PRHSPSC PKT 07-10-2000 LtL~J . City of Federal Way CITY COUNCIL PARKS, RECREATION, HUMAN SERVICES & PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE Monday, July 10, 2000 12:00 p.m. City Hall Mt. Baker Conference Room AGENDA 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. PUBLIC FORUM 3. COMMISSION COMMENTS 4. APPROVAL OF JUNE 12,2000 SUMMARY 5. COMMITTEE BUSINESS A. Skate Park Design Proposal Action Jainga B. Family Fest MOU Action Schroder C. Ordinance/Traffic School Action Wood . D. International District Gateway Art Update Matheson 6. NEXT MEETING - August 14,2000 7. ADJOURNMENT Committee Members: Jeanne Burbidge, Chair Mary Gates Dean McColgan Staff: Jennifer Schroder, Director Sue Floyd, Administrative Assistant 661-4041 , ' . "~ . City of Federal Way City Council PARKS, RECREATION, HUMAN SERVICES & PUBLIC SAFETY COUNCIL COMMITTEE Monday, June 12,2000 12:00 p.m. SUMMARY In attendance: Council Committee members Jeanne Burbidge, Dean McColgan, Linda Kochmar; David Moseley, City Manager; Derek Matheson, Assistant to the City Manager; Jennifer Schroder, Director of Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services; Londi Lindell, City Attorney; Pat Richardson, Assistant City Attorney; Iwen Wang, Director of Management Services; Ron Wood, Director of Public Safety; Jon Jainga, Park Planning and Development Manager; Ann Guenther, Human Services Manager; Sue Floyd, Administrative Assistant Excused: Council committee member Mary Gates Guests: David Kaplan, Barbara Reid, Joann Piquette, Bob Kellogg, Richard Bye, Bill Foulkes Chair Burbidge called the meeting to order at 12:00 p.m. PUBLIC FORUM Bob Kellogg inquired as to the status of the public art project and the phase two tot lot at Celebration Park. Ms. Schroder responded that staff met with Gloria Bornstein last week regarding the public art project. The project is at least 50% complete and should be installed in late summer or early fall. Regarding the tot lot, a consultant will assist staff in corning up with other play equipment to complete the project. To date, $29,000 has been paid to complete the existing play area. . Dave Kaplan gave the committee an overview of the May 24 Skate Park design workshop, and reiterated his commitment to donate $5,000 towards the public art project at this site and to serve on the citizens committee to select the artist. COMMISSION COMMENTS Richard Bye, Human Services Commission Vice Chair, reported that the commission is currently in the process of reviewing CDBG application and will bring a recommendation to the committee in August. Barbara Reid asked if any vouchers for the homeless given out for the New Horizon Hotel, and if so, the commission should reconsider, as the homeless citizens of Federal Way deserve better. APPROVAL OF SUMMARY The May 8, 2000 summary was approved as written. BUSINESS ITEMS . BUSINESS LICENCE RENEW ALÆNFORCEMENT PROCESS Ms. Wang reported that starting in 1996, the City proceeded with using the civil penalty provision in the Code to assess a $200 fme against those Federal Way businesses who do not renew their registrations after two written notifications and one telephone contact. The purpose of the telephone contact was to verify the business was still active. Currently, staff issues the fIrst delinquent notice at the end of February (60 days from the date the registration fee fIrst becomes due), the second notice is mailed in April, and phone contact in June with the $200 civil penalty notice sent to businesses in July by certified mail. Criminal citation or prosecution is considered to be the last resort. After review by Law, Public Safety and the Management Services Departplents, staff recommended to maintain the Code's civil and criminal options subject to the following: 1) implement an administrative process consistent with prior Council direction, with defmitive time lines during which period no criminal enforcement will apply; 2) amend FWCC 9-27 to decriminalize failure to obtain a business registration until on or after July 1 of each year to allow staff to implement the administrative notice process set forth in Section 1; 3) upon exhaustion of the six month administrative