ORD 23-959 - Amending the 2023-2024 Biennial BudgetORDINANCE NO.23-959 AN ORDINANCE of the City of Federal Way, Washington, relating to amending the 2023-2024 Biennial Budget. (Amending Ordinance No. 22-941) WHEREAS, the tax estimates and budget for the City of Federal Way, Washington, for the 2023-2024 fiscal biennium have been prepared and filed on September 15, 2022 as provided by Titles 35A.34 and 84.55 of the Revised Code of Washington; and WHEREAS, the budget was printed for distribution and notice published in the official paper of the City of Federal Way setting the time and place for public hearing on the budget and said notice stating copies of the budget can be obtained on-line and at the Office of the City Clerk; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Federal Way held public hearings on October 18 and November 01, 2022, and considered the public comments presented; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Federal Way approved the budget ordinance on November 15, 2022 (attached Exhibit A). NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FEDERAL WAY, WASHINGTON, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. 2023-2024 Budget Amendment. That the budget for the 2023-2024 biennium is hereby amended in the amounts and for the purposes as shown on the attached Exhibit B ("2023-2024 Amended Budget"). Section 2. Administration. The Mayor shall administer the Biennial Budget and in doing so may authorize adjustments to the extent that they are consistent with the budget Ordinance No. 23-959 Page 1 of 5 approved herein. Section 3. Severability. Should any section, subsection, paragraph, sentence, clause, or phrase of this chapter, or its application to any person or situation, be declared unconstitutional or invalid for any reason, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this chapter or its application to any other person or situation. The City Council of the City of Federal Way hereby declares that it would have adopted this chapter and each section, subsection, sentence, clauses, phrase, or portion thereof, irrespective of the fact that any one or more sections, subsections, sentences, clauses, phrases, or portions be declared invalid or unconstitutional. Section 4. Corrections. The City Clerk and the codifiers of this ordinance are authorized to make necessary corrections to this ordinance including, but not limited to, the correction of scrivener/clerical errors, references, ordinance numbering, section/subsection numbers and any references thereto. Section 5. Ratification. Any act consistent with the authority and prior to the effective date of this ordinance is hereby ratified and affirmed. Section 6. Effective Date. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force five (5) days from the time of its final passage as provided by law. PASSED by the City Council of the City of Federal Way this 6th day of June, 2023. [signatures to follow] Ordinance No. 23-959 Page 2 of 5 CITY OF FEDERAL WAY: J F ERRELL, MAYOR ATTEST: ST H NIE COURTNEY, , CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO FORM: J. RYAN CALL, CITY ATTORNEY FILED WITH THE CITY CLERK: 05/10/2023 PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL: 06/06/2023 PUBLISHED: 06/09/2023 EFFECTIVE