Council MIN 12-20-1994 Regular FEDERAL WAY CITY COUNCIL Council Chambers - City Hall REGULAR MEETING December 20, 1994 - 7:00 p.m. MINUTES 1. CALL MEETING TO ORDER Mayor Gates opened the regular meeting of the Federal Way City Council at 7:05 p.m., in Council Chambers, City Hall, Federal Way, Washington. City Council present: Mayor Mary Gates, Deputy Mayor Phil Watkins, Councilmembers Ray Tomlinson, Ron Gintz, Skip Priest, Bob Stead, Hope Elder. City Staff present: City Manager Kenneth Nyberg, City Attorney Landi Lindell, City Clerk Maureen Swaney, Deputy City Clerk Chris Green. II. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Councilmember Stead led the flag salute. III. PRESENT A TION Mayor Gates presented a plaque to Councilmember Bob Stead in honor of his service and dedication to the City of Federal Way and its citizens. Councilmember Stead has submitted his resignation as City Councilmember effective December 31, 1994. IV. CITIZEN COMMENT Allyson Pierce, Doug Skinner - support stop sign at 13th Ave SWat SW 329th location; Carolyn Hayek - supports diversity program and distributed a 1995 Diversity Conference brochure; David Wallis - thanked Council member Stead for his excellent leadership, and submitted his 1995 "wish list" and suggestions for development of Celebration Park; Gail Pierson, Federal Way School Boardmember - thanked Councilmember Stead for his work and leadership, and thanked the city for including the school district in the sister city program; Lt. Dick Baranzini, KCPD, thanked the Council and city staff for their past support--he is being transferred to north King County area; Linda Rasmussen, representing DAWN, thanked Council for their 1994 funding of the women's shelter and urged support of the community advocate program for 1995; Monique Hernandez and Chris Murren, food bank volunteers - thanked the Council for their continued support of the Federal Way Food Bank in 1995; Tim Trussler - thanked Council for COpy! FEDERAL WAY CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING MINUTES December 20, 1994 - Page 2 . supporting the Multi-Service Center's literacy program; Mary Ellen Stone, representing KC Sexual Assault Resource Center - thanked Council for the city's 1995 funding of their program; Mary Houillon, United Way representative - supports Multi-Service Center funding for 1995; Russell Franseen, former student of the literacy program - supports continued funding for the program; Judith Magruder, Federal Way News Columnist - requested Mayor Gates read her comments in support of the appointment of Mark Freitas to Council Position No.7; Mary DeAuilla, DAWN volunteer - spoke in support of 1995 funding for DAWN. Mayor Gates responded to the citizen comments. v. CONSENT AGENDA a. b. c. d. Minutes/December 6, 1994 Voucher/December 20, 1994 Monthly Financial Report/October Celebration Park Master Plan Resolution/Dash Pointe Major Plat Modification APPROVED RESOLUTION NO. 94-193 All-Way Stop at 13th Ave SWat SW 329th e. f. At the request of Council, and prior to consent agenda approval, City Clerk Maureen Swaney provided a briefing on the status of the Land Use Hearing Examiner Professional Services Agreement with McCarthy, Causseaux & Rourke, Attorneys. Councilmember Gintz deferred Council concerns to Councilmember Stead for a response; he feels the Hearing Examiner position is one of the most important appointments made by Council, and feels the Examiner's philosophy should be consistent with that of the Council and City Code. City Attorney Lindell advised the present draft amendment includes verbiage for a 30-day option to terminate the agreement. Motion by Council member Gintz to approve the proposed amendment to the contract for 1995 failed due to lack of a second. Ms. Lindell explained the contract should be renewed at this time, if only for a minimum time period of 30 days since there are two hearings scheduled for early January. Councilmember Gintz said he is in favor of extending the contract for a 60-day period, with the option to send out an RFQ at a later date, if Council so desires. Motion by Councilmember Priest to enter into a 60-day extension of the hearing examiner agreement at the regular meeting on January 3, 1995, to allow additional time for review by the Finance/Economic Development Committee; second by Deputy Mayor Watkins. Motion passed as follows: FEDERAL WAY CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING MINUTES December 20, 1994 - Page 3 Gates Tomlinson Gintz Priest yes abstain yes yes Watkins Stead Elder yes yes abstain Deputy Mayor Watkins pulled consent agenda items (a), (d), (e) and (1) for discussion