2024 08 August 07 Planning Commission Approved MinutesCITY OF Federal Way Centered on Opportunity PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING AGENDA City Hall — Council Chambers August 7, 2024 — 5:00 p.m. CALL MEETING TO ORDER Vice Chair Chynoweth called the meeting to order at 5:00pm 2. ROLL CALL Commissioners Present: Anna Patrick, Diana Noble-Gulliford, Lawson Bronson, Tim O'Neil, Vickie Chynoweth Excused: Tom Medhurst, Jae So City Staff Present: Community Development Director Keith Niven, Planning Manager Holly Bosak, Special Projects Planner Lucy Sloman, Senior Planner Evan Lewis, Senior Planner Becky Chapin, City Attorney Kent van Alstyne, Office Manager Samantha Homan 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Planning Commission Meeting Minutes of July 17, 2024 Commissioner Bronson moves to approve the minutes as written Second by Commissioner O'Neil Motion passes 5-0 4. PUBLIC COMMENT None scheduled 5. COMMISSION BUSINESS a) Draft South Station Approval Public Hearing (*it was clarified by legal at the meeting this discussion was not a public hearing) Special projects planner Lucy Sloman presented on the South Station Subarea Plan. The South Station Subarea Plan provides the roadmap for the area's transformation into a new dynamic, transit - oriented hub by planning for housing, employment opportunities, recreational spaces, regional transit service, and a host of amenities. The Subarea Plan is being adopted in coordination with the City of Federal Way 2024 Periodic Update to the Comprehensive Plan, currently underway, and to comply with King County's requirements for the area's candidate designation as a Countywide Growth Center (CGC). The Subarea planning effort began in 2019 and included broad, targeted, and intentional community engagement. This multi -layered public involvement effort guided the Subarea planning process, focusing on gathering insight into community desires and aspirations, which then led to drafting of this Subarea Plan. It included: • Interviews with property owners, stakeholders, agency partners such as the County and School District and staff ■ Framing City South, a community engagement open house and survey • Townhall public meeting at Todd Beamer High School • Project website to disseminate information to the public, collect public comments, and serve as a platform for a survey A Stakeholder Group that provided feedback on various aspects of the plan; served as a conduit for community's interests and values; and both acted as a sounding board for ideas and brought additional perspectives for consideration. Additionally, the stakeholder group took two mobile tours of existing Sound Transit light rail stations and transit -oriented development projects in the region Planning Commission meetings, presentations, input Anticipated timeline is presentation to LUTC in September with Council 1st reading in October. Public Comment was provided by Todd Jarvis, president of DBM Contractors, which has 12 acres in the South Station Area. He is looking to see how the City is going to interact with current property owners in the TOD/South Station Area regarding possible changes of use and displacement. Public Comment was provided by Peter Townsend who has a business on 310th and 99, he asked the Commissioners why they didn't have more in depth questions regarding the South Station. Chair Chynoweth responded stating that the Planning Commission has discussed this topic for over the last two years and in depth questions were not necessary at this briefing. Commissioner Chynoweth motions to recommend the City Council adopt the subarea plan Second by Commissioner Patrick Motion passes 3-2 Commissioner Noble-Gulliford - No Commissioner Bronson- No Commissioner O'Neil- Yes Commissioner Chynoweth- Yes Commissioner Patrick- Yes b) Annual/Biannual Code Clarifications, Cleanups, Corrections & Consistency Amendments Public Hearing Vice Chair Chynoweth opened the Public Hearing at 6:24pm Senior Planner Evan Lewis presented on the proposed code amendments to Title 14, 15, 18, and 19, commonly referenced as "snowball." The purpose for theses amendments is to correct errors, comply with state law, improve clarity and reduce ambiguity, and improve consistency. Next steps include presenting to LUTC in September and 1 It Council reading in late September. Commissioner O'Neil moved to recommend moving forward to LUTC Second by Commissioner Noble-Gulliford Motion Passes 5-0 Vice Chair Chynoweth closes the Public Hearing at 7:07pm c) Permanent Supportive Housing Code Amendment Briefing Senior Planner Becky Chapin presented on the Permanent Supportive Housing code amendments. The City needs to be in compliance with the GMA to ensure it will have capacity for all PSH units required in the next 20 years. The City had made a proposed estimate of the number of PSH units required and underestimated the number allocated by King County. The City needs to be able to accommodate 946 PSH units in the next 20 years. The proposed code amendments options included lowering the separation distance requirements, increasing the density caps in certain zones, and a combination of both. There was much deliberation and the Commissioners were not thrilled with any of the 3 solutions provided and did not make a recommendation to staff. 6. STAFF BUSINESS Invitation to Special Meeting 8/13/2024 Manager's Report Planning Manager Holly Bosak invited the Planning Commissioners to the Special Meeting next Tuesday, 8/13/2024. She also shared that the Sound Transit OMF Development Agreement went to LUTC this past week, and a Development Agreement for the Christian Faith Center is in the works. 7. NEXT MEETING August 21, 2024 5:00pm — Regular Meeting 8. ADJOURNMENT Commissioner O'Neil moved to adjourn the meeting Second by Commissioner Noble-Gulliford Motion Passes 5-0 Meeting adjourned at 8:18pm HOMAN, OFFICE MANAGER APPROVED BY COMMISSION: u DAT