11-16-2022 - Senior Advisory - Meeting Minutes - FINALCITY OF Federal Way Centered on Opportunity SENIOR ADVISORY COMMISSION SUMMARY Wednesday, November 16th, 2022 Hylebos Conference Room with Remote Option, 2pm Commissioners Present: Chair Lana Bostic, Vice -Chair Catherine North, Commissioner Frank Fields, Commissioner Vicky Foreman, Commissioner Kenneth Pratt, Commissioner, Cheryl Volheim (remote) Absent: Commissioner Tammy Dziak, Commissioner Sue Ellebrecht, Deputy Mayor Susan Honda Staff Present: Councilmember Jack Walsh, Bill Vadino (arrived 3:01pm) Citizens Present: Pastor Colleen Chinen 1. CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 2:00 p.m. Chair Lana Bostic excused the absence of Commissioner Sue Ellebrecht due to illness. Chair Bostic acknowledged Commissioner Volheim joining remotely, and Deputy Mayor Susan Honda being away for a conference. Chair Bostic thanked Councilmember Jack Walsh for attending the meeting today. 2. PUBLIC COMMENT • None. 3. COMMISSIONER'S COMMENTS • Chair Lana Bostic noted that she would be in attendance for the Federal Way Senior Center's Resource Fair taking place tomorrow, November 17th. She welcomed any commission members to attend if they can. She stated that she purchased the raffle prize for donation. Chair Bostic also noted that she has been in touch with the Recreation Coordinator for Avalon Care regarding the Adopt -a -Senior program and that Carrie would be sending her the item list and number of residents. Once the email is received by Chair Bostic, she will send it to Amy Glandon to relay to the Commission. 4. COMMISSION BUSINESS • Prior to beginning of Commission Business, Chair Lana Bostic noted a change to the agenda due to a family emergency. Item 4B - Utility Tax Rebate Program Presentation by Staff Member Sherri Nelson will be rescheduled to a -future meeting. She also noted that Bill Vadino was running behind, and therefore the business may happen out of order. A. APPROVAL OF OCTOBER 19, 2022 MEETING MINUTES Chair Lana Bostic moved approval of the October 19, 2022 Meeting Minutes as presented; Commissioner Kenneth Pratt second. Motion passed unanimously. B. UTILITY TAX REBATE PROGRAM / GUEST. SHERRI NELSON, ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT TO FINANCE DEPARTMENT *NOTE - This item was cancelled prior to the start of Commission Business and will be rescheduled for a future date.* Page 1 of 4 C. AIRPORT PRESENTATION / GUEST. BILL VADINO, POLICYADVISOR - *NOTE - This item took place later in the meeting upon arrival of Policy Advisor, Bill Vadino* D. APPROVAL OF ANNUAL WORK PLAN Amy Glandon reviewed the bylaws concerning the creation and implementation of an Annual Work Plan that must be approved by Council prior to the beginning of the next year. She noted that the Senior Advisory Commission is a direct -report to Council, and therefore the presentation of the Work Plan will be given at the regular Council Meeting on December 6th, and encouraged the Commission to attend. A review of the drafted work plan was read through by the Commissioners, and changing the word "aid" to "issues" was determined. Vice -Chair Catherine North moved approval of the Annual Work Plan; Chair Lana Bostic second. Motion passed unanimously. E. APPROVAL OF CHANGE TO BYLAWS CONCERNING CHAIR ELECTIONS Amy Glandon reviewed the bylaws concerning the chair and vice -chair elections. Per the bylaws, an election of the Chair and Vice -Chair is done in December for a term of one year from January 1st to December 31st. This is out of alignment with the Commission terms that run from September 1st to August 31st. Per the bylaws, the election can be changed to August to be better in alignment of the Commission terms. Commissioner Kenneth Pratt moved to change the bylaws concerning the Chair and Vice -Chair elections; Commissioner Vicky Foreman second. Motion passed unanimously. F. SENIOR ADVISORY COMMISSION FACEBOOK Chair Lana Bostic introduced the idea of having a Senior Advisory Commission Facebook page to advertise about the commission and events, and possibly as a forum for senior outreach. Commissioner Kenneth Pratt moved for the addition of a Senior Advisory Commission Facebook Page; Vice -Chair Catherine North second. Motion passed unanimously. *Councilmember Jack Walsh left the meeting briefly at 2:34pm and returned at 2:36pm.* G. SENIOR RESOURCE FAIR Amy Glandon passed out a copy of the active vendor list for those who have been contacted, while Vice -Chair Catherine North ,and Commission Vicky Foreman passed out a copy of the vendors and sponsors with confirmed interest. There was a review of the confirmed vendors as well as who has turned in payments and applications. Chair Lana Bostic provided an update on the sponsors that she and Commissioner Tammy Dziak have been approaching. Chair Bostic noted that she has been having trouble reaching the hospitals for their marketing department in order to approach for sponsorship. Discussion was done about how to honor and acknowledge the sponsors, vendors and speakers at the fair. Vice -Chair North mentioned that she was having difficulty reaching the Korean Women's Association. Ms. Glandon mentioned the Korean Quarterly Meeting and said that she would reach out to Former Mayor Mike Park about contact information for them. Ms. Glandon