purposes. Motion by Councilmember Priest to approve consent items (b) and (c); second by Councilmefnber Stead. The voucher and monthly financial report were approved as follows: Gates Tomlinson Gintz Priest yes yes yes yes Watkins Stead Elder yes yes yes Deputy Mayor Watkins confirmed the December 6, 1994, regular meeting minutes have been deferred to January 3, 1995, for Council approval. Councilmember Tomlinson addressed the Celebration Park Master Plan, consent item (d), and invited citizen comments. Jim Webster, former City Council member - extended best wishes to outgoing Councilmember Stead, and expressed support for development of Celebration Park as a "flagship" quality park; Jane Yambe, outgoing Diversity Commissioner - supports a compromise use of the park for both sports and arts facilities; Scott Branlund - Mayor Gates read his comments in support of the CP AC plan for the park, and in support of two bond issues for sports fields and an arts center; Dale Sain - opposes the proposed master plan for Celebration Park, aild provided a topographic model of the park area; Bill Allen - supports joint usage of park for both sports and arts, and feels the PAC should be located in the western high area; Bill Shortt - discussed three options for financial support of a PAC; Wendy Howe, member ofCPAC - supports sports fields, as well as the arts, but feels the Parks/Recreatiön Department has ignored CPAC's recommendations; Jim Baker, Parks/Recreation Commissioner - concerned about current design and its variation from the original master plan with respect to economics and reduced number of playing fields; Joann Piquette, Arts Commissioner - thanked Councilmember Stead for his service to the community, and spoke on behalf of Nancy Ise,.in support of an arts facility at Celebration Park; Jeanne Burbidge, Arts Commissioner - supports the master plan and proposed location of the PAC, which will serve a wide variety of citizens and events; Dave Loebe, Manager of American Little League - supports the original master plan, as it addresses the need for major lighted sports fields. Mayor Gates thanked the citizens for their input. At the hour of 8:40 p.m., Mayor Gates called a brief 5-minute recess, and reconvened the regular meeting at 8:50 p.m.; she then invited additional citizen comment on Celebration Park. FEDERAL WAY CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING MINUTES December 20, 1994 - Page 4 Margaret Nelson - inquired about the cost of six lighted soccer fields, four ball fields and a performing arts center; Jack Dovey - urged the Council to take adequate time to make a good decision as to the park's future uses. Parks/Recreation Director Jenny Schroder and Park Planner Barbara Simpson provided a brief staff update to Council and responded to a variety of questions. Ms. Simpson explained the proposed master plan provides an overall design, including environmental and budgeting issues, but doesn't preclude future changes. Community Development Services Director Greg Moore reported all designs will first be reviewed under Process III of the City Code through a Hearing Examiner's public hearing and recommendation, with final approval by the full Council. There must also be State approval with respect to traffic, drainage, wetland setbacks and other environmental issues. Discussion also focused on the possibility of support for a future bond issue for park funding. Motion by Council member Tomlinson to authorize staff to make application for Process III pursuant to the Parks/Recreation Committee's recommendation, with an amendment to take a look at the difference in cost of putting a civic center on the high plateau to see if such location would be feasible; second by Councilmember Gintz. Main motion, with amendment, passed as follows: Gates Tomlinson Gintz Priest yes yes yes yes Watkins Stead Elder yes yes yes The next point of business was Dash Pointe Major Plat Modification, under consent item (e). Council member Priest reported the Land Use/Transportation Committee reviewed the final approval modification and forwarded to the full Council without a recommendation. Senior Planner Margaret Clark provided an updated staff report to Council and responded to their questions on the proposed plat. She explained the developer has requested approval for one additional single-family residential site and use of the adjacent NGPE by homeowners, and advised that staff has provided three options for Council's approval of the modified preliminary plat. . David Morrison and Brett Jacobsen, representing the developer, were present and responded to Council inquiries. Motion by Councilmember