DATE: 06/14/2023 ORDINANCE NO.: 23-959 Ordinance No. 23-959 Page 3 of 5 EMBIT A 2023-2024Adopted Bu et 2023 2024 Beginning Fund Beginning Fund Ending Fund Fund Balance Revenue Expenditure Balance Revenue Expenditure Balance General Fund $ 12,415,532 $ 56,854,231 $ 60,077,654 $ 9,192,109 $ 61,108,379 $ 61,300,485 $ 9,000,003 Special Revenue Funds: Street 210,983 5,715,475 5,426,458 500,000 5,595,163 5,595,163 500,000 Arterial Street 100,001 1,563,000 1,563,000 100,001 1,563,000 1,563,000 100,001 Utility Tax 4,579,047 11,830,565 11,619,868 4,789,743 11,782,564 15,072,308 1,500,000 Sales/Use Tax -Affrd. & Supprt. Housing 140,702 125,000 125,000 140,702 125,000 125,000 140,702 Solid Waste/Recycling 311,052 722,200 641,647 391,604 722,200 654,343 459,462 Special Contract/Studies 462,890 462,890 - 462,890 Hotel/Motel Lodging Tax 1,720,995 293,000 65,000 1,948,995 308,000 65,000 2,191,995 Community Center 980,517 2,799,376 2,279,893 1,500,000 2,306,857 2,306,857 1,500,000 Traffic Safety Fund 3,109,153 3,000,000 3,846,735 2,262,419 3,060,000 4,122,419 1,200,000 Utility TaxProposition 1 1,612,395 3,859,478 4,471,873 1,000,000 4,603,704 4,603,704 1,000,000 Perfomung Arts & Event Center 541,702 2,387,767 2,483,359 446,111 2,259,757 2,483,359 222,509 Soild Waste 10%Utility Tax 152,012 2,200,000 2,200,000 152,012 2,300,000 2,300,000 152,012 Community Development Block Grant 28,268 886,193 886,193 28,269 789,717 789,717 28,268 Paths and Trails 1,895,150 170,600 100,000 1,965,750 172,216 600,000 1,537,966 Technology 235,810 149,250 385,060 149,250 - 534,310 Jail Service 164,252 2,335,748 2,500,000 (0) 2,700,000 2,700,000 (0) Strategic Reserve 3,000,001 - - 3,000,001 - - 3,000,001 Parks Reserve 1,120,891 5,000 1,125,891 5,000 - 1,130,891 Debt Service Fund 3,118,184 2,446,368 2,446,368 3,118,184 2,446,459 2,446,459 3,118,184 Capital Project Funds: Real Estate Excise Tax 4,110,900 5,521,000 7,055,343 2,576,557 5,576,000 5,788,245 2,364,312 Downtown Redevelopment 3,496,123 205,000 3,291,123 150,000 3,141,123 Municipal Facilities 175,185 - 175,185 - 175,185 Parks 1,497,896 367,000 367,000 1,497,896 767,000 767,000 1,497,896 Surface Water Management 1,744,296 2,044,312 3,359,608 429,000 1,556,230 1,805,273 179,957 Transportation 1,125,725 19,269,000 19,912,000 482,725 50,927,649 49,507,000 1,903,373 Capital Project Reserve 369,963 369,963 - 369,%3 Enterprise Fund: Surface Water Management 2,897,393 6,226,871 6,450,608 2,673,656 6,228,298 8,104,300 797,654 Dumas Bay Centre 1,132,849 1,155,846 764,097 1,524,599 792,696 773,784 1,543,510 Internal Service Funds: RiskManagement 1,158,255 2,307,763 2,657,763 808,255 2,120,877 2,329,131 600,001 Information Technology 3,734,945 3,243,845 3,646,229 3,332,561 3,288,845 3,393,541 3,227,865 Mail & Duplication 255,919 135,947 154,901 236,965 135,947 161,901 211,011 Fleet & Equipment 7,621,866 2,425,039 3,336,067 6,710,838 2,399,475 1,711,734 7,398,580 Buildings & Furnishings 2,161,252 728,099 789,772 2,099,579 603,099 664,772 2,037,906 Health Insurance 3,579,885 4,956,000 5,256,726 3,279,159 4,956,000 5,256,726 2,978,433 Unemployment Insurance 245,M6 70,000 175,846 70,000 105,846 Grand Total All Funds $ 71,207,836 $ 145,723,974 $ 154,758,165 $ 62,173,646 $ 181,349,382 $ 187,211,223 $ 56,311,805 Ordinance