Item 8a - 2023-2024 Biennial Budget Amendment2023=24 Budget Amendment Q2 2024 CITY OF V;§ Federal Way Budget Amendment Authorizes expenditures Information not known at time of budget adoption • New Grants or other funding • Prior year carry forward • Fund balance Jail Cost Funding 2024 forecast 2024 Budget anticipated shortfall Jail Cost Shortfall ✓ Jail Cost Q1 ✓ Jail Cost Q2 o Remaining Jail Cost Sales Tax Permit Fees Unrestricted Utility Tax Investment Total $4.5 million $2.3 million ($2.2 million) $ 559, 000 11035, 000 606, 000 ($ 263,000 ) 343)000 500, 000 4557000 $ 1,0357000 Other Adjustments Prior year carryover Overlay $872,253 New Grants Court 175, 000 Port of Seattle 607000 Training grant 507000 Saghalie Park Tennis Courts 897683 Increased Revenues/Fund Balance PAEC 15015,494 Dumas Bay 280, 603 From Fund Balance SWM Culvert Replacement 15758,079 Lodging Tax 1007000 Fleet — shuttle bus 307000 Bond Proceeds O&M property acquisition 85879,731 Na C7 C7 LG 04727792 Ell L G 0 4 72-77,19 2 -ITNIMR&L Nj ft'AllwKzp;m Law,] ;G7 Qpqp U-74 W1,11-1--�", � Allwi 47�l