,250 84,350 660,867 149,250 187,000 623,117 Jail Service 7,260 4294740 4,300,000 34,284 3259,000 3259,000 34,284 Strategic Reserve 3,002,082 - 3,004082 - 3,002,082 Parks Reserve 1,133,157 5,000 1,133,157 5,000 1,138,157 Debt Service Fund (1,366,565) 3,829,248 2,461,368 (1,362,628) 3,809,087 2,446,459 Capital Project Funds: Real Estate Excise Tax 3217,658 4,521,000 6,055,343 2,560,202 5,576,000 5,788245 2,347,957 Dovmtovvn Redevelopment 4,499,350 1,000,000 3,463,669 5,327,997 - 150,000 5,177,997 Municipal Facilities 175,507 175,507 - 175,507 Parks 2,032,064 683,816 1,258,040 2,451,322 767,000 2,160,884 1,057,438 Surface Water Management 4,570,673 3293,885 7,092,179 6,322,537 2,671,528 7,185,731 1,808,334 Transportation 15,939,217 24244248 38,6C4,114 14,736,122 75,115,034 89,594,377 256,779 Capital Project Reserve 370,343 - 370,343 370,343 Fnterprise Fund: Surface Water Management 4,511222 7,562,395 7,763,379 5,744,156 6,320,939 9,090,691 2,974,404 Dumas Bay Centre 1,710,510 1,355,846 864,097 2,197,592 792,696 773,784 2,216,504 Internal Service Funds: RiskManagement 1,516,845 2,307,763 2,657,763 1,760,850 2,538,083 3,104,928 1,194,005 Information Technology 4260,137 3,684,045 3,806,929 4,288,639 3,514,145 4,392,191 3,410,593 Mail & Duplication 279,203 135,947 164,901 274,203 135,947 161,901 248,249 Fleet & Equipment 8,548261 2,635,039 5,980,818 8,159,943 2,399,475 4,558,015 6,001,403 Buildings & Fumishings 2,115,458 1,336,099 1,389,772 Z71ZI41 603,099 664,772 2,650,468 Health Insurance 3,660,088 5,414,000 5,714,726 4,020,794 4,956,000 5,256,726 3,720,068 Unem lovment Insurance 25z036 162,964 95,0001 346,769 70,0001 276,769 Grand Total All Funds S 107,869,976 S 166,393,691 S 212,057,118 1 S 110,835,966 S 210,827,853 S 254,9811690 1 S 66,682,129 Ordinance No. 24- Page 8 of 9 Rev 1 /22 EVIIBITF 2023-2024 Proposed, amended Budget #5 2023 2024 Beginning Fund Beginning Fund Ending Fund Fund Balance Revenue Expenditure Balance Revenue Expenditure Balance General Fund $ 27,350,553 S 62,582,016 S 79,829,531 $ 21,809,705 $ 63,859,549 S 76,522,438 S 9,146,816 Special Revenue Funds: Street 359,430 6,011,404 5,870,704 627,%1 5,611,409 5,642,245 597,124 Arterial Street 998,845 1,563,000 2,461,845 980,434 1,668,000 2,435253 213,181 Utility Tax 4,646,109 12,449,431 12,305,797 8,180,988 12282,564 15,572,308 4,891245 Sales/Use Tax- Affrd.&Supprt. Housing 148,016 125,000 134,000 145,923 125,000 131,715 139,208 Solid Waste/Recycling 395,459 735,799 739,197 458,902 793,797 725,940 526,759 Special Contract/Studies 987,302 50,000 1,035,702 400,000 635,702 HotellMotelLodgmgTax 1,868,015 293,000 150,000 2,080,525 308,000 165,000 2,223,525 Community Center 1,737,273 2,280,376 2,459,893 1,768,436 2,306,857 2,306,857 1,768,436 Traffic Safety Fund 2,493,443 3,800,000 3,871,735 3,350,371 3,060,000 4,272,419 2,137,952 Utility TaxProposition 1 1,571,054 3,900,820 4,471,873 1,312,504 4,603,704 4,603,704 1,312,504 Perforating Arts & Event Center 873,936 2,767,767 2,983,359 791,463 3200,570 3,498,853 493,180 Community Development Block Grant 25,107 901,193 901,193 63,358 789,717 789,717 63,357 Solid Waste 10%Utility Tax 1,632,240 2,200,000 3,680,166 1,448,966 2,300,000 3,557,025 191,941 Paths and Trails 1,888,688 170,600 401,376 1,863,850 112,216 630,000 1,406,066 Technology 459,999 149,250 84,350 660,867 149,250 187,000 623,117 Jail Service 7,260 4292,740 4,300,000 34,284 4294,000 4294,000 34284 Strategic Reserve 3,002,082 - 3,002,082 3,002,082 Parks Reserve 1,133,157 5,000 1,133,157 5,000 1,138,157 Debt Service Fund (1,366,565) 3,829,248 2,461,368 (1,362,628) 3,824,087 2,461,459 