process, a letter will be sent from the Prosecutor's office providiDg that if the business owner does not comply, criminal charges will be filed within 90 days and he/she may be subject ~o an additional fme of up to $5,000 . Parks, Recreation, Human Services & Public Safety Council Committee June 12, 2000 Summary Page Three city must be submitted for permit to the Department of Community Development and can only be approved based on the City's code requirements for such facilities by the Community Development Director. FEDERAL WAY YOUTH WALL OF FAME Ms. Schroder reported that the Federal Way Youth Hall of Fame (FWYHF) came to the March 9 Parks and Recreation Commission meeting to request the commission's support to locate a Youth Wall of Fame in a city park. The commission's Capital Facilities Committee reviewed the request and recommended that the Wall of Fame be included in the original design phase of a new City Hall. In addition, they recommended a combined group be formed with members of the Arts Commission, Youth Commission and the Youth Wall of Fame to develop the artist guidelines for the final work. The commission's May meeting meeting, they moved to accept this recommendation. Staff recommends that this item be tabled as no decision has been made to build a new City Hall. The question of whether this is a partnership or a lease of space needs to still be answered. Ms. Reid reported that the FWYHF has approached Mervyn's as a potential site. Ms. Burbidge noted that Kiwanis and Rotary have youth recognition programs, and asked if the City should be providing a facility to honor one group. Additionally, Ms. Burbidge asked if the Parks and Recreation Commission was the appropriate commission for this project. DEAN MCCOLGAN MOVED, JEANNE BURBIDGE SECONDED A MOTION TO RETURN THIS ITEM TO THE PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION FOR FURTHER REVIEW. Ms. Kochmar suggested that Kiwanis and Rotary be invited to the commission meeting when this item is discussed. . PARCOURS SYSTEMlBPA TRAIL PHASE III Ms. Schroder reported that at the April 10 Council Committee meeting, the committee asked the Parks and Recreation Commission to look at the possibility of adding a Parcours as a design element to the BP A Trail phase III project. Parcours is a trade name for a self-guided recreation and fitness course that combines jogging or walking with a sequence of exercise stations. The Parks and Recreation Commission's Capital Facilities Committee reviewed the request and agreees that a Parcours should not be the top priority for the BP A Trail phase III project for the following reasons: I) security issue in the area ofBPA Trail phase III; 2) lack of use of Pare ours systems at other existing facilities; and 3) in era of "tight" money, this did not seem to be the best use of funds. On May.4, the Parks and Recreation Commission passed a motion to accept the committee's recommendation. Staff concurred with the commission's motion. DEAN MCCOLGAN MOVED, JEANNE BURBIDGE SECONDED A MOTION TO ACCEPT THE PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION'S RECOMMENDATION TO NOT INCLUDE A P ARCOUR AS PART OF THE BP A TRAIL PHASE III PROJECT. MOTION PASSED. CELEBRATION PARK PROCEDURE GUIDELINES Ms. Schroder reported that last year, the batting cage proposal for Celebration Park was fIrst presented to this Council Committee without fIrst going to the Parks and Recreation Commission. The commission is concerned that any proposal to either add a facility or change the use of a park should fIrst come to them. The commission would then review the proposal and forward a recommendation to the Council Committee. The commission's Capital Facilities Committee recommended, and the Council Committee ævised (in underline), that the process to consider any change in use or the installation of new facilities be the following: "Where feasible, any change in use of Celebration Park or change/installation of new structures or facilities beyond replacement of existing structures or facilities be reviewed and recommended by the Parks and Recreation Commission, Parks and Recreation Council Committee, legal staff and City CounciL" The Parks and