09-03-2024 Council Minutes - RegularCITY OF �. Federal Way Centered on Opportunity CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING MINUTES City Hall - Council Chambers September 3, 2024 - 6:30 p.m. 1. CALL MEETING TO ORDER Mayor Ferrell called the meeting to order at 6:31 p.m. City officials in attendance: Mayor Jim Ferrell, Council President Linda Kochmar, Councilmember Lydia Assefa-Dawson, Councilmember Paul McDaniel, Councilmember Susan Honda, Councilmember Hoang Tran, Councilmember Jack Walsh, and Councilmember Jack Dovey. City staff in attendance: City Administrator Brian Davis, City Attorney Ryan Call, and City Clerk Stephanie Courtney. 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Mayor Ferrell invited Boy Scout Troop #361 to lead the flag salute. 3. CEREMONIES & RECOGNITION Members of the Jet Cities Chorus performed "Turn on the Sunshine". Mayor Ferrell acknowledged and presented a certificate of achievement to the Jet Cities Chorus members for their recent achievement. Lindsey Smith accepted the certificate on behalf of the Chorus. 4. MAYOR'S EMERGING ISSUES AND REPORT Police Chief Hwang presented a crime report stating overall crime is down 10%. Chief Hwang highlighted motor vehicle theft is down 47% and drug offenses are up 1275%. There has been a significant reduction in specific crimes since reinstating the pursuit policy (12113). The Chief also provided back to school safety reminders. Public Works Director EJ Walsh provided a traffic safety update regarding the intersection of SW 320th St & 21It Ave SW. He provided specific data from this intersection and noted motor vehicle accidents are up across the state. Mayor Ferrell highlighted recent events in the community including the Lion's Club Car Show on August 17, a visit from Congressman Adam Smith on August 23, and the free back to school haircuts for kids' event at Town Square Park on August 27. He promoted multiple upcoming events including the Kiwanis Golf Tournament on September 6, free shredding events at the PAEC, and the King County Tool Library on September 14. Federal Way City Council Regular Minutes Page 9 of 8 September 3, 2024 Council President Kochmar noted the meet and greet with Councilmembers and School Board members has been rescheduled to October 5. Diversity Commission Chair Saudia Abdullah provided a report on the successful Federal Way Community Festival. She thanked those that attended and helped put this community event together. 5. PUBLIC COMMENT Greg McCann, Troop #361 Assistant Scout Master stated the importance of scouting which helps develop future business and community leaders. Dara Mandeville appreciated the crime report, acknowledging the important of the pursuit laws. She promoted volunteer clean-up events and asked the Council address the vagrancy surrounding the Day Center. Ken Blevens is concerned with the level of vagrancy and drug use at the Day Center. Geoffrey Tancredi would like to see the Day Center closed and would like to see treatment facilities for those dealing with mental health and drug addiction. Anna Patrick is supportive of strict language on recreational vehicles on city streets. Mary Ehlis and Gerry Knutson promoted Historical Society events and the open house at Camp Kilworth, the city's first landmark. Bryson Fico supports criminal justice reform and spoke to the lack of arruidable Iiuusiiiy. Saudia Abdullah provided information regarding an unfortunate incident at the Community Festival; a Code of Conduct will be required for next year's event. Juan Juarez provided information on an alarming incident at the Day Center while dropping off donations with family. Betty Taylor believes the revised code sections relating to commissions should be provided to individuals newly appointed. 