06-106490 (2) CITY OF CITY HALL 33325 8th Avenue South 44%�.� Federal Way Mailing Address PO Box 9718 Federal Way, WA 98063-9718 (253) 835-7000 www.cityoffedernhwaycorn February 2. 2007 Rafael ('ontreras 25O South 312`h Street Federal Way, WA 98003 RE: File #06-106490-00-PC, PREAPPLICA FION CONFERE.NCI. SCNIN1ARY Contreras Short Plat, 350 South 312'h Street, Federal Way Dear Mr. Contreras: Thank you for participating in the preapplication conference with the City of Federal Way's Development Review Committee (I)RC) held January 25. 2007. We hope that the information discussed at that meeting was helpful in understanding the general requirements for your project as submitted. I his letter summarizes comments given to von at the meeting by the members of the DRC. The members who reviewed your project and pro ided comments include staff from the City's Planning and Building Divisions and Public Works Department. and representatives from Lakehaven Utility District and South King Fire and Rescue. Some sections of the federal War ( itr Code (FWCC) and relevant information handouts are enclosed with this letter. Please be advised, this letter does not represent all applicable codes. In preparing your formal application. please refer to the complete FWCC and other relevant codes for all additional requirements that may apply to your project. l he I:ey contact for your project is Laura Kim, 253-835-2641. I,2ura.kim'a:citvoffederalway.com. For specifie technical questions about your project, please contact the appropriate DRC representative as listed below. Otherwise, any general questions about the preapplication and permitting process can he cicrred to your key contact. PROJFCT DESCRIPTION Proposal consists of the division of one existing lot, into three lots. The address is 350 312th Street, and is zoned Single-Family Residential 7.2 (RS7.2). \.JOR ISSUES Outlined below is a summary of the major issues of your project based on the plans and information submitted for preapplication review. I hese issues can change due to modifications and revisions in the plans. These major issues only represent comments that the DRC consider most significant to your project and do not include the majority of the comments provided. The major issues section is only provided as a means to highlight critical requirements or issues. Please be sure to read the entire department comments made in the next section of this letter. • Planning Division the zoning for the subject site is Residential Single-Family (RS-7.0). The minimum lot size for all lots is 7,200 square feet. Should public right-of-way be dedicated to the City as part of this short plat, MI 20u7 the affected area will not he included in the lot sizes. Also. pursuant to I.\VC(i. Section 2P-I s3_ area dedicated to access easements is not included as part of the lot size. • Public Works Development Services Division Detention and water quality treatment will be required as part of the development of the short plat and road improvements. Please refer to Department Comments below for further details. • Public Works Traffic Division A Transportation Concurrency Analysis (TCA) is required in order to assess project impacts and determine any traffic mitigation measures. 2. Street frontage improvements and right-of-way dedication are required along both South 312`h Street and 4`f'Avenue South. 3. The current proposal needs to meet block perimeter requirements. 4. The current proposal needs to meet access management standards. DEPARTMENT COMMENTS Outlined below are the comments made by the representatives of each department present at the preapplication conference. Each section should be read thoroughly. If you have questions. please contact the representative listed for that section. PLANNING DIVISION (Laura Kim, 253-835-2641, laura.kim@citvoffederalway.com) Sl2ort PlatProcc.cs: Pursuant to FWCC ('hapter 20, Article II Division _5, "Short Subdivision Plats.- short plat applications are administratively processed through the Department of Community Development Services under FWCC Section 20-83, et seq. The Director of Community Development Services will issue a decision on the short subdivision request. After the department determines that the application is complete, public notice of the short plat proposal will be prepared (FW( C Section 20-90), and a 14-day public comment period will be provided. No public hearing is required. unless there is an appeal of the I)irector's decision. A master land use application, short plat handout, and code sections are enclosed. SI:P.<I (State Environmental Policy Act2 Short plats are exempt from SFPA review. unless there are critical areas on site. Your project is exempt from SEPA. lee.