Recreation Commission approved the Capital Facilities Committee original recommendation at their regular meeting on May 4. Staff supported the commission's recommendation; however, felt the motion should be amended to read "when legal review is appropriate, the Law Department will review the issue prior to forwarding the commission's recommendation to the Councjl Committee. Mr. McColgan felt this item needs more discussion and should include all parks, not just Celebration.Park. DEAN MCCOLGAN MOVED, JEANNE BURBIDGE SECONDED A MOTION TO RETURN THIS ITEM TO THE PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION FOR FURTHER DISCUSSION. MOTION PASSED. . Parks, Recreation, Human Services & Public Safety Council Committee June 12,2000 Summer Page Four STATE FUNDING/HISTORICAL CABINS PARK In 1999, Washington State Parks and Recreation Commission earmarked $50,000 of the State building construction account for parking and trail system improvements at West Hylebos State Park. Staff recommended authorizing the City Manager to enter into an Interagency Agreement between the Washington State Parks and Recreation Commission and the City of Federal Way to accept the grant funds in the amount of $50,000 for the Historical Cabins Park project. DEAN MCCOLGAN MOVED, JEANNE BURBIDGE SECONDED A MOTION TO APPROVE AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO ENTER INTO AN INTERAGENCY AGREEMENT BETWEEN WASHINGTON STATE PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION AND THE CITY OF FEDERAL WAY FOR THE mSTORICAL CABINS PARK PROJECT IN THE AMOUNT OF $50,000 AND FORWARD TO FULL COUNCIL ON JUNE 20. MOTION PASSED. NEXT MEETING July 10, 2000 ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at I :20 p.m. -' " . . . Item 5A PARKS, RECREATION & CULTURAL SERVICES DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM DATE: July 3, 2000 To: Parks, Recreation, Human Services & Public Safety Council Committee J Jon Jainga, Park Planning & Development Mana~~ David MOS~ftftager / Skate Park Preliminary Design Approval From: Via: Subject Background The Parks and Recreation held a special meeting on June 21 to review two Skate Park design proposals. The proposed designs incorporated ideas generated from the public workshop held on May 24 at Mirror Lake Elementary School. The two proposed plans are Option 1 and Option 2. Option 1 is a 9,000 square foot park and option 2 is 9,600 square feet. The prirnary difference between the two plans is 600 square feet, and option 1 has a "flat bank hip with ledge" feature in the upper left corner and option 2 has a "flat bank hip with curved ledge" in the upper left hand corner of the plan. The youth in attendance at the cornrnission meeting on June 21 stated they prefer option 2. Both plans are within the total project budget. A breakdown of the project budget and the available balances for construction is included with this memo. Staff will present the plans and answer any questions of the committee on July 10. Parks and Recreation Commission Recommendation On June 21, the Parks and Recreation Commission moved to recommend to Council Committee option 2 Skate Park design and to move forward with the construction plans, permits and bid docurnents. Staff Recommendation Staff supports the Parks and Recreation Commission's recommendation for Skate Park option 2. Per the City's policy, staff will return the proposal at approximately 85% design completion, at which time the project cost estimate and bid proposal will be reviewed and a date to accept bids will be established. Committee Recommendation Motion to place on the July 18 Council meeting, under consent, approval of the Skate Park preliminary design option 2, and to authorize staff to move forward into final design, including permitting and construction documents. APPROVAL OF COMMITTEE REPORT: Committee Chair Committee Member Committee Member Opt. 11 Opt. 12 Skate Park Budget Summary City Fund: 1998 $ 15,727.00 1999 $ 250,000.00 Total Beginning fund Balance: $ 265,727.00 Professional Services: Paid out to date A&E Change Order A&E Final Design Cost Fees Architect Purkiss-Rose LSI $ 12,396.63 $ 4,000.00 $ 2,500.00 Engineering Earth Tech $ 2,287.57 $ - $ 4,500.00 Contingency $ 20,000.00 2% Arts $ 3,840.00 Construction: $ 231,778.00 $ 227,778.00 $ 220,778.00 9,OOOsquare foot Skate Structure @ $ 20 per square foot: $180,000 $180,000 X WSST (8.6%) = $15,480 Total Prilimanary Cost at 55% Design Est.