06-14-2023 - Senior Advisory - Minutes - APPROVEDCITY OF Federal Way SENIOR ADVISORY COMMISSION SUMMARY Wednesday, June 14th, 2023 Hylebos Conference Room, 2:00pm Commissioners Present: Chair Lana Bostic, Vice -Chair Catherine North, Commissioner Kenneth Pratt, Commissioner Cheryl Volheim, Commissioner Frank Fields, Commissioner Tammy Dziak (arrived 2:03pm), Commissioner Debbie Harvey, Commissioner Sue Ellp,brecht, Commissioner Vicky Foreman Absent: None Staff Present: Deputy Mayor Susan Honda, Amy Glandon, David Schmidt (Recreation Coordinator - Senior Services), Joanna Eide (Assistant City Attorney), Kevin Pelley (Emergency Manager) Citizens Present: Marie Sciacqia, Sharon Greene, Pastor Colleen Chinen 1. CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 2:00pm. 2. PUBLIC COMMENT • Marie Sciacqia shared about the changes to the Historical Society and solicited volunteers from the commission that would be interested in helping. She stated that there will be an Open House on June 29 and a Vintage Good Sale on July 28th, inviting everyone to attend. Chair Lana Bostic thanked her for her information and comments. 3. COMMISSIONER'S COMMENTS • Commissioner Kenneth Pratt noted that he will be traveling and will not be in attendance at the July meeting. • Commissioner Debbie Harvey gave condolences to those of the commission who knew Hope Elder and noted how much she did for the City. ■ Commissioner Frank Fields passed out a photo book that he had made in honor of the Health & Resource Fair, including individual pictures for the Commission. • Commissioner Debbie Harvey also brought up the possibility of a Retreat and requested that it be added to the July Meeting Agenda. 4. COMMISSION BUSINESS A. APPROVAL OF MAY 10, 2023 MEETING MINUTES Vice -Chair Catherine North moved approval of the meeting minutes as presented; second by Commissioner Kenneth Pratt. The motion passed unanimously. B. PRESENTATION ON LIGHT OPMA REFRESHER / GUEST: JOANNA EIDE, ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY Chair Lana Bostic introduced Assistant City Attorney Joanna Eide, who made comment about things to keep in mind regarding OPMA, especially in regards to a retreat including that OPMA applies to any meeting with a quorum that discusses any business or any actions taking place. She noted that action has a broad definition and to be safe rather than sorry by noticing any meeting or retreat. She gave the example of Commissioners being present Page 1 of 4 at the Farmer's Market and even with a quorum can engage in regular conversation, however, once Commission business becomes a topic, OPMA kicks in and can cause issues. She noted that the way to remember it is "talking shop". Commissioner Debbie Harvey asked if that applies to a social gathering or get-together, to which Ms. Eide stated that the danger is never knowing when the conversation may turn to public interest. If a mixer or gathering takes place, there has to be very strict rules about conversations so that OPMA is not accidentally violated. She said in the case of the Senior Advisory Commission, if you "keep it under 5, you're fine". She noted that this is where subcommittees can be extremely helpful for accomplishing commission business. Chair Bostic thanked Ms. Eide for her presentation. C. EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT INTRODUCTION & PRESENTATION / GUESTS: KEVIN PELLEY, CITY OF FEDERAL WAY EMERGENCY MANAGER, SHARON GREENE, COMMUNITY VOLUNTEER FOR EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT Chair Lana Bostic introduced Emergency Manager Kevin Pelley and thanked him for being at the meeting. Mr. Pelley introduced Sharon Greene, a community services partner that volunteers with Emergency Management. Mr. Pelley gave some background on himself and noted that sincejoiningthe City in January, he has been evaluatingthe current program and creating priority areas to tackle. Part of that effort included joining with interlocal agreements between Lakehaven, Virginia Mason Franciscan, Federal Way Public Schools, and South King Fire & Rescue to work on coordinated responses. Vice -Chair Catherine North asked if his department also works with surrounding jurisdictions, which Mr. Pelley noted that the City does. He stated that in a Lahar situation, because Federal Way is located high on a hill, that the City of Auburn would need assistance, and that there would be instances where Federal Way would require assistance from other jurisdictions as well. He stated that part of his job is coming up with "worst case" scenarios and planning out the steps for resolution. He said that his department steps in when the scope of the issue exceeds the capacity of the City Director. Mr. Pelley works from a motto of "Do the most good for the greatest amount of people in the shortest amount of time". Ms. Greene introduced herself and stated that she has worked in the community and continues to do so as a C.N.A. Mr. Pelley noted that there will be recertification training for volunteer assistants for the next three Wednesdays in Chambers. Chair Bostic thanked Mr. Pelley for his presentation. D. FARMER'S MARKET PARTICIPATION, JUNE 24, 2023 Chair Lana Bostic noted that there was an agreement made with Rose Ehl from the Farmer's Market in regards to a table at the Health & Resource Fair in exchange for a table at the Farmer's Market for the Commission, and it is set for June 24th. Chair Bostic was asking for volunteers and supplies. Commissioner Debbie Harvey asked that there be a conversation about participating and if there was any other date options since this was the first time the commission heard about it. Chair Bostic noted that there will be a Community Resource Fair going on June 24th and July 15th which is why we were invited on those days. Vice -Chair Catherine North moved to have the Commission participate in the July 15th Farmer's Market. This motion was left on the table without a second