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08-08-2023 Council Packet - Regular
CITY OF �. Fe deral Way Centered on Opportunity CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING AGENDA City Hall — Council Chambers* August 8, 2023 — 6:30 p.m. CALL MEETING TO ORDER 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3. MAYOR'S EMERGING ISSUES AND REPORT • Free! Back -to -School Haircuts on August 28 at Town Square Park from12-7pm (first 500 kids served) sponsored by Bella Red Salon (owner Kristin Speakman) • Federal Way Community Center Update on repairs • National Night Out Recap — Mayor Ferrell and Deputy Chief Sumpter • Recent Events: Dick's Drive -In Opening Day (7/27), 67th Annual Kiwanis Salmon Bake at Steel Lake Park (7/28); Movies in the Park at Town Square Park (7/29); FUSION Gala at Dumas Bay Centre (8/2) • Upcoming Events in the Community: Kids Day and Summer Sounds Concert at Steel Lake Park on August 9; Lakehaven Headquarters Building Grand Opening on August 23; Lion Car Show at the Commons Mall on August 26; Run -with -the -Cops for Special Olympics on August 26 beginning at the Federal Way Community Center • Per Council Rules, no second City Council meeting in August; the next regular meeting will be September 5. • King County Health through Housing Update — Leo Flor, Director of King County Department of Community and Human Services • Report on the Shopping Cart Regulation Ordinance (#22-943); Reckless Use of Fentanyl in Public Spaces Ordinance (#22-931); and the Pedestrian Interference Ordinance (#21-923) 4. PUBLIC COMMENT RULES: In accordance with State Law, the City of Federal Way prohibits any testimony regarding any campaign for election or promotion of, or opposition to, any ballot proposition during the public comment. City Council Rules of Procedure prohibit any personal, impertinent, threatening or slanderous remarks during public comment. The Mayor may interrupt comments that continue too long or violate the rules of conduct. No speaker may convey or donate their time for speaking to another speaker. The Mayor has the authority to preserve order at all meetings of the Council, and to cause the removal of any person from the meeting for being disorderly. All individual comments are limited to 3 minutes each. The City Council may amend this regular meeting agenda and take action on items not currently listed. Regular Meetings are recorded and televised live on Government Access Channel 21. To view Council Meetings online, agenda materials, and access public comment sign-up options, please visit www.citvoffederalway.com. *Remote attendance options available via Zoom meeting code: 363 503 282 and passcode: 738163 5. COUNCIL COMMITTEE AND REGIONAL COMMITTEE REPORTS • Parks/Recreation/Human Services/Public Safety Committee (PRHSPS) • Land Use/Transportation Committee (LUTC) • Finance, Economic Development Regional Affairs Committee (FEDRAC) • Lodging Tax Advisory Committee (LTAC) • Deputy Mayor & Regional Committees Report • Council President Report 6. CONSENT AGENDA Items listed below have been previously reviewed in their entirety by a Council Committee of three members and brought before full Council for approval; all items are enacted by one motion. Individual items may be removed by a Councilmember for separate discussion and subsequent motion. a. Minutes: July 18, 2023 Regular and Special Meeting Minutes b. Monthly Financial Reports — June 2023 c. AP Vouchers 06/15/2023 — 7/15/2023 & Pavroll Vouchers 06/01/2023 — 06/30/2023 d. Purchase of 11 Getac Laatoas for the Police Department e. Purchase of 14 RR Getac Laptops for the Police Department f. HVAC Control Upgrades and Performance Management Services g. Parks Department Vehicle Purchase h. Surface Water CCTV Eauipment Replacement i. Converting Two Part-time Records Specialist Positions to One Quartermaster in the Police Department j. New Position — Code Compliance Supervisor in the Community Development Department 7. PUBLIC HEARING a. Ordinance: 2023/2024 Biennial Budqet Amendment* • Staff Report: Steve Groom, Finance Director • Public Comment — 3 minutes each b. Ordinance: Residential Open Space Comprehensive Plan Amendments* • Staff Report: Evan Lewis, Senior Planner • Public Comment — 3 minutes each *action on these items will occur under the Ordinance section of the agenda. 8. COUNCIL BUSINESS a. Authorization to Award the S 348th St Overlav Proiect • Staff Report: Jeff Huynh, Civil Engineer The City Council may amend this regular meeting agenda and take action on items not currently listed. Regular Meetings are recorded and televised live on Government Access Channel 21. To view Council Meetings online, agenda materials, and access public comment sign-up options, please visit www.citvoffederalway.com. *Remote attendance options available via Zoom meeting code: 363 503 282 and passcode: 738163 b. Authorization to Seek and Accept Grant Funding: Ramp Litter Clean Up Program • Staff Report: EJ Walsh, Public Works Director c. First Amendment to HOME Investment Partnership Program ICA • Staff Report: Sarah Bridgeford, Human Services Manager d. Financial Literacy Program • Staff Report: Bill Vadino, Policy Analyst 9. ORDINANCES First Reading a. Council Bill #858/Ordinance: 2023/2024 Biennial Budget Amendment AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF FEDERAL WAY, WASHINGTON, RELATING TO AMENDING THE 2023-2024 BIENNIAL BUDGET. (Amending Ordinance Nos. 22-941 and 23-959) • Staff Report: Presented at the Public Hearing • Public Comment - 3 minutes each Council Bill #859/Ordinance: Residential Open Space Comprehensive Plan Amendments AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF FEDERAL WAY, WASHINGTON AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF FEDERAL WAY, WASHINGTON, AMENDING THE PARKS, RECREATION AND OPEN SPACE PLAN AND THE FEDERAL WAY COMPREHENSIVE PLAN CHAPTER 6, CAPITAL FACILITIES, TO FACILITATE AN UPDATE TO THE METHOD FOR CALCULATING OPEN SPACE FOR RESIDENTIAL SUBDIVISIONS (Amending Ordinance Nos. 90-43, 95-248, 96-270, 98-330, 00-372,01-405, 03-442, 04-460, 04-461, 04-462, 05-490, 05-491, 05-492, 07-558, 09-614, 10-671, 11-683, 13-736, 13-745, 15-796, 15-798, 18-843, 19-866, 21-907, 22-938, 23-954, and 23-956). • Staff Report: Presented at the Public Hearing • Public Comment - 3 minutes each c. Council Bill #860/Ordinance: Residential Open Space Subdivision & Zoning Code Amendments AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF FEDERAL WAY, WASHINGTON, RELATING TO RESIDENTIAL OPEN SPACE; AMENDING FWRC 18.55.030, 18.55.040, 18.55.060, 18.60.030, 19.05.030, 19.05.150, 19.100.070, 19.125.060, 19.200.020, 19.200.040, 19.200.045, 19.200.100, 19.205.010, 19.205.040, 19.205.050, 19.205.070, 19.205.080, 19.215.050, 19.215.070, 19.215.150, 19.220.050, 19.220.080, 19.220.100, 19.225.070, 19.225.075, 19.230.060, 19.230.065, 19.240.085, AND 19.115.115 (Amending Ordinance Nos. 90-41, 90-43, 93-170, 94- 223, 96-270, 97-291, 98-309, 98-330, 99-333, 00-375, 01-381, 01-385, 01-399, 02- 423, 02-424, 03-450, 05-506, 06-515, 06-542, 07-545, 07-554, 07-559, 08-583, 08- 585, 09-593, 09-605, 09-610, 10-652, 10-658, 10-678, 12-724, 12-727, 12-735, 13- 754, 16-822, 17-834, 20-898, 21-921, 22-929, 22-932, 23-949, and 23-958) Staff Report: Evan Lewis, Senior Planner Public Comment - 3 minutes each The City Council may amend this regular meeting agenda and take action on items not currently listed. Regular Meetings are recorded and televised live on Government Access Channel 21. To view Council Meetings online, agenda materials, and access public comment sign-up options, please visit www.citvoffederalway.com. *Remote attendance options available via Zoom meeting code: 363 503 282 and passcode: 738163 Second Reading/Enactment d. Council Bill #856/Ordinance: Multi -Family Tax Exemption Expansion to Community Business Zone AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF FEDERAL WAY, WASHINGTON, RELATING TO EXPANDING THE CITY'S MULTIFAMILY DWELLING UNIT LIMITED PROPERTY TAX EXEMPTION PROGRAM TO THE COMMUNITY BUSINESS ZONE; AMENDING FWRC 3.30.010, 3.30.020, AND 3.30.030 (Amending Ordinance Nos. 03-438, 09-600, and 09-606). e. Council Bill #857/Ordinance: Renewing Lake Management District Number 1 for Steel Lake and setting September 19, 2023 as the Public Hearing for the Assessment Roll for the District AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF FEDERAL WAY, WASHINGTON, RENEWING LAKE MANAGEMENT DISTRICT NUMBER 1 FOR STEEL LAKE AND SETTING A SEPTEMBER 19, 2023 PUBLIC HEARING ON THE ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR THE DISTRICT. 10. COUNCIL REPORTS 11. ADJOURNMENT The City Council may amend this regular meeting agenda and take action on items not currently listed. Regular Meetings are recorded and televised live on Government Access Channel 21. To view Council Meetings online, agenda materials, and access public comment sign-up options, please visit www.citvoffederalway.com. *Remote attendance options available via Zoom meeting code: 363 503 282 and passcode: 738163 COUNCIL MEETING DATE: August 8, 2023 CITY OF FEDERAL WAY CITY COUNCIL AGENDA BILL SUBJECT: CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES ITEM #: POLICY QUESTION: Should the City Council approve the draft minutes for the July 18, 2023 Regular and Special Meetings? COMMITTEE: N/A MEETING DATE: N/A CATEGORY: ® Consent ❑ Ordinance ❑ Public Hearing ❑ City Council Business ❑ Resolution ❑ Other STAFF REPORT BY: Stephanie Courtney, City Clerk DEFT: Ci Clerk Attachments: July 18, 2023 Regular Meeting Draft Minutes July 18, 2023 Special Meeting Draft Minutes Options Considered: 1. Approve the minutes as presented. 2. Amend the minutes as necessary. MAYOR'S RECOMMENDATION: N/A MAYOR APPROVAL: N/A Committee Initial/Date COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: N/A N/A DIRECTOR APPROVAL: Council Initial/Date N/A N/A N/A Committee Chair Committee Member Committee Member PROPOSED COUNCIL MOTION: "I move approval of the minutes as presented. " (BELOW TO BE COMPLETED BY CITY CLERK'S OFFICE) COUNCIL ACTION: ❑ APPROVED COUNCIL BILL # ❑ DENIED First reading ❑ TABLED/DEFERRED/NO ACTION Enactment reading ❑ MOVED TO SECOND READING (ordinances only) ORDINANCE # REVISED - 4/2019 RESOLUTION # • \ A 1 CITY OF �. Fe deral Way Centered on Opportunity CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING MINUTES City Hall — Council Chambers July 18, 2023 — 6:30 p.m. CALL MEETING TO ORDER Mayor Ferrell called the meeting to order at 6:31 p.m. City officials in attendance: Mayor Jim Ferrell, Council President Linda Kochmar, Deputy Mayor Susan Honda, Councilmember Lydia Assefa-Dawson, Councilmember Paul McDaniel, Councilmember Hoang Tran, Councilmember Jack Walsh, and Councilmember Jack Dovey. City staff in attendance: City Administrator Brian Davis, City Attorney Ryan Call and City Clerk Stephanie Courtney. 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Mayor Ferrell led the flag salute. 3. CEREMONIES & RECOGNITION a. Introduction & Swearing -In of New Police Officers- Police Chief Andy Hwang introduced five new entry-level Police Officers including Officer Joshua Jackman, Officer Joshua Lee, Officer Joshua Power, Officer Adam Taylor, and Officer Tiana Woo. Mayor Ferrell administered the Oath of Office and congratulated the Officers. b. Certificates of Recognition for Federal Way Little League Seniors — Mayor Ferrell read and presented the Federal Way Little League Seniors with Certificates of Recognition for winning the State Championship and are heading to Regionals in California. At 6:48 p.m. Mayor Ferrell announced the City Council will take a brief recess for a reception to celebrate the Federal Way Little League Senior team. The meeting was reconvened at 7:04 p.m. 4. MAYOR'S EMERGING ISSUES AND REPORT Community Center Update — City Administrator Brian Davis and Parks Director John Hutton provided an update on repairs needed at the Federal Way Community Center. King County Elections — Mayor Ferrell noted King County will have an Election Center open at City Hall for anyone needing assistance with casting a ballot for the Primary Election. The center will be open on July 29, July 31, and August 1 on the first floor, Patrick Maher Room. Recent Events — Mayor Ferrell reported on the King County Fair Opening Ceremony on July 13, and his attendance at a ribbon cutting ceremony for a new business. Federal Way City Council Regular Minutes Page 1 of 8 July 18, 2023 Upcoming Events in the community include the Summer Sounds Concerts at Steel Lake Park on Wednesdays; Dick's Drive -In Opening Day on July 27, and the 671" Annual Kiwanis Salmon Bake at Steel Lake Park on Friday, July 28 at 4:00 p.m. He noted this year's Movies in the Park will feature Ant Man & The Wasp: Quantumania at Town Square Park on Saturday, July 29. He will be visiting various neighborhoods with the Police Chief for National Night Out on August 1, and noted the annual FUSION Gala will be held at Dumas Bay Centre on August 2 at 5:00 p.m. Mayor Ferrell asked Council President Kochmar and Deputy Mayor Honda to report on the City Council and School Board Meet & Greet on July 15. The event was well attended and positive comments were received; a similar event will be scheduled again. 5. PUBLIC COMMENT Matt Johnson explained the definitions of political hypocrisy, a lame duck society and fascism. Doug Johnson shared about the Federal Way Community Caregiving Network upcoming annual fundraiser; the organizations primary objectives are housing, rent assistance and community meals. Trudy Davis, Federal Way resident and School Board Member congratulated the new police officers and the youth baseball team. She addressed the homeless population and brought awareness to scams occurring through panhandling. Anna Patrick desires to see more accountability for youth diversion programming in order to better address the violence in schools. Geoffrey Tancredi is concerned with aggressive driving and shared concerns with retail break- ins across the city. Cynthia Ricks-Maccotan encouraged the council to approve the Human Services Commission recommendations for funding youth programming with ARPA. Isaiah Maccotan spoke to the impact of youth programming and requested that the Council fully fund the youth programs at $150,000. Ken Blevens supports funding youth programs with reporting requirements. He noted an increase in encampments and believes it is due to recent clearing in Tacoma and Seattle. He acknowledged the increase of police officers. Evan Nelson, mentor with the Game of Life, shared how the program and the youth have been affected by the pandemic. He urged council to keep the ARPA funding for Youth Programs at $150,000. Justin Niuguna advocated the need for youth programs and encouraged the council to fund these grants at $150,000. He shared his personal experience and his life -changing successes through youth mentorship. Winston Bell the Executive Director of Game of Life thanked the Council, South King Fire and Rescue, and the School District for their partnership. He advocated for youth programming and expressed a strong desire to see the young people raised in Federal Way remain here, and eventually take on leadership roles in the city. Federal Way City Council Regular Minutes Page 2 of 8 July 18, 2023 Betty Taylor disagrees with the Council Committee recommendation for grant allocations. She is upset the work that the Human Services Commission did wasn't approved. Alex Milsten enjoyed attending the coffee with Council and the School Board, and hopes to see the ARPA recommendation of $150,000 for youth programming approved. 6. PRESENTATIONS a. South King Fire and Rescue Update South King Fire and Rescue Captain, Brad Chaney provided an update on the department, staffing levels, their accomplishments and the various resources that are available in the event of emergencies. b. Proclamation: National Disability Independence Day — July 26 Councilmember Assefa-Dawson read and presented the proclamation to Emerson Sekins, Executive Director of NW Access Fund. Mr. Sekins thanked the Mayor and Council and highlighted the importance of federal protections and steps taken to ensure access for all. 7. COUNCIL COMMITTEE AND REGIONAL COMMITTEE REPORTS Parks/Recreation/Human Services/Public Safety Committee (PRHSPS) Councilmember Walsh thanked Councilmember Assefa-Dawson for chairing the last meeting; there is no August meeting; the next meeting will be September 12. Land Use/Transportation Committee (LUTC) Councilmember Dovey thanked Councilmember Tran for chairing the last meeting; he appreciates the opportunity to attend remotely when out of town. The next meeting will be August 7. Finance, Economic Development Regional Affairs Committee (FEDRAC) - Councilmember Tran reported the next meeting is July 25. Lodging Tax Advisory Committee (LTAC) - Councilmember Assefa-Dawson had no report. Deputy Mayor & Regional Committees Report - Deputy Mayor Honda reported on her attendance at various regional meetings including AWC Public Issues Committee (PIC) and South County Area Transportation Board meeting. She attended an AWC webinar on public safety and retail crime; noting an interest to invite the speaker to present to the Council. She is currently attending the NLC Conference in Tacoma. Council President Report — Council President Kochmar requested an update on the shopping carts, sidewalk ordinance and the fentanyl ordinance. In appreciation for the fire department presentation, she shared a harrowing life-saving incident she witnessed at Redondo. 8. CONSENT AGENDA a. Minutes: July 5, 2023 Regular and Special Meeting Minutes b. Global Kitchen dba Kay Catering: Amendment 1 - Additional Compensation for Dumas Bay Centre Catering Services Federal Way City Council Regular Minutes Page 3 of 8 July 18, 2023 c. Parking Lot Sweeping Request for Proposal (RFP) d. Law Enforcement ISO ClaimSearch Access — Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) e. Interlocal Agreement between the City of Auburn and the City of Federal Way for Continued Leasing of Office Space for the Puget Sound Auto Theft Task Force (PSATT) f 000n Grants fer Heus,ng Stability & Basi . moods/pulled and approved separately g. Resolution: Accepting Transportation Grant — City Center/approved Res. No. 23-844 h. Authorization to Apply for Transportation Safety Grant Former Bridges Barn Demolition Project — Approval to Award South 288th Street Road Diet Project Phase I - Authorization to Award k. Authorization to Accept King County Flood Reduction Grant Councilmember Dovey pulled item f/ ARPA Grants for Housing Stability & Basic Needs COUNCIL PRESIDENT KOCHMAR MOVED APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS A through E, and G THROUGH K; SECOND BY COUNCILMEMBER ASSEFA-DAWSON. The motion passed unanimously as follows: Council President Kochmar yes Councilmember Tran yes Deputy Mayor Honda yes Councilmember Walsh yes Councilmember Assefa-Dawson yes Councilmember Dovey yes Councilmember McDaniel yes Consent Item f: Council thanked the city staff and commissions for their hard work in assisting with grant funding recommendations for the federal dollars (ARPA) the city received, and asked for a brief presentation outlining these grants. Sarah Bridgeford, Community Services Manager provided an overview of the ARPA Grants for Housing Stability and Basic Needs and recommendations from the Human Services Commission including the funding structure, process and compliance. As ARPA funds are one-time additional questions were asked that focused on readiness and future stability. COUNCILMEMBER DOVEY MOVED ADOPTION; SECOND BY COUNCIL PRESIDENT KOCHMAR. The motion passed unanimously as follows: Council President Kochmar yes Councilmember Tran yes Deputy Mayor Honda yes Councilmember Walsh yes Councilmember Assefa-Dawson yes Councilmember Dovey yes Councilmember McDaniel yes 9. PUBLIC HEARING Mayor Ferrell opened the public hearing at 8:46 p.m. a. ORDINANCE: Intent to Designate the Community Business Zone a Residential Target Area for Purposes of the City's Multi -family Tax Exemption Program* Community Development Director Keith Niven provided a report regarding amending Title 3 to expand the Multi Family Tax Exemption (MFTE) to the Community Business (BC) Zone Federal Way City Council Regular Minutes Page 4 of 8 July 18, 2023 as recommended by Heartland consultants. He noted expanding MFTE would allow and encourage redevelopment of increased urban -level density in an effort to boost housing production. Director Niven referenced one public comment received in response to council questions and explained what the exemption is, how it is beneficial, and the parameters on what projects qualify. He also noted the city will still collect one-time sales tax on development projects. Public Comment: Anna Patrick spoke in favor of MFTE but suggested that we partner with South King Housing and Homelessness Partners (SKHHP) for monitoring purposes. COUNCILMEMBER DOVEY MOVED TO CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING; SECOND BY COUNCILMEMBER ASSEFA-DAWSON. The motion passed unanimously as follows: Council President Kochmar yes Councilmember Tran yes Deputy Mayor Honda yes Councilmember Walsh yes Councilmember Assefa-Dawson yes Councilmember Dovey yes Councilmember McDaniel yes 10. COUNCIL BUSINESS a. Resolution: Policy on Naming City Property/approved Res. No. 23-845 City Administrator Brian Davis presented a draft policy outlining the naming of city property including buildings, structures, and real property. He clarified the policy would not cover historically significant property that is already named, commissioned public art that is already named, rights -of -way and streets, or rooms within city hall. He detailed the application process, approval criteria, and the change made at Council Committee to include input of a City Commission. Council thanked Administrator Davis and asked clarifying questions on time -limits for names and inventory tracking. COUNCILMEMBER WALSH MOVED TO APPROVE THE PROPOSED RESOLUTION; SECOND BY COUNCILMEMBER ASSEFA-DAWSON. Councilmembers Assefa-Dawson noted apprehension over the policy and the lack of a guidance on what is an appropriate ask. Councilmember Dovey stated he believes the bar should be set fairly high to name (or re -name) something. The motion passed 5-2 (Dovey, Assefa-Dawson opposed) as follows: Council President Kochmar yes Deputy Mayor Honda yes Councilmember Assefa-Dawson no Councilmember McDaniel yes b. ARPA Grants for Youth Programming Councilmember Tran yes Councilmember Walsh yes Councilmember Dovey no Community Services Manager Sarah Bridgeford and Human Services Coordinator Kim Bachrach presented information regarding the ARPA Grants for Youth Federal Way City Council Regular Minutes Page 5 of 8 July 18, 2023 Programming. Ms. Bridgeford provided information on the use of ARPA funding for social services, including the proposals on tonight's agenda. The Human Services Commission received 12 complete applications for Youth Programming with requests totally nearly five million dollars ($4,942,202.90); and zero applications were received for financial literacy programs. The commission recommendation included allocating $200,000 that was allotted for financial literary be applied equally among the recommended eight grand awards for a total of $150,000 each to 8 organizations. The Parks, Recreation, Human Services, Public Safety Council Committee modified the recommendation to reduce each grant back to $125,000 and retain the $200,000 for financial literacy, allowing the reopening of the financial literacy grant application. Council thanked Ms. Bridgeford and Coordinator Bachrach for the information presented and asked clarifying questions on outreach to financial institutions, scoring matrix for grants. She explained the real value of setting a floor amount for grant awards, and barriers smaller grants can create. Ms. Bridgeford noted financial literacy is found in many of the youth programming, and also suggested the future Request for Proposal (RFP) for Employment and Education grants ($650,000) incorporate a priority to include financial literacy. COUNCIL PRESIDENT KOCHMAR MOVED TO WAIVE COUNCIL RULES AND EXTEND THE MEETING PAST 10:00 P.M.; SECOND BY COUNCILMEMBER DOVEY. The motion carried unanimously as follows: Council President Kochmar yes Councilmember Tran yes Deputy Mayor Honda yes Councilmember Walsh yes Councilmember Assefa-Dawson yes Councilmember Dovey yes Councilmember McDaniel yes COUNCILMEMBER WALSH MOVED APPROVAL OF THE PROPOSED GRANTS AS OUTLINED AND AUTHORIZE THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE AGREEMENTS TO THAT END; SECOND BY COUNCIL PRESIDENT KOCHMAR. Point of clarification was made noting the motion on the floor reflects the Committee's recommendation of $125,000 to each of the 8 agencies. COUNCILMEMBER WALSH MOVED TO AMEND HIS MOTION TO ALLOCATE $150,000 FOR EACH ORGANIZAITON INCLUDING BOYS AND GIRLS CLUB OF KING COUNTY, BUILD 2 LEAD, EL CENTRO DE LA RAZA, KING COUNTY SEXUAL ASSUALT RESOURCE CENTER, MULTI -SERVICE CENTER, PHENOMINAL SHE, PROGRESS PUSHERS, AND VALLEY CITIES COUNSELING AND CONSULTATION; SECOND BY COUNCIL PRESIDENT KOCHMAR. Deputy Mayor Honda recused herself as she sits on the Boys and Girls Club Board. The amendment passed 5-1 (McDaniel opposed, Honda recused) as follows: Council President Kochmar yes Councilmember Tran yes Deputy Mayor Honda recused Councilmember Walsh yes Councilmember Assefa-Dawson yes Councilmember Dovey yes Councilmember McDaniel no The main motion as amended passed 5-1 (McDaniel opposed, Honda recused) as follows: Federal Way City Council Regular Minutes Page 6 of 8 July 18, 2023 Council President Kochmar yes Councilmember Tran yes Deputy Mayor Honda recused Councilmember Walsh yes Councilmember Assefa-Dawson yes Councilmember Dovey yes Councilmember McDaniel no 11. ORDINANCES First Reading a. Council Bill #856/Ordinance: Multi-Familv Tax Exemption Expansion to Community Business Zone AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF FEDERAL WAY, WASHINGTON, RELATING TO EXPANDING THE CITY'S MULTIFAMILY DWELLING UNIT LIMITED PROPERTY TAX EXEMPTION PROGRAM TO THE COMMUNITY BUSINESS ZONE; AMENDING FWRC 3.30.010, 3.30.020, AND 3.30.030 (AMENDING ORDINANCE NOS. 03-438, 09-600, 09-606). Mayor Ferrell noted the staff report was presented earlier in the meeting during the public hearing. No additional public comment was received. City Clerk Stephanie Courtney read the ordinance title into the record. COUNCILMEMBER DOVEY MOVED TO FORWARD THE PROPOSED ORDINANCE TO THE AUGUST 8, 2023 COUNCIL MEETING FOR SECOND READING AND ENACTMENT; SECOND BY COUNCILMEMBER WALSH. The motion passed unanimously as follows: Council President Kochmar yes Councilmember Tran yes Deputy Mayor Honda yes Councilmember Walsh yes Councilmember Assefa-Dawson yes Councilmember Dovey yes Councilmember McDaniel yes Council Bill #857/Ordinance: Renewina Lake Manaaement District Number 1 for Steel Lake and settina September 19. 2023 as the Public Hearina for the Assessment Roll for the District AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF FEDERAL WAY, WASHINGTON, RENEWING LAKE MANAGEMENT DISTRICT NUMBER 1 FOR STEEL LAKE AND SETTING A SEPTEMBER 19, 2023 PUBLIC HEARING ON THE ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR THE DISTRICT. Water Quality Program Supervisor Kevin Du presented information on the renewal process for the Steel Lake Management District. He noted that this ordinance if passed, will renewing the LMD and set the public hearing date on the assessment roll for September 19. Council thanked Mr. Du for the presentation and his patience for the long meeting. No public comment was received. City Clerk Stephanie Courtney read the ordinance title into the record. COUNCILMEMBER DOVEY MOVED TO FORWARD THE PROPOSED ORDINANCE TO THE AUGUST 8, 2023 COUNCIL MEETING FOR SECOND READING AND ENACTMENT; SECOND BY COUNCILMEMBER WALSH. The motion passed unanimously as follows: Council President Kochmar yes Councilmember Tran yes Deputy Mayor Honda yes Councilmember Walsh yes Councilmember Assefa-Dawson yes Councilmember Dovey yes Councilmember McDaniel yes Federal Way City Council Regular Minutes Page 7 of 8 July 18, 2023 12. COUNCIL REPORTS Councilmember Dovey thanked Deputy Mayor Honda and Council President Kochmar for organizing the meet and greet with the school board; he received great comments and ideas from many who attended. Councilmember Walsh echoed comments about the meet and greet with the school board. He also supports installing signs discouraging panhandling and would like an emphasis on jay- walking. Councilmember Tran had no report. Councilmember McDaniel also enjoyed the meet and greet, and reflected on interesting conversations. He stated a reoccurring theme was the desire to have more opportunities to connect with Council. Councilmember Assefa-Dawson agreed the casual meet and greet event was great; she inquired as to how it was publicized and if the location could rotate to other local businesses next time. Deputy Mayor Honda reported on attending a countywide birthday party for young ladies turning 18 and aging out of foster care this year; she thanked Dr. Ellington, founder of Eileen & Callie's Place, a Kent -based nonprofit. She is looking forward to the July 28 Kiwanis Salmon Bake at Steel Lake Park; good weather is guaranteed. She provided information on National Night Out on Tuesday, August 1; noting the next Council meeting will be August 8 to allow the Council to participate and visit neighborhoods. Council President Kochmar noted her excitement for the upcoming Salmon Bake and encouraged everyone to purchase tickets online. She noted she will not be at the August 8 City Council meeting. 13. ADJOURNMENT There being nothing further on the agenda; the regular meeting was adjourned at 10:22 p.m. Attest: Stephanie Courtney City Clerk Approved by Council: Federal Way City Council Regular Minutes Page 8 of 8 July 18, 2023 DRAFT CITY OF Federal Way Centered on Opportunity CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING MINUTES City Hall — Council Chambers July 18, 2023 — 5:00 p.m. 1. CALL MEETING TO ORDER Mayor Ferrell called the meeting to order at 5:02 p.m. City officials in attendance: Mayor Jim Ferrell, Council President Linda Kochmar, Deputy Mayor Susan Honda, Councilmember Lydia Assefa-Dawson, Councilmember Paul McDaniel, Councilmember Hoang Tran, Councilmember Jack Walsh, and Councilmember Jack Dovey. City staff in attendance: City Administrator Brian Davis, City Attorney Ryan Call and City Clerk Stephanie Courtney. 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Mayor Ferrell led the flag salute. 3. STUDY SESSION — KING COUNTY PROPERTY VALUES King County Assessor John Wilson provided information on how the county sets values for properties in the county. Factors included are location, market condition, neighborhood, and age of the property. He noted the values for Federal Way were up in 2022 and have adjusted down in 2023. Council thanked Mr. Wilson and asked clarifying questions regarding property tax assistance programs and household income limits. 4. ADJOURNMENT There being nothing further on the agenda; the regular meeting was adjourned at 5:32 p.m. Attest: Stephanie Courtney City Clerk Approved by Council: Federal Way City Council Special Minutes Page 1 of 1 July 18, 2023 COUNCIL MEETING DATE: August 8, 2023 ITEM #: 6b CITY OF FEDERAL WAY CITY COUNCIL AGENDA BILL SUBJECT: JUNE 2023 MONTHLY FINANCIAL REPORT POLICY QUESTION: Should the Council approve the June 2023 Monthly Financial Report? COMMITTEE: FINANCE, ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND REGIONAL MEETING DATE: July 25, 2023 AFFAIRS COMMITTEE (FEDRAC) CATEGORY: ® Consent ❑ Ordinance ❑ Public Hearing ❑ City Council Business ❑ Resolution ❑ Other STAFF REPORT BY: Steve Groom, Finance Director DEPT: Finance Attachments: June 2023 Monthly Financial Report Options to Consider: 1. Approve the June 2023 Monthly Financial Report as presented 2. Deny approval of the June 2023 Monthly Financial Report and provide direction to staff MAYOR'S RECOMMEN ION: Mayor recommends approval of Option 1. MAYOR APPROVAL: %bog% ~] DIRECTOR APPROVAL: ��? • Camm ee Council itinllDate fnriiallDate mtiallDat COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: I move to forward the June 2023 Monthly Financial Report to the August 8, 2023 consent agenda for approval. Committee Chair Co m ittee ember Committee Member PROPOSED COUNCIL MOTION: "I move approval of the Monthly Financial Report. " (BELOW TO BE COMPLETED BY CITY CLERK'S OFFICE) COUNCIL ACTION: ❑ APPROVED COUNCIL BILL # ❑ DENIED First reading ❑ TABLED/DEFERRED/NO ACTION Enactment reading ❑ MOVED TO SECOND READING (ordinances only) ORDINANCE # REVISED — 1/2022 RESOLUTION # CITY OF Federal Way DATE: July 25, 2023 TO: Mayor and City Council Management Team FROM: Steve Groom, Finance Director Chase Donnelly, Deputy Finance Director SUBJECT: Monthly Financial FINANCE DEPARTMENT This report is to brief you on monthly and year-to-date (YTD) revenues and expenses, compared to budget and prior year, on the city's cash and fund balance positions, and on the monthly investment performance, transactions and current holdings. Generally, City's cash position continues to be strong, budgetary controls on expenditures are resulting in a slightly favorable variance and revenues are strongly positive. General/Street Fund Summary: Revenues & Transfers In are favorable to YTD budget of $22.64M by $1.97M or (8.7%). Expenditures & Transfers Out are favorable to YTD budget of $28.99M by $0.31M or 1.1% primarily due to timing of ARPA spending. General/Street Fund % of Budget 10.00 % 8.00% 6.00% 8. 68 % - 4.00% - 2.00% 0.00% = -1.07% -2.00% Revenue Expense General/Street Fund Cumulative Yearto Date $40,000,000 $30,000,000 - $20,000,000 $10,000,000 $- Revenue Expense ■ Budget 0 Actual CITY OF Federal Way Revenues and Expenditures: General & Street Fund Financial Highlights As detailed in the table below: FINANCE DEPARTMENT • Sales Tax revenue is trending favorably, $0.54M or 6.9% above 2023 YTD budget, and $0.89M or 11.9% above 2022 YTD collections. Retail sales and services are $183K above 2022 YTD collections. This is an indicator of the health of the local economy. • CD Permits & Fees revenue is trending favorably, $0.94M or 51.4% above 2023 YTD budget, and $1.15M or 71.0% above 2022 YTD collections. • Total Expenditures & Transfer Out is below YTD budget by $0.31 M, but $1.54M or 5.7% above 2022 YTD actuals. Expenditures are trending back to pre -pandemic levels. Compared to YTD budget, expenditures have been trending favorably, primarily due to timing of community service grant payments, filling of Police Department vacant positions, and timing of expenditures for ARPA spending. GENERAL & STREET FUND SUMMARY 2022 2023 YID Budget is. Actual Fawra6le!ftimrade) Annual Budget Auld Actual YID Actual Annual Budget YID Budget YID Actin $ % Be -ginning Fund Balance $ 2P39 j29 $ 21 j39,329 $ 21,339,329 $ 27,859,856 $ 27,859,856 $ 27,709,986 ola nla Revenues; Covid-191American Rescue Plan (ARPA) Grants 9,608,443 9,608,443 9,608,443 nla Sales Tax 18,349,755 19,204,963 7,444,901 19,886,555 7,796,% 8,333,338 536,792 69% Property Taxes 11,357,280 11,590,675 6,238,686 11,762,933 6,331,404 6,242,016 (89,388) -1.4% State Shared Revenue 3,022,000 3,126,093 1,131,049 3,153,260 1,140,879 1,185,009 44,130 3910 CD Pemrits & Fees 2,564,111 4,040,385 1,617,200 4,052,070 1,826,824 2,765,531 938,707 51,4% Business License Fees 622,000 724,126 370,501 652,900 365,874 399,216 33,342 9.1% Admissions Tax 306,513 834,953 183,175 339,265 169,633 181,717 12,084 7.1% Other Revenues 11,678,849 12,440,091 4,270,766 12,849,314 5,012,980 5,503,832 490,852 9.8% Transfers in from Other Funds to support operations 7,356,718 7,268,912 4,005,912 8,119,085 nla Total Revenues & Transfer In 64,865,669 68,838,642 34,870,632 60,815 J81 22,644,139 24,610,658 1,966,519 8.7% Total n&tures & Transfer Out 76,102,125 62,467,985 27,146,885 78,620,929 28,994,373 28,683,607 310,766 1.1% Total big Fund Balance 1 $10,102,874 1 $ 27,109,986 $ 29,063,076 $10,054,308 $ 21$9,622 $ 23,637,037 nla nla CITY OF Federal Way Other Fund Highlights FINANCE DEPARTMENT " Utility Tax revenue is trending favorably, $0.92M or 12.2% above 2023 YTD budget, and $0.58M or 7.4% above 2022 YTD actual. Utility tax on water/sewer and addition of 10% on solid waste services account for the increase. K Real Estate Excise Tax (REET) is $0.55M or 23.6% below 2023 YTD budget, and $1.14M or 38.8% below 2022 YTD collections. This is an indicator of the Federal Way real estate market's volume and valuations. Expenditures & Transfer Out is favorable, $1.62M or 11.2% below YTD budget, and $4.36M below 2022 YTD actuals. The favorable variance to budget is primarily due to timing of arterial street overlay projects for residential streets. ANNW OTHER SIGNIFICANT FUNDS OFNOTE 2022 2023 YID Budget is. Actual Famablel(1lnfawrahle) Annual Budeet Annual Actual YID Actual Annual Budget YID Budget YFD Actual S % Revenues: Utility Tax 10,584,294 11,858,892 5,372,002 12,196.316 4,939,078 5,745,245 806,167 16.3% UtilitvTax-Pro IVoter Paclaee 3,093,312 3,460,473 1,580,355 3,401436 1.509,643 1,675,936 166.293 11.01i10 Utility Tax- Solid Waste 101/o 2,000,000 1310,053 939.260 1200.000 1,100,000 1,050,774 (49,226) 4.5% !Real Estate Excise Tax 4,421,454 5,117,985 2,9307457 5.521,000 2.349.389 1,794,696 (554,693) -23.60/, Traffic Safety (Red Light/School Zone) 2,872,442 3,842,343 2,115,880 3.000,000 1.548,726 1643,553 1,094,827 70.7% HoteVMotel Lodgiflg Tax 150,000 281,845 98.834 293.000 107,494 100,909 (6,585) -6.1% 'Federal Way Community Center 1,690,875 1,761,950 710.668 1,930,875 965,438 703,988 (261,450) -27.1% Performing Arts & Event Ctr Operations 1.611.664 1.690.259 826,179 1.279,780 639.890 806.652 166.762 26.1% :Dumas Bay Centre Fund 535,151 591,019 234,778 527,698 263,849 417,299 153,450 58.2% Total Revenues 26,959,192 30914,819 1008,413 30J51,105 13,423,506 14,939,051 1,515,545 113% ,Fxpenditures & Transfers Out: :Utility TaxSupporttoOtherFundsforoperations 9334.702 9.837.985 5,02035 11.551,482 2.171390 2.172.390 0.01,10 'Utility TaxPro osition I operations 4,170,275 4.126,995 1,959,602 4,471,873 2.235.937 1,786,835 449,102 20.1% ,Solid Waste 10% Utility Tax- Residential Streets Overlay 3,418.862 Z098,307 20,315 3,680,166 1,840,083 316.327 1,523,756 82.8% Real Estate Excise Tax Su2port to Debt and Capital Projects 5.989,440 5,989.440 2,783,560 7.055.343 2,223.343 2,223.343 0.01/0 Traffic Safety (Red light/School Zone) 3.52%722 3.529.723 1,404.377 3.846.735 1,923.368 1.358.444 564.924 29.4% HoteVMotel Lodging Tax 155,000 20,598 12,485 65,000 32,500 18,500 14.000 43.1% .Jail Fund Services 1644,584 4871,371 759.372 2.500,000 1,250,000 1,73039 (484,639) -38.8% Federal Way Community Center 1756.334 4590,528 1,093,741 2,279,893 1.139,947 1.386,251 (246.304) -21.60/i Perfoping Arts & Event Or Operations 2.631.641 1631.378 1,258.026 2,483.359 1.241,680 1,413,221 (171.542) -13.80/. Dumas Bay Centre Fund 1,000,110 845,470 349.719 764,097 382,048 406,923 (24,8751 -6.5% Total Fxpenditures & Transfers Oul 36,030,671 34541,794 14,665,233. 38,697,948 14,441,294 12,816,873 1,624,422 112% Fmcling Fund Balance Utility Tax(non-Pro 1) 3,385,633 4,646,109 3,831,230 4.789.743 8,218.%5 n/a n/a Utility Tax- Prop IVoter Package 1263,680 1,571,054 1,000,633 1,000.4421 1,460.155 n/a n/a Utility Tax -Solid Waste 10°/u 1.632,240 2.339,539 152,012 2,366.686 n/a n/a Real Estate Excise Tax Fund 2546,600 3.217,658 4,236,534 1,682,412 2,789,011 n/a n/a Tragic Safety Fund 2124,096 2,493,443 2,846,861 1,598,570 3.778.552 n/a n/a HoteVMotel Lodging Tax L605,161 1.868.015 1,691,133 2,095,690 1,950,424 n/a n/a Jail Fund 7,260 (11 0 24 n/a nla Federal Wa Coomnity Center 1,500.393 1,737,273 1.500,000 1256.820 1,500,000 n/a n/a Performing Arts & Event Ctr Operations 1 873,587 1 873,936 441.743 778,055 1 - 267,367 n/a n/a Dumas Bav Centre Fund 1,500,001 1,710.510 1.500,000 2,101.965 1,720,885 n/a n/a 'Total Fadio Fund Balance S 14.799.148 s 19.757A98 S 19387.672 S 16.455.110 -1 S 24.052.0701 ola n/a CITY OF Federal Way Sales Tax FINANCE DEPARTMENT Revenues are favorable to 2023 YTD budget by $0.54M or 6.9% and above 2022 YTD actual by $0.89M or 11.9%. The sales tax collected for transactions at point of sale is remitted to the City from the State on a two -month lag, after retailers remit to State the first month. City of Federal Way - Sales Tax Revenue Received Cun ent Year Actual vs. Budget and Prior Year $20,000,000 $18,000,000 $16,000,000 $14,000,000 $12,000,000 $10,000,000 $8,000,000 $6,000,000 $4,000,000 $2,000,000 $0 LOCAL RETAIL SALES TAX REVENUES YTD June Month 2022 Actual 2023 Fawr abl e / (Unfavorable ) Change from 2022 YTD Actual Ns Budget Budget Actual $ % $ % Jan 1,653,281 $ 1,875,011 $ 1,917,113 $ 263,832 16.0% $ 42,102 2.2% Feb 1,284,275 1,397,709 1,425,556 141,280 11.0°% 27,847 2.0% Mar 1,314,196 1,327,417 1,599,609 285,413 21.7% 272,192 20.5% Apr 1,636,738 1,648,748 1,768,995 132,257 8.1% 120,247 7.30 May 1,556,411 1,547,662 1,622,066 65,655 4.2% 74,404 4.80 Jun 1,534,290 1,632,597 - - - - - Jul 1,679,199 1,803,706 - - - Aug 1,785,214 1,785,855 - - - - - Sep 1,757,829 1,757,313 - - Oct 1,721,219 1,808,330 - - - Nov 1,649,918 1,660,036 - - Dec 1,632,393 1,642,173 - YTD Total $ 7,444,901 $ 7,796,546 $ 8,333,338 $ 888,438 11.9% $ 536,792 6.9% Annual Totall $ 19,204,963 1 $ 19,886,555 j n/a I n/a I n/a n/a I n/a CITY OF Federal Way City of Federal Way Sales Tax Revenue Comparison by Group Sr,4bt'Wff !Ai0odi- S3.0 i;W11 6� WOAT a 17D , p„ 57,Lq mh YTD 21, 3 yi.Slgl,B[g1 1 0 5 i,9t1(t,9171] ■ FSFI{I,4G] f Hotel/Motel Lod2in2 Tax FINANCE DEPARTMENT City of Federal Way YTD Sala, -Tax Hc:�cnur Cprol:arison Ley Location r,oanaa 5-•,nn.r,nn, 51,U(]O,vr i-r, GOB. .000 5•:OU,i)OG ilciak5 Ilai.wnt .^auAn� the Ctlrmm�n4 li17thtA3 SAa"Ih Rlrtad r.'.at�i CFcer Cp+Cer .Am, rilx� Revenues are unfavorable to 2023 YTD budget by $6.6K or 6.1% but above 2022 YTD actuals by $2.1K. The travel, tourism, and hospitality industry was significantly impacted by COVID-19, but has nearly returned to pre -pandemic levels. City of Federal Way - Lodging Tax Revenue Received _tl DDD Current Year Actual vs. Budget and Prior Year $]L]Q000 �,o,ouo S]OO,000 Siti0,UL0 _ b 100,000 o Bucher dmulaxe Prior Year Cumulative D.0 J Actual cumulative S46,rifld $nuuo 530.Dao 5 hIm 5 in LDd $11.ue0r $jltmB SS,pDU 5(t City of Federal Way Historical Lodging Tax Remittances by Month HOTEUMOTFL LODGING TAX REVENUES Year-to-date tlrru June Month 2022 Actual 2023 Fawrabl a/(Unfawrabl e) Change from 2022 YFD Actual xs Budget Budget Actual $ % $ % Jan $ 15,770 $ 20,487 $ 16,787 $ 1,017 6A% $ (3,701) -18.1% Feb 16,937 19,550 16,159 (778) -4.6% (3,391) -17.3% Mar 19,965 21,018 21,239 1,274 6.4% 222 11% Apr 26,925 24,210 27,280 355 1.3% 3,070 12.7% May 19,237 22,229 19,444 207 1.1 % (2,784) -12.5% Jun 20,135 1 22,154 - - - - Jul 28,005 29,972 - - Aug 32,422 33,167 - Sept 30,027 32,614 - Oct 25,640 26,984 Nov 21,186 22,800 - Dec 25,598 17,814 - YID Total $ 98.834 $ 107.494 $ 100.909 $ 2,075 2.1 % $ (6,585) -6.1 % Annual Total $ 281,845 $ 293.000 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a CITY OF Federal Way Business License Fees FINANCE DEPARTMENT Revenues are favorable to YTD budget by $33K or 9.1% and above 2022 YTD actual by $29K or 7.8%. New Monthly Business License Count CC 25C' 218 20C -71 iSc 103 _0C o� ld - 09 66 SC SC r an .-e.: ..gar Apr r.9 ay *excludes outside contractor businesses r Tn:aI ZC22 °L • Taal LC21 2,L 270 Business License Revenue Month 2022 Actual 2023 Favorable/(Unfavorable) Change from 2022 YI'D Actual vs Budget Budget Actual $ % $ % Jan $ 52,893 $ 101,359 $ 62,005 9,113 17.2% (39,354) -38.8% Feb 50,062 62,138 44,674 (5,388) -10.8% (17,464) -28.1% Mar 72,588 45,587 86,195 13,608 18.7% 40,608 89.1% Apr 58,647 49,891 67,910 9,264 15.8% 18,019 36.1% May 65,452 35,550 61,588 (3,863) -5.9% 26,038 73.2% Jun 70,861 71,348 76,843 5,982 8.4% 5,495 7.7% Jul 52,477 45,887 - - - - - Aug 74,576 53,013 - - Sep 55,100 46,162 - - - Oct 53,193 32,946 - - - Nov 64,265 41,114 - Dec 54,014 67,9(9 - I - - - - YTD Total $ 370,501 $ 365.874 $ 399,216 1 28,715 7.8% 33,342 1 9.1% Annual Totall $ 724.126 $ 652.900 1 n/a 1. n/a n/a n/a I n/a FINANCE DEPARTMENT Community Development Permit Activity Revenues are favorable to 2023 YTD budget by $0.94M or 51.4% and above 2022 YTD actual by $1.1 M or 71.0%. Annual Total 2017 - $2,019,477 2018 - $2,595,395 2019 - $4,546,432 2020 - $1,964,825 2021 - $3,229,113 2022 - $4.040.385 BUILDING& LAND USE PERMITS AND FEES (CD) Year-to-date thru June Month 2022 Actual 2023 Change from 2022 Fa-mrable/(Unfa-mrabl e) YTD Actual .s Budget Budget Actual $ % $ % Jan 198,005 224,348 213,046 15,041 7.6% (11,302) -5.0% Feb 245,722 320,583 546,470 300,749 122.4% 225,888 70.5% Mar 276,562 280,803 595,518 318,956 115.3% 314,715 112.1% Apr 282,554 313,185 383,643 101,089 35.8% 70,457 22.5% May 286,805 366,145 669,687 382,883 133.5% 303,542 82.9% Jun 327,552 321,761 357,167 29,614 9.0%1 35,406 11.0% Jul 184,861 323,350 - - A u g 420,209 417,414 - Sept 441,542 371,121 - Oct 412,259 390,151 Nov 476,608 368,832 Dec 487,707 354,377 YTD Total $ 1,617,200 $ 1,826,824 $ 2,765,531 $ 1,148,331 71.0% $ 938,707 51.4% Annual Total $ 4,040,385 $ 4,052,069 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a Real Estate Excise Tax Revenues are unfavorable to 2023 YTD budget by $0.55M or 23.6% and below 2022 YTD actual by $1.14M or 38.8%. June 2023 activities include 132 real estate transactions. There were 129 taxable residential sales (total sales $60.7M / $301K tax) and four commercial sales. REAL ESTATE EXCISE TAX REVENUES Year-to-date thru June Month 2022 Actual 2023 Fawrabl a/(Un fawrabl e) Change from 2022 YTD Actual vs Budget Budget Actual $ % $ % Jan $ 241,514 $ 244,931 $ 192,302 $ (49,213) -20.4% $ (52,630) -21.5% Feb 269,472 352,972 253,046 (16,426) -6.1% (99,926) -28.3% Mar 458,276 335,140 438,312 (19,964) -4.4% 103,172 30.8% Apr 489,224 427,888 254,266 (234,958) -48.0% (173,623) -40.6% May 927,268 505,047 313,961 (613,306) -66.1% (191,085) -37.8% Jun 544,704 483,411 342,809 (201,895) -37.1% (140,602) -29.1% Jul 653,733 481,686 - - - - Aug 419,157 622,350 - - - - Sep 406,732 417,540 - - Oct 286,728 452,775 - - - Nov 247,639 342,962 - Dec 173,537 854,298 - YTD Total 2,930,457 1 2,349,389 1,794,696 1 (1,135,761) -38.8% (554,693) -23.6% Annual Total $ 5,117,985 $ 5,521,000 n/a I n/a I n/a I n/a n/a CITY OF Federal Way FINANCE DEPARTMENT Utility Tax Revenues are favorable to 2023 YTD budget by $0.92M or 12.2% and above 2022 YTD actual by $0.58M or 7.4%, due to increase in water/sewer utility tax, and additional 10% on solid waste services. The utility tax collected by utility companies is remitted to city on a 2-month lag. UTILITY TAXES Year-to-date thru June Month 2022 Actual 2023 Fawr abl e/ (Unfa%o r abl e) Change from 2022 YTD Actual is Budget Budget Actual $ Var % Var $ Var % Var Jan $ 1,692,180 S 1,435,012 $ 1,807,080 S 114,900 6.8% $ 372,068 25.9% Feb 1,642,378 11552,972 1,650,189 7,811 0.5% 97,317 6.3% Mar 1,755,285 1,650,233 2,017,092 261,807 14.9% 366,859 22.2% Apr 1,413,785 1,485,650 1,585,574 171,789 12.2% 99,924 6.7% May 1,399,291 1,427,149 1,412,840 23,549 17% (14,309) -1.0% Jun 1,213,829 1,618,838 - - - Jul 1,260,575 1,284,264 - - Aug 1,221,401 11213,619 - Sept 1,459,563 1,541,901 - Oct 1,275,498 1.279,988 Nov 1,507,296 1,338,807 Dec 1,800,115 1,972,727 - - 1TD Subtotal $ 7,892,919 $ 7,550,917 $ 8,472,775 $ 579,856 7.3% $ 921,858 12.2% Rebate (1,305) (2,196) (820) 485 0.0% 1,376 -62.7% YTD Total $ 7,891,614 $ 7,548,721 $ 8,471,955 $ 580,341 7.4% $ 923,234 12.2% Annual Total S 16.992.709 1 $ 17.798.751 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a LITILI TI' T.X ES - bN TN Year-todate thru June Utility T)pe 2022 Actual 2023 Actual Favor abl a/(Unfaiorable) Change from 2022 $ % Electric $ 2,753.621 S 2.763 938 S 10,317 0.49% Gas 1,070,672 S 1,251.412 180,740 16.99% Water/Sewer 970.513 1,153,933 183.420 18.9°0 Solid Waste 727.927 814.349 86,423 11,9% Solid Waste- 10 / 939,260 1.050.774 111.513 n/a Cable 6$3,367 65.9,982 (23.385) -3.4% Other 747,559 778,387 30.828 4.1°/ TaxRebate (1,305) (820) 485 n/a 1TDTotal S 7,891.614 1 $ 8.471,955 1 $ 580-341 7.4% S 11000.000 516,t1Q0.om s1�ovQ,Qoa 5€€.18lp,(gD StP,1.