PRHSPSC PKT 06-14-1999 M~ Lhr-1) City of Federal Way CITY COUNCIL PARKS, RECREATION, HUMAN SERVICES & PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE' Monday, June 14, 1999 5:30 p.m. City Hall Mt. Baker Conference Room AGENDA 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. PUBLIC FORUM 3. COMMISSION COMMENTS 4. APPROVAL OF MAY 24, 1999 SUMMARY 5. COMMITTEE BUSINESS 6. Traffic Calming Task Force Recommendations I NEXT MEETING - June 28, 1999 - 12:00 p.m. Agenda Items: Police Dispatch Services, Community Services Recognition, Celebration Park Youth Field Use Policies, Blueberry Farm Operations, Graffiti Policies & Procedures, Skate Park Project Status, CDBG . lnterlocal Agreement A. Action Perez 7. ADJOURNMENT Committee Members: Jack Dovey, Chair Jeanne Burbidge Linda Kochmar Staff: Jennifer Schroder, Director Sue Floyd, Administrative Assistant 661-4041 City of Federal Way City Council PARKS"RECREATION, HUMAN SERVICES & PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE Monday, May 24,1999 5:30 p.m. . City Hall Administration Conference Room . SUMMARY In attendance: Council Committee members Jack Dovey, Linda Kochmar and Jeanne Burbidge; Jennifer Schroder, Director of Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services; Iwen Wang, Management Services Director; Pat Richardson, Assistant City Attomey; Derek Matheson, Assistant to the City Manager; Ann Guenther, Human Services Manager; Sue Floyd, Administrative Assistant; Guests: Dave Kaplan, Rick Agnew Committee Chair Dovey called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. PUBLIC FORUM None COMMISSION COMMENTS Rick Agnew, Human Services Commission member, reported that the Commission is currently working on the mid-biennium review of human services contracted agencies, as well as reviewing applications for 2000 funding applications. Dave Kaplan, Parks and Recreation Commission Vice Chair, reported on the successful Celebration Park dedication ceremony, and thanked the committee members who made it happen, specifically Barbara Reid, Jerry Bollen, Marion Bartholomew, Dini Duclos, and Bob Kellogg. Mr. Kaplan also r,é'ported that the Commission now has three alternate members, and staff will be holding an orientation for ~m in the near future. AFFROV AL OF MAY 10, 1999 SUMMARY The May 10, 1999 minutes were approved as written. BUSINESS ITEMS PUBLIC SAFETY DISPATCH SERVICES Mr. Matheson reported that the City was approached by the four owner cities of Valley Com (Tukwila, Kent, Renton and Auburn) with an offer to become a fifth owner city of that public safety dispatch agency in exchange for an equal contribution to the agency's new facility and the purchase of a new computer-aided dispatch system. Concurrent with the proposal, the Federal Way Fire Department asked the City to again consider the option ofpartnering with its South Com dispatch agency -- before making any long-term decision on police dispatch services. An interdepartmental staff team consisting of Deputy Public Safety Director Brian Wilson, Management Services Director Iwen Wang, and Assistant to the City Manager Derek Matheson is currently studying four long-term options that will be brought forth to Council for decision in late June or July: .. Ownership of Valley Com. Contribute up to $3 million toward the cost of a new facility and CAD system at Valley Com in exchange for one-fúth ownership in the agency. While this would require an initial capital outlay, the City's dispatch fees would be approximately $4 less per call and the City would gain seats on the agency's governing bodies. Partnership with Fire Department at South Com. Establish ajointpolice-fue dispatch agency at the Fire Department. This would involve establishing a new governance structure for the current dispatch center, addressing key operational issues, and purchasing a new CAD system and related equipment. Partnership with Fire Department at Valley Com. The City Manager has sent a letter to the Fire Department inquiring whether the department would consider a partnership with the City whereby the City would become an owner of Valley Com concurrent with the Fire Department transitioning to Valley Com for dispatch services. Status Quo. Continue to contract with Valley Com. .. .. .. Mr. Wang explained that the City would be credited with an equal share of equity in Valley Com (approximately $800,000), so that the out-of-pocket expense for the City to become a fifth owner of Valley Com would be approximately $1.2-2 million. Parks, Recreation, Human Services & Public Safety Council Committee May 24,1999 Summary Page Two The time line to complete the study of pros and cons will come back to committee at the end of June and to the City Council in July. COMMUNITY SERVICES RECOGNITION UPDATE Ms. Schroder reported that the City Clerk is researching whether other cities have had community se~ice group recognitions. It was determined that staff will research how many service groups (Kiwanis, Rotary, Soroptirnist, Jaycees, Lions, etc.) there are in Federal Way. The committee expressed an interest in recognizing one service group per month at a Council meeting. Staff suggested developing an awards/recognition program whereby service organizations would submit a special project or program that their group is doing, that shows how it relates to improving or benefitting the Federal Way community. This could be a continuous program versus annually. Staff will continue to research this proposed recognition program and will report back to committee in the near future. NEXT MEETING June 14, 1999,5:30 p.m. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 5;55 p.m. .: !! tI ...,r Item 5A CITY OF FEDERAL WAY CITY COUNCIL PARKS, RECREATION, PUBLIC SAFETY, AND HUMAN SERVICES COMMITTEE Date: June 2,1999 Rick Perez, Traffic Engineer fff? From: Subject: Twin LakeslBrigadoon Neighborhood Traffic Safety Task Force Recommendations Backeround: The Twin LakeslBrigadoon Task Force was fonned in response to concerns about the increased rate of speed hump installation. The Task Force adopted the following goal statement: : Develop a master plan to improve traffic safety in the Twin LakesIBrigadoon area that can be implemented with broad neighborhood support, addresses the needs of service vehicles, is fiscally responsible, and is eomistentwith present policies or provides new standards to be considered/or submittal to City Council for adoption. ! Starting October 22, 1998, severaLbi-weekly evening meetings were held and attended by TaskForce members representmg the neighborhood and staff from the City's Departments of Public Works and Public Safety, as well as Federal Way Fire Department and Federal Way School District. The meetings were also open to the general public. . The TaskForce recommendations included the following: 1. Consider the installation of traffic calming devices at the following locations: a. 35th Ave SW between SW 339th PI & SW 338th St Chicane b. 35th Ave SWat SW 328th St Traffic Circle -. c. 27th Ave SWat SW 332nd PI Traffic Circle d. 28th Ave SWat SW 327th St All Way Stop e. 27th Ave SW between 322M St & SW 322nd PI Speed Humps f 39th PI SW near SW 326th St Speed Humps Two Open Houses were held on March 3 & 18, 1999 to solicit comments on the above recommendations, most of which were positive. 2 Generalize current speed hump installation/removal criteria to be applicable to other traffic calming devices including traffic circles, chicanes, and others requested by neighborhood groups and approved by City Council. These devices are illustrated in the attached figures. The following revisions were recommended: a. Set a maximum budget of$1 0,000 per year per neighborhood for installation of traffic calming devices. If the cost of the proposed devices exceeds this budget, a neighborhood must form an LID to fund the excess amount. Otherwise, the City may fund the excess amount in the following year on a first-come first-serve basis. b. To address concerns raised by Federal Way Fire Department staff regarding the impacts of calming devices on emergency response vehicles, a representative ftom the Fire Department will be invited to neighborhood meetings to discuss the impacts of proposed devices with the requesting groups. c. Ballots not returned ftom residents or property owners on the installation/removal of proposed devices should not be counted as YES or NO votes. Previously, only returned ballots in favor of the proposals were counted as YES votes and deliverable, unreturned ballots were counted as NO votes. Attached are the details of the proposed criteria changes. Committee Recommendation: Staff requests a recommendation of approval to City Council on the meeting sched~ed for July 6, 1999, to: 1. Adopt the traffic calming installation/removal criteria recommended by the Task Force, except for item 2-c above regarding ballot responses, where staffis requesting direction ftom the Committee on the TaskForce recommendation. 2. Authorize staff to conduct traffic studies at the above locations where calming devices were recommende<t by the Task Force to determine whether they meet installation criteria. AJ)I~ROV AL O)i' COMMJ1TEE RJ~)ORT:. Committee Chair Committee Member Committee Member K:\PRHSPS\T ASKREC. WPD SPEED REDUCTION DEVICES (~. L\' > 13 L ( '~I .. -~--"r-i' ._..J"_-.- .=~- I ------- ----_u- Speed Humps . "~.!L -""~IO ~ "b [S:'<- ~fr Traffic Circles I \ . Chicanes Entrance Treatments VOLUME REDUCTION DEVICES 'r Diagonal Diverters ~b - . ~i~ S=i Di'.'.J II~II ---~- ----l/nl ~ " ()-.----¡ .¡)~~ 1- ~ Median Barriers r.., .---~ ',-< 1 ~ '----' " -.:., - ~- ~ , ~ .' r . ~----.__. ...,' \ ------ -". --- - ~.1 Choke Points ~ 1]°: U). ~ v 0\ ij ~ ~ 8~ C'I ... v æ .s -S-ã ::J,g 11.1 õiI ... tI) ... = 's : .., þJ¡ = .t: 0 ... tI) l;- °t: 11.1 t tI) ~~m 8 >.£ .... 'æ ~ "";' 0 b 8 ~~ or) ~~ v -< i .... 11.1 :ë ca E-< ~f ~:ë3 ~~ 8 ;¡, <~ !J .S ° ¡:¡., or) e? I"') 0 or) 0 C'I I"') I .... ai C'I 0 0 to- .... I .... 0 .... .... to- e? or) 0 ~ .... '" I"') I .... N I"') 0 0 I"') ~ .... 0 to- ...... 0'1 0 ~ 0 '" .... 00 I"') I .... vi I"') 0 0 0\ C'I I .... 0 <"> C'I .... "";' 0'1 0 0 N .... ,. .... oÖ <"> .... ..,. ~ Splld ~':tJlI'I'" Neil!hborhood traffic calminl! devices located within the City of Federal Way may be removed when all of the following criteria are met: ....................... ~ ~ 1. To be considered for traffic caIminl! 