PRHSPSC PKT 04-12-1999 ~hJ'-WJ City of Federal Way CITY COUNCIL PARKS, RECREATION, HUMAN SERVICES & PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE Monday, April 12, 1999 5:30 p.m. City Hall Mt. Baker Conference Room AGENDA 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. PUBLIC FORUM 3. COMMISSION COMMENTS 4. APPROV AL OF MARCH 8, 1999 SUMMARY 5. COMMITTEE BUSINESS A. B. C. D. E. Application for Speed Humps Celebration Park Maintenance Building Trail Restoration Plan Draft Capital Facilities Plan Celebration Park Dedication Ceremony Action Action Information Information Infonnation Perez Wilbrecht Miller Schroder Wilbrecht 6. NEXT MEETING - April 26, 1999 - 12:00 p.m. 7. ADJOURNMENT Committee Members: Jack Dovey, Chair Jeanne Burbidge Linda Kochmar Staff: Jennifer Schroder, Director Sue Floyd, Administrati,'e Assistant 661-4041 City of Federal Way City Council PARKS, RECREATION, HUMAN SERVICES & PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE Monday, March 8, 1999 5:30 p.m. City Hall Administration Conference Room SUMMARY In attendance: Council Committee Chair Jack Dovey; committee members Linda Kochmar and Jeanne Burbidge; Jennifer Schroder, Director of Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services; David Wilbrecht, Deputy Director of PRCS; Pat Richardson, Assistant City Attorney; Derek Matheson, Assistant to the City Manager; Sue Floyd, Administrative Assistant; Guest: Barbara Reid; Jerry Bollen; Marion Bartholomew; David Kaplan; Dini Duclos; Bob Kellogg Committee Chair Jack Dovey called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. PUBLIC FORUM None COMMISSION COMMENTS Barbara Reid, Chair of the Parks and Recreation Commission, reported on the Commission' s proposed 1999 work plan and explained that a facilitated retreat was held on March 4 and the work plan items were prioritized. Ms. Reid also reported that the Chamber of Commerce will host a luncheon recognizing the major donors to Celebration Park on April 7. Mr. Wilbrecht noted that the contributors will also be recognized at a future City Council meeting. APPROVAL OF JANUARY 25. 1999 SUMMARY The February 22, 1999 minutes were approved as written. BUSINESS ITEMS DIVERSITY COMMISSION RESIGNATION Michael McIntosh has resigned from the Diversity Commission effective January 28, 1 999. Staff spoke with the last remaining altemate, Diana Mamerto Holz, and she has expressed interest in serving as a full commisslOner. JEANNE BURBIDGE MOVED, LINDA KOCHMAR SECONDED A MOTION TO APPOINT DIANA MAMERTO HOLZ TO COMPLETE THE UNEXPIRED TERM OF ¡VIICHAEL MCINTOSH, WHICH RUNS THROUGH 'fAY 31, 2000. MOTION PASSED. PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION 1999 WORK PLAN/INCREASE IN 1\fEMBERSHIP Ms. Reid went over the Commission's work plan, in prioritized order, as follows: 1) Celebration Park, 2) Comprehensive Plan Update, 3) Neighborhood Park Development, 4) Skate Park, 5) Park Impact Fees, 6) Community Center, 7) Communications Plan, 8) On--Leash Dog Park, 9) Wedgewood Park, 10) French Lake Park Master Plan. and II) Canoe Club Public MeerlIlg. Wilbrecht noted that some of these items staff will do the research on and the Commission will formulate a recommendation, and some of the items are dorn1ant until further information is received. For example. more infomlation is needed from the School District on the proposed community center project; the off-leash dog park citizens conm1ittee has not reported to the Commission for several months; Wedgewood Park and Skate Park are dependent upon CIP fund mg. More infonnation is also needed on the park impact fee issue, for both the Commission and the City Council. JEAXNE B CRBIDGE MOVED, LI\"DA KOCHMAR SECONDED A MOTION TO APPROVE THE 1999 PARKS Al\"D RECREATION COMMISSION WORK PLAN AS PRESENTED AND FORWARD TO CITY COUNCIL. MOTION PASSED. On April21, 1998, the City Council approved amendments to Ordinance 98-312 that pro\lded Council the authority to appoint ar least nine members and up to e]e\'en members by appointing the alternates as members. Following the approval of [his amendment, alternates Dini Duclos and Marion Bartholomew were appointed to the Col11misslOn as members for a one war term. The amendment ro the ordinanÅ“ further states that Council shall determine upon rhe e~plration of