noted that there was a request for financial assistance from one of the vendors. It was agreed to request payment from Councilmember Norton to cover the cost of the vendor as she had previously said she would do, and if she is unable to, Commissioner Kenneth Pratt will cover the vendor fee. Councilmember Jack Walsh noted that there are private corporations that could be approached as vendors or sponsors, although Vice -Chair North replied that it was intentional to limit private businesses. Commissioner Cheryl Volheim noted that it was her responsibility to reach out to SHIBA, and she has an appointment on her calendar to follow- up with them as they help with Medicare and Insurance. After discussing the vendors and sponsors, conversation moved to the program with different speakers. It was discussed the timeframes for each speaker and what the maximum allowable speakers would be. It was discussed to get creative on the planning and execution of the speakers' schedules. Vice - Chair North passed out a diagram of the PAEC with a mock-up of how the set-up for the event could be. Ms. Glandon noted that at the last meeting Deputy Mayor Susan Honda Page 2of4 brought up that it would be a great idea to hold one of the Commission meetings at the PAEC to discuss set-up and lay -out. Vice -Chair North brought up advertising in the City of Federal Way Parks & Recreation book that comes out quarterly. Chair Bostic said that she had talked to David, and Ms. Glandon said that she spoke with Director Hutton. Vice -Chair North also brought up the electronic reader boards in Federal Way and be able to utilize them for advertising. Bill Vadino stated that it is the Mayor's Office that takes care of that, and to send the information over so that they can secure the use of them. Ms. Glandon noted that having a type of registration platform for the attendees of the fair to take place at the entrance to extend the reach of the Commission to the community. Ms. Glandon also brought up putting together a vendor packet with information about the Fair and the process. Ms. Glandon said that she would reach out to the current vendor list starting Monday for anyone that has not responded previously. Councilmember Walsh gave advice not to ask for vendors, but to ask for sponsors first, and also recommended talking to financial institutions that have done sponsorships for other events previously. There was a brief conversation regarding the budget and budget impacts with sponsorships and vendors. *Amy Glandon left the meeting briefly at 3:34pm and returned at 3:36pm* C. AIRPORT PRESENTATION / GUEST. BILL VADINO, POLICYADVISOR *NOTE - This item was revisited later in the meeting after the arrival of Bill Vadino* Chair Lana Bostic thanked Bill Vadino for joining the meeting today. Mr. Vadino noted that the airport and airplane noise public comment period appears to be opening in January to February 2023, and will stay open for up to 60 days. He noted that the Land Use & Transportation Committee will be receiving an updated presentation at their December meeting in preparation for the public engagement roll -out. Mr. Vadino solicited the creation of a "task force" for getting public engagement and requested if there are any Senior Commissioners that would be interested, he would be happy to have them join as he believes that Seniors are the key to getting information out there and support generated. He noted that nothing will stop the creation of another airport or addition of planes, but it is about fixing the errors that were made before and mitigating the effects in Federal Way for the residents. Commissioner Frank Fields noted that on the app that Mr. Vadino encouraged the Commission to use that he is seeing a lot of errors as a "radio failure" for the airplane as soon as it gets over Federal Way. Mr. Vadino said that he would look into it and report back, but does believe that the airport will have all the information on each one of the planes. Commissioner Vicky Foreman asked if they had narrowed down the location for the new airport. Mr. Vadino noted that Snohomish County will be increasing their flight capacity, and Councilmember Jack Walsh said that it appears to be South Pierce County, Pierce County near Fort Lewis, and Thurston County. Chair Bostic requested that Mr. Vadino send out information to the Commission regarding the creation of the task force,for their consideration, and thanked Mr. Vadino for his attendance again. 5. STAFF REPORT • Amy Glandon said that an email was received from Commissioner Tammy Dziak, and that due to a changing schedule, she will no longer be able to be a part of the Comprehensive Plan Ad Hoc Committee, and that a new volunteer was being requested. This item will be presented again at the December Commission meeting to readdress. 6. OTHER BUSINESS • Commissioner Frank Fields asked Councilmember Jack Walsh about park fees to go to a park in Federal Way. Councilmember Walsh said that fees were not being added to parks, but that any fees that are already in place will be subject to the new Fee Schedule for 2023. Page 3of4 7. NEXT MEETING -r.^^^. beF 21 #e-Hylebes R^^n .Cancelled. 8. ADJOURN - The meeting adjourned at 3:58pm. A st: Amy GlanC64txecutive Assistant to Council Approved by Senior Advisory Commission: 1A&L 2D213 Page 4 of 4