01-102697CITY OF CITY HALL 33530 1 st Way South PO Box 9718 September 26, 2001 Mr. Paul Noyes 31327 101h Place SW Federal Way, WA 98023 (253) 661-4000 Federal Way, WA 98063-9718 Re: File #01-102697-00-AD; WETLAND DETERMINATION COST ESTIMATE 31327 loth Place SW, Federal Way, WA Dear Mr. Noyes: Enclosed please find an estimate for review of an environmentally sensitive areas report for the above referenced site. Adolfson Associates Inc. was asked to submit an estimate for their review of the wetland delineation prepared by J. S. Jones for your property. Their estimate is enclosed. The normal course of action is for the city to set up an account to be funded by the applicant and drawn down by the work performed by Adolfson Associates Inc. If the money is not used, it will be returned to the applicant. At this point, please review the proposed Adolfson Associates Inc. cost estimate. If you agree with the cost estimate, a check in the amount of $1,108.00, payable to the City of Federal Way must be submitted before the determination will be scheduled. I can be reached at 253-661-4103 if you have any questions about this process. Sincerely, Deb Barker Associate Planner Enc: Wetland Consultant Task Authorization Form Doc- I.D. 16467 CITY OF [Ar.� CITY HALL 33530 1 st Way South PO Box 9718 (253) 661-4000 Federal Way, WA 98063-9718 Mr. Paul Noyes September 25, 2001 31327 10`' Place SW Federal Way, WA 98023 Re: File #00-102697-00-AD, NOYES LAND SURFACE MODIFICATION REQUEST 31327 101h Place SW, King County Tax Parcel #231240-0020 Dear Mr. Noyes: This is a response to your letter regarding Land Surface Modification received on August 10, 2001. You request approval for clearing of, "...minimal area to allow vehicular access to the front door" of your house. Specifically, you proposed to clear 4,500 square feet of land north of your house for a circular driveway connecting to the existing gravel driveway. The driveway surface would be crushed rock. The City of Federal Way defines Land Surface Modification (LSM) as the clearing or removal of trees, shrubs, groundcover, and other vegetation, and all grading, excavation, and filling activities,I LSM's are regulated under Federal Way City Code (FWCC) Division 7. Pursuant to FWCC Section 22-1093, LSM activities are pennitted outright if at least one of the referenced criteria is met. Your letter states that the proposal meets criteria in FWCC Section 22-1093(13). Specifically, the property contains a permanent building, there are no changes to the stormwater entrance or exit, the area is outside of the wetland buffer, less than 100 cubic yards of soil would be moved, no significant trees will be affected, the proposed clearing is less than 20 percent of native vegetation, the approximate area of clearing is 4,500 square feet and the lot is 105,000 square feet in size, and the grade will not increase by two feet or decrease by one foot. Staff has reviewed the request and visited the site. Based on satisfaction of criteria of FWCC Section 22- 1093(13), the above identified grading and clearing activity is permitted outright. No other permits are required with this approval. Please be advised that the future bridge is not permitted with this LSM request and will require separate permit approval. Please call Deb Barker, Associate Planner, at 253-661-4103 if you have any questions about this letter or your LSM request. Sincerely, Kathy Mc lung, Director Department of Community Development Services Eric: FWCC Division 7 c: Deb Barker, Associate Planner Mary Kate Martin, Building Official Joan Hermle, Assistant Building Official File 1 FWCC Section 22-1, "Definitions" Doc. I D 16466 RECEIVED BY 06VVUNfTY I)EVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT SEP 2 0 2001 Env%ronmenrcd .Soli on, - WETLAND CONSULTANT TASK AUTHORIZATION FORM DATE 6 August 2001 CITY City of Federal Way 33530 First Way South Federal Way, Washington 98003 CONSULTANT PROJECT PROJECT PROPONENT Adolfson Associates, Inc. 5309 Shilshole Avenue NW Seattle, Washington 98107 Noyes Wetland Determination Mr. Paul Noyes TASK AUTHORIZATION NO. 21012 x110 CITY PLANNER Deb Barker TASK SCOPE [1] Review wetland delineation report (1 staff @ 2 hours $106.00) [2] Field visit (2 staff @ 4 hours $428.00) [3] Prepare letter report (1 staff @ 5 hours $372.00) [4] Principal Review (1 princpal @ 1 hour $127.00) [5] Reimbursables (clerical, mileage, copies, etc.: $75.00) TASK SCHEDULE Task elements will be completed as required by the project schedule. TASK COST Not to exceed $1,108.00 without a prior written amendment to this Task Authorization. DELIVERABLES Letter report AUTHORIZATION City of Federal Way Date Adol ors Associates, Inc. (Andrew Castelle, Principal) Date ADOLFSON ASSOCIATES, INC. 5309 Shilshole Avenue NW, Suite 200 Seattle, WA 98107 `T,e( 206 789 9658 Jay— 206 789 9684 adoy1on@ac%yow.Com RECEIVED BY COAARAI IMTV MP/FI OPRAPNT IIFPAPTIfiPW AUG 10 2001 City of Federal Way Planning Department Attn: Deb Barker 9 August 2001 Pursuant to the provisions of FWCC 22-1093, paragraph 13, I wish to clear a minimal area to allow vehicular access to the front door of my home. Such is permitted outright in compliance with all of the following: a) Property contains a permanent building b) No change to stormwater entrance or exit. c) Area is outside regulated wetlands and buffer. d) Less than 100 CY of soil would be moved. e) No significant trees will be affected. No other permit controls vegetation. f) Proposed clearing is less than 20% of native vegetation. Approx area of clearing is 4500 SF. Total area of native vegetation is appox. 105,000 SF. g) Grade will not increase by 2 feet, nor decrease by one foot. Enclosed is an aerial photo of the property with limits of clearing annotation. No other work is contemplated at this time. Any future proposals will be submitted separately. As shown, ample margins are maintained beyond the outer buffer boundary. Driveway surface will be crushed rock. P�'z , Paul Noyes 31327 10 ' PL SW 1 3 x .I i r .r i '! � •,� S 4k t 77� s ►�jFO - f� ,Y. � 5 � ng ior Ak i IF - E Aw!► .. owls -"t:w E �►3z7 ld P (- sw WA- �j9oz3 COMMUNITY Eppr SN p RRTMENT J U L 3 12001 s J S. Jones EL ma Associ,&tes, Inc. ^ -IVED BY ;;`IELOPIJENT DEPARTMENT J U L 9 9 2001 WETLAND ASSESSMENT of Noyes Property 31327101 Place S.W. Federal Way, Washington Tax Parcel No.: 072104-9032 Prepared for. Paul Noyes 3132710' Place SW Federal Way, Washington 98023 Dated. - June 13, 2001 Prepared by: Jeffery S. Jones, Certified Professional Wetland Scientist 3408 52nd Place, N.E. TAC0MA,WASHINGT0N 98422 253-942-7131 / FAX 253-942 -7132 J. S. Jones and Associates, Inc. Table of Contents 1.0 Project Description......................................................................................................................1 2.0 Site Location and Directions.......................................................................................................1 3.0 Methodology...............................................................................................................................1 4.0 General Site Description ............................. ..... --..................................................................... 