Parks Commission Survey ResultsFederal Way �� PAcirrof RKS[3 RECREATION 2024 Parks Commission Survey Results What is your age? Under 18 = 2 18-24 = 0 24-34 = 4 35-44 = 3 45-54 = 3 44-64 = 2 Over 65 = 5 No answer = 1 What is your zip code? 98001= 1 98003 = 9 98023 = 8 Visiting = 1 No answer = 1 How many children 18 or younger) live with you and are under your care? 0=7 1=6 2=3 3=3 More than 4 = 0 No answer = 1 How often do you visit Federal Way cityparks? Not very often = 2 Somewhat often = 6 Very often = 12 _Why do you visit Federal Way Parks? Trail Walking / Running = 13 Biking /Skating = 8 Playground Equipment = 7 Tourism / Relaxation = 6 Special Events = 13 Dog Walking = 8 Sports Activities = 8 Fishing = 0 Volunteering = 1 General Exercise = 9 Write — In = 0 Federal aozk�� y PCITY AU, RKS5 RECREATION What is your overall opinion about Federal Way arks? Excellent = 5 Very Good = 12 Fair = 2 Poor = 0 No opinion = 0 No comment = 1 What is your overall opinion about Federal Way la rounds? Excellent = 3 Very Good = 12 Fair = 3 Poor = 0 No opinion = 1 No comment = 1 Is there any specific park orequipment ou consider a )riority for improvement? "We need an inclusive playground" "More restrooms" "Soccer fields are regularly trashed" "Playground equipment for adults" "safety" "Accessibility / Arts in the Parks" "Federal Way Pool" "Federal Way Pool" "Running Trail" "Benches" "Something for girls — skate park" Is there any specific park equipment ou would like to see more of? "Water fountains" "Inclusive neurodivergent playground" "Pickleball Courts" "Clean Honey Bucket" "Archery Range / Lifeguards "Fitness trail / Obstacle course" "Exercise / Neurodivergence accessible" "Nice Playground" "Zip Lines" "Restrooms" "Neurodivergent parks" CITY OF Federal Way t::�PARKSO RECREATION Have you or any member of your household ever participated in an event or program organized in our parks? Yes, often = 7 Yes, sometimes = 7 No, never = 6 How safe do you feel in Federal Way arks? Extremely safe = 3 Very safe = 7 Somewhat safe = 10 Not very safe = 0 Not safe at all = 0 Please write down any ideas to improve park features, services, programming, etc. "Great Parks!" "Better park at Celebration. More work on BPA Trail like repaving" "Grew up in Federal Way, raising family here. Love this town and love the investments in our parks!" "Nothing in particular" "Curb appeal" "More sports programs through the Community Center and not third -party vendors" "Art in the Park / Sculpture" "At times bathrooms at Town Center are not functional. More open hours for lazy river. More Tai Chi and Yoga classes" "I got nothing" "We need an inclusive playground" "Keep up the good work — love our Federal Way Parks!" "Not safe at night at Steel Lake" "Cleaner Parks and better safety" "Seating furnished on a permanent basis"