FEDRAC PKT 01-26-1999 t:': ?- " , I \ ltê;v( , , " , - '. ':';) .' :'C¡ City of FederalWay City Council (\" ' ".,' Finance/Economic Development/RegionaL.Affairs COfurlrtttt~ '){~ i" ,') . 'i;" City Hall Mt.St.HelensConference Room Tuesday, January 26, 1999 12 noon Please note conference room location change!! AGENDA -:.- 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. PUBLIC COMMENT 3. COMMISSION COMMENT 4. COMMITTEE BUSINESS A. 'Ar: {~.e. Cff. (E.' (1 F. \-\6: í.-K \..r'. 1. K. L. M. N, 0, Approval of December 8, 1998 Meeting Summary Proposed 1999 Capital Strategic Plan Process (Philip Keightley) Lodging Tax Advisory Committee Report (Iwen Wang) 1999 Solid Waste & Recycling Program Grants Approval (Cary Roe) Contract Renewal with American Janitorial (Mary Faber) Arts Commission 1999 Work Plan (Mary Faber) Arts Commission 1999 Service Contracts (Mary Faber) Replacement of Color Printer -- Use of Replacement Reserve (Mehdi Sadri) TCI/AT&T Merger Resolution (Mehdi Sadri) King Co. Right-of-Entry Agreement for I-Net Connection (Mehdi Sadri) Insurance/Broker Selection (Iwen Wang) Proposed Site Lease Agreement with AirTouch (Bob Sterbank) Legislative/Referendum 49 Update (Derek Matheson) Monthly Financial Report (Marie Mosley) Voucher (Marie Mosley) 5. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS 6. NEXT MEETING: February 23,1999 at 5:30 p.rn. '\ Action Action Action Action Action Action Action Action Action Action Action Action Information Action Action Committee Members: Mary Gates, Chair Jeanne Burbidge Linda Kochmar City Staff: ¡wen Wang, Management Services Director Mal]' Currie-Hicks, Administrative Assistant 11 (253) 661-4061 City of Federal Way CityCouncìl Finance/Economic DevelopmentlRegional Affairs.,Committee December 8, 1998 12 noon City Hall Administration Conference Room SUMMARY Committee in Attendance: Chair Mary Gates; Members Jeanne Burbidge and Linda Kochmar Staff in Attendance: Iwen Wang, Management Services Director, Marj Currie-Hicks, Administrative Assistant; Ken Nyberg, City Manager; Philip Keightley, Deputy City Manager; Derek Matheson, Assistant to City Manager; Mary Faber, Recreation Manager, Rob Ettinger, Dumas Bay Centre Coordinator; Marie Mosley, Deputy Management Services Director; Bob Sterbank, Assistant City Attorney; Mehdi Sadri, Information Systems Manager. Others in Attendance: Mark Freitas, President, Sister City Association, and Fire Commissioner. 1. CALL TO ORDER Chair Gates called the meeting to order at 12:01 p.m. 2. PUBLIC COMMENT \ Mark Freitas, President, Sister City Association, presented himself and said he would be available to answer any questions about the Sister City agenda item.. 3. CO MMISSI 0 N COMMENT There was no commission comment. 4. COMMITTEE BUSINESS Jeanne Burbidge and Mary Gates moved and seconded to add an agenda item regarding the Economic Development Council Board of Directors. All were in favor. The motion passed. a. Approval of the October 27. 1998 Meeting Summary Jeanne Burbidge and Mary Gates moved and seconded to approve the minutes of the October 27, 1998, meeting. Motion passed. b. Contract Renewal with Cafe Pacific Mary Faber presented the first amendment to extend the Cafe Pacific Catering contract for an additional two years for catering services at the Dumas Bay Centre, This amendment includes a minor inflationary increase in the rates for the meal service. Linda Kochmar and Jeanne Burbidge moved and seconded to approve the Cafe Pacific contract renewal for an additional two years. Linda Kochmar remarked that the price is reasonable, but this contract should go out to bid the next time around. Lj¡:¡ ) FinancelEconomic Development/Regional Affairs Committee December 8, 1998 Summary Page 2 c, Proposed Site Lease Agreement with AirTouch This agenda item was pulled and will be placed on the January 26, 1999 agenda. d. Government Access Channel Policies Derek Matheson said that the Government Access Channel is intended to transmit informational programming on City government to all TCI customers residing within the city limits. Linda Kochmar and Jeanne Burbidge moved and seconded to forward to Council a resolution establishing programming guidelines and procedures for managing the operations of the City's government access channel. Mark Freitas, Fire Commissioner, expressed his support for this method of getting informational messages out to the community and likes the opportunity to have cable and that it would allow the Fire District to use this channel too. e. Sister City/Authorization to Negotiate with Tonghae, Korea Derek Matheson said that the Federal Way Sister City Association voted unanimously to recommend that City Council pursue a sister city relationship with the City of Tonghae, Korea. Jeanne Burbidge and Mary Gates moved and seconded to authorize the City Manager to negotiate a sister city affiliation agreement with the city of Tonghae, Korea, and direct that the agreement be brought back to the City Council for final approval. f. Legislative Update Derek Matheson provided an update on legislative happenings. He announced that King County Councilmember Pete Von Reichbauer has been elected Vice Chair of the King County Council and a meeting is scheduled with him on December 9 at 7 a.m. Louise Miller has been elected Chair of the King County Council. Chair Gates requested that Council be kept well- informed on legislative items so they have an opportunity to act quickly on items that may be of interest to Federal Way. g. Suburban Cities Update Philip Keightly gave an update on Suburban Cities. Funding'is being looked into for the Emergency Management System (EMS). There is an evening meeting on December 9 with the Suburban Cities Association. Chair Gates suggested this be placed on the January Council Agenda in order for the City of Federal Way to take a position publicly. h. Broker/Insurance Selection Iwen Wang said that the Broker/Insurance Selection Committee met on November 24 to review the proposals received. After reviewing the options and favorable premiums contained in the one responsive submittal, the Committee recommended that the Council accept the Broker Service proposal from Raleigh Schwarz and Powell and compare the coverage proposed by Hartford and St. Paul, the two companies with the apparent lowest premiums, with the intent to select one of the two for insurance coverage. A three-year rate guarantee is being requested. Staff will complete an analysis of the proposed coverages/exclusions, premiums, references, etc. and will submit the results to Council for action in January 1999. Chair Gates that this it is important in the future that we go to Council to make sure that we select the broker first, then go to market. LfA .J- Finance/Economic Development/Regional Affairs Committee December 8, 1998 Summary Page 3 In response to Councilmember Kochmar's suggestion that earthquake and flood insurance be looked at, Ms, Wang said that will receive earthquake coverage, but not flood, This coverage would be the same as what the City currently has, but with earthquake coverage added. Councilmember Kochmar also suggested that the City look into self-insurance in the future, Jeanne Burbidge and Linda Kochmar moved and seconded to approve and forward to full Council for approval the Selection Committee's recommendation to accept Raleigh Schwarz and Powell's proposal to provide Broker Services; and to accept Hartford and St. Paul as the two finalists for insurance coverage selection. The final selection will be based on evaluation of the firm that provides the most favorable combination of coverages, premiums, and operation flexibility for the City. Motion passed. 1. Monthly Financial Report Marie Mosley presented the Monthly Financial Report (MFR). Linda Kochmar and Jeanne Burbidge moved and seconded to forward the Monthly Financial to full Council for approval. Motion passed. J. Voucher Ms. Mosley presented the vouchers for approval and provided clarification on voucher questions. Jeanne Burbidge and Linda Kochmar moved and seconded to forward the Vouchers to full Council for approval. Motion passed. k. Meeting Schedule for 1999 Linda Kochmar and Jeanne Burbidge moved and seconded to continue meeting on the fourth Tuesday each month in 1999, but will alternate the meeting times between 12 noon and 5:30 p.m., beginning with the Tuesday, January 26,1999 meeting at 12 noon. Motion passed. I. Economic Development Council (new item) Chair Gates mentioned that there is a need for more members on the Economic Development Council (EDC). Mr. Matheson said that nominations could be made at the January 15, 1999, Council meeting. He will get a list of those currently serving on the EDC and get a list of nominees, A short letter from the Mayor endorsing nominees will be added to Council business. EDC members serve staggered three-year teIDlS. 5. NEXT SCHEDULED MEETING Tuesday, January 26, 1999, at 12 noon in the Administration Conference Room. 6. ADJOURN Chair Gates adjourned the meeting at 1 :05 p,m, Recorded by Marj Currie-Hicks 4/:;.3 CITY OF ,.....-. DA TE: 21 January 1999 TO: Capital Strategic Plan FROM: --- SUBJEC' . Background and Need During 1998 budget deliberations, the City Council agreed not to address all capital funding needs in the 1999-2000 budget, but instead to address them in early 1999. City budgets to- date have addressed City operating needs, but have not fully addressed City capital needs on a comprehensive long term strategic basis. Capital projects have tended to be addressed individually when believed needed using available year-end carry-forward funds, GO bonds, special funds, grants and more recent utility tax revenue funds. A significant number of projects are unfunded. The City Council agreed on the need to develop a strategic plan for funding capital improvements. There is the need to provide predictable funding sources so that projects can be prioritized and implemented in a consistent, well planned process with adequate public input prior to construction. We also need policies to best leverage available City funds with grants, loans and bonds. With a strategic plan in place, the decision to proceed with capital projects the City Council determines are the most needed within Federal Way can be initiated and funded as a part of each two-year budget approval process. For example, 2000 budget deliberations would approve the 2001-2002 biennial budget and the capital projects to be initiated in those years. A capital strategic plan developed in 1999 would start the process and become the basis for year 2000 capital budget deliberations and a coordinated capital facilities infrastructure funding process. The capital strategic plan would support the Growth Management Act (GMA) requirements that each year's capital improvement plan be fully funded for its first 3 years. SEPA for any project or category of projects in the capital strategic plan would be addressed through the Surface Water Capital Improvement Plan (CIP), the Transportation Improvement Plan (TIP) and Municipal Facilities Plan approval process in which it is contained. SEP A for the project, when it is actually to be implemented, will also be necessary. G.llills 1. Develop a capital strategic plan to guide the city's infrastructure development; 2. Establish criteria for inclusion, exclusion and prioritization of future capital facilities; L/-- f3 ' I City Council 21 January 1999 Page 2 3. Identify and establish funding policies, goals and process to accomplish the strategic capital plan; 4. Dependent on funds available, identify capital projects that need immediate funding and should be considered in 1999 during mid-biennial adjustments to the 1999-2000 budget. Proposed Process and Schedule: January and February, 1999 . City staff draft a capital strategic plan in accordance with preliminary City Council direction: - Identify revenues available annually for next 10 years. Also identify new sources - Identify capital projects and project categories for consideration - Draft prioritization criteria - Draft a conceptual prioritized expenditure schedule for next 10 years - Make recommendations to the City Council, both short-term and long-term March, 1999 . Appropriate City Boards and Commissions review the draft capital strategic plan . Make recommendation to City Council April, 1999 . City Council Committees review the draft capital strategic plan . Make recommendations to City Council May, 1999 . City Council review and approve the capital strategic plan in concept Recommendations FEDRAC on 1/26/99 recommend that the City Council, on 2/2/99 approve the above goals, process and schedule for a capital strategic plan. ApPROVAL OF COMMITTEEÁCTION: Committee Chair Committee Member Committee Member cc: Management Team L/-B. ~ CITY OF FEDERAL WAY MEMORANDUM To: January 22, 1999 Finance, Economic Development and Regional Affairs Committee Iwen Wang, Management Services Director Date: From: Subject: Lodging Tax Committee Report Backeround: In the City Council budget discussion, the 1 % hotel motel tax was discussed within the context of a proposed funding package. The Council established a Lodging Tax Advisory Committee to review and recommend the implementation and the use of the tax, The Committee held their first official meeting on December 11, 1998, and continued discussions at a second meeting on January 8, 1999. At this meeting a motion was passed urging City Council to implement the tax as soon as possible in order for the tax to be collected in a prompt and timely manner. The Motion further recommended that the City dedicate the lodging tax revenue for tourism-related capital facilities that would provide long-term and lasting benefits for the community. The motion was carried with a 2 to 1 vote. A minority report is attached. The following attachments are included to provide more detail regarding the discussions that took place and their rationale for the Committee's recommendation, along with a minority report. Attachments: . Draft ordinance to enact the tax (pages 4c.3 through 4c.6); . Meeting summary for December 11, 1998, and draft meeting discussion summary for January 8, 1999, meeting (pages 4c.7 through 4c.l0); . Minority Report from Committee Member Bernie Price (page 4c.ll); . "The Facts" of Meydenbauer Center in Bellevue (pages 4c.12 through 4c.14); . Federal Way lodging sales tax history and revenue projection (page 4c.14a); . The proposed use oflodging tax, memorandum from Iwen Wang to Committee dated December 30, 1998 (pages 4c.15 through 4C,17), FEDRAC Committee Action: The FEDRAC Committee could consider among other possibilities the following action options: ]. Forward the Lodging Tax Advisory Committee's report with recommendation to full Council to: . Implement the lodging tax immediately; 4(,. \ FinancelEconomic DevelopmentJRegional Affairs Committee Lodging Tax Committee Report January 21,1999 Page 2 To initiate a market/feasibility of convention/performing arts facility in the downtown Federal Way; and to . Dedicate the revenues to tourism-related capital facilities that would provide long-term benefits to the community. 2. Forward the Lodging Tax Advisory Committee's report without recommendation to full Council. . 3. Forward the Lodging Tax Advisory Committee's report with recommendation to full Council to combine both the majority and minority recommendations to: . Enact the tax immediately for collection effective March 1, 1999; To allow the use for arts, marketing material and economic development activities in 1999/2000 to cultivate a strong client base for the expanding lodging capacity locally by attracting business and leisure travelers/visitors to the community; and To provide funding for a market/feasibility study of convention/performing arts center in the downtown area which will be repaid from the lodging tax should the actual tax collection exceed the current projection; and To include the proposed convention/performing arts center in the capital facility strategic plan process, and pending the positive result of the market/feasibility study, to dedicate future lodging tax revenues for such capital purposes. . . . ApPROVAL OF COW\lITTEE ACTION: Committee Chair Committee Member" ,-- Committee Member K:IFINANCE\*\LT ACREPTDOC 4C ,L. ORDINANCE NO. 99- DR AFT A ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FEDERAL WAY, WASHINGTON, LEVYING A SPECIAL EXCISE TAX OF ONE PERCENT ON THE SALE OR CHARGE MADE FOR THE FURNISHING OF LODGING BY ANY HOTEL, ROOMING HOUSE, TOURIST COURT, HOTEL OR TRAILER CAMP, AND THE GRANTING OF ANY SIMILAR LICENSE TO USE REAL PROPERTY; ESTABLISHING A SPECIAL REVENUE FUND (HOTELfMOTEL TAX NO. 109) FOR THE TAX; PROVIDING PENALTIES FOR NONPAYMENT OF THE TAX OR VIOLATION OF THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE TAX; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; AND ESTABLISHING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, SSE 5867, enacted as Chapter 452, Laws of 1997, provides that cities are authorized to levy and colleët a special excise tax not to exceed four percent on the sale of or charge made for the furnishing oflodging that is subject to tax under Chapter 82.08 RCW; and WHEREAS, SSB 5867, enacted as Chapter 452, Laws of 1997, provides that such tax shall be levied only to pay all or any part of the cost of tourism promotion, acquisition of tourism-related facilities, or operation of a tourism-related facility; and WHEREAS, Ordinance No. 98-322 establishing the City of Federal Way Lodging Tax Advisory Committee was passed by the Federal Way City Council on November 17, 1998; and WHEREAS, Lodging Tax Advisory Committee, after a 45-day review period, provided a recommendation to the City for implementation of an additional one percent lodging tax; and ORD. No, 99-_, Page 1 LJC,3 WHEREAS, the City Council desires to establish and levy such tax for the purposes provided by statute; NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FEDERAL WAY, WASHINGTON, DO HEREBY RESOL VB AS FOLLOWS: Section 1, There is hereby created a special excise tax of one percent on the sale -""Of or charge made for the furnishing of lodging that is subject to tax under Chapter 482.08 RCW. The tax imposed under Chapter 82.08 RCW applies to the sale of or charge made for the furnishing of lodging by a hotel, rooming house, tourist court, motel, or trailer camp, and the granting of any similar license to use real property as distinguished from the renting or leasing of real property. It shall be presumed that the occupancy of real property for a continuous period of ~ one month or more constitutes a rental or lease of real property and not a mere license to use or enjoy the same. Section 2. The definitions of "selling price," "seller," "buyer," "consumer," and all other definitions as are now contained in RCW 82.08.010, and subsequent amendments thereto, are adopted as the definitions for the tax levied in this chapter. Section 3. There is created a special revenue fund (Hotel/Motel Tax No. 109) in the City and all taxes collected under this chapter shall be placed in this fund to be used solely for the purpose of paying all or any part of the cost of tourist promotion, acquisition of tourism- related facilities, or operation of tourism-related facilities or to pay for any other uses as authorized in Chapter 67.28 RCW, as now or hereafter amended. ORD. No. 99--, Page 2 LlC,4- Section 4, For the purposes of the tax levied in this chapter: A. The Department of Revenue is designated as the agent of the City for the purposes of collection and administration of the tax, B, The administrative provisions contained in RCW 82.08.050 through 8.08.070 and in Chapter 82.32 RCW shall apply to administration and collection of the tax by the -Department of Revenue. C. All rules and regulations adopted by the Department of Revenue for the administration of Chapter 82.08 RCWare adopted by reference. D. The Department of Revenue is authorized to prescribe and utilize such forms and reporting procedures as the Department may deem necessary and appropriate. Section 5. It is unlawful for any person, firm, or corporation to violate or fail to comply with any of the provisions of this chapter. Every person convicted of a violation of any provision of this chapter shall be punished by a fine in a sum not to exceed $500.00. Each day of violation shall be considered a separate offense. Section 6, Severability, The provisions of this ordinance are declared separate and severable. The invalidity of any clause, sentence, paragraph, subdivision, section, or portion of this ordinance or the invalidity of the application thereof to any person or circumstance, shall not affect the validity of the remainder of the ordinance, or the validity of its application to other persons or circumstances, Section 7, Ratification. Any act consistent with the authority and prior to the effective date of this ordinance is hereby ratified and affirmed, Section 8, Effective Date, This ordinance shall take effect and be in force five (5) days from and after its passage and publication, as provided by law. ORD, No, 99-_, Page 3 In ". LI~. ...J PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FEDERAL WAY, WASHINGTON, at a Regular Meeting thereof this - day of February, 1999. CITY OF FEDERAL WAY MAYOR, RON GINTZ ATTEST: CITY CLERK, N. CHRISTINE GREEN, CMC APPROVED AS TO FORM: CITY ATTORNEY, LONDI LINDELL FILED WITH THE CITY CLERK: PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL: PUBLISHED: EFFECTIVE DATE: ORDINANCE NO. 99- K:\FINANCE\COUNCIL \L T AXORD.DOC ORD, No, 99-_, Page 4 4C.~ ') ì \NlÞ\i.ti Lodging Tax Advisory December 11, 1998 Committee in Attendance: Chair Mary Gates; Scott Brown, Bernie Price, Laura Wolf Staff in Attendance Iwen Wang, Management Services Director, Susan Clary, Administrative Specialist; Philip Keightley, Deputy City Manager; Derek Matheson, Assistant to City Manager; Greg Moore, Community Development Services Director. Others in Attendance: Debra Coates, Economic Development Executive. 1. CALL TO ORDER Chair Gates called the meeting to order at 10:05 a.m. 2. INTRODUCTIONS Each person present introduced themselves and stated their affiliation. 3. ADOPTION OF BY-LAWS It was m/s/c to adopt by-laws as presented. Staffwill continue to contact committee members with a timely reminder prior to each meeting. 4. ELECT VICE CHAIR Committee member Price ñominated Scott Brown and Committee member Wolf seconded that nomination, It was m/s/c that Scott Brown will serve as vice chair. 5, .. REvæw & PROPOSE REVISIONS TO REVENUE ESTIMATE & PROPOSED USES Management Services Director Wang distributed a lodging tax history and projection for 1992 -2000. She explained the 10% projected increase is due to an increase in the number of rooms in addition to activity that will be brought in by Celebration Park. The Marriott and Holiday Inn have not been added to projections at this time. The estimate is still conservative, Committee member Price asked what would be the result of an overage, or shortfall in the $40K in 1999. Mgmt. SerVices Director Wang stated the projections are conservative enough that there will not be a shortfall. In the event that happens, we may need to use the City Manager's contingency fund. Chair Gates suggested the committee may want to consider using some language in the proposal to council that addresses using the contingency fund in the event of a shortfall. Vice Chair Brown expressed concern with City Council's proposal to use funds for marketing, He feels very strongly that: (1) lodging tax needs to benefit the lodging industry, (2) marketing materials and Economic Development Executive position should be funded by aU taxpayers, not just hotels/motels, (3) should be used for capital projects or for debt service on capital projects and (4) should consider public-private partnerships, The City agrees with Vice Chair Brown about the need for long term thinking, The current council proposals are not intended to be long term, just] 999/2000, 6, NEXT MEETING January 8, 1999, ] 0:00 a,m., Administration Conference Room Li Ct 7 @~ City of Federal Way City Council Lodging Tax Advisory Committee January 8, 1999 10:00 a.m. City Hall Administration Conference Room SUMMARY --Committee in Attendance: Chair Mary Gates; Vice Chair Scott Brown, Laura Wolf, Bernie Price. Staff in Attendance: Iwen Wang, Management Services Director, Marj Currie-Hicks, Administrative Assistant; Jenny Schroder, Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services Director. Others in Attendance: Debra Coates, Economic Development Executive; Joann Piquette, Arts Commission; H. David Kaplan, Parks and Recreation Commission; Barbara Clements, Tacoma News Tribune. 1. CALL TO ORDER Chair Gates called the meeting to order at 10:03 a.m. 2. PUBLIC COMMENT There were no public comments. 3. COMMISSION COMMENT H. David Kaplan, Parks and Recreation Commission, congratulated the Committee on its fine work. Joanne Piquette, Arts Commission, gave an update on the activities at the Knutzen Family Theatre. 4. COMMITTEE BUSINESS The Committee agreed to re-order the agenda business. a. Approval of December 11, 1998 Meetine Summary Committee Member Price and Vice Chair Brown moved and seconded to approve the summary of the December 11, 1998 meeting. Motion passed. b. Elect Two Members With One-Year Terms Committee member terms were drawn by lot. Vice Chair Brown and Committee Member Price will serve two-year terms and Committee Members Wolf and Moore will serve one-year terms. b. Review Proposed Tax Estimate And Proposed Uses PRCS Director Schroder said there are a number of parks and recreation programs that attract people to the City of Federal Way, such as Red, White and Blues event, Family Fest, future traveling sports tournaments at Celebration Park, Theatre events, etc. Some new community events may also be planned when funds become available. The lodging tax could provide an opportunity to continue support or expansion of existing events and/or assist in the development of new events to attract visitors to the City. LfC.7/ Lodging Tax Advisory Committee January 8, 1999 Page 2 Joann Piquette responded to Committee Member Price's enquiry about the Arts Commission newsletter being distributed to the community. Ms. Piquette said this newsletter is distributed in March and September; however, only one mailing would be possible if the revised budget is not adopted. Debra Coates, Economic Development Executive, stated that the following information is provided in answer to a question from the December 11, 1998 meeting. According to the job description of the Economic Development Executive position, the primary work from an economic development standpoint is to create an identifiable city center. She elaborated on the draft Scope of Work for the Downtown Revitalization Program. Many facets would contribute to this being accomplished, such as, placement of the City of Federal Way logo, "Celebrate Downtown Federal Way - a great place to live, work and play," in a prominent location; placement of signs on the freeway to identify "Downtown"; lighting to enhance the streets cape in the downtown core similar to that used at both Celebration Park and Knutzen Family Theatre. Various activities and locations could attract visitors and residents alike to the downtown area, such as the R T A transit centers located in the downtown which will bring people to the city center and could have the clock tower, public art, information kiosk located there; 5K run; restaurants and meetings places in hotels/motels attract people; creation of a "gounnet" district Cerbone's, Frank & Guy's, etc.; tie-in of the retirement community to the downtown core; development of pocket parks. $10,000 is being raised for a moñument in the International District in Federal Way in addition to the $100,000 budgeted by the City. A meeting on this subject is scheduled for Thursday, January 14 from 9 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. at the Chamber of Commerce. Committee Member Price suggested meeting places such as conference centers for annual and semi-annual corporate meeting be looked into. Chair Gates said that Federal Way residents are the best ambassadors for the City and Mr. Kaplan suggested methods should be used to promote/educate Federal Way residents about their community activities. A tourist promotion package would be a useful tool as well as developing a good arts program so that Federal Way would be perceived as a well-rounded community that would attract people to come and stay in the City of Federal City. Discussion followed on the idea of having a convention center in the City of Federal Way. Chair Gates said that this is not in the six-year Capital Improvement Plan (CIP), but a feasibility study could be funded with lodging tax funds. Committee Vice Chair Brown distributed the activity and economic impact information (attached) of the Meydenbauer Center in Bellevue and highlighted the Center brought $22 million in economic activities to downtown Bellevue in 1998. Realizing a local facility will not be comparable to Meydenbauer Center, the impact could, however, be significant. Conunittee Vice Chair Brown indicated that economic development is the very important and will benefit the City as a whole. He is in support of and believes the City should continue and maybe expand the program, However, he does not believe the lodging industry should pay for such activities. It is responsibility of the City. He wants to look to the long-tenn, work on partnerships, do a feasibility study for a convention center; and wants to collect the lodging tax immediately and place into a fund for long-term project(s) that would meet the needs of the community. K:FINANCE\L T AC\SUMO 1 08.DOC If.c.q Lodging Tax Advisory Committee January 8, 1999 Page 3 Committee Vice Chair Brown moved and Committee Member Wolf seconded to approve the imposition of the lodging/hotel tax as soon as possible with the intent of using the funds for reviewing the possibility of building a capital improvement project(s) to the City of Federal Way. Committee Vice Chair Brown moved to amend and Committee Member Wolf seconded to add the phrase "for promotion of tourism and tourists in the City of Federal Way that would have a long-term benefit" after capital improvement project(s). Committee Member Price dissented to this motion. Committee Member Price believes in theory with the motion, but wants to show it go through as originally proposed to have $25,000 in Arts Commission funding; $15,000 in publication of marketing material; and $75,000 to Economic Development activities. NEXT MEETING February 19, 1999, 10 a.m., Administration Conference Room ADJOURN Chair Gates adjourned the meeting at 11:47 a.m. Recorded by Marj Currie-Hicks K:FINANCE\L TAC\SUMO] 08,DOC t/-C, /0 BERNIE PRICE Lodging Tax Advisory Committee January 8, 1999 Committee Member Brown moved and Committee Member Wolf seconded to approve the imposition of the lodging/hotel tax as soon as possible with the intent of using the - funds for reviewing the possibility of building a capital improvement project(s) to the City of Federal Way. Committee Member Brown moved to amend and Committee Member Wolf seconded to add the phrase "for promotion of tourism and tourists in the City of Federal Way that would have a long-term benefit" after capital improvement project(s). MINORITY REPORT: Committee Member Price dissented to the motion. Committee Member Price believes in theory with the motion but wants to show it go through as originally proposed to have $25,000 in Arts Commission funding; $15,000 in publication of marketing material; and $75,000 to Economic Development activities. The reason for my support of the original proposal is that each of the pieces must be present to make a vibrant and livable community which is essential to the attraction of short and long-term visitors; and the marketing and economic development of the City and its amenities are critical to the increase in business activities and business travel in Federal Way. The increased activity could then support the convention/exhibition center proposal in the long-term. Without such increased business activities and demand for lodging and convention facilities, the anticipated increase in local lodging capacity could negatively impact the existing hotels/motels immediately and make the accomplishment of long-term goals more distant. K:\FINANCE\L T AC\PRICE, DOC ~~ / ~ / ~~¡>f' LtC, I! "- About Facts ~ -.. ., The Facts General Information Located in Bellevue, Washington, Meydenbauer Center opened in 1993 as the Greater Seattle area's second largest convention facility. The Center hosts a wide variety of conventions, corporate meetings and community events and employs over 100 full- and part- time staff. Main Features . 36,000 sq.ft. foot exhibition hall, divisible. . 12,000 sq.ft. meeting room; divides into 9 separate rooms . 410 seat Performing Arts Theater . 440 parking spaces . Full-service kitchen Attendance In 1997, the Center hosted 396 events. . 353 convention events . 43 theater performances . 1997 attendance at convention center events totaled 220,804 . Number of events expected to hold steady in 1998 Economic Impact Since opening the Center has contributed over $85 million in economic impact to the local economy. In 1997 alone the Center brought $22.6 million in business to Bellevue. 1997 Economic Impact by Attendees i ! Meelings Events Attendance Economic Impact 23 27,610 $12,748,072 174 58.815 $2,714,241 17 17,505 $1,366.477 8 29.599 $944,504 73 60. 584 $3,987,122 58 26.691 $879.535 ~.c;~ 1.:~..\J ,£.:"1. '~ 1.."1. l1, q <{.e; \ , . I , T radeshows Shows Events , I ¡Banquets I ,O'\,l\ L.. http://www.meydenbauer,com/about_tacts,htm I..j..C,/:¿ Page I of 3 12/19/98 '. About Facts Ii '-'-' I ~~ t ¥'..~.-' I Management Meydenbauer Center is owned and operated by the Bellevue Convention Center Authority, The seven member board is appointed by the Bellevue City Manager and confirmed by the city council: Funding In August of 1991, the BCCA issued $29.4 million in bonds to finance construction of Meydenbauer Center. This consisted of $7.4 million in Special Obligation Revenue Bonds, Series 1991A and $22,0 million in Special Obligation Revenue Bonds, Series 1991 B. The bonds are backed by the full faith and credit of the City of Bellevue. Meydenbauer Center is a self-sustaining facility which uses no general funds or taxes from Bellevue residents. The Center's 1997 operating budget was $5.3 million. Operating expenses are funded by revenues generated from direct charges to facility users for rent, catering and other meeting services and Bellevue hotel/motel taxes. Expansion Plans The Belleyue City Council last year approved preliminary plans to nearly double the convention center's functíonal space. The expansion will include an additional: " . 25,000 sq.ft. ballroom, divisible into eight . 24,000 sq.ft. of exhibit space The planned expansion will occur in èonjunction with private development of the block owned by the Tochterman family. For more information please contact: Meydenbauer Center 11106 N E 6th Street Bellevue, Washington (425) 637-1020 Our Vision Statement "Our commitment is to provide an outstanding event and performing arts center that generates community and employee pride, creates economic stimulation, and provides exceptional guest satisfaction. H ./' {¡Íre.en Wt7T/i.s Meydenbauer Center is a Green ~ Works Member. Meydenbauer Center cares about the environment and http://www.meydenbauer.comJabout_facts,htm L/-C./3 Page 2 of3 12/19/98 . . HOTELS Tire largest III the Puget Soulld area. Ranked by /lumber of guest rooms JANUARY 30-FEBRUARY 5,1998 "0'" ...., """, "om.'! ft... ToI.,.... "0,, ."j';~~~~~,,\~!$fi;f{\!:~ilfd:;" . ".' ';,:;:6':~.~-~.,~~;':-;:"';" ,:.:.e:-.,-: Dou...,... Ho,". So..," "'port 850 2 18"0 P_dfill""'Y S. 16 So..," WA 98188, (206) 2<6-6600 ,..,.u m..I1""'m, .,....I..V "',lm..lI.. ~..,.. .p.." up.dly! ,"1.1"',,n .""" .p..' up,d~ 1""""") 18,OJO ,"",000+ '~:~~, -;:,39:400 ,1, 5.."""'" 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L/-c.J'f - '. ,', '. 1: Do -I -k r~) '- --{::: ~ Lodging Tax History and Projection Proposed Short Term Uses: 1 Publication of Marketing/Promotional Material 2 Cultural Arts Events and Improvements 3 Economic Development Total: Two Year Total Uses: k:\fin\sales\LODGT AXXLS ' Page 1 1998 1999 2000 Estimated'" Pro'ection Pro'ection $ 45,933 $ 54,600 $ 63,000 1998 1999 2000 Estimated~ Projection Pro'ection $ 54,682 $ 65,000 $ 75,000 $140,000 $ $ 25,000 . .75,000 40~.$.JOO,OQO $140,000 12/11/98 9:47 AM CITY OF FEDERAL WAY MEMORANDUM To: December 30, 1998 Lodging Tax Advisory Committee Date: Subject: 1wen Wang, Management Services Director Proposed Use of Lodging Tax From: This memorandum will follow up on the discussion at the Committee's last meeting regarding the use of the proposed Lodging Tax. It will provide the information on proposed uses of other jurisdictions, a comparison of two cities with c-onvention centers; and the details of the City proposed uses. I. USE OF LODGING TAX BY OTHER JURISDICTIONS A. Proposals of Surrounding Cities Which Imposed the Lodging Tax Recently: Jurisdiction Lodging Tax $ Proposed Uses City of Kent $175,000 - . $85,000 for debt service on a 20-year bond to purchase land for a $225,000/year performing arts center, the proposed construction of the center will be 50% funded with a voted bond issue planned for 2000, and 50% from private contribution; - . $50,000 for special tourism promotion contracts for events and/or marketing material; . Balance will be maintained in a reserve account with use to be identified. ' City of SeaTac $1, 1O0,000/year SeaTac City Council is considering the following options: . Bow Lake access road improvement; . A pedestrian walkway from DoubleTree to Airport; . CulturalJPerforming Arts or Convention Center. City of 1'ukwila $490,000/year 1'ukwila has abandoned their initial plan using the Lo~ging Tax for an exhibition hall; instead, a Marketing Committee is formed and is reviewing the following funding proposal: . 10% in support of Chamber of Conunerce activities; . 10% public art projects in public places; . 80% for tourism and marketing efforts (proposal includes a staff person and publicity consultant) and the retirement of the bonds issued to finance the land acquired for the proposed exhibition hall. Lj.C, J:) B. Lodging Tax Uses/or Cities Implementing the Tax Prior to 1997: Jurisdiction Lodging Tax $ Current Uses City of Bellevue $4.4 million/year at The Meydenbauer Center was built with $29 million bonds in 1991, 5% added $5 million expansion in 1994, and is proposing another $40 million expansion by 2005, The land is on a 50-year lease at $500,000 per year with 3% annual increase. The Center also has a 450-seat performing arts center which can be used for meetings. The Center has a 69% average occupancy (measured by square feet used per day), is within the 65%-75% occupancy required for success. The Center has a targeted revenue recovery ratio of 80% of its $6 million annual operating expenses, The lodging tax provides the remaining 20% of operating costs and the debt service and capiml needs. The flow of funds for the lodging tax in priority sequence: 1. Debt Service; 2. Ground lease; 3. Capital improvement; 4. Subsidize operation and operating reserve; and 5. Subsidize perfonning arts center operation. City of $600,OOO/year at 6% The Wenatchee Convention Center was built in 1976 with funding Wenatchee from federal, state and the city. A $3.5 million exhibition hall was - added in 1997 with bonds financed by the hoteUmotel tax and the convention center revenue. The lodging tax is designated for the following purposes: 1. 15% Capital (including debt service); 2. 35% Convention center operation (can also be used for debt service); 3. 50% for the promotion of tourism through the funding of a Visitor and Convention Bureau. The City of Tacoma is currently going through a feasibility study of constructing a $35 million convention/exhibition facility to replace the existing convention center. With the number of facilities located and currently proposed in the Puget Sound area, it will be prudent for the City to carefully evaluate the viability of a local convention center prior to committing the resources. II. ALLOWED AND PROPOSED USES A. Legislative Intent: The Lodging Tax is designated for the purposes of tourism promotion and tourism facility acqUisition and operation. To understand the legislative intent in full, we should also keep in mind the key definitions of this legislation: 1. Tourism means economic activity resulting from tourists which may include sales of overnight lodging, meals, tours, gifts, or souvenirs; Tourist means a person travels from a place of residence to a different town, city, county, state, or country, for purposes of business, pleasure, recreation, education, arts, heritage, or culture; 2. 3. Tourism Promotion means activities and expenditures designed to increase tourism, including but not limited to advertising, publicizing, or otherwise distributing information for the purposes of attracting and welcoming tourists; developing strategies to expand tourism; operating tourism promotion agencies; and funding marketing of special events and festivals designed to attract tourists. 4C. J{p B. City of Federal Way Proposed Uses: Proposed Use of Lodging Tax - ,-..,,----,.."- - $25,000 in Arts Commission Funding: This will fund public art projects and cultural arts events including . Red, White and Blues Festival; . Family Fest performances and events; . Summer Concert Series at Steel Lake Park. These events attract audiences from both in and outside the City. It is also possible to develop new events with the support from the lodging tax which could have more impact on overnight stays in addition to an increase in retail activities. $15,000 in publication of marketing material: This is to partially fund the publication cost of collateral marketing material to promote the City of Federal Way as a city to visit and live, learn, work, and play in to regional, national, and international audiences. - $75,000 Economic Development activities: One of the key goals during the first two years of the program is to establish a network to promote relationships to create marketing, recruitment and tolirism opportunities for Federal Way. It includes developing tourist partnerships with the Port of Seattle, Port of Tacoma, State of Washington, and King County; the creation of the tourist kiosks and marketing materials; seeking support and funding for the international district development, and for streetscape projects to add benches and planters along South 320th. The results from this program are an expanded business and employment base that contributes to the increased demand in hospitality and lodging facilities and the creation of a dynamic economy that attracts short and long-term visitors. The funding from the lodging tax will allow these creative energies to be sustained through the continuation and/or expansion of existing efforts or additional objectives. Existing City Resources and Efforts ,.- ,-------, -'-- -- . $42,5000 in Arts Commission programs funding public art projects, performing arts groups such as Federal Way Philharmonic, and productions such as Puget Sound Musical Theater's "All Night Strut" , . $100,000 each year for the operation of the Civic Theatre and the Retreat and Conference Centre at Dumas Bay. . $133,000 for public art projects (2% for the arts fund). The City has approximately $30,000 budgeted each year for marketing or promotion related expenses to improve the name recognition locally, regionally, and internationally. The budget provides for . City newsletters that are targeted toward local users; . Advertisement in local or regional newspapers and publications; . Preparing and printing marketing material that is targeted toward regional, national, and international audiences; . Maintain and improve the City's web-site for on- \ line users world-wide. The City has a number of public improvements programs totaling $2.4 million currently underway that are focused on the economic development and revitalization of downtown Federal Way. Some of the projects are: . A gate-way improvement project including improvement of the median between 1-5 and 25th Avenue South and welcome signs; . Tourist information kiosks; . An international district develõpment; . The beautification project along South 320th (between 1-5 and 11th PI. S.) to underground utilities, add decorative street lights, banners, trees and sidewalk grates; . A sign code incentive program; . Strong representation in Seattle/King County EDC; . Cultural and business exchange with sister cities relationship. As shown above, the Lodging Tax receipts will supplement the City's existing resources and efforts, but will not be the sole source of funding for activities to improve the City's economic vitality and to make the City a place for people to visit and conduct business. In addition, the proposed uses are similar to those of the surrounding cities and are consistent with the legislative intent. cc: Federal Way City Council k:\Finance\*\USES.DOC 4-C1/7 Item CITY OF FEDERAL WAY -- CITY COUNCIL FINANCE/ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT/REGIONAL AFFAIRS COMMITTEE Date: January 19, 1999 From: Cary M. Roe, Public Works Director ~ Rob Van Orsow, Solid Waste & Recycling Coordinatoret. v~ <9-...."