= $195,480 Estimate Ending Balance Fund of $25,298 [11.5%] 9,600 square foot Skate Structure @ $20 per square foot: $192,000 $192,000 X WSST (8.6%) = $16,512 Total Preliminary Cost at 55% Design Est.= $208,512 Estimate Ending Balance Fund of $12,266 [6%] . . . ';B 8 SPECIAL MEETING PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION SKATE PARK DESIGN PROPOSAL June 21, 2000 MINUTES Present: Dini Duclos, Chair: Dave Armstrong, Vice Chair; Jim Baker, Jerry Bolen, Karl Grosch, John Morrision, CT Purdom, Len Zickler. Excused: Mike Lane, Laird Chambers, Marion Bartholomew Staff: Jennifer Schroder, Director of Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services; Jon Jainga, Park Planning and Development Manager Guests in attendance: Jon Bourne, Kathleen Bourne, Chris Adkins, Ben Hancock Chair Duclos called the meeting to order at 6:03 p.m. Skate Park Design presentation Jon Jainga presented two proposals for the Skate Park design. Proposal #1 is a 9,000 square foot facility and proposal #2 is a 9,600 square foot facility. The difference between the two proposals is primarily overall size, 10 feet of the north portion is eliminated in proposal #1. Consequently, proposal #1 has all the same features that is in proposal #2, except proposal #1 has a Flat Hip with curved ledge feature in the northwest corner and proposal #2 has a Flat Bank Hip with a ledge in the northwest corner. . Chair Duclos asked about a recent article that stated Gig Harbor built a 17,000 square foot skate park. Jainga responded that he visited the Gig Harbor facility earlier in the day. The Gig Harbor Skate Park is only 8520 SF. Architectural and engineering services were donated, the Public Works Department did the site preparation work. Commissioner Bollen asked the youth whether they thought the proposals reflected the ideas generated from the workshop held in May. The response was yes, and they liked proposal #2. The youth commented that the Flat Bank Hip with a ledge in proposal #2 is preferred because they can get more air. Commissioner Zickler asked staff: How will people walk to the facility? And how will the apron/area around the park be fmished. Jainga responded that currently there is a walk-through in the fence to the area from 312th and that a pathway will need to be considered from the parking lot. Currently there is a pathway that starts at the parking lot and heads toward the soccer field just south of the proposed area for the Skate Park. ,. The area around the Skate Park is proposed to be grass. Commissioner Zickler recommended the area around the park not be gravel. Jainga reviewed the cost of the two proposals. The total funds approved for the project total $265,727.00, Total A&E is projected to come to $25,683. Contingency of $20,000, and 2% for the arts at $3,840. The funds available for construction come to $220,778. Proposal #1 with tax is estimated to cost $195,480. Proposal #2 with tax is estimated to cost $208,512. Jainga emphasized these are the costs at preliminary design. Final cost estimates will be presented when Public Works and Conununity Development have completed their review of the construction documents for permit. ) ,. Commissioner Purdom moved to recommend to the City Council Committee for Parks, Recreation, Human Services and Public Safety proposal #2 Skate Park design, and to move forward with the construction plans and documents. Vice Chair Armstrong seconded, motion passed. . Meeting adjourned 6:27 p.m. ~ ~ \>' 8 '\ ; .