08-13-2024 Council Minutes - RegularCITY OF Federal Way Centered on Opportunity CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING MINUTES City Hall - Council Chambers August 13, 2024 - 6:30 p.m. 1. CALL MEETING TO ORDER Mayor Ferrell called the meeting to order at 6:33 p.m. City officials in attendance: Mayor Jim Ferrell, Council President Linda Kochmar, Councilmember Lydia Assefa-Dawson, Councilmember Paul McDaniel, Councilmember Susan Honda, Councilmember Hoang Tran, Councilmember Jack Walsh, and Councilmember Jack Dovey. City staff in attendance: City Administrator Brian Davis, Assistant City Attorney Kent van Alstyne, and City Clerk Stephanie Courtney. 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Mayor Ferrell led the flag salute. 3. MAYOR'S EMERGING ISSUES AND REPORT Mayor Ferrell recognized staff members Thomas Fichtner, Xiao Guo, and Leif Ellsworth for their outstanding response to the worldwide technology CrowdStrike outage on July 19. He reported on attending along with many Councilmembers, the ground -breaking for the new Joint Use Operations & Maintenance Facility on August 5. He provided details on other regional events including the Kiwanis Salmon Bake, FUSION Gala, and the Federal Way Community Festival. Upcoming local events include the Lion's Club Car Show, the Run with the Cops 5K, and the free back to school haircuts at Town Square Park. The Mayor overviewed the upcoming 2025-2026 biennial budget meetings which begin in September and continue through November. 4. PUBLIC COMMENT Craig Patrick is seeking volunteers to assist the next clean-up project at the West Hylebos Park on September 14. Trenise Rogers would like to see increased city assistance and connection to minority owned small businesses. Federal Way City Council Regular Minutes Page 1 of 9 August 13, 2024 Geoffrey Tancredi shared ongoing concern with state legislation that is affecting neighborhoods, citing HB1220 as an example. Bob Darripan promoted the Lions Club Car Show and working with other service groups in the city. Selina Taylor presented a plaque of appreciation to Police Officer Sarah Montjoy who assisted at the scene when her son was shot and killed on September 26, 2021. Officer Montjoy accepted the appreciation plaque; Chief Hwang provided details regarding the circumstances of Officer Montjoy's assistance that night. Mayor Ferrell announced a brief recess at 7:09 for approximately 5 minutes. The meeting reconvened at 7:15 p.m. Anna Patrick spoke in concern with state legislation, specifically HB 1220 and HB 1110. Quentin Morris thanked the police department for his recent ride -along. 5. PRESENTATIONS a. Proclamation: 90th Anniversary of the MRSC Councilmember Honda read and presented the proclamation to Jon Rose, MRSC Finance & Administration Manager. Mr. Rose thanked the Mayor and Council, acknowledging the city as a valuable partner. MRSC was founded in 1934 and assists local municipalities as a trusted advisor. 6. COUNCIL COMMITTEE AND REGIONAL COMMITTEE REPORTS Parks/Recreation/Human Services/Public Safety Committee (PRHSPS) Councilmember Walsh reported the next meeting will be September 10. Land Use/Transportation Committee (LUTC) Councilmember Dovey reported the next meeting will be September 9, due to the holiday, and referenced legislation regarding parking of recreational vehicles. Finance, Economic Development Regional Affairs Committee (FEDRAC) Councilmember Tran reported on items that were forwarded by the committee at their July 23 meeting. He noted the August meeting is canceled and the next regular meeting will be September 24. Lodging Tax Advisory Committee (LTAC) Councilmember Assefa-Dawson reported the August meeting is canceled, the next meeting is scheduled for September 10th where TEG applications will be reviewed. She promoted free workshops for small business owners and non -profits. Regional Committees Report Councilmember Honda thanked the neighborhoods participated in National Night Out and the Commissioners who spoke during the special meeting. She provided a report on the Senior Advisory Commission and other regional Federal Way City Council Regular Minutes Page 2 of 9 August 13, 2024 meetings she has attended. Council President Report: Council President Kochmar appreciated the feedback from the Commissioners and agrees with the suggestion of a city parade. She reported on the Kiwanis Salmon Bake, requested a crime report at the next meeting, and provided information on the next community meeting with School Board members. 