13-101523CITY OF 4! *%Nw_ ederal Way F UVASMM Thom Lundberg Esterly, Schneider & Associates, AIA 1736 East Sunshine, Suite 417 Springfield, MO 65804 ME: File #13-101523-00-UP; PROCESS H'SITE PLAN APPROVAL' O'Reilly Auto Parts, 34720 Pacific Hwy South, Federal Way E CITY HALL FiL 33325 8th Avenue South Federal Way, WA 98003-6325 (253) 835-7000 www.cityoffederalway.com The City of Federal Way's Community and Economic Development Department has completed administrative review of the proposed O'Reilly Auto Parts retail store improvements located at 34720 Pacific Hwy South. The Process II land use application submitted on April 5, 2013, is hereby approved Code (FVY'RC) 19.60.050 as found in the enclosed Exhibit A - Findings for Process 11 Site Plan Approval and incorporated into this decision. The remainder of this letter outlines the zoning and development review process required for this proposal, conditions of approval, and a summary of appeal procedures. E �IMIITIVMAM - . 1 1740.1.1 OF "217TO M - ""MM'O 011 160111110 M-MM& eTAAU_W,1QUJ16 the State Environmental Policy Act. 1. The required Type III landscaping 5 feet in width must start behind the required 18' night -of -way dedication, where the new property line will be located. The required 3' berm or alternative planting design to reduce visual impacts of the parking area, approved by the Director, must be incorporated within the west perimeter landscaping area. Prior to issuance of a building permit a revised landscape plan to include Type III perimeter landscaping a minimum of five feet in width and the three-foot berm or alternative design incorporated into the landscaping must be submitted and approved. 2. Prior to building permit issuance, the applicant will be required to pay a traffic impact fee. Per FVv'RC 19.9 1, fees will be calculated based on the impact fee schedule in effect at the time a complete building permit application is filed. 3. Prior to building permit issuance, a fee -in -lieu of frontage improvements al6ng Pacific Hwy South must be paid. The estimated per linear foot cost -is $1,563 or the applicant's engineer can submit a cost estimate, which must be approved by the city. The city received a cost estimate submitted on Ju 1, 2113, which is currently under review. I Mr. Lundberg July 29, 2013 Page 2 APPROVAL DURATION Unless modified or appealed, the Process 11 decision is valid for five years from the date of issuance of the decision. Time extensions to the decision may be requested prior to the lapse of approval following the provisions listed i -F-RR-C—lJ9-J-'iJJA--Ike. five year time period or the land use decision becomes void. APPEALS The effective date of this decision is August 1, 2013. Pursuant to FVrRC 19.60-080, any person who received notice of this administrative decision may appeal the decision to the Federal Way Hearing Examiner by August 14,2013. A written appeal must be delivered to the Community and Economic Develo3ment Devartment with the estab• fff;rl .ff a-fer beiTe CLOSING This land use decision does not waive compliance with future City of Federal Way codes, policies, and standards relatiniz to this develor),-ff e-,rt. -Fris Prg2.�j-j&v-v-uvsEj:T I M� il-35-264 1, or rebecca.chapin@cityoffederalway.com. Sincerely, Isaac Conlen Planning Divison Manager enc: Approved Plans Exhibit A 'Findings for Process 11 Site Plan Review Approval' cl email to: Thom Lundberg, diom@eEterivschneider.com email to: Paul Engel, psngel�@,acinemo.com Becky Chapin, Assistant Planner Ann Dower, Senior Engineering Plans Reviewer Sarady Long, Senior Transportation Planning Engineer Scott Sprout, Assistant Building Official Chris Ingham, South King Fire & Rescue Brian Asbury, Lakehaven Utility District 13-101523 Doc. J.D. 63788 CITY OF Federal Way EXHIBIT A &%T-t Ll,Is W•,qq_,Two O'Reilly Auto Parts File #13-101523-00-UP The Planning Division hereby presents the following analysis to the Director of Community and Economic Proposal — The project applicant proposes to construct a one-story, 7,630 square -foot auto retail site, 0.99 acres, leaving 0.66 acres to the south as a lease area for a future development. Associated site improvements, including 29 parking stalls and landscaping are also included. 2. Comprehensive Plan & Zoning Designation —The subject property is within a Commercial Enterprise (CE) do esignatin. The applicant's proposed od retail stre use is permittewithin the zoning designation pursuant to FWRC 19.240.070. 1 Review Process — Retail uses located in the CE zone are subject to development review procedures of Process 11 'Site Plan Review' set forth in FWRC Chapter 19.60. Process 11 review requires no public notice period and concludes with a written decision issued by the Director of Community and Economic Development. Appeals of the director's decision are conducted by the city's Hearing Examiner. Environmental Review — The application is exempt from review under the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) as it does.not exceed city adopted flexible thresholds set forth in FWRC 14.15.030. 5. Height — The height of the tallest parapet is 20 feet 4 inches above average building elevation. The height of the structure is below the 40-foot outright height maximum. 6. Required Yards and Lot Coverage — Improvements associated with retail use's within CE zones must be set back at least five feet from front, side, and rear property lines. As shown on the site plan, no improvements are proposed within the five-foot required yards. No maximum lot coverage applies. Instead, the buildable area will be determined by other site development regulations, required yards, landscaping, surface water facility, etc. 7. Parking — Pursuant to FV*TRC 19.240.070, retail uses shall provide I stall for each 300 square feet of gross floor area. The proposed building measures 7,630 square feet and therefore 26 parking stalls are required.' The applicant has provided 29 stalls, which exceeds the minimum requirement. Parked vehicles will be obscured from right-of-way by Type III landscaping and 3-foot berm, or alternative substantial shrub plantings to reduce the visual impacts of parking areas and screen automobiles. 'Me landscape plan shows 1,107.27 feet of Type IV landscaping within the parking lot ' FWRC 19.130.040 states minimum number of parking stalls resulting in a fraction shall be rounded up to the next higher number. via bulb -outs. The provided amount exceeds the 580 square feet, 20 square feet of landscaping per stall, required by FVY'RC 19.125.070(2)(a)(1)(A). 8. Crime Prevention through Environmental Design —The City reviewed the Crime Prevention through Environmental Design (CPTED) checklist submitted by the applicant. The purpose of the checklist is to assist in implementing the CPTED principles of 1) Natural Surveillance, 2) Access Control, and 3) Ownership. The applicant has incorporated CPTED checklist elements into the prqje0*sigp with entrances in full view of the street, site lighting, direct pathways to the building, landscaping that does not obstruct natural surveillance, and overall connectivity in aithil6etural dcogn- 9. Community Design Guidelines — The building incorporates building forms, materials, and treatment methods consistent with the guidelines, including structural modulation, varied roof heights, architectural emphasis at the building entrance, variety of material and colors, foundation landscaping, and pedestrian amenities, Site and architectural design is consistent with FWRC Chapter 19.155, "Community Design Guidelines," based on provisions and key design elements identified as follows: The building primary entrance is clearly visible from the right-of-way, Pacific Hwy South. The entrance is emphasized by the use of transparent glass, canopy, shrubs, and outdoor benches. Pedestrian Apoess from and dewrati*pAved area within the p4rknig lot. New sidewalks are proposed along the entire propefW length of Pacific 1� South, as wol as sidewalks on the north side of the property to connect to existing sidewalk to maintain pedestrian connection throughout the project site and with adjacent properties. The building design reflects material variations and colors including standard concrete masonry wall, stucco pilasters, stone veneers, and metal cap flashings. All building facades that are both longer than 60 feet and are visible from a right-of-way shall incorporate " two of four" fagade treatments. The north, south, and east facades are subject to the two of four treatments as the facades am longer than 60 fbet in le � i aI4VWbl6 from Pacific Hm-4, Soutl4wW�,AW2—ti.jomog thOuSt of PiWters ifiat pricject 2 ket fibm thp main building and are spaced at least 6 f4d apart. Canopies are also d0kiddIbr At least 5O� of the wall length with projection of 6 feet. The blank walls are articulated by display windows, cornices, recessed areas, canopies, and material and color changes. The surface parking lot has adequate internal lot landsc?.m-F . Co-tcrete rat-11% YYY 111111711112UN I MOM rumirtg Movem:ents. farkirig iS Jo0AW to the side of Me building adjacent to the right-of-way and pedestrian circulation is maximized through the use of decorati pathways. The application demonstrates overall continuity of architectural design while implementing current design standards. I Findings for Process 11 Site Plan Approval Page 2 O'Reilly Auto Parts File# 13-101523-00-UP/Doc. LD 63834 11. Landscaping — Pursuant to FY*rRC 19.125.060(9), development within the CE zoning district is required to provide a landscaping screen five feet in width along all property lines. - I . , of I I - 0 . a . I . 6 1 UNWINANINNISLIMIY111-.2 I a 1 0 9 . . . - 1 9 IMUT-19103MMIC lu Landscaping is not required along the north side due to the existing access easement between -1"Reilly's and the neighboring bank property. Landscaping is also not required between the 1'r #,2p e Fmpo the south, Final landscaye_vlans will be submitted and approved with the associated building permit. 12. Tree Retention/Replacement — Pursuant to FVV`RC 19.120.130, the minimurn tree density for a new use o0 tree units per acre. Through retention and/or new planling� the stiqlect property Vill be "lito to provide 20 tree unit2 for 0.99 acres. The applicant has proposed new planting for a total of 20 tree units, thereby meeting the minimum required- 13. Transportation — As a component of the Process 11 application, the applicant was required to undergo traffic concurrency analysis pursuant to the state Growth Management Act, goals and policies of the Federal Way Comprehensive Plan; and FVVRC Chapter 19.90 Transportation Concurrency Management. The Public Works Traffic Division found that all intersections impac by one or more weekday evening peak hour trips from the proposed development would meet Ci of Federal Way Level of Service (LOS) standards with the City's programmed improvements. A Capacity Reserve Certificate (CRC) was issued by the Public Works Department on July 18, 2013 for 46 new PM peak hour trips generated by the project. I Prior to building permit issuance, the applicant will be required to pay a traffic impact fee. Per FVVRC 19.9 1, fees will be calculated based on the impact fee schedule in effect at the time a complete building permit application is filed. 14. Public Improvements —717he applicant will dedicate 18 feet of right-of-way and construct improvements along Pacific Hwy South. However, the required frontage improvement is part of a larger TIP project currently under design and scheduled for construction. The applicant shall fulfill the improvement obligation by paying to the city a pro-rata share contribution towards the city's project based on the estimated per linear foot cost of $1,563 or the applicant's engineer's cost estimate for the frontage improvements, which must be approved by the city. This fee -in -lieu for the frontage improvements must be paid prior to issuance of the building permit- 15. Stormwater — The applicant is required to mitigate the effects of runoff caused by the proposed improvements per the standards of the 2009 King County Surface Water Design Manual and City of Federal Way Addendum. The flow control facility must meet the requirements for Conservation Flow Control and water quality facilities must meet the requirements of the Enhanced Basic Water Quality Area menu. The preliminary Technical Information Report (TIR) proposes to mitigate the effects of runoff by directing flows from catch basins to a detention facility and then to a StormfilterV water quality treatment device prior to release into the City conveyance system- 2 The site area was pro -rated to the area of development by O'Reilly's, which is 0.99 acres_ Findingsfor Process 11 Site Plan Approval O'Reilly Auto Parts Page 3 File #13-101523-00-UPID., 1D.63934 16- Building Permit —Noland clearing or construction may begin until building permit approval. The associated building permit, File #13-100296-00-CO, is currently under review. 