6. COUNCIL COMMITTEE AND REGIONAL COMMITTEE REPORTS Parks/Recreation/Human Services/Public Safety Committee (PRHSPS) Councilmember Walsh noted the next committee meeting will be on Tuesday, September 10 and reported on community events he is attending. Land Use/Transportation Committee (LUTC) Councilmember Dovey noted the next committee meeting will be Monday, September 9 due to the holiday; the agenda includes a presentation from Sound Transit. Finance, Economic Development Regional Affairs Committee (FEDRAC) Councilmember Tran reported the next meeting will be September 24 at 5:00 p.m. Lodging Tax Advisory Committee (LTAC) Councilmember Assefa-Dawson noted Council interviewed applicants for Commissions however they will not be making appointments for LTAC tonight. The next committee meeting will be September 10. Federal Way City Council Regular Minutes Page 2 of 8 September 3, 2024 Regional Committees Report Councilmember Honda provided information from various regional Boards and Committees she attends including Sound Cities Association, South King County DVI Task Force, and the Joint Transportation Meeting at PSRC. She promoted the upcoming Senior Connection meeting on September 18 and the meet and greet with Councilmembers and School Board Members on October 5. Council President Report Council President Kochmar shared a personal story about frustrating experiences in her life, both past and present, when she has been underestimated because of her gender. At 8:24 p.m. Mayor Ferrell announced brief 5-minute recess. The meeting was reconvened at 8:32 p.m. 7. CONSENT AGENDA a. Minutes: August 13, 2024 Regular and Special Meeting Minutes b. 2025-2027 Solid Waste and Recycling Grant Approvals c. ADA Retrofit Program — 85% Status and Authorization to Bid d. 2021 Storm Drain CCTV Inspection and Assessment — Project Acceptance COUNCIL PRESIDENT KOCHMAR MOVED APPROVAL OF THE CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS (A) - (D); SECOND BY COUNCILMEMBER WALSH. The motion passed unanimously as follows: Council President Kochmar yes Councilmember Assefa-Dawson yes Councilmember McDaniel yes Councilmember Honda yes 8. PUBLIC HEARING Councilmember Tran yes Councilmember Walsh yes Councilmember Dovey yes a. Council Bill #884: Ordinance/Proposed FWRC Title 19 Amendments to the Parking of Recreational Vehicles on Residential Properties* Mayor opened the public hearing at 8:33 p.m. Community Development Director Keith Niven presented information on the proposed ordinance that addresses recreational vehicles making it more reasonable for residents to park and store RV on their properties. Public Comment: Barbara Marsh feels she has been heard and the ordinance is a good thing; she appreciates a city that listens. COUNCILMEMBER DOVEY MOVED TO CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING; SECOND BY COUNCILMEMBER ASSEFA-DAWSON. Councilmembers thanked Director Niven for the presentation and Ms. Marsh for bringing this issue forward. Clarifying questions regarding unlicensed and inoperable vehicles were asked. The motion to close the public hearing passed unanimously as follows: Council President Kochmar yes Councilmember Tran yes Federal Way City Council Regular Minutes Page 3 of 8 September 3, 2024 CouncilmemberAssefa-Dawson yes Councilmember Walsh yes Councilmember McDaniel yes Councilmember Dovey yes Councilmember Honda yes 9. COUNCIL BUSINESS a. Washington Military Dept of Emergency Division Extreme Weather Response Grant Funds Application Agreement Human Services Coordinator Layelah Wilson provided an overview of this grant application which was previously approved by Council on July 2. One additional step was identified and is a requirement to complete the application. COUNCILMEMBER WALSH MOVED TO APPROVE THE PROPOSED WASHINGTON MILITARY DEPARTMENT OF EMERGENCY DIVISION EXTREME WEATHER RESPONSE GRANT FUNDS APPLICATION AGREEMENT, AND AUTHORIZE THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE SAID AGREEMENT; SECOND BY COUNCILMEMBER DOVEY. The motion passed unanimously as follows: Council President Kochmar yes Councilmember Tran yes CouncilmemberAssefa-Dawson yes Councilmember Walsh yes Councilmember McDaniel yes Councilmember Dovey yes Councilmember Honda yes b. Proposed 2022-2024 Collective Bargaining Agreement with Teamsters Local 117 representing Lieutenants Human Resources Director Vanessa Audett provided information regarding the proposed 2022-2024 Collective Bargaining Agreement with Teamsters Local 117 representing Lieutenants. The previous agreement expired on 12.31.2021 and the negotiating team reached this tentative agreement prior to entering interest arbitration. She provided a summary of changes and noted the contract conforms with previous authority. COUNCIL PRESIDENT KOCHMAR MOVED TO APPROVE THE PROPOSED 2022-2024 COLLECTIVE BARGAINING AGREEMENT WITH TEAMSTERS LOCAL 117 REPRESENTING LIEUTENANTS, AND