2024 08 August 21 Planning Commission PacketPLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING AGENDA City Hall – Council Chambers August 21, 2024 – 5:00 p.m. 1.CALL MEETING TO ORDER 2.ROLL CALL 3.APPROVAL OF MINUTES Planning Commission Meeting Minutes of August 7, 2024 4.PUBLIC COMMENT None scheduled 5.COMMISSION BUSINESS a.Electric Vehicle Code Amendment Briefing b.Project Permits and Local Project Code Amendment Briefing 6.STAFF BUSINESS Manager’s Report 7.NEXT MEETING September 4, 2024 5:00pm – Regular Meeting 8.ADJOURNMENT Planning Commission meetings are held in-person. To request accommodation to attend or to provide public comment virtually, please contact Samantha Homan at 253-835-2601 or samantha.homan@federalwaywa.gov, no later than 5:00 p.m. on August 20, 2024. Commissioners City Staff Tom Medhurst, Chair Keith Niven, Community Development Director Vickie Chynoweth, Vice Chair Samantha Homan, Office Manager Diana Noble-Gulliford www.federalwaywa.gov Lawson Bronson Tim O’Neil Anna Patrick Jae So 1 of 29 PLANNING COMMISSION Meeting Agenda Table of Contents City Hall – Council Chambers August 21, 2024 – 5:00 p.m. 1.Planning Commission Minutes August 7, 2024… page 3 2.Commission Business Item A: Electric Vehicle Code Amendment Briefing a.Staff Memo… page 6 b.Text Updates… page 7 3.Commission Business Item B: Senate Bill 5290 Public Hearing a.Staff Memo….page 28 2 of 29 PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING AGENDA City Hall – Council Chambers August 7, 2024 – 5:00 p.m. 1. CALL MEETING TO ORDER Vice Chair Chynoweth called the meeting to order at 5:00pm 2. ROLL CALL Commissioners Present: Anna Patrick, Diana Noble-Gulliford, Lawson Bronson, Tim O’Neil, Vickie Chynoweth Excused: Tom Medhurst, Jae So City Staff Present: Community Development Director Keith Niven, Planning Manager Holly Bosak, Special Projects Planner Lucy Sloman, Senior Planner Evan Lewis, Senior Planner Becky Chapin, City Attorney Kent van Alstyne, Office Manager Samantha Homan 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Planning Commission Meeting Minutes of July 17, 2024 Commissioner Bronson moves to approve the minutes as written Second by Commissioner O’Neil Motion passes 5-0 4. PUBLIC COMMENT None scheduled 5. COMMISSION BUSINESS a) Draft South Station Approval Public Hearing (*it was clarified by legal at the meeting this discussion was not a public hearing) Special projects planner Lucy Sloman presented on the South Station Subarea Plan. The South Station Subarea Plan provides the roadmap for the area's transformation into a new dynamic, transit- oriented hub by planning for housing, employment opportunities, recreational spaces, regional transit service, and a host of amenities. The Subarea Plan is being adopted in coordination with the City of Federal Way 2024 Periodic Update to the Comprehensive Plan, currently underway, and to comply with King County’s requirements for the area’s candidate designation as a Countywide Growth Center (CGC). The Subarea planning effort began in 2019 and included broad, targeted, and intentional community engagement. This multi-layered public involvement effort guided the Subarea planning process, focusing on gathering insight into community desires and aspirations, which then led to drafting of this Subarea Plan. It included: • Interviews with property owners, stakeholders, agency partners such as the County and School District and staff • Framing City South, a community engagement open house and survey • Townhall public meeting at Todd Beamer High School • Project website to disseminate information to the public, collect public comments, and serve as a platform for a survey 3 of 29 • A Stakeholder Group that provided feedback on various aspects of the plan; served as a conduit for community’s interests and values; and both acted as a sounding board for ideas and brought additional perspectives for consideration. Additionally, the stakeholder group took two mobile tours of existing Sound Transit light rail stations and transit-oriented development projects in the region • Planning Commission meetings, presentations, input Anticipated timeline is presentation to LUTC in September with Council 1st reading in October. Public Comment was provided by Todd Jarvis, president of DBM Contractors, which has 12 acres in the South Station Area. He is looking to see how the City is going to interact with current property owners in the TOD/South Station Area regarding possible changes of use and displacement. Public Comment was provided by Peter Townsend who has a business on 310th and 99, he asked the Commissioners why they didn’t have more in depth questions regarding the South Station. Chair Chynoweth responded stating that the Planning Commission has discussed this topic for over the last two years and in depth questions were not necessary at this briefing. Commissioner Chynoweth motions to recommend the City Council adopt the subarea plan Second by Commissioner Patrick Motion passes 3-2 Commissioner Noble-Gulliford - No Commissioner Bronson- No Commissioner O’Neil- Yes Commissioner Chynoweth- Yes Commissioner Patrick- Yes b) Annual/Biannual Code Clarifications, Cleanups, Corrections & Consistency Amendments Public Hearing Vice Chair Chynoweth opened the Public Hearing at 6:24pm Senior Planner Evan Lewis presented on the proposed code amendments to Title 14, 15, 18, and 19, commonly referenced as “snowball.” The purpose for theses amendments is to correct errors, comply with state law, improve clarity and reduce ambiguity, and improve consistency. Next steps include presenting to LUTC in September and 1st Council