17. Decision Criteria — Staff finds the proposal is consistent with applicable site plan approval criteria required for Process 11 as set forth in FVVRC 19.60.050. The proposal is consistent with the city's comprehensive plan; applicable provisions of FVvrRC Title 19 Zoning and Development Code; public health, safety, and welfare; and streets and utilities in the area are adequate to serve the anticipated demand from the proposal. The proposal is consistent with Community Design Guidelines decisional criteria set forth in FWRC Chapter 19.115. Final construction drawin,gs will be reviewed off offif MYr VMW_VTqL*A MI 153 M I . 1. MMMMMt 1� Findings for Process 11 Site Plan Approval Page 4 O'Reilly Auto Parts File # 13-101523-00-UP/D�. I D. 63834 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT A4'SCITY OF 33325 81h Avenue South Federal Way WA 98003-6325 25 Federal Way 3-835-2700; Fax 253-835-2709 - i��Cit 0�ffedcral�waxona lilg� I lip I l�� I 1� �g I pgll� I liplip This CONCURRENCY DETERMINATION is made this 18 th day of Jul 2013bI X , y the City of Federa Way (COFW), a political subdivision of the State of Washington (hereinafter called the "City"). MAIJ 11101 k1i 11111 1� FIRRYIPINIFFIRIF Mos,11111111 IF 'IffPW lU I 101 tj IR approval if the development causes the level of service on a transportation facility to decline below the standards adopted in the comprehensive plan, unless transportation improvements or strategies to accommodate the impacts of the development are made concurrent with the development; and T1 1 ! I 1 11 111 iiiiii�ilill 11 11 111111111 RiTI I M I - kul 61 1 M 9 Division Ill on June 10, 2006 by Ordinance 06-525 effective January 1, 2007; all. NOW, THEREFORE, a concurrency certificate is issued for the development of LL30 & a 9idA Development type: Retail — Auto Parts Store Development size: 7,630 Sq. Ft. Property address: 34720 Pacific Hwy South Federal Way, WA Parcel No. (s): 2021049065 Number of New PM Peak Hour Vehicles Trips Generated: 41 ME= INN A - - I I I•1111M MW I I , '"I'll 111 111111101061 If the development is changed, expired, cancelled or withdrawn, it will be subjected to reevaluation for concurrency purposes. This CAPACITY RESERVE CERTIFICATE is valid until the underlying development permit expires, is withdrawn or cancelled, whichever occurs first. A Approved By: Date: f 9- 11at 'Z6n Printed Name: Richard A. Perez rP.rE- Title: City Traffik EA ineer Public Works Depatmet CITY OF 33325 Sth Avvenue Sounth 4 FcderatIV61,�WA 98003 6325 253-835-2 0 ,"2 53-835:2609 www.cityoffederalway.corn Federal Way TRAFFIC CONCURRENCY TEST SUMMARY APPLICATION (NO(S): 13-101525-00-CN Date: July 15, 2013 Project Name O'Reilly Auto Parts Property Address/Location 34720 Pacific Hwy S Parcel Number(s) 2_021049065 Project Description Construct 7,630SF retail sale of auto parts Based on the traffic distribution, intersections impacted by at least one or more evening peak hour trips were analyzed for meeting concurrency LOS standards (v/c less than L0 with LOS E) consistent with the City of Federal Way Transportation Concurrency Management code as described in FWRC 19.90. Table I below shows a summary of the LOS analysis for the study intersections with V/C ratio above 0-60 at the anticipated build -out year. Where a performance measure does not apply to the entire intersection, the table shows the measure for the worst movement of the intersection. For all other study intersections and detailed LOS calculation, please contact the Public Works Traffic Division. ":AnychangeitotheAevelopmentp jett that 040�e additionAtIreview will be billed boAn hourly basis. Table 1: Concurrency Level of Service (LOS) All intersections met the City of Federal Way LOS standards: Passed: Fail: Dncurrency Test performed by: Sarady.L2pg....... Date L:\DEPT\PW\TRA\Concurrency\l3101525_ O'Reilly Auto\CN Test LOS Summary 1/1 CITY OF Fbderal uff1 = Thom Lundberg Esterly, Schneider & Associates, AIA 11WAT111 W @IN I �1' tKIM WW11". Kamm I I IVA - application was deemed incomplete on May 3, 2013, and additional information was resubmitted and received by the city on May 23, 2013. The project is being reviewed under provisions of Federal Way Revised Code (F)VRC) 19.60, 'Process H — Site Plan Review'. The subject site is zoned Commercial of FV*1RC 19.15.045, the city has reviewed whether all information and documentation required for a complete application has been submitted. NOTICE OF COWLETE APPLICATION Please consider this letter as a Letter of Complete Application. Pursuant to FWRC, the application is deemed complete as of June 4, 2013, based on a review of your submittal relative to those requirements as set out in the Development Requirements checklist. A 120-day time line for reviewing the Process 11 application has started as of this date. The City has 120 days from the date that an application is deemed complete to take action on the application. However, the 120-day time line can be stopped at any time that the City requests additional information. You will be informed of the status of the 120-day time line when vou -are notified in writing that additional information is needed as noted below. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION REQUESTED Unless otherwise noted, the following comments provided by staff reviewing your project must be the appropriate staff representative. I I Fil pli� I �1111�11: 111111�111111111111� 1111�1 i a. Per FVvrRC 19.125.060(9), Type 111 perimeter landscaping a minimum of five feet in width consisting of a mixture of evergreen and deciduous trees, large shrubs, and ground cover is required along all perimeter lot lines. Since the applicant is only leasing a portion of the site, landscaping will only be required in the development area. Please note: landscaping along the front property line starts behind the required 18' right-of-way dedication, where the new property line will be located. See redlined plans for reference. Mr. Lundberg June 10, 2013 Page 2 b. Per FWRC 19.125.070(5), the parking area adjacent to Pacific Hwy South must incorporate a berm at least three feet in height within perimeter landscape area; or alternatively, add substantial shrub plantings to the required perimeter landscape type, and/or provide architectural features of appropriate height with trees, shrubs and groundcover, in a number sufficient to act as efficient substitute for the three-foot berm, to reduce the visual impact of parking areas and to screen automobiles. c. Type III perimeter landscaping is not required along the north side due to the existing access easement between O'Reilly's and the neighboring bank property. Landscaping is also not required between the proposed development and the vacant portion of the property to the south as currently depicted on the landscape plan. MailM, 11,111171 11 lip 11,11 Mitm I Yr-lryf retained on the property and replacement trees (see enclosed existing/replacement tree chart). The minimum tree coverage requirement for the CE zone is 20 tree units per acre; which can be pro -rated to the area of development. a. The landscape plan Sheet Ll must be revised to show how retention and/or replacement of tree units on the subject property meet the minimum density requirement. Required landscaping trees may be counted in tree density. Hazard Materials Inventory Statement — The site is located within a designated five-year Wellhead Protection Zone. As stated in the letter sent by the city dated May 3, 2013, a Hazardous Materials Checklist has not been submitted. Please fill out and submit the enclosed Hazardous Material Inventory =M"Um .0 * of 60 feet and visible from the right-of-way are required to incorporate at least two of the following four treat � a. Faqade modulation. Minimum depth: two feet; minimum width: six feet; maximum width: 60 feet. Alternative methods to shape a building, such as angled or curved fagade elements, off -set planes, wing walls and terracing, will be considered, provided the intent of this section is met. b. Landscape screening. Eight -foot -wide Type II landscape screening along the base of the fagade, except Type IV may be used in place of Type 11 for facades that are comprised of 50 percent or more window area, and around building entrance(s). For building facades that are located adjacent to a property line, some or all of the underlying buffer width required may be considered in meeting the landscape width requirement. c. Canopy or arcade. As a modulation option, canopies or arcades may be used only along facades the; are visible from a right-of-way. Minimum length: 50 percent of the length of the fagade using this option. Minimum projection: 6 feet from building fagade. Minimum height: 10 feet from finished grade. f. Pedestrian plaza. Size of plaza: Plaza square footage is equal to one percent of the gross floor area of the building, but it must be a minimum of 200 square feet. The plaza should be clearly visible and accessible from the adjacent right-of-way. 13-101523 Doc I,D. 63570 Mr. Lundberg June 10, 2013 Page 3 South & West Fa�ade — The building fayades are both longer than 60 feet and visible from th right-of-way; the minimum two of four standards will be required for each fagade. As shown o the submitted plans, the building facades do meet the modulation requirements, but do not foll 11 0 dimensional requirements for the canopy. The minimum projection must be 6 feet from the building and 10 feet from finished grade. North ade — The building fagade is both longer than 60 feet and visible from the right-of- way. As shown, the fagade meets the modulation requirements, but does not follow dimensional requirements for the canopy and/or planting quantity/spacing for landscaping. However, since the fagade utilizes three of the four treatments, modulation, canopies, and landscaping, together they are enough to meet design criteria and are approved, no other treatments are required. East Fa�ade — The building fagade is longer than 60 feet, however, not visible from the right-of- way. No fagade treatment is necessary. r4ease correct applicame sneets to incorporate tne NO flarrative of how each fagade complies with this section. !RJ1, M23NM1 mzme • m . WIN I . Show the dimensions of the building and typical parking stall dimensions. 2. Easements that are located within the required 18-foot-wide public right-of-way dedication must be relinquished prior to recording the dedication. This process should be started as soon as possible. 3. Changes to the Technical Information Report will be completed as part of the building permit. 4. The applicant is responsible for obtaining all permits from agencies other than the City. 1. The proposed single joint access driveway is acceptable. Please ensure that the entrance to the O'Reilly's is set back approximately 40' - 50' from the edge of the pavement to provide adequate storage length. Please note, this driveway may be restricted to right -in and right -out in the future. 2. The internal drive aisle in front of the store is adequate for future internal access connection for any future development south of the site. Please ensure that there is not access restriction. 