and then rescinded by Vice -Chair North. Commissioner Harvey moved to have the discussion on participation in the Farmer's Market moved to the next Commission meeting. This motion was left on the table without a second and then rescinded by Commissioner Harvey. Commissioner Tammy Dziak moved that the discussion regarding participation in the Farmer's Market at all happen at this meeting; second by Vice -Chair North. The motion passed unanimously. Page 2 of 4 Commissioner Dziak stated that she thought it was a good idea to participate in the Farmer's Market as it gets information about the Commission out in front of the public and the more exposure the commission gets the better it is. Commissioner Cheryl Volheim noted that the advantage of moving participation to July 15th was the possibility of more participation by the commission and having the new brochures ready to be passed out. Commissioner Kenneth Pratt noted that he would not be available to attend on July 15th. Chair Bostic asked if there was any other discussion, which there was not. Commissioner Dziak moved to have the Commission participate in the July 15th Farmer's Market; second by Commissioner Harvey. The motion passed unanimously. **Vice -Chair Catherine North left briefly at 3:10pm, and returned at 3:11pm.** E. NEXT COMMISSION PROJECTS / GUEST: DAVID SCHMIDT, RECREATION COORDINATOR, SENIOR SERVICES Commissioner Debbie Harvey noted that the purpose of this agenda item was to work with Mr. David Schmidt regarding the senior lounge at the Community Center, to get more use out of the room and to understand the limitations. Mr. Schmidt noted that he has worked with the City for 19 years, and he has immensely enjoyed working with the senior community, affectionately called "Active Adults". He stated that since the Community Center has been open, the Active Adults program has grown and developed into both inside the Community Center events and outside the Center events including travel. He noted that the Senior Lounge ("The Forest Lounge") has not had much use since the pandemic, but had a robust usage prior to the pandemic. Commissioner Tammy Dziak asked if the Commission would be able to partner and host events in the Forest Lounge to get more engagement, which Mr. Schmidt liked the idea of and said yes to. Commissioner Harvey moved to form a subcommittee to work with Mr. Schmidt on Senior Outreach options; second by Vice -Chair North. The motion passed unanimously. The subcommittee is: Commissioner Tammy Dziak, Commissioner Frank Fields, Commissioner, Debbie Harvey, and Commissioner Cheryl Volheim. They scheduled their first meeting with Mr. Schmidt for the following week and will bring a report to the July Meeting. h�9�►1[�l:day_1�::[:�:T��ill];Z�T�yll��]�l'.7f�� Check -in process: Vice -Chair Catherine North noted that it seemed like it went smoothly. She noted that she did not like the "Vendor Etiquette" list. Vendors/Set-up: Commissioner Vicky Foreman requested that we ask about back -drops for the next event so that it didn't impede other people. Vice -Chair North noted that there were too many tables on the window side of the PAEC and to limit it next time. Commissioner Debbie Harvey recommended that we include a poster with the vendor names and table numbers at the end of each row to help people find the vendors easier. Speakers: Chair Lana Bostic noted that the speakers did not work and recommended we don't do that in the future. Commissioner Cheryl Volheim noted that without speakers, it would open up the additional room for more vendor opportunities. Raffles: Commissioner Frank Fields noted that there was a lot of confusion on where people were supposed to go to collect the gifts. Vice -Chair North questioned why the plan with the raffle changed, and Commissioner Harvey stated that the thought was to give more exposure to the vendors. Commissioner Foreman noted that many vendors stated that they did not know they needed to bring a door prize. It was recommended to make this more clear in communication for the next event. Page 3of4 Food: Vice -Chair North disagreed with not allowing people to bring their own food and stated that the PAEC noted that they did not have enough sales of the food products to pay for the person who staffed that event and recommended food trucks moving forward. Deputy Mayor Susan Honda noted that the Arts Commission's event that was just held there had food trucks, but they had trouble getting people to the trucks to make purchases. **Deputy Mayor Honda left the meeting at 3:50pm and did not return.** G. BROCHURE EDITS & APPROVAL Vice -Chair Catherine North recommended making the brochure smaller and thereby would save money on the printing. She also would like the Health & Resource Fair information added into the book. Commissioner Cheryl Volheim noted that there were a lot of variables with the next event, including if it is happening, and by putting it into print there would be no allowances. Commissioner Tammy Dziak noted that there are some categories that have only some of the possible resources noted and it should be all or none. Commissioner Debbie Harvey recommended that this be put on the agenda as a discussion item to look more closely into the brochure. Commissioner Harvey moved to approve the printing of the brochure as it stands; second by Commissioner Frank Fields. The motion passed unanimously. Pastor Colleen Chinen noted that Steel Lake Presbyterian would be sponsoringthe printing again with a sponsorship of up to $5,000.00. 5. STAFF REPORT • None. 6. OTHER BUSINESS • Chair Lana Bostic invited the Commission to attend the Juneteenth Flag Raising Ceremony at 12pm on Friday June 16th at City Hall. 7. NEXT MEETING - Wednesday, July 12th, 2023 at 2:OOpm in the Hylebos Conference Room at City Hall. 8. ADJOURN - The meeting adjourned at 4:02pm, Attest: Amy banecutive ssistantto Council Approved by Senior Advisory Commission: �% v7 �ai3 Page 4of4