Item 9c - SR-99 FWHS Pedestrian SafetyMEDIAN FENCING PROJECT ON PACIFIC HIGHWAYS (5 304th Street to S 308th Street) Public Works Department Jason Kennedy, Senior Traffic Engineer 8/13/2024 1 Policy Question Should the City Council award the Median Fencing Project on Pacific Highway S (S 304th Street to S 308thStreet) Bid Award to the lowest responsive, responsible bidder? Background Information 8 responsive bids were received and opened on August 6, 2024, for the Median Fencing Project on Pacific Highway S (S 304th Street to S 308 th Street). The lowest responsive, responsible bidder is South Sound Fencing, LLC, with a total bid amount of $43,986.00. - Sike r 6 way, High 5sh o , Paciffc.HM ■d1 .. ulh Ave s S P p�cifi r , •rr� -= aciflc H�Vy S. c FIH'Y 5 . Zaran-Sa.— ' Or _ AUNK a' Project Budget Estimated Expenditures Design Other Improvements (signs, striping, lights) Construction Contract (Median Fencing) Construction Contingency (Median Fencing) Construction Contingency (Other Improvements) Construction Mgmt and Inspection Total Estimated Expenditures Available Funding Grant (TIB) Transporta ion Fund Total Available Funding Original Revised Estimate Estimate $25,000 $15,000 $51,000 $77,014 $144,000 $43,986 $3,000 $3,000 $11,400 $11,400 15 000 $15,000 $249,400 $165,400 $120,800 $120,800 $128,600 $128,600 $249,400 $249,400 Options Considered 1. Award the Median Fencing Project on Pacific Highway S (S 304t" Street to S 308t" Street) to South Sound Fencing, LLC, the lowest responsive, responsible bidder in the amount of $43,986.00 and approve a construction contingency of $3,000.00 for a maximum contract amount of $46,986.00 and authorize the Mayor to execute the contract. 2. Reject all bids for the Median Fencing Project on Pacific Highway S (S 304t" Street to S 308t" Street) and direct staff to rebid the project and return to Committee for further action. The Mayor recommends Option 1. Questions?