6b - Military Rd S and S 298th St Compact Roundabout ProjectPublic Works: LiatULA= Streets • Traffic 9 Development Services Solid Waste • Surface Water Management CIT Federal Wa POLICY QUESTION: Should the Council authorize staff to proceed with the design of the Military Rd S / S 298th St Compact Roundabout Project and return to LUTC and Council at the 85% design completion for further reports and authorization? 11.21.2017 2 CIT Federal Wa BACKGROUND: • This project will construct a compact roundabout with fully mountable center island at the intersection of Military Rd S / S 298th St largely within the existing pavement area; providing additional sidewalks, illumination, and ADA ramps. • Staff anticipates bidding this project in Spring 2018 and construction starting in Summer 2018. 11.21.2017 3 UII:jr+ Public Works: Streets • Traffic 9 Development Services Solid Waste • Surface Water Management 4 r, CIT Federal Wa [OGRESS TO DATE: Topographical Surveys &Utility Mapping Project Design to 30% Draft Traffic Analysis Report, Illumination Design, and Surface Water Technical Memo ONGOING TASKS: • Preliminary Contract Specifications • Project Design to 85% • ROW Plans & Acquisitions 11.21.2017 i f WAR ed Feral Wa 30% Design: 8 I 11.21.2017 CIT Federal Wa 30% Design: -- -AD __ j'- M' 1 AR 1 i5 r Y 1r; k k1p I r i 11.21.2017 CIT Federal Wa ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES: Consultant Design Right -Of -Way Construction Cost 10% Construction Contingency Construction Management (In -House) Total Project Costs $ 122,011 $ 50,000 $ 6901000 $ 691000 $ 9319011 11.21.2017 8 CIT Federal Wa AVAILABLE FUNDING: WSDOT Safety Grant $ 7231092 Budgeted City Funds $ 80,344 Total Available Budget $ 8039436 Project Budget Shortfall of $-127,575 As we proceed with the project design, the total project costs will be refined and presented to the Committee and Council at the 85% design completion status report for further action. 11.21.2017 0 CIT Federal Wa OPTIONS CONSIDERED: 1. Authorize staff to proceed with the design of the Military Rd S / S 298th St Compact Roundabout Project and return to the LUTC and Council at the 85% design completion for further reports and authorization. 2. Do not authorize staff to proceed with finalizing the present design of this project and provide direction to staff. 11.21.2017 10 CIT Federal Wa RECOMMENDATIONS: The Mayor recommended that the Land -Use & Transportation Committee forward Option 1 to the November 21, 2017 City Council Consent Agenda for approval. On 11 /6/2017 the Land -Use & Transportation Committee agreed and recommended Option 1 for approval. 11.21.2017 11 Public Works: LiatULA= Streets • Traffic 9 Development Services Solid Waste • Surface Water Management