Gintz to adopt staff s proposed alternative #3; second by Councilmember Priest. (Clerk's note: Motion restated following acceptance of plat) FEDERAL WAY CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING MINUTES December 20, 1994 - Page 5 Mayor Gates suggested that Council first approve acceptance of the modified preliminary plat, then proceed to their selection of the preferred alternative; agreed to by maker and second of the motion. Motion by Councilmember Gintz to accept the Dash Pointe preliminary plat modification; second by Councilmember Priest. Motion passed as follows: Gates Tomlinson Gintz Priest yes yes yes yes Watkins Stead Elder abstain yes yes Council member Gintz restated his earlier motion to approve staff's recommended alternative #3 for the modified preliminary plat of Dash Pointe; second by Council member Prièst. At 9:55 p.m., Council member Tomlinson moved to suspend Council rules and extend the meeting time beyond 10:00 p.m.; second by Council member Gintz. Motion passed as follows: Gates Tomlinson Gintz Priest yes yes yes yes Watkins Stead Elder yes no yes Mayor Gates said she opposes alternative #3 since it permits the homeowners' association to develop and maintain an area of the native growth area of Tract A for private recreational use. Council member Priest commended Ms. Clark for her excellent work and presentation on the Dash Pointe project. Motion to approve Resolution No. 94-193, "Modifying the Preliminary Plat of Dash Pointe" passed as follows: Gates Tomlinson Gintz Priest no yes yes yes Watkins Stead Elder no yes yes Councilmember Priest called for citizen input for the all-way stop at 13th Ave SWat SW 329th, as listed under consent item (t). Brian Schimpf, English Garden resident - supports the all-way stop and opposes the Council Committee's recommendation to deny the signs based on a low percentage of returned ballots. FEDERAL WAY CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING MINUTES December 20, 1994 - Page 6 Councilmember Elder, Public Safety/Human Services Committee Chair, reported the committee recommended denial of the proposed signs due to the fact that area residents failed to respond and the city only received a 28 % return of "yes" ballots. The City's current policy requires a 60% affirmative vote from homeowners when traffic changes are contemplated; she feels it is important to adhere to this policy. Councilmember Priest is concerned the process isn't working and supports the proposed stop signs, especially in light of the proximity of Silver Lake Elementary School. Councilmember Gintz expressed concern about setting thresholds and later making exceptions. Motion by Council member Priest to approve the installation of all-way stop signs at 13th Ave SWat SW 329th; second by Councilmember Tomlinson for discussion purposes. Council discussion followed regarding the process for mailing ballots to residents of the English Garden area, as well as possible reasons for the lack of returned ballots. Motion to approve consent item (1), the proposed stop signs at 13th Ave SWat SW 329th, passed as follows: Gates Tomlinson Gintz Priest yes yes no yes Watkins Stead Elder no yes no Mayor Gates requested the Public Safety/Human Services Committee take another look at the ballot process in the near future. VI. COUNCIL BUSINESS a. Regional Issues (1) 1995 Draft Legislative Agenda (2) Regional Services Agreement SSB5038 Resolution/1995 Human Services General Funding b. Councilmember Priest requested the Human Services General Funding be addressed at this time since there are citizens in the audience who have been patiently waiting for this agenda item. Motion by Councilmember Elder to approve the 1995 Human Services revised funding chart in the total sum of $382,000.00, attached hereto as Exhibit "A", with the condition that all funding for the South King County Multi-Service Center be reviewed on a quarterly basis to determine the center's accountability; second by Councilmember Priest. Motion to approve Resolution No. 94-194, "1995 Human Services General Funding", passed as follows: FEDERAL WAY CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING MINUTES December 20, 1994 - Page 7 Gates Tomlinson Gintz Priest yes yes yes yes Watkins Stead Elder yes yes yes The Council requested an update on the pending lawsuit against SKCMSC; City Manager Nyberg will have staff respond. Assistant City Manager Philip Keightley provided Council with an amended list of priority issues for the 1995 draft legislative agenda. Motion by Councilmember Gintz to accept the 1995 draft legislative agenda, as last amended; second by Councilmember Priest. Motion passed as follows: Gates Tomlinson Gintz Priest yes abstain yes yes Watkins Stead Elder .