08-09-2022 - 07-24 21:14 Holly RoseCITY OF ,Zk,, Federal Way Centered on Opportunity Public Comment - Written Meeting Type: Council - Regular Meeting Meeting Date: August 9, 2022 Name: Holly Rose Resident/Business Owner: �✓ Yes ❑ No Comment Topic: Do not remove public space Written Comment: It has come to my attention that public parks are going to be removed. Why? The public needs open space to go to in order to live full, well rounded, happy lives. By removing public parks, the city's residents are being forced to either stay inside their homes or go to other cities to enjoy their parks and open spaces. And along with that, they are taking their disposable income to other communities as well. Green space is important to human development and mental wellbeing. Too many trees are being clear cut for new apartment buildings while the parks are also now being eliminated. This is the wrong path for our community. Parks bring people together and helps build community. We see and talk to each other, get to know our neighbors, our kids play together, etc. We need our parks. We need MORE parks, not less. Please, if you value the residents of Federal Way, do not eliminate parks but instead build more parks and KEEP THE TREES! We are known as the "evergreen state" but you keep chopping down those evergreens which make us unique! We are quickly turning into any other over built town in the United States. Do not remove parks or trees! Received: 0712412022 09:14