- The 2007 short plat application fee is `12,195.50. (Additional utility fees. school impact fees. and engineering plan review fees may apply.) Lot The zoning for the subject site is Residential Single-Family, RS-7.2. Minimum lot size for all lots is 7,200 square feet. Should public right-of-way he dedicated to the City as part of this short plat. the affected area will not be included in the lot sizes. Also,pursuant to FWCC 20-153. area dedicated to access easements is not included as part of the lot size. Design Criteria: Pursuant to FWC( Section 20-I52, all lots should be of ample dimensions to provide a regularly shaped building area that meets required setbacks; all lots should be designed to provide access for emergency apparatus; and all lots should abut a public street right-of-way. Uoc ID,91_9 tilt. ('ontrci s Fehr i.0 v _ ru Scthcrck.s- tures trust conform to the following structural setback requirements of FWC(' Section 22-031. "I)(ladled I)s cling Units:" 20-foot front yard. five-loot side surd_ and five-foot rear yard. 'l he 20-fmit front setback is measured from (parallel to) a street or approved access easement. Lot ('orerape• Lot coverage for residential uses is limited to 60 percent and includes all impervious surfaces such as driveways, walkways. patios. and roof-overhangs. �rrLerrcns_ Urisey ivs must meet a five-foot setback from side property lines within the 20-toot front bard setback. As noted above, dimensions for flag driveways are minimum 22 feet wide for one-way driveway and 30 feet for two-way driveway, and includes five-foot side yards. Buildirtc Height_ Single-family detached structures are allowed to a height of 30 feet (midpoint of pitched roof). Refer to FWCC Section 22-1 for definitions of"average building elevation"and "height of structure." Open ,Space: 13ased on recent state ease law, the (`ity has determined that the open space requirements of FWCC Section 20-155' do not apply to short plot applications. As such. no open space is required for a short plat application. smi ijir wit I'rc�c.s. During the short plat process_ existing significant trees should he retained to the maximum extent possible_ except for those which will be removed for improvements or grading as shown on approved engineering plans. Preservation of significant trees. pursuant to [AV('( Section 22-1565, shall apply at the time that each building permit is applied for. Please show the location of all significant trees. along with species and diameter. and indicate those which must be removed for improvements. Significant trees are defined in FWCC 22-1 as those which are 12 inches in diameter or 37 inches circumference (at 4.5 feet above ground). in good health. and not detrimental to the community. Significant trees do not include red alder_ cottonwood. poplar, or big-leaf maple. PUBLIC WORKS DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIVISION (Kevin Peterson, 253-835-2734, kevin.peterson4 citvoffederalway.corn) Land Use Issues— Storniwater I If the completed project (new roads, driveways. and new residential units) creates more than 5,000 square feet of new impervious surfaces. then surface water runoff control and water quality treatment will be required per the I99S King ('oini?t'.kir/uce fUmier fle ign Manual(K('SWUM) and the ('ity of Federal Way Addendum to the 1 99S K(`SWI)M. This project meets the requirements for a Full Drainage Review. At the time of preliminary short plat submittal. a preliminary 'technical Information Report (Ilk). addressing the relevance of the project to the eight core and five special requirements of the K('SWUM will be required. A Ievei 1 downstream analysis shall also be provided in the preliminary ILK. The City has I " 100'. five-foot contour pl.mimeric maps that may he used for basin analysis. 2 The project lies within a Level 3 flow control area, thus the applicant must design the flow control facility to meet this performance criteria. The project also lies within a Resource Stream Protection Water Quality Area. Water Quality Treatment shall he designed to meet the treatment criteria of the Resource Stream Protection Water Quality Menu. Pile*GCS 166J9(i-r!-PC Dui ID 39429 Mr ( rintrn'rls f hrlalr :'_ 'oil 3- lithe eo ipl 'ted project creates lexx than 10.000 square feet anew impervious surface. then Small Site Hest Management Practices (I3MP's). as outlined in Appendix C' of'the K(SWI)M may be utilised to control surface water runoff. The K('SWI)I I requires that 4,000 square feet of impervious surface he assumed for the lots proposed for future development (Lots 2 and 3 on the current proposal). I herefore. based on the above requirement_ and including the required street improvements. it is very likely the completed project would create more than 10,000 square feet of new impervious. 4. If infiltration is proposed, soil logs prepared by a licensed geotechnical engineer or septic designer must be provided to verify infiltration suitability. 5. Detention and water quality facilities for short plats outside the City Center Core must be above ground (i.e. open pond.).Underground facilities are allowed only with approval from the City of Federal Way Stormwater Management Division. 6. Show the proposed location and dimensions of the detention and water quality facilities on the preliminary plans. 7. If more than one acre will be disturbed during construction. a National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit may be required. Information regarding this permit can be obtained from the Washington State Department of at http:'lwwu.ecv.wa.gov/programs/sea/pae/index_html, or by calling 360-407-6437. Right-of-«av Improvements 1. See the I raft is Division comments from Raid 'l'irhi, Senior Traffic Engineer. for traffic related items. 