7. CONSENT AGENDA a. Minutes: July 16, 2024 Regular Meeting b. Monthly Financial Report — June 2024 c. AP Vouchers 06/18/2024 — 07/15/2024; Payroll Vouchers 06/01/2024 — 06/30/2024 d. 2025 WA Association of Sheriffs and Police Chiefs Body Worn Camera Grant Interlocal Agreement e. Copier and Printer Maintenance Agreement f. Purchase of Manage Detection and Response Services g. ARPA Grant Funds Reallocation h. Resolution: Federal Way Investment Policy Update/Approved Reso #24-861 i. Initiation of Development Agreement Negotiations for Sound Transits Operations and Maintenance Facility South Councilmember Honda pulled Consent item g/ARPA grant funds reallocation. COUNCIL PRESIDENT KOCHMAR MOVED APPROVAL OF THE CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS (A) - (F), (H) AND (1); SECOND BY COUNCILMEMBER WALSH. The motion passed unanimously as follows: Council President Kochmar yes Councilmember Assefa-Dawson yes Councilmember McDaniel yes Councilmember Honda yes g. ARPA Grant Funds Reallocation Councilmember Tran yes Councilmember Walsh yes Councilmember Dovey yes Finance Director Groom provided a brief presentation, noting this will maximize the federal ARPA money which needs to be obligated by the end of the year. He noted twelve (12) other cities have already completed this process, which is allowable under the Treasury rules and will also help with future audits. Councilmember Honda requested the list and status of 52 remaining ARPA projects be noted in the monthly financial reporting to ensure they are funded and completed; Councilmembers concurred. Federal Way City Council Regular Minutes Page 3 of 9 August 13, 2024 COUNCIL PRESIENT KOCHMAR MOVED APPROVAL OF [CONSENT AGENDA ITEM G] ARPA GRANT FUNDS REALLOCATION; SECOND BY COUNCILMEMBER TRAN. The motion passed unanimously as follows: Council President Kochmar yes Councilmember Tran yes Councilmember Assefa-Dawson yes Councilmember Walsh yes Councilmember McDaniel yes Councilmember Dovey yes Councilmember Honda yes 8. PUBLIC HEARING a. Ordinance/2023-2024 Biennial Budget Amendment (per RCW 35A.34.130) At 7:53 p.m. Mayor Ferrell opened the public hearing. Finance Director Steve Groom stated this public hearing follows RCW 35A.34.130 and authorizes information not known at the time of budget adoption including prior year carry -forward and new grants or other funding. Director Groom provided details of the adjustments included in the budget amendment. No public comment was received. Mayor Ferrell noted action on this ordinance will occur later in the agenda. COUNCILMEMBER TRAN MOVED TO CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING; SECOND BY COUNCILMEMBER WALSH. The motion passed unanimously as follows: Council President Kochmar yes Councilmember Tran yes Councilmember Assefa-Dawson yes Councilmember Walsh yes Councilmember McDaniel yes Councilmember Dovey yes Councilmember Honda yes 9. COUNCIL BUSINESS a. Assessment Lien for Abatement at 1235 SW 313' Street Code Compliance Supervisor Christina Dunlap provided information on the property abatement which will be filed as a lien on the property with the county. Council thanked Ms. Dunlap for the presentation and asked clarifying questions. COUNCILMEMBER DOVEY MOVED APPROVAL OF THE PROPOSED ASSESSMENT LIEN ON THE TAYLOR PROPERTY IN THE AMOUNT OF $4,287.29; SECOND BY COUNCILMEMBER TRAN. The motion passed unanimously as follows: Council President Kochmar yes Councilmember Tran yes Councilmember Assefa-Dawson yes Councilmember Walsh yes Councilmember McDaniel yes Councilmember Dovey yes Councilmember Honda yes b. Proposed 2025-2027 Collective Bargaining Agreement with the Federal Way Police Officer Guild Federal Way City Council Regular Minutes Page 4 of 9 August 13, 2024 Human Resources Director Vanessa Audett provided information on the proposed Police Officer Guild contract and outlined details on the 3-year contract which conforms with direction previously provided by Council. COUNCIL PRESIDENT KOCHMAR MOVED APPROVAL OF THE PROPOSED 2025-2027 COLLECTIVE BARGAINING AGREEMENT WITH THE POLICE OFFICERS GUILD, AND AUTHORIZE THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE SAID AGREEMENT; SECOND BY COUNCILMEMBER WALSH. The motion passed unanimously as follows: Council President Kochmar yes Councilmember Tran yes Councilmember Assefa-Dawson yes Councilmember Walsh yes Councilmember McDaniel yes Councilmember Dovey yes Councilmember Honda yes c. SR-99 FWHS Pedestrian Safety — 85% Status and Authorization to I4Award Senior Traffic Engineer Jason Kennedy clarified this item is to authorize the project award. He defined the scope of the project and identified the funding