\. '. \ \ / ( I" , ( \ i I; "II I)¡\ I ~ ~ «-~ I~ , < v l [I' "I" I /. I ' I, I I'} . l ' ~ 'I Ii "'"",s,"~'.g :.,woo", :". '",""'. .:t':;~> \1 \, Option 1 9,000 SF \ 8 J- \'> , , - STEPS, RAilS, lE \) . FLA TBAR . i if LEDGES \ \ Option 2 9,600 SF . . ., ., . Item 5B PARKS, RECREATION & CULTURAL SERVICES DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM DATE: July 3,2000 To: Parks, Recreation, Human Services &/Public Safety Council Committee Jennifer L. Schroder, Directo~~ David M~~age¡ - Family Fest Memorandum of Understanding From: Via: Subject Background Family Fest is scheduled the weekend of August 25,26 and 27,2000. As in the past, the event will take place at Steel Lake Park, on the beach side of the park and the soccer field will be used for parking. A copy of the 2000 Memorandum of Understanding and Exhibits A and B are attached for your review. Attachment B describes the 2000 Family Fest support risk management requirements. Committee Recommendation Motion to authorize the City Manager to execute the 2000 Family Fest Memorandum of Understanding between the City and Federal Way Community Council and forward to full Council on August 1 for approval. APPROVAL OF COMMITTEE REPORT: I " Committee Member Committee Chair Committee Member . . ~:; . Memorandum of Understanding Family Fest 2000 City of Federal Way and Federal Way Community Council THIS MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING ("MOD"), dated effective this 1 st day of August, 2000, defines the respective responsibilities of the City of Federal Way ("City") and the Federal Way Community Council ("FWCC") in connection with the 2000 Family Fest event.. Recitals: A. The FWCC, through the Family Fest Committee, produces an annual outdoor event, known as Family Fest, in Steel Lake Park, Federal Way, Washington ("Event"). The Event includes a parade, food and craft vendors, perfonnances and activities over a three (3) day period, August 25, 26 and 27, 2000; B. The City has fonnally adopted the Event as an official City-sponsored event pursuant to Resolution No. 94-166 benefitting the citizens of Federal Way; and c. The Family Fest Committee will serve as the producer of the Event. The City will provide the location and assist with City services as outlined in this MOU. NOW, THEREFORE, the parties agree as follows: I. City Responsibilities. The City agrees as follows: 1. The City shall provide staff support for negotiating use of Steel Lake Park stage and canopies; 2. The City shall waive the Special Events Pennit fee for use of Steel Lake Park facilities; 3. As a City-sponsored event, waive application fees for a temporary business license and electrical pennit; 4. As a City-sponsored event, Family Fest organizers, FWCC, will be covered under the City's insurance program; 5. The City shall provide use of currently available and owned outdoor stage, bleachers, canopies, sound system, and generator at Steel Lake Park during the Event; , 6. The City shall provide maintenance support for site preparation, and logistical support and cleanup as outlined in the document entitled "2000 Projected Family Fest Support," attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and incorporated by this reference. 8 II. . . FWCC Responsibilities. The FWCC shall: 1. Screen all vendors, displayers and other groups participating ("Vendors") for required permits, required executed Vendor Participation Agreement, and proof of insurance coverage as outlined in the document titled "Insurance Requirements for Family Fest," attached hereto as exhibit "B" and incorporated by this reference. In addition, all food vendors or other food handlers required to obtain Health Department permits will obtain those permits and FWCC shall provide to Vicki Norris, Park Maintenance Supervisor, by August 18, 2000, a list of all permitted vendors for inclusion in the Event. Without such certificates, a Vendor may not participate in the Event; 2. Insure that the City of Federal Way is named as additional insured on all Vendor certificates of insurance. Copies of all insurance certificates will be provided to the City liaison, Vicki Norris, Park Maintenance Supervisor, by August 18, 2000, for inclusion in the Event. Without such certificates a Vendor may not participate in the Event; 3. Once a Vendor has provided all necessary permits, waivers and insurance, FWCC shall provide the Vendor with identification (such as a sign to display in booth) indicating compliance with such requirements. FWCC shall ensure that such identification shall be displayed at all times during the Event; 4. Provide a detailed site plan and final