09-11-2024 - Senior Advisory - Agenda PacketCITY OF Federal Way Centered on Opportunity 1. CALL MEETING TO ORDER SENIOR ADVISORY COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING AGENDA City Hall — Hylebos Conference Room September 11, 2024 — 2:00 p.m. 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES • Senior Advisory Commission Regular Meeting, July 10, 2024 • Senior Advisory Commission Special Meeting, July 15, 2024 3. PUBLIC COMMENT: 3-minute limit 4. COMMISSION BUSINESS a. Presentation: El Centro de la Raza — Associate Director Miguel Maestas & Housing Development Associate Cindy Lopez b. Election of Chair for Commission —Amy Glandon c. Election of Vice -Chair for Commission —Amy Glandon d. School Reading Program - Commissioner Reynolds e. Senior Commission Connection Subcommittee Update- Commissioners Fields, Harvey, Pratt & Volheim f. Senior Health & Resource Fair Subcommittee Update — Commissioners Bostic, Parker, Reynolds & Vollmer g. 2025 Annual Work Plan Drafting - Amy Glandon 5. STAFF BUSINESS Staff Report 6. COMMISSIONER COMMENTS: 3-minute limit 7. ADJOURNMENT Senior Advisory Commission meetings are held in -person. To request accommodation to attend or to provide public comment virtually, please contact Amy Glandon at 253-835-2401 or amy.slandon@federalwaywa.gov no later than 5:00 p.m. on September 9, 2024. Commissioners Lana Bostic Vicky Foreman Cheryl Volheim Kenneth Pratt Frank Fields Steven Vollmer Catherine North Debbie Harvey Tammy Dziak David Reynolds Ami Parker City Staff Susan Honda, Councilmember Amy Glandon, Executive Assistant www.federalwaywa.Rov CITY OF Federal Way Centered on Opportunity SENIOR ADVISORY COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING AGENDA City Hall — Hylebos Conference Room July 10, 2024 — 2:00 p.m. 1. CALL MEETING TO ORDER • Chair Bostic called the meeting to order at 2:01 pm. • Commissioners Present: Lana Bostic, Catherine North, Debbie Harvey, Cheryl Volheim, Tammy Dziak, Kenneth Pratt, David Reynolds, Frank Fields, Steven Vollmer • Commissioners Absent: Vicky Foreman (excused), Ami Parker (excused) • City Staff Present: Councilmember Susan Honda, Executive Assistant Amy Glandon • Visitors Present: Colleen Chinen (pastor at Steel Lake Presbyterian Church), Linda Crichton 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES • Senior Advisory Commission Regular Meeting, June 12, 2024 o Commissioner Pratt moved approval of the minutes as presented; second by Commissioner Harvey. Motion passed unanimously. • Senior Commission Connection Minutes, June 5, 2024 o Commissioner Pratt moved approval of the minutes as presented; second by Commissioner Harvey. Motion passed unanimously. 3. PUBLIC COMMENT: 3-minute limit Colleen Chinen: Pastor Chinen thanked the Commission for their involvement in the Senior Lunch Program and is looking forward to further collaboration for these events. Linda Crichton: Ms. Crichton introduced herself and recognized the importance of getting involved. 4. COMMISSION BUSINESS a. Discussion about Senior Lunch Program- Chair Bostic • Commissioner Dziak noted that it is great opportunity to get involved and help make these senior lunches as successful as possible. Commissioner Dziak moved to create a subcommittee to assist Pastor Colleen in the planning and execution of the Senior Lunch Program; second by Commissioner Harvey. Motion passed unanimously. • The new subcommittee includes: Commissioners Dziak, Harvey, North & Vollmer. • Commissioner Volheim left the meeting briefly at 2:16pm and returned at 2:21 pm. b. School Reading Program -Commissioner Reynolds • Commissioner Reynolds noted that he has started an email list of interested seniors and would like to use Senior Advisory Commission events to help spread the word to build a program where reading is available in every school in Federal Way. Commissioner Dziak recommended working with Dr. Pfiefer to get his foot in the door. Commissioner Reynolds moved to have the Senior Advisory Commission sponsor the School Reading Program as one of their work plan items; second by Commissioner Volheim. Motion passed unanimously. • Ms. Glandon will compile the list and store it, as well as work with Commissioner Reynolds to build the program. • Vice -Chair North left the meeting briefly at 2:26pm and returned at 2:27pm. c. Senior Commission Connection Subcommittee Update - Commissioners Fields, Harvey, Pratt & Volheim • The subcommittee shared the guest speaker at the September 18, 2024 event will be Emergency Manager Kevin Pelley. Commissioner Pratt moved to increase the spending budget for the lunch from $150 to not to exceed $250 to accommodate the increased amount of people that are attending; second by Vice -Chair North. Motion passed unanimously. • Ms. Glandon to pick up lunch items and name tags; Commissioner Pratt