2. If dedication of additional right-of-way is required to install street frontage improvements, the dedication shall be conveyed to the City through a statutory warranty deed. The dedicated area must have clear title prior to recording. 3. All stormnater treatment and detention requirements outlined above will be applied to new impervious area within the public right-of-way. 4. FW('C Section 16-47 requires that overhead utility lines be relocated underground if over 500 feet, or three spans are affected by a project. 5, I'WCC Section 22-1543 requires that driveways serving residential uses may not be located closer than 25 feet to any street intersection. Lots and intersections within new subdivisions or short plats must he designed to meet this standard. EN Permit Issues 1. Engineered plans arc required for clearing, grading, road construction, and utility work. Plans must be reviewed and approved by the City. Engineering review fees are S753.00 for the first 12 hours of review. and S63 per hour for additional review time. A final TIR shall be prepared for the project File 106-190-GG-PC Doc ID 39429 tilt Contreras P.i e S February 2. 2007 and submitted with the engineering plans. Both the I and the plans will require the signaturc'seal of a professional engineer registered.licensed in the State of Washington. 2. In addition to engineering approval. short plats and subdivisions are required to obtain a separate permit for grading. Details and fees may be obtained from the Federal Way Building Department. 3. The l"e /erul Iidv Development Stcnidards Vhfarrrru( (including standard detail drawings, standard notes, and engineering checklists) is available on the ('its's w(bsite at www.citvoffederalway.com to assist the applicants engineer in preparing the plans and 11R. 4. The applicant shall provide a geotechnical report that addresses design pavement thickness for the roadways. 5. Bonding is required for all improvements associated with the project. The bond amount shall be 120 percent of the estimated costs of the improvements. .-ln administrative fee deposit will need to accompany the bond to cover any possible legal fees in the event the bond must be called. upon completion of the installation of the improvements, and final approval of the Public Works Inspector, the bond will be reduced to 30 percent of the original amount and held for a two-year maintenance period. 6. The developer will be responsible for the maintenance of all storm drainage facilities (including the detention and water quality facilities) and street systems during the two-year maintenance period. During that time, the Public forks Inspector Wil I make periodic visits to the site to ensure the developers compliance with the maintenance requirements. Upon satisfactory completion of the two-year maintenance period, the remainder of the bond will be released. Maintenance for public roads and subdivision drainage facilities then become the responsibility of the City. lllaintenance for- private roads and drainage facilities, including short plats, remain the responsibility of the individual property owners. 7. When topographic survey information is shown on the plans. the vertical datum block shall include the phrase "I)-I I t TM: N.G.V.D.-29" or"DATUM: K.('.A.S_." on all sheets where vertical elevations are called out. S. Drawings submitted for plan review shall be punted on 24" x 6"or 22" x 34" paper. All final approved drawings shall be dratted/plotted on 24"x 36" or 22"x 34" mylar sheet with permanent black ink. Site plans shall be drawn at a scale of I "= 20'. or larger. Architectural scales are not permitted on engineering plans. 9. Provide cut and fill quantities on the clearing and grading plan. Erosion control measures_ per Appendix D. 199S K( WDM, must be shown on the engineering plans. I 0. The site plan shall show the location of any existing and proposed utilities in the area affected by construction. ( „ntrrr,i l'A!L. 1:CI)1 uarV 2. 2007 Pt:jn,IC WORKS TRAFFIC I)I\ ISION (Raid 'l'irhi, P1:, 253-$35-2744, raid.tirhi(ii?,cityoftederalway.com) Transportation Concurrence Analysis (TCA) I. A concurrency application ‘vill be required for this development project. A concurrency information package is enclosed. The concurrency analysis will provide the applicant an analysis of evening peak hour impacts of the project and pro-rata share contributions towards transportation projects adopted in the"Transportation Improvement Plan (1 IP) to assure adequate capacity to accommodate development. Supplemental mitigation may be required if the proposed project creates an impact not anticipated in the TIP. The applicant has the option to have an independent traffic engineer prepare the concurrency analysis consistent with City procedures: however, the application fee remains the same. 2. Based on the application materials submitted, and the Institute of 1Iransportation Engineers 111/) Generation 7``' Edition. Land Use Code 220 (Single-family Detached Housing). the project is estimated to generate approximately three new weekday PM peak hour trips. Therefore. the