any member's ¡crm if a need e:-:ists to appoint more than nine members to the Commission. Members Barbara Reid. Karl Grosch, krry Bollen haw terms that e:-:pire in May 1999. During the February 4, 1999 Commission meeting, the commissioners voted [0 recommend to the City Parks, Recreation, Human Services & Public Safety Council Committee March 8, 1999 Summary Page Two Council to pelmanently increase the number of commissioners from nine to eleven with one alternate. The recommendation is based on the Commission's accomplishments in 1998, the 1999 work plan and future work. The Commission felt that if the City Council wanted the Commission to complete the same amount of work in 1999 and future years as they did in 1998, then it would be reasonable to continue with an eleven-member commission on a permanent basis. LINDA KOCHMAR MOVED, JEANNE BURBIDGE SECONDED A MOTION THAT IN SUPPORT OF THE COMMISSION'S 1999 WORK PLAN, THE CITY COUNCIL MAINTAIN THE PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION AT ELEVEN MEMBERS AS DESCRIBED IN ORDINANCE 98-312 AMENDED ON APRIL 21, 1998, AND THAT THE TWO ALTERNATES APPOINTED IN 1998 CONTINUE AS REGULAR MEMBERS, COMPLETING A THREE YEAR TERM IN APRIL 2001. MOTION PASSED. Schroder stated that the current ordinance provides Council the ability to maintain the Commission at eleven members. Staff reported that the ordinance does not identify a requirement for the number of alternates appointed. Therefore, Council could appoint any number of alternates to the Commission. Ms. Reid distributed the proposed budget for the Celebration Park dedication. NEXT MEETING March 22, 1999, 12:00 p.m. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 6:21 p.m. Item 5A CITY OF FEDERAL WAY CITY COUNCIL PARKS, RECREATION, PUBLIC SAFETY, AND HUMAN SERVICES COMMITTEE Date: April 5, 1999 Rick Perez, Traffic Engineer I?t From: Subject: Nautilus #2 Neighborhood Traffic Safety Project Background: Residents in the vicinity of 4th A venue Sand S 304th Street requested the installation of all-way stops on 4th Avenue S at S 304th Street and S 304th Place, based on concerns of high traffic speeds and cut- through traffic along that street. Currently adopted installation criteria are based on a point system as follows: Severity Points Accidents per Year Average Daily Traffic 85th Percentile Speed (5-year history) (two-way total) (mph) 0.5 0.3 - 0.5 500 - 1100 26 - 29 1.0 0.5-0.7 1101 - 1700 29.1 - 32 1.5 0.7 - 0.9 1701-2300 32.1 - 35 2.0 0.9 - 1.1 2301 - 2900 35.1 - 3~ 2.5 1.1 - 1.3 2901 - 3500 38.1 - 41 3.0 More than 1.3 More than 3500 More than 41 Installation criteria are met if the total number of severity points is equal to or greater than 3.0. A traffic study conducted by staff in September 1998 indicated that the subject location would receive 2.0 points for traffic volume, 1.5 points for traffic speed, and 0 points for accident experience. Therefore. the total number of points is 3.5, which meets the 3.0 point minimum to qualify for all-way stop installation. In a neighborhood meeting staffconducted on January 14, 1999, after a discussion oftraftic calming alternatives, residents requested the installation of three speed humps at a maximum spacing of 600 feet to be effective in reducing speed and cut-through traffIc. Staff sent ballots to property owners and occupants within 600 feet of the proposed locations. The following table summarizes the ballot results: I Location I 1 .. I 2 I 3 I Sent 108 114 82 Undeliverable .., 6 ') .) L. Adjusted Base 105 108 80 Returned 52 (49%) 61 (56%) 39 (49%) Yes Votes 44 (42%) 55 (51%) 32 (40%) One of the installation criteria requires a 50% majority of the adjusted base. Based on the above table, only Location 2 met the balloting criteria. Staff has found little evidence to suggest that the installation of only one speed hump would have a significant effect on vehicle speeds. Nonetheless, the data suggests that traffic volumes and speeds are a significant issue for these residents and the significant efforts taken by the residents to develop support for the proposal should be recognized. Therefore, staff recommends the installation of a speed hump at Location #2 on 41h Avenue S between S 3041h Place and S 30yh Street. This installation will be used to determine the suitability of single speed hump installations in the future. Committee Recommendation: Staff requests a recommendation of approval to City Council on the meeting scheduled for April 20. 