+i16,R�11 is,p00.QR] 56,i7Gt1,Q�6 sa,©Qo-,00Q 52AOt}.q�4 SQ City of Federal Way- Utility Tax Revenue Received The City has a utility tax rebate program that opens January 1st and closes May 31st of each year for qualifying low-income residents. The City processed 41 rebates in 2021, for a total of $2,310. The City processed 24 rebates in 2022 for $1,305. The city has processed 17 rebates for a total of $820 in 2023. The 2023 rebate program has been posted to the city website and information material has been distributed to known past users and communicated to those who can relay to potential new ones. CITY OF . Federal Way Proposition 1 Voter -Approved Utility Tax FINANCE DEPARTMENT Revenues are favorable to 2023 YTD budget by $0.17M or 11.0%. The increase in collections is due to an increase in water/sewer utility tax. PROP 1 Utility Tax Fund 2022 2023 YTD Budget vs. Actual Favorable/(Unfavorable) Budget Annual Actual Budget YTD Budget YTD Actual $ % Beginning Balance: 1,263,679 11263,679 1,570,837 S 1,570,837 1,571,054 217 0,0% Total Prop I Revenues: 3,093,312 $ 3,460,691 3,402,436 $ 1,509.643 $ 1,675,936 $ 166,292 11.0% Transfer in from Utility Tax Fund 1.076.964 973.681 499.042 $ n/a Public Safety Improvement Positions & Costs: Police Sen-ices (includes 1 Records Specialist, 16 Police Officers, & 2 Lieutenants) 1-831-128 2,687 253 2 974 715 S 1,487,357 1,295,237 192,120 12.9% Court Semites (includes .50 Judge, 1 Court Clerk, and Pro Tern Pay, Public Defender contract. 1.5 Prosecutors) 1,038,769 1,196.054 1 1,163,732 S 581,866 326,052 1 255,814 44.0% Total Public Safety Improvement Costs 3,870,898 3,883,307 4,138,447 $ 2,069,223 1,621,289 447 934 21.6% Community Safety Program Costs: 1 Code Enforcement Officer 109,114 113,446 12Q465 $ 60,233 62,198 (1,966) -3.3% .5 Assistant City Attorney 85,462 54,895 94,411 S 47,206 1 37,725 9,480 20.1% 1 Parks Maintenance Worker I & Security 104,802 75,349 118,550 S 59,275 65,623 (6.348) -10.7 io Total Community Safety Improvement Costs 299,378 243,689 333,427 166,713 165,547 1,166 0.7°/u Total Pro 1 Expenditures: 4.170.275 4.126.996 4.471.873 $ 2,235,937 1,786,836 449,100 20.1 Total Ending Fund Balance: $ 1-263.679 $ 1-571.054 $ 1,000,441 $ 844,543 $ 1,460,153 $ (615,6101 11. -72.9°/u Traffic Safety - Red Light / School Zone Revenues are above 2023 YTD budget by $1.09M or 70.7%, and above 2022 YTD actual by $0.53M or 24.9%. Traffic Safety Fund - Red Light Photo Revenue Month 2022 Actual 2023 Favorable/(Unfavorable) Change from 2022 1TD Actual vs Budget Budget Actual $ °/ $ % Jan S 344,394 S 257,240 S 305,897 $ (38,497) -112% S 48,657 18.9% Feb 338,105 238,078 425,952 87,847 26,0% S 187,874 78.Vo' Mar 407,496 244,716 582.573 175,077 4306 S 337.857 138.1% Apr 337,133 254,512 502,534 165,4(Hl 49,loo S 248,021 97.4 % May 322,696 252.245 424.939 102,243 31.7o S 172,694 68.5o Jun 366,055 301,935 401,659 35,603 9.7oo S 99,724 33.0?o Jul 271.128 278.487 - S - Aug 330,043 196,829 - S Sep 256,120 194.867 - S - Oct 265,625 257,518 - S Nov 319,241 295,874 S - Dec 284.307 227,700 S YTD Total $ 2,115,880 $ 1 548,726 $ 2,643,553 $ _ 527,673 24.9 % $ 1,094,827 70.7% Annual Total $3.842.343 $3.000.000 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a Traffic Safety Fund pays for 1 Lieutenant, 8 Police Officers, 3 City Traffic positions, Municipal Court security services, red light photo services, Valleycomm emergency communication services, School Zone Enhancements capital improvement projects, and patrol vehicles. CITY OF Federal Way Police Department Overtime June PD overtime is on target with 2022 YTD actual. The City's portion (unbillable) is $0.30M or 61.2% above YTD budget, and is funded entirely by PD vacancies. Overtime incurred is primarily due to service required for special events, shift call -in, shift extension, and special emphasis proactive activities. Jail Services City of Federal Way Jail Cost FINANCE DEPARTMENT PD O%ertime by Month Year-to-date thru June Month _ 2022 Actual 2023 (Fawrabl eWnfallorable Change from 2022 1 t11.1[IvaS N, 1111r(tirl Budeet Actual $ % $ % Jan $ 145,407 $ 85,627 $ 116.488 $ (28,919) -19.9% $ 30.861 36.0% Feb 150.708 75,667 142,906 (7.802 -5,2% 67.239 8&9% Mar 151,497 70,419 130,707 20,790 -13.7% 60,288 85.6% Apr 137.102 79-909 114,651 22.451 -16.4"/o 34,742 43-5% May 135,111 92,139 139,773 4,663 3.5% 47,635 51.7% Jun 133.057 78.666 133.025 (32) 0-0°/ 54,358 69.1 % Jul 171,487 127,159 - - Aug 138,911 85,169 Sep 147.445 80,227 Oct 119,010 94,443 Nov 134,420 93,601 Dec 127-130 92.573 Cih, Portion 852.882 1 482A27 1 777550 (75332) -8.8 % 295.122 61.2 % Billable 228,327 1 139-542 204-422 (23,905) -10.5% 64,880 46.5% YPDTotal $ 1.081.209 $ 621.969 $ 981.972 $ (99.237) -9.2% $ 360.003 57.9% Billable $ 193.566 1 $ 192.835 $ - $ $ Annual Total S 2.113.178 1 S 1,387,975 n/a n/a n/a I n/a I n/a Average Daily Population ec svn s_ sr� Ec s4 � •,o Jail and Alternatives to Confinement 2018 Actual 2019 Actual 2020 Actual 2021 Actual 2022 Actual 2023 AnnualBudgetj YrD Actual Total Jail Operations $6.417.479 $5.932.095 $1.712.883 $ 2.223.602 $2.871.368 $ 2.500.000 $ 1.734.639 Debt Service Payments for SCORE Jail - 889,718 847.566 851.925 852,425 851,925 210,963 Total Jail Cost $6AI7A79 $6.821.813 $2.560.449 $ 3.075.527 $3.723.793 $ 3.351.925 $ 1.945.602 The Citv maintains multinle contracts with other governmental agencies for its iail services- after it discontinued its owner relationship with SCORE Jail in December 2019. The budgeted average daily population (ADP) is 70, and average ADP was 60.5 for the first five months. June ADP will be available in the July report. The City continues to be liable for its portion of the debt service on the SCORE building. The total remaining principal debt the City owes as of 12/31/2022 for SCORE is $9,765,000, and continues to be reduced by principal payments of about $0.9 million a year. CITY OF ,*kt, Federal Way Federal Way Community Center FINANCE DEPARTMENT Revenues are below 2023 YTD budget by $0.26M or 27.1%, and below 2022 YTD actual by $0.01M, primarily due to slowly coming back to pre -pandemic levels, and the pool closure. Expenditures are $0.25M or 21.6% above the 2023 YTD budget. Community Center remaining building construction debt service principal as of 12/31/2022 was $7.73M. Federal Way — Community Center as of06/30/2023 2022 2023 1TD Budget vs Actual Favorable/(Unfavorable) Budget Annual Actual 1TD I Actual Budget YTD I Budget 1TD Actual S %— Beginning Fund Balance $ 1.502.625 $ 1.502.625 % 1.502.625 $ 1.737337 S 1.737,337 S 1.737.273 B/a n/a Total Revenues 1.690.875 1.761.950 710.668 1,930.875 965.438 703.988 (261.4511) -27.1% Total Expenditures 2.756.334 2.590.528 1.093.741 2.279.893 1.139.947 1.386.251 (246.304) -21-690 RcvenuesOver /(Under)Expenditures (1,065,459) (828,578) (383,073) (349,018) (174,509) (682,263) (507,754) 291.0% Recovery Ratio 61.3 % 68.0'X. 65.0o/,.l 84.7 % 84.7 % 50.8 % n/a n/a Total Transfer In from General Fund/Utilih Tax 1.063227 1.063 227 380.448 868.501 434.251 444,989 1 10.739 1 2 5°o Fnding Fund Balance I S 1.500392 S 1.737,274 1 $ 1.500.000 $ 2,256,820 $ 1,997,079 1 $ 1.500.000 1 S (497.079) -24.9 Debt Service Payments 810,113 S10.413.1.S20.423 822,123 111.061 1 111.0611 0.090 Debt Service Refunding n/a Total F"'CC Cost I S 3.576A57 $ 3.410.951 I $1,914.164 $ 3.102.016 $ 1.251.008 1 S 1.497.312 1 S (246304)1 -19.7'%.. Total City Support 1 $ 1,883,350 1 $ 1,883,650 $ 1,200,871 1 $ 1,690,624 1 S 545,312 1 $ 556,050 Dumas Bay Centre Revenues are above 2023 YTD budget by $0.15M or 58.2%, and above 2022 YTD actual by $0.18M. The facility reopened as of the beginning of August 2021. Expenditures are above 2023 YTD budget of $0.38M by $0.02M or 6.5%. Dumas Bay Centre Fund as of06/30/2023 2022 2023 1TD Budget vs Actual Budget Annual Actual 1TD Actual Budget YFD Budget 1TD Actual Favorable/(Unfavorable) SYo Beginning Fund Balance S1,500,001 $ 1,500,001 S 1,500,000 S1,710,216 $1.710,216 S 1,710,510 n/a n/a Total Revenues 535.151 591.019 234.775 527.698 263.549 417?99 153,450 58.2'' Total FApenses 1.000.110 845.470 349,719 764.097 382.048 406.923 (24,8751 -0.5% Revenues Over/(Under) Expenses (464.959) (254,450) (114,942 1236,399) (118.199) 10376 128,575 -108.8'% Recovery Ratio 53.51 % 69.90 % 67.13'% 69.06% 69.06 % ] 02.55 % n/a n/a Total Transfer In 464,959 464,919 114,941 62R.148 n/a Fridin Fund Balance S 1.500.000 S 1.710.510 S 1.500.000 S 2.101.965 S 1.592.017 S 1.720.886 S 128.869 1 Performing Arts & Event Center Operations (PAEC) Revenues are above year-to-date budget of $0.6M by $0.17M primarily due to the facility reopening, and operations slowly coming back to pre -pandemic levels. Expenditures are $0.17M or 6.5% above the YTD budget. Performing Arts & Event Center remaining building construction debt service principal as of 12/31/2022 was $5.58M. 115 Performing Arts d Event Center Operations (PAEC) 2017 Actual 2018Aaual 2gi9 Actual 2020 Actual 2021 Actual 2022 Actual 2023 Budget YTD18udget 2023 YTD Actual YTOSudga l vs. Actual Favorable/(Unfavorable) Beginning Balance 177,413 477 (447,382) (110,5461 873,590 873.647 873,647 873,936 $ Total Revs une 323,627 553,529 1,410,3T7 n1,1 SG 1,443,068 1,690,2n 1,279,780 639,890 806,652 166,762 10,3% Total Transfe r In from Utility Tax/Ge no ral F. nd 694,703 626,762 1,516,000 972,310 1,083,942 941,464 1,107,987 553,994 (553,994) -543% Total FxPon ditu to s 1,195,466 1.628,150 2,589,541 1,452,916 1,653,440 2,631,377 2,483,359 1,241,680 1,413,222 (171,5421 -65% Total PAEC Operation Balance b 477 E (447,382) b (110,546) 5 0 $ 873,590 $ 873,536 $ 778,055 E 825,851 E 267,367 E (558,4841 na Debt Service Payments b3o,24i 1 553,255 781,3,1, 1 712320 74.161 74,161 57. Total PAEC CosI b 1,196,46b 1 $ 1.628.150 E 2,589,541 b 1,991,163 1 $ 2,206,695 $3,412,707 1 $ 3,255,679 $1,315.941 $1,487,383 E (171,S421 -5.07, Total City Support $ 1,510,557 b 1,637,197 $1,722,794 $ 1,880,307 $ 628,155 $ 74,161 $ .3,994 30.8% CITY OF ., Federal Way Fund Activity Summary FINANCE DEPARTMENT Fund #/Fund Name Begin Balance 1/1/2023 YID Revenues YPD Eipenditures YPD Net Income/(lass) Ending Balance 06/30/2023" Required Fund Balance ,001/101 GeneraUStreet Fund" S 27,709,983 S 24,610,658 28,683,601 S (4,072,943) S 23,637,040 S 9,500,000 Special Revenue Funds: 102 Arterial Street 998,845 212,281 544,050 (331,769) 667,077 100,000 103 Utility Tax(') 4,646,109 5,745,246 2,172,390 3,572,856 8,218,965 1,500,000 104 Affordable & Supportive Housing Sales Tax 148,016 23,743 23,743 171,759 - 106 Solid Waste & Recycling 395,459 256,823 327,661 (70,839) 324,621 107 Special Contracts/Studies Fund 987,302 12,880 - 12,880 1,000,183 - 109 Hotel/Motel Lodging Tax 1,868,015 100,909 18,500 82,409 1,950,424 200,000 111 Federal Way Community Center 1,737,273 1,148,977 1,386,251 (237,274) 1,500,000 1,500,000 112 Traffic Safety Fund 2,493,443 2,643,553 1,358,446 1,285,107 3,778,551 1,200,000 113 Real Estate Excise Tax Fund 3,217,658 1,794,696 2,223,343 (428,647) 2,789,011 2,000,000 114 Prop 1 Utility Tax 1,571,054 1,675,936 1,786,836 (110,900) 1,460,153 1,000,000 115 Performing Arts & Event Cur Operations 873,936 806,652 1,413,222 (606,569) 267,367 - 116 Solid Waste 101%Utility Tax 1,632,240 1,050,774 316,327 734,447 2,366,687 119 CDBG 25,107 238,473 468,985 (230,512) (205,405) 120 Path & Trails 1,888,688 195,876 195,876 2,084,565 121 Technology 459,999 166,741 38,774 127,968 587,967 122 Jail Fund 7,260 1,727,401 1,734,639 (7,238) 22 - 188 Strategic Reserve Fund 3,002,082 3,002,082 3,000,000 189Parks Reserve Fund 1,133,157 1,133,157 1,125,000 Subtotal Special Revenue Funds 27,085,646 17,800,961 13,789,423 49011,538 31,097,184 511,625,000 201 Debt Service Fund (1,366,565) 2,223,343 396,184 1,827,159 460,594 Capital Project Funds: 301 Downtown Redevelopment 4,499,350 18,004 - 18,004 4,517,354 302 Municipal Facilities 175,507 175,507 303 Parks 2,032,064 81,850 61,198 20,652 2,052,715 304 Surface Water Management 4,570,673 140,477 (140,477) 4,430,196 306Transportation 15,939,217 1,547,197 2,105,427 (558,230) 15,380,987 307 Capital Project Reserve Fund 370,343 - 370,343 Subtotal Capital Project Funds 27,587,154 1,647,051 2,307,102 (660,051) 26,927,102 Enterprise Funds: 401 Surface Water Management 4,511,222 4,289,415 1,936,286 2,353,129 6,864,351 690,000 402 Dumas Bay Centre Fund 1,710,510 417,299 406,923 10,376 1,720,886 1,500,000 Subtotal Enterprise Funds 6,221,732 4,706,713 2,343,209 2,363,504 8,585,236 S 2,190,000 Internal Service Funds 501 Risk Management 1,516,845 1,255,231 2,011,672 (756,441) 760,403 600,000 502 Information Systems 4,260,137 1,654,157 1,408,047 246,110 4,506,247 503 Mail & Duplication 279,203 69,259 37,900 31,359 310,562 504 Fleet & Equipment 8,548,261 1,627,080 1,313,805 313,275 8,861,536 - 505 Buildings & Furnishings 2,115,458 364,049 279,400 84,650 2,200,108 2,000,000 506 Health Self Insurance Fund 3,660,088 2,713,436 2,438,210 275,226 3,935,314 - 507 Unemployment Insurance Fund 252,036 - 25,732 (25,732) 226,303 250,000 Subtotal Internal Service Funds 20,632,027 7,683,212 7,514,766 168,446 20,800,474 S 2,850,000 Total All Funds S 107,869,976 S 58,671,939 S 55,034,285 S 3,637,654 S 111,507,630 S 26,165,000 CITY OF �.� Federal Way Monthly Treasury Positions and Activity FINANCE DEPARTMENT This monthly report of all investment transactions to the city council via FEDRAC complies with RCW 35.39.032. The following pages provide a summary of the current investment portfolio holdings and the individual transactions and activity during the month. Portfolio Yield: The City's total annualized yield was 3.1%. The City's position in LGIP was $51.0 million with a 3.6% yield and the laddered portfolio was $55 million with a 2.6% yield. Face Va I ue City Portfolio: 55,000,000 State 4nvestm nt Pool: 51,038,015 Total: $106,038,015 Cost 53,757,502 51,038,015 $104,795,516 Annual Yield % Yield $ 2.628% 1,445,618 3.537% 1,856,102 3.114% $ 3, 301, 720 Interest Revenue Compared to Budget and Prior Year Year-to-date interest revenue through June of $1,728,000 exceeds budget of $900,000 by $828,000 or 92% and exceeds prior year by $1,488,000. Accrual basis interest for the month was $336,000. $3,000,000 $2,500,000 $2,000,000 $1,500,000 $1,000,000 $500,000 $0 City of Federal Way - Investment Revenue Current Year Actual vs. Budget and Prior Year 0 Budget Cumulative — Prior Year Cumulative —:>— Actual cumulative CITY OF Federal Way FINANCE DEPARTMENT The following summary is provided by our third -party custodian, US Bank, and summarizes both the ending position and the activity within the month: [Wbank, Acd Name: CITY OF FEDERAL WAY SUMMARY - USD Page 1 AcLf Number XXXXXXX033 For period OWI12023-D&W2023 ACTIVITY - SettledlCleared Cash Activity Transaction Type Amount Purchases 0.00 Purchase Reversals 0.00 Sete 0.00 Sale Reversals 000 Withdrawals 0.00 Receipts (966,015.30) Deliveries 0 00 Principal Reversals 0.00 Interest 100,160.42 (Merest Reversals 0.00 Interest Adjuatinends 0.00 Maturities 1,000,000.00 Cells 0.00 Puts 0 00 Paydowns 000 Paydown Adjushnenls 0.00 Peyups 0.00 Payup Adjustment 0,00 Cash Dividends 0.00 Balance Changes 000 Stock Dividends 000 Closeouts 0.00 Closeout Dividends 0.00 Net Activity 112,145.12 HOLDINGS - Custody Your Sales Representative is: SAFEKEEPING OPERATIONS (800)236-4221 Statement Contents 'Summary 'Activity- Settled/Cleared Cash Actrvdy *Activity - Projected Activity for Next Statement Period `Holdings Category Par/Shares Original Face Principal Cost Market Value Treasury OaBgatiorro 35,000,00000000 35,000,000.00000 33,774,743.46 33,055,979.61 UJ , Oom.nxm Aaencv Sewn..=O.O9u.o00.00000 20.090.000 OooOu 19 s5_.756.00 19.i19 211.u6 Total Custody Holdings 55,000,000.00000 55,000,000.00000 63,767,499,46 52,475,191.47 Market Value is currently below both Original Face Value, the value we'll receive at maturity, and Principal Cost, what we paid. This is partially due to purchasing at discounts and also because rates have risen, so the investments purchased in the past, at lower rates, aren't as desirable on the secondary market, to those who trade actively. This is an unrealized change in market value, since all investments will be held to maturity, receiving full value. All investments are bullets, or uncallable, therefore full face value will be realized at maturity, received in cash. Maturities: During the month, the following investment matured: 2021-022 FHLMC $1,000,000, matured June 2023, yielding 1.53% Purchases: During the month, the following investment was purchased, maximizing yield at the time of purchase for the maturity date being filled, having first assured safety and liquidity of the entire portfolio (see addendum for complete rationale): 2023-064 US Treasury $1,000,000, matures June 2027, yielding 3.95% CITY OF Federal Way FINANCE DEPARTMENT The maturity distribution of the laddered portion of the portfolio shows that $1-2 million will mature each month for the next 48 months, mitigating reinvestment (interest rate) risk, as follows: City of Federal Way Investment Portfolio Maturity Distribution - June 30, 2023 $2,500,000 $2,000,000 $1,500,000 $1,000,000 $500,000 $0 tip 'La tip tip 'Ly till till by ry5 :0 ti0 + # tib # tib tit tit tit P°� C O� Fe 0 ',c PJ1 � O� F� PQ', �Jc 1A � O� Few VO 1�1 10 d O� Fe" PQ�, ��c and the diversification distribution partially mitigating credit risk, as follows: US TREAS, $35,000,000 , 33.0 LGIP, $51,038,015, 48.1% City of Federal Way Diversification by Issuer -June 30, 2023 FHLB, $8,000,000 , 7.5% FFCB, $5,000,000 , 4.7% FHLMC, $3,000,000 , 2.8% FNMA, $3,000,000 , 2.8% TVA, $1,000,000 , 0.9% CITY OF Federal Way FINANCE DEPARTMENT Safekeeping Report Detail This monthly safekeeping report of all investment transactions held in safekeeping by US Bank lists securities by maturity date, first obligations of the US Treasury and then US Government Agency Securities. All holdings are rated Aaa/AA+ rating by Moody's and S&P. Acd Name: CITY OF FEDERAL WAY HOLDINGS AS OF 06/30/2023 - USD Page 4 Acd Nunbw XXXXXXX033 CUSTODY Maturity Security ID Rate Description Par/Shares Principal Cool Market Value Ticket Acq Date Original Face NAV Treasury Obligations 071312023 91282CCN9 .125 U S TREASURY NOTE 1,000,000.D0 982,187.50 996.14523 392222036 0222 125 NOTE 23 1,D00,000 00 g9282023 9'2796CS6 DI US TREASURY BILLS 1,DDO,000.00 977,611.94 987,019 58 392227577 D423 BILLS 092823 1,000,000 00 09/302023 9128285D8 2875 U S TREASURY NOTE 1,000,000.00 1,029,570 31 993,830 42 019021819 0222 2.875, 09f302023 1,000,000 00 10/312023 91282CDD0 375 U S TREASURY NOTE 1,000,000 DO 987,929 69 983,789 06 819021740 0122 .375 NOTE 2023 1,000.000 00 11202023 91282CDM0 500 UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 1.000,000 00 966,445 31 980,312.50 819027289 0223 .50 NOTES 11130123 1,DD0,0000D 01/312024 9126285Z9 2500 U.S. Treasury Notes 1,000,00000 1,037,773.44 983,12500 392220927 1221 9128285Z9 01/312024 1,000,000 00 04002024 9128286R6 2250 US Treasury Notes 1,D00,00000 1,036,09375 973,82812 392220608 1121 2 250, 04/302024 1,000,000 00 051152024 912826WJS 2.500 U.S TREASURY NOTES 1,0D0,0D000 969,39000 974.648.44 819027333 0323 91-828WJS 05/1524 1,0D0,0D000 05/312024 912828XT2 2000 U S TREASURY NOTE 1,000,000 DO 1,032.226 56 968.945.31 el9020999 1121 2 NOTE 2024 1,000,000.00 061152024 91282CCG4 2SO U S TREASURY NOTE 1,000,000.00 991,679.69 951,679.69 751013140 1121 25 NOTE 2024 1,000,000.00 09/152024 91262CCX7 .375 U S TREASURY NOTE 1,00,000.00 9195.69844 941,757.Bi 392219201 1021 375 NOTE 9/152024 1,000,000.00 Acd Name: CITY OF FEDERAL WAY HOLDINGS AS OF 06/30/2023 - USD Page 5 Acd Nurllbev XXXXXXX033 CUSTODY Maturity Security ID Rate Description Par/Shares Principal Cost Market Value Ticket Acq Data Original Face NAV 10/152024 91282CDB4 625 U S TREASURY NOTE 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 941.562 50 392219779 1021 62S NOTE 2024 1,000,000.00 11/152024 91282CDH1 .750 US Treasury Notes 1,D00,000.00 1,001 171 B8 939,882.81 619020954 1121 91282CDH1 11115/2024 1,000,D00 OD 011312025 91282OZ52 1.375 U S TREASURY NOTE 1,000,000 00 1,DD6,71875 942,617 19 619021510 0122 1.375 NOTE 2025 1,000,000 00 031312025 912828ZFO .500 US Treasury Notes 1,000,000.00 963,437.50 924,453 12 392222253 0322 912828ZF0 03/312025 1,D00 000.00 04/302025 912828ZL7 375 US TREASURY NOTES 1,000,000.00 932,343.75 919,531 25 392223194 0422 912828ZL7 0 375 041WOS 1,000,000.00 051312025 912826ZT0 250 U S TREASURY NOTE 1,000,000.00 924.648 44 914,609.36 392223819 0522 .25 NOTE 25 1,000,000.00 061302025 912828ZW3 250 US Treasury Notes 1,000.000 00 926 164.00 912,773., 4 392224043 0622 .250, 061302025 1,000,000 00 07/312025 91282CAB7 250 U S TREASURY NOTE 1,000,D00 00 918,125_DO 909,492 19 392224087 0622 25 NOTES 25 1,000,000.00 10/312025 91282CAT8 250 U.S, Treasury Notes 1,000,000.00 911,640 63 902,140,44 392224292 0722 250, 10/3112025 1,00,000.00 12/312025 9128285T3 2.625 U.S. TREASURY NOTES 1,000,000.00 983,828 13 952,03125 392224349 0722 2.625 NOTE 25 1,000,000 00 0lr3l2026 9128286A3 2.625 U S TREASURY NOTE 1,000,000.00 984.218.75 951,445.31 751014661 0722 2.625 NOTE 2026 1,000,000 DO 03/312026 91282861-9 2250 U S TREASURY NOTE 1,0D0,000 00 964,630 Oa 940,625,00 751015129 0822 225 NOTE 26 1,000,000.00 CITY OF Federal Way FINANCE DEPARTMENT Acd Name: CITY OF FEDERAL WAY HOLDINGS AS OF 06/30/2023 - USD Page 6 Acd Number.. XXXXXXX033 CUSTODY Maturity Security ID Rate Description Par/Shares Principal Cost Market Value Ticket Acq Date Original Face NAV 04/302D26 91282CBWO 392224636 051312026 91282CCF6 392224637 06f302026 91282CCJ8 392224738 07/312026 912828Y95 751015330 10/312026 91282odg3 392225109 111152026 912828U24 751015708 11/302026 91282CDK4 751015831 011312027 91282BZ78 392225551 02/152027 912610EZ7 392225738 03/312027 91282CEF4 392225993 04f302027 91282CEN7 392226190 W302027 91282CEW7 397228443 US Government Agency Securities .750 U.S. Treasury Notes 1,000,000 DO 909,960.94 900,078.12 D822 91282CBWO 04/302026 1,000,000.00 750 U S TREASURY NOTE 1,000,000.00 907,968.75 897.656.25 0822 75 NOTE 2026 1,000,000.00 675 US Treasury Notes 1,000,000.00 906,718 75 900,507.81 0922 91282CCJS 06/3012026 1,OD0,000.00 1.875 US Treasury Notes 1,000,000.00 943,437.50 925,468.75 0922 1.875, 07/312026 1,OD0,000.00 1.125 U.S. TREASURY NOTES 1,000,000 00 888,240. DO 898,867 19 1022 1.125 NOTE 2026 1,000,000 00 2.000 U S TREASURY NOTE 1,000,000 00 917,031.25 924,296.88 1022 2 NOTE 26 1,000,D00.00 1250 UNITED STATES TREAS NTS 1,000,000.00 880,781.25 900,703.12 1022 1.25 NOTES 1113026 1,000,D00.DO 1.500 US Treasury Notes 1,000,D00 00 903,100.00 905,S46 88 1122 912828Z78 1/3112027 1,000,D00.00 6.625 U S TREASURY BOND 1,000,000.00 1,105,937 50 1,074,492.19 1222 SER 2027 1,000,000 00 2.500 U S. TREASURY NOTES 1,000,000.00 956,4D625 936,562 50 0123 2.50 NOTE 2027 1,000,ODO.00 2.750 US Treasury Notes 1,000,000.00 955,507.81 944,296.86 0223 91282CEN7 04/302027 1,000,000 00 3250 US TREASURY NOTE 1,0D0,000.00 973,920.00 961,250.00 0623 3.250, O6/302027 1,000.000 00 Treasury Obligations Total 35,000,000.00000 33,774,743.46 33,055,979.61 35,000,000.00000 ,cd Name: CITY OF FEDERAL WAY HOLDINGS AS OF 06/30/2023 - USD Page 1 ,cd Number XXXXXXX033 CUSTODY Maturity Security ID Ticket Rate Acq Date Description PartShares Original Face Principal Cost Market Value NAV 08242023 3137EAEV7 250 FEDERAL HOME LOAN MTG CORP 1,000,000.00 982,140.00 992,547.51 019021968 0222 08/2412023 1,000,00.00 11242023 3133ENEX4 550 FEDERAL FARM CR BKS 1,000,ODO.00 989,745.00 980,570.49 819021739 0122 CONS BD 0.55%23 1,0D0,000.00 _ 12202023 3133ENHR4 680 FEDERAL FARM CREDIT BANK 1,000,D00.00 995,970 00 9T7,982.28 819021509 0122 3133ENHR4 122023 1,0D0,000.00 02/052024 3135GOV34 2.500 FEDERAL NATL MORTGAGE ASSN 1,000,000.00 1,037,530.00 982,445.46 392220903 1221 02105/24 1,000,000.00 02272024 3130AV4V1 5.125 FEDERAL HOME LOAN BANK MTN 1,000,000.00 998,989 00 996,78SAS 819027290 0223 5125, 02272O24 1,000,00000 03/082024 3130AB3H7 2.375 FEDERAL HOME LOAN BANK 1,0D0,000.00 1,036,546 00 978,981.83 751013276 1221 03/0824 1,000,D00.00 06/142024 3130AV7F3 5250 FEDERAL HOME LOAN BANKS 1,DD0,000.00 998,260 DO 997,052 40 392226815 0323 CONS BD 525%24 1,000.000 00 071022024 3135GOV75 1.750 FEDERAL NATL MORTGAGE ASSN 1,000,000.00 1,029,480.00 964,655 86 751013094 1021 07/02/24 1,000,000 00 08/152024 3130AGWK7 1_500 FEDERAL HOME LOAN BANK 1,OD0.000.00 1,023,28500 958,726.64 751013093 1021 05/152024 1,0D0,000.00 091132024 3130ATVD6 4.875 FEDERAL HOME LOAN BANKS 1,0110,000.00 994,500.00 992,648 36 819027332 0323 CONS BD 4 875%24 1,000,000.00 12/13/2024 3130APRSO .750 FEDERAL HOME LOAN BANK 1,000.000 00 995,541.00 937,66225 751013275 1221 12113/2024 1,DOD,000.00 12/132024 3130ATUR6 4.625 FEDERAL HOME LOAN BANKS 1,000,000.00 992,65200 990,956.28 819027291 02123 CONS BD 4.625%24 1,000,000 00 CITY OF Federal Way FINANCE DEPARTMENT [cd Name: CITY OF FEDERAL WAY HOLDINGS AS OF 06130/2023 - USD Page 8 lcct Number. XXXXXXX033 CUSTODY Maturity Security ID Rate Description Par/Shares Principal Cost Market Value Ticket Acq Date Original Face NAV 02/122025 3137EAEPO 1.500 FEDERAL HOME LOAN MTG CORP 1,000,000 00 1,002,357.DO 943.521.34 819021816 0222 02/12/25 1,000.00000 08252025 3135G05X7 375 FEDERAL NATL MORTGAGE ASSN 1,D00,000.00 909.873.00 909,511.45 751014188 D622 OW2525 1,D00,000.00 D9232025 3137EAEX3 .375 FEDERAL HOME LOAN MTG CORP 1,000,000 00 915,848 00 907,012.42 751014307 0622 09/232025 1,000,00000 111012025 880591CJ9 6.750 TENN VALLEY AUTHORITY 1,000,00000 1,115,095.00 1,049,978.80 751014409 0722 11/01/2025 1,000,00000 02252026 3133ENJ35 3.320 FEDERAL FARM CREDIT BANK 1,000,000.00 998,689.00 964,253.22 751015104 0822 CONS BD 3.32%26 1,000,000 00 08K32026 3133END80 3.000 FEDERAL FARM CREDIT BANK 1,000,00000 974,853.00 953.308.33 392224855 0922 CONS BD 3%26 1,000,000.00 D9/112026 3130ATFH5 3750 FEDERAL HOME LOAN BANKS 1,D00,000.00 994.536.00 971,967.76 392224959 0922 CONS BD 375%26 1,D00,000.00 05/122027 3133EPJP1 3625 FEDERAL FARM CR BKS 1,000,000.00 996,86700 968,643.73 392228113 0523 CONS BD 3.625%27 1,000,000 00 US Government Agency Securities Total 20,000,000.00000 19,982,756.00 19,419,211.66 Total Custody Holdings 55,000,000.00000 53,757,499.46 52,476,191.47 55,000,000.00000 CITY OF Federal Way Cash Balance and Investment Positions: FINANCE DEPARTMENT The City's cash balance trend is shown below: ■ Total cash decreased to 118.0 million from $118.6 million at end of May. • Laddered investments stayed level at $55 million. • The LGIP Investment Pool position increased from $50.4 million to $51.0 million. $120,000,000 $100,000,000 $80,000,000 $60,000,000 $40,000,000 $20,000,000 $0 City of Federal Way Cash and Investments - Historical Trend 00 00 Q1 01 in 0) O O O O 14 e 4 11 .--1 N N N N rn Cn 1i 1� ri eel '-1 rl N N rV rV N N N N N N N N. N N U Q 2 C.7 M Q � U M Q � U M Q ^ U Q O Q O Q O Q O Q O Q ■ Investments (yield) Benchmark and Portfolio O LGIP (liquidity) O Checking (safety) Weighted Average Maturity (WAM) of the City's portfolio, including position in LGIP, is 355 days, and within the City's Investment Policy limit of 2.5 years or 900 days. The LGIP State Pool WAM was 34 days in June. The City's average maturity dropped in part due to the increase in cash balance at the LGIP. Average Yield of the City's portfolio was 3.8%, compared to 4.1 % for the 2-year Constant Maturity Treasury index and 5.2% for the LGIP. Weighted Average Maturity Days ;Cr•,y In.Y^.tr,c+rt Ga'<y :s?00 Days) r. r t4` ^r `� � Tt, �. + TJ`'� • ` f `r T$ .� C�" �lGiP 14'�M •AFL': 1VA1.1 Portfolio Average Yield City Portfolio vs Benchmark vs State Pool -111,,1nld �2y QJ.T �•fY: AvP 1.01 CITY OF Federal Way Addendum — Investment Rationale Staff Review of Investment Rationale Date: June 5, 2023 FINANCE DEPARTMENT Investment # 2023-064 Is a 4-year Treasury (T), face value $1,000,000, maturing June 30, 2027, purchased at 97.39 (discount) to yield 3.95%. This trade settles June 6, 2023 with Mischler Financial Group, US Bank Safekeeping, replacing the June Maturity earning 1.53%. Liquidity: At May 31st month -end, total city cash was $118.6 million, checking account balance was $13.2 million (target minimum is $8 Million), investment portfolio was $55.0 million (target is $55 million for Treasuries and Agencies). State LGIP investment pool balance was $50.4 million (target minimum is $20 million, excluding unspent ARPA). Safety: This purchase is a debt issue of the Federal government, equivalent to AaaIAA+ rating by Moody's and S&P. Yield. Yield is 3.95%. This investment is 120 basis points below LGIP. Comparable yields evaluated at time of purchase were: LGIP current 30-day yield 2-year Treasury 5.15% www.secureaccess.wa.gov 4.47% Bloomber .com Same maturity Agency None available Broker live inquiry 5-year Treasu 3.83% Bloomber .com Callability. This investment is not callable (a bullet). Diversification. This purchase puts this issuer at 33.2% of total portfolio. This purchase adds a maturity date previously not covered to city's laddered portfolio. Outlook. The yield curve is currently inverted, with peak yield around 5.3% at 3-4 months then slightly inverted to 2-year at 3.92%, the 5-year at 3.41 %. The Federal Reserve Bank last executed a 0.25% rate hike on May. 31d as an inflation -fighting measure and great uncertainty remains over inflation, money supply and Fed moves. Staff review: Deputy Finance Director: Finance Director: Date (� lP / 2 Date v1 /1_�_7,vZ 6c COUNCIL MEETING DATE: August 8, 2023 ITEM #: CITY OF FEDERAL WAY CITY COUNCIL AGENDA BILL SUBJECT: AP VOUCHERS 06/15/2023 — 07/14/2023 AND PAYROLL VOUCHERS 06/01/2023 — 06/30/2023 POLICY QUESTION: Should the Council approve the AP vouchers in the total amount of $3,723,111.45 and the payroll vouchers in the total amount of $4,442,025.58? COMMITTEE: FINANCE, ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND REGIONAL MEETING DATE: July 18, 2023 AFFAIRS COMMITTEE CATEGORY: ® Consent ❑ Ordinance ❑ Public Hearing ❑ City Council Business ❑ Resolution ❑ Other STAFF REPORT BY: Steve Groom, Finance Director DEPT: Finance ......... ........... _. .. I, the undersigned, do hereby certify under penalty of perjury that the materials have been furnished, the services rendered, or the labor performed as described herein and that the claims are just and due obligations against the City of Federal Way, Washington, and that I am authorized and certify said liens Fina�nirector Attachments: Voucher List Options Considered: MAYOR'S RECOMMENDATION: MAYOR APPROVAIRECTOR APPROVAL: "i A .4 7 Cam ittee l I life Iniva Datc lniiwll c COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: I move to forward the vouchers to the August 8, 2023 consent agenda for approval. _ k Cotnee Chair Comi ittee M mber Committee Me ber m PROPOSED COUNCIL MOTION: "I move approval of the vouchers pursuant to RCW 42.24. BELOW TO BE COMPLETED BY CITY CLERIC'S OFFICE) COUNCIL ACTION: ❑ APPROVED COUNCIL BILL # ❑ DENIED First reading ❑ TABLED/DEFERRED/NO ACTION Enactment reading ❑ MOVED TO SECOND READING (ordinances only) ORDINANCE # REVISED — 1/2022 RESOLUTION # Federal Way =y Finance Department Date: July 18, 2023 To: Steve Groom, Finance Director Chase Donnelly, Deputy Finance Director From: Linda Walker, Sr. Financial Analyst Subject: Monthly Disbursements Summary The monthly Accounts Payable (AP) and Payroll vouchers report is attached. June disbursements had a decrease from May's expenditures due in part from lower utility billings and the absence of major debt payments and a reduction in Insurance Stop Loss payout. Payroll fluctuations from month to month are largely dependent on hiring and filling open positions, temporary help and termination payouts. The following summarizes current and prior 2 months' disbursements for reasonableness comparison. AP voucher totals: • June • May April $3,723,111.45 Construction Projects total 1,060,051 Consulting Contract total 232,016 Dispatch Services 513,197 Medical Services/Claims total 260,604 Miscellaneous Services & Charges total 103,668 Professional Services total 420,198 Repairs, Parts & Maintenance total 417,698 Preapproved COVID Fund total 123,820 Payroll voucher totals: $4,567,146.78 $3,194,289.05 • June $4,442,025.58 • May $4,092,662.28 m April $4,003,472.40 (p. 7) (p• 8) (p. 13) (p. 21, 38) (p. 23) (p. 38) (p. 45, 46) (p. 51) City of Federal Way - Accounts Payable Check List Key Bank Page 1 of 55 Check No Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total ACCOUNT PAYABLE-ESCOM $1,340.53 287080 7/14/2023 PLANNED PARENTHOOD, 7/10/2023 64632 64631 64630 $840,53 DBC-REFUND DEPOSIT #64632 6463 286987 7/14/2023 CEDAR CREEK HOMEOWNER7/10/2023 64637 $350 00 DBC-REFUND DEPOSIT #64637 286963 7/14/2023 AAPPN, 6/21/2023 64581 $150 00 DBC-REFUND DEPOSIT #64581 ADVERTISING $3,078.84 629239491 6/23/2023 US BANK, 6/23/2023 MAY 2023 PRO VISA $100.00 SWR-AD CLOTHING SWAP 626234759 6/26/2023 US BANK, 6/26/2023 MAY 2023 CITY VISA $214.70 FWCC-MONTHLY MARKET FEE 626234759 6/26/2023 US BANK, 6/26/2023 MAY 2023 CITY VISA $45 38 FWCC-JOB AD 626234759 6/26/2023 US BANK, 6/26/2023 MAY 2023 CITY VISA $487 06 FWCC-FWCC ADS 626234759 6/26/2023 US BANK, 6/26/2023 MAY 2023 CITY VISA $270.47 FWCC-JOB FAIR AD 626234759 6/26/2023 US BANK, 6/26/2023 MAY 2023 CITY VISA $199 00 FWCC-APP PYMT 626234759 6/26/2023 US BANK, 6/26/2023 MAY 2023 CITY VISA $35.00 PARKS -ARTS EXPLOSION AD 626234759 6/26/2023 US BANK, 6/26/2023 MAY 2023 CITY VISA $429.63 PARKS -ARTS EXPLOSION AD 286926 6/30/2023 SOUND PUBLISHING INC, 5/31/2023 8105240 $40.00 MO -AD ACCT#83733388 286840 6/30/2023 DAILY JOURNAL OF COMMER6/14/2023 3389971 $609.60 PW-NEWSPAPER AD 287001 7/14/2023 DAILY JOURNAL OF COMMER6/12/2023 3389892 $648.00 PW-NEWSPAPER AD AGRICULTURAL SUPPLIES $19,553.99 286964 7/14/2023 AARDVARK BARK BLOWING &7/10/2023 16333 $17,220.00 PWST-FOR BEAUTY BARK REPLACEME 286964 7/14/2023 AARDVARK BARK BLOWING &7/10/2023 16333 $1,739.22 Sales Tax 286999 7/14/2023 CORE & MAIN LP, 6/23/2023 T094478 $594.77 PKM-MAINT SUPPLIES AIRFARE $1,097.59 626234759 6/26/2023 US BANK, 6/26/2023 MAY 2023 CITY VISA $297.80 CC -CONFERENCE AIRFARE 626234759 6/26/2023 US BANK, 6/26/2023 MAY 2023 CITY VISA $-75.00 CC -REFUND 286884 6/30/2023 MULLET, BRYAN 5/30/2023 MULLET2023 $874.79 PD-TRAINING ASPHALT & ROAD OIL $9,955.92 286879 6/30/2023 MILES RESOURCES LLC, 6/12/2023 346252 $465.30 PWST-MAINT SUPPLIES 286903 6/30/2023 PHOENIX ASPHALT MAINT C05/17/2023 45703 $870.62 Sales Tax Key Bank Page 2 of 55 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 286903 6/30/2023 PHOENIX ASPHALT MAINT C05/17/2023 45703 $8,620.00 PWST-FOR RENTAL MACHINE AND CR ASSOCIATION DUES $49,382.50 629239491 6/23/2023 US BANK, 6/23/2023 MAY 2023 PRO VISA $225.00 CK-ASSOC DUES NAGA 629239491 6/23/2023 US BANK, 6/23/2023 MAY 2023 PRO VISA $975.00 MOED-2023 ANNUAL CONF. 629239491 6/23/2023 US BANK, 6/23/2023 MAY 2023 PRO VISA $633.00 PKM-ASSOC DUES 626233793 6/26/2023 US BANK, 6/26/2023 MAY 2023 PD VISA $75.00 PD-WASPC DUES 626233793 6/26/2023 US BANK, 6/26/2023 MAY 2023 PD VISA $5.00 PD-FAA UAS LIC RENEWAL 626233793 6/26/2023 US BANK, 6/26/2023 MAY 2023 PD VISA $1.630.50 PD-SHOOTING RANGE 2023 DUE 626233793 6/26/2023 US BANK, 6/26/2023 MAY 2023 PD VISA $40.00 PD-DOL NOTARY LICENSE 626233793 6/26/2023 US BANK, 6/26/2023 MAY 2023 PD VISA $50.00 PD-NTIA MEMB DUE 626233793 6/26/2023 US BANK, 6/26/2023 MAY 2023 PD VISA $75.00 PD-WASPC DUES 286827 6/30/2023 CITY OF AUBURN, 4/17/2023 23-037020 $44.965.00 CDHS-23 ANNL SKHHP OPER CONTRI 287049 7/14/2023 LEWIS. EVAN 6/30/2023 LEWIS 2023 $709.00 CD-APA MEMBERSHIP ATHLETIC SUPPLIES $3,919.41 620239491 6/23/2023 US BANK, 6/23/2023 MAY 2023 PRO VISA $341 67 PKM-HOUSEHOLD SUPPLS 629239491 6/23/2023 US BANK, 6/23/2023 MAY 2023 PRO VISA $74.59 FWCC-ATHLETIC SUPPLS 629239491 6/23/2023 US BANK, 6/23/2023 MAY 2023 PRO VISA $17.60 FWCC-ATHLETIC SUPPLS 629239491 6/23/2023 US BANK, 6/23/2023 MAY 2023 PRO VISA $71.55 FWCC-ATHLETIC SUPPLS 626234759 6/26/2023 US BANK, 6/26/2023 MAY 2023 CITY VISA $180.00 FWCC-QTRLY PRGOM 626234759 6/26/2023 US BANK, 6/26/2023 MAY 2023 CITY VISA $144.00 FWCC-QTRLY PRGOM 287078 7/14/2023 PIONEER ATHLETICS, 5/12/2023 INV882702 $3,090.00 PKM-PAINT SUPPLIES AUTOMATION FEE $999.61 286898 6/30/2023 PARTNERS ARCHITECTURAL612/2023 22-104715 $849.90 CD-22-104715 PERMIT REFUND 286815 6/30/2023 AMAYA ELECTRIC, 6/2/2023 23-100115 $110.71 CD-23-100115 PERMIT REFUND 286844 6/30/2023 ENERGY MANAGEMENT SER\6/7/2023 23-102969 $39.00 CD-23-102969 PERMIT REFUND BOOKS, MAPS, & PERIODICALS $186.76 626233793 6/26/2023 US BANK, 6/26/2023 MAY 2023 PD VISA $5.95 PD-FW MIRROR SUB FEE 286926 6/30/2023 SOUND PUBLISHING INC, 4/21/2023 FWM975393 $180.81 IT -AD ACCT#83729421 Key Bank Page 3 of 55 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total BUILDING MATERIALS $8,297.38 629239491 6/23/2023 US BANK, 6/23/2023 MAY 2023 PRO VISA $1,321.20 PKM-BLDG MAT 629239491 6/23/2023 US BANK, 6/23/2023 MAY 2023 PRO VISA $3.90 FWCC-BLDG MATERIALS 629239491 6/23/2023 US BANK, 6/23/2023 MAY 2023 PRO VISA $101.96 CHB-BLD MATERIALS 629239491 6/23/2023 US BANK, 6/23/2023 MAY 2023 PRO VISA $52.28 FWCC-BLDG MATERIALS 629239491 6/23/2023 US BANK, 6/23/2023 MAY 2023 PRO VISA $28.05 FWCC-BLDG MATERIALS 629239491 6/23/2023 US BANK, 6/23/2023 MAY 2023 PRO VISA $33.83 FWCC-BLDG MATERIALS 286857 6/30/2023 GRAY LUMBER COMPANY, 6/9/2023 608999 $43.59 PKM-LUMBER 286877 6/30/2023 LOWE'S HIW INC, 6/9/2023 85182 $1,555.16 PKM-MAINT SUPPLIES 287052 7/14/2023 LOWE'S HIW INC, 6/26/2023 01501 $75.84 PKM-MAINT SUPPLIES 287052 7/14/2023 LOWE'S HIW INC, 6/26/2023 01517 $63.20 PKM-MAINT SUPPLIES 287027 7/14/2023 HOME DEPOT-DEPT 32-250076/26/2023 5022535 $59.66 PKM-REPAIR/MAINT SUPPLIES 287019 7/14/2023 GRAY LUMBER COMPANY, 6/19/2023 610696 $4,064.89 PKM-LUMBER 287027 7/14/2023 HOME DEPOT-DEPT 32-250076/2212023 9510360 $48 85 PKM-REPAIR/MAINT SUPPLIES 287052 7/14/2023 LOWE'S HIW INC, 6/22/2023 95640 $806.52 PKM-MAINT SUPPLIES 287052 7/14/2023 LOWE'S HIW INC, 6/23/2023 02933 $7 75 PKM-MAINT SUPPLIES 287027 7/14/2023 HOME DEPOT-DEPT 32-250076/20/2023 1021855 $30 70 PKM-REPAIR/MAINTENANCE SUPPLIE CELLULAR PHONE AIR TIME $19,602.46 286818 6/30/2023 AT&T MOBILITY, 6/5/2023 287290386709XO613202 $1,046.50 IT-05/23 DATA CARDS 286944 6/30/2023 VERIZON WIRELESS, 6/13/2023 9937247755 $6,118.81 IT-05/23 CELLULAR SVC 286944 6/30/2023 VERIZON WIRELESS, 6/13/2023 9937247755 $6,118.81 IT-05/23 CELLULAR SVC 286976 7/14/2023 AT&T MOBILITY, 6/11/2023 287288982773XO619202 $845.06 IT/MO-5/23 DATA CARDS 286976 7/14/2023 AT&T MOBILITY, 6/11/2023 287288982773XO619202 $5,162.52 IT/MO-5/23 DATA CARDS 287124 7/14/2023 VERIZON WIRELESS, 6/13/2023 9937247756 $155.37 T-04/23 CELLULAR SVC ACCT# 287124 7/14/2023 VERIZON WIRELESS, 6/13/2023 9937247756 $155.38 T-04/23 CELLULAR SVC ACCT# CLOTHING AND FOOTWEAR $13,837.25 629239491 6/23/2023 US BANK, 6/23/2023 MAY 2023 PRO VISA $89.10 PWST-UNIFORM SUPPLS Key Bank Page 4 of 55 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 629239491 6/23/2023 US BANK, 6/23/2023 MAY 2023 PRO VISA $110.09 PKM-UNIFORM SUPPLS 629239491 6/23/2023 US BANK, 6/23/2023 MAY 2023 PRO VISA $53.88 PKM-UNIFORM SUPPLS 629239491 6/23/2023 US BANK, 6/23/2023 MAY 2023 PRO VISA $328.85 FWCC-UNIFORM SUPPLS 626234759 6/26/2023 US BANK, 6/26/2023 MAY 2023 CITY VISA $3.082.80 FWCC-UNIFORM SUPPLS 626234759 6/26/2023 US BANK, 6/26/2023 MAY 2023 CITY VISA $11.01 CD -UNIFORM 626233793 6/26/2023 US BANK, 6/26/2023 MAY 2023 PD VISA $159.94 PD-CLOTHING SUPPLIES 286833 6/30/2023 COASTAL FARM & HOME SUP6/8/2023 5045 $77.13 PKM-OPER SUPPLIES 286927 6/30/2023 SOUND UNIFORM/BRATWEAR6/5/2023 202306SU030 $8.82 PD-UNIFORM/EQUIPMENT 286810 6/30/2023 911 SUPPLY INC, 6/8/2023 INV-2-29755 $1,207.14 PD-UNIFORM SUPPLIES 286810 6/30/2023 911 SUPPLY INC, 6/8/2023 INV-2-29752 $854.84 PD-UNIFORM SUPPLIES 286927 6/30/2023 SOUND UNIFORM/BRATWEAR6/8/2023 202306SU064 $41.91 PD-UNIFORM/EQUIPMENT 286927 6/30/2023 SOUND UNIFORM/BRATWEAR6/8/2023 202306SU060 $15.44 PD-UNIFORM/EQUIPMENT 286810 6/30/2023 911 SUPPLY INC, 6/16/2023 INV-2-30054 $33.04 PD-UNIFORM SUPPLIES 286810 6/30/2023 911 SUPPLY INC, 6/16/2023 INV-2-30056 $145.32 PD-UNIFORM SUPPLIES 286810 6/30/2023 911 SUPPLY INC, 6/16/2023 INV-2-30060 $613 74 PD-UNIFORM SUPPLIES 286810 6/30/2023 911 SUPPLY INC, 6/20/2023 INV-2-30097 $594.47 PD-UNIFORM SUPPLIES 286810 6/30/2023 911 SUPPLY INC, 6/20/2023 INV-2-30099 $33.03 PD-UNIFORM SUPPLIES 286810 6/30/2023 911 SUPPLY INC, 6/20/2023 INV-2-30102 $33.03 PD-UNIFORM SUPPLIES 286810 6/30/2023 911 SUPPLY INC, 6/21/2023 INV-2-30182 $16.52 PD-UNIFORM SUPPLIES 286853 6/30/2023 GCP WW HOLDCO LLC, WOW6/21/2023 INV2040003456 $700.71 PWST-UNIFORM SUPPLIES 286919 6/30/2023 SCHWAN, KURT 6/21/2023 SCHWAN 2023 $125.96 PD-CLOTHING ALLOW 286927 6/30/2023 SOUND UNIFORM/BRATWEAR6/2/2023 202306SU025 $13.24 PD-UNIFORM/EQUIPMENT 286933 6/30/2023 SYMBOLARTS LLC, 6/13/2023 0465643 $787.22 PD-BADGES 286810 6/30/2023 911 SUPPLY INC, 1/2612023 INV-2-25805 $643.91 PD-UNIFORM SUPPLIES 286920 6/30/2023 SCHWAN, MCKENZIE 5/8/2023 SCHWAN M 2023 $129.93 PD-REIMB CLOTHING 286927 6/30/2023 SOUND UNIFORM/BRATWEAR5/23/2023 202305SU152 $37.78 PD-UNIFORM/EQUIPMENT Key Bank Page 5 of 55 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGLTotal 286927 6/30/2023 SOUND UNIFORM/BRATWEAR5/31/2023 202305SU223 $554.81 PD-UNIFORM/EQUIPMENT 287102 7/14/2023 SOUND UNIFORM/BRATWEAR6/19/2023 202306SU149 $23.16 PD-UNIFORM/EQUIPMENT 287102 7/14/2023 SOUND UNIFORM/BRATWEAR6/15/2023 202306SU120 $78.31 PD-UNIFORM/EQUIPMENT 287020 7/14/2023 GREEN, GEORGE 6/27/2023 GREEN 2023 $200.00 PD-CLOTHING ALLOW 287075 7/14/2023 PETTY CASH -POLICE DEPT, 6/28/2023 034057 $20.00 PD-ALTERATIONS ON UNIFORM- 287075 7/14/2023 PETTY CASH -POLICE DEPT, 6/28/2023 034057 $33.12 PD-SHIRTS- 287075 7/14/2023 PETTY CASH -POLICE DEPT, 6/28/2023 034057 $85 28 PD-PANTS- 287102 7/14/2023 SOUND UNIFORMIBRATWEAR6/9/2023 202306SU068 $648 56 PD-UNIFORM/EQUIPMENT 287102 7/14/2023 SOUND UNIFORM/BRATWEAR6/9/2023 202306SU072 $579.08 PD-UNIFORM/EQUIPMENT 287102 7/14/2023 SOUND UNIFORM/BRATWEAR6/12/2023 202306SU092 $99.27 PD-UNIFORM/EQUIPMENT 287014 7/14/2023 GCP WW HOLDCO LLC, WORI6/20/2023 INV2070004094 $271.97 PKM-UNIFORM SUPPLIES 286995 7/14/2023 COASTAL FARM & HOME SUP6/20/2023 5056 $256.69 PKM-OPER SUPPLIES 286995 7/14/2023 COASTAL FARM & HOME SUP6/20/2023 5057 $181.82 PKM-OPER SUPPLIES 286995 7/14/2023 COASTAL FARM & HOME SUP6/20/2023 5058 $297.48 PKM-OPER SUPPLIES 286995 7/14/2023 COASTAL FARM & HOME SUP6/20/2023 5059 $247.94 PKM-OPER SUPPLIES 286995 7/14/2023 COASTAL FARM & HOME SUP6/20/2023 5060 $132.22 PKM-OPER SUPPLIES 286996 7/14/2023 COLLINS, CLINTON "TONY" 7/11/2023 COLLINS 2023 $178.69 PKM-UNIFORM COMMUNICATIONS $1,473.24 629239491 6/23/2023 US BANK, 6/23/2023 MAY 2023 PRO VISA $99.95 IT-INTERNET SVCS 629239491 6/23/2023 US BANK, 6/23/2023 MAY 2023 PRO VISA $99 95 IT-INTERNET SVCS 286818 6/30/2023 AT&T MOBILITY, 6/5/2023 287290386709XO613202 $142.54 IT-05/23 DATA CARDS 286825 6/30/2023 CENTURYLINK, 6/4/2023 206-Z04-0609 472E $53.98 IT-06/23 PHONE SERVICES 286825 6/30/2023 CENTURYLINK, 6l4/2023 206-Z04-0609 472B $310A0 IT-06/23 PHONE SERVICES 286825 6/30/2023 CENTURYLINK, 6/4/2023 206-Z04-0609 472E $310.41 IT-06/23 PHONE SERVICES 286944 6/30/2023 VERIZON WIRELESS, 6/10/2023 9936982144 $46.79 IT-05/23 CELLULAR SVC 286971 7/14/2023 AMERICALL COMMUNICATIOW/28/2023 116417230628 $136.40 SWM/PWST/CHB-CALL CENTER SVC Key Bank Page 6 of 55 (;henk Nn date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGLTotal 286971 7/14/2023 AMERICALL COMMUNICATION6/28/2023 116417230628 $136.41 SWM/PWST/CHB-CALL CENTER SVC 286971 7/14/2023 AMERICALL COMMUNICATIONS/28/2023 116417230628 $136.41 SWM/PWST/CHB-CALL CENTER SVC COMPUTER SOFTWARE -MAJOR 287038 7/14/2023 KARPEL COMPUTER SYSTEM7/3/2023 62648 $36,709.15 IT-AG22-056 PROSECUTION SOFTWA CONCEAL PISTOL LIC-RENEW-CITY 287060 7/14/2023 MOORE, TRACY L. 6/29/2023 003-00103147 $28.00 PD-REFUND FEES CONCEALED PISTOL LIC - STATE 286805 6/22/2023 WA STATE DEPT OF LICENSIN5/30/2023 5/30/23 CPL RE -ISSUE $3,489.00 PD-05/30/23 CPL FEES 287060 7/14/2023 MOORE, TRACY L. 6/29/2023 003-00103147 $36.00 PD-REFUND FEES 287129 7/14/2023 WA STATE DEPT OF LICENSIN6/30/2023 06/30/23 CPL FEES $1,551,00 PD-06/30/23 CPL FEES CONFERENCEISEMINAR REGISTRATH 629239491 6/23/2023 US BANK, 6/23/2023 MAY 2023 PRO VISA $125 00 FI-GFOA CONF. 629239491 6/23/2023 US BANK, 6/23/2023 MAY 2023 PRO VISA $35.00 FI-GFOA CONF. 629239491 6/23/2023 US BANK, 6/23/2023 MAY 2023 PRO VISA $645 00 PWTR-TRAINING 629239491 6/23/2023 US BANK, 6/23/2023 MAY 2023 PRO VISA $80.00 PWST-TRAINING 629239491 6/23/2023 US BANK, 6/23/2023 MAY 2023 PRO VISA $300 00 PWTR-TRAINING 629239491 6/23/2023 US BANK, 6/23/2023 MAY 2023 PRO VISA $400.00 IT-2023 WASIGACONF 629239491 6/23/2023 US BANK, 6/23/2023 MAY 2023 PRO VISA $1,425.00 CC -CONFERENCE REGIS. 