....""" Subject: Solid Waste and Recycling Division 1999 Grant Approvals Executive Summary: Several grants are available in 1999 to support waste reduction and recycling programs for area residents and businesses. Public Works Department stafffiled applications and work plans to reserve the available grant funds, This memorandum and its attachments summarize these grant projects. The Committee is requested to review these grants and forward this item for adoption by the City Council. Discussion: The 1999 grants are consistent with grants received in prior years. Attachment 1 contains brief descriptions of each grant, its associated project source and amount. As in prior years, the City Council is asked to adopt a resoÏution to accept the grant funds and authorize entering into agreements with grant agencies. Attachment 2 provides a summary of grant-funded programs which served the Federal Way community in 1998. Recommendation for Committee: 1. Approve the 1999 Solid Waste and Recycling Division grant applications and programs; 2. Direct staff to prepare the appropriate resolution for acceptance of these grants from agencIes; 3, Forward this item to the February 16, 1999 City Council meeting consent agenda with a recommendation for adoption of the appropriate Resolution, APPROVAL OF COMMITTEE REPORT: Committee Chair: Mary Gates Committee Member: Jeanne Burbidge Committee Member: Linda Kochmar LI-]),/ Attachment J 1999 SOLID WASTE & RECYCLING GRANT APPLICATIONS AND PROGRAMS 1. 1999 KING COUNTY "CITY OPTIONAL PROGRAM" (BUSINESS RECYCLING PROGRAM) The 1999 King County "City Optional Program" Business Recycling Program Grant allocates $11,310.00 with no match requirement. This grant will focus on waste reduction and recycling outreach to businesses through "on-request" outreach and promotion of model- business recycling practices. 2. 1999 KING COUNTY "CITY OPTIONAL PROGRAM" (RECYCLING EVENT) The 1999 King County "City Optional Program" Special Recycling Collection Event Grant allocates $14,312.00 with no match requirement. This funding will cover costs for operating two special recycling collection events in Federal Way during 1999 (scheduled for spring and fall). These events will provide residents with a convenient method to recycle a wide variety of recyclable materials that are not normally collected at curbside. 3. 1999 LOCAL HAZARDOUS WASTE MANAGEMENT PROGRAM GRANT The Seattle-King County Department of Public Health 1999 Local Hazardous Waste Management Program Grant allocates $22,943.00 with no match requirement. This grant will supplement funding for the Special Recycling Events and the Regional Yard Waste Reduction Promotion Project. 4. 1997 -1999 KING COUNTY "WASTE REDUCTION AND RECYCLING" PROGRAM GRANT -- PHASE II (Continuation) The City Council approved this grant in 1998. The 1999 phase of the King èounty Waste Reduction and Recycling (WR/R) Grant focuses on the continuation of multi-family recycling program expansion funded under the initial WR/R grant, and 1999 Regional Yard Waste Reduction Promotion Project. The City Council previously approved this grant program to provide matching expenditures for the Department of Ecology 1998 - 1999 CPG grant. The term of this grant program has been extended through September 1999. 5. 1998-1999 DEPARTMENT OF ECOLOGY COORDINATED PREVENTION (CPG) GRANT AND REFERENDA 26/39 GRANT (Continuation) The City Council approved this grant in 1998. The grant focuses on five projects: Multi- family Recycling Program Implementation (continuation), a Compost Bin Distribution Event (held in 1998), the Regional Yard Waste Reduction Promotion Project (continuation), Waste Reduction and Recycling Options Promotion (which includes production of the annual "Fall Flyer"), and Grant Program Administration (continuation). The match for the CPG projects is provided by the WR/R Grant, with the balance allocated from the Solid Waste Fund, The Referenda 26/39 Grant offset equipment purchases for the multi-family recycling program expansion, and the balance of this grant (approximately $32,000.00) is set aside for acquisition of parks facility equipment made with recycled-content materials. These grants both expire at the end of 1999. L/-]) . .J- Attachment 2 CITY OF FEDERAL WAY - PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Solid Waste & Recycling Division 1998 Grant Progress Report I. Special Recycling Events Funded by: King County Solid Waste Division "City Optional Program -- Recycling Events" Grant, and King County "Local Hazardous Waste Management Program" Grant. Two Special Recycling Collection Events were held: Spring (May 9) which attracted 477 participants, and Fall (September 26) which attracted 409 participants. Both events were held at the South Federal Way Park and Ride. The type and tonnage of materials collected and recycled is shown in the -- following table. SPRING 98 FALL 98 TYPE OF MATERIALS TONS TONS Appliances 11.7 8.21 Automobile/Marine Batteries 1.69 1.62 Used Motor OillMixed Petroleum Products 5.22 2.84 Antifreeze - .78 1.07 Tires 3.99 2.26 Used Oil Filters .22 .22 Textiles and Reusable Household Goods 5.50 5.50 Scrap Wood/ 49.48 18.89 Yard Debris TOTAL TONS 78.6 40.6 NUMBER OF PARTICIPANTS 597 409 TI. Business Recycling Program Funded by: King County Solid Waste Division "City Optional Program -- Business Recycling Program" Grant. Project Activities for the 1998 City of Federal Way Business Recycling Program are summarized below. Cascadia Consulting was retained to complete several of these activities, in conjunction with City staff. A. Estimate Commercial Recycling Rate Cascadia Consulting Group conducted a survey of haulers and recyclers serving Federal Way businesses to monitor the City's commercial recycling rate. The survey presents a commercial recycling collection rate for 1997 and for the first three quarters of 1998. The commercial recycling rate was calculated at 22 %, excluding construction and demolition debris. L/-:]) 3 -- D. B. Phone Book Advertisements City staff coordinated with King County on the development of a Yellow Pages advertisement in the U.S. West Directory. As a result of this advertisement, twenty-nine businesses contacted the City requested assistance with recycling issues. c. On-Call Outreach A total of 100 businesses received on-call outreach. These businesses were provided with information, recycling containers, and guidance on how to start or maintain recycling programs, as appropriate. Federal Way Chamber of Commerce Business Recycling Promotion Two Recycling promotional pieces ran The Chamber of Commerce newsletter, and 388 Chamber members received information about business recycling options. Seven businesses requested recycling assistance as a result of these promotion efforts. E. Database Support, Reporting and Tracking System All assistance, outreach and follow-up activities were recorded into the Grantor Agency's County-wide tracking system. ID. 1998 Multi-Family Recycling Program Funded by: The King County Solid Waste Division Waste Reduction and Recycling Grant and the Department of Ecology Coordinated Prevention Grant and Referenda 26/39 Grant. B. This project focuses on boosting recycling rates for the multi-family residential sector. A Program Implementation Prior to the end of 1998, proposals which add or expand the level of recycling service were prepared and reviewed with all Multi-family property managers in Federal Way. Promotional Materials Development In addition to the wide array of promotional materials that were reported on in 1997, specific materials were developed to assist each complex in overcoming the specific challenges with implementing programs in each complex. c. Recycling Containers (Bags) The durable, washable, woven plastic recycling bags continue to be distributed to complexes. Each is printed with instructions, as well as a list of what to recycle and discard, These bags require very little space and are considerably less expensive than the three-bin system used in single-family dwellings. Staff worked with the franchised hauler to modify recycling dumpsters to make them more "recycling friendly" by installing locking lids with specialized chutes and slots for recycling cardboard. These modifications are designed to reduce contamination and deter illegal dumpers. if-. J:; . J-j. D, Outreach Program City staff continued implementation of the comprehensive outreach program, including: . Developing a customized "Recycling Kick-Off Announcement" letter printed on bright paper and distributed to each resident a few days prior to program implementation, along with a refrigerator magnet printed with recycling basics, This letter serves as an exhortation to recycle coming directly from the complex managers (as opposed to relying only on the City's brochure) and helps to announce the program kick-off date and recruit volunteers. . Distribution of the recycling bags, educational brochures, and translations of the brochure into eight languages to specified residents, as appropriate, . Provision of durable signs posted near recycling dumpsters instructing residents how to recycle; stickers with similar information were affixed to recycling containers prior to delivery. City staff continues to regularly follow-up with managers following program implementation in order to prompt the highest diversion levels possible. E. Expected Diversion ofRecyclables From Multi-Family Complexes The implementation/expansion of recycling services at 45 complexes in 1998 will result in the diversion of an additional 4,165 cubic yards of recyclable material each year. IV. Household Hazardous Waste Education King County "Local Hazardous Waste Management Program" (LHWMP) Grant. Staff worked with LHWMP to update the text and layout of two existing outdated brochures which promote "off-season" fuel preservation in lawnmowers, recreation vehicles, and boat fuel tanks. A graphics designer revised the layout, and a printer produced 4,000 copies each of the updated versions. These brochures will be distributed by the regional LHWMP at targeted marinas and lawn & garden shops in the coming months, The anticipated outcome is a reduction in the generation of waste fuel which then requires disposal as hazardous waste. V. Backyard Compost Bin Distribution to Federal Way Residents Funded by: The King County Solid Waste Division Waste Reduction and Recycling Grant and the Department of E'cofogy Coordinated Prevention Grant An RFP process resulted in retaining RPM, Inc. of Redmond, W A to provide a compost bin "truckload sale" for Federal Way residents, A direct-mail piece was developed and sent to all single-family residents to promote the event. 840 bins were distributed during the six-hour event held June 13, 1998, with a remaining 103 bins reserved for distribution on an as-requested basis, This was the fourth distribution event in as many years. The availability of the reserved bins is promoted via the "options" brochure, the City's e-mail address, the City's new public aecess channel bulletin board, and during community events, By year's end, 22 of the remaining bins were distributed for a total of 862 bins distributed in 1998, LjJ)- S VI. Waste Reduction & Recycling Options Brochure Funded by: Department oj Ecology Coordinated Prevention Grant This brochure informs Federal Way residents of the 1998-1999 winter yard waste service schedule, while increasing awareness of other available waste reduction, recycling, disposal and household hazardous waste options, Staff completed revisions of the Options for Recycling and Disposal brochure for the latest version, and a graphic artist completed the layout. More than 17,000 brochures were distributed. VII. Recycling Program Community Outreach and Grant Reporting Administration -- Funded by: Department oj Ecology Coordinated Prevention Grant City staff provided information to residents interested in recycling and hazardous materials disposal options on an ongoing basis. A display featuring information on waste reduction and recycling and hazardous waste prevention was set up and staffed at the community events listed below. . The display was updated regularly and promotional items such as refillable mugs, automobile litter bags made in part with recycled plastic, and recycled-content writing pens were distributed. These grant- funded items serve to create interest in the information available at the display booth. ~ Federal Way Chamber of Commerce-Business Trade Show at the SeaTac Mall. ~ Federal Way Family Fest Steel Lake Park at Steel Lake Park. ~ Federal Way Community Safety Fair at the SeaTac Mall. K:\FEDC\1999\GRANTS99,SWR 4:]), f..t, CITY OF FEDERAL WAY CITY COUNCIL FINANCE AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND REGIONAL AFFAIRS COMMITTEE Date: From: Subject: January 20, 1999 Mary Faber, Recreation and Cultural Services Manager Contract Renewal for American Janitorial Services Back~round: American Janitorial is under contract with the City to provide cleaning, linen and room set-up services at Dumas Bay Centre and Knutzen Family Theatre. The company, owned by Robert Fritz, performs all the general cleaning services at the facility. The original contract for services was in effect from January 1, 1997 through December 31, 1997. There have been a number of amendments from that date which are described below: . First Amendment effective August 1, 1997 increased the amount of compensation paid the contractor due to the increased usage ofthe Centre and the need for adding more hours of cleaning services than originally projected. . , Second Amendment effective January 1, 1998 through December 31, 1998 extended the term of the contract for one year and increased the compensation. . Third Amendment effective August 15, 1998 included additional services to clean Knutzen Family Theatre and increased the compensation for those additional services. . Fourth Amendment increased the amount of compensation due to the increase in state legislated prevailing wages for 1998. The Fifth Amendment, which is currently under review in the Legal Department, would extend the tenn ofthe agreement for one year and increase compensation to accommodate for prevailing wage changes. Staff is requesting an additional one year extension to the contract for the following reasons: . The original contract was developed for one year rather than a two or three year contract because it was the first agreement for these services at Dumas Bay Centre and we felt it was in our best interest to renew or re-bid the contract after one year if the services were not satisfactory. Normally, this type of contract would be developed for a two year period and amended once for another two period if the services were satisfactory. 1./-£ ' / . Staff is interested in comparing the benefits and costs of contracting vs. hiring an employee/s for these services. With the construction and opening of the Theatre, there were not sufficient resources to do this type of analysis in 1998 and we are requesting a renewal of the contract for one year. In 1999, staff will do research to determine what is the most effective and financially beneficial plan for providing cleaning and room set-up services for the facility. Committee Recommendation: Motion to approve the Fifth Amendment to the American Janitorial Services contract in the amount of $72,400 for the term January I-December 31, 1999. APPROVAL OF COMMITTEE REPORT: Committee Chair Committee Member Committee Member G:\CLERK\CMTE.REC 3/11/96 L/EI~ FIFTH AMENDMENT TO JANITORIAL SERVICES AGREEMENT FOR AMERICAN JANITORIAL SERVICES This Fifth Amendment ("Amendment") is dated effective this 1st day of January, 1999, and is entered into by and between the --City of Federal Way, a Washington municipal corporation ("City"), and American Janitorial Services, a sole proprietorship ("Contractor") . A. The City and Contractor entered into a Professional Services Agreement dated effective January I, 1997, as amended by the First Amendment dated effective August I, 1997, as amended by the Second Amendment dated effective January I, 1998, as amended by the Third Amendment dated effective August 15, 1998, and as amended by the Fourth Amendment dated effective December 1, 1998, whereby Contractor agreed to provide j ani torial services at Dumas Bay Centre, located at 3200 S.W. Dash Point Road, Federal Way, Washington (collectively, the "Agreement"). B. Section 17.2 Modification of the Agreement provided that the Agreement may only be amended by written agreement signed by the parties. C. The City and the Contractor desire to amend the Agreement to continue the Services described in Section 1 of the Agreement by extending the term of the Agreement, and increasing the compensation paid to the Contractor. NOW, THEREFORE, the parties agree to the following terms and conditions: 1. Term. Section 2 of the Agreement shall be amended to extend the term of the Agreement until December 31, 1999. 2. Compensation. In consideration of Contractor continuing to provide the Services described in Section 1 of the Agreement during the extended term of the Agreement, Section 4.1 shall be amended to increase the compensation paid to the Contractor by an additional amount not to exceed Twenty Six Thousand and no/100 Dollars ($26,000.00) for general maintenance, Forty Thousand and no/100 Dollars ($40,000.00) for cleanup and retreat setup, Two Thousand Four Hundred and no/100 Dollars ($2,400.00) for recreation Lj-E,3 classroom cleaning, and Four Thousand and no/100 Dollars ($4,000.00) for Knutzen Family Theatre cleaning for a total amount payable to Contractor pursuant to the Agreement, the First Amendment, the Second Amendment, the Third Amendment, the Fourth Amendment and this Fifth Amendment to be an amount not to exceed Two Hundred Thirteen Thousand Six Hundred Forty Four and no/100 Dollars ($213,644.00). 3. Full Force and Effect. All other terms and conditions of the Agreement not modified by this Amendment shall remain in full -~orce and effect. DATED the effective date set forth above. CITY OF FEDERAL WAY By: Kenneth E. Nyberg Its City Manager 33530 1st Way South Federal Way, Washington 98003 ATTEST: City Clerk, N. Christine Green, CMC APPROVED AS TO FORM: City Attorney, Londi K. Lindell - 2 - L{£,if AMERICAN JANITORIAL SERVICES By: Robert Fritz Its: President P.O. Box 5311 Kent, WA 98064 (253) 854-7189 A:American.5 01/20/99 (sf/Parks) - 3 - L¡E,S- CITY OF FEDERAL WAY CITY COUNCIL FINANCE AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND REGIONAL AFFAIRS COMMITTEE Date: January 21, 1999 From: Mary Faber, Recreation and Cultural Services Manager Subject: 1999 Arts Commission Work Plan Background: The Arts Commission held a retreat in November to begin the process of creating the 1999 Work Plan. The Work Plan was then further developed by the Chairs of each ofthe Committees elected in 1999 and approved by the full Commission in January. Enclosed is a the recommended 1999 Work Program and a copy of the Arts Commission's 1999/2000 budget. Committee Recommendation: Motion to approve the 1999 Arts Commission Work Plan as presented. APPROVAL OF COMMITTEE REPORT: Committee Chair Committee Member Committee Member G:\CLERK\CMTE.REC 3/11/96 Lf-F/ 1. 2. City of Federal Way Arts Commission 1999 Work Plan Public Art Committee A. Finalize Public Art Policies B. Maintain City Hall Exhibits and Knutzen Family Theatre Gallery 1. Secure artists for KFT Gallery for the remainder of 1999. 2. Review current policies for exhibit area and update 3. Secure artists for both galleries for the 2000 in the Fall. C. Implementation of 2% for Art and Public Art Projects at Celebration Park. 1. Develop appropriate sites for art projects. 2. Hire consultant for managing project. 3. Develop time line for artist selection and implementation of artworks~ D. Develop advisory role with the Regional Transit Authority and the Public Art Advisory Committee for Federal Way Art Projects. E. Look for opportunities for involvement or partnership with businesses/chamber for a welcome sign or visible imagery for Federal Way entrance/so Community Relations Committee A. Publish bi-annual newsletter: Fall/Winter & Spring/Summer B. Update and print the informational Arts Commission brochure C. Continue producing print media columns on arts topics 6 times/year. D. Attend Chamber meetings and bring promotional items for display. E. Sponsor a marketing seminar at KFT for non-profit arts organizations in the Spring of 1999. Assist City Staff in the development and layout of Web Page(s) F. G. Submit information for the cultural calendar page on a quarterly schedule. 1 4- F- :L 3. 4. Programs Committee A. Review policies for Contract for Services Program 1. Develop agenda for types of programs to sponsor 2. Update the application information for 2000 programs. B. Develop concept for extended arts camp (4-6 weeks) for older age children. C. Explore the continuation of the King County Performance Network and the Commission's role in the network. D. Red, White and Blues Festival: 1. Develop plans for moving the Festival to Celebration Park. 2. Review and revise the role of the Artists in Action Area at the Festival. 3. Review contribution level to the Red, White and Blues Stage. 4. Integrate a public art project into the event. 5. Increase visibility of the Arts Commission at the Festival. . More visible booth . Place banners at several locations. E. Continue involvement and funding support of the Summer Sounds on the Beach Concert Series. Facilities Committee A. Continue to review/revise Knutzen Family Theatre Policies 1. Host February F.W.C.P.A. and get feedback from user groups concerning the facility, policies and pricing 2. Review the pricing guidelines for all uses B. Continue to educate and promote the facility to the user groups/develop an advocacy role in the community. C. Assist with the marketing outreach and development of marketing plan for the Knutzen Family Theatre. 1. Review marketing plan. 2. Assist with implementation strategies. D. Identify improvements and funding strategies for Dumas Bay Centre and Knutzen Family Theatre. 2 ..¡.F,3 1. Develop a list of needed equipment and approximate pricing. . Grand Piano . Window Treatments . Cocktail tables . Carpets . Lobby furniture 2. Identify systems improvements. . Central Air E. Develop on-going advocacy with the Council on facility needs. 1. Update F.E.D.RA. Committee on facility schedules and needs. 2. Invite Council members to attend Commission and Committee meetings. I :\artscom\workpln.99 3 ~F,tf I ARTS COMM. PROGRAM BUDGET I 1999 I 2000 I Arts Parade $ 1,200 $ 1,200 Contract for Services $29,000 $29,000 Knutzen F. T.lDumas B.C Improvements $ 7,650 $ 7,650 Exhibits & Materials $ 2,000 $ 2,000 FWCP A Community Concert $ -0- Not committed at this time King County Performance Network(Dance) $ 1,000 $ 1,000 New Program Contracts $ 1,000 $ 1,000 Newsletter/Fliers/Promotion $ 3,000 $ 3,000 Public Art $ 4,000 $ 4,000 Receptions $ 500 $ 500 Red, White & Blues Festival $ 8,000 $ 8,000 Scholarships $ 1,500 $ 1,500 - Summer Sounds on the Beach Concerts $ 1,000 $ 1,000 Youth Programs $ 2,000 $ 2,000 , Cultural Plan Update $ 2,000 $2,000 Total $63,850 $63,850 I A.C. ADMINISTRATIVE BUDGET I 1999 I 2000 I Part-Time Staff $ 500 $ 500 Office Supplies $ 200 $ 200 Books, Maps, Periodicals $ 150 $ 150 Operating Supplies $ 300 $ 300 Food & Beverage $ 200 $ 200 Consultants $ 800 $ 800 Per Diem and Meals $ 300 $ 300 Conference and Seminar $ 800 $ 800 Association Dues $ 400 $ 400 Total: $ 3,650 $ 3,650 ~s: ! $67.590 I $67,50g .II K: \artscom \budget\revised. 99 ¿¡..F. 5' CITY OF FEDERAL WAY CITY COUNCIL FINANCE AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND REGIONAL AFFAIRS COMMITTEE Date: January 21, 1999 From: Mary Faber, Recre,:ltion and Cultural Services Manager Subject: 1999 Contract for Services Program Recommendations Background: The Contract for Services is an arts funding program for local not-for-profit arts organizations. The Arts Commission leverages funding they receive by contracting with arts organizations to provide cultural programs and services for the community. Each year the Arts Commission develops funding guidelines and an application and then reviews the requests and makes recommendations to City Council. Enclosed is the Arts Commission recommendations for the 1999 Contracts for Services. Committee Recommendation: Motion to approve the Arts Commission's recommendations for funding the 1999 Contract for Services Program as presented. APPROVAL OF COMMITTEE REPORT: Committee Chair Committee Member Committee Member G:\CLERh.íCMTE.REC 3/11/96 l/-<q , / CITY OF FEDERAL WAY ARTS COMMISSION CONTRACT FOR SERVICES 1999 RECOMMENDED FUNDING LEVELS Organization 1999 1998 1997 * A.c.R Allocation Allocation Funding Description Aria Dance Company 1,500 N/A N/A Funding will cover the'salary of a professional choreographer to work with the group for a Company Repertoire to be presented at Knutzen Family Theatre in the Spring of 1999. Federal Way Chorale 3,000 3,500 3,000 Funding will cover the salaries of the professional performance accompanists comprising the chamber orchestra's for the 1999 concerts. Federal Way Community Council 3,000 4,000 4,000 Family Fest entertainers on all stages, as well as wandering entertainers, parade bands, and demonstrators (i.e. artists-in-action). Also seeking funding for the cost of equipment and technical support required by performers. Federal Way Philharmonic 14,000 15,000 11,000 Funds will support the production of the Sunday Matinee series and cover all or part of the orchestra musicians' fees. Harmony Kings 500 N/A N/A Funds used to employ choral director and fund coaching for competition, specifically choreography and technique. Jet Cities Chorus 1,000 1,700 1,900 Funding will cover the annual director's fee and the coaching fee for a three day retreat in March. Puget Sound Musical Theatre 6,000 5,500 5,500 Funds will be used for the costs of the salaries of contracting the Director, Choreographer, Music Director / Conductor, Light Designer and the Sound Designer. TOTALS 29000 29 700 25 400 * Arts Commission Recommendations A:\cfs,ac -þ (h ~ CITY OF FEDERAL WAY MEMORANDUM Date: To: January 19, 1999 Finance, Economic Development and Regional Affairs Committee Subject: Mehdi Sadri, Information Systems Manager Color Laser Printer Replacement From: Backl?:round: Requesting release of $2,500 accumulated reserve funds to replace malfunctioning color printer. This printer has been very problematic in the past year and it is inefficient to continue repairing and having the down time in between repairs. The printer was purchased for $7,500 in 1996, and it is no longer under warranty. However, the manufacturer has agreed to exchange the printer for a newer and more reliable model at much lower cost, The accumulated reserves for this printer are $2,500,00, and this an10unt is sufficient for the exchange. Note: This printer was not identified and approved as part of equipment to be replaced in 1999, or 2000, Committee Recommendation: Forward to full Council to approve the use of replacement reserve fund in the amount of$2,518.00 for replacement of Public Safety's color laser printer. APPROVAL BY COMMITTEE: Committee Chait" Committee Member Committee Member qmscvr.doc 1/19/1999 4- ¡-{, J CITY OF FEDERAL WAY MEMORANDUM Date: To: January 22, 1999 Finance, Economic Development and Regional Affairs Committee From: Subject: Mehdi Sadri, Information Systems Manager Proposed TCl/AT&T Merger The City received a request from TCI for the approval of the pending merger (transfer of control) with AT&T. Staff and Lon Hurd at 3-H Cable Communications Consultants reviewed the request (FCC Form 394) and the attached financial data, the potential impact of the merger to the rate payers, and the City's options under the Cable Communications Act as a franchise authority. The findings of the review are summarized in the attached consultant report. Staff recommends City Council adopt the attached resolution to approve the proposed merger subject to the condition that AT&T will obtain the necessary federal, state, and local authorizations prior to the introduction of any services not currently authorized under the franchise agreement, or by applicable laws. The intent is to preserve the City's authority to collect any fees, taxes, or other assessments as may lawfully be levied now or in the future. ' Committee Recommendation: The Committee recommends forwarding the attached resolution to full Council for action on February 2, 1999. Approval By Committee: Committee Chair Committee Member Committee Member k:\Finance\ *\TCIMERG.DOC 1fT/ TO: Mehdi Sadhri, Informational Services Manager, City of Federal Way FROM: 3-H Cable Communications Consultants SUBJECT: Merger of Cable Television Franchise of Tele-Communications, Inc. (TCI) with AT&T Corporation DATE: December 28, 1998 Under the date of August 14, 1998, Tele-Communications, Inc. (TCI) filed an FCC 394 form with the City requesting approval of its merger with AT&T Corporation, triggering the "change of control" clause in your City's Master Cable Television Ordinance. In the Cable Television Consumer Protection and Competition Act of 1992, Congress passed certain regulations to formalize and standardize requests to a franchising authority for the transfer of a cable television franchise. Some of the original regulations (such as prohibiting a resale within three years) have been subsequently modified. Essentially, the FCC mandates a franchising authority to act upon such a request within 120 days. Failure to act shall be deemed as granting the request (unless the cable operator agrees to an extension). The form requires certain information and exhibits to be given to a franchising authority. Attached to the request form was a voluminous amount of detail, very little directly pertinent to the matter at hand. The financial data in the form of AT&T's annual report merely confirms the most considerable strength of this titan of American communications. Therefore, although a question always arises in instances such as this as to how much of AT&T's not inconsiderable assets will indeed be allocated to the newly acquired TSI,_there is little to be gained by making an analysis of AT&T's assets in themselves. Suffice it to say they are adequate, by any measurement, to support TCl's franchise commitments which is the only yardstick in this aspect involved. The focus of this report and recommendation will therefore be on: 1. Effect of Merger Upon Cable Rates. Cable television is a de facto monopoly in 96% of all U.S. cities. The City of Federal Way is served, by only TCI and there does not appear to be any credible competition on the horizon. While the internal business plan of AT&T is, of course, unknown to us it would not seem, that with its far greater resources that it would be as capital starved as TCI has been in the past five years. It could be therefore argued that the pressure will be less on the Lj-L.2.. surviving company (AT&T) than on TCI in this regard and that capital expenditures for upgrades and other services will be freed up. With all rate regulation, save basic, scheduled to be removed next year a franchising authority will have even less control and therefore be more subject to the profit objectives of the cable operator. Given the bad reputation of the cable industry as a whole it can be assumed that AT&T would not wish to tarnish its better regarded image by leading a charge for higher rates. However, it is doubtful that AT&T will wish to micro manage its subsidiary to the extent of determining its rate structures. In our judgment this merger will have very little effect, one way or another, in as to itself, over local rates. As a subset to the discussion of rates, AT&T officials have publicly stated upon numerous occasions that all TCI obligations will be honored. John Zaglis, president of AT&T has promised, relative to the merger, "the people stay in place and so do the commitments". However, verbal promises are, of course, subject to later modifications as circumstances may dictate. II. Potential Effect Upon Other AT&T ITCI Telecommunications Franchises. - This has been a concern of cities long before AT&T moved directly into the cable picture. As you may recall, over the past two years, the City of Troy, N.Y. has been battling TCl in the courts and with the FCC on the issue of what services they are authorized to provide under their existing telecommunications franchise. We believe that oral commitments and even the statement made by AT&T in Exhibit 4: "if in the future, AT&T offers services other than those authorized by -the franchise agreement and any relevant laws, AT&T will obtain any necessary federal, state or local authorizations prior to the introduction of such services over TCl's cable system" should be fortified with such words as are indicated in the attached draft proposed resolution. III. Final Conditions of Transfer. As astonishing as it may sound, the proposed merger is far from a done deal. The FCC itself asked for comments from interested parties to be submitted by October 29, 1998 with replies due November 13, 1998. The FCC has therefore yet to approve certain peripheral issues involved. A second area of concern as to the final terms of the arrangement is the volatility of the financial aspects of the transaction. Because this is essentially a stock swap, the volatility of the price of one company vis a vis the other is critical. There have been rumors that John Malone, TCI Chairman may seek more favorable terms as a result. 2 4-I.3 We therefore feel that this potential should also be specifically addressed in your resolution. IV. Conclusion. In summary, this merger should not adversely effect the City of Federal Way's cable television franchise. Present management of TCI, for better or worse, will apparently stay in place. AT&T has deep pockets and, if so willing, can accelerate the development of new services for subscribers. The image of the telephone industry in customer relations is far better than that of cable operators and it is to be hoped that this will be imposed upon TCl. We recommend the City Council approve this request for transfer subject to the special conditions embodied in the draft resolution attached. 3 '-I- I. ' '+ RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF FEDERAL WAY APPROVING THE CHANGE OF CONTROL OF THE CABLE COMMUNICATIONS FRANCHISE WHEREAS, Tele- Vue Systems, Inc. ("Franchisee") is duly authorized by the City of Federal Way (the "Franchise Authority") to operate and maintain a cable communications system (the "System") in Federal Way, Washington pursuant to a fÌanchise granted by the Franchise Authority under Ordinance No. 95-238, and 96-264 (the "Franchise"); and WHEREAS, pursuant to the Agreement and Plan of Restructuring and Merger among AT&T Corp. ("AT&T"), a newly fol1lled wholly owned subsidiary of AT&T ("Merger Sub"), and Tele-Communications, Inc., the parent of Franchisee ("TCI"), dated as of June 23, 1998 (the "Merger Agreement"), Merger Sub will merge with and into TCI with TCI as the surviving corporation in the merger, and as a result of the transactions contemplated by the Merger Agreement, TCI will become a wholly owned subsidiary of AT&T (the 'Transactions"); and WHEREAS, Franchisee will continue to hold the Franchise after consummation of the Transactions; and WHEREAS, FCC Fol1ll 394 with respect to the Transactions has been filed with the Franchise Authority; and WHEREAS, the parties have requested consent by the Franchise Authority to the Transactions. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. The Franchise Auth0l1ty hereby consents to and approves the Transactions to the extent that such consent is required by the tenns of the Franchise and applicable law, provided that: A) TCI and AT &T agree that TCI as a wholly owned subsidiary of AT&T, will continue to be bound by the terms of the Master Cable Television Ordinance No. 95-239, and the Franchise, and any amendments thereto; and B) In accordance with Exhibit 4 of the FCC Fol1ll394, if, in the future, AT&T offers services other than those cunently authOl1zed by the Franchise and any applicable laws, AT&T will obtain any necessary federal, state or local authorization prior to the introduction of such services over Franchisee's System. Implicit in this statement is the obligation to pay to the franchise L)I,S AuthOlity any fees, taxes or other assessments as may lawfully be levied; and C) The final merger agreement consummated by the parties and approved by the federal government shall not contain any material changes :£Tom the facts submitted in Franchisee's request for consent to the change of control submitted to the Franchise Authority. - SECTION 2. This Resolution shall be deemed effective in accordance with applicable law. PASSED, ADOPTED AND APPROVED this day of ,1999. By: ATTEST: Clerk LfI,& CITY OF FEDERAL WAY MEMORANDUM Date: Subject: January 20, 1999 Finance, Economic Development and Regional Affairs Committee Mehdi Sadri, Information Systems Manager & Right of Entry Agreement with King County to extend the Institutional Network to City Hall, Steel Lake, and Dumas Bay Centre To: From: --Background: King County is implementing the Institutional Network (I-Net). This fiber optic network connects up to 300 public facilities in King County. The network will be used for data, voice and video communications. This project has been made possible as part of TCI's rebuild of its cable system. In order for King County and its subcontractors to install fibre optic cables in City buildings, King County is requesting an agreement with the City to allow them right of entry. Staff has reviewed the project and the Right-of-Way Agreement and recommends the approval of this agreement. Committee Recommendation: The committee recommends forwarding the attached agreement to full Council for action on February 2, 1999, APPROVAL BYCOMMITTEE: Committee Chair Committee Member Committee Member K;\FINANCE\FINCOMMTE\1999\ROE_AGM,OOC 1/20/1 999 L-).3 , / FACT SHEET KING COUNTY INSTITUTIONAL NETWORK (I-NET) Project Description: A fiber optic network to connect up to 300 public facilities in King County. The network will be used for data, voice and video communications. It has been made possible as part of TCI's rebuild of its cable system in the Puget Sound regIOn. Customer Base: I-Net will serve schools in unincorporated King County; King County Libraries; King County government agencies; and other public agencies in King County, including public safety agencies, courts and health facilities. Services: I-Net will be a general-purpose communications network that will provide high- speed transmission of data, video and voice. Initial services include: . . Tl Circuits: I-Net will replace existing leased Tl circuits for client agencies. These point-to-point circuits wil1link Wide Area Networks (W ANs) and Private Branch Exch<rnges (PBXs). They will support data, video, and voice interfaces at a speed of 1.5 Mbs. Emulation ofTl circuits will allow TI users to use much of their existing routing equipment upon conversion to I-Net. . ATM Interface: I-Net will support high speed/high capacity interfaces for data, video, and voice communications, using ATM teclmology. This technology will be capable of providing speeds up to 155 Mbs to client applications, and capacity comparable to roughly 100 Tl s. This new technology will bring better picture & voice quality for users moving from an older technology environment. It will support W ANs, PBXs and high quality two-way video. . Two-way Video: I-Net will provide capability for scheduled two-way video to support distance learning, collaborative classrooms, video conferen~ng, video arraignment, security monitoring, video town meetings, and other one and two- way video applications. Role in Business Needs of Public Institutions in King County: Cost containment for telecommunications expenses New instructional tool for educators (two-way interactive video) Improved ability to share information & resources among public & educational institutions Enhanced participation in public and business meetings Expandable and upgradab!e communications network to support future requirements . . . . . Construction Timeline I Mid- ¡ 998 Begin Construction I Late-1999 Pilot Group Activated I Late-200 1 Project Complete Lf-J. .2- Return Address: King County I-Net Project 700 Fiftth Ave., 23rd FI Seattle, W A 98104 Attn: Client Agency Coordinator RIGHT OF ENTRY AGREEMENT TO KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON THIS RIGHT OF ENTRY AGREEMENT (hereinafter "Agreement") is made and entered into as of the - day of , 1998, by and between ' (hereinafter "Owner"), and KING COUNTY, a charter county organized and existing under the laws of the State of Washington (hereinafter "County"). RECITALS A. WHEREAS, C. fr 0 {- -Fe-.ckrA.-1 LJd..'f is the owner of certain real properties (hereinafter the "Properties"), buildings (hereinafter the "Buildings") and any associated conduit or aerial attachment at the location(s) legally described in Appendix A, which Appendix is attached and incorporated by this reference as if fully stated herein; ," The common name and address of each property and building is listed below: 1. Property name City Hall Building name, if different Street Address 33530 1st Way South City Federal Way Zip code 98003 2. Property name Steel Lake Building name, if different Street Address 2410 South 312th Street City Federal Way Zip code 98003 3. Property name Dumas Bay Center Building name, if different Street Address 3200, S. W. Dash Point Road City Federal Way Zip code 98023 [Attach additional sheets as needed and so indicate in the space below] the number of sheets attached to this site list is sheets. This list shall constitute the "Buildings" and may also be referred to as Appendix B. This appendix is attached and incorporated by this reference as if fully stated herein; , LlJ. :5 B. WHEREAS, King County, Washington (hereinafter the "County") is currently plånning to construct an instituti<?nal network (hereinafter the "I-Net"); c. WHEREAS, the County would like to make I-Net services available at the Properties; O. [choose 0-1 if the I-Net user is NOT the building owner or 0-2 ¡fthe I-Net user is the building owner. Crossout, initial and date the paragraph that is NOT applicable] 0-1. WHEREAS, (hereinafter "User") is not the owner of the Properties but the User wants to have I-Net services available to it, and the Properties' Owner has concurred in writing and such written concurrence is attached and' incorporated by this reference as if fully stated herein; [OR] 0-2. WHEREAS, the Properties' Owner wants to have I-Net services available to it; E. WHEREAS, making services available will require that County staff or its designees to come on to the Properties and into the Buildings to inspect, survey, construct, reconstruct, install, repair, maintain, replace, and removeI-Net conduit, fibers, equipment, and appurtenances (hereinafter the "I-Net Facilities") in, over, under, across and upon the Properties and Buildings thereon (hereinafter" W{)rk "). Actions taken under this grant could include, but are not limited , to: running fiber optic lines, either above ground, in conduit, or in some combination thereof through the Properties; installing optical fiber into a building on each of the Properties; running fibers from the point of entry into the'building to the fiber's point of demarcation; installing an equipment rack at the point of termination; and terminating fibers at that rack. The Owner and User also understand that County staff and its designee will need to access the PropertieS- and the Buildings periodically, and agrees to allow the County and its designees to do so in a reasonable manner; and F. WHEREAS, the Owner wants to grant the County a Right of Entry to the Properties and Buildings so that the County can undertake Work on the I-Net Facilities and the Owner and/or User may potentially access the I-Net's services; GRANTS OF RIGHT OF ENTRY, CONDITIONS AND COVENANTS NOW THEREFORE, for good and valuable consideration, the following grants, agreements and covenants are made: A. Right of Entry I. Subject to the conditions of this Agreement, Owner hereby grants King County, Washington a Right of Entry above, over, across, along, in and under the Properties (hereinafter "Right of Entry"), and the County shall have the nonexclusive right, to perform I-Net Work to provide lawful services, which include, but are not limited to, data, video and audio signals. The County shall do no installation except at locations and using methods approved in writing by the Owner. The County shall not cause any damage to the Properties in the exercise of sllch right; and in the case of damage, the County shall restore the Properties to substantially their orig,inal 4-I. L/- condition as soon as feasible. In addition, the County and its designees will endeavor to notify the building's designat~d site contact before entering onto the property. 