concurrency application fee would be $315.00, payable upon completion of the concurrency analysis. Street Frontage Improvements 3. Per FWCC Section 22-1474, the applicant/owner would be expected to construct street improvements consistent with the planned roadway cross-sections as shown in Map 111-6 of the FWCP and Capital Improvement Program (CAP) shown as Table III-19. Based on the materials submitted. staff conducted a limited analysis to determine the required street improvements in meeting the 1'\V('C. Based on the analysis and FWCC. the applicant would be expected to construct improvements on the following streets: • South 3 12`1' street is planned as a Type "G" street. consisting of a 66-foot street with curb and gutter. six-foot planter strips with street trees. eight-foot sidewalks, and street lights in a 100- foot right-of-way (ROW). Assuming a symmetrical cross section, eight-foot ROW dedication and half street improvements are required. • Per drawing 3-1A in the Public Works Development Standards, internal streets shall be Type "W"street, consisting of a 28-foot street with curb and gutter, four-foot planter strips with street trees. five-foot sidewalks and street lights in a 52-foot right-of-way (ROW). Based on the submitted survey map and assuming a symmetrical cross section, 26.14-foot ROW dedication and 3/4 street improvements are required (20 foot minimum pavement) for this project. This assumes that a six-foot street balance is not constructed on the currently proposed Maggie's Meadow development project. Since the City has no control of which project will move forward and the timing is critical as it determines the final roadway conditions, Staff strongly recommends that neighboring property owners negotiate an agreement for the construction of the full roadway section at one time. 4. Tapers and transitions beyond the project frontage may be required as deemed necessary for safety purposes, taper rate shall he WS^2/60 or as directed by the Public Works Director. rile='Ul,_�Ot>49i Doe ID 39429 N1r C ontrcL I cbriai 2_2007 Access and Traffic Circulation 5. Access niinagernent standards are based on roadway safety° and capacity requirements. MCC Section 22-1543 provides access standards for streets based on planned roadway cross-sections. Please note that access classifications are per Drawing 3-IA in the Public Works Development Standards. 6. South 312``' Street is a minor arterial with Access Class " 3 which permits full access as close as 150 feet to any other street intersection or driveway, whether on or off the subject property. The existing driveway does not meet current access management standards and should be relocated to 4th Avenue South. 7. FWCC Section 20-151(d) and FWCP Policy TP21, require block perimeters no longer- than 1320 meet for non-motorized trips, and 2640 feet for streets. Therefore. a north/south street connection along the east side (4`'' Avenue South extension,roadway cross section W) would be required as indicated above. Other Comments S. A temporary turnaround may be required at the 4'11 Avenue South terminus. 9. Please utilize roadway cross-section . for a cul-de-sac terminus dimensions (5 3-Foot radius) or as approved by the Fire Department. 10. 411i Avenue South extension should have 25-foot return radius at the intersection with South 312`h Street. L.AKEt1AVEN UTILITY DISTRICT (Brian Asbury, 253-946-5407, basbury @lakehaven.org) Water . A developer extension agreement will be required to extend and/or construct mainline water distribution facilities to serve the site. Additional detail and/or design requirements can be obtained from Lakehaven by submitting a separate application to Lakehaven for either a pre-design meeting or a developer extension agreement(application copies enclosed). Lakehaven encourages the owner to apply for either of these processes early in the pre-design/planning phase to avoid delays in overall project rim elopment. 2 In lieu of the requirement for a developer extension agreement. ANtl_) depending on the specific ROW development requirements for this project and/or the status of development of adjacent property, water service connections for the two new proposed single-family residences may be allowed under Iakchaven's "'Temporary Service Policy-. Such service connections would be subject to payment of earls comer charges assessed with each water meter application. Where future, permanent public facilities would be located across private property, including owner's property. the owner shall procure and/or convey all easements for the construction and operation/maintenance of the permanent facilities in locations and on forms approved by Lakehaven. DoclD39329 fi (Th itcr.is Sewer I. Presuming sevve s siry ice is required by the King ('ounty Department of health (' 200 feet from property to existing sewer facilities), a developer extension agreement will be required to extend and/or construct mainline sanitary sewer facilities to serve the site. Additional detail and/or design requirements can be obtained from Lakehaven by submitting a separate application to Iakehaven for either a pre-design meeting or a developer extension agreement (application copies enclosed). Lakehaven encourages the owner to apply for either of these processes early in the pre- design/planning phase to avoid delays in overall project development. 