5pcOO humps devices removal, a petition must be submitted signed by owners or residents representing at least ten lots or parcels withÌ)1 the affected area. The affected area-includes properties abutting streets within 600 feet of the existing speed htdi'lp device location, measured along street centerlines and properties which the existing spro:i h...IIJ:'~ devices are located along their sole access route as detennined by the Public Works Director 0 0 '" '7 .... 0 0\ N 0 0 '" <"> ~ e ° ~ 2. Property owners and residents within the affected area shall be sent by first class mail, a city prepared or approved ballot. Property owners who are also residents will receive one ballot, although if returned, will be equivalent to two votes. Half(50%) of the dcli.c;¡ablc; returned ballots must vote affirmatively, concurring with the removal of speed Immps devices. <'1 .... <'1 .... . .... ~ .....; e 0 ~ '" N ~ <"> 3. An adequate review period (minimum of 12 months) and subsequent engineering analysis has been performed to determine the traffic characteristics along the route and the impacts to the remaining street system. .... '. S;'EEB JJUMJ'S TRAFFIC CALMING DEVICE INSTALLATION/REMOVAL CRITERIA . K:\ TRAFFI ClNTSlNTSCRlT. WPD Nei!!hborhood traffic calmin!! devices mav include speed humps. traffic circles. chicanes. or other devices reQuested bv nei!!hborhood residents and 8ooroved by City Council. S""ed Hump. These devices shall only be installed when aU of the following criteria are met: General Conditions: I. Less restrictive means of controlling speeding have been attempted without success (i.e. radar reader board, special enforcement, speed watch, signing, etc.). 2. The proposed speed hut"p!> devices shall only be installed on residential streets functionally classified as local or minor collector. 3. The proposed speed huhl!,.! devices shall only be installed on streets which have no more than two lanes, or where the overall pavement width is not greater than 40 feet. -'I. 111e. fhvl^"'OO .peed I,tlt,,!,.! shall not be. 10000tcd Vllshe<.L, d.\!>sificd M altl..;.11 or prindpal c;ollccto.. 61. The proposed spcoo hulhp5 devices shall only be installed on streets where legal posted speed limit does not exceed 25 MPH. 5. No spccd hw"ps devices shall be installed within 600 feet of a traffic signal or 250 feet of a stop sign. 72. No spccd 1..11"1'5 devices shall be installed at locations which have less than the minimum safe stopping sight distance ~ dt.tcu.b..d hI AASIITO which is 150 feet at 25 MPH. I 8. All ClI~IC(.t~ ...udI.!;s of tIle. suuOuudl.4, Ale.. ooll,-lud,-s Si~h£=lt Ad"-I.!'- ....si,knt:al hAfiie. &;,CIS;vII ~;II not ¡'-Suit fiolll tll... h~tMldt:,:)Ii of tllG þlopc,scd d"ie<.s. 91. No adverse street characteristics exist, such as steep grades in excess of 8% or severe horizontal or vertical curves. w~. Stonn drainage problems created by the installation of the proposed speed hwùps devices can be adequately addressed. 2. Each neililiborhood mav applv for traffic calminl!: devices costinsz a maximum of $IO.OOO/vear. where a neililiborhood is defined bv the elementarv school attendance area. If the proDOsed devices cost more than this amount a neililiborhood szroup must fonn a Local Improvement District (LID) to fund the excess amount. Otherwise. the City may fund the excess amount in the followinp; .... .0 :r1. year on a first come first serve basis, Process: 1. To be considered for speed hwllps traffic calmin!! device installation, a petition must be submitted signed by owners or residents representing at least ten lots or parcels within the affected area. The affected area includes properties abutting streets within 600 feet of the proposed spccd humps devices location, measured along street centerlines and properties which the proposed spc:cd ¡¡Wllp! devices would be located along their sole access route as detennined by the Public Works Director 2. The total severity score based on accident history, average daily traffic, and 85th percentile speed as shown on Table 1 shall be at least 3.0. J.. A neililiborhood meetinsz will be held to discuss the advimtaszes and disadvantaszes of various traffic calmin2 devices at the subject location. In addition to residents. staff from the City's Departments of Public Works and Police will attend the meetin2. Fire Department staff will also bejnrited. Property owners and residents withÙ} the affected area shall be sent by first class mail a city prepared or approved ballot. Property owners who are also residents will receive one ballot, although if returned, will be equivalent to two votes. Half (50%) of the ddi"-I<1blc; returned ballots must vote affirmatively, concurring with the installation of the proposed spc.:d h.unps devices. i, A second neililiborhood meetin2 will be held to deliverthe ballotinsz r~ults, §.,. If the ballot measure is passed. the proposal is presented to the City Council Sub-rommittce. and ¡fpassed. is then IIresented to the full Council. 1. If approved bv the City Council. the traffic calmin2 devices will be installed as soon as weather DCrntÏts,