2. The Owner shall have the right to utilize that portion of the area subject to the Right of Entry granted in this Agreement for any lawful purpose which does not interfere with the County's use of the Right of Entry area for the I-Net Project. If the Owner installs any modifications or improvements above, over, across, along, in or under the area subject to the Agreement, the Owner agrees to preserve the I-Net Facilities already installed and to refrain from taking any action that would prevent, inhibit or increase the cost to the County or its designee of . doing Work on the subject Right of Entry property. The Owner agrees to provide the County with at least 10 work-days written notice prior to beginning any routine Work on the Right of Entry property and with as much notice as practicable for emergency Work on that property. 3. The Owner warrants to the County that it has a good and indefeasible fee simple title to the Properties, subject only to taxes not yet due and payable, and covenants, restrictions, and licenses or records which do not interfere with the use contemplated herein. 4. All provision~ of this Agreement, including the benefits and burdens, are binding upon the parties' successors, agents and assigns. 5. The Owner may terminate this Agreement for any reason upon one-hundred and eighty (180) days written notice to the County. , 6. This Agreement shall be construed and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the State of Washington. Venue of any action brought hereunder shall be in King County Superior Court. 7. The County may Work on the Properties, as described in Appendix A, and the Buildings, as specified in Appendix B, provided: (a) the County shall obtain Qwner's prior written consent to the locations and methods used for the installation and removal of the I-Net Facilities, (b) the County shall use its staff or designees to accomplish the Work, and (c), the person or entity doing the Work shall comply with all of the other provisions of this Agreement and all laws applicable hereto. The County shall obtain this consent in the following or in a similar manner: (a) the Owner shall provide the County with suitable drawings of the Properties and Buildings; (b) the County shall then indicate the proposed locations and methods used for the installation; (c) i[the Owner agrees, the Owner will initial and date the drawings. 8. The County, or its designee, shall perform and be responsible for the installation, routine maintenance and removal of the fibers and equipment, and the County shall pay all costs in connection therewith. The Owner shall take the steps necessary to secure the I-Net's fibers and equipment. Replacements, repairs and non-rputine maintenance arising from the Owner's or User's failure to take the steps necessary to secure the I-Net's fibers and equipment or to deliberately or negligently harm or destroy the fibers, equipment, or any other part of the I-Net, shall be paid for by the Owner or User respectively, but repairs shall be performed by the County or its designee. 9. Owner reserves the right to require the County, within a reasonable period of time, after receiving written notice, to repair any I-Net Facilities on the Properties or in the Buildings if the Facilities were installed in violation of this Right of Entry, or, at any time, violate any laws or represent a dangerous or potentially dangerous condition. If the Owner becomes aware'ofthe 4-J,S condition first, it shall send the County written notice of the problem including the nature'ofthe problem, the location of the problem if known, and the time proposed for correcting the problem. If the County becomes aware of the condition first, the County shall send the Owner and User, if different, written notice of the problem including the nature of the problem, the location of the problem if known, and the time proposed for correcting the problem. Owner also reserves the right to require the County to cut any fiber optic cables or remove equipment located in or serving the Buildings which remain in violation of this Right of Entry, or which continue to violate of any laws or represent a dangerous or potentially dangerous condition after the agreed upon time to correct the condition has passed or if both parties agree will not be met. 10. Owner agrees: (a) to provide, at no cost to the County, space, HV AC, and power for the I-Net fiber lines and equipment at its Properties, and (b) to work with County staff to facilitate installation, maintenance, replacement, repair and removal of the I-Net fibers and equipment, subject to the conditions contained in this Agreement. Owner may reasonably monitor the installation, maintenance, replacement, repair and removal of the fiber and equipment. II. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in the Agreement, Owner reserves the right to require the County to disconnect any or all fiber optic cables and to remove equipment installed on the Properties or in Buildings upon termination of this Agreement, provided Owner notifies the County in writing prior to or within ninety (90) days following the termination of this Agreement. Any I-Net Facilities remaining on the Pr,operties or in Buildings later than one hundred-twenty (120) days after the termination of this Ãgreement shall become . the property of the Owner without Pilyment by Owner. . . B. NOTICES Notices under the Agreement shall be as follows: 1. TO KING COUNTY: Margaret Coppock Client - Agency Coordinator King County I-Net Project 700 Fifth Avenue, 23rd Floor Seattle, W A 98104 (206) 684-1046 An emergency number will be supplied as the I-Net goes into operation. 2. TO OWNER: 3. CHANGES 4 ::1, (p Either party may change the party to be notified by given written notice of the chánge, in writing, to the person d~signated to receive routine notices. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Right of Entry Agreement on the date first set forth above. OWNER: By: Please print name BY: Please sign name ITS: STATE OF WASHINGTON ) COUNTI OF KING' )ss ) On this day personally appeared before me to me known to be . the of the . that executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged the said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said organization for the uses and purposes therein mentioned and that he was authorized to execute the said instrument. . GIVEN under my hand and official seal this - day of ,19- NOTARY PUBLIC in and for the State of Washington residing at My appointment expires L/-:T 7 CITY OF FEDERAL WAY MEMORANDUM Date: To: January 21, 1999 Finance, Economic Development & Regional Affairs Committee From: Iwen Wang, Management Services Director Insurance Coverage Comparison and Recommendation Subject: -As we have reported to the Committee before, the Insurance Selection Committee recommended the City select Raleigh Schwarz and Powell as the City's insurance broker, and to compare the premiums, coverages, and services of the two lowest insurance proposals from St. Paul and Hartford, SELECTION COMMI1TEE RECOMMENDATION: The Selection Committee met on January 12, 1999 to review the attached comparison material. The Committee unanimously recommended the City select St, Paul based on the differences in deductibles, coverages, and reference checks. They also suggested that the additional premium estimate be provided wherever possible to achieve a better comparison. Coveraf!e and Premium Comparison: The table below shows what staff was able to obtain in additional premium information to provide such a comparison. As indicated, we were not able to get data to bring all coverage into comparability. The City's existing premium without earthquake and back wages coverage is $210,893. St. Paul St96,690 Hartford/PENCO $178,649 Premium Adjustments to level exclusionsldeductiblesllimits di 7erences of the two proposals: 1. Property damage deductible: $5,000 $10,000 Additional Cost to lower the deductible: $422 2. Earthquake coverage deductible: $50,000 $268,000 Additional Cost to lower the deductible: $25,000+ 3. Co-insurance requirement (property): N/A 90% Additional Cost: $? 4, Extra Expense for business interruption (Property): N/A 40%-80%-100% Additional Cost: $? 5. Special activities liability exclusion: Not excluded Gymnastics, ice hockey, football, carnivals, leased workers, amusement devices, trampoline. Additional Cost for gymnastics coverage only: $2,500 6, Back Wages Exclusion (public official liability): Not excluded Additional Cost for adding the coverage: $2,5()() 7, Above Ground Pollution: Included Additional Cost for addinl! the coveral!e: $? 8, Public Official Liability coverage: $5 million $2 million Additional Cost to increase the coverage: $'! Adjusted Premium: $199,190 $206,571 + J-j-K.J Finance, Economic Development & Regional Affairs Committee Insurance coverage Comparison and Recommendation January 21, 1999 Page 2 Both insurers agreed to work with the City to reasonably accommodate the City's needs in defense counsel selection, but neither will give up their authority to make the decision. Both insurers agreed to provide a three-year rate guarantee as long as the City's claims stay under a specific loss ratio, with St. Paul's term being more favorable. In addition to comparing the coverages and premiums, we also contacted both carriers' past and current municipal customers for references. The results indicate both companies will be able to serve the City well with St. Paul probably being the more responsive. COMMITTEE ACTION: Approve and forward to full Council for action the Selection Committee's recommendation to accept St. Paul's proposal to provide insurance coverage for the City including the addition of earthquake coverage and the elimination of the back wages exclusion from the City's existing coverage; and to authorize the City m Manager to enter into a professional services contract with Raleigh Schwarz and Powell to provide insurance broker services during a period of three years. . ApPROVAL OF COMMITTEE ACTION:. ..- . Committee Chair Committee Member Committee l\1elhbcr klFinance"'99INSRNC.DOC 4- k) c2.. ".,_' ,-.--,..,-.---'--- CITY OF FEDERAL WAY MEMORANDUM Date: January 8, 1999 Insurance and Broker Selection Committee M~b~r~ Iwen Wang, Management Services Director yLU Insurance Selection Meeting Confirmation To: From: Subject: At our last meeting, the Committee recommended Federal Way City Council award broker service to Raleigh Schwarz and Powell and compare the terms and coverages of the two lowest insurance proposals from St. Paul and Hartford. Attached is a premium summary of the two packages; a brief synopsis of the key coverages and exclusions by line of coverage from the two insurance proposals prepared by Dan DeLorenzo of Raleigh Schwarz and Powell; and a couple of brief references from Jim McDonald, Geisy, Greer & Gunn, Inc., based on his discussion with past and current public entity clients ofbóth insurers. Both Dan and Jim will be at Tuesday's meeting to answer any questions you may have. The meeting will be held on Tuesday, January 12, noon to 1 :00 p.m. The meeting room has been changed from the Finance Conference Room to the Administrative Conference Room on the second floor at City Hall. Brown bag lunches will be provided. If you have any special likes or dislikes, please call Marj Currie-Hicks the day before at (253) 661-4061. Thank you for your participation! IW:mch Attachments (3) K:\R1SK\rNS\rNSUMT,DOC Lj-j<!,3 ..-.,....,....- PREMIUM SUMMARY Polil~Y H:lrtford St. P:ml ____0 -. Total All Lines $ 178,649 $196,690 Auto $ 44,881 $ 42,317 Property $ 12,358 $ 9,875 - Building Code $ 240 included Inland Marine $ 1,742 $ 5,705 *" General Liability $ 35,605 $ 25,669 Law Enforcement Liability $ 36,167 $51,875 Umbrella $ 21,084 $ 24,000 . \ \ " r )v' , 11') \ H\ ' Public Official Liability - $ 13,182 $ 35,566 Boiler included $ 1,683 :t- , Above Ground Pollution not quoted included Earthquake * $ 13,390 included ./ * Hartford did not quote earthquake; amount shown represents separate earthquake coverage quote from Agricultural. 41<,+ - --------'------'------'---' RALEIGH, SCHWARZ & POWELL, INC. CONSULTANTS AND INSURANCE BROKERS December 23, 1998 Fax To: 253-661-4075 Page 1 of 5 To: Iwen Wang Management Services Director CITY OF FEDERAL WAY From: Dan DeLorenzo RE: PROPERTY & LIABILITY INSURANCE Here is a brief spreadsheet covering a few of the key differences between St, Paul & Hartford. We asked St. Paul and Hartford to bring their coverages closer to an apples to apples situation. In most cases coverage or deductibles were enhanced with no additional premium. Call if you wish further clarification on any items. cc: Jim McDonald, Consultant 253-473-0532 1201 PACIFIC AVENUE. SUITE 1000 \ \ d . Is h' Id 119981:Pe BNdg{B TACO:Jt, WASHINGTON 98401 (253) 396-5500 FAX (253) 396-4500 g: users a mm mat les OC ec lwang. DC 4- k I S- CITY OF FEDERAL WAY DEDUCTmLE COMPARISON HARTFORD/AGRICULTURAL , ST. PAUL PROPERTY $ 10,000 $ 5,000 GENERAL LIABILITY $ 5,000 $ 5,000 LAW ENFORCEMENT $ 5,000 $ 5,000 VEHICLES $ 5,000 $ 5,000 POLLUTION Not Available $ 1,000 PUBLIC OFFICIAL E&O $ 5,000 $ 5,000 CRIM E/B 0 ND S $ 1,000 $ 1,000 EARTHQUAKE $ 268,000 $ 50,000 \14132088j34 4K,(¡; I CITY OF FEDERAL WAY I PROPERTY & LIABILITY INSURANCE CARRIER REVIEW (Not a Complete Review) Best Rating: Property Blanket . Deductible Earnings . Coinsurance HARTFORD A+15 Extra Expense . Monthly maximum Boiler Equipment Building Ordinance EDP $ 10,734,454 $ 10,000 $ 964,400 90% $ 318,000 40%-80%-100% Included $ 119,500 $ 500,000 $ 1,633,000 General Liabilit-y Per Occurrence Aggregate Deductible $ $ $ 2,000,000 2,000,000 5,000 Ice Hockey Football Gymnastics Volunteer Firefighters Carnivals Special Exclusions Y2K Leased Workers Amusement Devices Trampoline \/4/32088j34 4-K,7 - ST. PAUL A+15 $ $ $ 10,734,454 5,000 1,282,400 No Coinsurance Included No Limitation Included $ 119,500 $ 500,000 $ 1,633,000 $ 2,000,000 $ 2,000,000 $ 5,000 Standard Form Y2K Law Enforcement Per Occurrence Aggregate Deductible Discrimination Civil Rights LEOFF ACT VehicIes Limits Deductible GKLL/lmpounds Hired Physical Pollution Herbicide & Pesticide Form Deductible Retro-Date Public Official Liability Limit Deductible Form Engineers/Surveyors Architects Law Enforcement Retro-Date Back Wages CrimelBonds Fidelity Faithful Performance Deductible vclIstlwordlJ1fede-1 0, Oc7 HARTFORD ST. PAUL $ $ $ 2,000,000 2,000,000 5,000 Included Included $ 2,000,000 $ 2,000,000 $ 5,000 Any Harm Any Harm Stop Gap Liability Stop Gap Liability $ 2,000,000 $ 2,000,000 $ 5,000 $ 5,000 $ 100,000 $ 100,000 $ 35,000 $ 35,000 Not Insured NIL N/A N/A $ 1,000,000 Claims Made $ I ,000 1-31-1995 $ $ $ $ 5,000,000 5,000 2,000,000 5,000 Occurrence Partially Covered Excluded Excluded Occurrence Included Included Excluded 9/28/89 9/28/89 Included Excluded ,--------- $ 250,000 Included $ 250,000 Included $ $ 1,000 1,000 L/- k, g HARTFORD Excess/U m b rella Retention E&O Excess Retro-Date $ $ 10,000,000 10,000 ,", 1 f1!-1999 V íJ..\ ;' ,C1Q ~ \ ' , I ((\ ¡ì\\ \ ' . AGRICUL TURAL* Earthquake --Limit Deductible Premium *Hartford would not quote $ 5,000,000 21/2% of Values ($268,000) $ 13,390 Total Package: Earthquake Building Ordinance Above Ground Pollution $ $ $ 165,019 13,390 240 Not Quoted TOTAL PREMIUM: $ 178,649 HARTFORD Rate Guarantee Term: 3 Year 35% 10% Growth Allowed Loss Ratio Allowed Exposure Base Policies Covered General Liability Auto False Arrest Errors & Omissions Property vclIstlwordlf\fede-l (),{)c7 L/-K, c¡ ST. PAUL $ 10,000,000 $ 10,000 -, 12-31-89 [ .,f-,. \ \ \'L r '-' ) ST. PAUL $ 5,000,000 $ 50,000 Included $ 196,690 Included Included Included $ 196,690 ST. PAUL 3 Year 40% No Restriction General Liability Auto False Arrest Errors & Omissions To: I wen Wang From: Jim McDonald Subject: Insurance References I received the references from Dan DeLorenzo and made contact with most of the people on the list. Below is the results of my conversations: PENCOIHARTFORD Previous Insureds: Longview School District-Mike Kipp Left Penco purely for price considerations. They switched to St Paul. Service was good and they had no problems with claims. Selection of defense counsel was never an issue. Grant County-Mike Wilson/Peggy Griggs Mike Wilson liked the loss co.Qtrol services provided. Penco provided inspections and newsletters. Peggy Griggs informed me that the County left to join a cooperative with two other Counties. She did advise me that the did have one claim problem but it wasn't the reason they left. Metropolitan Parks District (MPD) of Tacoma -Byron Olson! Steve Schwartz They did not have a major problem with Penco. He did express extreme dissatisfaction with Penco with regards to certificates of coverage. He said it was almost impossible to get certificates from Hartford. The problem was only resolved after Dan Delorenzo intervened. They switched to St Paul and he is very satisfied with them. Steve is the risk manager. He informed me that MPD was with PENCO/Hartford for a short period of time when he first came to work there. He said their claims service was slow and unresponsive. He also felt that PENCO did not communicate as an organization well. As an example, he said PENCO loss control personnel came to MPD to conduct an audit six months after they switched to St. Paul. Current Insureds Douglas County-Steve Clem Steve spoke very highly about Penco. He is impressed with their risk management staff. He said they had a problem with a claim person but that was resolved and they are very pleased with their claims people now. Selection of defense counsel has not been a problem. LJ K, 10 City of Coeur d' Alene, ID-John Austin The City only has its property coverage with Penco. Mr. Austin advised me that he was pleased with Penco services, They are very responsive and helpful. Wahkiakum County-Jack Tobin Did not return my call. ST PAUL -Previous Insureds The Port Authority-Pat Dean Pat Liked St Paul but they went out to bid because St Paul would not provide building codes coverage. Since the Port owns many condos and hotels, this was vital coverage. Therefore, St Paul was removed from the bidding process early due to their refusal to offer this coverage. Duluth Steam Cooperative-Jerry Poloski They left purely on price considerations. Service was good. Claims service was good, They haven't had a lawsuit in four years so selection of defense counsel has not been an Issue. Current Insureds Metropolitan Parks District (MPD) of Tacoma -Byron Olson! Steve Schwartz Byron is very happy with St Paul. The claims service is excellent. They have had two fire losses since being insured with St PauL He said the claims handling of the two fire losses was great. No complaints. He also said they have been cooperative in the selection of defense counseL It took some convincing, but they have been flexible. Mr. Swartz was very complimentary of St. Paul. He said their claims staff was professional and accommodating. He said they listen to their needs with regard to claims settlement and handling. They also have been very accommodating with regard to the selection of defense counseL Citv of Fir crest-Susan Clough Very happy with St PauL Claims handling has been great. They even paid for Superfund site that most companies would not have paid. Also, very flexible in the selection of defense counsel. She credits this too a large part on Dan DeLoreno's efforts, L/-K,1/ CITY or FEDERAL WAY MEMORANDUM Date: December 3, 1998 Finance, Economic Development and Regional Affairs Committee To: Subject: Bob C. Sterbank, City Attorney Site Lease Agreement with Airtouc/l - 33250 - 2)5' Ave. S. W. From: - Back!!round: Airtouch has requested a lease with the City of Federal Way to allow the installation of telecommunications equipment within the City's right-of-way, on a Puget Sound Energy pole, located at approximately 33250 - 21'1 Ave. S.W., adjacent to the YMCA. The attached Site Lease Agreement provides in pertinent part as follows: Lease Term: Rent: Permits: 5 years with 3-5 year renewal options None; -- facilities located within right-of-way Tenant will obtain all necessary permits; pay all permit fees in connection with installing equipment (Airtouch has obtained a telecommunications permit) Airtouch has indemnified City and waived challenges to legality of lease $1,000,000 general liability per occurrence Indemnification: Insurance: Committee Recommendation: Direct City Attorney to prepare any proposed amendments to the Leél.Se and forward the Lease to the full City Council for its consideration at the regular City Council meeting of December 15, 1998. APPROVAL BY COMMITTEE: Committec.Chair K:\document\airtouch .COY Committee Member Committee Member 4 L./ DR AFT SITE LEASE AGREEMENT THIS LEASE is entered into this - day of , 1998, by and between the City of Federal Way, Washington, a Municipal Corporation (hereinafter "City") and , a Corporation, with its principal office located at (hereinafter "Tenant"). City is the owner in fee simple of a parcel of land located in the City legally described on the -- attached Exhibit A (the "Premises"). Tenant desires to lease space on and air-space above the Premises as described below for the installation and operation of certain equipment which include requisite antennas, and connecting cables and appurtenances (collectively, "Equipment") for use in connection with its wireless telephone communications service ("Service"). Tenant wi11locate its Equipment on a power pole located within the Premises. In consideration of their mutual covenants, the parties agree as follows: 1. Leased Premises. City leases to Tenant and Tenant leases from City, on a non-exclusive basis, a portion of the Premises as legally described in attached Exhibit A, together with necessary space and rights for access and utilities, described and depicted in attached Exhibit B. Tenant may locate its Equipment on the Premises in the manner as described specifically in \ the attached Exhibit C. Tenant may not add Equipment in addition to that shown on Exhibit C other than as may be approved in writing by the City, which approval may be withheld in the City's sole and absolute discretion. 2. Thrill. This Lease shall be five (5) years and shall commence on the date of execution by the City (the "Commencement Date") and shall end at 12:00 a.m. (midnight) on the fifth (5th) anniversary of the Commencement Date. This Lease may be renewed for three (3) additional five (5) year terms upon giving written notice to the City no more than six (6) months before and no later than three (3) months before the end of the current five (5) year term. The City may refuse to renew (i) in the event of breach of the Lease during the preceding term, or (ii) any other reason determined by the City in its reasonable discretion. Any such refusal shall be in writing and shall be sent to Tenant at least sixty (60) days prior to expiration of the then current five (5) year term. 3. City's Costs. Concurrent with the signing of this Lease, Tenant shall reimburse City of all of City's costs and expenses in connection therewith including attorneys and consultant fees and the time expended by the City staff and City Attorney's Office. 4. Permitted Use of Premises. a. Tenant shall use that portion of the Premises leased herein for the Page 1 LfL.;;L installation, operation, and maintenance of its Equipment to provide Service. The Equipment and Premises may not be used for cable, data, Internet or other telecommunications services. b. Tenant shall, at its expense, comply with all applicable present and future federal, state, and local laws, ordinances, rules and regulations (including laws and ordinances relating to zoning, aesthetics, landscaping, fencing, permits, removal and abandonment, screening, health, radio frequency emissions, other radiation and safety) in connection with the provision of Service and the use, operation, maintenance, construction and/or installation of Equipment and/or the Premises. Tenant shall obtain all required governmental approvals, authorizations, licenses and permits at Tenant's expense. City agrees to reasonably cooperate with --- Tenant in obtaining, at Tenant's expense including reimbursement of City's reasonable attorney, administrative and other related fees, any licenses and permits required by Tenant's use of the Premises. c. Tenant shall remove the Equipment from the Premises upon termination of the Lease. Upon removal of the Equipment, Tenant shall restore the affected area of the Premises to the reasonable satisfaction of the City. All costs and expenses for the removal and restoration to be performed by Tenant shall be borne by Tenant. If however, Tenant requests permission not to remove all or a portion of the improvements, and City consents to such nonremoval, title to the affected improvements shall thereupon transfer to City and the same thereafter shall be the sole and entire property of City, and Tenant shall be relieved of its duty to otherwise remove same. d. The City reserves the right to regulate, use, occupy and enjoy its , right-of-way property for such purposes as it shall desire including, but not limited to, constructing or installing structures and facilities on the right-of-way, or developing, improving, repairing or altering the right-of-way. In furtherance of such rights, the Tenant will, upon the City's demand and at the Tenant's sole cost and expense, remove, repair, relocate, change, or reconstruct the Equipment pursuant to the City's instructions and within the reasonable time period prescribed by the City. 5. Restoration. In the event that Tenant causes damage of any kind during the course of installing, operating or maintaining the Equipment, including damage to the right-of-way caused by cutting, boring, jack hammering, excavation or other work, and including latent damage not immediately apparent at the time of the work, Tenant shall repair the damage and/or restore the right-of-way at its sole cost and expense, without delay or interruption and within the reasonable time period prescribed by the City. Restoration of the right-of-way shall be to a condition which is equivalent to or better than the condition of the right-of-way prior to commencing the installation, operation or maintenance of the Equipment and to a condition satisfactory to the City. Restoration of the right-of-way surface shall either include six inches (6") of crushed surfacing top course and three inches (3 ") of asphalt, class "B", or be replaced to the original condition, at the City's sole discretion. Whenever part of a square or slab or existing concrete sidewalk or driveway is cut or damaged, the entire square or slab shall be removed and replaced. All materials and compacting shall be in accordance with the "Standards and Specifications for Road, Bridge, and Municipal Construction," as amended. Page 2 .1. 3 '~--f i.- . 6. Improvements. Tenant may update or replace the Equipment from time to time provided that the replacement facilities are not greater in number or size or different in type, color or shape or height than the existing facilities and that any change in their location on the Premises is approved in writing by City. Subject to the foregoing, Tenant may change the Equipment configuration specified in attached Exhibit C with the prior written approval of City. Tenant shall submit to City a written request for any such change and any supplemental materials as may be requested, for City's evaluation and approval. City shall have thirty (30) days after receipt of all requested materials in which to respond to such request and unless City so notifies Tenant to the contrary such approval shall be deemed granted. No lights or signs may be installed on the premises or as part of the Equipment. 7. Premises Access. Tenant shall have reasonable access to the Premises 24-hours-a-day, 7-days-a-week. City retains and reserves the right to access the Premises at all times. 8. Utilities. Tenant shall, at its expense, separately meter charges for the consumption of electricity and other utilities associated with its use of the Premises and shall timely pay all costs associated therewith. 9. Maintenance. Tenant shall, at its own expense, maintain the Premises and Equipment on or attached to the Premises in a safe condition, in good repair and in a manner suitable to City. Additionally, Tenant shall keep the Premises free of debris and anything of a dangerous, noxious or offensive nature or which would create a hazard or undue vibration, heat, noise or any interference with City services. Tenant shall have sole responsibility for the maintenance, repair, and security of its Equipment and leasehold improvements, and shall keep the same in good repair and condition during the Lease term. 10. Compliance with Laws. Tenant's use of the Premises is subject to its obtaining all certificates, permits, zoning, and other approvals that may be required by any federal, state or local authority. Tenant shall erect, maintain and operate its Equipment in accordance with applicable site standards, statutes, ordinances, rules and regulations now or hereinafter in effect as may be issued by the Federal Communications Commission, the City, or any other federal, state or other governing bodies. Tenant specifically waives any right to claim that any aspect of this Lease is contrary to any provision of any local, state or federal law (including the Telecommunications Act of 1996) in effect as of the date of this Agreement. In addition, Tenant specifically acknowledges that all or a portion of the premises is right-of-way subject to City's regulatory authority. Nothing herein shall be deemed to limit, impair or affect City's authority to franchise or otherwise permit usage of rights-of-way pursuant to its regulatory authority. [11.] fW-: Lease Subject to Future Ordinances. Tenant acknowledges that the City may develop rules, regulations, ordinances and specifications for the use of the right-of-way and City property which shall govern Tenant's Equipment and activities hereunder as if they were in effect at the time this Lease was executed by the City and Tenant covenants and agrees to be bound by same. Page 3 LiLI,-/- \ ".' fHt [12]. Interference. Tenant shall not use the Premises in any way which interferes with the use of the Premises by City, lessees, licensees, or other entities authorized by the City with rights to the Premises prior in time to Tenant's. City shall have the right [pursuant to FWCC 22-966(H)] to grant rights for co-location of other telecommunications facilities on the Premises. 13 ] f:--H:t . Termination. a. Except as otherwise provided herein, this Lease may be terminated, without penalty to City or further liability of City, as follows: 1. Upon thirty (30) days written notice by either party for failure to cure a default or breach, including non-payment of amounts due under this Lease, within that thirty (30) day period; or such longer period as may be required to diligently complete a cure commenced within the thirty (30) day period; 2. Upon ninety (90) days written notice by Tenant that the Premises are or become unusable under Tenant's design or engineering specifications for its Equipment or the communications system to which the Equipment belongs; 3. Upon thirty (30) days written notice by City if Tenant abandons, vacates or ceases using the Premises or Equipment; or if Tenant is adjudicated as bankrupt or makes any assignment for the benefit of its creditors; or if Tenant becomes insolvent; 4. Upon thirty (30) days notice written notice by City[. for any reason as deternrlned by the City in its reasonable discretion~ including reasons]jft~~t¿iáá-~itû*tiQn involving public health, safety or welfare; 5. fhnm-ediately,] upon tçn(Hnqtty~written notice by City[, in the event 011 tf. tÞ~rç~*~~ an emergency[~ as detennined by the City in its rea<;onable discretion] ~ittlaJíþft. [6. Upon thirty (30) days written notice by Tenant of a court decision described in Section 25(g) of this Lease below~ and Tenant elects to tenninate this Lease as a consequence of such court decision. If Tenant elects to tenninate pursuant to this subsection~ Tenant agrees that neither it~ its successors~ heirs or assigns will seek to enter into another Site Lease Agreement with the City of Federal Way for the Premises for a period of three (3) years from the date tennination is effective~ and Tenant waives any claim against the City arising out of any refusal to enter into a new lease should Tenant tenninate under this subsection.] b. In the event of [aro,] termination [under this Section], Tenant shall pay City all monies due as rent and/or penalties, including attorney and collection fees and any other damages incurred by City as a result of such termination. [In addition Tenant shall~ at its sole expense~ return the Premises to the same condition as prior to this Lease ( nonnal wear and tear Page 4 111 S ..¡..., , ....... excepted)~ and shall remove all Equipment.] c. No re-entry and taking of possession of the Premises by City shall be construed as an election on City's part to terminate this Lease, regardless of the extent of renovations and alterations by City, unless a written notice of such intention is given to Tenant by City. Notwithstanding any reletting without termination, City may at any time thereafter elect to terminate this Lease for such previous breach. fBt [14]. Indemnity and Insurance. a. Disclaimer of Liability: City shall not, at any time, be liable for injury or damage occurring to any person or property from any cause whatsoever arising out of Tenant's construction, installation, maintenance, repair, use, operation, condition or dismantling of the Premises or Tenant's Equipment and Tenant expressly assumes all such risk. b. Indemnification and Hold Harmless: Tenant shall, at its sole cost and expense, indemnify and hold harmless City and its officers, boards, commissions, employees, agents, attorneys, and contractors from and against any and all liability, damages, and claims, (including, without limitation, reasonable fees and expenses of attorneys, expert witnesses and consultants), which may be asserted by reason of any act or omission of Tenant, its employees, agents, or contractors or which may be in any way connected with the construction, installation, operation, maintenance, repair, use, condition or dismantling of the Premises or Tenant's Equipment except for claims arising from the fsole negligence] ~tË~~i9~J~çm qf City and its officers, boards, commissions, employees, agents, attorneys and contractors. c. Insurance: During the term of this Lease, Tenant shall maintain in full force and effect and at its sole cost and expense, and naming City, its officers, boards, commissions, employees and agents as additional insureds, the following types and limits of insurance: i. Comprehensive commercial general liability insurance with minimum limits of One Million Dollars ($1,000,000) per occurrence and Three Million Dollars ($3,000,000) in the annual aggregate. ii. Comprehensive automobile liability insurance with combined single minimum limits of One Million Dollars ($1,000,000) per occurrence and Three Million Dollars ($3,000,000) in the annual aggregate. Ill. Worker's compensation insurance and such other insurance as may be required by law. d. Evidence of Insurance: Certificates of insurance for each insurance policy required by this Lease, along with written evidence of payment of required premiums, shall be filed and maintained with City prior to commencement of the term of this Lease and thereafter. Page 5 L¡,L, ~ e. Cancellation of Policies of Insurance: All insurance policies maintained pursuant to this Lease shall contain the following or substantially similar endorsement: "At least sixty (60) days prior written notice shall be given to City by the insurer of any intention not to renew such policy or to cancel, replace or materially alter same, such notice to be given by registered mail. " f. Oeductibles: All insurance policies may be written with commercially reasonable deductibles. g. License: All insurance policies shall be with insurers licensed to do business in the State of Washington and with a rating of - unless waived by the City. h. Defense of City: In the event any action or proceeding shall be brought against the City, Tenant shall, at Tenant's sole cost and expense, resist and defend the same provided, however, that Tenant shall not admit liability in any such matter on behalf of the City without the written consent of City. ' Nothing herein shall be deemed to prevent City from cooperating with Tenant and participating in the defense of any litigation with City's own counsel. Tenant shall pay all expenses incurred by City in response to any such actions, suits or proceedings. These expenses shall include all out-of-pocket expenses such as attorney fees and shall also include the reasonable value of any services rendered by the City's attorney, and the actual expenses of City's agents, \ employees, consultants and expert witnesses, and disbursements and liabilities assumed by City in connection with such suits, actions or proceedings. ft4t [15]. Holding Over. Any holding over after the expiration of the term hereof, with the consent of the City, shall be construed to be a tenancy from month to month and shall otherwise be on the terms, covenants and conditions herein specified. fl-5t [16]. Acceptance of Premises. Tenant accepts the Premises in the condition existing as of the Commencement Date. City makes no representation or warranty with respect to the condition of the Premises and City shall not be liable for any latent or patent defect in the Premises. fl6t [17]. Notices. All notices, requests, demands, and other communications hereunder shall be in writing and shall be deemed given if personally delivered or mailed, certified mail, return receipt requested; to the following addresses: If to City, to: With a copy to: Page 6 LJ-L,7 If to Tenant, to: fHt [18]. Subleasing or Assignment. Tenant may not assign this Lease or sublet the Premises or Equipment, in whole or in part, without the prior written consent of City, which may not be unreasonably withheld. City may inquire into the qualifications and financial stability of -- a potential assignee or sublessee and reasonably request any information related to such inquiry and may also condition such approval upon the financial, legal and technical expertise of a proposed assignee or sublessee and upon the resolution of any compliance obligation under the Lease. If the City has not responded to a request to assign or sublet with a decision within forty five (45) days, City approval shall be deemed given. Tenant may, however, upon notice to City and without City approval, mortgage or grant a security interest in this Lease and the Equipment. fl-8t [19]. Successors and Assigns. Subject to Section $þ[18], this Lease shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the parties, and their respective permitted successors and assIgns. fl-9t [20]. Non-Waiver. Failure of City to insist on strict performance of any of the conditions, covenants, terms or provisions of this Lease or to exercise any of its rights hereunder \ shall not waive such rights, but City shall have the right to [specifically] enforce such rights at any time and take such action as might be lawful or authorized, either in law or equity. [Damages are not an adequate remedy for breach.] The receipt of any sum paid by Tenant to City after a breach of this Lease shall not be deemed a waiver of such breach unless expressly set forth in writing by the City. -ßet [21]. Taxes. Tenant shall pay all personal property taxes (or payments in lieu of taxes) and assessments for the Premises, if any, which become due and payable during the term of this Lease attributable to the Equipment or Tenant's use of the Premises. {Ht [22]. Quiet Enjoyment, Title and Authority. City represents to Tenant that: a. City has authority to execute this Lease; b. City has title to the Premises free and clear of any encumbrances, liens or mortgages, except those encumbrances, liens and mortgages and matters of record, and these and any other matters disclosed and/or otherwise apparent to Tenant; c. There is legal ingress and egress to the Premises from a right-of-way; and d. Execution and performance of this Lease will not violate any laws or Page 7 +L.'