2. In lieu of the requirement for a developer extension agreement. AND depending on the specific ROW development requirements for this project and/or the status of development of adjacent property. sewer service connections for the proposed single-family residences may be allowed under Lakehaven's "Temporary Service Policy." Such connections would be subject to owner's acquisition of the necessary private sewer easement(s) on adjacent property (if necessary) and payment of earlycomer charges assessed with the sewer service connection permits. Where future. permanent public facilities would be located across private property. including owners property. the owner shall procure and'or convey all easements for the construction and operation/maintenance of the permanent facilities in locations and on forms approved by I akehaven. General I. I akehaven's Capital Facilities Charges are calculated on the basis of Equivalent Residential Units (FM J). Residential equivalency for single-family use is calculated as I.0 FRU per unit. I akehaven's 2007 Capital Facilities Charges are $3,196/ERU for water and S2.768/ERU for sewer. 2. Credit may be available for this property from connection charges previously assessed for water. Please contact Lakehaven for further detail by submitting a separate application for a pre-design meeting or a developer extension agreement(application copies enclosed). 3. All comments herein are valid for one(I)year and are based on the proposal(s) submitted and Lakehaven's current regulations and policies. Any change to either the development proposal(s)or I.akehaven's regulations and policies may affect the above comments accordingly. SOt;'rii KING FIRE AND RIa( tE (Chris Ingham, 253-946-7244. Chris.inghain lsouthkingtire.org) Water Supplies for Fire Protection The existing hydrant is acceptable for this project. A Certificate of Water Availability shall he provided at the time or formal application indicating the lire Pow available at the site Fire_apparatus :Access Roadway If the development to the East is installed and lots 2 and 3 are accessed from the development then there are no comments regarding a turnaround. Otherwise the following comments apply. Ifa cul-de-sac cannot be provided then lots 2 and 3 will require an automatic lire sprinkler system. Doc ID 39429 \lr ( (1ntrcras 9 I•rhl 2_. 299, I'ire apparatus access roadvv,rvs 4hall be required for every building. v\hcn tiny portion ofan exterior wall of the first story is located more than I50 ft_ from fire apparatus s chicle access. Dire apparatus access roads: 1) Shall have an unobstructed width of not less than 20 feet and an unobstructed vertical clearance of not less than 13 feet 6 inches. 2) Shall be designed and maintained to support the imposed load of a 25-ton fire apparatus and shall be provided with a surface so as to provide all-weather driving capabilities. 3) Shall be not less than a 20-foot inside turning radius and not less than a 40-foot outside turning radius. 4) With a dead-end in excess of 150 feet in length shall be provided with a cul-de-sac or Fire Department approved alternative at the dead end. All such cul-de-sacs shall be not less than 80 feet in diameter. 5 i Gradient shall not exceed 15 percent. EXCEPTION:: When lnuldiiigs arc completely protected with (Iir approved uutomutic fire sprinkler system, these provisions nuns be nuxlificd In-the chic'. Automatic Fire Sprinkler System An automatic fire sprinkler system shall be installed in Group R. I)i ision ; occupancies: 1) When the occupancy exceeds 2.500 square feet(including attached garages) without adequate fire flow. 2) Without approved fire department access. 3) When the occupancy exceeds 10.000 square feet. 4) When the building is classified as an over-water structure. ('I OSING This letter reflects the information provided at the preapplication meeting and is intended to assist you in preparing plans and materials for formal application. We hope you found the comments useful to your project. We have made every effort to identify major issues to eliminate surprises during the City's eview of the formal application. The completion of the preapplication process in the content of this letter u1 as not vest any future project application. Comments in this letter arc only valid for one year as per I `.A(( Section 22-1657_ As you know. this is a preliminary review only and does not take the place of the frill review that will lolloss submission ofa formal application. Comments provided in this letter are based on preapplication materials submitted. Modifications and revisions to the project as presented for this preapplication may influence and modify information regarding development requirements outlined above. In addition to this preapplication letter. i_ _ f:6a90-On-PC Doc ID;9429 f 1517 please gamine the complete and other relevant codes carefully. Requirements that arc found in the codes that are not addressed in this letter arc still required l or vour project. If von have questions