629239491 6/23/2023 US BANK, 6/23/2023 MAY 2023 PRO VISA $180 00 PWTR-TRAINING 629239491 6/23/2023 US BANK, 6/23/2023 MAY 2023 PRO VISA $500.00 IT-2023 WASIGA CONF 629239491 6/23/2023 US BANK, 6/23/2023 MAY 2023 PRO VISA $55.00 CC-REGIS NETWORK DINNER 629239491 6/23/2023 US BANK, 6/23/2023 MAY 2023 PRO VISA $55.00 CC-REGIS NETWORK DINNER 629239491 6/23/2023 US BANK, 6/23/2023 MAY 2023 PRO VISA $460.00 IT-DEFCON 31 CONF 626234759 6/26/2023 US BANK, 6/26/2023 MAY 2023 CITY VISA $20.00 MO -GOOD EGGS BRKFST MTG 626234759 6/26/2023 US BANK, 6/26/2023 MAY 2023 CITY VISA $90.00 MO -CHAMBER MTO 626234759 6/26/2023 US BANK, 6/26/2023 MAY 2023 CITY VISA $30.00 MOED-CHAMBER MTG 626234759 6/26/2023 US BANK, 6/26/2023 MAY 2023 CITY VISA $35.00 MOED-REGISTRATION CONF. 626233793 6/26/2023 US BANK, 6/26/2023 MAY 2023 PD VISA $350,00 PD-WSSO CONF $36,709.15 $28.00 $5,076.00 $21,606.16 Key Bank Page 7 of 55 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 626233793 6/26/2023 US BANK, 6/26/2023 MAY 2023 PD VISA $595.00 PD-CSM CONF 626233793 6/26/2023 US BANK, 6/26/2023 MAY 2023 PD VISA $80.00 PD-ENGAGING MUSLIM STUD MTG 626233793 6/26/2023 US BANK, 6/26/2023 MAY 2023 PD VISA $109.00 PD-COVERT MEDIA STUDY COURSE 626233793 6/26/2023 US BANK, 6/26/2023 MAY 2023 PD VISA $75.00 PD-FBI LEEDA CONF 626233793 6/26/2023 US BANK, 6/26/2023 MAY 2023 PD VISA $2,198.00 PD-2023 IGNITE CONF 626233793 6/26/2023 US BANK, 6/26/2023 MAY 2023 PD VISA $350.00 PD-WSSO CONF 626233793 6/26/2023 US BANK, 6/26/2023 MAY 2023 PD VISA $350.00 PD-WSSO CONF 626233793 6/26/2023 US BANK, 6/26/2023 MAY 2023 PD VISA $1,250.00 PD-WSSO CONF 626233793 6/26/2023 US BANK, 6/26/2023 MAY 2023 PD VISA $550.00 PD-NASRO CONF 626233793 6/26/2023 US BANK, 6/26/2023 MAY 2023 PD VISA $550 00 PD-NASRO CONF 626233793 6/26/2023 US BANK, 6/26/2023 MAY 2023 PD VISA $-1,250.00 PD-REFUND CANCELLED TRAINING 626233793 6/26/2023 US BANK, 6/26/2023 MAY 2023 PD VISA $-1,250.00 PD-REFUND CANCELLED TRAINING 626233793 6/26/2023 US BANK, 6/26/2023 MAY 2023 PD VISA $-795.00 PD-REFUND CANCELLED TRAINING 626233793 6/26/2023 US BANK, 6/26/2023 MAY 2023 PD VISA $675.00 PD-STREET COP TRAINING 626233793 6126/2023 US BANK, 6/26/2023 MAY 2023 PD VISA $575 00 PD-CSM CONF 626233793 6/26/2023 US BANK, 6/26/2023 MAY 2023 PD VISA $1,399.00 PD-FSCC CONF 626233793 6/26/2023 US BANK, 6/26/2023 MAY 2023 PD VISA $1,399.00 PD-FSCC CONF 626234759 6/26/2023 US BANK, 6/26/2023 MAY 2023 CITY VISA $1,841.60 PARKS -SUMMER CAMP WK 286947 6/30/2023 WA STATE CRIMINAL JUSTICE617/2023 201138225 $4.212.00 PD-TRAINING SVC 287131 7/14/2023 WA STATE PATROL, 6121/2023 T2300108 $3,152.56 PD-BACKGROUND CHECKS 286969 7/14/2023 ALIZAI, SHEKIB 6/14/2023 ALIZAI 2023 $80.00 PWST-FLAGGER TRAINING 287128 7/14/2023 WA STATE CRIMINAL JUSTICE6/23/2023 201138275 $75.00 PD-TRAINING SVC 287127 7/14/2023 WA STATE CRIMINAL JUSTICE6/23/2023 201138287 $600 00 PD-TRAINING SVC CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS $1,068,050.52 286905 6/30/2023 PIPELINE VIDEO INSPECTION6/15/2023 936408R $17,415.05 SWM-AG21-088 2021 STORM DRAIN 287101 7/1412023 SOUND PACIFIC CONSTRUCT2/7/2023 AG21-127 #11 $91,962.96 PW-AG21-127 SW DASH POINT RD @ Page 8 of 55 Key Bank Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Descriptiorl AmountGL Total 287067 7/14/2023 NORTHWEST PLAYGROUND, 6/22/2023 51626 $2.775.00 PKM-100 CUBIC YARDS OF CERTIFI 287067 7/14/2023 NORTHWEST PLAYGROUND, 6/22/2023 51626 $1.350.00 Freight 287067 7/14/2023 NORTHWEST PLAYGROUND, 6/22/2023 51626 $416.63 Sales Tax 287029 7/14/2023 ICON MATERIALS INC, 5/31/2023 AG23-100 #2 $370,662.96 PW-AG23-100 2023 ASPHALT OVERL 287029 7/14/2023 ICON MATERIALS INC, 5/31/2023 AG23-100 #2 $546,068.17 PW-AG23-100 2023 ASPHALT OVERL 287009 7/14/2023 EVERGREEN METAL WORKS, 6/22/2023 11866 $7,254 00 PKM-ALUMINUM TREE CAGE FOR TR 287009 7/14/2023 EVERGREEN METAL WORKS, 6122/2023 11866 $732.65 Sales Tax 287101 7/14/2023 SOUND PACIFIC CONSTRUCT6/21/2023 AG21-127 #12 $29,413.10 PW-AG21-127 SW DASH POINT RD @ CONSULTING CONTRACTS $232,016.44 286865 6/30/2023 JIMENEZ PRODUCTIONS, DA\6/28/2023 6/28/23 $490.00 IT-AG23-010 VIDEO PRODUCTION S 286896 6/30/2023 PARAMETRIX INC, 6/23/2023 46041 $8,120.98 PWST-CITY CENTER ACCESS AG17-1 286822 6/30/2023 CASCADIA CONSULTING GRO5125/2023 9875 $8,200.00 CD-AG22-149 GREENHOUSE GAS STU 286931 6/30/2023 STANTEC CONSULTING SERV6/7/2023 2088420 $506.75 CD-AG22-083 ELECTRICAL LIGHTIN 286868 6/30/2023 KPFF INC, KPFF CONSULTING/8/2023 474380 $50,013.95 PW-AG20-008 PACIFIC HW NON -MOT 286868 6/30/2023 KPFF INC, KPFF CONSULTING/8/2023 474392 $8.233,26 PW-AG21-173 27TH AVE SWAT SW 286855 6/30/2023 GEOENGINEERS INC, 6/16/2023 0189265 $8,637.75 PW-AG21-192 34293 REDONDO CREE 286858 6130/2023 HELIX DESIGN GROUP INC, 5/30/2023 0005658 $21,758.55 PW-AG20-925 OPT & MAINT FACILI 286858 6/30/2023 HELIX DESIGN GROUP INC, 5/30/2023 0005659 $7,000.00 PW-AG20-925 OPT & MAINT FACILI 286887 6/30/2023 NARWHAL MET LLC, DBA WE15/23/2023 2023-22553 $5,580.00 SWM/PWST-2023 FORECASTING SERV 286926 6/30/2023 SOUND PUBLISHING INC, 5/19/2023 FWM976781 $112.32 SWM-AD ACCT#83722479 286851 6/30/2023 FEHR & PEERS, 5/12/2023 164872 $1.175,00 PW-AG21-154 21STAVE S & S 320 286823 6/30/2023 CBRE, INC, 5/13/2023 0014955-1-23 $5,000.00 CD-AG23-055 APPRAISAL OF TC-3 286851 6/30/2023 FEHR & PEERS, 3/13/2023 163422 $22,585.30 PW-AG21-154 21STAVE S & S 320 286851 6/30/2023 FEHR & PEERS, 4/18/2023 164200 $8,988.77 PW-AG21-154 21STAVE S & S 320 286865 6/30/2023 JIMENEZ PRODUCTIONS, DA101/3012022 11/30/22 $710.00 IT-AG23-010 VIDEO PRODUCTION S 287106 7/1412023 STANTEC CONSULTING SERV7/4/2023 2100754 $3,137.50 CD-AG22-083 ELECTRICAL LIGHTIN Page 9 of 55 Key Bank Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Descnptori Amou:tGL Total 287116 7/14/2023 TIERRA RIGHT OF WAY SRVC7/6/2023 2301193 $27,739.31 PWST-AG23-130 JNT OPER & MAINT 286968 7114/2023 AHBL INC, 4/30/2023 138700 $1,050 00 CD-AG20-555 EVALUATION OF LAND 287093 7/14/2023 SCJ ALLIANCE, 6/13/2023 72443 $16,209.50 PW-AG23-103 S 320TH GRADE SEPA 286973 7/14/2023 AQUATECHNEX, INC., 6/10/2023 15964 $2,750.00 SWM-AG22-144 NORTH LAKE & STEE 287115 7/14/2023 TIBERIUS SOLUTIONS LLC, 6/14/2023 1908 $6,662.50 CD-AG22-109 TAX INCREMENT FINA 286986 7/14/2023 CASCADIA CONSULTING GRO6/20/2023 9941 $17,355.00 CD-AG22-149 GREENHOUSE GAS STU COPIER & PRINTER SUPPLIES $1,920.26 286836 6/30/2023 COPIERS NORTHWEST INC, 5/31/2023 INV2658603 $278.20 IT-AG21-019 PRINTER/COPIER MAI 286835 6/30/2023 COMPLETE OFFICE, 6/22/2023 2220580-0 $114.15 HR-OFFICE SUPPLIES 286835 6/30/2023 COMPLETE OFFICE, 6/22/2023 2220581-0 $229.72 HR-OFFICE SUPPLIES 286835 6/30/2023 COMPLETE OFFICE, 6/22/2023 2220582-0 $153.15 HR-OFFICE SUPPLIES 286835 6/30/2023 COMPLETE OFFICE, 6/22/2023 2220583-0 $400.82 HR-OFFICE SUPPLIES 286835 6/30/2023 COMPLETE OFFICE, 6/22/2023 2220585-0 $25.79 HR-OFFICE SUPPLIES 286835 6/30/2023 COMPLETE OFFICE, 6/22/2023 2220586-0 $153.15 HR-OFFICE SUPPLIES 286835 6/30/2023 COMPLETE OFFICE, 6/22/2023 2220587-0 $76.57 HR-OFFICE SUPPLIES 286998 7/14/2023 COPIERS NORTHWEST INC, 7/5/2023 INV2673049 $129.29 IT-AG21-019 PRINTER/COPIER MAI 286998 7/14/2023 COPIERS NORTHWEST INC, 7/4/2023 INV2672318 $205.89 IT-AG21-019 PRINTER/COPIER MAI 286983 7114/2023 CAFFE D'ARTE LLC, 7/3/2023 526310 $113.53 HR-COFFEE SUPPLIES 286983 7/14/2023 CAFFE D'ARTE LLC, 6/26/2023 525711 $40.00 HR-COFFEE SUPPLIES COURT - AUTO THEFT PREVENTION $6,602.78 286949 6/30/2023 WA STATE -STATE REVENUES,6/2612023 MAY 2023 $3,421.49 FI-05/23 STATE PORTION REMIT F 287132 7/14/2023 WA STATE -STATE REVENUES,7/10/2023 JUNE 2023 $3,181.29 FI-06/23 STATE PORTION REMIT F $1,758.44 COURT - CRIME VICTIMS 286909 6/30/2023 PROSECUTING ATTORNEYSC6/26/2023 06/26/23 $935.58 FI-REFUND KC CRIME VICTIMS REM 287083 7/14/2023 PROSECUTING ATTORNEYS C7/1012023 7/10/23 $822.86 MC -PROBATION -LUMBAR SUPPORT COURT - DEATH INV ACCT $110.69 286949 6/30/2023 WA STATE -STATE REVENUES,6/26/2023 MAY 2023 $54.70 FI-05/23 STATE PORTION REMIT F 287132 7/14/2023 WA STATE -STATE REVENUES,7/10/2023 JUNE 2023 $55 99 FI-06/23 STATE PORTION REMIT F Page 10 of 55 Key Bank Check No. fate Vendor Invoice hate Invoice Description AmountGLTotal COURT - HWY SAFETY ACT $503.82 286949 6/30/2023 WA STATE -STATE REVENUES,6/26/2023 MAY 2023 $251.67 FI-05/23 STATE PORTION REMIT F 287132 7/14/2023 WA STATE -STATE REVENUES,7/10/2023 JUNE 2023 $252.15 FI-06/23 STATE PORTION REMIT F COURT - JUDICIAL STABILIZATION TR $38.82 286949 6/30/2023 WA STATE -STATE REVENUES,6/26/2023 MAY 2023 $38.82 FI-05/23 STATE PORTION REMIT F COURT - PSEA JIS $19,025.68 286949 6/30/2023 WA STATE -STATE REVENUES,6/26/2023 MAY 2023 $9.804.70 FI-05/23 STATE PORTION REMIT F 287132 7/14/2023 WA STATE -STATE REVENUES,7/10/2023 JUNE 2023 $9,220.98 FI-06/23 STATE PORTION REMIT F COURT - SCHOOL SAFETY ZONE $102.83 286949 6/30/2023 WA STATE -STATE REVENUES,6/26/2023 MAY 2023 $36.36 FI-05/23 STATE PORTION REMIT F 287132 7/14/2023 WA STATE -STATE REVEN U ES,7/10/2023 JUNE 2023 $66.47 FI-06/23 STATE PORTION REMIT F COURT - STATE PORTION $52,052.23 286949 6/30/2023 WA STATE -STATE REVEN U ES,6/26/2023 MAY 2023 $27,348 84 FI-05/23 STATE PORTION REMIT F 287132 7/14/2023 WA STATE -STATE REVENUES,7/10/2023 JUNE 2023 $24,703.39 FI-06/23 STATE PORTION REMIT F COURT - STATE PSEA 2 $28,010.80 286949 6/30/2023 WA STATE -STATE REVENUES,6/26/2023 MAY 2023 $14,798.39 FI-05/23 STATE PORTION REMIT F 287132 7/14/2023 WA STATE -STATE REVENUES,7/10/2023 JUNE 2023 $13,212.41 FI-06/23 STATE PORTION REMIT F $853.54 COURT - STATE PSEA3 286949 6/30/2023 WA STATE -STATE REVENUES,6/26/2023 MAY 2023 $486.48 FI-05/23 STATE PORTION REMIT F 287132 7/14/2023 WA STATE -STATE REVEN U ES,7/10/2023 JUNE 2023 $367 06 FI-06/23 STATE PORTION REMIT F COURT - TRAUMA BRAIN INJURY $2,627.92 286949 6/30/2023 WA STATE -STATE REVEN U ES,6/26/2023 MAY 2023 $1,309.35 FI-05/23 STATE PORTION REMIT F 287132 7/14/2023 WA STATE -STATE REVENUES,7/10/2023 JUNE 2023 $1,318.57 FI-06/23 STATE PORTION REMIT F COURT - WSP HIWAY ACCT $629.33 286949 6/30/2023 WA STATE -STATE REVENUES,6/26/2023 MAY 2023 $310.86 FI-05/23 STATE PORTION REMIT F 287132 7/14/2023 WA STATE -STATE REVENUES,7/10/2023 JUNE 2023 $318.47 FI-06/23 STATE PORTION REMIT F $12.08 COURT LAW LIBRARY 286909 6/30/2023 PROSECUTING ATTORNEYS C6/26/2023 06/26/23 $12 08 FI-REFUND KC CRIME VICTIMS REM COURT -TRAUMA VICTIMS $3,301.85 286949 6/30/2023 WA STATE -STATE REVENUES,6/26/2023 MAY 2023 $1,710.93 FI-05/23 STATE PORTION REMIT F 287132 7/14/2023 WA STATE -STATE REVENUES,?/10/2023 JUNE 2023 $1,590.92 FI-06/23 STATE PORTION REMIT F $0.43 COURT -VEHICLE LIC FRAUD Page 11 of 55 Key Bank Check No Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice DescOption AmountGL Total 286949 6/30/2023 WA STATE -STATE REVENUES,6/26/2023 MAY 2023 $0.43 FI-05/23 STATE PORTION REMIT F CPL LAMINATION $10.00 287060 7/14/2023 MOORE, TRACY L 6/29/2023 003-00103147 $10.00 PD-REFUND FEES CUSTODIAL & CLEANING $9,151.03 286816 6/30/2023 ARAMARK UNIFORM SERVICE6/13/2023 5120260655 $169.55 DBC-LINEN SVC 286816 6/30/2023 ARAMARK UNIFORM SERVICE6/13/2023 5120260656 $156.34 DBC-LINEN SVC 286824 6/30/2023 CEDAR BUILDING SERVICE I1\6/l/2023 52987 $7,332.10 DBC-AG19-170 JANITORIAL & HOUS 286816 6/30/2023 ARAMARK UNIFORM SERVICE6/6/2023 5120255873 $156.34 DBC-LINEN SVC 286816 6/30/2023 ARAMARK UNIFORM SERVICE6/6/2023 5120255872 $169.55 DBC-LINEN SVC 286974 7/14/2023 ARAMARK UNIFORM SERVICE6/13/2023 5120260650 $28.58 FWCC-LINEN SVC 286974 7/14/2023 ARAMARK UNIFORM SERVICE6/13/2023 5120260651 $41 84 FWCC-LINEN SVC 286974 7/14/2023 ARAMARK UNIFORM SERVICE6/20/2023 5120265001 $169.55 DBC-LINEN SVC 286974 7/14/2023 ARAMARK UNIFORM SERVICE6/20/2023 5120265002 $156 34 DBC-LINEN SVC 286974 7/14/2023 ARAMARK UNIFORM SERVICE7/4/2023 5120273058 $157 45 DBC-LINEN SVC 286974 7/14/2023 ARAMARK UNIFORM SERVICE7/4/2023 5120273059 $156.34 DBC-LINEN SVC 286974 7/14/2023 ARAMARK UNIFORM SERVICEI/24/2023 5120172795 $28 58 FWCC-LINEN SVC 286974 7/14/2023 ARAMARK UNIFORM SERVICEI/24/2023 5120172797 $41.84 FWCC-LINEN SVC 286974 7/14/2023 ARAMARK UNIFORM SERVICE6/27/2023 5120269356 $159.87 DBC-LINEN SVC 286974 7/14/2023 ARAMARK UNIFORM SERVICE6/27/2023 I 5120269357 $156.34 DBC-LINEN SVC 286974 7/14/2023 ARAMARK UNIFORM SERVICE5/30/2023 5120251885 $28.58 FWCC-LINEN SVC 286974 7/14/2023 ARAMARK UNIFORM SERVICE5/30/2023 5120251886 $41.84 FWCC-LINEN SVC DEF REV-FWCC-REC TRAC $260.00 286922 6/30/2023 SKYHAWKS SPORTS ACADEW/26/2023 968328 $250.00 FWCC-REFUND CALCELLED PGM #968 DEF REV-GEN REC-REC TRAC $659.00 286826 6/30/2023 CHASE, COURTNEY 6/20/2023 964150 $49.00 FWCC-REFUND CALCELLED PGM #964 286897 6/30/2023 PARK, CHUNG DAE 6/21/2023 964624 $60 00 FWCC-REFUND CALCELLED PGM #964 286966 7/14/2023 AFGHAN HEALTH INITIATIVE, 7/6/2023 974731 $500.00 FWCC-REFUND CALCELLED PGM #974 287096 7/14/2023 SIMON. MARVA 7/10/2023 977183 $50 00 FWCC-REFUND CALCELLED PGM #977 Page 12 of 55 Key Bank Check No Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total DEPOSIT-ENVIRON REVIEW $4,940.50 286854 6/30/2023 GEODESIGN INC, 4/29/2023 328299 B $1,093.75 CD-AG21-100 ENGINEERING REVIEW 286854 6/30/2023 GEODESIGN INC, 6/9/2023 334824 $46.75 CD-AG21-100 ENGINEERING REVIEW 287008 7/14/2023 ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCEA.7/6/2023 186285 $2,920.00 CD-AG19-127 THIRD PARTY WETLAN 286968 7/14/2023 AHBL INC, 5/31/2023 139188 $880.00 CD-AG20-555 EVALUATION OF LAND ELECTRICAL PERMITS $3,445.93 286936 6/30/2023 TAYLOR HEATING, 5/18/2023 23-102559 $114.90 CD-23-102559 PERMIT REFUND 286837 6/30/2023 CUMMINS INC., 5/23/2023 23-102732 $63 39 CD-23-102732 PERMIT REFUND 286953 6/30/2023 WASHINGTON ENERGY SERV5/24/2023 23-102759 $182.75 CD23-102759 PERMIT REFUND 286815 6/30/2023 AMAYA ELECTRIC, 6/2/2023 23-100115 $2,857.79 CD-23-100115 PERMIT REFUND 286838 6/3012023 CUSTOM ELECTRICAL SERVI(6/1/2023 22-103884 $58,26 CD-22-103884 PERMIT REFUND 286844 6/30/2023 ENERGY MANAGEMENT SER\6/7/2023 23-102969 $168.84 CD-23-102969 PERMIT REFUND $89,632.89 ELECTRICITY 286911 6/30/2023 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 5/17/2023 220027462302 $37.99 SWM-5/23 34016 9TH AVE S FEDER 286935 6/30/2023 TACOMA PUBLIC UTILITIES, 6/6/2023 100048250 $1,373.16 DBC-4/26/23-05/24/23 PUBLIC 286935 6/30/2023 TACOMA PUBLIC UTILITIES, 5/17/2023 101181223 $26.73 PWTR-03/18/23-5/16/23 1909 SW 286911 6/30/2023 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 6/9/2023 220028947798 $24,768.29 PWTR-05/23 PWTR STREETLIGHTS 286911 6/30/2023 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 6/12/2023 300000009526 $24.384.67 PWTR-05/23 PWTR STREETLIGHTS 286911 6/30/2023 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 6/16/2023 220031212834 $78'67 PWTR-06/23 1336 S 336TH ST ' 286911 6/30/2023 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 6/15/2023 220028151383 $87.15 PWTR-06/23 34404 16TH AVE S 286911 6/30/2023 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 6/15/2023 220028560633 $14.11 PWTR-05/23 34701 11TH PL S 286911 6/30/2023 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 6/15/2023 220031075421 $46.07 PWTR-06/23 1688 S 348TH ST# LI 286911 6/30/2023 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 6/14/2023 220030037323 $58.61 PWTR-05/23 1921 S 302ND ST 286911 6/30/2023 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 6/14/2023 220031180106 $53.71 PWTR-6/23 31910 GATEWAY CENTER 286911 6/30/2023 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 6/19/2023 220030838597 $30.85 PWTR- 05/23 4451 SW 313TH ST # 287085 7/14/2023 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 6/23/2023 300000001978 $968.67 PKM- SAC PARK RR FIELD LIGHTS 287085 7/14/2023 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 6/23/2023 300000001978 $21.24 PKM- 1ST AVE &CAMPUS DR. WINC Key Bank Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description Page 13 of 55 AmountGL Total 287085 7/14/2023 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 6/23/2023 300000001978 $325 82 PKM- 2410 S 312TH BEACH RR/CON 287085 7/14/2023 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 6/23/2023 300000001978 $33.42 PKM- 2410 S 312TH STORAGE- 287085 7/14/2023 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 6/23/2023 300000001978 $132.90 PKM- 2410 S 312TH WOODSHOP- 287085 7/14/2023 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 6/23/2023 300000001978 $1,590.09 PKM- 2645 S 312TH ANX-RR/FIELD 287085 7/14/2023 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 6/23/2023 300000001978 $14.98 PKM- 28156 1/2 24TH HERITGE PA 287085 7/14/2023 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 6/23/2023 300000001978 $250.13 CHB- 31104 28TH AVE S HAUGE BO 287085 7/14/2023 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 7/3/2023 300000007322 $8,965,37 PWTR-06/23 PSE ELECTRICITY CHG 287085 7/14/2023 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 6/16/2023 220003675349 $9•29 PKM-05/23 726 S 356TH ELECTRIC 287085 7/14/2023 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC,.6/16/2023 220018358782 $12.15 PKM-05/23 550 SW CAMPUS DR 4P1 287085 7/14/2023 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 6/23/2023 300000001978 $31.09 FWCC-876 S 333RD U096207587 287085 7/14/2023 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 6/23/2023 300000001978 $3,132.97 PKM- S 324TH BLDG A Z004354804 287085 7/14/2023 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 6/23/2023 300000001978 $1,711.09 PKM- S 324TH BLDG B Z007917706 287085 7/14/2023 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 6/23/2023 300000001978 $434,02 CHB- 31104 28TH AVE S STLK SHO 287085 7/14/2023 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 6/23/2023 300000001978 $1,755.85 DBC- 3200 SW DASH PT ROAD- 287085 7/14/2023 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 6/23/2023 300000001978 $51.15 PKM-7TH AVE SW N OF SW 320TH N 287085 7/14/2023 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 6/23/2023 300000001978 $12,986.76 CHB- 33325 8TH AVE Z004537423 287085 7/14/2023 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 6/23/2023 300000001978 $4.285.77 PKM- 33914 19TH AVE SAG FIELD 287085 7/14/2023 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 6/23/2023 300000001978 $17.71 PKM- 34915 4TH AVE MARKX HOUSE 287085 7/14/2023 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 6/23/2023 300000001978 $537.91 CHB- 600 S 333RD EVID. BLDG 00 287085 7/14/2023 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 6/23/2023 300000001978 $162.27 PKM-726 S 356TH A093042663 287085 7/14/2023 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 6/23/2023 300000001978 $677.28 PKM-31600 PETE VON REICHBAUER 287085 7/14/2023 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 6/23/2023 300000001978 $30 96 PKM- 2410 S 312TH STLK ST LIGH 287085 7/14/2023 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 6/23/2023 300000001978 $77.82 PKM- 21 STAVE LAKOTA RR BLDG & 287085 7/14/2023 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 6/14/2023 220025635438 $48 79 PKM-05/23 31132 28TH AVE S 287085 7/14/2023 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 6/14/2023 220030875599 $120.36 PKM-05/23 2410 S 312TH ST 287085 7/14/2023 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 6/14/2023 220031179967 $36.62 PWTR-06123 3014 S 320TH ST #LI Page 14 of 55 Key Bank Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 287085 7/14/2023 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 6/14/2023 220031767019 $136.95 PKM-5/23 31701 23RD AVE S 287085 7/14/2023 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 6/15/2023 220031075454 $100 44 PWTR-6/23 36201 ENCHANTED PKWY 287085 7/14/2023 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 6/14/2023 220014198398 $13.01 PKM-06/23 2645 S 312TH ST ELEC EVIDENCE FUNDS $2,143.00 287025 7/14/2023 HERNANDEZ. GEORGE EDWA5/31/2023 05/31/23 $211.00 PD-EVIDENCE FUNDS 287111 7/14/2023 THE CLOCK SHOP, 5/31/2023 5/31/2023 $80.00 PD-EVIDENCE FUNDS 287026 7/14/2023 HILL, CHRISTOPHER WAYNE 5/31/2023 5/31/23 $5.00 PD-EVIDENCE FUNDS 287044 7/14/2023 KOZUB, VLADIMIR YURYEVICI5/31/2023 5/31/23 $1,017.00 PD-EVIDENCE FUNDS 287047 7/14/2023 LEABO, AUSTIN GENE 5/31/2023 5/31/23 $252.00 PD-EVIDENCE FUNDS 286981 7/14/2023 BROWN, LISAMARIE 5/31/2023 5131/23 $6.00 PD-EVIDENCE FUNDS 286978 7/14/2023 BANKOFAMERICA, 5/31/2023 5/31/23 $250.00 PD-EVIDENCE FUNDS 287118 7/14/2023 TODD. BRANDON JOHN 5/31/2023 5/31/23 $45.00 PD-EVIDENCE FUNDS 287055 7/14/2023 MARATITA, DOMINIC C 5/13/2023 5/31/2023 $130.00 PD-EVIDENCE FUNDS 287034 7/14/2023 JACOBS, JENNIFER 5/13/2023 5/31/23 $147.00 PD-EVIDENCE FUNDS FIRST CLASS POSTAGE $277.89 287079 7/14/2023 PITNEY BOWES PRESORT SV6/3/2023 1023259247 $277.89 FI-PITNEY BOWES POSTAGE DEPOSI FOOD & BEVERAGE $42,274.90 629239491 6/23/2023 US BANK, 6/23/2023 MAY 2023 PRO VISA $80 00 MOED-BREAKFAST MTG 629239491 6/23/2023 US BANK, 6/23/2023 MAY 2023 PRO VISA $59 54 PKM-ANNIVERSARY FOOD ITEMS 629239491 6/23/2023 US BANK, 6/23/2023 MAY 2023 PRO VISA $80 00 MOED-BREAKFAST MTG 629239491 6/23/2023 US BANK, 6/23/2023 MAY 2023 PRO VISA $43.96 PKM-DONUTS SAFETY MTG 629239491 6/23/2023 US BANK, 6/23/2023 MAY 2023 PRO VISA $58.25 PKM-WATER FOR CREW 629239491 6/23/2023 US BANK, 6/23/2023 MAY 2023 PRO VISA $21 96 DBC-OPER SUPPL 629239491 6/23/2023 US BANK, 6/23/2023 MAY 2023 PRO VISA $90 53 PKM-INTERVIEVJS LUNCH 629239491 6/23/2023 US BANK, 6/23/2023 MAY 2023 PRO VISA $141.22 MO -DINNER FOR CC MTG 5/2/23 629239491 6/23/2023 US BANK, 6/23/2023 MAY 2023 PRO VISA $14.54 CC -DINNER FOR CC MTG 5/2/23 629239491 6/23/2023 US BANK, 6/23/2023 MAY 2023 PRO VISA $171 21 CC -DINNER FOR CC MTG 5/2/23 Page 15 of 55 Key Bank Check No. Date vendor Invoice Date Invoice Descrlp5on AmountGL Total 629239491 6/23/2023 US BANK, 6/23/2023 MAY 2023 PRO VISA $120.93 CC -LUNCH FOR COMM 629239491 6/23/2023 US BANK, 6/23/2023 MAY 2023 PRO VISA $8.36 SWR-FOOD FOR PW WEEK 629239491 6/23/2023 US BANK, 6/23/2023 MAY 2023 PRO VISA $33.44 SWM-FOOD FOR PW WEEK 629239491 6/23/2023 US BANK, 6/23/2023 MAY 2023 PRO VISA $91.95 SWM-FOOD FOR PW WEEK 629239491 6/23/2023 US BANK, 6/23/2023 MAY 2023 PRO VISA $25.08 PWTR-FOOD FOR PW WEEK 629239491 6/23/2023 US BANK, 6/23/2023 MAY 2023 PRO VISA $100.06 MO-DNR CC MTG 5/16/23 62923949'1 6/23/2023 US BANK, 6/23/2023 MAY 2023 PRO VISA $151.90 CC -DINNER FOR CC MTG 5/16/23 629239491 6/23/2023 US BANK, 6/23/2023 MAY 2023 PRO VISA $117.50 MO -LUNCH FOR COMM 629239491 6/23/2023 US BANK, 6/23/2023 MAY 2023 PRO VISA $122.15 PW-FOOD FOR PW WEEK 629239491 6/23/2023 US BANK, 6/23/2023 MAY 2023 PRO VISA $120.00 CC -CHAMBER LUNCHEON 629239491 6/23/2023 US BANK, 6/23/2023 MAY 2023 PRO VISA $672.83 SWM-FOOD FOR VOLUNTEERS 629239491 6/23/2023 US BANK, 6/23/2023 MAY 2023 PRO VISA $62.33 DBC-ART IMPACT LUNCH 626233793 6/26/2023 US BANK, 6/26/2023 MAY 2023 PD VISA $124,43 PD-FOOD SUPPLIES 626233793 6/26/2023 US BANK, 6/26/2023 MAY 2023 PD VISA $53.29 PD-FOOD SUPPLIES 626233793 6/26/2023 US BANK, 6/26/2023 MAY 2023 PD VISA $115.48 PD-FOOD SUPPLIES 626233793 6/26/2023 US BANK, 6/26/2023 MAY 2023 PD VISA $55.76 PD-FOOD SUPPLIES 626233793 6/26/2023 US BANK, 6/26/2023 MAY 2023 PD VISA $72.79 PD-FOOD SUPPLIES 626233793 6/26/2023 US BANK, 6/26/2023 MAY 2023 PD VISA $75.90 PD-FOOD SUPPLIES 626233793 6/26/2023 US BANK, 6/26/2023 MAY 2023 PD VISA $70.57 PD-FOOD SUPPLIES 626233793 6/26/2023 US BANK, 6/26/2023 MAY 2023 PD VISA $118 54 PD-FOOD SUPPLIES 626234759 6/26/2023 US BANK, 6/26/2023 MAY 2023 CITY VISA $14 85 MO-AWC CONF LUNCH 626234759 6/26/2023 US BANK, 6/26/2023 MAY 2023 CITY VISA $56.40 CC -SISTER CITY TRIP LODGING 626234759 6/26/2023 US BANK, 6/26/2023 MAY 2023 CITY VISA $132 51 MO -SISTER CITY TRIP DNNR 626234759 6/26/2023 US BANK, 6/26/2023 MAY 2023 CITY VISA $106 38 MO -LUNCH FOR IAM TONGI 626234759 6/26/2023 US BANK, 6/26/2023 MAY 2023 CITY VISA $33.20 MO-FW MIRROR LUNCH MTG 626234759 6/26/2023 US BANK, 6/26/2023 MAY 2023 CITY VISA $7.00 MO-COFFE SUPPLS Page 16 of 55 Key Bank Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 626234759 6/26/2023 US BANK, 6/26/2023 MAY 2023 CITY VISA $2141 PARKS -COFFEE SNR PRGM 626234759 6/26/2023 US BANK, 6/26/2023 MAY 2023 CITY VISA $48.55 PARKS-SNR PRGM COFFEE 626234759 6/26/2023 US BANK, 6/26/2023 MAY 2023 CITY VISA $111.24 PARKS-COFFFF SNR PRGM 626234759 6/26/2023 US BANK, 6/26/2023 MAY 2023 CITY VISA $28.11 PARKS-SNR TRIP LUNCH 626234759 6/26/2023 US BANK, 6/26/2023 MAY 2023 CITY VISA $72.72 PARKS -SNACKS F-DUB 626234759 6/26/2023 US BANK, 6/26/2023 MAY 2023 CITY VISA $59.99 PARKS-SNR COFFEE PASTRIES 626234759 6/26/2023 US BANK, 6/26/2023 MAY 2023 CITY VISA $540.34 PARKS-SNR TRIP ADMISSION 626234759 6/26/2023 US BANK, 6/26/2023 MAY 2023 CITY VISA $35 12 FWCC-JOB FAIR TREATS 286943 6/30/2023 US FOODS INC, 6/10/2023 4894361 $76.13 DBC-CATERING SUPPLIES 286943 6/30/2023 US FOODS INC, 5/11/2023 4147239 $425.22 DBC-CATERING SUPPLIES 286943 6/30/2023 US FOODS INC, 5/8/2023 4051397 $1,068.39 DBC-CATERING SUPPLIES 286943 6/30/2023 US FOODS INC, 3/31/2023 3133903 $58.28 DBC-CATERING SUPPLIES 286912 6/30/2023 QUENCH, INC, 5/22/2023 INV05796590 $181.70 PD-DRINKING WATER SERVICE 286849 6/30/2023 FEDERAL WAY LIONS, 6/16/2023 200 $106.06 MO -FOOD SUPPLIES 286882 6/30/2023 MONTGOMERY, SARA 6/7/2023 MONTGOVERY 2023 $13.24 PARKS -SUPPLIES FOR CULTURES & 286943 6/30/2023 US FOODS INC, 6/8/2023 4833505 $890.55 DBC-CATERING SUPPLIES 286943 6/30/2023 US FOODS INC, 6/8/2023 4846182 $34.87 DBC-CATERING SUPPLIES 286943 6/30/2023 US FOODS INC, 6/8/2023 4846183 $27.94 DBC-CATERING SUPPLIES 287122 7/14/2023 US FOODS INC, 6/12/2023 4913514 $255.12 DBC-CATERING SUPPLIES 287122 7/14/2023 US FOODS INC, 6/13/2023 4961510 $71.34 DBC-CATERING SUPPLIES 287086 7/14/2023 QUENCH, INC, 7/1/2023 INV06004516 $38.10 FWCC/PARKS-DRINKING WATER SERV 287086 7/14/2023 QUENCH, INC, 7/1/2023 INV06004516 $38.10 FWCC/PARKS-DRINKING WATER SERV 287086 7/14/2023 QUENCH, INC, 7/1/2023 INV06013087 $146 03 DBC-DRINKING WATER SERVICE 287122 7/14/2023 US FOODS INC, 7/1/2023 5414635 $42 29 DBC-CATERING SUPPLIES 287122 7/14/2023 US FOODS INC, 6/29/2023 5342751 $377.89 DBC-CATERING SUPPLIES 287039 7/14/2023 KAY KIM, GLOBAL KITCHEN LL6/30/2023 3304 $33.491.41 DBC-AG23-024 DUMAS BAY CATERIN Page 17 of 55 Key Bank Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Descriptiflri AmountGLTotal 287075 7/14/2023 PETTY CASH -POLICE DEPT, 6/28/2023 034057 $26.74 PD-FOOD/SNACKS- 287122 7/14/2023 US FOODS INC, 3/23/2023 5802023 $57.44 DBC-CATERING SUPPLIES 287122 7/14/2023 US FOODS INC, 5/5/2023 5953049 $-1,068.39 DBC-CATERING SUPPLIES 287122 7/1412023 US FOODS INC, 5/6/2023 4025202 $55 78 DBC-CATERING SUPPLIES 287122 7/14/2023 US FOODS INC, 5118/2023 4320577 $1,035.93 DBC-CATERING SUPPLIES 287122 7/14/2023 US FOODS INC, 511/2023 3871504 B $481.42 DBC-CATERING SUPPLIES $3,444.77 GASOLINE 286901 6/30/2023 PETROCARD INC., 5/31/2023 C196150 $869.59 PD-VEHICLE FUEL 286901 6/30/2023 PETROCARD INC., 4/30/2023 C171747 $804.88 PD-VEHICLE FUEL 286901 6/30/2023 PETROCARD INC., 5/15/2023 C182672 $794.86 PD-VEHICLE FUEL 287073 7/14/2023 PETROCARD INC., 3/31/2023 MAR7696 $75.04 PD-VEHICLE FUEL LATE FEE 287073 7/14/2023 PETROCARD INC., 6/15/2023 C206965 $725.49 PD-VEHICLE FUEL 287075 7/14/2023 PETTY CASH -POLICE DEPT, 6/28/2023 034057 $49 25 PD-GAS- 287075 7/14/2023 PETTY CASH -POLICE DEPT, 6/28/2023 034057 $20.00 PD-GAS- 287073 7/14/2023 PETROCARD INC., 4/30/2023 APR9937 $81.66 PD-VEHICLE FUEL LATE FEE 287073 7/14/2023 PETROCARD INC., 6/6/2023 JUN2153 $24.00 PD-VEHICLE FUEL LATE FEE HEALTH INSURANCE PREMIUM $200.00 286872 6/30/2023 LARSON, DAVIDA 6/13/2023 LARSON 2023 $100.00 MC -DEDUCTIBLE REIMB 286908 6/30/2023 PROCTOR, DARREN 6/20/2023 PROCTOR 2023 $100.00 PKM-DEDUCTIBLE REIMB HIGHLINE COLLEGE - PROFESSIONAL $56,304.81 286859 6/30/2023 HIGHLINE COLLEGE, 6/26/2023 1ST QTR 2023 $56,304.81 CDHS-AG22-148 HIGHLINE COLLEGE $10,216.33 HOUSEHOLD SUPPLIES 629239491 6/23/2023 US BANK, 6/23/2023 MAY 2023 PRO VISA $13.95 DBC-HOUSEHOLD SUPPLS 629239491 6/23/2023 US BANK, 6/23/2023 MAY 2023 PRO VISA $37.10 DBC-HOUSEHOLD SUPPLS 629239491 6/23/2023 US BANK, 6/23/2023 MAY 2023 PRO VISA $94.45 DBC-HOUSEHOLD SUPPLS 629239491 6/23/2023 US BANK, 6/23/2023 MAY 2023 PRO VISA $39.61 DBC-HOUSEHOLD SUPPLS 629239491 6/23/2023 US BANK, 6/23/2023 MAY 2023 PRO VISA $31.70 DBC-HOUSEHOLD SUPPLS 629239491 6/23/2023 US BANK, 6/23/2023 MAY 2023 PRO VISA $257.76 PKM-HOUSEHOLD SUPPLS Key Bank Page 18 of 55 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGLTotal 629239491 6/23/2023 US BANK, 6/23/2023 MAY 2023 PRO VISA $88.07 FWCC-HOUSEHOLD SUPPLS 629239491 6/23/2023 US BANK, 6/23/2023 MAY 2023 PRO VISA $38.52 FWCC-HOUSEHOLD SUPPLS 629239491 6/23/2023 US BANK, 6/23/2023 MAY 2023 PRO VISA $88.07 FWCC-HOUSEHOLD SUPPLS 629239491 6/23/2023 US BANK, 6/23/2023 MAY 2023 PRO VISA $42.86 FWCC-HOUSEHOLD SUPPLS 629239491 6/23/2023 US BANK, 6/23/2023 MAY 2023 PRO VISA $64.56 FWCC-HOUSEHOLD SUPPLS 629239491 6/23/2023 US BANK, 6/23/2023 MAY 2023 PRO VISA $41.98 FWCC-HOUSEHOLD SUPPLS 629239491 6/23/2023 US BANK, 6/23/2023 MAY 2023 PRO VISA $6.59 DBC-HOUSEHOLD SUPPLS 629239491 6/23/2023 US BANK, 6/23/2023 MAY 2023 PRO VISA $35.99 DBC-HOUSEHOLD SUPPLS 629239491 6/23/2023 US BANK, 6/23/2023 MAY 2023 PRO VISA $55.98 DBC-HOUSEHOLD SUPPLS 629239491 6/23/2023 US BANK, 6/23/2023 MAY 2023 PRO VISA $19.37 DBC-HOUSEHOLD SUPPLS 626234759 6/26/2023 US BANK, 6/26/2023 MAY 2023 CITY VISA $40.54 FWCC-HOUSEHLD SUPPLIES 286950 6/30/2023 WALTER E NELSON CO., 6/16/2023 926975 $289.67 PKM-JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 286950 6/30/2023 WALTER E NELSON CO., 6/21/2023 927883 $970.21 FWCC-JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 286950 6/30/2023 WALTER E NELSON CO., 6/14/2023 926352 $1,263,90 FWCC-JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 286950 6/30/2023 WALTER E NELSON CO., 6/13/2023 926203 $1,669.02 PKM-JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 286950 6/30/2023 WALTER E NELSON CO., 6/15/2023 926855 $1.486.60 PKM-JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 286950 6/30/2023 WALTER E NELSON CO., 6/8/2023 925598 $1,463.49 FWCC-JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 287133 7/14/2023 WALTER E NELSON CO., 6/21/2023 927882 $189.26 PKM-JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 287133 7/14/2023 WALTER E NELSON CO., 6/29/2023 929531 $749.89 PKM-JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 287133 7/14/2023 WALTER E NELSON CO., 7/3/2023 930048 $517.59 PKM-JANITORIAL SUPPLIES 287133 7/14/2023 WALTER E NELSON CO., 6/23/2023 928022 $619.60 FWCC-JANITORIAL SUPPLIES IMMUNIZATION CHARGE $180.00 286811 6/30/2023 A WORK SAFE SERVICE, INC. 5/31/2023 2023-5079 $180.00 HR-DRUG TEST INSURANCE -STOP LOSS $63,163.40 703233040 7/3/2023 KAISER FOUNDATION HEALTF7/3/2023 JULY 2023 #2 $54,874,75 FI-07/23 ADMIN FEE KAISER HEAL 703233039 7/3/2023 KAISER FOUNDATION HEALTF7/3/2023 JULY 2023 $8.288.65 FI-07/23ADMIN FEE KAISER HEAL JAIL CS - ISSAQ $90 AG19-068 $34,865.95 Page 19 of 55 Key Bank Check No. Date Vendor Invoce Date Invoice Description AmountGLTotal 286830 6/30/2023 CITY OF ISSAQUAH, 6/8/2023 23000250 $34,865.95 PD-AG23-064 JAIL SVC-INMATE HO JAIL CS - KING CO $197 +AG13-015 $70,991.14 286866 6/30/2023 KING COUNTY FINANCE DIVIr4/19/2023 3004168 $21,312.05 PD-AG23-123 JAIL SVCS 286866 6/30/2023 KING COUNTY FINANCE DIVIE%/9/2023 3004249 $49,679.09 PD-AG23-123 JAIL SVCS JUDGEMENTS AND SETTLEMENTS $4,000.00 286821 6/30/2023 C E.M. MAINTENANCE INC, DE5/21/2023 AG22-063 #7 $4,000.00 FWCC-LIQUIDATED DAMAGES $565.34 LEGAL NOTICES 286926 6/30/2023 SOUND PUBLISHING INC, 5/19/2023 FWM977149 $152.27 CD -AD ACCT#83722477 286926 6/30/2023 SOUND PUBLISHING INC, 5/26/2023 FWM977565 $140.86 CD -AD ACCT#83722477 286926 6/30/2023 SOUND PUBLISHING INC, 5/12/2023 FWM976617 $116.13 CD -AD ACCT#83722477 286926 6/30/2023 SOUND PUBLISHING INC, 5/12/2023 FWM976648 $156.08 CD -AD ACCT#83722477 $18,831.59 LODGING 629239491 6/23/2023 US BANK, 6/23/2023 MAY 2023 PRO VISA $228.19 FI-LODGING GFOA CONF 629289491 6/23/2023 US BANK, 6/23/2023 MAY 2023 PRO VISA $113.04 FI-LODGING GFOA CONF 629239491 6/23/2023 US BANK, 6/23/2023 MAY 2023 PRO VISA $639.18 FI-LODGING GFOA CONF 629239491 6/23/2023 US BANK, 6/23/2023 MAY 2023 PRO VISA $206.44 MOED-LODING CONF. 629239491 6/23/2023 US BANK, 6/23/2023 MAY 2023 PRO VISA $496.17 HR-LRI CONF 629239491 6/23/2023 US BANK, 6/23/2023 MAY 2023 PRO VISA $496.17 HR-LRI CONF 629239491 6/23/2023 US BANK, 6/23/2023 MAY 2023 PRO VISA $-187.88 SWM-REFUND 629239491 6/23/2023 US BANK, 6/23/2023 MAY 2023 PRO VISA $126,99 IT-DEFCON 31 CONF 626234759 6/26/2023 US BANK, 6/26/2023 MAY 2023 CITY VISA $546.72 PARKS-WRPACONF LODGING 626234759 6/26/2023 US BANK, 6/26/2023 MAY 2023 CITY VISA $546.72 PARKS-WRPA CONF LODGING 626234759 6/26/2023 US BANK, 6/26/2023 MAY 2023 CITY VISA $378.36 MO -SISTER CITY TRIP LODGING 626234759 6/26/2023 US BANK, 6/26/2023 MAY 2023 CITY VISA $567.54 CC -SISTER CITY TRIP LODGING 626234759 6/26/2023 US BANK, 6/26/2023 MAY 2023 CITY VISA $1,513.46 MO -SISTER CITY TRIP LODGING 626234759 6/26/2023 US BANK, 6/26/2023 MAY 2023 CITY VISA $505,38 CC -SISTER CITY TRIP LODGING 626234759 6/26/2023 US BANK, 6/26/2023 MAY 2023 CITY VISA $1,684.98 MO -SISTER CITY TRIP LODGING 626234759 6/26/2023 US BANK, 6/26/2023 MAY 2023 CITY VISA $203.77 MO -BAGS SISTER CITY TRIP Page 20 of 55 Key Bank Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 626234759 6/26/2023 US BANK, 6/26/2023 MAY 2023 CITY VISA $2,814.43 MO -LODGING SISTER CITY TRIP 626233793 6/26/2023 US BANK, 6/26/2023 MAY 2023 PD VISA $513.82 PD-LODGING SVC 626233793 6/26/2023 US BANK, 6/26/2023 MAY 2023 PD VISA $190.48 PD-LODGING SVC 626233793 6/26/2023 US BANK, 6/26/2023 MAY 2023 PD VISA $190.48 PD-LODGING SVC 626233793 6/26/2023 US BANK, 6/26/2023 MAY 2023 PD VISA $197.29 PD-LODGING SVC 626233793 6/26/2023 US BANK, 6/26/2023 MAY 2023 PD VISA $197.29 PD-LODGING SVC 626233793 6/26/2023 US BANK, 6/26/2023 MAY 2023 PD VISA $1,186,80 PD-DARC TRAINING 626233793 6/26/2023 US BANK, 6/26/2023 MAY 2023 PD VISA $197.29 PD-LODGING SVC 626233793 6/26/2023 US BANK, 6/26/2023 MAY 2023 PD VISA $588.78 PD-LODGING SVC 626233793 6/26/2023 US BANK, 6/26/2023 MAY 2023 PD VISA $865.00 PD-MARRIOTT SNIPERWEEK 626233793 6/26/2023 US BANK, 6/26/2023 MAY 2023 PD VISA $865.00 PD-MARRIOTT SNIPERWEEK 626233793 6/26/2023 US BANK, 6/26/2023 MAY 2023 PD VISA $772.17 PD-NAMOA TRAINING 626233793 6/26/2023 US BANK, 6/26/2023 MAY 2023 PD VISA $-1.68 PD-REFUND WSNIA2023 CONF 626233793 6/26/2023 US BANK, 6/26/2023 MAY 2023 PD VISA $1,049.01 PD-WSNIA 2023 CONF 626233793 6/26/2023 US BANK, 6/26/2023 MAY 2023 PD VISA $912.89 PD-WSNIA2023 CONF 626234759 6/26/2023 US BANK, 6/26/2023 MAY 2023 CITY VISA $-70.00 CC -REFUND 626234759 6/26/2023 US BANK, 6/26/2023 MAY 2023 CITY VISA $143.24 EOC-ICS CONFERENCE 286867 6/30/2023 KLEIN. RICHARD 6/19/2023 KLEIN 2023 $154.07 PD-REIMB TRAINING LONG DISTANCE CHARGES $1,637.54 286875 6/30/2023 LEVEL 3 FINANCING INC, LEVI6/1/2023 644085057 $110.31 IT-06/23 PHONE SERVICES ACCT#5 286875 6/30/2023 LEVEL 3 FINANCING INC, LEVI6/1/2023 644085057 $634.28 IT-06/23 PHONE SERVICES ACCT#5 286875 6/30/2023 LEVEL 3 FINANCING INC, LEVI6/112023 644085057 $632,30 IT-06/23 PHONE SERVICES ACCT#5 286988 7/14/2023 CENTURYLINK, 6/20/2023 644994109 $20 85 IT-05/23 PHONE SERVICES ACCT# 286988 7/14/2023 CENTURYLINK, 6/20/2023 644994109 $119.90 IT-05123 PHONE SERVICES ACCT# 286988 7/14/2023 CENTURYLINK, 6/20/2023 644994109 $119.90 IT-05/23 PHONE SERVICES ACCT# LOW INCOME SENIOR UTAX REBATE $85.00 287030 7/14/2023 INGRAM. PATRICIA M. 7/13/2023 INGRAM 2022 $85 00 FI-2022 UTILITY TAX REBATE Page 21 of 55 Key Bank Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL-Total MACHINERY & EQUIPMENT $42,255.90 629239491 6/23/2023 US BANK, 6/23/2023 MAY 2023 PRO VISA $16,404.00 FLT-MACHINERY & EQUIP 629239491 6/23/2023 US BANK, 6/23/2023 MAY 2023 PRO VISA $288 00 FLT-MACHINERY & EQUIP 287071 7/14/2023 PEAK INDUSTRIAL INC, PEAK3/20/2023 PSI-216389 $25,563.90 FLT-FLOW BOBCAT LOADER ATTACHM MEDICAL SERVICES $3,582.07 286888 6/30/2023 NISQUALLY INDIAN TRIBE, 4/30/2023 35508 $507.07 PD-INMATE EMER SVC 286888 6/30/2023 NISQUALLY INDIAN TRIBE, 5/31/2023 35527 $1,025.00 PD-INMATE EMER SVC 287065 7/14/2023 NISQUALLY INDIAN TRIBE, 1/31/2023 34304 $2,050.00 PD-AG23-017 JAIL SVCS MEDICAL SERVICES - CLAIMS $219,688.27 623232806 6/23/2023 KAISER FOUNDATION HEALTt6/23/2023 INVSF0012806 $16,161.05 FI-06/13/23-06/19/23 KAISER HE 623232816 6/23/2023 KAISER FOUNDATION HEALTF6/23/2023 INVSF0012816 $109,158.05 FI-06/13/23-06/19/23 KAISER HE 630232837 6/30/2023 KAISER FOUNDATION HEALTF6/30/2023 INVSF0012837 $18,739.57 FI-06/20/23-06/26/23 KAISER HE 630232855 6/30/2023 KAISER FOUNDATION HEALTI-6/30/2023 INVSF0012855 $20,146.25 FI-06/20/23-06/26/23 KAISER HE 707232894 7/7/2023 KAISER FOUNDATION HEALTF7/7/2023 INVF0012894 $16,618.45 FI-06/27/23-06/30/23 KAISER HE 707232876 7/7/2023 KAISER FOUNDATION HEALTF7/7/2023 INVSF0012876 $7.755.52 FI-06/27/23-06/30/23 KAISER HE 714232921 7/14/2023 KAISER FOUNDATION HEALTF7/14/2023 INVSF0012921 $2,350.67 FI-07/01/23-07/10/23 KAISER HE 714232932 7/14/2023 KAISER FOUNDATION HEALTF7/14/2023 INVSF0012932 $28.758,71 FI-07/01/23-07/10/23 KAISER HE MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES $119.26 286866 6/30/2023 KING COUNTY FINANCE DIVI:6/9/2023 3004249 $119.26 PD-AG23-123 JAIL SVCS MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT $651.59 629239491 6/23/2023 US BANK, 6/23/2023 MAY 2023 PRO VISA $61.84 FLT-VEHICLE LIC & TITLE 286873 6/30/2023 LEMUS, HUGO 6/16/2023 LEMUS 2023 $235.80 PKM-MILEAGE REIMB 286902 6/30/2023 PETTIE, JENNIFER 6/22/2023 PETTIE 2023 $31.43 FI-MILEAGE REIMB 04/04123-05/2 286915 6/30/2023 RICHEN, GEORGE 6/23/2023 RICHEN 2023 $138.07 PKM-MILEAGE REIMB 287104 7/14/2023 SPENCER, COURTNEY 6/20/2023 SPENCER 2023 $11.40 DBC-MILEAGE 6/20-6/27/23 287087 7/14/2023 RICHEN, GEORGE 7/5/2023 RICHEN 2023 $173.05 PKM-MILEAGE $3,153.06 MINOR DP EQUIPMENT 286841 6/30/2023 DELL MARKETING LP, 6/20/2023 10679717494 $224 66 Sales Tax 286841 6/30/2023 DELL MARKETING LP, 6/20/2023 10679717494 $2,224.37 EOC-IT NEW COMPUTER FOR EMERGE Page 22 of 55 Key Bank Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 287003 7/14/2023 DELL MARKETING LP, 6/30/2023 10681983558 $639.45 IT -COMPUTER DOCKS- 287003 7/14/2023 DELL MARKETING LP, 6/30/2023 10681983558 $64 58 Sales Tax MINOR DP SOFTWARE $2,253.24 629239491 6/23/2023 US BANK, 6/23/2023 MAY 2023 PRO VISA $656.44 PWTR-SOFTWARE RENEWAL 629239491 6/23/2023 US BANK, 6/23/2023 MAY 2023 PRO VISA $30.82 IT -DP SOFTWARE 286841 6/30/2023 DELL MARKETING LP, 5/30/2023 10675035372 $1,565 98 IT -DELL OPTIPLEX 15/16/512 SFF MINOR EQUIP-MISC $31,172.32 629239491 6/23/2023 US BANK, 6/23/2023 MAY 2023 PRO VISA $16.45 SWM-MINOR EQUIP 629239491 6/23/2023 US BANK, 6/23/2023 MAY 2023 PRO VISA $11.01 SWM-MINOR EQUIP 629239491 6/23/2023 US BANK, 6/23/2023 MAY 2023 PRO VISA $19.36 SWM-MINOR EQUIP 629239491 6/23/2023 US BANK, 6/23/2023 MAY 2023 PRO VISA $52.95 SWM-MINOR EQUIP 629239491 6/23/2023 US BANK, 6/23/2023 MAY 2023 PRO VISA $3.28 SWM-MINOR EQUIP 626233793 6/26/2023 US BANK, 6/26/2023 MAY 2023 PD VISA $206 93 PD-GUN CLEANING SUPPLIES 626233793 6/26/2023 US BANK, 6/26/2023 MAY 2023 PD VISA $190.06 PD-RADIO PARTS 626233793 6/26/2023 US BANK, 6/26/2023 MAY 2023 PD VISA $1,597.28 PD-CARDBIARD TAEGETS 626233793 6/26/2023 US BANK, 6/26/2023 MAY 2023 PD VISA $289.00 PD-MINOR EQUIP 626233793 6/26/2023 US BANK, 6/26/2023 MAY 2023 PD VISA $257.60 PD-BATTERIES 626233793 6/26/2023 US BANK, 6/26/2023 MAY 2023 PD VISA $249.85 PD-POUCHS 626233793 6/26/2023 US BANK, 6/26/2023 MAY 2023 PD VISA $353.00 PD-MINOR EQUIP 626233793 6/26/2023 US BANK, 6/26/2023 MAY 2023 PD VISA $17,60 PD-MINOR EQUIP 626233793 6/26/2023 US BANK, 6/26/2023 MAY 2023 PD VISA $13.57 PD-MINOR EQUIP 626233793 6/26/2023 US BANK, 6/26/2023 MAY 2023 PD VISA $3.089.48 PD-BREACHING TOOL 626234759 6/26/2023 US BANK, 6/26/2023 MAY 2023 CITY VISA $219.10 FWCC-MINOR EQUIP 286894 6/30/2023 OLYMPIC TRAILER & TRUCK 113/28/2023 1440543 $4,623.59 PURCHASE FOR A SHOPPING CART A 286930 6/30/2023 SPRAYER DEPOT, 5/4/2023 IN570504 $8.504.38 PWST-DUAL REEL SPRAYER 300 GAL 286809 6/30/2023 911 SUPPLY INC, 6/15/2023 INV-2-29951 $1.674.63 PD-UNIFORM SUPPLIES 286810 6/30/2023 911 SUPPLY INC, 6/8/2023 INV-2-29754 $1,516.08 PD-UNIFORM SUPPLIES Page 23 of 55 Key Bank Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGLTotal 286928 6/30/2023 SPECTRA LABORATORIES LL(6/8/2023 5005628 $672.00 SWM-WATER TESTING 286928 6/30/2023 SPECTRA LABORATORIESLL(6/8/2023 5005630 $504.00 SWM-WATER TESTING 286810 6/30/2023 911 SUPPLY INC, 6/7/2023 INV-2-29821 $1.598.66 PD-UNIFORM SUPPLIES 286810 6/30/2023 911 SUPPLY INC, 6/8/2023 INV-2-29756 $1,516.08 PD-UNIFORM SUPPLIES 287058 7/14/2023 MICKELSEN, CHRISTOPHER 6/13/2023 MICKELSEN 2023 $325 00 PD-EQUIP ALLOW. 287052 7/14/2023 LOWE'S HIW INC, 6/21/2023 01233 $73.11 PKM-MAINT SUPPLIES 287075 7/14/2023 PETTY CASH -POLICE DEPT, 6/28/2023 034057 $17.67 PD-KEYS- 287075 7/14/2023 PETTY CASH -POLICE DEPT, 6/28/2023 034057 $25.92 PD-DUMMY ROUNDS- 287075 7/14/2023 PETTY CASH -POLICE DEPT, 6/28/2023 034057 $31.83 PD-KEYS-- 287075 7/14/2023 PETTY CASH -POLICE DEPT, 6/28/2023 034057 $88.23 PD-CHEST SEALS- 286961 7/14/2023 911 SUPPLY INC, 6/27/2023 INV-2-30299 $1,658.11 PD-UNIFORM SUPPLIES 287075 7/14/2023 PETTY CASH -POLICE DEPT, 6/28/2023 034057 $98.40 PD-HOLSTER- 286961 7/14/2023 911 SUPPLY INC, 6/26/2023 INV-2-30290 $1,658.11 PD-UNIFORM SUPPLIES MISC PROFESSIONAL SVS-INTERGOV $23,191.47 286946 6/30/2023 WA STATE AUDITOR'S OFFICE6/12/2023 L155150 $7.653.98 FI-STATE AUDITOR SERVICES 286866 6/30/2023 KING COUNTY FINANCE DIVI:5/31/2023 11013701 $76.09 IT-AG20-063 KING COUNTY I -NET 286866 6/30/2023 KING COUNTY FINANCE DIVI£5/31/2023 11013701 $505.46 IT-AG20-063 KING COUNTY I -NET 287130 7/14/2023 WA STATE DEPT OF TRANSPC6/13/2023 RE 41 JZ0247 L050 $111.43 PW-PROJECT JZ0247 FEES 287042 7/14/2023 KING COUNTY RADIO, 6/26/2023 19767 $13,935A1 IT-06/23 RADIO COMMUNICATION 287130 7/14/2023 WA STATE DEPT OF TRANSPC4/17/2023 RE 41 JZ0247 L049 $907.84 PW-PROJECT JZ0247 FEES 287130 7/14/2023 WA STATE DEPT OF TRANSPC4/17/2023 RE 41 JZ0247 L049 B $0,76 PW-PROJECT JZ0247 FEES MISC SERVICES & CHARGES $103,668.38 629239491 6/23/2023 US BANK, 6/23/2023 MAY 2023 PRO VISA $6.00 LAW -COPIES 629239491 6/23/2023 US BANK, 6/23/2023 MAY 2023 PRO VISA $3.74 LAW -COPIES 629239491 6/23/2023 US BANK, 6/23/2023 MAY 2023 PRO VISA $16.49 LAW -COPIES 629239491 6/23/2023 US BANK, 6/23/2023 MAY 2023 PRO VISA $5.49 LAW -COPIES 629239491 6/23/2023 US BANK, 6/23/2023 MAY 2023 PRO VISA $17.49 LAW -COPIES Key Bank Page 24 of 55 Check No. Dale Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGLTotal 629239491 6/23/2023 US BANK, 6/23/2023 MAY 2023 PRO VISA $32,49 PD-COPIES 629239491 6/23/2023 US BANK, 6/23/2023 MAY 2023 PRO VISA $2.00 LAW -COPIES 629239491 6/23/2023 US BANK, 6/23/2023 MAY 2023 PRO VISA $9.24 LAW -COPIES 629239491 6/23/2023 US BANK, 6/23/2023 MAY 2023 PRO VISA $65.00 PKM-PERMIT FEE 626233793 6/26/2023 US BANK, 6/26/2023 MAY 2023 PD VISA $2,341.25 PD-HEALTH SCREENING 626233793 6/26/2023 US BANK, 6/26/2023 MAY 2023 PD VISA $1,804.53 PD-MAINT SVC 626233793 6/26/2023 US BANK, 6/26/2023 MAY 2023 PD VISA $0.99 PD-STORAGE FEE 626233793 6/26/2023 US BANK, 6/26/2023 MAY 2023 PD VISA $2,161.56 PD-STORAGE FEE 626233793 6/26/2023 US BANK, 6/26/2023 MAY 2023 PD VISA $109 00 PD-CALEA CITIZEN SURVEY 626233793 6/26/2023 US BANK, 6/26/2023 MAY 2023 PD VISA $17.48 PD-KEYS 626233793 6/26/2023 US BANK, 6/26/2023 MAY 2023 PD VISA $197.08 PD-TRANSUNION SVC 626233793 6/26/2023 US BANK, 6/26/2023 MAY 2023 PD VISA $146.95 PD-RETIREMENT PLAQUE 626233793 6/26/2023 US BANK, 6/26/2023 MAY 2023 PD VISA $29.00 PD-HEALTH SCREENING 626233793 6/26/2023 US BANK, 6/26/2023 MAY 2023 PD VISA $662.00 PD-GAURDIAN FEE 626233793 6/26/2023 US BANK, 6/26/2023 MAY 2023 PD VISA $762.00 PD-EMER SVC 626234759 6/26/2023 US BANK, 6/26/2023 MAY 2023 CITY VISA $88.04 PARKS -COFFEE CUPS SNR PRGM 626234759 6/26/2023 US BANK, 6/26/2023 MAY 2023 CITY VISA $238.91 PARKS-SNR TRIP TICKETS 626234759 6/26/2023 US BANK, 6/26/2023 MAY 2023 CITY VISA $63.45 PARKS-SNR TRIP PRKG 626234759 6/26/2023 US BANK, 6/26/2023 MAY 2023 CITY VISA $16.25 PARKS-SNR TRIP ADMISSION 626234759 6/26/2023 US BANK, 6/26/2023 MAY 2023 CITY VISA $470.11 PARKS-SNR TRIP/TICKETS 626234759 6/26/2023 US BANK, 6/26/2023 MAY 2023 CITY VISA $558.91 PARKS-SNR TRIP/TICKETS 626234759 6/26/2023 US BANK, 6/26/2023 MAY 2023 CITY VISA $669.91 PARKS-SNR TRIP/TICKETS 626234759 6/26/2023 US BANK, 6/26/2023 MAY 2023 CITY VISA $120.66 PARKS-SNR PRGM PICKLEBALL PADD 626234759 6/26/2023 US BANK, 6/26/2023 MAY 2023 CITY VISA $82 58 CD-BLDG DEPT RESEARCH 286939 6/30/2023 T-MOBILE USA INC, 6/9/2023 9535858340 $25.00 PD-TIMING ADVANCE 286948 6/30/2023 WA STATE EMPLOYMENT SEC6/1212023 23-015866-RDU-A5 $13.50 PD-WORK HISTORY P MORRIS Page 25 of 55 Key Bank Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 286885 6/30/2023 MV TOWING LLC, 6/2/2023 29176 $77.14 PD-VEHICLE TOW 286900 6/30/2023 PERFORMING ARTS & EVENT6/13/2023 E01924 $1,300.00 MO -SENIOR ADVISORY COMMISSION 286885 6/30/2023 MV TOWING LLC, 6/13/2023 29523 $77.14 PD-VEHICLE TOW 286885 6/30/2023 MV TOWING LLC, 4/13/2023 28922 $77 07 PD-VEHICLE TOW 286885 6/30/2023 MV TOWING LLC, 5/19/2023 29414 $77.07 PD-VEHICLE TOW 286885 6/30/2023 MV TOWING LLC, 6/1/2023 29324 $77.14 PD-VEHICLE TOW '286939 6/30/2023 T-MOBILE USA INC, 6/1/2023 9635105174 $125.00 PD-TIMING ADVANCE 286899 6/30/2023 PEER WASHINGTON, PEER W6/6/2023 25-DES-2023-05 $3,619.05 MC-AG22-025 PEER RECOVERY SERV 286899 6/30/2023 PEER WASHINGTON, PEER W6/6/2023 25-FED-2023-05 $6.289.68 MC-AG22-025 PEER RECOVERY SERV 286904 6/30/2023 PIERCE COUNTY SECURITY 116/6/2023 421407 $8,150.18 MC-AG21-165 SECURITY SERVICES- 286910 6/30/2023 PUBLIC SAFETY TESTING, 6/12/2023 2023-509 $2,618.00 PD-AG23-007 PUBLIC SAFETY TEST 286845 6/30/2023 EQUIFAX CREDIT INFORMATI(6/23/2023 2056296326 $45.83 PD-CREDIT REPORTING SVCS 286913 6/30/2023 REGIONAL TOXICOLOGYSER5/31/2023 61294053123 $1,431.93 MC -DRUG TESTS 286917 6/30/2023 SANTOS PHOTOGRAPHY, 6/12/2023 332 $462.88 MO-PHOTOBOOTH SERVICES 286849 6/30/2023 FEDERAL WAY LIONS, 8/26/2022 100 $1,000.00 MO-SCHOLARHSIP CAR SHOWAWARD 286820 6/30/2023 BRIDGING AGAP WEEKEND F5/10/2023 05/10/23 $2,500.00 MO -SPONSORSHIP CHOPPED CHARITY 286885 6/30/2023 MV TOWING LLC, 6/7/2023 29185 $77.14 PD-VEHICLE TOW 286959 7/3/2023 PEER WASHINGTON. PEER W7/3/2023 25-DASSIST-2023-1 $27,177.60 MC-AG22-025 PEER RECOVERY SERV 286960 7/3/2023 PEER WASHINGTON, PEER W7/3/2023 25-DASSIST-2023-2 $2,717.60 MC-AG22-025 PEER RECOVERY SERV 287077 7/14/2023 PIERCE COUNTY SECURITY I1715/2023 422529 $7,663.92 MC-AG21-165 SECURITY SERVICES- 286993 7/14/2023 CITY OF SEATTLE, 7/6/2023 5865 $21.87 PWST-OVERDUE CHRGE 287076 7/14/2023 PFM FINANCIAL ADVISORS LL7/7/2023 126012 $4,587.50 FI-AG23-121 FINANCIAL ADVISORY 287075 7/14/2023 PETTY CASH -POLICE DEPT, 6/28/2023 034057 $37.29 PD-SPRAY PAINT- 287048 7/14/2023 LEGEND DATA SYSTEMS INC.6/28/2023 137495 $786.39 PD-OPER SUPPLIES 287006 7/14/2023 ELAVON INC, 6/30/2023 K3181100687 $7,376.47 FI-JUNE CITY HALL MERCHANT FEE 287006 7/14/2023 ELAVON INC, 6/30/2023 K3181100688 $108.48 FIJUNE FWCC MERCHANT FEES Key Bank Page 26 of 55 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Descriotion AmountGL Total 287006 7/14/2023 ELAVON INC, 6/30/2023 K3181100689 $546.58 FI-JUNE DBC MERCHANT FEES 287006 7/14/2023 ELAVON INC, 6/30/2023 K3181100690 $236.52 FI-JUNE MC MERCHANT FEES 287006 7/14/2023 ELAVON INC, 6/30/2023 K3181100830 $109.25 FI-JUNE PROBATION OFFICE MERCH 287061 7/14/2023 MVTOWINGLLC, 6/24/2023 29662 $77.07 PD-VEHICLE TOW 286965 7/14/2023 ABT TOWING OF FEDERAL W/6/23/2023 A9552 $77 07 PD-VEHICLE TOW 287061 7/14/2023 MV TOWING LLC, 6/17/2023 29652 $77.14 PD-VEHICLE TOW 286965 7/14/2023 ABT TOWING OF FEDERAL W/6/17/2023 A9415 $77.07 PD-VEHICLE TOW 286992 7/14/2023 CITY OF KENT, 1/31/2023 RI 70489 $1,000 00 CD-SHARE1APP 287061 7/14/2023 MV TOWING LLC, 6/21/2022 28625 $77 07 PD-VEHICLE TOW 287134 7/14/2023 WASHINGTON POLYGRAPH, 6/23/2023 23036 $1,800 00 PD-POLYGRAPH EXAMINATION 287011 7/14/2023 FEDERAL WAY FARMERS MAF4/10/2023 20428 $3,000.00 MO -MARKET SEASON MAY 13TH - OC 287000 7/14/2023 CORRECTIONS SOFTWARE, c5/l/2023 53727 $500.00 MC-06/23 PROBATION COMPUTER SY 286990 7/14/2023 CHANNELATV, 6/2/2023 200 $2,500.00 MO-2023 COMMUNITY JUNETEENTH 287072 7/14/2023 PETEK&ASSOCIATES, REIGN6/5/2023 1846 $1,925.00 PD-PRE-EMPLOYMENT PSYCH EVAL-M 287124 7/14/2023 VERIZON WIRELESS, 6/13/2023 9937247757 $560.14 PD-04/23 CELLULAR SVC ACCT# 287076 7/14/2023 PFM FINANCIAL ADVISORS 1-1-6/14/2023 125295 $1,400 00 FI-AG23-121 FINANCIAL ADVISORY 287041 7/14/2023 KING COUNTY PARKS, 6/20/2023 3005250.009 $486 00 MO -BANQUET HALL MY BLDG PRMT ONBRD FEE 629239491 6/23/2023 US BANK, 6/23/2023 MAY 2023 PRO VISA $25 00 IT -ONLINE PERMITTING NATURAL GAS 287085 7/14/2023 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 6/23/2023 300000001978 $126.60 CHB- 600 S 333RD EVID. BLDG 00 287085 7/14/2023 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 6/23/2023 300000001978 $704.79 DBC- 3200 SW DASH PT ROAD- 287085 7/14/2023 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 6/23/2023 300000001978 $114 89 CHB- 31104 28TH AVE S STLK SHO 287085 7/14/2023 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 6/23/2023 300000001978 $93.34 PKM- 726 S 356TH BROOKLAKE C- 287085 7/14/2023 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 6/23/2023 300000001978 $50.61 CHB- 31104 28TH AVE S HAUGE - NON GOVT DP SERVICES 629239491 6/23/2023 US BANK, 6/23/2023 MAY 2023 PRO VISA $137.63 IT -DOMAIN RENEWAL $25.00 $1,090.23 $46,864.91 Key Bank Page 27 of 55 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 629239491 6/23/2023 US BANK, 6/23/2023 MAY 2023 PRO VISA $21.97 IT-MNTHLY EMAIL CHRG 629239491 6/23/2023 US BANK, 6/23/2023 MAY 2023 PRO VISA $23.31 IT -DOMAIN RENEWAL 629239491 6/23/2023 US BANK, 6/23/2023 MAY 2023 PRO VISA $48-82 IT -DOMAIN RENEWAL 629239491 6/23/2023 US BANK, 6/23/2023 MAY 2023 PRO VISA $71.95 IT -DOMAIN RENEWAL 629239491 6/23/2023 US BANK, 6/23/2023 MAY 2023 PRO VISA $137.63 IT -DOMAIN RENEWAL 629239491 6/23/2023 US BANK, 6/23/2023 MAY 2023 PRO VISA $95.43 IT -DOMAIN RENEWAL 286866 6/30/2023 KING COUNTY FINANCE DIVI:5/31/2023 11013701 $505,45 IT-AG20-063 KING COUNTY I -NET 286958 6/30/2023 ZOHO CORPORATION, 6/16/2023 69198521 $5,995.00 IT- MANAGE ENGINEANNUAL RENE 286958 6/30/2023 ZOHO CORPORATION, 6/16/2023 69198521 $2.345.00 IT- MANAGE ENGINE ANNUAL RENE 286958 6/30/2023 ZOHO CORPORATION, 6/16/2023 69198521 $3,150.00 IT- MANGE ENGINEANNUAL RENEW 286958 6/30/2023 ZOHO CORPORATION, 6/16/2023 69198521 $1,160.49 Sales Tax 286876 6/30/2023 LIMITED ENERGY SERVIC INC4/28/2023 P 5770 $3,113.10 IT -VIA NW SECURITY & AUTOMATIO 286876 6/30/2023 LIMITED ENERGY SERVIC INC4/28/2023 P 5770 $630.00 IT -VIA NW SECURITY &AUTOMATIO 286876 6/30/2023 LIMITED ENERGY SERVIC INC4/28/2023 P 5770 $378.05 Sales Tax 287098 7/14/2023 SMARSH INC, 6/30/2023 INV-108963 $340.70 IT-AG16-055 NETGUARD ADD'L CHR 287004 7/14/2023 DMX LLC DBA MOOD MEDIA, 7/1/2023 57624371 $56.21 IT-06/23 MEDIA SERVICES 287050 7/14/2023 LEXISNEXIS RISK, 6/30/2023 3094541660 $434.90 IT-06/23 WEST LAW SVC 287088 7/14/2023 RIGHT SYSTEMS INC, 6/28/2023 SI-181805 $1,296.02 IT - CISCO SMARTNET RENEWAL- 287088 7/14/2023 RIGHT SYSTEMS INC, 6/28/2023 SI-181805 $1,296.02 IT - CISCO SMARTNET RENEWAL- 287088 7/14/2023 RIGHT SYSTEMS INC, 6/28/2023 SI-181805 $1,502.01 IT- CISCO SMARTNET RENEWAL- 287088 7/14/2023 RIGHT SYSTEMS INC, 6/28/2023 SI-181805 $413,50 Sales Tax 286975 7/14/2023 ARCHIVESOCIAL INC, 6/29/2023 29662 $6,287.40 IT -ARCHIVE SOCIALANNUAL MONT 286975 7/14/2023 ARCHIVESOCIAL INC, 6/29/2023 29662 $635.03 Sales Tax 287038 7/14/2023 KARPEL COMPUTER SYSTEM7/3/2023 62648 $8.539,79 IT-AG22-056 PROSECUTION SOFTWA 287016 7/14/2023 GLOBAL DATA VAULT, LLC, 6/20/2023 9249889 $3,295.00 IT-AG23-061 BACKUP & DISASTER 286977 7/14/2023 AV CAPTURE ALL INC, 6/6/2023 2831 $4,500.00 IT -MC AV CAPTURE MAINTENANCE R Page 28 of 55 Key Bank Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Descriplion AmountGLTotal 286977 7/14/2023 AV CAPTURE ALL INC, 6/6/2023 2831 $454.50 Sales Tax OFFICE SUPPLIES $2,921.17 629239491 6/23/2023 US BANK, 6/23/2023 MAY 2023 PRO VISA $21.87 CC -OFFICE SUPPLS 629239491 6/23/2023 US BANK, 6/23/2023 MAY 2023 PRO VISA $235 19 CC -OFFICE SUPPLS 629239491 6/23/2023 US BANK, 6/23/2023 MAY 2023 PRO VISA $54.73 CC -OFFICE SUPPLS 629239491 6/23/2023 US BANK, 6/23/2023 MAY 2023 PRO VISA $6.12 CC -OFFICE SUPPLS 629239491 6/23/2023 US BANK, 6/23/2023 MAY 2023 PRO VISA $15.35 CC -OFFICE SUPPLS 629239491 6/23/2023 US BANK, 6/23/2023 MAY 2023 PRO VISA $10,93 CC -OFFICE SUPPLS 629239491 6/23/2023 US BANK, 6/23/2023 MAY 2023 PRO VISA $55.04 DBC-OFFICE SUPPLS 629239491 6/23/2023 US BANK, 6/23/2023 MAY 2023 PRO VISA $24.86 DBC-OFFICE SUPPLS 629239491 6/23/2023 US BANK, 6/23/2023 MAY 2023 PRO VISA $29.65 DBC-OFFICE SUPPLS 629239491 6/23/2023 US BANK, 6/23/2023 MAY 2023 PRO VISA $31.63 PWST-OFFICE SUPPLS 629239491 6/23/2023 US BANK, 6/23/2023 MAY 2023 PRO VISA $14.95 PWST-OFFICE SUPPLS 629239491 6/23/2023 US BANK, 6/23/2023 MAY 2023 PRO VISA $9.63 PWST-OFFICE SUPPLS 629239491 6123/2023 US BANK, 6/23/2023 MAY 2023 PRO VISA $87.12 PWST-OFFICE SUPPLS 629239491 6/23/2023 US BANK, 6/23/2023 MAY 2023 PRO VISA $30.79 SWR-OFFICE SUPPLS 626233793 6/26/2023 US BANK, 6/26/2023 MAY 2023 PD VISA $198.58 PD-NOTARY SUPPLIES 626233793 6/26/2023 US BANK, 6/26/2023 MAY 2023 PD VISA $27.51 PD-OFFICE SUPPLIES 626233793 6/26/2023 US BANK, 6/26/2023 MAY 2023 PD VISA $188.21 PD-OFFICE SUPPLIES 626233793 6/26/2023 US BANK, 6/26/2023 MAY 2023 PD VISA $50.63 PD-BATTERY CHARGER 626233793 6/26/2023 US BANK, 6/26/2023 MAY 2023 PD VISA $62,74 PD-OFFICE SUPPLIES 626233793 6/26/2023 US BANK, 6/26/2023 MAY 2023 PD VISA $30.80 PD-OFFICE SUPPLIES 626233793 6/26/2023 US BANK, 6/26/2023 MAY 2023 PD VISA $64.95 PD-OFFICE SUPPLIES 626233793 6/26/2023 US BANK, 6/26/2023 MAY 2023 PD VISA $139.68 PD-OFFICE SUPPLIES 626234759 6/26/2023 US BANK, 6/26/2023 MAY 2023 CITY VISA $158.72 CD -OFFICE SUPPLS 626234759 6/26/2023 US BANK, 6/26/2023 MAY 2023 CITY VISA $55 04 MO -OFFICE SUPPLS Key Bank Page 29 of 55 Check No Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 626234759 6/26/2023 US BANK, 6/26/2023 MAY 2023 CITY VISA $17.30 CD -OFFICE SUPPLS 626234759 6/26/2023 US BANK, 6/26/2023 MAY 2023 CITY VISA $75.19 CD -OFFICE SUPPLS 626234759 6/26/2023 US BANK, 6/26/2023 MAY 2023 CITY VISA $46.98 CD -OFFICE SUPPLS 626234759 6/26/2023 US BANK, 6/26/2023 MAY 2023 CITY VISA $22.96 CD -OFFICE SUPPLS 626234759 6/26/2023 US BANK, 6/26/2023 MAY 2023 CITY VISA $76.84 CD -OFFICE SUPPLS 626234759 6/26/2023 US BANK, 6/26/2023 MAY 2023 CITY VISA $15.36 CD -OFFICE SUPPLS 626234759 6/26/2023 US BANK, 6/26/2023 MAY 2023 CITY VISA $43 90 CD -OFFICE SUPPLS 626234759 6/26/2023 US BANK, 6/26/2023 MAY 2023 CITY VISA $77.33 FWCC-OFFICE SUPPLS 626234759 6/26/2023 US BANK, 6/26/2023 MAY 2023 CITY VISA $30,59 FWCC-OFFICE SUPPLS 626234759 6/26/2023 US BANK, 6/26/2023 MAY 2023 CITY VISA $146.42 FWCC-OFFICE SUPPLS 286839 6/30/2023 D J TROPHY, 6/21/2023 289039 $18.17 CD -NAME PLATE 286891 6/30/2023 ODP BUSINESS SOLUTIONS L6/9/2023 317270619001 $50,57 PD-OFFICE SUPPLIES 286835 6/30/2023 COMPLETE OFFICE, 6/13/2023 2218798-0 $64.46 FI-OFFICE SUPPLIES 286997 7/14/2023 COMPLETE OFFICE, 6/21/2023 2220582-0 $153.15 MC -OFFICE SUPPLIES 286997 7/14/2023 COMPLETE OFFICE, 6/21/2023 2220676-0 $34.35 CK-OFFICE SUPPLIES 287074 7/14/2023 PETTY CASH -MC CHANGE FU7/5/2023 034064 $41.56 MC -PROBATION - LUMBAR SUPPORT 286997 7/14/2023 COMPLETE OFFICE, 7/6/2023 2223619-0 $76.57 MO -OFFICE SUPPLIES 287068 7/14/2023 OFFICE DEPOT, 6/15/2023 316877798001 $152 28 PD-OFFICE SUPPLIES 287068 7/14/2023 OFFICE DEPOT, 6/15/2023 316877800001 $40.99 PD-OFFICE SUPPLIES 286997 7/14/2023 COMPLETE OFFICE, 6/27/2023 2221704-0 $94 71 CD -OFFICE SUPPLIES 286997 7/14/2023 COMPLETE OFFICE, 6/23/2023 2221025-0 $41.17 CD -OFFICE SUPPLIES 287068 7/14/2023 OFFICE DEPOT, 5/30/2023 31182418101 $-4.40 PD-OFFICE SUPPLIES OPERATING RENTALS/LEASES 286937 6/30/2023 THE HUMANE SOCIETY FOR, 5/31/2023 PS-INV103070 $674.40 PD-AG21-033 ANIMAL SHELTER PSA 286863 6/30/2023 IRON MOUNTAIN INFORMATIC5/31/2023 HNKM176 $2,377.99 CK-STORAGE SVCS 287032 7/14/2023 IRON MOUNTAIN INFORMATIC6/30/2023 HRMH946 $2,570.30 CK-STORAGE SVC OTHER MISC REVENUE $5,622.69 $2,125.98 Page 30 of 55 Key Bank Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGLTotal 626233485 6/26/2023 WA STATE REVENUE DEPART6/26/2023 601-223-538 $0.01 FI-05/23 REMIT SALES TAX 626233485 6/26/2023 WA STATE REVENUE DEPART6/26/2023 601-223-538 $661.91 FI-05/23 REMIT SALES TAX 626233485 6/26/2023 WA STATE REVENUE DEPART6/26/2023 601-223-538 $577.06 FI-05/23 REMIT SALES TAX 626233485 6/26/2023 WA STATE REVENUE DEPART6/26/2023 601-223-538 $887.00 FI-05/23 REMIT SALES TAX OTHER MISCELLANEOUS REVENUE $-621.31 626233485 6/26/2023 WA STATE REVENUE DEPART6/26/2023 601-223-538 $-621.31 FI-05/23 REMIT SALES TAX OTHER OPERATING SUPPLIES $19,743.15 629239491 6/23/2023 US BANK, 6/23/2023 MAY 2023 PRO VISA $20.00 DBC-OPER SUPPL 629239491 6/23/2023 US BANK, 6/23/2023 MAY 2023 PRO VISA $125.91 FLT-OPER SUPPLS 629239491 6/23/2023 US BANK, 6/23/2023 MAY 2023 PRO VISA $59.44 FLT-OPER SUPPLS 629239491 6/23/2023 US BANK, 6/23/2023 MAY 2023 PRO VISA $656.80 FLT-REPAIR PRTS 629239491 6/23/2023 US BANK, 6/23/2023 MAY 2023 PRO VISA $1.441.68 PKM-OPER SUPPLS 629239491 6/23/2023 US BANK, 6/23/2023 MAY 2023 PRO VISA $49.46 PKM-OPER SUPPLS 629239491 6/23/2023 US BANK, 6/23/2023 MAY 2023 PRO VISA $60.61 SWR-OPER SUPPLS 629239491 6/23/2023 US BANK, 6/23/2023 'MAY 2023 PRO VISA $50.80 FLT-VEHICLE LIC & TITLE 629239491 6/23/2023 US BANK, 6/23/2023 MAY 2023 PRO VISA $93.47 DBC-OPS SUPPLIES 629239491 6/23/2023 US BANK, 6/23/2023 MAY 2023 PRO VISA $-48 54 DBC-REFUND 629239491 6/23/2023 US BANK, 6/23/2023 MAY 2023 PRO VISA $37.59 SWM-OPER SUPPLS 629239491 6/23/2023 US BANK, 6/23/2023 MAY 2023 PRO VISA $37.59 PWST-OPER SUPPLS 629239491 6/23/2023 US BANK, 6/23/2023 MAY 2023 PRO VISA $2.96 SWM-OPER SUPPLS 629239491 6/23/2023 US BANK, 6/23/2023 MAY 2023 PRO VISA $2.97 PWST-OPER SUPPLS 629239491 6/23/2023 US BANK, 6/23/2023 MAY 2023 PRO VISA $36.14 SWM-OPER SUPPLS 629239491 6/23/2023 US BANK, 6/23/2023 MAY 2023 PRO VISA $36.14 PWST-OPER SUPPLS 629239491 6/23/2023 US BANK, 6/23/2023 MAY 2023 PRO VISA $13.31 DBC-OPS SUPPLIES 629239491 6/23/2023 US BANK, 6/23/2023 MAY 2023 PRO VISA $112.03 DBC-OPS SUPPLIES 629239491 6/23/2023 US BANK, 6/23/2023 MAY 2023 PRO VISA $16.97 DBC-OPS SUPPLIES 629239491 6/23/2023 US BANK, 6/23/2023 MAY 2023 PRO VISA $19.89 DBC-OPS SUPPLIES Page 31 of 55 Key Bank Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 629239491 6/23/2023 US BANK, 6/23/2023 MAY 2023 PRO VISA $17.50 DBC-OPS SUPPLIES 629239491 6/23/2023 US BANK, 6/23/2023 MAY 2023 PRO VISA $87.98 DBC-OPS SUPPLIES 629239491 6/23/2023 US BANK, 6/23/2023 MAY 2023 PRO VISA $13 20 DBC-OPS SUPPLIES 629239491 6/23/2023 US BANK, 6/23/2023 MAY 2023 PRO VISA $22.75 DBC-OPS SUPPLIES 629239491 6/23/2023 US BANK, 6/23/2023 MAY 2023 PRO VISA $30.80 DBC-OPS SUPPLIES 629239491 6/23/2023 US BANK, 6/23/2023 MAY 2023 PRO VISA $21.51 DBC-OPS SUPPLIES 629239491 6/23/2023 US BANK, 6/23/2023 MAY 2023 PRO VISA $150.77 PKM-OPER SUPPLS 629239491 6/23/2023 US BANK, 6/23/2023 MAY 2023 PRO VISA $-8.80 DBC-REFUND 629239491 6/23/2023 US BANK, 6/23/2023 MAY 2023 PRO VISA $274.95 DBC-OPER SUPPL 629239491 6/23/2023 US BANK, 6/23/2023 MAY 2023 PRO VISA $495.35 PWST-OPERS SUPPLIES 629239491 6/23/2023 US BANK, 6/23/2023 MAY 2023 PRO VISA $65.95 SWM-OPER SUPPLS 629239491 6/23/2023 US BANK, 6/23/2023 MAY 2023 PRO VISA $187.16 PKM-OPER SUPPLS 629239491 6/23/2023 US BANK, 6/23/2023 MAY 2023 PRO VISA $5 98 SWM-OPER SUPPLS 629239491 6/23/2023 US BANK, 6/23/2023 MAY 2023 PRO VISA $5.98 SWM-OPER SUPPLS 629239491 6/23/2023 US BANK, 6/23/2023 MAY 2023 PRO VISA $11.55 SWM-OPER SUPPLS 629239491 6/23/2023 US BANK, 6/23/2023 MAY 2023 PRO VISA $5.98 SWM-OPER SUPPLS 629239491 6/23/2023 US BANK, 6/23/2023 MAY 2023 PRO VISA $76 57 SWM-OFFICE SUPPLS 629239491 6123/2023 US BANK, 6/23/2023 MAY 2023 PRO VISA $65.95 PWST-OPERS SUPPLIES 629239491 6/23/2023 US BANK, 6/23/2023 MAY 2023 PRO VISA $16.43 SWM-OPER SUPPLS 629239491 6/23/2023 US BANK, 6/23/2023 MAY 2023 PRO VISA $16.43 PWST-OPERS SUPPLIES 629239491 6/23/2023 US BANK, 6/23/2023 MAY 2023 PRO VISA $47.76 SWM-OPER SUPPLS 629239491 6/23/2023 US BANK, 6/23/2023 MAY 2023 PRO VISA $47 75 PWST-OPER SUPPLS 629239491 6/23/2023 US BANK, 6/23/2023 MAY 2023 PRO VISA $169 22 CHB-OPER SUPPLS 629239491 6/23/2023 US BANK, 6/23/2023 MAY 2023 PRO VISA $74 66 CHB-OPER SUPPLS 629239491 6/23/2023 US BANK, 6/23/2023 MAY 2023 PRO VISA $2.74 IT-OPER SUPPLS 629239491 6/23/2023 US BANK, 6/23/2023 MAY 2023 PRO VISA $8.80 PW-OPER SUPPL Page 32 of 55 Key Bank Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGLTotal 629239491 6/23/2023 US BANK, 6/23/2023 MAY 2023 PRO VISA $12.10 PW-OPER SUPPL 629239491 6/23/2023 US BANK, 6/23/2023 MAY 2023 PRO VISA $177.95 PKM-OPER SUPPLS 629239491 6/23/2023 US BANK, 6/23/2023 MAY 2023 PRO VISA $8.41 DBC-OPER SUPPL 629239491 6/23/2023 US BANK, 6/23/2023 MAY 2023 PRO VISA $39.79 PWST-OPER SUPPLS 629239491 6/23/2023 US BANK, 6/23/2023 MAY 2023 PRO VISA $6.61 DBC-OPER SUPPL 629239491 6/23/2023 US BANK, 6/23/2023 MAY 2023 PRO VISA $55.05 DBC-OPER SUPPL 629239491 6/23/2023 US BANK, 6/23/2023 MAY 2023 PRO VISA $6 61 DBC-OPER SUPPL 629239491 6/23/2023 US BANK, 6/23/2023 MAY 2023 PRO VISA $-6.61 DBC-REFUND 626234759 6/26/2023 US BANK, 6/26/2023 MAY 2023 CITY VISA $159 80 FWCC-OPER SUPPLS 626234759 6/26/2023 US BANK, 6/26/2023 MAY 2023 CITY VISA $199.00 FWCC-OPER SUPPLS 626234759 6/26/2023 US BANK, 6/26/2023 MAY 2023 CITY VISA $40.88 CD-OPER SUPPLS 626234759 6/26/2023 US BANK, 6/26/2023 MAY 2023 CITY VISA $80.88 CD-OPER SUPPLS 626234759 6/26/2023 US BANK, 6/26/2023 MAY 2023 CITY VISA $99.47 FWCC-OPER SUPPLS 626234759 6/26/2023 US BANK, 6/26/2023 MAY 2023 CITY VISA $34.08 PARKS-OPER SUPPLS 626234759 6/26/2023 US BANK, 6/26/2023 MAY 2023 CITY VISA $132.32 PARKS-OPER SUPPLS 626234759 6/26/2023 US BANK, 6/26/2023 MAY 2023 CITY VISA $25.87 PARKS-OI'ER SUPPLS 626234759 6/26/2023 US BANK, 6/26/2023 MAY 2023 CITY VISA $175.06 PARKS-OPER SUPPLS 626234759 6/26/2023 US BANK, 6/26/2023 MAY 2023 CITY VISA $418.38 PARKS-OPER SUPPLS 626234759 6/26/2023 US BANK, 6/26/2023 MAY 2023 CITY VISA $26.34 PARKS-OPER SUPPLS 626234759 6/26/2023 US BANK, 6/26/2023 MAY 2023 CITY VISA $17.59 PARKS-OPER SUPPLS 626234759 6/26/2023 US BANK, 6/26/2023 MAY 2023 CITY VISA $101.80 PARKS-OPER SUPPLS 626234759 6/26/2023 US BANK, 6/26/2023 MAY 2023 CITY VISA $133.79 PARKS-OPER SUPPLS 626234759 6/26/2023 US BANK, 6/26/2023 MAY 2023 CITY VISA $99.06 PARKS-OPER SUPPLS 626234759 6/26/2023 US BANK, 6/26/2023 MAY 2023 CITY VISA $74,89 PARKS-OPER SUPPLS 626234759 6/26/2023 US BANK, 6/26/2023 MAY 2023 CITY VISA $29.07 PARKS-OPER SUPPLS 626234759 6/26/2023 US BANK, 6/26/2023 MAY 2023 CITY VISA $49.43 PARKS-OPER SUPPLS Page 33 of 55 Key Bank Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 626234759 6/26/2023 US BANK, 6/26/2023 MAY 2023 CITY VISA $3428 PARKS-OPER SUPPLS 626234759 6/26/2023 US BANK, 6/26/2023 MAY 2023 CITY VISA $4 26 PARKS-OPER SUPPLS 626234759 6/26/2023 US BANK, 6/26/2023 MAY 2023 CITY VISA $5.77 PARKS-OPER SUPPLS 626234759 6/26/2023 US BANK, 6/26/2023 MAY 2023 CITY VISA $11.56 PARKS-OPER SUPPLS 626234759 6/26/2023 US BANK, 6/26/2023 MAY 2023 CITY VISA $29.07 PARKS-OPER SUPPLS 626234759 6/26/2023 US BANK, 6/26/2023 MAY 2023 CITY VISA $142.88 PARKS-OPER SUPPLS 626234759 6/26/2023 US BANK, 6/26/2023 MAY 2023 CITY VISA $49.93 PARKS-OPER SUPPLS 626234759 6/26/2023 US BANK, 6/26/2023 MAY 2023 CITY VISA $303,14 PARKS-OPER SUPPLS 626234759 6/26/2023 US BANK, 6/26/2023 MAY 2023 CITY VISA $226.72 PARKS-OPER SUPPLS 626234759 6/26/2023 US BANK, 6/26/2023 MAY 2023 CITY VISA $49.50 MO-OPER SUPPLS 626234759 6/26/2023 US BANK, 6/26/2023 MAY 2023 CITY VISA $6.57 PARKS-OPER SUPPLS 626234759 6/26/2023 US BANK, 6/26/2023 MAY 2023 CITY VISA $77 01 PARKS-OPER SUPPLS 626234759 6/26/2023 US BANK, 6/26/2023 MAY 2023 CITY VISA $28.54 PARKS-OPER SUPPLS 626234759 6/26/2023 US BANK, 6/26/2023 MAY 2023 CITY VISA $36.81 PARKS-OPER SUPPLS 626234759 6/26/2023 US BANK, 6/26/2023 MAY 2023 CITY VISA $168.90 PARKS-OPER SUPPLS 626234759 6/26/2023 US BANK, 6/26/2023 MAY 2023 CITY VISA $3 14 MO-OPER SUPPLS 626234759 6/26/2023 US BANK, 6/26/2023 MAY 2023 CITY VISA $733.00 PARKS-OPER SUPPLS 626234759 6/26/2023 US BANK, 6/26/2023 MAY 2023 CITY VISA $71 62 PARKS -ART EXPLOSION SUPPLS 626234759 6/26/2023 US BANK, 6/26/2023 MAY 2023 CITY VISA $109.00 PARKS -ART EXPLOSION SUPPLS 626234759 6/26/2023 US BANK, 6/26/2023 MAY 2023 CITY VISA $4.39 PARKS-OPER SUPPLS 626234759 6/26/2023 US BANK, 6/26/2023 MAY 2023 CITY VISA $30.81 PARKS-OPER SUPPLS 626234759 6/26/2023 US BANK, 6/26/2023 MAY 2023 CITY VISA $70 42 PARKS-OPER SUPPLS 626234759 6/26/2023 US BANK, 6/26/2023 MAY 2023 CITY VISA $22.57 PARKS-OPER SUPPLS 626234759 6/26/2023 US BANK, 6/26/2023 MAY 2023 CITY VISA $365,52 PARKS-OPER SUPPLS 626234759 6/26/2023 US BANK, 6/26/2023 MAY 2023 CITY VISA $97.40 PARKS -ART EXPLOSION SUPPLS 626234759 6/26/2023 US BANK, 6/26/2023 MAY 2023 CITY VISA $16.35 PARKS -ART EXPLOSION SUPPLS Page 34 of 55 Key Bank Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice De=lption AmountGLTotal 626234759 6/26/2023 US BANK, 6/26/2023 MAY 2023 CITY VISA $35.98 PARKS -ART EXPLOSION SUPPLS 626234759 6/26/2023 US BANK, 6/26/2023 MAY 2023 CITY VISA $34,10 PARKS -ART EXPLOSION SUPPLS 626234759 6/26/2023 US BANK, 6/26/2023 MAY 2023 CITY VISA $73.91 PARKS -ART EXPLOSION SUPPLS 626234759 6/26/2023 US BANK, 6/26/2023 MAY 2023. CITY VISA $18.65 PARKS -ART EXPLOSION SUPPLS 626234759 6/26/2023 US BANK, 6/26/2023 MAY 2023 CITY VISA $665.05 PARKS -ART EXPLOSION SUPPLS 626234759 6/26/2023 US BANK, 6/26/2023 MAY 2023 CITY VISA $30.80 PARKS-OPER SUPPLS 626234759 6/26/2023 US BANK, 6/26/2023 MAY 2023 CITY VISA $-248.04 PARKS -ART EXPLOSION SUPPLS 626234759 6/26/2023 US BANK, 6/26/2023 MAY 2023 CITY VISA $242.00 PARKS -ART EXPLOSION SUPPLS 626234759 6/26/2023 US BANK, 6/26/2023 MAY 2023 CITY VISA $22 39 PARKS -ART EXPLOSION SUPPLS 626234759 6/26/2023 US BANK, 6/26/2023 MAY 2023 CITY VISA $12.99 PARKS-OPER SUPPLS 626234759 6/26/2023 US BANK, 6/26/2023 MAY 2023 CITY VISA $23.71 PARKS-OPER SUPPLS 626234759 6/26/2023 US BANK, 6/26/2023 MAY 2023 CITY VISA $45.71 PARKS-OPER SUPPLS 626234759 6/26/2023 US BANK, 6/26/2023 MAY 2023 CITY VISA $12.09 PARKS-OPER SUPPLS 626234759 6/26/2023 US BANK, 6/26/2023 MAY 2023 CITY VISA $220.20 CD-OPER SUPPLS 626234759 6/26/2023 US BANK, 6/26/2023 MAY 2023 CITY VISA $92.46 CD-OPER SUPPLS 626234759 6/26/2023 US BANK, 6/26/2023 MAY 2023 CITY VISA $141.26 CD-OPER SUPPLS 626234759 6/26/2023 US BANK, 6/26/2023 MAY 2023 CITY VISA $38.49 PARKS-OPER SUPPLS 626234759 6/26/2023 US BANK, 6/26/2023 MAY 2023 CITY VISA $44.02 PARKS-OPER SUPPLS 626234759 6/26/2023 US BANK, 6/26/2023 MAY 2023 CITY VISA $172.23 PARKS-OPER SUPPLS 626234759 6/26/2023 US BANK, 6/26/2023 MAY 2023 CITY VISA $325.00 PARKS-OPER SUPPLS 626234759 6/26/2023 US BANK, 6/26/2023 MAY 2023 CITY VISA $105.63 PARKS-OPER SUPPLS 626234759 6/26/2023 US BANK, 6/26/2023 MAY 2023 CITY VISA $55.57 PARKS-OPER SUPPLS 626234759 6/26/2023 US BANK, 6/26/2023 MAY 2023 CITY VISA $13.20 PARKS-OPER SUPPLS 626234759 6/26/2023 US BANK, 6/26/2023 MAY 2023 CITY VISA $240.38 PARKS-OPER SUPPLS 626234759 6/26/2023 US BANK, 6/26/2023 MAY 2023 CITY VISA $-60.92 PARKS -REFUND 626234759 6/26/2023 US BANK, 6/26/2023 MAY 2023 CITY VISA $96.22 PARKS-OPER SUPPLS Page 35 of 55 Key Bank Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 626234759 6/26/2023 US BANK, 6/26/2023 MAY 2023 CITY VISA $76.29 PARKS-OPER SUPPLS 626233793 6/26/2023 US BANK, 6/26/2023 MAY 2023 PD VISA $117.65 PD-OPER SUPPLIES 626233793 6/26/2023 US BANK, 6/26/2023 MAY 2023 PD VISA $259 44 PD-OPER SUPPLIES 626233793 6/26/2023 US BANK, 6/26/2023 MAY 2023 PD VISA $24.98 PD-COFFEE FOR VOLUNTEERS 626233793 6/26/2023 US BANK, 6/26/2023 MAY 2023 PD VISA $116.42 PD-OPER SUPPLIES 626233793 6/26/2023 US BANK, 6/26/2023 MAY 2023 PD VISA $32.48 PD-OPER SUPPLIES 286861 6/30/2023 HOME DEPOT-DEPT 32-250075/6/2023 5622401 $41.82 PWST-REPAIR/MAINTENANCE SUPPLI 286835 6/30/2023 COMPLETE OFFICE, 6/13/2023 2218804-0 $55.42 MO -OFFICE SUPPLIES 286882 6/30/2023 MONTGOMERY, SARA 6/7/2023 MONTGOVERY 2023 $247.73 PARKS -SUPPLIES FOR CULTURES & 286877 6/30/2023 LOWE'S HIW INC, 6/12/2023 02458 $41.66 PWST-MAINT SUPPLIES 286814 6/30/2023 ALPINE PRODUCTS INC, 6/20/2023 TM-217233 $203.32 PW-MAINT SUPPLIES 286877 6/30/2023 LOWE'S HIW INC, 6/16/2023 23423 $14.04 PKM-MAINT SUPPLIES 287052 7/14/2023 LOWE'S HIW INC, 6/30/2023 02543 $225.89 PWST-MAINT SUPPLIES 287052 7/14/2023 LOWE'S HIW INC, 6/29/2023 02261 $21.51 PWST-MAINT SUPPLIES 287052 7/14/2023 LOWE'S HIW INC, 7/5/2023 02675 $172.45 PWST-MAINT SUPPLIES 287010 7/14/2023 FASTENAL, 6/15/2023 WAAUB96502 $503 51 FLT-MAINT SUPPLIES- 287052 7/14/2023 LOWE'S HIW INC, 6/16/2023 02333 $188.20 PWST-MAINT SUPPLIES 287138 7/14/2023 WINDMILL GARDENS, 12/14/2022 W11315 2ND HALF $5,310.34 PWST-FOR HANGING FLOWER BASKET PARKING/TOLLS $1,259.10 629239491 6/23/2023 US BANK, 6/23/2023 MAY 2023 PRO VISA $32.00 MOED-PRKG 629239491 6/23/2023 US BANK, 6/23/2023 MAY 2023 PRO VISA $27.00 MOED-PARKING TOLLS 626233793 6/26/2023 US BANK, 6/26/2023 MAY 2023 PD VISA $30.00 PD-TOLL SVC 626233793 6/26/2023 US BANK, 6/26/2023 MAY 2023 PD VISA $961.89 PD-LODGING SVC 626233793 6/26/2023 US BANK, 6/26/2023 MAY 2023 PD VISA $104.00 PD-TOLL SVC 626233793 6/26/2023 US BANK, 6/26/2023 MAY 2023 PD VISA $65.00 PD-TOLL SVC 626233793 6/26/2023 US BANK, 6/26/2023 MAY 2023 PD VISA $6.50 PD-TOLL SVC Page 36 of 55 Key Bank Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 287075 7/14/2023 PETTY CASH -POLICE DEPT, 6/28/2023 034057 $6.00 PD-PARKING- 287075 7/14/2023 PETTY CASH -POLICE DEPT, 6/28/2023 034057 $5.50 PD-TOLL BRIDGE- 287075 7/14/2023 PETTY CASH -POLICE DEPT, 6/28/2023 034057 $21.21 PD-PARKING FOR COURT — PASSPORT FEES $35.00 287056 7/14/2023 MARCIAL, RUBI SAUCEDO 6/21/2023 02-00103846 $35.00 CD-02-00103846 REFUND PD - CLAIMS AUTO $4,941.33 286881 6/30/2023 MONARCH COLLISION CENTE6/5/2023 2016 $919.75 RM-REPLACE AND CALIBRATE PASSE 286885 6/30/2023 MV TOWING LLC, 6/5/2023 27295 $220 40 RM-VEHICLE TOW - PD 6571 286885 6/30/2023 MV TOWING LLC, 6/2/2023 29325 $220.40 RM-TOW TO SHOP FOR DECOMMISSIO 286934 6/30/2023 SYSTEMS FOR PUBLIC SAFE-6/9/2023 44251 $869.00 RM-DECOMMISSION OF PD 6372 287109 7/14/2023 SYSTEMS FOR PUBLIC SAFE-6/19/2023 44084 $1,102.75 RM-INSTALL PUSH BUMPERS AND WR 287061 7/14/2023 MV TOWING LLC, 5/20/2023 29419 $77 07 RM-6571 -VEHICLE TOW FROM COLL 287109 7/14/2023 SYSTEMS FOR PUBLIC SAFEl6/5/2023 44267 $51.98 RM-REMOVE PUSH BAR ON PD 6571 287037 7/14/2023 JR SETINA MANUFACTURING 6/8/2023 266508 $99026 RM-LIGHTS AND FENDER WRAPS FOR 287033 7/14/2023 J&J AUTOBODY, 6/8/2023 31326 $488 72 RM-REAR PASSENGER DOOR REPLACE $1,126.50 PD - CLAIMS GL/PL 286991 7/14/2023 CHRISTIE LAW GROUP, LLC, 6/27/2023 11223 $1,000.50 LAW-AG21-155 LEGAL SERVICES- 286991 7/14/2023 CHRISTIE LAW GROUP, LLC, 6/27/2023 11224 $126.00 LAW-AG21-155 LEGAL SERVICES — $1,245.00 PER DIEM MEALS 287091 7/14/2023 SCHMIDT, KEITH 6/26/2023 SCHMIDT2023 $175.00 PD-ADV NL HANDGUN INSTRUCTOR 287028 7/14/2023 HOWELL, ADAM 6/15/2023 HOWELL 2023 $275.00 PD-ADV NL REIMB HANDGUN TRAIN 286979 7/14/2023 BASSAGE, BRIAN 6/14/2023 BASSAGE 2023 $225 00 PD-ADV NL HANDGUN/RIFLE INSTR 287092 7/14/2023 SCHWAN, KURT 6/14/2023 SCHWAN 2023 $195.00 PD-FBINAA-2023 TRAINING 287002 7/14/2023 DAVIS, ERIC 6/28/2023 DAVIS 2023 $200.00 PD-ADV NL CHECK TRAINING 287002 7/14/2023 DAVIS, ERIC 6/28/2023 DAVIS 2023 #2 $175.00 PD-ADV NL SHIVWORKS - ECQC $635.71 PLUMBING PERMITS 286852 6/30/2023 GALAXY PLUMBING LLC, 5/19/2023 23-102409 $635.71 CD-23-102409 PERMIT REFUND POSTAGE/DELIVERY SERVICES $1,369.10 629239491 6/23/2023 US BANK, 6/23/2023 MAY 2023 PRO VISA $50 80 PKM-POSTAGE Key Bank Page 37 of 55 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 626234759 6/26/2023 US BANK, 6/26/2023 MAY 2023 CITY VISA $28.95 CD -POSTAGE 626234759 6/26/2023 US BANK, 6/26/2023 MAY 2023 CITY VISA $28.95 CD -POSTAGE 626234759 6/26/2023 US BANK, 6/26/2023 MAY 2023 CITY VISA $9.65 CD -POSTAGE 626234759 6/26/2023 US BANK, 6/26/2023 MAY 2023 CITY VISA $28 95 CD -POSTAGE 626234759 6/26/2023 US BANK, 6/26/2023 MAY 2023 CITY VISA $28 95 CD -POSTAGE 626234759 6/26/2023 US BANK, 6/26/2023 MAY 2023 CITY VISA $27.55 CD -POSTAGE 626234759 6/26/2023 US BANK, 6/26/2023 MAY 2023 CITY VISA $19 30 CD -POSTAGE 626234759 6/26/2023 US BANK, 6/26/2023 MAY 2023 CITY VISA $28 95 CD -POSTAGE 626234759 6/26/2023 US BANK, 6/26/2023 MAY 2023 CITY VISA $19.30 CD -POSTAGE 626234759 6/26/2023 US BANK, 6/26/2023 MAY 2023 CITY VISA $19.30 CD -POSTAGE 626234759 6/26/2023 US BANK, 6/26/2023 MAY 2023 CITY VISA $38.60 CD -POSTAGE 626234759 6/26/2023 US BANK, 6/26/2023 MAY 2023 CITY VISA $48.25 CD -POSTAGE 626234759 6/26/2023 US BANK, 6/26/2023 MAY 2023 CITY VISA $28.95 CD -POSTAGE 626234759 6/26/2023 US BANK, 6/26/2023 MAY 2023 CITY VISA $38.60 CD -POSTAGE 626234759 6/26/2023 US BANK, 6/26/2023 MAY 2023 CITY VISA $38.60 CD -POSTAGE 626234759 6/26/2023 US BANK, 6/26/2023 MAY 2023 CITY VISA $38.60 CD -POSTAGE 626233793 6/26/2023 US BANK, 6/26/2023 MAY 2023 PD VISA $56.36 PD-SHIPPING SVC 626233793 6/26/2023 US BANK, 6/26/2023 MAY 2023 PD VISA $18.32 PD-SHIPPING SVC 626233793 6/26/2023 US BANK, 6/26/2023 MAY 2023 PD VISA $22.43 PD-SHIPPING SVC 626233793 6/26/2023 US BANK, 6/26/2023 MAY 2023 PD VISA $383,89 PD-SHIPPING SVC 626234759 6/26/2023 US BANK, 6/26/2023 MAY 2023 CITY VISA $28.95 CD -POSTAGE 626234759 6/26/2023 US BANK, 6/26/2023 MAY 2023 CITY VISA $28.95 CD -POSTAGE 626234759 6/26/2023 US BANK, 6/26/2023 MAY 2023 CITY VISA $38.60 CD -POSTAGE 626234759 6/26/2023 US BANK, 6/26/2023 MAY 2023 CITY VISA $38.60 CD -POSTAGE 626234759 6/26/2023 US BANK, 6/26/2023 MAY 2023 CITY VISA $9.65 CD -POSTAGE 626234759 6/26/2023 US BANK, 6/26/2023 MAY 2023 CITY VISA $38.60 CD -POSTAGE Page 38 of 55 Key Bank Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 626234759 6/26/2023 US BANK, 6/26/2023 MAY 2023 CITY VISA $19.30 CD -POSTAGE 287079 7/14/2023 PITNEY BOWES PRESORT SV6/3/2023 1023259247 $66.16 FI-PITNEY BOWES POSTAGE DEPOSI 287079 7/14/2023 PITNEY BOWES PRESORT SV6/3/2023 1023259247 $97.04 FI-PITNEY BOWES POSTAGE DEPOSI PRESCRIPTION SERVICES - CLAIMS $40,916.68 623232806 6/23/2023 KAISER FOUNDATION HEALTF6/23/2023 INVSF0012806 $2,411.92 FI-06/13/23-06/19/23 KAISER HE 623232816 6/23/2023 KAISER FOUNDATION HEALTF6/23/2023 INVSF0012816 $3,716.88 FI-06/13/23-06/19/23 KAISER HE 630232837 6/30/2023 KAISER FOUNDATION HEALTI6/30/2023 INVSF0012837 $12.27 FI-06/20/23-06/26/23 KAISER HE 630232855 6/30/2023 KAISER FOUNDATION HEALTF6/30/2023 INVSF0012855 $11,834.30 FI-06/20/23-06/26/23 KAISER HE 714232932 7/14/2023 KAISER FOUNDATION HEALTF7/14/2023 INVSF0012932 $22,148.11 FI-07/01/23-07/10/23 KAISER HE 714232921 7/14/2023 KAISER FOUNDATION HEALTF7/14/2023 INVSF0012921 $792.20 FI-07/01/23-07/10/23 KAISER HE PRINTING/PHOTO SERVICES $40,867.24 286806 6/22/2023 MINUTEMAN PRESS OF FEDE6/20/2023 6/20/23 $19,802.47 SWR-AG22-140 PRINT & DISTRIBUT 629239491 6/23/2023 US BANK, 6/23/2023 MAY 2023 PRO VISA $625.07 PARKS-PRINTING/PHOTO SVCS 629239491 6/23/2023 US BANK, 6/23/2023 MAY 2023 PRO VISA $831.53 SWM-PRINTING SVCS 629239491 6/23/2023 US BANK, 6/23/2023 MAY 2023 PRO VISA $846.53 PWST-PRINTING SVCS 629239491 6/23/2023 US BANK, 6/23/2023 MAY 2023 PRO VISA $12.95 SWM-PHOTO SVCS 629239491 6/23/2023 US BANK, 6/23/2023 MAY 2023 PRO VISA $1,440.00 FLT-REPAIR PRTS 286880 6/30/2023 MINUTEMAN PRESS OF FEDE6/28/2023 5533 $16,600.30 SWR-AG22-140 PRINT & DISTRIBUT 287015 7/14/2023 GIAZZI, TIZIANA 7/5/2023 GIAZZI 2023 $82.52 MC -ART CONTEST DISPLAY WINNERS 287017 7114/2023 GOS PRINTING CORPORAT106/26/2023 95407 $220.35 PD-PRINTING SERVICES 287082 7/14/2023 PRINTERY COMM UNICATION:5/31/2023 230238 $405.52 HR-BC IMPRINTS PROFESSIONAL SERVICES $420,198.26 629239491 6/23/2023 US BANK, 6/23/2023 MAY 2023 PRO VISA $396.45 FWCC-EVENT SHOW 629239491 6/23/2023 US BANK, 6/23/2023 MAY 2023 PRO VISA $1,075.00 CK-SHRED SVCS 629239491 6/23/2023 US BANK, 6/23/2023 MAY 2023 PRO VISA $22.20 CK-SHRED SVCS 629239491 6/23/2023 US BANK, 6/23/2023 MAY 2023 PRO VISA $35.52 CK-SHRED SVCS 629239491 6/23/2023 US BANK, 6/23/2023 MAY 2023 PRO VISA $14.81 CK-SHRED SVCS Page 39 of 55 Key Bank Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 629239491 6/23/2023 US BANK, 6/23/2023 MAY 2023 PRO VISA $44.43 CK-SHRED SVCS 629239491 6/23/2023 US BANK, 6/23/2023 MAY 2023 PRO VISA $84.36 CK-SHRED SVCS 629239491 6/23/2023 US BANK, 6/23/2023 MAY 2023 PRO VISA $17.76 CK-SHRED SVCS 629239491 6/23/2023 US BANK, 6/23/2023 MAY 2023 PRO VISA $44.40 CK-SHRED SVCS 629239491 6/23/2023 US BANK, 6/23/2023 MAY 2023 PRO VISA $4.44 CK-SHRED SVCS 629239491 6/23/2023 US BANK, 6/23/2023 MAY 2023 PRO VISA $400 00 FI-WELLNESS GIFT CARDS 629239491 6/23/2023 US BANK, 6/23/2023 MAY 2023 PRO VISA $1,425.00 FI-WELLNESS GIFT CARDS 629239491 6/23/2023 US BANK, 6/23/2023 MAY 2023 PRO VISA $75 00 FI-WELLNESS GIFT CARDS 629239491 6/23/2023 US BANK, 6/23/2023 MAY 2023 PRO VISA $75 00 FI-WELLNESS GIFT CARDS 629239491 6/23/2023 US BANK, 6/23/2023 MAY 2023 PRO VISA $900.00 FI-WELLNESS GIFT CARDS 629239491 6/23/2023 US BANK, 6/23/2023 MAY 2023 PRO VISA $66.60 CK-SHRED SVCS 629239491 6/23/2023 US BANK, 6/23/2023 MAY 2023 PRO VISA $5.95 CC-SUBSCR 629239491 6/23/2023 US BANK, 6/23/2023 MAY 2023 PRO VISA $64.02 PKM-CONSULTING FEE 626234759 6/26/2023 US BANK, 6/26/2023 MAY 2023 CITY VISA $2,385.82 PARKSIFLATABLE SVCS 626234759 6/26/2023 US BANK, 6/26/2023 MAY 2023 CITY VISA $2,786.29 LAW -MEDIATION FEE 626234759 6/26/2023 US BANK, 6/26/2023 MAY 2023 CITY VISA $1,250 00 PARKS -FIREWORKS SOUNDTRACK 626234759 6/26/2023 US BANK, 6/26/2023 MAY 2023 CITY VISA $16.69 CD -INTERPRETATION 626234759 6/26/2023 US BANK, 6/26/2023 MAY 2023 CITY VISA $299.00 FWCC-SERVICE FEES 626234759 6/26/2023 US BANK, 6/26/2023 MAY 2023 CITY VISA $25.65 FWCC-SERVICE FEES 626234759 6/26/2023 US BANK, 6/26/2023 MAY 2023 CITY VISA $695.00 FWCC-MNTHLY LICENSING FEE 286807 6/28/2023 BLACK DOG SOUND &RECOR6/22/2023 6/22/23 $5,500.00 PARKS-AG23-093 SOUND RED WHITE 286914 6/30/2023 RHITHRON ASSOCIATES INC, 6/19/2023 4119 $6,885.00 SWM-AG21-118 FRESHWATER TAXONO 286914 6/30/2023 RHITHRON ASSOCIATES INC, 6/19/2023 4120 $1,710.00 SWM-AG21-118 FRESHWATER TAXONO 286848 6/30/2023 FEDERAL WAY BOYS & GIRLS6/30/2023 1 ST QTR 2023 $2,250.00 CDHS-AG23-044 TEEN CENTER YOUT 286923 6/30/2023 SOCIETY OF ST VINCENT DE 6/30/2023 1 ST QTR 2023 $7,200.00 CDHS-AG23-120 EMERGENCY HUMAN 286865 6/30/2023 JIMENEZ PRODUCTIONS, DA\6/20/2023 6/20/23 $140.00 IT-AG23-010 VIDEO PRODUCTION S Page 40 of 55 Key Bank Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmDuntGLTotal 286817 6/30/2023 ARBITRAGE COMPLIANCE, Sf4/27/2023 1033059 $1,100.00 FI-ARBITRAGE 286943 6/30/2023 US FOODS INC, .5/5/2023 4013548 $24.54 DBC-CATERING SUPPLIES 286954 6/30/2023 WEST COAST CODE CONSUL'6/1/2023 UT23-FED-008 $13,522.93 CD-AG19-070 BUILDING DIVISION 286954 6/30/2023 WEST COAST CODE CONSUL'6/1/2023 UT23-FED-009 $1,390.00 CD-AG19-070 BUILDING DIVISION 286887 6/30/2023 NARWHAL MET LLC, DBA WEJ5/23/2023 2023-22553 $5.580.00 SWM/PWST-2023 FORECASTING SERV 286847 6/30/2023 FASTSIGNS OF FEDERAL WA)5/24/2023 370-51860 $593,88 PARKS-GRAPHICS/PAINTING 286921 6/30/2023 SEMISI-TUPOU, VAIVAO T 6/12/2023 6/2/23 $140.00 MC -INTERPRETER SERVICES 286918 6/30/2023 SB DESIGN SERVICES, 6/16/2023 0823-1 $300.00 CHB-PERMIT PLANS 286865 6/30/2023 JIMENEZ PRODUCTIONS, DAW/13/2023 6/13/23 $105.00 IT-AG23-010 VIDEO PRODUCTION S 286865 6/30/2023 JIMENEZ PRODUCTIONS, DA\o6/13/2023 6/13/23 B $630.00 IT-AG23-010 VIDEO PRODUCTION S 286940 6/30/2023 TOOLE DESIGN GROUP LLC, 6/13/2023 SEA103.01_07 $6,956.16 AG22-095 SW KING COUNTY REGION 286883 6/30/2023 MOSS & BARNETT 6/14/2023 789319 $36.00 LAW-18-046 LEGAL SVC CABLE FRA 286904 6/30/2023 PIERCE COUNTY SECURITY 116/6/2023 421473 $300 00 PKM-AG23-125 SECURITY SEVICES- 286904 6/30/2023 PIERCE COUNTY SECURITY 116/6/2023 421478 $180.00 PKM-AG23-125 SECURITY SEVICES- 286904 6/30/2023 PIERCE COUNTY SECURITY 116/6/2023 421507 $175.00 PKM-AG23-125 SECURITY SEVICES- 286904 6/30/2023 PIERCE COUNTY SECURITY 116/6/2023 421508 $180.00 PKM-AG23-125 SECURITY SEVICES- 286904 6/30/2023 PIERCE COUNTY SECURITY 116/6/2023 421551 $180.00 PKM-AG23-125 SECURITY SEVICES- 286904 6/30/2023 PIERCE COUNTY SECURITY 116/6/2023 421552 $180.00 PKM-AG23-125 SECURITY SEVICES- 286904 6/30/2023 PIERCE COUNTY SECURITY 116/6/2023 421763 $375.00 PKM-AG23-125 SECURITY SEVICES- 286904 6/30/2023 PIERCE COUNTY SECURITY 116/6/2023 421775 $180.00 PKM-AG23-125 SECURITY SEVICES- 286904 6/30/2023 PIERCE COUNTY SECURITY 116/6/2023 421799 $300.00 PKM-AG23-125 SECURITY SEVICES- 286906 6/30/2023 PRISMA INTERNATIONAL INC,6/22/2023 92594-J $40 00 SWR-WRITTEN WORD TRANSLATION S 286865 6/30/2023 JIMENEZ PRODUCTIONS, DA\6/29/2023 6/29/23 $560.00 IT-AG23-010 VIDEO PRODUCTION S 286821 6/30/2023 C.E.M. MAINTENANCE INC, DE5/21/2023 AG22-063 #7 $33,167.83 FWCC-AG22-063 SLIDE &PLAY ST 286821 6/30/2023 C.E.M. MAINTENANCE INC, DE5/21/2023 AG22-063#7 $-1,658.38 FWCC-AG22-063 SLIDE &PLAY ST 286850 6/30/2023 FEDERAL WAY SYMPHONY 015/5/2023 2023(1) $7,200.00 PARKS-AG23-101 CONCERT SERIES- Page 41 of 55 Key Bank Check No Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 286829 6/30/2023 CITY OF FEDERAL WAY, 5/21/2023 AG22-063 #6 RET $1,658.38 FWCO-AG22-063 SLIDE & PLAY ST 286871 6/30/2023 LANGUAGE LINE SERVICES, 15/31/2023 11019431 $1,979.48 PD-AG21-199 LANGUAGE SVC 286892 6/30/2023 OGDEN. MURPHY, WALLACE, 6/8/2023 876732 $780.00 LAW-AG18-150 LEGAL SERVICES- 286862 6/30/2023 INTERCOM LANGUAGE SVCS.6/9/2023 23-273 $1.625.00 MC -INTERPRETER SVC 286870 6/30/2023 LANE POWELL PC, 6/14/2023 3903049 $902 00 PW-AG19-225 LEGAL SERVICES- 286828 6/30/2023 CITY OF BURIEN, 4/4/2023 2184 $10,000.00 CDHS-2023 BURIEN MOU PAYMENT 286828 6/30/2023 CITY OF BURIEN, 4/4/2023 2183 $21.000.00 CDHS-2023 BURIEN MOU PAYMENT 286831 6/30/2023 CITY OF TUKWILA, 3/16/2023 MR000053 $8,000.00 CDHS-MOU CHILD THERAPY CENTR 286957 6/30/2023 WU, THOMAS 6/1/2023 6/1/23 $236.00 MC -INTERPRETER SVC 286893 6/30/2023 OLBRECHTS &ASSOCIATES, 16/6/2023 JUNE 2023 $1.229.89 CK-AG20-961 HEARING EXAMINERS 286862 6/30/2023 INTERCOM LANGUAGE SVCS.6/16/2023 23-304 $2,635.00 MC -INTERPRETER SVC 286904 6/30/2023 PIERCE COUNTY SECURITY 116/6/2023 421837 $180.00 PKM-AG23-125 SECURITY SEVICES- 286938 6/30/2023 THE TIGER KIDS, 6/7/2023 6/7/23 $1,545.60 PARKS-AG19-217 MARTIAL ART CLA 286868 6/30/2023 KPFF INC, KPFF CONSULTING6/8/2023 474380 $2,702.35 PW-AG20-008 PACIFIC HW NON -MOT 703233039 7/3/2023 KAISER FOUNDATION HEALT17/3/2023 JULY 2023 $9,544.20 FI-07/23 ADMIN FEE KAISER HEAL 703233040 7/3/2023 KAISER FOUNDATION HEALTF7/3/2023 JULY 2023 #2 $43,082.87 FI-07/23ADMIN FEE KAISER HEAL 287036 7/14/2023 JIMENEZ PRODUCTIONS, DAW14/2023 7/4/23 $1,670.00 IT-AG23-010 VIDEO PRODUCTION S 287036 7/14/2023 JIMENEZ PRODUCTIONS, DAW/5/2023 7/5/23 $157.50 IT-AG23-010 VIDEO PRODUCTION S 287064 7/14/2023 NAVIA BENEFIT SOLUTIONS, 6/29/2023 10713337 $324.00 HR-FLEX PLAN ADM SVCS AG12-061 287126 7/14/2023 VNF SOLUTIONS LLC, 6/28/2023 439906 $5,000.00 MO-AG21-015 FEDERAL LOBBYING S 287123 7/14/2023 USIC HOLDINGS INC, 6/30/2023 596153 $6,793.91 PWTR/SWM-AG19-078 UGD ULT LOCA 287084 7/14/2023 PROTECT YOUTH SPORTS, 6/30/2023 1072212 $286.00 HR-BACKGROUND CHECKS 287123 7/14/2023 USIC HOLDINGS INC, 6/30/2023 596153 $2,383.52 PWTR/SWM-AG19-078 UGD ULT LOCA 287031 7/14/2023 INTERCOM LANGUAGE SVCS,6/30/2023 23-283 $280 00 MC -INTERPRETER SVC 287031 7/14/2023 INTERCOM LANGUAGE SVCS.6/30/2023 23-321 $1,575.00 MC -INTERPRETER SVC 287007 7/14/2023 ELTEC SYSTEMS DBA, SCHIN7/1/2023 8106276245 $796.16 CHB-AG21-045 ELEVATOR SVC Page 42 of 55 Key Bank Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Descriphorr AmountGL Total 287007 7/14/2023 ELTEC SYSTEMS DBA, SCHIN7/1/2023 8106276246 $796.16 FWCC-AG21-045 ELEVATOR SVC 286972 7/14/2023 AMERICAN TRAFFIC SOLUTI06/30/2023 INVO057086 $52,250.00 PD-AG21-034 PHOTO ENFORCEMENT 287113 7/14/2023 THE TIGER KIDS, 6/27/2023 6/27123 $441.00 PARKS-AG19-217 MARTIAL ART CLA 287036 7/14/2023 JIMENEZ PRODUCTIONS, DA\6/27/2023 6/27/23 $87.50 CC-AG23-010 VIDEO PRODUCTION S 287108 7/14/2023 SUMMIT LAW GROUP, 6/27/2023 146297 $396.36 LAW-AG21-156 LEGAL SVCS- 287036 7/14/2023 JIMENEZ PRODUCTIONS, DA,6/26/2023 6/26/23 $122.50 IT-AG23-010 VIDEO PRODUCTION S 287095 7/14/2023 SEMISI-TUPOU, VAIVAO T 6/26/2023 6/26/23 $140.00 INTERPRETER SERVICES 287097 7/14/2023 SKCSRA-SOCCER REFEREES6/26/2023 2426 $2,328.75 PARKS-AG18-009 SOCCER REFEREE 287107 7/14/2023 STEWART MACNICHOLS HARI6/16/2023 2005 $42,865.00 MO-AG22-115 05/23 PUBLIC DEFEN 287012 7/14/2023 FINANCIAL CONSULTING SOL6/23/2023 3662-22306019 $760.00 PARKS-AG22-087 PARK IMPACT FEE 286989 7/14/2023 CHAE, HENRY 6/23/2023 6/23/23 $900.00 PARKS -SUMMER SOUNDS 287031 7/14/2023 INTERCOM LANGUAGE SVCS.6/23/2023 23-309 $2.786.10 MC -INTERPRETER SVC 286984 7/14/2023 CAHAN FIRSTAID & CPR TRAI6/23/2023 325953 $800.00 PARKS -CPR TRAINING 287062 7/14/2023 MYKING, MARK L. 6/22/2023 6/22/23 $1,000.00 PARKS -SUMMER SOUNDS 287040 7/14/2023 KING COUNTY FINANCE DIVIE5/31/2023 126879-126887 $3,141 52 PWTR/PD-RSD PJ#126879-126887 287135 7/14/2023 WEST COAST CODE CONSUL"5/1/2023 UT23-FED-006 $360.00 CD-AG19-070 BUILDING DIVISION 287031 7/14/2023 INTERCOM LANGUAGE SVCS.4/14/2023 23-199 $997,50 MC -INTERPRETER SVC 287031 7/14/2023 INTERCOM LANGUAGE SVCS,5/19/2023 23-256 $2,542.50 MC -INTERPRETER SVC 287090 7/14/2023 SAFAROVA-DOWNEY,ALMIRA6/13/2023 6/13/23 $140.00 MC -INTERPRETER SVC 287022 7/14/2023 H2 GOVERNMENT RELATIOW7/12/2023 H2_CFW_2455 $3,500.00 MO-AG21-013 LOBBYING SVC-- 287089 7/14/2023 RIVERS EDGE ENVIRONMEN16/20/2023 2791 $19,070.91 CD-AG23-129 30601 1ST PL SW DE 287095 7/14/2023 SEMISI-TUPOU, VAIVAO T 6/21/2023 6/21/23 $140.00 MC -INTERPRETER SVC 287108 7/14/2023 SUMMIT LAW GROUP, 6/21/2023 145889 $4,197.50 LAW-AG21-156 LEGAL SVCS- 287107 7/14/2023 STEWART MACNICHOLS HARI6/21/2023 2004 REVISED $46,435.75 MO-AG22-115 04/23 PUBLIC DEFEN PUBLIC UTILITY SERVICES $54.72 286834 6/30/2023 COMCAST OF WASHINGTON 16/1/2023 8498 34 016 1554623 $54.72 FWCC-06/23 CABLE SVC PUBLIC WORKS - INSPECTION DEPOE $5,020.36 Page 43 of 55 Key Bank Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 287040 7/14/2023 KING COUNTY FINANCE DIV15/31/2023 126879-126887 $208.36 PWTR/PD-RSD PJ#126879-126887 287013 7/14/2023 GCH PUGET SOUND INC., 6/27/2023 19-103486 $4,812.00 PW-REFUND DEPOSIT#19-103486 PURCHASE OF RESALE ITEMS $3,176.53 629239491 6/23/2023 US BANK, 6/23/2023 MAY 2023 PRO VISA $367.97 FWCC-SNACKS FOR RESALE 629239491 6/23/2023 US BANK, 6/23/2023 MAY 2023 PRO VISA $32.30 FWCC-SNACKS FOR RESALE 629239491 6/23/2023 US BANK, 6/23/2023 MAY 2023 PRO VISA $215.52 FWCC-SNACKS FOR RESALE 629239491 6/23/2023 US BANK, 6/23/2023 MAY 2023 PRO VISA $49.30 FWCC-SNACKS FOR RESALE 629239491 6/23/2023 US BANK, 6/23/2023 MAY 2023 PRO VISA $677.42 FWCC-SNACKS FOR RESALE 629239491 6/23/2023 US BANK, 6/23/2023 MAY 2023 PRO VISA $16.25 DBC-SNACKS FOR RESALE 629239491 6/23/2023 US BANK, 6/23/2023 MAY 2023 PRO VISA $8.47 DBC-SNACKS FOR RESALE 626234759 6/26/2023 US BANK, 6/26/2023 MAY 2023 CITY VISA $48.27 FWCC-,SNACKS FOR RESALE 626234759 6/26/2023 US BANK, 6/26/2023 MAY 2023 CITY VISA $852.05 FWCC-SNACKS FOR RESALE 626234759 6/26/2023 US BANK, 6/26/2023 MAY 2023 CITY VISA $308.10 FWCC-SNACKS FOR RESALE 286982 7/14/2023 CAFE FONTE COFFEE COMPF6/16/2023 293249 $600.88 FWCC-CAFE COFFEE SUPPLY RECOGNITION/AWARD PROGRAM $106.82 629239491 6/23/2023 US BANK, 6/23/2023 MAY 2023 PRO VISA $106.82 MO -FLOWERS CITY CLERK WK RENTAL CARSIGROUND TRANSPORT $947.62 626234759 6/26/2023 US BANK, 6/26/2023 MAY 2023 CITY VISA $60.00 MO-AWC CONF TAXIS 626234759 6/26/2023 US BANK, 6/26/2023 MAY 2023 CITY VISA $223.05 MO-AWC CONF TAXIS 626233793 6/26/2023 US BANK, 6/26/2023 MAY 2023 PD VISA $56.33 PD-UBER SVC 286916 6/30/2023 RODRIGUEZ, JOSEPH 6/27/2023 RODRIGUEZ 2023 $614 24 PD-TRAINING RENTAL CAR RENTAL OF FURNITURE/EQUIPMENT $8,145.50 286903 6/30/2023 PHOENIXASPHALT MAINT C05/17/2023 45703 $555.50 Sales Tax 286903 6/30/2023 PHOENIX ASPHALT MAINT C05/17/2023 45703 $5,500.00 PWST-FOR RENTAL MACHINE AND CR 287024 7/14/2023 HEAD -QUARTERS PTS, 6/26/2023 61788 $570.00 PKM-AG18-017 PORTABLE TOILETS 287024 7/14/2023 HEAD -QUARTERS PTS, 6/30/2023 61820 $1,520.00 PKM-AG18-017 PORTABLE TOILETS REPAIR & MAINT SUPPLIES $6,885.56 629239491 6/23/2023 US BANK, 6/23/2023 MAY 2023 PRO VISA $398.62 PKM-MAINT SUPPLS Page 44 of 55 Key Bank Check No Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGLTotal 629239491 6/23/2023 US BANK, 6/23/2023 MAY 2023 PRO VISA $381.51 PKM-REPAIR & MAINT SUPPLS 629239491 6/23/2023 US BANK, 6/23/2023 MAY 2023 PRO VISA $210.00 DBC-MAINT SUPPLIES 629239491 6/23/2023 US BANK, 6/23/2023 MAY 2023 PRO VISA $57.29 SWM-MAINT SUPPLS 629239491 6/23/2023 US BANK, 6/23/2023 MAY 2023 PRO VISA $600 02 PKM-MAINT SUPPLS 629239491 6/23/2023 US BANK, 6/23/2023 MAY 2023 PRO VISA $116 23 PKM-MAINT SUPPLS 286878 6/30/2023 MCLENDON HARDWARE INC, 6/7/2023 G23926/3 $30.71 PKM-MAINT SUPPLIES 286877 6/30/2023 LOWE'S HIW INC, 6/8/2023 02676 $48 41 PKM-MAINT SUPPLIES 286846 6/30/2023 EWING IRRIGATION PRODUC-6/8/2023 19661851 $219 83 PKM-MAINT SUPPLIES 286877 6/30/2023 LOWE'S HIW INC, 6/9/2023 23362 $43 90 PKM-MAINT SUPPLIES 286846 6/30/2023 EWING IRRIGATION PRODUC-6/12/2023 19699295 $239 24 PKM-MAINT SUPPLIES 286877 6/30/2023 LOWE'S HIW INC, 6/12/2023 02454 $87.28 PWST-MAINT SUPPLIES 286812 6/30/2023 AGRISHOP INC, 6/8/2023 69891/1 $164.19 PKM-EQUIPMENT PARTS & REPAIRS 286812 6/30/2023 AGRISHOP INC, 6/8/2023 69895/1 $57.29 PKM-EQUIPMENT PARTS & REPAIRS 286877 6/30/2023 LOWE'S HIW INC, 6/8/2023 02678 $57A1 PKM-MAINT SUPPLIES 286877 6/30/2023 LOWE'S HIW INC, 6/8/2023 01594 $282.33 CHB-MAINT SUPPLIES 286861 6/30/2023 HOME DEPOT-DEPT 32-250076/13/2023 8091149 $36.84 PKM-REPAIR/MAINT SUPPLIES 286861 6/30/2023 HOME DEPOT-DEPT 32-250076/12/2023 9524723 $47.17 PKM-REPAIR/MAINT SUPPLIES 286877 6/30/2023 LOWE'S HIW INC, 6/13/2023 02728 $20.89 PKM-MAINT SUPPLIES 286877 6/30/2023 LOWE'S HIW INC, 6/13/2023 02785 $74.16 PKM-MAINT SUPPLIES 286877 6/30/2023 LOWE'S HIW INC, 6/13/2023 10133 $17.92 PKM-MAINT SUPPLIES 287052 7/14/2023 LOWE'S HIW INC, 7/3/2023 02237 $16.69 PWST-MAINT SUPPLIES 287112 7/14/2023 THE PART WORKS INC, 7/6/2023 INV95108 $25.48 PKM-MAINT SUPPLIES 287120 7/14/2023 TRINITYACE HARDWARE, 7/5/2023 306318 $9.88 PWST-SUPPLIES 287027 7/14/2023 HOME DEPOT-DEPT 32-250076/26/2023 5284018 $98.91 CHB-REPAIR & MAINT SUPPLIES 287018 7/14/2023 GRAINGER INC, 6/23/2023 9749883238 $44.17 CHB-MAINT SUPPLIES 287052 7/14/2023 LOWE'S HIW INC, 6/26/2023 71003 $218.89 CHB-MAINT SUPPLIES Page 45 of 55 Key Bank Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGLTotal 287018 7/14/2023 GRAINGER INC, 6/16/2023 9742594451 $28-47 CHB-MAINT SUPPLIES 287121 7/14/2023 ULINE, 6/16/2023 164928679 $1,418 69 PWST-MAINT SUPPLIES 286967 7/14/2023 AGRISHOP INC, 6/23/2023 70014/1 $187.09 PKM-EQUIPMENT PARTS & REPAIRS 287081 7/14/2023 PLATT ELECTRIC SUPPLY, 3/22/2023 3572793 $261.04 CHB-ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES 287063 7/14/2023 NAPAAUTO PARTS, 6/23/2023 123786 $-6.80 PWST-REPAIR & MAINT 287120 7/14/2023 TRINITY ACE HARDWARE, 6/23/2023 303786 $22.00 PKM-SUPPLIES 287063 7/14/2023 NAPAAUTO PARTS, 5/18/2023 120356 $2245 PWST-REPAIR & MAINT 287069 7/14/2023 ORCA PACIFIC INC, 6/20/2023 INV0604674 $1.323 07 PARKS -POOL CHEMICALS AG17-002 287035 7/14/2023 JENNINGS EQUIPMENT INC, 6/21/2023 44714P $24.29 PKM-MAINT SVC REPAIR PARTS $15,701.92 629239491 6/23/2023 US BANK, 6/23/2023 MAY 2023 PRO VISA $677.41 PKM-REPAIR PARTS 629239491 6/23/2023 US BANK, 6/23/2023 MAY 2023 PRO VISA $300.85 FLT-REPAIR PRTS 629239491 6/23/2023 US BANK, 6/23/2023 MAY 2023 PRO VISA $20.91 FLT-REPAIR PRTS 629239491 6/23/2023 US BANK, 6/23/2023 MAY 2023 PRO VISA $42.93 FLT-REPAIR PRTS 629239491 6/23/2023 US BANK, 6/23/2023 MAY 2023 PRO VISA $17.58 FLT-REPAIR PRTS 629239491 6/23/2023 US BANK, 6/23/2023 MAY 2023 PRO VISA $119.95 FLT-REPAIR PRTS 629239491 6/23/2023 US BANK, 6/23/2023 MAY 2023 PRO VISA $48.08 FLT-REPAIR PRTS 626233793 6/26/2023 US BANK, 6/26/2023 MAY 2023 PD VISA $49.53 PD-MAINT SUPPLIES 626233793 6/26/2023 US BANK, 6/26/2023 MAY 2023 PD VISA $55.55 PD-MAINT SUPPLIES 626233793 6/26/2023 US BANK, 6/26/2023 MAY 2023 PD VISA $39.60 PD-MAINT SUPPLIES 286945 6/30/2023 VILMASIGNS, 6/5/2023 4282 $1,843.07 FLT-MAINT SUPPLIES 286886 6/30/2023 NAPAAUTO PARTS, 6/8/2023 122321 $37.92 FLT-REPAIR & MAINT 286812 6/30/2023 AGRISHOP INC, 6/7/2023 69884/1 $330.56 FLT-EQUIPMENT PARTS & REPAIR 286942 6/30/2023 TURF STAR INC, 6/8/2023 7282027-01 $1.998.98 FLT-MAINT PARTS 286886 6/30/2023 NAPAAUTO PARTS, 6/9/2023 122430 $6.74 FLT-REPAIR & MAINT 286886 6/30/2023 NAPAAUTO PARTS, 6/13/2023 122784 $11.98 FLT-REPAIR & MAINT Page 46 of 55 Key Bank Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 286945 6/30/2023 VILMASIGNS, 4/18/2023 4226 $214.70 FLT-MAINT SUPPLIES 286925 6/30/2023 SONSRAY MACHINERY LLC, 3/3/2022 PSO011090-1 $4108 FLT-MAINT PARTS & SVC 286924 6/30/2023 SONSRAY MACHINERY LLC, 8/17/2022 PSO033348-1 $570 44 FLT-MAINT PARTS & SVC 286886 6/30/2023 NAPA AUTO PARTS, 6/20/2023 123446 $7.74 FLT-REPAIR & MAINT 287100 7/14/2023 SONSRAY MACHINERY LLC, 9/16/2022 PSO040468-1 $5.191.43 FLT-REPAIR PARTS 287100 7/14/2023 SONSRAY MACHINERY LLC, 9/16/2022 PSO040468-1 $524.34 Sales Tax 287125 7/14/2023 VILMA SIGNS, 6/23/2023 4320 $66.06 FLT-MAINT SUPPLIES 286970 7/14/2023 AMB TOOLS & EQUIPMENT, AI'6/2312023 T333972 $83.18 PKM-TOOLS/EQUIPMENT 287117 7/14/2023 TIMCO INC, 10/15/2023 T039119 $196.55 FLT-MAINT SUPPLIES 287010 7/14/2023 FASTENAL, 6/27/2023 WAAUB96741 $11.15 FLT-MAINT SUPPLIES- 287023 7/14/2023 HD SUPPLY CONST SUPPLY L4/6/2023 FICS2274965 $139 00 FLT-MAINT SUPPLIES 287005 7/14/2023 EAGLE TIRE &AUTOMOTIVE (6/3/2023 1-49974 $1.986.91 PD-VEHICLE MAINT 286980 7/14/2023 BEN'S CLEANER SALES INC, 6/21/2023 342435 $1,065.70 FLT-EXHAUST/DUST BAG REPAIRS AND MAINTENANCE $401,996.39 286842 6/30/2023 EAGLE TIRE &AUTOMOTIVE (6/5/2023 1-50015 $259 48 PD-VEH MAINT 286876 6/30/2023 LIMITED ENERGY SERVIC INC5/3/2023 P 5783 $863 35 PKM-MAINT SVC 286876 6/30/2023 LIMITED ENERGY SERVIC INC5/3/2023 P 5782 $412.88 PKM-MAINT SVC 286885 6/30/2023 MVTOWINGLLC, 6/16/2023 29527 $132.24 PD-VEHICLE TOW 286864 6/30/2023 J & D'S HYDRAULIC & REPAIR6/16/2023 43709 $454.16 FLT-MAINT SVCS 286895 6/30/2023 PAPE MACHINERY INC, 6/7/2023 2161972 $8.151.10 THIS IS A FAIR AND COMPETITIVE 286895 6/30/2023 PAPE MACHINERY INC, 6/7/2023 2161972 $815,08 10.00 286819 6/30/2023 BEN-KO-MATIC CO, OWEN E06/8/2023 00111026 $144.51 FLT-MAINT & REPAIR SVCS 286836 6/30/2023 COPIERS NORTHWEST INC, 5/31/2023 INV2658603 $649.12 IT-AG21-019 PRINTER/COPIER MAI 286836 6/30/2023 COPIERS NORTHWEST INC, 5/31/2023 INV2658990 $204.17 IT-AG21-019 PRINTER/COPIER MAI 286836 6/30/2023 COPIERS NORTHWEST INC, 5/31/2023 INV2658990 $1,173.96 IT-AG21-019 PRINTER/COPIER MAI 286836 6/30/2023 COPIERS NORTHWEST INC, 5/31/2023 INV2658990 $1.173.95 IT-AG21-019 PRINTER/COPIER MAI Page 47 of 55 Key Bank Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Descriotion AmountGL Total 286889 6/30/2023 NORSTAR INDUSTRIES INC, 2/16/2023 60831 $413.25 FLT-MAINT SVC 286842 6/30/2023 EAGLE TIRE &AUTOMOTIVE (619/2023 1-50046 $655.10 FLT-VEHICLE MAINT 286842 6/30/2023 EAGLE TIRE & AUTOMOTIVE (6/9/2023 1-50054 $102,37 PD-VEH MAINT 286842 6/30/2023 EAGLE TIRE &AUTOMOTIVE (6/9/2023 1-50056 $102.91 PD-VEHICLE MAINT 286842 6/30/2023 EAGLE TIRE &AUTOMOTIVE (6/7/2023 1-50028 $619.60 FLT-VEHICLE MAINT 286842 6/30/2023 EAGLE TIRE &AUTOMOTIVE (6/7/2023 1-50042 $120.53 PD-VEH MAINT 286842 6/30/2023 EAGLE TIRE &AUTOMOTIVE (6/7/2023 1-50041 $313.85 PD-VEH MAINT 286812 6/30/2023 AGRISHOP INC, 6/7/2023 69882/1 $251 21 PKM-EQUIPMENT PARTS & REPAIRS 286842 6/30/2023 EAGLE TIRE &AUTOMOTIVE (6/8/2023 1-50048 $24 04 PD-VEH MAINT 286907 6/30/2023 PRO TOUCH AUTO INTERIOR 6/8/2023 61613 $176.16 PD-VEH MAINT SVC 286934 6/30/2023 SYSTEMS FOR PUBLIC SAFEl6/21/2023 44317 $129.94 PD-VEHICLE REPAIR SVC 286934 6/30/2023 SYSTEMS FOR PUBLIC SAFE-6/21/2023 44367 $320.52 PD-VEHICLE REPAIR SVC 286842 6/30/2023 EAGLE TIRE &AUTOMOTIVE (6/10/2023 1-50052 $786.07 FLT-VEHICLE MAINT 286842 6/30/2023 EAGLE TIRE &AUTOMOTIVE (6/10/2023 1-50062 $172.73 FLT-VEHICLE MAINT 286934 6/30/2023 SYSTEMS FOR PUBLIC SAFE-6/19/2023 44324 $103.95 PD-VEH MAINT SVC 286842 6/30/2023 EAGLE TIRE & AUTOMOTIVE (6/19/2023 1-50126 $235.31 PD-VEHICLE MAINT 286842 6/30/2023 EAGLE TIRE & AUTOMOTIVE (6/19/2023 1-50127 $1,450.46 PD-VEH MAINT 286842 6/30/2023 EAGLE TIRE & AUTOMOTIVE (6/1912023 1-50129 $299.85 PD-VEHICLE MAINT 286842 6/30/2023 EAGLE TIRE &AUTOMOTIVE (6/19/2023 1-50132 $102.38 PD-VEH MAINT 286842 6/30/2023 EAGLE TIRE & AUTOMOTIVE (6/19/2023 1-50134 $154.61 PD-VEH MAINT 286842 6/30/2023 EAGLE TIRE & AUTOMOTIVE (5/19/2023 1-49857 $1,829.67 PD-VEHICLE MAINT 286934 6/30/2023 SYSTEMS FOR PUBLIC SAFE15/24/2023 44117 $601.44 PD-VEHICLE REPAIR SVC 286842 6/30/2023 EAGLE TIRE & AUTOMOTIVE (5/31/2023 1-49970 $48.94 PD-VEHICLE MAINT 286842 6/30/2023 EAGLE TIRE & AUTOMOTIVE (6/1/2023 1-49943 $13.76 FLT-VEHICLE MAINT 286951 6/30/2023 WASHDUP, LLC, 5/31/2023 590 $488.80 PD-MAY CAR WASH SERVICE 286952 6/30/2023 WASHDUP, LLC, 5/31/2023 591 $71.91 FLT-MAY CAR WASHES Page 48 of 55 Key Bank Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice DeSCrbtiOn AmountGL Total 286842 6/30/2023 EAGLE TIRE &AUTOMOTIVE (6/13/2023 1-50075 $761.77 PD-VEH MAINT 286929 6/30/2023 SPRAGUE PEST CONTROL, 6/13/2023 5139378 $125,11 DBC-FACILITIES PEST CONTROL 286929 6/30/2023 SPRAGUE PEST CONTROL, 6/13/2023 5140801 $7&72 DBC-FACILITIES PEST CONTROL 286907 6/30/2023 PRO TOUCH AUTO INTERIOR 6/12/2023 61620 $176.16 PD-VEHICLE CLEANING SVC 286812 6/30/2023 AGRISHOP INC, 6/12/2023 69917/1 $89 20 SWM-REPAIR/MAINT SUPPLIES 286934 6/30/2023 SYSTEMS FOR PUBLIC SAFE16/9/2023 43504 $3,752.24 PD-VEHICLE REPAIR SVC 286842 6/30/2023 EAGLE TIRE & AUTOMOTIVE (6/12/2023 1-49951 $93.59 PD-VEH MAINT 286955 6/30/2023 WHIRLWIND SERVICES INC, V'6/9/2023 740136 $104 90 PARKS-AG18-003 PARKING LOT VAC 286842 6/30/2023 EAGLE TIRE &AUTOMOTIVE (6/10/2023 1-50064 $93.50 FLT-VEHICLE MAINT 286842 6/30/2023 EAGLE TIRE &AUTOMOTIVE (6/14/2023 1-50093 $157 48 PD-VEH MAINT 286885 6/30/2023 MVTOW NG LLC, 6/14/2023 29327 $77.14 PD-VEHICLE TOW 286842 6/30/2023 EAGLE TIRE &AUTOMOTIVE (6/15/2023 1-50108 $179.38 PD-VEH MAINT 286842 6/30/2023 EAGLE TIRE &AUTOMOTIVE (6/15/2023 1-49847 $48.94 PD-VEHICLE MAINT 286842 6/30/2023 EAGLE TIRE &AUTOMOTIVE (6/16/2023 1-50107 $93.59 PD-VEH MAINT 287075 7/14/2023 PETTY CASH -POLICE DEPT, 6/28/2023 034057 $8.25 PD-LIGHT BULBS- 287004 7/14/2023 DMX LLC DBA MOOD MEDIA, 7/1/2023 57624371 $56.20 IT-06/23 MEDIA SERVICES 287057 7/14/2023 MCDONOUGH & SONS INC, 6/30/2023 267505 $7,421.10 SWM-AG23-008 2023 STREET SWEEP 287094 7/14/2023 SECOMA FENCE INC, 6/30/2023 26930 $3,110.33 PWST-FENCE REPAIR SVCS 287054 7/14/2023 MACMOR INC, 6/30/2023 18072 $15,188.89 PWST/SWR-AG23-006 2023 RIGHT-O 287054 7/14/2023 MACMOR INC, 6/30/2023 18072 $5,758.32 PWST/SWR-AG23-006 2023 RIGHT-O 287045 7/14/2023 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC7/3/2023 6508 $270,827.70 FI-Q3/2023 FIRE PROTECTION 287005 7/14/2023 EAGLE TIRE &AUTOMOTIVE (6/24/2023 1-50170 $130.39 FLT-VEHICLE MAINT 287021 7/14/2023 GREENPOINT LANDSCAPING 6/25/2023 127148607 $1,568.93 FWCC-AG19-119 LANDSCAPE MAINT 287103 7/14/2023 SOUTH TACOMA GLASS SPEC6/26/2023 65487 $324.50 PD-VEHICLE MAINT 287070 7/14/2023 PAPE MACHINERY INC, 6/27/2023 913219 $1,114.90 FLT-MAINT SVC 287053 7/14/2023 MACDONALD MILLER SERVIC6/26/2023 SVC265034 $977.69 FWCC-AG19r042B HVAC SVC- Key Bank Page 49 of 55 Cherk No Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 287105 7/14/2023 SPRAGUE PEST CONTROL, 6/19/2023 5140843 $133.22 PKM-FACILITIES PEST CONTROL 287061 7/14/2023 MV TOWING LLC, 6/18/2023 29657 $77.07 PD-VEHICLE TOW 287114 7/14/2023 THUNDERING OAK ENTERPRI6/1612023 12148 $2.642.40 PKM-AG19-115 TREE SVC AGREEMEN 287005 7/14/2023 EAGLE TIRE &AUTOMOTIVE (4/3/2023 1-49522 $-140.93 FLT-VEHICLE MAINT 287005 7/14/2023 EAGLE TIRE &AUTOMOTIVE (2/4/2023 1-49038 $226.73 FLT-VEHICLE MAINT 287119 7/14/2023 TOTAL LANDSCAPE CORPOFL3/31/2023 90759 REISSUE $1.109.81 PKDBC-AG19-224 LANDSCAPE MAINT 287005 7/14/2023 EAGLE TIRE &AUTOMOTIVE (2/4/2023 1-49039 $389.90 FLT-VEHICLE MAINT 287005 7/14/2023 EAGLE TIRE &AUTOMOTIVE (2/4/2023 1-49040 $553.04 FLT-VEHICLE MAINT 287005 7/14/2023 EAGLE TIRE & AUTOMOTIVE (2/4/2023 149028 $591.47 FLT-VEHICLE MAINT 287005 7/14/2023 EAGLE TIRE & AUTOMOTIVE (2/16/2023 1-49129 $252.74 FLT-VEHICLE MAINT 287005 7/14/2023 EAGLE TIRE &AUTOMOTIVE (2127/2023 1-49201 $304.72 FLT-VEHICLE MAINT 287005 7/14/2023 EAGLE TIRE &AUTOMOTIVE (2/28/2023 1-49210 $161.19 FLT-VEHICLE MAINT 287005 7/14/2023 EAGLE TIRE &AUTOMOTIVE (3/2/2023 1-49181 $561,51 FLT-VEHICLE MAINT 287005 7/14/2023 EAGLE TIRE &AUTOMOTIVE (3/2/2023 1-49220 $244.80 FLT-VEHICLE MAINT 287005 7/14/2023 EAGLE TIRE &AUTOMOTIVE (3/4/2023 1-49250 $185.35 FLT-VEHICLE MAINT 287005 7/14/2023 EAGLE TIRE &AUTOMOTIVE (3/712023 1-49259 $135.55 FLT-VEHICLE MAINT 287005 7/14/2023 EAGLE TIRE &AUTOMOTIVE (6/15/2023 1-49802 $353.35 FLT-VEHICLE MAINT 287110 7/14/2023 TERMINIX, 6/14/2023 434576833 $116 71 FWCC-PEST CONTROL 287136 7/14/2023 WHIRLWIND SERVICES INC, V6/1/2023 738420 $122 21 PARKS-AG18-003 PARKING LOT VAC 287005 7/14/2023 EAGLE TIRE & AUTOMOTIVE (6/5/2023 1-50000 $2,056.40 FLT-VEHICLE MAINT 287005 7/14/2023 EAGLE TIRE & AUTOMOTIVE (5/3112023 1-49756 $2.232.17 FLT-VEHICLE MAINT 287005 7/14/2023 EAGLE TIRE &AUTOMOTIVE (5/31/2023 1-49942 $171.77 FLT-VEHICLE MAINT 287040 7/14/2023 KING COUNTY FINANCE DIVI:5/31/2023 126879-126887 $11,208.51 PWTR/PD-RSD PJ#126879-126887 287005 7/14/2023 EAGLE TIRE &AUTOMOTIVE (6/5/2023 1-50017 $-225.04 FLT-VEHICLE MAINT 287059 7/14/2023 MILES RESOURCES LLC, 6/5/2023 345980 $336.18 SWM-ASPHALT SUPPLIES 287054 7/14/2023 MACMOR INC, 6/8/2023 17955 $11,708.36 PWST/SWR-AG23-006 2023 RIGHT-0 Key Bank Page 50 of 55 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 287054 7/14/2023 MACMOR INC, 6/8/2023 17955 $5,918.27 PWST/SWR-AG23-006 2023 RIGHT-O 287114 7/14/2023 THUNDERING OAK ENTERPRI6/12/2023 12144 $1,871.70 PKM-AG19-115 TREE SVC AGREEMEN 286985 7/14/2023 CAR WASH ENTERPRISES, 6/21/2023 MAY 2023 $870.00 PD-MAY 2023 VEHICLE WASHES 286962 7/14/2023 AADVANCED SEPTIC SERVIC6/21/2023 673551 $1,058,45 PKM-REPAIR & MAINT SVCS 287114 7/14/2023 THUNDERING OAK ENTERPRI6/22/2023 12158 $3,688.35 PKM-AG19-115 TREE SVC AGREEMEN 287057 7/14/2023 MCDONOUGH & SONS INC, 6/20/2023 267507 $225.00 SWM-AG23-008 2023 STREET SWEEP 287099 7/14/2023 SMS CLEANING, 6/19/2023 FEDWAY-0623 $11,984.04 CHB-AG20-022 JANITORIAL SVC 287066 7/14/2023 NORSTAR INDUSTRIES INC, 7/14/2023 60464 $4,113.63 FLT-PURCHASE 2022 REPAIRS TO 4 287066 7/14/2023 NORSTAR INDUSTRIES INC, 7/14/2023 60464 $415.48 Sales Tax ROAD SVCS/PERMITS-INTGVT $52,224.39 286866 6/30/2023 KING COUNTY FINANCE DIVIc5/31/2023 126892-126924 $43,964.23 PWTR-RSD PJ#126892-126924 286866 6/30/2023 KING COUNTY FINANCE DIVI£5/31/2023 126959-126959 $2,480.45 SWM-RSD FW PJ#126959-126959 287130 7/14/2023 WA STATE DEPT OF TRANSPC6/13/2023 RE 41 JZ1812 L003 $436.73 PW-PROJECT JZ0247 FEES 287040 7/14/2023 KING COUNTY FINANCE DIVIE5/31/2023 126879-126887 $344 64 PWrR/PD-RSD PJ#126879-126887 287040 7/14/2023 KING COUNTY FINANCE DIVIE5/31/2023 126879-126887 $4,998.34 PWTR/PD-RSD PJ#126879-126887 SALES TAX PAYABLE $6,580.04 626233485 6/26/2023 WA STATE REVENUE DEPART6/26/2023 601-223-538 $6,580 04 FI-05123 REMIT SALES TAX SALES TAX PAYABLE-RECREAT $7,496.50 626233485 6/26/2023 WA STATE REVENUE DEPART6/26/2023 601-223-538 $53.37 FI-05/23 REMIT SALES TAX 626233485 6/26/2023 WA STATE REVENUE DEPART6/26/2023 601-223-538 $7,443.13 FI-05/23 REMIT SALES TAX SBCC SURCHARGE $1,087.00 286949 6/30/2023 WA STATE -STATE REVENUES,6/26/2023 MAY 2023 $599.50 FI-05/23 STATE PORTION REMIT F 287132 7/14/2023 WA STATE -STATE REVENUES,?