3. Please show 18' ROW dedication along the frontage on SR 99. The additional 6' ROW is needed to acco The required frontage improvement on SR 99 is part of a larger TIP project (TIP#20 SR 99 HOV lanes Phase 5), which is currently under design and scheduled for construction. As such, the Public Works director has determined that the applicant shall fulfill this obligation by paying to the city the pro-rata share of the costs of the required improvements calculated on a per -front -foot basis. Based on the estimated per linear foot cost of $1,563 and 368' of linear frontage, the total pro-rata. share is $575,000 (see calculation below). In lieu of using the city's per -front -foot basis, the applicant may submit the actual engineering costs estimate for the frontage improvements to the Public Works 13-101523 Doe. LD, 63570 Mr. Lundberg June 10, 2013 Page 4 payment of this pro-rata share payment and ROW dedication. TIP • - $20,000,000 F!ro�ect Len h - 6.400' loth sidt*. Frontage Length II III i I I I Total Cost = $1,562.5 x 368' = $575,000 SUMNIARY In summary, applicant responses to technical comments for the Process 11 application are necessary before additional project review can proceed. With this request for additional information, the 120-day maximum review time frame is suspended with 6 of the 120 days used, and it will be restarted within U days of the date of your complete response to this request. When resubmitting requested information, (�,Iease provide six copies of any plans, in addition to the green resubmittal form. M CANCELLATION Pursuant to FWRC 19.15.050, if an applicant fails to provide additional information to the City within ;_kLiL tic I—ILJ' sildmiVI-0 Iff, application. 1, qLesTions rc6l 171-10 me at 253-835-2641 or email rebecca.chapin@cityoffederalway.com. Sincerely, FROM M!, am enc: Resubmittal Form Red -lined Landscape Plan Hazardous Materials Inventory Statement c: email to: Thom Lundberg, thom@esterlyschneider.com email to: Paul Engel, pengel@aeincmo.com Ann Dower, Senior Engineering Plans Reviewer Sarady Long, Senior Transportation Planning Engineer 13-101523 Doe, ID_ 63570 C�ITY OF F:6deral My LOSS-1a F!atrick Thompson 13--sterly, Schneider & Associates, AIA 1736 East Sunshine, Suite 417 Springfield, MO 65804 CITY HALL 33325 8th Avenue South Federal Way, WA 98003-6325 (253) 835-7000 www.cityoffederahvay.com RE: File #13-101523-00-UP & 13-101524-00-SU; INCOMPLETE APPLICATION LETTER O'Reilly Auto Parts, 34720 Pacific Hwy South, Federal Way YM-1 Ivy-U, -C&ATYNTA-MI • I - -AWPr711747-W — — —• UJUIW you submitted on April 5, 2013, for the proposed auto parts retail store. The project is being reviewed under the provisions of Federal Way Revised Code (FVV`RC) 19.60.0 10, "Process 11 Review - Site Plan Review," in addition to FWRC Chapter 18.20 "Binding Site Plan (BSP)" to subdivide the 1.81-acre site into two lots. INCOMPLETE APPLICATION X, IVA lication and BSP were found te�� incomplete. In order for your application to be considered complete and ready for processing, the items below must be provided. Process U Review - Bechy Ciao in Assistant Planner, 253-835-2641 I A Hazardous Materials Inventory Statement for the Wellhead Protection Zone has not been submitted. Please fill out and submit the enclosed Hazardous Materials Inventory Statement. 2. Please provide a project narrative and design intent summary to identify how the proposal complies with the applicable design guidelines of FWRC Chapter 19.115, as specified in the Preapplication letter, dated May 14,2012. 3. Please provide a site plan that depicts the entire lot area and all existing property lines, prior to subdividing. review checklist is enclosed. As a condition of the Binding Site Plan, frontage improvements will be required for the entire frontage of the existing lot. Mr. Thompson May 3, 2013 Page 2 CLOSING Please movide slA co 1tes, of an I - ",I YOLL na'Te 5�113' Nuestions. X= Assistant PJ,,Ili a- enc: Resubmittal Form Hazardous Materials Inventory Statement PW Binding Site Plan Review Checklist Sheldon Jennings, 233 S. Patterson, Springfield, MO, 65802 Ann Dower, Senior Engineering Plans Reviewer 13-101523 IMcI D. 63382 m Ov Mo M7 0 0 co cZn coz24 r r D m �r s' ® -. A � 0 p w X m .X D .X m D D D D Z r r- ml r cn r —ml 71 A 70 x N N N N 9) p p 00 v N W N w CO N bo iD m m m m m m 0 0 0 D 5 D r r r cm CRATORIM-DRUNG a Ma I I:: 4 AUTO PARTS&M PACM HOWA�� �yasm�tuao ia1�..ta`s.��`b4w�yY. Breckon Land Design Inc. Post Office Box 44465 Boise, ID 83711 1 ph: 208-376-5153 fax:208-376-6528 v v reckonlanddpgjg0.00m Landscape Architecture • Land Planning • Geographic Info Systems w; Water Management Erosion Controls Graphic Communication • irrigation Design August 12, 2013 Ms. Becky Chapin, Assistant Planner City of Federal Way 33325 8th Avenue South, Federal Way, WA 98003-6325 P: 253-835-2641 Rebecca.Chagin@ci!yoffederalway.com. RE: O'Reilly Auto Parts, File #13-101523-00-UP Project Address: 34720 Pacific Highway South, Federal Way, WA Dear Ms. Chapin: We have received your review comments of the aforementioned development and have made the required changes to the construction documents. Attached with this letter are revised copies of the construction documents for your review. The following is a clarification of your comments as well as a discussion of some of the changes made: Landsca2e &qUit1M= • Item a: Noted and revised accordingly, see the attached revised landscape plan Sheet Ll. • Item b: Noted and revised accordingly, see the attached revised landscape plan Sheet L1. The landscape has been revised to provide the necessary landscaping and forgo the 3'-0" berm requirement. The berm cannot physically be provided due to the site constraints imposed by the storm water retention areas required, and the frontage area lost due to the right-of-way dedication. Therefore the landscaping has been modified to provide species of sufficient size, height, and form which will meet the landscape requirement for a visual screen between Pacific Highway and the proposed parking lot. Please see the revised landscape plan for specific species information and locations. • Item c: Noted and revised accordingly, see the attached revised landscape plan Sheet L1. Tree Retention/ Replacements • Item a: Noted and revised accordingly, see the attached revised landscape plan Sheet L1. The overall property size will be 1.65 acres after the right-of-way dedication, and the area to be developed will be .99 acres which will require 20 tree units. 20 tree units have been provided per the revised landscape plan. We hope this addresses your concerns. If you have any further questions or comments, please contact me at 208-376- 5153 or via email at ibreckonpbreckonld com . Sincerely, Breckon Land Design, Inc. Jon Breckon, PLA, ASLA, CLARB Landscape Architect #1075 Cc: File NEE33M T,-r- - - - - - ----------- -------- From: Thom Lundberg <thom@esterlyschneider.com> Sent: Thursday, August 08, 2013 10:38 AM To: Rebecca Chapin Subject: O'Reilly Auto Parts; Federal Way, WA Per our phone conversation, b5-c-auser, F�-e-ffiy is Me only party recora, pleas• site plans. Springfield, MO 65804 417.862,0558 01 r a DATE: August 2, 2013 TO: Mr. Steve Peterie O'Reilly Auto Parts 233 South Patterson Springfield, Missouri 65802 PROJECT: O'Reilly Auto Parts Store 34720 Pacific HWY S. Federal Way, WA #1 Routing Last Owner (MY, SJ) Contractor (Bidders) Architect/Consultant (ESA, AE) Other (City, File, Plan Room, Dodge) This Addendum shall supersede that which is shown on the drawings insofar as it is in distinct disagreement with same. However, it will in no way relieve the Contractor of any responsibility under the plans except as herein specifically stated. Description: (written description of the Work) Changes due to Lakehaven Utility District comments, conditions of Site Plan approval and comments from Engineering Department. Note that revision clouds cannot be shown on Sheets C1, C2, C3, C4, C5, CC1, and CC2 due to Engineering Department requirements. Sheets C1, C4 C5 CC1 and CC2 Anderson En ineerin Inc.), 1. Replace each sheet in its entirety with corresponding attached sheet. Revision clouds have been removed from sheets. On Sheet C1, Key Note C24 has been corrected to reference detail 6/C5 and Key Note C26 has been changed to a 4'x4' junction box. On Sheet C5, "Under Drain" has been removed from the title of the porous concrete details and a 4'x4' junction box detail has been added. Sheets C2 and C3 1. Replace each sheet in its entirety with corresponding attached sheet. On Sheet C2, addition of information regarding pervious concrete pavement and addition of City Approval block. On Sheet C3, added information regarding chain -link fence that has been shown around the detention basin. SheetLl (Srecl on Land Desion, Inc.). 1. Replace this sheet in its entirety with attached Sheet L1. Addition of landscaping per Planning Department requirements and addition of fence around detention basin. Sheets SU1 and P1 Jennifer A. Luce. P.E.) 1. Replace each sheet in its entirety with corresponding attached sheet. Changes regarding domestic and irrigation water services, double check valve backflow preventers and post indicator valves. Attachments 1. Sheets C1, C2, C3, C4, C5, CC1, CC2, L1, SU1, and P1, revised 7-31-13 a. SUBMITTED AUG 13 CITY OF FEDERAL WAY CDS City ofFederal Way 333258 h Avenue South Federal WayVVAS8UO3'0325 Attn: Ms. Rebecca Chapin Assistant Planner Re: O'Reilly Auto Parts 3472OPacific Hwy South Federal Way, VVA#1 File No. 13'101523'00-UP Dear Ms. Chapin: RESU13M�� � � ����� ����\ AUG����^� ��~~CjTy OF FEDEML WAY 17368. SUNSHINE, 8Dr[E4l7 ^ � 417.862.0558 FAX4l7.8623265 emai|:tbom@extzdyoobooider.cmn In response to Lakehaven Utility District Plan review comments, please see the attached Response Letter from Jennifer A`Luce, P.E. Please note that all revisions to the drawings have been attached in Addendum No. 4. Furthermore, the revised landscape drawing reflecting the conditions of site plan approval and showing the chain -link fence around the detention basin is also included. Note that Sheet C3 shows details of this fence. Also included in Addendum No. 4are revised sheets that have been sent �Ann Dower byAnderson Engineering, lnc� in response to comments she had made on the civil drawings. We are including these for your records. Please feel free to contact our office if you have any further questions. omas A. Lund ergo twr Attachments., Response Letter from Jennifer A.Luce, P.E,dated 7'31'13 4cop�oofAddendum No. 4.which indudeothe hd�wing: Addendum No. 4Text, dated 8'2'13 SheetaC1. C2.C3. C4, C5, CC1.CC2. L1.GU1.and P1.revised 7'31'i3 Copy to: Mr. Steve Peterie, O'Reilly Auto Parts Utility Review nesponse.doex D E C E P VE JUL 31 2013 1736 E. SUNSHINE ST. SUIT E 417 SPRINGFIELD, MO mmifflm 1\4s. Becky Chapin City of Federal Way 33325 8th Avenue South -er.71 Wzv. W.I. 9003-6325 Re: O'Reilly Auto Parts 34720 Pacific Hwy S. Federal Way, WA sm� Jennifer A. Luce, P.E. 2040 East Sunshine RESUBMITTED AUG 0 5 2013 CrW OF FEDERAL WAY CD5 See below for responses to Lakehaven Utility District Plan Review comments from Brian Asbury dated 7-11-13. Comment —The new domestic service & meter won't connected directly off the south end of the existing 8" dead-end water main stub at the north -central area of the lot, but instead like the new irrigation service & meter. This new domestic (and also separate irrigation) service & meter will be installed by LUD under our standard water service connection application/installation process. Response: The domestic and irrigation water services have been revised. Refer to revised sheet Sul. Comment — The new domestic service will require the installation of a private, Double Check Valve Assembly (DCVA) located directly adjacent to the new domestic meter (like is shown for the new irrigation service). This is a typical LUD requirement for all non-SFR domestic (and/or irrigation) water service connections. Response: A double check valve assembly has been added. Refer to revised sheet Sul. Comment — The DCVA devices (2) for the new domestic & irrigation water services will be installed by the applicant/contractor. Response: Double check backflow preventers have been added. Refer to revised sheet Sul. Comment — The new fire protection service line (only) will be installed by LUD by LUD under our standard water service connection application/installation process. The required Double Check Detector Assembly (DCDA, not currently shown) will be installed by the applicant/contractor, prior to LUD installing this service line. This DCDA shall be as close to the water main as possible, maximum 50-feet. Response: The double check detector assembly has been added. Refer to revised sheet Sul. U with