2024-09-10 LTAC Agenda PacketCommittee Members City Staff Lydia Assefa-Dawson, Councilmember – Chair Tanja Carter Mike Dunwiddie, King County Aquatic Center Economic Development Director Kristin Wells, Seattle/Federal Way Marriott Courtyard Rose Ehl, Federal Way Farmers Market Julie La Brake Juliana Marroquin, Evergreen Inn & Suites Economic Development Admin II City of Federal Way Lodging Tax Advisory Committee Tuesday, September 10th, 2024 2:00p.m. – Meeting calls to order Remote Attendance via Zoom* In-Person available, Hylebos Conference Room City Hall, 2nd Floor Please click the link below to join the Zoom Meeting: https://cityoffederalway.zoom.us/j/83184323097?pwd=qc_XNsWXRahS_rpdqW6YaglGF44IGw.uPhlM8DWaeyf7QBB Meeting ID: 831 8432 3097 Passcode: 384362 AGENDA 1. Call to Order 2. Attendance 3. Approval of Minutes A. June 11, 2024 Minutes Action 4. New Business *(All Action items will be discussed and voted upon after item G.) Brian Davis, City Administrator, will begin with a few introductory words regarding the applications. A. TEG Application Report Action Nicole Miller, Executive Director – Miss Washington Volunteer State Pageant & Workshop 2025 B. TEG Application Report Action Tanja Carter, Economic Development Director – Seattle Sports Commission Membership 2024 C. TEG Application Report Action Colter Quick, Assistant Athletic Director – WSU-NCAA Division I Women's and Men's Swimming and Diving Championships 2025 D. TEG Application Report Action Neyland Raper, Director Football Operations & Competition – Big 12 Swim and Dive Championships 2025 E. TEG Application Report Action Tanja Carter, Economic Development Director – Visitor Enhancement & Destination Promotion Plan 25/26 Committee Members City Staff Lydia Assefa-Dawson, Councilmember – Chair Tanja Carter Mike Dunwiddie, King County Aquatic Center Economic Development Director Kristin Wells, Seattle/Federal Way Marriott Courtyard Rose Ehl, Federal Way Farmers Market Julie La Brake Juliana Marroquin, Evergreen Inn & Suites Economic Development Admin II F. TEG Application Report Action Autumn Gressett, Community Relations Liaison/Contract Administrator – PAEC Tourism Marketing G. Finance Update – 25/26 Revenue and Expense Budget Action Steve Groom, Finance Director *(Action Items: Discussion & Vote; Chair will lead). 5. Old Business A. TEG Awardee Withdraw Update Lisa Childs, Director of Operations – Pacific Northwest Aerospace Alliance (PNAA) Defense Conference 6. LTAC Member Issues Discussion A. Committee B. Staff 7. Next Meeting: Tuesday, October 8th, 2024 8. Adjourn LTAC Meeting Minutes June 11, 2024 Page 2 City of Federal Way Lodging Tax Advisory Committee Tuesday, June 11, 2024 2:00 p.m. Remote Attendance via Zoom In-Person, Hylebos Conference Room City Hall, 2nd Floor MINUTES June 11, 2024 In Attendance: Chair, Councilmember Lydia Assefa-Dawson; Mike Dunwiddie, King County Aquatic Center; Juliana Bliss, Holiday Inn Express & Staybridge Suites; Rose Ehl, Federal Way Farmers Market Absent: Kristin Wells, Courtyard Marriott Staff Present: Tanja Carter, Economic Development Director; Julianna La Brake, Economic Development Admin Assistant II Guests Present: Lisa Childs, Director of Operations - Pacific Northwest Aerospace Alliance PNAA 1. Call to Order Chair Assefa-Dawson called the meeting to order at 2:18pm and welcomed everyone. 3. Attendance 4. Public Comment: None 5. Approval of Minutes Action The Chair asked for approval of the May 11th, 2024 minutes. Upon a motion duly made/seconded (Juliana Bliss/Mike Dunwiddie), the minutes were unanimously approved. 1. New Business A. TEG Application Action a. Pacific Northwest Aerospace Alliance (PNAA) August 28th, 2024 – Presenting – Lisa Childs, Director of Operations Presented and introduced Defense Conference event and application. Requested amount by applicant is $6,000.00. Followed by question and answer session regarding the application with committee members. Deliberation was had, majority vote to approve the tourism grant request in the amount of $2,500.00 and forward to FEDRAC and Council for review/approval. Upon a motion duly made/seconded (Juliana Bliss/Chair Assefa-Dawson), the tourism grant application request for the NHRA Event was approved. LTAC Meeting Minutes June 11, 2024 Page 2 B. Bylaws: Action a. Review, update and approval of changes. Vote unanimously approved. Upon a motion duly made/seconded (Mike Dunwiddie/Rose Ehl), the Lodging Tax Advisory Committee By-Laws are approved. Dated June 11th, 2024 and signed by Chair Assefa-Dawson. Will be routed to legal and clerks for final update. 2. Old Business – None 3. LTAC Member Issues Discussion A. Committee: Juliana Bliss, Holiday Inn Express & Staybridge Suites – Bar is open more days in Holiday Inn Express. Mike Dunwiddie, King County Aquatic Center – Left meeting at 2:55pm. Rose Ehl, Federal Way Farmers Market – Father’s Day festivities, hoteliers are open to sharing flyers for event. Chair, Councilmember Lydia Assefa-Dawson - Thank you everyone! B. Staff: Director Tanja Carter – nothing to report at this time. Julianna La Brake, Admin Assistant II – nothing to report at this time. 4. Next Meeting: July 9th, 2024 - Will be cancelled if no TEG applications come through per Chair approval until September 10th. 5. Adjourn: The meeting adjourned at 3:04 PM 2023/24 City of Federal Way LTAC Tourism Enhancement Grant 1 Tourism Enhancement Grant Event Application Revised March 2023 APPLICATIONS ARE DUE AND MUST BE RECEIVED NO LATER THAN APRIL 14th OR OCTOBER 16th AT 5 PM. Incomplete and/or late applications will not be considered/prioritized for funding cycle. Applications may not be amended or changed after the deadline for submission. The proposal and all documents filed with the City are public records. Read the Overview and Instructions before completing the application. Please submit your completed application along with the required documentation electronically to: kathy.horne@cityoffederalway.com  Completed and signed the cover sheet with this packet  Completed application (attach additional sheets if necessary)  A copy of your agency’s current non-profit corporate registration with Washington Secretary of State  Brochures and/or other supplemental information about your event/activity/facility and/or recent tourism promotion efforts APPLICATIONS ARE DUE NO LATER THAN APRIL 14th OR OCTOBER 16th AT 5PM. LATE APPLICATIONS WILL NOT BE CONSIDERED DURING FUNDING CYCLE. The City of Federal Way’s Lodging Tax Advisory Committee (LTAC); will review the applications in May and November. The Committee may wish to interview applicants for more information or clarification. Applicants will be notified of the date and time their application will be reviewed by the Lodging Tax Advisory Committee. It is recommended that a representative of your organization be on hand at the review to answer questions from the LTAC. Applications must be submitted at least 180 days prior to your event to be considered for funding APPLICATION OVERVIEW APPLICATION CHECKLIST APPLICATION TIMELINE 2023/24 City of Federal Way LTAC Tourism Enhancement Grant 2 Tourism Enhancement Grant Event Application Revised March 2023 Official Event, Program, or Activity Name: _____________________________________________________ Grant Amount Requested: $______________________ Organization/Agency Name Federal Tax ID Number Contact Name Title Mailing Address City State Zip Phone Email Address Event Location Event Date(s) Website Check all service categories that apply to this application:  Tourism Promotion/Marketing  Operation of a Special Event/Festival designed to attract tourists  Operation and/or Capital Expenditures of a Tourism-Related Facility owned by a Municipality or a Public Facilities District Check which one of the following applies to your agency: (Note: For-Profit organizations are currently not eligible for any lodging tax funding.)  Non-Profit (Attach copy of current non-profit registration with Washington Secretary of State)  Public Agency  Other ORGANIZATION/AGENCY INFORMATION 2023/24 City of Federal Way LTAC Tourism Enhancement Grant 3 Tourism Enhancement Grant Event Application Revised March 2023 GENERAL INFORMATION Is this a new event/facility/marketing program? Yes _____ No _____ Has your organization ever applied for a TEG? Yes _____ No ______ If yes, when? ________ Has your organization received a TEG award in the past? Yes _____ No _____ If yes, when? ________ Scope (Geographical Reach) of the event: _____ Less than 50 miles (Federal Way, Auburn, etc.) _____ More than 50 miles (Western WA) _____ Statewide _____ Multi-States (Western US) _____ National _____ International 1. How did you hear about the City of Federal Way Lodging Tax Funding Program? ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ 2. How do you intend to use the Lodging Tax funds if selected as a funding recipient? (Please be as descriptive as possible with the strategy, plan and reasons for your application.) ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ 3. Are you applying for Lodging Tax Funding from another community/ies? No _______ 4. If yes, list the other jurisdiction(s), amount(s) requested and status. ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ PROJECT INFORMATION & USE OF FUNDS QUESTIONNAIRE 2023/24 City of Federal Way LTAC Tourism Enhancement Grant 4 Tourism Enhancement Grant Event Application Revised March 2023 FINANCIAL INFORMATION On a separate sheet, attach a budget for the event listing revenues and expenses. In addition to revenue provided by the organization or the event/ facility/marketing program (ticket sales, etc.), include a list of other sources of forecasted revenue support, either those requested and pending or confirmed (sponsorship, grants, etc.). Is this support in-kind or financial? If financial, include the amount. Do you expect to make a profit? Yes _____ No _____ If yes, how much? __________ 5. What will you or your organization do differently this year that will improve upon last year’s/previous event/facility/marketing program(s)? _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ 6. What is the overall budget for your event/facility/marketing program? - Please provide an itemized list identifying each type of expenditure to be reimbursed. - Separate documents/pages are permitted if more space is needed. _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ 7. Please identify your top 5 sources of revenues anticipated for your event/facility/marketing program, not including requested City of Federal Way LTAC funds. (Please do not include in-kind contributions.) Source of Revenue Amount Confirmed? Y/N Date Funds Available $ $ $ $ $ 8. What will you cut from your proposal or do differently if full funding for your request is not available or not recommended? _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ 2023/24 City of Federal Way LTAC Tourism Enhancement Grant 5 Tourism Enhancement Grant Event Application Revised March 2023 9. Please list the risks and challenges to your success and how you plan to mitigate these? Examples include: space, staff, money, time, marketing, etc. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ MARKETING On a separate sheet, attach information on how the event will be publicized and marketed. List all publications and media venues (Facebook, Twitter, website, brochures, newspaper, magazines, etc.); in addition to any give away promotional materials that will be used. 10. Describe your tourism-related event/facility/marketing program: __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ 11. Describe why tourists will travel to Federal Way to attend your event/facility/marketing program: __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ 12. Describe the prior success (number of attendees, media exposure, etc.) of your event/facility/marketing program in attracting tourists: __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ 13. Describe your target tourist audience (location, demographics, etc.): __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ 2023/24 City of Federal Way LTAC Tourism Enhancement Grant 6 Tourism Enhancement Grant Event Application Revised March 2023 14. Describe how you will promote your event/facility/marketing program to attract overnight tourists: __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ 15. Describe how you will promote lodging establishments, restaurants, and businesses located in the City of Federal Way. What will the City of Federal Way/Tourism and lodging industry get in return for funding (e.g. logos, links print material, radio, TV etc.)? __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ EVENT INFORMATION Length of the event/facility/marketing program: _____One day _____ Two days _____ Three days _____Four days _____Five or more days Location of the event/facility/marketing program: _____Federal Way _____South King/North Pierce County _____Other _______________ Tourism Season: _____Peak Season (Jun-Sep) _____Shoulder Season (Oct, Jan-Mar) _____Off Season (Nov-Dec, Apr-May) Proposed venue(s): Have you confirmed the availability of the proposed dates at the primary venue? Yes _____ No_____ Will you have a need for secondary or practice venues? Yes _____ No _____ Proposed schedule of the event for each day: Date Time Date Time 2023/24 City of Federal Way LTAC Tourism Enhancement Grant 7 Tourism Enhancement Grant Event Application Revised March 2023 ECONOMIC IMPACT OF EVENT Breakdown of projected attendees over the course of the event: Provide an estimate of where projected attendees will travel from and their projected room nights (total number of rooms for their entire stay) during the event. Attendees Local (less than 50 miles) Regional (Western WA greater than 50 miles) Statewide Multi-States (Western US) National International TOTAL Spectators __________ Room nights __________ Room nights __________ Room nights __________ Room nights ___________ Room nights __________ Room nights Participants __________ Room nights __________ Room nights __________ Room nights __________ Room nights __________ Room nights __________ Room nights Support Staff __________ Room nights __________ Room nights __________ Room nights __________ Room nights __________ Room nights __________ Room nights TOTAL Total Projected Attendees __________ Total Projected Room Nights __________ What types of business do you expect will be affected? Services (gas, mini-marts, etc.) __________ Entertainment __________ Restaurants __________ Shopping __________ Lodging __________ Date: Date: Date: Date: TOTAL Attendees Attendees Attendees Attendees Attendees Spectators Participants Support Staff TOTAL ATTENDEES 2023/24 City of Federal Way LTAC Tourism Enhancement Grant 8 Tourism Enhancement Grant Event Application Revised March 2023 LODGING AND HOTEL STAYS Will you be listing any “Official Lodging” for this event? Yes _____ No _____ If yes, provide name, address, contact person, and phone number. __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ Provide all hotels/motels that you will include in all your publicity for the event/facility/marketing program. __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ List all the hotels/motels where rooms have or will be blocked for spectators, participants, and support staff. Projected Attendees Hotel/Motel Name Number of Blocked Rooms Spectators ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ Participants _____________________ _____________________ _____________________ Support Staff _____________________ _____________________ _____________________ 2023/24 City of Federal Way LTAC Tourism Enhancement Grant 9 Tourism Enhancement Grant Event Application Revised March 2023 G:\CED\Economic Development\3A.Tourism - HMAC\LodgingTaxFunding - APPLICANTS & DOCUMENTS\LodgingTaxDOCUMENTS&PROCEDURES\2023_24 Lodging Tax State Law Excerpts and Notes (RCW 67.28.1816) Use of Lodging Tax Fund Lodging tax revenues under this chapter may be used, directly by any municipality or indirectly through a convention and visitor’s bureau or destination marketing organization for: a. Tourism marketing; b. Marketing and operations of special events and festivals designed to attract tourists; c. Supporting operations and capital expenditures of tourism-related facilities owned or operated by a municipality or a public facilities district; or d. No longer permitted*: Supporting the operations of tourism-related facilities owned or operated by nonprofit organizations described under 26 U.S.C. Sec. 501(c)(3) and 26 U.S.C. Sec. 501(c)(6) of the internal revenue code of 1986, as amended. *Note that, as of July 1, 2013, capital expenditures for tourism-related facilities owned by nonprofit organizations are no longer permitted expenditures of lodging tax funds. Lodging Tax Advisory Committee (ii) The local lodging tax advisory committee must select the candidates from amongst the applicants applying for use of revenues in this chapter and provide a list of such candidates and recommended amounts of funding to the municipality for final determination. The municipality may choose only recipients from the list of candidates and recommended amounts provided by the local lodging tax advisory committee. Note that, the State Auditor's Office is interpreting the law to mean that all users of funds, including municipalities, are considered applicants and must follow relevant application procedures. So, cities and counties should submit applications for their own projects to the LTAC. Note that, a city or county does not have to fund the full list as recommended by the LTAC and can choose to make awards in the recommended amounts to all, some, or none of the candidates on the list. Applicant Reporting Requirements In a municipality with a population of five thousand or more, applicants applying for use of revenues must submit their applications and estimates to the local lodging tax advisory committee of how any moneys received will result in increases in the number of people traveling for business or pleasure on a trip: i. Away from their place of residence or business and staying overnight in paid accommodations; ii. To a place fifty miles or more one way from their place of residence or business for the day or staying overnight; or iii. From another country or state outside of their place of residence or their business. (c)(i) All recipients must submit a report to the municipality describing the actual number of people traveling for business or pleasure on a trip. Note that, local governments, as part of their contract with recipients, should require that the final report be provided immediately after the event or activity. Local governments will then, in turn, report this information annually to JLARC using their online reporting system. 2023/24 City of Federal Way LTAC Tourism Enhancement Grant 10 Tourism Enhancement Grant Event Application Revised March 2023 RCW 67.28.080 - Definitions. 1. "Acquisition" includes, but is not limited to, siting, acquisition, design, construction, refurbishing, expansion, repair, and improvement, including paying or securing the payment of all or any portion of general obligation bonds, leases, revenue bonds, or other obligations issued or incurred for such purpose or purposes under this chapter. 2. "Municipality" means any county, city or town of the state of Washington. 3. "Operation" includes, but is not limited to, operation, management, and marketing. 4. "Person" means the federal government or any agency thereof, the state or any agency, subdivision, taxing district or municipal corporation thereof other than county, city or town, any private corporation, partnership, association, or individual. 5. "Tourism" means economic activity resulting from tourists, which may include sales of overnight lodging, meals, tours, gifts, or souvenirs. 6. "Tourism promotion" means activities, operations, and expenditures designed to increase tourism, including but not limited to advertising, publicizing, or otherwise distributing information for the purpose of attracting and welcoming tourists; developing strategies to expand tourism; operating tourism promotion agencies; and funding the marketing of or the operation of special events and festivals designed to attract tourists. 