10-19-2022 Senior Advisory Agenda PacketCITY OF Federal Way Centered on Opportunity SENIOR ADVISORY COMMISSION In -Person Meeting Hylebos Room October 19t", 2022 Notice: Meetings are held in -person. To request an accommodation to attend or provide public comment virtually, please contact Amy Glandon at amy.glandon@cityoffederalway.com or by phone at 253-835-2401 no later than the close of business the day before the meeting. 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. PUBLIC COMMENT Comment limit — 3 minutes 3. COMMISSIONER COMMENTS 4. COMMISSION BUSINESS Topic Action Est. or Info Time A. Approval of September 21', 2022 Meeting Minutes Action 5Min B. Airport Presentation C. PEERS Presentation D. Senior Resource Fair E. Annual Work Plan S. STAFF REPORT 6. NEXT MEETING November 16t", 2022 at 2:00pm, Hylebos Room 7. ADJOURN Info 20 Min Info 20 Min Action 45 Min Action 30 Min Presenter Chair Bostic Bill Vadino, Policy Advisor Gwynne McCay, PEERS Director & Melissa Munn, Community Coordinator King County Library Systems Vice -Chair North Chair Bostic, Vice -Chair North, Amy Glandon Amy Glandon, Executive Assistant to Council, 253-835-2401 Deputy Mayor Susan Honda, 253-835-2401 CITY OF Federal Way Centered on Opportunity SENIOR ADVISORY COMMISSION SUMMARY Wednesday, September 21", 2022 Hylebos Conference Room Commissioners Present: Chair Lana Bostic, Vice -Chair Catherine North, Commissioner Cheryl Volheim, Commissioner Frank Fields, Commissioner Sue Ellebrecht, Commissioner Vicky Foreman Absent: Commissioner Kenneth Pratt, Commissioner Tammy Dziak Staff Present: Deputy Mayor Susan Honda, Amy Glandon, Bill Vadino, Councilmember Erica Norton (arrived 2:08pm) Citizens Present: Betty Taylor 1. CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 2:01 p.m. 2. PUBLIC COMMENT • Betty Taylor noted that she was there to approach a partnership with the Senior Advisory Commission and the Senior Living Facility that she resides at. She said that there are a lot of residents that are homebound, and that the facility has many rooms and opportunities to get involved, although the residents don't. Commissioner Frank Fields asked if there is an Activities Director at the facility, and was told there was not. Commissioner Fields recommended utilizing the elevators to advertise and to get residents on each floor involved. Chair Lana Bostic thanked Betty for her attendance and her comments, and said that she would get back in touch with her to see what could be done. 3. COMMISSIONER'S COMMENTS • Chair Lana Bostic stated that she would be going to the Senior Center next week on Thursday for lunch and welcomed anyone to join her that would be available. Commissioner Sue Ellebrecht asked whether the Senior Center was still accepting donations, and Chair Bostic said that she would find out when she was there. 4. COMMISSION BUSINESS A. APPROVAL OF AUGUST 17T", 2022 MEETING MINUTES Chair Lana Bostic moved approval of the August 17th, 2022 Meeting Minutes as presented; Vice -Chair Catherine North seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Page 1 of 5 B. COMMITTEE UPDATES - COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AND BROADBAND TASK FORCE Commissioner Frank Fields noted that he went to the Broadband Task Force meeting last week, and there was a discussion about sending out a survey to all the businesses and community to see who has cable/internet and get the pricing on services. Commissioner Fields noted that the survey has not been finalized, and Deputy Mayor Susan Honda said that the survey was to map where there are missing services. Deputy Mayor Honda said that they are drafting two different surveys: one that would be sent to businesses, and one to the general community. She noted that there have always been difficulties in reaching the community as a whole, and that there is not a centralized information system other than the City's information page. Councilmember Erica Norton asked whether utilizing the census could be of assistance, or whether sending a letter to every single household would be cost effective. Deputy Mayor Honda noted that she didn't know the answer to either of those, and Commissioner Fields said that he would have more information at the next Senior Advisory Commission Meeting as the Broadband Task Force has a meeting planned for next week. C. AIRPORT PRESENTATION / GUEST BILL VADINO, POLICYADVISOR Bill Vadino presented new information that was gathered from the recent meetings regarding the airport noise control and pollutants. He said that he would be presenting this information at the Land Use & Transportation Committee Meeting (LUTC) on October 3rd. He reminded the Senior Advisory Committee to continue using the links to sending information and complaints to the Port of Seattle. After the first of the year, there is an expectation to receive a 30-day notice of a public forum that will be discussing the Airport Master Plan, and will take into account all comments that are made at that forum and online as well. He noted that there is evidence of harmful pollutants in the air, and that the current elected officials have been trying to get information from the schools and their HVAC systems to get information on how that is effecting students. He noted that the current noise contour maps do not match the experience of the residents of Federal Way, and they are trying to get that updated to be more accurate. Airlines are looking at more efficient planes. These planes are quieter and faster, but with the introduction of these