ß agreements binding on City. -tttt [23]. Condemnation. In the event the Premises are taken in whole or in part by any entity by eminent domain, this Lease shall terminate as of the date title to the Premises vests in the condemning authority. Tenant shall not be entitled to any portion of the award paid and the City shall receive the full amount of such award. Tenant hereby expressly waives any right or claim to any portion thereof. However, Tenant shall have the right to claim and recover from the condemning authority, other than the City, such other compensation as may be separately awarded or recoverable by Tenant. {Bt [24]. Alteration, Damage or Destruction. If the Premises or any portion thereof is altered, destroyed or damaged so as to materially hinder effective use of the Equipment through no fault or negligence of Tenant, Tenant may elect to terminate this Lease upon thirty (30) days written notice to City. In such event, Tenant shall promptly remove the Equipment from the Premises and shall restore the Premises to the same condition as existed prior to this Lease. This Lease (and Tenant's obligation to pay rent) shall terminate upon Tenant's fulfillment of the obligations set forth in the preceding sentence and its other obligations hereunder, at which termination Tenant shall be entitled to the reimbursement of any Rent prepaid by Tenant. City shall have no obligation to repair any damage to any portion of the Premises. fMt [25]. Miscellaneous. a. City and Tenant respectively represent that their signatory is duly authorized , and has full right, power, and authority to execute this Lease. b. With the exception of applicable and future laws, ordinances, rules, and regulations this Lease constitutes the entire agreement and understanding of the parties and supersedes all offers, negotiations, and other agreements of any kind. Except as previously set forth, there are no representations or understandings of any kind not set forth herein. Any modification of or amendment to this Lease must be in writing and executed by both parties. c. This Lease shall be construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Washington. d. Section captions and headings are intended solely to facilitate the reading thereof. Such captions and headings shall not affect the meaning or interpretation of the text herein. e. If the methods of taxation in effect at the Commencement Date of the Lease are altered so that in lieu of or as a substitute for or in addition to any portion of the property taxes and special assessments, if any, now imposed on Equipment, there is imposed a tax upon or against the rentals payable by Tenant to City, Tenant shall also pay those amounts. f. Tenant shall be responsible for obtaining all necessary approvals, Page 8 ifL,9 authorizations and agreements from any party or entity and it is acknowledged and agreed that the City is making no representation, warranty or covenant whether any of the foregoing approvals, authorizations or agreements are required or have been obtained by Tenant from any person or entity. g. If any term of this Lease is found to be void or invalid, such invalidity shall not affect the remaining terms of this Lease, which shall continue in full force and effect. [In the event that a court of competent jurisdiction detennines void or invalid any term of any other Lease, where such term is substantially eq.uivalent to a term of this Lease, the City may, at its sole option and within 30 days of notice thereof by Tenant: (i) determine that such --- judicial determination shall not affect the terms of this Lease, which shall continue in full force and effect; (iD determine that a term of this Lease is invalid, but severable, and that such invalidity shall not affect the remaining tenns of this Lease, which shall continue in full force and effect; or HiD terminate this Lease pursuant to Section 13(d) above.] [h. This Agreement may be enforced at both law and equity. Damages are not an adequate remedy for breach.] [26. Legislative Changes. The Tenant agrees that it will not request~ lobby for, ðr otherwhìe seck changes to exhìting state or local laws or regulations (other than those of the CitJ of F-t:der~d 'Vay), where such changes would limit~ impair or affect any of the parties' rights ðr obligatiðm under thhì Agreement. Tenant further agrees not to request or assist any other part) (including any trade association to which Tenant may belong) to . ' reqUtSt~ lobby for, or otherWIse seek such changes. Should allJ such changes ocrnr (other than those authorized under Para:gr~h 11), Tenant agrees that this Lease contract is binding and enforceable on the parties, and that the Tenant will not seek to enf-ðrce any changes to applicable state or local laws or regulations "hich limit~ impair or affect the righÜ and obligations contained in this Lease contract. ] [In the event that any federal, state or local governmental entity adopts a law ~ ordinance, or regulation~ or amends existing laws~ ordinances, or regulations, and the new or amended law, ord.inance~ or regulation would limit~ impair, or affect any of the parties' rights or obligations under, this Agreement, Tenant agrees that (except for changes authorized under Section llabove) the provisions of this Lease contract shall remain lawful and binding and enforceable on the parties, and Tenant waives any rights to claim otherwise. ] This Lease was executed as of the date first set forth above. CITY OF FEDERAL WAY [TENANT] Page 9 4-L, ) 0 By: Its: K:\TELECOM\A T -RED 11.02 4-//,/J By: Its: Page 10 EXHIBIT A LEGAL DESCRIPTION Page 11 Lj- II./d-. EXHIBIT B SITE LOCATION WITHIN THE PREMISES Page 12 4-11- /3 EXHIBIT C SITE PLAN [Including Location of Equipment Box/Shed] Page 13 ifl I, /'-/ MEMORANDUM Date: January 26, 1999 To: Finance, Economic Development & Regional Affairs Committee From: Marie Mosley, Deputy Management Services Director Subject: December Monthly Financial Report Action Requested: Accept the Monthly Financial Report and forward to the February Council meeting for approval.' APPROVAL OF COMMITTEE REPORT Committee Chair: Mary Gates Committee Member: Jeanne Burbidge Committee Member: Linda Kachmar LJ-tJl December, 1998 Monthly Financial Report Graph 1 Fund Balance Composition $13.49 Million Unreserved 35.4% P3/lntfnd SWM Loans 5.6% 2.3% Police 4.3% TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction 1-2 ,-- ~. . - ~ L:.... SOI~;:'te Snow & Ice . . 0.7% Strategic Resv Debt Svc 14.8% Designated 33.6% 0.3% Revenues 3-9 Expenditures 10-13 Capital 14-16 Attachment A 7he Monthly Financial Report (MFR) is intended to provide an overview of financial activity that have taken place in the reporting period. This report focuses mainly on activity incurred in the following operating funds: General, Street, Arterial Street, Utility Tax Projects, Solid Waste, Snow and Ice Removal, Paths & Trail, Surface Water Management, Strategic Reserve, Airport Strategic Reserve, Debt Service, and Dumas Bay Centre. The Summary of Sources and Uses (Attachment A) captures financial activity through December for the years 1994 through 1998. SUMMARY Overall, operating revenues $37,728,515 are above the monthly budget projection of $34,728,842 as of December 1998, and operating expenditures $30,615,059 are also within the anticipated budget expenditures $31,107,252 for the period. The above results in the City's operating funds having a projected increase in fund balance of $3,491,867 as of the end of December, 1998, Of this amount $1,503,261 is related to Utility taxes and REET which are for the payment of debt service, However, we anticipate that departments will still expend some of these savings as we continue to pay invoices we receive in January that relate to 1998. These invoices will be charged against the 1998 budget and revenues will be accrued in the closing period. A final 1998 financial report will be distributed after the first quarter of 1999. REVENUES The City has collected $37,728,515 or 111.0% of the annual operating budget ($33,998,653) through December, Operating revenues have grown $3,670,509 or 10.8% compared with activity through December 1997 ($34,058,O06) due primarily to the addition of a utility tax rate increase which was not effective until March,1997. The favorable variance is also attributed to Real Estate Excise Taxes (REET) which are continuing to exceed budgetary estimates by $1,166,328 or 106.0%. In addition, fines and forfeitures are exceeding budgetary projections by $152,361 or 23,0%. State-shared revenues are exceeding budgetary estimates by $382,295 or 8.6%. Local criminal justice sales tax to date of $1,355,566 is exceeding the estimated revenues ($1 ,260,667) by $94,899 or 7.5%. L/-N, ?- .. City of Federal Way December 1998 Monthly Financial Report Sales tax revenues are exceeding budgetary estimates ($8.469,131) by $373,115 or 4.4% through Decèmber, 1998, Compared to 1997 activity ($8,359,928), revenues have increased $482,318 or 5,8%, Building permit and plan check activity has exceeded budgetary projections by $178,978 or 22,7%, Interest earnings are exceeding original estimates by $47,846 or 6,1 % through December, EXPENDITURES The City has expended $30,615,059 or 83,2% of the annual operating budget ($36,788,332) through December, Operating expenditures are below the revised budget ($31,107,252) by $492,193 or 1.6% and have increased $1,413,214 or 4.8% when compared with activity through December 1997 ($29,201,845). This variance consists of savings in Management Services, Public Works, Community Development and Parks and Recreation and excess expenditures in Criminal Legal Services, Jail Services and Dumas Bay Centre. It is anticipated that these departments will either meet projections or stay within their budget as the year progresses. Management Services expenditures total $1,545,619 which is $67,278 or 4.2% below the revised budget estimate ($1,612,897), The expenditure savings are due primarily to the concerted effort of management to control temporary help and overtime. Community Development Operations has expended $2,669,939 or 89.7% of its annual appropriation ($2,975,704). Through December they are below their budget by $149,745 or 5.3%, Compared with 1997 activities, expenditures have increased $200,936 or 8,1 %. PRCS Operations expenditures total $2,722,153 which is $107,820 or 3.8% below the revised budget estimate ($2,829,973). Expenditures have increased by $87.435 or 3.3% as compared with 1997 activities. Dumas Bay Centre expenditures ($405,298) are above operating budgetary estimates ($401,228) by $4,070 or 1.0%. Compared with 1997 activities, expenditures have decreased by $10,593 or 2,5% while corresponding revenue growth totals $34,314 or 10,7% above budgetary estimates ($319,780), Public Works Operations is below revised budget estimates ($3,379,645) by $122,608 or 3.6%, and has expended $3,257,037 or 96.4% of its annual appropriation ($3,379,645). The Solid Waste and Recycling program is below its budgetary projection ($295,914) by $13,870 or 4.7%, Surface Water Management Operations are below projections by $91,161 or 5,9%. The explanation for this shortfall derives largely from the fact that the Vacuum/Jetrodding Contract Services started late this year due to a bidding dispute that eventually required that we rebid for services. Compared with 1997, SWM operations have increased by $12,925 or 0,9%, The 1998 Asphalt Overlay Program has incurred expenses of $1,800,717 or 80.9% of it's appropriated budget ($2,225,570). The contractor has completed all the schedules included in the original agreement. Since the project was below budget, an additional area (schedule) was added, Due to weather, this added work may not be completed until 1999, therefore these funds will be carried forward to 1999, CONCLUSION The overall operating revenues for December are above the projected monthly budget, with Real Estate Excise Tax, Fines & Forfeitures, Interest Earnings and Utility Tax exceeding monthly budget estimates, The overall operating expenditures are below estimates at this time, with Management Services, Public Works, Community Development and Parks and Recreation under projections and, City Manager, Dumas Bay Centre and Criminal Legal Services exceeding projections, It is anticipated that some of these savings will be used as we receive and pay additional invoices during January that relate to 1998, These invoices will be charged against the 1998 budget. II L/-N.3 City of Federal Way December 1998 Monthly Financial Report Local Retail Sales Tax Table 1 and Graph 2 summarize local retail sales tax revenues, Sales tax collections lag two months. For November sales activity, the City accrues sales tax revenues in December, and the City receives cash in January, At the time this report was prepared, sales tax revenues were not available for December, Attachment A reflects accrued estimates, . Through November sales tax proceeds total $8,143,308 which is $373,115 or 4,8% above the adopted budget estimate of $7,770,193, ,-- Month anuary -~-,---_. ebruary arch April ~ay ~- --~ !July ugust September october ovember December .. Tol;1I T"..'hl~ S"I~~ 1993 Actuat 1994 Actual $ 849,037 $ 870,318 $ -------- -'.-- 579,220 580,171 522,576 500,911 , 585,809 597,164 . 556,790 632,367 ,- -,- --m'~,u_- _u 615,567 603,320 603,765 651,123 . 619,020 635,050 609,162 626,974 ' 627,343 636,254 594,528 618,765 i 603,980 654,256 S 7,J~ë 7~7 S 7 SOO,&73 ' S S 1176,:19,16.:3 S ~O5,~5&,310 S .... ..----.. ,. . ,. ... . ,""" .. . - AccNod ..tim.to. '" ,,"ctod in "',hmont', TABLE 1 LOCAL RETAIL SALES TAX REVENUES 1993. 1998 1997 1998 I Actuat Budget' Actuat I 902,478 $ 940,317 $ 949,276 ' $ 640,967 ------660.i14~ '----714~ 582,547 590,311 575,596 ì 660,733 680,245 655,396 i 669,058 671,827 769,461 1 -- 657,032 668,466 645,475 1 694,702 733,262 682,263 I 735,617 721,508 850,295 i 657,100 708,252 761,561 I 687,585 709,512 739,326 793,528 685,778 800,018 I 638,862 698,938 i 8,320,109 S !I,I¡;",131 S 1I,143..j~ß S ('OO,501,07! S 1.00:.ij 22\' 1123 S !ii,9.~,11 369 S .. ...n.. ------. I 1995 Actuat 882,234 $ 602,830 573.687 624,667 599,100 617.531 676,546 713,489 676,731 654,050 650,583 644,61i6 7916,114 S 9-':1:.3~,5~ S 1996 Actual 883,229 $ 607,790 577,022 768,980 607,104 600,594 650,423 734,388 652,886 666,751 664.611 623,386 8,037.143 S 956.802.781 S 1998 Búdget $ Variance r" "Variance 8,959 : -~ 53,926 ! 8.2% (14,715)1 ~2,5% (24,849) I .3,7% 97,634 i 14.5% - (22,991)1~ (50,999)1 -7.0% 128,787 I 17.8% 53,3091 ' 7,5% 29,814 i 4.2% 114,240 I 16,7% - ~ 0.0% -,.- 373115 ~II'." .:4,4111,50.1 .I.ii', '-."'- Table 2 summarizes local retail sales tax revenues for the month of November. Compared to 1997 activity, November sales tax revenues have increased $6,490 or .8%. Included in retail trade is $26,351 from a major retailer reporting the previous month's activity in the current period. When considering this adjustment, total sales tax revenues have actually decreased $19,861 compared to 1997, -- CO"'I.':",;;-;i; --_..c;",..;) ':,1:' . ! ~~ic:" . u ~---- onstruction/Contract Wholesaling ransp/Comm/Utility Manufacturing Other ----,-------,------ inllnslReal Estate Government Total Taxable Sales TABLE 2 COMPARISON OF SALESTA)(COLLECTIONSBY StC CODE GROUP rnr th" Mbllth nf Nov..'",/"", .-.--..-.---... . -....-.. ..-,-...- '-,¡;ij;¡----.. 1:m4 .n.. -i~95 "19', --------'¡¡¡,j 1\'::""; ..-. .. "."" , - 47.489 56.361 41.884 9,967 26.852 7,525 7.436 8,669 594,528 $ 70,777,143 $ .1r'III"t :1"'" 57,711 ____n____- -'~- 69,349 37,098 30.798 14.427 8,990 4.874 9,858 618,765 $ 73,662,500 $ AI:!""I ""', "" 58,366 f----- , 74,080 41,561 21,542 31,485 9,604 ,,----- --- 11.773 9.667 650,583 $ 77,450,311 $ ",'1:"" .--. ..-- ï-:,¡ji>.---' c/:,ii'!ïo7fW.ii t~97-- ...::,:::..'" ;¡C,'/"III(t" '/.(:.~ : .:' ':,: , I ' . ." : : ,~',. 78;133 I (5,355) -6.4% ,-_,un_,____---,-, ----Un-u~n 79.294 I (320) -0.4% 41,742 (10.105) -19.5% 27,134 I (2,286) .7,8% 53,155 : (32,763) -38,1% 13,868 ! 4,387 ----~~::J"I° -- -12,294-;- 2,974 31,9% 10,027 (1,555) -13.4% 800,018 I $ 6,490 0.8% 95,240,289 ! $ 772,654 0.8% $ $ ,1:,:",,1 . .. . " .". 65,228 66,655 42,852 30,194 29,843 8,602 6,118 7,679 664,611 ì S 79,120,381 I S 83.488 ------u----- 79,614 ! 51,847 29.420 i 85,918 ; 9.481 9,320 11,582 I 793,528 i $ 94,467,636 I $ _u II L/- N. l../- City of Federal Way December 1998 Monthly Financial Report Table 3 is a comparison of year-to-date sales tax growth by major industry sector between 1993 and 1998, TABLE 3 COMPARISON OF SALÈS TAX COLLECTtONS BY StC CODE GROUP YTD Through November Component 1993 I 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 Change from 1997 Group Actual I Actuat Actual Actual Actual Actuat $ Change % Change Retail Trade $ 4,487,242 $ 4,586,101 $ 4,581,323 $ 4,793,948 $ 4,910,494 $ 5,127,441 $ 216,947 4.4% Services 555.625 562,788 614,172 683,042 749,445 801,898 $ 52,453 7,0% - ' Construction/Contract 508,083 553,831 688,640 465,139 605,453 614,204 $ 8,751 1.4% Nholesaling 396,363 383,039 529,186 574,842 437,514 475,279 $ 37,764 8,6% ransp/Comm/Utility 322,080 350,354 263,971 289,849 325,551 330,819 $ 5,268 Ú3% Manufacturing 281,934 290,127 351,438 376,733 359,495 439,370 $ 79,875 22,2% Other 60,968 82,228 78,441 78,572 87,791 108,240 $ 20,449 23,3% ,- -- 'm- - non Finllns/Real Estate 71,778 68,646 68,720 74,288 96,500 109,797 $ 13,297 13,8% G"""rnment 78,743 75,303 95,556 77.345 109,102 136,260 $ 27,157 24,9% Total $ 6,762,816 $ 6,952,417 $ 7,271,447 $ 7,413,757 ¡ $ 7,681,347 1$ 8,143,308 $ 461,962 6.0% Taxable Sales $ 805,097,143 $ 827,668,690 $ 865,648,424 $ 882,590,156: $ 914,446,035 I $ 969,441,486 ¡ $ 54,995,451 6.0% . Compared to 1997, sales tax collections have increased $461,962 or 6,0%, The variances may be due to the timing of when the tax returns are filed. The returns may be filed monthly or quarterly depending on whether certain criteria are met. . Retailing activity has increased by $216,947 or 4.4% compared to 1997 activity, The City has experienced increased revenues overall in the retail sector. . Wholesaling related activity has increased by $37,764 or 8.6% when compared to 1997. The increase is due primarily to increased activity. . Manufacturing activity has increased by $79,875 or 22.2% compared to 1997. The increase is due to a major manufacturing company reporting 4th quarter 1997's sales tax in 1 st quarter 1998, . Government related activity through November increased $27,157 or 24,9% compared to 1997 due primarily to $16,300 in adjustments made as a result of internal audits of a major governmental agency for the reporting periods May, 1997 through March, 1998 and September 1998. Table 4 details, through November, comparative sales tax activity between 1991 and 1998 segregated by various retail centers including the SeaTac Mall, S 348th retail center and the Pavilion retail center. TABLE 4 SALES TAX COMPARISON Through November 1994 Change Irom1997 Group 1992 1993 1995 1996 1997 1998 $ Change % Change Total Sales Tax $6,240,655 $6,762,816 :j6,952,417 $7,271,447 $7,413,757 $7,681,347 $8,143,308 $461,962 6.0% S 348th Retail Block $622,721 $832,296 ~839,463 ~1,062,608 $1,121,653 $1,275,443 $1,366,661 $91,218 7.2% % change from previous yr 28.4% 33.7% 0.9% 26,6% 5,6% 13.7% 72% na na Percentage of lotal 10.0% 12.3% 12,1% 14.6% 15,1% 16,6% 168% 0,2% 1,1% SeaTac Mall $983,897 $992,708 ~1,012,755 $963,402 $921,179 $924,661 $903,383 ($21,278} ,2,3% % change from previous yr 2.2% 0,9% 2,0% -4.9% -4.4% 0.4% -2.3% na na Percentage of tolal 158% 14.7% 14,6% 13.2% 12.4% 12,0% 11,1% -0.9% -78% Major Auto Sales $228.621 $287,508 $339,479 $331,250 $357,801 $350.781 $353,841 $3,060 0.9% % change from previous yr 40% 25,8% 18,1% -2.4% 8,0% -2.0% 0.9% na na Percentage of total 3.7% 4,3% 4,9% 4,6% 4,8% 4.6% 4,3% -0.2% -4,9% S 312th to S 316th Block $99,097 $98,085 ~95,230 $95,922 $88,003 $77,719 $82,887 $5,168 6.6% % change from previous yr 10.7% -1.0% -2,9% 0.7% -83% -11.7% 6.6% na na Percentage of tolal 16% 1.5% 1.4% 1,3% 1,2".10 1.0% 1.0% 0.0% 0,6% Pavilion Center na na na na $112,586 $133,080 $124,335 ($8,745) -6,6% % change from previous yr na na na na na na -66% na na Percentage of total na na na na 1.5% 1.7% 1.5% -0.2% ,11,9% Hotels & Motels $35,539 $38,130 $34,666 $41,638 $35,793 $39,782 $44,204 $4,422 11.1% % change from previous yr -10.1% 7.3% -9.1% 20,1% -14,0% 11.1% 11,1% na na Percentage of total 0.6% 0,6% 0.5% 0,6% 05% 0.5% 0.5% 0.0% 4,8% .. Lj-N,5 City of Federal Way . December 1998 Monthly Financial Report The City's largest retail center, S 348th retail center which generates over 15% of the City's sales tax has experienced an increase in November of $91,218 or 7,2% in taxable retail activity as compared with 1997, The SeaTac Mall has a decrease in taxable retail sales through the month of November, Compared with 1997, sales tax collections have decreased $21,278 or 2.3%, After moderate growth between 1991 and 1994, taxable retail sales activity at the mall has steadily slowed since 1994, . Real Estate Excise Tax Graph 2 and Table 5 illustrate collection history for the 1 st and 2nd ~ percent real estate excise taxes. The table and graph both reflect the cyclical variation in this revenue source. The monthly budget estimates are based on historical REET revenues received since incorporation in 1990 through 1997, an eight year period, REET revenue activity for December has exceeded the adopted budget by $188,206 or 186.2%, continuing the trend we saw in 1997. Compared with 1997 activities, REET revenues through December have increased $1,257,248 or 114.3%. GraDh 2 $3,000,000 $2,500,000 $2,000,000 ë ::s $1,500,000 0 E oCt $1,000,000 $500,000 $- a; en ..... REAL ESTATE EXCISE TAX ACTIVITY Through December $2,357,248 Month Uanuary February March V\prii- . May June July f',ugust September ----- -,- ,--, October November December .. 1993 Actual 80.908 $ 56.212 78,549 84,173 105,092 167,854 163,092 106,684 100,392 146,484 114,078 202,396 $ 1,405,914 $ 281,182,800 1994 Actuat $ 65,621 $ 72,702 249,510 102,473 94,387 130,113 96,629 97,514 82,804 64,606 65,105 93,509 $ 1,214,973 $ 242,994,600 --- - --- Total Est. RE Value Rep.e,eo" moothl, h"'o,,,,' pattern' 10. Ihe 199' Adopled B"dgel .. Am,"d ..hmale, a,e ,eneoled io Attachme" A $1,525,150 $1,214,973 $1,095,051 N en en ..... C') .... II) <D "" C. Õ en en en en en "C en en en en en ~ ~ ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... CO CO en en en en ..... ..... TABLE 5 REAL ESTATE EXCISE TAX REVENUES 1993 - 1998 1996 I 1997 Actuat ! Actual 70.177 $ 94,719 $ 84,096 ' 101,508 105,133 132,678 ---155,107: -----186.187 133.203 108.060 133,081 120,432 130,765 231,911 123.913 181,490 180,371 151,333 102,780 216,381 160,199 188,999 146,325 163,211 $ 1,525,150! $ 1,876,909 $ 305,030,000 , $ 375,381,716 1995 Actual 52,253 $ 63,025 83,156 - -- ----~-- n_- 73.850 73,848 107,801 70,258 183,599 82,369 76.809 132,917 95,366 $ 1,095,051 $ 219,010,200 1998 Budget' 51,608 $ 57,412 104,084 96,965 92,144 104,964 110,936 102,366 97,207 92,638 88,613 101,063 $ 1,100,000 $ 220,000,000 1998 Budget $ Variance $ Variance 68,109 132.0% 24,704 43,0% 62.198_- 59.8% 92,895 95,8% 178.528 193,7% 190,693 181,7% 214,026 192.9% 35,583 34.8% 107,232 110.3% 51,239 55,3% 43,835 49,5% 188,206 186.2% 1,257,248 114,3% 251,449,580 , na Actual 119.717 $ 82,116 $ 166.282 $ 189,860 $ 270,672 $ 295,657 $ 324,962 $ 137.949 $ 204,439 $ 143,877 $ 132,448 $ 289,269 $ $ 2,357,248 $ $ 471,449,580 $ II c./-N.b City of Federal Way December 1998 Monthly Financial Report State Shared Revenues Table 6 and Graph 3 present a comparison of state shared revenues received through November between 1993 and 1998 by revenue type, Accrued estimates for December are reflected in Attachment A for MVET, camper excise tax, liquor excise, criminal justice low pop and high crime, local criminal justice sales tax, fuel taxes and vehicle license fees, These payments will be received in January for the month of December. 1993 Revenue Actuat Motor Vehicle~xci"...:rax .~- $879,1L~ ~ am per Excise Tax - 15,710 Li'1uor Profits Tax 488,484 LiquorExciseTax- 182,112 ~---~,.._- '----, rim Just Low-PopIDCD - 112,210 rim Just Hgh Crime - 163,477 Equalization 515,437 Local Crim Just .. 906,786 --,--------- Fuel Tax- 1,508,083 eh Lic Fees- 552,995 Total 5.324,464 Change from prior year 151.0% 1994 I Actuat 974,319 . ~ 17,555 491,231 181,356 ,------ '- 233,128 211,697 621,225 973,341 1,579,332 583,704 5,866,888 10,2% TABLE 6 STA TE SHARED REVENUES 1993.. 1998 1996 i 1997 Actual. Actual 732,884 $ 687,428 $ --- 17,318 17,447 414,859 419,545 164,509 168,084 - - ,- ---- 260,878 96,392 204,913 224,894 305,645 292,941 1,057,099 1,175,426 -1,516,447 --1,56i8œ --- 573,604 603,896 5,248,156 i 5,248,859 -7.3%i O,()Ok _n . 1998 Budget Actual. $ Variance $ Variance 725,582 $ 28,191 40% 18,219 595 3.4% 547,578 150,835 38,0% 173,917 21,320 14,0% 95,710 26,535 38.4% 246,207 66,207 36.8% 292,264 104,577 55,7% 1,262,724 194,901 18,3% " ----,---- -- 1,582,936 1,596 0,1% 615,275 41,461 7,2% 5,560,412 ! 636,218 12.9% 5.9%: nla nla 1995 Actual 1,008,012 $ 17,546 406,088 169,252 280,908 185,695 464,140 1,005,937 1,556,155 564,978 5,658,711 -3.5% 1998 Budget' 697,391 $ 17,624 396,743 152,597 69,175 1 80, 000 187,687 1,067,823 1,581,340 573,814 4,924,194 -6.2% . . Rep,.,en" month~ histor~al patte'" (1990 - 1997) for the 1998 Adopted B"dget - Acc"ed estimate, for December 1998 are 'enected in Attachment A Liquor Profits collected through November total $547,578 which is above estimated revenues ($396,743) by $150,835 or 38.0%. . Equalization is exceeding estimated revenues ($187,687) by $104,577 or 55.7%. . Local criminal justice sales tax to date of $1,262,724 is exceeding the estimated revenues ($1,067,823) by $194,901 or 18.3%. . Fuel taxes are exceeding budgetary projections through November by $1,596 or 0.1 % and vehicle license fees are exceeding projections by $41,461 or 7,2%. OVeh Lic Fees G ra D h 3 .Fuel Tax $6,000,000 $5,000,000 0 C rim in a I Justice $4.000,000 $3,000,000 OEqualization $2,000,000 $1,000,000 III L iq u 0 r OM VET S TAT E -5 H ARE D REV E N U E 5 1993-1998 $- "" m m U') m m õ q: d, m m <D m m r-- m m v m m Q. '0 q: d, m m II L/-N . 7 City of Federal Way December 1998 Monthly Financial Report Utility Taxes Table 7 summarizes utility tax revenue collections, Through November utility tax collections total $4,058,118 which is $332,078 or 8.9% above the monthly budget estimate ($3,726,040). This reflects the 5.0% rate which was effective 3/1/97, Since we have only had this revenue source for a short time, it is difficult to project the monthly estimates, TABLE 7 UTILITY TAXES Year-to-date (thru November) Revised YTD 1998 Budget -- Budget Budget Actual $ Variance % Variance Electric (puget Power) $ 1,753,100 $ 1,574,274 1,657,047 $ 82,773 5,3% Gas (Puget Sound Energy) 572,400 503,403 470,049 (33,354) -6.6% Garbage (FW Disposal) 299,700 212,382 275,559 63,177 29,7% Cable (Viacom & TCI) 342,000 281,618 369,668 88,050 31.3% Phone 803,400 729,619 805,977 76,358 10.5% Storm Drainage 134,500 133,399 119,420 (13,979) -10.5% Cellular 313,200 283,501 350,333 66,832 23,6% Pagers & Internet 8,700 7,844 10,065 2,221 28.3% Total $ 4,227,000 $ 3,72Ei,O40 $ 4,05IJ,tt8 $ 332,078 8.9% Community Development - Building Permit and Plan Check Activity Graph 4 and Table 8 illustrate building permit / zoning fee / plan review fee activity between 1991 and 1998. Graph 4 PERMIT/ZONING/PLAN CHECK FEES Through Decem ber 1998'Adp 639,917 1998,Act , ,'.'.r' 688,860 "':,b': "'.,,"','.. ,,"'::'I'VI639,740 1996 1995 1994 1993 1992 1991 $. 501,126 -~'----~,------,-" .Electrical ' ~.EJ.ld/PI~/znirl.9...~""s.i 592,677 671,108 $400,000 $800,000 $800,000 $1,000,000 $200,000 . Overall, Community Development permits and fees total $1,025,602 which is $238,490 or 30,3% above the adopted budget estimate ($787,112), l/i\}.2 II City of Federal Way December 1998 Monthly Financial Report Compared with 1997 activities ($742,537), permit revenues and building fees have increased $283,065 or 38,1 % Building permit applications are holding steady, but several are currently being reviewed by staff or are waiting for a response from the applicant. We anticipate an increase in revenues once these applications have been processed and permits have been issued, . For the month of December, revenues collected were $2,062 or 3.2% above budgetary estimates ($65,300), This is low compared to recent months, due partially to a $28,000 reduction of revenues in the current month, The adjustment is actually deposits for the years 1992 through 1998 that should have been remitted to the fire department. . . Building permit fee collections through December total $475,916 which is $78,379 or 19,7% above the --- adopted budget estimate ($397,537), . Electrical fees are also above budgetary expectations. Collections total $105,174 which is $6,922 or 7,0% above adopted budgetary estimates ($98,252). . Zoning fees collected through December total $100,767 which is $7,726 or 7.1% below the adopted budget estimate ($108,493). . Sign code citation fee and sign code permit collections which through December total $11,510 are included with zoning fees. . Plan check fees collected during th~ same period total $284,233 which is above the adopted budget estimate ($182,830) by $101,403 or 55.5%. Expedited Review revenues recognized for both Building and Planning total $50,906 through December, This is a new service provided by the City in 1998, which begins with a deposit from the customer for expedited services, ' . . Environmental Review fees, which are also pass through monies, total $8,606 for the year, Revenue January February March April May June July August September October November December Total Exp thru December Recovery Ratio YTD Recovery Ratio TABLE 8 BUtLDING PERMITSIZONING FEES/PLAN CHECK FEES 1993. 1998 1993 i 1994 ' 1995 i Actual Actual i Actuat : $ 33,708 $ 39,795 61,117 61,936 61,353 56,643 50,760 46,091 55,870 59,489 55,740 57,415 $ 639,917 I $ 1,625,904 39.4% 39.4% 36,051 $ 47,671 52,296 63,273 53,636 39,732 36,428 42,525 67,062 38.435 . 48,383 $ 34,376 30,950 36,508 65,038 69,015 60,208 71,299 58,683 60,354 70,370 43,435 49,954 81,867 597,433 $ 660,116 $ 1,437,038 1,692,821 1996 I Actual I 26,306 ! $ 44,823 : 48,297 51,060 : 50,280 i 65,217 . 64,655 : 60,072 37,509 42,402 , 45,163 49,613 ' 585,397 I $ 1,722,204 I 34,0%' 340%: 1997 Actual 59.933 $ 81,164 95.791 95,510 55,171 57,030 50,474 56,879 61.053 48,152 32.664 48,716 742,537 $ 2,023,499 36,7% 35.7% Budget 51,292 $ 62,058 77,879 69,397 72,117 78,766 63,850 60,804 70,420 58,736 56,493 65.300 787,112 $ 2,163,476 36.4% 37,8% 1998 1998 Budget $ Variance $ Variance 3,522 I 6,9% (29,001) -46.7% (32,000)1 -41,1% (2,082r -3,0% (11,519~L,- -16.0% 27,992 35,5% 80,836 126,6% 69,570 114.4% 22,165 31,5% 63,371 107,9% 43,574 77,1% 2,062 3.2% ---- 238,490 30.3% nal na ~:t----~; 41,6% 41.6% 39,0% 39,0% Actual 54,814 $ 33,057 45,879 67,315 60,598 106,758 144,686 130,374 92,585 122,107 100,067 67,362 1,025,602 $ 2,133,454 - -- ---- 48.1% na . Building permit related revenues have recovered 48.1 % of Community Development-Building operating expenditures which total $2,133,454, l/. N ,9 II City of Federal Way December 1998 Monthly Financial Report Public Works - ROW Permits, Plan Review Fees and Inspection Fees Table 9 includes revenues from ROW permits, plan review fees and inspection fees for the years 1993 through 1998, Year-to-date activity through December totals $253,153, which is $23,243 or 10,1 % over budget estimates ($229,910), Compared to 1997 activity, revenues have increased $64,330 or 34.1%, TABLE 9 PERMtTS/PLAN REVtEW/EXPEDITED REVIEW/INSPECTION FEES 1993 - 1998 i 1993 1994 i 1995 ! 1996 1997 1998 1998 Budget ~--- Revenue ! Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual Budget Actual $ Variance $ Variance January , $ 1,855 $ 16,198 ' $ 22,397 $ 12,719 . $ 7,041 $ 16,780 $ 16,188 $ (592) -3,5% February 2,403 10,580 6,797 ; 23,627 8,583 14,395 8,437 (5,958) -41.4% March I 3,790 8,826 11,568 j 10.708 26,504 15,984 12,347 (3,637) -22,8% I April I 18,496 25,439 . 11,224 14,751 i 9,079 25.155 19,977 (5,178) -20,6% May 4,163 6,955 18,991 i 21,158 : 9,551 16,495 26,621 10,126 61.4% June I 2,472 39,839 7,131 I 8,283 ¡ 9,977 19,358 26,339 6.981 36,1% July I 16,366 8,374 1 9.726 ! 29,676 I 12,353 20.100 21,002 902 4,5% August I 12,419 19,584 , 9.339 ! 18,645 27,438 25,405 26,631 1,226 4,8% September i 6,583 1 9,997 1 9,006 I 15,252 26,180 17,946 25,234 7,288 40,6% October I 35,280 i (32,125)1 22.059 i 14,041 I 15,049 14,284 21,878 7,594 53,2% November i 7,947 ' 11,036 I 27,799 i 13,524 I 18,019 20,697 28,331 7,634 36,9% December I 7,193 1 20,147 I 22,638 1 14,832 19,049 23,311 20,168 (3,143) ! -13,5% Total 1$ 118,967 i $ 144,850 1$ 178,67.51.$ 197,216 $ 188,823 $ 229,910 $ 253,153 $ 23,243 1D.1% Monthly Average ! 9,914: 12,0711 14,8901 16,435 j 15,735 19.159 21,096 1,937 na Table 10 presents a synopsis of building permit activity in December for new construction between 1993 and 1998. TABLE 10 BUILDING ACTMTY . NEW CONSTRUCTION Thru December Permit Type 1993 ReSic"",.,;! ,(!" 5 :;~.;!'ii,:\~¡; Commercial --'", --'10+-- 6,545,978- -- -'-----,- "---~---'------- Multi-family Public Mobile Homes otal 41 25 i 245 ! $ 1994 ;;>:',5 31.~"I,8G8 ~~-':'-24,117,646 2 522,564 1 : 241,000 30 235,484 238 I $ 56,808,502 1995 211 S :\:\,Oìl.4/i1 22 18,636,203 I 3 215.451 1 -I 23 214,915 1 259 $ 52,138,056 1996 1997 1998 ;;,15 Ir';"\50,1 1" S ':~',":;1,"(; :02 S -~ ----S:Sli~653i i(f n - 1,214,629-21 3 ---11.793,140-1-- 10 -----'2,749,858 -- ,- 11 2~',O¡;3AW 42,334,462 7,593,764 12,240,293 '96,234 51,228,893 11 123 $ 69,039 i 34,805,336 18 169 $ 118,390 39,113,987 19 153 $ 137,302 70,149,024 II L/. N,IO City of Federal Way December 1998 Monthly Financial Report GENERAL FUND District Court Activity District Court filing fees for 1998 are $19,83 for each traffic infraction and $71.61 for all citations filed, In cases where bailor penalty is forfeited, the filing fee is reduced to $3.44. Graph 5 compares district court expenditures and number of cases filed through December between 1992 and 1998, Table 9 presents a monthly trend of municipal court revenues and expenditures between 1994 and 1998, ~ $550,000 $500,000 $450,000 $400,000 .. 1ií 0 U 1: " 0 u $350,000 $300,000 $250,000 $200,000 $150,000 $100,000 $ 50 ,000 $- CourtCosts vs NumberofFilings Through Decem ber ~-"-----""-"-~" ,-"-"-,--,,"'- "--,,,._..._.m""____--"--- ......,..,-----",___m--"""'--"---- 16,000 12,311 12,173 14,000 12,000 ~ - 10,OOO,§ ¡¡: $257,313 $262,979 8,000 õ ~ E " z 6,000 4,000 2,000 1992 1993 .. 1994 1995 1997 1998 1996 -------,--- on_-- .. - -, _Court Costs _Number of Filings ---,------- '" ' -,,- . Through the month of December, fines & forfeiture collections total $814,443 which is $152,361 or 23,0% above the monthly estimated revenue ($662,082), . Overall, Criminal Legal Service expenditures total $1,081,588 which is $21,298 or 2,0% above the monthly estimated budget ($1,060,290), Because invoice processing for district court services is currently lagging one month, the table below and attached financials reflect an expenditure accrual for December district court services, Sources/ Uses Revenues Fines & Foñeitures Expenditures District Court Witness Fees Administrative Public Defense Interpreter/Screener Total Rev Over (Under) Exp Cases Filed TABLE 11 CRIMINAL LEGAL SERVICES Through December 1996 1997 L-~-______1998 Actual Actual I Budget ¡Actual $ Variance I % Variance I I $ 592,198 $ 607,932 $ 557,240 $ 653,690 I $ 662,082 I $ 814,443 $ 152,361 1994 Actual 1995 Actual 23.0% 253,736 291,759 237,813 ,-- 11,443 12,488 10,604 136,298 I 151,455 186,859 195,896 ¡ 214,544 202,659 3,190r--10,218 -- 16,067 $ 600,563 $ 680,463 $ 654,002 .. (8,365)\ (?2,5311l_196,762) I i 12,151 I 13,975 8,660 337,907 428,656 I 9,244 13,550 , 226,089 339,422 180,140 256,020 , 20,260 22,642 ' $ 773,640! $1,060,290 ,---------- (25,955) -6,1 % ----- 3,214 23,7% 11,705 3,4% -..,.., ,-,.._-- ( 4 _~L- ---,JJJJ"!o (10,220) -- -45.1% (21,298). -2.0°(0 454,612 10,337 327,717 256,061 32,862 $1,081,588 $ I (267,145) 131,063 n/a (119,950) (398,208) .. ----_..",--------'--'--- ,---",,---- n/a . 13,530 I n/a - 14,830 II 4N' II City of Federal Way December 1998 Monthly Financial Report Public Safety - Jail Services Graph 6 compares jail service expenditures and number of bookings filed between 1992 and 1998, Booking costs are associated with registering a prisoner, while maintenance costs reflect expenditures for daily meals and shelter of prisoners, In addition, King County will assess a 10% fee for investigative work, The city was also contracting with Kent for some jail services during 1997, but does not anticipate the need to employ them in 1998. GraDh 6 '['! ,"'" I $1.100.000 $1.000,000 $900.000 $800,000 $700,000 $600,000 $500,000 $400,000 $300,000 $200,000 $100,000 $- I I I L Jail Costs vs Bookings & Maintenance Through Decem ber ~_..__.".,...._~...._...._--,"'--~._-'.,,-,~~,----,,~,,-_.._,_..,--"..,.,",'..-...-., -,.",-,..'. 2 4,000 -- -- . - -- - - - - - - -.. - - - -- - - .. .. -- - -- -- .. . .' '., - -, , .- .. - - - - - - -. - ,- - -$~~0_,~3_8 -, 22,000 .. .,. -,- . -- ., -- -- - ., - -- -- -- -- -- - -- - - -- -- - - -- - - - -- -- - - - -. - ,. - $830',430 - ,- " . - ~ 20.000 18.000 g 16.000 :g OJ 14.000 c: 12.000 ~ 10,000 .., '- - .. " 8.000 g> -- - 6,000 ~ --, 4.000 ~ ..-- 2.000 , - ,.- -- - - - - .. - - - -f629,Ø48 -- - - - - - - - - -$68Ó~65-8- - - ,,' . - - -- - - - - - - '$ siOfiil- - - - - -- - .'$560~7f6" - -- - - - -: = = = = 3J;~ '. .. 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 i I _u-----.J _Expenditures -+-Cases . Through December, jail service expenditures (including an accrued estimate for November and December) total $980,938. '-~-- Table 11 presents public safety expenditures between 1994 and 1998. Overall, the 1998 police budget totals $12,074,349 which includes $995,712 for emergency dispatch and $857,700 for jail services. --" """ ---., '---'-__,,___n ---_u_-,.-- . Total Public Safety expenditures through December total $11,931,966 which is $69,950 or 0.6% above the monthly estimate of $11,862,016. Sources! Uses TABLE 11 PUBLIC SAFETY Through December 1994 Actual 1995 Actual 1996 Actual 1997 Actual Thru December, 1998 Budget' Actual $ Variance % Variance Police - KG GontracC-- "_n_~)of $ 8.088,384 $ 6.634.659 Administration - 186,354 2,129.068 Support Services - - - i Investigations - - - Records - - .. Field O¡:>erations+. "'" - - - Patrol - Traffic - Subtotal Law Enforcement 8,235,201 8,274,738 -ç°rTI~ DisJJ,atc_h -. Jail Services 629.048 560,716 TofiliPublic Såfety $8,864,249 $ 8,835,454 $---=-T--- - - $ ..~. $ 2.265,948 3,257,651 2,174.761 189,378 170,782 248.925 1.471.013 1.559,996 1,793.357 436,797 456.302 535.071 156.179 132,310 171,616 3.932.760 4.015.133 4,583.266 389,837 416.430 493.136 8,763,727 I 8,841,911 10,008,604 10,000.132 n~_--=-L__JJlJ.~,955 . -, 9~5.712, 950,896 680,658 I 830.430 857,700 980,938 $ 9,444,385 $10,658,296 $11,862,016: $11,931,966 $ "._.._------,---- - n/a 1,082.891 33,2% (78,143) -45,8% (233,361) -15,0% (78,769) -17.3% _J3¡¡~30~1- .~fJ,!Jo (568.133) -14,1% (76,706) -18.4% 8,472 0.1% . 44.816. - 4,5% (123.238) -14.4% (69,950) -0.6% l/.N ,J'À m City of Federal Way December 1998 Monthly Financial Report Recreation and Cultural Service Programs and Dumas Bay Centre Performance Table 12 summarizes recreation and cultural service and Dumas Bay Centre activity and their related recovery rates, . Recreation and cultural services: Revenues total $462,417 or 101,3% of the revised budget ($456,514), Direct program expenditures total $635,589 or 95.4% of the revised budget ($666,039), Recreation fees have recovered 72,8% of direct program costs. Including administrative expenditures totaling $327,465, the overall recovery ratio is 48,0%, The 1998 budgeted recovery rate is 42.5%, . Dumas Bay Centre: Operating revenues, total $347,110 or 108,5% of the adopted budget ($319,780). -.- Operating expenditures total $405,298 or 101.0% (excluding one time costs) of the revised budget ($401,228). The Dumas Bay Centre has recovered 85,6% of all operating costs when unearned revenues are not considered, Knutzen Family Theatre: Operating revenues, since it's official opening in July total $16,483 or 76,3% of the adopted budget ($21,605), Operating expenditures through December total $76,412 or 96.0% of the adopted budget ($79,605). The overall actual recovery ratio is 75.5%, which is greater than the budgeted recovery ratio of 71.0%, TABLE 12 RECREATION & CULTURAL SERVICE PROGRAMS AND DUMAS BAY CENTRE PERFORMANCE Through December1998 I Revenues I Expenditures I Recovery Ratio % Program I Budget Actual I % Budget Actual % I Budget Actual ATHLETICS AND SPECIALIZED SERVICES Community Center I 26,500 21,165 79,9% 87,247 54,729 62.7% 30.4% 38.7% Senior Services I 54,549 53,015 97,2% 67,574 63,163 93.5% 80,7% 83,9% Special Populations I 9,715 15,015 154,6% 47,667 52,460 110,1% '20.4% 28,6% Youth Commission ! 500 - 0,0% 2,300 1,267 55,1% 21.7% n/a Adult Athletics i 135,500 146,266 107.9% 110,279 114,686 104,0% 122.9% 127,5% Youth Athletics I 57,400 50,192 87.4% 80,424 66,721 83,0% 71.4% 75,2% Aquatics i 2,500 1,489 59,5% 31,910 33,933 106,3% 7,8% 4.4% Subtotal IS 286,664 $ 287,141 100.2% $ 427,401 $ 386,960 90.5% 67.1% 74.2% Administration I - i - n/a 216,905 153,196 70,6% n/a n/a Total IS 286,664 $ 287,141 100.2% $ 644,306 $ 540,156 83.8% 44.5% 53.2% COMMUNITY AND CULTURAL SERVICES Arts & Special Events I 30,600 I 36,263 118,5% 47,107 67,715 143,7% 65,0% 53,6% ! Community Recreation ! 123,800 I 121,822 98.4% 159,031 151,970 95,6% 77,8% 80,2% Red, White & Blue ' 15,450 17,391 112,6% 32,500 28,943 89.1% 47,5% 60.1% ! Subtotal IS 169,850 $ 175,475 103.3% $ 238,638 $ 248,629 104.2% 71.2% 70.6% Administration ! - I - n/a 190,824 174,269 91.3% n/a n/a Total IS 169,850 $ 175,475 103.3% $ 429,462 $ 422,898 98.5% 39.5% 41.5% I TOTAL RECREATION I S 456,514 I $ 462,617 I 101.3%! $ 1,073,768 1$ 963,054 1 89.7%1 42.5%1 48.0%1 DUMAS BAY CENTRE - 319,780! 347,1-10 I 108,.5%1 401,228 I 405,298 I 101.0%1 79,7%1 Dumas Bay Centre ** 85,6% Knutzen Family Theatre ** I 21,605 ! 16,483 I 76,3%1 79,605 I 76,412 I 960%1 27,1%1 21,6% 1 TOTAL DUMAS BAY CENTRE ¡ S 341,385 I $ 363,593 I 106.5%1 $ 480,833 1 $ 481,7091 100.2%1 71.0%1 75.5%1 P3 . - , - n/a 19,004 19,004 100,0% n/a n/a ,,-~---_.. --~--~- ------ ----' Arts Commission - I 3,853 n/a 98,755 76,407 77.4% n/a 5,0% --' Is 797,899 I $ 830,063 104.0% $ 1,672,360 $ 1,540,175 92.1% 47.7% 53.9% GRAND TOTAL .. Revenues do not Include interest income or operating transfers. Expenditures do not Include Interfund contributions, m t/-N. /3 City of Federal Way December 1998 Monthly Financial Report Public Safety Cost Comparison - King County Contract The following chart and graph depicts a comparison of our Public Safety Department with contracting for services from 1990 to 1998, This comparison is based on net operating costs (after deducting revenues) and some assumptions as noted in the graph, Police Service Cost Analysis 1990 - 1998 11,00 _1,2,00 "H'" H""""" H'" H'" H"""H HH H H" .... H HHH"'" H' H' ,.". ...., 'H' ,.. 'H' -..".'" H ..... "'" ........ HH ""'H""" 9,00 .......,...............................,.........,..... . 8,00 .... H", ... ...... '... ..,.... ..--...--........ ......... ..... 7.00 .... .......,. ...,...... .". .........". ....' .... .............. .....,. ,H"""" ...--.... ................ . 5,00 ...............................................".........,.........,..,...........,... """"""" 6.00 --- Net Cost ' C~y Police Depl --+-Ne;c';si~-;;;-Kl;;gcounty -ì........ .................. 4,00 .f--------- 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 .." 1990,,) 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995(7) 1996 1997 ""4' 1998,,) 1998/December Expenditures: Police Contract 5,115,407 6,485,651 6,326.511 7,639,959 8,224,500 8,088,384 6,364,608 5,806 1,831 Other Police Services 909 7,351 5,899 10,701 186,354 2,327,540 8,339,380 9,266,609 10,000,132 Valley Communications 180,758 981,572 \995.712 950,896 Tatat Expenditures 5,115,407 6,486,560 6,333,862 7,645,858 8,235,201 8,274,738 8,872,905 9,326,758 10,264,152 10,951,028 Revenues: Criminal Justice-High Crime 245,781 272,395 251,666 266,550 292,237 240,000 306,208 Criminal Justice-Low Impact 238,715 162,241 142,785 149,987 44,508 178,918 131,623 128,467 103,324 118,359 Criminal Justice-Contracted Svc 266,106 205,309 213,960 Copies, Photos, Fingerprints, Permits 5,340 25,937 24,820 24,996 Police Security 12,500 55,992 96,850 92,164 Grants 812,429 688,522 847,057 State Seizures 149,667 85,991 28,505 Interest & Miscellaneous 209 8,613 30,142 44,954 Total Revenues 238.715 162,241 142,785 395,769 583,009 635,893 630,182 1,471,342 1,269,649 1,462,241 Net Cost-City Police Cept 4,87&,692 6,324,319 6,191,077 7,250,090 7,652,192 7.638,845 8,242,723 7,855,41& 8,994,503 9,488,787 King County Contract Estimate 5,115,407 6,486,560 6,333,862 7,645,858 8,235,201 8,754,018 9,368,135 10,046,598 10,713,993 10,713,993 Revenues: Criminal Justice-High Crime 245,781 272,395 251,666 266,550 292,237 240,000 306,208 Criminal Justice-Low Pop 238,715 162,241 142,785 149,987 44,508 178,918 131,623 128,467 103,324 118,359 Criminal Justice-Contracted Svc (5) 266,106 205,309 213,960 218,239 222,604 222,604 Tatat Revenues 238,715 162,241 142,785 395,769 583,009 635,893 612,133 638,943 565,928 647,170 Net Costs w/ King County 4,876,692 6,324,319 6,191,077 7,250,090 7,652,192 8,118,125 8,756,002 9,407,655 10,148,065 10,066,823 II) '990'."_~",oO.~"""c,,-,~,.....tio"""'"""Y'" ,2) ""~",C'""~œ'."'p";.a"œ.._~...,.d_".g.""'<>"'=""'-""""-"""PP"""~"1,,""'99' ,,) '997"",_""",~"",,""~"d""""~I"'Iy"""""'197""~".pl~_,_",'997...""H', """'..goO ""'" """ 'OJ '997""",~",C'""~œ""",."",_b_d."..."""C.""~œ.'"g~d."C"_"""""","""""'dg. ,5) '997"""'a"",""~"",~""""~'",w'"-'.""";"""'""'.p,.,,..._""""'..2%""'H m t/-N ¡if City of Federal Way December 1998 Monthly Financial Report Public Works - Contracted Services . Table 13 presents a year-to-date analysis of the Public Works and Surface Water Management (SWM) contracts with King County, WSDOT and private vendors, Expenditure accruals have been made for December activity, Most on-going maintenance takes place during the spring and summer months, TABLE 13 PUBLIC WORKS - CONTRACTED SERVICES Expenditures Program Budget Actual % Expedited Plan Review (1) $ 25,565 $ 70,176 274,5% Contracted Plan Review (1) 55,732 54,332 97,5% §JJ )~9:tål [)~Y~J9:ÞI'11~i'1tServices $ ~; at,~~7 $ 124,!;iO8 153:2% Neighborhood Safety (1) 36,450 35,334 96,9% ~... ------' , ,------ ,- ------ -------- - ------------- - TrafficIT ra nsportation 41,000 43,335 105,7% Traffic Maintenance - KC 373,600 389,430 104.2% Sûtôtâl TrafficServ-icê$ $ ".. ;;..;;;;AIM;n",n, $; 4~.a,1 00 103;8% Street Maintenance - Private Contractors (2) 707,225 696,267 98,5% Street Maintenance - WSDOT 85,036 82,894 97.5% Structure Maintenance (3) 63,367 50,891 80,3% - ~ . $W; ;i ;,. ;$i . 