/10/2023 JUNE 2023 $487,50 FI-06/23 STATE PORTION REMIT F SEWER BILLINGS $1,173.28 287046 7/14/2023 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC'6/15/2023 2426304 $42.32 CHB-04/23 2141 314 ST S. #221 287046 7/14/2023 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC'6/15/2023 824102 $84.64 PKM-04/23 30009 16TH AVE S IRR 287046 7/14/2023 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC-6/15/2023 888302 $68.96 PKM-04/23 31104 28TH AVE S M92 287046 7/14/2023 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC-6/15/2023 899802 $588.44 PKM-04/23 2410 312TH ST S BEAC Page 51 of 55 Key Bank Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 287046 7/14/2023 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC-6/15/2023 101 $42.32 PKM-04/23 31132 28TH AVE S M42 287046 7/14/2023 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC'6/9/2023 3671801 $144.44 PKM-04/23 31600 20TH AVE S. M# 287046 7/14/2023 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC'619/2023 460602 $202 16 PKM-04/23 2645 312TH ST S 4191 SMALL TOOLS - SHOP $2,191.28 629239491 6/23/2023 US BANK, 6/23/2023 MAY 2023 PRO VISA $420.89 PKM-SMALL TOOLS 629239491 6123/2023 US BANK, 6/23/2023 MAY 2023 PRO VISA $412.88 PWST-SMALL TOOLS 629239491 6/23/2023 US BANK, 6/23/2023 MAY 2023 PRO VISA $17,24 FWCC-SMALLS TOOLS 629239491 6/23/2023 US BANK, 6/23/2023 MAY 2023 PRO VISA $20.86 FWCC-SMALLS TOOLS 629239491 6/23/2023 US BANK, 6123/2023 MAY 2023 PRO VISA $24 21 FWCC-SMALLS TOOLS 629239491 6/23/2023 US BANK, 6/23/2023 MAY 2023 PRO VISA $16.53 FWCC-SMALLS TOOLS 286812 6/30/2023 AGRISHOP INC, 6/21/2023 69997/1 $94.74 PWST-MAINT PARTS 286812 6/30/2023 AGRISHOP INC, 6/8/2023 69894/1 $242.43 PWST-EQUIPMENT PARTS & REPAIRS 286812 6/30/2023 AGRISHOP INC, 6/22/2023 70002/1 $43.97 PWST-MAINT PARTS 286941 6/30/2023 TRINITY ACE HARDWARE, 6/9/2023 301404 $35.62 PWST-SUPPLIES 286814 6/30/2023 ALPINE PRODUCTS INC, 5/31/2023 TM-216728 $258.97 PW-MAINT SUPPLIES 287027 7/14/2023 HOME DEPOT-DEPT 32-250076/14/2023 7623882 $24.15 CHB-REPAIR/MAINTENANCE SUPPLIE 287052 7/14/2023 LOWE'S HIW INC, 6/23/2023 96723 $12,51 PKM-MAINT SUPPLIES 287052 7/14/2023 LOWE'S HIW INC, 6/27/2023 02799 $125.47 PKM-MAINT SUPPLIES 287120 7/14/2023 TRINITY ACE HARDWARE, 6/29/2023 304988 $8.80 PWST-SUPPLIES 287027 7/14/2023 HOME DEPOT-DEPT 32-250076/21 /2023 0211875 $417 75 PKM-REPAIR/MAINT SUPPLIES 287027 7/14/2023 HOME DEPOT-DEPT 32-25007r6/21/2023 0520180 $14.26 PKM-REPAIR/MAINTENANCE SUPPLIE STATE COVID -19 GRANT TRUCK $103,791.10 286832 6/30/2023 CLARY LONGVIEW LLC, BUD (6/12/2023 3PT768 $51,895.55 PD-2023 FORD POLICE INTERCEPTO 286994 7/14/2023 CLARY LONGVIEW LLC, BUD (6/22/2023 3PT767 $51,895.55 PD- 2023 FORD POLICE INTERCEPT STATE COVID-19 GRANT BUSIN REIME $20,029.54 286841 6/30/2023 DELL MARKETING LP, 5/30/2023 10675035364 $745.47 IT/PK- 286841 6/30/2023 DELL MARKETING LP, 5/30/2023 10675035364 $3,521.46 IT/PK— Key Bank Page 52 of 55 Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 286841 6/30/2023 DELL MARKETING LP, 5/30/2023 10675035364 $430.96 Sales Tax 286956 6/30/2023 WILLIAMS SCOTSMAN INC, 6/15/2023 9017992571 $1,175.86 PKM-AG22-062 RENTALAGREEMENT 286956 6/30/2023 WILLIAMS SCOTSMAN INC, 6/16/2023 9018004956 $1,176.65 PKM-AG22-062 RENTALAGREEMENT 287137 7/14/2023 WILLIAMS SCOTSMAN INC, 6/29/2023 9018125821 $1,107.03 PKM-AG22-062 RENTALAGREEMENT 287043 7/14/2023 KING SALO ELECTRIC LLC, 10/25/2022 258 $11,872.11 PARKS-AG23-131 STEEL LAKE TRAI STONE & GRAVEL $613.01 629239491 6/23/2023 US BANK, 6/23/2023 MAY 2023 PRO VISA $490 75 PKM-STONE & GRAVEL 287051 7/14/2023 LLOYD ENTERPRISES, 6/22/2023 3333333 $122.26 PWST-WASTE DISPOSAL TAXES/ASSESSMENTS-INTERGOVT $24,170.96 626233485 6/26/2023 WA STATE REVENUE DEPART6/26/2023 601-223-538 $5,958.73 FI-05/23 REMIT SALES TAX 626233485 6/26/2023 WA STATE REVENUE DEPART6/26/2023 601-223-538 $24,170.96 FI-05/23 REMIT SALES TAX 626233485 6/26/2023 WA STATE REVENUE DEPART6/26/2023 601-223-538 $-5,958.73 FI-05123 REMIT SALES TAX TIRES $2,405.42 286874 6/30/2023 LES SCHWAB TIRE CTRS OF 16/13/2023 37800647720 $55.01 FLT-TIRE SUPPLIES 286856 6/30/2023 GOODYEAR TIRE & SERVICE 6/20/2023 195-1166418 $725.68 PW-REPL TIRES 286842 6/30/2023 EAGLE TIRE &AUTOMOTIVE (6/7/2023 1-50040 $786.35 PD-VEH MAINT 286842 6/30/2023 EAGLE TIRE &AUTOMOTIVE (6115/2023 1-50094 $355.24 FLT-VEHICLE MAINT 286842 6/30/2023 EAGLE TIRE & AUTOMOTIVE (6/12/2023 1-50067 $460.02 PD-VEH MAINT 286842 6/30/2023 EAGLE TIRE &AUTOMOTIVE (5/1912023 1-49884 $23.12 PD-VEHICLE MAINT TRANSPORTATION EQUIPMENT $1,845.94 629239491 6/23/2023 US BANK, 6/23/2023 MAY 2023 PRO VISA $66,04 FLT-VEHICLE LIC & TITLE 629239491 6/23/2023 US BANK, 6/23/2023 MAY 2023 PRO VISA $64 00 FLT-VEHICLE LIC & TITLE 629239491 6/23/2023 US BANK, 6/23/2023 MAY 2023 PRO VISA $64.00 FLT-VEHICLE LIC & TITLE 626233793 6/26/2023 US BANK, 6/26/2023 MAY 2023 PD VISA $1,651.90 PD-BACK COVER INSTALL WASTE DISPOSAL BILLINGS $624.21 629239491 6/23/2023 US BANK, 6/23/2023 MAY 2023 PRO VISA $44.44 PWST-OFFICE SUPPLS 629239491 6/23/2023 US BANK, 6/23/2023 MAY 2023 PRO VISA $30.34 SWR-OFFICE SUPPLS 286890 6/30/2023 NW FURNITURE BANK, 5/31/2023 29851 $160.00 SWR-RECYCLING OF UNWANTED MATT Page 53 of 55 Key Bank Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGL Total 286932 6/30/2023 STERICYCLE INC, 5/31/2023 3006495874 $29.54 PD-MEDICAL WASTE REMOVAL SVC 286813 6/30/2023 ALL BATTERY SALES & SERV15/22/2023 300-10115296 $174.37 PW-COLLECTION, TRANSPORTATION 286813 6/30/2023 ALL BATTERY SALES & SERVI6/21/2023 300-10117408 $185.52 SWR-COLLECTION, TRANSPORTATION WATER BILLINGS $7,209.24 286869 6/30/2023 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC'6/22/2023 3568001 $123.72 PWST-04123 30399 PACIFIC HWY S 286869 6/30/2023 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC6/9/2023 482405 $30.02 PWST-04/23 28850 PACIFIC HWY S 286869 6/30/2023 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC6/9/2023 3336101 $195.22 PWST-04/23 31026 PACIFIC HWY S 286869 6/30/2023 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRICT/9/2023 3364101 $30.02 PWST-04/23 1618 S 288TH ST IRR 286869 6/30/2023 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRICT/9/2023 3481301 $30.02 PWST-04/23 SR 99 S 279TH TO S 286869 6/30/2023 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRICT/9/2023 3540201 $121.35 PWST-04/23 29627 PACIFIC HWY S 286869 6/30/2023 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC6/9/2023 3540301 $30.02 PWST-04/23 28719 PACIFIC HWY S 286869 6/30/2023 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRICT/9/2023 3545101 $30 02 PWST-04/23 29102 PACIFIC HWY S 286869 6/30/2023 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRICT/9/2023 3621801 $30.02 PWST-04/23 1401 SW 312TH STREE 286869 6/30/2023 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC'6/15/2023 3200201 $30.02 PWST-04/23 32001 WEYERHAEUSER 286869 6/30/2023 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC6/15/2023 3642501 $30.02 PWST-04/23 30801 14TH AVE S M# 286869 6/30/2023 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRICT6/15/2023 3653601 $242.62 PWST-04123 31114 28 AVE S M#20 286869 6/30/2023 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRICT/15/2023 3657701 $30.02 PWST-04/23 1456 S 308TH ST 308 286869 6/30/2023 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC'6/15/2023 3791001 $75.25 PWST-04/23 2139 S 316TH #19211 286869 6/30/2023 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC6/5/2023 2832301 $30.02 PKM-04123 30619 16TH AVE SW M# 286935 6/30/2023 TACOMA PUBLIC UTILITIES, 6/6/2023 100048250 $124.82 DBC-4/26/23-05/24/23 PUBLIC 286869 6/30/2023 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRICT/5/2023 2984001 $30.02 PKM-04/23 31850 7TH AVE SW M#2 286860 6/30/2023 HIGHLINE WATER DISTRICT, 5/18/2023 19221-00 $203.07 PWST-03/13/23-05/15/23 PAC HWY 287046 7/14/2023 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC7/7/2023 3238401 $209.04 PWST-05/23 32001 PACIFIC HWY S 287046 7/14/2023 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC7/7/2023 3336201 $30.02 PWST-05/23 32409 PACIFIC HWY S 287046 7/14/2023 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC7/7/2023 3336301 $30.02 PWST 05/23 32402 PACIFIC HWY S 287046 7/14/2023 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC7/7/2023 3383601 $282.75 PWST-05/23 33300 PACIFIC HWY S Page 54 of 55 Key Bank Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice Description AmountGLTotal 287046 7/14/2023 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC7/7/2023 3383701 $310.95 PWST-05/23 32500 PACIFIC HWY S 287046 7/14/2023 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC7/7/2023 3513001 $450.78 PWST-05/23 33647 20TH AVE S IR 287046 7/14/2023 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC7/7/2023 3518001 $30.02 PWST-05/23 35205 PACIFIC HWY S 287046 7/14/2023 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC7/7/2023 3541001 $30.02 PWST-05/23 930 348TH ST S IRR 287046 7/14/2023 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC7/7/2023 3552401 $44.24 PWST-05/23 35503 PACIFIC HWY S 287046 7/14/2023 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC7/7/2023 3563701 $30,02 PWST-05/23 101 S 348TH ST IP3 287046 7/14/2023 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC7/7/2023 3578601 $246.96 PWST-05123 1283 S 336TH ST M#4 287046 7/14/2023 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC'6122/2023 3033601 $211.54 PKM-04/23 28159 24TH PL S M#22 287046 7/14/2023 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC'6/9/2023 482303 $30.02 PWST-04/23 28866 PACIFIC HWY S 287046 7/14/2023 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC6/9/2023 460602 $271.06 PKM-04/23 2645 312TH ST S 4191 287046 7/14/2023 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC6/9/2023 1941803 $598.12 PKM-04/23 31600 20 AVE S M#191 287046 7/14/2023 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC6/9/2023 2049903 $30.02 PKM-04/23 31531 1STAVE S M#59 287046 7114/2023 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC'6l9/2023 3568101 $123.72 PWST-04/23 30799 PAC HWY IRRIG 287046 7/14/2023 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC619/2023 3671801 $173,49 PKM-04/23 31600 20TH AVE S. M# 287046 7/14/2023 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC-6/15/2023 101 $30.02 PKM-04/23 31132 28TH AVE S M#2 287046 7/14/2023 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC6/15/2023 2426604 $30.02 PAEC-04/23 2141 314 ST. S. IRR 287046 7/14/2023 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC6/15/2023 2446104 $15.56 PAEC-04/23 2141 314 ST S. #2 287046 7/14/2023 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC6/15/2023 2814401 $420.37 PKM-04/23 2645 312TH IRR/ANNEX 287046 7/14/2023 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC6/15/2023 2322804 $256.72 PAEC 4/23 31510 20 AVE S. IRR 287046 7/14/2023 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRICT/15/2023 2426304 $185.74 CHB-04/23 2141 314 ST. S. #221 287046 7/14/2023 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC6/15/2023 924602 $30.02 PKM-04/23 2301 S 292ND ST IRR 287046 7/14/2023 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC6/15/2023 896402 $30.02 PKM-04/23 2410 312TH ST #22141 287046 7/14/2023 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC6/1512023 899802 $477.25 PKM-04/23 2410 312TH ST S BEAC 287046 7/14/2023 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC'6/1512023 888103 $194.25 CHB-04/23 31132 28TH AVE S M#2 287046 7/14/2023 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC'6/15/2023 888302 $44.24 PKM-04/23 31104 28TH AVE S M#2 287046 7/14/2023 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC'6/15/2023 3702201 $30.02 PWST-04/23 1119 S DASH POINT R Key Bank Check No. Date Vendor Invoice Date Invoice 287046 7/14/2023 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC'6/15/2023 3837901 287046 7/14/2023 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC'6/15/2023 822402 287046 7/14/2023 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC'6/15/2023 824102 287046 7/14/2023 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRIC7/7/2023 2961401 WORK RELEASE 286843 6/30/2023 EHM WASHINGTON LLC, 5/31/2023 27334 286808 6/30/2023 2 WATCH MONITORING INC, 5/1/2023 48661 286843 6/30/2023 EHM WASHINGTON LLC, 5/31/2023 27601 Page 55 of 55 Description AmountGL Total $188.11 PKM-04/23 31201 28TH AVE S M#2 $512.08 PKM-04/23 30009 16TH AVE S IRR $185.74 PKM-04/23 30009 16TH AVE S IRR $30.02 PWST-05/23 34727 PACIFIC HWY S $6,499.57 $227.07 PD-MONITORING SVC $5, 993.50 PD-HOME MONITORING/WORK RELEAS $279.00 PD-MONITORING SVC Total $3,723,111.45 06/20/2023 CW-Payroll Vouchers 06/01 - 06/15 $1,816,729.59 07/05/2023 CW-Payroll Vouchers 06/16 - 06/30 $2,625,295.99 Total June 2023 Payroll $4,442,025.58 6d COUNCIL MEETING DATE: August 8 2023 ITEM #: CITY OF FEDERAL WAY CITY COUNCIL AGENDA BILL SUBJECT: PURCHASE OF 11 GETAC LAPTOPS FOR POLICE DEPARTMENT POLICY QUESTION: Should Council authorize the purchase of 11 Getac laptops for police vehicles? COMMITTEE: FEDRAC MEETING DATE: July, 25, 2023 CATEGORY: ® Consent ❑ Ordinance ❑ Public Hearing ❑ City Council Business ❑ Resolution ❑ Other STAFF REPORT BY: Thomas Fichtner DEPT: Information Technology Attachments: 1. Staff Report 2. Getac laptops quote Options Considered: 1. Approve the purchase of 11 Getac laptops for police vehicles. 2. Do not approve the purchase of 11 Getac laptops, for police vehicles, and provide direction to staff. MAYOR'S RECOMMENDATION: Option 1. MAYOR APPROVAL: _ 7 DIRECTOR APPROVAL; COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: I move to forward the proposedsurchase of 11 Getac laptops, )'Or police vehicles, to the August 8, 2023 consent agenda for approval. Committee Chair Committee Member PROPOSED COUNCIL MOTION: "I move approval of the proposed purchase of 11 Getac laptops, from Brite, for an amount not to exceed $50, 866.21. " BELOW TO BE COMPLETED BY CITY CLERK'S OFFICE) COUNCIL ACTION: ❑ APPROVED ❑ DENIED ❑ TABLED/DEFERRED/NO ACTION ❑ MOVED TO SECOND READING (ordinances only) REVISED - 4/2019 COUNCIL BILL # First reading Enactment reading ORDINANCE # RESOLUTION # CITY OF FEDERAL WAY MEMORANDUM DATE: July 14, 2023 TO: City Council Members VIA: Jim Ferrell, Mayor FROM: Thomas Fichtner, I.T. Department SUBJECT: Purchase of 11 Getac Laptops for Police Vehicles Financial Impacts: Within the 2023/2024 budget, Council authorized the purchase of 11 marked police vehicles, and additional associated equipment. Laptops will be funded from the approved budget as "additional associated equipment". The cost to the Citv is explained in the chart below: Getac B360 G2 Rugged L4ptop $ 2,880.00 Getac Bumper to Bumper + Extended Warranty $ 525.00 Getac 120W DC Vehicle Adapter $ 95.00 Getac Vehicle Docking Stations $ 700.00 Tax (10.1 %) $ 424.20 Each B360 Laptop, Dock, Adapter, and Warranties $ 4,624.20 (11) Total Getac Laptops Purchase $ 50,866.21 Background Information: These 11 laptops are being purchased based on Council's authorization for new police vehicles and associated equipment. These laptops are being purchased using the Omnia Partners (formerly NCPA) Intergovernmental Purchasing Agreement (AG# 21-203). The Omnia contract number for Getac Mobile Computing Solutions is 226017-01. Rev. 7/18 Bri We have prepared a quote for you City of Federal Way PD, WA-13360's for 2023 (15-20 estimated) Quote # 004558 Version 1 Prepared for: City of Federal Way Police Department - WA Xiao Guo xiao.guo@cityoffederalway.com Bri B360 ProductDetails * NCPASynnex 01-97 BS3764BABDGX B360G2 i5-1240P Processor, With Windows Hello Webcam, W 11 11 $2,880.00 $31,680.00 Pro x64 with 16GB RAM, 256GB PCIe SSD Full Description - B360G2 - Intel Core i5-1240P Processor, With Windows Hello Webcam, Microsoft Windows 11 Pro x64 with 16GB RAM, 256GB PCIe SSD (main storage, user swappable), Sunlight Readable Full HD LCD 1400 nits + Touchscreen + Hard tip stylus, US KBD + US Power cord, Membrane Backlit KBD, Wifi + BT, RS232 + VGA, 3 Year 1312B Warranty GE-SVTBNFX5Y Getac - Bumper to Bumper+ Extended Warranty -Tablet (Year 4 & 11 $525.00 $5,775.00 5) GAD2X8 Getac 120W 11-16V, 22-32V DC Vehicle adapter (Bare Wire), 3 year 11 $95.00 $1,045.00 warranty 543390100003 Getac TF3-STANDARD VEHICLE DOCKING; W/ LPS-208&LPS-211 11 $700.00 $7,700.00 Power Supply Mounting Bracket, W/ DS-DA-418 Screen Support, PKG-DS-GTC-1204, HAVIS, B360 Contract Fee Contract Fee 1 $0.00 $0.00 Subtotal: $46,200.00 Quote#004558 v1 City of Federal Way PD, WA-13360's for 2023 (15-20 estimated) Prepared by: Brite Thomas Winters 1-800-333-0498 Fax 585-758-0222 twinters@brite.com Quote Summary Prepared for: City of Federal Way Police Department - WA 33325 8th Ave. S Federal Way, WA 98003 Xiao Guo (253)835-2556 xiao.guo@cityoffederalway.com Quote Information: Quote #: 004558 Contract: Version: 1 Delivery Date: 07/14/2023 Expiration Date: 07/26/2023 �'Oescription B360 Amount $46,200.00 Subtotal: $46,200.00 Estimated Tax: $4,666.21 Total: $50,866.21 • Agreed upon payment terms: NET 30 • Any changes to the orders after acceptance may result in additional fees. • Any returns must be accompanied by a return authorization and will be subject to restocking fees. • All services will be invoiced upfront and efforts debited against the units described above. • All Professional Services credits are valid for a period of 1 year from time of purchase and shall be planned in advance with a minimum of four (4) week notice period • All hardware and accessories will be invoiced when shipped. • All software will be invoiced upon delivery of license. • All subscriptions will be invoiced when activated. • Terms and conditions listed within a Master Services Agreement or Statement of Work supersede any listed here. • Travel costs will be billed separately unless otherwise stated. • All support is considered manufacturers depot warranty support unless otherwise stated. • All taxes on this quote are estimated. Appropriate taxes will be calculated and included at the time of Invoice. Taxes, shipping, handling and other fees may apply. We reserve the right to cancel orders arising from pricing or other errors. Quote#004558 v1 Bri City of Federal Way Police Department - WA Signature: Name: Xiao Guo Date: Quote#004558 v1 6e COUNCIL MEETING DATE: August 8, 2023 ITEM #: CITY OF FEDERAL WAY CITY COUNCIL AGENDA BILL SUBJECT: PURCHASE OF 14 REPLACEMENT LAPTOPS FOR POLICE VEHICLES POLICY QUESTION: Should City Council authorize the purchase of 14 replacement laptops for police vehicles? COMMITTEE: FEDRAC MEETING DATE: July 25, 2023 CATEGORY: ® Consent ❑ Ordinance ❑ Public Hearing ❑ City Council Business ❑ Resolution ❑ Other STAFF REPORT BY: Thomas Fichtner DEPT: Information Technology ..... Attachments: 1. Staff Report 2. Brite laptops quote for Getac computers Options Considered: 1. Approve the purchase of 14 replacement laptops for police vehicles. 2. Do not approve the purchase of 14 replacement laptops for police vehicles, and provide direction to staff. MAYOR'S RECOMMENDATION: (]ption 1. MAYOR APPROVAL: fa DIRECTOR APPROVAL COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: I move to forWard the proposed purchase of' 14 replacement laptops for police vehicles to the August 8, 2023 consent agenda, for approval. Conmml ee Chair 54col-nillitEde Nl ler Committee Member PROPOSED COUNCIL MOTION: "I move a11p�^rl�erl of the proposed purchase of 14 replacement laptops for police vehicles in an amount not to exceed S64, 738.80. " (BELOW TO BE COMPLETED B 1' CI T)' CLERk S QFFICE) COUNCIL ACTION: ❑ APPROVED COUNCIL BILL # ❑ DENIED First reading ❑ TABLED/DEFERRED/NO .ACTION Enactment reading ❑ MOVED TO SECOND READING (ordinances only ORDINANCE # REVISED - 4/2019 RESOLUTION # CITY OF FEDERAL WAY MEMORANDUM DATE: July 14, 2023 TO: City Council Members VIA: Jim Ferrell, Mayor FROM: Thomas Fichtner, I.T. Department SUBJECT: Purchase of 14 Replacement Laptops for the Police Vehicles Financial Impacts: Within the 2023/2024 budget, I.T. requested and Council approved $70,000 to purchase 14 replacement laptops for police vehicles. The cost to the Ciiv is explained in the chart below: Getac B360 G2 Rugged Laptop $ 2,880.00 Getac Bumper to Bumper + Extended Warranty $ 525.00 Getac 120W DC Vehicle Ada ter $ 95.00 Getac Vehicle Docking Stations $ 700.00 Tax (10.1 %) $ 424.20 Each B360 Laptop, Dock, Adapter, and Warranty $ 4,624.20 (14) Total Getac Laptops Purchase $ 64,738.80 Background Information: Most computer hardware and software in the City is on a replacement schedule. The laptops installed in the police patrol vehicles are on a five-year replacement cycle and are in dire need of replacement at the end of their life cycle. These laptops are being purchased using the Omnia Partners (formerly NCPA) Intergovernmental Purchasing Agreement (AG# 21-203). The Omnia contract number for Getac Mobile Computing Solutions is 226017-01. Rev 7/18 r4ri ,. ..t: •mot'=' ':^, `i {,j��i`3. We have prepared a quote for you City of Federal Way Police Department - WA - B360 (14) Quote # 005647 Version 1 Prepared for: City of Federal Way Police Department - WA Xiao Guo xiao.guo@citKAffederalway.com Items Product, * NCPA Synnex 01-97 BS3764BABDGX B360G2 i5-1240P Processor, With Windows Hello Webcam, W 11 14 $2,880.00 $40,320.00 Pro x64 with 16GB RAM, 256GB PCIe SSD Full Description - B360G2 - Intel Core i5-1240P Processor, With Windows Hello Webcam, Microsoft Windows 11 Pro x64 with 16GB RAM, 256GB PCIe SSD (main storage, user swappable), Sunlight Readable Full HD LCD 1400 nits + Touchscreen + Hard tip stylus, US KBD + US Power cord, Membrane Backlit KBD, Wifi + BT, RS232 + VGA, 3 Year 1326 Warranty GE-SVTBNFX5Y Getac - Bumper to Bumper + Extended Warranty- Tablet (Year 4 & 14 $525.00 $7,350.00 5) GAD2X8 Getac 12OW 11-16V, 22-32V DC Vehicle adapter (Bare Wire), 3 year 14 $95.00 $1,330.00 warranty 543390100003 Getac TF1-STANDARD VEHICLE DOCKING; W/ LPS-208&LPS-211 14 $700.00 $9,800.00 Power Supply Mounting Bracket, W/ DS-DA-418 Screen Support, PKG-DS-GTC-1204, HAVIS, B360 Contract Fee Contract Fee 1 $0.00 $0.00 Subtotal: $58,800.00 6 i Quote#005647 vi pp ; ; - Brife City of Federal Way Police Department - WA - B360 (14) Prepared by: Brite Thomas Winters 1-800-333-0498 Fax 585-758-0222 twinters@brite.com Quote Summary Prepared for: Quote Information: City of Federal Way Police Department - WA Quote #: 005647 33325 8th Ave. S Federal Way, WA 98003 Xiao Guo (253)835-2556 xiao.guo@cityoffederalway.com Contract: Version: 1 Delivery Date: 07/06/2023 Expiration Date: 08/05/2023 Description Items Amount $58,800.00 Subtotal: $58,800.00 Estimated Tax: $5,938.80 Total: $64,738.80 • Agreed upon payment terms: NET 30 • Any changes to the orders after acceptance may result in additional fees. • Any returns must be accompanied by a return authorization and will be subject to restocking fees. • Any returns must be approved with 30 days of shipping dates • All services will be invoiced upfront and efforts debited against the units described above. • All Professional Services credits are valid for a period of 1 year from time of purchase and shall be planned in advance with a minimum of four (4) week notice period • All hardware and accessories will be invoiced when shipped. • All software will be invoiced upon delivery of license. • All subscriptions will be invoiced when activated. • Terms and conditions listed within a Master Services Agreement or Statement of Work supersede any listed here. • Travel costs will be billed separately unless otherwise stated. • All support is considered manufacturers depot warranty support unless otherwise stated. • All taxes on this quote are estimated. Appropriate taxes will be calculated and included at the time of Invoice. Taxes, shipping, handling and other fees may apply. We reserve the right to cancel orders arising from pricing or other errors. Quote#005647 v1 Bri City of Federal Way Police Department - WA Signature. Name Xiao Guo Date Quote#005647 v1 COUNCIL MEETING DATE: August 8, 2023 ITEM #: " f CITY OF FEDERAL WAY CITY COUNCIL AGENDA BILL SUBJECT: HVAC CONTROLS UPGRADES AND PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT SERVICES RFB POLICY QUESTION: Should the City Council approve the proposed request for bids for HVAC controls upgrades and performance management services for City Hall, Federal Way Community Center, and the Performing Arts and Event Center? COMMITTEE: FEDRAC MEETING DATE: July 25, 2023 CATEGORY: ® Consent ❑ Ordinance ❑ Public Hearing ❑ City Council Business ❑ Resolution ❑ Other STAFF REPORT BY: Jason Gerwen, Deputy Parks Director DEPT: Parks �^ Attachments: 1. Staff Report 2. HVAC Controls Upgrades & Performance Management Services RFB Options Considered: 1. Approve the proposed request for bids. 2. Do not approve proposed request for bids and provide direction to staff. MAYOR'S RECOMMENDATION: Option 1. MAYOR APPROVAL: DIRECTOR APPROVAL' Ca miller Cc n i] Im ally €e ]nil�nllE7ate lniii• L'aa€ COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: I move to forward the proposed request for bids to the August 8, 2023 consent agenda for approval. 4 Committee Chair ommittee nber L Committee Member PROPOSED COUNCIL MOTION: "I move approval of the proposed request for bids. (BELOW TO BE COMPLETED BY CITY CLERKS OFFICE) COUNCIL ACTION: ❑ APPROVED COUNCIL BILL # ❑ DENIED First reading ❑ TABLED/DEFERRED/NO ACTION Enactment reading ❑ MOVED TO SECOND READING (ordinances only) ORDINANCE # REVISED - 4/2019 RESOLUTION # CITY OF FEDERAL WAY MEMORANDUM DATE: Monday, July 17, 2023 TO: City Council Members VIA: Jim Ferrell, Mayor FROM: Jason Gerwen, Deputy Parks Director SUBJECT: HVAC Controls Upgrades and Performance Management Services RFB Financial Impacts: HVAC Controls Upgrades and Performance Management Services was not included within the approved budget. As proposed, it will be funded by ARPA funds. Future costs due to ongoing maintenance and operations will be determined after receiving bids and Council will receive these projections when staff returns for review and approval of the winning bid and proposed contract. Background Information: Staff is requesting to solicit bids from qualified contractors to upgrade and integrate HVAC building controllers for the following City of Federal Way facilities: City Hall, Community Center, and Performing Arts and Event Center. The purpose of this project is to replace outdated and obsolete controllers, enhance system performance, and ensure efficient operation of the facilities. (FDD) fault detection and energy saving analytics software to be installed by the winning bidder, will facilitate the performance management of all facilities listed above to meet new Washington State Legislation on Clean Energy Transformation Act (CETA) requirements, as provided for in RCW 19.27A. Rev. 7/18 A�k CIT Federal Way BID AND CONTRACT DOCUMENTS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR HVAC CONTROLS UPGRADE & PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT SERVICES RFB # 23-010 City of Federal Way PARKS DEPARTMENT 33325 8th Avenue South Federal Way, WA 98003 BID AND CONTRACT DOCUMENTS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR HVAC CONTROLS UPGRADE & PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT SERVICES RFB # 23-010 Bids Accepted Until 02:00 p.m., August 31, 2023 at City of Federal Way 33325 8th Avenue South Federal Way, WA 98003 The contract plans and specifications for this Project have been reviewed and approved by: Parks Director/Deputy Parks Director CITY OF FEDERAL WAY HVAC CONTROLS UPGRADES & PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT SERVICES RFB-i RFB #23-010 CFW RFB VERSION 2023-APR TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE ADVERTISEMENTFOR BIDS ......... ....... ................................................ --............. .................... ........................... 1 INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS & CHECKLISTS.................................................................................................. 5 BIDPROPOSAL.................................................................................................................................................... 7 BIDBOND............................................................................................................................................................ 11 SUBCONTRACTORLIST.................................................................................................................................... 12 CONTRACTOR WAGE LAW COMPLIANCE CERTIFICATION ........................... --... .................................... 13 PROPOSAL FOR INCORPORATING RECYCLED MATERIALS...................................................................... 14 SAMPLEPUBLIC WORKS CONTRACT............................................................................................................15 SAMPLECONTRACT CHANGE ORDER........................................................................................................... 22 CERTIFICATEOF INSURANCE......................................................................................................................... 24 PERFORMANCEAND PAYMENT BOND.......................................................................................................... 25 CONTRACTOR'S RETAINAGE OPTION ............................ .............................................. :.... .......................... - 27 RETAINAGE BOND TO CITY OF FEDERAL WAY............................................................................................ 28 SPECIALPROVISIONS...............................,..................................... ........................................ .............. ............. 31 CITY OF FEDERAL WAY HVAC CONTROLS UPGRADES & PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT SERVICES RFB-11 RFB #23-010 CFW RFB VERSION 2023-APR ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS HVAC CONTROLS UPGRADE & PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT SERVICES SUBMITTAL OF SEALED BIDS: Notice is hereby given that the City of Federal Way will receive sealed bids through Thursday, August 31, 2023, at 2:00 p.m. at the City Hall Finance Department at 33325 8th Avenue South, Federal Way, Washington 98003. Proposals received after said date and time will not be considered. All timely bids will be opened and read publicly aloud in the City Council Chambers City Hall 33325 8th Avenue South, Federal Way, Washington 98003 at 2:05 p.m. on Thursday, August 31, 2023. This project shall consist of: 1. PROJECT OVERVIEW: The City of Federal Way is seeking bids from qualified contractors to upgrade and integrate HVAC building controllers for the following facilities: City Hall, Federal Way Community Center, and Performing Arts and Event Center. The purpose of this project is to replace outdated and obsolete controllers, enhance system performance, and ensure efficient operation of the facilities. The project locations are as follows: a. City Hall: 33325 81h Ave S, Federal Way, WA 98003 b. Federal Way Community Center: 876 S 333rd St, Federal Way, WA 98003 c. Performing Arts and Event Center: 31510 Pete von Reichbauer Way S, Federal Way, WA 98003 2. SCOPE OF WORK — PART I — HVAC CONTROLS REPLACEMENT: 2a. Base Controls Upgrade / Integration Scope i. Replace the existing outdated and obsolete Staefa and JCI controllers, along with associated proprietary sensors. ii. These controllers utilize a proprietary communication protocol, and the sensors for temperature and flow coefficient calculations are also proprietary. 2b. Front End Control System (HONEYWELL Webs N4 TRIDIUM) i. Replace the existing Niagara -based Tridium platform, which is running on outdated and proprietary software. ii. Install a new front-end control system using HONEYWELL WEBs N4, located at City Hall. iii. This new front-end system will provide connectivity to the new controls installed at the facilities mentioned below. 2c. City Hall Controller Upgrade i. Upgrade the existing Staefa Smartt II controllers, which are more than 25 years old and out of compliance, to present-day technology including modern energy -saving strategies. The proprietary nature of these controllers makes replacements unavailable, making the upgrade essential to avoid downtime and ensure optimum performance. ii. Provide a comprehensive solution that includes the necessary hardware, software, and any additional components required for the upgrade. iii. Replace the following controllers 1. SMT-II (DDC Controllers): Quantity —2 2. SMT-II (HTP Controller): Quantity— 1 3. SMT-II (VAV Controllers): Quantity — 57 2d. Federal Way Community Center Controller Upgrade i. Upgrade the existing controllers at the Federal Way Community Center that are more than 20 years old and out of compliance with modern energy -saving strategies. CITY OF FEDERAL WAY HVAC CONTROLS UPGRADES & PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT SERVICES RFB-1 RFB #23-010 CFW RFB VERSION 2023-APR ii. The previous front-end upgrade integrated these controllers into the Web -based N4 Supervisor, but they still suffer from the same issues as the controllers at City Hall. iii. The lack of manufacturer support and their status as legacy technology necessitate their upgrade for operational efficiency and optimal performance. iv. Replace all existing JCI controllers with new Honeywell Spyder field controllers. V. Replace the following controllers: 1. JCI UNT proprietary N2 controllers: Quantity — 8 2. JCI VMAX N2 proprietary N2 controllers: Quantity — 38 vi. Provide a complete upgrade solution, including hardware, software, and any additional components necessary for integration into the N4 Supervisor. 2e. Performing Arts and Event Center Integration i. Integrate the existing Alerton system into the new Workstation Supervisor located at City Hall. ii. Provide a new JACE 8000 controller. iii. The existing field controllers at the Performing Arts and Event Center are of a BACnet nature and do not require upgrading at this time. However, integration of the Alerton system into the N4 Supervisor, similar to the previous sites mentioned is required. This integration will standardize the facilities' controls using the Niagara "TRIDIUM" platform, offering a common supervisor dashboard. iv. Provide the necessary hardware, software, and integration services to connect the Alerton system to the N4 Supervisor. 2f. Added or Deleted Sites i. At the City of Federal Way's sole discretion, additional sites may be added to or existing sites deleted from the Scope of Work on a Contract Change Order basis. The cost of additional sites shall be determined through negotiation between the City of Federal Way and the Contractor. Deletions will be based on the site's fixed cost as shown in the Contract with no adjustment for Contractor's lost profit or extended overhead. 2g. Deliverables. The selected contractor will be responsible for delivering the following: i. Detailed upgrade and integration plan for each facility, including methodologies, schedules, and required equipment. ii. Procurement and installation of new controllers, hardware, sensors, front-end control systems, and integration devices as specified; as well as any additional components required for the upgrade and integration. iii. Testing and commissioning of the upgraded controllers to ensure proper functionality and seamless integration with the existing systems. iv. Plan and provide 9 one -hour trainings, in person, to be completed by December 31, 2024. Trainings will be divided into 3 trainings at each facility for City staff on the newly upgraded controllers and their operation and maintenance and will be a minimum of one hour in length per facility. V. Documentation including as -built drawings, user manuals, and system configurations, to be delivered by December 31, 2024. 2h. Timeline: Please provide an estimated timeline for project completion and timelines for each phase of the project, including, but not limited to, procurement, installation, testing, commissioning, and training. 3. SCOPE OF WORK — PART II - PREVENTATIVE MAINTENANCE: 3a. Typically, all but a few pieces of equipment require only Quarterly and/or Annual maintenance and inspections, but the Contractor is responsible for identifying any unit manufacturer's requirements that might vary from that schedule. The Contractor shall start with an annual CITY OF FEDERAL WAY HVAC CONTROLS UPGRADES & PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT SERVICES RFB-2 RFB #23-010 CFW RFB VERSION 2023-APR inspection which shall include a full report on each piece of equipment at each location to operate as a baseline for the work. The report shall include complete data information of existing conditions. This report shall be completed and delivered to the City within one hundred twenty (120) days of the Contract execution. Submittal and acceptance of this report shall constitute a major payment milestone. 3b. The preventative maintenance work shall be performed at regular intervals on mutually agreed upon dates, Contractor shall provide a 7-14 day lead time, according to the following schedule; i. Quarterly: First Quarter (Q1): January through March; Second Quarter (Q2): April through June; Third Quarter (Q3): July through September; Fourth Quarter (Q4): October through December. ii. Annually: Start of Contract through end of the first year. iii. Completion: Contractor will staff appropriately and complete all maintenance in the first month of the above stated quarters. 3c. Tasks i. Each inspection shall include any and all manufacturer's recommended maintenance service tasks and any additional industry recognized standards and/or procedures. These tasks and procedures shall be included on an inspection checklist provided by the Contractor and filled out by the Contractor's technician. ii. Budget: Interested contractors, should provide a detailed breakdown of the budget, including costs for equipment, installation, integration, testing, and any other relevant expenses. 4. SCOPE OF WORK - PART III — PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT DETAILS: 4a. Basic Services — Performance Management Analytics i. The Contractor shall install (FDD) fault detection and energy saving analytics software to facilitate the performance management of all facilities listed above to meet Washington State Legislation on Clean Energy Transformation Act (CETA) as provided for in RCW 19.27A. ii. On regular (daily, weekly, monthly & annual) intervals, system variables must be changed, particularly during the spring and fall seasons, and may include adjusting room temperature, outside air percentage, hydronic system water temperatures, damper positions, etc. These or any other adjustments of system variables which may be made remotely (without a visit to the site) shall be considered part of Basic Performance Management Services and shall be performed upon request by the City at no additional charge. These changes must be made within a 24hr. Window to avoid comfort issues in the facilities and monitor the set point changes to determine if the problem has been resolved or if a site visit is necessary to resolve the problem. 