1 5.0 Vegetation...................................................................................................................................3 5.1 Vegetation Methodology..........................................................................................................3 5.2 Vegetation Results.....................................................................................................................3-4 6.0 Soils............................................................................................. ..............................4 6.1 Soils Methodology....................................................................................................................4 6.2 Soils Results ....... ....................................................................................................................... 5-6 7.0 Hydrology....................................................................................................................................6 7.1 Hydrology Methodology........................................................................................................6 7.2 Hydrology Results.....................................................................................................................6 8.0 Wetland Determination ...............................................................................................................6 9.0 Wetland Rating and Buffer Requirements..................................................................................6 10.0 Wetland Functional Assessment.............................................................................................. 6-7 11.0 Authority...................................................................................................................................7 12.0 Limitations................................................................................................................................7 13.0 References.................................................................................................................................7 Figures 1.0 Vicinity Map...............................................................................................................................2 3.0 Soils Map.....................................................................................................................................6 Tables 1.0 Plant Indicator Status..................................................................................................................3 2.0 Dominant Plant Species Found at Sample Locations..................................................................4 Attachments Assessors Map City of Federal Way Wetland Inventory Routine Field Data Sheets Functional Assessment Worksheet Wetland Map i J.S. Jones and Associates, Inc. 1.0 Project Description The applicant proposes to plat the property. The number of lots and configuration had not been determined at the time of this report. The property tax identification number is 072104-9032. This study was conducted to determine the type and extent of wetlands on and near the site. 2.0 Site Address, Identification and Directions The property is located on the south side of S.W. 312" St., at the end of loth Place S.W., in Federal Way, Washington (see Figure 1). The street address is 31327 loth Place S.W., Federal Way. The property is further described as located at the western half of the NW 1/4 of NE 1/4, of Section 7, Township 21 North, Range 4 East, of the Willamette Meridian. Directions to the site from the intersection of S. 320th St. and Pacific Hwy. S. are as follows: drive north on Pacific Hwy. S. to S. 312`h St., turn left onto S. 3121h St., drive west on S. 312" St. to 10" Ct. S.W., turn left onto 10th Ct. S.W., drive south on 1Oth Ct. S.W. a short distance to loth Pl. S.W., turn right onto loth Pl. S.W., and park at the Noyes residence. 3.0 Methodology The wetland assessment and delineation were performed using the Routine Small Area Methodology as described in Part IV, Section D of the Corps of Engineers Wetlands Delineation Manual (COE, 1987) and the Washington State Wetlands Identification and Delineation Manual (DOE, 1997). The Routine Small Area Methodology is "used when the project area is small, plant communities are homogeneous, plant community boundaries are abrupt, and the project is not controversial." The wetland determination was based on the presence of the three criteria for jurisdictional wetlands: hydric soils, wetland hydrology, and hydrophytic vegetation. All three criteria must be present in order to classify an area as a wetland. Off -site wetlands were located to determine if buffers fall within the subject property. The wetland assessment included a review of the City of Federal Way aerial photos and the USDA Soil Conservation Service's Soil Survey of King County Area, Washington (Snyder, 1973). Wetland boundaries were delineated and marked with consecutively numbered orange flags, based upon an evaluation of soils, vegetation and hydrologic characteristics. The wetland delineation was completed on June 1, 2001. DMP Engineers, Inc., licensed professional land surveyor and civil engineers, surveyed wetland flags. The wetland boundaries and buffers are presented on the attached wetland map. 4.0 General Site Description One single-family residence is present on -site. The northern half of the property is deciduous forest with a dense scrub/shrub understory. A seasonal open water pond is located in the northeastern corner of the site. A small knoll is present on the southeastern portion of the site, with a plant community of sparse big -leaf maple, blackberry and grasses. The southwestern portion of the site is lawn and ornamental landscaping surrounding the existing residence. The site has gently rolling topography, sloping to the southwest 0-3%. J.S. Jones and Associates, Inc. Paul Noyes Property Federal Way, Washington Figure 1.0 Vicinity Map Way J.S. Jones and Associates, Inc. 5.0 Vegetation 5.1 Vegetation Methodology Rules for determining dominant species were established in the Corps of Engineers Wetlands Delineation Manual (COE, 1987). Dominants are determined using the 50/20 rule. To use this rule, percent cover is added by order of descending cover until 50% cover is reached. These species are considered dominants. The next most common species is also included as a dominant if it has over 20% cover. Species with less than 5% cover are not considered dominant species. Hydrophytic vegetation has adaptations that allow these species to survive in saturated or inundated environments. These environments are classified according to the Classification of Wetlands and Deepwater Habitats of the United States (Cowardin, 1979). The probability of species being found in wetland environments has been determined by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service in the National List of Vascular Species that Occur in Wetlands: 1996 National