4 - Updated Crime ReportPolice Department 2024 Public Safety Report City Council Meeting September 3, 2024 Andy Hwang, Chief of Police Washington State Crime Trends CrimesinWashington l There were 376 murders in 2023; this is a decrease of 5.8% compared to 399 murders in 2022. In 20191 there were 201 murders statewide. In King County, there were 141 homicides in 2023; 49% occurred in Seattle. There were 147 homicides in 2022. In 2023, violent crime decreased by 5.5% compared to offenses reported in 2022. Domestic violence offenses made up 47.9% of all crimes against persons. Traffic deaths were at a 20-year high at 743 in 2022 and 810 in 2023, a 33-year high. Juvenile violent felony filings in King County are up57% in 2023 over 2022 and up 146% in 2023 over 2021. Federal Way Crime Trends Federal Way Police NIBRS Jan -Jul 2023 vs. Jan -Jul 2024 Crime YTD 2023 YTD 2024 +/ Murder 8 4 -50% Manslaughter 0 0 N/C Forcible Sex Offenses 53 45 -15% Robbety 110 87 -21% Aggravated Assault 204 191 -6% Simple Assault 465 454 -2% Intimidation 72 147 104% Non -Forcible Sex Offenses 5 4 -20% Kidnapping 5 17 240% Human Trafficking 0 0 N/C Burglary - Commercial 251 248 -1% Burglary - Residential 120 93 -23% Arson 20 16 -20% Larceny 1432 1453 1 % Motor Vehicle Theft 1329 703 -47% ExtortioiV Blackmail 5 6 20% CounterfeitTor e 22 25 14% Fraud 208 181 -13% Embezzlement 1 0 -100% Stolen Property Offenses 54 47 -13% DamageNandalism 637 572 -10% Drug/Narcotic Offenses 12 165 1275% Pomography 11 26 136% Gambling 0 0 N/C Prostitution 1 0 -100% Violate No Contact Order 197 231 17% Bnbery 0 0 N/C Weapon Law Violations 138 1 125 -9% Animal Crue 14 15 7% 5 N/C=Not Calculable Total NIBRS f00 8334 44 8070 F1.11,11 , 1=1 I, 111 I i 01' ON -MI -I 2018 201900 2021 2022 2023 04* * 01/01/2024 — 07/31/2024 Data as of 08/2%2024 ��ERAL�p� POLIG- 1 1 900 875 850 830 25 800 s781 775 750 725 700 675 650 625 600 575 550 525 500 January NIBRS 2023 vs 2024 r735 802 722 674 595 569 784 785 693 +NIBRS 2023 (NIBRS 2024 February March April May June July August September October November December 7 Crime Statistics Jan -Jul 2023 vs. Jan -Jul 2024 Overall Crime down 10%: 2023 = 51374; 2024 = 41855 Murder down 50%: 2023 = 8; 2024 = 4 Forcible Sex Offenses down 15%: 2023 = 53; 2024 = 45 Robbery down 21%: 2023 = 110; 2024 = 87 Aggravated Assault down 6% : 2023 = 204; 2024 = 191 Burglary — Commercial down 1% 2023 = 251; 2024 = 248 Burglary — Residential down 23%: 2023 = 120; 2024 = 93 Larceny/Theft up 1% 2023 = 1432; 2024 = 1453 Motor Vehicle Theft down 47%: 2023 = 11329; 2024 = 703 Drug/Narcotic Offenses up 1275% 2023 = 12; 2024 = 165 IE! 17 10 DI 0 0 [I] Murder 7017 2018 20192020 2021 2022 20237074* * 01/01/2024 — 07/31/2024 Data as of 0800/2024 Robbery iffirsTal * 01/01/2024 — 07/31/2024 Data as of 08/20/2024 AD�jG� l Aggravated Assault * 01/01/2024 — 07/31/2024 Data as of 08/20/2024 ��EItAL�A`l POLIG- 1 Burglary - Residential 014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 0 4* * 01/01/2024 — 07/31/2024 Data as of 08/20/2024 Burglary- Commercial rArM Tr, * 01/01/2024 — 07/31/2024 Data as of 08f20/2024 Auto Theft ��ERAL�p� pOLIG� 1 In the past two years, vehicle theft in WA has almost doubled to 47,448, compared to an average of about 26,000 yearly. The upsurge of roughly 90% statewide in auto thefts directly results from prohibiting police vehicular pursuits. Since the enactment of Initiative 2113 (June 6, 2024), there has been a dramatic decrease in auto theft victims. There has been a significant reduction in th Vehicles fleeing from FWPD officers: • 2020: 10 e • 2021: 72 (no pursuit for stolen vehicles effective July 25, 2021) • 2022: 431 • 2023: 431 • 2024: 264 YTD as of August 23 (Initiative 2113 — pursuit law change effective June 6, 2024) �4 400 100 1800 1500 1200 900 600 300 0 13 Auto Theft 55 i 306 * 01/01/2024 — 