4b. Contractor Supplied Equipment i. Calibration: The Contractor shall provide all equipment and instruments necessary for the completion of each task. All equipment and instruments shall be maintained in a professional, first class manner. For equipment that requires calibration, the calibration shall be current and the Contractor shall be able to provide proof of calibration to the Owner's representative upon request. The City anticipates awarding this project to the successful bidder and intends to give Notice to Proceed as soon as the Contract and all required documents are executed in full. Regardless of the date of award or Notice to Proceed, the Contractor must complete all work component upgrades within 164 working days. Contractor must complete the preventative maintenance schedule and performance management services outlined in Part III within 248 working days immediately following the completion of the component upgrades. CITY OF FEDERAL WAY HVAC CONTROLS UPGRADES & PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT SERVICES RFB-3 RFB #23-010 CFW RFB VERSION 2023-APR BID DOCUMENTS: Plans, Specifications, Addenda, and plan holders list are available on-line at. https://www.cityoffederalway.com/bids QUESTIONS: Any questions must be directed to Jason Gerwen, Deputy Parks Director, by email at jason.gerwen@cityoffederalway.com, or by letter addressed to same. Questions must be received by the City no later than 5:00 p.m. three business days preceding the bid opening to allow a written reply to reach all prospective Bidders before the submission of bids. PRE -BID MEETING: An informational meeting will be held Tuesday, August 15, 2023, at 1:00 p.m. at City Council Chambers, City Hall, 33325 8th Avenue S, Federal Way, Washington, to discuss the project. All prospective bidders are required to attend. OTHER PROVISIONS: All bids and this Project shall be governed by the Contract, as defined by the Washington State Department of Transportation Standard Specifications for Road, Bridge, and Municipal Construction 2023(Standard Specifications), which is incorporated by this reference as though set forth in full. All bid proposals shall be in accordance with the Contract and all bid proposals shall be accompanied by a bid deposit or bond in the amount required in the Contract. Forfeiture of the proposal bond or deposit to the City shall be in accordance with the Contract. The recipient, in accordance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, (78 Stat. 252, 42 U.S.C. 2000d to 2000d-4) and the Regulations, hereby notifies all bidders that it will affirmatively ensure that in any contract entered into pursuant to this advertisement, disadvantaged business enterprises will be afforded full and fair opportunity to submit bids in response to this invitation and will not be discriminated against on the grounds of race, color or national origin in consideration for an award. The City encourages minority and women -owned firms to submit bids consistent with the City's policy to ensure that such firms are afforded the maximum practicable opportunity to compete for and obtain public contracts. The City of Federal Way reserves the right to reject any and all bids, waive any informalities or minor irregularities in the bidding, and determine which bid or bidder meets the criteria set forth in the bid documents. DATES OF PUBLICATION: Federal Way Mirror CITY OF FEDERAL WAY Publish , 20_ and RFB-4 CFW RFB VERSION 2023-APR ,20 HVAC CONTROLS UPGRADES & PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT SERVICES RFB #23-010 INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS & CHECKLISTS (1) ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS AND CONTRACT DOCUMENTS The Advertisement for Bids and Contract Documents contain bidder instructions that must be complied with. (2) EXAMINATION OF BID AND CONTRACT DOCUMENTS — BIDDER RESPONSIBILITIES The submission of a bid shall constitute an acknowledgment upon which the City may rely that the bidder has thoroughly examined and is familiar with the bid and Contract Documents, the Project site, the availability of materials and labor, publically available information, and has reviewed and inspected all applicable federal, state, and local statutes, regulations, ordinances and resolutions dealing with or related to the equipment and/or services to be provided herein. The failure or neglect of a bidder to examine such documents, statutes, regulations, ordinances or resolutions shall in no -way relieve the bidder from any obligations with respect to the bidder's bid or the contract documents. No claim for additional compensation will be allowed which is based upon a lack of knowledge of any contract documents, statutes, regulations, ordinances or resolutions. Bidders shall visit delivery and service locations(s) as required. Bidders shall become familiar with and verify any environmental factors, which may impact current or future prices for this requirement. (3) INTERPRETATION OF BID AND CONTRACT DOCUMENTS No oral clarifications, interpretations, or representation will be made to any bidder as to the meaning of the bid or Contract Documents. Bidders shall not rely upon any oral statement or conversation they may have with City's employees, agents, representatives, consultants, or design professionals regarding the Contract Documents, whether at the pre -bid meeting or otherwise and no oral communications will be binding upon the City. Any questions must be directed to Jason Gerwen, Deputy Parks Director, by email at Jason.gerwen@cityoffederalway.com, or by letter addressed to same. The questions must be received by the City no later than 5:00 p.m. three business days preceding the bid opening to allow a written reply to reach all prospective Bidders before the submission of their bids. Any interpretation deemed necessary by the City will be in the form of an Addendum to the bid documents and when issued will be sent as promptly as is practical to all parties to whom the bid documents have been issued. All such Addenda shall become part of the bid. (4) BID PRICE The bid price shall include everything necessary for the completion of the Contract and the Work including, but not limited to, furnishing all materials, equipment, tools, freight charges, facilities and all management, superintendence, labor and service, except as may be provided otherwise in the Contract Documents. All Washington State sales tax and all other government taxes, assessments and charges shall be included in the various Bid item prices as required by law. The offer shall remain in effect ninety (90) days after the bid opening. (5) POSTPONEMENT OF BID OPENING The City reserves the right to postpone the date and time for the opening of bids by Addendum at any time prior to the bid opening date and time announced in these documents. (6) REJECTION OF BIDS The City reserves the right to reject any bid for any reason including, but not limited to, the reasons listed in Special Provisions Section 1-02.13. The City further reserves the right to reject any portion of any bid and/or to reject all bids. In consideration for the City's review and evaluation of its bid, the bidder waives and releases any claims against the City arising from any rejection of any or all bids. If, in the opinion of the City, there is reason to believe that collusion exists among bidders, none of the bids of the participants in such collusion will be considered. (7) RECYCLED PRODUCTS CITY OF FEDERAL WAY HVAC CONTROLS UPGRADES & PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT SERVICES RFB-5 RFB #23-010 CFW RFB VERSION 2023-APR (8) (9) The Contractor shall use recycled paper for proposals and for any printed or photocopied material created pursuant to a contract with the City whenever practicable and use both sides of paper sheets for reports submitted to the City whenever practicable. BIDDER'S CHECKLIST The bidder's attention is especially called to the following forms, which must be executed in full as required. Failure to comply may result in rejection of any bid not so complying. ❑ Bid Proposal: The Bid Proposal shall be completed and fully executed, including filling in the total bid amount. ❑ Bid Bond: This form is to be executed by the bidder (and the surety company as appropriate, depending upon the option selected by the bidder). ❑ Subcontractor List: The Subcontractor List shall be filled in by the bidder. ❑ Contractor Certification — Wage Law Compliance: This form shall be filled in and fully executed by the bidder. ❑ Proposal for Incorporating Recycled Materials: This form shall be filled in and executed by the bidder. ❑ Apprenticeship Plan: This form shall be filled in by the bidder. CONTRACT CHECKLIST The following documents are to be executed and delivered to the City after the Bid is awarded: ❑ Public Works Contract: The successful bidder will fully execute and deliver to the City the Public Works Contract ("Contract"), a sample is provided in the Bid Documents. ❑ Certificate of Insurance: The successful bidder will provide a Certificate of Insurance evidencing the insurance requirement set forth in the Contract. ❑ Performance/Payment Bond: The successful bidder will provide a fully executed Performance/Payment Bond as appropriate. ❑ Contractor's Retainage Option: The successful bidder will fully execute and deliver to the City the Contractor's Retainage Option. ❑ Contractor's Retainage Bond: If the retainage bond option is chosen, then the successful bidder will fully execute and deliver to the City the Contractor's Retainage Bond. ❑ Business License: The successful bidder,will provide a copy of a current Business License with the City of Federal Way. CITY OF FEDERAL WAY HVAC CONTROLS UPGRADES & PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT SERVICES RFB-6 RFB #23-010 CFW RFB VERSION 2023-APR BID PROPOSAL HVAC CONTROLS UPGRADE & PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT SERVICES PROPOSAL SUBMITTED TO: City of Federal Way 33325 8th Ave South Federal Way, Washington 98003-6325 PROPOSAL SUBMITTED BY: Bidder: Full Legal Name of Firm Contact: Individual with Legal Authority to sign Bid and Contract Address: Street Address City, State Zip Phone: E-Mail Select One of the Following: ❑ Corporation ❑ Partnership. ❑ Individual ❑ Other State Contractor's License No.. State Contractor's License Expiration Date: 1 I Month Day Year State UBI No.: State Worker's Comp. Account No. CITY OF FEDERAL WAY HVAC CONTROLS UPGRADES & PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT SERVICES RFB-7 RFB #23-010 CFW RFB VERSION 2023-APR NOTE: All entries shall be written in ink or typed. Unit prices for all items, all extensions, and total amount of bid shall be shown. Enter unit prices in numerical figures only, in dollars and cents to two (2) decimal places (including for whole dollar amounts). All figures must be clearly legible. Bids with illegible figures in the unit price column will be regarded as nonresponsive. Where conflict occurs between the unit price and the total amount specified for any item, the unit price shall prevail, and totals shall be corrected to conform thereto. The Bidder shall complete this entire Bid Form or this bid may be considered non -responsive. The City may correct obvious mathematical errors. The City of Federal Way reserves the right to reject any and all bids, waive any informalities or minor irregularities in the bidding, and determine which bid or bidder meets the criteria set forth in the bid documents. SCHEDULE A: HVAC CONTROL UPGRADES & PERFORMANCE MAINTENANCE SERVICES All unit prices shall NOT include applicable sales tax. Sales tax should be applied to the subtotal for this bid schedule. Item Spec. Bid Item Description Unit Plan Unit Price Amount No. Div. Qty 1 SCOPE OF WORK — PART 1 — HVAC CONTROLS UPGRADES LS 1 I$ $ 2 SCOPE OF WORK — PART II — PREVENTATIVE MAINTENANCE SCOPE OF WORK — PART III — 3 PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT DETAILS LS I 1 I$ LS I 1 I$ H SUBTOTAL — SCHEDULE A $ SALES TAX (10.1%)I$ TOTAL — SCHEDULE AI$ BID SUMMARY The documents incorporated by reference, as if fully set forth, are the Advertisement for Bids, the Instructions to Bidders and Checklists, the Contractor's Bid Proposal (including all forms and supplemental information listed on the Bidders Checklist), the Contract Documents (including Project Plans, Specifications, and all Appendices, Amendments, and Supplemental Reports & Information), the Contract Provisions (including all forms and supplemental information listed on the Contract Checklist), the version of the Washington State Standard Specifications for Road, Bridge, and Municipal Construction identified herein, and any other documents provided to bidders and/or referenced in or referred to by the Contract Documents. Pursuant to and in compliance with the Advertisement for Bids for the Project, and other documents relating thereto, the undersigned has carefully examined all of the bid and contract documents, considered conditions which may affect the delivery, supply and maintenance for the Project, and hereby proposes to furnish all labor, materials and perform all work as required in strict accordance with the contract documents, for the referenced bid amount, inclusive of Washington State sales tax and all other government taxes, assessments and charges as required by law. NON -COLLUSION AFFIDAVIT CITY OF FEDERAL WAY HVAC CONTROLS UPGRADES & PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT SERVICES RFB-8 RFB #23-010 CFW RFB VERSION 2023-APR By signing this proposal, the undersigned acknowledges that the person(s), firm, association, or corporation has (have) not, either directly or indirectly, entered into any agreement, participated in any collusion, or otherwise taken any action in restraint of free competitive bidding in connection with this project. To report rigging activities, call 1-800-424-9071. The U.S. Department of Transportation (USDOT) operates the toll -free hotline Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Eastern Time. Anyone with knowledge of possible bid rigging, bidder collusion, or other fraudulent activities should use the hotline to report such activities. The hotline is part of USDOT's continuing effort to identify and investigate highway construction contract fraud and abuse and is operated under the direction of the USDOT Inspector General. All information will be treated confidentially and caller anonymity will be respected. CONFLICTS OF INTEREST, GRATUITIES, & NON-COMPETITIVE PRACTICES By signing this proposal, the undersigned agrees as follows: (1) That it has no direct or indirect pecuniary or proprietary interest, that it shall not acquire any interest which conflicts in any manner or degree with the work, services, equipment or materials required to be performed and/or provided under this contract and that it shall not employ any person or agent having any such interests. In the event that the Contractor or its agents, employees or representatives hereafter acquires such a conflict of interest, it shall immediately disclose such interest to the City and take action immediately to eliminate the conflict or to withdraw from this contract, as the City may require; and (2) That no person or selling agency except bona fide employees or designated agents or representatives of the Contractor have been employed or retained to solicit or secure this contract with an agreement or understanding that a commission, percentage, brokerage, or contingent fee would be paid; and (3) That no gratuities in the form of entertainment, gifts or otherwise, were offered or given by the Contractor or any of its agents, employees or representatives, to any official, member or employee of the City or other governmental agency with a view toward securing this contract or securing favorable treatment with respect to the awarding or amending, or the making of any determination with respect to the performance of this contract. AFFIDAVIT OF ELIGIBILITY The Contractor certifies that it is properly licensed and registered under the laws of the State of Washington and has not been determined to have been in violation of RCW 50.12.070(1)(b), RCW 51.16.070(1)(b), or RCW 82.32.070(2) within the last two years. The Contractor further certifies that it has not been determined, within the last one year, to have committed any combination of two of the following violations or infractions within a five-year period: (1) Violated RCW 51.48.020(1) or 51.48.103; or (2) Committed an infraction or violation under Chapter 18.27 RCW. CERTIFICATION OF LAWFUL EMPLOYMENT The Contractor hereby certifies that it has complied with all provisions of the Immigration and Nationality Act now or as herein after amended, 8 U.S.C. 1101 et. Seq., and that all employees, including subcontractor employees, are lawfully permitted to perform work in the United States as provided in this agreement with the City of Federal Way. Receipt of the following Addendums is hereby acknowledged: Addendum No. Date Issued: Addendum No. Date Issued: Addendum No. Date Issued. CITY OF FEDERAL WAY RFB-9 CFW RFB VERSION 2023-APR HVAC CONTROLS UPGRADES & PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT SERVICES RFB #23-010 The undersigned individual represents and warrants that he or she is dully authorized to execute the bid and all bid documents on behalf of any partnership, joint venture or corporation. S Signature Printed Name Title Subscribed and sworn to before me this day of 20 Signature of Notary Printed name of Notary Notary Public in and for the State of Washington My commission expires: CITY OF FEDERAL WAY HVAC CONTROLS UPGRADES & PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT SERVICES RFB-10 RFB #23-010 CFW RFB VERSION 2023-APR BID BOND HVAC CONTROLS UPGRADE & PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT SERVICES OPTION 1: BID BOND DEPOSIT Attached is a deposit in the form of a certified check, cashier's check, or cash in the amount of S , which amount is not less than five percent (5%) of the total bid. Principal — Signature of Authorized Official Date Title —OR— OPTION 2: BID BOND KNOW ALL PERSONS BY THESE PRESENTS that we, as Principal, and , as Surety, are held and firmly bound unto the City of Federal Way, as Obligee, in the sum of five (5) percent of the total amount of the bid proposal for the payment of which the Principal and the Surety bond themselves, their heirs and executors, administrators, successors and assigns, jointly and severally, by these presents. The condition of this obligation is such that if the Obligee shall make any award to the Principal for the above - mentioned Project according to the terms of the proposal or bid made by the Principal therefore, and the Principal shall duly make and enter into a contract with the Obligee in accordance with the terms of said proposal or bid and award and shall give bond for the faithful performance thereof, with Surety or Sureties approved by the Obligee; or if the Principal shall in case of failure so to do, pay and forfeit to the Obligee the penal amount of the deposit specified in the call for bids, then this obligation shall be null and void; otherwise, it shall be, and remain in full force and effect, and the Surety shall forthwith pay and forfeit to the Obligee as penalty and liquidated damages, the amount of this bond. SIGNED, SEALED AND DATED THIS DAY OF , 20 Principal — Signature of Authorized Official Surety — Attorney in Fact (Attach Power of Attorney) Title Name and Address of Local Office/Agent of Surety Company is: CITY OF FEDERAL WAY HVAC CONTROLS UPGRADES & PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT SERVICES RFB-11 RFB #23-010 CFW RFB VERSION 2023-APR SUBCONTRACTOR LIST IdahL � Washington State A Department of Transportation Subcontractor List Prepared in compliance with RCW 39.30.060 as amended To Be Submitted with the Bid Proposal Project Name Failure to list subcontractors with whom the bidder, if awarded the contract, will directly subcontract for performance of the work of structural steel installation, rebar installation, heating, ventilation and air conditioning, plumbing, as described in Chapter 18.106 RCW, and electrical, as described in Chapter 19.28 RCW or naming more than one subcontractor to perform the same work will result in your bid being non -responsive and therefore void. Subcontractor(s) with whom the bidder will directly subcontract that are proposed to perform the work of structural steel Installation, rebar installation, heating, ventilation and air conditioning, plumbing, as described in Chapter 18.106 RCW, and electrical as described in Chapter 19.28 RCW must be listed below. The work to be performed Is to be listed below the subcontractor(s) name. To the extent the Project Includes one or more categories of work referenced in RCW 39.30.060, and no subcontractor Is listed below to perform such work, the bidder certifies that the work will either (i) be performed by the bidder itself, or (ii) be performed by a lower tier subcontractor who will not contract directly with the bidder. Subcontractor Name Work to be performed Subcontractor Name Work to be performed Subcontractor Name Work to be performed Subcontractor Name Work to be performed Subcontractor Name Work to be performed " Bidder's are notified that it is the opinion of the enforcement agency that PVC or metal conduit, junction boxes, etc, are considered electrical equipment and therefore considered part of electrical work, even if the installation is for future use and no wiring or electrical current is connected during the project. DOT Form 271-015 Revised 06/2020 CITY OF FEDERAL WAY HVAC CONTROLS UPGRADES & PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT SERVICES RFB-12 RFB #23-010 CFW RFB VERSION 2023-APR CONTRACTOR WAGE LAW COMPLIANCE CERTIFICATION FAILURE TO RETURN THIS CERTIFICATION AS PART OF THE BID PROPOSAL PACKAGE WILL MAKE THIS BID NONRESPONSIVE AND INELIGIBLE FOR AWARD. I hereby certify, under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of Washington, on behalf of the firm identified below that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, this firm has NOT been determined by a final and binding citation and notice of assessment issued by the Washington State Department of Labor and industries or through a civil judgment entered by a court of limited or general jurisdiction to have willfully violated, as defined in RCW 49.48.082, any provision of Chapters 49.46, 49.48, and 49.52 RCW within three (3) years prior to the date of the Request for Bids. Bidder Name: By: Print Full Legal Name of Firm Signature of Authorized Person Title - Title of Person Signing Certificate Date: Print Name of Person Making Certifications for Firm Place: Print City and State Where Signed CITY OF FEDERAL WAY HVAC CONTROLS UPGRADES & PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT SERVICES RFB-13 RFB #23-010 CFW RFB VERSION 2023-APR PROPOSAL FOR INCORPORATING RECYCLED MATERIALS APWA-WA Division 1 Committee rev. 1/8/2016 Proposal for Incorporating Recycled Materials into the Project In compliance with a new law that went into effect January 1, 2016 (SHB1695), the Bidder shall propose below, the total percent of construction aggregate and concrete materials to be incorporated into the Project that are recycled materials. Calculated percentages must be within the amounts allowed in Section 9-03.21(1)E, Table on Maximum Allowable Percent (By Weight) of Recycled Material, of the Standard Specifications. Proposed total percentage: percent. Note: Use of recycled materials is highly encouraged within the limits shown above, but does not constitute a Bidder Preference, and will not affect the determination of award, unless two or more lowest responsive Bid totals are exactly equal, in which case proposed recycling percentages will be used as a tie -breaker, per the APWA GSP in Section 1-03.1 of the Special Provisions. Regardless, the Bidder's stated proposed percentages will became a goal the Contractor should do its best to accomplish. Bidders will be required to report on recycled materials actually incorporated into the Project, in accordance with the APWA GSP in Section 1-06.6 of the Special Provisions. Bidder: Signature of Authorized Official: Date: CITY OF FEDERAL WAY HVAC CONTROLS UPGRADES & PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT SERVICES RFB-14 RFB #23-010 CFW RFB VERSION 2023-APR SAMPLE PUBLIC WORKS CONTRACT THIS PUBLIC WORKS CONTRACT ("Contract") is dated effective this day of . 20 and is made by and between the City of Federal Way, a Washington municipal corporation ("City or Owner"), and _ , a ("Contractor"), for the project known as (the "Project"). A. The City desires to retain an independent contractor to furnish all labor and materials necessary to perform work necessary to complete the Project; and B. The Contractor has the requisite skill and experience to perform such work. NOW, THEREFORE, the parties ("Parties") agree to the following terms and conditions: 1. SERVICES BY CONTRACTOR Contractor shall perform all Work and furnish all tools, materials, supplies, equipment, labor and other items incidental thereto necessary for the construction and completion of the Project. Contractor shall perform the Work in a manner consistent with accepted practices for other properly licensed contractors and in accordance with and as described in the Contract Documents, which Work shall be completed to the City's satisfaction, within the time period prescribed by the City and pursuant to the direction of the Mayor or his or her designee. 2. TERM 2.1 This Contract shall commence on the effective date of this Contract and continue until the Project is formally accepted as complete by the City Council, Notice of Project Completion is filed with State agencies, and all bonds for the Project are released by the City. 2.2 The Contractor must complete the Work in accordance with the number of Working Days for the Project as identified in the Contract Documents. With regard to obtaining Substantial Completion and the Completion Date by the Contractor, time is of the essence. In the event the Work is not substantially completed within the time specified in the Contract Documents, Contractor agrees to pay to the City liquidated damages in the amount set forth in the Contract Documents. The Parties acknowledge that delays inconvenience the public and cost taxpayers undue sums of money, adding time needed for administration, inspection, and supervision of the Project and diverting City resources from other projects and obligations. 2.3 If the Contractor is unreasonably delayed by others, notification shall be made in writing to the Engineer in accordance with the Contract Documents. Any request for a time extension or additional compensation (including expectancy or consequential damages) allegedly resulting from such delay shall be made in accordance with the procedures of the Contract Documents. Failure to follow the notice procedures in the Contract Documents is a full and complete waiver of Contractor's right to additional time, money, damages, or other relief (including expectancy or consequential damages) as a result of the event or condition giving rise to such request. 3. COMPENSATION 3.1 In consideration of the Contractor performing the Work, the City agrees to pay the Contractor an amount not to exceed and /100 Dollars ($ ), which amount shall constitute full and complete payment by the City ("Total Compensation"). The Contractor shall be solely responsible for the payment of any taxes imposed by any lawful jurisdiction as a result of the performance and payment of this Contract. 3.2 The City shall pay the Contractor for Work performed under this Contract as detailed in the Bid Proposal, which is incorporated herein and made a part hereof by this reference, and as detailed in the Contract Documents. The City shall have the right to withhold payment to the Contractor for any of the Work not completed in a satisfactory manner, in the City's sole and absolute discretion, which shall be withheld until such CITY OF FEDERAL WAY HVAC CONTROLS UPGRADES & PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT SERVICES RFB-15 RFB #23-010 CFW RFB VERSION 2023-APR time as Contractor modifies or repairs the Work so that the Work is acceptable to the City. Payment to the Contractor for partial estimates, final estimates, and retained percentages shall be subject to controlling laws. 3.3 In addition to the requirements set forth in the Contract Documents, the Contractor shall maintain Project cost records by cost codes and shall contemporaneously segregate and separately record, at the time incurred, all costs (1) directly associated with each work activity, (2) directly or indirectly resulting from any event, occurrence, condition, or direction for which Contractor seeks an adjustment in Contract price Contract time, or related to any other Claim or protest. Any work performed for which Contractor intends to seek an adjustment in Contract Price or Contract Time, or related to any other Claim or protest, shall be recorded on the same day the work is performed and kept separate so as to distinguish it from Contract Work. 4. INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR 4.1 It is the intention and understanding of the Parties that the Contractor shall be an independent contractor and that the City shall be neither liable nor obligated to pay Contractor sick leave, vacation pay or any other benefit of employment, nor to pay any social security or other tax which may arise as an incident of employment. The Contractor shall not conduct itself as nor claim to be an officer or employee of the City. The Contractor shall pay all income and other taxes due. Industrial or any other insurance that is purchased for the benefit of the City, regardless of whether such may provide a secondary or incidental benefit to the Contractor, shall not be deemed to convert this Agreement to an employment contract. It is recognized that Contractor may or will be performing professional services during the Term for other parties; provided, however, that such performance of other services shall not conflict with or interfere with Contractor's ability to perform the Services. Contractor agrees to resolve any such conflicts of interest in favor of the City. Nothing contained in this Contract shall create a contractual or direct relationship with or a cause of action in favor of a Subcontractor or third party against the City, or by the Contractor against the Engineer, or against any of their agents, employees, engineers, or consultants. 4.2 If the Contractor is a sole proprietorship or if this is a contract with an individual, the contractor agrees to notify the City and complete any required form if the Contractor retired under a State of Washington retirement system and agrees to indemnify any losses the City may sustain through the Contractor's failure to do so. 5. INDEMNIFICATION 5.1 Contractor Indemnification. 5.1.1 The Contractor shall indemnify, defend, and hold the City, its elected officials, officers, employees, agents, consultants, and volunteers (collectively "the Indemnified Parties") harmless from any costs or losses, and pay and damages or judgments, related to any claim brought by any person employed in any capacity by the Contractor or subcontractor or supplier (of any tier) performing the Work, with respect to the payment of wages, salaries, or other compensation or benefits including but not limited to benefits such as medical, health, retirement, vacation, sick leave, etc. 5.1.2. To the fullest extent permitted by law, the Contractor shall defend, release, indemnify, and hold harmless the City and the Indemnified Parties for, from, and against any and all claims, demands, losses, costs, damages, suits, actions, expenses, fines, penalties, response costs, and liabilities (including costs and all attorney and expert fees and internal personnel costs of investigation) of whatsoever kind or nature to the extent arising from, resulting from, connected with, or incident to the Contractor's performance or failure to perform this Contract or the Work or its breach of this Contract; provided, however, that if the provisions of RCW 4.24.155 apply to the Work and any injuries to persons or property arising out of the performance of this Contract are caused by or result from the concurrent negligence of the Contractor or its subcontractors, agents, employees, or anyone for whom they are legally liable, and an Indemnified Party, the indemnification and defense obligations under this Section 5.1.2 apply only to the extent of the negligence of the Contractor, its subcontractors, agents, employees, and anyone for whom they are legally liable. 5.1.3 Contractor specifically assumes potential liability for actions brought by the Contractor's own employees or former employees against any Indemnified Party, and for that purpose Contractor waives any CITY OF FEDERAL WAY HVAC CONTROLS UPGRADES & PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT SERVICES RFB-16 RFB #23-010 CFW RFB VERSION 2023-APR immunity that may be granted to it under the Washington State Industrial Insurance Act, Title 51 RCW. Contractor's indemnification shall not be limited in any way by any limitation on the amount of damages, compensation or benefits payable to or by any third party under workers' compensation acts, disability benefit acts or any other benefits acts or programs. Provided, however, the Contractor's waiver of immunity by the provisions of this paragraph extends only to claims against the Contractor by any Indemnified party, and does not include, or extend to, any claims by the Contractor's employee directly against the Contractor. The Contractor recognizes that this waiver was specifically entered into. 5.2 Contractor Release. Any deviation, alteration, variation, addition, or omission in the Work by Contractor from the Contract Documents shall preclude Contractor from bringing any Claim or request for additional time or compensation on the basis of an alleged defect or error in the Contract Documents related to or arising, in any way, from that deviation, alteration, variation, addition, or omission. The Contractor further warrants that any alteration, variation, deletion, or omission fully complies with or exceeds all requirements of the Contract Documents and assumes all risk thereof. 5.3 Survival. The provisions of this Section shall (1) survive the expiration or termination of this Contract with respect to any event occurring prior to such expiration or termination, final payment hereunder, and any applicable statute of repose with respect to claims, fines, costs or damages brought or made against any Indemnified Party; (2) shall not be limited by RCW 4.16326(g); and (3) are in addition to any other rights or remedies which the City and/or any of the Indemnified Parties may have by law or under this Contract. 5.4 Offset. In the event of any claim or demand made against any Indemnified Party hereunder, the City may, in its sole discretion, reserve, retain or apply any monies due to the Contractor under the Contract or any other agreement or contract with the City for the purpose of resolving such claims; provided, however, that the City may, in the City's sole discretion, release such funds if the Contractor provides the City with adequate assurance of the protection of the City's and the other Indemnified Parties interests. 5.5 The Contractor shall ensure that each Subcontract includes a provision requiring each Subcontractor to indemnify and defend the City and the Indemnified Parties in the same manner, to the same extent, and for the same duration as Contractor agrees to indemnify and defend the City and the Indemnified Parties in this Section 5. 6. OWNERSHIP OF DOCUMENTS All originals and copies of work product, including plans, sketches, layouts, designs, design specifications, records, files, computer disks, magnetic media, all finished or unfinished documents or material which may be produced or modified by Contractor while performing the Work, whether or not required to be furnished to the City, shall become the property of the City, shall be delivered to the City at its request, and may be used by the City without restriction. 7. PATENTS. COPYRIGHTS, AND RIGHTS IN DATA 7.1 Any patentable result or material suitable for copyright arising out of this Contract shall be owned by and made available to the City for public use, unless the City shall, in a specific case where it is legally permissible, determine that it is in the public interest that it not be so owned or available. 7.2 The Contractor agrees that the ownership of any plans, drawings, designs, specifications, computer programs, technical reports, operating manuals, calculations, notes and other work submitted or which is specified to be delivered under this Contract, whether or not complete (referred to in this subsection as "Subject Data"), is hereby irrevocably transferred and assigned to the City and shall be vested in the City or such other local, state or federal agency, if any, as may be provided by separate contract with the City. The Contractor shall execute and deliver such instruments and take such other action(s) as may be requested by the City to perfect or protect the City's rights to such Subject Data and work product, and to perfect the assignments and transfers contemplated in Sections 6 and 7. CITY OF FEDERAL WAY HVAC CONTROLS UPGRADES & PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT SERVICES RFB-17 RFB #23-010 CFW RFB VERSION 2023-APR 7.3 All such Subject Data furnished by the Contractor pursuant to this Contract, other than documents exclusively for internal use by the City, shall carry such notations on the front cover or a title page (or in such case of maps, in the same block) as may be requested by the City. The Contractor shall also place their endorsement on all Subject Data furnished by them. All such identification details shall be subject to approval by the City prior to printing. 7.4 The Contractor shall ensure that substantially the foregoing paragraphs in Sections 6 and 7 are included in each subcontract for the work on the Project. 8. GENERAL PROVISIONS 8.1 Entire Contract. The Contract Documents contain all of the agreements of the Parties with respect to any matter covered or mentioned in this Contract and no prior agreements or understandings pertaining to any such matters shall be effective for any purpose. In entering into this Contract, neither party has relied upon any statement, estimate, forecast, projection, representation, warranty, action or agreement of the other party except for those expressly contained in the Contract Documents. 8.2 Documents. The documents incorporated by reference, as if fully set forth in this Contract, are the Advertisement for Bids, the Instructions to Bidders and Checklists, the Contractor's Bid Proposal (including all forms and supplemental information listed on the Bidders Checklist), the Contract Documents (including Project Plans, Specifications, and all Appendices, Amendments, and Supplemental Reports & Information), the Contract Provisions (including all forms and supplemental information listed on the Contract Checklist), the version of the Washington State Standard Specifications for Road, Bridge, and Municipal Construction identified herein, and any other documents provided to bidders and/or referenced in or referred to by the Contract Documents. 8.3 Modification. No provisions of this Contract, including this provision, may be amended or added to except by agreement in writing signed by the Parties or their respective successors in interest in accordance with the Contract Documents. 8.4 Change Orders. In addition to its rights under the Contract Documents, the City may unilaterally issue a Change Order at any time making changes within the general scope of the Contract, without invalidating the Contract and without providing notice to sureties. The City's issuance of a unilateral Change Order shall not be construed as a waiver of any rights afforded the City, including its right to reject a prior protest or request for change or Claim due to untimeliness or the Contractor's failure to fully comply with the requirements of the Contract Documents, or to void the unilateral Change Order due to unilateral mistake, misrepresentation, or fraud. 8.5 Total Cost Method / Claims. In no event shall a Total Cost Method or a modified Total Cost Method be used by the Contractor to calculate any adjustments to the Contract price. For the purpose of this provision, any cost method, or variety of cost methods, using the difference between the actual cost of the Work and the Bid or Contract price of the Work to calculate any additional compensation or money owed to the Contractor shall be considered a Total Cost Method. In addition, the City shall not be responsible for, and the Contractor shall not be entitled to, any compensation for unallowable costs. Unallowable costs include, but are not limited to: (i) interest or attorneys' fees, except as mandated by statute; (ii) Claim preparation or filing costs; (iii) the costs of preparing notices or protests; (iv) lost profits, lost income, or lost earnings; (v) costs for idle equipment when such equipment is not at the Site, has not been employed in the Work, or is not scheduled to be used at the Site; (vi) claims consulting costs; (vii) expert fees and costs; (viii) loss of other business; and/or (ix) any other special, consequential, expectancy, incidental, or indirect damages incurred by the Contractor, Subcontractors, or suppliers. 8.6 Warranties and Guarantees. In addition to the requirements of the Contract Documents, the Contractor warrants that all portions of the Work that will be covered by a manufacturer's or supplier's guarantee or warranty shall be performed in such a manner so as to preserve all rights under such guarantees or warranties. If the City attempts to enforce a claim based upon a manufacturer's or supplier's guarantee or warranty and such manufacturer or supplier refuses to honor such guarantee or warranty based, in whole or in CITY OF FEDERAL WAY HVAC CONTROLS UPGRADES & PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT SERVICES RFB-18 RFB #23-010 CFW RFB VERSION 2023-APR part, on a claim of defective installation by the Contractor or a Subcontractor, the Contractor shall be responsible for any resulting loss or damage, and repairs, incurred by the City as a result of the manufacturer's or supplier's refusal to honor such guarantee or warranty. This obligation survives termination of this Contract. 8.7 Full Force and Effect. Any provision of this Contract, which is declared invalid, void or illegal, shall in no way affect, impair, or invalidate any other provision hereof and such other provisions shall remain in full force and effect. 8.8 Assignment. The Contractor shall not transfer or assign, in whole or in part, any or all of its obligations and rights hereunder without the prior written consent of the City. In the event the City consents to any such assignment or transfer, such consent shall in no way release the Contractor from any of its obligations or liabilities under this Contract. 8.9 Successors In Interest. Subject to the preceding Subsection, this Contract shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the Parties' successors in interest, heirs and assigns. 8.10 Time Limitation and Venue. For the convenience of the Parties to the Contract it is mutually agreed by the Parties that any claims, causes of action, or disputes which the Contractor has against the City arising from the Contract shall be brought within the following time period: (i) 180 calendar days from the date of Substantial Completion for those claims, causes of action, or disputes arising prior to the date of Substantial Completion, and (ii) 180 calendar days from the date of Final Acceptance of the Contract by the City for those claims, causes of action, or dispute arising after the date of Substantial Completion. It is further agreed that the venue for any claim, cause of action, or dispute related to this Contract shall be King County, Washington, which shall have exclusive jurisdiction over any such case, controversy, or dispute. The Parties understand and agree that the Contractor's failure to bring suit within the time period provided, shall be a complete bar to any such claims or causes of action. It is further mutually agreed by the Parties that when any claims, causes of action, or disputes which the Contractor asserts against the City arising from the Contract are filed with the City or initiated in court, the Contractor shall permit the City to have timely access to any records deemed necessary by the City to assist in evaluating the claims, action, or dispute. 8.11 No Waiver. Failure of the City to declare any breach or default immediately upon occurrence thereof, or delay in taking any action in connection with, shall not waive such breach or default. Failure of the City to declare one breach or default does not act as a waiver of the City's right to declare another breach or default. 8.12 Sole Authority/Discretion/Judgment. Where the Contract Documents provide the City or its Engineer with "sole" authority, discretion, or judgment, such authority, discretion, or judgment shall be considered unconditional and absolute. 8.13 Governing Law. This Contract shall be made in and shall be governed by and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the State of Washington. 8.14 Authoritv. Each individual executing this Contract on behalf of the City and Contractor represents and warrants that such individuals are duly authorized to execute and deliver this Contract on behalf of the Contractor or City. 8.15 Engineer/Project Manager. The Engineer/Project Manager is the City's representative who directly supervises the administration of a construction Contract. The Engineer/Project Manager's authorities, duties, and responsibilities are limited to those specifically identified in the Contract Documents. Designation of an individual or entity as the Engineer for the Project is solely to identify the representative of the City as the entity to act as the Engineer/Project Manager as described in the Contract Documents. Using the term "engineer" does not imply that such entity or person is a licensed professional engineer or an engineering company and does not import any additional obligations upon the actions of the Engineer/Project Manager that may govern licensed professional engineers when performing engineering services. CITY OF FEDERAL WAY HVAC CONTROLS UPGRADES & PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT SERVICES RFB-19 RFB #23-010 CFW RFB VERSION 2023-APR The Project Manager for this Project is designated as: Jason Gerwen, Deputy Parks Director 8.16 Notices. Any notices required to be given to Contractor or to the Project Manager shall be delivered to the Parties at the addresses set forth below. Any notices may be delivered personally to the addressee of the notice or may be deposited in the United States mail, postage prepaid, to the address set forth herein. Any notice so posted in the United States mail shall be deemed received three (3) days after the date of mailing. CONTRACTOR: Company Attn: Individual to receive notices Street Address City, State, Zip PROJECT MANANGER City of Federal Way Attn: Jason Gerwen 33325 8th Ave S Federal Way, WA 98003 8.17 Captions. The respective captions of the Sections of this Contract are inserted for convenience of reference only and shall not be deemed to modify or otherwise affect in any respect any of the provisions of this Contract. 8.18 Performance. Time is of the essence of this Contract and each and all of its provisions in which performance is a factor. Adherence to completion dates is essential to the Contractor's performance of this Contract. 8.19 Compliance with Ethics Code. If a violation of the City's Ethics Resolution No. 91-54, as amended, occurs as a result of the formation and/or performance of this Contract, this Contract may be rendered null and void, at the City's option. 9. PERFORMANCE/PAYMENT BOND Pursuant to RCW 39.08.010, the Contractor's payment and performance bonds must be conditioned upon: (i) faithful performance of all of the provisions of the Contract, including warranty obligations; (ii) the payment of all laborers, mechanics, Subcontractors, and Suppliers, and all persons who supply such persons with provisions or supplies in carrying out the Work; and (iii) payment of any taxes, liabilities, increases, or penalties incurred on the Project under Titles 50, 51, and 82 RCW which may be due on (a) projects referred to in RCW 60.28.011(1)(b), and (b) projects for which the bond is conditioned on the payment of such taxes, liabilities, increases, or penalties. Contractor's obligations under this Contract shall not be limited to the dollar amount of the bond. DATED the day and year set forth above. CITY OF FEDERAL WAY: CONTRACTOR: Jim Ferrell, Mayor Signature of Authorized Individual 33325 8th Avenue South Federal Way, WA 98003-6325 Printed Name of Authorized Individual ATTEST: Street Address CITY OF FEDERAL WAY HVAC CONTROLS UPGRADES & PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT SERVICES RFB-20 RFB #23-010 CFW RFB VERSION 2023-APR Stephanie Courtney, CMC, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: City, State, Zip J. Ryan Call, City Attorney NOTARY OF CONTRACTOR'S SIGNATURE: STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ss. COUNTY OF STAFF - USE FOR CORPORATE NOTARY OR DELETE & REPLACE WITH INDIVIDUAL NOTARY. On this day personal ly'appeared before me , to me known to be the of that executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged the said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said corporation, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that they were authorized to execute said instrument and that the seal affixed, if any, is the corporate seal of said corporation. GIVEN my hand and official seal this day of MW (typed/printed name of notary) Notary Public in and for the State of Washington. My commission expires STAFF - USE FOR INDIVIDUAL NOTARY OR DELETE. On this day personally appeared before me, to me known to be the individual described in and who executed the foregoing instrument, and on oath swore that they executed the foregoing instrument as their free and voluntary act and deed for the uses and purposes therein mentioned. GIVEN my hand and official seal this day of , 20_ (typed/printed name of notary) Notary Public in and for the State of Washington. My commission expires CITY OF FEDERAL WAY HVAC CONTROLS UPGRADES & PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT SERVICES RFB-21 RFB #23-010 CFW RFB VERSION 2023-APR SAMPLE CONTRACT CHANGE ORDER PROJECT NUMBER AGREEMENT NUMBER CHANGE ORDER NUMBER EFFECTIVE DATE HVAC CONTROLS UPGRADE & PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT SERVICES SUMMARY OF PROPOSED CHANGES: This Change Order covers the work changes summarized below: The time provided for completion in the Contract is CONTRACTOR ❑ Unchanged ❑ Increased by _Working Day(s) ❑ Decreased by_ Working Day(s) This Document shall become an Amendment to the Contract and all provisions of the Contract not amended herein will apply to this Change Order. Will this change affect expiration or extent of Insurance coverage? ❑ Yes ❑ No If "Yes" Will the Policies Be Extended? ❑ Yes ❑ No MODIFICATIONS TO UNIT PRICES: PREVIOUS REVISED ITEM NO. ITEM QTY UNIT PRICE UNIT PRICE ADD OR DELETE THESE ITEMS ARE APPROXIMATE OR ESTIMATED QUANTITIES INVOLVED IN THIS CHANGE: ITEM NO. ITEM QTY UNIT PRICE ADD OR DELETE TOTAL NET CONTRACT: ;INCREASE $ 1 DECREASE $ DEPARTMENT RECAP TO DATE: ORIGINAL CONTRACT AMOUNT PREVIOUS CHANGE ORDERS THIS CHANGE ORDER NEW CONTRACT AMOUNT STATEMENT: Payment for the above work will be in accordance with applicable portions of the standard specifications, and with the understanding that all materials, workmanship and measurements shall be in accordance with the provisions of the standard specifications, the contract plans, and the special provisions governing the types of CITY OF FEDERAL WAY HVAC CONTROLS UPGRADES & PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT SERVICES RFB-22 RFB #23-010 CFW RFB VERSION 2023-APR construction. The execution of this Change Order shall constitute full satisfaction and a waiver of any and all claims by the Contractor arising out of, or relating in any way to, the Work identified, to be performed, or deleted pursuant to Change Order except as specifically described in this Change Order. CONTRACTOR'S SIGNATURE PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR CITY OF FEDERAL WAY DATE DATE Contract Change Order provided for Contractor's reference. Change orders executed during the project will use this form. HVAC CONTROLS UPGRADES & PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT SERVICES RFB-23 RFB #23-010 CFW RFB VERSION 2023-APR CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE Contractor's Certificate of Insurance to be inserted here during Contract Execution CITY OF FEDERAL WAY HVAC CONTROLS UPGRADES & PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT SERVICES RFB-24 RFB #23-010 CFW RFB VERSION 2023-APR PERFORMANCE AND PAYMENT BOND HVAC CONTROLS UPGRADE & PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT SERVICES The City of Federal Way ("City") has awarded to ("Principal"), a contract for the construction of the above referenced project, and said Principal is required to furnish a bond for performance of all obligations under the Contract and for payment in accord with Chapter 39.08 Revised Code of Washington (RCW) and (where applicable) Chapter 60.28 RCW. The Principal, and ("Surety"), a corporation organized under the laws of the State of and licensed to do business in the State of Washington as surety and named in the current list of "Surety Companies Acceptable in Federal Bonds" as published in the Federal Register by the Audit Staff Bureau of Accounts, U.S. Treasury Dept., are jointly and severally held and firmly bound to the City of Federal Way, in the sum of US Dollars ($ ) Total Contract Amount, subject to the provisions herein. This bond shall become null and void, if and when the Principal, its heirs, executors, administrators, successors, or assigns shall: 1) Well and faithfully perform all of the Principal's obligations under the Contract and fulfill all terms and conditions of all duly authorized modifications, additions, and changes to said Contract that may hereafter be made, at the time and in the manner therein specified; and if such performance obligations have not been fulfilled, this bond shall remain in force and effect; and 2) Pay all persons in accordance with Chapters 39.08, 39.12, and 60.28 RCW including all workers, laborers, mechanics, subcontractors, and materialmen, and all person who shall supply such contractor or subcontractor with provisions and supplies for the carrying on of such work, and all taxes incurred on said Contract under Titles 50 and 51 RCW and all taxes imposed on the Principal under Title 82 RCW; and if such payment obligations have not been fulfilled, this bond shall remain in full force and effect. The Surety for value received agrees that no change, extension of time, alteration or addition to the terms of the Contract, the specifications accompanying the Contract, or to the work to be performed under the Contract shall in any way affect its obligation on this bond, and waives notice of any change, extension of time, alteration or addition to the terms of the Contract or the work performed. The Surety agrees that modifications and changes to the terms and conditions of the Contract that increase the total amount to be paid the Principal shall automatically increase the obligation of the Surety on this bond and notice to Surety is not required for such increased obligation. This bond shall be signed by duly authorized officers and will only be accepted if accompanied by a fully executed, original power of attorney for the office executing on behalf of the surety. PRINCIPAL: SURETY: Principal Signature Printed Name Title CITY OF FEDERAL WAY Date Surety Signature Printed Name Title RFB-25 CFW RFB VERSION 2023-APR Date HVAC CONTROLS UPGRADES & PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT SERVICES RFB #23-010 BOND NO. APPROVED AS TO FORM: CITY OF FEDERAL WAY LOCAL OFFICE/AGENT OF SURETY: Name Street Address City, State, Zip Telephone J. Ryan Call, City Attorney RFB-26 CFW RFB VERSION 2023-APR HVAC CONTROLS UPGRADES & PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT SERVICES RFB #23-010 CONTRACTOR'S RETAINAGE OPTION IDENTIFICATION AND DESCRIPTION Project Title: HVAC CONTROLS UPGRADE & PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT SERVICES RFB No: Contractor: GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 1. In accordance with applicable State Statutes, a contract retainage not to exceed five percent of the moneys earned by the contractor will be reserved by the City. 2. All investments selected are subject to City approval. 