Capital Project Funds: Real Estate Excise Tax 3217,658 4,521,000 6,055,343 4,560402 5,576,000 5,788245 2,347,957 Downtown Redevelopment 4,499,350 1,000,000 3,463,669 5,327,997 - 505,000 4,822,997 Municipal Facilities 175,507 - 175,507 - 175,507 Parks 2,032,064 683,816 1,258,040 2,451,322 856,683 2,250,567 1,057,438 Surface WaterManagernent 4,570,673 3293,885 7,082,179 6,32,537 2,671,528 8,943,810 50,255 Transportation 15,939,217 24244,248 38,604,114 15,361,122 94,460,834 98,474,108 1,347,848 Capital Project Reserve 370,343 370,343 - 370,343 Fnterprise Fund: Surface Water Management 4,511,222 7,56Z395 7,763,379 5,744,156 6,320,939 9,090,691 2,974,404 Dumas Bay Centre 1,710,510 1,355,846 864,097 2,197,592 1,003,100 1,054,387 -2,146,305 Internal Service Funds: RiskManagement 1,516,845 2,307,763 2,657,763 1,760,850 2,538,083 3,104,928 1,194,005 Information Technology 4260,137 3,684,045 3,806,929 4,288,639 3,514,145 4,392,191 3,410,593 Mail & Duplication 279,203 135,947 164,901 274,203 135,947 161,901 248,249 Fleet & Equipment 8,548,261 2,635,039 5,980,818 8,159,943 2,429,475 4,643,191 5,946,227 Buildings & Furnishings 2,115,458 1,336,099 1,389,772 2,712,141 603,099 664,772 2,650,468 Health Insurance 3,660,088 5,414,000 5,714,726 4,020,794 4,956,000 5,256,726 3,720,068 Uflemployrrient Insurance 252,036 162,964 95,0001 346,769 - 70,0001 276,769 Grand Tofa;A11 Funds S 107,869,976 S 166,393,691 5 212,057,118 S 111,460,966 S 224,419,553 S 272,596,449 S 63,284,070 Ordinance No. 24- Page 9 of 9 Rev 1 /22 10b COUNCIL MEETING DATE: August 13, 2024 ITEM #: CITY OF FEDERAL WAY CITY COUNCIL AGENDA BILL SUBJECT: ORDINANCE: SETTING MUNICIPAL COURT JUDGE SALARY POLICY QUESTION: Should the City Council set municipal court judge salaries to be 100 percent of district court judge salaries as established by the Washington Citizens' Commission on Salaries for Elected Officials? COMMITTEE: FEDRAC MEETING DATE: July 23, 2024 CATEGORY: ❑ Consent ® Ordinance ❑ Public Hearing ❑ City Council Business ❑ Resolution ❑ Other STAFF REPORT BY: Brian Davis, City Administrator DEPT: Mayor's Office Attachments: 1. Staff Report 2. Ordinance Options Considered: 1. Adopt the proposed ordinance. 2. Do not adopt the proposed ordinance and provide direction to staff. MAYOR'S RECOMMENDATION: Option 1. MAYOR APPROVAL: q 24DIRECTOR APPROVAL: * L"L Committee Cn 61riI Initial/Date Initial/Date Initial/Date COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: I move to forward the proposed ordinance to first reading on August 13, 2024. C mmittee Chair Corhmittee Member &oln ittee Memb PROPOSED COUNCIL MOTION(S): LJ FIRST READING OF ORDINANCE (AUGUST 13): "I move to forward the proposed ordinance to the September 3, 2024 Council Meeting for second reading and enactment. " SECOND READING OF ORDINANCE (SEPTEMBER 3): "I move approval of the proposed ordinance. " (BELOW TO BE COMPLETED BY CITY CLERK'S OFFICE) COUNCIL ACTION: ❑ APPROVED COUNCIL BILL # ❑ DENIED First reading ❑ TABLED/DEFERRED/NO ACTION Enactment reading ❑ MOVED TO SECOND READING (ordinances only) ORDINANCE # REVISED— 11/2019 RESOLUTION # CITY OF FEDERAL WAY MEMORANDUM DATE: July 8, 2024 TO: City Council VIA: Jim Ferrell, Mayor FROM: Brian Davis, City Administrator SUBJECT: Municipal County Judge Salary Increase Financial Impacts: Impact to the General Fund will be an increase of $24,210 toward employee salary and benefits. Cost of living increases will be incorporated annually as with all other employee salaries. Backeround Information: After carefully taking a look at the workload and complexity of the Federal Way municipal court