reading in late September. Commissioner O’Neil moved to recommend moving forward to LUTC Second by Commissioner Noble-Gulliford Motion Passes 5-0 Vice Chair Chynoweth closes the Public Hearing at 7:07pm c) Permanent Supportive Housing Code Amendment Briefing Senior Planner Becky Chapin presented on the Permanent Supportive Housing code amendments. The City needs to be in compliance with the GMA to ensure it will have capacity for all PSH units required in the next 20 years. The City had made a proposed estimate of the number of PSH units required and underestimated the number allocated by King County. The City needs to be able to accommodate 946 PSH units in the next 20 years. The proposed code 4 of 29 amendments options included lowering the separation distance requirements, increasing the density caps in certain zones, and a combination of both. There was much deliberation and the Commissioners were not thrilled with any of the 3 solutions provided and did not make a recommendation to staff. 6. STAFF BUSINESS Invitation to Special Meeting 8/13/2024 Manager’s Report Planning Manager Holly Bosak invited the Planning Commissioners to the Special Meeting next Tuesday, 8/13/2024. She also shared that the Sound Transit OMF Development Agreement went to LUTC this past week, and a Development Agreement for the Christian Faith Center is in the works. 7. NEXT MEETING August 21, 2024 5:00pm – Regular Meeting 8. ADJOURNMENT Commissioner O’Neil moved to adjourn the meeting Second by Commissioner Noble-Gulliford Motion Passes 5-0 Meeting adjourned at 8:18pm ATTEST: APPROVED BY COMMISSION: _______________________________________ _____________ SAMANTHA HOMAN, OFFICE MANAGER DATE 5 of 29 MEMORANDUM DATE: August 14, 2024 TO: Federal Way Planning Commission FROM: Andrew Leon, Senior Planner SUBJECT: Electric Vehicle Code Amendment – Briefing OBJECTIVE Provide an opportunity for Planning Commission to discuss and give input on a proposed code amendment establishing regulations for electric vehicle infrastructure that is planned to come to a public hearing on October 2, 2024. BACKGROUND The Washington State Legislature passed legislation in 2009 (SSHB 1481) requiring jurisdictions near major transportation corridors (including Federal Way) to allow electric vehicle infrastructure in all nonresidential zones by 2011. Further legislation was passed in 2019 (E3SHB 1257) and 2021 (E2SHB 1287) to require electric vehicle infrastructure for most new buildings that provide on-site parking. The Federal Way Revised Code (FWRC) does not currently have standards regarding electric vehicle infrastructure. This has led to a lack of clarity on how to administer and permit electric vehicle infrastructure throughout the city. This amendment includes the following updates to Title 19 of the FWRC: •Addition of definitions in Chapter 19.05 FWRC relevant to electric vehicles and electric vehicle charging infrastructure, as well as a revision to the definition for “vehicle service station” to allow for alternative fuels. •Updates to several land use tables in Chapters 19.215, 19.220, 19.230, and 19.240 FWRC to allow electric charging infrastructure to be established as a primary use in zones where vehicle service stations are allowed (Neighborhood Business, Community Business, City Center Frame, and Commercial Enterprise). •Addition of a new chapter, Chapter 19.295 FWRC, that establishes development regulations for electric vehicle parking spaces and electric vehicle charging infrastructure as both a primary and an accessory use. NEXT STEPS 1) Planning Commission hearing proposed date of October 2, 2024. 2)LUTC October 7, 2024 3)Council first reading October/November 2024; Adoption November 2024 33325 8th Avenue South Federal Way, WA 98003-6325 253-835-7000 www.cityoffederalway.com Jim Ferrell, Mayor 6 of 29 19.05.020 B definitions. … “Battery charging station” means an electrical component assembly, or cluster of component assemblies, designed specifically to charge batteries within electric vehicles, which meets or exceeds any standards, codes, and regulations set forth in Chapters 19.27 and 19.28 RCW, and which is consistent with rules adopted under RCW 19.27.540 and 19.28.281. “Battery exchange station” means a fully automated facility that will enable an electric vehicle with an interchangeable battery to enter a drive lane and exchange the depleted battery with a fully charged battery through a fully automated process, which meets or exceeds any standards, codes, and regulations set forth by Chapters 19.27 and 19.28 RCW, and which is consistent with rules adopted under RCW 19.27.540 and 19.28.281. … 19.05.050 E definitions. … “Electric vehicle (EV)” means a vehicle that operates, either partially or exclusively, on electrical energy from the grid, or an off-board source, that is stored on-board for motive purpose. “Electric vehicle charging infrastructure” means structures, machinery, and equipment necessary and integral to support an electric vehicle, including battery charging stations, rapid charging stations, and battery exchange stations. “Electric vehicle parking space” means a marked parking space that identifies the use of the parking space to be exclusively for the parking of an electric vehicle and that provides an electric vehicle parked in the space with electric vehicle charging infrastructure. … 19.05.180 R definitions. “Rapid charging station” means an industrial grade electrical outlet that allows for faster recharging of electric vehicle batteries through higher power levels and that meets or exceeds any standards, codes, and regulations set forth in Chapters 19.27 and 19.28 RCW, and which is consistent with rules adopted under RCW 19.27.540 and 19.28.281. … 19.05.220 V definitions. “Vehicle service station” means a commercial use supplying petroleum products automotive fuels, e.g., gasoline, diesel fuel, hydrogen fuel, etc., and automotive oils that are for immediate use in a vehicle. 