Summary (U.S. FWS, 1996) (see Table 1). An indicator status was applied to each species according to its probability of occurring in wetlands. Table 1: Plant Indicator Status Indicator Cate or Symbol Obligate Wetland OBL Facultative Wetland FACW Facultative FAC Facultative Upland FACU Upland UPL Occurrence in Wetlands > 99% 67-99% 34-67% 1-33% > 1% Note: FACW, FAC and FACU have + and - values to represent species near the wetter end of the spectrum (+) and the drier end of the spectrum (-). (National List of Vascular Species that Occur in Wetlands: 1996 National Summary, USFWS) 5.2 Vegetation Results At sample location 1 (SL-1), the plant community is dominated by red alder (Alnus rubra, FAC), hardhack (Spirea douglasii, FACW), willow (Salix sp. FAC) and salal (Gaultheria shallon, FACU). The salal is present on logs and mounds. The plant community is hydrophytic because more than 50% of the dominant species are FAC, FACW or OBL. At SL-2, the plant community is dominated big -leaf maple (Acer macrophyllum, FACU), Oregon Ash (Fraxinus latifolia, FACW), red alder, red huckleberry (Vaccinium parvifolium, FACU), osoberry (Oemleria cerasiformus, FACU), trailing blackberry (Rubus ursinus, FACU), western sword fern (Polystichum munitum, FACU) and bracken fern (Pteridium aquilinum, FACU. The plant community is non-hydrophytic because less than 50% of the dominant species are FAC, FACW or OBL. At SL-3, the plant community is dominated by salmonberry (Rubus spectabilis, FAC+), osoberry, willow, trailing blackberry, western sword fern and bracken fern. A non-hydrophytic plant community is present because less than 50% of dominant species are FAC, FACW or OBL. At SL-4, the plant community is dominated by western red cedar (Thuja plicata, FAC), black cottonwood (Populus balsamifera, FAC), willow, salmonberry, Himalayan blackberry (Rubus procerus, FACU) and unidentified grasses. A hydrophytic plant community is present because more than 50% of dominant species are FAC, FACW or OBL. J.S. Jones and Associates, Inc. At SL-5, the plant community is dominated by big -leaf maple, trailing blackberry, Himalayan blackberry, and unidentified grasses. A non-hydrophytic plant community is present because less than 50% of dominant species are FAC, FACW or OBL. Table 2.0 Dominant Plant Species Found at Sample Locations Common Name Scientific Najne hidicator Status Sample Locations 1 2 3 4 5 Big -leaf Ma le Acer macrophyllum FACU X X Red Alder 41nus rubra FAC X X Oregon Ash Fraxinus latifolia FACW X Salal Gaultheria shallon FACU X Osoberry Oemleria cerasiformis FACU X Western Sword Fern Pol stichum munitum FACU X X Black Cottonwood Po ulus balsamifera FAC X Bracken Fern Pteridium a uilinum FACU X X Himalayan Blackberry Rubus rocerus FACU X X Salmonberry Rubus s ectabilis FAC+ X X X Trailing Blackberry Rubus ursinus FACU X X Willow Salix s . FAC X X X Hardhack S irea dou lassi FACW X X Western Red Cedar Thu'a Licata FAC X Red Huckleberry Vaccinium parvifolium NI Unidentified grasses I I T X I X Note: FACW, FAC and FACU have + and - values to represent species near the wetter end of the spectrum (+) and the drier end of the spectrum (-). (National List of Vascular Species that Occur in Wetlands: 1996 National Summary, USFWS) 6.0 Soils 6.1 Soils Methodology Hydric soils are soils that are "saturated, flooded, or ponded long enough during the growing season to develop anaerobic conditions in the upper part" (NTCHS, 1987). They are either organic soils (peats and mucks), or are mineral soils that are saturated long enough to produce soil properties associated with a reducing environment. These soils have low chroma, and have redoximorphic characteristics (characteristics related to an anaerobic environment) such as redox concentrations (mottles), redox depletions (gleying), or a reduced matrix (a matrix that changes color when exposed to air). 6.2 Soils Results USDA Soil Conservation Service (SCS) mapped the site as Alderwood gravelly sandy loam, 0 to 6% slopes (AgB) (See Figure 2.0). Alderwood is classified as a "moderately well drained" soil. In a representative profile "the surface layer and subsoil are very dark brown, dark brown and grayish brown gravelly sandy loam about 27 inches thick. The substratum is grayish brown, weakly consolidated to strongly consolidated glacial till that extends to a depth of 60 inches and more" (SCS, 1973). Alderwood gravelly sandy loam is not listed on the state hydric soils list. Field investigation concurs with soils mapping. C! ti 1 J.S. Jones and Associates, Inc. The SCS mapped the seasonal open water area in the northeast corner of the property as Seattle Muck (Sk). Seattle muck is a "very poorly" drained soil. In a representative profile " the surface layer black muck about 11 inches thick. It is underlain by dark reddish brown, black, very dark brown, and dark brown muck and mucky peat that extends to a depth of 60 inches or more" (SCS, 1973). Field investigation concurs with soils mapping. The soil at SL-1 is a hydric Seattle muck. From 0 to 18+ inches, the "A" horizon is a black (IOYR 2/2) muck. The soils are hydric because they are a one chroma matrix, immediately below the "A" horizon or at ten inches, whichever is shallower (COE, 1987) The soils at SL-2 are a non-hydric Alderwood gravelly sandy loam. From 0 to 2 inches, the "Ao" horizon is a very dark brown (IOYR 2/2) gravelly sandy loam. From 2 to 18+ inches, the "A" horizon is a dark brown (IOYR 3/3) gravelly sandy loam. The soils are non-hydric because they are a three chroma matrix, immediately below the "A" horizon or at ten inches, whichever is shallower (COE, 1987). The soils at SL-3 are a non-hydric Alderwood gravelly sandy loam. From 0 to 6 inches, the "A" horizon is a very dark brown (1 OYR 2/2) gravelly sandy loam. From 6 to 14 inches, the "A" Noyes Property USDA Soil Conservation Service, Sheet 15 Soil Survey of King County, Washington Figure 2.0 Soils Map 5 J.S. Jones and Associates, Inc. horizon is a dark brown (IOYR. 3/3) gravelly sandy loam. From 14 to 18+ inches, the "B" horizon is brown (1OYR 5/3) gravelly sandy loam with prominent yellowish brown (IOYR 5/6) mottles. The soils are non-hydric because they are a three chroma matrix without mottles, immediately below the "A" horizon or at ten inches, whichever is shallower (COE, 1987). The soils at SL-4 are a non-hydric Alderwood gravelly sandy loam. From 0 to 18+ inches, the "A" horizon is a very dark grayish brown (IOYR 3/2) gravelly sandy loam. The soils are non- hydric because they are a two chroma matrix without mottles, immediately below the "A" horizon or at ten inches, whichever is shallower (COE, 1987). The soils at SL-5 are a non-hydric Alderwood gravelly sandy loam. From 0 to 14 inches, the "A" horizon is dark yellowish brown (10YR 4/4) sandy loam. From 14 to 18+ inches, the `B" horizon is a yellowish brown (1 OYR 5/4) gravelly sandy loam. The soils are non-hydric because they are a four chroma matrix, immediately below the "A" horizon or at ten inches, whichever is shallower (COE, 1987). 