7. "Tourism-related facility" means real or tangible personal property with a usable life of three or more years, or constructed with volunteer labor, and used to support tourism, performing arts, or to accommodate tourist activities. The undersigned certifies that the information provided above is true and accurate and any projections are based on history of similar events and activities that are available to the industry and adjusted to local conditions. Applicant’s Signature: ________________________________________________________________________________________ Applicant’s Printed Name: ____________________________________________________________________________________ Applicant’s Title: ______________________________________________________________________________________________ Date: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Miss Washington Volunteer – Marketing Plan: Social Media Posting: - 3-5 times per week - Sponsor Stories and Highlights3-5 times per month Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/misswavolpageant https://www.facebook.com/misswashingtonvolunteer https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100077386219849 https://www.facebook.com/missvolunteeramerica Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/misswavolpageant/ https://www.instagram.com/misswavol/ https://www.instagram.com/misswateenvol/ https://www.instagram.com/missvolunteeramericapag/ TickTok: @misswavol Web Site: www.misswashingtonvolunteer.com Printed: Business cards with QR Code All title holders have autograph cards for promotion when out in the community. Advertising Flyers to community colleges, dance schools, vocal teachers and theater groups. In Person: Husky Stadium (the Zone) – Free promo give aways via spinning wheel including business cards with QR code UW Baseball Stadium - Free promo give aways via spinning wheel including business cards with QR code Federal Way State of the City – Free promo give aways including business cards with QR code Best Buddies Friendship Walk – Craft table including signage and business cards with QR code Federal Way Car Show – Volunteer, Autograph Card Distribution Miscellaneous Parades, Appearances (Everett Aquasox, WA State Fair etc) – Autograph Card and Business Card distribution Advertising: Each contestant is encouraged to sell advertising in the Miss Washington Volunteer Program Book. Contact is made directly with business owners across the state. Autograph and Business Card Samples: $1,687.24 Sponsorship Budgeted Income Budgeted Expenses Budget Net Scholarships (Preliminary Award Winners)$19,000.00 ($20,000.00)($1,000.00) Sponsor Activity (VIP Reception, Ticket Fees, Parking, Dress Trip, Trunk Show)-($1,800.00)($1,800.00) Send Off Event $500.00 ($300.00)$200.00 Sponsorship Totals $19,500.00 ($22,100.00)($2,600.00) Fundraisers Budgeted Income Budgeted Expenses Budget Net Silent Auction $1,500.00 -$1,500.00 Peoples Choice $10,000.00 ($5,000.00)$5,000.00 Misc Fundraisers (HundredX)$750.00 -$750.00 Fundraisers Totals $12,250.00 ($5,000.00)$7,250.00 State Pageant Budgeted Income Budgeted Expenses Budget Net Facility -($14,500.00)($14,500.00) Hotel Rooms (Judges and Staff)-($4,500.00)($4,500.00) State Awards (Banners, Crowns, Trophies, Flowers, Crown Boxes)-($4,500.00)($4,500.00) Local Awards (Banners and Crowns - Income Purchased Crowns)$500.00 ($2,000.00)($1,500.00) Contestant Tshirts ($700.00)($700.00) Contestant Party -($300.00)($300.00) Production (Stage Decor)-($3,500.00)($3,500.00) Program Book (Advertising, Printing, Sales)$10,000.00 ($5,000.00)$5,000.00 Ticket Sales $12,000.00 -$12,000.00 Judges Transportation -($500.00)($500.00) Miss Volunteer Entry Fees $19,000.00 -$19,000.00 Contestant Meals -($550.00)($550.00) Judges Meals -($500.00)($500.00) Evergreen Queen Cash Awards -($1,250.00)($1,250.00) Staff Meals -($500.00)($500.00) Winter Workshop Facility -($1,500.00)($1,500.00) Winter Workshop Supplies -($250.00)($250.00) State Pageant Totals $41,500.00 ($40,050.00)$1,450.00 National Pageant Budgeted Income Budgeted Expenses Budget Net Teen & Miss Airfare -($800.00)($800.00) Board Travel and Accommodations -($2,000.00)($2,000.00) Board Admission Tickets -($1,000.00)($1,000.00) National Pageant Totals -($3,800.00)($3,800.00) Administration Budgeted Income Budgeted Expenses Budget Net Miss Washington Volunteer FY 2024 Budget Report Funds available at beginning of financial year (07/01/2024) Miss Volunteer Franchise Fees -($5,000.00)($5,000.00) Miss Teen Volunteer Franchise Fees -($1,500.00)($1,500.00) Business Fees (IRS Fees, State Fees, Bank Set Up Fees)-($1,799.00)($1,799.00) Advertising / Paperwork Printing and Mailing -($500.00)($500.00) 2024 Carry Over Expenses -($500.00)($500.00) Administration Totals -($9,299.00)($9,299.00) $73,250.00 ($80,249.00)($6,999.00) ($5,311.76) Grand Totals Projected bank balance if on budget 2023/24 City of Federal Way LTAC Tourism Enhancement Grant 1 Tourism Enhancement Grant Event Application Revised April 2024 APPLICATIONS ARE DUE AND MUST BE RECEIVED NO LATER THAN MARCH 25TH OR AUGUST 25th AT 5 PM. Incomplete and/or late applications will not be considered/prioritized for funding cycle. Applications may not be amended or changed after the deadline for submission. The proposal and all documents filed with the City are public records. Read the Overview and Instructions before completing the application. Please submit your completed application along with the required documentation electronically to: julianna.labrake@cityoffederalway.com  Completed and signed the cover sheet with this packet  Completed application (attach additional sheets if necessary)  A copy of your agency’s current non-profit corporate registration with Washington Secretary of State  Brochures and/or other supplemental information about your event/activity/facility and/or recent tourism promotion efforts APPLICATIONS ARE DUE NO LATER THAN MARCH 25TH OR SEPTEMBER 25TH AT 5PM. LATE APPLICATIONS WILL NOT BE CONSIDERED DURING FUNDING CYCLE. The City of Federal Way’s Lodging Tax Advisory Committee (LTAC); will review the applications in May and November. The Committee may wish to interview applicants for more information or clarification. Applicants will be notified of the date and time their application will be reviewed by the Lodging Tax Advisory Committee. It is recommended that a representative of your organization be on hand at the review to answer questions from the LTAC. Applications must be submitted at least 180 days prior to your event to be considered for funding APPLICATION OVERVIEW APPLICATION CHECKLIST APPLICATION TIMELINE 2023/24 City of Federal Way LTAC Tourism Enhancement Grant 2 Tourism Enhancement Grant Event Application Revised April 2024 Official Event, Program, or Activity Name: Annual Seattle Sports Commission Membership Grant Amount Requested: $___10,000 City of Federal Way Organization/Agency Name Federal Tax ID Number Tanja Carter Economic Development Director Contact Name Title Mailing Address City State Zip Phone Email Address Seattle Sports Commission Monthly meetings/Seattle Ongoing/Annual Event Location Event Date(s) https://www.seattlesports.org/commissioners-ah Website Check all service categories that apply to this application: Xx Tourism Promotion/Marketing  Operation of a Special Event/Festival designed to attract tourists  Operation and/or Capital Expenditures of a Tourism-Related Facility owned by a Municipality or a Public Facilities District Check which one of the following applies to your agency:  For-Profit Organization  Non-Profit (Attach copy of current non-profit registration with Washington Secretary of State) Xx Public Agency  Other ORGANIZATION/AGENCY INFORMATION 2023/24 City of Federal Way LTAC Tourism Enhancement Grant 3 Tourism Enhancement Grant Event Application Revised April 2024 GENERAL INFORMATION 1. Describe your tourism-related activity/program/event? Federal Way is home to one of the top ten Olympic level aquatic facilities in the country. The Weyerhaeuser King County Aquatic Center was constructed in 1990 for a cost of $18.8 million, and hosted the Goodwill Games that year. Since then, more than 200 world records have been set at the 2,500-seat facility that features one of the most active competition schedules in the country, hosting more than 50 events annually. A recent economic study conducted for King County measured the financial impact of these events on the region in excess of $7.5 million annually. In the years since the Goodwill games, the aquatic center has accommodated the U.S. Olympic Diving Team Trials, NCAA championships, Pac-12 Conference championships, USA Swimming winter national championships and the Speedo Junior National Championships. These events draw up to 400 competitors for 1-2 weeks at a time and up to 1200 support staff and family/spectators daily. They are also nationally televised and have helped put Federal Way on the map. None of these events would be permitted at the Aquatic Center without Federal Way’s membership on the Seattle Sports Commission – which is what the grant request is for: Annual Seattle Sports Commission Membership. Is this a new event/facility/marketing program? Yes _____ No _xx____ Has your organization ever applied for a TEG? Yes _xx____ No ______ If yes, when? ________ Has your organization received a TEG award in the past? Yes __xx___ No _____ If yes, when? ________ Scope (Geographical Reach) of the event: _____ Less than 50 miles (Federal Way, Auburn, etc.) xx More than 50 miles (Western WA) xx Statewide xx Multi-States (Western US) xx National _____ International` 2. How did you hear about the City of Federal Way Lodging Tax Funding Program? The City manages the LTAC committee and tourism program PROJECT INFORMATION & USE OF FUNDS QUESTIONNAIRE 2023/24 City of Federal Way LTAC Tourism Enhancement Grant 4 Tourism Enhancement Grant Event Application Revised April 2024 3. How do you intend to use the Lodging Tax funds if selected as a funding recipient? (Please be as descriptive as possible with the strategy, plan and reasons for your application.) The grant will cover the annual Seattle Sports Commission (SSC) membership fee. Without participation in the SSC, Federal Way and the King County Aquatic Center (KCAC) would not be eligible to bid for and be awarded national events which are currently being held at the aquatic center. Two examples are the Olympic Dive Trials and the NCAA Division 1 Swim & Dive championships which are and have been held at the KCAC after winning the national bidding process. 4. Are you applying for Lodging Tax Funding from another community/ies? No xx FINANCIAL INFORMATION On a separate sheet, attach a budget for the event listing revenues and expenses. In addition to revenue provided by the organization or the event/ facility/marketing program (ticket sales, etc.), include a list of other sources of forecasted revenue support, either those requested and pending or confirmed (sponsorship, grants, etc.). Is this support in-kind or financial? If financial, include the amount. Do you expect to make a profit? Yes _____ No _ xx ____ If yes, how much? __________ 5. What will you or your organization do differently this year that will improve upon last year’s/previous event/facility/marketing program(s)? The City will continue to work closely with SSC and the KCAC to identify which national competitions to bid for and subsequently continue to work with the local organizing committee after being awarded the competition to ensure the event is a success 6. What is the overall budget for your event/facility/marketing program? - Please provide an itemized list identifying each type of expenditure to be reimbursed. - Separate documents/pages are permitted if more space is needed. The SSC membership is due annually. The total amount is $10,000 and the city has received this funding annually from LTAC for the past decade due to the continued success of hosting national events with 400 participants and up to 1200 spectators from outside WA state 7. Please identify your top 5 sources of revenues anticipated for your event/facility/marketing program, not including requested City of Federal Way LTAC funds. (Please do not include in-kind contributions.) N/A 8. What will you cut from your proposal or do differently if full funding for your request is not available or not recommended? The membership is a flat annual fee so there is no ability to cut anything from the request 9. Please list the risks and challenges to your success and how you plan to mitigate these? 2023/24 City of Federal Way LTAC Tourism Enhancement Grant 5 Tourism Enhancement Grant Event Application Revised April 2024 Examples include: space, staff, money, time, marketing, etc. ______________________________________________________________________________ There is no risk in being a member of the SSC. The risk is that if this grant is not awarded – events like the NCAA championships (400 participants/1200 spectators/nationally televised) or the Olympic Trials (similar participants/spectators & internationally televised) will not be held at the KCAC. They only way for the venue to be considered is if Federal Way is a member and the venue can be submitted for national event bids MARKETING On a separate sheet, attach information on how the event will be publicized and marketed. List all publications and media venues (Facebook, Twitter, website, brochures, newspaper, magazines, etc.); in addition to any give away promotional materials that will be used. 10. Describe your tourism-related event/facility/marketing program: 11. Through the SSC membership, Federal Way as a city sits at the table with organizations like the Seattle Sounders, The Kraken, the Seahawks, Major League Baseball and international marketing and promotion agencies. This brings awareness to Federal Way and what the city has to offer. Additionally, the more events that Federal Way/KCAC can bid on, the more national and international visibility the city gains. This promotion is invaluable for the city and increases credibility within the sports community – thus having the effect of smaller leagues and sports organizations considering Federal Way as well 12. Describe why tourists will travel to Federal Way to attend your event/facility/marketing program: The KCAC is a top 10 facility in the country 13. Describe the prior success (number of attendees, media exposure, etc.) of your event/facility/marketing program in attracting tourists: As mentioned previously, due to membership in the SSC the aquatic center has hosted: Goodwill Games, Olympic Trials, NCAA Division 1 national championships etc. These events all have national media exposure as well as up to 1200 people daily for up to a week at the venue 14. Describe your target tourist audience (location, demographics, etc.): Participants are 18-22 years old. Spectators are families and support staff are college or Olympic employees (21-65 years old) 2023/24 City of Federal Way LTAC Tourism Enhancement Grant 6 Tourism Enhancement Grant Event Application Revised April 2024 15. Describe how you will promote your event/facility/marketing program to attract overnight tourists: 1) Through SSC membership, Federal Way will have visibility within the region and among national sports organizations. 2) When the events are held in Federal Way there will be TV crews (ie ESPN), social media influencers on Instagram, Facebook “X” who are sharing updates and visiting local venues 16. Describe how you will promote lodging establishments, restaurants, and businesses located in the City of Federal Way. What will the City of Federal Way/Tourism and lodging industry get in return for funding (e.g. logos, links print material, radio, TV etc.)? Hotels will be included in every bid (NCAA is an example where 4 hotels are the preferred hotels for the event), retail and food and beverage venues are included in the welcome packages, tourism website and in the materials distributed at the events. EVENT INFORMATION Length of the event/facility/marketing program: N/A Location of the event/facility/marketing program: SSC meetings are in Seattle Tourism Season: Xx Peak Season (Jun-Sep) xx Shoulder Season (Oct, Jan-Mar) xx Off Season (Nov-Dec, Apr-May) Proposed venue(s): N/A Proposed schedule of the event for each day: Various depending on which events are bid on and won ECONOMIC IMPACT OF EVENT Breakdown of projected attendees over the course of the event: Without membership of $10,000 annually the city will lose out on the following: • 1200 spectators per event and 400+ participants per event – an average of 1 event annually • If the average daily spend of travelers per person is $100 (per visit Pierce County), then the city would lose out on $160,000 daily and $800,000 to $1m per event in tourist spending if the event is not bid on. 2023/24 City of Federal Way LTAC Tourism Enhancement Grant 7 Tourism Enhancement Grant Event Application Revised April 2024 Provide an estimate of where projected attendees will travel from and their projected room nights (total number of rooms for their entire stay) during the event. All Attendees at the events the city could bid on through the SSC membership have roughly the same attendance Total Projected Attendees 1600 Total Projected Room Nights 3,200 per event (dbl occupancy) What types of business do you expect will be affected? Services (gas, mini-marts, etc.) xx Entertainment xx Restaurants xx Shopping xx Lodging xx LODGING AND HOTEL STAYS Will you be listing any “Official Lodging” for this event? Yes _____ No xx Provide all hotels/motels that you will include in all your publicity for the event/facility/marketing program. N/A List all the hotels/motels where rooms have or will be blocked for spectators, participants, and support staff. N/A 2023/24 City of Federal Way LTAC Tourism Enhancement Grant 8 Tourism Enhancement Grant Event Application Revised April 2024 The undersigned certifies that the information provided above is true and accurate and any projections are based on history of similar events and activities that are available to the industry and adjusted to local conditions. Applicant’s Signature: Tanja Carter Applicant’s Printed Name: Tanja Carter Applicant’s Title: Economic Development Director Date: 8/30/24 SEATTLE SPORTS COMMISSION 700 NW Gilman Blvd #121 Issaquah, WA 98027 (206) 605-2225 karen@seattlesports.org Invoice 790 BILL TO Tanja Carter City of Federal Way 33325 8th Avenue S Federal Way, WA 98003 DATE 02/13/2024 PLEASE PAY $10,000.00 DUE DATE 02/28/2024 DATE DESCRIPTION QTY RATE AMOUNT 2024 SSC Membership Dues 1 10,000.00 10,000.00 SUBTOTAL 10,000.00 TAX 0.00 TOTAL 10,000.00 TOTAL DUE $10,000.00 THANK YOU. 2023/24 City of Federal Way LTAC Tourism Enhancement Grant 1 Tourism Enhancement Grant Event Application Revised April 2024 APPLICATIONS ARE DUE AND MUST BE RECEIVED NO LATER THAN MARCH 25TH OR SEPTEMBER 25th AT 5 PM. Incomplete and/or late applications will not be considered/prioritized for funding cycle. Applications may not be amended or changed after the deadline for submission. The proposal and all documents filed with the City are public records. Read the Overview and Instructions before completing the application. Please submit your completed application along with the required documentation electronically to: julianna.labrake@cityoffederalway.com † Completed and signed the cover sheet with this packet † Completed application (attach additional sheets if necessary) † A copy of your agency’s current non-profit corporate registration with Washington Secretary of State † Brochures and/or other supplemental information about your event/activity/facility and/or recent tourism promotion efforts APPLICATIONS ARE DUE NO LATER THAN MARCH 25TH OR SEPTEMBER 25TH AT 5PM. LATE APPLICATIONS WILL NOT BE CONSIDERED DURING FUNDING CYCLE. The City of Federal Way’s Lodging Tax Advisory Committee (LTAC); will review the applications in May and November. The Committee may wish to interview applicants for more information or clarification. Applicants will be notified of the date and time their application will be reviewed by the Lodging Tax Advisory Committee. It is recommended that a representative of your organization be on hand at the review to answer questions from the LTAC. Applications must be submitted at least 180 days prior to your event to be considered for funding APPLICATION OVERVIEW APPLICATION CHECKLIST APPLICATION TIMELINE 2023/24 City of Federal Way LTAC Tourism Enhancement Grant 2 Tourism Enhancement Grant Event Application Revised April 2024 Official Event, Program, or Activity Name: NCAA Division I Men's & Women's Swimming and Diving Championships Grant Amount Requested: $70,000 Washington State University 91-6001108 Organization/Agency Name Federal Tax ID Number Shawn Deeds Sr. Assoc. Dir. of Athletics Events & Fac. Contact Name Title PO Box 641602 Pullman WA 99164-1602 Mailing Address City State Zip 509-335-6216 shawn_deeds@wsu.edu Phone Email Address Weyerhaeuser King County Aquatics Center March 19-22 & 26-29, 2035 Event Location Event Date(s) wsucougars.com Website Check all service categories that apply to this application: Tourism Promotion/Marketing Operation of a Special Event/Festival designed to attract tourists Operation and/or Capital Expenditures of a Tourism-Related Facility owned by a Municipality or a Public Facilities District Check which one of the following applies to your agency: For-Profit Organization Non-Profit (Attach copy of current non-profit registration with Washington Secretary of State) Public Agency Other ORGANIZATION/AGENCY INFORMATION 2023/24 City of Federal Way LTAC Tourism Enhancement Grant 3 Tourism Enhancement Grant Event Application Revised April 2024 GENERAL INFORMATION 1.Describe your tourism-related activity/program/event? The NCAA Division I Swimming and Diving Championships return to Federal Way for the first time since 2012. This time both the Women and Men will compete for National titles bringing the best collegiate student-athletes, teams, supporters, family and fans to the King County Aquatic Center. Nearly 600 swimmers and divers are expected to compete and attend over a two-week period bringing lodging, restaurant, and other tourism activities. Joining these athletes will be coaches, trainers, NCAA and athletic department staff, media, meet officials, television crew, and of course fans -- most will come from over 50 miles away and seek local accommodations and services. Not only will Federal Way benefit from the in-person presence of these visitors but will also be the epicenter of the televised swim world with both championships covered on ESPN network channels. Is this a new event/facility/marketing program? Yes _____ No _XXX____ Has your organization ever applied for a TEG? Yes _____ No _XXX___ If yes, when? ________ Has your organization received a TEG award in the past? Yes _____ No _XXX__ If yes, when? ______ Scope (Geographical Reach) of the event: _____ Less than 50 miles (Federal Way, Auburn, etc.) _____ More than 50 miles (Western WA) _____ Statewide _____ Multi-States (Western US) _XXX_ National _____ International 2.How did you hear about the City of Federal Way Lodging Tax Funding Program? Through the business development office at the City of Federal Way as well as the Weyerhaeuser King County Aquatic Center (KCAC). WSU Athletics, as the NCAA's host institution, participates on the Local Organizing Committee (LOC) with both City of Federal Way, and KCAC, as well as the Seattle Sports Commission (SSC). Collectively the LOC works closely with the NCAA in delivering these premier championships. 