AUTHORIZE THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE SAID AGREEMENT; SECOND BY COUNCILMEMBER ASSEFA-DAWSON. The motion passed unanimously as follows: Council President Kochmar yes CouncilmemberAssefa-Dawson yes Councilmember McDaniel yes Councilmember Honda yes c. Planning Commission Appointment(s) Councilmember Tran yes Councilmember Walsh yes Councilmember Dovey yes COUNCILMEMBER DOVEY MOVED THE FOLLOWING APPOINTMENTS TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION: JIM STILES (POSITION 1) AS A VOTING MEMBER FOR A TERM TO EXPIRE SEPTEMBER 30, 2028; AND TIM O'NEIL (POSITION 3) AS A VOTING MEMBER FOR A TERM TO EXPIRE SEPTEMBER 30, 2028; SECOND BY COUNCILMEMBER WALSH. The motion passed unanimously as follows: Federal Way City Council Regular Minutes Page 4 of 8 September 3, 2024 Council President Kochmar yes CouncilmemberAssefa-Dawson yes Councilmember McDaniel yes Councilmember Honda yes d. Human Services Commission Appointment(s) Councilmember Tran yes Councilmember Walsh yes Councilmember Dovey yes COUNCILMEMBER WALSH MOVED THE FOLLOWING APPOINTMENTS TO THE HUMAN SERVICES COMMISSION: DON PALUMBO (POSITION 3) AS A VOTING MEMBER FOR A TERM TO EXPIRE JANUARY 31, 2027; AND DONNA ARNOLD (POSITION 7) AS A VOTING MEMBER FOR A TERM TO EXPIRE JANUARY 31, 2026; SECOND BY COUNCILMEMBER TRAN. The motion passed unanimously as follows: Council President Kochmar yes CouncilmemberAssefa-Dawson yes Councilmember McDaniel yes Councilmember Honda yes e. Senior Advisory Commission Appointment(s) Councilmember Tran yes Councilmember Walsh yes Councilmember Dovey yes COUNCILMEMBER HONDA MOVED THE FOLLOWING APPOINTMENTS TO THE SENIOR ADVISORY COMMISSION: TAMMY DZIAK (POSITION 4) AS A VOTING MEMBER FOR A TERM TO EXPIRE AUGUST 31, 2027; LANA BOSTIC (POSITION 5) AS A VOTING MEMBER FOR A TERM TO EXPIRE AUGUST 31, 2027; AND CATHERINE NORTH (POSITION 6) AS A VOTING MEMBER FOR A TERM TO EXPIRE AUGUST 31, 2027; SECOND BY COUNCILMEMBER TRAN. The motion passed unanimously as follows: Council President Kochmar yes CouncilmemberAssefa-Dawson yes Councilmember McDaniel yes Councilmember Honda yes f. Ethics Board Appointment(s) Councilmember Tran yes Councilmember Walsh yes Councilmember Dovey yes COUNCIL PRESIDENT KOCHMAR MOVED THE FOLLOWING APPOINTMENTS TO THE ETHICS BOARD: JAIME GOMEZ-BELTRAN (POSITION 1) AS A VOTING MEMBER FOR A TERM TO EXPIRE JUNE 30, 2026; KAREN KIRKPATRICK (POSITION 2) AS A VOTING MEMBER FOR A TERM TO EXPIRE JUNE 30, 2027; SECOND BY COUNCILMEMBER TRAN. The motion passed unanimously as follows: Council President Kochmar yes CouncilmemberAssefa-Dawson yes Councilmember McDaniel yes Councilmember Honda yes g. Youth Commission Appointment(s) Councilmember Tran yes Councilmember Walsh yes Councilmember Dovey yes COUNCILMEMBER WALSH MOVED THE FOLLOWING APPOINTMENTS TO THE YOUTH COMMISSION: SIENNA MAYO (POSITION 2) AS A VOTING MEMBER FOR A TERM TO EXPIRE AUGUST 31, 2026;- AND SATINDER GREWAL (POSITION 4) AS A VOTING MEMBER FOR A TERM TO EXPIRE AUGUST 31, 2026; SECOND BY COUNCILMEMBER MCDANIEL. The motion passed unanimously as follows: Federal Way City Council Regular Minutes Page 5 of 8 September 3, 2024 Council President Kochmar yes Councilmember Tran yes CouncilmemberAssefa-Dawson yes Councilmember Walsh yes Councilmember McDaniel yes Councilmember Dovey yes Councilmember Honda yes h. Lodging Tax Advisory Committee Appointments No action taken on this item. i. Diversity Commission Appointment COUNCILMEMBER WALSH MOVED THE FOLLOWING APPOINTMENTS TO THE DIVERSITY COMMISSION: DONNA ARNOLD (POSITION 8) AS A VOTING MEMBER FOR A TERM TO EXPIRE MAY 31, 2026; AND JAIME GOMEZ-BELTRAN (POSITION 9) AS A VOTING MEMBER FOR A TERM TO EXPIRE MAY 31, 2026; SECOND BY COUNCIL PRESIDENT KOCHMAR. The motion passed unanimously as follows: Council President Kochmar yes CouncilmemberAssefa-Dawson yes Councilmember McDaniel yes Councilmember Honda yes 10. ORDINANCES Councilmember Tran yes Councilmember Walsh yes Councilmember Dovey yes First Reading a. Council Bill #884/Ordinance: FWRC Title 19 Amendments to the Parkina of Recreational Vehicles on Residential Properties AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF FEDERAL WAY, WASHINGTON, RELATING TO REGULATING THE PARKING OF RECREATIONAL VEHICLES, UTILITY TRAILERS, AND BOATS IN RESIDENTIAL ZONES; AMENDING FWRC 19.05.210, 19.130.260, AND 