7 of 29 … 19.215.030 Vehicle service stations. The following uses shall be permitted in the neighborhood business (BN) zone subject to the regulations and notes set forth in this section: USE REGULATIONS USE ZONE CHART DIRECTIONS: FIRST, read down to find use . . . THEN, across for REGULATIONS Required Review Process Minimums Height of Structure Required Parking Spaces SPECIAL REGULATIONS AND NOTES Lot Size Required Yards Front Side (each) Rear ⇩ ⇨ Vehicle service station or car wash Electric vehicle charging infrastructure as a primary use or battery charging station Retail establishment providing vehicle service or repair See note 5 Process II None See note 8 40 ft. 10 ft. 15 ft. 35 ft. above average building elevation See note 7 1 for each 300 sq. ft. of gross floor area, excluding areas under pump island canopies 1. Gas pump Fuel pump islands, canopies and covers may not be closer than 25 ft. to any property line. Outdoor parking and service areas may not be closer than 10 ft. to any property line. If gas pumps a fuel pump island is on the side or rear and station includes mini-mart, front yard setback is zero ft. 2. The hours of operation of these uses may be limited to reduce impacts on nearby residential areas. 3. May not be more than one vehicle service station at any intersection. 4. Vehicle body and chassis repair and painting is not permitted in this zone. 5. All service and repair activities must take place within an enclosed building. Vehicle storage areas shall be fully screened pursuant to FWRC 19.125.200. 6. Bay doors associated with a vehicle service station, or a retail establishment providing vehicle service or repair, may See notes 1, 7 and 110 8 of 29 USE REGULATIONS USE ZONE CHART DIRECTIONS: FIRST, read down to find use . . . THEN, across for REGULATIONS Required Review Process Minimums Height of Structure Required Parking Spaces SPECIAL REGULATIONS AND NOTES Lot Size Required Yards Front Side (each) Rear ⇩ ⇨ not front on a public right-of- way. 7. If any portion of a structure on the subject property is within 100 ft. of a residential zone, then that portion of the structure shall not exceed 30 ft. above average building elevation and the structure shall be set back a minimum of 20 ft. from the property line of the residential zone. 8. No maximum lot coverage is established. Instead, the buildable area will be determined by other site development requirements, i.e., required buffers, parking lot landscaping, surface water facilities, etc. 9. A battery exchange station shall provide a queuing lane capable of accommodating at least three vehicles. 910. For community design guidelines that apply to the project, see Chapter 19.115 FWRC. 110. For landscaping requirements that apply to the project, see Chapter 19.125 FWRC. 121. For sign requirements that apply to the project, see Chapter 19.140 FWRC. 132. Refer to Chapter 19.265 FWRC to determine what other 9 of 29 USE REGULATIONS USE ZONE CHART DIRECTIONS: FIRST, read down to find use . . . THEN, across for REGULATIONS Required Review Process Minimums Height of Structure Required Parking Spaces SPECIAL REGULATIONS AND NOTES Lot Size Required Yards Front Side (each) Rear ⇩ ⇨ provisions of this title may apply to the subject property. For other information about parking and parking areas, see Chapter 19.130 FWRC. For details of what may exceed this height limit, see FWRC 19.110.050 et seq. For details regarding required yards, see FWRC 19.125.160 et seq. Process I, II, III and IV are described in Chapter 19.55 FWRC, Chapter 19.60 FWRC, Chapter 19.65 FWRC, Chapter 19.70 FWRC respectively. (Ord. No. 12-735, § 4(Exh. A), 12-4-12; Ord. No. 05-506, § 3, 10-18-05; Ord. No. 97-291, § 3, 4-1-97; Ord. No. 96-270, § 5, 7-2-96; Ord. No. 93-170, § 7(Exh. B), 4-20-93; Ord. No. 90-43, § 2(40.30), 2-27-90. Code 2001 § 22-723.) … 19.220.030 Vehicle and equipment sales, service, repair, rental – Self-service storage facilities. The following uses shall be permitted in the community business (BC) zone subject to the regulations and notes set forth in this section: 10 of 29 USE REGULATION S USE ZONE CHART DIRECTIONS: FIRST, read down to find use . . . THEN, across for REGULATIONS Require d Review Process Minimums Height of Structur e Required Parking Spaces SPECIAL REGULATIONS AND NOTES Lot Size Required Yards Front Side (each) Rear ⇩ ⇨ Vehicle service sta tion or car wash Electric vehicle Charging infrastructure as a primary use or battery charging station Retail establishment providing vehicle, boat, or tire sales, service, repair, rental, and/or painting, passenger vehicle rental including moving trucks Merchandise and equipment rental facilities, excluding heavy equipment rental Tow or taxi lots (Continued on next page) Proces s II or, with SEPA, Proces s III None Vehicle service stati on, tow or taxi lots; storage facilities: 35 ft. above average building elevatio n (AABE) to 55 ft. AABE See notes 1 and 2 1 for each 300 sq. ft. of gross floor area excluding areas under pump island canopies Storage facilities: 1 for each 300 sq. ft. of the facility’s office gross floor area Tow or taxi lots: Determin ed on a case-by- case basis 1. If approved by the director of community development services, the height of a structure may exceed 35 ft. above average building elevation (AABE) to a maximum of 55 ft. AABE, if all of the following criteria are met: a. The additional height is necessary to accommodate the structural, equipment, or operational needs of the use conducted in the building, and/or all ground floor spaces have a minimum floor- to-ceiling height of 13 ft. and a minimum depth of 15 ft.; b. Height complies with note 2, below; c. Height over 35 ft. is set back from nonresidential zones by one ft. for each one ft. of height over 35 ft.; and d. Rooflines are designed to avoid a predominantly flat and featureless appearance through variations in roof height, forms, angles, and materials. 