3.How do you intend to use the Lodging Tax funds if selected as a funding recipient? (Please be as descriptive as possible with the strategy, plan and reasons for your application.) The lodging tax funds will be utilized to offset the costs of the facility rental of the Weyerhaeuser King County Aquatic Center. Needing to reserve the entire KCAC facility and staff for over two weeks in preparation and execution of these championships is the most significant direct expense in hosting, and by utilizing the Lodging Tax funds for this purpose we are reinvesting it right back into the local community/economy. Based on previous NCAA Championship events we have budgeted a total expense of $70,000, ($35,000 for each of the two championship events/weeks.) _______________________________________________________________________________ PROJECT INFORMATION & USE OF FUNDS QUESTIONNAIRE 2023/24 City of Federal Way LTAC Tourism Enhancement Grant 4 Tourism Enhancement Grant Event Application Revised April 2024 4. Are you applying for Lodging Tax Funding from another community/ies? No _XXX___ If yes, list the other jurisdiction(s), amount(s) requested and status. _N/A_____________________________________________________________________________ FINANCIAL INFORMATION On a separate sheet, attach a budget for the event listing revenues and expenses. In addition to revenue provided by the organization or the event/ facility/marketing program (ticket sales, etc.), include a list of other sources of forecasted revenue support, either those requested and pending or confirmed (sponsorship, grants, etc.). Is this support in-kind or financial? If financial, include the amount. Do you expect to make a profit? Yes _____ No _XXX__ If yes, how much? __________ 5. What will you or your organization do differently this year that will improve upon last year’s/previous event/facility/marketing program(s)? The NCAA has strict protocols and parameters that ensure event success year in and year out. However, we have several opportunities this year. The first is that we will have both women's and men's championships that will allow for some economy of scale and greater exposure. Additionally, these events will benefit from the recent success of NCAA swimmers at the Paris 2024 Olympics. Many medalists are expected to compete for championships again. 6. What is the overall budget for your event/facility/marketing program? - Please provide an itemized list identifying each type of expenditure to be reimbursed. - Separate documents/pages are permitted if more space is needed. The overall pre-established budget for these two Championship events is $288,500 total. It was based on past events. We are working with the NCAA in refining this budget to include new, unanticipated costs such as streaming preliminary heats. The NCAA has specific processes, and we will be aligned with those as well as those associated with this grant and KCAC's protocols. The expenditures to be reimbursed are KCAC Facility Rental Charges anticipated to be $70,000 total. ($35,000 for each event.) 7. Please identify your top 5 sources of revenues anticipated for your event/facility/marketing program, not including requested City of Federal Way LTAC funds. (Please do not include in-kind contributions.) Source of Revenue Amount Confirmed? Y/N Date Funds Available Tickets (Women’s) $138,500 Anticipated Starting Jan. 2025 Tickets (Men’s) $150,000 Anticipated Starting Jan. 2025 $ 2023/24 City of Federal Way LTAC Tourism Enhancement Grant 5 Tourism Enhancement Grant Event Application Revised April 2024 8. What will you cut from your proposal or do differently if full funding for your request is not available or not recommended? Due to the rigid nature of NCAA brand/marketing efforts, we are not able to do much in the way of sponsorships so we are heavily reliant on ticket sales and grants such as this one to deliver a successful event that will encourage the return of future NCAA championships to Federal Way. Reduced or absent funding would jeopardize the event or severely reduce the athletes' experiences. 9. Please list the risks and challenges to your success and how you plan to mitigate these? Examples include: space, staff, money, time, marketing, etc. Absent a pandemic like COVID that required the cancellation of events, our greatest risk is ensuring we have the financial resources to deliver the best possible experience for the student-athletes, the coaches, and the NCAA. Another potential challenge may be parking and transportation. We look to obtain the opportunity to use the adjacent Little League Field's parking lot. Safety is always a concern so ensuring adequate staffing for safety is critical. MARKETING On a separate sheet, attach information on how the event will be publicized and marketed. List all publications and media venues (Facebook, Twitter, website, brochures, newspaper, magazines, etc.); in addition to any give away promotional materials that will be used. 10. Describe your tourism-related event/facility/marketing program: The NCAA is a tremendous marketing partner due to their size and organized structure. Their staff will curate/approve marketing using their brand. They will direct market ticket sales to their university teams, staff, and families. Additionally their athletes compete with the goal of getting to Federal Way. Once athletes/teams earn their spot, they'll also receive a link to a dedicated page Federal Way can create similar to this one https:/,/www.visitokc.com/womens-college-world-series/ 11. Describe why tourists will travel to Federal Way to attend your event/facility/marketing program: It is the primary goal as competitors and supporters to make it to these two meets -- To become champions! Destination ... Federal Way! For swimming fans, these are amongst the best swimmers in the world. Some are already Olympic medalists ... the rest have dreams to make the 2028 Olympics in Los Angeles. They will come because this is the path to fulfilling their goals. 12. Describe the prior success (number of attendees, media exposure, etc.) of your event/facility/marketing program in attracting tourists: NCAA Championship events are coveted as they deliver tourists for extended stays of about a week or longer. About 600 swimmers and divers will come to Federal Way to compete. The NCAA 2023/24 City of Federal Way LTAC Tourism Enhancement Grant 6 Tourism Enhancement Grant Event Application Revised April 2024 committee anticipates sellouts or near sellouts at both Championships. The media exposure of this event will include coverage on ESPN network channels as well as social media of the athletes, families and those covering the meets. 13. Describe your target tourist audience (location, demographics, etc.): The vast majority of the target audience will travel from well outside the region and state. Even the local organizing committee will have members staying in Federal Way as they come from beyond south King County. Additionally, this demographic of world-class competitive swimmers and divers, as well as their families and supporters, generally have strong financial resources. They are accustom to traveling frequently. 14. Describe how you will promote your event/facility/marketing program to attract overnight tourists: The NCAA and ESPN will promote these events to the target audiences. Blocks of hotel rooms have been pre-negotiated with NCAA travel partners who have shared this info with university athletic departments. Many have already reserved rooms in anticipation of competing in these championships. Supporters and fans will also be traveling from around the country and be looking for nearby accommodations to watch their swimmers and divers compete. 15. Describe how you will promote lodging establishments, restaurants, and businesses located in the City of Federal Way. What will the City of Federal Way/Tourism and lodging industry get in return for funding (e.g. logos, links print material, radio, TV etc.)? While the NCAA is fairly restrictive in where they will allow hosts to promote, there are a couple of ways to directly promote Federal Way to athletes, staff, and fans. As athletes/teams earn their spot, as part of the NCAA information shared with them they'll receive a link to a dedicated web page Federal Way can create similar to this one: https://www.visitokc.com/womens-college-world-series/ Also we can host a results web site with additional local info. Additionally, ESPN's coverage will bring name recognition for the city. EVENT INFORMATION Length of the event/facility/marketing program: _____One day _____ Two days _____ Three days _____Four days _XXXX_Five or more days Location of the event/facility/marketing program: _XXX_Federal Way _____South King/North Pierce County _____Other _______________ Tourism Season: _____Peak Season (Jun-Sep) _XXX_Shoulder Season (Oct, Jan-Mar) _____Off Season (Nov-Dec, Apr-May) Proposed venue(s): Weyerhaeuser King County Aquatics Center 2023/24 City of Federal Way LTAC Tourism Enhancement Grant 7 Tourism Enhancement Grant Event Application Revised April 2024 Have you confirmed the availability of the proposed dates at the primary venue? Yes _XXX_ No_____ Will you have a need for secondary or practice venues? Yes _____ No _XXX_ Proposed schedule of the event for each day: Date Time Date Time Both Mondays | 4pm-8pm KCAC Open | Practice Both Thursdays | 6am-After Finals KCAC Open | Competition Both Tuesdays | 8am-9pm KCAC Open | Practice Both Fridays | 6am-After Finals KCAC Open | Competition Both Wed. | 8am -10pm KCAC Open | Competition 6pm Both Saturdays | 6am-After Finals KCAC Open | Competition ECONOMIC IMPACT OF EVENT Breakdown of projected attendees over the course of the event: Provide an estimate of where projected attendees will travel from and their projected room nights (total number of rooms for their entire stay) during the event. Attendees Local (less than 50 miles) Regional (Western WA greater than 50 miles) Statewide Multi-States (Western US) National International TOTAL Spectators __________ Room nights __________ Room nights __500_____ Room nights __1,400___ Room nights __2,200____ Room nights _100______ Room nights 4,200 Participants __________ Room nights __________ Room nights __12______ Room nights ___582____ Room nights _1,182____ Room nights __________ Room nights 1,776 Support Staff __60______ Room nights __60________ Room nights __210_____ Room nights __395_____ Room nights _500______ Room nights __________ Room nights 1,225 TOTAL 7,201 Date: 3/19 & 3/26 Date: 3/20 & 3/27 Date: 3/21 & 3/28 Date: 3/22 & 3/29 TOTAL 8 Days Attendees Attendees Attendees Attendees Attendees Spectators 2,000 | 2,200 2,000 | 2,200 2,000 | 2,200 2,000 | 2,200 18,000 Participants 322 | 270 322 | 270 322 | 270 322 | 270 2,368 Support Staff 175 | 175 175 | 175 175 | 175 175 | 175 1,400 TOTAL ATTENDEES 21,768 2023/24 City of Federal Way LTAC Tourism Enhancement Grant 8 Tourism Enhancement Grant Event Application Revised April 2024 Total Projected Attendees __21,768____ Total Projected Room Nights ___7,201____ What types of business do you expect will be affected? Services (gas, mini-marts, etc.) __YES_____ Entertainment __YES_____ Restaurants __YES_____ Shopping __YES_____ Lodging __YES_____ LODGING AND HOTEL STAYS Will you be listing any “Official Lodging” for this event? Yes _XXX__ No _____ If yes, provide name, address, contact person, and phone number. La Quinta Inn & Suites Seattle Federal Way - 31611 Pete von Reichbauer Way S. | Kya Stewart 253-797-0262 Comfort Inn Federal Way Seattle - 31622 Pacific Hwy S. | Keith or Joey Disque 253-529-0101 Hampton Inn & Suites Federal Way - 31720 Gateway Center Blvd. | Charlette Bishop or Crystal Santa Marina 253-946-7000 Courtyard Seattle Federal Way - 31910 Gateway Center Blvd. South | Kristin Wells - 253-468-5941 Provide all hotels/motels that you will include in all your publicity for the event/facility/marketing program. La Quinta Inn & Suites Seattle Federal Way Comfort Inn Federal Way Seattle Hampton Inn & Suites Federal Way Courtyard Seattle Federal Way List all the hotels/motels where rooms have or will be blocked for spectators, participants, and support staff. Projected Attendees Hotel/Motel Name Number of Blocked Rooms Spectators ___________________ ___________________ Participants La Quinta Inn & Suites Seattle Federal Way Comfort Inn Federal Way Seattle Hampton Inn & Suites Federal Way 329 (W) & 288 (M) 151 (W) & 177 (M) 330 (W) & 380 (M) Support Staff Courtyard Seattle Federal Way 252 (W) & 261 (M) __________________ 2023/24 City of Federal Way LTAC Tourism Enhancement Grant 9 Tourism Enhancement Grant Event Application Revised April 2024 G:\CED\Economic Development\3A.Tourism - HMAC\LodgingTaxFunding - APPLICANTS & DOCUMENTS\LodgingTaxDOCUMENTS&PROCEDURES\2023_24 Lodging Tax State Law Excerpts and Notes (RCW 67.28.1816) Use of Lodging Tax Fund Lodging tax revenues under this chapter may be used, directly by any municipality or indirectly through a convention and visitor’s bureau or destination marketing organization for: a. Tourism marketing; b. Marketing and operations of special events and festivals designed to attract tourists; c. Supporting operations and capital expenditures of tourism-related facilities owned or operated by a municipality or a public facilities district; or d. No longer permitted*: Supporting the operations of tourism-related facilities owned or operated by nonprofit organizations described under 26 U.S.C. Sec. 501(c)(3) and 26 U.S.C. Sec. 501(c)(6) of the internal revenue code of 1986, as amended. *Note that, as of July 1, 2013, capital expenditures for tourism-related facilities owned by nonprofit organizations are no longer permitted expenditures of lodging tax funds. Lodging Tax Advisory Committee (ii) The local lodging tax advisory committee must select the candidates from amongst the applicants applying for use of revenues in this chapter and provide a list of such candidates and recommended amounts of funding to the municipality for final determination. The municipality may choose only recipients from the list of candidates and recommended amounts provided by the local lodging tax advisory committee. Note that, the State Auditor's Office is interpreting the law to mean that all users of funds, including municipalities, are considered applicants and must follow relevant application procedures. So, cities and counties should submit applications for their own projects to the LTAC. Note that, a city or county does not have to fund the full list as recommended by the LTAC and can choose to make awards in the recommended amounts to all, some, or none of the candidates on the list. Applicant Reporting Requirements In a municipality with a population of five thousand or more, applicants applying for use of revenues must submit their applications and estimates to the local lodging tax advisory committee of how any moneys received will result in increases in the number of people traveling for business or pleasure on a trip: i. Away from their place of residence or business and staying overnight in paid accommodations; ii. To a place fifty miles or more one way from their place of residence or business for the day or staying overnight; or iii. From another country or state outside of their place of residence or their business. (c)(i) All recipients must submit a report to the municipality describing the actual number of people traveling for business or pleasure on a trip. Note that, local governments, as part of their contract with recipients, should require that the final report be provided immediately after the event or activity. Local governments will then, in turn, report this information annually to JLARC using their online reporting system. 2023/24 City of Federal Way LTAC Tourism Enhancement Grant 10 Tourism Enhancement Grant Event Application Revised April 2024 RCW 67.28.080 - Definitions. 1. "Acquisition" includes, but is not limited to, siting, acquisition, design, construction, refurbishing, expansion, repair, and improvement, including paying or securing the payment of all or any portion of general obligation bonds, leases, revenue bonds, or other obligations issued or incurred for such purpose or purposes under this chapter. 2. "Municipality" means any county, city or town of the state of Washington. 3. "Operation" includes, but is not limited to, operation, management, and marketing. 4. "Person" means the federal government or any agency thereof, the state or any agency, subdivision, taxing district or municipal corporation thereof other than county, city or town, any private corporation, partnership, association, or individual. 5. "Tourism" means economic activity resulting from tourists, which may include sales of overnight lodging, meals, tours, gifts, or souvenirs. 6. "Tourism promotion" means activities, operations, and expenditures designed to increase tourism, including but not limited to advertising, publicizing, or otherwise distributing information for the purpose of attracting and welcoming tourists; developing strategies to expand tourism; operating tourism promotion agencies; and funding the marketing of or the operation of special events and festivals designed to attract tourists. 7. "Tourism-related facility" means real or tangible personal property with a usable life of three or more years, or constructed with volunteer labor, and used to support tourism, performing arts, or to accommodate tourist activities. The undersigned certifies that the information provided above is true and accurate and any projections are based on history of similar events and activities that are available to the industry and adjusted to local conditions. Applicant’s Signature: ________________________________________________________________________________________ Applicant’s Printed Name: ____________________________________________________________________________________ Applicant’s Title: ______________________________________________________________________________________________ Date: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ‡…‘› –ŠŽ‡–‹…‹”‡…–‘”ǡƒ•Š‹‰–‘–ƒ–‡‹˜‡”•‹–› ͲͺȀʹʹȀʹͲʹͶ Page 1 of 5 THE NATIONAL COLLEGIATE ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION Division I Women's Swimming Proposed Budget and Financial Report HOST INSTITUTION/AGENCY Washington State University CITY Federal Way STATE WA ROUND Finals DATES 03/15/2023 - 03/18/2023 SUMMARY Budget Actual 1. Gross Receipts $ 138,550.00 $ 0.00 2. Total Budgeted Disbursements $ 115,020.00 3. Total Actual Disbursements $ 0.00 4. Net Receipts or (Deficit) $ 0.00 5. Funds already submitted by host $ 0.00 6. Funds collected directly by NCAA $ 0.00 7. Honorarium 8. Balance to forward to NCAA 9. Amount to be sent to host institution 10. Amount absorbed by host institution PROPOSED BUDGET Submitted by Ralph Morton Date 02/03/2020 Phone (206) 461-5819 Position Executive Director Email rmorton@seattlesports.org Approved by NCAA Approval Date Phone Email FINANCIAL REPORT Submitted by Date Phone Position Email Reviewed by NCAA Review Date Phone Email Approved by NCAA Approval Date Phone Email Page 2 of 5 Receipts 1. Ticket sales, including taxes. Please indicate number of sessions and show number of tickets for each day per session in price range. Use separate lines to record number of "all-session" tickets sold in each price range. Quantity Ticket Total Date (Session)Ticket Type Channel Budget Actuals Price Budget Actuals 03/16/2023 (A)Adult Host Channel 300 0 90.00 27,000.00 0.00 03/16/2023 (A)Adult Host Channel 700 0 75.00 52,500.00 0.00 03/16/2023 (A)Adult Host Channel 50 0 40.00 2,000.00 0.00 03/16/2023 (1)Adult Host Channel 36 0 20.00 720.00 0.00 03/16/2023 (1)Adult Host Channel 100 0 15.00 1,500.00 0.00 03/16/2023 (1)Adult Host Channel 100 0 7.00 700.00 0.00 03/16/2023 (2)Adult Host Channel 36 0 30.00 1,080.00 0.00 03/16/2023 (2)Adult Host Channel 100 0 20.00 2,000.00 0.00 03/16/2023 (2)Adult Host Channel 150 0 10.00 1,500.00 0.00 03/17/2023 (3)Adult Host Channel 36 0 20.00 720.00 0.00 03/17/2023 (3)Adult Host Channel 100 0 15.00 1,500.00 0.00 03/17/2023 (3)Adult Host Channel 100 0 7.00 700.00 0.00 03/17/2023 (4)Adult Host Channel 36 0 30.00 1,080.00 0.00 03/17/2023 (4)Adult Host Channel 100 0 20.00 2,000.00 0.00 03/17/2023 (4)Adult Host Channel 150 0 10.00 1,500.00 0.00 03/18/2023 (5)Adult Host Channel 36 0 20.00 720.00 0.00 03/18/2023 (5)Adult Host Channel 100 0 15.00 1,500.00 0.00 03/18/2023 (5)Adult Host Channel 100 0 7.00 700.00 0.00 03/18/2023 (6)Adult Host Channel 36 0 30.00 1,080.00 0.00 03/18/2023 (6)Adult Host Channel 100 0 20.00 2,000.00 0.00 03/18/2023 (6)Adult Host Channel 150 0 7.00 1,050.00 0.00 TOTAL 2,616 0 103,550.00 0.00 PAID ATTENDANCE CALCULATIONS Total Single Session tickets 0 All Session Tickets * Number of Sessions 0 PAID ATTENDANCE 0 CAPACITY INFORMATION Total Capacity 2,500 Killed Tickets 0 Sub Total 2,500 Paid Attendance 0 Other (unpaid/held for use)0 Unsold Tickets 2,500 Actual Attendance 0 Budget Actuals Other Revenue 1. Sponsorship Revenue 2. Concessions 3 Other City of Federal Way Grant for Championships 35,000.00 0.00 TOTAL Other Revenue 35,000.00 0.00 GROSS RECEIPTS 138,550.00 0.00 Page 3 of 5 Expenditures IMPORTANT: In order to calculate the expenses absorbed by your institution, show the actual expenses when submitting the financial report. Budget Actuals Promotion 1. Advertising 5,000.00 2. Postage 300.00 3. Printing 1,250.00 4. Other Banners 5,000.00 0.00 TOTAL Promotion 11,550.00 0.00 Budget Actuals Tickets 1. Postage 300.00 2. Printing 1,250.00 3. Commissions 0.00 4. State and City Taxes 5,620.00 5. Charge Card Expenses 6,000.00 TOTAL Tickets 13,170.00 0.00 Budget Actuals Facility 1. Supplies 900.00 2. Facility rental charge 35,000.00 3. Decor 5,000.00 TOTAL Facility 40,900.00 0.00 Budget Actuals Personnel 1. Public Address Announcer 500.00 2. Timer 500.00 3. Official Scorer 500.00 4. Ushers 0.00 5. Police