SKF&R for actual PIV requirement &/or location. Response: The post indicator valve has been revised based on SKF&R communication. Refer to revised sheet SUL Res ectfully, am THOMAS A. LUNDBERG June 25, 2013 City of Federal Way 33325 81h Avenue South Federal Way, WA 98003-6325 Attn: Ms. Rebecca Chapin Assistant Planner Re: O'Reilly Auto Parts 34720 Pacific Hwy South Federal Way, WA #1 File No. 13-101523-00-UP Dear Ms. Chapin: JUL CITY OF FEDERAL WAy COS 1736 E. SUNSHINE, SUITE 417 SPRINGFIELD, MO 65804 417.862.0558 FAX 417.862.3265 email: tliom@esterlyschneider.com The following are in response to your plan review comments. Please note that any revisions made to the drawings have been addressed in Addendum No. 3. Plannin De artment Beck Cha i : 263-835-26411 r bec+ca.cha In cltyoffederalMLay.com Landscaping Requirements Please find the attached response letter from Breckon Land Design, Inc. Tree Retention/Replacements Please find the attached response letter from Breckon Land Design, Inc. Hazard Materials Inventory Statement— The site is located within a designated five-year Wellhead Protection Zone. As stated in the letter sent by the city dated May 3, 2013, a Hazardous Materials Checklist has not been submitted. Please fill out and submit the enclosed Hazardous Material inventory Statement. Response: Please see the attached completed form, as requested. Building Fagade Modulation and Screening — Pursuant to FWRC 19.115.060(2), all facades in excess of 60 feet and visible from the right-of-way are required to incorporate at least two of the following four treatments: a. Fagade modulation. Minimum depth: two feet; minimum width: six feet, maximum width: 60 feet. Alternative methods to shape a building, such as angled or curved fagade elements, off -set planes, wing walls and terracing, will be considered, provided the intent of this section is met. b. Landscape screening. Eight -foot -wide Type iI landscape screening along the base of the fagade, except Type iV may be used in place of Type 11 for facades that are comprised of 50 percent or more window area, and around building entrance(s). For building facades that are located adjacent to a property line, some or all of the underlying buffer width required may be considered in meeting the landscape width requirement. c. Canopy or arcade. As a modulation option, canopies or arcades may be used only along facades that are visible from a right-of-way. Minimum length: 50 percent of the length of the fagade using this option. Minimum projection: 6 feet from building fagade. Minimum height. 10 feet from finished grade. d. Pedestrian plaza. Size of plaza: Plaza square footage is equal to one percent of the gross floor area of the building, but it must be a minimum of 200 square feet. The plaza should be clearly visible and accessible from the adjacent right-of-way. South & West Fagade — The building facades are both longer than 60 feet and visible from the right-of-way, the minimum two of four standards will be required for each fagade. As shown on the submitted plans, the building facades do meet the modulation requirements, but do not follow dimensional requirements for the canopy. The minimum projection must be 6 feet from the building and 10 feet from finished grade. Response: Sheets A3, A4.1, and A4.2 have been updated to show the 6' canopy overhang. Ms. Rebecca Chapin O'Reilly Auto Parts — Federal Way, WA #1 File No. 13-101523-00-UP June 25, 2013 Page 2 of 2 North Fagade — The building fagade is both longer than 60 feet and visible from the right-of-way. As shown, the fagade meets the modulation requirements, but does not follow dimensional requirements for the canopy and/or planting quantity/spacing for landscaping. However, since the fagade utilized three of the four treatments, modulation, canopies, and landscaping, together they are enough to meet design criteria and are approved, no other treatments are required. Response: No change required, since the comment above indicated that this elevation is approved. East Fagade — The building fagade is longer than 60 feet however, not visible from the right-of-way. No fagade treatment is necessary. Response: No change required. Please correct applicable sheets to incorporate the above -referenced treatments and provide a written narrative of how each fagade complies with this section. Response: Please see attached Narrative regarding compliance with Community Design Guidelines. Public Works'Development Services Ann Dower 253-835-2732, ann.dower ci offederalwa .com Please find the attached response letter from Anderson Engineering, Inc. Public Works Traffic, Sarady Lon 253-835-2743,,saogylona@citLoffederalwaLcom. Please find the attached response letter from Anderson Engineering, Inc. Please feel free to contact our office if you have any further questions. Thomas A. undberg twr Attachments: Response Letter from Breckon Land Design, Inc., dated 6-19-13 Response Letter from Anderson Engineering, Inc., dated 6-25-13 6 copies of Addendum No. 3 which includes the following: Addendum No. 3 Text, dated 6-25-13 Sheets CC1, C1, C4, C5, L1, and A3, revised 6-20-13 Sheets C2, A3, A4.1, A4.2, and SU1, revised 6-19-13 Sheet .CC2, dated 6-20-13 Narrative Regarding Compliance with Community Design Guidelines Hazardous Materials Inventory Statement Frontage Improvement Engineer's Cost Estimate by Anderson Engineering, Inc., dated 6-25-13 Resubmittal Information Form Copy to: Mr. Steve Peterie, O'Reilly Auto Parts W:\data\O'Reilly\Washington\Federal Way\Correspondence\L- Additional Information Response.dou Breckon Land Design Inc. Yi 4Y6 v i� tl wV�� .s Post Office Box 44465 Boise, ID 83711 ph:208-376-5153 fax: 208-376-6528 WW DL@ckonianddesion.com Landscape Architecture • Land Planning • Geographic Info Systems • Water Management +r Erosion Control• Graphic Communication o Irrigation Design June 19, 2013 Ms. Becky Chapin, Assistant Planner City of Federal Way RESUBMITTED 33325 81h Avenue South, Federal Way, WA 98003-6325 P: 253 835-2641 JUL 0 12013 Rebecca.Chaoin cityoffederalway.com CM F FEDERAL WAY COS RE: O'Reilly Auto Parts, File #13-101523-00-UP Project Address: 34720 Pacific Highway South, Federal Way, WA Dear Ms. Chapin: We have received your review comments of the aforementioned development and have made the required changes to the construction documents. Attached with this letter are revised copies of the construction documents for your review The following is a clarification of your comments as well as a discussion of some of the changes made: Landscape Ruirentents • Item a: Noted and revised accordingly, see the attached revised landscape plan Sheet L1. • Item b: Noted and revised accordingly, see the attached revised landscape plan Sheet L1 and civil plans for 3'-0" berm data. • Item c: Noted and revised accordingly, see the attached revised landscape plan Sheet L1. Tree Retention/ Replacements • Item a: Noted and revised accordingly, see the attached revised landscape plan Sheet L1. The overall property size will be 1.65 acres after the right-of-way dedication, and the area to be developed will be .99 acres which will require 20 tree units. 20 tree units have been provided per the revised landscape plan. We hope this addresses your concerns. If you have any further questions or comments, please contact meat 208-376- 5153 or via email at ibreckon breckonld.com;. Sincerely, Breckon Land Design, Inc. Jon Breckon, PLA, ASLA, CLARB Landscape Architect #1075 Cc: File Routing Last Owner (MY, SJ) Contractor (Bidders) Architect(Consultant (ESA, AE, BLD, MFEC) Other (City, File, Plan Room, Dodge) DATE: June 25, 2013 TO: Mr. Steve Peterie O'Reilly Auto Parts 233 South Patterson Springfield, Missouri 65802 PROJECT: O'Reilly Auto Parts Store 34720 Pacific HWY S. Federal Way, WA #1 This Addendum shall supersede that which is shown on the drawings insofar as it is in distinct disagreement with same. However, it will in no way relieve the Contractor of any responsibility under the plans except as herein specifically stated. Description: (written description of the Work) Changes due to City review comments. Drawings Sheets CC1 C1 C4, and C5 Anderson En ineerin Inc. 1. Replace each sheet in its entirety with corresponding attached sheet. All sheets have been revised to include revised stormwater design. Sheet CC2 {Anderson EngineeringE Inc. 1. Add this sheet to the Construction Documents. Sheet added to include storm pond detention profiles. Sheets C2 A3 A4.1 -and A4.2 1. Replace each sheet in its entirety with corresponding attached sheet. Sheet C2 has been revised to include the sidewalk in the right of way. Sheets A3, A4.1, and A4.2 have been revised to show 6-0" deep awning. Sheets>L1 and L3 Srec on Land Design, n Inc.' 1. Replace each sheet in its entirety with corresponding attached sheet. Landscape plans have been updated to show storm ponds and provide additional landscaping required by the City. Sheet SU1jJennifer Luce, P.E.) 1. Replace this sheet in its `entirety with attached Sheet SU1. Sheet has been updated to include revised storm pond layout. Attachments 1. Sheets CC1, C1, C4, C5, L1, and L3, revised 6-20-13 2. Sheet C2, A3, A4.1, A4.2, and SU1, revised 6-19-13 3. Sheet CC2, dated 6-20-13 RESUBMITTED J L o 1 Z01 CM Of FEDERAL WAY Cos, r your assistance. Tr ANDERSON NC (-ENGINEERING, E M P L 0 Y E E 0 W N E D June 25, 2013 projectno: 10138-13 An: Sarady Long, Public Works Traffic CITY OF FEDERAL WAY RESUBMITTED 33325 81h Avenue South Federal Way, WA 98003 Ph: (253) 835-2743 JUL 0 C[Ty Of FEDERAL WAY RE: O'Reilly Auto Parts; Federal Way, WA #1 CDS FRONTAGE IMPROVEMENT IN -LIEU -OF ENGINEERING COST ESTIMATE 34720 Pacific Hwy South, Federal Way Mr. Long, Submitted for your approval is the In -Lieu -Of Engineering Cost Estimate for the required Frontage Improvements for the proposed O'Reilly Auto Parts project at 34720 Pacific Highway: PArIFIr. WIr.HWAY FRONTAGE IMPROVEMENT COST ESTIMATE Thank Paul linbel, P.E. �resiclent / Project Engineer 2045 W WOODLAND SPRINGFIELD. MO 65807 PH: 417,866 2741 FX 417,666 2778 WWW AEINCNIO C01M E-NIAIL: AEINC@AEINCh1O.CO&I ENGINEERS ® SURVEYORS * LABORATORIES ® DRILLING I 1 i E 1 1 : AN T 1 10197-1 I - WB-109-582 II LI)am g ,g 1 g 3 Jig ► 1 v 1 I .� o I i ujz �w j aitca L Z UJ A o 1 RE, C TEAPO, BY iTY �y1d z T. SETS ._} Ls i <�Y WWI j 1 W ,il ,.. 1 I- Z , Q- 1 = : = > " N WW ROW F h~ x0 q DEDICATION. I cn va ua Ip u N& 22210+-am I RIL 144 fm x5l"A AM six ."91�191 1 I 1 PROPER TS' LONE AFTER EXI NG E E J, 1� 1 B' DEDICATION 09 I OF RD{iD ± Z 1 w O I d' + N7 EX TONG.336 LF OF NEW S' WIDE SIDEWALK ERR t LINE 1 MATCH EXIST GRADES L.J 11 RUNNING SLOPE <2% CROSS SLOPE I 1 I I N W SPA Eh#EPtlT :NEW EDGE OF ROAD AFTER FRONTAGE RC'iY`5" IMPROVEMENTS. 336' OF5'ROAD ST DARi&S WIDENING MATCH EXIST GRADES rt?C(SE,T a t It` 14 8 3' WIDE UTILITY STRIP 1 HOT 4 6' WIDE FUTURE WIDENING 1 1 i $''WIDE SIDEWALK N o W III wiz ti S WIDE PLANTER I I I 1 11 ®? IfI 1 J} 1 �~ �.. :• DATE 6(12513 1 1 1 DATr *w term"�tatlt�'*I Lj CONT. EXHIBIT A ROW DEDICATION 0 1& Ate: '• _ ,�. EXHIBIT A lol I�101 iJ y A i a � a Y a t a P a tl 1 F P A iI 9 EXISTING EASEMENTS 1--f FROM SVI C5 EXIST 10 SLOPE EASEMENT X PER 8212060519 ;� o EXISTING WATER FACILITY zx 0-®z w�® ESMNT NO. 20080228000018 0Y# EXIST 10' PUGET SOUND ��� I ENERGY EASEMENT PER a # 20071026000638 EXIST 10' STORM SEWER DATE �13 EASEMENT PER —fmTr REC. # 20070119001264 NEW PROPERTY LINE= - -°— - -- - N CONST. g SCALE: r = 4a4r —0 * 1of1 June 25, 2013 rojectno: 1013-13 Attn: Becky Chapin, CITY OF FEDERAL WAY 33325 8`h Avenue South, Federal Way, WA 98003 RESUBMITTED Ph: (253) 35-2641 O'Reilly. -f-r_l Way, WA #1; COMPLETE APPLICATION;1 ;-0 1 Pacific Hwy South,i` Following are responses to the June 10, 2013 Review Comments: CM OF FEDERAL WAY CDS PUBLIC WORKSDEVELOEIMENT SERVICES, Ann Dower, 263435�213g, ahn.dowep&jtyoffik Show the dim _s of ♦ stall dimensions. esponse #1: Dimensions of the building and typical parking stalls are shown on Sheet C2. rr located within the required i ii de public right-of-waydedication be relinquished prior i recording the dedication. Response #2: The relinquishment of the existing Easements is currently in process. Refer to Exhibit B. i;o LtLupmULL, Changes to the l"ethnical Infonriation Repoil will be completed as pad of the building permit. Response #3: Noted. Comment #4: The applicant is responsible for obtaining all permits from agencies other than the City. Response 4: Noted. Comment #I.