40 ft. 15 ft. 15 ft. Merchandise and equipment rental facilities: 20 ft. 10 ft. 10 ft. Retail sales/service: 20 ft. 0 ft. 0 ft. Except side and rear yards along residential zones shall be 20 ft. (all uses) See notes 4, 87, and 132 11 of 29 USE REGULATION S USE ZONE CHART DIRECTIONS: FIRST, read down to find use . . . THEN, across for REGULATIONS Require d Review Process Minimums Height of Structur e Required Parking Spaces SPECIAL REGULATIONS AND NOTES Lot Size Required Yards Front Side (each) Rear ⇩ ⇨ 2. Building height may not exceed 30 ft. AABE when located within 100 ft. of a residential zone. 3. May not be more than two vehicle service stations at any intersection. 4. Gas pump Fuel pump islands, canopies and covers over fuel pump islands may not be closer than 25 ft. to any property line. Outdoor parking and service areas may not be closer than 10 ft. to any property line. If gas pump a fuel pump island is on the side or rear and station includes mini-mart, front yard setback is zero ft. 5. Vehicle service stations may include commercial vehicle fueling facilities only when: a. The facilities constitute a secondary use and not the primary use of the site; b. The facilities are located to the rear of 12 of 29 USE REGULATION S USE ZONE CHART DIRECTIONS: FIRST, read down to find use . . . THEN, across for REGULATIONS Require d Review Process Minimums Height of Structur e Required Parking Spaces SPECIAL REGULATIONS AND NOTES Lot Size Required Yards Front Side (each) Rear ⇩ ⇨ the principally permitted structure; c. The design and appearance of the facilities are similar to the principal facilities on the site; and d. No overnight parking areas or sleeping accommodations are provided on the site. (Continued on next page) For other information about parking and parking areas, see Chapter 19.130 FWRC. For details of what may exceed this height limit, see FWRC 19.110.050 et seq. For details regarding required yards, see FWRC 19.125.160 et seq. 19.220.030 Vehicle and equipment sales, service, repair, rental – Self-service storage facilities. (Continued) 13 of 29 USE REGULATIONS USE ZONE CHART DIRECTIONS: FIRST, read down to find use . . . THEN, across for REGULATIONS Required Review Process Minimums Height of Structure Required Parking Spaces SPECIAL REGULATIONS AND NOTES Lot Size Required Yards Front Side (each) Rear ⇩ ⇨ Self-service storage facilities; storage of recreational vehicles 6. A battery exchange station shall provide a queuing lane capable of accommodating at least three vehicles. 76. Auto and boat body repair and/or painting may be permitted under this section only if: a. Building layout and design mitigates impact of dust, fumes, noise, glare, odor, or any other discharge on neighboring uses and natural systems; protects neighboring uses and natural systems from accidental spillage, leakage, or discharge of hazardous material and pollutants; b. All operations, service, painting and repair must be conducted within enclosed buildings. 87. Except for principal sales lots, outdoor storage areas shall be located to the rear and/or side(s) of the principally permitted structure. 98. No maximum lot coverage is established. Instead, the buildable area will be determined by other site development requirements, i.e., required buffers, parking lot landscaping, surface water facilities, etc. 109. Exterior storage of recreational vehicles is permitted only when it collocates with a self-service storage facility. 110. Self-service storage facilities may include one accessory living facility. 121. For community design guidelines that apply to the project, see Chapter 19.115 FWRC. 14 of 29 USE REGULATIONS USE ZONE CHART DIRECTIONS: FIRST, read down to find use . . . THEN, across for REGULATIONS Required Review Process Minimums Height of Structure Required Parking Spaces SPECIAL REGULATIONS AND NOTES Lot Size Required Yards Front Side (each) Rear ⇩ ⇨ 132. For landscaping requirements that apply to the project, see Chapter 19.125 FWRC. 143. For sign requirements that apply to the project, see Chapter 19.140 FWRC. 154. Refer to Chapter 19.265 FWRC to determine what other provisions of this title may apply to the subject property. For other information about parking and parking areas, see Chapter 19.130 FWRC. For details of what may exceed this height limit, see FWRC 19.110.050 et seq. For details regarding required yards, see FWRC 19.125.160 et seq. Process I, II, III and IV are described in Chapter 19.55 FWRC, Chapter 19.60 FWRC, Chapter 19.65 FWRC, Chapter 19.70 FWRC respectively. (Ord. No. 12-735, § 4(Exh. A), 12-4-12; Ord. No. 12-724, § 9(Exh. A), 6-5-12; Ord. No. 07-559, § 3(Exh. A), 7-3-07; Ord. No. 99-333, § 3, 1-19-99; Ord. No. 97-291, § 3, 4-1-97; Ord. No. 96-270, § 5, 7-2-96; Ord. No. 93-170, § 7(Exh. B), 4-20-93; Ord. No. 90-43, § 2(45.10), 2-27-90. Formerly 22-754. Code 2001 § 22-753.) … 19.230.040 Vehicle service station. The following uses shall be permitted in the city center frame (CC-F) zone subject to the regulations and notes