97;0% Solid Waste Litter Control 45,100 44,581 98,8% 'i ;$ W. ...'.';¡U::.;¡nn i$ .#;sar 9a:S% Water Utility Billing - KC 60,000 51,704 86.2% State Highway Maintenance - WSDOT - 42,500 41,855 98,5% Water Analysis (1) 20,000 6,597 33.0% Str. Sweeping, Catch Basin, Manhole & Pipes (1) 253,400 182,483 72,0% 1"9:tål;§QijaçØ,W:ã,tØrj'Mâ,i'1åge rnørtt $ wi. "'~'i"';O'nn' ..$. 75:2% Snow & Ice Removal (1) 30,000 4,079 13,6% Snow & Ice Removal - Lakehaven Utility District 10,000 8,286 82,9% Su btotâ I Snow & Ice Removal .',...'.. $ .',", .40;000 ;$i 12,364 30:9% Total Contractual Services -, $ 1,848,975 $ 1,762,243 95.3% (1) Private Contractors (2) Private Contracts for street maintenance ($470,292), supplies ($37,000), RIW vegetation mowing and tree maintenance ($93,200), Weyerhaeuser ($26,233), and Pavement Management System ($14,000), (3) Private contractors for sidewalk, ramps, curb and gutter maintenance ($83,696) and fences, guardrail, barriers and retaining wall maintenance ($6,671), CAPITAL PROJECTS UPDA TE CIP - City Facilities accounts for the Public Safety and Downtown Revitalization capital projects funded with the 1997 GO Bonds, CIP - Parks accounts for the acquisition or construction of major park capital facilities except those facilities financed by proprietary funds, CIP - SWM accounts for major capital facilities associated with managing the existing storm water conveyance systems, regulating the clearing, grading and erosion control phases of new land development, constructing, maintaining and repairing elements of the City's drainage system, and controlling water quality within the system, CIP - Traffic accounts for improvements to existing traffic signals and new signalization. CIP - Streets accounts for improvements of roadways and arterials, including the construction of new street sections, the purchase of right-of-ways, the widening of roadways to provide additional vehicle lanes, and the installation of sidewalks and landscaping, Funding sources include transfers from the SWM Fund ($1,625,223), General Fund ($75,000) and Street CIP Fund ($86,662); interest earnings ($75,000); and beginning fund balance ($1,925,178), Table 14 represents year-to-date expenditures through June 1998. Life-to-date impact fees collected through December 1998 total $2,358,684 which includes interest earnings, Currently, a balance of $534,472 is reserved for Parks, Traffic, Street and SWM capital improvements projects, Ij-¡-J I IS m City of Federal Way December 1998 Monthly Financial Report PROJECT UPDA TE City Facilities: 1) Downtown Revitalization: S. 320th Street Downtown Core and Frame Improvements: Working with Marriot and PSE to facilitate future underground utility work on S 320th Street. Parks: 1) Dumas Bay Civic Theatre: Project is completed, subcontractor's are working on the last remaining item of the punch list; 2) Dumas Bay Centre Parking Lot Addition: Project is completed; 3) Community and Neighborhood Parks projects are: Lake Killarney Open Space Park Development: SEPA/Environmental check list completed, Permits were issued on September 25, 1998, Golf Landscaping was awarded the bid. Notice to Proceed with construction issued on September 28, 1998, Golf Landscape commenced with construction on October 1, 1998. The construction time line is scheduled for 65 days; Lake Grove School Ball Field Renovation: Project completed; Heritage Woods Park: Project completed; Mark Twain Ball Field Renovation: Project completed; 4) BPA Phase II: Completed; 5) BPA Phase /1/: Parametric Engineering firm has been working with Public Works and Parks staff on the design proposals. Staff will be presenting the design proposals to LUTC on October 19, 1998 and a staff recommendation to City Council on November 3, 1998; 6) Celebration Park: Development is 75% complete. Approximate date of completion is targeted for mid-December; 7) Parks, Recreation and Open Space Comprehensive Plan Update: The PARCS Commission has formed a sub- committee to begin working with staff to update and reformat the 1995 Parks, Recreation and Open Space Comprehensive Plan. The sub-committee is meeting monthly to discuss the format. The meetings are open to the public. Next meeting is scheduled for November 16, 1998,6:00 pm held at Steel Lake Fire Station meeting room. SWM: 1) Culvert Upgrade and the SeaTac Mall Detention projects Phase I was completed in January, 1999; 2) CIP studies Phase II is underway, Council review is scheduled for April, 1999; 3) Work for SeaTac Mall Phase II design has begun. 85% design completion to Council is anticipated for February 1999; 4) SW 340th Regional Storage Facility was completed in October, 1998; 5) Starlake Road/S 272nd Conveyance Improvement has begun design, 85% design completion to Council is anticipated for March, 1999; 6) SW 356th Detention Facility design and acquisition is under way; 7) Annual Programs: Mirror Lake Hydraulic Analysis Study was completed, proposed improvement has been incorporated into the SWM facility plan which is currently under review. Crown Point Storm Line Replacement is under construction and scheduled for competion in early 1999. English Creek clean up is underway. Street/Traffic: 1) S. Star Lake Road and Military Road S, Signal Project, The project was awarded to Totem Electric the low bidder at the 9/15/98 Council Meeting. A pre-construction meeting was held on 10/26/98 at 9:00 am, Due to weather and ordering equipment construction will not start until 1999. 2) SW 340th St and Hoyt Road SW signal project, Inca Engineers have completed 100% design plans which have been reviewed by Public Works. We have contacted property owners for the required easements. The project will not be bid until February, 1999, 3) SW 334th Street and 21st Ave SW signal the scope of work for the contract is complete Parametrix, property acquired on all parcels. 4) S 356th-SR 99 to 1st Ave project is under final design; working with Parks on the wetland mitigation; right of way acquisition for the PSE parcel is complete. 5) 23rd Ave S project (S 317th to S 324th) We have contracted with WSDOT to provide Right of Way acquisition services for this project and they have completed appraisals; offers are also going out to the effected property owners, Project going to TIB on 1/21/99 for approval to spend the scope, 6) S 312th St-SR 99 to 23rd Ave S project, The project was awarded to Gary Merlino Construction the low bidder at the 8/18/98 Council Meeting, Construction work began 9/8/98 and will continue through 8/31/99. 7) SR-99 and S 320th Street Intersection Improvements Notice to proceed for the work to CH2M Hill has been issued and ISTEA and TIB funds obligated, 8) 8th Ave SWand SW Dash Point Road Traffic Signal design is complete and the appeal was denied regarding SEPA Working with the WSDOT on concerns they have, 9) SR-99 Improvements from S 312th Street to S 324th Street. Completed contract for work, ISTEA funds obligated, 10) The S. 304th Street and Military Road Signal Project. The project was awarded to Scocollo Construction at the 9/15/98 Council Meeting. The pre-construction conference was held 9/22/98, construction on utilities started shortly thereafter. The project will not be completed until 7/31/99. m i).iV. If:; City of Federal Way December 1998 Monthly Financial Report Program CIP ,1997 GO Bonds 1998 Revised Bdgt TABLE 14 CAPtTAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS 1998 Expenditures Planned Actual 101 Public Saf:t~___- -,---- -- I 102 Downtown Revitalization ===r= 104 Opportunity Fund Total CIP - 1997 GO Bonds CIP . PARCS 101 Open Space Projects 108 School Site Improvements 112 Neighborhood Parks 114 Celebration Park 115 Klahanee Lake CommunitylSenlor Center 116 Steel Lake Improvements --------- on"~ 117 Celebration Park Contingency 119 BPA Trail Phase III 124 Skateboard Park 126 Asphalt Ovenay for Paths & Trails , ,Total CIP - Parks CIP - SWM 111 Small Capital Projects 210 Panther Lake -----,--- - 213 SeaTac Mall Detention 215 340th St Regional Storm Detention 220336th Kitts Comer ---, 230 Stanake RoadiS 272nd Conveyance 240 S 356th Regional Storage 310 CIP Studies )) CIP. Traffic --------- ____nun_, 104 SR99 Signal 288th to 3O4th 106 21st Avenue@ SW 325th Signal 108 Dash Point Rd, @ 8th Avenue SW 109 Dash Point Rd @ 21st Avenue SW 113 S 336th @ SR99 - Const RHTL ,--- , 114 Military Rd & Star Lake Signal Total CIP" Traffic CIP - Streets -- '--_u-- -- 102 S 356thISR99 to 1st Ave, 106 SWS 336th @ 21 st to 27th Ave SW 109 317th - 326th, 23rd Ave, S 112 S 348thll-5 to SR99 113 312th SUSR99 -23rd Ave, 115 Military Rd, S,I286th to 304th Ave 122 S 32Oth St & SR99 123 21st Ave SW & SW 334th St Ped ,-- -,on u_- ___un' 124 SW 312th St & 14th Ave SW Ped 125 5W 34Oth 5t & Hoyt Rd ~26 SR 991mp- 5 312t~to S 324th Total CIP - Streets --'-----'----'--'-'--- Dumas Bay Centre Deferred Maintenance 102 Civic Theatre 105 Parking Lot Total Dumas Bay "c>verlay Program Tntal Other C;lpil¡1I Projects - CIP Grand Total 4,805,207 2,601,659 33,883 $ 7,440,749 $ 2,601,659 2,601,659 $ 278,707 19,277 87,692 u - ---- 221.703 ,--_on,- 221,703 -- 102,956 17,358 %of Planned niB 85% ____non nle 8.5% 36,9% 90,0% 17.6% 99,5% 3.6% 72,7% ,------- 80,3% 27,6% 12,6% 88.2% 94.0% u 60,0% 0,0% - 820% 278,707 19,277 87,692 7,961,271 - - 28,247 40,000 250,000 199,242 15,727 50 , 000 7,961,271 28,247 40,000 -__on' - .. 250,000 199,242 15,727 50 , 000 8,930,163 $ 15,398 7,923,231 1,018 29,073 200,698 55,011 1,989 44,085 8,390,818 237,186 ,-,---- -------- 80.5% 45,9% 0.9% 92,3% 34.1% 77.goh ------ 98.4% 40,9% 108.1% 102,8% 93.2% 75.4% 83.3% --,--, , ------ $ , 395,484 3,000 1,850,000 1,017,852 20,000 70,136 387,847 54,535 . 3,798,II54i ,__on' ---- ------- 10,031 55,770 32,511 15,770 150,000 50 , 000 314,082 $ ---_no - -- -- 469,159 737,043 150,000 26 , 000 3,128,488 200,000 173,968 20,000 - - 116,000 148,933 774,987 5,944,578 $ 21,521 1.763,947 184,547 1,970,015 $ 2,295,401 I 2,295,401 ; $ 25,854,752 : $ 1,516,719 819,487 9,184 622 357,839 18,602 u- 9,871 22,789 35,157 16,210 139,758 37.703 261;488 --,- --- 81,360 733,981 30,210 1,830,074 98,994 9,927 23,053 99,581 95,058 258 3,002,496 ------- 107 1,751,436 173,374 1,924,917 1,800,717 1,800,717 18.561,778 : 17.3% 99.6% 20.1% 0,0% 58,5% 49,5% 5.7% 115.3% ------ 85.8% 63,8% 0,0% 50.5% 0.5% 99,3% 93.9% 97.7% 78.4% 78,4% 71.8% --- 395,484 11,502 ,------ --, --- 3,613,208 1,017,852 42,954 70,136 563,224 54,535 5.768.895 $ - $ ----- --- ---------- $ 10,031 55,770 279,719 15,770 538,266 209,787 1$ - _un_, u- ------ ----,- on- ,-- _u_-- 469,159 782,547 1,948,390 26,000 3,128,488 972,857 466,313 179,337 ¡,_on- 116,000 148,933 774,987 9,013,011$ - - $ $ 21,521 1.763,947 184,547 1,970,015 $ 2,295,401 2,295,401 : $ 36,527,577 , $ :$ '$ LjN,J7 m SourceslUses Beginning Fund Balance Operating Revenues Property Taxes Sales Tax Criminal Justice Sales Tax Leasehold Excise Tax State-Shared Revenues Real Estate Excise Tax Gambling Taxes Utility Taxes Fines & Forfeitures Building Permits/Fees-CD Pass Through Fees-CD ROW Permits/Fees-PW Pass Through Fees-PW Licenses Franchise Fees Recreation Fees Dumas Bay Centre Knutzen Family Theatre Interest Earnings !Admin Fee-SWM & Solid Waste SWM Fees Refuse Collection Fees Police Services Grants Other IT Ota!. (¡pe rélti I1g. ReVenues Operating Expenditures City Council City Manager Management Services Civil Legal Services Criminal Legal Services Comm, Developement Services Police Services Jail Services Parks & Recreation Public Works City Overlay Program Snow & Ice Removal Solid Waste Surface Water Management Debt Service Dumas Bay Centre Knutzen Family Theatre Non-departrmJntal (2) I Total Operatii!!! Expenditures - 'Opf1r"lill!J Rc~v"III"'s uvI..rt(under) . ellUl.,lin!1 Follmuhlurl!S :Other Financin!! Sources Other Financing Uses Ending Fund Balance Solid Waste Snow & Ice Arterial Street Utility Tax SWM Path & Trails Strategic Reserve Debt Service Dumas Bay Centre Police P3 Interfund Loans Unreserved otal Ending Fund Balance -----::---, ATTACHMENT A CITY OF FEDERAL WAY SUMMARY OF SOURCES AND USES OPERA TING FUNDS Through December 1994 - 1998 Actuals 1995 I 1996 i 1998 Revised Budget I Actuals I Variance II I---------r---~-- Through Through Favorable (Unfavorable) II I 1997 ¡ Annual I December December [ Dollars ($) I Percent ('I.) $ 12,181,738 $11,403,627 $10,331,541 $10,396,188 $ 15,128,342 $ 15,128,342 $ 15,128,342 $ - 5,654,655 7,606,672 1,059,277 8.442 5,715.406 1,214.973 351.453 592,198 597.932 144,850 114,102 364,105 463.711 116,924 662,884 2,996,606 150,211 70,594 43.281 27,928,276 (1) 191,822 383,639 1,206.210 364,731 600,563 3.325,302 8,235,201 629,048 2.888,980 2.407,013 650,951 13,669 172,336 1.183,207 1,639,837 190,600 5,911,017 7,916,114 1,091,749 14,638 5.479,254 1,095,040 322.989 - 607,932 661.458 - 178,675 - 84,773 386,005 419.492 216.498 - - 803,344 150,384 2,982,684 145,600 10.427 24,101,536 I 3,826,740 0,753,9151 111.484 1,563,848 2,016.324 29,109 2,150,560 1,657,809 562.661 - 119,996 60,551. 28,648,193 168,750 433,251 1,318,799 417,969 680,463 3,556,259 8,274,738 560,716 3,084,522 2,621,960 631,930 6,749 216.330 1,339.801 1,771,439 308.457 - - 6,009,042 8,077.923 1,146,248 5,187 4,931.445 1,479,868 373,783 810,179 557,240 585,397 - 197.216 - 82,004 406.479 431,761 278.323 - 628,859 154,897 2,968,547 143,758 - 287,016 92,585 29,647,757 174.755 497,352 1,404,702 478,996 654,002 2,624.183 8,763,727 680,658 3,010.592 2,860,807 863,333 62.057 284,175 1.490,808 1,717,049 353,163 - 42.973 25,033 25,435,106 i 25,945,392 i I Note 1. These expenditures occur pnmanly dunng the winter months, Note 2: Includes contingency, unallocated P3 and vision premiums, 3,213,087 - ! 6,424,9341 - 188,505 191,274 971,893 - - 1,702,890 39,284 2,104,645 1,936,991 157,897 1.031.439 3,702,365 ' 5,577,2971 213,050 103.239 362,100 - 1,077,666 50,210 2,050,477 1,618.909 115,131 - 60,000 10,000 - (897,232) (143.038) 2,865.827 $ 7,254,563 $ 8,191,780 $ 8.456,609 - 6,161,293 8,359,928 1,265,564 4,765 4,622,378 1,821,614 356,249 3,837,484 653,690 735.269 - 188,823 - 83,108 463,232 448,973 341,277 - - 50,967 162,734 2,912,571 143,102 1,036,264 4,7155 403,956 34,058,006 187.129 527,825 1.414,919 548,083 773,640 2.469,003 9.827,866 830,430 2,634,718 2,978,999 1,606,804 56,503 496,742 1.450,508 2,982,785 415,891 - 29,2Ö1,845 ' I 4.856,161 '( !'¿¿,10:¡ 8,590,5721 296,991 73,358 470,902 - - 1,566,522 6.153 2,022,389 2,986,805 83,742 1,082,207 300,000 10,000 5.284,811 $ 14,183,880 - L/-;J , J (? 6,410,094 8,469,131 1,260,667 14,853 4,469,217 1,100,000 305,598 4,227,186 . 662,224 787,112 - . 247.499 78,866 95.481 420,179 456,514 327,580 21,605 815.816 165,989 2.943.429 146.329 - 523,528 49,756 33,998,653 - 6.437,503 8.469,131 1,260,667 13,811 4.469,217 1,100,000 359,598 4,153.899 662,082 787,112 59,512 229.910 50,892 95,481 420,179 456.514 319,780 16.483 789.795 165,989 3.032,677 146,329 - 1,188,667 43,614 34,728,842 192,955 532,812 1,902,363 505,578 1,158.444 2,975.704 11,216,649 857,700 2,879,973 3,379,645 2,225,570 54.738 295.914 1,554,594 4,411,190 401,228 121,605 2,~2:,G70' 36,788.332---'31';107.252 I I - (2,789,679) ;;,0,'2 !ì20 9,364.4671 . 370,089 100,000 69,831 1,019.898 663,579 12,907 2,000,000 4,538,155 10,673 583,861 300,000 10,000 319,450 $ 9,998,444 192,955 532,812 1,612.897 505,578 1,060.290 2,819,684 11.004,316 857.700 2,829.973 3,379,645 1,800,717 54,738 295,914 1,554,594 2,127.799 401,228 76,412 3,621,590 ~,9!,O !!85 9,150,1181 $14,550,799 - 6.437,503 8,842,246 1,355,566 5,297 4,851,512 2,266,328 369,785 4,490.832 814.443 966,090 59,512 253,153 50.892 57,597 462,647 466,470 354,094 16.483 837,641 165.989 3.032,677 147,101 192,377 1,188.667 43,614 37,728,515 190,622 548,651 1,545,619 475,937 1,081,588 2,669,939 10,951,028 980,938 2,722.153 3,257,037 1,800,717 35,844 282,044 1,463,433 2,127,799 405,298 76,412 30,615,059 I 7,113,456 : 4,950985 9.150,1181 . 217.534 118,414 505,361 1,888.337 2,208,590 12,549 2,000,000 5,290,428 39,739 748.150 300,000 10,000 4.703,566 $18,042,665 - - - - - - - - - - - - 373,115 94,899 (8,514) 382,295 1.166,328 10,187 336,933 152,361 178,978 23,243 (37,884) 42,468 9.956 34,314 47,846 772 192,377 2,999,673 2,333 (15,839) 67,278 29,641 (21.298) 149,745 53,288 (123.238) 107,820 122,608 18,894 13,870 91.161 - (4,070) 0.0% - 0,0% 4.4% 7,5% -61.6% 8.6% 106,0% 2,8% 8.1% 23.0% 22,7% 0,0% 10.1% 0,0% -39,7% 10,1% 2.2% 10,7% 0,0% 6,1% 0,0% 0,0% 0,5% nla 0,0% 0,0% 8.6% - - - - - - - - 1.2% -3,O".k 4,2~ 5.9% -2,0% 5,3% 0,5% -14.4% 3,8% 3.6% 0.0% 34,5% 4,7% 5,9% 0,0% -1,0% 0,0% - 492,193----- 1,6% I - n:a 3,491,867 nla nla nla nla nla nla nla nla nla nla nla nla nla $ 3,491.867 96.4% 00':'; -I 0,0% nla nla nla nla nla nla nla nla nl, nla nla nla nla 24.0% 1/211999:25 AM ",~~.~,TI.1\! Ç". p',1\ !,~,:, ,f,~?~~':lD', ,,?,?, "I,???,.", """ """",, "",.""" ,.", """,,~T~~,~ ........"..,..,...."",'..,....' CITY OF FEDERAL WAY City Council AGENDA ITEM SUBJECT: VOUCHER ...",...."..."....,.....",....",....,.......,......".....""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""",,"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" CATEGORY: BUDGET IMPACT: X CONSENT ORDINANCE BUSINESS HEARING FYI RESOLUTION ST AFF REPORT PROCLAMATION STUDY SESSION OTHER Amount Budgeted: $ 3,105,979.80 Expenditure Amt: $ 3,105,979.80 Contingency Reqd: """"""""""""""""......................................................."........"""""""""""......................................................................"....,""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""'" ATTACHMENTS: VOUCHER LIST """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""'""""""""""""""""""""""""................"...... SUMMARY /BACKGROUND: I, the undersigned, do hereby certify under penalty of perjury that the materials have been furnished, the services rendered, or the labor performed as described herein and that the claims are just and due obligations against the City of Federal Way, Wa gton, and that I am authorized to authenticate and certify to said claims. CITY COUNCIL CO MITTEE RECOMMENDATION: ...!\ p J? ~?Y.~ ..~~!.~~.~ ~~..Y. ?~~~ ~!...P.~ .':.~~.~~~..~?..g,ç~..~~.:~~........ """""""""'" """""""""""" """ """"" ..... ..... """"" .......... ,.......... ............ """""""'" CITY MANAGER RECOMMENDATION: """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""'"""'"".,...."...".....",........."'",,,,"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""'..."".."""""""""""""""""""""""""" APPROVED FOR INCLUSION IN COUNCIL PACKET: (BELOW TO BE COMPLETED BY CITY CLERK'S OFFICE) COUNCIL ACTION: APPROVED DENIED TABLED/DEFERRED/NO ACTION COUNCIL BILL # ORDINANCE # FIRST READING ENACTMENT READ RESOLUTION # CCCOVER.5/24/94 Lf-O.I 0 chklst 12/14/1998 07:23:29 Check List CITY OF FEDERAL WAY Page: 1 ==================================================================================================================================== Check Date Vendor Invoice Inv.Date Description Amount Paid Check Total -------- -------- ------------------------------------ ---------- -------- ---------------------- --------------- ------------------ 143970 12/01/98 004264 THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT LLC 197 10/26/98 MSDP/PW&CD: CONSULTING 1,305.00 Voucher: Bank Code: key 143971 12/02/98 004198 HOGE, JOHN PKDBC-ARTW 11/19/98 PKDBC-ENTRY ARTWORK 6,069,12 Voucher: Bank Code: key 143972 12/08/98 004687 ENTERTAINMENT PUBLICATIONS 00169877-8 11/01/98 MSHR-ENTERTAINMENT BOO 224.00 Voucher: Bank Code: key 143973 12/14/98 000008 BOOK PUBLISHING COMPANY INC CDPL-SUPPL 10/28/98 CDPL-KC ZONING CODE SU 7.17 Voucher: Bank Code: key 143974 12/14/98 000014 DAY-TIMERS INC 31292673 11/05/98 PW/TR:CALENDAR REFILL: 34.98 Voucher: Bank Code: key . 143975 12/14/98 000016 IKON OFFICE SOLUTIONS, OF W 412562/CM 09/29/98 MIS-CREDIT:INV 412562 -138.73 Voucher: Bank Code: key 567141 11/05/98 MIS/POL-CANON FAX MACH 383.63 608840 12/07/98 MIS-CANON FAX MACHINE 308.24 143976 12/14/98 000029 KING MARKING SYSTEMS 13 7 94 5 -1 11/20/98 PWS:PLAN REVIEW STAMPS 62.61 ~ Voucher: Bank Code: key 137945-2 11/20/98 PWD:PLAN REVIEW STAMPS 62.62 Ç) 143977 12/14/98 000033 FIRESAFE/FIRE & SAFETY 201561 11/18/98 PS-PARTS/REPAIRS:FIRE 527.80 9-J Voucher: Bank Code: key 201483 11/17/98 PS-PARTS/REPAIRS:FIRE 13.01 201960 11/25/98 PS-PARTS/REPAIRS:FIRE 254.67 143979 12/14/98 000043 NEW LUMBER & HARDWARE COMPA 078770 11/25/98 SWMM-MAINT & REPAIR 3U 79.63 Voucher: Bank Code: key 078508 11/20/98 SWMM-MAINT & REPAIR SU 2.30 077671 11/05/98 PKM-GROUND3 MAINT SUPP 2.69 078491 11/20/98 PKM-GROUNDS MAINT BUrp 3.91 078489 11/20/98 PKM-GROUNDS MAINT SUPP 73.23 078509 11/20/98 PKM-GROUNDS MAINT Burp -15.43 078727 11/25/98 PKM-GROUNDS MAINT Burp 1. 29 078724 11/25/98 PKM-GROUNDS MAINT Burp 3.30 000504930 11/17/98 DBC-FACILITY REPAIR SU 217.41 078505 11/20/98 MSFLT-LUMBER:TRAILER 4 160.55 078988 12/01/98 PWS-PINE:21ST AVE SW 136.15 078131 11/13/98 PKDBC-SIGN MATERIALS/D 15.51 ~. 079086 12/02/98 PKM-GROUNDS MAINT Burp 11.22 078718 ~ 11/25/98 PKM-TREE SUPPLIES/CEL 36.99 078960 12/01/98 SWMM-MAINT & REPAIR SU 27.49 078816 11/12/98 MSFLT-PLYWOOD:TRUCK BE 13.87 078447 11/19/98 MSFLT-CREDIT:DECK LUMB -3.12 078512 11/20/98 MSFLT-CREDIT:DECK LUMB -186.53 078354 11/18/98 MSFLT-PROTECTIVE COATI 8.84 078400 11/19/98 MSFLT-PROTECTIVE COATI 17.57 078445 11/19/98 MSFLT-PROTECTIVE COATI 189.66 078998 12/01/98 SWMM-MAINT & REPAIR SU 1. 61 1,305,00 6,069.12 224.00 7,17 34.98 553.14 125.23 795.48 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Page: 1 0 chklst 12/14/1998 07:23:29 Check List CITY OF FEDERAL WAY Page: 2 Check Date Vendor ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Check Total Invoice Inv.Date Description Amount Paid -------- -------- ------------------------------------ ---------- -------- ---------------------- --------------- ------------------ 143979 12/14/98 000043 143980 12/14/98 000051 Voucher: -t: C) W 143981 12/14/98 000055 Voucher: 143982 12/14/98 000056 Voucher: 143983 12/14/98 000058 Voucher: 143984 12/14/98 000063 Voucher: 143985 12/14/98 000075 Voucher: 143986 12/14/98 000089 Voucher: NEW LUMBER & HARDWARE CaMPA PUGET SOUND ENERGY Bank Code: key SEATTLE TIMES Bank Code: key SIR SPEEDY PRINTING CENTER Bank Code: key SOUND OFFICE SUPPLY Bank Code: key CORPORATE EXPRESS Bank Code: key A T & T WIRE~ESS SERVICES Bank Code: key NEWS TRIBUNE Bank Code: key 078975 9702285500 8234818902 8926456900 8259460102 9202684200 8246179602 9502267100 9702126300 9700338100 9700060900 9701702800 8246183502 8257621402 8257621302 9003766300 8257622902 8257622202 9402552600 8601126800 9202593200 9200697900 9300909500 9402368000 9501122000 9402552700 40680431 247273750 15918 15733 16068 12/01/98 MSFLT-LUMBER/STEEL-TRA 11/20/98 11/30/98 11/23/98 11/16/98 11/23/98 12/02/98 12/02/98 12/01/98 12/04/98 12/04/98 12/04/98 12/03/98 12/02/98 12/02/98 12/02/98 12/02/98 12/02/98 12/02/98 12/02/98 12/07/98 12/07/98 12/07/98 12/07/98 12/07/98 12/02/98 DBC-THEATRE ELECTRICIT PWT-POWER: STREETS LIG DBC-FACILITY NATURAL G PKM-FACILITY ELECTRICI PKM-FACILITY ELECTRICI PWT-POWER: STREETS LIG PWT-POWER: STREETS LIG PWT-POWER: STREETS LIG PWT-POWER: STREETS LIG PWT-POWER: STREETS LIG PWT-POWER: STREETS LIG PWT-POWER: STREETS LIG PWT-POWER: STREETS LIG PWT-POWER: STREETS LIG PWT-POWER: STREETS LIG PWT-POWER: STREETS LIG PWT-POWER: STREETS LIG PWT-POWER: STREETS LIG PWT-POWER: STREETS LIG PWT-POWER: STREETS LIG PWT-POWER: STREETS LIG PWT-POWER: STREETS LIG PWT-POWER: STREETS LIG PWT-POWER: STREETS LIG PWT-POWER: STREETS LIG 11/17/98 PS-3 MO SUBSCRIPTION/S 11/30/98 HR-RATEHOLDER ADS:NOV9 11/25/98 MSC-PRINTING: COUNCIL 11/23/98 MSF-JAPANESE BUS CARDS 12/10/98 MSC-PRINTING: COUNCIL 11/20/98 PKDBC-CALENDAR REFILL/ 11/13/98 PKM-OFFICE SUPPLIES 11/16/98 PKM-OFFICE SUPPLIES -11/05/98 DP/POL-LASER PRINTER T 12/04/98 DP-LASER PRINTER TONER 11/~4/98 PWS-CHAIR:KEN MILLER 00620 00550 00551 88479740 88941560 88787951 20405718 420708 T147760NT 12/01/98 MIS-CELLULAR PHONES AI 11/15/98 PS-3 MO SUBSCRIPTION 11/19/98 MSC-ORDINANCE SUMMARY 28,94 (continued) 827.08 344.90 150.17 953,53 1,563.73 5,37 131.82 131.61 120.53 316.79 135.14 73.75 6,04 25.28 92.09 9,313.34 13 .30 25.28 76.68 227.52 282.06 41.40 146.76 301.23 59.77 57,51 14,595.60 26.65 308.00 334.65 510,24 88.61 308.17 907,02 5,97 66.90 21.63 94.50 600.34 450.26 422.45 1,473.05 1,541.07 1,541.07 24.00 52.50 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Page: 2 0 chklst 12/14/1998 07:23:29 Check List CITY OF FEDERAL WAY Page: 3 Check Date Vendor ==================================================================================================================================== Check Total Invoice Inv.Date Description Amount Paid -------- -------- ------------------------------------ ---------- -------- ---------------------- --------------- ------------------ 143986 12/14/98 000089 143987 12/14/9~ 000096 Voucher: ~ C> '1:. 143988 12/14/98 000097 Voucher: 143989 12/14/98 000101 Voucher: 143990 12/14/98 000104 Voucher: 143991 12/14/98 000106 Voucher: 143992 12/14/98 000109 Voucher: 143993 12/14/98 000112 Voucher: NEWS TRIBUNE LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRICT Bank Code: key EDEN SYSTEMS INC Bank Code: key PETTY CASH Bank Code: key LOGREYRA, EDELINE M Bank Code: key SELECT TRAVEL INC Bank Code: key T124246NT T142633NT 65585601 68329401 T147007NT T146475NT T146979NT T147035NT T147604NT T147659NT T150773NT T151354NT T151360NT T141932NT T144967NT T145021NT 65585401 30424-01 25928-02 28308-01 29615-01 29266-02 29063-01 10142-02 27815-01 4111 4104 001252 10/16/98 PW/SWR:AD:RATE INCREAS 11/16/98 PW/SWR:AD:SOLID RATE I 11/14/98 MSC-COUNCIL MTG AGENDA 11/28/98 MSC-COUNCIL MTG AGENDA 11/18/98 CDL-NOTICE:S 340TH/HOY 11/17/98 CDL-LEGAL ADVERTISEMEN 11/18/98 CDL-LEGAL ADVERTISEMEN 11/18/98 CDL-LEGAL ADVERTISEMEN 11/19/98 CDL-LEGAL ADVERTISEMEN 11/19/98 CDL-LEGAL ADVERTISEMEN 11/25/98 CDL-LEGAL ADVERTISEMEN 11/27/98 CDL-LEGAL ADVERTISEMEN 11/27/98 CDL-LEGAL ADVERTISEMEN 11/15/9& MSF-RFP-A/RCOLLECTION 11/22/98 MSF-RFB 98117:UNIFORM 11/22/98 MSF-RFB 98-117-UNIFORM 11/03/98 PKRCS-AD/ARTS COMMISSI 11/17/98 11/24/98 11/17/98 11/20/98 11/13/98 11/30/98 11/30/98 11/30/98 PWS-2500 SW 336 ST IRR PKM-WATER SERVICE FOR PKM-WATER SERVICE FOR PKM-WATER SERVICE FOR PKM-WATER SERVICE FOR PKM-WATER SERVICE FOR PKM-WATER SERVICE FOR PKM-WATER SERVICE FOR 11/24/98 MIS-SOFTWARE LICENSE/U 11/24/98 MIS-SOFTWARE LICENSE/U 12/11/98 CDA-REIMB PETTY CASH F NOV17-NOV2 11/20/98 LAW-DIST CT INTER PRETE 811101068 811101066 ACTIVE SECURITY CONTROL (DB 11399 Bank Code: key 11382 11389 11391 11/10/98 PKP-AIRFARE:ORLANDO CO 11/10/98 PS-AIRFARE:B OWEN ~11/19/98 PKRLS/CC-DUPLICATE KEY 11/04/98 PW/SWMM:FACON/BEST KEY 11/10/98 PW/SWM:REKEYABLE PADLO 11/12/98 PW/SWM:FALCON/BEST KEY 11/19/98 FLT/POL-COOLANT/HOSE:M 11/20/98 FLT/POL-ELECT/BULBS/LO 11/23/98 FLT/POL-TAIL LIGHTS:M5 11/23/98 FLT/POL-TRUNK REPAIR:M ( continued) 154.00 224.00 95.48 86.80 108.50 77.00 78.75 145.25 136.50 164.50 161.00 168.00 110.25 76.76 202.00 242.40 86.80 2,394.49 PACIFIC COAST FORD INC Bank Code: key FOCS26569 FOCS2 6896 FOCS26955 FOCS26862 13 .10 77.30 252.73 595.93 157.38 512.29 92 .12 13 .10 1,713,95 4,800.00 24.57 4,824.57 452.00 452,00 70,00 70.00 314.00 393.00 707,00 6.61 13.44 150.74 6.61 177.40 300,92 231.78 81.50 167.08 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Page: 3 0 chklst 12/14/1998 07:23:29 Check List CITY OF FEDERAL WAY Page: 4 Check Vendor ==================================================================================================================================== Amount Paid Check Total Date Invoice Inv.Date Description -------- -------- ------------------------------------ ---------- -------- ---------------------- --------------- ------------------ 143993 12/14/98 000112 143994 12/14/98 000125 Voucher: 143995 12/14/98 000142 Voucher: 143996 12/14/98 000168 Voucher: 143997 12/14/98 000173 Voucher: 143998 12/14/98 000196 Voucher: t-' 143999 12/14/98 000201 t- Voucher: J ~ 144000 12/14/98 000202 Voucher: 144001 12/14/98 000217 Voucher: 144002 12/14/98 000223 Voucher: 144003 12/14/98 000229 Voucher: 144004 12/14/98 000267 Voucher: 144005 12/14/98 000286 Voucher: 144006 12/14/98 000328 Voucher: PACIFIC COAST FORD INC FOCS26223 KING COUNTY FINANCE DIVISIO Bank Code: key 9841801 9855361-JU 9849742-1 9849742-2 9871274 9871275 11/04/98 FLT/POL-DOOR PANEL:M51 07/07/98 11/02/98 08/06/98 08/06/98 11/23/98 11/23/98 PWS-DISPOSAL WASTE:ALG POL-K/C JAIL SVC-JULY9 PKM-WASTE HAULING 7/13 PWS-WASTE DISPOSAL SVC PWT-K/C SIGNS & SIGNAL PWT-K/C SIGNS & SIGNAL 94,25 (continued) 875,53 153,68 3,281.78 18,73 71,93 288,11 40,351.86 44,166,09 CITY OF FED WAY-ADVANCE TRA PS-LEDDY Bank Code: key PK-JAINGA 12/03/98 PS-CHILD ABUSE SEMINAR 12/05/98 PK-ATHL BUSINESS CONF 11/23/98 MSF-AD:UNIFORM CLEANIN DAILY JOURNAL OF COMMERCE I 3083955 Bank Code: key WEST PUBLISHING CORPORATION 680-599-30 11/30/98 LAW-BOOKS MCQUILLAN MU Bank Code: key FORTE RENTALS INC Bank Code: key KINKO'S INC Bank Code: key FN16 8 8 9 8 12/02/98 MSFLT-FUEL OIL PUMP-VE 5151000395 11/24/98 POL-PRINTING SERVICES 5151000395 11/24/98 POL-PRINTING SERVICES 5151000394 11/20/98 PKM-COPIES:VIP TOUR SI 5151000396 12/01/98 PKKFT-EVENT TICKETS/PU 253-815-9911/04/98 MIS-PHONES & DATA LINE 253-839-98 11/26/98 MIS-PHONES & DATA LINE 119,67 270,00 389,67 U S WEST COMMUNICATIONS Bank Code: key FEDERAL EXPRESS CORPORATION 4-693-5175 11/06/98 PW/SWR:FED EX CHARGES Bank Code: key 4-707-336911/20/98 PW/DS:DELIVERY:INLAND ITE Bank 'Code: key 146747 146100 10/21/98 PWTR:MEMBERSHIP RENL:P 10/21/98 PWTR:MEMBERSHIP RENL:E 12/02/98 MSA-DEC MBRSHIP LUNCH- 12/02/98 CM-MEMBERSHIP LUNCH NY 11/09/98 POL-KING COUNTY SPECIA 11/28/98 MIS-PAGERS MONTHLY SER 11/30/98 FLT-FUEL FOR CITY VEHI 171.60 171.60 FEDERAL WAY CHAMBER COMMERC 716-1 Bank Code: key 716-2 KING COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFIC 98-256 Bank Code: key A T & T WIRELESS SERVICES Bank Code: key 1352877 834.92 834,92 ERNIE'S FUEL STOPS (DBA) Bank Code: key 0011836 16,29 16,29 132.49 -105.34 86.34 14.82 128.31 53.49 56.94 110,43 7.35 6.00 13.35 240.00 188.00 428.00 15,00 60.00 75.00 1,766,70 1,766.70 26.91 26.91 726.02 726.02 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ i Page: 4 ¡ " ~:f~ 0 chklst 12/14/1998 07:23:30 Check List CITY OF FEDERAL WAY Page: 5 Check Date Vendor ==================================================================================================================================== Amount Paid Check Total Invoice Inv.Date Description -------- -------- ------------------------------------ ---------- -------- ---------------------- --------------- ------------------ 144007 12/14/98 000332 Voucher: 144008 12/14/98 000340 Voucher: 144009 12/14/98 000414 Voucher: .¡:: 0 - 144010 12/14/98 000438 ~ Voucher: 144011 12/14/98 000475 Voucher: 144012 12/14/98 000503 Voucher: 144013 12/14/98 000504 Voucher: 144014 12/14/98 000514 Voucher: 144015 12/14/98 000552 Voucher: 144016 12/14/98 000568 Voucher: 11/30/98 LAW-LEGAL MESSENGERS N ABC LEGAL MESSENGERS INC Bank Code: key WA STATE-INFORMATION SERVIC 98-11-0021 12/03/98 MIS-SCAN LONG DISTANCE Bank Code: key 98-11-0021 12/03/98 MSGIS-AUTOCAD V. 14 UP CAFE PACIFIC CATERING INC Bank Code: key 35550 2714 2715 2716 2717 2718 2720 2721 2722 2713 2719 2731 2732 2733 2734 2735 2736 2727 DELI SMITH & CHOCOLATE JONE 0412 Bank Code: key 0421 0405 CUSTOM SECURITY SYSTEMS Bank Code: key ROYAL REPROGRAPHICS Bank Code: key ORIENTAL GARDEN CENTER Bank Code: key WA STATE-STATE REVENUES Bank Code: key CARPINITO BROS INC Bank Code: key AUBURN LAWN & GARDEN INC Bank Code: key 742915 742942 9510106 9512576 045607 045756 045964 045984 046232 NOV 1998 66158 70600 11/24/98 11/25/98 11/25/98 11/25/98 11/25/98 11/25/98 11/25/98 11/25/98 11/24/9& 11/25/98 12/07/98 12/07/98 12/07/98 12/07/98 12/07/98 12/07/98 12/02/98 DBC-CATERING:PACIFIC N DBC-CATERING SVCS:RENT DBC-CATERING SVCS:RENT DBC-CATERING SVCS:RENT DBC-CATERING SVCS:RENT DBC-CATERING SVCS:RENT DBC-CATERING SVCS:RENT DBC-CATERING SVCS:RENT DBC-CATERING:WSCADV (A DBC-CATERING:MILGARD T DBC-CATERING:ST BOARD DBC-CATERING SVCS:RENT DBC-CATERING SVCS:RENT DBC-CATERING SVCS:RENT DBC-CATERING SVCS:RENT DBC-CATERING 8VCS:RENT DBC-CATERING SVCS:RENT 11/24/98 MSF-FOOD:BROKER SELECT 12/08/98 PW/TR&AD:MEALS FOR NOO 09/24/98 PW/TR:SOUND TRANSIT NO 12/01/98 RSS-KLCC ALARM MONITOR 12/01/98 CHB-ALARM SYSTEM MONIT 10/16/98 PWST:COPY/BOND PLANS-3 11/25/98 PW/ST:PLAN SET COPIES: 10/27/98 PKM-GROUNDS EQUIPMENT 11/02/98 PWS-NYLON'LINE FOR 14T 11/12/98 PKM-GROUNDS MOWER PART 11/13/98 PKM-BIRD SCARE FLASH T 11/25/98 PKM-GROUNDS MOWER PART ~12/10/98 MSF-REMIT TRAUMA VICTI 11/30/98 PKM-PLAY CHIPS/LK GROV 11/12/98 SWM:CHAINSAW FOR MAINT 131.00 131.00 971.04 1,187.81 2,158.85 44.20 440.40 701.40 392.84 1,061.64 255.00 2,283.84 86.76 67.05 508.30 392.40 386.96 527.88 818.10 545.76 471.72 -44.70 8,939.55 38.95 16.85 24.49 80.29 59.74 103,00 162.74 202.33 239.03 441.36 33.94 21.33 130.65 4.84 49,81 240.57 48,399.78 48,399.78 243.54 243.54 451.77 451.77 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Page: 5 0 chklst 12/14/1998 07:23:30 Check List CITY OF FEDERAL WAY Page: 6 Check Date Vendor ==================================================================================================================================== Check Total Invoice Inv.Date Description Amount Paid -------- -------- ------------------------------------ ---------- -------- ---------------------- --------------- ------------------ 144017 12/14/98 000570 Voucher: 144018 12/14/98 000697 Voucher: 144019 12/14/98 000721 Voucher: ~ 144020 12/14/98 000723 ~ Voucher: f '~144021 12/14/98 000724 Voucher: 144022 12/14/98 000730 Voucher: 144023 12/14/98 000732 Voucher: 144024 12/14/98 000738 Voucher: 144025 12/14/98 000754 Voucher: 144026 12/14/98 000771 Voucher: EAGLE TIRE & AUTOMOTIVE Bank Code: key (DB 39053 39127 39108 39142 38919 39242 39162 39163 39271 39311 39438 39439 39447 39517 39528 39545 11/16/98 11/18/98 11/18/98 11/19/98 11/11/98 11/23/98 11/20/98 11/20/98 11/24/98 11/25/98 11/30/98 11/30/98 11/30/98 12/02/98 12/02/98, 12/02/98 FLT/POL-BATTERY:M42125 FLT/POL-BATTERY:M28282 FLT/POL-TIRE REPAIR:M3 FLT/POL-LOF:M60216 #60 FLT/POL-CK LEAK:M59325 FLT/POL-BATTERY:M59387 FLT/POL-BRAKES/LOF:M65 FLT/POL-TIRE REPAIR #4 FLT/POL-SPEED SENSOR/L FLT/POL-LOF:M56700 #60 FLT/POL-ROAD SVC/TIRE FLT/POL-AC FREON/RECHG FLT/POL-LOF:M20095 #90 FLT/POL-TIRE #48621 FLT/POL-TIRE REPAIR:M5 FLT/POL-ALTERNATOR:M59 12/01/98 LAW-PUBLIC DEFENDER SE 11/06/98 SWM-CONCRETE, CEMENT & 11/30/98 SWM-CONCRETE, CEMENT & 09/02/98 SW&R-SW FRANCHISE REVI SOUND RESOURCE MGMT GROUP I FED-014 Bank Code: key HOMEGUARD SECURITY SERVICES 9880357000 12/02/98 Bank Code: key 11/12/98 PW/CIP-23RD AVE FINAL 11/24/98 PROJECT: RITE AID BUlL 11/25/98 PS-WASPC TRAINING: PAUL 12/02/98 PS-WASPC LAW ENFORCEME 95.21 124.01 12.19 21.71 19,94 44.32 219.31 12.19 132.10 21.71 45.42 146.22 33.65 87.73 12.19 305.19 1,333.09 PIERCE COUNTY BUDGET & FINA A27425 Bank Code: key AMERICAN CONCRETE INC Bank Code: key 0054780 0055091 10/28/98 PKM-RAINGEAR JACKET/HA 11/06/98 PKM-WINTER RAINCOAT/D 11/04/98 PW/SWMM:LEAD MARKER 10/27/98 11/06/98 11/20/98 11/18/98 11/10/98 11/10/98 CDA-FOOD:STAFF MTG/NOV POL-HOUSEHOLD SUPPLIES POL-HOUSEHOLD SUPPLIES MSHR-RESTOCK WELLNESS PWS-PRINTING:CAR FORMS PW/SWM-PRINTING:CAR FO 20,444.17 20,444.17 ENTRANCO Bank Code: key WASPC-WA ASSOC SHERIFFS & Bank Code: key 20121 20343 IVCO02045 IVCO02075 5.43 261.04 266,47 G I JOE'S FEDERAL WAY Bank Code: key 45816 74674 1,548,07 1,548.07 OXYGEN SALES & SERVICE INC Bank Code: key 913918 23.95 23,95 COSTCO, ACCT 70037300000209 Bank Code: key 14002000 12106300 13254100 12741100 13 929200-1 13929200-2 1,334.32 556,00 1,890.32 35,00 60.32 95.32 149.74 65.14 214.88 61,38 61.38 56.48 219.32 111.31 113.91 85,79 85.80 672,61 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Page: 6 0 chklst 12/14/1998 07:23:30 Check List CITY OF FEDERAL WAY Page: 7 Check Date Vendor ==================================================================================================================================== Check Total Invoice Inv.Date Description Amount Paid -------- -------- ------------------------------------ ---------- -------- ---------------------- --------------- ------------------ 144027 12/14/98 000783 Voucher: 144028 12/14/98 000790 Voucher: 144029 12/14/98 000808 Voucher: 144030 12/14/98 000809 Voucher: 144031 12/14/98 000854 Voucher: l44032 12/14/98 000908 Voucher: 144033 12/14/98 000920 Voucher: 144034 12/14/98 000939 ~ Voucher: v ~ 144035 12/14/98 000947 Voucher: 144036 12/14/98 000951 Voucher: 144037 12/14/98 000984 Voucher: 144038 12/14/98 000989 Voucher: 144039 12/14/98 000991 Voucher: 144040 12/14/98 001028 Voucher: 144041 12/14/98 001037 Voucher: FEDERAL WAY DISPOSAL CO INC 11 844440 Bank Code: key 11 101011 11/30/98 SWR-DISPOSAL:LITTER CO 11/30/98 PKM-WASTE HAULING FROM 11/21/98 PS-3 MONTH SUBSCRIPTIO SEATTLE POST-INTELLIGENCER Bank Code: key PLATT ELECTRIC SUPPLY Bank Code: key ECONOMICS PRESS INC Bank Code: key D J TROPHY Bank Code: key UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON Bank Code: key PAPER DIRECT INC Bank Code: key 50680432 6095036 11/17/98 PKM-ELECTRICAL SUPPLIE F-52608577 11/18/98 PKM-BITS&PIECES SUBSCR 12805A 12822A 12946A 507975 508013 11/17/98 11/18/98 12/02/98, 11/06/98 11/20/98 PS-LOGO PLAQUE/2 LOGOS CDPL-PLANNING COMMISSI CDPL-NAME PLATES:PLANN PW/DS:ENGINEERING COUR SWM:REG FEE:PW CONSTR 3202923600 11/13/98 CM/CC-AWARD CERT/CERT CULLYSPRING WATER COMPANY I 51490 Bank Code: key 151928 141333 34751 11/30/98 RCS-WATER COOLER RENTA 11/30/98 DBC/KFT-WATER/COOLER R 11/30/98 RCS-BOTTLED WATER: DBC 11/30/98 RSS-BOTTLED DRINKING W 11/20/98 PS:JANITORIAL SVCS/SUI 11/20/98 PS:JANITORIAL SVCS:NOV l:TOTEM EL 12/03/98 PWTCIP-5% RETAINAGE:TO 3:SEITSING 10/30/98 PW-5% RETAINAGE:SEITSI 285.88 65,00 350.88 35.10 35,10 SQUEEGEE CLEAN WINDOW CLEAN 2224 Bank Code: key 2223 CITY OF FEDERAL WAY Bank Code: key MUZAK LTD PARTNERSHIP Bank Code: key FRED MEYER INC Bank Code: key CASCADE COFFEE INC Bank Code: key JET CITIES CHORUS Bank Code: key KEY BANK VISA Bank Code: key 32149829 666706 666726 01075858 01075859 10/31/98 GAC-AUDIO MODULE & MIC 11/10/98 POL-WESTWY RECREATION 11/23/98 POL-WESTWY RECREATION 11/27/98 SS-COFFEE SUPPLIES: CI ¥11/27/98 PKRLS/SS-COFFEE:SR LUN RCS-102498 11/06/98 RCS-CULTURAL ARTS PROG CC-FOOD 10/27/98 CC-FOOD:CC MTG 10/27/9 CDHS-AIRFA 10/26/98 CDHS:AIRFARE:SPOKANE C HR-LODGING 10/30/98 HR-LODGING WAPELR CONF PWSWM:CAR 11/06/98 PW/SWM:CAR RENTAL:OREG 72.46 72.46 64.28 64.28 111.46 26.93 18.46 156.85 120.00 420.00 540.00 78.75 78.75 10.86 109.69 14.07 38,01 172.63 95,00 1,075.00 138.95 1,180.77 1,170.00 1,319.72 4,561.20 4,561.20 39.91 82.61 122.52 58.62 55.00 113.62 1,700.00 1,700.00 76.53 98.00 133.20 220.07 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Page: 7 0 chklst 12/14/1998 07:23:30 Check List CITY OF FEDERAL WAY Page: 8 Check Vendor ==================================================================================================================================== Amount Paid Check Total Date Invoice Inv.Date Description -------- -------- ------------------------------------ ---------- -------- ---------------------- --------------- ------------------ 144041 12/14/98 001037 144042 12/14/98 001055 Voucher: 144043 12/14/98 001066 Voucher: 144044 12/14/98 001093 Voucher: 144045 12/14/98 001109 Voucher: 144046 12/14/98 001131 Voucher: 144047 12/14/98 001132 Voucher: ~ 144048 12/14/98 001183 f' Voucher: ~ '- ,,144049 12/14/98 001189 '-J Voucher: 144050 12/14/98 001233 Voucher: 144051 12/14/98 001234 Voucher: 144052 12/14/98 001259 Voucher: 144053 12/14/98 001263 Voucher: 144054 12/14/98 001267 Voucher: KEY BANK VISA FEDERAL WAY PHILHARMONIC Bank Code: key BIG WHEEL AUTO PARTS Bank Code: key PENDLETON PHD, MICHAEL R Bank Code: key RSS/SP-FOO 11/06/98 RSS/SP-FOOD:CHUCK E CH CC-FOOD 11/09/98 CC-FOOD:11/9 CC MTG RCS-DEC 9T 12/09/98 RCS-CULTURAL ARTS PROG 325596 326724 CM-112198 SMITH TRACTOR & EQUIPMENT C 4500557 Bank Code: key 4500556 4500558 EVERGREEN AUTO ELECTRIC INC 46810 Bank Code: key LABOR DIGESTS INC Bank Code: key FEDERAL WAY PUBLIC SCHOOLS Bank Code: key PETTY CASH Bank Code: key AT & T BUSINESS SERVICE Bank Code: key 10/30/98 MSFLT-LAMP-VEH 48033 11/04/98 MSFLT-LAMP-VEH 48033 11/21/98 CM-CONSULTATION SVC 11/18/98 MSFLT-250 HR SVC:#4820 11/30/9& MSFLT-REPAIR FITTING # 11/30/98 MSFLT-500HR SVCS:#4820 11/25/98 MSFLT-TURN SIGNAL #480 HR-SUBSCRI 12/03/98 MSHR-LABOR LAW SUBSCRI AROO169 001250 11/24/98 PKM-50% UTILITY REIMBU 12/10/98 CM-REIMB PETTY CASH FU 0510645149 11/15/98 MIS-LONG DISTANCE PHON 0192199314 11/24/98 MIS-LONG DISTANCE PHON 0510661494 11/28/98 MIS-LONG DISTANCE PHON 0510657509 11/28/98 MIS-LONG DISTANCE PHON MCCARTHY CAUSSEAUX ROURKE I 9025-00M Bank Code: key KING COUNTY CRIME VICTIMS F NOV 1998 Bank Code: key MICHAELS STORES #8900 Bank Code: key TOP FOODS HAGGEN INC Bank Code: key 0315 0318 246210 246262 246281 246238 11/30/98 MSC-HEARING EXAMINER S 12/10/98 MSF:REMIT CRIME VICTIM _11/20/98 PS-PROGRAM SUPPLIES 11/24/98 PS-PROGRAM SUPPLIES 12/02/98 RSS-SUPPLIES: KOREAN L 12/04/98 RCS-SUPPLIES: ARTS/SPE 12/10/98 PKRLS/AA-FOOD ATHLETIC 12/03/98 RCS-SUPPLIES: COMM REC (continued) 78,75 113,04 719,59 3,000,00 3,000,00 1.78 1.44 3,22 170.00 170.00 321.55 97.07 567.96 986.58 66.12 66.12 85.00 85.00 1,452,83 1,452.83 253,95 253.95 6,42 49,39 11 , 62 11,62 79. 05 82,00 82. 0 ° 905.66 905.66 147.26 69,75 217.01 49.94 109.57 58.47 19.49 237.47 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Page: 8 0 chklst 12/14/1998 07:23:31 Check List CITY OF FEDERAL WAY Page: 9 Check Date Vendor ==================================================================================================================================== Amount Paid Check Total Invoice Inv.Date Description -------- -------- ------------------------------------ ---------- -------- ---------------------- --------------- ------------------ 144055 12/14/98 001294 Voucher: 144056 12/14/98 001315 Voucher: 144057 12/14/98 001390 Voucher: ~ 144058 12/14/98 001407 Voucher: \:) 144059 12/14/98 001422 Voucher: "'- C) 144060 12/14/98 001431 Voucher: 144061 12/14/98 001432 Voucher: 144062 12/14/98 001436 Voucher: 144063 12/14/98 001448 Voucher: 144064 12/14/98 001481 Voucher: 144065 12/14/98 001488 Voucher: 144066 12/14/98 001552 Voucher: ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COUNCI 0098100021 07/29/98 PWT-COMMUTER CHALLENGE Bank Code: key MOUNTAIN MIST WATER Bank Code: key EAGLE HARDWARE & GARDEN 009 Bank Code: key 000147 010398 011771 018397 000801037 000601527 000304623 000803194 000409019 000409803 000800492 001509314 000306878 000409844 001508552 001007247 ADVANCED DRAINAGE SYSTEMS I 11000479 Bank Code: key BERGER/ABAM ENGINEERS INC Bank Code: key M A SEGALE INC Bank Code: key SMALL & SONS OIL, DON Bank Code: key TREE RECYCLERS Bank Code: key 6469 149810 149842 149841 149811 35569 11/25/98 CHB-BOTTLED DRINKING W 11/25/98 CHB-BOTTLED DRINKING W 11/25/98 POL-BOTTLED WATER/COOL 11/25/98 POL-BOTTLED WATER/COOL 10/28/98 10/29/98 11/03/98 11/05/98 11/12/98 11/16/98 11/16/98, 11/23/98 11/17/98 11/16/98 11/17/98 11/25/98 CHB-MISC REPAIR ITEMS CHB-TOILET FLAPPER TAN SWMM-MAINT & REPAIR SU PW/SWM:PLASTIC SHEETIN PKM-FACILITIES MAINT S MSDP/GAC-ELECTRICAL CO MSDP/GAC-ELECTRICAL CO SWM-SHRUBS/KITTS EAST PW/SWMWQ:DRILL BITS PW/SWM:MISC EQUIP PART PW/SWM:MISC PAINT/HARD DBC-FACILITY REPAIR SU 11/20/98 PW/SWM: PREM COUPLER/P 11/06/98 PKC-CELEBRATION PK PRJ 11/18/98 PWS-ASPHALT/EMULSION:S 11/19/98 PWS-EMULSION:STREET CR 11/19/98 SWM-ASPHALT & ROAD OIL 11/18/98 SWM-ASPHALT & ROAD OIL 11/30/98 PKM-HEATING OIL/SL ANN NOV24-NOV3 11/30/98 PKM-HAZARD TREE REMOVA BLUE RIBBON WINDOW CLEANING 12623 Bank Code: key CH2M HILL NORTHWEST INC Bank Code: key PADGETT-THOMPSON Bank Code: key PETTY CASH-KLCC REC DEPT Bank Code: key 3148154 3149265 12/02/98 PKRLS/CC-WINDOW CLEANI .- 11/20/98 SWM-S 324~336TH STORM 12/02/98 SWM-KITTS WETLANDS MON 0101587005 12/01/98 PS-COMMUNICATING W/DIP 001217 12/08/98 PKRCS-REIMB PETTY CASH 743.00 743.00 186.25 47.78 119,09 23.89 377.01 73.16 5.09 269.09 113.96 14.05 8.01 15.68 18.44 5.19 60.03 62.27 105.70 750.67 1,767.47 1,767.47 2,376.00 2,376.00 107.24 126.54 222.63 29.59 486.00 158.31 158.31 390.96 390.96 100.00 100.00 26,746.26 5,541.27 32,287.53 395.00 395.00 111.51 111.51 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Page: 9 0 chklst 12/14/1998 07:23:31 Check List CITY OF FEDERAL WAY Page: 10 Check Date Vendor ==================================================================================================================================== Check Total Invoice Inv.Date Description Amount Paid -------- -------- ------------------------------------ ---------- -------- ---------------------- --------------- ------------------ 144067 12/14/98 001612 Voucher: 144068 12/14/98 001629 Voucher: 144069 12/14/98 001630 Voucher: 144070 12/14/98 001686 Voucher: ~ c; 144071 12/14/98 001716 Voucher: '-.. '-. 