1999, to install one speed hump at Location #2 on 4th Avenue S between S 3041h Place and S 3051h Street. APPROVAL OF COMMITTEE REPORT: Committee Chair Committee Member Committee Member K:\prpshsh\naut2sh. wpd Item 5B CITY OF FEDERAL WAY CITY COUNCIL PARKS, RECREATION, HUMAN SERVICES & PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE Date: April 5, 1999 From: David Wilbrecht, Deputy Director Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services Department Subject: Celebration Park Maintenance Building Background: At the Februmy 23, 1999 FinancelEconomic Development/Regional Affairs Committee meeting, staff presented a project budget status report with a recommendation to use part of the project balance to fund the construction of the maintenance building. The projected fund balance with the reimbursement from the Wetland Z cleanup is $214,138. As you may recall, the building was included as bid Alternate #3 in the original bid documents for the park, but was not included in the contract. The contractor bid Alternate #3 for $60,000 plus tax including a prefabricated metal shed structure painted brown with three roll up doors, a man door with minimal interior improvements sulTounding fence, asphalt and other site work. After reviewing the staff proposal to construct a similar building as originally presented, the committee requested staff to revisit the architecture of the building. Committee members felt that a more attractive building would best suit the site and complement the exiting concession/restroom structures. Since that meeting, staff has worked with Greene Gasaway Architects (GGA) to create a preliminary schematic and budget for the project. Attachment I is a schematic of the building by GGA. The schematic shows a 1,440 square foot (36' X 40') one story structure with three bay doors, one man door and clock tower. The exterior is a combination brick and metal siding fastened to a wood or steel stud building. To generate an unobstructed open area in the shop, the designer is proposing a trussed roof system. The clock tower is proposed for three purposes, it would be an attractive and easily identifiable land mark, it would provide a location to install surveillance cameras and serve as protected area for the park's Î1Tigation system's weather station. Attachment II is the preliminary budget for the project. There are three main cost centers for the project: hard costs of$125,257, soft costs of$33,000 and 10 percent construction contingency of $15,825. These three elements total $174,082 plus sales tax. At the February 23,1999 Finance/Economic Development/Regional Affairs Committee meeting, the committee approved using $80,000 from the project balance for the maintenance building with the understanding thaI additional funds would be necessary to construct a more attractive building. Parks, Recreation, Human Services & Public Safety Council Committee April 5, 1999 Page Two 2. Recommendation Options: I. Move to authorize the City Manager to proceed with the maintenance building for Celebration Park as originally designed for $80,000. Move to authorize the City Manager to proceed with design ofthe maintenance building for Celebration Park as presented and Attachments I and II. Additional funds required for the building will be reviewed as part of Celebration Park's fund balances. APPROVAL OF COMMITTEE REPORT: Committee Chair Committee Member Committee Member ~ ~~ ~ 1 ~ - . :.. g 1~ ...-- --~ l '" '~l ¡L4 I J~l ATTAC~ I . 