and Security 8,000.00 6. Statisticians 500.00 7. Clerical 0.00 8. Ticketing Personnel 7,000.00 9. Custodians-Facility 0.00 10. Grounds Crew 0.00 11. Maintenance-Facility Labor 0.00 12. Medical 3,500.00 13. Video/Scoreboard Operators 0.00 14. Commitee/Site Rep lodging 3,000.00 15. Other LOC Meet Director 2,000.00 0.00 Page 4 of 5 Budget Actuals Dive Meet Official 500.00 0.00 Music / DJ 750.00 0.00 TOTAL Personnel 26,750.00 0.00 Budget Actuals Entertainment 1. Media 1,000.00 2. Pregame, Halftime and Postgame 0.00 3. Meetings 400.00 4. Luncheons and Banquets 0.00 5. Participant Refreshments 4,000.00 6. Other Volunteer / Committee Hospitality 15,000.00 0.00 TOTAL Entertainment 20,400.00 0.00 Budget Actuals Equipment 1. Telephone Installation 0.00 2. Temporary Restrooms 0.00 3. Copy / Fax Machines 1,250.00 4. Other Rental Car(s)1,000.00 0.00 TOTAL Equipment 2,250.00 0.00 Budget Actuals Officiating Expenses 1. Officials Lodging 0.00 2. Officials Travel 0.00 3. Officials Fees 0.00 4. Officials Per Diem 0.00 TOTAL Officiating Expenses 0.00 0.00 TOTAL BUDGETED DISBURSEMENTS 115,020.00 0.00 Page 5 of 5 Summary Calculation Supplement 1. Gross receipts $ 0.00 2. Actual disbursements $ 0.00 3. Approved BUDGETED disbursements $ 115,020.00 4. Disbursements absorbed by institution $ 0.00 5. Total Approved disbursements $ 0.00 6. NET RECEIPTS or DEFICIT $ 0.00 7. Funds already submitted by host $ 0.00 8. Funds collected directly by NCAA $ 0.00 9. Honorarium (Highest amount from a or b) a. Minimum -- Enter the appropriate amount depending on length of competition and type of championship TEAM INDIVIDUAL-TEAM Preliminary Final Preliminary Final 1 day 575 1150 700 1725 2 day 750 1450 870 2000 3 day 920 1725 1150 2300 b. 15 percent of net receipts (10 percent if event held in off-campus facility). c. Institution/host agencies that fail to meet the 60-day reporting period may be assessed the following penalties Days past due Percentage reduction of honorarium 60-90 days 25% reduction 91-120 days 50% reduction 121 days and over 100% reduction Net Honorarium: 10. Amount to be sent to host institution/conference Page 1 of 5 THE NATIONAL COLLEGIATE ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION Division I Men's Swimming Proposed Budget and Financial Report HOST INSTITUTION/AGENCY Washington State University CITY Federal Way STATE WA ROUND Finals DATES 03/22/2023 - 03/25/2023 SUMMARY Budget Actual 1. Gross Receipts $ 150,000.00 $ 0.00 2. Total Budgeted Disbursements $ 116,270.00 3. Total Actual Disbursements $ 0.00 4. Net Receipts or (Deficit) $ 0.00 5. Funds already submitted by host $ 0.00 6. Funds collected directly by NCAA $ 0.00 7. Honorarium 8. Balance to forward to NCAA 9. Amount to be sent to host institution 10. Amount absorbed by host institution PROPOSED BUDGET Submitted by Ralph Morton Date 02/03/2020 Phone (206) 461-5819 Position Executive Director Email rmorton@seattlesports.org Approved by NCAA Approval Date Phone Email FINANCIAL REPORT Submitted by Date Phone Position Email Reviewed by NCAA Review Date Phone Email Approved by NCAA Approval Date Phone Email Page 2 of 5 Receipts 1. Ticket sales, including taxes. Please indicate number of sessions and show number of tickets for each day per session in price range. Use separate lines to record number of "all-session" tickets sold in each price range. Quantity Ticket Total Date (Session)Ticket Type Channel Budget Actuals Price Budget Actuals 03/23/2023 (A)Adult Host Channel 300 0 90.00 27,000.00 0.00 03/23/2023 (A)Adult Host Channel 800 0 75.00 60,000.00 0.00 03/23/2023 (A)Adult Host Channel 100 0 40.00 4,000.00 0.00 03/23/2023 (1)Adult Host Channel 36 0 20.00 720.00 0.00 03/23/2023 (1)Adult Host Channel 100 0 15.00 1,500.00 0.00 03/23/2023 (1)Adult Host Channel 100 0 7.00 700.00 0.00 03/23/2023 (2)Adult Host Channel 36 0 30.00 1,080.00 0.00 03/23/2023 (2)Adult Host Channel 100 0 20.00 2,000.00 0.00 03/23/2023 (2)Adult Host Channel 200 0 10.00 2,000.00 0.00 03/24/2023 (3)Adult Host Channel 36 0 20.00 720.00 0.00 03/24/2023 (3)Adult Host Channel 100 0 15.00 1,500.00 0.00 03/24/2023 (3)Adult Host Channel 100 0 7.00 700.00 0.00 03/24/2023 (4)Adult Host Channel 36 0 30.00 1,080.00 0.00 03/24/2023 (4)Adult Host Channel 100 0 20.00 2,000.00 0.00 03/24/2023 (4)Adult Host Channel 200 0 10.00 2,000.00 0.00 03/25/2023 (5)Adult Host Channel 36 0 20.00 720.00 0.00 03/25/2023 (5)Adult Host Channel 100 0 15.00 1,500.00 0.00 03/25/2023 (5)Adult Host Channel 100 0 7.00 700.00 0.00 03/25/2023 (6)Adult Host Channel 36 0 30.00 1,080.00 0.00 03/25/2023 (6)Adult Host Channel 100 0 20.00 2,000.00 0.00 03/25/2023 (6)Adult Host Channel 200 0 10.00 2,000.00 0.00 TOTAL 2,916 0 115,000.00 0.00 PAID ATTENDANCE CALCULATIONS Total Single Session tickets 0 All Session Tickets * Number of Sessions 0 PAID ATTENDANCE 0 CAPACITY INFORMATION Total Capacity 2,500 Killed Tickets 0 Sub Total 2,500 Paid Attendance 0 Other (unpaid/held for use)0 Unsold Tickets 2,500 Actual Attendance 0 Budget Actuals Other Revenue 1. Sponsorship Revenue 2. Concessions 3 Other Grant - Federal Way 35,000.00 0.00 TOTAL Other Revenue 35,000.00 0.00 GROSS RECEIPTS 150,000.00 0.00 Page 3 of 5 Expenditures IMPORTANT: In order to calculate the expenses absorbed by your institution, show the actual expenses when submitting the financial report. Budget Actuals Promotion 1. Advertising 5,000.00 2. Postage 300.00 3. Printing 2,000.00 4. Other Banners 5,000.00 0.00 TOTAL Promotion 12,300.00 0.00 Budget Actuals Tickets 1. Postage 300.00 2. Printing 500.00 3. Commissions 0.00 4. State and City Taxes 5,620.00 5. Charge Card Expenses 6,000.00 TOTAL Tickets 12,420.00 0.00 Budget Actuals Facility 1. Supplies 900.00 2. Facility rental charge 35,000.00 3. Decor 5,000.00 TOTAL Facility 40,900.00 0.00 Budget Actuals Personnel 1. Public Address Announcer 500.00 2. Timer 500.00 3. Official Scorer 500.00 4. Ushers 0.00 5. Police and Security 8,000.00 6. Statisticians 500.00 7. Clerical 0.00 8. Ticketing Personnel 7,500.00 9. Custodians-Facility 0.00 10. Grounds Crew 0.00 11. Maintenance-Facility Labor 0.00 12. Medical 3,500.00 13. Video/Scoreboard Operators 0.00 14. Commitee/Site Rep lodging 3,000.00 15. Other Music / DJ 750.00 0.00 Page 4 of 5 Budget Actuals Meet Director 2,500.00 0.00 Dive Meet Official 500.00 0.00 TOTAL Personnel 27,750.00 0.00 Budget Actuals Entertainment 1. Media 1,000.00 2. Pregame, Halftime and Postgame 0.00 3. Meetings 400.00 4. Luncheons and Banquets 0.00 5. Participant Refreshments 4,000.00 6. Other Volunteer / Committee Hospitality 15,000.00 0.00 TOTAL Entertainment 20,400.00 0.00 Budget Actuals Equipment 1. Telephone Installation 0.00 2. Temporary Restrooms 0.00 3. Copy / Fax Machines 1,500.00 4. Other Rental Car(s)1,000.00 0.00 TOTAL Equipment 2,500.00 0.00 Budget Actuals Officiating Expenses 1. Officials Lodging 0.00 2. Officials Travel 0.00 3. Officials Fees 0.00 4. Officials Per Diem 0.00 TOTAL Officiating Expenses 0.00 0.00 TOTAL BUDGETED DISBURSEMENTS 116,270.00 0.00 Page 5 of 5 Summary Calculation Supplement 1. Gross receipts $ 0.00 2. Actual disbursements $ 0.00 3. Approved BUDGETED disbursements $ 116,270.00 4. Disbursements absorbed by institution $ 0.00 5. Total Approved disbursements $ 0.00 6. NET RECEIPTS or DEFICIT $ 0.00 7. Funds already submitted by host $ 0.00 8. Funds collected directly by NCAA $ 0.00 9. Honorarium (Highest amount from a or b) a. Minimum -- Enter the appropriate amount depending on length of competition and type of championship TEAM INDIVIDUAL-TEAM Preliminary Final Preliminary Final 1 day 575 1150 700 1725 2 day 750 1450 870 2000 3 day 920 1725 1150 2300 b. 15 percent of net receipts (10 percent if event held in off-campus facility). c. Institution/host agencies that fail to meet the 60-day reporting period may be assessed the following penalties Days past due Percentage reduction of honorarium 60-90 days 25% reduction 91-120 days 50% reduction 121 days and over 100% reduction Net Honorarium: 10. Amount to be sent to host institution/conference APPENDIX A – MEN’S AND WOMEN’S COMPREHENSIVE SCHEDULE More detailed information, including locations, is located within this Participant Manual. Monday 2 p.m. (approximately) Committee walk-through and meetings (WOMEN’S WEEK ONLY) 4 to 8 p.m. Aquatic Center open 4 to 8 p.m. Registration Tuesday 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. Aquatic Center open 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Registration 8:30 a.m. to Noon Scratch box open 4 to 5 p.m. Scratch box open Wednesday 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. Aquatic Center open 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Registration 8:30 a.m. to end of Scratch box open for Wednesday event Coaches meeting 8:30 a.m. to Noon Scratch box open for all Thursday events 11:30 a.m. Swimming Coaches Meeting 1 p.m. Diving Coaches Meeting 4 to 5 p.m. Scratch box open for all Thursday events 5:50 p.m. Pool cleared 5:51 p.m. Opening ceremonies and national anthem 6 p.m. Day 1 Finals 200 Medley Relay – all heats of timed final AWARDS 200 MEDLEY RELAY 45-minute break after completion of last heat 800 Freestyle Relay – all heats of timed final AWARDS 800 FREESTYLE RELAY Post-awards Meeting with committee and host staff Thursday 6 a.m. to after finals Aquatic Center open 8:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. Deck pass replacement hours 8:30 a.m. to Noon Scratch box open, all Friday events 9:50 a.m. Pool cleared 10 a.m. Day 2 Swimming Trials Noon (men) One-meter Diving Trials 12:15 p.m. (women) One-meter Diving Trials 4 to 5 p.m. Scratch box open, all Friday events 4:30 to 8 p.m. Deck pass replacement hours 5:15 p.m. One-meter Diving Consolation Finals (9-16) 5:50 p.m. Pool cleared 5:51 p.m. Opening ceremonies and national anthem 6 p.m. Day 2 Finals 500 Freestyle Consolation 500 Freestyle Final AWARDS 500 FREESTYLE 200 Individual Medley Consolation 200 Individual Medley Final AWARDS 200 IM 50 Freestyle Consolation 50 Freestyle Final AWARDS 50 FREESTYLE One-meter Diving Finals AWARDS ONE-METER DIVING 200 Freestyle Relay – all heats of timed final AWARDS 200 FREESTYLE RELAY Post awards Meeting with committee and host staff Friday 6 a.m. to after finals Aquatic Center open 8:30 to 2 p.m. Deck pass replacement hours 8:30 to Noon Scratch box open, all Saturday events 9:50 a.m. Pool cleared 10 a.m. Day 3 Swimming Trials Noon (men) Three-meter Diving Trials 12:15 p.m. (women) Three-meter Diving Trials 4 to 5 p.m. Scratch box open, all Saturday events 4:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. Deck pass replacement hours 5:15 p.m. Three-meter Diving Consolation Finals (9-16) 5:50 p.m. Pool cleared 5:51 p.m. Opening ceremonies and national anthem 6 p.m. Day 3 Finals 400 Individual Medley Consolation 400 Individual Medley Final AWARDS 400 INDIVIDUAL MEDLEY 100 Butterfly Consolation 100 Butterfly Final AWARDS 100 BUTTERFLY 200 Freestyle Consolation 200 Freestyle Final AWARDS 200 FREESTYLE 100 Breaststroke Consolation 100 Breaststroke Final AWARDS 100 BREASTSTROKE 100 Backstroke Consolation 100 Backstroke Final AWARDS 100 BACKSTROKE Three-meter Diving Finals AWARDS THREE-METER DIVING 400 Medley Relay – all heats of timed final AWARDS 400 MEDLEY RELAY Post awards Meeting with committee and host staff Saturday 6 a.m. to after awards Aquatic Center open 8:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. Deck pass replacement hours 9:50 a.m. Pool cleared 10 a.m. Day 4 Swimming Trials Noon (men and women) Platform Diving Trials 3:45 p.m. (approx.) 1650 Free (early heats) 4:30 to 8 p.m. Deck pass replacement hours 5:15 p.m. Platform Diving Consolation Finals (9-16) 5:50 p.m. Pool cleared 5:51 p.m. Opening ceremonies and national anthem 6 p.m. Day 4 Finals 1,650 Freestyle - Last heat of timed finals AWARDS 1,650 FREESTYLE 200 Backstroke Consolation 200 Backstroke Final AWARDS 200 BACKSTROKE 100 Freestyle Consolation 100 Freestyle Final AWARDS 100 FREESTYLE 200 Breaststroke Consolation 200 Breaststroke Final AWARDS 200 BREASTSTROKE 200 Butterfly Consolation 200 Butterfly Final AWARDS 200 BUTTERFLY Platform Diving Finals AWARDS PLATFORM DIVING 400 Freestyle Relay – all heats of timed final AWARDS 400 FREESTYLE RELAY TEAM AWARDS Note: All times are subject to change. Please double check site specific participant manual for any changes Office: T-Mobile Park 1250 First Avenue South Seattle WA 98134 | Mailing Address: 700 NW Gilman Blvd #121, Issaquah, WA 98027 Seattle Sports Commission Vision The Greater Seattle Region is a world-class sports market that is home to all major league sports teams and host to premier sporting events that contribute positively and inclusively to our economy, community and quality of life. Mission Statement Enhance the Greater Seattle Region’s economy and quality of life through the power of sports Annual Signature Events 1. Sports Star of the Year Awards Show 2. Region Ready Summit 3. Women’s Leadership Breakfast 4. SSC Golf Open Who We Are The Seattle Sports Commission (SSC) is a member-based nonprofit of over 140 business leaders, sports teams and community organizations committed to cultivating a sports environment that strengthens our region and state. SSC attracts and hosts premier sports events that shape an economically and culturally vibrant region. The SSC serves as a resource to, and for, our professional, amateur, collegiate and youth sports organizations and venues. Collaborating with stakeholders in the private, public and community sectors, the SSC and its cha ritable 501(c)(3) affiliate, Empower Play, work to foster a dynamic sports culture with a belief in human rights, inclusivity, equal access and sustainabi lity to ensure future generations can enjoy Seattle sports. We believe in the power of sports. Commissioner Member Benefits ● Access to the inside track on regional efforts to host youth, amateur and professional sporting events ● Quarterly Commissioner meetings providing sports updates, sports industry guest speakers, networking ● SSC Newsletter with regular updates on Seattle sports teams, events and bids ● Member engagement events and activities ● Member recognition on the SSC Website ● Access to SSC hosted events with opportunities for member recognition at the event(s) ● Access to tickets for distinct sporting events hosted in the Greater Seattle region ● Opportunity to participate in Sports Trade Mission trips to other cities Commissioner Investment Member Dues: Following approval by the SSC Board of Directors of the representative, membership requires an annual contribution of $3,500 for corporate partners and $10,000 for municipalities. Annual contributions, along with participation in SSC signature events through sponsorship or table purchases, is an investment in our work to help the Greater Seattle sports community thrive. Additional partnership opportunities with the SSC and its events are also available. Time: Commissioners are asked to attend four (4) quarterly Meetings and participate on at least one SSC committee. Commissioners will be invited to attend events (registration or ticket fees may apply), social functions, press conferences and other related meetings. Support: Commissioners are asked to support SSC events through ticket or table purchases, make introductions to potential Commissioner prospects or corporate partners, and provide auction items for fundraising events. Contact Rob Leslie at rob@seattlesports.org for more information about becoming a member. Office: T-Mobile Park 1250 First Avenue South Seattle WA 98134 | Mailing Address: 700 NW Gilman Blvd #121, Issaquah, WA 98027 2023 Seattle Sports Commission Board of Directors Chair Joli Mosier, Principal | MosierMcCann Chair-Elect Amy Banovich, Office Managing Partner | KPMG LLP Secretary Kara Tokita, President/Owner | Tokita Bethune Treasurer Carl Gipson, State President - External and Legislative Affairs | AT&T Past Chair Grant Degginger, Shareholder | Lane Powell PC Kristi Ellefson, Public Relations and Brand Manager | WaFd Bank Trevor Gooby, SVP Ball Park Operations | Seattle Mariners Michael Ford, CVP of Global Workplace Services | Microsoft Maya Mendoza-Exstrom, Chief Operating Officer | Seattle Sounders Jason Rose, Vice President, PNW/BC and Alaska | Waste Management Karen Thomas, Principal & Managing Director | Gensler Kelly Saling, SVP & Chief Sales Officer | Visit Seattle Nate Silverman, Chief Commercial Officer | Seattle Storm and Force 10 Jesse Uman, Principal | Uman Consulting Daniel Whitney, Vice President of Recruiting | Outreach Tom Wolf, Managing Director | Hyatt Regency Seattle, Grand Hyatt Seattle, and Hyatt at Olive 8 David Young, Chief Operating Office | Seattle Seahawks Executive Advisory Board Bob Bass, President, President - PNW External & Legislative Affairs | AT&T Cathy Cooper, Executive Vice President and Retail Banking Group Manager | WaFd Bank Chuck Nelson, President and CEO | Washington Athletic Club Greg Root, Director Corporate Development and Strategy | Boyd Corporation Empower Play Board of Directors Charitable affiliate of Seattle Sports Commission Chair April Kyrkos, Chief Operating Officer | Brighton Jones Sec/Treasurer Joli Mosier, Principal | MosierMcCann Vice President Cathy Cooper, EVP and Retail Banking Group Manager | WaFd Bank Past Chair Karen Thomas, Principal & Managing Director | Gensler Jordan Babineaux, Author, Sports Broadcaster & Business Owner | Pivot To Win Jesse Uman, Principal | Uman Consulting SSC Commissioners The SSC membership is comprised of approximately 140 representatives of Seattle pro teams, universities, municipalities, sports facilities, corporate and community business partners. A full list can be found HERE. 000000Current as of 4/13/23 000000SSC Internal - Not for Distribution Event Date Year Status Frequency Venue(s)Lead Organization SSC Commissioner Mtgs Annual Meeting 11-Jan 2023 Completed Zoom SSC Q2 16-May 2023 Scheduled Washington Athletic Club SSC Q3 TBD 2023 Location TBD SSC Q4 TBD 2023 Location TBD SSC SSC Signature Events Sports Star of the Year 28-Feb 2023 Completed Annual Westin Seattle SSC SSC Golf Open 28-Aug 2023 Scheduled Annual Snoqualmie Ridge SSC Women's Leadership Breakfast 20-Oct 2023 Scheduled Annual Sheraton Hotel SSC Region Ready Summit #1 25-Apr 2023 Scheduled Hyatt Regency Seattle SSC Region Ready Summit #2 20-Sep 2023 Scheduled Annual Hyatt Olive 8 SSC Confirmed Events 2022 - 2025 Date Year Status Frequency Venue Lead Organization & Partners NCAA - DII Sports Festival December 1 - 4 2022 Completed One Time SPU, Starfire, Chambers Creek Seattle Pacific University NCAA - DI Women's Basketball Regional March 2023 Completed One Time Climate Pledge Arena Seattle U MLB All Star Game & Week July 3- 11 2023 Awarded One Time T-Mobile Park, Lumen Field SSC in partnership with Mariners MLB RBI West Regional Tournament July 15-17 2023 Awarded One TIme Various Baseball Beyond Boarders and SSC Seafair Hydroplane Race and Air Show August 4 - 6 2023 Confirmed Annual Genesee Park and Lake Washington Seafair National Gay Flag Football League "Gay Bowl" Tournament October 5 - 8 2023 Awarded One Time Magnuson Park Cascade Flag Football & United Sports Seattle NHL Winter Classic January 1 2024 Confirmed One Time T-Mobile Park Seattle Mariners NCAA - Division I Women's Swim & Dive March 2025 Awarded One Time King County Aquatic Center WSU, City of Federal Way NCAA - Division I Men's Swim & Dive March 2025 Awarded One Time King County Aquatic Center WSU, City of Federal Way NCAA - Division I Men's Basketball Regionals; First & Second Rounds March 2025 Awarded One Time Climate Pledge Arena University of Washington FIFA Men's World Cup July 2026 Awarded One Time Lumen Field; regional training facilities Sounders FC in partnership with SSC Active Bids In Progress Date Year Status Frequency Venue Lead Organization & Partners Premier League Lacrosse August 2023 In Progress Annual*Cheney Stadium PLL AVP Beach Volley Ball August 2024 In Progress Annual TBD AVP Pacific Raceways TBD In Progress Pacific Raceways, Kent Pacific Raceways Clipper Round the World Yacht Race April 2024 In Progress Bi-Annual Pier 66 Seattle Waterfront SSC, in partnership with Visit Seattle and Port of Seattle WNBA All-Star Game July 2025 In Progress One Time Climate Pledge Arena WNBA / Seattle Storm Men's Rugby World Cup 2031 In Progress One Time Multiple Seattle Seawolves Women's Rugby World Cup 2033 In Progress One Time Multiple Seattle Seawolves Prospects Date Year Status Frequency Venue Lead Organization & Partners Ultimate Tennis Showdown July 20 - 23 2023 Prospecting Yearly Angel of The Winds Arena UTS & Oak View Group LOVB Volleyball TBD TBD Prospecting TBD TBD TBD High Dive TBD TBD Exploration TBD Seafair She Believes Cup March 2024 Exploration T-Mobile Park Men's Cricket World Cup 2024 Expression of Interest New Arena in Marymoor Park Seattle Cricket Team/USA Cricket NWSL All-Star Game 2024 Cycle Open in 2023 TBD - Lumen Field OL Reign, Lumen Field, City of Seattle International Ice Hockey Federation (IIHF) World Junior Championship Dec - Jan 2025-2026 Prospecting One Time Climate Pledge Arena, Angels of the Wind Arena Seattle Kraken, Climate Pledge Arena, Angels of the Wind Arena, Snohomish County Sports Commission, SSC NFL Draft April 2026- 2031 Expression of Interest Seattle Center, other Seattle Seahawks NCAA Bid Cycle Multiple Fall 2026 - 2031 Cycle Open in 2023 Multiple SPU, SU, UW, WSU U.S. Women's World Cup - Soccer July 2027-2031 Multiple NCAA Frozen Four March 2027-2031 Cycle Open in 2023 Climate Pledge Arena NCHC NHL Draft 2024 +Seattle Center, CPA Nitro World Games Flexible No Bid Lumen Field Big Sky Basketball Tournament Showare Center U.S. Figure Skating Championships Climate Pledge Arena U.S. Olympic Trials Figure Skating Climate Pledge Arena Army/Navy Game Lumen Field U.S. Olympic Trials - Gymnastics Climate Pledge Arena Seattle Sports Commission Events and Bids Summary 2023/24 City of Federal Way LTAC Tourism Enhancement Grant 1 Tourism Enhancement Grant Event Application Revised April 2024 APPLICATIONS ARE DUE AND MUST BE RECEIVED NO LATER THAN MARCH 25TH OR SEPTEMBER 25th AT 5 PM. Incomplete and/or late applications will not be considered/prioritized for funding cycle. Applications may not be amended or changed after the deadline for submission. The proposal and all documents filed with the City are public records. Read the Overview and Instructions before completing the application. Please submit your completed application along with the required documentation electronically to: julianna.labrake@cityoffederalway.com Completed and signed the cover sheet with this packet Completed application (attach additional sheets if necessary) A copy of your agency’s current non-profit corporate registration with Washington Secretary of State Brochures and/or other supplemental information about your event/activity/facility and/or recent tourism promotion efforts APPLICATIONS ARE DUE NO LATER THAN MARCH 25TH OR SEPTEMBER 25TH AT 5PM. LATE APPLICATIONS WILL NOT BE CONSIDERED DURING FUNDING CYCLE. The City of Federal Way’s Lodging Tax Advisory Committee (LTAC); will review the applications in May and November. The Committee may wish to interview applicants for more information or clarification. Applicants will be notified of the date and time their application will be reviewed by the Lodging Tax Advisory Committee. It is recommended that a representative of your organization be on hand at the review to answer questions from the LTAC. Applications must be submitted at least 180 days prior to your event to be considered for funding APPLICATION OVERVIEW APPLICATION CHECKLIST APPLICATION TIMELINE 2023/24 City of Federal Way LTAC Tourism Enhancement Grant 2 Tourism Enhancement Grant Event Application Revised April 2024 Official Event, Program, or Activity Name:2024 Big 12 Swim and Dive Championships Grant Amount Requested: $20,000 Organization/Agency Name Federal Tax ID Number Contact Name Title Mailing Address City State Zip Phone Email Address Event Location Event Date(s) Website Check all service categories that apply to this application: Tourism Promotion/Marketing Operation of a Special Event/Festival designed to attract tourists Operation and/or Capital Expenditures of a Tourism-Related Facility owned by a Municipality or a Public Facilities District Check which one of the following applies to your agency: For-Profit Organization Non-Profit (Attach copy of current non-profit registration with Washington Secretary of State) Public Agency Other ORGANIZATION/AGENCY INFORMATION Big 12 Conference Neyland Raper Director of Football Operations 400 E John Carpenter Freeway Irving TX 75062 (423) 790-4351 nraper@big12sports.com Weyerhaeuser King County Aquatic Center 02/24/2025 - 03/01/2025 big12sports.com 2023/24 City of Federal Way LTAC Tourism Enhancement Grant 3 Tourism Enhancement Grant Event Application Revised April 2024 GENERAL INFORMATION 1.Describe your tourism-related activity/program/event? ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ Is this a new event/facility/marketing program? Yes _____ No _____ Has your organization ever applied for a TEG? Yes _____ No ______ If yes, when? ________ Has your organization received a TEG award in the past? Yes _____ No _____ If yes, when? ________ Scope (Geographical Reach) of the event: _____ Less than 50 miles (Federal Way, Auburn, etc.) _____ More than 50 miles (Western WA) _____ Statewide _____ Multi-States (Western US) _____ National _____ International 2.How did you hear about the City of Federal Way Lodging Tax Funding Program? ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ 3.How do you intend to use the Lodging Tax funds if selected as a funding recipient? (Please be as descriptive as possible with the strategy, plan and reasons for your application.) ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ 4.Are you applying for Lodging Tax Funding from another community/ies? No _______ PROJECT INFORMATION & USE OF FUNDS QUESTIONNAIRE The Big 12 Swim and Dive Championships will include 10 institutions with 17 teams (men's and women's) in what is the pinnacle for the majority of their seasons. Practice and trials will lead off the event with finals (championships) closing out One of the reasons why the conference selected Federal Way is the support of the city, and everyone around the city has been supportive and made us aware of this funding possibility. These persepctive funds would be used to do all of the following: Pay officiating staff, Find operations staff, feed operations and officiating staff, promoting the event throughout the city, conference transportation, conference awards, television the week. Over 450 athletes will compete at all times throughout the day and night during championship week. and broadcast logistics, social media staffing logistics that are required to operate an event of this magnitude. The only way we can bring this many guests to a city is to be find a way to supplement all the support staff's needs. 2023/24 City of Federal Way LTAC Tourism Enhancement Grant 4 Tourism Enhancement Grant Event Application Revised April 2024 If yes, list the other jurisdiction(s), amount(s) requested and status. ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ FINANCIAL INFORMATION On a separate sheet, attach a budget for the event listing revenues and expenses. In addition to revenue provided by the organization or the event/ facility/marketing program (ticket sales, etc.), include a list of other sources of forecasted revenue support, either those requested and pending or confirmed (sponsorship, grants, etc.). Is this support in-kind or financial? If financial, include the amount. Do you expect to make a profit? Yes _____ No _____ If yes, how much? __________ 5.What will you or your organization do differently this year that will improve upon last year’s/previous event/facility/marketing program(s)? _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ 6.What is the overall budget for your event/facility/marketing program? -Please provide an itemized list identifying each type of expenditure to be reimbursed. -Separate documents/pages are permitted if more space is needed. _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ 7.Please identify your top 5 sources of revenues anticipated for your event/facility/marketing program, not including requested City of Federal Way LTAC funds. (Please do not include in-kind contributions.) Source of Revenue Amount Confirmed? Y/N Date Funds Available $ $ $ $ $ For the 2025 championship, the Big 12 is bringing in 4 new institutions with student-athletes and parents from around the world. Furthermore, the social media and broadcast footprint continues to grow for this event (especially with the new institutions) making this the largest of its kind in college athletics. 2023/24 City of Federal Way LTAC Tourism Enhancement Grant 5 Tourism Enhancement Grant Event Application Revised April 2024 8. What will you cut from your proposal or do differently if full funding for your request is not available or not recommended? _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ 9. Please list the risks and challenges to your success and how you plan to mitigate these? Examples include: space, staff, money, time, marketing, etc. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ MARKETING On a separate sheet, attach information on how the event will be publicized and marketed. List all publications and media venues (Facebook, Twitter, website, brochures, newspaper, magazines, etc.); in addition to any give away promotional materials that will be used. 10. Describe your tourism-related event/facility/marketing program: __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ 11. Describe why tourists will travel to Federal Way to attend your event/facility/marketing program: __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ 12. Describe the prior success (number of attendees, media exposure, etc.) of your event/facility/marketing program in attracting tourists: __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ 13. Describe your target tourist audience (location, demographics, etc.): __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ thoughout the seaon and work with area hotels to make this an event that all want to attend in the future. is true for fans and spectators of the event as well due to our geographic footprint. Compounding this challenge One of the biggest challenges for the majority of the participants is the distance of travel to the event. This is that our only revenue stream for the event is ticket sales. To combat the challenges we plan to market the event Throughout the spring athletics season and before the event, over 250 contests will be broadcasted on the ESPN family of networks on both linear television and online. We will use that platform via on-air talent and on institutional campuses to promote the event. Due to the expansive participant list and this being the pinnacle for the majority of their seeasons, we project this event to continue its previous success as one of the biggest event on the national swim schedule annually. We expect based on previous data that over 3,000 people will attend over the week to experience the Our target audience consists of institutional fans across the 17 participating teams, family members of particpants, and swimming fans in the Federal Way/Washington area. Championships in-person and thousands more will watch online from around the world. Our television partners cite that the 2022 and 2023 events were seen in over 10 countries. We will be looking at future Championship venues in 2027 and beyond. Lack of funding could take Federal Way out of consideration for the future if we cannot make it work financially. 2023/24 City of Federal Way LTAC Tourism Enhancement Grant 6 Tourism Enhancement Grant Event Application Revised April 2024 14. Describe how you will promote your event/facility/marketing program to attract overnight tourists: __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ 15. Describe how you will promote lodging establishments, restaurants, and businesses located in the City of Federal Way. What will the City of Federal Way/Tourism and lodging industry get in return for funding (e.g. logos, links print material, radio, TV etc.)? __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ EVENT INFORMATION Length of the event/facility/marketing program: _____One day _____ Two days _____ Three days _____Four days _____Five or more days Location of the event/facility/marketing program: _____Federal Way _____South King/North Pierce County _____Other _______________ Tourism Season: _____Peak Season (Jun-Sep) _____Shoulder Season (Oct, Jan-Mar) _____Off Season (Nov-Dec, Apr-May) Proposed venue(s): Have you confirmed the availability of the proposed dates at the primary venue? Yes _____ No_____ Will you have a need for secondary or practice venues? Yes _____ No _____ Proposed schedule of the event for each day: Date Time Date Time Weyerhaeuser King County Aquatic Center 02/25 8AM - 10PM 02/26 8AM - 10PM 02/27 8AM - 10PM 02/28 8AM - 10PM 03/01 8AM - 10PM We will run ads throughout the spring athletics schdule, social media, and on institutional campuses in advance of the Championships. We are confident in the number of nightly rooms that will be needed for our event (over 3,600 room nights) which will provide hotels with unprecedented February/March usage. Also, local restaurants and tourism areas will have thousands of people visiting for the first time with guaranteed nightly stays in which they can depend on an influx of revenue compared to recent years. This event will create an economic boom within the area! 2023/24 City of Federal Way LTAC Tourism Enhancement Grant 7 Tourism Enhancement Grant Event Application Revised April 2024 ECONOMIC IMPACT OF EVENT Breakdown of projected attendees over the course of the event: Provide an estimate of where projected attendees will travel from and their projected room nights (total number of rooms for their entire stay) during the event. Attendees Local (less than 50 miles) Regional (Western WA greater than 50 miles) Statewide Multi-States (Western US) National International TOTAL Spectators __________ Room nights __________ Room nights __________ Room nights __________ Room nights ___________ Room nights __________ Room nights Participants __________ Room nights __________ Room nights __________ Room nights __________ Room nights __________ Room nights __________ Room nights Support Staff __________ Room nights __________ Room nights __________ Room nights __________ Room nights __________ Room nights __________ Room nights TOTAL Total Projected Attendees __________ Total Projected Room Nights __________ What types of business do you expect will be affected? Services (gas, mini-marts, etc.) __________ Entertainment __________ Restaurants __________ Shopping __________ Lodging __________ Date: Date: Date: Date: TOTAL Attendees Attendees Attendees Attendees Attendees Spectators Participants Support Staff TOTAL ATTENDEES 02/25-26 750 750 750 02/27 02/28 03/01 450 450 450 450 450 900 3,150 20 20 2020 20 1,370 1,220 1,220 1,220 5,030 750 1500 450 900 120 1,200 2,400 3,600 2,250 1,350 120 750 2,250 2023/24 City of Federal Way LTAC Tourism Enhancement Grant 8 Tourism Enhancement Grant Event Application Revised April 2024 LODGING AND HOTEL STAYS Will you be listing any “Official Lodging” for this event? Yes _____ No _____ If yes, provide name, address, contact person, and phone number. __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ Provide all hotels/motels that you will include in all your publicity for the event/facility/marketing program. __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ List all the hotels/motels where rooms have or will be blocked for spectators, participants, and support staff. Projected Attendees Hotel/Motel Name Number of Blocked Rooms Spectators ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ Participants _____________________ _____________________ _____________________ Support Staff _____________________ _____________________ _____________________ We do not have any hotels reserved at this moment but are happy to forward all schools to any location. 2023/24 City of Federal Way LTAC Tourism Enhancement Grant 9 Tourism Enhancement Grant Event Application Revised April 2024 G:\CED\Economic Development\3A.Tourism - HMAC\LodgingTaxFunding - APPLICANTS & DOCUMENTS\LodgingTaxDOCUMENTS&PROCEDURES\2023_24 Lodging Tax State Law Excerpts and Notes (RCW 67.28.1816) Use of Lodging Tax Fund Lodging tax revenues under this chapter may be used, directly by any municipality or indirectly through a convention and visitor’s bureau or destination marketing organization for: a. Tourism marketing; b. Marketing and operations of special events and festivals designed to attract tourists; c. Supporting operations and capital expenditures of tourism-related facilities owned or operated by a municipality or a public facilities district; or d. No longer permitted*: Supporting the operations of tourism-related facilities owned or operated by nonprofit organizations described under 26 U.S.C. Sec. 501(c)(3) and 26 U.S.C. Sec. 501(c)(6) of the internal revenue code of 1986, as amended. *Note that, as of July 1, 2013, capital expenditures for tourism-related facilities owned by nonprofit organizations are no longer permitted expenditures of lodging tax funds. Lodging Tax Advisory Committee (ii) The local lodging tax advisory committee must select the candidates from amongst the applicants applying for use of revenues in this chapter and provide a list of such candidates and recommended amounts of funding to the municipality for final determination. The municipality may choose only recipients from the list of candidates and recommended amounts provided by the local lodging tax advisory committee. Note that, the State Auditor's Office is interpreting the law to mean that all users of funds, including municipalities, are considered applicants and must follow relevant application procedures. So, cities and counties should submit applications for their own projects to the LTAC. Note that, a city or county does not have to fund the full list as recommended by the LTAC and can choose to make awards in the recommended amounts to all, some, or none of the candidates on the list. Applicant Reporting Requirements In a municipality with a population of five thousand or more, applicants applying for use of revenues must submit their applications and estimates to the local lodging tax advisory committee of how any moneys received will result in increases in the number of people traveling for business or pleasure on a trip: i. Away from their place of residence or business and staying overnight in paid accommodations; ii. To a place fifty miles or more one way from their place of residence or business for the day or staying overnight; or iii. From another country or state outside of their place of residence or their business. (c)(i) All recipients must submit a report to the municipality describing the actual number of people traveling for business or pleasure on a trip. Note that, local governments, as part of their contract with recipients, should require that the final report be provided immediately after the event or activity. Local governments will then, in turn, report this information annually to JLARC using their online reporting system. 2023/24 City of Federal Way LTAC Tourism Enhancement Grant 10 Tourism Enhancement Grant Event Application Revised April 2024 RCW 67.28.080 - Definitions. 1. "Acquisition" includes, but is not limited to, siting, acquisition, design, construction, refurbishing, expansion, repair, and improvement, including paying or securing the payment of all or any portion of general obligation bonds, leases, revenue bonds, or other obligations issued or incurred for such purpose or purposes under this chapter. 2. "Municipality" means any county, city or town of the state of Washington. 3. "Operation" includes, but is not limited to, operation, management, and marketing. 4. "Person" means the federal government or any agency thereof, the state or any agency, subdivision, taxing district or municipal corporation thereof other than county, city or town, any private corporation, partnership, association, or individual. 5. "Tourism" means economic activity resulting from tourists, which may include sales of overnight lodging, meals, tours, gifts, or souvenirs. 6. "Tourism promotion" means activities, operations, and expenditures designed to increase tourism, including but not limited to advertising, publicizing, or otherwise distributing information for the purpose of attracting and welcoming tourists; developing strategies to expand tourism; operating tourism promotion agencies; and funding the marketing of or the operation of special events and festivals designed to attract tourists. 7. "Tourism-related facility" means real or tangible personal property with a usable life of three or more years, or constructed with volunteer labor, and used to support tourism, performing arts, or to accommodate tourist activities. The undersigned certifies that the information provided above is true and accurate and any projections are based on history of similar events and activities that are available to the industry and adjusted to local conditions. Applicant’s Signature: ________________________________________________________________________________________ Applicant’s Printed Name: ____________________________________________________________________________________ Applicant’s Title: ______________________________________________________________________________________________ Date: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Neyland D. Raper 08/13/2024 Director of Football Operations and Competition 2025 SWIM AND DIVE CHAMPIONSHIPS WEYERHAEUSE KING COUNTY AQUATIC CENTER Finances: Labor / Support Personnel Charges ($58,500): • Officials ($10,000) • Officials Hotels ($20,000) • Scoreboard Operators (2,000) • Security / Building Staff ($25,000) • Volunteer Apparel ($1,500) • Facility / Event Management Charges ($47,000): • Rent (30,000) • Credentfals ($1,000) • Promotfons ($3,000) • Ice ($3,000) • EMS ($10,000) Food ($12,500): • Staff ($10,000) • Student-Athletes ($2,500) MISC (2,500): • Broadcast needs/Supplies ($2,500) Total Estimated Expenses: $120,500 Total estimated Income (Tickets): $5,000 Total: ($115,500) 2025 SWIM AND DIVE CHAMPIONSHIPS WEYERHAEUSE KING COUNTY AQUATIC CENTER General Notes: Address: • 650 SW Campus Drive, Federal Way, WA 98023 • Closest Airport: Seattle-Tacoma Internatfonal Airport (15 miles) Parking: • Lots are open to the public both North and South of the facility on campus drive Admission: • Preliminary round tfckets: $6 o Youth (under 18): $4 • Final round tfckets: $10 o Youth (under 18): $5 • Doors will open 1 hour prior to each session • Schools will receive complimentary tfckets in compliance with NCAA rules Teams: • Men’s: 7 (Arizona/Arizona State/BYU/Cincinnatf/TCU/Utah/West Virginia) • Women’s: 10 (Arizona/Arizona State/BYU/Cincinnatf/ Houston/Iowa State/Kansas/TCU/Utah/West Virginia) • 24 partfcipants per team (Divers count as ½ a partfcipant) Media: • Broadcast: ESPN+ • Live Results: big12sports.com Awards: • Team Championships • Individual Champions (Awards will be presented immediately following the completfon of each event.) Travel: • Schools will coordinate their own travel to the Federal Way area and lodging throughout the event in coordinatfon with Big 12 staff. • Big 12 will coordinate conference staff’s travel, lodging, and food during the event. • Family members and friends of partfcipants will cover their own travel. The Big 12 will work with local officials to advertfse specific propertfes of interest. Officials: • Big 12 will coordinate securing officials for the event along with all travel, lodging, and food costs. 