time line of the Event by August 18, 2000, to the City liaison, Vicki Norris, Park Maintenance Supervisor; 5. Provide logo identification on all marketing materials developed to promote the Event; 6. Provide booth space at the Event for promotion and sale of products by the City of Federal Way's Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services Department; 7. Provide volunteer assistance in repairing any damage to Steel Lake Park and Steel Lake Annex that may occur during the Event; 8. FWCC agrees to indemnify and hold the City, its elected officials, officers, employees, agents, and volunteers harmless from any and all claims, demands, losses, actions and liabilities (including costs and all attorney fees) to or by any and all persons or entities, including, without limitation, their respective agents, licensees, or representatives, arising from, resulting from, or connected with this MOU to the extent caused by the negligent acts, errors or omissions of the FWCC, its partners, officers, shareholders, agents, employees, invitees, or volunteers, or by FWCC's breach of this MOO. FWCC waives any immunity that may be granted to it under the Washington . . . State Industrial Insurance Act, Title 51 RCW. FWCC's indemnification shall not be limited in any way by any limitation of the amount of damages, compensation or benefits payable to or by any third party under workers' compensation acts, disability benefit acts or any other benefits acts or programs. This MOO contains the obligations of both parties for Family Fest and may not be changed or modified except by written agreement by both parties. David Moseley, City Manager 33530 - 1st Way South FederalVVay, VVJ\ 98003 APPROVED AS TO FORM: -t:.vD ;t~ L,,-~u þ/~ . -hv City Attorney, Londi K. Lindell ATTEST: City Clerk, N. Christine Green, CMC '~ , ' k:\parks\famfestagr .. EXIDBIT "A" 2000 PROJECfED FAMILY FEST SUPPORT . Arts Commission (Cash) Contract for Services $ 3,500.00 Staff Sup{>ort (In-Kind Value) Recreation and Cultural Services Manager (25/hr. X $27/hr.) Maintenance and Operations Supervisor (48/hr. X $25.85/hr.) $ 675.00 $ 1,240.80 Total $ 1,915.80 PermitslRentals (In-Kind Value) *Waive of Special Events Permit Sound System Stage ($736) Canopy ($336) **Liability Insurance Generator Canopies: l-lOxl0 ($60), 2-lOx15 ($280) Temporary Business License Electrical Permit $ 712.00 $ 100.00 $ 1,072.00 $ 2,500.00 $ 50.00 $ 340.00 $ 25.00 $ 42.00 Total $ 4,841.00 . c,./. Pre-Event (In-Kind) (Site Preparation) Relocate bleachers and tables Erect barricades and snow fencing (120 feet of fencing) Spray paint sprinkler heads, water lines (identify) Deliver stage and canopies Setup of stage and canopies Assist carnival vehicles on-site and setup Deliver generator, sound system, set out garbage containers 4 people, 4 hours 2 people, 6 hours 4 people, 8 hours 4 people, 2 hours 10 people, 2 hours 2 people, 6 hours 2 people, 3 hours Total: 106. hours 42 hours full-time @ $23.16Ihour 56 hours part-tirne @ $10.00Ihour Ji hours part-tirne @ $12.00/.hour 106 hours Total: $ 972.72 $ 560.00 $ 96.00 $ 1,628.72 *Based on using a part of the park, we do not have a free structure in place for using a whole park. **Currently under City insurance, with a $5,000 deductible. Other (In-Kind) Garbage bags Wetting agent for soccer field Miscellaneous tools & supplies Total. $ 115.00 $ 100.00 $ 400.00 $ 615.00 Event (In-Kind) . Friday: Monitor park, garbage pick-up 11:30 a.m.-l0:00 p.m. . 4 people, 10 hours EXHIBIT "A" (Continued) Saturday: Assist with vendors on and off fields, monitor park, garbage pick-up 7:00 a.m.-3:30 p.m. 1:30 p.m.-l 0:00 p.m. Sunday: Monitor park, garbage pick-up, assist vendors off fields, take down canopies 11:00 a.m.-8:00 p.m. Total 20 hours full-tirne @ $27.20/hour 20 hours full-tirne @ $26.10/hour 20 hours full-time @ $22.12/hour 30 hours fill-time @ $30.05/hour 42 hours part-time @ $10.00/hour ~hours part-tirne @ 12.00/hour 140 hours Total Post-Event (In-Kind) Take down stage Park clean-up Return bleachers and tables Return stage and any other equipment J! '9 Total 48 hours full-tirne @ average wage of $26.27 /hour 32 hours part-time @ $1O.00/hour 80 hours Total Total Cash: Total In-Kind: TOTAL: $ 3,500.00 $13.507.38 $17,007.38 Loss of Revenue Picnics (at capacity) Tournarnents (at capacity) Total 4 people, 8 hours 4 people, 8 hours 4 people, 9 hours 140 hours $ 544.00 $ 522.00 $ 442.40 $ 901.50 $ 420.00 $ 96.00 $2,925.90 . 