set forth in this section: 15 of 29 USE REGULATIONS USE ZONE CHART DIRECTIONS: FIRST, read down to find use . . . THEN, across for REGULATIONS Required Review Process Minimums Height of Structure Required Parking Spaces SPECIAL REGULATIONS AND NOTES Lot Size Required Yards Front Side (each) Rear ⇩ ⇨ Vehicle service station or car wash Electric vehicle charging infrastructure as a primary use or battery charging station Process II Possible Process III See note 1 22,500 40 ft. 15 ft. 15 ft. 35 ft. above average building elevation See notes 1 and 6 1 for each 300 sq. ft. of gross floor area, excluding areas under pump island canopies 1. The city may, using process III, modify required yard, height, landscape and buffer and other site design and dimensional requirements for a proposed development that meets the following criteria: a. The proposed development will be consistent with the adopted comprehensive plan policies for this zone; and b. The proposed development will be consistent with applicable design guidelines; and c. The street utilities and other infrastructure in the area are adequate to support the proposed development. 2. This use may not include any of the following: a. Vehicle or boat collision repair; b. Vehicle chassis repair; c. Vehicle or boat painting. 3. Gas pump Fuel pump islands may extend 25 ft. into the required front yard. Canopies and covers over gas pump fuel pump islands may not be closer than 25 ft. to any property line. Outdoor parking and service areas may not be closer than 10 ft. to any property line. If gas pump a fuel pump island is on the side or rear and See notes 1, 6 and 110 16 of 29 USE REGULATIONS USE ZONE CHART DIRECTIONS: FIRST, read down to find use . . . THEN, across for REGULATIONS Required Review Process Minimums Height of Structure Required Parking Spaces SPECIAL REGULATIONS AND NOTES Lot Size Required Yards Front Side (each) Rear ⇩ ⇨ station includes mini-mart, setback is zero ft. for front yard. 4. All service and repair activities, other than those service activities that typically take place at gas pump fuel pump islands, must take place within an enclosed building. 5. May not be more than two vehicle service station at any intersection. 6. Structures on property that adjoins a residential zone shall be set back a minimum of 20 ft. from the property line adjacent to the residential zone. The height of structures shall not exceed 30 ft. above average building elevation when located between 20 ft. and 40 ft. from the adjacent residentially zoned property line, and shall not exceed 40 ft. above average building elevation when located between 40 ft. and 100 ft. from such property line. 7. Outdoor use, activity and storage is regulated by FWRC 19.125.170. 8. No maximum lot coverage is established. Instead, the buildable area will be determined by other site development requirements, 17 of 29 USE REGULATIONS USE ZONE CHART DIRECTIONS: FIRST, read down to find use . . . THEN, across for REGULATIONS Required Review Process Minimums Height of Structure Required Parking Spaces SPECIAL REGULATIONS AND NOTES Lot Size Required Yards Front Side (each) Rear ⇩ ⇨ i.e., required buffers, parking lot landscaping, surface water facilities, etc. (Continued on next page) For other information about parking and parking areas, see Chapter 19.130 FWRC. For details of what may exceed this height limit, see FWRC 19.110.050 et seq. For details regarding required yards, see FWRC 19.125.160 et seq. Process I, II, III and IV are described in Chapter 19.55 FWRC, Chapter 19.60 FWRC, Chapter 19.65 FWRC, Chapter 19.70 FWRC respectively. 19.230.040 Vehicle service station. (Continued) USE REGULATIONS USE ZONE CHART DIRECTIONS: FIRST, read down to find use . . . THEN, across for REGULATIONS Required Review Process Minimums Height of Structure Required Parking Spaces SPECIAL REGULATIONS AND NOTES Lot Size Required Yards Front Side (each) Rear ⇩ ⇨ 9. A battery exchange station shall provide a queuing lane capable of accommodating at least three vehicles. 109. For community design guidelines that apply to the project, see Chapter 19.115 FWRC. 18 of 29 USE REGULATIONS USE ZONE CHART DIRECTIONS: FIRST, read down to find use . . . THEN, across for REGULATIONS Required Review Process Minimums Height of Structure Required Parking Spaces SPECIAL REGULATIONS AND NOTES Lot Size Required Yards Front Side (each) Rear ⇩ ⇨ 110. For landscaping requirements that apply to the project, see Chapter 19.125 FWRC. 121. For sign requirements that apply to the project, see Chapter 19.140 FWRC. 132. Refer to Chapter 19.265 FWRC to determine what other provisions of this title may apply to the subject property. 143. Single-story buildings may not exceed a total ground floor area of 16,000 gross sq. ft., unless approved under the provisions of FWRC 19.110.080, or approved by the director for minor additions such as entry structures, lobbies, seating or dining areas, bay windows, and similar features; provided, that such addition(s) shall not exceed 1,000 sq. ft. per building in any one consecutive 12- month period. 154. No more than 16,000 sq. ft. of new single-story construction may occur on a subject property, excluding increases approved under the provisions of FWRC 19.110.080 and minor additions approved by the director under note 143. 