2025 SWIM AND DIVE CHAMPIONSHIPS WEYERHAEUSE KING COUNTY AQUATIC CENTER Schedule of Events: Sunday, February 23, 2025 All Day TBD Team Arrivals / Hotel Check-In Facility Set-Up Monday, February 24, 2025 All Day TBD Team Arrivals / Hotel Check-In Practfce Sessions (tfmes set based on team arrivals) Tuesday, February 25, 2025 AM (Preliminaries) Time Trials PM (Finals) 4X50 Medley Relay Men’s Team Diving 4X200 Freestyle Relay Wednesday, February 26, 2025 AM (Preliminaries) 500 Yard Freestyle 200 Yard IM 50 Yard Freestyle Men’s IM PM (Finals) Men’s 1m Diving 500 Yard Freestyle 200 Yard IM 50 Yard Freestyle Women’s Team Diving Thursday, February 27, 2025 AM (Preliminaries) Women’s 1m 100 Yard Butterfly 400 Yard IM 200 Yard Freestyle Men’s 3M PM (Finals) Women’s 1M Diving (Consolatfon) Men’s 3M Diving (Consolatfon) Women’s 1M Diving 100 Yard Butterfly 400 Yard IM 2025 SWIM AND DIVE CHAMPIONSHIPS WEYERHAEUSE KING COUNTY AQUATIC CENTER 200 Yard Freestyle Men’s 3M 4X100 Medley Relay Friday, February 28, 2025 AM (Preliminaries) 200 Yard Butterfly 100 Yard Breaststroke 100 Yard Backstroke Women’s Platiorm PM (Finals) Women’s Platiorm (Consolatfon) 200 Yard Butterfly 100 Yard Breaststroke 100 Yard Backstroke Women’s Platiorm 4X50 Freestyle Relay Saturday, March 1, 2025 AM (Preliminaries) Women’s 3M 200 Yard Backstroke 100 Yard Freestyle 200 Yard Breaststroke Men’s Platiorm PM (Finals) Women’s 3M Diving (Consolatfon) Men’s Platiorm Diving (Consolatfon) Women’s 3M Diving 200 Yard Backstroke 100 Yard Freestyle 1650 Yard Freestyle 200 Yard Breaststroke Men’s Platiorm 4X100 Freestyle Relay Sunday, March 2, 2025 AM Hotel Check-Out / Departures back to campuses 2025/2026 Application for City of Federal Way Lodging Tax Funding Page 1 of 13 K:\LTAC\TEG\TEG 2024\Applicants\Visitor Enhancement Destination Promotion Plan - CoFW\COFW_Tourism Master PLan_LodgingTaxFundingApplication.docx *2024 funds still available APPLICATIONS ARE DUE AND MUST BE RECEIVED NO LATER THAN SUNDAY August 31, 2024 11:59PM. Incomplete and/or late applications will not be considered/prioritized for funding cycle. Applications August not be amended or changed after the deadline for submission. The proposal and all documents filed with the City are public records. Please submit your completed application along with the required documentation to: City of Federal Way Attention: Economic Development Strategist Federal Way, WA 98188-8605 OR VIA EMAIL:  Completed and signed the cover sheet with this packet  Completed application (attach additional sheets if necessary)  A copy of your agency’s current non-profit corporate registration with Washington Secretary of State  Brochures and/or other supplemental information about your event/activity/facility and/or recent tourism promotion efforts APPLICATIONS ARE DUE NO LATER THAN SUNDAY August 31, 2024 11:59PM. LATE APPLICATIONS WILL NOT BE CONSIDERED DURING FUNDING CYCLE. The City of Federal Way’s Lodging Tax Advisory Committee (LTAC); referred to as the Hotel Motel Advisory Committee (HMAC) will review the applications in June/July. It is possible they August wish to interview applicants for more information or clarification. Should the HMAC recommend funding for your event/activity/facility, they will forward their recommendation to the Federal Way City Council for their review and authorization. It is anticipated that funding decisions will be made and announced in August/September/October 2024 and confirmed upon final budget adoption. APPLICATION OVERVIEW APPLICATION CHECKLIST APPLICATION TIMELINE 2025/2026 Application for City of Federal Way Lodging Tax Funding APPLICATIONS ARE DUE NO LATER THAN SUNDAY August 31, 2024 11:59PM. Total Amount Requested: $250,000 Name of Program: Federal Way Visitor Enhancement and Destination Promotion Plan Federal Way Economic Development Dept. Organization/Agency Name Federal Tax ID Number Tanja Carter Economic Development Manager Contact Name Title Federal Way Wa Mailing Address City State Zip Phone Email Address Federal Way, Washington 1/1/2025 – 12/31/2026 Event Location Event Date(s) Federal Waywa.gov Website Check all service categories that apply to this application: XX Tourism Promotion/Marketing ____ Operation of a Special Event/Festival designed to attract tourists ____ Operation and/or Capital Expenditures of a Tourism-Related Facility owned by a Municipality or a Public Facilities District Check which one of the following applies to your agency: (Note: For Profit organizations are currently not eligible for any lodging tax funding ____ Non-Profit (Attach copy of current non-profit registration with Washington Secretary of State) XX Public Agency ____ Other ORGANIZATION/AGENCY INFORMATION 2025/2026 Application for City of Federal Way Lodging Tax Funding 29 August 2024 Signature Date Tanja Carter Printed or Typed Name APPLICANT CERTIFICATION PROJECT INFORMATION AND USE OF FUNDS QUESTIONNAIRE I am an authorized agent of the organization/agency applying for funding. I understand that my agency will be required to submit a report documenting tourism economic impact results in a format determined by the City. I also understand that: Tourism Promotion Activities or Tourism-Related Facilities:  This is an application for funding and a contract with the City of Federal Way and, if awarded, my organization will honor this document as a Municipal Services Contract with the City of Federal Way. Events/Festivals:  The applicant has, or can obtain, general liability insurance in the amount commensurate with the exposure of the event/festival.  The City of Federal Way will only reimburse those costs actually incurred by my organization/agency and only after the service is rendered, paid for if provided by a third party, and a completed and signed Request for Reimbursement/After Event Report (or other form acceptable to the City) has been submitted to the City, including copies of invoices and payment documentation. 2025/2026 Application for City of Federal Way Lodging Tax Funding 1. Describe your tourism-related activity/program or event: See Appendix Exhibit A 2. Describe why tourists will travel to Federal Way to attend your event/activity/facility: Travelers stay in Federal Way because it is geographically centrally located. As such, it is hosts 800+ hotel rooms, a Performing Arts & Events Center, a waterfront retreat, a regional theme park, a bonsai museum and Rhododendron garden and many smaller scale activities – which unfortunately are little promoted or known. Through this visitor experience and destination promotion program, business travelers and leisure tourists who already have a reason to visit and stay in Federal Way will be provided with additional amenities and activities to enjoy, whether on a short-term visit or longer stay. The goal is to encourage extended stays of existing travelers due to this strategy being more financially economical in marketing and promotion. As the visitor experience program expands and becomes better known, it will in turn encourage stays of new business travelers and leisure tourists who have heard about the increased visitor experience offerings provided through this program. Additionally, as more corporate business travel is enabled due tourism and travel initiatives, the need for lodging will increase – as will lodging tax funding. The City is actively working with new entrants to the Federal Way real estate market, coordinating introductions to the area, and facilitating tours of development opportunities. Staff typically encourages these visitors to explore the local lodging options and amenities. City publications (website, weekly update, quarterly magazine, etc.) highlight economic development activities, special events and destinations within Federal Way 3. Provide an estimate of the number of participants who will attend the event/activity in each of the following categories. Please use the Calculation Methodology as defined below: a. See appendix exhibit B As a direct result of your proposed tourism-related service, provide: Estimate Calculation Methodology a. Overall attendance at your event/activity/facility 1m+ visitors xDC xIC □RS □IS □SE 2025/2026 Application for City of Federal Way Lodging Tax Funding b. Number of people who travel more than 50 miles for your event/activity 200,000 Estimated annual hotel night stays in Federal Way are 200,000 (800 rooms x 365 days x 70% occupancy) xDC xIC □RS □IS □SE c. Of the people who travel more than 50 miles, the number of people who travel from another country or state 60,000 Estimated 30% of the above xDC xIC □RS □IS □SE d. Of the people who travel more than 50 miles, the number of people who stay overnight in UNPAID accommodations in Federal Way 5-10% Estimate, which hotels can confirm □DC xIC □RS xIS □SE e. Of the people staying overnight, the number of people who stay in PAID accommodations (hotel/motel/bed & breakfast) in Federal Way 200,000 Estimated annual hotel night stays in Federal Way are 200,000 (800 rooms x 365 days x 70% occupancy) xDC xIC □RS □IS □SE f. Number of paid lodging room nights in Federal Way resulting from your event/ activity/ facility (example: 25 paid rooms on Friday and 50 paid rooms on Saturday = 75 paid lodging room nights) Goal is 1-3% or 2000 hotel nights xDC xIC □RS xIS □SE Glossary for Calculation Methodology Options:  Direct Count: (DC) Actual count of visitors using methods such as paid admissions or registrations, clicker counts at entry points, vehicle counts or number of chairs filled. A direct count August also include information collected directly from businesses, such as hotels, restaurants or tour guides, likely to be affected by an event/program.  Indirect Count: (IC) Estimate based on information related to the number of visitors such as raffle tickets sold, redeemed discount certificates, brochures handed out, police requirements for crowd control or visual estimates.  Representative Survey: (RS) Information collected directly from individual visitors/ participants. A representative survey is a highly structured data collection tool, based on a defined random sample of participants, and the results can be reliably projected to the entire population attending an event/program users and includes margin of error and confidence level.  Informal Survey: (IS) Information collected directly from individual visitors or participants in a non-random manner that is not representative of all visitors or participants. Informal survey results cannot be projected to the entire visitor population and provide a limited indicator of attendance because not all participants had an equal chance of being included in the survey.  Structured Estimate: (SE) Estimate produced by computing known information related to the event or location. For example, one jurisdiction estimated attendance by dividing the square footage of the event area by the international building code allowance for persons (3 square feet).  Other: (please describe) 4. Is there a host hotel for your event/program? Yes  No 5. Describe the prior success (number of attendees, media exposure, etc.) of your program in attracting tourists: This is the first of its kind program for the City of Federal Way. Until now, lodging tax funding has only been allocated to a handful of events who apply annually. While this funding allocation supports small periodic visitor bumps, it is not a sustained strategy to 2025/2026 Application for City of Federal Way Lodging Tax Funding get Federal Way into the minds of travelers to the region. Hence; without this program, Federal Way will never be able to establish the city as a top of mind destination for travelers and tourists. The goal of this program is to “get Federal Way on the Map” by first – enhancing exiting visitor experiences citywide, measuring progress/success/failures; and then more aggressively targeting new travelers and tourists as a result of the iterative year over year program development. 6. Describe your target tourist audience (location, demographics, etc.): Due to the mix of these amenities, the majority of tourists to Federal Way are independent business travelers (estimates are up to 40% of total), corporate business travelers or leisure travelers. There is also a small percentage of travelers from the airport that are on overnight layovers in Federal Way or are travelling from locations far from Federal Way to overnight before their flights. 7. Describe how you will promote your program to attract overnight tourists: The proposal will accomplish this in numerous ways: • The establishment of new amenities or tourism development products for visitors such as restaurants, retail stores, destinations, activities, and new services will make the city more inviting for both business and leisure travelers, and increase the probability of return and extended stays. • The communication element of the proposal helps to promote the area by generating positive press about new business and industry and focusing on the positive attributes of doing business in Federal Way. Publicizing the success of the lodging industry and the City’s economic development programs continues to elevate the stature of the community as evidenced by numerous recently completed projects and those now in development stages. • The visitor enhancement program assists in the diversification of the city’s retail and culinary offerings to increasingly reflect Federal Way’s unique cultural and ethnic make-up and provide a more interesting mix of options for residents, guests and workers. • The marketing of our tourism site to the national market will attract the interest of regional, national, and international travellers and investors. These travelers often combine business with leisure travel and involve multiple day delegation visits. 8. How do you intend to use the Lodging Tax funds if selected as a funding recipient? (Please be as descriptive as possible with the strategy, plan and reasons for your application.) 2025/2026 Application for City of Federal Way Lodging Tax Funding See Appendix Exhibit A 9. Describe how you will promote lodging establishments, restaurants, and businesses located in the City of Federal Way. What will the City of Federal Way /Tourism and lodging industry get in return for funding (e.g. logos, links print material, radio, TV etc.)?: The city has never devoted significant time or resources to promote visitor experiences and amenities available to travelers and tourists. In a growing “sea” of marketing which travelers are presented with – Federal Way is effectively absent – thus “does not exist” in the mids of travelers and tourists. Through this program, city tourism amenities will be promoted regionally and nationally by the destination sales team who is hired. This team attends regional & national MICE (meetings, events, incentives & events) conferences where organizations “shop” for locations to host their events. Additionally, this sales team will lead familiarization tours of tour operators and business organizations so they can experience the city amenities first hand. They will also sell the city hotels and amenities on various platforms and promotions that the city has never had a presence on. The city will also be featured digitally in news articles, press releases, social media as well as other marketing outlets. Additionally, influencers will be engaged to share experiences in Federal Way. With the addition of a 25% dedicated staff person at the city, this also means that some of the burden of tourism related materials (i.e. visitor maps for hotel front desks) or tourism package development (i.e. excursions for families who attend NCAA championship events) 10. Are you applying for Lodging Tax Funding from another community/ies? Yes  No 11. What will you or your organization do differently this year that will improve upon last year’s/previous event(s)/activities? This is the first year the city is applying for funds. The city recognizes that “if you can’t measure it, you can’t improve or change it.” With this in mind, this proposed program has a built-in reporting schedule which includes metrics and measures which will help all those involved in this program understand in as “real time” as possible, what is successful and what can be improved. This measurement and reporting system will allow full transparency and allow for ease of discussion and program improvement. Please see Exhibit A in the appendix for more details on this metrics: 2025/2026 Application for City of Federal Way Lodging Tax Funding To effectively measure the progress of the visitor enhancement and destination promotion plan, we will use various metrics and reporting methods: Quarterly Reporting to the Committee • Visitor Numbers • Visitor Demographics • Visitor Spend • Length of Stay • Digital Engagement • Event Attendance 12. What is the overall budget for your program? Please provide an itemized list identifying each type of expenditure to be reimbursed. Budget Allocation Total: $250,000 annually for 2025 and 2026 Tactic Investment Engage Destination Management Sales Team $75,000 Recreate City Tourism Website $20,000 Digital Marketing Campaign $90,000 Placer AI Engagement $35,000 New Tourism-Dedicated Staff Position $30,000 13. What percent of your total budget are you requesting from Lodging Tax Fund? 100% 14. Please identify your top 5 sources of revenues anticipated for your 2021/22 event/program, not including requested City of Federal Way LTAC funds. (Please do not include in-kind contributions.) Source of Revenue Amount Confirmed? Y/N Date Funds Available General Fund $10,000 general marketing not specific tourism Y 2025 General Fund $90,000 Remaining 75% salary & benefits for tourism staff N/A $0 15. What will you cut from your proposal or do differently if full funding for your request is not available or not recommended? 2025/2026 Application for City of Federal Way Lodging Tax Funding If a lower amount is provided, the City would need to re-assess its strategic efforts to plan for and implement creative tourism related projects and activities that would be supported by market data research, professional services and redevelopment coordination. 16. Funding History Was this program previously funded with lodging tax funds in the past four years? No 17. Number of total years you have received City of Federal Way lodging tax funds: 0 18. If you received a 2024 Lodging Tax Funding, explain below how awarded funds were used. N/A 19. How did you hear about the City of Federal Way Lodging Tax Funding Program? Federal Way is an administrator to the program 20. Please list the risks and challenges to your success and how you plan to mitigate these? (space, staff, money, time, marketing etc.) Risks/Challenges: Slower business and leisure tourism which would reduce the hotel occupancy level. Decreased appetite of tourism related businesses, investors & developers to enter the Federal Way market due to recession-like conditions 2025/2026 Application for City of Federal Way Lodging Tax Funding Appendix: Exhibit A Federal Way Visitor Enhancement and Destination Promotion Plan Vision Reestablish Federal Way as a vibrant, entertaining destination that is perceived as geographically desirable and provides attractive visitor experiences. Implementation of this vision will attract additional visitor-related investments and stimulate growth in tourism-related business growth. Mission Extend the stays of the over 1,000,000+ annual visitors by 1-3% year on year*. We will achieve this by enhancing the visitor experience, “putting Federal Way on the map,” revitalizing the city’s reputation, and leveraging its unique advantages to captivate both leisure and business travelers. *Estimated 1 million+ visitors to tourism venues. Estimated annual hotel night stays in Federal Way are 200,000 (800 rooms x 365 days x 70%). Business travelers account for approximately 40% of hotel stays. Strategic Objectives 1. Enhance Visitor Safety Perception Highlight safety in campaigns, promotions, and initiatives to ensure visitors feel secure during their stay. Measures include: o Promoting and increasing the visibility of 8 city-owned MSTs (Mobile Surveillance Trailers). o Boosting visible patrols in key tourist areas. o Improving street lighting. o Continuing the economic development department’s business safety & resiliency campaign. By emphasizing safety, we aim to foster a welcoming environment that encourages longer stays and repeat visits. 2. Engage a Destination Management Sales Team Allocate $75,000 to hire a dedicated destination sales team. This team will: o Promote Federal Way, its visitor-related assets, and hotels at key travel trade shows. o Lead familiarization trips and include Federal Way in regional and national destination promotion materials. o Forge strategic partnerships, create tailored visitor packages, and engage with national and international tour operators. Their expertise will enhance the city’s visibility and appeal, driving more visitors and new business opportunities. 2025/2026 Application for City of Federal Way Lodging Tax Funding 3. Revitalize the City’s Digital Presence Invest $20,000 in recreating the city tourism website. The new site will: o Serve as the digital hub for visitors. o Offer an immersive user experience showcasing cultural landmarks, scenic beauty, and travel-related business opportunities. o Provide streamlined booking options and a multimedia-driven storytelling approach. 4. Launch a Dynamic Digital Marketing Campaign Utilize $90,000 to fuel a comprehensive digital marketing campaign targeting both leisure and business travelers. This campaign will: o Leverage social media, search engine marketing, and influencer partnerships. o Highlight the city’s geographic advantages, vibrant cultural scene, and status as a business innovation hub. 5. Engage with Placer AI for Data-Driven Insights Allocate $35,000 for engaging with Placer AI, a tool providing real-time data analytics on visitor behavior and patterns. This will enable: o Tailored marketing strategies for more effective and impactful efforts. 