01-104189Memo To: FILE From: Deb Barker, Associate Planner D. June 11, 2003 RE., Hearthstone Social Services Transitional Housill 01-104189-UP This 1991 Project was reviewed as a Social Services Transitional Housing unit application. Land use approval was issued on December 31, 2001. The applicant submitted a letter on January 2, 2002, which noted that the project was to be used to house victims of domestic violence. The Director of Community Development Services, in a January 10, 2002 letter, responded that based on the specific users of the unit, the unit was permitted outright, and the 1,000 foot separation requirement does not apply. Under the FWCC, Social Services Transitional Housing unit applications must have an approved Management Plan on file with the City Clerks office. In the case of the Hearthstone unit, the Social Services Transitional Housing unit does not require permits approval from the City. The draft Management Plan does not require approval by the applicant and is not required to be on file with the City Clerk's office as would be required for a Social Services Transitional Housing unit not established for victims of domestic violence. agam Doc. I. D.