7.0 Hydrology 7.1 Hydrology Methodology The 1987 manual requires inundation, flooding, or saturation to the surface for at least 5% to 12.5% of the growing season to satisfy the hydrology requirements for jurisdictional wetlands (COE, 1987). The growing season can either be defined by the number of frost -free days (temperatures above 280F), or the period during which the soil temperature at a depth of 19.7 inches is above biological zero (41 OF). Wetland hydrology indicators such as inundation, saturation, water marks, and drainage patterns in wetlands were assessed. 7.2 Hydrology Results Wetland hydrology was present at SL-1. The soil was saturated to the surface. Inundation is present in the open water portion of the wetland. Sample locations SL-2, SL-3, SL-4 and SL-5 were not saturated at the soil surface. Indicators of saturation to the soil surface are not present. The soils profiles were loose and dry. 8.0 Wetland Determination One wetland is present on -site, a Palustrine shrub/scrub and forested wetland system (Cowardin, 1979). All three wetland criteria are clearly present. The wetland is seasonally inundated. Dominant plant species include obligates and facilitative wet indicator species. The soil is a histosol, Seattle muck. The wetland is identified on the City of Federal Way aerial photo (see attached). The wetland may have been enlarged for use as a retention/detention facility. 9.0 Wetland Rating and Buffer Requirement The City of Federal Way Code (FWCC) defines three categories for rating wetlands. The wetland is approximately 47,000 square feet including off -site area. Wetlands larger than one acre meet the definition of a Category II wetlands (see attached). City of Federal Way Code requires a 100- foot buffer for Category II wetlands. 10.0 Wetland Functional Assessment Wetland and buffer functions were assessed using the Wetland and Buffer Functions and Semi- 0 J.S. Jones and Associates, Inc. quantitative Performance Assessment (SAM) (Cooke, 1996). Flood/stormwater functions are high. The wetland is located in the upper third of the drainage basin and is seasonally inundated. The surface capacity is roughly 3-4 acre feet of water. Wildlife habitat functions are moderate. There is vertical structure in the plant community. Some invasive plant species are present. The wetland is surrounded roads and residential development. There is fair connectivity to forested uplands and grassland. The on -site wetland is privately owned and lacks public recreation opportunities. Water quality benefits are high. Pollutants from street surfaces and lawn fertilizer made be removed by or reduced in this wetland. 11.0 Authority This wetland determination is in accordance with Section 404 of the Clean Water Act, the objective of which is to "maintain and restore the chemical, physical, and biological integrity of the waters of the United States" (COE, 1987). Wetlands are "areas that are inundated or saturated by surface or ground water at a frequency and duration sufficient to support, and that under normal circumstances do support, a prevalence of vegetation typically adapted for life in saturated soil conditions. Wetlands generally include swamps, marshes, bogs, and similar areas" (EPA, 40 CFR 230.3 and CE, 33 CFR 328.3). 12.0 Limitations Wetland determinations and delineations are not final until approved by regulatory agencies and/or local jurisdictions. J. S. Jones and Associates, Inc. does not guarantee acceptance or approval by regulatory agencies, or that any intended use will be achieved. 13.0 References COE. 1987. Corps of Engineers Wetlands Delineation Manual, Technical Report Y-87-1, US Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station, Vicksberg, Miss. Cowardin, Lewis M. 1979. Classification of Wetlands and Deepwater Habitats of the United States. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Jamestown, North Dakota. Department of Ecology. 1979. Washington State Wetlands Identification and Delineation Manual. Publication No. 96-94. Washington State Department of Ecology. Olympia, WA. Federal Register. 1980. 40 CFR Part 230: Section 404(b)(1) Guidelines for Specification of Disposal Sites for Dredged or Fill Material. Vol. 45, No. 249, 85352-85353. US Government Printing Office, Washington D.C. Federal Register. 1982. Title 33: Navigation and Navigable Waters; Chapter II, Regulatory Programs of the Corps of Engineers. Vol. 47, No. 138, p 31810. US Government Printing Office, Washington D.C. MacBeth. 1990. Munsell Soil Color Charts. Kollmorgen Instruments Corporation. Baltimore, MD. USFWS. 1996. National List of Plant Species that Occur in Wetlands: 1996 National Summary. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. St. Petersburg, FL. 7 - c— ':. ..r -: .. ....... . " 3:. ."+r., is s., •:#:: �s.?-xr'^ 61 �y .w..'+�:ti b•Sm ..F.+ 'x '..,1 •�� ': �f'`�i-:c ..3�"o ..fie. .: "_".". ONE oo}.. . :eFee: `:F�' s,k�fis•3 x','��'o r"yl �-Sz. s k _r 1 I pj- r � 1 I 1 ♦-� r- r I 1 I I r + r � 0 1 1 �F-I I I t I OqW i.DyuQ�I..J ' r Ai I WSW" �IGOM9� azspoae914� � �r � ' L _ — V Fl.k$1•E ' N! _ r, - — . r },,gat soo�er�' I �. r 1 �1gagEow, I s �ppD00BE945j1.Owmem), Y1D li2liir -f Moolu, '116mBLZ-V -�� e,:JKS� ea �rusraiva, i ,4 iWAPOSUO • rl_ review under subsection (b)(7) above of the ecological functions and values of the site. (5) The drainage facility was not designed or constructed as a requirement to mitigate previous wetland impacts. (6) The director finds that limited ecological functions and values do not warrant application of the City's wetland regulations. Sec. 22-1357. -Setback--areas: Wetland categories and standard buffers. (a) Regulated wetlands are classified into the following categories: (1) Category I wetlands afe gfeatef than 2,500 meet one of the following criteria: a. contain the presence of species or documented habitat recognized by state or federal .agencies as endangered, threatened or potentially extirpated plant, fish or animal species; or b. contain the presence of plant associations of infrequent occurrence, irreplaceable ecological functions, br exceptional local significance including but not limited to estuarine systems, peat bogs and fens, mature forested wetlands, groundwater exchange areas, significant habitat or unique educational sites; or ORD # , PAGE 25 C. have three or more wetland classes, one of which is open water. (2) Category 11 wetlands are greater than 2,500 square feet in area, do not exhibit the characteristics of Category 1 wetlands, and meet one of the following criteria: a. are contiguous with water bodies or tributaries to water bodies which under normal circumstances contain or support a fish population, including streams where flow is intermittent; or b. are greater than one acre is size in its entirety; or C. are less than or equal to one acre in size in its entirety and have two or more wetland classes, with neither class dominated by non-native invasive species (3) Category 111 wetland are greater than 2,500 square feet in area and do not exhibit those characteristics of Category 1 or 2 wetlands. (b) Standard buffer widths for regulated wetlands are established as follows: (1) Category I wetlands shall have a standard buffer width of 200 feet. (2) Category I I wetlands shall have a standard buffer widtt of 100 feet. (3) Category I I I wetlands shall have a standard buffer width of 50 feet for wetlands that are greater than 10,000 square feet in area, and shall have a standard buffer width of 25 feet for wetlands that are -between 2,500 to 10,000 square feet in area. ORD # PAGE 26 • �i Jones and Associates, Inc. Routine Wetland Determination Data Form (1987 COE Wetlands Delineation Manual) Project/Site: qpmy - Date: i Applicant/Owner: Q County:, Investigator: a State: Do Normal Circumstances exist on the site? es No Community ID: Is the site significantly disturbed (Atypical Situation) Yes No Transect ID: Is the area a potential problem area? Yes Plot ID: Explain: Sat - le Loc.: ��- etI Up]: \/1=f:1=TATlr)N Dominant Indicator Percent Basal Dominant Indicator Percent Stem Tree St)ecies Status Cover Area Woody V isles Status Cover Count I. �Ir:�.. _— Zo 9. 