- The proposed single joint access driveway is acceptable. Please ensure that the entrance to the O'Reilly's is set back approximately 40�-50'from the edge of the pavement to provide adequate storage length. Please note, this driveway may be restricted to r and right -out Response #1: Noted. The entrance is set back as per the comment. r;;ment #2: The internal drive aisle in front of r adequate for• rfor any future development south of the site. Please ensure that there is not access restriction. Response #2: Noted. There are no access restrictions. Comment #3: Please show 18'ROW dedication along the frontage on SR 99. The additional 6'ROWis needed to accommodate southbound Response #3: The 18' ROW dedication is shown on the revised site plans, Exhibit A and is in process. frontage gpj� I., '17he required on of enginooft costs bstiihale forlhoto the Public •d(s Department The applicant may requests ♦ be applied toward the traffic impact fee foi-i.yment of i t rata share payment and ROW dedication. R�g�ft Included with this submittal is an Engineering Cost Estimatelfor required frontage improvements to be used in 11i the 7nP costs. Credit is also requested from the Traffic Impact Fee & ROW Dedication. ,gomment #5.-, Pedestrian connection on SR 99 should be extended to the existing edge of shoulder. Comment 6: Street lighting should be provided along the shari Response 6: The O'Reilly Auto Parts project provides a new(! Thank yo f r r`assistance. Paul Eng .E. Vice- Pre !dent / Project Engineer Enc: Exhibit A (ROW Dedication), Exhibit B (Easement Relinqu 2045 W WOODLAND SPRINGFIELD, NIO 65807 PH. 417,866 2741 ENGINEERS i SURVEYORS Refer to Site Utility Plan (SU1). Engineering Cost Estimate 417 866 2775 WWV`1 AEINCh{O,COM E-PvSAIL: AEINC@AEINCMTO C®MI ® LABORATORIES a DRILLING RESUBMITTED NWM7LMVT1g 34720 Pacific Highway South JUL 0 12013 Federal Way, Washington File No. 13_101523-00-UP CITY OF FEDERAL WAY CDS I AU:1411 P JE I PA I P. I I I VAI El ME5 ZZWOEMEM ITeyam [0161.1 C-10 W-- I w LL, a I I r416-1 Le r4DM 11-71LSIMMAL, WON .112yr- 1111-1g.i.1w &&Nola, Now 41UI��V-V vjM Z the site, to the main building entrance. FWRC 19.115.090(2)(b): The principal building entrance (West Elevation) faces Pacific Highway frontage. This entrance is emphasized by use of transparent glass surrounded by a "portal" with a dark brown accent color. The entrance area is also covered by a canopy that projects 6'-0" • the face • the •• Furthermore, trash receptacles, outdoor • and is have been shown on the submitted drawings. FWRC 19.115.060(2) and (3)(b): Building fagade treatments have been shown • the West, North, and South facades, which are greater than 60 feet in length and are visible from the public right-of-way. Note that the treatments shown on the submitted drawings are pilasters thal project 2'-0" • the main building face and canopies that are shown for at least 50% of the wall • Furthermore, • walls are articulated • display windows, cornices, recessed areas, • ••- (with 6-0" projections), as well as material and •• changes. FWRC 19.110.070: The HVAC equipment is shown •: the submitted • as located on the ground, screened by a masonry enclosure; therefore, the HVAC equipment will not be visible • any right-of-way. Light fixtures have been shown on the submitted drawings and adequately illuminate pedestrian and parking areas per City guidelines. FWRC 19.125.150: The garbage / recycling area is dimensioned on the submitted drawings •i is enclosed • a masonry • Furthermore, landscaping has been • • the submitted drawings around the trash enclosure screen wall. FWRC 19.115.010: The CPTED checklist has •-- submitted • this project showing • this project complies with the Crime Prevention through Environmental Design. W.\data\O'Reilly\Washington\FederaI WayXCommunityDesignGuidelinesNarratve-rev.docx 4hNM CITY OF F a e ra , DEPAR"IENT OF COMMUNITV DEVELOPMENT SERVICES 33325 8'h Avenue South Federal Way, WA 98003-6325 253-835-2607; Fax 253-935-2609 CITY OF FEDEPAL WAY HAZARDOUS MATERIAL$ INVENTORY STATEMM CItITICAL A00IFER RECHAROE AND WELLHEAD The inventory statement must be filled out for the following activities: 0 Construction of any residential structure, including single-family development * Construction of any bam or other agricultural structure 0 Construction of any office, school, commercial, recreational, service, or storage building * Construction of a parking lot of any size w Other minor new construction (see WAC 197-11-800[2]) o Additions or modifications to or replacement of any building or facility (does not include tenant improvements) a Demolition of any structure 0 Any landfill or excavation * Installation of underground tanks a Any division of land, including short plats * Change of use, which involves repair, remodeling, and maintenance activities 0 Dredging 0 Reconstruction/maintenance of groins and similar shoreline protection structures * Replacement of utty cables that must be buried under the surface of It 6 Repair/rebuilding of major dams, dikes, and reservoirs * Installation or construction of any utility, except for on -going operation and maintenance activities of public wells by public water providers * Personal wireless service facilities User ID: jbounds2, Daterrime: 6/12/2013 6:--AM, Document Name: Microsoft Word - 056 Haz- " sous Materials Inventory Statement.docx Project Name O'ReillyAMjparts; rlore ?51�19 - . Applicant Project Location 14720 Pacirc IIkvy ,re Ill. TVPES AND QUANTITIES or HAZARDOUS MATERIALS Please provide the appi-o-yintate quantity of the types of hazardous rnaterials or deleterious substances that will be stored, handled, treated, used, produced, recycled, or disposed of in connection with the proposed activity. If no hazardous materials will be involved, please proceed to Section IV. OLID MATERIAL tris) S (pounds) (1) Acid or basic solutions or solids 136 NiA (2) Anti freeze or coolants 113 N A (3) Bleaches eroxides —detergents, surl'actants, disinfectants, bactericide (4) Brake, transmission, hydraulic fluids 141 NA (5) Brine solutions N'A N,'A sion or rust prevention solutions 'N�`A 3 A (7) Cutting fluids 4 (8) Deicing materials N A 42 N; A "m. T9) 13;�T(iean7ing or cleaning solvents N,A 4 (10) Electroplating or metal finishing solutions N: A N; A (11) Engraving or etching solutions A N A (12) Explosives N!A N 11-1 A (13) Fertilizers N' `A N-A (14) Food or animal processing wastes -WA i WA (15) Formaldehyde NoA N!A w 0 6) Fuels, additives, oils,greascs 2100 4- N 11 A (17) Glues, adhesives, or resins 3 (18) Inks, printing, or photocopying clicmicals NI!A N!A (19) Laboratory chemicals, reagents or standards N.A K'A (20) Medical, hospital, pharmaceutical, dental, or N"'A NZA vetc:rina P fluids or wastes ar (2 1) Metals (hazardous e.g, arsenic, copper, (in "Ced lead ac7idc t chromium, lead, mcreury, silver. etc.) batteries) (22) Paints, pigments, dyes, stains, varnish, scalers. 48 (23) Pesticides, herbicides or poisons N,,, A N1;A (24) Plastic resins, plasticizers, or catalysts INIA (25) Photo development chemicals N-,'A (26) Radioactive sources N-'A N A (27) Refrigerants, cooling water (contact) N A 40 W A (28) lud Sg, N A N' ,cs, still bottoms A , (29) Solven(s, thinners, paint removers or strippers NA (30) Tanning (leather) chemicals N,'A N 1 A (3 1) Transformer, capacitor oils, fluids, PCBs N A 1 (32) Waste oil 20 gallons NTA (33) Wood Preservatives NiA N,A (34) List 01 HER hazardous materials or deleterious substances on a separate sheet. Bulletin .USG ry 201 I ' —Page 2'o —3 k; I landouts Hazardous Materials Inventory Statement uger ID: Jbounds2, Date/Time: 6112/2013 6:�"-AM, Document Name: Microsoft Word - 056 Hazr7,, ? us Materials Inventory Statement.docN Project Name G'Reilly Autg ftd�� Stgtg�2192 Project Location A4120 Pacific Wejjl VaV)Wracking No. IV. FURTHER INFORriIATION M Provide the apl)�-evrhnate quantity of fill and source of rill to be imported to the site. Check box # I if you do not plan to store, handle, treat, use, produce, recycle, or dispose orany ofil - #2 through #5 (and rill in appropriate blanks) of the below table irthey apply to your racility or activity. I ------------------ '' 11 nie proposed development will not store, handle, treat, use, produce, recycle, or dispose of any of the types and quantities of hazardous materials or deleterious substances listed above. lAbove gtound storage tanks, having a capacity a 120 gallons will be installed Collection Taak� double ■ wall construction, UL�42 listedL_ Construction vehicles will be refueled on site. it�orailc­within wholesale and retail facties of hazardous materials, or other deleterious subsiances, will be ror sale in original containers with a capacity of <5 gallons liquid or 40 urpounds solid, Th! presence of chemical substances on this parcel istwill be for "temporary" non -routine LH5 maintenance or repair of the facility (such as paints and paint thinneri) and are in individual containers with a capacity of gallons liquid or _ pounds solid. Check any of the following items that currently exist or are proposed in connection with the development or the site. I Date Print Name _Bucleii_11116S F1January ­i_,_ Page 3 of 3 k: Handouts Hazardous Materials Wrentory Stalonent Project Name O'keilly Auto Pqrts� ©a* Applicant Project Location r floe DepArtilleirt af CotnmunLrt Developinewv>of « £835-26 Maw beadvised that y a for desdopmentpenstif lackbig the required itiformadets W11 nor be accepted. ^. . . . . � &w /Ga�mae, %a k.&:n_kd&mry,;/1 a w &+Hrnt CITY Of F ral M 6de Y DATE: June 11, 2013 TO: Becky Chapin FROM: Sarady Long SUBJECT: O'REILLY AUTO PARTS - (13-101523-00-UP) 34720 PACIFIC HWY S The Public Works Traffic Division has reviewed the submitted materials and provides the following comments: Site Plans Review 1. The proposed single joint access driveway is acceptable. Please ensure that the entrance to the O'Reilly is set back approximately 40' - 50' from the edge of the pavement to provide adequate storage length. Please note, this driveway may be restricted to right -in and right -out in the future. 2. The internal drive aisle in front of the store is adequate for future internal access connection for any future development south of the site. Please ensure that there is not access restriction. 3. Please show 18' ROW dedication along the frontage on SR 99. The additional 6' ROW is needed to accommodate southbound double turn lane. 4. The required frontage improvement on SR 99 is part of a larger TIP project (TIP#20 SR 99 HOV lanes Phase 5), which is currently under design and scheduled for construction. As such, the Public Works director has determined that the applicant shall fulfill this obligation by paying to the city the pro-rata share of the costs of the required improvements calculated on a per -front -foot basis. Based on the estimated per linear foot cost of $1,563 and 368' of linear frontage, the total pro-rata share is 575,000 (see calculation below). In lieu of using the city's per -front -foot basis, the applicant may submit the actual engineering costs estimate for the frontage improvements to the Public Works Department. The applicant may request credit to be applied toward the traffic impact fee for the payment of this pro-rata share payment and ROW dedication. TIP Cost - $20,000,000 Project Length — 6,400' (both sides) Frontage Length — 368' Cost per linear foot — ($20,000,000) x (6,400 x 2) = $1,562.5 Total Cost = $1,562.5 x 368' = $575,000 5. Pedestrian connection to SR 99 should be extended to the existing edge of shoulder. 