planes, there has been an increase in airplane traffic, so residents are not actually seeing an improvement. He noted that SeaTac Airport will first be expanded as much as possible, but it is nearing its limit for expansion. This has led the Commission to seek out alternative locations for another airport. He handed out a graph showing the locations that were taken into consideration, but at the end of the day it is about economics and passenger needs based on their originating locations. Deputy Mayor Susan Honda noted that this was coming from a State level, and is not coming from King County directly. Mr. Vadino noted that King County Public Health (KCPH) is getting ready to release a study that they have done on the particulates that are coming from the airplanes, and although this has been acknowledged as possible from the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), they are saying it is possible that it's just coming from cars, trucks, and trains. Elected Officials are taking the study seriously on behalf of their constituents, and that KCPH is utilizing a previous study done by the University of Washington, which is considered one of the best studies in the nation. Deputy Mayor Honda noted that the KCPH was Page 2 of 5 commissioned by the Board of Health to do this study because of the complaints received by the public and the request for assistance that they received. She said that there was a study completed that showed that people living in South King County had a lower life expectancy rate than those who lived in North King County, and KCPH and the Board of Health believe these health concerns could be due to the airport and airplanes. Councilmember Erica Norton noted that the planes appear to converge over her home, and that it has only gotten worse. She said that the planes fly so low that she can note all of the markings on the underbelly of the planes. Mr. Vadino said that he would follow-up with the Commission and the Port of Seattle and let them know that it was being observed and see if there is any way to make that change again. Commissioner Frank Fields asked if things were getting better, and Mr. Vadino noted that they were. Chair Lana Bostic thanked Mr. Vadino for his presentation, and Mr. Vadino said that he would be back next month at the next Senior Advisory Commission Meeting to give another update. D. SENIOR OUTREACH UPDATE / GUEST- COUNCILMEMBER ERICA NORTON Chair Lana Bostic introduced Councilmember Erica Norton, and thanked her for coming to the Commission meeting today. Councilmember Norton stated that she has been working with a friend of hers from Waterman Architecture and City Planning Manager Keith Niven to design a wheelchair ramp template to be used throughout the City. She noted that she sees the need for ramps, and with her contacts with contractors and architects, she believes this could help the City. Currently, they have a first draft, and are looking for a senior citizen that could benefit from having a ramp installed to test the design. Chair Bostic asked how to contact her if any of the Commission members knew of a senior in need, and Councilmember Norton requested that they contact her directly. Councilmember Norton noted that she had a lengthy meeting with Community Services Manager Sarah Bridgeford recently about ways to help with community services and raising funding to be able to do more for the community as a whole. They discussed that there are two major funds that Community Services pull from: the Human Services General Fund, and the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG). She also noted that there has been $3 million that has been set aside from the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds, and Councilmember Norton is hoping to increase the funding amount. Councilmember Norton reminded the Senior Advisory Commission that there is a Special Meeting to discuss the ARPA funds on Friday, September 23rd, 2022 in the afternoon in Council Chambers. She said that there are infrastructure things that as a City need to be taken care of, but there are also a large portion of the community that needs services, not just low-income persons. She said that she is looking into rent, utility, gas, and grocery vouchers to start. She said that if the Senior Advisory Commission had any additional ideas, to send them to her. Commissioner Frank Fields noted that rent is the number one thing that affects seniors directly. He said that communities without rent control or long leases are increasing rent on a monthly basis without the income of the person being taken into consideration. Chair Bostic seconded Commissioner Fields' statement, stating that her rent had increased by $100, although her Social Security payments did not. Councilmember Norton noted that it isn't just seniors that are being hurt. She said that prioritizing low-income should not be the only factor taken into consideration for assistance. She wants to keep people in their homes Page 3 of 5 regardless of the income level. She said that she and Mrs. Bridgeford discussed adding financial planning services into each portion of aid being given out. Deputy Mayor Honda noted that the ARPA Special Meeting would be a discussion only, as Council is unable to take action at a special meeting, however, she is hopeful that they will be able to come together to create a package that can hopefully be voted on at the next City Council Meeting. Chair Bostic thanked Councilmember Norton for her time, and reminded the Commission if anyone