6. Fund a New Tourism-Dedicated Staff Position Dedicate $30,000 to cover 25% of the salary for a new staff position focused on tourism. This role will: o Coordinate tourism initiatives, including event planning and partnership development. o Ensure the city remains at the forefront of tourism innovation and visitor satisfaction. Budget Allocation Total: $250,000 annually for 2025 and 2026 Tactic Investment Engage Destination Management Sales Team $75,000 Recreate City Tourism Website $20,000 Digital Marketing Campaign $90,000 Placer AI Engagement $35,000 New Tourism-Dedicated Staff Position $30,000 Metrics & Reporting To effectively measure the progress of the visitor enhancement and destination promotion plan, we will use various metrics and reporting methods: Reporting to the Committee • Frequency: Quarterly updates 2025/2026 Application for City of Federal Way Lodging Tax Funding • Format: Mix of written reports, PowerPoint presentations, and dashboards with visualizations (graphs, charts, infographics) to make data accessible. • Actionable Insights: Each report will include key takeaways and recommendations, suggesting adjustments to the promotion plan as needed. Visitor Numbers • Metric: Total number of visitors to the city • Reporting Method: Quarterly reports comparing visitor numbers to previous periods (year-over-year, month-over-month), with trend graphs and percentage growth. Visitor Demographics • Metric: Breakdown of visitor demographics (age, gender, location, etc.) • Reporting Method: Quarterly reports with visual charts representing diversity and key demographic segments. Visitor Spend • Metric: Average spend per visitor • Reporting Method: Quarterly reports showing average visitor spend, categorized by accommodations, dining, attractions, and compared to benchmarks or targets. Length of Stay • Metric: Average length of stay per visitor • Reporting Method: Quarterly reports comparing average stay length with previous periods and industry benchmarks, highlighting efforts contributing to increased stay duration. Digital Engagement • Metric: Online engagement (website traffic, social media interactions, campaign conversions) • Reporting Method: Quarterly digital analytics reports including KPIs such as website visits, bounce rate, social media reach, and conversion rates with charts and infographics. Event Attendance • Metric: Attendance numbers for specific events or attractions promoted • Reporting Method: Event-specific reports detailing attendance figures and attendee feedback for qualitative insights. Through these targeted investments and strategic initiatives, we aim to reestablish Federal Way as a desirable destination that encourages visitors to stay longer and explore more. By 2025/2026 Application for City of Federal Way Lodging Tax Funding revitalizing our perception, enhancing the visitor experience, and leveraging our unique geographic and economic advantages, we seek to create sustained economic growth and solidify the city’s reputation as a top travel choice in South King County. Appendix: Exhibit B FUN FEDERAL WAY FACTS 1. We are investing over $250k to execute an economic development focused marketing campaign in 2024/25 2. We have over $1.5 billion in redevelopment happening at our new light rail station in downtown 3. We are the start of the light rail line in south King County for the next decade 4. We are home to Wild Waves theme park (formerly 6 Flags) 5. We have a 700+ seat state of the art Performing Arts & Event Center run by the same company that runs Climate Pledge Arena and other regional venues 6. We are the 10th most diverse City in the Country (wallethub 2023) 7. We have the largest Korean population in the state (5k+) and people make pilgrimages to Federal Way for our Korean food 8. We hosted the 2024 PAC12 championships in Federal Way and are hosting both NCAA D1 & Big 12 championships next year at our Regional Aquatic Center (top 3 on the west coast) 9. Our Rhododendron and Bonsai garden and museum see over 55,000 annual visitors 1.25 million annual visitors Visitor Statistics Attraction Annual Visitors Wild Waves Theme & Water Park 500,000–700,000 KCAC (King County Aquatic Center) 350,000–400,000 Bonsai Museum 50,000 PAEC (Performing Arts & Event Center) 50,000 Rhododendron Garden 28,000 Dumas Bay Centre 9,000 Knutzen Family Theatre 6,000 PowellsWood Garden 3,500 APPLICANT & FEDERAL WAY REPRESENTATIVE NAME Tanja Carter APPLICANT & FEDERAL WAY REPRESENTATIVE SIGNATURE Tanja Carter DATE OF SIGNATURE 08.25.24 APPROVED AS TO FORM BY (NAME) ______________________________ APPROVED AS TO FORM BY (SIGNATURE) ______________________________ DATE OF SIGNATURE ______________________________ End of Application 2023/24 City of Federal Way LTAC Tourism Enhancement Grant 1 Tourism Enhancement Grant Event Application Revised April 2024 APPLICATION CHECKLIST APPLICATION TIMELINE APPLICATIONS ARE DUE AND MUST BE RECEIVED NO LATER THAN MARCH 25TH OR SEPTEMBER 25th AT 5 PM. Incomplete and/or late applications will not be considered/prioritized for funding cycle. Applications may not be amended or changed after the deadline for submission. The proposal and all documents filed with the City are public records. Read the Overview and Instructions before completing the application. Please submit your completed application along with the required documentation electronically to: julianna.labrake@cityoffederalway.com  Completed and signed the cover sheet with this packet  Completed application (attach additional sheets if necessary)  A copy of your agency’s current non-profit corporate registration with Washington Secretary of State  Brochures and/or other supplemental information about your event/activity/facility and/or recent tourism promotion efforts APPLICATIONS ARE DUE NO LATER THAN MARCH 25TH OR SEPTEMBER 25TH AT 5PM. LATE APPLICATIONS WILL NOT BE CONSIDERED DURING FUNDING CYCLE. The City of Federal Way’s Lodging Tax Advisory Committee (LTAC); will review the applications in May and November. The Committee may wish to interview applicants for more information or clarification. Applicants will be notified of the date and time their application will be reviewed by the Lodging Tax Advisory Committee. It is recommended that a representative of your organization be on hand at the review to answer questions from the LTAC. Applications must be submitted at least 180 days prior to your event to be considered for funding APPLICATION OVERVIEW 2023/24 City of Federal Way LTAC Tourism Enhancement Grant 2 Tourism Enhancement Grant Event Application Revised April 2024 Check all service categories that apply to this application:  Tourism Promotion/Marketing  Operation of a Special Event/Festival designed to attract tourists  Operation and/or Capital Expenditures of a Tourism-Related Facility owned by a Municipality or a Public Facilities District Check which one of the following applies to your agency:  For-Profit Organization  Non-Profit(Attach copy of current non-profit registration with Washington Secretary of State)  Public Agency  Other Official Event, Program, or Activity Name: PAEC TOURISM MARKETING SUPPORT Grant Amount Requested: $ 150,000.00 City of Federal Way - Performing Arts and Event Center Organization/Agency Name Federal Tax ID Number Autumn Gressett Contract Administrator Contact Name Title 31510 Pete von Reichbauer Way S Federal Way WA 98003 Mailing Address City State Zip 253-263-5778 autumn.gressett@cityoffederalway.com Phone Email Address 31510 Pete von Reichbauer Way S Annual Event Location Event Date(s) www.fwpaec.org Website ORGANIZATION/AGENCY INFORMATION 2023/24 City of Federal Way LTAC Tourism Enhancement Grant 3 Tourism Enhancement Grant Event Application Revised April 2024 GENERAL INFORMATION 1. Describe your tourism-related activity/program/event? The Federal Way Performing Arts and Event Center (PAEC) is a premier cultural and entertainment venue designed to attract diverse audiences from the surrounding regions and beyond. Our tourism marketing initiative focuses on promoting a year-round schedule of high-quality performances, conferences, and events that highlight the unique artistic and cultural experiences available in Federal Way. The PAEC hosts a variety of events, including Broadway-style productions, concerts, dance performances, and community events, which appeal to a wide range of demographics. In addition to these, the venue is also a prime location for regional conferences and conventions, drawing professionals and attendees from outside the immediate area. These events not only showcase the vibrant arts scene in Federal Way but also serve as a significant driver of tourism, encouraging visitors to explore local attractions, dine at local restaurants, and stay in our hotels. Our marketing efforts are strategically designed to target potential visitors from cities through Washington and neighboring states, utilizing digital advertising, social media campaigns, partnerships with regional tourism boards, and direct outreach to event and travel planners. By specifically highlighting the PAEC's offerings, we aim to increase attendance at our events, thereby boosting overnight stays in local hotels ("heads in beds") and supporting the broader local economy. In summary, our tourism-related activity is centered around positioning the Federal Way Performing Arts and Event Center as a must-visit destination for arts and culture enthusiasts, as well as a key venue for regional conferences and events. This initiative is crucial for drawing visitors to Federal Way, enhancing the city’s reputation as a cultural hub, and driving economic growth through increased tourism. Has your organization received a TEG award in the past? Yes No If yes, when? Scope (Geographical Reach) of the event: Less than 50 miles (Federal Way, Auburn, etc.) More than 50 miles (Western WA) Statewide Multi-States (Western US) National International Is this a new event/facility/marketing program? Yes No Has your organization ever applied for a TEG? Yes No If yes, when? PROJECT INFORMATION & USE OF FUNDS QUESTIONNAIRE 2. How did you hear about the City of Federal Way Lodging Tax Funding Program? As the contract administrator overseeing the Performing Arts and Event Center, I regularly engage with various city departments and stay informed about funding opportunities that can support our mission of promoting the PAEC and tourism in Federal Way. The City of Federal Way Lodging Tax Fund Program was brought to my attention through direct communication with city officials and by staying updated on city council meetings and public announcements related to tourism and economic development initiatives. Additionally, the program is well- known within our network of regional arts and tourism professionals, who frequently share information about funding opportunities that can enhance our marketing efforts. 3. How do you intend to use the Lodging Tax funds if selected as a funding recipient? (Please be as descriptive as possible with the strategy, plan and reasons for your application.) If selected as a funding recipient, the Federal Way Performing Arts and Event Center (PAEC) will utilize the Lodging Tax funds to implement a targeted and specialized marketing strategy that complements, but distinctly differs from, the broader regional tourism marketing initiatives planned by the economic development director. Our goal is to drive increased visitor attendance specifically to PAEC events, thereby boosting hotel occupancy and enhancing the local economy. Below are the key initiatives of our plan: • Targeted Digital Marketing Campaigns o Use of Funds: We will focus on precision-targeted digital advertising campaigns that highlight specific PAEC events, such as Broadway shows, concerts, and cultural festivals. These ads will be designed to reach potential visitors in key markets, including arts and culture enthusiasts, through platforms like Google, Facebook, and Instagram. o How It’s Different: Unlike broader regional marketing efforts that may promote Federal Way as a general destination, our campaigns will zero in on promoting the unique experiences offered by the PAEC. We will also create tailored messaging that appeals to specific demographics based on the nature of each event. o Measurement & Reporting: Track engagement metrics, website traffic, ticket sales, and their direct impact on hotel bookings. Monthly and quarterly reports will detail the success of these campaigns. • Collaborative Marketing with Regional Tourism Boards o Use of Funds: While the economic development director is focusing on general regional tourism board partnerships, our collaboration will be event-specific, aiming to leverage these relationships to promote PAEC events directly. o How It’s Different: The PAEC’s approach will involve creating co-branded materials that spotlight particular shows or festivals, offering incentives like discount codes or special packages that are exclusive to PAEC audiences. This is a more focused approach compared to the broader destination marketing being conducted by the city. o Measurement & Reporting: Track referral traffic from these campaigns, event attendance linked to these efforts, and the impact on hotel stays. Reports will be submitted monthly and quarterly, showcasing the distinct outcomes of these collaborations. • Event Packaging and Hotel Partnerships o Use of Funds: Develop and promote exclusive event packages that bundle PAEC tickets with local hotel stays and dining options. o How It’s Different: Unlike general promotions that might highlight Federal Way’s attractions as a whole, our packages will be directly tied to PAEC events, offering a complete experience centered around attending a specific performance or festival. o Measurement & Reporting: Track sales of these packages, hotel occupancy rates during event periods, and customer feedback. Detailed reports will illustrate the direct impact of these packages on tourism and local businesses. • Expanded Outreach to Travel and Event Planners o Use of Funds: Conduct targeted outreach to travel and event planners to promote PAEC as a prime location for hosting events, conferences, and group tours. o How It’s Different: This outreach will focus specifically on bringing planners’ attention to the PAEC as a venue for arts and cultural events, rather than promoting Federal Way as a general conference destination. The PAEC’s unique facilities and programming will be the centerpiece of these discussions. o Measurement & Reporting: Measure the success of these efforts by tracking the number of events booked and their economic impact. Reports will detail the effectiveness of our outreach and its contribution to increasing hotel room nights. • Public Relations and Media Engagement o Use of Funds: Increase visibility through PR efforts that specifically highlight the PAEC’s events and unique offerings. o How It’s Different: While city-wide efforts may focus on promoting Federal Way as a destination, our PR strategy will hone in on the narratives and stories surrounding the PAEC’s events, artists, and cultural impact, thereby attracting media attention specifically to our venue. o Measurement & Reporting: Track media coverage, audience engagement, and the correlation with event attendance and hotel bookings. We will provide comprehensive media coverage reports, emphasizing the direct impact on the PAEC and local tourism. • Overall Reporting Strategy o Monthly Updates: Monthly reports will detail the progress of each initiative, focusing on the specific outcomes related to PAEC events. o Quarterly Reviews: In-depth quarterly reviews will assess the long-term impact of our targeted marketing efforts and differentiate them from broader city-wide campaigns. o Annual Impact Report: At the end of the funding period, we will compile an Annual Impact Report that highlights the distinct contributions of the PAEC’s marketing efforts to Federal Way’s tourism sector, clearly differentiating our impact from other city-funded initiatives. This approach ensures that the PAEC’s marketing efforts are not only aligned with, but also distinctly different from, the broader strategies implemented by the economic development director. By focusing on specific events and targeted audiences, we will create a complementary and synergistic effect that maximizes tourism and hotel occupancy in Federal Way. 2023/24 City of Federal Way LTAC Tourism Enhancement Grant 4 Tourism Enhancement Grant Event Application Revised April 2024 4. Are you applying for Lodging Tax Funding from another community/ies? No FINANCIAL INFORMATION On a separate sheet, attach a budget for the event listing revenues and expenses. In addition to revenue provided by the organization or the event/ facility/marketing program (ticket sales, etc.), include a list of other sources of forecasted revenue support, either those requested and pending or confirmed (sponsorship, grants, etc.). Is this support in-kind or financial? If financial, include the amount. Do you expect to make a profit? Yes No If yes, how much? 5. What will you or your organization do differently this year that will improve upon last year’s/previous event/ facility/marketing program(s)? This year, the Federal Way Performing Arts and Event Center (PAEC) is significantly expanding its marketing efforts beyond last year’s limited scope. We’re introducing a comprehensive, broad reach marketing program that includes targeted digital campaigns, strategic partnerships with regional tourism boards, and the development of exclusive event packages that bundle tickets with hotel stays and dining experiences. These initiatives are designed to attract a wider audience, drive higher event attendance, and increase overnight stays in Federal Way. Unlike last year’s more modest approach, this year’s strategy also features proactive public relations and media outreach to secure consistent coverage of PAEC events. By leveraging these enhanced marketing tools and forming key partnerships, we aim to substantially boost the visibility of both the PAEC and Federal Way as a cultural destination, thereby contributing to local economic growth and tourism. 6. What is the overall budget for your event/facility/marketing program? - Please provide an itemized list identifying each type of expenditure to be reimbursed. - Separate documents/pages are permitted if more space is needed. see attached 2025/2026 PAEC Budget for overall projected revenue/expenses 7. Please identify your top 5 sources of revenues anticipated for your event/facility/marketing program, not including requested City of Federal Way LTAC funds. (Please do not include in-kind contributions.) Source of Revenue Amount Confirmed? Y/N Date Funds Available City of Federal Way General Fund $1,025,164 N January 1, 2025 Event & Ticketing $1,036,776 Y Ongoing $ $ $ 2023/24 City of Federal Way LTAC Tourism Enhancement Grant 5 Tourism Enhancement Grant Event Application Revised April 2024 8. What will you cut from your proposal or do differently if full funding for your request is not available or not recommended? If full funding for our proposal is not available, we will strategically adjust our marketing efforts to prioritize the most impactful components while scaling back on less critical activities. Here’s how we plan to adapt: • Prioritize High-Impact Marketing Channels: We will focus on the most effective marketing channels that deliver the highest return on investment. This means concentrating our digital marketing efforts on key platforms with proven success, such as targeted social media campaigns and geo-targeted digital ads, while scaling back on broader or less efficient channels. • Streamline Event Packaging: Instead of offering a wide range of event packages, we will concentrate on a select few high-profile events that are likely to generate the most interest and drive substantial visitor traffic. This targeted approach will ensure that we maximize the impact of our promotional efforts within a constrained budget. • Reduce Scope of Public Relations Efforts: We will limit our public relations and media outreach to key local and regional media outlets rather than pursuing national coverage. This adjustment will help us maintain some level of media presence while managing costs. • Focus on Existing Partnerships: Instead of expanding into new regional tourism board collaborations, we will strengthen and leverage existing partnerships to promote PAEC events effectively. This will allow us to maintain a level of strategic collaboration without incurring additional expenses. • By implementing these adjustments, we will ensure that our marketing efforts remain effective and focused, even with reduced funding, and continue to support tourism and hotel occupancy in Federal Way. 9. Please list the risks and challenges to your success and how you plan to mitigate these? Examples include: space, staff, money, time, marketing, etc. • Limited Funding o Risk: Insufficient funding may restrict the scope of our marketing efforts, limiting our ability to reach a broad audience and maximize attendance at PAEC events. o Mitigation: We will prioritize high-impact marketing channels and strategically allocate resources to the most effective initiatives. Additionally, we will seek alternative funding sources, such as sponsorships or grants, to supplement our budget. • Time Constraints o Risk: Tight timelines for marketing campaigns, especially for events with short lead times, may result in rushed or incomplete promotional efforts. o Mitigation: We will develop a detailed marketing calendar with key milestones and deadlines, ensuring that all activities are planned well in advance. We’ll also use project management tools to keep the team on track and allow for quick adjustments if needed. 