2. 10. 3. _ IL 4. 12. - Dominant Indicator Percent Stem Dominant Indicator Percent Shrub 5 )ecies Status Cover Count Herb S ecies 'k Status Cover 5. P ,1 13. rft er t-1.4 6. (A 14. 7. 15. 8. 16. Percent of Dominant Species that are OBL, FACW or FAC: (Excluding FAC-) Basis for Decision: At -_ HYDROLOGY _ Recorded Data (Describe in Remarks): Stream, Lake or Tide Gauge Aerial Photographs _ Other ✓Iqo Recorded Data Available: Field Observations: Depth of Surface Water (in.) Depth to Free Water in Pit — (in.) Depth to Saturated Soil: (in.) Basis for Decision: Wetland Hydrology Indicators: Primary Indicators: _ Inundated --S-aturated in Upper 12 Inches Water marks Drift Lines Sediment Deposits iDrainage Patterns in Wetlands Secondary Indicators (2 or more required): Oxidized Root Channels (upper 12") _ Water -Stained Leaves Local Soil Survey Data _ FAC-Neutral Test _ Other (Explain in Remarks) (�L 5c - ��-� J Jones and Associates, Inc. SOILS Map Unit Name Drainage Class: ++ (Series and Phase): �_ 1 Do Field Observations Taxonomy (Subgroup): `tom t _ Confirm es Mapped Type? No PoFle Description: Depth Matrix Colors Mottle Colors Mottle Texture, Structure (Inches) I loriizon (Munscll_Moi_st) (M unsell Moist) Abundance/contrast Concretions, ete. Hydric Soil Indicators: _ Concretions listosol _ I ligh Organic Content in Surface layer ,-11istic Epipedon in Sandy Soils Sulfidic Odor Organic Streaking in Sandy Soils _ e-Aquic Moisture Regime -?�Listed on Local Hydric Soils List ,--Reducing Conditions _ Listed on National Hydric Soils List _lGleyed or Low-Chroma Colors _ Other (Explain in Remarks) _ 2 Chroma with Mottling Basis for Decision: WETLAND DETERMINATION Hydrophytic Vegetation Present? (Yes� No is the Sampling Point in a Wetland? es No Wetland Hydrology Present? Y� No Hydric Soils Present? e� No Remarks: * This data form is a combination of the original and amended 1987 Routine Wetland Determination data forms. �. Jones and Associates, Inc. Routine Wetland Determination Data Form (1987 COE Wetlands Delineation Manual) Project/Site: ¢ Date: w— to? Applicant/Owner: eu.. 1 .r. County: _ �r-y� Investigator: [ State: Do Normal Circumstances exist on the site? OLeNo Community ID: Is the site significantly disturbed (Atypical Situation) Yes Transect ID: Is the area a potential problem area? Yes n Plot ID: Explain: Sample c.: WetlJ&> VF(.1=TOTlr)N Dominant Indicator Percent Basal Dominant Indicator Percent Stem Tree Species Status Cover Area Woody Vines Status Coverq Count 9. 3 a� F_&L S ., 11. 4. 12. — — Dominant Indicator Percent Stem Dominant Indicator Percent Shrub Species Status Cover Count Herb Stfecies_ Status Cover �11- 13. G. e--J _�c 14. -_,6, lrr, _ ('r , 7. 15. 8. 16. Percent of Dominant Species that are OBL, FACW or FAC: (Excluding FAC-) U Basis for Decision: f !� cp T-�'x-•, r-'"' �� mac.{ HYDROLOGY _ Recorded Data (Describe in Remarks): _ Stream, Lake or Tide Gauge Aerial Photographs _ Other ✓No Recorded Data Available: Field Observations: Depth of Surface Water ---- (in.) Depth to Free Water in Pit Depth to Saturated Soil Basis for Decision: r\,ct._A Wetland Hydrology Indicators: Qa,­�_' Primary Indicators: Inundated Saturated in Upper 12 Inches _ Water marks _ Drift Lines Sediment Deposits _ Drainage Patterns in Wetlands Secondary Indicators (2 or more required): Oxidized Root Channels (upper 12") Water -Stained Leaves ~_ Local Soil Survey Data _ FAC-Neutral Test Other (Explain in Remarks) Jones and Associates, Inc. SOILS Map Unit Name Drainage Class: 1 (Series and Phase): A Ie(" s, ), c j C' Do Field Observations Taxonomy (Subgroup): Confirm Mapped Type? es-Dqo Pofile Description: Depth Matrix Colors Mottle Colors Mottle Texture, Structure (Inches) I loriwn (Munsell Moist) (Munscll Moist) Abundance/contrast Concretions, etc. r>-7— �' ioY✓L z/Z - pp lydric Soil Indicators: Concretions I Iistosol _ High Organic Content in Surface layer _ I listic Epipedon in Sandy Soils _ Sullidic Odor _ Organic Streaking in Sandy Soils _ Aquic Moisture Regime _ Listed on Local Hydric Soils List _ Reducing Conditions — Listed on National Hydric Soils List _ Gleyed or Low-Chroma Colors _ Other (Explain in Remarks) 2 Chroma with Mottling Basis for Decision: WFTI ANn DETERMINATION Hydrophytic Vegetation Present? Wetland Hydrology Present? Hydric Soils Present? Remarks: Yes (lid Yes Yes Na Is the Sampling Point in a Wetland? Yes * This data form is a combination of the original and amended 1987 Routine Wetland Determination data forms. --') Jones and Associates, Inc. Routine Wetland Determination Data Form (1987 COE Wetlands Delineation Manual) Project/Site: Date: r Of Applicant/Owner: R.-A County: tG Investigator: L.. State: Do Normal Circumstances exist on the site? No Community ID: Is the site significantly disturbed (Atypical Situation) Yes Transect ID: Is the area a potential problem area? Yes ctv Plot ID: Explain: Sample Loc.: 5 L-3 Wet! VEGETATION Dominant Indicator Percent Basal Dominant Indicator Percent Stem Tree Species_ Status Cover Area Woody Vines Status Cover Count 1. 9. -,'fi 2. 10. 3. 11. q_ 12.J. Dominant Indicator Percent Stem Dominant Indicator Percent Shrub Species Status Cover Count Herb Species Status Cover 7. 15. 8. 16. Percent of Dominant Species that are OBL, FACW or FAC: (Excluding FAC-) a Basis for Decision: HYDROLOGY Wetland i I clrolo r Indicators: t.