judges' duties, the mayor has determined that the nature of their work is substantially similar to that of a district court judge. Therefore, Mayor Ferrell is recommending that our municipal court judges be compensated the same as district court judges. Because Federal Way Municipal Code 2.29.050 states that "the annual salary [of municipal court judges] shall be... 95 percent of district court judges' salary... as set by the State Salary Commission," the code must be changed in order to increase the judges' compensation. The Mayor recommends amending the code so that our municipal court judges are compensated at 100 percent of district court judges' salary. Rev. 7/18 ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE of the City of Federal Way, Washington, relating to fixing the salary of municipal court judges; amending FWRC 2.29.050 (Amending Ordinance Nos. 99-339, 01-397, 05-484, and 05-494). WHEREAS, RCW 3.50.080 requires that the salaries of municipal courtjudges be fixed by ordinance; and WHEREAS, the Washington State constitution as amended in 1986 creates an independent citizen commission to set the salaries of the state's elected officials, including district court judge salaries; and WHEREAS, FWRC 2.29.050(10) currently sets City of Federal Way municipal court judge salaries at 95% of district court judge salaries; and WHEREAS, the City Council finds that the duties of judge in the Federal Way municipal court to be substantially equivalent to those of district court judges. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FEDERAL WAY, WASHINGTON, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. FWRC 2.29.050(10) is hereby amended to read as follows: (10) Compensation. Pursuant to RCW 3.50.080, the compensation for the municipal court judges shall be set by the city council by ordinance. Commencing January , July l 2024, the annual salary shall be $„ `,91 .40, w,..ie is °5 100 percent of district court judges' salary, and shall be maintained thereafter at 9-5 100 percent of the district court judges' salary as set by the State Salary Commission. The mMunicipal court judges shall receive the same benefits as the nonrepresented city employees. Ordinance No. 24- Page 1 of 3 Rev 1/22 Section 2. Seve_rability. Should any section, subsection, paragraph, sentence, clause, or phrase of this ordinance, or its application to any person or situation, be declared unconstitutional or invalid for any reason, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this ordinance or its application to any other person or situation. The City Council of the City of Federal Way hereby declares that it would have adopted this ordinance and each section, subsection, sentence, clauses, phrase, or portion thereof, irrespective of the fact that any one or more sections, subsections, sentences, clauses, phrases, or portions be declared invalid or unconstitutional. Section 3. Corrections. The City Clerk and the codifiers of this ordinance are authorized to make necessary corrections to this ordinance including, but not limited to, the correction of scrivener/clerical errors, references, ordinance numbering, section/subsection numbers and any references thereto. Section 4. Ratification. Any act consistent with the authority and prior to the effective date of this ordinance is hereby ratified and affirmed. Section 5. Effective Date. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force five (5) days from and after its passage and publication, as provided by law. PASSED by the City Council of the City of Federal Way this _ day of 2024. [signature page to follow] Ordinance No. 24- Page 2 of 3 Rev 1/22 CITY OF FEDERAL WAY: JIM FERRELL, MAYOR ATTEST: STEPHANIE COURTNEY, MMC, CPRO, CITY CLERK J. RYAN CALL, CITY ATTORNEY FILED WITH THE CITY CLERK: PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL: PUBLISHED: EFFECTIVE DATE: ORDINANCE NO.: Ordinance No. 24- Page 3 of 3 Rev 1 /22 COUNCIL MEETING DATE: August 13, 2024 ITEM #: 10C CITY OF FEDERAL WAY CITY COUNCIL AGENDA BILL SUBJECT: ORDINANCE: REVISING FWRC 8.50.010 PARKING RECREATIONAL VEHICLES ON CITY STREETS POLICY QUESTION: Should the City Council adopt the proposed ordinance amending FWRC 8.50.010? COMMITTEE: LUTC MEETING DATE: August 5, 2024 CATEGORY: ❑ Consent ® Ordinance ❑ Public Hearing ❑ City Council Business ❑ Resolution ❑ Other STAFF REPORT BY: Kent van Alstyne, Assistant City Attorney DEPT: Law Attachments: 1. Staff Report 2. Ordinance Options Considered: 1. Adopt the proposed ordinance. 2. Do not adopt the proposed ordinance and provide direction to staff. MAYOR'S RECOMMEND TION: Option 1. MAYOR APPROVAL: 7 Ems► Aq DIRECTOR APPROVAL: nzcfir{ Qa�K Initial;➢:ue COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: I move to forward the proposed ordinance to First Reading on August 13, 2024, LLa ikh awendmenfs -Ea e�-\kow ct �1001CCWne.( `4t pm , 'to A�- h�uSe -for t �nlr3aditt[� C� 1ne. RV -fbr P 48 haw-S. '(�oAmitthe Chair V66iyfiittee'Meny6er Committe Member PROPOSED COUNCIL MOTION(S): FIRST READING OF ORDINANCE 8/13/2024: "I move to forward the proposed ordinance to the September 3, 2024, Council Meeting for second reading and enactment. " SECOND READING OF ORDINANCE 9/3/2024: "I move approval of the proposed ordinance. " (BELOW TO BE COMPLETED BY CITY CLERIC'S OFFICE} COUNCIL ACTION: ❑ APPROVED COUNCIL BILL # ❑ DENIED First reading ❑ TABLED/DEFERRED/NO ACTION Enactment reading ❑ MOVED TO SECOND READING (ordinances only) ORDINANCE # REVISED - 1 ]/2019 RESOLUTION # CITY OF FEDERAL WAY MEMORANDUM DATE: July 18, 2024 TO: City Council Members VIA: Jim Ferrell, Mayor FROM: Kent van Alstyne, Assistant City Attorney SUBJECT: Amendments to FWRC 8.50.010 Financial Impacts: There are no anticipated financial impacts associated with the proposed code changes. Background Information: On March 5, 2024, the City Council passed Ordinance No. 24-983 — Relating to Parking of Recreational Vehicles on City Streets. That ordinance amended Chapter 8.50 FWRC to prohibit parking of recreational vehicles on City streets unless the recreational vehicle was parked adjacent to residentially zoned property. At the time of passage, several councilmembers expressed a desire to also prohibit parking of recreational vehicles on City streets in residentially zoned areas, in conjunction with additional amendments to the City's development code that would make regulation of parking recreational vehicles on private property in the City more permissive. This proposed ordinance would prohibit parking of recreational vehicles on City streets regardless of zone; it is a companion to another ordinance that amends regulations regarding parking of recreational vehicles on private property. Rev. 7/18 ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE of the City of Federal Way, Washington, relating to recreational vehicles parking on city streets; amending FWRC 9.50.010. (Amending Ordinance No. 24-983). WHEREAS, the City of Federal Way is a non -charter code city under the law of the State of Washington and, as such, has the power to enact ordinances for the protection of the public health, safety and general welfare and for other purposes; and WHEREAS, some recreational