09-12-24 Agenda OUR MISSION: To advise City government to ensure Federal Way is a community that is united amidst diversity, where everyone is equally respected, valued, needed, and cherished. Equality is not sameness; it is equivalent value. Staff: Chris Grier, Human Services Manager and Victoria Banks, Administrative Assistant *TIMES ARE ESTIMATES ONLY* REGULAR MEETING Agenda Hylebos Room Thursday, September 12, 2024 5:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. Notice: Meetings are held in-person. To request an accommodation to attend, please contact Victoria Banks, victoria.banks@federalwaywa.gov, 253-835-2604 no later than close of business the day before the meeting. 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. INTRODUCTION: Commissioners/Staff 3. PUBLIC COMMENTS (2 Minutes/person): 4. COMMISSION BUSINESS: 5. STAFF COMMENTS (10 minutes) 6. COMMISSIONER COMMENTS (10 min - 2 minutes/Commissioner) 7. NEXT MEETING • October 10, 2024, 5:30 p.m. in the Hylebos Conference Room at City Hall in Federal Way, WA 8. ADJOURN MEETING ZOOM LINK: https://cityoffederalway.zoom.us/j/85356860221?pwd=R1p1Zm9xLzB4VkdsN3lYYzJzc3Vvdz09 Item Action/Info/Discussion *Est. Time Presenter A. Approval of Minutes (August 2024) Action 3 Min Chair Abdullah B. Sound Transit Info 10 Min Kathy Leotta C. Conna Park Renaming Info 10 Min Brian Davis D. MLK Event Info 10 Min Commissioner Walker E. Representative Roger Freeman Award Info 7 Min Chair Abdullah F. Comprehensive Plan Discussion 10 Min Chair Abdullah G. DEI Consultant Update Discussion 10 Min. Chris Grier H. Human Resources DEI Policies Discussion 10 Min. Vice-Chair Rogers J. City-wide Cultural Calendar Discussion 10 Min. Vice-Chair Rogers