knows of a senior in need of a ramp to contact Councilmember Norton directly. E. SENIOR RESOURCE FAIR Deputy Mayor Susan Honda opened the discussion with the question of the date to Vice -Chair Catherine North. Vice -Chair North noted that when she contacted the Performing Arts and Events Center (PAEC) regarding the date that was chosen, it was no longer available. Vice -Chair North mentioned the Auburn Senior Fair coming up on September 22nd, 2022, and asked how many commissioners were planning on going. Deputy Mayor Honda told the commissioners that whoever goes should take pictures or video to get some ideas from it. Vice -Chair North noted that she held a meeting with two commissioners and two members of the community about different vendors for our event. They pared down the list to a more manageable number (31 possibilities). She said that the hard part about approaching vendors right now is there is no definitive date for the event. She said that Rajiv Nagaich hosts his radio show on Saturdays, so having the event on a Saturday might prove to be challenging. She also said that she wanted a representative from the Community Center to be present at the event, but did not believe that the City would pay to have an employee come in on their day off. She said that she spoke with Brian Hoffman from the PAEC, and that the PAEC is not a free rental, regardless of what the commission believes. She wants to make sure that everyone is committed to the event before booking it. Deputy Mayor Honda told the commission to decide on a date, and then we would review with the PAEC about rental options. She said to come up with a back-up date just in case the one chosen falls through so that the date isn't pushed back to the next meeting again. Vice -Chair North noted that she doesn't believe having the event on a Monday or a Friday is a good idea, and Deputy Mayor Honda noted that the Chamber of Commerce holds their monthly luncheon there on the first Wednesday of the month, so that would not be an option either. Commissioner Vicky Foreman said that a Tuesday or a Thursday would work best. Vice -Chair North sent around a calendar for the commissioners to place their votes for a first choice and second choice in order to book the PAEC. Deputy Mayor Honda noted that a clear choice was made and the date chosen was Thursday May 111", 2023. Vice - Chair North then passed out the list of possible vendors and said to the commission that if they know of someone at one of those places, or feels comfortable speaking with them about being a vendor, to sign up for it. After speaking with them in person, the commission would follow-up with an email, so to make sure to get their email address. Chair Lana Bostic asked if Commissioner Tammy Dziak was still working on sponsorships, which Vice -Chair North replied yes. Commissioner Foreman asked a clarifying question about the cost of the vendor table, which Vice -Chair North replied that it was $75 for a regular business/vendor, and $25 for a non-profit vendor. Deputy Mayor Honda noted that the budget was presented to Council this week, and there was Page 4 of 5 no money allotted for the Senior Advisory Commission part of it. She asked for $5,000 to be included to each year into the budget to help with the event and the brochure printing. She also noted that if there is a vendor that is really desired, but they are unable to pay the fee, to waive the table fee. Councilmember Erica Norton volunteered to cover the table cost for a vendor that was unable to pay. Vice -Chair North brainstormed some ideas for the vendors and presentations, and Deputy Mayor Honda asked whether they were interested in having a keynote speaker. Vice -Chair North said that they would have to look at all the options once they have a vendor list. **Betty Taylor thanked the commission for allowing her attend, and left the meeting at 3:26pm.** Vice -Chair North stated that Cheryl Hurst was in attendance at her meeting, and that she is willing to help with vendors as well. Deputy Mayor Honda noted that having the vendors provide a small door prize or raffle prize would allow the commission to have prizes throughout the event to aid in interest. Commissioner Sue Ellebrecht asked for the time of the event, which Vice -Chair North said would be from 10:00am to 2:00pm. She noted that she could see this event becoming an annual event alongside the brochures that are printed annually. She said that she would contact the PAEC regarding the dates available. Deputy Mayor Honda noted that many businesses are already budgeting their sponsorships for next year, so approaching them sooner rather than later will aid in a higher chance at receiving the financial support from them. Amy Glandon recommended to Vice -Chair North that in her communication with the PAEC, to be open to any possible Thursday to make sure there is a date available. S. STAFF REPORT • Deputy Mayor Susan Honda reminded the commission that there is an opening for 1 voting member, and 3 alternate members. She said that many hands make for light work, so invite people to join the commission. She did say that the Special Meetings for Council where commission interviews are held were tied up until November (approximately), but that applications can still be submitted online to the Clerks Office. 6. NEXT MEETING — Wednesday, October 19th, 2022 at 2:00pm in the Hylebos Room. 7. ADJOURN —The meeting adjourned at 3:51 pm. Attest: Amy Glandon, Executive Assistant to Council Approved by Senior Advisory Commission: Page 5 of 5