07-19-2022 - Melissa HamiltonMeeting Type: Meeting Date: Name: Email: Phone: CITY OF Federal Way Centered on Opportunity Public Comment - Written City Council Regular Meeting July 19, 2022 Melissa Hamilton Resident/Business Yes Owner Comment Topic: Steel Lake Park Annex Written Comment: I am writing to express my opposition to the city council's plan to destroy public park space in favor of building an ops and maintenance facility in its place. I understand the need for a bigger space for this facility but destroying public park space is not the right solution to this problem. Our parks are a valuable asset to the community, are heavily used by the community, and provide an esthetically pleasing landscape showing that we care about our community. I understand that there are alternative options for acquiring property for this project. If we have the opportunity to acquire one of the problem properties in the city, which fuels our drug and crime rates, then why isn't that being looked at more seriously? Considering the long term vision of this city I'd much rather have a known problem area converted to a maintenance facility than a public park or single family houses. In 2020 at the height of the pandemic our mayor described Steel Lake Park to the media as the "crown jewel" of Federal Way. Why in the world would we want to destroy the crown jewel of our city by replacing it with steel buildings, dump trucks, and huge sand and gravel piles? If money is the issue and the city can't afford to make the right decision, then it cannot afford this project period. To quote one of my favorite holiday movies I'll leave the council with this last thought "Sometimes things look good on paper but lose their luster when you see how it affects real folks. I guess a healthy bottom line doesn't mean much if to get it, you have to hurt the ones you depend on. It's people that make the difference." Parks bring people and communities together. Please make the right decision tonight for your community and vote no on destroying our beautiful park property.