0- Ot' ~ . ~. . . å . ~ . . or: a , ï- . . ATTACHMENT II Celebration Park Maintenance Building CONCEPTUAL DESIGN PROJECT COST ESTIMATE Project Summary Area Summary Shop area Support Area (around floor) Support Area (Mezzanine) 1,835 SF 0 SF ~ SF Total 1,835 SF Hard Costs Site Improvements Building Costs General Conditions, Overhead, Profit @ 15% Subtotal Sales Tax @ 8.6% $ 21,275 $ 79,019 $ 15,044 $ 115,338 $ 9,919 $ 125,257 Total Soft Costs Level I Drainage Analysis Soils Report & Topographic Survey Civil Engineering Design Fees (no Landscape Arch.) Contract Administration Printing Costs Building Pem1it Fees Drainage, Water, Sewer Fees Inspections & Testing Contingency $ 0 $ 0 $ 1,000 $ 10,000 $ 0 $ 3,000 $ 3,000 $ 5,000 $ 1,000 $ 10,000 $ 33,000 Total Total Project Costs Hard Costs Soft Costs Equipment Costs Total $ 125,257 $ 33,000 $ 0 $ 158,257 Item 5C CITY OF FEDERAL WAY CITY COUNCIL PARKS, RECREATION, HUMAN SERVICES & PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE Date: April 6, 1999 From: Ken Miller, Street System Manager Jon Jainga, Planing and Development Manager Subject: Tacoma Water - Second Supply Project (Information Item Only) Background: Starting in June 1999, Tacoma Water, a division of Tacoma Public Utilities, will begin the construction of Phase I of the 9 mile portion of the Second Supply Project from Portland Avenue Reservoir in Tacoma to 1 5t Way South in Federal Way. This segment is known as the NE Tacoma- Federal Way Transmission Main and will provide an additional source ofwater to the Federal Way area. Within Federal Way, approximately 2.5 miles of 48" and 60" diameter steel pipe will be constructed within the Tacoma Water 100' easement, which is adjacent to the eastem and southem boundary of the Bonneville Power Administration (BP A) transmission line corridor from 151 Way South to the Federal Way / Pierce County boundary. The Second Supply Project will impact the City of Federal Way's BP A Trail in two areas. Tacoma Water has been working closely with the City of Federal Way to minimize impacts to the existing and proposed trail system. Tacoma Water will be responsible for all trail restoration work which impacts the trail system. In 1995, the City of Federal Way and Tacoma Water negotiated a Comprehensive Mitigation Plan (CMP) for the Second Supply Project. The CMP defines Tacoma's obligations to construct the pipeline in an environmentally acceptable manner. The CMP also identifies the City of Federal Way's commitments regarding processing of pem1its/approvals, environmental monitoring and acceptance of specific study information and pipeline route. Tacoma Water has bid the project and anticipates starting construction in June 1999. Staff and a representative from Tacoma Water will be present at the April 12 meeting to answer questions. Item 5E CITY OF FEDERAL WAY CITY COUNCIL PARKS, RECREATION, HUMAN SERVICES & PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE Date: April 6, 1999 From: David Wilbrecht, Deputy Director Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services Subject: Celebration Park Dedication Ceremony Background: Attached is the dedication ceremony schedule developed by the Parks and Recreation Commission. The Commission is working very hard to organize the activities and ceremony that will occur on Saturday, Mary 22, 1999. The Parks and Recreation Commission Chair, Barbara Reid, will be available at your April 12 meeting to answer any questions the committee may have. 10:45 am 10:50 am 11:00 am 11:05 am 11:20 am 11:25 am 11:30 am 11:4D am - Dedication Cer:emony Schedule Sahn'day, May 22, 1999 Assemble at soccer fields parldng lot Tacoma Pipe Band Totem Counal Girl Srouts Kiwanis Flag Raisers Catherine Murdock. 838-1524 Bob Kellogg March up to the entrance area, off the main parldng lot Girl Scouts raise flags (3) and lead Pledge of Allegiance Emcee Laird O1ambers welcomes everyone and introduces Council Member Jack Dovey, Chair, Parks. Recreation & Human Services Counol Committee Jack Dovey welcomes dignitaries and guests and introduces Mayor Ron Gintz Ron Gintz remarks and introduction at first Ot}' CounC1l, which voted to purchase the park acreage. Ron also recognizes major donors. Ron leads invited dignitaries and major donors to gates and o(ens them Pipe band leads procession up the Weyemaueser Plaza to the Kiwanis flag pole. Kiwanis raise the flag National Anthem - sung by Diane Sweeney (838-8329), or Unda Ð1ingson (927-2490) or chorus (Bob Kellogg) Accompanied by Federal Way High School Jazz Band (Lany Walsh, 945-5460) Emcee ibtroduces Mr & Mrs Maybard Campbell - who Wtl1 unveil nameplate on batting fieJd Emcee introduces Rotary Gub which wiTI unveil nameplate on batting field Emcee announces hotdog and soft drink special at a:mcession stand Harmony Kings (Bob Kellogg) and FWHS Jazz Band perform ïake Me Out To The Ball Game" Jazz Band plays some selection untÏ112:15 or until the crowd disperses