2023/24 City of Federal Way LTAC Tourism Enhancement Grant 6 Tourism Enhancement Grant Event Application Revised April 2024 • Market Competition o Risk: Competing events in the region may draw potential visitors away from PAEC events, reducing attendance and hotel occupancy. o Mitigation: We will differentiate our events by highlighting unique features and exclusive experiences. Additionally, we will coordinate with regional partners to avoid scheduling conflicts and explore cross-promotional opportunities to attract a broader audience. • Economic Uncertainty o Risk: Economic downturns or fluctuations in consumer spending could impact ticket sales and hotel bookings, reducing the overall effectiveness of our marketing efforts. o Mitigation: We will offer flexible pricing options and discounts to make events more accessible. We’ll also focus on attracting local and regional visitors who may be less affected by broader economic trends. • Unforeseen External Factors o Risk: External factors such as adverse weather, public health issues, or other unforeseen events could impact attendance and the success of our marketing campaigns. o Mitigation: We will develop contingency plans for each event, including flexible ticketing policies, alternative promotional strategies, and emergency communication plans to adapt quickly to changing circumstances. MARKETING On a separate sheet, attach information on how the event will be publicized and marketed. List all publications and media venues (Facebook, Twitter, website, brochures, newspaper, magazines, etc.); in addition to any give away promotional materials that will be used. 10. Describe your tourism-related event/facility/marketing program: The Federal Way Performing Arts and Event Center (PAEC) is a premier cultural facility that hosts a diverse array of events, including Broadway shows, concerts, dance performances, and community events. Our marketing program is specifically designed to elevate the visibility of the PAEC as a key cultural destination in the Pacific Northwest, attracting visitors from both within and beyond the region. Our marketing program focuses on three primary objectives: • Attracting a Diverse Audience: We aim to reach a wide and varied audience through targeted digital marketing, social media campaigns, and strategic partnerships with regional tourism boards. By highlighting the unique and high-quality programming at the PAEC, we seek to draw in cultural enthusiasts, families, and tourists looking for exceptional entertainment experiences. • Driving Hotel Occupancy: By creating and promoting event packages that combine PAEC tickets with local hotel stays and dining experiences, our program not only encourages visitors to attend events 2023/24 City of Federal Way LTAC Tourism Enhancement Grant 7 Tourism Enhancement Grant Event Application Revised April 2024 but also incentivizes them to extend their stay in Federal Way. This approach is designed to directly contribute to increased hotel occupancy and local economic activity. • Boosting Regional Tourism: Through collaborations with regional tourism boards, travel planners, and media outlets, our marketing program positions the PAEC as a central attraction in Federal Way. This strategy not only promotes individual events but also enhances the overall appeal of the city as a vibrant and dynamic cultural hub, driving broader tourism to the area. 11. Describe why tourists will travel to Federal Way to attend your event/facility/marketing program: Tourists will be motivated to travel and stay overnight in Federal Way to attend the Performing Arts and Event Center (PAEC) because of its exceptional lineup of world-class events, including Broadway shows, concerts, and cultural festivals. The PAEC’s exclusive event packages, which bundle tickets with discounted hotel stays and dining experiences, make it convenient and cost-effective for visitors to enjoy a complete entertainment experience. Additionally, Federal Way’s central location offers easy access to other regional attractions, and its range of comfortable accommodations enhances the appeal of extending their stay. The PAEC provides a unique cultural experience that enriches visitors' trips, making it a compelling destination for tourists. 12. Describe the prior success (number of attendees, media exposure, etc.) of your event/facility/marketing program in attracting tourists: The Federal Way Performing Arts and Event Center (PAEC) has a strong track record of attracting tourists through its diverse and high-quality programming. Over the past year, the PAEC hosted a wide range of events, including Broadway shows, concerts, and community festivals, which collectively drew thousands of attendees from both within and beyond the region. A notable example is the national Barbershop Quartet Championship, which was held at the PAEC and drew significant attention from both participants and audiences nationwide. This event alone attracted over 2,000 attendees, many of whom traveled from across the country, resulting in a substantial boost to local hotel occupancy and economic activity. The Championship also generated extensive media coverage, with features in national publications, online platforms, and broadcast outlets, further elevating the PAEC’s profile as a premier cultural venue. This exposure helped solidify the PAEC’s reputation as a key destination for large-scale events, contributing to its ongoing success in attracting tourists. Additionally, our past marketing efforts, though more limited in scope, successfully leveraged social media and digital advertising to reach targeted audiences. These campaigns resulted in a noticeable uptick in ticket sales and event attendance, demonstrating the effectiveness of our outreach strategies in drawing tourists to Federal Way. As we expand our marketing program this year, we anticipate building on this success and continuing to attract even larger numbers of visitors to the PAEC. 2023/24 City of Federal Way LTAC Tourism Enhancement Grant 8 Tourism Enhancement Grant Event Application Revised April 2024 13. Describe your target tourist audience (location, demographics, etc.): The Federal Way Performing Arts and Event Center (PAEC) targets a diverse and varied tourist audience, focusing on several key demographics and event types. Our primary audience includes cultural enthusiasts, families, and event-goers aged 35-65, who are drawn to high-quality performances such as Broadway shows, concerts, and cultural festivals. These individuals, typically from within a 200-mile radius including Seattle, Tacoma, Portland, and Vancouver, BC, are likely to have disposable income and an interest in arts and entertainment. Additionally, we target national audiences for special events, like the Barbershop Quartet Championship, that attract attendees from across the United States. Beyond cultural events, the PAEC also appeals to tourists interested in weddings, conferences, and competitions such as the Miss Washington Volunteer Competition. These events bring in a diverse group of attendees, including participants, families, and supporters, many of whom stay overnight in Federal Way. Our facility’s versatility as a venue for these events broadens our target audience to include younger couples planning weddings, business professionals attending conferences, and pageant enthusiasts, further driving hotel occupancy and local economic activity. Through this broad yet targeted approach, the PAEC aims to attract visitors who contribute to the local economy through extended stays, dining, and other activities during their visit. 14. Describe how you will promote your event/facility/marketing program to attract overnight tourists: To attract overnight tourists to the Federal Way Performing Arts and Event Center (PAEC), we will implement a multi-faceted marketing strategy designed to reach a broad audience while emphasizing the unique experiences offered by our events. Our promotion efforts will include the following key elements: • Targeted Digital Marketing: We will utilize geo-targeted digital advertising on platforms like Google, Facebook, and Instagram to reach potential visitors within a 250-mile radius, including major urban centers like Seattle, Tacoma, Portland, and Vancouver, BC. These ads will highlight upcoming events, exclusive packages, and the convenience of staying overnight in Federal Way. • Exclusive Event Packages: We will create and promote event packages that bundle PAEC tickets with discounted hotel stays and dining experiences. These packages will be advertised through our website, email newsletters, and partner channels such as local hotels and restaurants, encouraging tourists to extend their stay. • Strategic Partnerships with Regional Tourism Boards: Collaborating with regional tourism boards, we will co-market the PAEC as part of broader regional travel experiences. This includes featuring PAEC events in tourism guides, on travel websites, and in visitor centers, ensuring that tourists considering a trip to the Pacific Northwest view Federal Way and the PAEC as a must-visit destination. • Proactive Media Outreach: We will engage in proactive public relations efforts to secure media coverage in regional and national outlets. Press releases, media kits, and special event previews will be distributed to travel writers, bloggers, and influencers, generating buzz and awareness of our events. • Social Media Campaigns: Leveraging the power of social media, we will create engaging content that showcases the unique aspects of our events, the quality of our venue, and the benefits of staying in Federal Way. This includes behind-the-scenes videos, artist interviews, and user-generated content from past attendees to build excitement and encourage bookings. 2023/24 City of Federal Way LTAC Tourism Enhancement Grant 9 Tourism Enhancement Grant Event Application Revised April 2024 • Direct Marketing to Niche Audiences: For specialized events like weddings, and conferences, we will target niche audiences through direct marketing efforts. This includes reaching out to wedding planners, corporate event organizers, and pageant communities with tailored messaging that highlights the PAEC’s suitability for these events and the convenience of staying overnight. • Cross-Promotion with Local Businesses: We will partner with local businesses to cross-promote our events and Federal Way as a destination. This includes joint promotions with nearby attractions, restaurants, and shopping centers, creating a comprehensive experience that encourages longer stays. 15. Describe how you will promote lodging establishments, restaurants, and businesses located in the City of Federal Way. What will the City of Federal Way/Tourism and lodging industry get in return for funding (e.g. logos, links print material, radio, TV, etc.)? Our marketing program for the Federal Way Performing Arts and Event Center (PAEC) will actively promote local lodging establishments, restaurants, and businesses in Federal Way to enhance the visitor experience and support the local economy. Here’s how we plan to integrate and promote these businesses: • Event Packages Featuring Local Partners: We will create exclusive event packages that include not only PAEC tickets but also discounted stays at local hotels and dining experiences at nearby restaurants. These packages will be prominently featured on our website, in email newsletters, and through our marketing partners, ensuring that local businesses benefit directly from increased exposure to visitors. • Local Business Listings and Cross-Promotions: Local lodging establishments, restaurants, and businesses will be highlighted in our promotional materials, including our website, social media channels, and event brochures. We will feature dedicated sections that showcase these businesses, providing links to their websites and information on special offers available to PAEC attendees. • Collaborative Marketing Efforts: We will collaborate with local businesses on joint marketing initiatives. This may include co-branded advertisements, social media shoutouts, and cross-promotional campaigns. For example, local restaurants and shops may be featured in our event-related content, and vice versa, to drive traffic and increase visibility for all parties involved. 2023/24 City of Federal Way LTAC Tourism Enhancement Grant 10 Tourism Enhancement Grant Event Application Revised April 2024 EVENT INFORMATION Length of the event/facility/marketing program: ____One day____Two days____Three days_____Four days ___X____Five or more days Location of the event/facility/marketing program: ____X____Federal Way _X____South King/North Pierce County _____Other Tourism Season: ___X___Peak Season (Jun-Sep)__X__Shoulder Season (Oct, Jan-Mar)__X___Off Season (Nov-Dec, Apr- May) Proposed venue(s): Have you confirmed the availability of the proposed dates at the primary venue? N/A Will you have a need for secondary or practice venues? N/A Proposed schedule of the event for each day: N/A Date Time Date Time 2023/24 City of Federal Way LTAC Tourism Enhancement Grant 11 Tourism Enhancement Grant Event Application Revised April 2024 ECONOMIC IMPACT OF EVENT Breakdown of projected attendees over the course of the event: Date: Date: Date: Date: TOTAL Attendees Attendees Attendees Attendees Attendees Spectators Participants Support Staff TOTAL ATTENDEES Provide an estimate of where projected attendees will travel from and their projected room nights (total number of rooms for their entire stay) during the event. Attendees Local (less than 50 miles) Regional (Western WA greater than 50 miles) Statewide Multi- States (Western US) National Internationa l TOTAL Spectators Room nights Room nights Room nights Room nights Room nights Room nights Participants Room nights Room nights Room nights Room nights Room nights Room nights Suppor t Staff Room nights _ Room nights _ Room nights _ Room nights _ Room nights _ Room nights TOTAL Total Projected Attendees Total Projected Room Nights 2023/24 City of Federal Way LTAC Tourism Enhancement Grant 12 Tourism Enhancement Grant Event Application Revised April 2024 What types of business do you expect will be affected? Services (gas, mini-marts, etc.) ___X___ Entertainment ___X_____ Restaurants ____X____ Shopping ____X____ Lodging ___X____ 2023/24 City of Federal Way LTAC Tourism Enhancement Grant 13 Tourism Enhancement Grant Event Application Revised April 2024 LODGING AND HOTEL STAYS Will you be listing any “Official Lodging” for this event? Yes If yes, provide name, address, contact person, and phone number. No Provide all hotels/motels that you will include in all your publicity for the event/facility/marketing program. LaQuinta Inn & Suites Courtyard by Marriott Hampton Inn & Suites by Hilton Holiday Inn Express Federal Way List all the hotels/motels where rooms have or will be blocked for spectators, participants, and support staff. Projected Attendees Hotel/Motel Name Number of Blocked Rooms Spectators Participants _ _ _ Support Staff _ _ _ 2023/24 City of Federal Way LTAC Tourism Enhancement Grant 14 Tourism Enhancement Grant Event Application Revised April 2024 State Law Excerpts and Notes (RCW 67.28.1816) Use of Lodging Tax Fund Lodging tax revenues under this chapter may be used, directly by any municipality or indirectly through a convention and visitor’s bureau or destination marketing organizationfor: a. Tourism marketing; b. Marketing and operations of special events and festivals designed to attract tourists; c. Supporting operations and capital expenditures of tourism-related facilities owned or operated by a municipality or a public facilities district; or d. No longer permitted*: Supporting the operations of tourism-related facilities owned or operated by nonprofit organizations described under 26 U.S.C. Sec. 501(c)(3) and 26 U.S.C. Sec. 501(c)(6) of the internal revenue code of 1986, as amended. *Note that, as of July 1, 2013, capital expenditures for tourism-related facilities owned by nonprofit organizations are no longer permitted expenditures of lodging tax funds. Lodging Tax Advisory Committee (ii) The local lodging tax advisory committee must select the candidates from amongst the applicants applying for use of revenues in this chapter and provide a list of such candidates and recommended amounts of funding to the municipality for final determination. The municipality may choose only recipients from the list of candidates and recommended amounts provided by the local lodging tax advisory committee. Note that, the State Auditor's Office is interpreting the law to mean that all users of funds, including municipalities, are considered applicants and must follow relevant application procedures. So, cities and counties should submit applications for their own projects to the LTAC. Note that, a city or county does not have to fund the full list as recommended by the LTAC and can choose to make awards in the recommended amounts to all, some, or none of the candidates on the list. Applicant Reporting Requirements In a municipality with a population of five thousand or more, applicants applying for use of revenues must submit their applications and estimates to the local lodging tax advisory committee of how any moneys received will result in increases in the number of people traveling for business or pleasure on a trip: i. Away from their place of residence or business and staying overnight in paidaccommodations; ii. To a place fifty miles or more one way from their place of residence or business for the day or staying overnight; or iii. From another country or state outside of their place of residence or theirbusiness. (c)(i) All recipients must submit a report to the municipality describing the actual number of people traveling for business or pleasure on a trip. 2023/24 City of Federal Way LTAC Tourism Enhancement Grant 15 Tourism Enhancement Grant Event Application Revised April 2024 G:\CED\Economic Development\3A.Tourism - HMAC\LodgingTaxFunding - APPLICANTS & DOCUMENTS\LodgingTaxDOCUMENTS&PROCEDURES\2023_24 Lodging Tax Note that, local governments, as part of their contract with recipients, should require that the final report be provided immediately after the event or activity. Local governments will then, in turn, report this information annually to JLARC using their online reporting system. 2023/24 City of Federal Way LTAC Tourism Enhancement Grant 16 Tourism Enhancement Grant Event Application Revised April 2024 RCW 67.28.080 - Definitions. 1. "Acquisition" includes, but is not limited to, siting, acquisition, design, construction, refurbishing, expansion, repair, and improvement, including paying or securing the payment of all or any portion of general obligation bonds, leases, revenue bonds, or other obligations issued or incurred for such purpose or purposes under this chapter. 2. "Municipality" means any county, city or town of the state of Washington. 3. "Operation" includes, but is not limited to, operation, management, and marketing. 4. "Person" means the federal government or any agency thereof, the state or any agency, subdivision, taxing district or municipal corporation thereof other than county, city or town, any private corporation, partnership, association, or individual. 5. "Tourism" means economic activity resulting from tourists, which may include sales of overnight lodging, meals, tours, gifts, or souvenirs. 6. "Tourism promotion" means activities, operations, and expenditures designed to increase tourism, including but not limited to advertising, publicizing, or otherwise distributing information for the purpose of attracting and welcoming tourists; developing strategies to expand tourism; operating tourism promotion agencies; and funding the marketing of or the operation of special events and festivals designed to attract tourists. 7. "Tourism-related facility" means real or tangible personal property with a usable life of three or more years, or constructed with volunteer labor, and used to support tourism, performing arts, or to accommodate tourist activities. The undersigned certifies that the information provided above is true and accurate and any projections are based on history of similar events and activities that are available to the industry and adjusted to local conditions. Applicant’s Signature: Applicant’s Printed Name: Applicant’s Title: Date: Autumn GressettContract Administrator9/3/2024 Federal Way PAEC FISCAL YEAR 2026 Budget FY2026 FY2025 Variance Budget Budget Fav/(Unfav) Number of Events 174 159 15 Attendance - Paid 24,790 24,490 300 Average Ticket Price 44.69 43.08 1.61 General Attendance 36,834 34,969 1,865 Gross Ticket Revenue 1,107,850 1,054,920 52,930 Less: B&O Tax @ 1.75 (19,054) (18,144) (910) Net Ticket Revenue 1,088,796 1,036,776 52,020 Net Event Income Direct Event Income 261,927 225,717 36,210 Event Sponsorship Revenue 6,650 6,650 - Reservation Fees - - - Ticket System Fees - - - Facility Fees 71,120 70,220 900 Convenience Fees 98,056 93,640 4,416 Direct Event Income 437,752 396,226 41,526 Net Ancillary Income Concession Income 55,677 53,837 1,840 Catering Income 218,250 187,110 31,140 Novelty Income 4,384 4,384 - Parking Income - - - Total Ancillary Income 278,311 245,331 32,980 Event Operating Income 716,064 641,558 74,506 Other Income Advertising 67,200 60,900 6,300 0 - - Misc Income 2,000 2,000 - Total Other Income 69,200 62,900 6,300 Indirect Expenses Executive 234,712 226,643 (8,069) Marketing 190,577 185,429 (5,148) Finance 159,447 156,904 (2,543) Event Services 152,566 152,436 (129) Operations 328,575 310,906 (17,669) Group Sales 171,091 165,727 (5,364) Food & Beverage 234,320 229,886 (4,434) Box Office 154,513 151,160 (3,352) Overhead 146,430 150,530 4,100 Total Indirect Expenses 1,772,231 1,729,622 (42,609) Net Operating Income (986,967) (1,025,164) 38,197