165. Multiple-story buildings are not subject to notes 13 and 14; provided, that each floor contains at least 75 percent of the gross sq. ft. of the floor below it and contains a principal use(s) permitted in this zone. Process I, II, III and IV are described in Chapter 19.55 FWRC, 19 of 29 USE REGULATIONS USE ZONE CHART DIRECTIONS: FIRST, read down to find use . . . THEN, across for REGULATIONS Required Review Process Minimums Height of Structure Required Parking Spaces SPECIAL REGULATIONS AND NOTES Lot Size Required Yards Front Side (each) Rear ⇩ ⇨ Chapter 19.60 FWRC, Chapter 19.65 FWRC, Chapter 19.70 FWRC respectively. For other information about parking and parking areas, see Chapter 19.130 FWRC. For details of what may exceed this height limit, see FWRC 19.110.050 et seq. For details regarding required yards, see FWRC 19.125.160 et seq. (Ord. No. 12-735, § 4(Exh. A), 12-4-12; Ord. No. 06-515, § 3, 2-7-06; Ord. No. 97-291, § 3, 4-1-97; Ord. No. 96-270, § 5, 7-2-96. Code 2001 § 22-807.) … 19.240.050 Vehicle, boat, equipment, and outdoor storage container sales, rental, service, repair – Self- service storage – Tow and taxi lots. The following uses shall be permitted in the commercial enterprise (CE) zone subject to the regulations and notes set forth in this section: USE REGULATIONS USE ZONE CHART DIRECTIONS: FIRST, read down to find use . . . THEN, across for REGULATIONS Required Review Process Minimums Maximum Height of Structure(s) Required Parking Spaces SPECIAL REGULATIONS AND NOTES Lot Size Required Yards Front Side (each) Rear ⇩ ⇨ Sales, rental, or leasing facilities for vehicles, trucks, boats, trailers, motorcycles, Process II or, with SEPA, None Sales, rental, and leasing facilities: 40 ft. above average building elevation 1 for every 300 sq. ft. of gross floor area, excluding 1. Minimum side and rear yards for sales, rental, and leasing facilities shall be 20 ft. along residential zones and 10 ft. along all other zones; for all 20 ft. See note 1 20 of 29 USE REGULATIONS USE ZONE CHART DIRECTIONS: FIRST, read down to find use . . . THEN, across for REGULATIONS Required Review Process Minimums Maximum Height of Structure(s) Required Parking Spaces SPECIAL REGULATIONS AND NOTES Lot Size Required Yards Front Side (each) Rear ⇩ ⇨ equipment, outdoor storage containers, and portable moving containers Mechanical repair, body repair, painting, or related services for vehicles, trucks, boats, trailers, motorcycles, and equipment Vehicle service station or car wash Electric vehicle charging infrastructure as a primary use or battery charging station Self service storage facilities Tow and taxi lots Process III All others: (AABE) to 55 ft. AABE See note 2 areas under pump island canopies Storage facilities: 1 for each 300 sq. ft. of the facility’s office gross floor area Tow and taxi lots: Determined on a case- by-case basis other uses, side and rear yards shall be 20 ft. along residential zones and 15 ft. along other zones. 2. If approved by the director of community development services, the height of a structure may exceed 40 ft. above average building elevation (AABE), to a maximum of 55 ft. AABE, if all of the following criteria are met: a. The increased height is necessary to accommodate the structural, equipment, or operational needs of the use conducted in the building, and/or all ground floor spaces have a minimum floor-to- ceiling height of 13 ft. and a minimum depth of 15 ft.; b. Height complies with note 3; c. Height over 40 ft. is set back from nonresidential zones by one additional ft. for each one ft. of height over 40 ft.; and d. Rooflines are designed to avoid a predominantly flat and featureless appearance through variations in roof height, forms, angles, and materials. 3. Building height may not exceed 30 ft. AABE when 20 ft. See note 4 See note 1 See notes 4, 5 and 176 21 of 29 USE REGULATIONS USE ZONE CHART DIRECTIONS: FIRST, read down to find use . . . THEN, across for REGULATIONS Required Review Process Minimums Maximum Height of Structure(s) Required Parking Spaces SPECIAL REGULATIONS AND NOTES Lot Size Required Yards Front Side (each) Rear ⇩ ⇨ located within 100 ft. of a residential zone. 4. If a vehicle service station includes a mini-mart in the front yard, with a street-oriented entrance, and gas pump fuel pump island(s) are at the rear and/or side(s) of the mini- mart, then the minimum front yard setback is the same as the perimeter landscape buffer required by Chapter 19.125 FWRC. 5. Gas pump Fuel pump islands, canopies, and covers over fuel pump islands may not be located closer than 20 ft. to any property line. 6. No more than two vehicle service stations may be located at the same intersection. 7. A battery exchange station shall provide a queuing lane capable of accommodating at least three vehicles. 87. No use or activity may be conducted that involves the release of toxins, noxious gases, smoke, fumes, dust, odors, or other discharge on neighboring uses and natural systems. 98. These uses shall cause no inherent and recurring generated noise or vibration that is perceptible without 22 of 29 USE REGULATIONS USE ZONE CHART DIRECTIONS: FIRST, read down to find use . . . THEN, across for REGULATIONS Required Review Process Minimums Maximum Height of Structure(s) Required Parking Spaces SPECIAL REGULATIONS AND NOTES Lot Size Required Yards Front Side (each) Rear ⇩ ⇨ instruments at any point along a property line, except transportation and delivery operations typically and customarily associated with the use; and provided, that such operations are not audible from a residential zone on a regular or recurring basis. 