07/31/2024 Data as of 08f20/2024 ��ERAL�p� POLIG- 1 2400 2250 2100 1950 1800 1650 1500 1350 1200 1050 900 750 July ZD7 --I -I 600 Restrictive 450 pursuit laws 310 300 i6im 150 0 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 2021 9 Auto Theft Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 2022 531 2306 bib Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 2023 June 67 aoagt Reversed 341 pursuit laws 3 7 55 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 2024 16 500 450 400 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 Vehicles Fleeing From FWPD Officers 2021—Jul 2024 72/ f July 25, 2021 Restrictive pursuit laws 2021 431 2022 431 2023 2024 June 6, 2024 Reversed pursuit laws 17 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 40 r JAN Vehicles Fleeing From FWPD Officers Jan 2024—Jul 2024 50 45 FEB MAR APR MAY JUN t JUL I Ew� DrugCrisis is Ravaging Our Region P01-10' l The deadly toll of the fentanyl crisis is beginning to show a downturn in King County, but the drug crisis is far from over. • 1,338 drug overdoses in King County in 2023, an increase of 1,001 deaths in 2022. • So far, in 2024, King County has had 702 overdose deaths as of August 6, which is a 15% decrease over the same period last year. • Decriminalizing all drug possession and usage for two years has contributed to an increase in crime and overdoses. The change in the drug law is contributing to reversing this trend. Qoyl�,t oFp�c�� Drug Crisis is Ravaging Our Region l Drugs Involved ire Confirmed 0verdase Deaths ?Fete A cacacenr rna� he represemed -n melt pie :1�asl 1,;lUG x 3, COD 3- C 401) 0 200 0 Kn a Drug Tvw Fen[anYl ■ Methamphetamine ■ Herold Rx Opioid Coca'ne ■ Benzodi aze-pine 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 Overdose Deaths in Federal Way 14 2021 2021-Jul 2024 14 2022 18 2023 5 2024 21 ERALA$ POLIC- 1 35 30 25 20 15 10 8 5 0 0 Aug Sep Drug Arrests Aug 2023 —Ju12024 10 9 5 Oct Nov Dec 22 18 32 21 28 23 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun 0 2023 u 2024 8 Jul Emphasis Operations A new drug law (RCW 69.50.4011 and 69.50.4013) became effective on August 161 2023. Since then, there have been 184 drug arrests. A 23 Total Traffic Collisions ��ERAL�p� POLIG- 1 200 175 160 150 146 15 136 139 12 13 125 125 129 12 124 100 102 75 50 January February March April May June 43 117 148 2024 -2023 62 July August September October November December 24 Traffic Traffic Unit Traffic Accidents 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 Jan -Jul 2024 Fatality Accidents Investigated 6 8 3 5 5 7 10 4 Injury Accidents Investigated 494 722 572 444 576 507 562 284 Non -Injury Accidents Investigated 2,057 1,444 1,227 957 1,073 1,086 1,031 882 Total Accidents Occurred 2,557 2,174 1,802 1,406 1,654 1,600 1,603 1,171 Sub Categories for above Accidents 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 Jan -Jul 2024 DUI Accidents 43 52 56 25 45 51 60 41 Hit and Run Accidents (2018 forward only tracking State Reported 710 344 288 293 310 371 340 219 Car vs. Pedestrians 71 66 64 51 56 53 61 31 Car vs. Bicyclist 12 15 17 16 20 17 18 10 City & Police Initiatives 26 ALPR Technology l Safe City surveillance and LPR cameras Mobile Surveillance Trailers (MST) for rapid deployment Flock safety cameras with LPR technology 27 ,p'E Opp, Automated License Plate Readers At POVICIV- 027%lop- W-. Ix. Graffiti Abatement Program 29 Illegal Encampment Initiative ?a 7 L 7 •. •L 9 r y 1 1 I� 1 • r r� -J'■ r-j 30 Qoyl�,t oFp�c�� ��ERAL�p� POLIC- 1 What's Next Public safety -centric balanced solutions to provide the tools to provide justice for victims. Support for adequate staffing for safer and more supportive responses. These problems have solutions- they require leadership, resources, and consequences for criminal behavior. 31 Qoyl�,t oFp�c�� ��ERAL�p� POLIC- QUESTIONS? 32