3. The final disposition of the contract retainage will be made in accordance with applicable State Statutes. CONTRACTOR'S INSTRUCTIONS Pursuant to RCW 60.28.011, 1 hereby notify the City of Federal Way of my instructions for the retainage withheld under the terms of this contract: 0 Option 1: Retained in a fund by the City of Federal Way. No interest will be paid to the contractor. 0 Option 2: Deposited in an interest -bearing account in a bank, mutual savings bank, or savings and loan association. Interest paid to the contractor. Contractor shall have the bank (or other) execute a separate "City of Federal Way Retainage Bank Acceptance Agreement' upon contract award. The City will provide the agreement to the Contractor if this option is selected. 0 Option 3: Placed in escrow with a bank or trust company. Contractor shall execute, and have escrow account holder execute a separate "City of Federal Way Construction Retainage Escrow Agreement' upon contract award. The City will provide the agreement to the Contractor if this option is selected. All investments are subject to City approval. The cost of the investment program, and risk thereof, is to be borne entirely by the contractor. 0 Option 4: Contractor shall submit a "Retainage Bond" on City -provided form included in these Contract Documents. Contractor Signature CITY OF FEDERAL WAY Date RFB-27 CFW RFB VERSION 2023-APR HVAC CONTROLS UPGRADES & PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT SERVICES RFB #23-010 RETAINAGE BOND TO CITY OF FEDERAL WAY HVAC CONTROLS UPGRADE & PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT SERVICES KNOW ALL PERSONS BY THESE PRESENTS that we, the undersigned, as principal ("Principal"), and a Corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of as a surety Corporation, and qualified under the laws of the State of Washington to become surety upon bonds of Contractors with Municipal Corporations, as surety ("Surety"), are jointly and severally held and firmly bonded to the City of Federal Way ("City") in the penal sum of: ($ ) for the payment of which sum we bind ourselves and our successors, heirs, administrators or personal representatives, as the case may be. A. This obligation is entered into in pursuant to the statutes of the State of Washington and the ordinances, regulations, standards and policies of the City, as now existing or hereafter amended or adopted. B. Pursuant to proper authorization, the Mayor is authorized to enter into a certain contract with the Principal, providing for the above -referenced Project, which contract is incorporated herein by this reference ("Contract"), and C. Pursuant to State law, Chapter 60.28 RCW, the City is required to reserve from the monies earned by the Principal pursuant to the contract, a sum not to exceed five percent (5%), said sum to be retained by the City as a trust fund for the protection and payment of any person or persons, mechanic, subcontractor or material men who shall perform any labor upon such contract or the doing of such work, and all persons who shall supply such person or persons or subcontractors with provisions and supplies for the carrying on of such work, and the State with the respect to taxes imposed pursuant to Title 82 RCW which may be due from said Principal. Every person performing labor or furnishing supplies towards completion of said improvement or work shall have a lien on said monies so reserved, provided that such notice of the lien of such claimant shall be given in the manner and within the time provided in RCW 39.08.030 as now existing and in accordance with any amendments that may hereafter be provided thereto; and D. State law further provides that with the consent of the City, the Principal may submit a bond for all or any portion of the amount of funds retained by the public body in a form acceptable to the public body conditioned upon such bond any proceeds therefrom being made subject to all claims and liens and in the same manner and priority as set forth retained percentages pursuant to Chapter 60.28 RCW; and E. The Principal has accepted, or is about to accept, the Contract, and undertake to perform the work therein provided for in the manner and within the time set forth, for the amount of $ ; and F. The City is prepared to release any required retainage money previously paid by the Principal prior to acceptance and successful operation and fulfillment of all other terms of said contract upon being indemnified by these presents, NOW, THEREFORE, if the Principal shall perform all the provisions of the Contract in the manner and within the time period prescribed by the City, or within such extensions of time as may be granted under the Contract, and shall pay all laborers, mechanics, subcontractors and material men or women, and all persons who shall supply the Principal or subcontractors with provisions and supplies for the carrying on of said work, and if the Principal shall pay to the State all taxes imposed pursuant to Title 82 RCW which may be due from such Principal as a result of this contract then and in the event this obligation shall be void; but otherwise it shall be and remain in full force and effect. And the Surety, for value received, hereby further stipulates and agrees that no change, extension of time, alteration or addition to the terms of the Contract or to the work to be performed thereunder or the specifications accompanying the same shall in any way affect its obligation on this bond, and it does hereby CITY OF FEDERAL WAY HVAC CONTROLS UPGRADES & PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT SERVICES RFB-28 RFB #23-010 CFW RFB VERSION 2023-APR waive notice of any change, extension of time, alterations or additions to the terms of the Contract or to the Work. The Surety hereby agrees that modifications and changes may be made in the terms and provisions of the Contract without notice to Surety, and any such modifications or changes increasing the total amount to be paid the Principal shall automatically increase the obligation of the Surety on this Retainage Bond in a like amount, such increase, however, not to exceed twenty-five percent (25%) of the original amount of this bond without consent of the Surety. Within forty-five (45) days of receiving notice that the Principal has defaulted on all or part of the terms of the Contract, the Surety shall make written commitment to the City that it will either: (a) cure the default itself within a reasonable time period, or (b) tender to the City, the amount necessary for the City to remedy the default, including legal fees incurred by the City, or (c) in the event that Surety's evaluation of the dispute is not complete or in the event the Surety disputes the City's claim of default, the Surety shall notify the City of its finding and its intent, if any, to interplead. The Surety shall then fulfill its obligations under this bond, according to the option it has elected. Should Surety elect option (a) to cure the default, the penal sum of the Bond shall be reduced in an amount equal to the costs actually incurred by the Surety in curing the default. If the Surety elects option (b), then upon completion of the necessary work, the City shall notify the Surety of its actual costs. The City shall return, without interest, any overpayment made by the Surety and the Surety shall pay to the City any actual costs which exceed the City estimate, limited to the bond amount. Should the Surety elect option (c), the Parties shall first complete participation in mediation, described in the below paragraph, prior to any interplead action. In the event a dispute should arise between the Parties to this Bond with respect to the City's declaration of default by the Principal, the Parties agree to participate in at least four hours of mediation to resolve said dispute. The Parties shall proportionately share in the cost of the mediation. The mediation shall be administered by Judicial Dispute Resolution, LLC, 1425 Fourth Avenue, Suite 300, Seattle, Washington 98101. The Surety shall not interplead prior to completion of the mediation. The parties have executed this instrument under their separate seals this day of . 20_, the name and corporate seal of each corporate party hereto affixed, and these presents duly signed by its undersigned representatives pursuant to authority of its governing body. CORPORATE SEAL: CORPORATE SEAL: PRINCIPAL: By: Title: Address: SURETY: By: Attorney -in -Fact (Attach Power of Attorney) Title: CITY OF FEDERAL WAY HVAC CONTROLS UPGRADES & PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT SERVICES RFB-29 RFB #23-010 CFW RFB VERSION 2023-APR Address: CERTIFICATES AS TO CORPORATE SEAL I hereby certify that I am the (Assistant) Secretary of the Corporation named as Principal in the within bond; that who signed the said bond on behalf of the Principal, was of said Corporation; that I know his or her signature thereto is genuine, and that said bond was duly signed, sealed, and attested for and in behalf of said Corporation by authority of its governing body. Secretary of Principal I hereby certify that I am the (Assistant) Secretary of the Corporation named as Surety in the within bond; that who signed the said bond on behalf of the Surety, was of the said Corporation; that I know his or her signature thereto is genuine, and that said bond was duly signed, sealed, and attested for and in behalf of said Corporation by authority of its governing body. Secretary of Surety APPROVED AS TO FORM: J. Ryan Call, City Attorney CITY OF FEDERAL WAY HVAC CONTROLS UPGRADES & PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT SERVICES RFB-30 RFB #23-010 CFW RFB VERSION 2023-APR SPECIAL PROVISIONS SERVICE CONTRACTOR REQUIREMENTS PROPOSAL SUBMISSION Contractors interested in submitting a bid for this project must provide the following a. Company profile, including relevant experience in building control upgrades, integrations, and Niagara -based systems. b. Description of the proposed approach, methodologies, and technologies for each facility. c. Project team qualifications and certifications. d. Previous client references for similar projects. 2. QUALIFICATIONS City of Federal Way reserves the right to request Contractors have certain minimum qualifications they deem necessary to deliver fundamental HVAC, controls and energy performance services. The evaluation chart is designed to help the City of Federal Way select the best contractor that fits their needs. QUESTION ANSWER YES = MAX POINT POINT YES OR NO NO = ZERO POINTS TOTALIZATION Do you have a Controls Service Department with Dedicated controls 20 tech? (ONLY for service tasking) Is your company an approved Energy service company (ESCO) with the State 15 of Washington? Does your company provide a turnkey project with dedicated controls, 10 engineering, and electrical installation? -10 Do you subcontract any or all of the tasks listed in Question #3? Are you able to support Honeywell WEBs or Siemens TALON Niagara 10 hardware and software? Is your company an approved Honeywell ACI contractor or an ELITE 15 Siemens TALON Contractor? Does your company have experience with Washington State Clean Building 20 Standards, RCW 19.27A. EXPERIENCE The Contractor shall have a minimum of ten (10) years' experience in HVAC Controls & Performance Management Services with projects of similar size and scope. Provide background information (resumes and business references) on the firm and all selected project management individuals. The firm must document its ability to respond twenty-four (24) hours a day, seven (7) days a week. CITY OF FEDERAL WAY HVAC CONTROLS UPGRADES & PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT SERVICES RFB-31 RFB #23-010 CFW RFB VERSION 2023-APR 4 CONTRACTOR HEALTH AND SAFETY In performing the required services, Contractor will often be working in areas occupied by Staff and Patron. Strict safety and health practices are required for all Contractors personnel and any Sub - Contractors employed. 5. CONTRACTOR'S SCHEDULING The Contractor shall provide the Owner with a detailed schedule of service, list exact dates of preventative maintenance service for each location and equipment. This schedule shall be provided to the Owner within thirty (30) days of the Contract execution and shall be maintained monthly by the Contractor with updated copies to the Owner. All scheduled preventative maintenance service shall be performed during normal business hours unless otherwise directed by the Owner. 6. QUALITY CONTROL The Contractor shall provide to the Owner at the time of the bid, a detailed report on the firm's quality control procedures. These procedures shall cover such topics as the quality control of management scheduling and office reports, field reports, extra service quotations, field service technician training and continued education and field service work. The Owner reserves the right to witness and inspect all aspects of the work performed by the Contractor. Any service work found to be unacceptable by the Owner or its agents shall be redone by the Contractor at no additional cost to the Owner. 3.10 COMPUTER TRACKING SYSTEM The Contractor shall have a computer software tracking system to schedule and record maintenance and repairs for each site and unit. This system shall maintain the current Owner unit identification designations. The Contractor will provide reports from this tracking system upon the request of the Owner. The purpose of this system is to provide the Owner with computer database documentation of the reports of service and repair noted in Scope of Work 4a. 3.11 DIRECT DIGITAL CONTROL SUPPORT, PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT & FACILITY ANALYTICS SERVICES: Energy efficiency is continuing to become an increasing priority within the facilities of the City of Federal Way. The Contractor must have capabilities to benchmark, audit and reduce utility consumption within maintenance agreements and through energy retrofits. Specifically, the Contractor must be able to show how they can reduce consumption using objective -driven commissioning of the building environmental systems and diligent management of the building's energy consuming systems and energy conservation achievements by a Certified Energy Manager (CEM). This is also called "Continuous Commissioning". Contractor shall include in bid price the following aspects for Facility Analytics Performance Management services, including but not limited to: Software subscription and maintenance fees, monitoring services, analytics monthly report services, fault resolution documentation for utility rebates. If faults are on covered equipment, corrective action to be provided by Contractor under Basic Services; if faults are on non -covered equipment Contractor will submit repair proposal to Owner's representative for approval. List number of CEMs and give examples of benchmarks, audits, maintenance energy efficiency programs, facility analytics experience and performance management. CITY OF FEDERAL WAY HVAC CONTROLS UPGRADES & PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT SERVICES RFB-32 RFB #23-010 CFW RFB VERSION 2023-APR 4.03 DIRECT DIGITAL CONTROL SUPPORT (REQUIRMENTS NECESSARY) 4.03.1 The Owner currently has Honeywell or Siemens Talon Tridium Niagara AX platforms at City Hall and Federal Way Community Center. As part of the upgrades listed in the Scope of Work, these systems will also be implemented at the Performing Arts and Event Center. The current Tridium control system is a WEB -based IT centric system Tridium based platform that allows the Owner and the Contractor the ability to manage the HVAC systems over the internet using a VPN connection or from any Owner site using the Owner's internal intranet infrastructure. The Tridium system also allows vendor and product neutrality and provides a competitive bidding process regarding mechanical replacements and library expansion upgrades. Contractor must have a thorough knowledge -base and ability to service, program, and repair the following: • Honeywell TRIDIUM controls • Siemens Talon TRIDIUM controls ® Microsoft IT Certified personnel • Iconics energy analytics and, fault detection • BlueRidge Lighting Control Systems • Wattstopper lighting Control Systems The following additional requirements must also be demonstrated by the Contractor: Contractor must have a thorough working knowledge of multi -protocol integration platforms built around a WEB -Based IT centric infrastructure including: BACnet, LonMark, Modbus, HTML-5, Cloud based IT infrastructure. • Contractor is responsible for protecting the Owner's existing investment as related to existing DDC, lighting, energy performance systems by having a programmer's level knowledge base of all system types within the Owner's portfolio. • Contractor must have the ability to provide facility management integration and coordination with a two (2) hour response for operational tasking and service related emergencies. • Contractor must have the ability to provide multiple energy saving solutions through specifically designed programming sequences and ongoing performance management to ensure systems integrity and energy savings meets the Owner's standards and current expectations. • Contractor must provide the capability to support the Owner's standardized graphical interface protocol and ability to program lower level controllers using specific software toolsets for the varying systems and controllers throughout the Owner's portfolio. 4.03.2 DIRECT DIGITAL CONTROL & PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT SPECIAL REQUIRMENTS: • Contractor must have a minimum of five (5) certified Tridium AX technicians on staff to provide support for ongoing DDC programming, graphics and sequencing modifications. • Contractor must have a minimum of two (2) certified Tridium N4 technicians on staff to provide future support for new DDC upgrades. • Contractor must have a minimum of two (2) certified BlueRidge and Wattstopper lighting control technicians on staff to provide support for ongoing programming, graphical and sequencing modifications. • Contractor must have a minimum of two (2) certified Iconics or certified energy managers (CEM) with the ability to support existing Iconics facility analytics and fault detection systems. • Contractor shall provide IT cloud -based management and all associated fees as part of this contract. Provide background information and copies of all certifications on all selected technicians. CITY OF FEDERAL WAY HVAC CONTROLS UPGRADES & PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT SERVICES RFB-33 RFB #23-010 CFW RFB VERSION 2023-APR COUNCIL MEETING DATE: August 8, 2023 CITY OF FEDERAL WAY CITY COUNCIL AGENDA BILL SUBJECT: PARKS DEPARTMENT VEHICLE PURCHASE ITEM #: M901 POLICY QUESTION: Should the City Council approve the purchase of a third vehicle and allocate/authorize a $35,000 transfer of King County Levy money to fund the balance to purchase vehicles for the new parks maintenance staff hired as part of the 2023 budget. COMMITTEE: FEDRAC MEETING DATE: July 25, 2023 CATEGORY: ® Consent ❑ Ordinance ❑ Public Hearing ❑ City Council Business ❑ Resolution ❑ Other STAFF REPORT BY: JASON H. GERWEN DEPT: Parks Department Attachments: 1. Staff Report Options Considered: 1. Approve the proposed purchase of a third vehicle; authorize and allocate $35,000 of King County Levy money to fund the balance. 2. Do not approve the proposed purchase of a third vehicle and provide direction to staff. MAYOR'S RECOMMENDATION: Option 1. MAYOR APPROVAL: iRECTOR APPROVAL:- 7 17A&Z3 C ittet • Coun Initiu Aa[e Iniiralli?mc Initial) as COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: I move to forward the proposed purchase of a third vehicle and authorize/allocate a $35, 000 transfer of King County Levy money to fund the balance to the August 8, 2023 consent agenda for approval. Committee Chair r—t Committee Member PROPOSED COUNCIL MOTION: "I move approval of the proposed purchase of a third vehicle; authorize and allocate $35, 000 of King County Levy money to fund the balance. " (BELOW TO BE COMPLETED BY CITY CLERK'S OFFICE) COUNCIL ACTION: ❑ APPROVED COUNCIL BILL # ❑ DENIED First reading ❑ TABLED/DEFERRED/NO ACTION Enactment reading ❑ MOVED TO SECOND READING (ordinances only) ORDINANCE # REVISED - 4/2019 RESOLUTION # CITY OF FEDERAL WAY MEMORANDUM DATE: duly 25, 2023 TO: FEDRAC Committee VIA: dim Ferrell, Mayor FROM: Jason N. Gerwen, Deputy Parks Director --t SUBJECT: Parks Department Vehicle Purchase FINANCIAL IMPACTS: The City's approved budget contains a total of $75,000 for the purchase of two new vehicles for the three new parks maintenance staff hired as part of the 2023 budget. The Parks Department is requesting that City Council authorize the purchase of a third vehicle; allocate and authorize a budget increase of $35,000 to be transferred from the King County Levy account to the Fleet Fund to fund the balance of the purchase of three trucks and offset the increased cost. 3 - Ford Mavericks $87,982.65 3 — Upfitting trucks $15,000.00 Contingency $7.01735 Grand total: $110,000.00 BACKGROUND: As a part of the 2023 -2024 budget City Council funded and authorized the Parks Department to hire three new maintenance workers, but was unable to fund vehicles for the new staff. In the first budget adjustment of 2023, City Council allocated $75,000 to purchase two new vehicles for the new parks maintenance staff. This still leaves the Maintenance Division one vehicle short. If approved, we would purchase three Ford Mavericks to fully equip staff and add versitility to the fleet. The City is currently holding a quote from Ford for the desired equipment, reflecting the above pricing. Upon approval, the City will provide a purchase order to the manufacturer, which will lock the City's price. COUNCIL MEETING DATE: August 8, 2023 ITEM #: 6h CITY OF FEDERAL WAY CITY COUNCIL AGENDA BILL SUBJECT: SURFACE WATER CCTV EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT POLICY QUESTION: Should the City Council authorize increasing the budget for the Surface Water CCTV Equipment Replacement? COMMITTEE: FEDRAC MEETING DATE: July 25, 2023 CATEGORY: N Consent ❑ Ordinance ❑ Public Hearing ❑ City Council Business ❑ Resolution ❑ Other STAFF REPORT BY: EJ Walsh, PE Public Works Director DEPT: Public Works Attachments: 1. FEDRAC memo dated July 25, 2023. Options Considered: 1. Authorize staff to increase the budget for the replacement of the Surface Water CCTV Equipment. 2. Do not authorize staff to increase the budget and rop vide direction to staff. MAYOR'S RECOMMENDATION: Option 1. MAYOR APPROVAL: COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: I move to forward Option 1 to the August 8, 2023 City Council ConsentAgenda for approval. (`nmmil-tao (`heir Committee Member PROPOSED COUNCIL MOTION: "I move to authorize staff to increase the budget for the Surface Water CCTV Equipment Replacement. " (BELOW TO BE COMPLETED BY CITY CLERK'S OFFICE) COUNCIL ACTION: ❑ APPROVED ❑ DENIED ❑ TABLED/DEFERRED/NO ACTION ❑ MOVED TO SECOND READING (ordinances only) REVISED— 1/2022 COUNCIL BILL # First reading Enactment reading ORDINANCE # RESOLUTION # CITY OF FEDERAL WAY MEMORANDUM DATE: July 25, 2023 TO: FEDRAC Committee VIA: Jim Ferrell, Mayor FROM: FJ Walsh, P.E., Public Works Director SUBJECT: Surface Water CCTV Equipment Replac nrent FINANCIAL IMPACTS: The approved budget contained a total of $270,941 for the replacement of the SWM CCTV Equipment, which includes the large trailer, generator, CCTV cameras, water quality equipment and safety equipment. The lowest received price, from the Sourcewell (Federal Contract) for the replacement was $285,610.55, plus tax, for a budget total of $314,458. SWM is requesting that a budget increase of $50,000 be transferred from the 401 SWM operations fund to the Fleet Fund to offset the increased cost. BACKGROUND: The Surface Water Utility purchased a trailer and custom built a CCTV system to televise stormwater pipes, underground vaults, and other underground assets in 2010. The camera system has reached the end of its useful life and we can no longer get replacement parts. Additionally, the trailer was custom fit -out by City staff in 2010 for this purpose and has begun to have operational challenges. As part of the 2024 budget, replacement of the entire CCTV system was proposed and approved with a manufactured cargo van built for this purpose which also included replacement of all internal operational equipment. Since approval of the budget the Sourcewell Contract price has increased by the above specified amount for this equipment. The City is currently holding a quote, from the same manufacturer, for this equipment, reflecting the above pricing. Upon approval, the City will provide a purchase order to the manufacturer, which will lock the City's price_ With current lead times, the system will not be received, nor paid for, until 2024, matching the approved budget for replacement timeline. COUNCIL MEETING DATE: August 8, 2023 ITEM #: 61 CITY OF FEDERAL WAY CITY COUNCIL AGENDA BILL SUBJECT: Converting two part-time records specialist positions to quartermaster. POLICY QUESTION: Should the Federal Way Police Department (FWPD) convert two vacant part-time records specialist positions (transcription) to a second quartermaster position, and establish two tiers in the quartermaster position? COMMITTEE: FEDRAC Committee MEETING DATE: 7/25/2023 CATEGORY: ® Consent ❑ Ordinance ❑ Public Hearing ❑ City Council Business ❑ Resolution ❑ Other STAFF REPORT BY: Kyle Sumpter, Deput f Chief of Police DEPT: Police Attachments: 1. Staff Report Options Considered: 1. Accept the conversion, establish a quartermaster coordinator position at pay grade a40 (PSSA CBA), and select a quartermaster at pay grade a35. 2. Deny the conversion; fill the two half-time records positions with a full-time records specialist. MAYOR'S RECOMMENDATION: Option 1. MAYOR APPROVAL: ") -_;hhs DIRECTOR APPROVAL: 7/df as r. " C:01itinec unn I Inilia me Initial/Date Initial/Date COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: I move to forward the proposed police department position conversion to the August 18, 2023 consent agenda for approval. Committee Mertiber PROPOSED COUNCIL MOTION: I move to approve the proposed conversion of positions in the police department. (BELOW TO BE COMPLETED BY CITY CLERK'S OFFICE) COUNCIL ACTION: ❑ APPROVED ❑ DENIED ❑ TABLED/DEFERRED/NO ACTION ❑ MOVED TO SECOND READING (ordinances only) REVISED - 4/2019 COUNCIL BILL # First reading Enactment reading ORDINANCE # RESOLUTION # CITY OF FEDERAL WAY CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE STAFF REPORT DATE: July 25, 2023 TO: Finance, Economic Development, Regional Affairs Committee (FEDRAC) VIA: Jim Ferrell, Mayor FROM: Andy J. Hwang, Chief of Police SUBJECT: Converting a record's position to quartermaster; creating a quartermaster coordinator. Financial Impacts: In the Police Support Services Association (PSSA) 2023 Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA): • A full-time records specialist is at pay grade a25. Entry-level is $4,766 monthly. • Quartermaster is at pay grade a35. Entry-level is $6,101 monthly. Top step is $7,580. • Pay grade a40 starts at $6,902 monthly. Top step is $8,576. The yearly cost of converting an entry-level records specialist position to an entry-level quartermaster position is $16,020 per year. The yearly cost of converting the senior quartermaster position (a35 top step) to a coordinator position (a40 top step) is $11,952. Both of these costs would be absorbed by the existing police department budget in salary savings. Background Information: As the Federal Way Police'Department continues to fill officer positions and expand the take- home vehicle program, one quartermaster cannot effectively manage the department's vehicle fleet, equipment for 154 uniformed personnel, and supplies for 186 employees at a level that ensures operational readiness. With support from the PSSA, the police department proposes to convert two vacant part-time records specialist positions (former transcriptionists) to a second quartermaster position; and create a quartermaster coordinator position. While both quartermaster positions are cross -trained and interchangeable in the other's absence, the daily workload will be divided between the two. The coordinator will manage the police department vehicle fleet of more than 200 vehicles; the quartermaster will manage uniforms and other non -vehicle equipment for 186 employees. The coordinator acquires new vehicles, schedules vehicle repairs and maintenance, schedules installation of special parts, removes parts from older vehicles cycles out the old, verifies invoices for all this work, and more. The coordinator works with (coordinates and assigns work to) a group of police volunteers who shuttle vehicles to and from repair shops and other service providers. The quartermaster acquires, tracks, issues, reclaims, and replaces thousands of items of uniforms and equipment from tie clasps to radios. The quartermaster verifies all those invoices and sends them for payment. COUNCIL MEETING DATE: August 8, 2023 6' ITEM #: ) CITY OF FEDERAL WAY CITY COUNCIL AGENDA BILL SUBJECT: NEW POSITION: CODE COMPLIANCE SUPERVISOR POLICY QUESTION: Should the City Council authorize the addition of a new 1.0 FTE Code Compliance Supervisor position in Community Development? COMMITTEE: FEDRAC MEETING DATE: 25 July 2023 CATEGORY: ® Consent ❑ Ordinance ❑ Public Hearing ❑ City Council Business �❑ Resolution ❑ Other STAFF REPORT BY: Keith Niven, Director �" DEPT: CD Attachments: 1. Staff Report Options Considered: 1. Approve the proposed addition of 1.0 FTE to create a Code Compliance Supervisor Position in Community Development. 2. Do not approve proposed staff changes. MAYOR'S RECOMMENDATION: Option 1. MAYOR APPROVAL: b 7 h DIRECTOR APPROVAL: F-w' 7 July 2023 + ir colitte OWO Cqf&il I InitiaYDate COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: I move to forward Option I to the 8 August 2023 Consent Agenda for approval. PROPOSED COUNCIL MOTION: "I move approval of the proposed increase in staffing for Community Development. " BELOH' TO BE COMPLETED BY CITY CLERK'S OFFICE COUNCIL ACTION: ❑ APPROVED COUNCIL BILL # ❑ DENIED First reading ❑ TABLED/DEFERRED/NO ACTION Enactment reading ❑ MOVED TO SECOND READING (ordinances only) ORDINANCE # REVISED—1/2022 RESOLUTION # CITY OF FEDERAL WAY MEMORANDUM DATE: 10 July 2023 TO: Finance, Economic Development & Regional Affairs Committee VIA: Jim Ferrell, Mayor FROM: Keith Niven, CD Director SUBJECT: New Position: Code Compliance Supervisor Financial Impacts: Adding this position would result in the following General Fund encumbrances: 2023: $ 44,490 (assumes September — December employment) 2024: $138,128 Background Information: Retaining neighborhood stability is key to the success and prosperity of the City. There are a number of neighborhoods within the City facing blighted properties and the impacts they create. There are currently 3 Compliance Officers budgeted in the Community Development Department. Each Code Compliance Officer is responsible for covering their sector of the City (Figure 1) and for filling in when other officers are out. The Officers work is comprised of a combination of responding to new complaints (Eyes on Federal Way, emails, phone calls) and working to resolve prior complaints either through violation remediation or through court actions. Although the City's Code .Compliance Officers and method for dealing with nuisance issues is effective, there are a number of significantly blighted properties in the City that never get reported. This may be due to residents not wanting to turn in their neighbors or not wanting to start a neighborhood feud. Regardless, these unkempt properties take their toll on the aesthetic and value of the neighborhood if left unchecked. By adding another compliance officer that also serves as a supervisor, compliance staff will be able to expand their proactive search for obvious code violations that are either presenting health and safety concerns to those who live in the neighborhood; or, are causing a severe blighting effect. Increasing proactive inspections can lead to earlier identification of violations and the reduction of complaints over time. They can also benefit property owners by helping them become aware of defective conditions before they worsen and by incenting preventive maintenance. And, this increase in intervention by the City might assist property owners that may fear retaliation from their neighbors. Rev. 6/2020 Page 2 Figure 1 Community Development - 2023 Combo Building Building Inspector Building Inspector Electicallnsp. Building Official Graffiti Graffiti Technician Technician Plans Examiner Code Compliance Code Compliance Code Compliance Code Compliance ery Supis_or Officer Officer Officer Senior Dev. Senior Dev. Development Specialist Specialist Specialist Office Manager CD Director Administrative Office Technician Office Technician Assistant 1 2 2 L u Permit Center Technician 7a COUNCIL MEETING DATE: August 08, 2023 ITEM it: CITY OF FEDERAL WAY CITY COUNCIL AGENDA BILL SUBJECT: PUBLIC HEARING: 2023-2024 BIENNIAL BUDGET AMENDMENT POLICY QUESTION: N/A COMMITTEE: N/A MEETING DATE: N/A CATEGORY: ❑ Consent ❑ Ordinance ® Public Hearing ❑ City Council Business ❑ Resolution ❑ Other STAFF REPORT BY: Steve Groom, Finance Director DEPT: Finance Attachments: N/A Background: Hearing consistent with notice for budget amendment per RCW 35A.34.130 MAYOR'S RECOMMENDATION: N/A , -- MAYOR APPROVAL: N/A Committee Conncl Initial/Date trlw initial/Date RECTOR APPROVAL: j6, a,A3 COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: N/A Committee Chair Committee Member Committee Member PROPOSED COUNCIL MOTION(S): N/A _ (BELOW TO BE COMPLETED BY CITY CLERK'S OFFICE) COUNCIL ACTION: ❑ APPROVED COUNCIL BILL # ❑ DENIED First reading ❑ TABLED/DEFERRED/NO ACTION Enactment reading ❑ MOVED TO SECOND READING (ordinances only) ORDINANCE # REVISED — 1/2022 RESOLUTION # we COUNCIL MEETING DATE: August 8, 2023 ITEM #: CITY OF FEDERAL WAY CITY COUNCIL AGENDA BILL SUBJECT: PUBLIC HEARING ON AMENDMENT TO THE CITY COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AND THE PARKS, RECREATION AND OPEN SPACE PLAN POLICY QUESTION: N/A COMMITTEE: N/A MEETING DATE: N/A CATEGORY: ❑ Consent ❑ Ordinance ® Public Hearing ❑ City Council Business ❑ Resolution ❑ Other STAFF REPORT BY: Evan Lewis, Senior Planner DEPT: Community Development Attachments: 1. Staff Report MAYOR'S RECOMMENDATION: N/A MAYOR APPROVAL: N/A DIRECTOR APPROVAL: Committee DiRCI luiliafiDatc tnitia,Mate ditialmlic COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: N/A Committee Chair Committee Member Committee Member PROPOSED COUNCIL MOTION(S): N/A (BELOW TO BE COMPLETED BY CITY CLERK'S OFFICE) COUNCIL ACTION: ❑ APPROVED COUNCIL BILL # ❑ DENIED First reading ❑ TABLED/DEFERRED/NO ACTION Enactment reading ❑ MOVED TO SECOND READING (ordinances only) ORDINANCE # REVISED - 11/2019 RESOLUTION # �Fed�rai Way Department of Community Development 33325 8"' Avenue South Federal Way, WA 98003-6325 CenteTed on Oppcvtunity 253-835-2607 www.cbaffederalway.com Jim Ferrell, Mayor CITY OF FEDERAL WAY MEMORANDUM Date: August 8, 2023 To: Federal Way City Council From: Evan Lewis, Senior Planner ;9;�, Subject: Public Hearing Background — Residential Open Space Comprehensive Plan/PROS Plan Amendment I. Background The City of Federal Way Planning Division proposes an amendment to the Federal Way Parks, Recreation and Open Space (PROS) Plan, which is incorporated by reference as part of the Capital Facilities chapter of the comprehensive plan, to facilitate adoption of a separate ordinance that updates the method for calculating open space for residential subdivisions. The PROS Plan amendment removes one sentence which refers to residential subdivisions being required to provide open space for 15 percent of the gross land area of the subdivision. Federal Way Revised Code ("FWRC") 19.80.050 specifies an annual process for considering comprehensive plan amendments, and generally such amendments may only be considered once per year. However, FWRC 19.80.050(3) and state law allow for comprehensive plan amendments outside of the annual process under certain scenarios, including amendments to the capital facilities element of the comprehensive plan when done concurrently with the adoption or amendment to the city budget and subject to a public hearing conducted by City council. This proposal is being considered concurrently with a city budget amendment. The staff report associated with the related residential open space code amendment ordinance provides more complete details. 8a COUNCIL MEETING DATE: August 8, 2023 ITEM #: CITY OF FEDERAL WAY CITY COUNCIL AGENDA BILL SUBJECT: S 348TH ST NHS PRESERVATION PROJECT — BID AWARD POLICY QUESTION: Should the Council award the S 348th St NHS Preservation Project to the lowest responsive, responsible bidder? COMMITTEE: N/A MEETING DATE: N/A CATEGORY: ❑ Consent ❑ Ordinance ❑ Public Hearing ® City Council Business ❑ Resolution ❑ Other STAFF REPORT BY: Jeff Huynh J jj _ DEPT: Public Works Attachments: LUTC Memorandum, bid tabulation, and vicinity map. Options Considered: 1. Award the S 348th St NHS Preservation Project to Miles Resources, LLC., the lowest responsive, responsible bidder, in the amount of $807,700.00 and approve a 10% contingency of $80,770.00, for a maximum contract amount of $888,470.00 and authorize the Mayor to execute the contract. 2. Reject all bids for the S 348th St NHS Preservation Project and provide direction to staff. MAYOR'S RECOMMENDATION: Option 1. MAYOR APPROVAL: NI P� Committee Initial/Date COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: N/A DIRECTOR APPROVAL: G 8/2/23 Initial/Date PROPOSED COUNCIL MOTION: "I move to award the S 348th St NHS Preservation Project to Miles Resources, LLC., the lowest responsive, responsible bidder, in the amount $807, 700.00 and approve a 10% contingency for a maximum contract amount of $888, 470.00 and authorize the Mayor to execute the contract. " (BELOW TO BE COMPLETED BY CITY CLERKS OFFICE) COUNCIL ACTION: ❑ APPROVED COUNCIL BILL # ❑ DENIED First reading ❑ TABLED/DEFERRED/NO ACTION Enactment reading ❑ MOVED TO SECOND READING (ordinances only) ORDINANCE # REVISED - 4/2019 RESOLUTION # CITY OF FEDERAL WAY MEMORANDUM DATE: August 7, 2023 TO: City Council Members VIA: Jim Ferrell, Mayor FROM: EJ Walsh, P.E., Public Works Director C Jeff Huynh, Civil Engineer SUBJECT: S 348th St NHS Preservation Project — Bid Award Financial_ Impacts: The cost to the City for the S 348th St NHS Preservation Project was included within the approved budget under the Capital Improvement Plan for Transportation Systems, Project #36241. In accordance with the approved budget, this item is funded by a federal National Highway System (NHS) grant in the amount of $1,116,000. Upon completion ofthe project, ongoing costs associated with operations and maintenance will be performed and funded through street maintenance. Funding requirements for operations and maintenance of infrastructure is reviewed and adjusted as required during the budget process. Background Information: Four bids were received and opened on July 21, 2023. The lowest responsive, responsible bidder is Miles Resources, LLC.,, with a total bid of $807,700.00. Proiect Estimated Expenditures Design $ 90,000.00 Construction Contract $807,700.00 Construction Contingency (10%) $ 80,770.00 Construction Management & Inspection $1.37,530.00 Estimated Total Costs $1,116,000.00 Proiect Available Funding Federal NHS Grant $1,116,000.00 Total Available Budget $1,116,000.00 Construction is anticipated to start September 2023. Rev 7/18 s i41th SUea3 plualeulJon RFB No-2MO6 NRPP-10121m1) BID OPENINGIN 212023 APPARENT LOW BIDDER V.-Nome -. - Y.I., ne1'�I... Pxw1Ye VJA +Jx - r>< v VJA 9Y43 I.an Mvfalu6 PaWCVJ4- 41i64 LSNeaAe lntluallwa ••, WA E-i1•.ne'a sllllnalr Bi.j- I MI: Thus PUr- T.I.1 N- Tl P...CeV T1a41 P1ka 10A fW NEOVLSA -i HSTF ITRBST PPFJETIv 1 .1 D.1III % 1'1-P1'X'.I i 16 1 111 w,N 111,tpp.m SI],I..I,I,. I13 ROGm ' 00 ".m. 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S1p1o.w ssFio' 31-174 14.LA¢Yu 3:.L1Wm H 1317A]]hTi3"(.1V1.1: A,5Rtil�F1 SSlEYM1L1' Sr 1 55p5A1 17-100.M lFA16.P1 'f�SI 1f[I Hi40.00 33,1]D SAu Sf3AAD AG 4O Ll.1R!`YI'W.1T]%1111'.%'IL1.R .S\ 122 S]S UU IP. mS '-2. 4!S.W' +-242W S1GRPs.W SUU In SIO.IRT S% 3tY 12.2W 4E N3.1 A11111lJppp'4kti fL'ISS:L 5il1f.A,51.R 31 SIUUUu 31Aw.m SIINIIII 5L_. LI}UX 32]15 517EN 11RRA0 41 i:51L*[Ylvnr WWI R•SUP TS'PY. PTRI'f.1T1I15: 1 .1R ro LI 1:.1w mi 115.9m.90 SO.YIU Irt 1ERAmm S4, 4W Ilk S,N2 o 121k0IIU S1E.iii10. 153,110N SSO=.00 42 XI:l :;]TRI L-IID L1:51F.V fLa'.1 L Rfl 9.111117}'NI"M'NlIkW 1R'x I C4 FA 1 51�1`n Sy2[aLTn Sliwuu ST.jlam It 41-IIU S3.MO.N UQ'..w 51M 51.20II.H 57 Gm 415111L 9131:.w Im ju 1:.1 1 Von fj' H.POO.w UN, w1 55.16O S',%111w 30.4¢v.m tr!uUU U.w SF. `1w oll IF'mJp 4543Ci\.51. ML0431f1CA'1'Ilati-%5111'II fF L1]l kl'11.1L'1:5. 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"� I IC IIuV LA%]: iIV)d lil 1:' S1^i w 14.27m 5w11 IV N; m.w S l nIX1 5�:'1!IU ;ivSD A-n'll111 33.2 M 41I.111n1A,111Y 111517:1.1..5>=CUi'f PAl'L'41L`�t11M1R1:11D L.L 11 559W 11.1[6 nO 1:SI:r! S w wlm 5r W j.-diJ 31•u': 31 ICI.iNNt-Ir4'1'Ai'1�3-k.,LSR 1p,q- S1 PfRl" 111'P,5'!1[l�. I]' 1.-1 VIM 11.]OiAG In 21 ".Inou yl00 21.3� Hal+A 5�5U"I" LI T... SIIFNCT L1L!P..ITIIx\ 1F 171 11GTam 31 ul 1r1.m 51.p S4 U¢ 3634.m SU 5kI:Y+1•+',{t[i:ll'F'.YilllY.1'N1'H1fG3'= Yi' 4o-1Ln H69W s_I.0¢ SIIIu 313"n, w.SU 32]d.511 nL ecHE LEA ;Po Se 339 sGT,SL 1PS IrpILS ASIDG.10v fA66.C3335 WW.Oli.1T JIUee1r na e - AB. !! I.GN SIDOLTi tali PIe -ul Od BoN sUha.plaaul lu1 w aI}I uu4al�euy eG 'N, Yr p1 •Mu #a. .J.a alyuuyl DDDE IN OelUli�len uolle weYne.Ireeo wn IeG..nmprn �I N 6 T w. CIO S 348th a' CO �� 0 h S 312th St � J SERLfI JL � h •v M a S 336th St kp—F�Q) a 00 N 7; a' 00 N Nq! Vicinity Map Map Date: November2021 S 348th St Preservation Project 9th Ave S to Pacific Hwy S (SR 99) Project #36241 Legend City of Federal Way _M Commerical Enterprise Regional Growth Center . City Center This map is intended for use A rE[jaral Way as a graphical representation The City of Federal Way makes no warranty as to its accuracy Project Area I I S3 I S 344 ST T fn Q M R s Aft -- I s3s 'sr S 352 Sb COUNCIL MEETING DATE: August 8, 2023 ITEM #: CITY OF FEDERAL WAY CITY COUNCIL AGENDA BILL SUBJECT: AUTHORIZATION TO SEEK AND ACCEPT GRANT FUNDING: RAMP LITTER CLEANUP PROGRAM POLICY QUESTION: Should the City Council authorize applying for competitive grant funding focused specifically on litter cleanup along freeway interchange access points (ramps) within Federal Way, and if successful, authorize acceptance of the grant funding, and entering into related agreements for receipt and expenditure of the grant funds? COMMITTEE: n/a MEETING DATE: n/a CATEGORY: ❑ Consent ❑ Ordinance ❑ Public Hearing ® City Council Business ❑ Resolution ❑ Other STAFF REPORT BY: EJ Walsh? PE, Public Works Director DEPT: Public Works Attachments: 1. Staff Report Options Considered: 1. Authorize staff to apply for grant funding, accept funding if successful, and enter into related agreements for receipt and expenditure of funds. 