109. Except for principal sales lots, outdoor storage areas shall be located to the rear and/or side(s) of the principally permitted structure. Outdoor storage yards for the sale or rental of outdoor storage containers or portable moving containers may not be located between the principal building and the front property line and must be fenced and screened in accordance with FWRC 19.125.170, and the stored containers may not be stacked. (Continued on next page) For other information about parking and parking areas, see Chapter 19.130 FWRC. Process I, II, III and IV are described in Chapter 19.55 FWRC, Chapter 19.60 FWRC, Chapter 19.65 FWRC, Chapter 19.70 FWRC respectively. 23 of 29 USE REGULATIONS USE ZONE CHART DIRECTIONS: FIRST, read down to find use . . . THEN, across for REGULATIONS Required Review Process Minimums Maximum Height of Structure(s) Required Parking Spaces SPECIAL REGULATIONS AND NOTES Lot Size Required Yards Front Side (each) Rear ⇩ ⇨ For details of what may exceed this height limit, see FWRC 19.110.050 et seq. For details regarding required yards, see FWRC 19.125.160 et seq. 19.240.050 Vehicle, boat, equipment, and outdoor storage container sales, rental, service, repair – Self- service storage – Tow and taxi lots. (Continued) USE REGULATIONS USE ZONE CHART DIRECTIONS: FIRST, read down to find use . . . THEN, across for REGULATIONS Required Review Process Minimums Maximum Height of Structure(s) Required Parking Spaces SPECIAL REGULATIONS AND NOTES Lot Size Required Yards Front Side (each) Rear ⇩ ⇨ 110. Mechanical repair, body repair, and painting shall be conducted completely within enclosed building(s). 121. Self-service storage facilities may include one accessory living facility. 132. The subject property must be designed so that truck parking, loading, and maneuvering areas; areas where noise generating outdoor uses, storage, and activities may occur; or vents and similar features are located as far as possible from any residential zone, conforming residential use, natural systems, and public rights- of-way. 24 of 29 USE REGULATIONS USE ZONE CHART DIRECTIONS: FIRST, read down to find use . . . THEN, across for REGULATIONS Required Review Process Minimums Maximum Height of Structure(s) Required Parking Spaces SPECIAL REGULATIONS AND NOTES Lot Size Required Yards Front Side (each) Rear ⇩ ⇨ 143. No maximum lot coverage applies. Instead, the buildable area will be determined by other site development regulations, i.e., required yards, landscaping, surface water facilities, etc. 154. For regulations pertaining to outdoor use, activity, and storage, refer to FWRC 19.125.170. 165. For community design guidelines that apply to the project, see Chapter 19.115 FWRC. 176. For landscaping requirements that apply to the project, see Chapter 19.125 FWRC. 187. For sign requirements that apply to the project, see Chapter 19.140 FWRC. 198. For other provisions of this title that may apply to the subject property, see Chapter 19.265 FWRC For other information about parking and parking areas, see Chapter 19.130 FWRC. For details of what may exceed this height limit, see FWRC 19.110.050 et seq. For details regarding required yards, see FWRC 19.125.160 et seq. Process I, II, III and IV are described in Chapter 19.55 FWRC, Chapter 19.60 FWRC, Chapter 19.65 FWRC, Chapter 19.70 FWRC respectively. 25 of 29 (Ord. No. 12-735, § 4(Exh. A), 12-4-12; Ord. No. 12-724, § 9(Exh. A), 6-5-12; Ord. No. 08-585, § 3(Exh. A), 11-4-08; Ord. No. 07-559, § 3(Exh. A), 7-3-07. Code 2001 § 22-865.) … Chapter 19.295 Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure 19.295.010 Purpose. The purpose of this chapter is to allow electric vehicle charging infrastructure to be established as an accessory use to any non-single-family residential use and as a primary use in zones where it is consistent with other nearby uses, while also allowing electric vehicle charging infrastructure to be installed at single-family residences for the personal use of residents. 19.295.020 Electric vehicle parking. (1) Electric vehicle parking spaces are reserved for electric vehicles to park while they are charging. (2) Electric vehicles may be parked in any space designated for public parking, subject to the restrictions that would apply to any other vehicle that would park in that space. 19.295.030 Electric vehicle charging infrastructure. (1) Electric vehicle charging infrastructure as a primary use is allowed as set forth in the land use tables in Chapters 19.195 through 19.240 FWRC. (2) Electric vehicle charging infrastructure as an accessory use. (a) Electric vehicle charging infrastructure is allowed as an accessory use within the parking area of any non-single-family residential use subject to the standards of this section. (b) If the installation of electric vehicle charging infrastructure as an accessory use requires review under any provision of this title, the installation shall be reviewed as a part of that use process. Otherwise, installation of electric vehicle infrastructure as an accessory use shall be reviewed as a part of required building permits. (3) Minimum parking requirements. An electric vehicle parking space may be included in the calculation for minimum required parking spaces that are required pursuant to other provisions of the code. (4) Location and design criteria. The provision of electric vehicle parking spaces will vary based on the design of the parking lot(s) of the principal use. The following required and additional design criteria are provided in recognition of various parking lot layout options: (a) Each electric vehicle parking space shall be posted with signage indicating the space is only for electric vehicle charging purposes. 