10 people, 2 hours 4 people, 8 hours 4 people, 4 hours 4 people, 3 hours 80 hours $1,260.96 $ 320.00 $1,580.96 $ 870.00 $ 390.00 $1,260.00 . ,. .( .~ . EXIDBIT "B" City of Federal Way Risk Management Division Insurance Requirements for Family Fest 2000 Insurance Requirements for contracted vendor or booth participants at Family Fest are as follows: TYPE OF ACTIVITY AND EXPLANATION INSURANCE REQUIRED A. Non-profit, information only booth. No insurance needed. Mutual indemnity clause only. B. Non-profit and/or service club sales, game or No insurance needed. Mutual indemnity exhibit booth, NO FOOD. This category clause only. includes home based craft sellers, entertainers contracted on a flat fee basis to provide music, magic shows, Velcro tunnel, gyro-tron and the like. C. Non-profit and/or service club FOOD $1,000,000 combined single limit general BOOTII. liability, products liability and personal & bodily injury insurance required. D. Commercial sales booth. $1,000,000 combined single limit general liability, and personal & bodily injury insurance required. E. Exceptional overnight use of park facilities as $1,000,000 combined single limit general approved by the Director of Parks, Recreation liability, and personal & bodily injury and Cultural Services. insurance required. If liquor will be served, additional insurance will be required. F. Commercial FOOD BOOTII or trailer. 1. Limited and/or retail food classification. $1,000,000 combined single limit general These are comrnercial food exhibitors that do liability, products liability and personal & not utilize a complete kitchen; they sell a bodily injury insurance required. small number of specialty items, the potential health risk to the public is low, the opportunity for human or bacterial contamination is limited, i.e., popcorn, snow cones, cotton candy, prepackaged frozen ice cream. 2. Regular food service classification. These are commercial food exhibitors that utilize a $1,000,000 combined single limit general complete kitchen; a full rnenu is available, liability, products liability and personal & , food iterns may be prepared on site; the bodily injury insurance required. potential health risk to the public could be serious or dangerous if the foods were improperly prepared; it involves the preparation of potentially hazardous foods, i.e., dairy products, meat, fish, cooked vegetables, etc. G. Commercial game booth or event, i.e., $1,000,000 combined single limit general carnival type games of change. This category liability, products liability and personal & includes any ANIMAL rides, petting zoo, bodily injury insurance required. pony ride, llama ride and the like Insurance Requirements for Family Fest (continued) TYPE OF ACTIVITY AND EXPLANATION INSURANCE REQUIRED H. Commercial rides, i.e., carnival rides, $5,000,000 combined single limit general including helicopter rides, tethered balloon liability, products liability and personal & rides, bungee seats and the like. bodily injury insurance preferred, minirnum of $2,000,000 required. Other specialized insurance may be required in addition. NOTE: It is understood that at the discretion of the Management Services Director, based on hislher knowledge of the events and activities and risks involved, awl based upon the above guidelines, increased levels of insurance may be required for a particular activity or event. All insurance certificates shall show the City of Federal Way named as additional insured as insurance coverage pertains to the activities described above. , . 