3d- Performing Arts and Event Center Update50 Furniture, Fixtures and Equipment Furniture, Fixtures & Equipment Stage Draperies Production Lighting Equipment Audio Video and communications equipment Rose Brand $ 49,o98.94 Pacific Northwest Theatre Associates (PNTA) Morgan Sound, Inc. $ 79,215.43 $115, 516.47 Furniture, Fixtures & Equipment Mayor recommends: Authorize staff to award the Performing Arts & Event Center stage draperies to Rose Brand, the lowest responsive, responsible quote in the amount of $49,098.94 and authorize the Mayor to execute the contract. Mayor recommends: Authorize staff to award the Performing Arts & Event Center production lighting equipment to Pacific Northwest Theatre Associates, Inc., the lowest, responsive quote in the amount of $ 79,215.43 and authorize the Mayor to execute the contract. Mayor recommends: Authorize staff to award the Performing Arts & Event Center audio video and communications equipment to the lowest responsive, responsible quote in the amount of$115,516.47and authorize the Mayor to execute the contract.