No. 23-959 Page 4 of 5 EXHIBITB 2023.2024 Amended Budget 2023 2024 Beginning Fund Beginning Fund Ending Fund Fund Balance Revenue Expenditure Balance Revenue Expenditure Balance General Fund $ 27,500,556 $ 58,056,122 $ 76,002,369 $ 9,554,309 $ 61,040,879 $ 61,590,721 $ 9,004,467 Special Revenue fonds: Street 359,300 5,975,158 5,834,458 500,0M 5,595,163 5,595,163 500,000 Arterial Street 999,047 1,563,000 2,462,047 100,000 1,563,000 1,563,000 100,000 Utility Tax 4,643,952 12,196,316 12,050,524 4,789,743 11,782,564 15,072,308 1,500,000 SaleslUse Tax -AN. & Supprt. Housing 147,938 125,000 125,000 147,938 125,000 125,000 147,938 Solid Waste/Recycling 395,438 722,200 725,598 392,040 722200 654,343 459,897 Special ContractlStudies 987,117 987,117 - 987,117 Hotel/Motel Lodging Tax 1,867,690 293,000 65,000 2,095,690 308,000 65,000 2,338,690 Community Center 1,737,337 2,799,376 2,279,893 2,256,820 2,306,857 2,306,857 2,256,820 Traffic Safety Fund 2,445,305 3,000,000 3,846,735 1,598,570 3,060,000 4,122,419 536,151 Utility TaxProposition 1 1,570,837 3,901,478 4,471,873 1,000,441 4,603,704 4,603,704 1,000,441 Performing Arts & Event Center 873,647 2,387,767 2,483,359 778,055 2,259,757 2,483,359 554,454 Community Development Block Grant 25,107 886,193 886,193 25,107 789,717 789,717 25,106 Solid Waste l0%Utility Tax 1,632,178 2,200,000 3,680,166 152,012 2,300,000 2,300,000 152,012 Paths and Trails 1,888,280 170,600 100,000 1,958,880 172216 600,000 1,531,096 Technology 459,967 149250 28,350 580,867 149250 12,000 718,117 Jail Service 7,487 2,492,513 2,500,000 0 2,700,000 2,700,000 0 Strategic Reserve 3,001,354 3,001,354 - 3,001,354 Parks Reserve 1,132,882 5,000 - 1,137,882 5,000 - 1,142,882 Debt Service Fond (1,367,880) 3,814248 2,446,368 (0) 2,446,459 2,446,459 (0) Capital Project Funds: Real Estate Excise Tax 3216,755 5,521,000 7,055,343 1,682,412 5,576,000 5,788,245 1,470,167 Downtown Redevelopment 4,498,575 205,000 4,293,575 - 150,000 4,143,575 Municipal Facilities 175,412 - - 175,412 - - 175,412 Parks 2,031,573 367,000 657,664 1,740,909 767,000 767,000 1,740,909 Surface Water Management 4,570,034 3,243,885 7,032,179 781,740 1,556230 1,805,273 532,697 Transportation 15,937,599 19,323,650 31,642,185 3,619,064 50,927,649 49,507,000 5,039,713 Capital Project Reserve 370,253 - - 370,253 - - 370,253 Enterprise Fldnd: Surface Water Management 4,510,546 6,226,871 7,588,980 3,148,437 6,228,298 8,104,300 1,272,435 Dumas Bay Centre 1,710,216 1,155,846 764,097 2,101,965 792,696 773,784 2,120,877 Internal Service Flrnds: RiskManagement 1,516,609 2,307,763 2,657,763 1,166,609 2,120,877 2,329,131 958,355 Infonnation Technology 4259,029 3,484,045 3,886,429 3,856,646 3,514,145 3,618,841 3,751,950 Mail & Duplication 279,133 135,947 154,901 260,179 135,947 161,901 234,225 Fleet & Equipment 8,545,676 2,550,039 4,944,651 6,151,064 2,399,475 1,711,734 6,838,805 Buildings & Furnishings 2,114,858 728,099 789,772 2,053,185 603,099 664,772 1,991,512 Health Insurance 3,659,129 4,956,000 5,256,726 3,358,403 4,956,000 5,256,726 3,057,677 Unenploynoent Insurance 252,016 - 70,000 1 182,016 - 70,000 1 112,016 Grand TotalAll Funds $ 107,954,951 $ 150,737,366 $ 192,693,624 1 $ 65,998,694 $ 181,507,182 $ 187,738,757 1 $ 59,767,119 Ordinance No. 23-959 Page 5 of 5