-yes abstain abstain Councilmember Gintz thanked Mr. Keightley for his diligent work on the document, and Mr. Keightley, in turn, thanked Management Assistant Dena Laurent for her assistance. Mayor Gates announced the City Council has scheduled a joint meeting with local Legislators on January 3, 1995, at 7:30 a.m., and extended an invitation to all interested citizens. VII. CITY MANAGER REPORT Mr. Nyberg advised Council he will be away from the City between December 23-30, 1994, during which time Mr. Keightley will be Acting City Manager and Greg Moore will be Acting Assistant City Manager. Due to the lateness of th~ hour, he announced he will present the "State of the City" message on January 3, 1995; he also distributed an informational list of 1994 highlights. He reminded Council of the need for an approximate 15-minute executive session to discuss property acquisition and potential litigation. VIII. CITY COUNCIL REPORTS Mayor Gates reported on the City Manager's evaluation, as discussed during an earlier executive session. In light of the Council's very favorable review of Mr. Nyberg's leadership this past year, it was announced they would like to honor him with a bonus for the year 1994. rþ FEDERAL WAY CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING MINUTES December 20, 1994 - Page 8 Motion by Councilmember Elder to give City Manager Nyberg a monetary bonus in the amount of $1,000.00 for 1994; second by Councilmember Priest. Motion passed as follows: Gates Tomlinson Gintz Priest yes yes yes yes Watkins Stead Elder yes yes yes Mayor Gates also reminded Councilmembers there is a joint meeting with the Federal Way School Board on January 10, 1995; the particulars will be circulated as soon as possible. Mayor Gates informed Council there have been 26 applicants who applied for Council Position No.7; she invited input of their preferences for establishing the interview process. Following Council discussion, Mayor Gates made a motion to conduct the interviews as follows: Divide Councilmembers into two groups by lot draw; divide applicants into two groups by lot draw; simultaneously divide and conduct initial interviews; review all candidate qualifications in executive session, with each Council group selecting 3-6 finalists; then followed by full Council interviews of the finalists; second by Councilmember Gintz. Motion passed as follows: Gates Tomlinson Gintz Priest yes yes yes yes Watkins Stead Elder yes abstain no Councilmember Stead thanked the other Councilmembers for their past support and time spent in service to the citizens; he said he looks forward to serving the community is a different capacity. Councilmember Gintz sent kudos to the Public Works Department for their improved handling of surface water problems. IX. EXECUTIVE SESSION Property Acquisition/Pursuant to RCW 42.30. 110(b) Potential Litigation/Pursuant to RCW 42.30. 11 0 (i) Mayor Gates recessed the regular meeting at 11:20 p.m., and announced a 15-minute executive session to discuss property acquisition and potential litigation, with no action anticipated. FEDERAL WAY CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING MINUTES December 20, 1994 - Page 9 At 11:35 p.m., Mr. Keightley announced a continuation of the executive session for an additional ten minutes. Mayor Gates adjourned the executive session at 11:45 p.m., reconvened the regular meeting and reported there is no action to be taken. x. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Council, Mayor Gates adjourned the regular meeting of the Federal Way City Counc' at the hour of l' p.m.. 1995 HUMAN SERVICES REVISED FUNDING CHART AGENCy/PROGRAM AMOUNT FUNDED 1. Salvation Army (After Hours) $10,000.00 2. DAWN (Confidential Shelter) $5,000.00 3. FWCCN (Supper) $5,550.00 4. KCSARC $24,900.00 . 5. Catholic Community Services (Emergency) $5,000.00 6. CHC of KC (Health Care) $55,000.00 7. SKCMSC (literacy) $12,000.00 8. Senior Services of Sea/KC (Meals on Wheels) $.5,000.00 9. Child Care Resources $11,000.00 10. WWEE $15,000.00 . 11. Catholic Community Services (Counseling) $5,000.00 12. Senior Services of Sea/KC (Transportation) $2,000.00 13. SKCMSC (Economic Emergency Support) $25,000.00 14. FWCCN (Emergency Shelter) $8,000.00 15. FW Boys and Girls Club $10,000.00 16. FW PT A Council $5,000.00 17. Birth-To-Three $20,000.00 18. SKCMSC (Shelter) $30,000.00 19. CHC of KC (Dental) $20,000.00 20. FWY&FS (Counseling) $60,000.00 21. DAWN (Community Advocacy) $42,550.00 22. FWY&FS (Westway) $6,000.00 GRAN D TOTAL $382,000.00 f( LJ II ~]JHIAlT n