about an individual comment. please contact the appropriate department representative noted above. Any general questions can be directed tovtiards the key project contact. I.aura 2')- 535-2641. We look forward to working with von. Sincerely, Laura Kim Associate Planner cm:: Short Phil Application Packet Concurrence Information Packet Riuht-of-Wav Modification Requirements 11astcr I.and t:se Application hors Plat I tanctout Lakehaven Site Map Lakchaoen Developer Pre-Itcsiun Application I.akchaven Developer flvtension Aitrcentent Application c Laura Kim. Planninuu Kevin Peterson. Public Works Raid Tirhi,Traffic t)i ision Scott Sproul. Budding Department Chris Ingham. South King. Fire Brian Asburli.. Lakehac en tSi!its Ben Smith r'Pam Gilbertson_Agent. Sadler/Barnard and Associates Inc. 7 1 7 West Stewart_ Puyallup,WA 98371 PC Doc ID 39429 Nhh. CITY OF CITY HALL Federal Way 33325 8th Avenue South Mailing Address: POO Box 9718 Federal Way, WA 98063-9718 (253) 835-7000 www.cityoffederalway.corn January 4, 2006 Mr. Michael Luna Sadler/Barnard and Associates, Inc. 717 West Stewart Puyallup, WA 98371 Re: Permit#06-106490-00-PC; NOTIFICATION OF PREAPPLICATION CONFERENCE Contreras Short Plat; 350 South 312th Street, Federal Way Dear Mr. Luna: The above-referenced proposal has been assigned to me as project planner. At this time, the application and preliminary site plan have been routed to the members of the Development Review Committee. A meeting with the project applicant and committee has been scheduled as follows: Thursday, January 25—11:00 a.m. Hylebos Conference Room City Hall, 2"`'Floor 33325 8`h Avenue South Federal Way, WA 98003 We look forward to meeting with you. Let me know if you will have more than five people attending the preapplication conference so we can make arrangements for a larger room. This is the only notice sent out, so please coordinate directly with anyone else you would like to attend the meeting. Please contact me at 253-835-2641, or l u a ki r ci tyofleclerall ii com, if you have any questions. Si -erely, Laura Kim Associate Planner Dec.I D i(J CITY OF FEDERAL WAY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE Pre-application Conference Sign In Sheet Project Name: Contictra2 Short- Plat Address: i F 0 cS 31 Z(-- ST File #: 0 0(.B`F610 PG Date: l/.25/07 NAME REPRESENTING TELEPHONE NUMBER 1. Lq,UJ . Kt n') FIN PLa.hnir 253-835-Z(04-1 2. /?f)-i/3 //e2-11 FA.,.. -Pa Mt-, (L53/- 03S-2-R1/4-1`1 3. SoM A CoA-rro pikDHYI Y (,7s-3) - gas- z74 ) \s'E.L)?.•1 LkvEm\teo DUST. 2.53 —ct ,-54-o7 5. I sct i Ramat 1E.:,. cce_wi ce,s 2s3_ 63s- 7 -7- 34 6. lNA $SS-2'1 7. /IR(5 //U -7Y41-,11r s0cIA 7-(,/t/6- Fa1i 2S-3 Y‘ zVC/ 8. 6141,- -835-- zee/( 9. 3=11111 ` 042 i/AcCb S- S - 11. Viyi t l,v ( /i/ rk:i/7<< c/ c(i .;/ 6) 12. Rece J MASTER LAND USE APPLICATION Q � ©G DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT SERVICES 11 DEC % O 51 U 33325 8th Avenue South CITY OF oERA0wpYy PO Box 9718 Federal Way GAT 98063-9718 B W OMG DEPT. 253-835r 2607;Fax 253-835-2609 www.cityoffederalway.com APPLICATION No OV/ -I Ob l !D -O v `PC Date //162 7 46: Project Name C_p A7 R6/'f 3 c % /-P,,11 Property Address/Location O?- O S, 3j?sue r- Parcel Number(s) g U /Q Ll 1/3 c2 Project Description 3 AU' / 6.katzi pi,, ,— PLEASE PRINT Type of Permit Required Applicant Annexation Binding Site Plan Boundary Line Adjustment Name: RA FAC c- GONTRep Comp Plan/Rezone Address: aSo 5, 3 _ _Land Surface Modification City/State: F-tJERAL t,'AY, A Lot Line Elimination Zip: 9 Yc'o3 • ? Preapplication Conference Phone: Process I(Director=s Approval) Fax: Process II(Site Plan Review) Email: Process III(Project Approval) Signature: & Process IV(Hearing Examiner's Decision) Process V(Quasi-Judicial Rezone) Agent(if different than Applicant) Process VI SEPA w/Project Name: Slr7E6R/6ARMAKb I- 4OC. .Z f.:1 G SEPA Only Address: 7 1 7 w --,si sre'tA-'4 r Shoreline: Variance/Conditional Use City/State: pj /L j P ,A„f Short Subdivision Zip: 4$37/ Subdivision Phone: 863 " 73" --6-1 TG Variance: Commercial/Residential Fax: a?S.:3-- b3`''£r- 5-°717'6' Email: Signature:3�fs/ /i �� de-11/Required Information , O Owner 7,,22 Zoning Designation Name: 41//7E 415 A t'/-' 1G4 it) 1- 0 i:"IaIGH ba_Comprehensive Plan Designation Address: ' /60 A Value of Existing Improvements City/State: it►L Value of Proposed Improvements Zip i• Phone: International Building Code(IBC): Fax: ..1A Occupancy Type Email: P y Signature: ti/11 Construction Type Bulletin#003-August 18,2004 Page 1 of I k:\Handouts\Master Land Use Application CITY OF I Federal Way 4::k� BOUNDARY LINE ADJUSTMENT NO. - -SU CITY OF FEDERAL WAY KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON KING COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT Examined and approved this day of 20_ NAME Name AUTHORIZATION THIS BOUNDARY LINE ADJUSTMENT IS MADE WITH THE FREE CONSENT AND IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE DESIRES OF THE OWNERS OF THE AFFECTED PROPERTIES. Date Name Date Name Date Name Date State of Washington County of I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that APPROVALS: CITY OF FEDERAL WAY Examined and approved this day of DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS Examined and approved this day of DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT SERVICES KING COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF ASSESSMENTS , 20_ Examined and approved this day of 20_ Assessor Deputy Assessor Account Number ORIGINAL LEGAL DESCRIPTION LOT 1, PARCEL # 6143600325 BEGINNING AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF GOVERNMENT LOT 3, SECTION 15, TOWNSHIP 21 NORTH, RANGE 4 EAST, W.M., IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON; THENCE FOLLOWING THE NORTH LINE OF SAID GOVERNMENT LOT 3, SOUTH 88°52'00" WEST 990 FEET; THENCE SOU'. H 00°57'00" EAST PARALLEL WITH THE EAST LINE OF SAID GOVERNMENT LOT, 1,878 FEET; THENCE NORTH 89°52'00" WEST 850.80 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 28008'00" WEST 400 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENC: NORTH 51 °46'50" WEST 386.78 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 1 1 *19'30" WEST 28.80 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 05°54'30" WEST 32 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 53'52' 10" EAST 363.86 FEET; THENCE NORTH 28°08'00" EAST 40 FEET TO THE TRH POINT OF BEGINNING; (BEING KNOWN AS TRACT 64, NORTH LAKE SHORE LANDS, ACCORDItw TO THE UNRECORDED PLAT THEREOF, AND SECOND CLASS SHORELANDS ADJOINING); EXCEPT THAT PORTION OF SAID PREMISES DEEDED TO KING COUNTY FOR ROAD PURPOSES BY INSTRUMENT RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUNABER 2591984. SITUATE IN THE COUNTY OF KING, STATE OF WASHINGTON. LOT 2, PARCEL # 6143600326 BEGINNING AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF GOVERNMENT LOT 3, SEC: TION 15, TOWNSHIP 21 NORTH, RANGE 4 EAST, W.M., IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON; THENCE FOLLOWING THE NORTH LINE OF SAID GOVERNMENT LOT 3, SOUTH 88052'00' WEST 990 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 00057'00" EAST PARALLEL WITH THE EAST LINE OF SAID GOVERNMENT LOT 1,878 FEET; THENCE NORTH 89°52'00" WEST 850.80 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 28008'00" WEST 440 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENC`: NORTH 53052'10" WEST 363.86 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 05°54'30" WES'' 58 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 55°37'30" EAST 340.24 FEET; THENCE NORTH 28 08'00" EAST 40 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; TOGETHER WITH SECOND CLASS SHORELANDS ADJOINING; (BEING KNOWN AS TRACT 65, NORTH LAKE SHORE LANDS, ACCORDINk-_7 TO THE UNRECORDED PLAT THEREOF, AND SECOND CLASS SHORELANDS ADJOINING); EXCEPT THAT PORTION OF SAID PREMISES DEEDED TO KING COUNTY FOR ROAD PURPOSES BY INSTRUMENT RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NLJ/V; sER 2591984. signed this instrument and acknowledged it to be (his/her) free and voluntary act for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument. SITUATE IN THE COUNTY OF KING, STATE OF WASHINGTON. Signature of Notary Public Printed name Dated My appointment expires State of Washington County of I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that signed this Instrument and acknowledged it to be (his/her) free and voluntary act for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument. Signature of Notary Public Printed name Dated My appointment expires RECORDER'S CERTIFICATE .................... filed for record this ........... day of .......... 20....... at ...... M in book .......... of ........ at page......... at the request of .............�g................................................. Supt. of Records LAND SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE This Boundary Line Adjustment correctly represents a survey made by me or under my direction in conformance with th? requirements of the appropriate state and city statute and ordinance in 20...... ............................................ Certificate No. 19635 , PROPOSED LEGAL DESCRIPTION , 20_ RECORDING NO. VOL./PAGE PARCEL NO.: PORTION OF: SW 1 /4 of SW 1 /4, S. 15, T. 21 N, R. 4 E, W.M. LOT 1 COMMENCING AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF GOVERNMENT LOT 3, SECTION 15, TOWNSHIP 21 NORTH, RANGE 4 EAST, W.M., IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON; THENCE FOLLOWING THE NORTH LINE OF SAID GOVERNMENT LOT 3, S 88°52'00" W, A DISTANCE OF 990.00 FEET; THENCE S 00057'00" E PARALLEL WITH THE EAST LINE OF SAID GOVERNMENT LOT, A DISTANCE OF 1,878.00 FEET; THENCE N 89°52'00" W, A DISTANCE OF 850.80 FEET; THENCE S 28°08'00" W, A DISTANCE OF 400.00 FEET; THENCE N 51 °46'50" W, A DISTANCE OF 10.16 TO THE WESTERLY MARGIN OF 33RD PLACE SOUTH AND THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE CONTINUING N 51 °46'50" W, A DISTANCE OF 376.62 FEET; THENCE S 11 *19'30" W, A DISTANCE OF 28.00 FEET; THENCE S 05054'30" W, A DISTANCE OF 32.74 FEET; THENCE S 05°45'55" W, A DISTANCE OF 25.74 FEET; THENCE S 57°54'26" E, A DISTANCE OF 76.47 FEET; THENCE S 89044'43" E, A DISTANCE OF 44.87 FEET; THENCE S 64°54'00" E, A DISTANCE OF 42.43 FEET; THENCE S 61 °25'48" E, A DISTANCE OF 23.83 FEET; THENCE S 53"18'51" E, A DISTANCE OF 160.15 FEET TO A POINT ON SAID WESTERLY MARGIN; THENCE N 28°08'00" E ALONG