26 of 29 (b) Electric vehicle charging infrastructure shall include signage that discloses all charges, fees, and costs associated with a charging session at the point of sale and prior to the initiation of a charging session in accordance with RCW 19.94.560. (c) Electric vehicle charging infrastructure equipment shall be maintained in all respects, including the functioning of the charging equipment. A phone number or other contact information shall be provided on the electric vehicle charging infrastructure equipment for reporting when the equipment is not functioning or if other problems are encountered. (d) Electric vehicle charging infrastructure shall include information on the electric vehicle charging infrastructure, identifying voltage and amperage levels and any time of use, fees, or safety information to the greatest extent feasible. (e) Where electric vehicle charging infrastructure is provided adjacent to a pedestrian circulation area, such as sidewalk or accessible route to the building entrance, it shall be located so as not to interfere with accessibility requirements and will not disturb or replace site landscaping required by Chapter 19.120 FWRC. (f) Where electric vehicle charging infrastructure equipment is installed, adequate site lighting shall exist, unless charging is for daytime purposes only. 19.295.040 Single-family residential. Electric vehicle charging infrastructure may be an accessory use to a single-family dwelling unit subject to the standards in this section. (1) Electric vehicle charging infrastructure accessory to a single-family residential dwelling unit shall be for the personal use of the residents living in the dwelling or any accessory dwelling unit. (2) Electric vehicle charging infrastructure accessory to a single-family residential dwelling unit shall not be used for commercial purposes except as follows: (a) Vehicles used for a business that meets the home occupation standards listed in Chapter 19.270 FWRC. (b) A commercial vehicle parked on site that meets the standards of FWRC 19.130.250 and that is primarily operated by a resident of the subject property. 27 of 29 MEMORANDUM DATE: August 21, 2024 TO: Federal Way Planning Commission FROM: Holly Bosak, Planning Manager SUBJECT: Project Permits and Local Project Review Code Amendment – Briefing OBJECTIVE Provide an opportunity for Planning Commission to discuss and provide input on a proposed code amendment that will increase the transparency of the project permit process and the timeline allotted for city staff to make a final decision on project proposals, proposed for a public hearing in October. BACKGROUND The Washington State Legislature first brought SB 5290 forward in January of 2023, identifying that changes in transparency of project review appeared to be needed at the local level to improve permitting timelines and predictability of the review process. Assessment and necessary updates to permitting fee schedule as well as the overall project permit review process to incorporate consolidated review. Assessment and necessary updates for timelines of local project permit review are required for all GMA- planning jurisdictions. The legislature has outlined expected timelines for specific types of local project permit reviews associated with RCW 36.70B.110, as outlined below: •Projects that do not require public notice must have a final decision issued within 65 days. •Projects that require public notice must have a final decision issued within 100 days. •Projects that require both a notice followed by a public hearing must have a final decision issued within 170 days. New timelines will apply for associated projects, after January 1, 2025 and timelines associated begin with the determination of completeness (RCW 36.70B.070). The City of Federal Way Revised Code (FWRC) already addresses many of the Bills requirements and therefore minimal code updates are necessary. The City already offers consolidated review and has assessed permit review fees. In addition, the timeline currently codified within Chapter 19.15 FWRC refers to a 120- days, referencing RCW 36.70B.080. The proposal is brought before the Planning Commission is to revise and amend portions of the Federal Way Revised Code, including Title 18 and Title 19 to ensure the code language and requirements for consolidation of local project permit review as well as timelines and predictability align with the intent of SB 5290. 33325 8th Avenue South Federal Way, WA 98003-6325 253-835-7000 www.cityoffederalway.com Jim Ferrell, Mayor 28 of 29 Code amendments to include change to language within the following sections: •Chapter 18.05 Subdivisions •Chapter 18.10 Boundary Line Adjustments •Chapter 18.15 Lot Line Eliminations •Chapter 18.20 Binding Site Plans •Chapter 19.15 Permits and Review Process •Chapter 19.65 Process III – Project Review •Chapter 19.70 Process IV – Hearing Examiner •Chapter 19.256 Wireless Communication Facilities This response is informed by MRSC and Washington State Department of Commerce guidance regarding SB 5290. The City’s current code language calls out a 120-day review timeline for some types of projects. The proposed amendments would clarify a broader range of permit review types and categories as well as the timeline for a final decision associated with each of those types. Potential Amendments include: 1)Amend the current code to include a broader range of timelines for all applicable project permit review types aligned with state recommendations. 2)Adjust current permit project categories and allow a 170-day review timeline as allowed under state law. 3)Other adjustment to timeline and permit types as aligns with state low NEXT STEPS 1) Planning Commission public hearing proposed for October 2, 2024 2) Presented to LUTC on October 7, 2024 3) First reading to City Council in October or November, 2024 29 of 29