—LavE Recorded Data (Describe in Remarks): Primary Indicators: Stream, Lake or Tide Gauge _ Inundated _ Aerial Photographs _ Saturated in Upper 12 Inches _ Other Water marks _ --4d'o Recorded Data Available: Drift Lines _ Sediment Deposits Field Observations: ©J _ Drainage Patterns in Wetlands Secondary Indicators (2 or more required): Depth of Surface Water (itt.) Oxidized Root Channels (upper 12") Water -Stained Leaves Depth to Free Water in Pit (in.) _ Local Soil Survey Data FAC-Neutral Test Depth to Saturated Soil: (in.) _ Other (Explain in Remarks) Basis for Decision: Jones and Associates, Inc. ROII R Map Unit Name (Series and Phase):, Taxonomy (Subgroup): 11ofile Description: Depth (Inches Ilorizott Drainage Class: F` Do Field Observations I_ _R•[:t ,� �^,oc,� Confirm Mapped Type? es No Matrix Colors Mottle Colors Mottle Texture, Structure (Mu]i5Cll Moisi] Mn115CII Moist Abundance/contrast Concretions etc. 12- 7j _ roc L Hydric Soil Indicators: _ Histosol Ilistic Epipedon _ Sulfidic Odor _ Aquic Moisture Regime Reducing Conditions Gleyed or Low-Chroma Colors 2 Chroma with Mottling _ Concretions High Organic Content in Surface layer in Sandy Soils Organic Streaking in Sandy Soils _ Listed on Local Hydric Soils List _ Listed on National Hydric Soils List Other (Explain in Remarks) Basis for Decision: (2 10 WETLAND DETERMINATION Hydrophytic Vegetation Present? Yes Wetland Hydrology Present? Yes �o Hydric Soils Present? I Yes Remarks: Is the Sampling Point in a Wetland? Yes * This data form is a combination of the original and amended 1987 Routine Wetland Determination data forms. n ^) Jones and Associates, Inc. Routine Wetland Determination Data Form (1987 COE Wetlands Delineation Manual) Project/Site: Applicant/Owner: ?liw Investigator: L— -V. - a - Do Normal Circumstances exist on the site? 6e35No Is the site significantly disturbed (Atypical Situation) Yes Is the area a potential problem area? Yes No Explain: VEGETATION Date: County: State: w 4 Community ID: Transect ID: Plot ID: Sample Loc.: Wet€ K2) Dominant Indicator Percent Basal Dominant Indicator Percent Stem 'free Species Status Cover Area _Woody Vines Status Cover Count I. f�„4''.W < 9. 14 sre, 2. ,.. . 10. 3_ 11. 4. 12. - — Dominant Indicator Percent Stem Dominant Indicator Percent Shrub S mcies Status Cover Count Hcrb Species Status Cover 5.- 7. 15. 8. 16. Percent of Dominant Species that are OBL, FACW or FAC: (Excluding FAC-) Basis for Decision: -�Q 7j;�� F-0 C- , Fit-. ,A or W-2 CJ 43l_ HYDROLOGY Wetland I -I drol y Indicators: _ Recorded Data (Describe in Remarks): Primary Indicators: Stream, Lake or Tide Gauge — Inundated _ Aerial Photographs _ Saturated in Upper 12 Inches _ Other �IVo Recorded Data Available: _ Water marks Drift Lines _ Sediment Deposits Field Observations: _ Drainage Patterns in Wetlands Secondary Indicators (2 or more required): Depth of Surface Water �-- (iii.) _ Oxidized Root Channels (upper 12") _ Water -Stained Leaves Depth to Free Water in Pit r (in.) _ Local Soil Survey Data FAC-Neutral Test Depth to Saturated Soil: = (in.) _ _ Other (Explain in Remarks) Basis for Decision: 11 f J., J Jones and Associates, Inc. SOILS Map Unit Name Drainage Class: ff rrII (Series and Phase): Do Field Observations Taxonomy (Subgroup): Confirm Mapped Type? es o Polile Description: Depth Matrix Colors Mottle Colors Mottle Texture, Structure (Inches) I Iorizon (Munsell Moist) (Munsell Moist Abundancelcontrast Concretions, etc. I lydric Soil Indicators: _ Concretions I Iistosol _ I-ligh Organic Content in Surface layer Histic Epipedon in Sandy Soils Sullidic Odor _ Organic Streaking in Sandy Soils _ Aquic Moisture Regime Listed on Local Hydric Soils List Reducing Conditions _ Listed on National Hydric Soils List _ Gleyed or Low-Chroma Colors _ Other (Explain in Remarks) 2 Chroma with Mottling Basis for Decision: WETLAND DETERMINATION Hydrophytic Vegetation Present? Wetland Hydrology Present? Hydric Soils Present? Remarks: Ye No Yes Yes (f o Is the Sampling Point in a Welland? Yes * This data form is a combination of the original and amended 1987 Routine Wetland Determination data forms. " it ' Jones and Associates, Inc. Routine Wetland Determination Data Form (1987 COE Wetlands Delineation Manual) Project/Site: Applicant/Owner: Investigator: LL Do Normal Circumstances exist on the site? Is the site significantly disturbed (Atypical Situation) Is the area a potential problem area? Explain: VEGETATION "e No Yes QP Yes Date: 4 a f County: �---L-ALe— State: {i iAc Community ID: Transect ID: Plot ID: Wetl.� Dominant Indicator Percent Basal Dominant Indicator Percent Stem Tree Species Status Cover Area Woody Vines_ Status Cover Count ff I. &:L,'% Ilrn. 9. 12 F; 5 2. J_ — 10.—(IAX 3. 11. 4. 12. - Dominant Indicator Percent Stem Dominant Indicator Percent Shrub Species Status Cover Count Herb Species Status Cover 5. 13, kK.&4 6. _ 14. 7. 15. 8. 16. Percent of Dominant Species that are OBL, FACW or FAC: (Excluding FAC-) Basis for Decision: ( �} ,�f a�--L _ Fo<-r,-i CA", U p� HYDROLOGY Wetland I-lydrology Indicators: _ Recorded Data (Describe in Remarks): Primary Indicators: Stream, Lake or Tide Gauge _ Inundated Aerial Photographs _ Saturated in Upper 12 Inches _ Other _ Water marks V<10 Recorded Data Available: _ Drift Lines _ Sediment Deposits Field Observations: " _ Drainage Patterns in Wetlands Secondary Indicators (2 or more required): Depth of Surface Water (in.) Oxidized Root Channels (upper 12") _ Water -Stained Leaves Depth to Free Water in Pit {in.) _ Local Soil Survey Data FAC-Neutral Test Depth to Saturated Soil: (in.) _ Other (Explain in Remarks) s for Decision: j_�� i V,- J , Jones and Associates, Inc. SOILS Map Unit Name j rI C' +(. Drainage Class: 4 C' l.e. (Series and Phase): 11i , <-. xr.�^� Do Field Observations Confirm Mapped Type? des O Taxonomy (Subgroup): Pofile Description. Depth Matrix Colors Mottle Colors Mottle Texture, Structure (Inches) I torizon Munsell Moist (Mansell Moist) Abundancelcontrast Concretions etc. o - 14 a 10 'AV- -- ''- - — I sue- ([) `67— -,;rA Hydric Soil Indicators: _ Concretions I listosol _ High Organic Content in Surface layer _ Histic Epipedon in Sandy Soils _ Sulfidic Odor _ Organic Streaking in Sandy Soils _ Aquic Moisture Regime — Listed on Local I lydric Soils List _ Reducing Conditions — Listed on National Hydric Soils List _ Gleyed or Low-Chroma Colors ^ Other (Explain in Remarks) 2 Chroma witli Mottling Basis for Decision: 4 Z�' (D Wt~TI Amn nF=TFRMINAT1nN * This data form is a combination of the original and amended 1987 Routine Wetland Determination data forms. 1 .. { H S. Jones and Associates, Inc. Wetland and Buffer Functions and Semi -quantitative Performance Assessment Wetland _W/ Location: S -e Sd T 21 _Staff S R yE Date &///a " Criteria Function Group 1 1 pt Group 2 2 pts Group 3 3 pts Flood/ size <5 acres size 5-10 acres _ size> 10 acres Storm Water _ riverine or Lakeshore wetland " ~ mid -sloped wetland L--depressions, headwaters, bogs, flats �30% forested Control < 10% forested cover —_ unconstrained outlet _ 10-30% forested cover semi -constrained outlet cover L-tulvertlbermed outlet located in lower 1/3`d of the _ _ located in middle 1/3`d of the lilocated in upper 1/3rd of drainage _ drainage drainage 3 Points max 15) Base Flow/ size <5 acres _ size 5-10 acres size > 10 acres Ground Water _ — riverine or lakeshore wetland _ mid -sloped wetland Ldspirssions, headwaters, bogs, flats located in lower 1/3`d of the located in middle 1/3 of L-Ibeated in upper 1/3`d of drainage Support drainage _ drainage temporally flooded or saturated _�easanally or semi -permanently _ permanently flooded or saturated, or _ flooded or saturated intermittently exposed no flow -sensitive fish populations _-"low flow -sensitive fish _ high flow -sensitive populations % _ on -site or downstream populations on -site or downstream contiguous with site in highly