8 . . Item 5C CITY OF FEDERAL WAY CITY COUNCIL PARKS, RECREATION, HUMAN SERVICES & PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE Date: July 5, 2000 TO: Via: Parks, Recreation, Human Services & Public Safety Committee David M~anager Ronald T. Wood, Chief of Police From: Subject: Traffic School Ordinance Background: The Department of Public Safety enforces the traffic laws within the City of Federal Way, and recognizes the importance of traffic safety for health, safety and well-being of its citizens. Therefore, a Traffic Safety School was established as a benefit to the citizens of the City of Federal Way to provide instruction, education, and infonnation for the proper, lawful and safe operation of motor vehicles. As of January 1, 2000, the Federal Way Municipal Court began operation and now has jurisdiction over traffic infractions. The Traffic School has proven to be successful and is in the best interest of the citizens of Federal Way. Therefore, it is recommended an ordinance be adopted to establish the Traffic School for the benefit of the citizens of Federal Way. Committee Recommendation: Move to approve the Ordinance establishing a Traffic Safety School to be administered by the Department of Public Safety. APPROVAL OF COMMITTEE REPORT: Committee Chair Committee Member Committee Member . . . ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FEDERAL WAY, WASHINGTON, AUTHORIZING A TRAFFIC SAFETY SCHOOL TO BE ADMINISTERED BY THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY WHEREAS, the Department of Public Safety of City of Federal Way enforces the traffic laws within the city limits, and; WHEREAS, the City of Federal Way recognizes the importance of traffic safety for health, safety and well-being of its citizens, and; WHEREAS, a Traffic Safety School can provide the instruction, education and information for the proper, lawful and safe operation of motor vehicles, and; WHEREAS, the Department of Public Safety commenced administering a Traffic School to determine the effectiveness of such a program; and WHEREAS, the successful effectiveness of the Traffic School is now known; and WHEREAS, the Federal Way Municipal Court began operation in January 1,2000, and now has jurisdiction over traffic infractions; and WHEREAS, the City Council finds that the establishment of a Traffic School is in the best interest of its citizens; NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FEDERAL WAY, WASHINGTON, DOES HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Traffic School. A Traffic Safety School is hereby authorized to be administered by the Department of Public Safety as a diversion program. ORD# , PAGE 1 . . C' ., .. ~ . Section 2. PufDose. The purpose of the Traffic Safety School is to instruct, educate, and infonn all enrollees in the proper, lawful, and safe operation of motor vehicles, including but not limited to rules ofthe road and the limitations of persons, vehicles, and bicycles and roads, streets, and highways under varying conditions and circumstances. Section 3. Fee. The Department of Public Safety may charge a fee to Traffic School participants for the purpose of reimbursing some or all of the cost of administering the Traffic School. The amount of the fee shall be as established or amended by the City Council by resolution. Participants in the Traffic School shall remit said fee to the Management Services Department in accordance with the procedures established by the Department of Public Safety. Section 4. Severability. The provisions of this ordinance are declared separate and severable. The invalidity of any clause, sentence, paragraph, subdivision, section, or portion of this ordinance or the invalidity of the application thereof to any person or circumstance, shall not affect the validity of the remainder of the ordinance, or the validity of its application to other persons or circumstances. Section 5. Ratification. Any act consistent with the authority and prior to the effective date of this ordinance is hereby ratified and affirmed. ORD# , PAGE 2 . . . Section 6. Effective Date. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from the time of its final passage, as provided by law. PASSED by the City Council of the City of Federal Way this ,2O_. CITY OF FEDERAL WAY MA YOR, MIKE PARK ATTEST: CITY CLERK, N. CHRISTINE GREEN, CMC APPROVED AS TO FORM: CITY ATTORNEY, LONDI K. LINDELL FILED WITH THE CITY CLERK: PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL: PUBLISHED: EFFECTIVE DATE: ORDINANCE NO. K:\oRDIN\traffic.sch Rev.07/03/00 ORD# , PAGE 3 day of