144072 12/14/98 001732 Voucher: 144073 12/14/98 001748 Voucher: 144074 12/14/98 001793 Voucher: 144075 12/14/98 001802 Voucher: 144076 12/14/98 001814 Voucher: 144077 12/14/98 001858 Voucher: THE POLLARD GROUP INC Bank Code: key HUSKY-HANK'S TREE SERVICE Bank Code: key BLUMENTHAL UNIFORM CO INC Bank Code: key 37392 3240 6062 6063 3242 65159 66874-01 65974 61737 66844 65973 65036 68025 63730 63734 67567 FIRST CHOICE BUSINESS MACHI 00110956 Bank Code: key B J & SONS Bank Code: key HANSEN COMMUNICATIONS INC Bank Code: key EVERSON'S ECONO-VAC INC Bank Code: key MICROFLEX INC Bank Code: key PACIFIC ELECTRONICS INC Bank Code: key PARAMETRIX INC Bank Code: key ABLE SPIFFY BIFFY INC Bank Code: key 11/18/98 CM-CITY NEWSLETTER 6PG 11/20/98 PW/ST:TREE REMOVAL FRO 12/03/98 PWS-TREE REMOVAL SVCS 12/03/98 PWS:TREE REMOVAL SVCS 11/13/98 PWS:TREE REMOVAL SVCs/ 11/17/98 11/17/98 11/17/98 11/18/98 11/23/98 11/23/9éì 11/25/98 11/18/98 11/09/98 11/09/98 11/30/98 POL-UNIFORMS POL-UNIFORMS POL-UNIFORMS POL-UNIFORMS POL-UNIFORMS POL-UNIFORMS POL-UNIFORMS POL-UNIFORMS POL-UNIFORMS POL-UNIFORMS POL-UNIFORMS & ACCESSO & ACCESSO & ACCESSO & ACCESSO & ACCESSO & ACCESSO & ACCESSO & ACCESSO & ACCESSO & ACCESSO & ACCESSO 11/30/98 MSM&D-COPIER MAINT: S CC 11/2098 11/22/98 MSGAC:BROADCASH BOOTH DBC 11/209 10/16/98 PKDBC-MISC REPAIRS AS D6416 009628 009629 009627 009695 OD 96 96 00011669 37222 37290 37312 37333 021620 021619 3835 12/02/98 SWM-AFTER HOURS CALL-O 11/17/98 11/17/98 11/17/98 11/30/98 11/30/98 SWM-VACUUM/JET RODDING SWM-VACUUM/JET RODDING SWM-VACUUM/JET RODDING SWM-VACUUM/JET RODDING SWM-VACUUM/JET RODDING 12/02/98 MSF-TAX AUDIT PROGRAM- 11/10/98 MS/TEL: RADIO INSTALLA .11/23/98 DPTEL/SWM:RADIO REPAIR 12/02/98 MSTEL/SWR:REPL RADIO 12/02/98 MSTEL/SWR: REPLACEMEN 11/12/98 PWT-ST SIGNAL IMPROVEM 11/12/98 PW-BPA TRAIL CORRIDR P 11/15/98 PKRCS-EQ RENTAL:RWBF 5,943.58 5,943.58 499.72 1,084,00 379.40 850,94 2,814.06 113.98 19,55 2.17 6,52 90,08 18.46 336,44 23,35 216,98 9.23 363,07 1,199.83 293,22 293.22 2,443,50 570,15 3,013.65 97.75 97.75 3,290.42 4,654,66 675,44 3,119.58 3,716.34 15,456.44 298,27 298,27 341,82 74,41 432.00 113.40 961.63 4,295.80 2,617.77 6,913.57 522.00 522.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Page: 10 0 chklst 12/14/1998 07:23:31 Check List CITY OF FEDERAL WAY Page: 11 Check Vendor ==================================================================================================================================== Check Total Date Invoice Inv.Date Description Amount Paid -------- -------- ------------------------------------ ---------- -------- ---------------------- --------------- ------------------ 144078 12/14/98 001893 Voucher: 144079 12/14/98 001902 Voucher: 144080 12/14/98 001936 Voucher: 144081 12/14/98 001939 Voucher: 144082 12/14/98 001988 Voucher: 144083 12/14/98 001992 Voucher: 144084 12/14/98 002010 Voucher: ~ 144085 12/14/98 002044 \) Voucher: ~ 144086 12/14/98 002093 \: Voucher: 144087 12/14/98 002137 Voucher: 144088 12/14/98 002176 Voucher: 144089 12/14/98 002347 Voucher: 144090 12/14/98 002379 Voucher: 144091 12/14/98 002426 Voucher: 144092 12/14/98 002492 Voucher: FEDERAL WAY SCHOOL DISTRICT SIF-NOV98 Bank Code: key MYERS MASTER LAWN CARE Bank Code: key PAGENET Bank Code: key LANDAU ASSOCIATES INC Bank Code: key SERVICE LINEN SUPPLY Bank Code: key GOSNEY MOTOR PARTS Bank Code: key KCM INC Bank Code: key PACIFIC SAFETY SUPPLY INC Bank Code: key 001541 001542 001543 001544 12/10/98 MSF-SCHOOL IMPACT FEES 12/01/98 DBC-LANDSCAPE MAINTENA 12/01/98 VRC-LANDSCAPE MAINTENA 12/01/98 PKM-PARKS LANDSCAPE MA 12/01/98 PKM-PARKS LANDSCAPE MA 025-622409 12/01/98 MIS-PAGERS MONTHLY SER 8075 1126/5549 1203/8020 132547 122981 76719 RALEIGH, SCHWARZ & POWELL I 48142 Bank Code: key INLAND FOUNDRY COMPANY INC Bank Code: key TACOMA SCREW PRODUCTS INC Bank Code: key RASTER GRAPHICS INC Bank Code: key PACIFIC TOPSOILS INC Bank Code: key UNITED GROCERS INC Bank Code: key 22313 22425 076398 087936 45113 368825 369353 1144747 1144581 1144580 1144579 WA STATE-TREASURER'S OFFICE PS2640 Bank Code: key 11/19/98 PW-GENERAL GEOTECHNICA 11/26/98 RSS-KLCC WEEKLY LINEN 12/03/98 RSS-KLCC WEEKLY LINEN 11/12/98 MSFLT-HOSES/FITTINGS-V 11/25/98 SWMCIP-DRAINAGE MANUAL 11/05/98 PW/SWM:RUF DUCK JACKET 11/24/98 MSRM-BROKER SVC FEE:ll 11/05/98 PW/SWMM:DBL VANED GRAT 11/23/98 PW/SWM:18x24 DBL VANED 11/19/98 MSFLT-DECK/DRILL SCREW 12/02/98 MSFLT-COBALT DRILL #48 11/23/98 MSGIS-RAINBOW PACK TON 11/05/98 SWM-DITCHING MATERIAL ~11/09/98 SWM-DITCHING MATERIAL 11/23/98 PKRLS-MISC SUPPLIES 12/04/98 RCS-SUPPLIES: ARTS/SPE 12/04/98 RCS-SUPPLIES: ARTS/SPE 12/05/98 RCS-SUPPLIES: ARTS/SPE 11/04/98 PS-FIREARM DEALER LICE 11,528.00 11,528.00 1,769.46 93.33 1,191.64 1,540.01 4,594.44 971.34 971,34 545.50 545.50 29.84 29.84 59.68 67.81 67.81 7,728.30 7,728.30 298.13 298.13 2,000.00 2,000.00 1,281.29 123.58 1,404.87 51.09 33.43 84.52 2,564.84 2,564.84 307.50 666.25 973.75 44.33 2.56 198.17 78.55 323.61 125.00 125.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Page: 11 0 chklst 12/14/1998 07:23:31 Check List CITY OF FEDERAL WAY Page: 12 Check Date Vendor ==================================================================================================================================== Amount Paid Check Total Invoice Inv.Date Description -------- -------- ------------------------------------ ---------- -------- ---------------------- --------------- ------------------ 144093 12/14/98 002534 Voucher: 144094 12/14/98 002544 Voucher: 144095 12/14/98 002545 Voucher: 144096 12/14/98 002546 Voucher: 144097 12/14/98 002548 Voucher: 144098 12/14/98 002557 Voucher: 144099 12/14/98 002562 Voucher: 144100 12/14/98 002566 ~ Voucher: 0 ~ 144101 12/14/98 002656 lJ Voucher: 144102 12/14/98 002664 Voucher: 144103 12/14/98 002679 Voucher: 144104 12/14/98 002797 Voucher: 144105 12/14/98 002809 Voucher: 144106 12/14/98 002822 Voucher: 144107 12/14/98 002828 Voucher: 144108 12/14/98 002836 Voucher: ARBORSCAN INC Bank Code: key HYUNDAI FOOD Bank Code: key PACIFIC AIR CONTROL INC Bank Code: key KING COUNTY SWM DIVISION Bank Code: key SPRAGUE PEST CONTROL Bank Code: key 1998314-2 471981 47894 1337 1-40217 PETTY CASH FUND-PARKS MAINT 001128 Bank Code: key INTERSTATE BATTERIES SEATTL 770308 Bank Code: key U S WEST COMMUNICATIONS Bank Code: key 11/10/98 PKM-REMOVE HAZARD TREE 12/02/98 RSS-SUPPLIES: KOREAN L 11/16/98 RSS-KLCC HVAC SYSTEM M 09/24/98 PW/SWM:1998 SWM MANUAL 12/07/98 RSS-KLCC INSECT/RODENT 12/04/98 PKM-REIMB PETTY CASH F 12/01/98 MSTEL/PS:PAGER BATTER I SEA-3644-6 11/19/98 DBC-SEATTLE DIRECTORY TAC-3644-6 11/25/98 DBC-TACOMA DIRECTORY A PETTY CASH FUND-SENIORS ACC 001205 Bank Code: key FLEX-PLAN SERVICES INC Bank Code: key KANG, SAI C Bank Code: key LOMBARDO, MYRIAM Bank Code: key ARTS NETWORK OF WASHINGTON Bank Code: key 18275 12/07/98 PKRLS/SS-REIM SR PETTY 11/27/98 HR-FLEXIBLE SPENDING P NOV16-NOV1 11/17/98 LAW-DIST CT INTERPRETE CA08711FW 9907 PETTY CASH-DUMAS BAY CENTRE 001038 Bank Code: key CABOT DOW ASSOCIATES INC Bank Code: key' GRAHAM & JAMES LLP/ Bank Code: key 11/18/98 LAW-DIST CT INTERPRETE 11/19/98 PKRCS-WORK PROG RETREA .12/07/98 PKDBC-REIMB PETTY CASH HR-JUNI-0C 11/16/98 HR-TEAMSTER UNION NEGO 303898 303897 307912 05/15/98 LAW-PROF LEGAL SERV ON 05/15/98 LAW-PROF LEGAL SERV ON 06/12/98 LAW-PROF LEGAL SERV ON 874.23 874.23 64.10 64, lO 146.70 146.70 1,629.00 1,629.00 48.87 48.87 137.70 137.70 165.16 165.16 30.00 89.08 119.08 96,74 96 . 74 225.00 225.00 75,00 75.00 35,00 35.00 150,00 150.00 33,10 33 .10 lO,OOO.OO 10,000.00 6,949.16 380.30 514.32 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Page: 12 '1 0 chklst 12/14/1998 07:23:31 Check List CITY OF FEDERAL WAY Page: 13 Check Vendor ====================================================================================================================================, Check Total Date Invoice Inv.Date Description Amount Paid -------- -------- ------------------------------------ ---------- -------- ---------------------- --------------- ------------------ 144108 12/14/98 002836 144109 12/14/98 002870 Voucher: 144110 12/14/98 002926 Voucher: 144111 12/14/98 002955 Voucher: 144112 12/14/98 003039 Voucher: 144113 12/14/98 003048 Voucher: 144114 12/14/98 003070 Voucher: 1::, 144115 0 :. 144116 ~ 12/14/98 003100 Voucher: 12/14/98 003111 Voucher: 144117 12/14/98 003129 Voucher: 144118 12/14/98 003138 Voucher: 144119 12/14/98 003157 Voucher: 144120 12/14/98 003204 Voucher: 144121 12/14/98 003209 Voucher: GRAHAM & JAMES LLP/ FREEWAY TRAILER SALES INC Bank Code: key LEVICH ADVERTISING INC Bank Code: key FERRELLS FIRE EXTINGUISHER Bank Code: key WOOD, RONALD T Bank Code: key 313119 102580 102605 102871 6764 7338 001142 PETTY CASH-PUBLIC SAFETY DE 001238 Bank Code: key MCMILLION, KAREN K Bank Code: key CARBCO INC Bank Code: key NATIONAL MAINT CONTRACTORS Bank Code: key AMS LASER SUPPLY Bank Code: key NORMED Bank Code: key LES SCHWAB TIRE CTRS OF WA Bank Code: key TRUCKERS SUPPLY INC Bank Code: key' WASHINGTON POLYGRAPH Bank Code: key 07/23/98 LAW-PROF LEGAL SERV ON 11/04/98 MSFLT-D-RING/HOOKS/BAL 11/06/98 MSFLT-D-RING/CASTOR WH 12/02/98 MSFLT-FENDER #48200B 11/25/98 PS-WOODSMAN JACKETS:VO 11/18/98 MSFLT-FIRE EXTINGUISHE 12/02/98 PS-REIMB POL BUS EXPEN 12/09/98 PS:C. FLAHAUT PAPER NOV24-DEC3 12/03/98 LAW-PUBLIC DEFENSE SCR 13278 13302 24420 24640 239193 12378-2690 12378-2698 12378-2693 12378-2699 12378-2696 12378-2697 42620 142611 143458 143459 953571 98012 11/19/98 FLT-TUNEUP/LOF/TRANS:M 11/30/98 FLT-TRANS/LOF:M49787 # 11/04/98 PKM-JANITORIAL SERVICE 12/19/08 RSS-KLCC JANITORIAL SE 12/07/98 MIS-LASER PRINTER TONE 11/12/98 11/19/98 11/11/98 11/23/98 11/18/98 11/19/98 PS-DISPOSABLE PS-DISPOSABLE PS-DISPOSABLE PS-DISPOSABLE PS-DISPOSABLE PS-DISPOSABLE COVERALL COVERALL COVERALL COVERALL COVERALL COVERALL 48.82 (continued) 7,892.60 200,07 36.48 59.08 295.63 10/30/98 FLT-SVC CALL/TUBE #482 11/09/98 FLT-FLAT REPAIR #48013 ~11/21/98 FLT-TIRES:M35452 #4802 11/21/98 FLT-TIRES FOR CITY VEH 12/01/98 MSFLT-DECALS #48200 10/09/98 PS-PRE EMPLOY POLYGRAP 843.60 843,60 254.12 254.12 255.06 255.06 295.55 295.55 400.00 400.00 357.77 142.87 500.64 820.00 707.00 1,527.00 58.64 58.64 1,911.99 162.29 60.73 184.73 35.19 70,37 2,425.30 70.03 7.06 499.99 499.99 1,077.07 19.15 19.15 125.00 125.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Page: 13 0 chklst 12/14/1998 07:23:32 Check List CITY OF FEDERAL WAY Page: 14 Check Date Vendor ==================================================================================================================================== Check Total Invoice Inv.Date Description Amount Paid -------- -------- ------------------------------------ ---------- -------- ---------------------- --------------- ------------------ 144122 12/14/98 003236 Voucher: 144123 12/14/98 003266 Voucher: 144124 12/14/98 003302 Voucher: 144125 12/14/98 003303 Voucher: 144126 12/14/98 003310 Voucher: 144127 12/14/98 003341 Voucher: 144128 12/14/98 003365 Voucher: 144129 12/14/98 003376 Voucher: t; 144130 12/14/98 003385 - Voucher: '" (1\ 144131 12/14/98 003391 Voucher: 144132 12/14/98 003410 Voucher: 144133 12/14/98 003472 Voucher: 144134 12/14/98 003500 Voucher: 144135 12/14/98 003549 Voucher: 144136 12/14/98 003563 Voucher: 144137 12/14/98 003565 Voucher: QFC Bank Code: key MILLER P.E., TRENT 0 Bank Code: key PROLINE INDUSTRIES INC Bank Code: key OSBORNE, KRISTA Bank Code: key U S BANK OF WASHINGTON Bank Code: key KING COUNTY FINANCE DEPT Bank Code: key HEAVENER, DONOVAN Bank Code: key KIRICHENKO, ALEX Bank Code: key SHARMA, MEENA Bank Code: key CRAFT OUTLET Bank Code: key BP OIL COMPANY Bank Code: key 67802 AG96 -144 822822 001080 11/24/98 PS-FOOD/SUPPLIES:ACTIV 11/25/98 PW-PROJECT ENGINEER SE 09/24/98 MSGAC-BOGEN TRIPOD, #3 11/25/98 PS-MILEAGE REIMBURSEME 3:G MERLIN 12/02/98 PWT-5% RETAINAGE:G MER OCT/NOV 001082 11/28/98 PS-KING CO BLDG PARKIN 11/16/98 PS-MILEAGE REIMBURSEME NOV5-NOV18 11/18/98 LAW-DIST CT INTER PRETE SEP22-NOV5 12/07/98 PKRCS-COOKING CLASSES 3799 12/03/98 RCS-SUPPLIES:ART CLASS K980590225 11/24/98 FLT/POL-FUEL: POLICE V RATELCO COMMUNICATION SVC I 0224876 Bank Code: key 0224877 WESCOM COMMUNICATIONS Bank Code: key RAINIER PHOTO SUPPLY Bank Code: key 8726 393510 VALLEY COMMUNICATIONS CENTE 980894 Bank Code: key BEL CUSTOM CLEANERS (DBA) Bank Code: key 6566 10/29/98 POL-RADIO REPAIR & MAl 10/29/98 POL-RADIO REPAIR & MAl 11/19/98 LAW-RADAR EXPERT WITNE 12/01/98PKRCS-FILM:HOLIDAY BRK 11/24/98 POL-MDT MONTHLY MAINT: 11/03/98 PS-UNIFORM CLEANING:OC 31,98 31.98 6,027.00 6,027.00 301.55 301. 55 59,80 59, 80 20,522.79 20,522.79 41.00 41.00 276,20 276,20 87.50 87.50 572.40 572.40 201,44 201,44 43,08 43.08 27.15 325,80 352,95 450,00 450,00 81,45 81.45 270.00 270.00 2,382.68 2,382.68 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Page: 14 ., /c1 0 chklst 12/14/1998 07:23:32 Check List CITY OF FEDERAL WAY Page: 15 Check Date Vendor ==================================================================================================================================== Amount Paid Check Total Invoice Inv.Date Description -------- -------- ------------------------------------ ---------- -------- ---------------------- --------------- ------------------ 144138 12/14/98 003611 Voucher: 144139 12/14/98 003623 Voucher: 144140 12/14/98 003645 Voucher: 144141 12/14/98 003770 Voucher: 144142 12/14/98 003831 Voucher: 144143 12/14/98 003834 Voucher: 144144 12/14/98 003837 Voucher: 144145 12/14/98 003898 ~ Voucher: \) 144146 12/14/98 003918 - Voucher: Q" 144147 12/14/98 003935 Voucher: 144148 12/14/98 003948 Voucher: 144149 12/14/98 003977 Voucher: 144150 12/14/98 003987 Voucher: 144151 12/14/98 004004 Voucher: OMEGA CELLTECH Bank Code: key 10918 11/17/98 MSTEL/PW:CELL PHONE DE 11/30/98 PS-FACTORY PRODUCED CO 11/23/98 DBC-RETREAT JANITORIAL 12/01/98 PKM/DBC-REC JANITORIAL 11/13/98 PS-REIMB:FALL QTR CLAS 11/28/98 PS-POLYGRAPH SERVICES: 11/30/98 PKM-EMERGENCY ANSWERIN 8941354707 09/19/98 PS-DELIVERY SERVICES 7641307649 11/21/98 PS-DELIVERY SERVICES RADIO COMMUNICATION SERVICE 961388 Bank Code: key OMAR, MOHAMUD A Bank Code: key CA07296FW 11/30/98 MIS/POL-RADIO COMMUNIC 453.55 453.55 418.26 418.26 THE SOLUTIONS GROUP Bank Code: key C16901 11/03/98 LAW-DIST CT INTERPRETE 12/01/98 MS/POL-HP9000 RECORDS 11/12/98 PKM-CHAIN SAW SUPPLIES 10/14/98 PW/SWM:REPLACEMENT BLA 10/15/98 PW/SWM:MISC EQUIP PART PS-CARLSON 09/13/98 PS-CHANEY 11/05/98 PS-COULOMB 11/06/98 PS-POTTS 11/13/98 PS-GIFT CE 11/10/98 PS-RUBENST 11/18/98 PS-T CHANE~ 11/21/98 PS-OWEN 11/19/98 PS-FOOD:FIELD EVID COU PS-PROBLEM ORIENTED CO PS-PROBLEM ORIENTED CO PS-EDC TRAINING CLASS PS-GIFT CERTIFICATES PS-WASPC CONFERENCE PS-CALEA CONFERENCE PS-BACKGRD INVESTIGATI 12/01/98 MIS-SVC/CONNECTION: NE 2,314,35 437.00 2,751.35 119,00 AMERICAN JANITORIAL SERVICE 481-488 Bank Code: key 490 DUGGAN, MICHAEL P Bank Code: key 001081 11/17/98 POL-VEHICLES & EQUIPME 119,00 750.00 750,00 GSR POLYGRAPH SERVICES Bank Code: key 98-022 138.00 138,00 SOUND TELECOM Bank Code: key UNITED PARCEL SERVICE Bank Code: key A6585 12.75 34.25 47.00 PUGET TECHNOLOGY GROUP INC Bank Code: key PTG10317 2,280.00 2,280.00 EDGEWOOD FIREPLACE SHOP INC 12555 Bank Code: key 12347 12351 KEY BANK VISA Bank Code: key NORTHWEST NEXUS INC Bank Code: ~ey , PACIFIC COAST FORD INC Bank Code: key 151597 POL-NOV17 30.00 30.00 3,240.00 3,240.00 72.20 35.02 31.36 138.58 19.90 775.27 875.92 989.98 100.00 78.50 580,93 526.98 3,947.48' 500.00 500.00 642.08 642.08 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Page: 15 0 chklst 12/14/1998 07:23:32 Check List CITY OF FEDERAL WAY Page: 16 Check Date Vendor ==================================================================================================================================== Amount Paid Check Total Invoice Inv.Date Description -------- -------- ------------------------------------ ---------- -------- ---------------------- --------------- ------------------ 144152 12/14/98 004048 Voucher: 144153 12/14/98 004050 Voucher: 144154 12/14/98 004093 Voucher: 144155 12/14/98 004110 Voucher: 144156 12/14/98 004113 Voucher: 144157 12/14/98 004128 Voucher: 144158 12/14/98 004149 Voucher: ~ 144159 12/14/98 004175 D Voucher: ~ 144160 12/14/98 004246 Voucher: 144161 12/14/98 004258 Voucher: 144162 12/14/98 004266 Voucher: 144163 12/14/98 004270 Voucher: 144164 12/14/98 004273 Voucher: 144165 12/14/98 004279 Voucher: 144166 12/14/98 004280 Voucher: 144167 12/14/98 004281 Voucher: ON-TRACK COMPUTER TRAINING Bank Code: key 4707 MICHAEL P WILLIAMS CONSULTI MPW-220 Bank Code: key MPW-222 MPW-255 U S WEST COMMUNICATIONS Bank Code: key 11/19/98 MSDP/SWM:EXCEL TRAININ 09/15/98 PKC-CELEBRATION PK CON 09/15/98 PKC-CELEBRATION PK CON 11/10/98 PKC-CELEBRATION PK CON D086404604 11/19/98 MIS-DATA COMM LINE SER ORGANIZATIONAL RESEARCH SVC 96459 Bank Code: key READ P.E., LISA M Bank Code: key 08/31/98 CDBG-OUTCOME MEASURES PWD-113098 11/30/98 PWD-CONSTRCTN PLAN REV MINUTEMAN PRESS INTERNATION 2182 Bank Code: key LMI OFFICE SUPPLY Bank Code: key JACKSON, SUNNY Bank Code: key TUTTLE, SARAH Bank Code: key WA STATE-DEPT OF LICENSING Bank Code: key NORTHWEST NATIVE PLANTS Bank Code: key FEDERAL WAY MIRROR Bank Code: key DAY, JEFFREY K Bank Code: key LEXIS LAW PUBLISHING Bank Code: key 21577 001141 001091 19800885 36038-17 11/19/98 PS-PRINT:DOM VIOLENCE 12/04/98 PS:NOTARY RENL/THOMAS 11/23/98 PS-MILEAGE REIMB:10/26 11/25/98 PS-MILEAGE REIMB:10/29 07/08/98 PS-% FEES COLLECTED FO 11/18/98 PKM-NATIVE PLANTS/CEL PS-SUBSCRI 11/18/98 PS-1 YR SUBSCRIPTION OCT21-NOV3 11/19/98 LAW-PUB DEF SRV CA0499 624705 621610 ~11/25/98 LAW-BOOKS WA STATE ENV 11/20/98 LAW-BOOKS WA STATE ENV 11/09/98 DBC/RCS-JANITORIAL SUP NORTHWEST JANITORIAL SUPPLY 0019072 Bank Code: key' NATIONAL SANITARY SUPPLY CO 0190029545 11/12/98 DBC-FACILITY JANITORIA Bank Code: key 0190029622 11/17/98 DBC-FACILITY JANITORIA 0190029785 11/23/98 CHB-FACILITY JANITORIA 149.00 149.00 360,00 3,200.29 6,245.80 9,806.09 393.65 393.65 749.50 749.50 1,190.00 1,190.00 1,535.16 1,535,16 120.48 120.48 60.61 6 0. 61 55,61 55. 61 1,128.00 1,128.00 735.08 735,08 20,00 20.00 450,00 450.00 70.31 122.79 193.10 376.44 376.44 38.02 60.45 117,50 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Page: 16 0 chklst 12/14/1998 07:23:32 Check List CITY OF FEDERAL WAY Page: 17 Check Date Vendor ==================================================================================================================================== Check Total Invoice Inv.Date Description Amount Paid -------- -------- ------------------------------------ ---------- -------- ---------------------- --------------- ------------------ 144167 12/14/98 004281 144168 12/14/98 004295 Voucher: 144169 12/14/98 004316 Voucher: 144170 12/14/98 004317 Voucher: 144171 12/14/98 004331 ~ Voucher: .9 144172 12/14/98 004385 ...... Voucher: ~ 144173 12/14/98 004397 Voucher: 144174 12/14/98 004433 Voucher: 144175 12/14/98 004439 Voucher: 144176 12/14/98 004469 Voucher: 144177 12/14/98 004481 Voucher: 144178 12/14/98 004519 Voucher: 144179 12/14/98 004542 Voucher: NATIONAL SANITARY SUPPLY CO GARRETT, JIM Bank Code: key A & A TOWING SERVICES LLC Bank Code: key RITZ CAMERA ONE HOUR PHOTO Bank Code: key 980902 0190029474 11/11/98 DBC/RCS-JANITORIAL SUP 5262 1026026290 1026027280 1026030300 1026030420 1026030150 1026030990 1026032390 1026033580 1026035450 1026037620 1026038000 KEWANNA SCREEN PRINTING INC 36123 Bank Code: key GAMACHE, JOHN Bank Code: key KDD & ASSOCIATES PLLC Bank Code: key SCOCCOLO CONSTRUCTION INC Bank Code: key 001039 15 FW98001-7 09/18/98 RCS-COMMISSIONED ART:D 12/01/98 MSFLT-TOWING #48200/TO 11/04/98 11/06/98 11/12/98 11/12/98 11/12/98 11/13/9& 11/16/98 11/18/98 11/21/98 11/25/98 11/25/98 PS-PHOTO FILM PROCESS I PS-PHOTO FILM PROCESS I PS-PHOTO FILM PROCESS I PS-PHOTO FILM PROCESS I PS-PHOTO FILM PROCESSI PS-PHOTO FILM PROCESS I PS-PHOTO FILM PROCESS I PS-PHOTO FILM PROCESS I POL-PHOTO FILM PROCESS POL-PHOTO FILM PROCESS POL-PHOTO FILM PROCESS 11/04/98 PW/SWR:SUPPLIES:MULTI- 11/23/98 PKKFT-MILEAGE REIMBURS 11/05/98 PWT-PROJECT ENGINEER S 12/02/98 PWT-PROJECT ENGINEER S 1:AG98-185 12/07/98 PWSCIP-MILITARY RD S/S PROFESSIONAL VIDEO & TAPE I E-10655 Bank Code: key E-10548 E-10680 TEUFEL NURSERY INC Bank Code: key INTERSCAPES INC Bank Code: key REID MIDDLETON Bank Code: key SEITSINGER CONSTRUCTION Bank Code: key 156715 11/06/98 MSGAC: ROUTER/SWITCHER 08/28/98 KFT-PODIUM MICROPHONE 11/19/98 KFT-EV635A1B PODIUM MI 11/18/98 PKM-CHAINLOCK/100 FT C 14827 ;12/01/98 CHB-CITY BLDGS PLANT M 9811033 9811034 11/18/98 PROJECT:GOLDENSTONE OF 11/18/98 PROJECT:EXTENDED STAY 3:AG98-164 10/30/98 PW-SW 312TH PEDESTRIAN 135.66 (continued) 351.63 880.00 880.00 35.30 35.30 13 2.54 4.25 29.10 29.29 68.19 1. 29 1. 85 64.83 47.73 49.71 11.37 440.15 128.57 128.57 52.32 52.32 2,460.46 3,547.64 6,008.10 15,026.00 15,026.00 2,433.38 879.66 2,354.45 5,667.49 82.58 82.58 135.75 135.75 1,760.80 1,573.88 3,334.68 22,434.61 22,434.61 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Page: 17 0 chklst 12/14/1998 07: 23: 32 Check List CITY OF FEDERAL WAY Page: 18 Check Date Vendor ==================================================================================================================================== Amount Paid Check Total Invoice Inv.Date Description -------- -------- ------------------------------------ ---------- -------- ---------------------- --------------- ------------------ 144180 12/14/98 004548 Voucher: 144181 12/14/98 004559 Voucher: 144182 12/14/98 004566 Voucher: 144183 12/14/98 004578 Voucher: 144184 12/14/98 004585 Voucher: 144185 12/14/98 004588 Voucher: 144186 12/14/98 004599 Voucher: 144187 12/14/98 004600 Voucher: ~ 0 144188 12/14/98 004610 . Voucher: -c 144189 12/14/98 004616 Voucher: 144190 12/14/98 004618 Voucher: 144191 12/14/98 004620 Voucher: 144192 12/14/98 004628 Voucher: 144193 12/14/98 004634 Voucher: 144194 12/14/98 004653 Voucher: 144195 12/14/98 004654 Voucher: 98009 12/05/98 RCS-ENTERTAINMENT:HOLL DICKENS CAROLERS Bank Code: key GARY MERLINO CONSTRUCTION C 3:AG98-170 12/02/98 PWT-STREET IMPROVEMENT Bank Code: key 175,00 175.00 395,615.61 395,615.61 G&M HONEST PERFORMANCE Bank Code: key GENE'S TOWING Bank Code: key ENGINEERING DYNAMICS CORP Bank Code: key SONG, BYUNG P Bank Code: key GOLF LANDSCAPING INC Bank Code: key COLUMBIA STATE BANK, ATTN: Bank Code: key PRODUCTION WEST IMAGING Bank Code: key D423179 12/03/98 MSFLT-TIRE CHAINS/DEIC 150287 11/30/98 PS-TOW #608/FLAT TIRE 777.98 777.98 11778 12/04/98 PS-EDC SIMULATION COUR IA21930FW 11/20/98 LAW-DIST CT INTERPRETE 46.16 46, 16 2:AG98-178 12/03/98 PKC-LAKE KILLARNEY PK 2:GOLF LND 12/03/98 PKC-5% RETAINAGE:GOLF 1008 11/29/98 MSDP-DOCUMENT IMAGING 11/09/98 PS-TRAINING:EVICTIONS MONTGOMERY,PURDUE,BLANKINSH 7631-1 Bank Code: key TOTEM ELECTRIC OF TACOMA IN 1:AG98-188 12/03/98 PWTCIP-MILITARY RD/STA Bank Code: key 845.00 845. 00 CUTTING EDGE TRAINING Bank Code: key PS-DUGGAN 11/30/98 PS-TRAINING:CIVIL LIBE WA STATE PATROL IDENTIFICAT 001133 Bank Code: key 12/07/98 PS-REIMB:BACKGRD CHECK HR ACTIVITIES CHANGE FUND, Bank Code: key 001213 12/11/98 MSHR-CHANGE FUND/POLIC 35.00 35,00 JULIUS ROSSO WHOESALE NURSE 158330 Bank Code: key 10/20/98 PWST-REPL PLANTS/BPA T SEAVIEW INC Bank Code: key MSF-LIST 11/11/98 MSF-LIST:PROPOSED LIQU 40,922.00 40,922.00 1,975.00 1,975.00 2,990.00 2,990.00 481.00 481,00 2,640.05 2,640,05 89.00 89,00 768.00 768.00 100.00 100.00 1,642.58 1,642.58 10,00 10.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Page: 18 0 chklst 12/14/1998 07:23:33 Check List CITY OF FEDERAL WAY Page: 19 Check Date Vendor ==================================================================================================================================== Amount Paid Check Total Invoice Inv.Date Description -------- -------- ------------------------------------ ---------- -------- ---------------------- --------------- ------------------ 144196 12/14/98 004656 Voucher: 144197 12/14/98 004669 Voucher: 144198 12/14/98 004670 Voucher: 144199 12/14/98 004672 Voucher: 144200 12/14/98 004674 Voucher: 144201 12/14/98 004675 Voucher: 144202 12/14/98 004676 Voucher: 144203 12/14/98 004678 Voucher: f. Ç> 144204 12/14/98 004680 ~ Voucher: C) 144205 12/14/98 004682 Voucher: 144206 12/14/98 004683 Voucher: 144207 12/14/98 004684 Voucher: 144208 12/14/98 004686 Voucher: 144209 12/14/98 004690 Voucher: 144210 12/14/98 700082 Voucher: 144211 12/14/98 700093 Voucher: KING COUNTY PHYS DIRECTORY Bank Code: key TCI OF WASHINGTON Bank Code: key ASIAN NEIGHBORHOOD DESIGN Bank Code: key PRODUCTIONS NORTHWEST INC Bank Code: key REMEDCO INC Bank Code: key LINGUIST'S SOFTWARE INC Bank Code: key 2336 11/16/98 PS:KC PHYSICIANS DIREC 8498340160 11/27/98 MSGAC-MUSIC SERVICE CDHS-BOOK 10149 2248 42308 12/01/98 CDHS-BOOK:GOOD NEIGHBO 11/20/98 MSDP/GAC-INSTALL PUBLI 11/06/98 PW/SWM:ANALYTICAL SVCS 12/01/98 PS:LASER KOREAN FOR WI CENTERSTAGE THEATRE ARTS, C RCS-OCT7-2 11/24/98 PKRCS-THEATRICAL PROD: Bank Code: key STROMBERG, JEFFREY P Bank Code: key PON, KEITH Bank Code: key BIXENMAN, JUDY Bank Code: key NATIONAL STAKE COMPANY INC Bank Code: key OCT1-NOV14 11/19/98 PS-PROJECT DISCUSSION/ 001090 11/19/98 PS-MILEAGE REIMB:11/12 OCT13-NOV1 12/02/98 PKRCS-PEOPLE'S CHOICE 2044 2046 EXHIBIT DESIGN CONSULTANTS Bank Code: key U S WEST/SECURITY DEPARTMEN CNAI0974 Bank Code: key 1l629TB 11/24/98 PKM-CEL PK TREE STAKES 12/01/98 PKM-INV#2044-CEL PK TR 11/10/98 CDHS-TABLE TOP DISPLAY 11/16/98 PS:PHONE REQUESTS FEDERAL WAY NUTRITION SERVI 113098-FWP 11/30/98 PS-LUNCHES:OFFICERS PA Bank Code: key CULBERTSON, MORRIS Bank Code: key. SCHMUCKER, SUSIE Bank Code: key 000940 12/01/98 PKRLS/SS-REFUND SR TRI RLS-111398 11/13/98 PKRLS/SP-HOLIDAY CRAFT 29.95 29.95 65.00 65.00 54.83 54.83 6,160.16 6,160.16 271.50 271.50 223.06 223.06 1,000.00 1,000.00 963.75 963.75 59.84 59.84 100.00 100.00 72.97 486.45 559,42 451.78 451.78 28.80 28.80 22.35 22.35 15.00 15.00 98.00 98.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Page: 19 0 chklst 12/14/1998 07:23:33 Check List CITY OF FEDERAL WAY Page: 20 Check Date Vendor ==================================================================================================================================== Check Total Invoice Inv.Date Description Amount Paid -------- -------- ------------------------------------ ---------- -------- ---------------------- --------------- ------------------ 144212 12/14/98 700100 Voucher: 144213 12/14/98 700113 Voucher: 144214 12/14/98 700114 Voucher: 144215 12/14/98 700115 Voucher: 144216 12/14/98 700116 Voucher: 144217 12/14/98 700117 Voucher: 144218 12/14/98 700118 Voucher: 144219 12/14/98 700119 Voucher: t 144220 12/14/98 700120 . Voucher: 9-? - 144221 12/14/98 700121 Voucher: 144222 12/14/98 700122 Voucher: 144223 12/14/98 700123 Voucher: 144224 12/14/98 700124 Voucher: 144225 12/14/98 700125 Voucher: 144226 12/14/98 700128 Voucher: 144227 12/14/98 700129 Voucher: 257 Checks in this report BAILEY, LAURIE Bank Code: key HOLCOM, CHARLES & GAYLE Bank Code: key ELLINGSON, WAYNE E Bank Code: key FOSTER, MARK C Bank Code: key GORDON, DANIEL THOMAS JR Bank Code: key LANDRETH, WANDA L Bank Code: key MCMANIGAL, BONNIE J Bank Code: key MURAKAMI, DAVID Bank Code: key NELSON, CHARLES THOMAS Bank Code: key ROCKAFIELD, LINDA M Bank Code: key SANTUCCI, CANDACE F Bank Code: key SCHUH, JOHN J Bank Code: key SNYDER, CLARA L Bank Code: key BILLINGS, KATHERINE ANN Bank Code: key ACCORD MEDIA Bank Code: key CONCERTS CLUB CASINOS INC Bank Code: key 32187 02-33835 001172 001174 001175 001176 001177 0011 78 001180 001181 001182 001183 001198 001199 01-24315 01-24403 12/01/98 REFUND:REC CLASS REGIS 12/03/98 PW/DS:PARTIAL REL/ADMI 11/17/98 LAW-JUROR FEE:ll/9-13 11/17/98 LAW-JUROR FEE:ll/9-13 11/17/98 LAW-JUROR FEE:ll/9-13 11/17/98 LAW-JUROR FEE:l1/9-13 11/17/98 LAW-JUROR FEE:ll/9-13 11/17/98 LAW-JUROR FEE:ll/9-13 11/17/98 LAW-JUROR FEE:ll/9-13 11/17/98 LAW-JUROR FEE:l1/9-13 11/17/98 LAW-JUROR FEE:ll/9-13 11/17/98 LAW-JUROR FEE:l1/9-13 11/17/98 LAW-JUROR FEE:l1/9-13 11/17/98 LAW-JUROR FEE:ll/9-13 12/03/98 MSF:REFUND HO FEE 12/09/98 MSF:REFUND HO FEE 15.00 15, 00 1,368.00 1,368,00 11.82 11,82 11.30 11.30 12.60 12.60 11.30 11.30 15.72 15.72 13 . 12 13.12 11.04 11.04 11.30 11.30 12.60 12.60 10.78 10.78 12.08 12.08 22.08 22.08 25.00 25.00 20.00 20.00 ------------------ Total Checks: 915,464.39 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Page: 20 0 chklst 12/31/1998 13:51:03 Check List CITY OF FEDERAL WAY Page: 1 Check Date Vendor ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Check Total Invoice Inv.Date Description Amount Paid -------- -------- ------------------------------------ ---------- -------- ---------------------- --------------- ------------------ 144228 12/15/98 001843 Voucher: 144229 12/18/98 004660 Voucher: 144230 12/22/98 000049 Voucher: 144231 12/23/98 000022 Voucher: 144232 12/23/98 000022 Voucher: 144233 12/23/98 000022 Voucher: 144234 12/28/98 001111 Voucher: ~ 144235 12/28/98 700140 ~ Voucher: 0 ~ 144236 12/28/98 000315 ~ Voucher: 144237 12/28/98 700141 Voucher: 144238 12/28/98 004260 Voucher: 144239 12/30/98 000125 Voucher: 144240 12/31/98 004712 Voucher: 144241 12/31/98 000001 Voucher: 144245 12/31/98 000007 Voucher: MORRIS PIHA MANAGEMENT GROU #734/PS DE 12/15/98 PS-9TH AVE BLDG LEASE Bank Code: key FRIESEN, SARAH Bank Code: key PRESTON GATES & ELLIS LLP Bank Code: key LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRICT Bank Code: key LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRICT Bank Code: key LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRICT Bank Code; key UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON Bank Code: key CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE CO Bank Code: key PACIFIC NORTHWEST TITLE CO Bank Code: key CAMPUS GATEWAY ASSOCIATES Bank Code: key PS-121098 12/10/98 PS:VEHICLE CHARGER/NEX 01-95-050- 12/18/98 MSRM-LEGAL FEES-DEJA V CP-APPL FE 12/22/98 CP-APPLICATION FEE/CEL CP-DEPOSIT 12/22/98 CP-DEPOSIT:MYLARS/CELE CP-PERMITS 12/22/98 CP-WATER/SEWER PERMITS PRATTjSALL 12/23/98 PW/SWM:ENGINEERING COU PWS-PROC F 12/23/98 PWS-PROCESSING FEE-REQ PW-RECORDI 12/23/98 PWS-RECORD STATUTORY W PWS-PROPER 12/23/98 PWS-PURCHASE PROPERTY STAN PALMER CONSTRUCTION IN 11:AG98-05 11/30/98 PKA-CELEBRATION PARK D Bank Code: key KING COUNTY FINANCE DIVISIO 0543587 Bank Code: key 12/28/98 MSF-REIMB KC CK #05435 CHRIS LEAVITT PHOTOGRAPHY Bank Code: key ALL NIGHT PRINTERY INC Bank Code: key BOISE CASCADE OFFICE PRODUC Bank Code: key 44381A 12/23/98 CDHS - PHOTOGRAPHYS FO 1367 ~2/02/98 PKKFT-PERFORATING TICK 190290 142610 203143 283803 166478 339958 11/30/98 11/30/98 11/30/98 11/30/98 10/30/98 11/30/98 LAW-OFFICE CDA-OFFICE CDA-OFFICE CDA-OFFICE MSC-OFFICE MSC-OFFICE SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES 2,726.60 2,726.60 108.60 108.60 4,879,22 4,879.22 430,00 430,00 2,500.00 2,500,00 197,768.00 197,768.00 1,380.00 1,380.00 50.00 50.00 77.61 77,61 49,000.00 49,000.00 301,294.34 301,294.34 4,675.00 4,675.00 1,656.15 1,656.15 23,26 23,26 157.62 28.19 8.58 43.36 90.91 20.46 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Page: 1 0 chklst 12/31/1998 13:51:03 Check List CITY OF FEDERAL WAY Page: 2 Check Vendor ==================================================================================================================================== Amount Paid Check Total Date Invoice Inv.Date Description -------- -------- ------------------------------------ ---------- -------- ---------------------- --------------- ------------------ 144245 12/31/98 000007 -h C) 1J LJ BOISE CASCADE OFFICE PRODUC 307246 308126 122831 270777 854416 211344 242818 242897 052947 052948 069289 069695 080944 143366 198222 262573 149453 201478 068345 194064 226322 265035 131404 258488 258864 294146 049254 069188 091745 101616 113695 118139 185955 193122 238395 239561 283570 305933 311722 080284 114493 115266 121744 139802 147485 151057 232116 262258 11/30/98 MSF-OFFICE SUPPLIES 11/30/98 MSF-OFFICE SUPPLIES 11/30/98 SS-RECYCLED WHITE COPI 11/30/98 SS-RECYCLED WHITE COPI 11/30/98 SS-RECYCLED WHITE COPI 11/30/98 LAW-OFFICE SUPPLIES 11/30/98 LAW-OFFICE SUPPLIES 11/30/98 LAW-OFFICE SUPPLIES 11/30/98 SWM-OFFICE SUPPLIES 11/30/98 SWM-OFFICE SUPPLIES 11/30/98 PW-OFFICE SUPPLIES 11/30/98 PWS-OFFICE SUPPLIES 11/30/98 PW/ADM-OFFICE SUPPLIES 11/30/98 ,PW/ADM-OFFICE SUPPLIES 11/30/98 RCS-OFFICE SUPPLIES 11/30/98 RCS-OFFICE SUPPLIES 11/30/98 RSS-OFFICE SUPPLIES 11/30/98 CDBG-OFFICE SUPPLIES 11/30/98 POL-OFFICE SUPPLIES 11/30/98 POL-OFFICE SUPPLIES 11/30/98 POL-OFFICE SUPPLIES 11/30/98 POL-OFFICE SUPPLIES 11/30/98 POL-OFFICE SUPPLIES 11/30/98 POL-OFFICE SUPPLIES 11/30/98 POL-OFFICE SUPPLIES 11/30/98 POL-OFFICE SUPPLIES 11/30/98 POL-OFFICE SUPPLIES 11/30/98 POL-OFFICE SUPPLIES 11/30/98 POL-OFFICE SUPPLIES 11/30/98 POL-OFFICE SUPPLIES 11/30/98 POL-OFFICE SUPPLIES 11/30/98 POL-OFFICE SUPPLIES 11/30/98 POL-OFFICE SUPPLIES 11/30/98 POL-OFFICE SUPPLIES 11/30/98 POL-OFFICE SUPPLIES 11/30/98 POL-OFFICE SUPPLIES 11/30/98 POL-OFFICE SUPPLIES 11/30/98 SS-RECYCLED WHITE COPI 11/30/98 SS-RECYCLED WHITE COPI ll/30/98 POL-OFFICE SUPPLIES 11/30/98 POL-OFFICE SUPPLIES 11/30/98 POL-OFFICE SUPPLIES 11/30/98 POL-OFFICE SUPPLIES 11/30/98 POL-OFFICE SUPPLIES 11/30/98 POL-OFFICE SUPPLIES 11/30/98 POL-OFFICE SUPPLIES 11/30/98 POL-OFFICE SUPPLIES 11/30/98 CDA-OFFICE SUPPLIES (continued) 57.46 1. 21 243.05 402.69 179.20 211.21 45.88 -15,90 34.25 13 , 92 112.78 -36.80 278.08 44.83 312.60 33.65 43.56 177.55 21.02 40.24 12.26 106.47 11.24 66.07 -9.12 31.21 62.90 11.12 17.45 8.63 15.64 22.85 79.64 12.56 49,26 6,40 4.69 112.94 367,07 6.70 22.89 20.10 94.16 3.13 48.22 4.22 82.99 18.44 ~ í t ¡ > . t r \' , ¡ ~ -. < ~ ¡ ,. " ; ¡: ~ - " ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Page: 2 !:; 0 chklst 12/31/1998 13:51:03 Check List CITY OF FEDERAL WAY Page: 3 Check Date Vendor ==================================================================================================================================== Amount Paid Check Total Invoice Inv.Date Description -------- -------- ------------------------------------ ---------- -------- ---------------------- --------------- ------------------ 144245 12/31/98 000007 144246 12/31/98 000008 Voucher: 144247 12/31/98 000016 Voucher: 144248 12/31/98 000027 Voucher: 144249 12/31/98 000029 Voucher: 144250 12/31/98 000033 Voucher: f.. 144251 C> ~ i' 12/31/98 000043 Voucher: 144252 12/31/98 000049 Voucher: 144254 12/31/98 000051 Voucher: BOISE CASCADE OFFICE PRODUC 084321 319670 314282 316529 BOOK PUBLISHING COMPANY INC 33879 Bank Code: key IKON OFFICE SOLUTIONS, OF W 613861 Bank Code: key 613862 11/30/98 CDA-OFFICE SUPPLIES 11/30/98 CDA-OFFICE SUPPLIES 11/30/98 CDA-OFFICE SUPPLIES 11/30/98 PW-OFFICE SUPPLIES 11/25/98 CDL:ZONING CODE SUPPLE 12/10/98 MS/SS-COPIER MAINT SVC 12/10/98 MSDP-FAX MACHINE MAINT ICBO-INT'L CONF BLDG OFFICI 0-99715942 12/11/98 CDB:PLAN REVIEW MANUAL Bank Code: key 996534621 11/18/98 CDB:PLAN REVIEW MANUAL KING MARKING SYSTEMS Bank Code: key FIRESAFE/FIRE & SAFETY Bank Code: key NEW LUMBER & HARDWARE CaMPA Bank Code: key PRESTON GATES & ELLIS LLP Bank Code: key PUGET SOUND ENERGY Bank Code: key 137583 137709 138081 138162 202914 079624 079742 079575 079356 079338 079515 079832 079410 078102 079565 080016 080059 080124 080231 000504930/ 080469 458057-1 458057-2 458059 458836-1 458836-2 10/06/98 'CDA-STAMP:FINAL INSPEC 10/23/98 CDA-STAMPS 12/09/98 CDA-STAMPS/SUPPLIES 12/22/98 CDA-STAMP/SUPPLIES 12/11/98 PK5RLS/CC-FIRE SYSTEMS 12/11/98 12/14/98 12/10/98 12/07/98 12/07/98 12/09/98 12/15/98 12/08/98 11/13/98 12/10/98 12/17/98 12/18/98 12/19/98 12/22/98 11/17/98 12/29/98 .10/26/98 10/26/98 11/13/98 12/04/98 12/04/98 PKM-GROUNDS MAINT SUPP PKM-GROUNDS MAINT SUPP PKM-GROUNDS MAINT SUPP SWMM-MAINT & REPAIR SU SWMWQ-MAINT & REPAIR S SWMM-MAINT & REPAIR SU PKM-GROUNDS MAINT SUPP SWMM-MAINT & REPAIR SU SWMM-MAINT & REPAIR SU PWS-TREE STAKES-2X2X8 PKM-GROUNDS MAINT SUPP PKM-GROUNDS MAINT SUPP PKM-GROUNDS MAINT SUPP PKM-GROUNDS MAINT SUPP DBC-CREDIT:INVOICE 000 PKM-GROUNDS MAINT SUPP LAW-LEGAL SVC:ADULT LT LAW-PROFESSIONAL LEGAL LAW-LEGAL SVC:ADULT LT LAW-PROFESSIONAL LEGAL LAW-LEGAL SVC:ADULT LT 8260446603 12/09/98 RSS-KLCC FACILITY ELEC 8259216502 12/08/98 PWT-POWER: STREETS LIG 8903141200 12/08/98 PWT-POWER: STREETS LIG (continued) 177.95 9.55 9.55 342.40 4,379.18 7.17 7.17 3,269.41 132.12 3,401.53 25.50 35.10 60.60 47.14 51.48 18.41 34.29 151.32 , . 76.02 76.02 0.92 6.64 8.34 5.66 11.12 0.77 10.11 0.53 5.06 125,49 2.94 25.44 5.42 27.35 -217.41 1. 18 19.56 1,579.82 525.00 59.40 210.00 861.00 3,235.22 1,447.87 241,26 205.23 ~ ;- , ~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Page: 3 ;, ~ ~ . I 0 chklst 12/31/1998 13:51:04 Check List CITY OF FEDERAL WAY Page: 4 Check Date Vendor ==================================================================================================================================== Amount Paid Check Total Invoice Inv.Date Description -------- -------- ------------------------------------ ---------- -------- ---------------------- --------------- ------------------ 144254 12/31/98 000051 ~ t> tJ V\ 144255 12/31/98 000058 Voucher: 144256 12/31/98 000063 Voucher: PUGET SOUND ENERGY 8246949404 8254576802 8260448402 8254597402 8254576502 8254579602 8254591802 8254597302 8259388402 8259390802 9502193400 9701643800 8260429702 9600360900 8500247100 8500247200 8260439202 8245512002 9102331800 9502239800 9602122500 8259484503 8259484303 8259484403 8259484203 8259484903 8259485003 8247374402 8802021700 9702266300 8253165102 8259460102 9400473500 9401162900 9202684200 SOUND OFFICE SUPPLY Bank Code: key 00749 00873 00858 12/08/98 12/08/98 12/09/98 12/08/98 12/08/98 12/08/98 12/08/98 12/08/98 12/08/98 12/09/98 12/08/98 12/04/98 12/10/98 12/09/98 12/09/98 12/09/98 12/09/98 12/09/98 12/10/98 12/10/98 12/09/98 12/09/98 12/09/98 12/09/98 12/09/98 12/09/98 12/09/98 12/17/98 12/15/98 12/17/98 12/15/98 12/17/98 12/17/98 12/17/98 12/23/98 POL-ELECTRICITY:POLICE PKM/SLFS: FACILITY ELE CHB-FACILITY ELECTRICI PKM-FACILITY ELECTRICI PKM-FACILITY ELECTRICI PKM-FACILITY ELECTRICI PKM-FACILITY ELECTRICI PKM-FACILITY ELECTRICI PKM-FACILITY ELECTRICI PKM-FACILITY ELECTRICI PKM-FACILITY ELECTRICI PKM-FACILITY ELECTRICI PWT-POWER: STREETS LIG ,PWT-POWER: STREETS LIG PWT-POWER: STREETS LIG PWT-POWER: STREETS LIG PWT-POWER: STREETS LIG PWT-POWER: STREETS LIG PWT-POWER: STREETS LIG PWT-POWER: STREETS LIG SWM-ELECTRICITY: FLOOD POL-ELECTRICITY: POLICE POL-ELECTRICITY: POLICE POL-ELECTRICITY: POLICE POL-ELECTRICITY: POLICE POL-ELECTRICITY:POLICE POL-ELECTRICITY: POLICE PWT-POWER: STREETS LIG PWT-POWER: STREETS LIG PWT-POWER: STREETS LIG PKM-FACILITY ELECTRICI PKM-FACILITY ELECTRICI PKM-FACILITY ELECTRICI PKM-FACILITY ELECTRIC I PKM-FACILITY ELECTRICI 12/02/98 PKDBC-OFFICE SUPPLIES: 12/14/98 PKDBC-CREDIT:WRONG SIZ 12/11/98 PKKFT-DESK PAD CALENDA ~ 12/04/98 12/10/98 12/01/98 12/08/98 12/10/98 10/28/98 11/24/98 12/14/98 DP/POL-LASER PRINTER T DP/POL-LASER PRINTER T CDA-OFFICE SUPPLIES CDA-OFFICE SUPPLIES CDA-OFFICE SUPPLIES CDA-OFFICE SUPPLIES CDA-OFFICE SUPPLIES CDA-OFFICE SUPPLIES ( continued) 58.13 470.70 4,103,46 5,37 584,57 33.92 6.04 59.44 1,094,38 1,079.48 92.38 5.37 194.70 132,67 118,90 116.86 171.92 181.45 163.97 47.72 21.07 257.99 121.34 196.11 1,102.32 116.57 680.14 72.66 169.20 158.59 114,50 1,195.37 5.37 1,900.77 5.37 16,733.16 CORPORATE EXPRESS Bank Code: key 88927830 89030480 88856640 88939481 89035910 88338220 88792170 89081030 20.42 -3.37 10.06 - 27.11 " .' ;, ~ .~ ~ § ~ :: ~ ::: 421.91 196.01 31.88 98.83 19.09 28.15 33.43 17.90 <. " ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Page: 4 ¡', 0 chklst 12/31/1998 13:51:04 Check List CITY OF FEDERAL WAY Page: 5 Check Date Vendor ==================================================================================================================================== Amount Paid Check Total Invoice Inv.Date Description -------- -------- ------------------------------------ ---------- -------- ---------------------- --------------- ------------------ 144256 12/31/98 000063 144257 12/31/98 000089 Voucher: 144258 12/31/98 000096 Voucher: -t:.. ~ ~ 144259 12/31/98 000097 Voucher: 144260 12/31/98 000101 Voucher: 144261 12/31/98 000103 Voucher: 144262 12/31/98 000104 Voucher: 144263 12/31/98 000106 Voucher: 144264 12/31/98 000109 Voucher: CORPORATE EXPRESS NEWS TRIBUNE Bank Code: key LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRICT Bank Code: key EDEN SYSTEMS INC Bank Code: key PETTY CASH Bank Code: key ICBO-WESTERN WASH CHAPTER Bank Code: key LOGREYRA, EDELINE M Bank Code: key SELECT TRAVEL INC Bank Code: key 88710270 89187220 Tl54397NT 326612 Tl54906NT Tl57324NT Tl57952NT Tl57960NT T159935NT Tl62148NT Tl6 92 07NT Tl62 92 2NT 20499-03 28323-01 29840-01 04606-02 00001-01 08241-02 08880-02 08881-03 08964-02 08998-02 28144-01 30336-01 4296 4268 4308 4323 4015 001452 11/19/98 CDA-OFFICE SUPPLIES 12/21/98 CDA-OFFICE SUPPLIES 12/04/98 MSC-ORDINANCE SUMMARY 12/06/98 CM-1 YR SUBSCRIPTION 12/04/98 CDL-NOTICE:ENVIR/BINDI 12/09/98 CDL-LEGAL ADVERTISEMEN 12/10/98 CDL-LEGAL ADVERTISEMEN 12/10/98 CDL-LEGAL ADVERTISEMEN 12/14/98 CDL-LEGAL ADVERTISEMEN 12/18/98 MSC-ORDINANCE SUMMARY 12/20/98 MSF-RFQ-A/E QUALIFICAT 12/20/98 MSF-AD:SMALL WORKS ROS 12/11/98 'PKM-WATER SERVICE FOR 12/08/98 PKM-WATER SERVICE FOR 12/08/98 PKM-WATER SERVICE FOR 12/11/98 PKM-WATER SERVICE FOR 12/15/98 PKM-WATER SERVICE FOR 12/15/98 PKM-WATER SERVICE FOR 12/15/98 PKM-WATER SERVICE FOR 12/15/98 PKM-WATER SERVICE FOR 12/15/98 PKM-WATER 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------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Page: 5 ~ ~ 0 chklst 12/31/1998 13:51:04 Check List CITY OF FEDERAL WAY Page: 6 Check Date Vendor ==================================================================================================================================== Check Total Invoice Inv.Date Description Amount Paid -------- -------- ------------------------------------ ---------- -------- ---------------------- --------------- ------------------ 144265 12/31/98 000111 Voucher: 144266 12/31/98 000112 Voucher: 144267 12/31/98 000125 Voucher: 144268 12/31/98 000163 Voucher: 144269 12/31/98 000168 Voucher: 144270 12/31/98 000201 Voucher: .¡: 144271 {) Q.J .....J 12/31/98 000202 Voucher: 144272 12/31/98 000217 Voucher: 144273 12/31/98 000229 Voucher: 144274 12/31/98 000285 Voucher: 144275 12/31/98 000302 Voucher: 144276 12/31/98 000303 Voucher: RADIO SHACK Bank Code: key 011795 12/11/98 PKKFT-CABLE CONN/ADAPT 12/22/98 MSFLT-RADIATOR KIT-VEH 12/08/98 11/23/98 11/23/98 07/17/98 08/18/98 12/09/98 PKM-LK KILLARNEY SIGN/ POL-K/C JAIL SERVICES PWT-K/C SIGNS & SIGNAL MSRM-POLE REPLACEMENT MSRM-TRAFFIC SVC-INCID POL-K/C JAIL SVC:AUG98 KING COUNTY DISTRICT COURT Bank Code: key NOVEMBER19 12/15/98 LAW-DISTRICT COURT FIL KINKO'S INC Bank Code: key 12/21/98 MSF-RFQ:A&E LANDSCAPIN 12/21/98 MSF-RFQ-A&E LANDSCAPIN 5151000397 12/08/98 POL-PRINTING SERVICES 5151000398 12/15/98 PKP-COPIES:BALTIMORE C 5151000399 12/18/98 POL-PRINTING SERVICES 5151000400 12/28/98 CDL:COPIES-ADULT ENTER 5151000400 12/29/98 MSFLT-COPIES:MAINT REC U S WEST COMMUNICATIONS Bank Code: key 253-520-16 253-815-88 253-815-99 206-204-06 253-835-09 253-661-98 MIS-PHONES MIS-PHONES MIS-PHONES MIS-PHONES MIS-PHONES MIS-PHONES & DATA & DATA & DATA & DATA & DATA & DATA LINE LINE LINE LINE LINE LINE 32.06 32.06 38.51 38.51 PACIFIC COAST FORD INC Bank Code: key 214705 11/28/98 12/04/98 12/04/98 12/04/98 12/04/98 12/16/98 PEDERAL EXP¡<ESS CORPORATION 4-667-6511 10/09/98 CDB:DELIVERY:PERMIT TR Bank Code: key 7-038-6698 10/23/98 CDB/FEDEX/PERMIT TRACK 4-725-995612/11/98 PKP-DELIVERY:SCANNED P 4-725-9956 12/11/98 LAW-DELIVERY:DELUXE CO 4-732-0747 12/18/98 PW/DS:FED EX PLANS TO FEDERAL WAY CHAMBER COMMERC 654 11/01/98 CDHS-LAP TOP COMPUTER Bank Code: key CDA-MAILIN 12/28/98 CDA:POSTAGE-SIGN INCEN FEDERAL WAY FIRE DEPARTMENT JUL-SEP98 Bank Code: key Í2/23/98 CDB-REIM FIRE PERMIT F KING COUNTY RECORDS-ELECTIO MSF-LIEN F 12/29/98 MSF-CLAIM/LIEN RELEASE Bank Code: key WAPELRA Bank Code: key HR-MEMBERS 12/11/98 MSHR1999 WAPELRA MEMBE 301.32 92,867,01 5,764,79 1,028.16 1,248.90 3,905.10 105,115.28 KING COUNTY FINANCE DIVISIO Bank Code: key 9878689 9876405 9871276 9842509 9850173 9862010-AU 30,115.44 30,115,44 DAILY JOURNAL OF COMMERCE I 3084774 Bank Code: key 3084775 117.00 68.40 185,40 62.11 54,71 29,32 520.37 21,72 ,. ..