permeable Points strata Max 15 Erosion/ _ Sparse grass/herbs or no veg along _ moderate wood or veg along _ dense wood or veg along OHWM Shoreline OF ✓_ wetland extends < 30 m from OHWM wetland extends 30-60 m from wetland extends >200 m from OHWM Protection OHWM _ off _ _ undeveloped shoreline or highly developed shoreline or erately developed shoreline subcatchment Points (O _ subcatchment or subcatchment Max 9 Water Quality _ rapid flow through site _ moderate flow through site _✓slaw no►v through site Improvement < 50% veg cover _ upstream in basin from wetland is _ 50-80% cover S 50% of basin upstream from _✓>80% vcg cover _✓>50%of basin upstream from wetland Points 12) undeveloped wet d is developed developed (max holds <25% overland runoff holds 25-50% overland runoff holds >50% overland runoff N/A = Not Applicable, N/I = No Information Available Dominant Vegetation: Wildlife: I S. Jones and Associates, Inc. Wetland and Buffer Functions and Semi -quantitative Performance Assessment Wetland -0� 3/2- -L17 1� / o 74 Cf S4J Staff J. J Date 6///0/ Location: S -7 T Z / tit R Z/ E' Criteria Function Group 1 I pt Grou2 2 2 pts Group 3 3 pts Natural 1—size <5 acres size 5-10 acres _ size > 10 acres Biological T land, low veg structure L-level veg _ high veg structure ✓seasonal surface ►rater permanent surface water _ open water pools through summer Support J one habitat type _t5C.,o habitat types _ >_ 3 habitat types PAB POW PEM PSS PFO EST PAD POW P 55 PF ST PAB POW PEM PSS PFO EST _ low plant diversity (<6 species) Moderate plant diversity (7-15 species) _ high plant diversity (>15 species) Points (max 36) > 50% invasive species �_ 10-50%invasive species �_ 4% invasive species low primary production moderate primary productivity �liigh primary productivity �ow organic accumulation _moderate organic accumulation 'fl11 1 organic accumulation _ low organic export _ n;adcrate organic export _ high organic export few habitat features ��to habitat features _ many habitat features !_ buffers very disturbed '✓buffers slightly disturbed buffers not disturbed _ isolated from upland habitats tiartially connected to upland _ well connected to upland habitats habitats Overall Habitat size <5 acres _ size 5-10 acres _ size > 10 acres Functions �_ low habitat diversity _✓moderate habitat diversity _ high habitat diversity low sanctuary or refuge ✓moderate sanctuary or refuge _ high sanctuary or refuge Point _ max 9 Specific Low Invertebrate Habitat �_ _ moderate invertebrate habitat igh invertebrate habitat Habitat low amphibian habitat _ moderate amphibian habitat (/high amphibian habitat t/Iow fish habitat moderate fish habitat high fish habitat Functions t low mammal habitat _ moderate mammal habitat _ _ high mammal habitat Points low bird habitat _✓moderate bird habitat high bird habitat max 15 Cultural/ low educational opportunities _ moderate educational opportunities _ high educational opportunities _ Socioeconimic ✓ low aesthetic value _ moderate aesthetic value _ high aesthetic value Points —lacks commercial fisheries, _ moderate commercial fisheries _ high commercial fisheries agriculture, renewable resources agriculture, renewable resources agriculture, renewable resources (max 21) lacks historical or archeological moderate historical or archeological important historical or archeological _ resources site site lacks passive and active _ some passive and active _ many passive and active recrpationsd opportunities recreational opportunities recreational opportunities rivately owned _ privately owned, some public _ unrestricted public access V_*'not near open sace access some connection too ens ace direct) connected too ens ace Notes: II I t , f NorEs PROPERTY Wetland Map SOUTHWEST 312th STREET N88'57'09'W 329.17' �_7fl 226.e' a A AL I WETLAND AL 30,610± Sq. Ft AL 0.70 Acres � AiL + a,wa. It a u7 m m ry N m W W o TOTAL SITE a P 206.216f Sq. Ft. N 4.73 Acres z p � z N =o �O S V, t TL 072104 9062 Ado l 89MO'2r W 32a.99' f3 I &i ,god° a GRAPHIC SCALE ,. 1 lacer) 1 tomb SCALE . gr. PAUL NOYES - '" ��..a4•v.e,- J. S. JONES AND Assocm S INC. . E 1"=100' I , ? NOrEs PROPERTY Environmental consultants; --,.-�.- ,, SHEET ""'° m° �ctlaada, 5treama, I 1 1 !f-Y DE 1_ 0 Wetland Map wa. n»-.r� u+n •w.0 r+'�u.e+ur 1 of 1 VMIEN CITY OF jC.� ,IMJ July 17, 2001 Mr. Paul Noyes 31327 10'h Place SW Federal Way, WA 98023 CITY HALL 33530 1 st Way South PO Box 9718 RE: 01-102697-AD, Wetland Delineation King County Parcel # 072104-9082 3132710`h Place SW, Federal Way, WA Dear Mr. Noyes: (253) 661-4000 Federal Way, WA 98063-9718 I am in receipt of your July 9, 2001, letter regarding a wetland delineation and future development at your property in Federal Way. On July 20, 2000, the City conducted a preapplication conference for a proposed four -lot short plat at the above referenced site.' Your July 9, 2001, letter indicates that due to development costs, you will not proceed with the platting project at this time. You enclosed a copy of a wetland delineation and wetland location survey prepared for your property. The delineation dated June 13, 2001, was prepared by J.S. Jones and Associates, Inc, and the wetland location survey dated June 8, 2001, was prepared by DMP Inc. Typically, the City's wetland consultant reviews wetland delineation for compliance with Federal Way City Code (FWCQ standards and verification at the expense of the applicant. However, you requested that no additional costs be incurred. Therefore, your wetland delineation will not be sent to the wetland consultant and will remain unverified. The delineation and survey will be placed in the above referenced address file. Please be advised that should any clearing, grading, or development activity be proposed within the wetland or wetland buffer, the wetland delineation will be required to be verified by the City's wetland consultant at the expense of the applicant in advance of land use review. If you wish to have the wetland delineation verified in advance of development activity, contact me to arrange for a cost estimate by the City's wetland consultant. Your letter states that you intend to physically demarcate the 100-foot wetland buffer with a continuous fence or barrier, to create a walldng trail, a driveway to the front door of your residence, and remove some dead trees, all outside of the 100-foot wetland buffer. The wetland location survey did not include existing structures or improvements, and staff in unable to verify where the proposed ' Federal Way File Number 00-103511-PC. Doc. I.D. #15550 Mr. Paul Noyes Page 2 July 17, 2001 work will occur. Please be'advisbd that fences over six feet in height require a building permit and that removal of vegetation and trees is regulated under FWCC Section 22-1093 (enclosed). If there are dead, diseased, or dying trees that that you wish to remove, please provide a site plan showing the specific location of these trees requested to be removed. The Building Official will review your request. She will provide a letter of her decision following a site visit and review. Removal of any other vegetation will be subject to