sources, which includes a Transportation Improvement Board (TIB) grant. COUNCILMEMBER DOVEY MOVED TO AWARD THE MEDIAN FENCING PROJECT ON PACIFIC HIGHWAYS (S 304T" STREET TO S 308T" STREET) TO SOUTH SOUND FENCING, LLC, IN THE AMOUNT OF $43,986 AND APPROVE A CONTINGENCY OF $3,000 FOR A MAXIMUM CONTRACT AMOUNT OF $46,986; SECOND BY COUNCILMEMBER WALSH. The motion passed unanimously as follows: Council President Kochmar yes Councilmember Tran yes Councilmember Assefa-Dawson yes Councilmember Walsh yes Councilmember McDaniel yes Councilmember Dovey yes Councilmember Honda yes d. Proposed Settlement Agreement Regarding the LeMaster Lawsuit Assistant City Attorney Kent van Alstyne provided information on the mediated settlement of this lawsuit that resulted from a trip and fall near Pacific Highway. COUNCIL PRESIDENT KOCHMAR MOVED APPROVAL OF THE PROPOSED SETTLEMENT IN THE MATTER OF LEMASTER V. CITYOFFEDERAL WAYIN THE AMOUNT OF $125,000; SECOND BY COUNCILMEMBER TRAN. The motion passed unanimously as follows: Council President Kochmar yes Councilmember Tran yes Councilmember Assefa-Dawson yes Councilmember Walsh yes Councilmember McDaniel yes Councilmember Dovey yes Councilmember Honda yes e. Jet Cities Chorus Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) Community Relations Liaison and Parks Department Contract Administrator Autumn Gressett provided information on this MOU between the city and the Resident Artist Organization — Jet Cities Chorus. Federal Way City Council Regular Minutes Page 5 of 9 August 13, 2024 Council thanked Ms. Gressett and asked clarifying questions. COUNCILMEMBER WALSH MOVED APPROVAL OF THE PROPOSED MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING; SECOND BY COUNCILMEMBER TRAN. The motion passed unanimously as follows: Council President Kochmar yes Councilmember Tran yes Councilmember Assefa-Dawson yes Councilmember Walsh yes Councilmember McDaniel yes Councilmember Dovey yes Councilmember Honda yes f. Federal Way Symphony Orchestra Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) Community Relations Liaison and Parks Department Contract Administrator Autumn Gressett highlighted a minor change to the Resident Artist MOU to correct the signatory on the agreement from OVG as the city's agent, to the city. This clarifies the city's role and responsibility in the agreement. COUNCILMEMBER WALSH MOVED APPROVAL OF THE PROPOSED MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING; SECOND BY COUNCILMEMBER TRAN. The motion passed unanimously as follows: Council President Kochmar yes Councilmember Tran yes Councilmember Assefa-Dawson yes Councilmember Walsh yes Councilmember McDaniel yes Councilmember Dovey yes Councilmember Honda yes g. Federal Way Youth Symphony Orchestra Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) Ms. Gressett noted similar to the previous MOU, the signatory on the agreement was updated from OVG as the city's agent, to the city. This clarifies the city's role and responsibility in the agreement. COUNCILMEMBER WALSH MOVED APPROVAL OF THE PROPOSED MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING; SECOND BY COUNCILMEMBER TRAN. The motion passed unanimously as follows: Council President Kochmar yes Councilmember Tran yes Councilmember Assefa-Dawson yes Councilmember Walsh yes Councilmember McDaniel yes Councilmember Dovey yes Councilmember Honda yes h. Federal Way Chorale Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) Ms. Gressett noted similar to the previous MOU's, the signatory on this agreement was also updated from OVG as the city's agent, to the city. This clarifies the city's role and responsibility in the agreement. Federal Way City Council Regular Minutes Page 6 of 9 August 13, 2024 COUNCILMEMBER WALSH MOVED APPROVAL OF THE PROPOSED MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING; SECOND BY COUNCILMEMBER ASSEFA-DAWSON. The motion passed unanimously as follows: Council President Kochmar yes Councilmember Assefa-Dawson yes Councilmember McDaniel yes Councilmember Honda yes 10. ORDINANCES Councilmember Tran yes Councilmember Walsh yes Councilmember Dovey yes First Reading a. Council Bill #881/Ordinance: 2023-2024 Biennial Budget Amendment AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF FEDERAL WAY, WASHINGTON RELATING TO AMENDING THE 2023-2024 BIENNIAL BUDGET. (Amending Ordinance Nos. 22-941, 23- 959, 23-974 and 24-986) The presentation was made during the public hearing; no additional information was presented or discussed. No public comment was received. City Clerk Stephanie Courtney read the ordinance title into the record. COUNCILMEMBER