08-08-24 Diversity Commission Minutes draft DIVERSITY COMMISSION MINUTES AUGUST 8, 2024 Diversity Commission August 8, 2024 Meeting Minutes Page 1 COMMISSION MEMBERS PRESENT: Saudia Abdullah in at 5:28 p.m. Jennifer Kiiru in at 5:20 p.m. Shante Lane in at 5:06 p.m. Chika Onyejiaka in at 5:46 p.m. Craig Patrick in at 5:26 p.m. Trenise Rogers on Zoom at in at 5:29 p.m. in at 5:34 p.m. Ron Walker in at 5:28 p.m. COMMISSION MEMBERS ABSENT: None. STAFF PRESENT: Chris Grier (Community Services Manager) Keith Niven (Community Development Director) Victoria Banks (Administrative Assistant I) Tanja Carter (Economic Development Director) Abbie Wenick (Special Events Assistant) Council Member Paul McDaniel Council Member Jack Walsh CALL TO ORDER: Meeting called to order at 5:31 p.m. INTRODUCTION: Commissioner/Staff: Commissioners and Staff introduced themselves. PUBLIC COMMENT (2 mins. /person): Council Member Paul McDaniel requested the Commission add an agenda item for the City Council and the Commission communications. In order for the communication to improve, there needs to be an implementation of better communication avenues, and Council Member Jack Walsh agreed. Council Member Jack Walsh offered his help to the upcoming Community Festival on Saturday, August 17, 2024. Community member Ron Kaler expressed his appreciation for the upcoming festival and the hard work that went into bring it into fruition. Council Member Paul McDaniel submitted request to obtain a dialogue with city council to review agenda item from Abbie for council and commission communication DIVERSITY COMMISSION MINUTES AUGUST 8, 2024 Diversity Commission August 8, 2024 Meeting Minutes Page 2 COMMISSION BUSINESS: A. Approval of Minutes (July 2024): Commissioner Walker motioned to approve the July 11, 2024 meeting minutes and Commissioner Lane seconded the motion. Motion carried 6 -0. B. Federal Way Community Festival: Staff member Abbie Wenick reported the final updates (i.e. vendor drop-off, parking, etc.) on the upcoming event. C. Minority-owned Business Partnership Staff member Tanja Carter presented the Federal Way branded Lego 3-minute video that discussed the purpose of the Economic Development department. Director Carter asked to partner with the Commissioners to foster some engagements and build relationships amongst the diverse community and the Economic Development department. D. Commission Renaming: Vice-Chair Rogers reported the discussion between herself and Commissioner Patrick about ideas for possible renaming purposes, which both agreed should be a community involved effort. Commissioner Patrick stated he would bring a suggestion container to the Community Festival to collect community suggestions. Staff member Niven explained the process of enacting the name change through the City Council. Staff member Niven suggested placing this renaming query in the hands of the future DEI Consultant. E. Commission Vacancies: Chair Abdullah reported that there are two voting vacancies and two alternate vacancies for Diversity Commission. Commissioner applications will be available at the Community Festival, accessible online on the City’s website, as well as coming into City Hall to fill one out. MANAGERS REPORT: Community Development Director Keith Niven and Community Services Manager Chris Grier reported on the recruitment progress for the DEI Consultant. Request for Proposal (RPF) has closed and currently 36 have submitted resumes, with the wanting of the top 5 for the interviewing process, with the timeline happening sometime in September 2024. DIVERSITY COMMISSION MINUTES AUGUST 8, 2024 Diversity Commission August 8, 2024 Meeting Minutes Page 3 COMMISSIONER COMMENTS (15 mins. - 2 minutes/Commissioner): Commissioner Lane suggested the commission reflect on what they individually and collectively are doing for the community as a whole, thinking about expansion to be able to adhere to the mission statement, etc. Commissioner Kiiru inquired about how does the Diversity Commissioners help businesses, reach out and help the community with Economic Developments help, a question that will be answered at a later time. Commissioner Rogers mentioned having dinner at a local East Indian restaurant and the opportunity to speak with the owner. The owner mentioned his grievances with losing 40% of his business due to the construction of the new Federal Way’s Sound Transit Light Rail station and having spoken to an elected official of Federal Way, the owner felt as though his plight had not been heard nor taken seriously but seeing other businesses being supported. Also, thanking Economic Director Carter for taking the time to come to the meeting and possibly partnering with the commission for future endeavors. Commissioner Walker inquired about the commission MLK Black Tie Gala and whether or not this is still a viable project to take on for MLK day and possibly adding in to the September meeting agenda. Commissioner Patrick mentioned the clean-up of West Hylebos Park on July 27th and the removal of 30 yards of garbage, approximately 4 trash trucks. Another clean-up will happen on September 14th at West Hylebos Park and if any commissioners are interested, this is a way of engaging with the community, and all are welcomed. Stand up Federal Way community has an outreach that engages with the community and help clean up encampments. Commissioner Patrick mentioned his disappointment with Fire and Ice is not being involved with the Community Festival. Commissioner Onyejiaka inquired about the commissioner’s roles for the day of the Community Festival. City Commissioner Recognition special meeting on Tuesday, August 13, 2024 at 5 p.m. NEXT MEETING: Regular Meeting September 5, 2024 at 5:30 p.m. Hylebos Conference Room, City Hall, Federal Way, WA ADJOURN: Chair Abdullah adjourned the meeting at 6:31 p.m.