- 688,23 82.42 80.38 53,49 4,967.35 119,01 50.69 5,353,34 7,10 15,00 8.15 7.65 7,00 44.90 7,907,00 151,00 8,058.00 3,683,00 3,683.00 ~ c. 9.00 9.00 ~, k ;: 150,00 150.00 .. r - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Page: 6 , ., 0 chklst 12/31/1998 13:51:04 Check List CITY OF FEDERAL WAY Page: 7 Check Date Vendor ==================================================================================================================================== Amount Paid Check Total Invoice Inv.Date Description -------- -------- ------------------------------------ ---------- -------- ---------------------- --------------- ------------------ 144277 12/31/98 000308 Voucher: 144278 12/31/98 000317 Voucher: 144279 12/31/98 000328 Voucher: 144280 12/31/98 000341 Voucher: 144281 12/31/98 000343 Voucher: 144282 12/31/98 000351 Voucher: 144283 12/31/98 000414 Voucher: 144284 12/31/98 000438 ~ Voucher: ~ 144285 12/31/98 000504 ¡ Voucher: oq 144286 12/31/98 000512 Voucher: 144287 12/31/98 000533 Voucher: 144288 12/31/98 000564 Voucher: 144289 12/31/98 000566 Voucher: 144291 12/31/98 000570 Voucher: SUBURBAN CITIES ASSOCIATION 98-1211 Bank Code: key MUNICIPAL CODE CORPORATION Bank Code: key ERNIE'S FUEL STOPS (DBA) Bank Code: key SUNRISE SELF STORAGE Bank Code: key ELEPHANT CAR WASH Bank Code: key 77141 0011837 0012844 0012845 UNIT #A27 UNIT #A08 200-NOV SEATTLE TIMES-SUBSCRIPTIONS 40010811 Bank Code: key CAFE PACIFIC CATERING INC Bank Code: key 2755 2756 DELI SMITH & CHOCOLATE JONE 0424 Bank Code: key 0442 ORIENTAL GARDEN CENTER Bank Code: key 046385 046432 046841 PUGET SOUND BUSINESS JOURNA 045631 Bank Code: key PUGET SOUND SPECIALTIES INC 13983 Bank Code: key KING COUNTY PET LICENSE Bank Code: key POPICH SIGN COMPANY Bank Code: key EAGLE TIRE & AUTOMOTIVE Bank Code: key NOV 1998 28867 (DB 38881 38936 39424 39604 39611 39627 39688 12/11/98 CM-DINNER MTG:KEIGHTLE 11/16/98 MSCC:ANNUAL CODIFICATI 11/30/98 FLT/POL-FUEL FOR POL V 12/15/98 FLT-FUEL FOR CITY VEHI 12/15/98 FLT/POL-FUEL FOR POL V 12/03/98 PKM-3 MO.STORAGE UNIT 12/02/98 PS-STORAGE RENTAL FEE: 11/30/98,FLT/POL-FULL SVC CAR W 11/27/98 CDA:1 YR SUBSCRIPTION 12/14/98 DBC-CATERING:NW FEDERA 12/14/98 DBC-CATERING:CONTEXT A 12/11/98 PWA:LUNCH MTG:WEYERHAE 12/23/98 PW/AD:LUNCH MEETING/CA 12/02/98 PKM-GROUNDS MOWER PART 12/04/98 PKM-STIHL CHAPS 12/14/98 PKM-STILH CHOKE KNOB 12/11/98 CM-1 YR SUBSCRIPTION 12/07/98 PKM-BALLFIELD SUPPLIES 12/16/98 MSF-REIMBURSE KC PET L 11/19/98 PKM-ACRYLIC NAME PLATE 11/10/98 11/11/98 11/30/98 12/04/98 12/04/98 12/04/98 12/07/98 FLT/POL-TIRE:M41737 #6 FLT/POL-LOF/DOOR REPR: FLT/POL-TIRES:M47211 # FLT/POL-LOF:M54930 #61 FLT/POL-BATTERY:M48430 FLT/POL-BATTERY/DOOR R FLT/POL-LOF:M55561 #61 80.00 80.00 624.00 624.00 2,417.18 699.17 2,195.95 390.00 135,00 5,312.30 525.00 172.10 172.10 140.40 140.40 17.88 2,895.40 20.29 8.56 2,913.28 28.85 2.61 55.67 23.46 81.74 66.95 66.95 815.95 815.95 .501.00 501.00 22.26 22.26 467.21 35,83 87.73 24.97 95.21 115.78 21.71 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Page: 7 0 chklst 12/31/1998 13:51:05 Check List CITY OF FEDERAL WAY Page: 8 ==================================================================================================================================== Check Date Vendor Invoice Inv.Date Description Amount Paid Check Total -------- -------- ------------------------------------ ---------- -------- ---------------------- --------------- ------------------ 144291 12/31/98 000570 EAGLE TIRE & AUTOMOTIVE (DB (continued) 39727 12/08/98 FLT/POL-LOF:M55193 #61 21,71 39729 l2/08/98 FLT/POL-LOF:M37717 #62 21.71 39769 12/09/98 FLT/POL-LOF:M61437 #61 21.71 39796 12/10/98 FLT/POL-BATTERY:M55208 44.31 39820 12/10/98 FLT-TURN SIGNAL/BULBS: 24.36 39835 12/11/98 FLT/POL-LOF:M35777 #60 21.71 39941 12/15/98 FLT-TURN SIGNAL:M36546 52,40 39838 12/11/98 FLT/POL-LOF:M35529 #62 21.71 39909 12/14/98 FLT/POL-TRANS/COOLER L 143.33 39843 12/11/98 FLT/POL-WIPER BLADES:M 28,31 39980 12/16/98 FLT-TIRE REPAIR:M69685 17,72 39803 12/10/98 FLT/POL-WIPER BLADES/L 55,41 39983 12/17/98 FLT-TIRES:M37044 #4803 105.29 39997 12/17/98 FLT/POL-LOF:M55279 #48 21,71 40011 12/17/98' FLT/POL-LOF:M43999 #48 20.62 40060 12/18/98 FLT/POL-BRAKES/ALIGN:M 877.49 40053 12/18/98 FLT/POL-LOF/TIRE REPR: 53.20 40067 12/18/98 FLT/POL-BATTERY:M62307 44.31 40038 12/19/98 FLT/POL-DOOR HANDLE/CH 102.82 40078 12/19/98 FLT/POL-BATTERY:M38265 44.31 40191 12/21/98 FLT/POL-INSTL CHAINS:M 13 .29 40143 12/21/98 FLT/POL-TIRE REPAIR #6 12.19 40116 12/21/98 FLT/POL-CHAINS:M38552 33.22 r- 40214 12/22/98 FLT/POL-BATTERY:M57889 44.31 .,... 40206 12/22/98 FLT/POL-TIRE REPAIR:M3 12.19 0 40264 12/23/98 FLT/POL-TIRE REPAIR:M3 12.19 ~J 40321 12/28/98 FLT/POL-TIRES/ALIGN:M5 283.46 3,003.43 f\ ...... 144292 12/31/98 000575 ATTORNEYS INFORMATION BUREA 1538 11/30/98 LAW-MISC SERV DEC 98 S 20.00 20.00 Voucher: Bank Code: key 14429312/31/98 000630 LLOYD ENTERPRISES INC 40290 12/10/98 PW-STREETS MAINTENANCE 42,116.32 Voucher: Bank Code: key 40228 12/03/98 PW/SWM:ONE-MAN ROCK; I 37.68 42,154.00 144294 12/31/98 000695 WILSON TROPHY COMPANY 12-038 12/07/98 PKRLS/SP-RIBBONS:BOWLI 88.94 88.94 Voucher: Bank Code: key 144295 12/31/98 000721 AMERICAN CONCRETE INC 0055195 12/04/98 SWM-CONCRETE, CEMENT & 906.71 Voucher: Bank Code: key 0055453 12/17/98 SWM-CONCRETE, CEMENT & 173.09 1,079.80 144296 12/31/98 000724 HOME GUARD SECURITY SERVICES 9880778400 í2/14/98 19.95 Voucher: Bank Code: key 9880752400 12/14/98 19.95 39.90 144297 12/31/98 000755 ATTORNEY & NOTARY SUPPLY CDB-CIMMER 12/28/98 CDB:NOTARY SUPPLIES, B 88.01 88.01 Voucher: Bank Code: key 144298 12/31/98 000756 CAREERTRACK INC 008095338 12/08/98 PS-WORKSHOP:STRESS SOL 39.00 39.00 Voucher: Bank Code: key ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Page: 8 f. 0 chklst 12/31/1998 13:51:05 Check List CITY OF FEDERAL WAY Page: 9 Check Date Vendor ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Amount Paid Check Total Invoice Inv.Date Description -------- -------- ------------------------------------ ---------- -------- ---------------------- --------------- ------------------ 144299 12/31/98 000790 Voucher: 144300 12/31/98 000792 Voucher: 144301 12/31/98 000808 Voucher: 144302 12/31/98 000851 Voucher: 144303 12/31/98 000873 Voucher: 144304 12/31/98 000891 Voucher: ~ 144305 12/31/98 000894 ~ Voucher: () W 144306 12/31/98 000914 ~ Voucher: 144307 12/31/98 000915 Voucher: 144308 12/31/98 000917 Voucher: 144309 12/31/98 000927 Voucher: 144310 12/31/98 000939 Voucher: 144311 12/31/98 000951 Voucher: 144312 12/31/98 000954 Voucher: 144313 12/31/98 000966 Voucher: SEATTLE POST-INTELLIGENCER Bank Code: key 30010810 BARRY'S TRUCKING & LANDSCAP 137959 Bank Code: key 1296 1299 1297 PLATT ELECTRIC SUPPLY Bank Code: key 6148102 6152986 6196286 11/26/98 CDA:l YR SUBSCRIPTION 12/11/98 PKM:LANDSCAPE/HAULING 11/02/98 CDS-MEADOWPARK HOA PRO 11/02/98 CDI:MEADOWPARK:PLANTS 11/02/98 CDI:MEADOWPARK/EQP REN 11/25/98 PKDBC-BALLAST LIGHTS 12/01/98 PKM-ELECTRICAL SUPPLIE 12/09/98 CHB-ELECTRICAL SUPPLIE 12/15/98 MIS/POL-DATA STATION A WA STATE-PATROL Bank Code: key TARGET/DAYTON'S CHARGE ACCO 1101801686 12/05/98 RCS-SUPPLIES: ARTS/SPE Bank Code: key 1101811390 12/13/98 PKRLS/SP-FILM WINTER D OFFICE DEPOT CREDIT PLAN Bank Code: key SHEPARD'S/MCGRAW-HILL INC Bank Code: key ABOLINS AV PHOTOGRAPHICS Bank Code: key HAYES, GRETCHEN Bank Code: key GOLDEN, GLENNIS Bank Code: key 00001396 843123330 22497218 58885-0 12/17/98 PS-VIDEO TAPES 10/27/98 LAW-BOOKS SHEPARD'S CI 12/16/98 PS-CAMERA BATTERIES:PA OCT8-DECI6 12/16/98 PKRCS-MILEAGE REIMB:GR 001476 12/23/98 DBC-CITY EXP REIMBURSE WA STATE-LICENSING & NOTARY 25601-CIMM 12/23/98 CDB:NOTARY RENL/CIMMER Bank Code: key CULLYSPRING WATER COMPANY I 125971/NOV 11/30/98 PKM-BOTTLED WATER/COOL Bank Code; key CITY OF FEDERAL WAY Bank Code: key I:QUAL FEN l2/04/98 SWMCIP-5% RETAINAGE:QU 11/24/98 CDL:MAIL SVC:WETLANDS DNB MAILING SERVICES Bank Code: key INPRA-INT'L NW PARKS/REC AS PKP-JAINGA 12/11/98 PKP-MEMBERSHIP DUES:JA Bank Code: key 1339 106.60 106.60 1,086.00 999.12 550.61 950,25 3,585,98 123.93 107.12 18.51 249,56 2,216,31 2,216,31 40.80 49.72 90.52 11.47 11.47 255.36 255,36 137.88 137.88 53.84 53.84 55,00 55.00 20.00 20,00 33.94 33,94 689,05 689.05 499,18 :,: 499.18 15.00 ~ t ~ k t " ; i 15.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Page: 9 0 chklst 12/31/1998 13:51:05 Check List CITY OF FEDERAL WAY Page: 10 Check Vendor ==================================================================================================================================== Amount Paid Check Total Date Invoice Inv.Date Description -------- -------- ------------------------------------ ---------- -------- ---------------------- --------------- ------------------ 144314 12/31/98 000991 Voucher: 144315 12/31/98 001014 Voucher: 144316 12/31/98 001046 Voucher: 144317 12/31/98 001052 Voucher: 144318 12/31/98 001066 Voucher: 144319 12/31/98 001109 Voucher: 144320 12/31/98 001111 ~ Voucher: ""'. C) 144321 12/31/98 001118 !~ Voucher: 144322 12/31/98 001124 Voucher: 144323 12/31/98 001130 Voucher: 144324 12/31/98 001131 Voucher: 144325 12/31/98 001139 Voucher: 14432612/31/98001166 Voucher: 144327 12/31/98 001233 Voucher: 144328 12/31/98 001254 Voucher: CASCADE COFFEE INC Bank Code: key 01080618 SKCSRA-SOCCER REFEREES ASSO FW35-FALL Bank Code: key EQUIFAX CREDIT INFORMATION Bank Code: key GENUINE PARTS COMPANY Bank Code: key BIG WHEEL AUTO PARTS Bank Code: key 0025377 391891 391961 391960 393086 333933 334531 333693 SMITH TRACTOR & EQUIPMENT C 4500580 Bank Code: key 4500582 150001 UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON Bank Code: key 508034 12/25/98 SS-COFFEE SUPPLIES: CI 11/27/98 RSS/AA-SOCCER OFFICIAL 11/25/98 PS-EQUIFAX CREDIT INFO 12 08/98 FLT-WIPER BLADES #4804 12 09/98 FLT-MIRROR #48200 12 09/98 FLT-MAINT & REPAIR PAR 12 15/98 FLT-HELICOIL #48030 12/08/98 FLT-OIL PRESS SEN #480 12/11/98 'FLT-THERMOSTAT #48030 12/07/98 PW/SWM:GRAY PRIMER;INV 12/18/98 MSFLT-LUBE/CHECKS 12/18/98 MSFLT-VEHICLE REPAIR & 12/18/98 MSFLT-VEHICLE REPAIR & 11/30/98 PWT:LEGAL LIABILITY CO WA STATE-ECOLOGY DEPARTMENT MS99230001 12/04/98 PW/TR:SEMINAR REGISTRA Bank Code: key MS99229001 12/04/98 CDPL-SEPA WORKSHOP REG AIRTOUCH CELLULAR Bank Code: key ROTARY OFFSET PRESS INC Bank Code: key 1004-65261 12/05/98 MIS-CELLULAR PHONES AI 013593 014349 EVERGREEN AUTO ELECTRIC INC 46928 Bank Code: key 46973 RED WING SHOE STORE Bank Code: key PETTY CASH Bank Code: key A T & T BUSINESS SERVICE Bank Code: key WA STATE-SURPLUS PROPERTY Bank Code: key 1296 001504 08/31/98 RCS-PRINTING:FALL REC 12/10/98 RCS-CREDIT:FALL REC BR 12/09/98 MSFLT-HEATER/OIL GAUGE 12/23/98 MSFLT-WIPER MOTOR/BLAD 12/28/98 CDB/PROTECTIVE FOOTWAR 12/29/98 PKRLS-REIMB PETTY CASH 0510660202 12/07/98 MIS-LONG DISTANCE PHON 0510645149 12/15/98 MIS-LONG DISTANCE PHON 37104 12/01/98 PS-3 RACKS STORAGE ARM 55.00 55.00 1,380.00 1,380,00 20,00 20.00 16,27 1.84 10.84 32.56 61.51 22.45 4.56 11.70 38.71 211.03 1,223.96 185.29 1,620.28 150.00 150.00 75.00 50.00 125.00 757.37 757.37 " . , 6,723.74 -19.36 6,704.38 153,66 343,57 497,23 t i: e '.; 115,00 115,00 111,60 111.60 " ;. r: ,., ~ ~ ç ~ i:" l- c =- ., E ~ 6.42 6,42 12.84 51.00 51.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Page: 10 t, , t;~ 0 chklst 12/31/1998 13:51:05 Check List CITY OF FEDERAL WAY Page: 11 Check Date Vendor ==================================================================================================================================== Amount Paid Check Total Invoice Inv.Date Description -------- -------- ------------------------------------ ---------- -------- ---------------------- --------------- ------------------ 144329 12/31/98 001267 Voucher: 144330 12/31/98 001297 Voucher: 144331 12/31/98 001336 Voucher: 144332 12/31/98 001390 Voucher: 144333 12/31/98 001391 Voucher: 144334 12/31/98 001411 Voucher: -t: 144335 12/31/98 001422 a Voucher: W 144336 12/31/98 001424 r Voucher: 144337 12/31/98 001431 Voucher: 144338 12/31/98 001448 Voucher: 144339 12/31/98 001470 Voucher: 144340 12/31/98 001484 Voucher: 144341 12/31/98 001485 Voucher: 144342 12/31/98 001552 Voucher: TOP FOODS HAGGEN INC Bank Code: key 246282 246216 246193 246266 FACILITY MAINTENANCE CONTRA 025742 Bank Code: key LUCENT TECHNOLOGIES INC Bank Code: key EAGLE HARDWARE & GARDEN 009 Bank Code: key 12/11/98 PKRLS/SP-FOOD: WINTER 12/09/98 RSS-SUPPLIES: KOREAN L 12-/16/98 RSS-SUPPLIES: KOREAN L 12/17/98 PKRLS/SS-SUPPLIES:SR P 12/15/98 CHB-LANDSCAPE MAINTENA 1201049063 12/12/98 MIS-AT&T PHONE SYS MAl 000504930 000505533 000705303 001000670 000603608 000102343 NORTH COAST ELECTRIC COMPAN 85269101 Bank Code: key POSTAL EXPRESS INC Bank Code: key BERGER/ABAM ENGINEERS INC Bank Code: key SOUND ELEVATOR Bank Code: key M A SEGALE INC Bank Code: key 11/17/98 DBC-FACILITY REPAIR SU 11/20/98 CDI:LAKEGROVE PARK/NEI 12/02/98 MSDP/GAC CORD PROTECTO 12/11/98 SWMM-MAINT & REPAIR SU 12/21/98 'PKM-GROUNDS MAINT SUPP 12/02/98 DBC-FACILITY REPAIR SU 11/23/98 PKRLS/CC-FLOOR LAMP BU BM811010 11/30/98 MS/SS-COURIER SERVICES NOV/POSTAG 11/30/98 6553 94055533 149991 BLUE RIBBON WINDOW CLEANING 12624 Bank Code: key ALLTEL SUPPLY INC Bank Code: key KPFF CONSULTING ENGINEERS Bank Code: key 872901 872902 98334.2MV 98334.3MV MEDALLION SCHOOL PARTNERSHI NOV 1998 Bank Code: key PETTY CASH-KLCC REC DEPT Bank Code: key 001440 12/04/98 PKC-CELEBRATION PK PRJ 12/01/98 CHB-MONTHLY ELEVATOR S 12/03/98 SWM-ASPHALT & ROAD OIL 12/02/98 PKDBC-WINDOW CLEANING 12/22/98 MSDP-MOVE JACK PLATES 12/22/98 MSDP-MOVE -JACK PLATES 12/01/98 PROJECT: WASHINGTON PA ~2/01/98 PROJECT: WASHINGTON PA 12/03/98 CDBG-CARES CHILDCARE P 12/23/98 KLCC-REIMB PETTY CASH 30.17 45.98 43.07 26,80 14 6.02 310.60 310.60 1,450.82 1,450.82 217.41 190.31 18.70 25.61 129.00 112.78 693.81 50.93 50.93 1,170.00 2,283.59 3,453.59 1,632.00 1,632,00 105.38 105.38 46.16 46.16 375.00 375,00 159.78 181.14 340.92 :. ~ Í ~; 1,425.94 926.39 2,352.33 , f ~ 139.75 13 9.75 é. 81.25 81.25 â ~ ;;. ,; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Page: 11 " :; a ) chklst 12/31/1998 13:51:05 Check List CITY OF FEDERAL WAY Page: 12 Check Date Vendor ==================================================================================================================================== Amount Paid Check Total Invoice Inv.Date Description -------- -------- ------------------------------------ ---------- -------- ---------------------- --------------- ------------------ 144343 12/31/98 001563 Voucher: 144344 12/31/98 001593 Voucher: 144345 12/31/98 001600 Voucher: 144346 12/31/98 001612 Voucher: 144347 12/31/98 001629 Voucher: 144348 12/31/98 001630 Voucher: {: Q W (;J 144349 12/31/98 001647 Voucher: 144350 12/31/98 001701 Voucher: 144351 12/31/98 001748 Voucher: 144352 12/31/98 001802 Voucher: 144353 12/31/98 001805 Voucher: JDK SMALL ENGINE REPAIR INC J1311103 Bank Code: key FEDERAL WAY TOWING INC Bank Code: key GLOBAL COMPUTER SUPPLIES Bank Code: key THE POLLARD GROUP INC Bank Code: key HUSKY-HANK'S TREE SERVICE Bank Code: key BLUMENTHAL UNIFORM CO INC Bank Code: key KELLER SUPPLY COMPANY Bank Code: key ICBO-NW WASHINGTON CHAPTER Bank Code: key EVERSON'S ECONO-VAC INC Bank Code: key PACIFIC ELECTRONICS INC Bank Code: key VADIS NORTHWEST Bank Code: key 3229 18208049 37796 37525 37927 3245 66635 69353 69268 65157 61130-01 67483 64988 69491 69264 69990 69230 63727 61093-80 70102 616 94 5621322 5621323 11/24/98 PW/SWM:20" BAR 11/05/98 PS:TOW/VEHICLE STORAGE 12/14/98 MSDP-BACKUP TAPE PN TH 12/16/98 MSP-CITY STAFF BUSINES 11/30/98 PW/SWR:BROCHURE PRINTI 12/23/98 MSP-BUS CARD MASTERS 12/18/98 PWS-TREE REMOVAL/DAMAG 11 30/98 12 01/98 12 02/98 12 02/98 12 02/98 12 02/98 12 02)98 12 04/98 12 04/98 12 14/98 12 11/98 12 11/98 12 11/98 12 07/98 12 02/98 POL-UNIFORMS POL-UNIFORMS POL-UNIFORMS POL-UNIFORMS POL-UNIFORMS POL-UNIFORMS POL-UNIFORMS POL-UNIFORMS POL-UNIFORMS POL-UNIFORMS POL-UNIFORMS POL-UNIFORMS POL-UNIFORMS POL-UNIFORMS POL-UNIFORMS & ACCESSO & ACCESSO & ACCESSO & ACCESSO & ACCESSO & ACCESSO & ACCESSO & ACCESSO & ACCESSO & ACCESSO & ACCESSO & ACCESSO & ACCESSO & ACCESSO & ACCESSO 12/17/98 PKM-UW ULTRA WARM DISP 12/17/98 PKM-UW ULTRA WARM DISP CDB-HERMLE 12/23/98 CDB:ADV OCCUPANCY CLAS 009753 009740 009693 009736 37377 00010761 12/15/98 SWM-VACUUM/JET RODDING 12/09/98 SWM-VACUUM/JET RODDING 11/30/98 PWSWM:EMERGENCY STREET 12/08/98 PWSWM:EMERGENCY STREET 12/09/98 PKDBC-RADIO HANDHELD G 12/02/98 PW-LITTER CONTROL PROG 65.15 65.15 346.16 346.16 188.76 188,76 90.37 1,919.84 643,26 2,653,47 499.72 499.72 1,629.00 370,43 85.79 368.05 50, 99 214.25 699.38 65,05 530.73 493.91 19.52 449,33 23.29 179.86 476.71 5,656.29 233.91 357.31 591,22 90.00 90,00 5,126.13 4,524.70 3,388.32 1,394.15 ~' f ¡;: ~ I¿ ¡¡- ~ ~ ~; ?: ê: r' :-: <' 14,433,30 176 . 04 176.04 3,866.00 3,866.00 ~ . ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ..-' Page: 12 0 chklst 12/31/1998 13:51:06 Check List CITY OF FEDERAL WAY Page: 13 Check Date Vendor ==================================================================================================================================== Amount Paid Check Total Invoice Inv.Date Description -------- -------- ------------------------------------ ---------- -------- ---------------------- --------------- ------------------ 144354 12/31/98 001856 Voucher: 144355 12/31/98 001858 Voucher: 144356 12/31/98 001870 Voucher: 144357 12/31/98 001879 Voucher: 144358 12/31/98 001896 Voucher: 144359 12/31/98 001902 Voucher: -f: C) 144360 W 'F.-144361 12/31/98 001938 Voucher: 12/31/98 001939 Voucher: 144362 12/31/98 001988 Voucher: 144363 12/31/98 002010 Voucher: 144364 12/31/98 002024 Voucher: 144365 12/31/98 002036 Voucher: 144366 12/31/98 002038 Voucher: 144367 12/31/98 002044 Voucher: 144368 12/31/98 002073 Voucher: ACTION SERVICES CORPORATION 025797 Bank Code: key ABLE SPIFFY BIFFY INC Bank Code: key BANK OF NEW YORK Bank Code: key EARTH TECH Bank Code: key ORACLE CORPORATION Bank Code: key MYERS MASTER LAWN CARE Bank Code: key 3834 FEDGO693 FEDGO91 FEDGO91R FEDGO93 FEDGO 9 5 FEDGO96 11/30/98 SWM-STREET SWEEPING SE 11/15/98 PKM-SANITATION UNIT RE 12/02/98 12/02/98 12/02/98 12/02/98 12/02/98 12/02/98 TAX GO TAX GO TAX GO TAX GO TAX GO TAX GO 6-1-93 F 2-1-91 F 2-1-91 F 2-1-91 F 2-1-91 F 2-1-91 F DS-LTD DS-LTD DS-LTD DS-LTD DS-LTD DS-LTD 2564408601 12/10/98 PW/SWM-GENERAL SURVEYI 3,106,94 3,106.94 280,00 280.00 1078801 001550 001552 BURNER & CONTROL SERVICES L 103883 Bank Code: key 103915 LANDAU ASSOCIATES INC Bank Code: key SERVICE LINEN SUPPLY Bank Code: key KCM INC Bank Code: key PETTY CASH-WITNESS FEES Bank Code: key CASCADIA CONSULTING GROUP Bank Code: key WEST COAST BUSINESS FORMS Bank Code: key PACIFIC SAFETY SUPPLY INC Bank Code: key 8151 1210/1945 1217/4682 1224/7358 123135 123141 001424 FW98-3 14 541 77709 78200 VIRGINIA MASON MEDICAL CENT EG0804296 Bank Code: key EG0803779 12/11/98 MSDP-ORACLE7 PERSONAL 12/10/98 PW-ROW LANDSCAPE MAINT 12/16/98 PW-ROW LANDSCAPE MAINT 12/15/98 PKDBC-REPAIRS BOILER S 12/17/98 PKDBC-EMER REPAIRS/NO 12/10/98 PW-GENERAL GEOTECHNICA 12/10/98 RSS-KLCC WEEKLY LINEN 12/17/98 RSS-KLCC WEEKLY LINEN 12/24/98 RSS-KLCC WEEKLY LINEN 12/16/98 PW/SWM-STAR LK BASIN D 12/16/98 SWM-SW 340TH REGL STOR 12/23/98 MSF-REIMB WITNESS FUND 11/30/98 SW&R-BUS WASTE REDUCTI 12/21/98 MSHR-JOB APPLICATIONS 12/04/98 PW/SWM:FIRE BOOTS/FIEL 12/18/98 PKM-BUNKER BOOTS:WILBR 12/08/98 PS-MEDICAL EXAM:BRENDA 12/08/98 PS-PRE-EMPLOY AND EMPL 78.20 74.63 149.13 72.63 62.78 65.85 503.22 1,012.00 1,012.00 300.28 300.28 1,563.84 564.72 2,128.56 389.85 1,126.30 346.21 1,516.15 346.21 > 29.84 29.84 29.84 89.52 2,018.48 7,392.27 387.39 í' , \ ~. 9,410.75 387.39 3,029.73 3,029.73 " 0" 516.19 516.19 c " ~ -. 61.90 177.02 ?, Z 238.92 [ 247.00 237.00 484.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Page: 13 ~ ,~ ., ¡ J chklst 12/31/1998 13:51:06 Check List CITY OF FEDERAL WAY Page: 14 :heck Vendor ==================================================================================================================================== Amount Paid Check Total Date Invoice Inv.Date Description -------- -------- ------------------------------------ ---------- -------- ---------------------- --------------- ------------------ 144369 12/31/98 002080 Voucher: 144370 12/31/98 002093 Voucher: 144371 12/31/98 002128 Voucher: 144372 12/31/98 002137 Voucher: 144373 12/31/98 002176 Voucher: 144374 12/31/98 002204 Voucher: 144375 12/31/98 002227 Voucher: f.,144376 12/31/98 002231 0 Voucher: ~144377 12/31/98 002366 \ Voucher: 144378 12/31/98 002392 Voucher: 144379 12/31/98 002426 Voucher: 144380 12/31/98 002455 Voucher: 144381 12/31/98 002475 Voucher: 144382 12/31/98 002477 Voucher: 144383 12/31/98 002534 Voucher: 144384 12/31/98 002544 Voucher: CENTER URBAN POLICY RESEARC C32639 Bank Code: key RALEIGH, SCHWARZ & POWELL I 48203 Bank Code: key 48209 KLEINS COMMERCIAL DOOR SERV 1093 Bank Code: key INLAND FOUNDRY COMPANY INC Bank Code: key TACOMA SCREW PRODUCTS INC Bank Code: key WILBUR-ELLIS COMPANY Bank Code: key ETTINGER, ROBERT Bank Code: key SHELDON & ASSOCIATES INC Bank Code: key 22503 090866 24-69335 001409 95774 ESM CONSULTING ENGINEERS LL 29886 Bank Code: key 12/08/98 CDPL-ILLUSTRATED BOOK: 11/25/98 MSRM-PUBLIC OFFICIAL B 11/25/98 MSRM-PUBLIC OFFICIAL B 02/03/98 PKDBC-PAINT SUPPLIES/S 12/08/98 PW/SWM:VANED CB GRATES 12/04/98 MSFLT-STEEL DECK SCREW 12/11/98 PWS-UREA/FERTILIZER GR 12/17/98 PKDBC-CITY EXP REIMBUR 12/07/98 CDL-WETLAND BIOLOGIST 11/30/98 PW-CONSTRUCTION PLAN R REGIONAL TELEPHONE DIRECTOR 1819423273 12/01/98 PKDBC-ADVERTISING CONT Bank Code: key UNITED GROCERS INC Bank Code: key ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION Bank Code: key 1144568 680123 00003756 12/08/98 PKRLS/SS-MISC SUPPLIES 12/17/98 PKRLS/CC-TRASH LINERS 12/07/98 PW/SWM:ABSORBENT FOR S WA STATE-TRANSPORTATION DEP ATB8121510 12/15/98 PW-LAND ACQUISITION/ST Bank Code: key HOME DEPOT Bank Code: key ARBORSCAN INC Bank Code: key HYUNDAI FOOD Bank Code: key 212046 1998338-4 473879 475657 475658 L1/25/98 CDI:LAKEGROVE PARK/NEI 11/29/98 PKC-ROOT PRUNING SERVI 12/09/98 RSS-SUPPLIES: KOREAN L 12/16/98 RSS-SUPPLIES: KOREAN L 12/16/98 RSS-SUPPLIES: KOREAN L 32.95 32.95 175.00 122.50 297,50 451.78 451.78 119.24 119,24 17.66 17,66 354.04 354.04 229,73 229.73 14,405.10 14,405.10 1,581.34 1,581.34 85.46 85,46 156,03 52,74 208.77 511.51 511,51 268,89 268.89 360,17 360,17 f, 5,755.80 5,755.80 i: ~' 79,68 58.79 6,99 145.46 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Page: 14 0 chklst 12/31/1998 13:51:06 Check List CITY OF FEDERAL WAY Page: 15 Check Date Vendor ==================================================================================================================================== Check Total Invoice Inv.Date Description Amount Paid -------- -------- ------------------------------------ ---------- -------- ---------------------- --------------- ------------------ 144385 12/31/98 002548 Voucher: 144386 12/31/98 002557 Voucher: 144387 12/31/98 002562 Voucher: 144388 12/31/98 002656 Voucher: 144389 12/31/98 002679 Voucher: 144390 12/31/98 002682 Voucher: 144391 12/31/98 002708 Voucher: ~ 144392 12/31/98 002741 r Voucher: 0 Lv 144393 12/31/98 002797 ~ Voucher: 144394 12/31/98 002798 Voucher: 144395 12/31/98 002808 Voucher: 144396 12/31/98 002836 Voucher: 144397 12/31/98 002846 Voucher: 144398 12/31/98 002853 Voucher: 144399 12/31/98 002887 Voucher: SPRAGUE PEST CONTROL Bank Code: key 1-40274 12/07/98 PKM-FACILITIES PEST CO 12/22/98 PKM-REIM PETTY CASH FU 12/17/98 MSTEL/CD:BATTERIES:HP 12/18/98 PKRLS/SS-REIMB PETTY C KANG, SAI C Bank Code: key DEC17-DEC2 12/21/98 LAW-DIST CT INTERPRETE 86,88 86.88 86.24 86.24 PETTY CASH FUND-PARKS MAINT. 001377 Bank Code: key INTERSTATE BATTERIES SEATTL 771304 Bank Code: key PETTY CASH FUND-SENIORS ACC 001311 Bank Code: key INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION 0 00153630 Bank Code: key 12/15/98 CDB:CERT RENL:DOYLE #0 GARCIA, JULIE Bank Code: key DEC17-DEC1 12/18/98 PWA-REIMB STAFF MTG/HO BENTLER, KALPNA Bank Code: key CAO9530FW 11/24/98 LAW-DIST CT INTERPRETE 11/25/98 LAW-DIST CT INTER PRETE 12/14/98 LAW-DIST CT INTER PRETE 11/23/98 LAW-DIST CT INTERPRETE 12/18/98 LAW-DIST CT INTER PRETE 12/15/98 PKP-REIMB:CAR/SHUTTLE 06/12/98 LAW-PROF LEGAL SERVICE 06/12/98 LAW-PROF LEGAL SERVICE 10/26/98 LAW-PROF LEGAL SERVICE 05/15/98 LAW-PROF LEGAL SERVICE 12/14/98 LAW-PROF LEGAL SERV NO 12/01/98 PKC-CELEBRATN SPORTS F 25 MINUTE PHOTO Bank Code: key NOV10-NOV2 11/24/98 PW/SWM:FILM DEVELOPING 21.18 21.18 LOMBARDO, MYRIAM Bank Code: key CA0871lFW CAO 8 9 3 4 FW 12/10/98 MS/DP-POL-PANASONIC LA 12/11/98 MSDP-MOVE EXTERNAL PRI 76.95 76.95 NGUYEN, HANNA Bank Code: key JAINGA, JON Bank Code: key CAO9157FW NOO0334 DEC2-DEC5 105.00 105.00 GRAHAM & JAMES LLP/ Bank Code: key 307913 307914 325475 303898* 332964 ~ 40,00 40.00 DEES & ASSOCIATES, BRUCE Bank Code: key 2746 234.47 234.47 EN POINTE TECHNOLOGIES Bank Code: key 764682 766211 52.50 52.50 35.00 35.00 70,00 52.50 30.00 82.50 102,37 102.37 107.63 32.53 316,76 6,949,17 630.00 8,036.09 - 2,145.50 2,145.50 '0 122.84 122.84 ~ ;; ~ 14,574.12 710.87 15,284.99 " <: ~ I' ::: t " r{ i ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Page: 15 0 chklst 12/31/1998 13:51:06 Check List CITY OF FEDERAL WAY Page: 16 Check Vendor ==================================================================================================================================== Amount Paid Check Total Date Invoice Inv.Date Description -------- -------- ------------------------------------ ---------- -------- ---------------------- --------------- ------------------ 144400 12/31/98 002899 Voucher: 144401 12/31/98 002924 Voucher: 144402 12/31/98 002935 Voucher: 144403 12/31/98 002950 Voucher: 144404 12/31/98 002955 Voucher: 144405 12/31/98 002990 Voucher: 144406 12/31/98 003043 Voucher: ~144407 12/31/98 003048 C) Voucher: VV144408 12/31/98 003057 ~ Voucher: 144409 12/31/98 003070 Voucher: 144410 12/31/98 003090 Voucher: 144411 12/31/98 003100 Voucher: 144412 12/31/98 003111 Voucher: 144413 12/31/98 003167 Voucher: 144414 12/31/98 003170 Voucher: 144415 12/31/98 003209 Voucher: ADOLFSON ASSOCIATES INC Bank Code: key ST PAUL, THE Bank Code: key 0005219 12/03/98 PKC-WETLAND MONITORING GP06300439 09/11/98 MSRM-GLENDA CLARKE-NOR COMMISSION ON ACCREDITATION 2154 Bank Code: key 2131 WETLANDS & WOODLANDS INC Bank Code: key FERRELLS FIRE EXTINGUISHER Bank Code: key JAMESON BABBITT STITES & Bank Code: key STEKLAR, OLEG K Bank Code: key 16376 7492 7493 7495 21836 12/09/98 PS-CALEA CONF REG:ALLI 12/04/98 PS-ACCREITATION FEE/CA 11/19/98 PW/SWM:DOUGLAS FIR TRE 12/17/98 PKM-FIRE EXTINQUISHER 12/17/98 PKM-FIRE EXTINQUISHER 12/17/98,PKM-FIRE EXTINQUISHER 12/07/98 LAW-LEGAL SERVICES RE: NOV23-DEC1 12/17/98 LAW-DIST CT INTERPRETE PETTY CASH-PUBLIC SAFETY DE 001458 Bank Code: key ASSOC OF PERMIT TECHNICIANS CDB-DUES Bank Code: key MCMILLION, KAREN K Bank Code: key ARTCO CRAFTS Bank Code: key CARBCO INC Bank Code: key NATIONAL MAINT CONTRACTORS Bank Code: key 12/28/98 PS:REIMB PETTY CASH FU 12/29/98 CDB:MEMBERSHIP DUES DEC8-DEC22 12/18/98 LAW-PUBLIC DEFENSE SCR 1181 13383 24610 24785 NATIONAL ASSOC PARLIAMENTAR 9697 Bank Code: key MODERN SECURITY SYSTEMS INC 21055 Bank Code: key WASHINGTON POLYGRAPH Bank Code: key 98013 12/10/98 RCS-SUPPLIES:COMM REC 12/17/98 FLT-FLASHER:M71288 #48 12/01/98 CHB-JANITORIAL SERVICE 12/01/98 PKM-JANITORIAL SERVICE ;2/15/98 MSC-ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP- 11/28/98 PKM-ALARM MONITORING S 11/14/98 PS-POLYGRAPH EXAM: VOL 544.79 544,79 761.41 761.41 255.00 7,400.00 7,655.00 2,009.10 2,009.10 141.18 82,54 108.87 332.59 1,320.00 1,320,00 9 0,00 90.00 293.72 .293.72 "'. ". 75,00 75.00 430,00 430.00 19.69 19.69 96,29 96.29 1,118,00 820.00 1,938.00 55,00 55.00 ~ 30,00 30.00 ¡; g £ ~ ~; SO r;' ¡.. f 125.00 125.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Page: 16 ¡ ¡:: 0 chklst 12/31/1998 13:51:06 Check List CITY OF FEDERAL WAY Page: 17 Check Date Vendor ==================================================================================================================================== Amount Paid Check Total Invoice Inv.Date Description -------- -------- ------------------------------------ ---------- -------- ---------------------- --------------- ------------------ 144416 12/31/98 003211 Voucher: 144417 12/31/98 003259 Voucher: 144418 12/31/98 003270 Voucher: 144419 12/31/98 003313 Voucher: 144420 12/31/98 003339 Voucher: 144421 12/31/98 003346 Voucher: 144422 12/31/98 003348 Voucher: -{::: 144423 0 W144424 DQ 12/31/98 003350 Voucher: 12/31/98 003371 Voucher: 144425 12/31/98 003376 Voucher: 144426 12/31/98 003385 Voucher: 144427 12/31/98 003446 Voucher: 144428 12/31/98 003472 Voucher: 144429 12/31/98 003475 Voucher: IRON MOUNTAIN/SAFESITE INC Bank Code: key 445001608 FINANCIAL CONSULTANTS INT I 3437 Bank Code: key SEBRIS BUSTO PS Bank Code: key SUPER SEER CORPORATION Bank Code: key MARKSMAN INC, THE Bank Code: key IMSA Bank Code: key LASER TECHNOLOGY INC Bank Code: key ROADWAY CONSTRUCTION INC Bank Code: key OFFICE TEAM Bank Code: key KIRICHENKO, ALEX Bank Code: key SHARMA, MEENA Bank Code: key ORION SAFETY PRODUCTS Bank Code: key 22915 18532 170303 11/30/98 MSC-CITY RECORDS STORA 12/03/98 MSFLT-RADIO REPAIRS 12/08/98 LAW-EMPLOYMT MATTERS L 11/24/98 PS-REPAINT HELMET 12/07/98 POL-FIRING RANGE USE PWT-JEPSEN 12/01/98'PWT:1999 MEMBERSHIP DU 7746 11/17/98 PS-REPAIR LASER UNIT:T RETAIN REL 12/28/98 PW-RETAINAGE RELEASE 00037519 00050501 00057875 00061064 00065865 00072075 00080920 00032437 00044715 00089653 11/02/98 11/16/98 11/23/98 11/24/98 11/30/98 12/07/98 12/14/98 10/26/98 11/10/98 12/21/98 CDA-TEMPORARY CDA-TEMPORARY CDA-TEMPORARY CDA-TEMPORARY CDA-TEMPORARY CDA-TEMPORARY CDA-TEMPORARY CDA-TEMPORARY CDA/TEMPORARY CDA-TEMPORARY CLERICAL CLERICAL CLERICAL CLERICAL CLERICAL CLERICAL CLERICAL OFFICE H HELP INV CLERICAL NOV30-DEC1 12/01/98 LAW-DIST CT INTERPRETE DEC16-DEC1 12/18/98 LAW-DIST CT INTER PRETE SEP21-NOV2 11/28/98 PKRCS-FOOD:COOKING CLA 083872 RATELCO COMMUNICATION SVC I 0225024 Bank Code: key 0225182 U S BANK Bank Code: key 69661 69663 12/21/98 PS-SPIKELESS FUSEES 11/17/98 POL-RADIO REPAIR & MAl 12/03/98 POL-RADIO REPAIR & MAl 12/08/98 DS-FW COP91 12/1/98-5/ 12/08/98 DS-FW COP91 12/1/98-5/ 436.14 436.14 218.56 218.56 591.05 591.05 134.85 134.85 10.84 10.84 50.00 50.00 46.75 46.75 1,917.49 1,917.49 559.30 131.60 477.05 291,99 304.32 444.15 296.10 353.68 641.55 493.50 3,993.24 113.75 157.50 271.25 114.45 114 .45 518,10 518.10 89.92 46.16 136.08 1,127.50 1,265.00 2,392.50 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Page: 17 0 chklst 12/31/1998 13:51:07 Check List CITY OF FEDERAL WAY Page: 18 Check Date Vendor ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Check Total Invoice Inv.Date Description Amount Paid -------- -------- ------------------------------------ ---------- -------- ---------------------- --------------- ------------------ 14443012/31/98 003500 Voucher: 14443112/31/98 003551 Voucher: 144432 12/31/98 003563 Voucher: 144433 12/31/98 003565 Voucher: 144434 12/31/98 003619 Voucher: 144435 12/31/98 003643 Voucher: i: 144436 C) 4J --JJ 144437 12/31/98 003645 Voucher: 12/31/98 003713 Voucher: 144438 12/31/98 003736 Voucher; 144439 12/31/98 003798 Voucher: 144440 12/31/98 003837 Voucher: 144441 12/31/98 003869 Voucher: 144442 12/31/98 003896 Voucher: 144443 12/31/98 003992 Voucher: WESCOM COMMUNICATIONS Bank Code: key CITY OF KENT Bank Code: key 8768 19959 VALLEY COMMUNICATIONS CENTE 980939 13¿¡nk Code: key 980946 980977 BEL CUSTOM CLEANERS (DBA) Bank Code: key FEDERAL WAY CYCLE CENTER Bank Code: key HELSELL FETTERMAN LLP Bank Code: key 6590 92171165 62325 62628 62629 63097 63098 AMERICAN JANITORIAL SERVICE 500-505 Bank Code; key 489 491 KING COUNTY PUBLIC HEALTH D 7810548 Bank Code: key NORTHWEST TOWING INC Bank Code: key SWETT, TAM Bank Code: key UNITED PARCEL SERVICE Bank Code: key TOTAL RECLAIM INC Bank Code: key SUMMIT LAW GROUP Bank Code: key ACN COMPUTER Bank Code: key 2438 12/14/98 LAW-RADAR EXPERT WITNE 12/02/98 PS-JAIL RENT:11/1-30/9 12/08/98 POL-LANGUAGE LINE USEA 12/08/98 POL-EMERGENCY DISPATCH 12/23/98 POL-MDT MAINTENANCE:DE 12/01/98 PS-UNIFORM CLEANING:NO 12/09/98,FLT/POL-BATTERY:M8398 10/27/98 LAW-LEGAL SERVICES 11/19/98 LAW-LEGAL SERVICES 11/19/98 LAW-LEGAL SERVICES 12/18/98 LAW-LEGAL SERVICES 12/18/98 LAW-LEGAL SERVICES 12/17/98 DBC-RETREAT JANITORIAL 12/17/98 DBC-JANITORIAL SVC:NOV 12/17/98 PKKFT-JANITORIAL SVC;N 12/07/98 CD/HS-LIQUOR PROFITS/E 11/05/98 PS-TOW/IMPOUND FEE:TRA SEP28-DEC1 12/29/98 MSHR-REIMB EDUCATION A 7641307649 12/05/98 PS-DELIVERY SERVICES 8941354707 12/05/98 PS-DELIVERY SERVICES 2788 3608 3609 010530 09/28/98 PW/SWR:APPLIANCE DISPO 11/18/98 POL-OFFICERS GUILD NEG 11/18/98 HR-POL SUPPORT SVC NEG 12/19/98 MSDP MONITOR EXTENDER 300.00 300.00 58,00 58.00 4 o .30 G13,820,OO 375.00 69,235.30 1,968.65 1,968.65 77.18 77.18 743.18 4.00 699.30 4.60 68 ,50 1,519.58 1,939.65 1,512.02 940,58 4,392.25 3,855.64 3,855.64 444,72 444.72 652.00 652.00 18,50 9,50 28.00 1,730,00 1,730.00 , i. } t ( ~ i ð , ? "k~ 10,000.00 6,686.17 16,686.17 64.07 64.07 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Page: 18 0 chklst 12/31/1998 13:51:07 Check List CITY OF FEDERAL WAY Page: 19 Check Date Vendor ==================================================================================================================================== Amount Paid Check Total Invoice ODL/948091 12/03/98 PS:PHOTOGRAPH:OREGON D Inv.Date Description -------- -------- ------------------------------------ ---------- -------- ---------------------- --------------- ------------------ 144444 12/31/98 003999 Voucher: 144445 12/31/98 004043 Voucher: 144446 12/31/98 004058 Voucher: 144447 12/31/98 004110 Voucher: 144448 12/31/98 004113 Voucher: 144449 12/31/98 004128 Voucher: ~ 144450 12/31/98 004159 a Voucher: ~ 144451 12/31/98 004244 0 Voucher: 144452 12/31/98 004258 Voucher: 144453 12/31/98 004273 Voucher: 144454 12/31/98 004280 Voucher: 144455 12/31/98 004281 Voucher: 144456 12/31/98 004313 Voucher: 144457 12/31/98 004315 Voucher: 144458 12/31/98 004316 Voucher: OREGON STATE-DMV SERVICES Bank Code: key QUALITY FENCE BUILDERS INC Bank Code: key 1:AG98-180 12/04/98 SWMCIP-1998 FENCING CO COSTCO WHOLESALE MEMBERSHIP 0003050558 12/28/98 MSF-1999 COSTCO MEMBER Bank Code: key ORGANIZATIONAL RESEARCH SVC 96522 Bank Code: key READ P.E" LISA M Bank Code: key PWD-121798 RES NORTH RES SOUTH COURTYD VI PARCEL 1 VILLAGE GR MINUTEMAN PRESS INTERNATION 2233 Bank Code: key APPLE INTERNATIONAL Bank Code: key LMN ARCHITECTS Bank Code: key WA STATE-DEPT OF LICENSING Bank Code: key DAY, JEFFREY K Bank Code: key 98054 19857 0013 64 12/23/98 CDBG-OUTCOME MEASURES 12/17/98 PWD-CONSTRCTN PLAN REV 12/17/98 PW-PROJECT:QUADRANT RE 12/17/98 PW-PROJECT:QUADRANT RE 12/17/98' PROJECT: COURTYARD VIL 12/17/98 PW-E CAMPUS CORP PK PA 12/17/98 PROJECT: VILLAGE GREEN 12/14/98 CDI:EMER PREPAREDNESS 12/04/98 PW/SWR:GRAPHIC DESIGN 12/10/98 CDA-URBAN DESIGN SERVI 12/19/98 PS-CONCEALED WEAPON PE NOV23-NOV3 12/15/98 LAW-PUBLIC DEFENSE SER NORTHWEST JANITORIAL SUPPLY REPL #1434 12/23/98 PKM/CHR-JANITORIAL SUP Bank Code: key 0019856 12/16/98 CHB-FACILITY JANITORIA NATIONAL SANITARY SUPPLY CO 0190009817 12/09/98 PKM-FACILITY JANITORIA Bank Code: key 0190030445 12/21/98 CHB-FACILITY JANITORIA OTTO ROSENAU & ASSOCIATES I 15788 Bank Code: key BRENT'S ALIGNMENT & REPAIR Bank Code: key A & A TOWING SERVICES LLC Bank Code: key 31929 31954 5514 ~11/30/98 CP-TESTING & INSPECTIO 12/17/98 MSFLT-WATER PUMP/CLUTC 12/29/98 MSFLT-ALIGNMENT:M3089 11/17/98 MSFLT-TOWING-3 VEHICLE 6.75 6.75 14,277.11 14,277.11 35.00 35.00 658.60 658.60 1,890.00 840.00 1,560.00 560.00 1,240.00 320.00 6,410.00 2,204.58 2,204.58 729.00 729.00 190.15 190.15 366.00 366,00 300,00 300.00 775.01 110.40 885.41 113.06 113.06 226.12 503,00 503.00 357.56 41.81 399.37 186.52 186.52 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Page: 19 0 chklst 12/31/1998 13:51:07 Check List CITY OF FEDERAL WAY Page: 20 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Check Date Vendor Invoice Inv.Date Description Amount Paid Check Total -------- -------- ------------------------------------ ---------- -------- ---------------------- --------------- ------------------ 144459 12/31/98 004317 RITZ CAMERA ONE HOUR PHOTO 1026042540 12/02/98 POL-PHOTO FILM PROCESS 74.04 Voucher: Bank Code: key 1026043370 12/04/98 POL-PHOTO FILM PROCESS 13 .69 1019038520 12/21/98 CDB:CASE PHOTOS 12.71 1019031660 12/16/98 CDB:CASE PHOTOS 19.32 1019031670 12/16/98 CDB:CASE PHOTOS 4.32 1026050930 12/13/98 POL-PHOTO FILM PROCESS 68.66 1026047830 12/09/98 POL-PHOTO FILM PROCESS 130.09 1026053360 12/16/98 POL-PHOTO FILM PROCESS 81.79 404.62 144460 12/31/98 004324 GAVIGLIO, MARY KATE CDP-MILEAG 12/21/98 COP-MILEAGE REIMB:PERM 115.05 115.05 Voucher: Bank Code: key 144461 12/31/98 004340 VOLUNTEER LEADERSHIP PS-OWEN 10/23/98 PS-SUBSCRIPTION:VOLUNT 25.00 25.00 Voucher: Bank Code: key 144462 12/31/98 004368 SECOA 66185 10/16/98'PKKFT-63X131' DANCE FL 1,379.22 1,379,22 Voucher: Bank Code: key 144463 12/31/98 004396 HOFFMAN, DEBORAH DBC-SUPPLI 12/16/98 PKDBC-REIMB SUPPLIES 67.48 Voucher: Bank Code: key SEP23-DEC1 12/18/98 PKRLS/SP-HORTICULTURE 155.61 223.09 144464 12/31/98 004419 MUSCO LIGHTING INC 54911 12/16/98 PKC-CP SPORTS FIELD LI 17,910.17 17,910.17 Voucher: Bank Code: key ~144465 12/31/98 004421 WARRANTY PLUS 7197 12/28/98 MSDP-COMPUTER COMPONEN 65.16 65.16 - Voucher: Bank Code: key ~ ~144466 12/31/98 004431 MADRONA PLANNING DVLPMT SVC 00001581 11/25/98 CD-PLAN EXP REV:RESIDE 387.52 Voucher: Bank Code: key 00001580 11/25/98 CD-PLAN EXP REVIEW:PAR 2,089.80 00001578 11/25/98 CD-PLN EXP REVIEW:GOLD 429.60 00001575 11/25/98 CD-PLAN EXP REV:COTTAG 649.80 00001574 11/25/98 CD-PLN EXP REVIEW:S 34 5.42 00001576 11/25/98 CD-PLAN EXP REV:EDWARD 1,879.20 00001573 11/25/98 CDL-ON-CALL PLANNING S 5,450.56 10,891.90 144467 12/31/98 004437 CONSOLIDATED DELIVERY & 756 09/13/98 CDB:COURIER SERVICE/MA 44.25 Voucher: Bank Code: key 3748 11/01/98 CDB:COURIER SERVICE/MA 44.25 88.50 144468 12/31/98 004470 HEALTHSOUTH-FEDERAL WAY 8031-11518 12/02/98 PWS-WSDOT REQ PHYSICAL 45.00 45,00 Voucher: Bank Code: key ~ 144469 12/31/98 004486 JONES & JONES 6 11/20/98 PS:VICTIM ADVOCATE SHI 259.03 259,03 Voucher: Bank Code: key 144470 12/31/98 004509 POSITIVE PROMOTIONS 00580847 12/01/98 PW/SWR:COLORBOOK:RECYC 317,60 317.60 Voucher: Bank Code: key 144471 12/31/98 004518 RIVER OAKS COMMUNICATIONS C NOV5-DEC16 12/18/98 LAW-TELECOMM CONSULTAN 855,07 855.07 Voucher: Bank Code: key ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Page: 20 /- '. 0 chklst 12/31/1998 13:51:07 Check List CITY OF FEDERAL WAY Page: 21 Check Date Vendor ==================================================================================================================================== Check Total Invoice Inv.Date Description Amount Paid -------- -------- ------------------------------------ ---------- -------- ---------------------- --------------- ------------------ 144472 12/31/98 004588 Voucher: 144473 12/31/98 004598 Voucher: 144474 12/31/98 004601 Voucher: 144475 12/31/98 004609 Voucher: 144476 12/31/98 004622 Voucher: 144477 12/31/98 004644 Voucher: 144478 12/31/98 004648 Voucher: f.- 144479 12/31/98 004679 9 Voucher: ~ 144480 12/31/98 004685 (- Voucher: 144481 12/31/98 004688 Voucher: 144482 12/31/98 004691 Voucher: 144483 12/31/98 004692 Voucher: 144484 12/31/98 004696 Voucher: 144485 12/31/98 004697 Voucher: 144486 12/31/98 004698 Voucher: SONG, BYUNG P Bank Code: key NOV24-DECl 12/16/98 LAW-DIST CT INTERPRETE DEC18-DEC2 12/22/98 LAW-DIST CT INTERPRETE RHITHRON BIOLOGICAL ASSOCIA 1:AG98-175 12/18/98 SWM-STREAM MACRO INVERT Bank Code: key COMMERCIAL SOUND/COMMUNICAT 023934 Bank Code: key 023935 023904 023905 12/08/98 PKKFT-AMPLIFER/CD&TAPE 12/08/98 PKKFT-STAGE SPEAKERS 11/17/98 PKKFT-SERVICE CALL ATT 11/17/98 PKKFT-SERVICE CALL ATT CONFLICT RESOLUTION, RES EAR HR-TRAININ 12/14/98 MSHR-CONFLICT RES. TRA Bank Code: key WA STATE-TRAFFIC SAFETY COM PS-KIM Bank Code: key PS-STRAY PACIFIC PLANTS INC Bank Code: key 24420 12/04/98 PS-IMPAIRED DRIVER CLA 12/04/98 PS-WA IMPAIRED DRIVER 12/07/98 PKM-PLANTS:CELEBRATION 12/22/98 PKC-EMER ASPHALT REPAI 12/22/98 PKC-EMER ASPHALT REPAI GODFATHER'S PIZZA Bank Code: key RLS-120798 12/07/98 PKRLS/SP-PIZZA:BOWLING 376.25 70.00 446.25 AA ASPHALTING INC Bank Code: key 0012468 0012469 12/01/98 PW/ST:2"TREES-MAPLE/AC 12/04/98 PS-REGISTRATION FEE FO 12/04/98 PS-CARPET CLEANING HOL 12/21/98 PS-CLEAN CARPETS IN 3 CASTRO, GABRIEL Bank Code: key NOV12-NOV2 11/24/98 PS-MILEAGE REIMBURSEME 1,125,00 1,125.00 BIG TREES INC Bank Code: key 1560 RIGHT MANAGEMENT CONSULTANT 05721140AO 12/02/98 MSHR-OUTPLACEMENT SERV Bank Code: key 1,040.39 1,064.28 92.32 331.77 2,528.76 NATIONAL CRIME PREVENTION I 10218 Bank Code: key SAM'S CARPET CLEANING SERVI 09768 Bank Code: key 09795 BALLARD SIGN-A-RAMA INC Bank Code: key 1:AG98-207 12/17/98 PWSWM-SIGNS:REGIONAL S SEAFIRST BANK Bank Code: key BALLARD SI 12/17/98 PWSWM-55% RETAINAGE:BA 700.00 700.00 100.00 100.00 200.00 2,434.50 2,434,50 19,182,66 15,304,75 34,487.41 65.46 65,46 9,122.40 9,122.40 966.00 966.00 60.00 60.00 120.00 89.70 89.70 3,000.00 3,000.00 9,364.82 9,364.82 9,609.41 9,609.41 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Page: 21 0 chklst 12/31/1998 13:51:07 Check List CITY OF FEDERAL WAY Page: 22 Check Vendor ==================================================================================================================================== Check Total Date Invoice Inv.Date Description Amount Paid -------- -------- ------------------------------------ ---------- -------- ---------------------- --------------- ------------------ 144487 12/31/98 004700 Voucher: 144488 12/31/98 004701 Voucher: 144489 12/31/98 004702 Voucher: 144490 12/31/98 004703 Voucher: 144491 12/31/98 004704 Voucher: 144492 12/31/98 004705 Voucher: 144493 12/31/98 004713 Voucher: 144494 12/31/98 700041 ~ Voucher: 9 144495 12/31/98 700043 ~ Voucher: ÍJ 144496 12/31/98 700082 Voucher: 144497 12/31/98 700083 Voucher: 144498 12/31/98 700084 Voucher: 144499 12/31/98 700085 Voucher: 144500 12/31/98 700096 Voucher: 144501 12/31/98 700098 Voucher: 144502 12/31/98 700101 Voucher: INTERSTATE DISTRIBUTION CEN 10492190 Bank Code: key NEXTEL COMMUNICATIONS Bank Code: key MARRA, HERBERT A Bank Code: key HOWELLS, ANTHONY J Bank Code: key FARR, CHERYL J Bank Code: key HSU, JAMES Bank Code: key CIMMER, KARl Bank Code: key HOGAN, CARL Bank Code: key NORTHWEST WATER HEATER Bank Code: key 10/27/98 MSM&D-CANON TONER-INV 0002682579 11/25/98 MIS/PS-CELLULAR AIRTIM NOV16-DEC6 12/10/98 PS-PRE-EMPLOY PSYCH EV 2086 WC 12/07/98 MSHR-DR FOLLOWUP/B JEN LAW-DEC 4T 12/04/98 LAW-COURT TRANSCRIPTIO CA09399FW 11/30/98 LAW-DIST CT INTER PRETE CDB-CIMMER 09/01/98 CDB-REIMB:PERMIT TECH 02-35882 02-36695 02-34389 08/21/98 CDB:REFUND ADMIN DEPOS 11/17/98 CDB:REFUND MECHANICAL 03/19/98 CDB:REFUND MECHANICAL 12/15/98 PKRLS/SS-REFUND SR TRI CULBERTSON, MORRIS Bank Code: key MARINE HILLS ARCHITECTURAL, MAY1-0CT20 12/29/98 CDI:MARINE HILLS GRANT Bank Code: key ADT SECURITY SERVICES Bank Code: key ROBBINS AND COMPANY Bank Code: key CASCADE HOMES INC Bank Code: key NW BUILDING & LAND LLC Bank Code: key GENERATION CORPORATION Bank Code: key 33231 02-35606 02-35710 02-25045 02-36121 02-35039 07/27/98 CDB:REFUND ELECTRICAL 08/05/98 CDB:REFUND ADMIN DEPOS 11/09/98 PW/DS:REL ADMIN DEPOSI 09/16/98 PWS:ROW BOND RELEASE, 06/01/98 PWS:BOND REFUND, ROW P 445.76 445.76 581.28 581.28 1,250.00 1,250.00 65.00 65.00 192 .50 192.50 40.00 40.00 85.00 85.00 6,705,60 6,705.60 12 .00 56.00 68.00 20.00 20.00 985.02 985.02 28,00 28.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 679.00 679.00 500.00 500.00 465.00 465.00 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Page: 22 0 chklst 12/31/1998 13:51:07 Check List CITY OF FEDERAL WAY Page: 23 Check Date Vendor ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Amount Paid Check Total Invoice Inv.Date Description -------- -------- ------------------------------------ ---------- -------- ---------------------- --------------- ------------------ 144503 12/31/98 700126 Voucher: 144504 12/31/98 700127 Voucher: 144505 12/31/98 700130 Voucher: 144506 12/31/98 700131 Voucher: 144507 12/31/98 700132 Voucher: 144508 12/31/98 700133 Voucher: 144509 12/31/98 700134 Voucher: -t. 144510 12/31/98 700135 ~ Voucher: ~ 144511 12/31/98 700136 ~ Voucher: 144512 12/31/98 700137 Voucher: 144513 12/31/98 700138 Voucher: 144514 12/31/98 700139 Voucher: 144515 12/31/98 700142 Voucher: 144516 12/31/98 700143 Voucher: 144517 12/31/98 700144 Voucher: 144518 12/31/98 700145 Voucher: ST BENEDICTS PARRISH COUNCI C636R938 Bank Code: key CHILDRENS HOME SOCIETY OF W C434R735 Bank Code: key WAEYC Bank Code: key FEDERAL WAY MISSION CHURCH Bank Code: key C204R254 12/07/98 PKDBC-REFUND DMG DPST 12/07/98 PKDBC-REFUND DMG DPST 12/10/98 PKDBC-REFUND DAMAGE DE R3782R1236 12/12/98 PKKFT-REF DMG DPST REN NINTH AVENUE SCHOOL OF DANC R3783R1236 12/06/98 PKKFT-REF DMG DPST REN Bank Code: key WOOD, SUE Bank Code: key RAMOS, SALLY Bank Code: key ABRAHAMSON, SHARON Bank Code: key LUTJE, JENNA Bank Code: key CHAIJAROEN, VINCE Bank Code: key MBK NORTHWEST Bank Code: key YMCA OF GREATER SEATTLE Bank Code: key OLSEN WESCOTT, CLARISSA J Bank Code: key AVANTA Bank Code: key 33232 33233 33372 33373 02-34943 02-34491 02-27512 12/15/98 PKRLS/SS-REFUND:CLASS 12/15/98 PKRLS/SS-REFUND:DAMAGE 12/18/98 PKRLS:REFUND REC CLASS 12/17/98 PKRLS/SP-REFUND REC CL OS/20/98 PWS:BOND REFUND ROW PE 12/21/98 PW/DS:PART REL:ADMIN D 12/16/98 PW/DS:REL 70% ADMIN CA RLS-DEC 19 12/19/98 PKRLS/AA-COACH ASSN CE C535R790 TINY TOTS DEVELOPMENT CENTE C651R980 Bank Code: key NORDBERG, LARRY Bank Code: key 02-31254 12/21/98 PKDBC-REF DMG DPST/DED 12/28/98 PKDBC-REF DMG DPST REN 11/05/98 CDB:REFUND ELECTRICAL 125.00 125.00 125.00 125.00 125.00 125.00 150.00 150.00 300.00 300.00 20.00 20.00 500.00 500.00 21.00 21,00 30.00 30.