6. Street lighting should be provided along the shared access road. Breckon Land Design Inc. Post Office Box 44465 Boise, ID 83711 ph: 208-376-5153 Landscape Architecture Land Planning Geographic Info Systems Water Management Erosion Control* Graphic Communication * Irrigation Design Ms. Becky Chapin, Assistant Planner City ofFederal Way 333258hAvenue South, Federal Way, VVA 98003-6325 P: 253-835'2641 Rebecca Cha Din Ociwoffederalwa corn RE: O'Reilly Auto Parts Project Address: 34720 Pacific Highway South, Federal Way, WA Dear Ms. Chapin: O'Reilly Auto Parts respectfully requests analternative compliance for the landscape improvements. The proposed facility will only be utilizing and leasing a portion of the subject property and as such we requesttmimprove only the portions directly impacted bvthe proposed facility. The proposed landscape improvements meet the city development requirements, with the exception that they do not extend onto the area to remain vacant. Please see the attached landscape plan for clarification aswell asfor your review and comment. VVehope this addresses your concerns. if you have any further questions orcomments, please contact meat200-376' 5153 or via email at Sincerely, Breckon Land Design, Inc. Jon Breckon,PUA,ASLA,CbAR8 Landscape Architect #1075 [c: File ������ ����������� ����������n`�� m u ���� CITY OF FEDERAL WAY CDS TARVADAWK I IMTO M n. 0 Attn: Ms. Rebecca Chapin Assistant Planner Re, O'Reilly Auto Parts 34720 Pacific Hwy South Federal Way, WA File #1 3-101523-00-UP and 12-101524-00-SU F97-2• THOMAS A. LUNDBERG 1736 E. SUNSHINE, SUITE 417 SPRINGFIELD, MO 65804 417.862.0558 FAX 417.862.3265 email: thom@esterlyschneider.com Due to the fact that the leased portion of the land will be a private agreement between the current Property Owner and O'Reilly Auto Parts, you have indicated that a Binding Site Plan will not be required. Please withdraw the Application for Binding Site Plan. Please feel free to contact our office if you have any further questions. Sincerel, twr W:\data\O'Reilly\Washington\FederaI Way\Correspondence\L- City Binding Site Plan withdrawals.docx RECEIVED QTY OF FEDERAL WAY CDS 33325 8'h Avenue South Federal Way, WA 98003-6325 253-835-2607; Fax 253-835-2609 13- 101523 VIED Crime Prevention Through Environmental 6iAGA (CPTED) Checklist Instructions o 5 2013 CITY OF FEDERAL WAY CDS IMW been met. This goal can also be met by submitting a written explanation as to now each ot'lieluee clesign principles of Natural Surveillance, Access Control, and 01wnership has been met. principles into proposed project designs. The purpose of the checklist is to assist a project proponent in identifying and incorporating design strategies that implement the CPTED principles identified in e erl Way Revised Code (FVrRC) 19.115.0 10. U1 El principles, pertormance stana-MU9,7MM strategies MT-Tsei is U TIZ4TUTEUM-T M-757,77777�MrF identify and incorporate design features, which reduce opportunities for criminal activity to occur. The effectiveness of CPTED is based on the fact that criminals make rational choices about their targets. In general: (1) The greater the risk of being seen, challenged, or caught; the less likely they are to commit a crime. (2) The greater the effort required, the less likely they are to commit a crime. (3) The lesser the actual or perceived rewards, the less likely they are to commit a crime. (1) There is more chance of being seen, challenged, or caught; (2) Greater effort is required; (3) The actual or perceived rewards are less; and (4) Opportunities for criminal activity are minimized. CPTED Design Principles (1) Natural Surveillance. This category focuses on strategies to design the built environment in a manner that promotes visibility of public spaces and areas. (2) Access Control. This category focuses on the techniques that prevent and/or deter unauthorized and/or inappropnate access. (3) Ownership. This category focuses on strategies to reduce the perception of areas as ..ownerless" and therefore available for undesirable uses. Bulletin #021 —January 1, 2011 Page 1 of 2 k:\Handout \CPTED Instructions V Seccian and 1 .4 11 ctioatArtx Evalmdoft 1 un n Performance Performance Standard for Agency Standard US?- Only Strategy X Apokubk duting Site PtM RCVkW ex AWkzbk during Bultding perrnit paview N, Blind Corners .4void blind Corners in pathways and parking lots. �Nth.lsy:,h.uldb.ed t A[t ens slang ..Id �b How to Use This Checklist This checklist has been prepared to assist in identifying appropriate strategies to incorporate CPTED design principles into proposed projects in Federal Way. The guidelines included in this checklist expand on the principles found in FWRC 19.115.0 10. It is recommended that the principles be reviewed initially to identify the approaches used to implement CPTED. Subsequent to this initial review, this checklist should be reviewed to identify additional strategies that maybe applicable for a proposed project. Not all strategies are applicable to all projects. In addition, the CPTED principles may be addressed through strategies that are not listed. C ec ist Design The checklist has been organized in the following manner: Functional Area Speckdesign element addressed by CPTED princVes I'll Pirfonnance Standard fflot'is the desired outcome of applying CPTED principles to this junctional area 1-1 Stratqnr Technique which can be used to implement CPTEDpr1stqp&s CheekBox Indicate by Checking this box if this strategy has been used in the proposed project StrategyWrite4it This section can be used to write in a strategy which is not Vecrfecally listed but is employed in the project Process Applicability Site Plan and Building Permit Review ��i&4igwq est a-DDlied durinj dift6rea points in review To assist wi te 160m Aft process in lacilitating ut I h-P review, gLlvC1u1c;.'S wilit'll-ZLC with a "A " symbol. Guidelines that are most appropriately applied during building perrnitreview are indicated with a "E)" symbol. Bulletin #021 —January 1, 2011 Page 2 of 2 Uliandout \CPTED Instructions V MI k7T7 33325 8" Avenue South Federal Way, WA 98003-6325 253-835-2607; Fax 253-835-2609 Crime Prevention Through Environmenta. Design (CPTED) Checklist Directions f-tMd9U-�5- -MTU=dTVkN-At your proposed project. Please check all strategies that are applicable to your project for each of the numbered guidelines. You may check more than one strategy for each guideline. Your responses will be evaluated by City Staff, and will be integrated into the Site Plan and/or Building Permit review process. Blind Corners Avoid blind comers in pathways and parking lots. Pathways should be direct. All barriers along pathways should be permeable (see through) including etc. a Consider the installation of mirrors to aHow users to see ahead of them and around comers. E) Other strategy used._ o 1.2 Site and Building Layout Allow tratural observationfto?n the street to the use, fi-oln the use to the street, and between uses Bulletin #022 — January 1, 2011 Pagel of k:\Handouts\CPTED Checklist I Orient the main entrance towards the street or both streets on For Non -Single comers. 0 Family Development Position habitable rooms with windows at the front of the #I dwelling. IN Access to dwellings or other uses above commercial/ retail development should not be from the rear of the building. N Offset windows, doorways and balconies to allow for naturalm observation while protecting privacy. 0 ocate main entrances/exits at the front of the site and in vi of the street. 0 1 For Commercial/ Retail/ Industrial If employee entrances must be separated from the main and Community El entrance, they should maximize opportunities for natural Facilities surveillance from the street. N El In industrial developments, administration/offices should be located at the front of the building. 0 ---------------------------- Avoid large expanses of parking. Where large expanses of parking are proposed, provide surveillance such as security For Surface Parking and cameras. 11 Parking Structures Access to elevators, stairwells and pedestrian pathways should be clearly visible from an adjacent parking area. 9 0 Avoid hidden recesses. 91 ocate parking areas in locations that can be observed by LV adjoining uses. M Open spaces shall be clearly designated and situated at For Common/ locations that are easily observed by people. Parks, plazas, Open Space common areas, and playgrounds should be placed in the front Areas of buildings. Shopping centers and other similar uses should face streets. 2 Other strategy used: Bulletin #022 — January 1, 2011 Page 2 of 9 kAHandouts\CPTED Checklist 0 1.3 Common/Open 1 n. O,., a Space Provide.., space areas. Position active uses or habitable rooms with windows adjacent ■ to main common/open sr. playgrounds, swimming pools, and / public on -site open space. hide.Design and locate durripster enclosures in a manner which ff"I'screens refuse containers but avoids providing opportunities to Locate waiting areas and external entries to elevators/stairwells El close to areas of active uses to make them visible from the building entry. Q� Other strategy used:�3'� 0 Entrances j 1.4 Provide entries that are clearly visible. e ` � Y4 Designentrancesto allow users to see into them before entering. ■ h � a 03 s Entrances should be clearly identified (Signs must conform to , ❑ FWRC 19.140.060. Exempt Signs. (Applicable during Certificate of Qcc�at�arrcv lLnAaLcdoral. u t Other strategy used: 1.5 Fencing " Coln onos Fence design should tnayi rz se natural surreilla ce f;r m the , �, is street to the building a nd r^onz the building to the street; and DNA minimize opportunities for intruders to hide. qu r zits: Bulletin #022 —January 1, 2011 Page 3 of 9 k:\Handouts\CPTED Checklist lu M 1.7 fences : i bepredominantly open 1 design, 1 ■.Front pickets or wrought iron, or low in height. G Design high solid front fences II . manner that incorporates ■ open " YI`i to allow . above the height of five feet. _ If noise 1 i' 1 is required, install double -glazing at the ■. front of building . .- Y.Y.. solid fenceshigher than five LandscaPM'' Avoid landscaping which obstructs i : Isurveillanceand allows . to Trees with dense low growth foliage should be spaced or their crown should .:':raised toavoid a continuousbarrier. u i ■ Y 1' • f Bulletin #022 — January 1, 2011 Page 4 of 9 k-.\Handouts\CP`C Checklist Locate elevated light fixtures,(poles, light standards, etc.) in a coordinated manner that provides the desired coverage. The useful ground coverage of an elevated light fixture is roughly twice its height. 4 For areas intended to be used at night, ensure that lighting [3 supports visibty. Where lighting is placed at a lower hei& tV support visib** pedestrians, ensure that it is vandal - resistant. G Ensure inset or modulated spaces on a building facade, access/egress routes, and signage is well lit. E) Ju areas used by pedestrians, ensure that lighting shines on pedestrian pathways and possible entrapment spaces. E) Tlace lighting to take into account vegetation, in its current [3 mature form, as well as any other element that may have the potential for blocking light. 0 1 Avoid lighting of areas. not intended for nighttime use to avoid ,3 giving a false impression of use or safety. If danger spots are usually vacant at night, avoid lighting them and close them off to pedestrians. G 13 Select and light "safe routes" so that these become the focus of legitimate pedestrian activity after darl-- 11 19/ Avoid climbing opportunities by locating light standards and electrical equipment away from walls or low buildings. E) 13 Use photoelectric rather than U= switches for extenor lighting. E) In projects t - hat will be used primarilyby older people 13 (retirement homes, congregate care facilities, senior *and/ or community centers, etc.) provide higher levels of brightness in public/common areas. G Other strategy used: 13 1.8 AUx of Uses In rutxed use buildings increase opportunitiesfor natural surveillance, while protecting privacy. Page 5 of 9 k- Bulletin #022 —Jams 1, 2011 \14-andouts\CPTED Checklist Where allowed by city code, locate shops and businesses on lower floors and residences on upper floors. In this way, El residents can observe the businesses after hours while the residences can be observed by the businesses during business hours. 2 thin kin Include food kiosks, restaurants, etc. wiparks and parg structures. 