SAID WESTERLY MARGIN, A DISTANCE OF 21.01 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. TOGETHER WITH SECOND CLASS SHORELANDS ADJOINING. (BEING A PORTION OF TRACTS 64 AND 65, NORTH LAKE SHORELANDS, ACCORDING TO THE UNRECORDED PLAT, THEREOF) LOT 2 COMMENCING AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF GOVERNMENT LOT 3, SECTION 15, TOWNSHIP 21 NORTH, RANGE 4 EAST, W.M., IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON; THENCE FOLLOWING THE NORTH LINE OF SAID GOVERNMENT LOT 3, S 88°52'00" W, A DISTANCE OF 990.00 FEET; THENCE S 00057'00" E PARALLEL WITH THE EAST LINE OF SAID GOVERNMENT LOT, A DISTANCE OF 1,878.00 FEET; THENCE N 89°52'00" W, A DISTANCE OF 850.80 FEET; THENCE S 28°08'00" W, A DISTANCE OF 400.00 FEET; THENCE N 51 °46'50" W, A DISTANCE OF 10.16 TO THE WESTERLY MARGIN OF 33RD PLACE SOUTH; THENCE S 28'08'00" W ALOt-IG SAID WESTERLY rNARGIN, '. DISTANCE OF 21.01 FEET"(O THE TRUL-" POINT OF BL:GINNiNG; 'I HENCE CONTINUING S 28'08'00" W ALONG SAID WESTERLY MARGIN, A DISTANCE OF 59.67 FEET; THENCE N 55037'30" W, A DISTANCE OF 330.21 FEET; THENCE N 05°45'55" E, A DISTANCE OF 32.25 FEET; THENCE S 57°54'26" E, A DISTANCE OF 76.47 FEET; THENCE S 890A4'43" E, A DISTANCE OF 44.87 FEET; THENCE S 64054'00" E, A DISTANCE OF 42.43 FEET; THENCE S 61 °25'48" E, A DISTANCE OF 23.83 FEET; THENCE S 53018'51" E, A DISTANCE OF 160.15 FEET TO SAID WESTERLY MARGIN AND THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. TOGETHER WITH SECOND CLASS SHORELANDS ADJOINING. (BEING A PORTION OF TRACTS 64 AND 65, NORTH LAKE SHORELANDS, ACCORDING TO THE UNRECORDED PLAT, THEREOF) Cn „krexl.5 9/ 30 `� n s e L111-7 �r`! . �III�,�IE10: 7,:� I SADLER / BARNARD ASSOC, INCn 717 W STEWART, PUYALLUP, WA 98371 . 253-848-5170 FAA: 253-848-5246 . www.sadierbarnard.com LAND SURVEYING. PLANNING. PLATTING S 328TH ST NORTH LAKE U) w U) Q W Q 00 to z t S 334TH ST ^� 62 SIT `V 36 EXPIRES 1 1 /23/07 'dl� NORTH VICINITY MAP n.t.s. W Q d O BLA PREPARED FOR NICOLE VAIVADAS NATIONAL CITY MORTGAGE 777 108TH AVENUE N.E. BELLEVUE, WASHINGTON 98004 DWN. BY DATE JOB NO. 11.8.06 2005.251.01 CHKD. BY SCALE SHEET D. 0. 1 OF 2 �_\ nrr-%IG!'TC\ n^^e\ ^^^ rI ^1\ nI ♦\ n^^"11 ^. ­ . ..... 1 . .. 1. ^ 1^^^, ^ • ^ ^" RECORDING NO. VOL./PAGE CITY OF .,A%. .,& Federal Way SHORT PLAT NO. xxx CITY OF FEDERAL WAY KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON BASIS OF BEARING PLAT OF EVERGREEN ESTATES SOUTH VOL. 101, PAGES 75-77 (PLAT) EQUIPMENT USED TOPCON GTS 211 D TOTAL STATION HP-48GX DATA COLLECTOR PROCEDURE USED ELECTRONIC DATA COLLECTION EASEMENT FOR SLOPES FOR CUTS AND FILLS PERTAINING TO THE "REASONABLE ORIGINAL GRADING OF THE AVENUES AND STREETS SHOWN HEREON (DEDICATION PAGE OF PLAT)" LEGEND DECIDIOUS TREE .�, UTILITY POLE ANCHOR E LUMINAIR SITE BENCH MARK(FND MON MISC) 0 UTILITY POLE CONIFER TREE IB WV/WM -o---o— WIRE FENCE -a—a— BOARD FENCE t7 FIRE HYDRANT VERTICAL DATUM CITY OF FEDERAL WAY BENCH MARK NUMBER 2200-04 EL=363.41' NGVD-29 SURVEY NOTES CLOSURES EXCEEDED THE MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS AS ESTABLISHED BY WAC 332-130-090 PROPERTY CORNERS SET, EXCEPT AS NOTED, REPRESENT DEED LOCATIONS. OWNERSHIP LINES MAY BE DIFFERENT. OBVIOUS ENCROACHMENTS, IF ANY, ARE SHOWN. HOWEVER, NO GUARANTEE OF OWNERSHIP IS EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED. THE DRAWING SHOWN HEREON DOES NOT NECESSARILY CONTAIN ALL OF THE INFORMATION OBTAINED BY THE SURVEYOR IN HIS FIELD WORK, OFFICE WORK AND/OR RESEARCH. THIS SURVEY REPRESENTS DEED CORNER POSITIONS ONLY. DEED LINES WERE NOT TRAVERSED, THEREFOR POSSIBLE ENCROACHMENTS ARE NOT SHOWN OR REFERENCED EXCEPT AS SHOWN. A¢�L�� �fio"I LOT 1 7257 SQ. FT. SQ rT 0.17 ACRES LOT 2 7375 SQ. FT. '7Z32 SQF-T 0.17 ACRES LOT 3 8000 SQ. FT. ?blip Ski=� 0.18 ACRES RETENTION POND 5868 SQ. FT. 0.13 ACRES 10' DEDICATION TO CITY 1450 SQ. FT. 0.03 ACRES COPPER PLUG IN CASE W/ PUNCH IN CONC (10/07/2004) 7 8 �- L � f eieA . 0, ,,W6 -1 C 11,2�`y2► t 10' DEDICATION TO CITY 0 FB FA CAI S88055'02"E 1979.94' MEAS S88°55'02"E 1979.85' PLAT BASIS OF BEARING El 3 HIES I CONC. N 88°55'02" W 145.00' 20.00' 0 0 0 it to LOTcy 1 v 15' BUILDING SETBACK _ I LINE (TYP) �� 20' 89 669.1 1' 20.00' S 88�55'02" E 145.00' / c 145.00' o ASPH. ASPH. j. 1314.53 South 312th Street II ASPH. CONC. o I I / C14I I II 01 I �IJ CONTRERAS SHORT PLAT ZONING=RS 7.2 SADL=R TAX PARCEL NUMBER 0821049132 S F1 BARNARD 0' 30' 60' 90' SCALE: 1 " 30' PARCEL NO.: 0821049132 PORTION OF: SW 1 /4 of NW 1 /4, S. 08, T. 21 N, R. 4 E, W.M. & ASSOC. INC. 12 tl # 0' 30' 60' 90' SCALE: 1 "=30' CALC CENTERLINE OF 4TH AVE SOUTH PROJECTED INTERSECTS NORTH RIGHT OF WAY 5.86' EAST OF PROP .LINE IR 665.41 N 717 W STEWART, PUYALLUP, WA 98371 . 253-848-5170 FAX: 253-848-5246 . www.sadierbarnard.com LAND SURVEYING. PLANNING. PLATTING EXPIRES soon O a 3 't Rn . 19635 11/23/07 ,BRASS CAP IN CASE W/ STARBURST (10/07/2004 NO 1 ° 17'45"E —12.22 PLAT AND CALC SE CORNER, WEST 1 /2 SE1/4, NW1/4, SEC. 8 J O SHORT PLAT PREPARED FOR RAFAEL CONTRERAS 250 S 312TH ST. FEDERAL WAY, WA. 98003 DWN. BY DATE JOB NO. Q /.1 !v7 10-4-06 2006.143.01 CHKD. BY SCALE SHEET D.O. 1"=30" 2OF2 ':\PROJECTS\2006\2006143.01\SP\06143SP recover.dwa. 11 /14/20061:28:41 PM