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 413.00 413.00 3,919.00 3,919.00 75,00 75.00 80.58 80.58 125.00 125.00 30.00 30.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Page: 23 0 chklst 12/31/1998 13:51:08 Check List CITY OF FEDERAL WAY Page: 24 Check Date Vendor ==================================================================================================================================== Check Total Invoice Inv.Date Description Amount Paid -------- -------- ------------------------------------ ---------- -------- ---------------------- --------------- ------------------ 144519 12/31/98 700146 Voucher: 144520 12/31/98 700147 Voucher: 144521 12/31/98 700148 Voucher: 144522 12/31/98 700149 Voucher: 144523 12/31/98 700150 Voucher: 144524 12/31/98 700151 Voucher: 144525 12/31/98 700152 Voucher: h 144526 12/31/98 700153 J Voucher: ~ 144527 12/31/98 700154 J) Voucher: 144528 12/31/98 700155 Voucher: 144529 12/31/98 700156 Voucher: 144530 12/31/98 700157 Voucher: 144531 12/31/98 700158 Voucher: 299 Checks in this report FEDERAL WAY LITTLE LEAGUE I 02-36772 Bank Code: key SPARKS CAR CARE Bank Code: key ASD SYSTEMS INC Bank Code: key EAGLE ELECTRIC INC Bank Code: key AMON, MANAN JOHN & HUMA YRA Bank Code: key WEITZ-YOST, ROSANN Bank Code: key BORTH, PAUL Bank Code: key UPBEAT INC Bank Code: key INDOOR COMFORT SYSTEMS INC Bank Code: key HAALAND ASSOCIATES INC Bank Code: key 02-36739 02-36693 02-36986 02-32898 33790 11/24/98 CDB:REFUND SIGN PERMIT 11/20/98 CDB:REFUND SIGN PERMIT 11/17/98 CDB-REFUND:ELECTRICAL 12/21/98 CDB:REFUND ELECTRICAL 11/12/98 PW/DS:REFUND ADMIN DEP 12/29/98 PKRLS/YA-REFUND REC CL NOV20-NOV2 12/29/98 CDI:REIMB LAKEGROVE HO 00260441 09/14/98 CDI:WESTWAY EQUIPMENT 02-36237-1 09/29/98 CDB-REFUND MECHANICAL 02-36237-2 09/29/98 CDB-REFUND MECHANICAL 02-35404 02-36342 MACDONALD MILLER SERVICE IN 02-36570 Bank Code: key MOLLETT, BRIAN Bank Code: key EL JAOHARI, TAREK Bank Code: key CA06922FW 33855 07/08/98 CDB:REFUND ELECTRICAL 10/09/98 CDB:REFUND ELECTRICAL 11/05/98 CDB:REFUND ELECTRICAL 12/21/98 LAW-DIST COURT WITNESS 12/30/98 PKRLS/SP-REFUND REC CL 25,00 25.00 152.10 152.10 36,00 36.00 1,497,70 1,497.70 2,042.00 2,042,00 35.00 35,00 127,63 127,63 1,243,00 1,243,00 102,40 102.40 204,80 86.25 96,25 182,50 24.00 24, 00 23.52 23, 52 30.00 30. 00 ------------------ Total Checks: 1,239,166.07 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Page: 24 0 chklst 01/14/1999 07:24:45 ,~, Check List CITY OF FEDERAL WAY ---..., Page: 1 Check Date Vendor ==================================================================================================================================== Check Total Invoice Inv.Date Description Amount Paid -------- -------- ------------------------------------ ---------- -------- ---------------------- --------------- ------------------ 144532 01/05/99 003380 Voucher: 144533 01/05/99 000229 Voucher: 144534 01/05/99 003874 Voucher: 144535 01/05/99 001843 Voucher: 144536 01/05/99 001843 Voucher: 144537 01/05/99 001843 Voucher: 144538 01/07/99 000792 Voucher: 144539 01/07/99 003464 Voucher: ..¡::. {J 144540 ~ ~ 144541 01/11/99 003947 Voucher: 01/14/99 000016 Voucher: 144542 01/14/99 000032 Voucher: 144543 01/14/99 000033 Voucher: 144544 01/14/99 000041 Voucher: 144545 01/14/99 000043 Voucher: 144546 01/14/99 000049 Voucher: 144547 01/14/99 000051 Voucher: JAN9-MAR26 01/01/99 PS-FBI ACADEMY EXPENSE WILSON, BRIAN Bank Code: key FEDERAL WAY CHAMBER COMMERC 13:AG97-20 01/05/99 CM-CHAMBER EXECUTIVE S Bank Code: key PS-JAN99 01/05/99 PS-LEASE CONTRACT 600,00 6,250.00 1,526.00 452,96 2,190.00 19,408.79 1,086.00 110.00 25,000.00 2,702.27 229.36 150.13 193.49 221.87 82,08 8,17 4,90 119,98 188,23 154.24 600.00 6,250.00 1,526.00 452.96 2,190.00 19,408.79 1,086.00 110.00 25,000.00 2,702.27 229,36 343.62 221,87 90,25 4.90 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - MCHUGH PROPERTIES Bank Code: key MORRIS PIHA MANAGEMENT GROU #730KLCC-J 01/05/99 RSS-#730 KLCC RENTAL Bank Code: key MORRIS PIHA MANAGEMENT GROU #732/SBB-J 01/05/99 CHB-#732 SBB LEASE Bank Code: key MORRIS PIHA MANAGEMENT GROU #734/PS-JA 01/05/99 PS-9TH AVE BLDG LEASE Bank Code: key BARRY'S TRUCKING & LANDSCAP 137959 Bank Code: key 12/11/98 PKM:LANDSCAPE/HAULING KING COUNTY SUPERIOR COURT Bank Code: key CITY OF FEDERAL WAY Bank Code: key LAW-FW V L 01/07/99 LAW-FILING FEE FW V LU 001651 01/11/99 PS-EMERGENCY FUNDS IKON OFFICE SOLUTIONS, OF W 649336 Bank Code: key 01/07/99 MS/SS-COPIER MAINT SVC KROLL MAP COMPANY INC Bank Code: key 12/29/98 PWS:ATLAS OF FED WAY 28410 FIRESAFE/FIRE & SAFETY Bank Code: key 202938 202714 12/17/98 PWT:FEDERAL SIGNALMAST 12/14/98 PWT:FEDERAL SIGNALMAST 12/30/98 POL-CLEANING/RESTROOM MURTOUGH SUPPLY COMPANY INC 116140 Bank Code: key NEW LUMBER & HARDWARE COMPA 080445 Bank Code: key 080852 ~12/29/98 CHB-PAINT SUPPLIES:C R 01/06/99 PK-REPAIR/MAINT SUPPLY 12/23/98 PRESTON GATES & ELLIS LLP Bank Code: key 458836 PUGET SOUND ENERGY Bank Code: key 9602222600 12/22/98 PWT-POWER: STREETS LIG 8234818902 12/30/98 PWT-POWER: STREETS LIG 9702126300 12/31/98 PWT-POWER: STREETS LIG Page: 1 0 chklst 01/14/1999 07:24:45 Check List CITY OF FEDERAL WAY Page: 2 Check Vendor ==================================================================================================================================== Check Total Date Invoice Inv.Date Description Amount Paid -------- -------- ------------------------------------ ---------- -------- ---------------------- --------------- ------------------ 144547 01/14/99 000051 144548 01/14/99 000055 Voucher: t:- O f- 144549 01/14/99 000056 -J Voucher: 144550 01/14/99 000063 Voucher: 144551 01/14/99 000069 Voucher: 144552 01/14/99 000076 Voucher: 144553 01/14/99 000089 Voucher: PUGET SOUND ENERGY 9884457500 8246179602 8246183502 82576213 02 8257621402 8257622202 8257622902 8601126800 9003766300 9402552600 9402552700 9502267100 9702285500 8926456900 9884695700 SEATTLE TIMES Bank Code: key 709180001 709180002 709180003 762416002 762416003 793591001 736332001 736332002 762416001 12/29/98 01/04/99 01/05/99 01/04/99 01/04/99 01/04/99 01/04/99 01/04/99 01/04/99 01/04/99 01/04/99 01/04/99 12/22/98 12/23/98, 12/28/98 12/06/98 12/06/98 12/06/98 12/20/98 12/20/98 12/31/98 12/13 /98 12/13 /98 12/13 /98 PWT-POWER: STREETS LIG PWT-POWER: STREETS LIG PWT-POWER: STREETS LIG PWT-POWER: STREETS LIG PWT-POWER: STREETS LIG PWT-POWER: STREETS LIG PWT-POWER: STREETS LIG PWT-POWER: STREETS LIG PWT-POWER: STREETS LIG PWT-POWER: STREETS LIG PWT-POWER: . STREETS LIG PWT-POWER: STREETS LIG DBC/KFT-ELECTRICITY DBC/KFT-NATURAL GAS CDCI-STREET LIGHTS/WES HR-JOB HR-JOB HR-JOB HR-JOB HR-JOB HR-JOB HR-JOB HR-JOB HR-JOB ADVERTISEMENT ADVERTISEMENT ADVERTISEMENT ADVERTISEMENT ADVERTISEMENT ADVERTISEMENT ADVERTISEMENT ADVERTISEMENT ADVERTISEMENT 12/30/98 MSC-PRINTING: COUNCIL 1,803.98 13 3 ,94 6,05 92,09 25,28 25.28 13 ,30 227,52 9,419,76 76,68 57,51 121.62 2,095,96 1,321.99 872.13 307,60 384,64 256,24 401.76 45,80 332,56 393,20 276,92 632,88 338,97 422,56 389,87 150,00 40,00 4 0,00 4 0,00 112,50 134,75 120.75 122.50 281.75 180.25 262,50 138,25 111.20 (continued) 16,755.54 3,031.60 338.97 812.43 150.00 120.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SIR SPEEDY PRINTING CENTER Bank Code: key 16215 CORPORATE EXPRESS Bank Code: key 88875711 89322250 WABO-WA ASSOC BLDG OFFICIAL W98 9960 Bank Code: key 12/03/98 PWSWM:CHAIR:M SALLOUM/ 12/31/98 PWTR:REPL CHAIR:SARADY 01/07/99 CDB-WABO MEMBERSHIP:GA WFOA-WA FINANCE OFFICERS AS MSA-MOSLEY 12/16/98 MSA-1999 MEMBERSHIP DU Bank Code: key MSA-KRAUS 12/16/98 MSA-1999 MEMBERSHIP DU MSA-WANG 12/16/98 MSA-1999 DUES:WANG NEWS TRIBUNE Bank Code: key 68342601 T161181NT T161482NT T161488NT T161560NT T162131NT T162213NT T163143NT T156294NT ...12/12/98 12/16/98 12/17/98 12/17/98 12/17/98 12/18/98 12/18/98 12/21/98 12/06/98 MSC-COONCIL MTG AGENDA CDL-NOTICE:SKY COASTER CDL-LEGAL ADVERTISEMEN CDL-LEGAL ADVERTISEMEN CDL-LEGAL ADVERTISEMEN CDL-LEGAL ADVERTISEMEN CDL-LEGAL ADVERTISEMEN CDL-LEGAL ADVERTISEMEN HR-JOB AD:ADMIN ASSIST ~ Page: 2 "; 0 chklst 01/14/1999 07:24:45 Check List CITY OF FEDERAL WAY Page: 3 Check Date Vendor ==================================================================================================================================== Check Total Invoice Inv.Date Description Amount Paid -------- -------- ------------------------------------ ---------- -------- ---------------------- --------------- ------------------ 144553 01/14/99 000089 144554 01/14/99 000096 Voucher: 144555 01/14/99 000097 Voucher: 144556 01/14/99 000101 Voucher: 144557 01/14/99 000104 Voucher: 144558 01/14/99 000106 ~ Voucher: 0 144559 01/14/99 000109 . 'Voucher' f . ~ 144560 01/14/99 000125 Voucher: 144561 01/14/99 000201 Voucher: 144562 01/14/99 000202 Voucher: 144563 01/14/99 000229 Voucher: 144564 01/14/99 000280 Voucher: 144565 01/14/99 000285 Voucher: NEWS TRIBUNE LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRICT Bank Code: key EDEN SYSTEMS INC Bank Code: key PETTY CASH Bank Code: key LOGREYRA, EDELINE M Bank Code: key SELECT TRAVEL INC Bank Code: key Tl56527NT Tl56565NT T157675NT T;l58726NT T162482NT T162491NT Tl62496NT 68342401 08224-02 4329 001605 12/06/98 Í2/06/98 12/13/98 12/13/98 12/20/98 12/21/98 12/20/98 12/10/98 HR-NEWSPAPER ADS:JOB P HR-NEWSPAPER ADS:JOB P HR-NEWSPAPER ADS:JOB P HR-NEWSPAPER ADS:JOB P HR-NEWSPAPER ADS:JOB P HR-NEWSPAPER ADS:JOB P HR-NEWSPAPER ADS:JOB P PKRCS-AD:ARTS COMM VAC 12/15/98 PKM-WATER SERVICE FOR 12/21/98 MIS-SOFTWARE LICENSE/U 01/11/99 CD-REIMB PETTY CASH FU DEC23-JAN5 01/05/99 LAW-DIST CT INTERPRETE 901061064 ACTIVE SECURITY CONTROL (DB 11438 Bank Code: key KING COUNTY FINANCE DIVISIO Bank Code: key KINKO'S INC Bank Code: key U S WEST COMMUNICATIONS Bank Code: key FEDERAL WAY CHAMBER COMMERC 744 Bank Code: key 9878221 9871409 9850298 9878557 9878558 9900051 01/06/99 MSF-AIRFARE:J DUNKER 12/31/98 POL-SECURITY LOCKS MAI 12/04/98 11/09/98 08/10/98 12/21/98 12/21/98 01/07/99 PWS:DISPOSAL GARBAGE B PWT-K/C SIGNS & SIGNAL PWT-K/C SIGNS & SIGNAL PWT-K/C SIGNS & SIGNAL PWT-K/C SIGNS & SIGNAL MIS/POL-SEA/KING DATAB 5151000400 12/23/98 PKKFT-PRINTING:TICKETS 253-839-98 12/26/98 MIS-PHONES & DATA LINE 12/22/98 CC-ECO FRCST BKFST -CH WA STATE-EMPLOYMENT SECURIT 576-76-689 12/21/98 PS:WORK HISTORY RESEAR Bank Code: key 533-36-151 12/21/98 PS:WORK HISTORY RESEAR FEDERAL WAY FIRE DEPARTMENT 1992-DEC98 01/07/99 CDB/REIMBURSE FIRE PER Bank Code: key (continued) 133.44 97.30 108,42 136.22 208,50 13 8,44 19,46 86,80 2,393,03 1,986.19 1,986.19 1,831.26 1,831.26 134.45 134.45 210,00 210.00 224.00 224.00 66.54 66.54 21.04 698.59 932,45 123,88 12,857,80 519,18 15,152.94 19,06 19.06 56,94 56.94 200.00 200.00 13.82 13,82 27.64 34,564.93 34,564.93 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Page: 3 0 chklst 01/14/1999 07:24 :45 Check List CITY OF FEDERAL WAY Page: 4 Check Date Vendor ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Check Total Invoice Inv.Date Description Amount Paid -------- -------- ------------------------------------ ---------- -------- ---------------------- --------------- ------------------ 144566 01/14/99 000302 Voucher: 144567 01/14/99 000308 Voucher: 144568 01/14/99 000328 Voucher: 144569 01/14/99 000332 Voucher: 144570 01/14/99 000340 Voucher: 144571 01/14/99 000375 Voucher: 144572 01/14/99 000376 ~ Voucher: 0 144573 01/14/99 000414 ~ Voucher: -ß 144574 01/14/99 000428 Voucher: 144575 01/14/99 000475 Voucher: 144576 01/14/99 000504 Voucher: 144577 01/14/99 000512 Voucher: 144578 01/14/99 000514 Voucher: KING COUNTY RECORDS-ELECTIO 9879133 Bank Code: key SUBURBAN CITIES ASSOCIATION 98 1314 Bank Code: key ERNIE'S FUEL STOPS (DBA) Bank Code: key ABC LEGAL MESSENGERS INC Bank Code: key 0013871 35550 12/21/98 MSC-ELECTION SVCS-1998 12/18/98 CC-1999 ASSESSMENT/DUE 12/31/98 MSFLT-FUEL:CITY VEHICL 12/31/98 LAW-LEGAL MESSENGERS D WA STATE-INFORMATION SERVIC 98-12-0022 01/06/99 MIS-SCAN LONG DISTANCE Bank Code: key WSBA-WA STATE BAR ASSOCIATI 14427 Bank Code: key 23213 19514 26664 16419 01/07/99 01/07/99 01/07/99 01/07/99 01/07/99 LAW-WSBA 99 DUES LAW-WSBA '99 DUES: LKL LAW-WSBA 99 DUES:STERB LAW-WSBA '99 DUES: LKL LAW-WSBA 99 DUES:RICHA KING COUNTY WATER & LAND DI GRNDWILA98 11/10/98 PWSWM:GREEN/DUWAMISH F Bank Code: key GRNDWILA99 12/01/98 PWSWM:GREEN/DUWAMISH F CAFE PACIFIC CATERING INC Bank Code: key WRPA-WA REC & PARK ASSOC Bank Code: key CUSTOM SECURITY SYSTEMS Bank Code: key ORIENTAL GARDEN CENTER Bank Code: key 2780 2786 2781 2782 2783 2784 2785 2787 01/05/99 01/05/99 01/05/99 01/05/99 01/05/99 01/05/99 01/05/99 01/05/99 DBC-CATERING:CONTEX AS DBC-CATERING:VA PUGET PKDBC-CATERING:CTED/OC PKDBC-CATERING SVCS PKDBC-CATERING SVCS PKDBC-CATERING SVCS PKDBC-CATERING SVCS PKDBC-CATERING SVCS PKA-SCHROD 01/06/99 PKA-ANNUAL DUES:DIRECT DBC-ETTING 01/11/99 PKDBC-1999 RENL:ETTING 747769 746303 047178 PUGET SOUND BUSINESS JOURNA 023935 Bank Code: key WA STATE-STATE REVENUES Bank Code: key DEC 1998 01/01/99 PKKFT-ALARM MONITORING 01/01/99 PKRLS-ALARM MONITORING ~12/31/98 PKM-GROUNDS MOWER PART 01/08/99 MSA-SUBSCRIPTION:6/99- 01/11/99 MSF-REMIT STATE PORTIO 58,687,51 21,671,76 975,51 116.00 1,009,09 307.29 289,00 291.00 168.29 291,00 1,102,80 735,20 521,50 91,02 612,20 78.60 272.88 35,76 191.40 67.50 100,00 70.00 60.00 59.74 33.33 66.95 48,625.56 58,687,51 21,671.76 975,51 116,00 1,009.09 1,346.58 1,838.00 1,870,86 170,00 119.74 33.33 66.95 48,625.56 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - .'~ Page: 4 0 chklst 01/14/1999 07:24:46 Check List CITY OF FEDERAL WAY Page: 8 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Check Date Vendor Invoice Inv.Date Description Amount Paid Check Total -------- -------- ------------------------------------ ---------- -------- ---------------------- --------------- ------------------ 144618 01/14/99 001424 SOUND ELEVATOR 87006580 12/29/98 PKRLS/ELEVATOR SERVICE 254,13 Voucher: Bank Code: key 94059263 01/01/99 PKM-ELEVATOR SVCS 105.38 359.51 144619 01/14/99 001431 M A SEGALE INC 5:AG98-109 12/18/98 PW-1998 ASPHALT OVERLA 23,963,52 23,963,52 Voucher: Bank Code: key 144620 01/14/99 001432 SMALL & SONS OIL, DON 35316 12/28/98 PKM-ANNEX BLDG HEATING 156.63 156.63 Voucher: Bank Code: key 144621 01/14/99 001448 BLUE RIBBON WINDOW CLEANING 12662 12/28/98 PKRLS/CC-WINDOW CLEANI 100.00 100.00 Voucher: Bank Code: key 144622 01/14/99 001470 ALLTEL SUPPLY INC 878035 12/29/98 MSDP-MOVE 110 BLOCK PH 274,63 Voucher: Bank Code: key 878036 12/29/98 MSDP-MOVE 110 BLOCK PH 120,00 394,63 , 144623 01/14/99 001480 SHERWIN-WILLIAMS 8417-9 12/29/98 CHB-PAINT:C ROE OFFICE 63.37 63,37 Voucher: Bank Code: key 144624 01/14/99 001481 CH2M HILL NORTHWEST INC 3151537 12/21/98 SWM-S 324-336TH STORM 15,985.18 15,985.18 Voucher: Bank Code: key 144625 01/14/99 001483 INSTITUTE MGMT ACCOUNTANTS 13808869 12/01/98 MSA-1999 MEMBERSHIP:M 135.00 135.00 i: Voucher: Bank Code: key a 144626 01/14/99 001552 PETTY CASH-KLCC REC DEPT 001653 01/11/99 PKRCS-REIMB PETTY CASH 117.40 117.40 Vì Voucher: Bank Code: key CJ 144628 01/14/99 001630 BLUMENTHAL UNIFORM CO INC 63727-80 12/17/98 POL-UNIFORMS & ACCESSO 91,12 Voucher: Bank Code: key 71164 12/17/98 POL-UNIFORMS & ACCESSO 2.17 70509 12/17/98 POL-UNIFORMS & ACCESSO 2.17 69264-01 12/17/98 POL-UNIFORMS & ACCESSO 258.85 69383 12/17/98 POL-UNIFORMS & ACCESSO 180.17 69229 12/17/98 POL-UNIFORMS & ACCESSO 234.41 70408 12/17/98 POL-UNIFORMS & ACCESSO 158.45 69226 12/17/98 POL-UNIFORMS & ACCESSO 156.28 65964 12/17/98 POL-UNIFORMS & ACCESSO 414.58 68518 12/23/98 POL-UNIFORMS & ACCESSO 384.34 69226-01 12/23/98 POL-UNIFORMS & ACCESSO 78.14 69229-01 12/23/98 POL-UNIFORMS & ACCESSO 90.08 70967 12/22/98 POL-UNIFORMS & ACCESSO 323.36 68529 ~2/23/98 POL-UNIFORMS & ACCESSO 340.90 71543 12/23/98 POL-UNIFORMS & ACCESSO 175.61 68686 12/23/98 POL-UNIFORMS & ACCESSO 429.89 69264-02 12/30/98 POL-UNIFORMS & ACCESSO 18.46 68024-01 12/30/98 POL-UNIFORMS & ACCESSO 180.17 70879 01/05/99 PS-UNIFORM CLOTHING 90.68 69227 01/05/99 PS-UNIFORM CLOTHING 90.08 67917 01/05/99 PS-UNIFORM CLOTHING 90.08 3,789.99 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~ Page: 8 0 chklst 01/14/1999 07:24:46 Check List CITY OF FEDERAL WAY Page: 5 Check Date Vendor ==================================================================================================================================== Check Total Invoice Inv.Date Description Amount Paid -------- -------- ------------------------------------ ---------- -------- ---------------------- --------------- ------------------ 144579 01/14/99 000564 Voucher: 144581 01/14/99 000570 Voucher: 144582 += Ç) 144583 Uì Ù 01/14/99000583 Voucher: 01/14/99000588 Voucher: 144584 01/14/99 000649 Voucher: 144585 01/14/99 000713 Voucher: 144586 01/14/99 000730 Voucher: 144587 01/14/99 000771 Voucher: 144588 01/14/99 000783 Voucher: 144589 01/14/99 000802 Voucher: KING COUNTY PET LICENSE Bank Code: key EAGLE TIRE & AUTOMOTIVE Bank Code: key U-FRAME-IT Bank Code: key TACOMA PUBLIC UTILITIES Bank Code: key APPLY-A-LINE INC Bank Code: key CASCADE PRINTING COMPANY Bank Code: key ENTRANCO Bank Code: key DEC 1998 (DB 40187 40130 40358 40370 40376 40385 39140 40237 40353 40494 40506 40525 40551 40547 40527 40505 40531 40580 392566 01/12/99 MSF-REIM PET FEES:DEC9 12/21/98 PS-CABLE CHAINS:PATROL 12/21/98 PS-ll SETS OF CABLE CH 12/29/98 FLT/POL-WIPER BLADES:M 12/29/98 FLT/POL-LOF/ABS:M55930 12/29/98 FLT/POL-ALIGN/TIE RODS 12/30/98 FLT/POL-LOF:M61769 #61 11/19/98 FLT/POL-REPR DOOR PANE 12/23/98 FLT/POL-TIRE REPAIR #6 12/29/98 FLT/POL-TIRE REPAIR:M4 01/04/99 PS-TIRE REPAIR:M47963 01/05/99 PS-BRAKES/TIRES/LOF 01/05/99, PS-LOF:M62227 #615 01/05/99 PS-BRAKES:M58526 #608 01/05/99 PS-BRAKES:M56340 #613 01/05/99 PS-TIRE REPAIR:M36273 01/05/99 PS-BRAKES:M55795 #609 01/05/99 PS-BATTERY:M37246 #507 01/06/99 PS-BRAKES/LOF:M59162 # 01/04/99 CDA:FRAMING/MAPS/CD CO 008-280-5012/30/98 DBC-FACILITY WATER SER 005-224-6012/30/98 DBC-FACILITY WATER SER 008-277-18 12/30/98 DBC-FIRE SPRINKLER EME 007-307-50 01/11/99 PKM-PALISADES WATER SE 6:AG98-079 12/06/98 PW-CHANNELIZATION MODI 088748 088773 20156 20552 COSTCO, ACCT 70037300000209 12209000 Bank Code: key 12358100 15739000 12/16/98 PKKFT-PRINT:BROCHURE/C 12/17/98 PKKFT-BROCHURE & COMPO 11/19/98 PW/CIP-S 312TH ST WIDE 12/14/98 PW/CIP-23RD AVE FINAL 12/09/98 PKKFT-9 VOLT BATTERIES -12/16/98 POL-HOUSEHOLD SUPPLIES 12/17/98 PKRCS-REFRESHMNTS:STAF FEDERAL WAY DISPOSAL CO INC 12 844440 12/31/98 SWR-DISPOSAL:LITTER CO Bank Code: key PWSWR-1231 12/31/98 SWR-RECYCLING EQUIPMEN WCMA-WA CITY MANAGEMENT ASS CM-NYBERG 01/04/99 CM-99 WCMA DUES:NYBERG Bank Code: key CM-MATHESO 01/04/99 CM-WCMA 1999 DUES FOR 588,00 588,00 417,99 97,71 25,70 53,16 490,84 21,71 15,49 12,19 12,19 12,19 700.64 30,40 355,12 246,00 12,19 216,25 108,50 236,03 3,064.30 224,95 224,95 150,43 256,53 41.26 147.46 595,68 10,940,67 10,940,67 2,631.41 281,84 2,913,25 23,749,54 1,880,60 25,630,14 56.08 122,02 27.88 205.98 285,88 841,65 1,127.53 95,00 50,00 145,00 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Page: 5 0 chklst 01/14/1999 07:24:46 Check List CITY OF FEDERAL WAY Page: 6 Check Date Vendor ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Check Total Invoice Inv.Date Description Amount Paid -------- -------- ------------------------------------ ---------- -------- ---------------------- --------------- ------------------ 144590 01/14/99 000854 Voucher: 144591 01/14/99 000920 Voucher: 144592 01/14/99 000923 Voucher: 144593 01/14/99 000939 Voucher: 144594 01/14/99 000947 Voucher: 144595 01/14/99 000951 Voucher: J- 144596 01/14/99 000960 ~ Voucher: 0 ~ 144597 01/14/99 001004 - Voucher: 144598 01/14/99 001012 Voucher: 144599 01/14/99 001014 Voucher: 144600 01/14/99 001015 Voucher: 144601 01/14/99 001037 Voucher: 144602 01/14/99 001066 Voucher: 144603 01/14/99 001091 Voucher: D J TROPHY Bank Code: key 13176A 01/05/99 PKM-APPRECIATION PLAQU PAPER DIRECT INC Bank Code: key 3208771001 12/18/98 PWA:ID CARDS/EMER MGMT 3209505800 12/24/98 CDHS-BROCHURE PAPER 362.91 30.90 87.80 182.34 49.42 17.33 15,15 10.86 131.41 58.11 1,075.00 95.00 575.83 60.03 646.85 471.59 930.00 930.00 135.47 306.30 65.00 108.01 474.34 1,018.94 29.01 22.77 20.00 362.91 118.70 182.34 282.28 1,170.00 575.83 60.03 646.85 471.59 1,860.00 135.47 1,972.59 51.78 20.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ FURNEY'S NURSERY INC Bank Code: key 34718 CULLYSPRING WATER COMPANY I Bank Code: key 34751-DEC 51490-DEC 141333-DEC 201483-NOV 151928-DEC 201483-DEC SQUEEGEE CLEAN WINDOW CLEAN 2240 Bank Code: key 2239 12/11/98 PKM-PLANTS:LAKOTA TRIA 12/31/98 RSS-BOTTLED DRINKING W 12/31/98 RCS-BOTTLED WATER: REC 12/31/98 RCS-BOTTLED WATER: DBC 11/30/98 KFT-WATER/COOLER RENTA 12/31/98 DBC-WATER/COOLER RENTA 12/31/98,DBC/KFT-WATER/COOLER R 12/20/98 PS:JANITORIAL SVS:DEC9 12/20/98 PS:JANITORIAL SVS:DEC9 6:APPLYALI 12/06/98 PW-5% RETAINAGE:APPLY- CITY OF FEDERAL WAY Bank Code: key MATTHEW BENDER & COMPANY IN 74533762 Bank Code: key MAILMEDIA INC Bank Code: key AL'S TOWING Bank Code: key 35836 46757 SKCSRA-SOCCER REFEREES ASSO FW30-FALL Bank Code: key FW40-FALL RE I INC Bank Code: key 52089 12/15/98 LAW-BOOKS AMER DISABIL 12/23/98: PKRCS-BULK MAIL SVC/PO 12/10/98 PS:IMPOUND:FORD TAURUS 12/19/98 RSS/AA-SOCCER OFFICIAL 12/19/98 RSS/AA-SOCCER OFFICIAL 11/11/98 PS-MAINTENANCE:PATROL PKRCS-SUPP 12/02/98 PKRCS-CANDY:BRKFST w/S PKRLS-TICK 12/10/98 PKRLS/SP-ZOOLIGHT TICK CC-DEC 14T 12/14/98 CC-FOOD:CITY COUNCIL M PKRCS-SUPP ~2/23/98 PKRCS-DECORATIONS:SANT PKRCS-CAME 12/27/98 PKRCS-DIGITAL CAMERA KEY BANK VISA Bank Code: key BIG WHEEL AUTO PARTS Bank Code: key 338475 339617 12/31/98 FLT-OIL/DE-ICER:#48234 01/07/99 MSFLT-REPAIR SUPPLIES WMTA-WA MUNICIPAL TREASURER MSF-NIELSE 12/21/98 MSF-MEMBERSHIP DUES:NI Bank Code: key ~ Page: 6 0 chklst 01/14/1999 07:24:46 Check List CITY OF FEDERAL WAY Page: 7 Check Date Vendor ==================================================================================================================================== Amount Paid Check Total Invoice NOV19-DEC2 12/31/98 CC-MGR RECRUITMENT SVC Inv.Date Description -------- -------- ------------------------------------ ---------- -------- ---------------------- --------------- ------------------ 144604 01/14/99 001093 Voucher: 144605 01/14/99 001109 Voucher: 144606 01/14/99 001127 Voucher: 144607 01/14/99 001130 Voucher: 144608 01/14/99 001189 Voucher: 14460901/14/99 001208 Voucher: 144610 01/14/99 001220 Voucher: 144611 01/14/99 001233 Voucher: -f () . 144612 01/14/99 001234 U) Voucher: ~ 144613 01/14/99 001245 Voucher: 144614 01/14/99 001259 Voucher: 144615 01/14/99 001267 Voucher: 144616 01/14/99 001315 Voucher: 144617 01/14/99 001390 Voucher: PENDLETON PHD, MICHAEL R Bank Code: key SMITH TRACTOR & EQUIPMENT C 4500581 Bank Code: key 12/30/98 MSFLT-250 HR SVC:#4820 COMMUNITY HEALTH CENTERS Bank Code: key Q4:AG98-08 01/12/99 CDBG-DENTAL SERVICES ROTARY OFFSET PRESS INC Bank Code: key 014454 12/28/98 CM/CC PARKS BROCHURE I 01/08/99 CM-REIMB PETTY CASH FU 12/02/98 MSF-1999 STATE PURCH C NATIONAL ARBOR DAY FOUNDATI 848-070-94 01/06/99 PKA-ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP Bank Code: key 3,567,00 3,567.00 271,12 271,12 PETTY CASH Bank Code: key 001599 AT & T BUSINESS SERVICE Bank Code: key 0510661494 12/28/98 MIS-LONG DISTANCE PHON 0510657509 12/28/98 MIS-LONG DISTANCE PHON 0192199314 12/24/98 MIS-LONG DISTANCE PHON 2,500,00 2,500,00 WA STATE-GENERAL ADMIN DEPT 18-1-7729 Bank Code: key MCCARTHY CAUSSEAUX ROURKE I 9025-00M Bank Code: key PUGET SOUND MUSICAL THEATRE 1998016 Bank Code: key KING COUNTY CRIME VICTIMS F DEC 1998 Bank Code: key TOP FOODS HAGGEN INC Bank Code: key 246113 12/31/98 MSC-HEARING EXAMINER S 12/22/98 PKRCS-CULTURAL ARTS PR 01/11/99 MSF-REMIT CRIME VICTIM 01/07/99 PKRCS-FOOD/SUPPLIES 12/30/98 POL-BOTTLED WATER/COOL 12/30/98 CHB-BOTTLED DRINKING W 12/30/98 CHB-BOTTLED DRINKING W '12/30/98 POL-BOTTLED WATER/COOL 12/31/98 12/29/98 12/29/98 12/29/98 12/19/98 12/21/98 PKRLS/CC-REPAIR SUPPLI DBC-FACILITY REPAIR SU PKM-GROUNDS MAINT SUPP DBC-FACILITY REPAIR SU PKM-GROUNDS MAINT SUPP PW-SNOW/ICE SUPPLIES 502,28 502.28 MOUNTAIN MIST WATER Bank Code: key 01l771 010398 000147 018397 324.86 324,86 EAGLE HARDWARE & GARDEN 009 Bank Code: key 000605937 001900835 000605228 4842326 000205406 001503184 2,000.00 2,000.00 15.00 15.00 11.62 11.62 46.47 69.71 301.00 301.00 5,500.00 5,500.00 888.63 888,63 48.74 48.74 182,72 43 .17 186,21 19:54 431.64 35.49 78 .19 101.49 -85,66 62.23 23 ,01 214.75 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Page: 7 0 chklst 01/14/1999 07:24:46 Check List CITY OF FEDERAL WAY , Page: 9 Check Date Vendor ==================================================================================================================================== ì Check Total Invoice CD.ER12/18 12/24/98 CHB:SEISMIC BRACING/FI Inv.Date Description Amount Paid -------- -------- ------------------------------------ ---------- -------- ---------------------- --------------- ------------------ 144629 01/14/99 001716 Voucher: 144630 01/14/99 001732 Voucher: 144631 01/14/99 001748 Voucher: 144632 01/14/99 001793 Voucher: 144633 01/14/99 001814 Voucher: 144634 01/14/99 001858 Voucher: 144635 01/14/99 001891 Voucher: 144636 01/14/99 001893 .¡... Voucher: C 144637 01/14/99 001902 Voucher: U) '" 144638 01/14/99 001988 Voucher: 144639 01/14/99 002010 Voucher: 144640 01/14/99 002036 Voucher: 144641 01/14/99 002038 Voucher: 144642 01/14/99 002159 Voucher: 144643 01/14/99 002231 Voucher: 144644 01/14/99 002279 Voucher: B J & SONS Bank Code: key HANSEN COMMUNICATIONS INC Bank Code: key EVERSON'S ECONO-VAC INC Bank Code: key MICROFLEX INC Bank Code: key PARAMETRIX INC Bank Code: key ABLE SPIFFY BIFFY INC Bank Code: key ON-HOLD CONCEPTS INC Bank Code: key D6416 009818 009817 00011 755 021901 021900 3882-3890 040065 FEDERAL WAY SCHOOL DISTRICT SIF-DEC98 Bank Code: key MYERS MASTER LAWN CARE Bank Code: key SERVICE LINEN SUPPLY Bank Code: key KCM INC Bank Code: key CASCADIA CONSULTING GROUP Bank Code: key WEST COAST BUSINESS FORMS Bank Code: key 001556 001557 001553 001554 1231/9548 107/2803 123268 FW98-4 14570 INTERNATIONAL FESTIVALS ASS 16885 Bank Code: key SHELDON & ASSOCIATES INC Bank Code: key GIESY, GREER & GUNN INC Bank Code: key 95787 12/31/98 SWM-AFTER HOURS CALL-O 12/30/98 SWM-VACUUM/JET RODDING 12/30/98 SWM-VACUUM/JET RODDING 01/07/99 MSF-TAX AUDIT PROGRAM- 12/10/98 PWT-ST SIGNAL IMPROVEM 12/10/98 PW-BPA TRAIL CORRIDR P 12/30/98 'PKM-SANITATION UNIT RE 01/01/99 MSDP-COM MUSIC ON HOLD 01/08/99 MSF-SCHOOL IMPACT FEES 12/31/98 PKM-PARKS LANDSCAPE MA 12/31/98 PKM-PARKS LANDSCAPE MA 12/31/98 PW-ROW LANDSCAPE MAINT 12/31/98 VRC-LANDSCAPE MAINTENA 12/31/98 RSS-KLCC WEEKLY LINEN 01/07/99 PKRLS-LINEN SERVICES 12/31/98 SWMCIP-DRAINAGE MANUAL 12/31/98 SW&R-BUS WASTE REDUCTI 12/31/98 MSHR-JOR POSTING FORMS .- 11/13/98 PKRCS-IFEA MEMBER DUES 12/07/98 CD-ENV REV:GRIFFIN WET MSF-123198 12/31/98 RM-BROKER/INS SELECTIO 857,94 857.94 102,65 102.65 2,062,37 4,811,46 6,873.83 246.27 246.27 8,513.14 3,125.20 1,526.00 11,638.34 1,526.00 228.00 228.00 20,174.00 20,174.00 1,191.64 1,540.01 2,345.76 1,769,46 6,846.87 29.84 29.84 59.68 5,963.30 5,963,30 2,947,55 2,947.55 440,68 440.68 125.00 125.00 446.70 446.70 1,000.00 1,000.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Page: 9 0 chklst 01/14/1999 07:24:47 Check List CITY OF FEDERAL WAY Page: 10 Check Date vendor ==================================================================================================================================== Check Total Invoice Inv.Date Description Amount Paid -------- -------- ------------------------------------ ---------- -------- ---------------------- --------------- ------------------ 144645 01/14/99 002311 Voucher: 144646 01/14/99 002339 Voucher: 144647 01/14/99 002379 Voucher: 144648 01/14/99 002392 Voucher: 144649 01/14/99 002405 Voucher: 144650 01/14/99 002477 Voucher: 144651 01/14/99 002493 Voucher: t 144652 01/14/99 002500 ) Voucher: 1l1 144653 01/14/99 002545 ~ Voucher: 144654 01/14/99 002557 Voucher: 144655 01/14/99 002566 Voucher: 144656 01/14/99 002571 Voucher: 144657 01/14/99 002616 Voucher: 144658 01/14/99 002664 Voucher: 144659 01/14/99 002679 Voucher: 144660 01/14/99 002693 Voucher: VIDEO ONLY Bank Code: key BELLEVUE COMMUNITY COLLEGE Bank Code: key PACIFIC TOPSOILS INC Bank Code: key 79476 12/29/98 PS-VHS 120 VIDEO TAPE: 537-42-736 09/23/98 PW/SWM:CONFERENCE REGI 415-65-422 09/24/98 PW/SWM:CONFERENCE REGI 373047 375817 12/01/98 SWM-TOPSOIL 12/17/98 SWM-DITCHING MATERIAL REGIONAL TELEPHONE DIRECTOR 1819423273 01/01/99 PKDBC-ADVERTISING 98-9 Bank Code: key SMITH PUBLISHERS LLC, M LEE 4053519-R4 12/02/98 LAW-BOOKS WA EMPLOYMEN Bank Code: key HOME DEPOT Bank Code: key LC990102 AL'S AUTO SUPPLY Bank Code: key FEDERAL WAY SCHOOL DIST-A/R ARO0209 Bank Code: key PACIFIC AIR CONTROL INC Bank Code: key 00405226 48384 48383 PETTY CASH FUND-PARKS MAINT 001541 Bank Code: key U S WEST COMMUNICATIONS Bank Code: key FEDERAL WAY CHORALE Bank Code: key GREASE MONKEY Bank Code: key FLEX-PLAN SERVICES INC Bank Code: key KANG, SAI C Bank Code: key SAFELITE AUTO GLASS CORP Bank Code: key 01/02/99 CDCI-LATE CHARGES INV 12/22/98 PS-WIPER BLADES:PATROL 01/05/99 SWMWQ-ADOPT A STREAM P 12/16/98 PKM-HVAC MAINT SVC 12/16/98 PKRLS-HVAC MAINT SVC 01/07/99 PKM-REIMB PETTY CASH F SEA-3644-6 12/19/98 DBC-SEATTLE DIRECTORY TAC-3644-6 12/25/98 DBC-TACOMA DIRECTORY A DEC12-DEC1 12/13/98 RCS-CHORALE CONCERT SE 127157 18636 12/29/98 MSFLT-LOF:M3078 VEH #4 d2/26/98 HR-FLEXIBLE SPENDING P DEC29-JAN4 01/04/99 LAW-DIST CT INTER PRETE 00438-4065 12/15/98 MSFLT-REPL WINDSHIELD 106.43 100.00 250.00 46,16 49.50 85.46 137.00 20.00 52.06 5,367.29 1,037.40 146.70 76,39 30 .00 88.20 1,750.00 38,66 230,40 60, 00 464,19 106.43 350,00 95.66 85.46 137,00 20,00 52,06 5,367.29 1,184.10 76.39 118.20 1,750,00 38,66 230.40 60,00 464,19 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , ---., Page: 10 r- . I 0 chklst 01/14/1999 07:24:47 r--. Check List CITY OF FEDERAL WAY """""", Page: 11 Check Date Vendor ==================================================================================================================================== Check Total Invoice 1035587-Rl 01/11/99 CM-l YR SUBSCRIPTION/N Inv.Date Description Amount Paid -------- -------- ------------------------------------ ---------- -------- ---------------------- --------------- ------------------ 144661 01/14/99 002745 Voucher: 144662 01/14/99 002797 Voucher: 144663 01/14/99 002804 Voucher: 144664 01/14/99 002846 Voucher: 144665 01/14/99 002924 Voucher: 144666 01/14/99 003064 Voucher: 144667 01/14/99 003070 Voucher: 144668 01/14/99 003085 Voucher: .J:: 0 U) 144669 01/14/99 003157 ~ Voucher: 144670 01/14/99 003209 Voucher: 144671 01/14/99 003266 Voucher: 144672 01/14/99 003305 Voucher: 144673 01/14/99 003310 Voucher: 144674 01/14/99 003320 Voucher: 144675 01/14/99 003371 Voucher: WASHINGTON CEO Bank Code: key LOMBARDO, MYRIAM Bank Code: key IDENTIGRAPHICS INC Bank Code: key DEES & ASSOCIATES, BRUCE Bank Code: key ST PAUL, THE Bank Code: key CIRCUIT CITY Bank Code: key MCMILLION, KAREN K Bank Code: key CA08974FW 83257 2756 12/26/98 LAW-DIST CT INTERPRETE 01/04/99 CDB:SIGN REGISTRATION 01/01/99 PKC-CELEBRATN SPORTS F GP06300439 12/29/98 MSRM-G CLARK-NORDBERG: 3320006984 12/28/98'MSDP/CD/HS COMPAQ 1240 DEC23-JAN7 01/07/99 LAW-PUBLIC DEFENSE SCR TECHNOLOGY INTEGRATION GROU 490957 Bank Code: key 491928 492341 492594 LES SCHWAB TIRE CTRS OF WA Bank Code: key WASHINGTON POLYGRAPH Bank Code: key MILLER P.E" TRENT D Bank Code: key SPICUZZA, ANNETTE Bank Code: key U S BANK OF WASHINGTON Bank Code: key KAPUR, URVASHI ASHLEY Bank Code: key OFFICE TEAM Bank Code: key 144066 144847 144983 144985 145830 98014 AG96 -144 001577 12/24/98 MSDP/PRK QMS MAGICOLOR 12/30/98 MSDP-REC HP4000TN 12/31/98 MSDP-OLYMPUS D-340R DI 01/04/99 MSDP-HP SCANJET 6250CX 12/01/98 12/12/98 12/15/98 12/15/98 12/24/98 FLT-TIRE REPAIR:WHEELB FLT-TIRES #48018 FLT-FLAT REPAIR #48402 FLT-TUBE:KUBOTA MOWER MSFLT-TIRE CHAINS:#480 12/16/98 PS-POLYGRAPH EXAM:K JO 01/04/99 PW-PROJECT ENGINEER SE 12/29/98 PS-REIMB RECOGNITION L 4:G MERLIN 01/05/99 PWT-5% RETAINAGE:G MER 5:M A SEGA 12/18/98 PW-5% RETAINAGE: MAS 32.53 35,00 173,88 1,072.75 74,49 2,246.83 500.00 3,658.73 1,712.62 533.02 466.98 7.47 174.02 7.06 11.88 212.33 250.00 7,742.00 95.90 16,835.13 1,261.24 30.00 427,70 526.40 32.53 35.00 173.88 1,072.75 74.49 2,246.83 500.00 6,371.35 412.76 250.00 7,742.00 95.90 18,096.37 30.00 954 . 10 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CAO0310FW 00095684 00102764 12/29/98 LAW-DIST CT INTERPRETE 12/28/98 CDA-TEMPORARY CLERICAL 01/04/99 CDA-TEMPORARY CLERICAL Page: 11 0 chklst 01/14/1999 07:24:47 Check List CITY OF FEDERAL WAY Page: 12 Check Date Vendor ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Check Total Invoice Inv.Date Description Amount Paid -------- -------- ------------------------------------ ---------- -------- ---------------------- --------------- ------------------ 14467601/14/99 003380 Voucher: 144677 01/14/99 003410 Voucher: 144678 01/14/99 003440 Voucher: 144679 01/14/99 003444 Voucher: 144680 01/14/99 003500 Voucher: 144681 01/14/99 003536 Voucher: 144682 01/14/99 003582 Voucher: t 14468301/14/99003645 J Voucher: I) J 144684 01/14/99 003831 Voucher: 144685 01/14/99 003834 Voucher: 144686 01/14/99 003837 Voucher: 144687 01/14/99 003838 Voucher: 144688 01/14/99 003935 Voucher: 144689 01/14/99 003987 Voucher: 144690 01/14/99 004093 Voucher: WILSON, BRIAN Bank Code: key BP OIL COMPANY Bank Code: key BILL HATCH SPORTING GOODS Bank Code: key WEST CAMPUS CLEANERS Bank Code: key WESCOM COMMUNICATIONS Bank Code: key ERGO & HEALTH NETWORK Bank Code: key US I INC Bank Code: key PS-AIRFARE 01/06/99 PS-AIRFARE:FBI ACADEMY L980590225 12/29/98 FLT/POL-FUEL: POLICE V 44740-00 44423-00 12/31/98 PKRLS/AA-VOLLEYBALLS 01/13/99 PKRLS/YA-REPAIR BASKET SEP1-NOV30 11/30/98 PS-UNIFORM CLEANING SV 8777 880 893 904 01/04/99 PS-RADAR REPAIRS 12/23/98 CDHS-CONFERENCE TABLE 12/29/98 PKRLS-ERGONOMIC CHAIR: 01/04/99 PKA-COMPUTER EQUIP/CHA 2095139000 12/16/98 PS-ID CARD STRAPS AMERICAN JANITORIAL SERVICE 510 Bank Code: key 512 513 GSR POLYGRAPH SERVICES Bank Code: key SOUND TELECOM Bank Code: key UNITED PARCEL SERVICE Bank Code: key DOWNTOWN IDEA EXCHANGE Bank Code: key PUGET TECHNOLOGY GROUP INC Bank Code: key NORTHWEST NEXUS INC Bank Code: key U S WEST COMMUNICATIONS Bank Code: key 99-001 A6585 01/05/99 DBC-RETREAT:CONTEXT AS 01/05/99 DBC-JANITORIAL SVC:DEC 01/05/99 PKKFT-JANITORIAL SERVI 01/04/99 PS-POLYGRAPH EXAMINATI 12/31/98 PKM-EMERGENCY ANSWERIN 7641307649 12/26/98 PS-DELIVERY SERVICES 1040134 PTGI0318 163676 1998353 12/22/98 CDA:NEWSLETTER-DOWNTOW 01/01/99 MS/POL-HP9000 RECORDS 01/05/99 MSDP-INTERNET CONNECTI 12/19/98 MIS-DATA COMM LINE SER 559.00 77.99 1,303,20 306.25 1,901.65 108,60 432,90 465.89 850.36 34.29 791.45 1,530.98 559.36 625.00 135,50 27.75 167,00 2,580,00 500,00 393,65 559.00 77,99 1,609,45 1,901.65 108.60 1,749.15 34,29 2,881.79 625.00 135.50 27.75 167.00 2,580.00 500.00 393.65 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ,--.., \ Page; 12 , ; 0 chklst Oï/14/1999 07:24:47 Check List CITY OF FEDERAL WAY ~, Page: 13 Check Date Vendor ==================================================================================================================================== Check Total Invoice Inv.Date Description Amount Paid -------- -------- ------------------------------------ ---------- -------- ---------------------- --------------- ------------------ 144691 01/14/99 004096 Voucher: 144692 01/14/99 004128 Voucher: 144693 01/14/99 004175 Voucher: 144694 01/14/99 004267 Voucher: 144695 01/14/99 004277 Voucher: 144696 01/14/99 004279 Voucher: 144697 01/14/99 004288 Voucher: 144698 01/14/99 004317 Voucher: t 0 í.1\ 144699 01/14/99 004344 DQ Voucher: 144700 01/14/99 004367 Voucher: 144701 01/14/99 004368 Voucher: 144702 01/14/99 004397 Voucher: 144703 01/14/99 004431 Voucher: JOHNSON MARTEN CHRISTIE AND 1089700301 10/08/98 PS-LEGAL SERVICES Bank Code: key 1089700102 10/08/98 PS-LEGAL SERVICES 1089700103 12/03/98 PS-LEGAL SERVICES MINUTEMAN PRESS INTERNATION 2268 Bank Code: key JACKSON, SUNNY Bank Code: key PACIFIC CONCEPTS Bank Code: key 12/30/98 PS-DOMESTIC VIOLENCE B NOV24-DEC3 01/05/99 PS-MILEAGE REIMB EXPEN 98931 12/30/98 PS-EVI-DRY BAGS JERRY NYBO CONSTRUCTION INC RETAIN REL 01/11/99 SWM-RETAINAGE RELEASE Bank Code: key LEXIS LAW PUBLISHING Bank Code: key LAKE TAPPS PRESSURE WASH Bank Code: key RITZ CAMERA ONE HOUR PHOTO Bank Code: key EMERGENCY FEEDING PROGRAM Bank Code: key 766744 1153 12/23/98 LAW-BOOKS WA ADMIN LAW 11/25/98 FLT-VEHICLE CLEANING M 1026053610 12/17/98 POL-PHOTO FILM PROCESS 1026061180 12/26/98 POL-PHOTO FILM PROCESS 1026058300 12/22/98 POL-PHOTO FILM PROCESS 1026056490 12/20/98 POL-PHOTO FILM PROCESS Q4:AG98-08 01/08/99 CDHS-EMERGENCY FEEDING GREENE-GASAWAY ARCHITECTS P AG98-087:0 11/01/98 PKA-PROJ COORDINATOR/O Bank Code: key AG98-087:N 12/01/98 PKA-PROJ COORDINATOR/O AG98-087:D 01/01/99 PKA-PROJ COORDINATOR/O SECOA Bank Code: key KDD & ASSOCIATES PLLC Bank Code: key MADRONA PLANNING DVLPMT SVC Bank Code: key 66780 FW98001-8 00001582 00001606 00001607 00001609 00001611 00001612 00001600 00001616 12/29/98 PKKFT-DANCE FLOOR BLK/ 01/07/99 PWT-PROJECT ENGINEER S --11/25/98 12/23/98 12/23/98 12/23/98 12/23/98 12/23/98 12/23/98 12/23/98 CD-PLAN EXP REV:RESIDE CD-PLAN EXP REV:COTTAG CD-PLAN EXP REV:EDWARD CD-PLN EXP REVIEW:GOLD CD-PLAN EXP REVIEW:PAR CD-PLAN EXP REV:RESIDE CD-PLAN EXP REV:RESIDE CDL-ON-CALL PALNNING S 590.00 517.00 407.60 981,26 93.14 37.08 480.00 62.16 540.32 2.43 56.57 74.52 54.48 1,250.00 7,370.81 3,937.50 2,880.00 1,466.10 1,687.99 1,080.41 1,104.00 434.40 49.80 670.20 2,074.20 1,605.00 6,102.20 1,514.60 981.26 93.14 37.08 480.00 62.16 540.32 188,00 1,250.00 14,188.31 1,466.10 1,687.99 13,120.21 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------,--------------------------------------------------------- Page: 13 0 chklst 01/14/1999 07:24:47 Check List CITY OF FEDERAL WAY Page: 14 Check Vendor ==================================================================================================================================,== Check Totoal Date Invoice Inv.Date Description Amount Paid -------- -------- ------------------------------------ ---------- -------- ---------------------- --------------- ---------------- 144704 01/14/99 004433 Voucher: 144705 01/14/99004481 Voucher: 14470601/14/99 004530 voucher: 144707 01/14/99 004559 Voucher: 144708 01/14/99 004588 Voucher: 144709 01/14/99 004665 Voucher: 144710 01/14/99 004672 Voucher: 144711 01/14/99 004677 Voucher: ~ 144712 01/14/99 004687 Voucher: "- J ~ 144713 01/14/99 004690 ~ Voucher: 144714 01/14/99 004693 Voucher: 144715 01/14/99 004699 Voucher: 144716 01/14/99 004706 Voucher: 144717 01/14/99 004711 Voucher: 144718 01/14/99 004715 Voucher: 144719 01/14/99 004716 Voucher: SCOCCOLO CONSTRUCTION INC Bank Code: key INTERS CAPES INC Bank Code: key 2:AG98-185 12/28/98 PWSCIP-MILITARY RD S/S 14933 01/01/99 CHB-CITY BLDGS PLANT M 99-011 01/04/99 CD-BLD OTHER REVIEW:MA 61,009.93 135,75 450,00 326,891.45 78.75 5,042,00 1,296,75 81.30 472.00 43.25 150.00 425.00 220.00 104.50 121.87 3,657,00 61,009.93 135./5 450,00 326,891-45 78./5 5,042.00 1,296 15 81 30 472, 00 43, 25 150, 00 425, 00 220, 00 104 - 50 121- 87 3,657,.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CWA CONSULTANTS, CHARLES J Bank Code: key GARY MERLINO CONSTRUCTION C 4:AG98-170 01/05/99 PWT-STREET IMPROVEMENT Bank Code: key SONG, BYUNG P Bank Code: key GOLDEN ENGINEERING INC Bank Code: key PRODUCTIONS NORTHWEST INC Bank Code: key DEC28-JAN5 01/05/99 LAW-DIST CT INTERPRETE 11881 12/23/98 PS-POLAROID CASSETTE 10154 12/16/98 MSDP-GAC-INSTALLATION BUSINESS & TIME SYSTEMS INC 28513 Bank Code: key 01/05/99 PS-LABOR:REPAIR PAPER ENTERTAINMENT PUBLICATIONS Bank Code: key 00169877-8 01/12/99 MSHR-ENTERTAINMENT BOO FEDERAL WAY NUTRITION SERVI 010499JW Bank Code: key 01/04/99 PS-LUNCHES:OFFICER PAT SEATTLE COUNSELING SERVICES PS-NOV 17T 11/17/98 PS-TRAINING SERVICES Bank Code: key I-DESIGN 2 Bank Code: key NYSCA - NATIONAL ALLIANCE, Bank Code: key 382 12/28/98 PW/SWR:GRAPHIC DESIGN 122998 12/29/98 PKRLS/AA-COACH CERTIFI INTERNATIONAL HEALTH AWAREN 234685 Bank Code: key 12/23/98 MSHF-WELLNESS BROCHURE GOZUN III MD, BENJAMIN V Bank Code: key PACIFIC TRANSFER LLC Bank Code: key 0013 91 12/11/98 PS-PRE EMPLOYMENT EXAM K098126899 12/30/98 PS-MOVING EXPENSES:JAY '~'. ~ 14 Page: 0 chklst 01/14/1999 07:24:48 Check List CITY OF FEDERAL WAY ---." , Page: 15 Check Date Vendor ==================================================================================================================================== Check Total Invoice Inv.Date Description Amount Paid -------- -------- ------------------------------------ ---------- -------- ---------------------- --------------- ------------------ 144720 01/14/99 004719 Voucher: 144721 01/14/99 004720 Voucher: 144722 01/14/99 004723 Voucher: 144723 01/14/99 004724 Voucher: 144724 01/14/99 004725 Voucher: 144725 01/14/99 004728 Voucher: 144726 01/14/99 004729 Voucher: 144727 01/14/99 004730 Voucher: 1; 144728 01/14/99 700159 Voucher: t 144729 01/14/99 700160 Voucher: 196 Checks in this report SIGN PRINTS Bank Code: key ACCOMMODATING IDEAS INC Bank Code: key NEATHERY, ROBERT P Bank Code: key SZABLYA, JOHN Bank Code: key PDA INC Bank Code: key COLLINS & COMPANY Bank Code: key PNW CHAMPTER CPCU Bank Code: key 00001708 980661 NOO0334 CA08317FW 12/31/98 CDHS-MOUNT/LAMINATE PH 12/18/98 PS-SIGN INTERPRETER SV 12/30/98 LAW-DIST CT INTERPRETE 12/23/98 LAW-DIST CT INTER PRETE 494-159781 12/30/98 MSRM-AUTO DAMAGE ADJUS 263 . 01/03/99 CM-REPL CITY MUGS WANG/DUNKE 01/11/99 MSRM-REGISTRATION-ESSE WESTERN EQUIPMENT REPAIR &, 1243 Bank Code: key HIGHLANDS OF MEADOWBROOK, H 1296 Bank Code: key 1297 1299 FEDERAL WAY PHILHARMONIC Bank Code: key 01-23763 12/29/98 MSF-REPAIR CRACK/PUMP 11/02/98 CDI:SOIL,ROCK,BARK/MEA 11/02/98 CDI:TRACK HOE RENTAL/M 11/02/98 CDI:LANDSCAPE PLANTS/M 01/11/99 PKKFT-REFUND DMG DPST 162,90 162.90 200.00 200.00 30.00 30.00 60.00 60.00 65.00 65.00 665.71 665.71 240.00 240.00 417.34 417.34 999.12 950.25 550.61 2,4~9.98 300.00 300.00 ------------------ Total Checks: 951,3';9.34 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Page: 15 - ~ I FINANCE/ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT/REGIONAL AFFAIRS COMMITTEE Medmg held IJ:;;:.:.. ~ ?lqq LocatIOn . Meeting opened at Adjourned at Committee in attendance: Chair Mary Gates Jeanne Burbidge Linda Kochmar Iwen Wang, Management Services Director Marj Currie-Hicks, Administrative Assistant Council in attendance Ron Gintz Jack Dovey Mike Park Phil Watkins Staff in attendance: Ken Nyberg, City Manager Philip KeightIey, Deputy City Manager Derek Matheson, Assistant to City Manager Jenny Schroder, Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services Director Dave Wilbrecht, Deputy Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services Director Mary Faber, Recreation Manager Jon Jainga, Parks Planning and Development Manager Greg Moore, Community Development Services Director Marie Mosley, Deputy Management Services Director Mari Doring, Financial Analyst Tho Kraus, Financial Planning Supervisor Mehdi Sadri, Information Systems Manager Londi Lindell, City Attorney Bob Sterbank, Assistant City Attorney Cary Roe, Public Works Director Rob Van Orsow, Solid Waste/Recycling Coordinator Arts Commission members: Joann Piquette Federal Way Chamber of Commerce E!aine Mansoor, Chaint;lan of the Board Alison M. Corrigan, Président/CEO Debra Coates, Economic Development Executive . Others in attendance: Barbara Clements, Tacoma News Tribune k:\tìnance\tìncommte\1998\roster.doc 7/28/98