TRAN MOVED TO FORWARD THE PROPOSED ORDINANCE TO THE SEPTEMBER 3, 2024 COUNCIL MEETING FOR SECOND READING AND ENACTMENT; SECOND BY COUNCILMEMBER DOVEY. The motion passed unanimously as follows: Council President Kochmar yes Councilmember Tran yes Councilmember Assefa-Dawson yes Councilmember Walsh yes Councilmember McDaniel yes Councilmember Dovey yes Councilmember Honda yes b. Council Bill #882/Ordinance: Setting Municipal Court Judge Salary AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF FEDERAL WAY, WASHINGTON, RELATING TO FIXING THE SALARY OF MUNICIPAL COURT JUDGES; AMENDING FWRC 2.29.050 (Amending Ordinance Nos. 99-339, 01-397, 05-484, and 05-494). City Administrator Brian Davis overviewed the proposed ordinance that aligns the Municipal Court Judge salary with the District Court Judge salary. No public comment was received. City Clerk Stephanie Courtney read the ordinance title into the record. COUNCILMEMBER TRAN MOVED TO FORWARD THE PROPOSED ORDINANCE TO THE SEPTEMBER 3, 2024 COUNCIL MEETING FOR SECOND READING AND ENACTMENT.; SECOND BY COUNCILMEMBER WALSH. The motion passed unanimously as follows: Council President Kochmar yes Councilmember Tran yes Councilmember Assefa-Dawson yes Councilmember Walsh yes Councilmember McDaniel yes Councilmember Dovey yes Councilmember Honda yes Federal Way City Council Regular Minutes Page 7 of 9 August 13, 2024 c. Council Bill #883/0rdinance: Revising FWRC 8.50,010 Relatin q. to Parkin Recreational Vehicles on Cty_5treets AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF FEDERAL WAY, WASHINGTON, RELATING TO RECREATIONAL VEHICLES PARKING ON CITY STREETS; AMENDING FWRC 8.50.010. (Amending Ordinance no. 24-983) Assistant City Attorney Kent van Alstyne provided information on the proposed legislation relating to recreational vehicles on city streets in residential areas. Mr. van Alstyne noted a companion ordinance will follow (at a future meeting) with proposed changes to Title 19, to make it easier for residents to park RV's legally on their own property. Due to the effective dates, Council Bill #883 and the companion ordinance will essentially become effective simultaneously, if both are passed by Council. Mr. van Alstyne highlighted a change made at Council Committee to include a 48- hour exception to allow residents to load and unload in front of the RV operators home. Council thanked Mr. van Alstyne for the presentation and asked clarifying questions. Council debated the addition of a 48-hour exception for residents, and the enforceability of it. Councilmember McDaniel, Honda and Assefa-Dawson stated the reasons they would not be supporting the ordinance. No public comment was received. City Clerk Stephanie Courtney read the ordinance title into the record. COUNCILMEMBER DOVEY MOVED TO FORWARD THE PROPOSED ORDINANCE TO THE SEPTEMBER 3, 2024 COUNCIL MEETING FOR SECOND READING AND ENACTMENT; SECOND BY COUNCILMEMBER WALSH. COUNCILMEMBER MCDANIEL MOVED TO AMEND THE MOTION TO REMOVE THE 48- HOUR CLAUSE [FROM THE PROPSED ORDINANCE]; SECOND BY COUNCILMEMBER HONDA. Council continued to debate, and asked for more discussion and input from residents before second reading of this ordinance. The motion to amend failed 3-4 as follows: Council President Kochmar no Councilmember Tran no CouncilmemberAssefa-Dawson yes Councilmember Walsh no Councilmember McDaniel yes Councilmemberpovey no Councilmember Honda yes The main motion passed 4-3 as follows: Council President Kochmar yes Councilmember Tran yes CouncilmemberAssefa-Dawson no Councilmember Walsh yes Councilmember McDaniel no Councilmember Dovey yes Councilmember Honda no Federal Way City Council Regular Minutes Page 8 of 9 August 13, 2024 11. COUNCIL REPORTS Councilmember Assefa-Dawson had no report. Councilmember McDaniel enjoyed the Community Festival. Councilmember Honda reported on the recent service club meeting, the annual Salmon Bake, and promoted the upcoming 33rd Annual Kiwanis Charity Golf Tournament. 'Councilmember Tran acknowledged his upcoming birthday, noting he continues to enjoy his retirement. Councilmember Walsh thanked the Commissioners who attended the special meeting and noted his support of a city parade. Councilmember Dovey reported on the charity speed croquet tournament. Council President Kochmar had no report. 12. EXECUTIVE SESSION 13. ADJOURNMENT There being nothing further on the agenda; the regular meeting was adjourned at 9:10 p.m. Attest: 4VJiA&0JMJiiW' 5 e h nie Courtney, MMdJ0PR0 City Clerk Approved by Council: Qq-03-a�04 Federal Way City Council Regular Minutes Page•9 of 9 August 13, 2024