23-101565City of federal Way Community Development Dept 33325 8th Ave S Feder.al Way, WA 98003 Ph: (253) 83&-2607 Fax: (253) 83S-2609 Project Name: MWANGl/KIARIE Project Address: 1225 S 313TH ST Project Description: Panel change Owne1· ROSEMWANGI 1225 S 313TH ST FEDERAL WAY WA 98003 Applicant ROSEMWANGI 1225 S 313TH STREET AVE FEDERAL WAY WA 98003 Additional Permit Information Is this an Online or O.T.C. application? .................. Yes Circuits -Residential Electrical Fbtures 200 Electrical Permit #:23-101565-00-EL Inspection Request Line: (25'3) 835-3050 Parcel Number: 787540 0150 Contractor OWNER OWNER PERMIT EXPIRES Saturday, 23 September, 2023 Permit lssued on Monday, March 27. 2023 I hereby certify that the above information is correct and that the construction on the above described property and the occupancy and the uot~it~f rij~~:·.z~;s and regulations of the State of Owner or agent: Date: _________ _ <ITYOP .. -..~~ Fe deral Way nns CARD IS TO RE:\1..\1;\' 0".\'-SIT£ Con.str~cti~n Inspe~t!?n ~e~ord l:\SPECTIO::'\ REQCESTS . (_,3 ) 83.-30:,0 Scheduled inspections may be failed if this card is not on-,ite. DO :\"OT LOSE THIS CARD . Inspections are listed as dose to sequential order as pos.sible (read left to right. top to bottom). Please 5cheduk illspections as appropriate . Work must not be co\·ered until it is approved. Cbeck with your inspector if you are Ull51Jre about any oftbe inspections Of the inspection Sc-quence. On-going inspections are logged on the back of this card. ELECTRICAL III L"fIR Groand (4295) II] Ditch cone (4030) 12:) Slab/Cont'rete Floor (4255) Approved Approved Approved to place concrete By Date By Date By Date IT! Pool Bonding (4195) m Temporary Power (4275) [I] Senice (4235) Appro\'f:d Approved .fl Approved By Dc1te By Date Br ¥ Date Y-?-f-;;?Q 0 Fffders/Sub-p.anels (4045) II] Rough Electrical (4225) []] Ceiling Cowr (4020) Approv4!d Appro1<'f:d Approved By Dc1te By Date By Date ~ Final -Electaical (4055) By /a:::~~1-£? MECHANICAL EJ Me<haokal Rough-in (4165) 12] Gas Piping (4125) m -Final -'.\lechankal (4065) Approved Approved to ~ease test Approved By Date Br Date B)' Date PLUMBING [j] Plambing G1·oundwork (4190) 11] Rough Plumbing (4230) 0 Final -Pl11mbing (4075) Appr01,'f:d to cov~r Approv~d Approved By Date By D.ate By Date