19.130.290, AND REPEALING FWRC 19.130.270 AND 19.130.280 (Amending Ordinance Nos. 90-43, 00-375, 04- 457, 09-593, 09-595, 09-607, 09-610, and 13-754). No additional presentation was made or public comments received following the public hearing earlier in the meeting. City Clerk Stephanie Courtney read ordinance title into the record. COUNCILMEMBER DOVEY MOVED TO FORWARD THE PROPOSED ORDINANCE TO THE SEPTEMBER 17, 2024 COUNCIL MEETING FOR SECOND READING AND ENACTMENT; SECOND BY COUNCILMEMBER WALSH. Council asked various clarifying questions regarding specific scenarios. The motion passed unanimously as follows: Council President Kochmar yes Councilmember Tran yes CouncilmemberAssefa-Dawson yes Councilmember Walsh yes Councilmember McDaniel yes Councilmember Dovey yes Councilmember Honda yes Federal Way City Council Regular Minutes Page 6 of 8 September 3, 2024 Second Reading/Enactment b. Council Bill #881/Ordinance: 2023-2024 Biennial Budget Amendment AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF FEDERAL WAY, WASHINGTON RELATING TO AMENDING THE 2023-2024 BIENNIAL BUDGET. (Amending Ordinance Nos. 22-941, 23-959, 23-974 and 24- 986) City Clerk Stephanie Courtney read ordinance title into the record. COUNCILMEMBER TRAN MOVED APPROVAL OF THE PROPOSED ORDINANCE; SECOND BY COUNCILMEMBER WALSH. The motion passed unanimously as follows: Council President Kochmar yes Councilmember Tran yes CouncilmemberAssefa-Dawson yes Councilmember Walsh yes Councilmember McDaniel yes Councilmember Dovey yes Councilmember Honda yes c. Council Bill #882/Ordinance: Setting Municipal Court ,fudge Salary - AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF FEDERAL WAY, WASHINGTON, RELATING TO FIXING THE SALARY OF MUNICIPAL COURT JUDGES; AMENDING FWRC 2.29.050 (Amending Ordinance Nos. 99-339, 01-397, 05-484, and 05-494). City Clerk Stephanie Courtney read ordinance title into the record. COUNCILMEMBER TRAN MOVED APPROVAL OF THE PROPOSED ORDINANCE; SECOND BY COUNCIL PRESIDENT KOCHMAR. The motion passed unanimously as follows: Council President Kochmar yes Councilmember Tran yes CouncilmemberAssefa-Dawson yes Councilmember Walsh yes Councilmember McDaniel yes Councilmember Dovey yes Councilmember Honda yes d. Council Bill #883/Ordinance: Revisina FWRC 8.50.010 Relatinq to Parkinq Recreational Vehicles on City Streets AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF FEDERAL WAY, WASHINGTON, RELATING TO RECREATIONAL VEHICLES PARKING ON CITY STREETS; AMENDING FWRC 8.50.010. (Amending Ordinance no. 24-983) COUNCILMEMBER DOVEY MOVED TO REMAND THIS ITEM BACK TO LUTC COMMITTEE FOR FURTHER DISCUSSION AT THE NEXT COMMITTEE MEETING; SECOND BY COUNCILMEMBER WALSH. The motion passed unanimously as follows: Council President Kochmar yes Councilmember Tran yes CouncilmemberAssefa-Dawson yes Councilmember Walsh yes Councilmember McDaniel yes Councilmember Dovey yes Councilmember Honda yes 11. COUNCIL REPORTS Councilmember Assefa-Dawson suggested moving public comment and commission appointments forward on the agenda in the future so that people don't leave the meeting. Councilmember McDaniel reported on his experience of attending the Human Services Commission and their grant review process, thanking them for their work. He is concerned at the Federal Way City Council Regular Minutes Page 7 of 8 September3, 2024 amount small businesses are paying to replace broken windows. Councilmember Honda reported on various upcoming events in the community including the Kiwanis Charity Golf Tournament, Federal Way Soroptimist Blingo, and the Tool Library Recycle and Shred Event. Councilmember Tran had no report. Councilmember Walsh thanked those that supported his small business over the years and those that came by for his last day; he felt a great sense of community. Councilmember Dovey suggested the city partner with the school district for free community events at the Community Center. Council President Kochmar will be attending the Chamber meeting. 12. EXECUTIVE SESSION i rnllontiye BaFgainilRg f7i F661a 111 i1 'i 30 'I n#-t .�-, not nee e . 13. ADJOURNMENT There being nothing further on the agenda; the regular meeting was adjourned at 9:18 p. M. Attest: �6d'mt&ik Sianie Courtney, MMt, CPRO City Clerk Approved by Council: OQ-t7-ow Federal Way City Council Regular Minutes Page 8 of 8 September 3, 2024