to provide bottled water. d. Mirror Senior Coverage -Chair Bostic • Chair Bostic noted that she has been working with Josh and Max from the Federal Way Mirror to increase senior coverage. She will continue to keep them in the loop about the different events and activities of the Commission. e. Legislation Letter Drafting- Chair Bostic • Chair Bostic noted that there are approximately 550 signatures so far on the petition, and when she and Commissioner Dziak met with Senator Claire Wilson, that she was really interested in helping gain senior programming. She recommended going through the lobbying process to increase funding for senior programming, including speaking to City Council and writing a letter to Senator Wilson and Representatives Kristine Reeves and Jamila Taylor. Councilmember Honda noted that the deadline to add additional funding for senior programming to the legislative priorities is September. • Vice -Chair North and Commissioner Dziak left the meeting briefly at 3:10pm and returned at 3:12pm. f. Federal Way Community Center/Federal Way Senior Center Involvement - Commissioner Dziak • Commissioner Dziak noted that she would like to see the Commission get involved in existing programming with both David at the Community Center and Shelley at the Senior Center. She asked that the Commission work with City Council to lobby for a new FTE to add to the Community Center for senior programming. g. Discussion about August Meeting -Chair Bostic • Chair Bostic noted that Ms. Glandon would be absent for the August meeting and discussed the options to change the date of the August meeting or to cancel the meeting. Commissioner Dziak moved to cancel the August meeting; second by Commissioner Volheim. Motion passed unanimously. h. Farmer's Market, July 20th - Chair Bostic • Chair Bostic asked if anyone was interested in joining and helping with set-up and take down of the Commission's table/tent at the Farmer's Market. Due to the lack of Commissioners available, the Commission's involvement in the July 20th Farmer's Market has been cancelled. • Ms. Glandon will alert Rose Ehl at the Farmer's Market that the Commission will not be in attendance. 5. STAFF BUSINESS Staff Report • Ms. Glandon noted that the t-shirt order for the new Commissioners was quite a bit more expensive than originally thought, and would like to have the Commission decide how best to proceed. Chair Bostic set a Special Meeting for the purpose of discussing the t-shirt orders for Monday, July 15, 2024 at 11:45am via Zoom ONLY. Ms. Glandon continued encouraging the Commission to come to the Commission recognition on August 13 at the Special City Council Meeting and to send all thoughts to her to compile so that it can be presented by the Commission. 6. COMMISSIONER COMMENTS: 3-minute limit • Commissioner Dziak asked if she was allowed to use the City logo to create water tumblers for the Commission. Ms. Glandon to look into it and get back to her about it. • Commissioner Harvey relayed an issue with one of the vendors from the Senior Health & Resource Fair that was shared with her. • Commissioner Volheim relayed an issue a resident has had with streets and lighting that was shared with her. • Commissioner Fields shared a photo that he had printed to celebrate the Commission at the Senior Health & Resource Fair. • Commissioner Reynolds made another pitch for any volunteers from the Commission for the School Reading Program. 7. NEXT MEETING July 15, 2024 at 11:45am - Special Meeting 8. ADJOURNMENT • The meeting adjourned at 3:51 pm. ATTEST: APPROVED BY COMMISSION: AMY GLANDON, EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT DATE Ali §'CITY OF * Federal Way Centered on Opportunity 1. CALL MEETING TO ORDER SENIOR ADVISORY COMMISSION SPECIAL MEETING AGENDA ZOOM MEETING July 15, 2024 - 11:45 a.m. • Chair Bostic called the meeting to order at 11:47am. • Commissioners Present: Lana Bostic, Frank Fields, Vicky Foreman (joined at 11:48am), Debbie Harvey, Kenneth Pratt, Cheryl Volheim • Commissioners Absent: Tammy Dziak, Catherine North, Ami Parker, David Reynolds, Steven Vollmer • City Staff Present: Executive Assistant Amy Glandon • Visitors Present: none 2. PUBLIC COMMENT o None. 3. COMMISSION BUSINESS: a. Commission T-Shirts -Chair Bostic • Ms. Glandon relayed the costs of the t-shirts with DJ Imprints. Commissioner Harvey made a motion to proceed with the order for a second shirt for all commission members to incur the discount; second by Commissioner Pratt. Motion passed unanimously. 4. STAFF BUSINESS Staff Report • None. 5. COMMISSIONER COMMENTS: 3-minute limit • None. 6. NEXT MEETING September 11, 2024 at 2:00pm - Regular Meeting 7. ADJOURNMENT • The meeting adjourned at 11:50am. ATTEST: APPROVED BY COMMISSION: AMY GLANDON, EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT DATE