0 Other strategy: used '5'dg6�46 El 0" Cortfarrns 1.9 Security Bars, Shutters, and Doors When used and permitted by building and fire codes, security bars, shutters, and doors should allow observation of the street ...... . . . . . and be consistent with the architectural style of the building. Security bars and security doors should be visually permeable (see -through). E) Other strategy used: El nr 2.1 Buildincy Identification Ensure buildings are clearly identified by street number to prevent unintended access and to assist persons trying to find the building Identification signs must conform to FWRC 0, 19.140.060. Exempt Signs, nr/*' Street numbers should be plainly visible and legible from the street or road fronting the property. e - ------ - - -------- - - Bulletin 1-022 —January 1, 2011 Page 6 of 9 k:\Handouts\CPTED Checklist t MStreet numbers should be made of durable materials, preferably reflective or luminous, and unobstructed (e.g. by foliage). E) For larger projects, provide location maps (fixed plaque forimt) and directional signage at public entry points and along internal public routes of travel. E) Other strategy used: 2.2 Entrances Avoid confusion in locating building entrances. Fintrances should be easily recognizable through design ........... I . I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . features and directional signage. (Signs must conform to FWRC 19.140.060. Exempt Signs. III M/Minimize the number of entry points. 0 Other strategy used: 0 2.3 Landscaping Use vegetation as barriers to deter unauthorized access. Other strategy used: 2.4 Landscaping Location A voidplacement of vegetation that would enable access to a building or to neighboring buildings. Bulletin #122 — January 1, 2011 Page 7 oF9 k:\Handouts\CPTED Checklist Avoid placement of large trees, craragres, utility structures, fences, and gutters next to second story windows or balconies that could provide a means of access...._. Other strategy used: 2.5 Security Reduce opportunities for unauthorized access Consider the use of security bardware, and/or human measures E2/ to reduce opportunities for unauthorized access. (Applicable during fertitcateSL ccuv�ancv Ills �edon)l_ Q__g Other strategy used. 2.6 Signage Insure that signage is clearly visible, easy to read and simple to understand [Signs must conform to FWRC 19.140.060. Exempt Signs]. Use strong colors, standard symbols, and simple graphics for informational sips. E) Upon entering the parking area, provide both pedestrians and For Surface drivers with a clear understanding of the direction to stairs, Parking and elevators, and exits. E) Parking C, Structures In multi -level parking areas, use creative signage to distinguish between floors to enable users to easily locate their cars. E) El Advise users of security measures that are in place and where to find them, i.e. security phone or intercom system- E) Provide sianaize in the parking area advising users to lock their 0 cars.e Bulletin #022 —January 1, 2011 Page 8 of 9 k:\Handouts\CPTED Checklist Where exits are closed after hours, ensure this information is indicated at the parking area entrance. E) Other strategy used: 3.1 Maintenance Create a "caredfor "image Ensure that landscaping is well maintained, as per FWRC 19.125.090, in order to give an impression of ownership, care, and security. (Ongoing). Where possible, design multi -unit residential uses such that no more than six to eight units share a common building entrance. a Other strategy used: 3.2 Materials Use materials, which reduce the opportunity far vandalism. Consider using strong, wear resistant laminate, impervious tlazed ceramics, treated masonry products� stainless steel Dle_laterials, anti -graffiti paihis, and dear over sprays to reduce opportunities for vandalism- Avoid flat or porous finishes in areas where graffiti is likely to be a problem. e Common area and/or street furniture shall be made of long wearing vandal resistant materials and secured by sturdy anchor points, or removed after hours.e Other strategy used: 0 Bulletin #022 —January 1, 2011 Pa.ae 9 of 9 k:\Handouts\CPTED Checklist PHOTO I FACING WEST • l FACING NORTH PHOTO SOUTH PHOTO FACING E 13- 101523 RECEIVED MENNEN CITY OF FEDERAL WAY THOMIS A. LENDBER6 °� 1 AUTO PARTS W20 PACM HWY S, IRCHITECT FEVM WAY, WA Mo 65002 1736 ISS1 11011111e, Slille 417 417.862.0558 233 South Pattenon. Springfield, Phon. (417) 862-3333 FAK. (417) 074-7112 spitaglidd, MISSONT1 65894 Fax: 417.862.3265 EM& 4401 0 (MM& 01) WAY e-mail: arcollecl@eslerlyscknelder.com Web date: 04126/2007 ILI SE VV Department of Development and Environmental Services P " a R Building Services Division , 900 Oakesdale Avenue Southwest Renton, Washington 98057-5212 For alternate formats, call 206-296-6600..E 206-296-6600 TTY 206-296-7217' This certificate provides the Public Health - Seattle & King County Department and the De artment of Development and Environmental Services with information necessary to evaluate devlo s Do not write in this box ME APR 0 5 2013 Number Name crry ❑ Building Permit ❑ Preliminary Plat or PUD OF DR °V°l° ❑ Short Subdivision or other: t a f Applicant's name: t` Proposed use: Location (attach map and legal description if necessary): yid 1.9 a. Sewer servicecan be provided by side sewer connection only to an existing We size sewer 1 and the sewer system has the capacity to serve the proposed use. OR ❑ b. Sewer service will require an improvement to the sewer system of. o) feet of sewer` trunk or lateral to reach the site; and/or El (2) The construction of a collection system on the site; and/or El (3) Other (describe): 2. a. The sewer system improvement is in conformance with a County approved sewer comprehensive plan. OR ❑ b. The sewer system improvement will require a sewer comprehensive plan amendment. 3. a. The proposed project is within the corporate limits of the district or has been granted Boundary Review Board approval for extension of service outside the district or city. oR ❑ b. Annexation or Boundary Review Board (BRB) approval will be necessary to provide service. 4. Service is subject to the following: a. Connection charge: 1 la b. Easement(s): i C. Other:"� t l� i )f 1 1 l omrne s. W * Tlrc District, at its sole discretion; reserves fhc right to delay ot° deny w r vice basal upon capacity limitations h, District ascd Other Purveyor facilities. I certify that the above sewer agency information is true. This certification shall be valid for one year from date of signature. LAICEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRICT � Agency name Sinatt name Title Signature Date sewer availability form.doc b-cert-sewer,l)df 02-07 2002 Page -1 of 1 ACIFIC HVVYS 3452516TH AVE S 2021049160 34434 PACIFIC HVVY S 8897000060 97000005 34603167FH AVES OO PACIFIC KWYS 97000065 21049064 it i 11 16TK AVE S 34701 PACIFIC HVVY S 8897000075 2021049025 34621 16 H, A% 8&97000030 1400 S 348TH ST 12 21049065 97000 85AUE S 2021049055 3470316TH AVE S J12 8897000090 3471316TH AVE S 8897000095 14727 PACIFIC H 21049133 1330 S 348TH ST 1416 S 348TH ST 2021049060 2021049021 2021049088 34730 PACIFIC HWY S 2021049145 1506 S 348TH ST 97000100 S THS r N; UtilityNOTE: Lakehaven r Facilityinformation shown. i verification. LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRICT Hydraulic Model Fire Flow Estimate Request/Reporting Form Requested By; Date: Kathy Brown 111/2/98 H dram ,ocation: 'A ectiOn J- 12 Intersectiont Approx. S 346 t St & Pacific Hwy S Additional Den See attached map Results By: Date John Bowma 112/10/98 rlie.ults By: lJohn Bowman Model Run No 95LUDSFF.INPFF#89/3d NOTE: The fire flow analysis was performed at two proposed hydrants located NW and SW of a propose Hotel/Inn at approximately S 346t' St and Pacific High Way S. These two proposed hydrants were assumed to be on a looped system described on the attached map. It was also assumed that a portion of the existing distribution system was modified form 6" to 8" pipe as detailed onthe attached map. On -site fire flow estimates would have to be determined during design of the water system improvements. For run 89/3c, this fire flow rates will cause velocities in excess of 10 f1s within the water distribution system. A fire flow rate less than 2700 gpm will maintain flow velocities below 10 f/s. For run 89/3d, this fire flow rates will cause velocities in excess of 10 f1s within the water distribution system. A fire flow rate less than 2900 gpm, will maintain flow velocities below 10 f/s. A maximum fire flow rate of 2500 gpm is availablEj There is no guarantee that the Hydraulic Model results 'will represent actual system performance. Model results •-•' the theoretical performance • the system under high demani conditions. Field measurements should always be obtained for design purposes. s # ` r 241rts; ' # LOT 2 ^,^• / r '^-.--,-.-.- t LOT I j' tJ N1r�c .„ • .� - � �.�'� of / C-rio r bX uB�C is � \ E.tsoO a / 8- / I6 s i c a^ Ct -_ 2g r or la r r j 1 11f 1 D't ra r® 1 8 6g l 1 1 1 1 20 r 1 «, 'p �g 9 I 1 21 2 r rQxr I �Ll 2) 1 S. 348TH. ST _ �_ w_ _ _- or / 8 1_-- - - _ J i;- , .- 0,11 � i B MRN r �- {1 1 PRIMAR.Y S 1fi t0. - r-- -- 43 r 11 10" T alms 10 �+" 1 '�. 0�15 REa10K0J DA 22 1 LOT 1LOT 2 ix- 8"AC VAC 1 1 a Ac 1 , LOT 3 # rm'. 1 1^ 18 KcsP zzaozs e0110545 !us--*-rt r r 1 1 r11 1 a... r ,11* SIN j4 # Earl; �I LOT 4 a ..,_ BYO e, -:` 13 RF,VISED 11-16 9a ffi € �i T-1 N 8 of the N.E. Y of't : . 1/ rf S GT1 _.o^; t Aa 14 45,066 + qs" ft, LTOT 57 1 70, To s 2l, North- Range 4-:East, R� lette • ®ri i n .P.OA_B. Iv City of FEDERAL WAY I County ;State of xIN SHINGTO 1,0346 — acres FoxAmm �J�2 �« as + „ y s Surm f fp 142215 72NoAww `�ii ^� ! .•., ` e' A Kan, WA {425)x51z22 t' Taa 9/ OD `". (a25)251-8752 PAX -,. �0 3C8E72s w • k :. f RES ;. A4,_ <, SURVEY INFORMATION "i _ fl ti O g ;. iEit A 176,589 + sq F PROCEDURE / NARRATIVE A FIELD TRAVERSE USING A 3100' TOTAL STATION, AND "SDR 33' DATA COLLECTOR. q'•. 7V'71 - S�T t S'UPPLEVENTEO MT14 HELD NOTES WAS PW ED, ESINXSHiNG THE _VSTANCL '"""» dy"V •'^ } ° TM 11DATIONSHMS MUM TK N1S 180n acres fFAIURES AS SHOWN HEREON. � R 7�" AUiGMTATG VTAS TD Ci4kCK �, i X � EST 1SH THE ELEVA aT AND T9N DATA / a FOR tC6 LOT LINES OR EXCEEDS THE .STP,S DS F4R '91 AS SET 4 RI 1YAC 32 T1D Cho=: �.. r° .. ,>. HORIZONTAL DATUM- sAsls cBEARINGS= t 89 95t ± �, 51� Tay Tx ,E LDat OF THE s.E ?/4 OF �SEn 20 AKEN AS ": Moa't11 TI7 34 19 l 08 12, of 'SUM. Per 3T 0.Offim11^ �"� a ; �+.,.. ^, _ ' ` • � W " ` Tax Lot No.202104-9064 d[ 0650 rtr F4LL3#9a. - BASIS_ A IEzistm9 Areo = 16A41 3 sq..ft] AS PIED BY CIrf OF CEDE WAY s9iT3- T"NO, Nf�::: � •°: ^�. x` $ RIE 9T 14469- S .' ANgiYRY R EASEMENT 3 _ ..,>.,x. - NEC,No. 7702151035 E 7D 4F 2-f/2- IN PIPE IN A4E+"EI" $ @N G ii'1.1k'TE=° ., s.B,i e Ll G' --- . ---- OF PACIFIC 4IGHWAY (WAR SYP CORtd#Te;'GF $C1E) •�-W.,,..___.d_�.:r:,,®___-,_m� J ' e $" Tax Lot No.202104-9065 1 'APPRQ%; LOCATION EOSING SUM DRAINAGE FACILITIES m DATES •7,.;,:., ..i - `. P ';°. IE.istng Area = 26299 a sq ft.] Y�+-_ - T. P.fl.g„ ..:. rD 9 P9PE - :. ° ..r .� II FIELD SURVEYS BY BARGHAUSEN GONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. / lId N q 1 G FP#D 9 EASEMENT PER REC.Na. 9710270655 LOT 13 CONDUCTED Aug. & Sept , 1998 7 q`..w. c,4,F .•a= Lot ] w,A<'; 'I'ERAD 276.118yf1ET tT^ R/ 116.04' is`I ,6t.349 ..:. S8839'09FE o NOTES -..-.,.: •,^ STA PED '14469' 11 2E1" i05.00' 1. PRIVATE ROAD EASEMENTS - Rec. No. 3059552, Rec. No. 3514304, - ^' fNE1 Ft/i3 Z;,S & Rec. No. 3455902 - TERMINATED BY MERGER OF TTRE. 2. STORM DRAIN LINE (EASEMENT) DEPICTED ON REC. No. 9505019003 (* 8999 ai NOT LOCATABLE - NO EVIDENCE FOUND. f ,2 r1fAN[T,q- Y'SEWER EASEMENT l 13 .i ReYG 1�¢F 97.E C O R f `O7 ® R , No. 7702151036, No. 7702151037 .: a Nt ^ Lot [ o m4a nri 2` Tdca . ill site I , ATE Rl�» EA."E TS u (SEErOT' #2) 44rG7i �:i" a // 3C1 EASET 4or Inch ems: 4 gxess P�,P McT11oT•c1nl�Trz1 of Lease A �a Rec. NO, " 97101014� { � f o g 3 w m ' 0 1 • , A, ; ,� • .,� ._ .,.® ^. -,. _.�. Lam, s .. _, :, y : a 0.. 25 SiY 100 ELECTRIC LINE EASEMENT 30 + REC NO. 6287308 — 41 O Scale 1 = 0' — — — _ _ S88"39'09"E N wry. LEGEND � 27 o' ® FOUND MONUMENTLul ---------------------- :a '. • FOUND REBAR 4. - - :vYi SET 1/2" REBAR w/CAP. Y .::'_..-•,.....-•.-__„a.:,_._.__a,._,..:...-__,.___-. ' STAMPED "BCE 30582" r" _.„._,._m:«.m_.,,,,.w :a T:P,AE. TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING 1 CITY OF FEDERAL WAY 11tZPARTMENT OF CObffAUNITY DEVELOPMENT SERVICE! 10-AValue W121UMV!, 4 0 1 1 JWZIAMil DATE, April 11, 2013 TO: Ann Dower, Development Services Rick Perez, Traffic Scott Sproul, Assistant Building Official Brian Asbury, Lakehaven Utility District Chris Ingham, South King Fire & Rescue FROM: Becky ChaM FOR DRC MTG. ON: Completeness Review April 25, 2013 ............... — ......... — ... ................... FILE NUMER(s): 13-101523-00-UP & 13-101524-SU RELATED FILE NOS.: 12-101630-PC PROJECT NAM: O'REILLY AUTO PARTS r!j:1*)VjXd411 llillllllll'�i 10MV MV PASILN&JAW 0 #. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Proposed 7,630 square foot block building and associated site improvements for a retail use. Binding Site Plan (BSP) also proposed. LAND USE PERMITS: UPII & BSt PROJECT CONTACT: Sheldon Jennings O'Reilly Auto Parts 233 S Patterson Springfield, MO 65802 MATERIALS SETBMITTED: Master Land Use Application Site Photos Sewer & Water Availability Hazardous Materials Summary CPTED Checklist Vicinity Map Assessor's Map Title Report TIR Civil/Site Plan Landscape Plan Sr CITY OF F�deral Vv�y DEPAWMENTOF COMMUNrry DiwiN.owynwr Si.JzvicL�s RECEIVED 33325 8" Avenue South Federal Way, WA 98003-6325 253-835-2607; Fax 253-835-2609 APR 0 5 2013 CM OFF E L WAY COS f APPLICATION No(s) U Date Project Name 6Fr-1L-L-7 Auto 0 152 Property Address/Location V6MT'R OV- TRE IUVZ or PA&IFIc- Parcel Number(s) 202_1 15'1 q 6l,S- Project Description A)EW Type of Permit Required Annexation Binding Site Plan Boundary Line Adjustment Comp Plan/Rezone Land Surface Modification Lot Line Elimination Preapplication Conference Process I (Director's Approval) _X Process If (Site Plan Review) Process III (Project Approval) Process IV (Hearing Examiner's Decision) Process V (Quasi -Judicial Rezone) Process VI SEPA w/Project SEPA Only Shoreline: Variance/Conditional Use Short Subdivision Subdivision Variance: Commercial/Residential Ff- c_-e_ Zoning Designation I'J 1,4- -Comprehensive Plan Designation — Value of Existing Improvements I 5LI9.,3 G 0 Value of Proposed Improvements International Building Code (IBC): __'O,!�9 VI-N Occupancy Type 11-13 Construction Type 01- 101 A=rA18J'r-1FA 6�� al=. Name: SW1-t>­,J Zt-WiVC1,% Address: City/State: JAD zip: Phone: L41-7- 9G'—­-2-eo74 Fax: `L7 'k v _m c­�' Email: Si -nature: Name - Address: 15C V11 M11 r6r City/Mate: 4: state,: I _; 6, r- ��5 .fv I + �, k' Zip: *V1'rV)6dd Phone- Fax.� Email: c> can I Signature: =,— Owner Name: KC WVE.1;:r;,4rV7-5 Address: T'0 1569 348-- City/state: LOA7 -JA- Zip: Phone: Fax: 4.60"'r. Email Sion ature. CA I Page 1 of I k:\Handou ts\Master Land Use Application I. RIGHT OF WAY (ROW) ---Credit $48,384 DESCRIPTION Est. City Unit Unit Price Total Cost 1. Demolishing - exit grass & gravel in paving and sidewalk 1 LS $ 2,500.00 $ 2,500.00 2. Sawcutting Edge of existing pavement for new HOV 2016 SF $ 5.00 $ 10,080.00 3. Surfacing/Paving for New 14" HOV addition (336 LF) CSBC 192 TN $ 25.00 $ 4,800.00 HIVIA 406 TN $ 250.00 $ 101,500.00 4. New B'Sidewalk Concrete Sidewalk 299 SY $ 50.00 $ 14,950.00 Concrete Curb & Gutter 336 LF $ 25.00 $ 8,400.00 5. Street Trees 5 EA $ 300.00 $ 1,500.00 6. Seeding/Mulch (336 LF * (6' planter + 9'Util)) = 5040 SF 0.12 Acre $ 5,000.00 $ 600.00 7. Silt Fence 368 LF $ 4.00 $ 1,472.00 8. Utility Relocation in new 18'ROW 1 LS $ 30,000.00 $ 30,000.00 9. Raised Median 368 LF $ 3.00 $ 1,104.00 10. Streetlightickannelization (est. 2 lights) 1 LS $ 10,000.00 10,000.00 Drainage I LS $ 2,500.00 $ 2,500.00 11. Traffic Control 1 LS $ 2,500.00 $ 2,500.00 TOTAL ESTIMATED COST $1,91,906.00 Ann Dower From: SanadyLong Sent: Monday, August 05,2O13zk5lPK4 To: Cary Roe; Ken Miller Cc: Ann Dower Subject: RE: [)'Rei||y'sAuto Parts, 34720Pacific Hwy S,Federal Way ' Completeness Review Attachments: ORei||yAuto Frontage Cost Estpdf Cary, My estimate is attached. \ think we need to back out the 18' dedicated N0VV as well, which | assumed $8 per SF. | have not back this out from the total cost yet. MrA From: Cary Roe Sent: Monday, AugustO5 20133:02PM To: Ken Miller; Sarady Long --- Subject: FW: O'Reilly's Auto Parts, 3472Pacific Hwy S,Federa|Way-CompletenessReview FYI, | would like tohave this information available otthe meeting tomorrow. __ From: Paul Engel, PE mailto:Denael @aeincLm-oxom] Sent: Monday, August 05, 2013 2:52 PM To: Cary Roe Cc: thom@gsterlygi�,hneide�rxom Subject: FW: O'Reilly's Auto Parts, 34720 Pacific Hwy S, Federal Way - Completeness Review Mr. Roe. Thank you for talking with me on Friday concerning the O'Reilly Auto Part project. | meant hnsend this hoyou earlier today but it's been eK8onday... As discussed Friday, attached is my email chain asking for an update on our Engineer's Estimate for the Public Improvements which were submitted G/25/2O13. We have yet to receive response from Mr. Long or Mr. Miller. Thank you again. Paul J.Engel, PE Vice-President/Project Manager '~ - 0 ANDERSON INC ,,----ENGINEERING,,- _Vr-6- — --- "' `-- -, -,b A CNIL VYGFNIEER�Na A LAND URVVII COMPANY 2045 W Woodland, Springfield MO 65807 417-866-2741 Office 417-840-2517 Cell in", Wt think herare Y,�tu prIT11 From: Paul Engel, PE [mai1tcrpen1qeI@,aeIncmo.com] Sent: Thursday, July 11, 2013 8:42 AM To: 'Ken Miller'; 'Ann Dower' Subject: RE: O'Reilly's Auto -Parts, 34720 Pacific Hwy S, Federal Way - Completeness Review We re -submitted an Engineer's Cost Estimate (attached for your reference) to the City a couple weeks ago but have learned that Sarady is on vacation till July 16th. Sarady's projects are being handled by Mr. Rick Perez, but Rick felt it would be best if you were able to respond to the Engineer's Cost Estimate for Public Improvements since Rick has not been involved in this project. We would appreciate it if you could review our response and approve this Cost Estimate to close out the review. Thank you for your help. Paul J. Engel, PE Vice-President/Project Manager ANDERSON --ENGINEERING,*111 C AC'MIL F-40MURIM0 4 LANIP SURVE'"NO CONIP"y 2045 W Woodland, Springfield MO 65807 417-866-2741 Office 417-840-2517 Cell -� ve 91 WA think hrl'vrr you jmnt Anderson Engineering, Inc. does not assume any liabilities for unauthorized alterations to the information contained herein, and grants a temporary license to the recipient of this email for the use of material contained in any attached files for development of recipient's work. Anderson Engineering, Inc. does not warrant the accuracy of any information contained in these emailed files, but Anderson Engineering, Inc. retains all rights to the use of the emailed material. The information contained in this email, including any attachments, is privileged, confidential and intended for the sole use of the individual or entity to whom it is addressed. It is the responsibility of the addressee to scan for any computer viruses or other defects. The sender does not accept liability for any-Ioss or damage of any nature which may result from this email or any attached file. If you are not the intended recipient, you are notified that any use, distribution or copying of the message is strictly prohibited and may subject you to criminal or civil penalties. If you have received this email in error, please notify the sender immediately by reply email then delete any printed or electronic copies. From: Sarady Long rmailtg:Sarg!dyL-o-ng@!;ityoffg-d-e-ra-l-w-a-y-,co—mI Sent: Monday, June 10, 2013 6:27 PM To: 'Paul Engel, PE'; Rebecca Chapin; thgm@esterI_SChneider-00M Cc: Ken Miller; Ann Dower Subject: RE: O'Reilly's Auto Parts, 34720 Pacific Hwy S, Federal Way - Completeness Review Hi Paul, The estimated traffic |QnpmCt fee (tdR for the project is approximately $40,194 ($39,024 plus 3% administrative fee), This iSacitywide traffic impact fee program (FVVRC 19.91)aDd itisconsistent with yDurunderstanding as you stated below $30,000 - $40,000 range. The other fee of approx. $575,000 is for frontage improvement per FWRC 19.135.030, Typically, the Public Works director would require the applicant to construct the improvement which would include, HOV lane, curb and gutter, sidewalk, streetlight, planter strip, etc. However, since the required frontage improvements is part of a larger project that �ls currently under -design, the Public Works director has -elected to have tYe applicant fulfill this obligation by paying to the City the pro-rata share of the costs of the required improvements calculated on a per -front -foot basis. In our meeting, I have specifically identify that this would be around $3,126 per linear front -foot (This is for both sides of the street and $1,562.5 for one side), For your project the total est. frontage improvement cost would be $575,000 (($3,126/2) x 368 linear foot frontage on -- |a|so offered that the City would consider ushTgtheactua!engineering costestimate-for-thefrontage-_== improvements cost in lieu of the per linear -front -foot of $3,126. I hope this help to clarify the two fees/mitigations. Please call me if you have any questions or concerns. From: Paul Engel, PE [m Sent: Monday, June 10, 2013 2:27 PM To: Rebecca Chapin; thorneesterlyschneide[.com Cc: Sarady Long Subject: RE: C/Rei|k/sAuto parts 34720 Pacific Hwy S, Federal Way -Cump|etenesy Review Rebecca &Gorady I looked over the Completeness report and it appears you are referencing O'Reilly having to pay $575,000 for ROW Improvements (Comment #4). If you recall during the meeting last week, you mentioned the costs only being -$40,000 - $30,000. The ROW improvements would only bnthe HQVlane paving &sidewalk. VVeare confused aotowhat the correct amount is. Can you please update us. Thanks. Paul J. Engel, -PE ANDERSON (---ENGINEERING, A 01VU, ENtfNEMWA X iAND URVFYING COMPANY 2045 W Woodland, Springfield MO, 65807 417-866-2741 Office 417-840-2517 Cell Farebn�ok WI Ehink tprfiw, vuta print W4 1 04 ITA 9, From: Rebecca Chapin rLnal1to1Rebecca.Chap1n cftoff mrahwmay_.coml @ 1 --e—d Sent: Monday, June 10, 2013 3:32 PM To: thomCd)ester1vschnqider.com; 'pengel@aeincmo.com' Subject: O'Reilly's Auto Parts, 34720 Pacific Hwy —Si Federal Way Attached please find a copy of the completeness review/technical comment letter for the above -mentioned project. If you have any questions please let me know. MOM City of Federal Way 33325 8th Avenue South Federal Way, WA 98003-6325 Phone: 253-835-2641 4 12-101523 Hazardous Materials 1BC/1FC Code Com, arson Totals Summary O'Reilly Auto Parts RECEIVED 34720 Pacific Highway South Federal Way, WA 98003 APR 0 5 2013 Hazard Class Physical State Total Qjj Unit Exempt Unit 2009 lFC-Referente CITY OF FEDERAL WAY _Qty_ CDS CLIl L 46.75 gal gal CLIIIA L 67.75 gal gal FLIB L 88.09 gal gal FLIC L 109.19 gal gal Total Combined Class 311.78 gal 15,000 gal 2009 IFC Table' CLIIIB L 2239.54 gal Not Limited gal 2009 IFC Table 3404.3.4.1 CO RR L 136.29 gal 1,950 gal 2009 IFC Table 2703.11.1 (b) LEVELI A 241.34 lbs. Not Limited lbs. 2009 IFC Section 2804.1 Exemption LEVEL2 A 94.94 lbs. lbs. OXYI L 2.46 gal Not Limited gal 2009 IFC Table 2703.11.1 (i) LJNSI L 46.58 gal. Not Limited gal. 2009 IFC 2703.11.1 WRI L 4.06 gal. Not Limited gal. 2009 IFC Table 2703.11.1 WRII S 68.63 lbs. 2,300 lbs. 2009 IFC Table 2703.11.1 (b) *The exempt quantities listed above are based upon a sprinklered building for a retail occupant (M Occupancy). (b) Max allowable quantities shall be increased 100 percent in buildings equipped throughout with an approved automatic sprinkler system in accordance with Section 903.3.1.1., (i) Quantities are unlimited where protected by an automatic sprinkler system. Prepared by John Bounds, Environmental Coordinator 1 CE CIA: Kel I :Iy7,j O'Reilly Auto Parts 34720 Pacific Highway South Federal Wav, WA 98003 Sum of Total Gal / lbs Hazard Class 'Total Aerosoll-evell 220.12 lbs Aerosol Level 1, U nstableClassl 17.13 lbs AerosolLevell UnstableClassl,WaterReactiveClassI 2.69 lbs Aerosol Level 1,WaterReactiveC lassi 1.41 lbs Aerosoll-eve12 94.94 lbs Aerosoll-eve13 — ---- - 677.59 lbs AerosolLeveB,Gorrosive 16.22 lbs CombustibleLiquidClassli 46.75 gal CombustibleLiquidClassillA 67.75 gal CombustibleLiquidClassillB 2180.69 gal CombustibleLiquidClassi I I B, Corrosive 33.80 qal Combustib[eL,iquidClasslllB4OL2anicPeroxideClassilI 1.25 a CombustibleLiquidClassillB,UnstableClassI 21.18 gall CombustibleLiquidC]assillB,WaterReactiveClassI 1.78 gal Corrosive 16.14 gal FlammableGas 0.48 gal, TlammableLiquidClasslB 86.95 gal FlammableLiquidClassiB,WaterReactiveClassI 0.88 gal FlammableLiquidClassIC 103.60 gal Flamm ableLiquidClassIC, UnstableClassl 5.59 gal NonFlammableGas 9.41 gal OrganicPeroxideClassill 0.55 gal OxidizerClassl 0.96 gal OxidizerClassl, Corrosive 1.50 cial WaterReactiveClass 11, Corrosive 68.63 gal w.. s I..