21-102014-Permit Application-05-21-2021-V1CITY OF Fs' deirnC'Turay PERMIT APPLICATION PERMIT CENTER + 33325 81" Avenue South + Federal Way, WA 98003-6325 253-835-2607 + FAX 253-835-2609 + permilcetitor@ci(yoffedcralway.com ci(yoffederalway.com PERMIT NUMBER � J 1- 1 0 a 0 j C7` j __ 6�A — _ � TARGET DATE _6! 1 12021 SITE ADDRESS SUITEIUNiT # 5018 SW 310 th. ST. Federal Way, Wa. 98023 PROJECT VALUATION 1A)NING ASSESSOR'S TAXIPARCEL 9 $ 15,000.00 1840900050 - TYPE OF PERMIT X BUILDING ❑ PLUMBING ❑ MECHANICAL ❑ DEMOLITION ❑ ENGINEERING ❑ FIRE PREVENTION NAME OF PROJECT Existing Deck Rebuild, Two each. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Detailed descripiian nfwork to Rebuild two existing decks located on West side of Residence. Large Deck, 514sq ft.; Small deck, 129 sq. feet. Both decks have entry from residence main floor. Both decks are approx. 8' high above concrete patio and walkway at residence be included on this permil only lower level. NAME Robert Feay and Penelope Collins -Feat' PRIMARY PHONE 206 310 7599 PROPERTY OWNER MAILING ADDRESS EMAIL 5018 SW 310th ST bobreay(a)RmalLcom CITY Federal Way STATE Zip 98023 Wfl NAME PI[ONE 51%]LING %DnRF.55 CONTRACTOR CITY STAl'E Tip FAX WA STATE CONMW7rOa'5 LICENSE a EXPIRATION DATE URI a DAME Robert Feat' PRIMARY PHONE 206 310 7599 APPLICANT ntAILINGAouRLSS Robert Feay E-MAIL bobreay(a'GlRail.CU@ CITY Federal Way STATR zIr 98023 FAX Wa NAME Robert Fcay — PRislnaY PuuN; 2416 310 7599 PROJECT CONTACT (The individual to receive and respond h AnJNG ADDRESS 5018 SW 310th ST I. NIAIL bobrea.v(q%nr.Iil.crnn to all correspondence concerning this CITY Federal Way SIA"IT WA Z, 08023 FAX application) PROJECT FINANCING NAME X OWNFR-FINANCED When value is$5,000ormare MAILINC'.ADDREYS,CITY, SrAIE,ZIP PRONE (RCP' 19.77.095) I certify under penalty of perjury that I ant the property owner or authorized ugent of the praperty owner. I certify that to the best of my knowledge, the information submitted in support of this permit application is trite and correct. I certify that I will coutply with all applicable City of Federal Way regulations pertaining to the work authorized by the issuance ofa permil. I understand that the ixsriance of this permit does not remove tire owner's responsibility for compliance with local, state, or federal laws regularing construction or environmental taws. I further agree to hold haroless the City of Federal Way as to any clahn (Including costs, expenses, and attorneys' fees incurred in the investigation and defense of such claim), which bury be tirade by any person, including the undersigned and filed against the city, but only where such claim arises out of the reliance of the city, including its officers and employees, upon the accuracy of fhe information supplied to the city as a part of this application. SIGNATURE: DATE2,: PRINT NAME: Robert A. Feat' Bulletin # 100 —February 19, 2020 Page 1 of 2 k:IHandoutslPermit Application MECHANICAL PERMIT VAI.UI,OFMECHANICAL WORK $ Indicate hmP many of each type o azure to be installed or relocated as part o this project. Do not include existin Ixtures to remain. AIR HANDLING UNITS _ _ AIR CONDITIONER _ BOILERS — _ COMPRESSORS DUCTING FANS FIREPLACE INSERTS FURNACES GAS LOG SETS GAS PIPING — GAS PIPE OUTLETS — HOODSIo,,,—i, ,, _ HOT WATER TANKS,;, REFRIGERATION SYST WOODSTOVES OTHER (Describe) PLUMBING PERMIT VALUE OFPLUMBIR'G WORK Indicate how many o each type offiature to be installed or relocated as part o thu• project. Do not include existin enures to remain. _ BATHTUBS (m r„Nsi„,m Can ) — _ DISHWASHERS — _ DRAINS DRINKING FOUNTAINS HOSE HIBBS LAVS,R,.,,Ao RAINWATER SYSTEMS SHOWERS SINKS I.11 1v 1111) SUMPS TOILETS URINALS VACUUM BREAKERS WATER HEATERS (Pimnn WASHINGMACHINES WATER PIPING OTHER(Desmbe) TOTAL FIXTURES RESIDENTIAL - NEW OR ADDITION AREA DESCRIPTION (in square feet) EXISTING PROPOSED TOTAL FOR OFFICE USE BASEMENT FIRST FLOOR (or Mobile Home) _.._. . .... SECOND FLOOR COVEREDENTRY DECK 129 sq R & 500 sq ft. 129sq Ft & 514 W Ft 643 sq Ft GARAGE ❑ CARPORT ❑ OTHER (describe) Area Totals F.%L1"111G PRUPUSh:R TOl'A1. '*NEJF 110111ES ONLY-' ESTIMATED SELLING PRICE $ 1 # OF BEDROOMS COMMERCIAL - REMODEL/TENANT IMPROVEMENTS AREA DESCRIPTION Area in Square Feet Occupancy Group P Y PW Construction Type # of Stories Additional Information TOTAL BUILDING TENANT AREA ONLY PROJECT AREA ONLY Bulletin #100 — February 19, 2020 Page 2 of 2 k:\Handouts\Permit Application