Land Surface Modification approval (FWCC Section 22-1093) unless performed in conjunction with a development application. I can be reached at (253) 661-4103 if you have any questions or wish to pursue any options identified in this letter. Sincerely, Deb Barker Enc: Building Permit Application FWCC Section 22-1093 Land Surface Modification c: Mary Kate Gaviglio, Building Official Doc. I.D. #15550 November 26, 1997 Mr. Paul Noyes 31327 10th PI SW Federal Way, WA 98003 Dear Mr. Noyes, Thank you for your written request to remove trees in the wetland buffer area located on your property. I conducted a site visit on November 12, 1997. As a result of that visit I have determined the subject trees do not meet the criteria for removal contained in the Federal Way City Code Section 22-1093 (9). The trees appear healthy and do not show any sign of root instability. There appears to be no imminent blow -down hazard. For these reasons I must deny your request for removal of the trees. If you disagree with this decision you may hire the services of a licensed arborist to inspect the site and prepare a written report to be forwarded to the city for consideration. Furthermore, the decision could be reviewed under process I land use process. If you would like more information about process I please call Principal Planner Greg Fewins at (253) 661-4108. If you have questions regarding this letter or need additional information please call me at (253) 661-4112. Sincerely, M.K. Gaviglio Building Official RECEIVED B COMMUNITY DEVE14PMENI DEPARTMENT 01- 10Z6`37-A6 J U L a 9 2001 City of Federal Way Planning Department Re: 00-103511-00-PC; Noyes Short Plat Preapplication 31327 10a' PL SW, Federal Way, WA Attn: Deb Barker July 9, 2001 A feasibility study has been completed on subject property. Due to the combined effects of current regulations, further development would be cost prohibitive. In accordance with verbal instruction from the Planning Department, a copy of my Wet - Land Assessment and the accompaning survey are provided. My intent is to formalize or otherwise make official, the boundaries of the wetland and the 100 ft buffer. And to physically demarcate those boundaries. I have no plans to use the areas outside the buffer in any way that will require a permit. The extend of my plans are to perhaps make a walking trail, a driveway to the front door of my residence and the removal of a few dead trees, all outside the buffer area. The boundaries of the wetland were flagged incidental to the study and survey. I would request that another costly survey not be required. The extent of the buffer would be staked by measuring a 100 foot offset from the existing flags, at which point I would place a continuous fence or barrier. Enclosed are the Wetland Assessment Report and the survey map. Accompanying the map is a list of bearings and line lengths developed by the surveyors, dPt;„:- wetland and its relationship to property boundaries. Please let me know if you have further c1iiestior Thanks. 5'J 07/02/2001 14:16 2538546663 DMP INC PAGE 01/02 page 3- Project: 01390 Lot Map Check Lot name: BNDY North: 12572.6852 Line Course: N 88-57-09 W North: 12578.7028 Line Course: S 01-01-09 W North: 11951.9872 Line Course: S 89-00-27 E North: 11946.2886 Line Course: N 01-02-08 E North: 12572.6854 Paul Noyes East: 21629.7785 Length: 329.16643488 East: 21300.6671 Length: 626.81474172 East: 21289.5180 Length: 328.98756223 East: 21618.4562 Length: 626.49910296 East: 21629.7789 Fri Jun 08 15:19:44 2001 Perimeter: 1911.46784179 Area: 206,218 sq.ft. 4.73 acres Mapcheck Closure - (Uses listed courses, radii, and deltas) Error Closure: 0.0004 Course: N 56-40-36 E Error North: 0.00022 East: 0.00034 Precision 1: 4,699,840.13687031 Lot name: WET North: 12572.6852 Line Course: N 88-57-09 W North: 12576.8269 Line Course: S 01-02-51 W North: 12572.1085 Line Course: S 07-13-42 E North: 12552.6753 Line Course: S 40-40-48 E North: 12539.5758 Line Course: S 00-36-55 W North: 12510.5531 Line Course: S 08-45-35 E North: 12497.9434 Line Course.: S 18-44-47 W North: 12479,1414 Line Course: S 02-01-55 W North: 12469.6507 Lime Course: S 15-11-51 W North: 12458.3130 Line Course: S 46-55-01 E North: 12450.8516 Line Course: N 72-59-38 E North: 12452.6625 Line Course: N 75-16-51 E North: 12456.8997 Line Course: N 86-29-07 E East: 21629.7785 Length: 226.55331189 East: 21403.2631 Length: 4.71912558 East: 21403.1768 Length: 19.58892594 East: 21405.6415 Length: 17.27336153 East: 21416.9009 Length: 29.02442776 East: 21416.5892 Length: 12.75843980 East: 21418.5322 Length: 19.85530294 East: 21412.1511 Length: 9.49674949 Fast: 21411.8144 Length: 11.74852403 East: 21408.7346 Length: 10.92357831 East: 21416.7128 Length: 6.19180096 East: 21422.6338 Length: 16.67662816 East: 21438.7632 Length: 23.99087413 COMMUNITY RECEIVED BY DEPARTMENT 07/02/2001 14:16 2538546663 DMP INC PAGE 02/02 1 Project: 01390 Lot Map Check North: 12458.3705 Line Course: S 73-43-08 E North: 12455.1548 Line Course: S 76-45-22 E North: 12450,8294 Line Course: S 47-39-11 E North: 12440.9521 Line Course: S 64-53-44 E North; 12435.6323 Line Course: S 70-18-41 E North: 12429.1611 Line Course: N 33-55-04 E North: 12431.3868 Liue Course: S 37-58-11 E North: 12419.9831 Line Course: N 67-18-00 E North: 12425.2508 Line Course: S 58-12-41 E North: 12423.6597 Line Course: S 02-38-38 E North: 12410.6586 Line Course: S 62-13-06 E North: 12407.5113 Line Course: S 83-49-56 E North: 12404.8166 Line Course: N 79-06-25 E North: 12405.7918 Line Course: N 32-23-38 E North: 12415.2591 Line Course: S 59-07-11 E North: 12407.0816 Line Course: S 88-57-52 E North: 12406.8540 Line Course: N 01-02-08 E North: 12572.6853 Perimeter: 774.98561971 page 2 Paul Noyes Fri Jun 08 15:19:44 2001 East: 21462.7089 Length: 11.47046765 East: 21473.7194 Length: 18.88013244 East: 21492.0974 Length: 14.66300549 East: 21502.9345 Length: 12.53865051 East: 21514.2887 Length: 19.20770307 East: 21532.3735 Length: 2.68201782 East: 21533.8700 Length: 14.46550553 East: 21542.7699 Length: 13.65019968 East: 21555.3627 Length: 3.02026370 East: 21557.9299 Length: 13.01498635 East; 21558.5303 Length: 6.75236289 East: 21564.5043 Length: 25.08126882 East: 21589.4404 Length: 5.16037049 East: 21594.5078 Length: 11.21215830 East: 21600.5145 Length: 15.93299641 East: 21614.1889 Length: 12.59407794 East: 21626.7809 Length: 165.85840212 East: 21629.7785 Area: 30,616 sq.ft. 0.70 acres Mapcheck Closure - (Uses listed courses, radii, and deltas) Error Closure: 0.0001 Course: N 22-14-38 W Error North: 0.00013 East:-0.00005 Precision 1: 5,557,130.10694989 r4 -11N�0 Lp e GRAPHIC SCALE 10 0 25 50 100 2( ( IN FEET) 1 inch = 50 ft. REV. No. DATE DESCRIPTION APPROVED DALEY-MORROW-POBLETE, INC. CLOVT Paul Noyes 726 AUBURN WAY NORTH 31327 10th PLACE SOUTHWEST, FEDERAL WAY, WASHINGTON 98023 AUBURN, WASHINGTON 98002 PHONE: (253)333-2200 (FAX)333-2206 PHONE No. (206) 764-3791 PRWECT =j Parcel No. 072104 9082 ENGINEERING - SURVEYING Wetland Location Survey L LAND PLANNING J.S. Jones and Associates Delineation incorporated M s(acE AS NOTED °R`"' 01390ws sir 1 WE 08 JUN 01 01390 of 1