09-03-2024 Council Agenda - Special City Council special meetings or study sessions may be recorded and televised live on Government Access Channel 21 or FW YouTube; please visit www.cityoffederalway.com for more information. Assisted listening devices are available, please contact the City Clerk prior to the meeting. *Remote attendance available via Zoom meeting code: 938 0263 0822 and passcode: 370773 https://cityoffederalway.zoom.us/j/93802630822?pwd=UEpHVGhPc1BXQ1UyRytxalNLQzFFQT09 Assisted listening devices are available, please contact the City Clerk prior to the meeting. CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING AGENDA City Hall – Council Chambers* September 3, 2024 – 4:45 p.m. 1. CALL MEETING TO ORDER 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3. COMMISSION INTERVIEWS • Senior Advisory Commission • Ethics Board • Diversity Commission • Human Services Commission • Planning Commission • Lodging Tax Advisory Committee • Youth Commission 4. EXECUTIVE SESSION • Collective Bargaining Pursuant to RCW 42.30.140(4)(b) 5. ADJOURNMENT