Item 9b Proposed 2025-2027 Collective BargainingProposed Collective Bargaining Agreement: Police Officers Guild Presented by: Vanessa Audett, Human Resources Director August 13, 2024 Background Current Agreement Expires 12/31/2024 Proposed Contract 3-Year (2025-2027) Contract Conforms with Previously Provided Council Authority & Direction Wages ❑ 2025 ❑ Effective 01/01/2025: 3.5% COLA increase ❑ Market Survey Scale Adjustment ❑ Total Increase for 2025: $1.06MM ❑ Total Cost of 2025 Contract: $20.4MM ❑ 2026 ❑ Effective 01 /01 /2026: 3.5% COLA increase ❑ Total COLA Increase for 2026: $714K ❑ Total Cost of 2026 Contract: $21.1 MM ❑ 2027 ❑ Effective 01 /01 /2027: Reopener (wages only) ❑ Total Increase for 2027: Pending Reopener Negotiations ❑ Total Cost of 2024 Contract: Pending Reopener Negotiations Summary of Changes ❑ Implements A Market -Based Wage Scale ❑ Adds Step A — Academy Pay for New Recruits ❑ Step B Progression Upon Graduation from Academy ❑ Adds Step F — Officers with 49+ Months Seniority ❑ Addition of 30+ Year Seniority Vacation Accrual ❑ Incorporation of Prior Contract MOD's ❑ General Contract Language Housekeeping/Clarification ❑ Increase to Uniforms & Equipment Annual Allowance ❑ Increase of $200/Year to $300/Year Per Officer ❑ Streamline Steps in Grievance Procedure Mayor's Recommendation ■ Approve the 2025-2027 Collective Bargaining Agreement with the Police Officers Guild Questions ?