7b- ROW Landscape Maintenance Contract Bid AwardCITY OF Federal Wa 2017-2018 RIGHT OF WAY LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE SERVICES BID AWARD CITY OF Federal Wa • POLICY QUESTION: Should the Council award the 2017-2018 Right of Way Landscape Maintenance Contract to the lowest responsive, responsible bidder? CITY OF Federal Wa BACKGROUND: The current landscape contractor, SMS — Superior Maintenance Solutions, LLC terminated their contract effective June 12, 2017 Three (3) bids were received and opened on June 7, 2017 for the 2017- 2018 Right of Way Landscaping Maintenance Contract. Company Macmor, Inc. Avalon Contracting, Inc. Osaka Garden, Inc. *Bid Amount for 12 months only Available 2017 Budget Amount Bid Amount* $ 2649610.00 $ 42%838.29 $ 432,714.00 $ 283,342.00 CITY OF Federal Wa Past contractors that preformed this service: Landscape Maintenance plus Litter, Garbage and Recce Osaka Gardens Services 2016 cost $244, 147.72 CITY OF Federal Wa Responsible Bidder Review • Staff met with Macmor, Inc. to confirm they understood the scope of services and contract requirements. • Macmor, Inc. has been performing as a subcontractor under the city's landscape contractor (SMS) for the past month and has proven to have the equipment and labor resources to perform the work. Staff has been satisfied with their work. CITY OF Federal Wa 2017-2018 Contract Award July 1 — Dec 31, 2017 $ 136,545.00 Jan 1 — Dec 31, 2018 $ 2645610.00 TOTAL $ 4019155.00 Available Budget (2017-2018) $430,000.00 CITY OF Federal Wa OPTIONS CONSIDERED: 1. Award the 2017-2018 Right of Way Landscape Maintenance Contract to Macmor, Inc., the lowest responsive, responsible bidder, in the amount of $401 , 155.00 and authorize the Mayor to execute the contract. 2. Reject the bids for the 2017-2018 Right of Way Landscape Maintenance Contract and direct staff to rebid the project and return to Committee and Council for further action. CITY OF Federal Wa MAYOR'S RECOMMENDATION: The Mayor recommends approving Option 1. Public Works: ,t'lderal Streets • Traffic • Development Services Solid Waste • Surface Water Management