vehicles currently park in various locations on city streets, including in residential areas, for extended periods of time; and WHEREAS, such prolonged parking of recreational vehicles is unnecessary in residential areas of the City given the City's permissive allowance for parking recreational vehicles on private property, can degrade the appearance of the City to residents and visitors, and contributes to parking and safety issues; and WHEREAS, the City Council for Federal Way finds it is in the best interest of city residents to update the Traffic and Vehicles Code, Title 8 FWRC to prohibit parking recreational vehicles on city streets generally, except for loading or unloading purposes. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FEDERAL WAY, WASHINGTON, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. FWRC 8.50.010 is hereby amended to read as follows: 8.50.010 Parking recreational vehicles on city streets. (1) No person shall park a recreational vehicle on any portion of a street or alley in the city except when the recreational vehicle is parked on a portion of a street or alley adjacent to property owned or Ordinance No. 24- Page 1 of 3 Rev 1/22 occupied by the owner or operator of the recreational vehicle for the purpose of loading, unloading, or similar activities. . Recreational vehicles parked consistently with this section may be parked for a maximum of 48 hours, and must still comply with all other parking regulations in FWRC and other applicable laws. (2) For the purposes of this section, "recreational vehicle" means a vehicle: (a) Built on a single chassis; (b) Four hundred square feet or less when measured at the largest horizontal projection; (c) Designed to be self-propelled or permanently towable; and (d) Designed primarily not for use as a permanent dwelling but as temporary living quarters for recreational, camping, travel, or seasonal use. Section 2. Severability. Should any section, subsection, paragraph, sentence, clause, or phrase of this ordinance, or its application to any person or situation, be declared unconstitutional or invalid for any reason, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this ordinance or its application to any other person or situation. The City Council of the City of Federal Way hereby declares that it would have adopted this ordinance and each section, subsection, sentence, clauses, phrase, or portion thereof, irrespective of the fact that any one or more sections, subsections, sentences, clauses, phrases, or portions be declared invalid or unconstitutional. Section 3. Corrections. The City Clerk and the codifiers of this ordinance are authorized to make necessary corrections to this ordinance including, but not limited to, the correction of scrivener/clerical errors, references, ordinance numbering, section/subsection numbers and any references thereto. Ordinance No. 24- Page 2 of 3 Rev 1/22 Section 4. Ratification. Any act consistent with the authority and prior to the effective date of this ordinance is hereby ratified and affirmed. Section 5. Effective Date. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from and after its passage and publication, as provided by law. PASSED by the City Council of the City of Federal Way this day of 2024. ATTEST: CITY OF FEDERAL WAY: JIM FERRELL, MAYOR STEPHANIE COURTNEY, MMC, CPRO, CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO FORM: J. RYAN CALL, CITY ATTORNEY FILED WITH THE CITY CLERK: PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL: PUBLISHED: EFFECTIVE DATE: ORDINANCE NO.: Ordinance No. 24- Page 3 of 3 Rev 1 /22