Council MIN 03-15-1994 Regular FEDERAL WAY CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES March 15, 1994 I. CALL MEETING TO ORDER The Regularly scheduled City of Federal Way City Council meeting was called to order by Mayor Mary Gates, at the hour of 7:01 p.m., on March 15, 1994, in City Council Chambers, Federal Way City Hall, 33530 First Way South, Federal Way, Washington. Councilmembers present: Deputy Mayor Phil Watkiq.s, Ray Tomlinson, Hope Elder, Ron Gintz, Skip Priest and Bob Stead. Council members absent: None. Staff present: Kenneth E. Nyberg, City Manager; Carolyn Lake, City Attorney and Maureen Swaney, City Clerk. ll. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Councilmember Gintz led the flag salute. III. PRESENT A TION & PROCLAMATION a. "Police Officer of the Year" Presentation Major Robert C. EvaÎls and Mayor Gates presented King County Master Police Officer, Lisa Gehrke, as Precinct #5 Police Officer of the Year. b. "Federal Way Community Blood Drive Day" Proclamation Mayor Gates read the proclamation and presented it to John Schneider who explained the specifics of the program. IV. CITIZEN COMMENT Dee McGinnis, 2717 SW 327th Avenue, Federal Way, presented a petition to the Council relating to the homeless issue. Bill Sanders, 35535 6th Place SW, Federal Way, explained the Birth to Three Development Center. Joann Piquette commented on the Visitation Retreat; she asked that the Arts Commission be more involved in the long range planning process. COpy . f City Council Minutes March 15, 1994 - Page 2 *********************** James Rodriguez, 5110 SW 324th Place, Federal Way, requested City action on lifting an easement in his neighborhood. H. David Kaplan, 30240 27th Avenue South, Federal Way, urged approval of the Interlocal agreement with the school district and urged action on the fee in lieu of issue with King County. Toska Rodriguez, 2627 South 302nd Street, Federal Way, urged the Council to eye the Visitation Retreat with visionary eyes. Mayor Gates read a letter from the Federal Way Boys and Girls Club which thanked her for her leadership in making the Annual Breakfast for Kids a success. Mayor Gates, in turn, thanked Hope Elder, Ray Tomlinson, Ken Nyberg and City staff for their assistance and support. Mayor Gates read a letter from SeaTac Council member Frank Hanson which applauded the City's acquisition of the Visitation Retreat. v. CONSENT AGENDA a. b. c. Voucher/March 15, 1994 Minutes/March 1, 1994 Council Bill #87/Enactment Ordinance/Temporary Use Permit APPROVED ORDINANCE NO. 94-209 Interlocal with Federal Way School District 1994 Right-of-Way Landscape Contract Commute Trip Reduction Agreements d. e. f. Motion by Councilmember Stead to approve items a, b, d, e and f; Second by Councilmember Gintz. Motion passed as follows: GATES TOMLINSON STEAD WATKINS YES YES YES YES GINTZ PRIEST ELDER YES YES YES Council member Priest asked for clarification on Council Bill #87 relating to I-day trade shows. Councilmember Priest moved to approve Council Bill #87; Second by Council member Watkins. Councilmember Tomlinson moved to amend the motion by changing Section 22.1 from 30 to 35 days; Second by Council member Gintz. City Council Minutes March 15, 1994 - Page 3 *********************** The amendment to the main motion passed as follows: GATES TOMLINSON STEAD WATKINS YES YES YES YES GINTZ PRIEST ELDER YES YES YES The main motion, to approve Council bill #87, as amended, passed as follows: GATES TOMLINSON STEAD WATKINS YES YES YES YES GINTZ PRIEST ELDER YES YES YES VI. CITY MANAGER REPORT Mr. Nyberg informed the Council that a summary of their recent retreat was available in the Council office. The Council was requested to recess into an executive session at the conclusion of the meeting; said meeting would require 10 to 15 minutes of time. Mr. Nyberg introduced Ms. Iwen Wang who was recently appointed as the new Management Services Director. Councilmember Elder introduced Major Bob Evans who updated the Council on the Gun Buy Back Program which had started on Monday and was scheduled to continue until Friday, March 18, 1994. Major Evans explained how the serial numbers would be checked prior to any destruction. Councilmember Priest expressed concern over the City's contribution to the program because of the process; Councilmember Gintz said he would view it as a forgiveable loan and the City's contribution was responsive government. Councilmember Elder said she was more than happy to take the blame on this issue. Councilmember Tomlinson said the City spends $20,000 to $30,000 on speed humps and he couldn't see why there was such concern with a $10,000 expenditure. Councilmember Stead said that he felt the responses were not consistent with Councilmember Priest's concern; he said that the City Manager has the authority to make the subject expenditure and there is no need for City Council approval. He continued by saying that the process should be carefully thought out and this particular process was correct. Deputy Mayor Watkins concurred with Council member Priest's concerns. Mayor Gates said everyone had underestimated the program and she viewed it as a joint city and community effort. City Council Minutes March 15, 1994 - Page 4 *********************** VII. CITY COUNCIL REPORTS Councilmember Stead reported on regional committee meetings. Council member Priest announced the Land Use Committee meeting at 5:00 p.m. on Monday. Council member Elder reported on a youth facility tour she had attended; she also announced a meeting set for April 11, 1994, at 7:00 p.m., to discuss the police contract. Deputy Mayor Watkins commented on a water service letter. Mayor Gates reported on economic development, commuter trip reduction act meeting and round table meetings. VITI. EXECUTIVE SESSION The Council recessed into executive session at 8:35 p.m. for 10 minutes; at 8:45 p.m. the meeting was extended until 8:48 p.m. The regular Council meeting reconvened at the hour of 8:50 p.m. Motion by Council member Stead to accept the recommendation settlement negotiated by the City Attorney relating to the Dale A. Bordeaux issue and authorize a payment of $27,500 on the personal injury claim; Second by Council member Gintz. Prior to voting, Councilmember Stead said that the City is only responsible for the $5,000 deductible. Motion passed as follows: GATES YES GINTZ YES TOMLINSON YES PRIEST YES STEAD YES ELDER NO WATKINS YES IX. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at the hour of 8:53 p.rl{.--).) í ì 4-a1.~ \~/Maureen M. Swaney, CM City Clerk