2. Do not authorize the City's application for grant funding and provide direction to staff. MAYOR'S RECOMMENDATION: Option 1 MAYOR APPROVAL: Committee Initial/Date COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: n/a DIRECTOR APPROVAL: o a�, Initial/Date Committee Chair Committee Member Committee Member PROPOSED COUNCIL MOTION: "I move to authorize staff to apply for grant funding, accept funding if successful, and enter into related agreements for receipt and expenditure offunds. " (BELOW TO BE COMPLETED BY CITY CLERK'S OFFICE COUNCIL ACTION: ❑ APPROVED COUNCIL BILL # ❑ DENIED First reading ❑ TABLED/DEFERRED/NO ACTION Enactment reading ❑ MOVED TO SECOND READING (ordinances only) ORDINANCE # REVISED - 4/20I9 RESOLUTION # CITY OF FEDERAL WAY MEMORANDUM DATE: August 8, 2023 TO: City Council VIA: Jim Ferrell, Mayor FROM: EJ Walsh, PE, Public Works Director ovr-,� SUBJECT: Authorization to Seek and Accept Grant Funding: Ramp Litter Cleanup Program Financial Impacts: The maximum grant award amount from the Ramp Litter Cleanup Program Grant is $60,000 and, if awarded, funding would be encumbered within the Streets operating fund for use to remove litter along limited access ramps within the City limits. There is no required City match or direct costs to the City to receive the funds. Indirect costs for grant administration will be eligible for reimbursement. Background Information: Washington Department of Ecology announced the opening of a competitive grant application on August 1, 2023 for funding authorized by Senate Bill 5040 to continue the Ramp Litter Cleanup Program. The application period closes August 29, 2023. Applications can request a maximum of $60,000 for funding litter cleanup activities of State highway interchanges within local jurisdictions. If authorized by Council, the Public Works Department plans to apply for the maximum funding amount and allocate this funding to implement contracted litter control around highway interchanges along I-5 and State Route 18. Work associated with grant funding would occur on a scheduled basis. If awarded, work under this grant would run from approximately October 2023 through June 2025. In 2021, the City was awarded grant funding for similar ramp cleanups along highway interchanges. Cleanups were performed by a contractor and occurred regularly until grant funding was depleted in early 2023. The State's grant administrator provided positive feedback about the quality of the cleanup work performed and the grant reporting provided by City staff. Due to the short application period, this item bypassed the Council Committee process for consideration and is being presented directly to City Council as a Business item. Rev. 6/2019 COUNCIL MEETING DATE: August 8, 2023 ITEM #: CITY OF FEDERAL WAY CITY COUNCIL AGENDA BILL SUBJECT: AMENDMENT NO.1 TO THE HOME INVESTMENT PARTNERSHIP PROGRAM INTERLOCAL COOPERATION AGREEMENT POLICY QUESTION: Should City Council approve Amendment No. 1 to the HOME Investment Partnership Program Interlocal Cooperation Agreement? COMMITTEE: n/a MEETING DATE: n/a CATEGORY: ❑ Consent ❑ Ordinance ❑ Public Hearing ® City Council Business ❑ Resolution ® Other STAFF REPORT BY: Sarah Brid eford DEPT: Community Development Attachments: 1. Staff Report 2. Amendment No. 1 to HOME Investment Partnership Program Interlocal Cooperation Agreement 3. Original HOME Investment Partnership Program Interlocal Cooperation Agreement Options Considered: 1. Approve the proposed Amendment. 2. Do not approve proposed Amendment and provide direction to staff. MAYOR'S RECOMMENDATION: Option 1. MAYOR APPROVAL: n/a Committee InitiaLDate COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: n/a. n/a n/a � DIRECTOR APPROVAL: w I Aug 23 i CGIncil Initial/Date n/a Committee Chair Committee Member Committee Member PROPOSED COUNCIL MOTION: "I move approval of the proposed Amendment No. 1 to the HOME Investment Partnership Program Interlocal Cooperation Agreement. " (BELOW TO BE COMPLETED BY CITY CLERK'S OFFICE) COUNCIL ACTION: ❑ APPROVED COUNCIL BILL # _ ❑ DENIED First reading ❑ TABLED/DEFERRED/NO ACTION Enactment reading ❑ MOVED TO SECOND READING (ordinances only) ORDINANCE # REVISED - 4/2019 RESOLUTION # CITY OF FEDERAL WAY MEMORANDUM DATE: August 8, 2023 TO: City Council Members VIA: Jim Ferrell, Mayor FROM: Keith Niven, Community Development Director Sarah Bridgeford, Community Services Manager SUBJECT: Amendment No. 1 to the HOME Investment Partnerships Program Interlocal Cooperation Agreement Financial Impacts: There is no cost to the City for the First Amendment to the HOME Investment Partnerships Program (HOME) Interlocal Cooperative Agreement (ICA) or the original ICA. The ICA provides access to King County's HOME funds. The proposed amendment is vital to continued receipt of federal HOME grant funding for the City and all members of the HOME Consortium, and avoiding negative impacts to the City's direct receipt CDBG Program. Background Information: The City and King County have an ICA to allow the City's participation in the HOME Consortium. The HOME Consortium consists of four cities that are direct entitlement cities for the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program: Auburn, Bellevue, Federal Way, and Kent. The primary purpose of the ICA is to guide the distribution and administration of federal grant funds from the US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), specifically funds from the HOME. A similar ICA is in place for cities that do not receive CDBG funds directly, which includes both HOME and CDBG funds. The ICA has a three-year term with an automatic renewal provision and has continually been in place between the City and King County since 2014. While the automatic renewal last occurred in 2023, HUD is now requiring a technical amendment to incorporate required language for fair housing and civil rights obligations, required in order to continue to receive HOME, CDBG, and Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) funding. Importantly, King County already certifies annually to HUD that it is meeting the required obligations related to fair housing and civil rights in its agreements with local governments. The City similarly makes such certifications for its direct receipt CDBG program. This proposed amendment will ensure that the language in the ICA reflects what Rev. 7/18 is being done in practice. Again, if this amendment is not incorporated into the ICA, all members of the HOME Consortium will lose access and not receive any HUD HOME or ESG funding. Additionally, failure to execute the amendment will cause King County and other jurisdictions to lose access to CDBG funds, as well as cause negative impacts to the City's direct receipt CDBG Program process and workload. This proposed technical amendment is the first amendment to the ICA and incorporates new language into Section 10. The language in the original ICA Section 10 reads as follows: "The parties to this Agreement hereby agree to affirmatively further fair housing and to ensure that no HOME funds are expended for activities that do not affirmatively further fair housing within the boundaries of their jurisdiction or for activities that impede the County's actions to comply with its fair housing certification. For purposes of this section, "affirmatively furthering fair housing" includes participation I the process of developing an Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing Choice and a Fair Housing Action Plan. While King County has the primary responsibility for the development of these reports to HUD pursuant to Section 3 of this Agreement, upon request, the City shall provide assistance to the County in preparing such reports." The proposed amendment reads as follows: "The County and City agree to cooperate to undertake, or assist in undertaking, community renewal and lower -income housing assistance activities, funded from annual CDBG, ESG and HOME Program funds, from recaptured funds and from any program income generated from the expenditure of such funds. These activities include the provision of decent housing, homeless assistance, and a suitable living environment and economic development opportunities, principally for persons with very low to moderate incomes. The County and City shall (i) take all actions necessary to assure compliance with the County's certification under Section 104(b) of Title I of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974, (ii) assure that all CDBG grants will be conducted and administered in conformity with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the implementing regulations at 24 CFR part 1, the Fair Housing Act, and the implementing regulations at 24 CFR part 100, and (iii) affirmatively furthering fair housing as defined and in accordance with 24 CFR 5.151 and 5.152 and the implementing regulations at 24 CFR part 8, 24 CFR part 3 5 and 24 CFR part 146." Rev. 7/18 AMENDMENT NO. 1 TO HOME INVESTMENT PARTNERSHIPS PROGRAM INTERLOCAL COOPERATION AGREEMENT This First Amendment to the HOME Investment Partnerships Program Interlocal Cooperation Agreement between the City Federal Way and King County ("Amendment No. 1" or the "First Amendment") is made by and between the City of Federal Way ("the City"), and King County ("the County"), both of which entities being a unit of general local government in the State of Washington and which may be referred to hereinafter individually as a "Party" and collectively as the "Parties." RECITALS A. On July 25, 2014, pursuant to Ch. 39.34 RCW, the Parties entered that certain HOME Investment Partnerships Program Interlocal Cooperation Agreement (the "Agreement"). B. As acknowledged by the Agreement, the area encompassed by unincorporated King County and all participating cities has been designated by the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development ("HUD") as an urban county for the purpose of receiving Community Development Block Grant ("CDBG") funds, as administered under the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974 (the "Act"). C. Signatory jurisdictions to the Agreement are HOME Consortium Partners for purposes of the Agreement and the Act. D. Under the Agreement and pursuant to the Act, King County is responsible to the federal government for all activities undertaken with CDBG funds and for ensuring that all CDBG assurances and certifications King County is required to submit to HUD under the Annual Action Plan are met. E. Urban counties are periodically required to requalify for their entitlement status under CDBG and related federal programs. F. Under Notice CPD-23-02, issued by HUD April 10, 2023, and setting forth instructions for continuing qualification for participating urban counties in the CDBG program for Fiscal Years 2024-2026, all existing urban counties are required to have incorporated in their cooperation agreements certain required language regarding fair housing and civil rights obligations. G. The Agreement does not contain all the required language regarding fair housing and civil rights obligations. H. Under Notice CPD-23-02, urban counties have the option of drafting a separate amendment to their existing cooperation agreements with signatory jurisdictions that Amendment No. 1 to Interlocal Cooperation Agreement Page 1 of 4 include the required language rather than drafting a new cooperation agreement that contains the provisions. I. The purpose of this First Amendment is to expressly state the required language regarding fair housing and civil rights obligations and to memorialize the attendant obligations as though set forth in the Agreement. AGREEMENT NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the terms, conditions and mutual covenants set forth herein, the Parties agree to amend the Agreement as follows: 1. The foregoing recitals are true and correct in all respects and are incorporated hereby as if fully set forth herein. 2. Section 10 of the Agreement is hereby amended and restated in its entirety as follows: "The County and City agree to cooperate to undertake, or assist in undertaking, community renewal and lower -income housing assistance activities, funded from annual CDBG, ESG and HOME Program funds, from recaptured fiends and from any program income generated from the expenditure of such funds. These activities include the provision of decent housing, homeless assistance, and a suitable living environment and economic development opportunities, principally for persons with very low to moderate incomes. The County and City shall (i) take all actions necessary to assure compliance with the County's certification under Section 104(b) of Title I of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974, (ii) assure that all CDBG grants will be conducted and administered in conformity with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the implementing regulations at 24 CFR part 1, the Fair Housing Act, and the implementing regulations at 24 CFR part 100, and (iii) affirmatively furthering fair housing as defined and in accordance with 24 CFR 5.151 and 5.152 and the implementing regulations at 24 CFR part 8, 24 CFR part 35 and 24 CFR part 146." 3. Except as specifically provided for in this First Amendment, all other provisions of the Agreement shall remain unchanged and in full force and effect. 4. Any capitalized terms not defined in this First Amendment shall have the meanings given them in the Agreement. 5. This First Amendment shall be effective as of the date it has been executed by both Parties. 6. This First Amendment may be executed in counterparts, each of which shall be deemed to be an original, but all of which together shall constitute one and the same instrument. Amendment No. 1 to Interlocal Cooperation Agreement Page 2 of 4 [SIGNATURE BLOCKS ON FOLLOWING PAGE] Amendment No. 1 to Interlocal Cooperation Agreement Page 3 of 4 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties hereto have caused their duly authorized representatives to execute this Amendment No. 1 to the Agreement as of the date set forth below their signatures. City of Federal Way Name: Jim Ferrell Date: Title: Mayor Attest: Name: Stephanie Courtney Title: City Clerk Approved as to Form: J. Ryan Call, City Attorney Amendment No. 1 to Interlocal Cooperation Agreement Page 4 of 4 King County For King County Executive By: Simon P. Foster Title: Division Director Housing, Homelessness and Community Development Department of Community and Human Services Approved as to Form: Ryan W. Ridings, King County Senior Deputy Prosecuting Attorney HOME INVESTMENT PARTNERSHIPS PROGRAM INTERLOCAL COOPERATION AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT is entered into between King County, hereinafter referred to as the "County," and the City of Federal Way hereinafter referred to as the "City," said parties to the Agreement each being a unit of general local government of the State of Washington. RECITALS WHEREAS, King County is an urban county, as defined by 24 CFR 92.2 and 24 CFR 570.3; and WHEREAS, a unit of general local government that is located within in an urban county may be part of a HOME consortium only through the urban county; and WHEREAS, the City and King County agree that it is mutually desirable and beneficial to enter into a consortium arrangement for purposes of the HOME Investment Partnerships Program, hereinafter referred to as "HOME Program"; NOW, THEREFORE, IN CONSIDERATION OF THE FOREGOING CIRCUMSTANCES, AND IN CONSIDERATION OF THE MUTUAL PROMISES CONTAINED HEREIN, IT IS AGREED THAT: 1. This Agreement is made pursuant to the National Affordable Housing Act of 1990, as amended, 42 USC § 12701 et. seq. (the "Act") and RCW 39.34, the Intergovernmental Cooperation Act. 2. The City and the County agree to cooperate to undertake or assist in undertaking HOME Program housing assistance activities which are eligible under 24 CFR Part 92. 3. The County is hereby authorized to act as the representative member on behalf of the Consortium for the purposes of the HOME Program. The County as the applicant, grantee and lead entity for the HOME Program funds has responsibility for and assumes all obligations in executing the HOME Program, including the ability to adopt amendments to this Agreement for the purpose of adding new members on behalf of the HOME Consortium and for the purpose of incorporating changes necessary to meet U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) requirements for consortium agreements under the applicable HUD notice of procedures for designation of a consortium as a participating jurisdiction for HOME; final responsibility for selecting and executing activities; ensuring compliance with federal requirements and submitting to HUD the Consolidated Housing and Community Development Plan (Consolidated Plan), Annual Action Plans, and related plans and reports, including the Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing Choice and the Fair Housing Action Plan.. Nothing contained in this Agreement shall be construed as an abdication of those responsibilities and obligations. The City agrees to cooperate fully with the County in the development and preparation of the Consolidated Plan and related plans, and to prepare and provide those elements specifically pertaining to the City. HOME Interlocal Agreement I of 5 2015 — 2017 4. This Agreement shall remain in full force and effect for the period necessary to plan and carry out all activities that will be funded from HOME funds awarded for the 2015, 2016 and 2017 federal fiscal years, the three-year qualification period that coincides with the Agreement for the Distribution and Administration of the King County Consortium's Community Development Block Grant, or until the County's designation as a participating HOME jurisdiction or an urban county is rescinded by the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development, whichever is shorter. 5. This Agreement will be automatically renewed for participation in successive qualification periods of three federal fiscal years each. No later than the date specified by HUD's consortia designation notice or HOME Consortia web page, King County shall notify each HOME consortium member in writing of its right to elect not to participate in the Consortium for the next qualification period, and King County will send copies of those written notices to the HUD local field office by the date specified in the qualification notice. Unless the County or the City provides written notice it wishes to amend the Agreement, or elects not to participate in the new qualification period in writing to both King County and the HUD local field office by the date set forth in the HUD qualification notice applicable to subsequent three-year qualification periods, this Agreement shall automatically renew. Before the beginning of each new qualification period, King County shall submit to HUD a statement of whether or not any amendments have been made to this Agreement, a copy of each amendment, and if the Consortium's membership has changed, the state certification required under 24 CFR, Section 92.101(a)(2)(i). This automatic renewal provision will be void if King County fails to submit a copy of each amendment to this Agreement as required under this automatic renewal provision. 6. The City and the County agree to adopt any amendments to this Agreement other than the incorporation of changes necessary to meet the requirements for cooperation agreements set forth in the applicable HUD HOME consortia qualification notice for a subsequent three-year qualification period, which King County as the lead entity shall act upon pursuant to Section 3 of this Agreement. King County shall submit any other amendments that have been adopted by the City and County to the HUD local field office by the applicable deadline. 7. During the .term of this Agreement, neither the County nor the City, may withdraw from i participation from their respective obligations under this Agreement. 8. By executing the HOME Agreement, the City understands that it may not participate in a HOME consortium except through the County, regardless of whether the County receives a HOME formula allocation. 9. This Agreement shall be executed in three counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original, by the chief executive officers of the County and the City, pursuant to the authority granted them by their respective governing bodies. One of the signed Agreements shall be filed by the County with the Region X office of HUD, one shall be filed with the City and one shall be filed with the County. Prior to its taking effect, the fully executed Agreement shall be filed with the County Auditor, or, alternatively, listed by subject on a public agency's web site or other electronically retrievable public source. 10. The parties to this Agreement hereby agree to affirmatively further fair housing and to ensure that no HOME funds are expended for activities that do not affirmatively further fair housing HOME interlocal Agreement 2 of 5 2015 — 2017 within the boundaries of their jurisdiction or for activities that impede the County's actions to comply with its fair housing certification. For purposes of this section, "affirmatively furthering fair housing" includes participation in the process of developing an Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing Choice and a Fair Housing Action Plan. While King County has the primary responsibility for the development of these reports to HUD pursuant to Section 3 of this Agreement, upon request, the City shall provide assistance to the County in preparing such reports. 11. Joint Recommendations Committee Composition. An inter jurisdictional Joint Recommendations Committee ("JRC") shall be established through the 2015 — 2017 Consortium Interlocal Cooperation Agreement. The JRC shall be composed of three county representatives and eight cities' representatives. The three county representatives shall be King County Executive staff with broad policy responsibilities and/or department directors. County representatives shall be specified in writing and, where possible, shall be consistently the same persons from meeting to meeting. Four of the cities' representatives shall be from non -entitlement consortium cities' signing the King County Consortium Regular Interlocal Cooperation Agreement Regarding the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program, two from each sub -region, as appointed by Sound Cities Association. The remaining four cities' representatives shall be from cities that qualify to receive CDBG funds directly from HUD, but are signing a Joint Agreement Regarding the CDBG Program and a HOME Program Agreement with King County; or receive their own CDBG grant directly from HUD and signing a HOME Program -only Agreement with King County. These latter four representatives shall have no vote on matters specific to the jurisdictions of the King County Consortium Regular Interlocal Cooperation Agreement Regarding the CDBG Program. Two of the eight cities' representatives shall be rotated among the HOME Program -only Agreement Cities, and two of the eight cities' representatives shall be rotated among the cities signing a Joint Agreement Regarding the CDBG Program and a HOME Program Agreement. Those four representatives will vote on issues affecting HOME Program, Agreement Cities that are specific to this Agreement. For the HOME Program -only Agreement Cities' rotating positions, the HOME Program Agreement Cities will notify the County by the end of the second week in February of each year, who the two HOME Program -only Agreement City representatives will be for that year. The chairperson and vice -chairperson of the JRC shall be chosen from among the members of the JRC by a majority vote of the members for a term of one year beginning with the first meeting of the calendar year. Attendance of five members shall constitute a quorum. 12. JRC Appointments. The King County Executive shall appoint the three county representatives. The participating cities of the King County Consortium Interlocal Cooperation Agreement for the Community Development Block Grant Program shall provide for the appointment of their shared representatives in a manner to be determined by those cities through the Suburban Cities Association or other agreed -upon mechanism for the HOME lnterlocal Agee rent 3 of 5 2015 — 2017 execution of shared appointing authority. The Suburban Cities Association or other agreed mechanism will select four jurisdictions of varying size from among those signing this agreement, two from the north/east sub -region and two from the south sub -region. The cities' representatives shall be elected officials, chief administrative officers, or persons who report directly to the chief administrative officer and who have broad policy responsibilities; e.g., planning directors, department directors, etc. Members of the JRC shall serve for two years, or at the pleasure of their respective appointing authorities. 13. Powers and Duties of the JRC. The JRC shall be empowered to: a. Review and recommend to the King County Executive all policy matters concerning the King County CDBG Consortium and HOME Program Consortium, including but not limited to the Consolidated Plan and related plans and policies. b. Review and recommend to the King County Executive the projects and programs to be undertaken with King County CDBG Consortium funds and HOME Program Consortium funds, including the Administrative Set -aside. c. Monitor and ensure that all geographic areas and participating jurisdictions benefit fairly from King County CDBG Consortium and HOME Program Consortium funded activities over the three-year agreement period, so far as is feasible and within the goals and objectives of the Consolidated Plan. 14. Advisory Committees to the JRC. In fulfilling its duty to review and recommend projects and programs to be undertaken with HOME Program funds, the JRC shall consider the advice of inter -jurisdictional advisory committees. Sub -regional advisory committees, made up of one representative from each participating jurisdiction in a sub -region that wishes to participate, shall be convened to assist in the review and recommendation of projects and programs to be undertaken in that sub -region. The JRC may also solicit recommendations from other inter - jurisdictional housing and community development committees. 15. The City shall assist the County in developing the Consortium's HOME Program by participating in development of the Consolidated Plan to accommodate both the collective and individual housing objectives contained within local comprehensive plans or other adopted plans of the City and the County. 16. The City and County shall each assign a staff person to serve as the primary contact for the administration of this -Ab een7ent. The assigned contact person is responsible for communicating relevant information to their respective jurisdiction. 17. This Agreement applies to the Consortium's acceptance of other federal housing -related funds which may be allocated by formula to the Consortium. Allocation decisions for these funds will be subject to policies and procedures developed by the advisory committees to the JRC and adopted by the JRC. HOME Interlocal AgTement 4 of 5 2015 — 2017 18. This Agreement is made and entered into for the sole protection and benefit of the parties hereto and their successors and assigns. No other person shall have any right of action based on any provision of this Agreement. KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON C FEDERAL WAY for King County txecutive B . ign Lure Adrienne Quinn Jim Ferrell Printed Name Printed Name Director, Department of Community and Human Services Title Date Approved,s to Form: Mayor Title 3 / Approved as to Form: CITY OF FEDERAL WAY CI ATTORNEY Amy Jo P all City Attorn y ATTEST: CITY OF FEDERAL WAY Cit�g fnwvuoo'�" Carol McNeilly City Clerk HOME Interlocal Agreement 5 of 5 2015 — 2017 8d COUNCIL MEETING DATE: August 8, 2023 ITEM #: CITY OF FEDERAL WAY CITY COUNCIL AGENDA BILL SUBJECT: FINANCIAL LITERACY PILOT PROGRAM FOR FALL 2023 POLICY QUESTION: Should City Council approve the implementation and funding for a Financial Literacy Pilot Program for the fall of 2023? COMMITTEE: N/A MEETING DATE: N/A CATEGORY: ❑ Consent ❑ Ordinance ❑ Public Hearing ® City Council Business ❑ Resolution ❑ Other STAFF REPORT BY: DEPT: Attachments: 1. Staff Report Options Considered: 1. Approve the proposed Financial Literacy Pilot Program. 2. Do not approve proposed Financial Literacy Pilot Program and provide direction to staff. MAYOR'S RECOMMEND ION: Option 1. MAYOR APPROVAL: 19 DIRECTOR APPROVAL: anti ,, •�Cl Initial/Date COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: N/A Committee Chair Committee Member Committee Member PROPOSED COUNCIL MOTION: "I move approval of the proposed Financial Literacy Pilot Program. " BELOW TO BE COMPLETED B )' CITF' CLERKS OFFICE) COUNCIL ACTION: ❑ APPROVED COUNCIL BILL # ❑ DENIED First reading ❑ TABLED/DEFERRED/NO ACTION Enactment reading ❑ MOVED TO SECOND READING (ordinances only) ORDINANCE # REVISED - 4/2019 RESOLUTION # 1 MEMORANDUM DATE: August 8, 2023 TO: Federal Way City Council VIA: Jim Ferrell, May • 8'g� 3 FROM: Bill Vadino, Policy Advisor SUBJECT: Staff Report on Proposed Financial Literacy Pilot Program for Fall 2023 Background• This proposal is motivated by the desire of members of the Federal Way City Council and the Mayor to make financial literacy education available for our residents. During the City's grant process using American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funding, proposals were solicited for financial literacy programs. However, no proposals were received. It is the Mayor's recommendation that a pilot program be implemented during the fall of 2023 and be funded out of the general fund. Proposal for Financial Literacy Pilot Program for Fall 2023: The proposed pilot program would have the City of Federal Way Mayor's Office, in partnership with committed volunteer community residents, coordinate a nine -week course teaching beginning financial management skills. The weekly course will take place on Thursday evenings from September 14th to November 9th from 6:30pm-8:30pm at the Federal Way Community Center. The class size is limited to 40 participants. The course is free. Families and individuals who will be encouraged to sign-up for the classes are those who have not had the opportunity to learn these skills. Topics include wisdom and common sense to help sharpen skills in budgeting, paying off debt, as well as well as increasing savings for emergencies, home ownership and education expenses. Each family attending will be provided with a workbook that includes software that will assist in continuing their financial planning after course completion. The curriculum used will be a Dave Ramsey financial literacy program that includes video presentations, interactive use of financial software and in -person facilitation using large and small groups by community volunteers led by community volunteers. z The program will take place with no paid personnel. There will be four community volunteers at each session, three to lead the group discussions and one adult to monitor the "youth" room. Child care will be provided by the Community Center for children up to 8 years of age on a first -come, first -served basis. A total of 20 children can be accommodated. Children ages 9-12 are welcome to attend the class with their parents if they are interested. Up to 30 youth can be accommodated. The items included in the attached budget include course materials, room rental, child care personnel, hospitality and course completion awards. There is no labor expense as the project will be done by community volunteers. Course Materials for up to 40 families $ 4,000 Room Rental for 9 weeks $ 10,000 Child care personnel for 9 weeks $ 1,200 Hospitality for 3 weeks $ 1,300 Course completion awards $ 3,300 TOTAL $ 20,000 Recommendation: The Mayor recommends approval for this pilot project. COUNCIL MEETING DATE: August 08, 2023 ITEM #: CITY OF FEDERAL WAY CITY COUNCIL AGENDA BILL SUBJECT: ORDINANCE: 2023-2024 BIENNIAL BUDGET AMENDMENT POLICY QUESTION: Should the City Council approve the 2023-2024 Biennial Budget amendment? COMMITTEE: FEDRAC MEETING DATE: July 25, 2023 CATEGORY: ❑ Consent ® Ordinance FPublic Hearing ❑ City Council Business ❑ Resolution ❑ Other STAFF REPORT BY: DEPT: Attachments: 1. Staff R port JA 1I `�lit 2. 3. Options Considered: 1. Adopt the proposed ordinance. 2. Do not adopt the proposed ordinance and provide direction to staff. MAYOR'S RECOMMENDATION: Option 1. MAYOR APPROVAL: (—L 7 COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: r 3• ' t'�'] l e - YOU ra PROPOSED COUNCIL MOTION(S): DIRECTOR APPROVAL: 7'(0--03 Mwif recy [ �C pGc Imeht - $��0�� er Committee Member FIRST READING OF ORDINANCE (AUGUST 08, 2023): "I move to forward the proposed ordinance to the September 5, 2023, Council Meeting for second reading and enactment. " SECOND READING OF ORDINANCE (SEPTEMBER 5, 2023): "1 move approval of the proposed ordinance. " (BELOW TO BE COMPLETED BY CITY CLERK'S OFFICE) COUNCIL ACTION: ❑ APPROVED ❑ DENIED ❑ TABLED/DEFERRED/NO ACTION ❑ MOVED TO SECOND READING (ordinances only) REVISED — 1/2022 COUNCIL BILL # First reading Enactment reading ORDINANCE # RESOLUTION # CITY OF 1. Federal Way DATE: July 27, 2023 TO: City Council VIA: Jim Ferrell, Mayor Brian Davis, City Administrator FROM: Steve Groom, Finance Director Chase Donnelly, Deputy Finance Director SUBJECT: 2023-2024 Biennial Budget Amendment FINANCE DEPARTMENT The FEDRAC (Finance, Economic Development and Regional Affairs Committee) recommended the following revised budget amendment at the July 25th meeting. Funding options were considered for Field Turf at Celebration Park, land acquisition for maintenance facility, catch-up of vehicle replacements, and acceleration of ADA sidewalk repairs. The FEDRAC committee continues to prioritize Field Turf highly, directed staff to keep on the budget needs waiting list as a high priority, but at this time recommends City Hall roof replacement, server room air conditioning replacement, and Brooklake Park roof replacement. This change is reflected in Exhibit C. Sack round Information: This ordinance is to amend the budget from the previous budget amendment on June 6th, 2023 to reflect subsequent changes that have occurred during the year, and reflect additions approved during council during the year. Finance has reviewed, updated the biennial budget for all funds to confirm required ending fund balances will be met and recommends approval. Financial Impacts: By updating revenue forecasts based on first quarter actual results, information not known at the time of the adopted budget, it is possible to respond to the prioritized needs list. The list of unfunded budget requests at time of budget adoption has been maintained and all departments continue to accumulate and report budget needs that have arisen. All departments have taken the unfunded budget needs through a review process with Mayor, City Administrator and Finance Department staff to assure that the needs list has been updated with current additions or corrections. Based on the actual revenue received in the first six months, as shown in the table below, the City is realizing better -than -budgeted revenues in five major revenue funding sources. Positive revenue already recognized in Q 1 is subtracted to avoid double -counting. Current economic circumstances make it prudent to retain a portion of the positive revenue variance as a hedge against remaining months' revenue uncertainty: Rev 7/18 YTD Act YTD Bud Var Q3 adj Q2 Adj Investment Revenue 1,392,086 750,000 642,086 (330,016) 312,070 Permits & Fees 2,765,531 1,767,982 997,549 (529,301) 468,248 UtiIityTaxes 8,472,775 7,550,917 921,858 (415,627) 506,231 Sales Tax 8,333,338 7,789,561 543,777 (69,949) 473,828 Business Lic Fees 399,216 365,874 33,342 - 33,342 3,138,612 (1,344,892) 1,793,720 Use now 48.5% 870,000 $870,000 is proposed to be budgeted and approved to be spent under one of the following options: $500,000 City Hall roof replacement $200,000 City Hall server room air conditioner unit replacements $100,000 Brooklake Park roof replacement $70,000 Labor market value increases from completion of non -represented positions market -rate study. 2024 interest revenue of $540,000 will cover 2024 increase. Additionally, outside of the General Fund, the following circumstances since the Q 1 budget adjustment are needed: $450,000 Government access channel AV upgrade (studies/contracts fund) $266,376 PROS plan, Steel Lake Master plan, Brooklake Master plan (paths & trails) $231,000 Amanda upgrade and interface (technology fund) $190,000 PSERN radio upgrades (IT fund) $16,246 EOC grant funded supplies (additional funding from existing grant) $14,486 Bomb disposal unit equipment replacement (fleet fund) Rev. 7/18 The following tables detail the adjustments to expenditures budgets required for the 2023/2024 Biennial Budget: Ad i ustments to General Fii rid fund Ns#tionofbpenditumIlnteffundTnnsfef Z MO funded by 001Genofal labofmafketwlueinaeases 70,01 WV III litytaxlSkl Ta llitefestIPofmitfoos 001General han51oroulto50511dg&fumVlityh311foofrep12cement 500000 • III litytaxjSkl Ta1Iotefo5tJPofmitfees 001Genefal NPa Ioroutto502ITfofRNoffoomalfv6tiwrnnitfgkEmentS 200,000 IMitytaxjSkiTaxlIntefestjPofmitfees 001Gonefal 'fransfeout to505WI; &fufnforgfooklakefool f pka meat 100,000 IUtiOtaxjSkl TalltefestlPofmitfees Total $ 81O1000 $ 540,000 Adjustments to Nan -General Funds fund DesaipknofE pendituNIlnterfundizlcr 0 2024$ fundedby 1015tfeetfund IDCgrantexpenditufesforc4cmefpgmanagementsupplies $ 16,246 $ 16,246 Grant 103UtiOT2x'A Tfansforout toGenemlfundfor roofreplacements&sew room airco hionerunitfeplacement 253,116 UtiliryTax 101SpodilCootfacts5tudiesfA GovommentRccessOvclAVUpgfade-Carryforward 450000 PEGfees 120Paths&Trails[A Transfo(outto)hClPfundforPROSNon, Steell keMasterHim, andgrooklakeMastorPlan 266,316 KC1egNhs&Trails 121Te6nologyfund AwhUpgfadeandlnterface- Carryforwafd 231000 Technologyfees 11 Parks CIP fund (PROS Plan, Steel lake MastefPlan, and hilake Master Plan N,316 KC levy Paths &Trails 5021nformwtiooTechnolopy A PolicE - M UioUpgrades•Carryforwafd R,000 ITfundbalance 6021nform3tioniechnologyfund 5ENorfoom2irconditionunitfeplacements A,# T mferinffom&eralfund 504Not &lyip.fund Bomb disposdAtepipmentfeplacement 14# fleetfundbalance KO kldings &fumishingsfund Cit MI rooffeplacement 500,000 Transfofinfrom& ral'A 5O5 guilhp & fumishings fund grooklake roof feplacement 100,000 Transfef in ffom Genofal fund Total $ P,481,600 $ 16,t46 Exhibits A - C are attached to provide an accountable chronology: • Exhibit A — original Adopted Budget, adopted Nov. 15, 2022 • Exhibit B — first amendment, adopted June 6, 2023 • Exhibit C — second amendment, proposed for adoption September 05, 2023 Rev. 7/18 CITY OF ,& Federal Way DATE: July 25, 2023 TO: City Council VIA: Jim Ferrell, Mayor Brian Davis, City Administrator FROM: Steve Groom, Finance Director Chase Donnelly, Deputy Finance Director SUBJECT: 2023-2024 Biennial Budget Amendment FINANCE DEPARTMENT Background Information: This ordinance is to amend the budget from the previous budget amendment on June 61h, 2023 to reflect subsequent changes that have occurred during the year, and reflect additions approved during council during the year. Finance has reviewed, updated the biennial budget for all funds to confirm required ending fund balances will be met and recommends approval. Financial Impacts: cts: By updating revenue forecasts based on first quarter actual results, information not known at the time of the adopted budget, it is possible to respond to the prioritized needs list. The list of unfunded budget requests at time of budget adoption has been maintained and all departments continue to accumulate and report budget needs that have arisen. All departments have taken the unfunded budget needs through a review process with Mayor, City Administrator and Finance Department staff to assure that the needs list has been updated with current additions or corrections. Based on the actual revenue received in the first six months, as shown in the table below, the City is realizing better -than -budgeted revenues in five major revenue funding sources. Positive revenue already recognized in Q1 is subtracted to avoid double -counting. Current economic circumstances make it prudent to retain a portion of the positive revenue variance as a hedge against remaining months' revenue uncertainty: YTD Act YTD Bud Var Q1 adj Q2 Adi Investment Revenue 1,392,086 750,000 642,086 (330,016) 312,070 Permits & Fees 2,765,531 1,767,982 997,549 (529,301) 468,248 Utility Taxes 8,472,775 7,550,917 921,858 (415,627) 506,231 Sales Tax 8,333,338 7,789,561 543,777 (69,949) 473,828 Business Lic Fees 399,216 365,874 33,342 - 33,342 3,138,612 (1,344,892) 1,793,720 Make available 87.7% 2,753,000 59.7% 1,070,000 Rev. 7/18 Of this additional revenue, $1,000,000 is proposed to be budgeted and approved to be spent under one of the following options: Option Option Package Descriptions A Celebration Park field turf of $3.5M 1,000,000 COMBINED WITH A Field Turf contribution - LTAC 1,400,000 A Field Turf contribution - Path & Trails Fund 100,000 A Field Turf contribution - Parks CIP 650,000 A Field Turf contribution - GF Savings 350,000 3,500,000 OR B Maintenance Shop land cost reserve 11000,000 OR C Roof replacement @ City Hall 500,000 C Replace Server Room AC units 200,000 C Roof replacement @ Brooklake 100,000 C Bucket Truck - Parks/IT/Public Works 125,000 C Ford 250 replacement for maintenance worker 75,000 OR 11000,000 D Vehicle replacement catchup of $3M behind 11000,000 OR E Citywide ADA sidewalk catchup of $3M 11000,000 OR F Savings - improve fund balance over minimum 11000,000 The remainder of the additional revenue includes the following adjustments: $70,000 Labor market value increases from completion of non -represented positions market -rate study. 2024 interest revenue of $540,000 will cover 2024 increase. Additionally, the following circumstances since the Q1 budget adjustment are needed: $450,000 Government access channel AV upgrade (studies/contracts fund) $266,376 PROS plan, Steel Lake Master plan, Brooklake Master plan (paths & trails) $231,000 Amanda upgrade and interface (technology fund) $190,000 PSERN radio upgrades (IT fund) $16,246 EOC grant funded supplies (additional funding from existing grant) $14,486 Bomb disposal unit equipment replacement (fleet fund) Rev. 7/18 The following tables detail the adjustments to expenditures budgets required for the 2023/2024 Biennial Budget: Adjustments to General Fund find I bpdm jhhormdu 0 IN fuOdedby 001 Mond IAofMokiV31deinaeases 10000 540,000 UrilirVrax�SalesTax�Interest�Pe�mitfees End �ansferouttoPa�ksClPfundforfiledturf 6�261 IJrilirytax�SalesTaX�Interest�Permitfees Adjustments to Non -General Funds fund IksdOcnO&pediture1InterfundTransfer V M4$ fundedby 101Stroet'A IEOCgrantexpendituresfoidi emergencymanagementsupplies $ 16,246 $ 16,246 Grant 1OHtilityTaxfund Transfer out to Parks CIP fund for Celebration ParkfielclM 303,139 Utilityiax O0 pecialContmctsStudiesfund GovernmentAccessavelAVUpgrade - Carry forward 450,000 PIGfees 109LodgingTaxfund ITiodef out to)As ClPfun iorCelebrationParkfieldturf 1,400,000 I.odgigTox 120Paths&Trails fund Transferout toParksClPfundforCelebrationPAfieldturf 100000 I(CLegNk&Trails 120 Paths &Trails fund Transferoutto Parks CIP fund for PROS Plan, Steel Lake Master Plan, and hoklake Master Plan 266,316 I(C Levy Paths &Trails 121Te6nologyfund AmondaUpgradean Ierface - Carry forward Btu 'fechnologylees 3O3ParksCIP fund Celebration Park field turf 3,50 V 61`1P3ths&TrdslMitigationfeesjlod8ingTax 303 Parks CIP fund PROS Plan, Steel Lake Master Na, and Brooklake Master Plan 266,316 I(C Logy Paths &Trails K21nformationTechnology'A Police - )HPNRadio Upgrades - Carryforwacl 19X ITfundbalance 5O4fleet&Equip, fund I3ombdisposaluoitequipmentreplocement 146 fleetfundbalance 6,7AM $ H'246 Exhibits A - C are attached to provide an accountable chronology: • Exhibit A — original Adopted Budget, adopted Nov. 15, 2022 • Exhibit B — first amendment, adopted June 6, 2023 • Exhibit C — second amendment, proposed for adoption September 05, 2023 Rev. 7/18 ORDINANCE NO.23 AN ORDINANCE of the City of Federal Way, Washington, relating to amending the 2023-2024 Biennial Budget. (Amending Ordinance Nos. 22-941 and 23-959) WHEREAS, the tax estimates and budget for the City of Federal Way, Washington, for the 2023-2024 fiscal biennium have been prepared and filed on September 15, 2022 as provided by Titles 35A.34 and 84.55 of the Revised Code of Washington; and WHEREAS, the budget was printed for distribution and notice published in the official paper of the City of Federal Way setting the time and place for public hearing on the budget and said notice stating copies of the budget can be obtained on-line and at the Office of the City Clerk; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Federal Way held public hearings on October 18 and November 01, 2022, and considered the public comments presented; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Federal Way approved the budget ordinance on November 15, 2022 (Adopted Budget attached as Exhibit A); and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Federal Way approved the first amended budget ordinance on June 06, 2023 (Adopted Budget Amendment #1 attached as Exhibit B); and NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FEDERAL WAY, WASHINGTON, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. 2023-2024 Budget Amendment. That the budget for the 2023-2024 biennium is hereby amended in the amounts and for the purposes as shown on the attached Ordinance No. 23- Page 1 of 6 Exhibit C ("2023-2024 Amended Budget #2") Section 2. Administration. The Mayor shall administer the Biennial Budget and in doing so may authorize adjustments to the extent that they are consistent with the budget approved herein. Section 3. Severability. Should any section, subsection, paragraph, sentence, clause, or phrase of this chapter, or its application to any person or situation, be declared unconstitutional or invalid for any reason, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this chapter or its application to any other person or situation. The City Council of the City of Federal Way hereby declares that it would have adopted this chapter and each section, subsection, sentence, clauses, phrase, or portion thereof, irrespective of the fact that any one or more sections, subsections, sentences, clauses, phrases, or portions be declared invalid or unconstitutional. Section 4. Corrections. The City Clerk and the codifiers of this ordinance are authorized to make necessary corrections to this ordinance including, but not limited to, the correction of scrivener/clerical errors, references, ordinance numbering, section/subsection numbers and any references thereto. Section 5. Ratification. Any act consistent with the authority and prior to the effective date of this ordinance is hereby ratified and affirmed. Section 6. Effective Date. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force five (5) days from the time of its final passage as provided by law. PASSED by the City Council of the City of Federal Way this _day of , 2023. Ordinance No. 23- Page 2 of 6 [signatures to follow] CITY OF FEDERAL WAY: JIM FERRELL, MAYOR ATTEST: STEPHANIE COURTNEY, CMC, CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO FORM: J. RYAN CALL, CITY ATTORNEY FILED WITH THE CITY CLERK: PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL: PUBLISHED: EFFECTIVE DATE: ORDINANCE NO.: Ordinance No. 23- Page 3 of 6 EXHIBIT A 2023-2024 Adopted BudQet 2023 2024 Beginning Fund Beginning Fund finding Fund Fund Balance Revenue Expenditure Balance Revenue Expenditure Balance General Fund 12,415,532 $ 56,854,231 $ 60,077,654 S 9,192,109 $ 61,108,379 $ 61,300,485 $ 9,000,003 Special Revenue Funds: Street 210,983 5,715,475 5,426,458 500,000 5,595,163 5,595,163 500,000 Arterial Street 100,001 1,563,000 1,563,000 100,001 1,563,000 1,563,000 100,001 Utility Tax 4,579,047 11,830,565 11,619,868 4,789,743 I1,782,564 15,072,308 1,500,000 Sales/Use Tax- Affrd. & Supprt. Housing 140,702 125,000 0,000 140,702 125,000 125,000 140,702 Solid Waste/Recycling 311,052 722,200 641,647 391,604 722,200 654,343 459,462 Special Contract/Studies 462,890 - 462,890 - 462,890 Hotel/Motel Lodging Tax 1,720,995 293,000 65,000 1,948,995 308,000 65,000 2,191,995 Community Center 980,517 2,799,376 2,279,893 1,500,000 2,306,857 2,306,857 1,500,000 Traffic Safety Fund 3,109,153 3,000,000 3,946,735 2,262,419 3,060,000 4,122,419 1,200,000 Utility Tax Proposition 1 1,612,395 3,859,478 4,471,873 1,000,000 4,603,704 4,603,704 1,000,000 Perforating Arts & Event Center 541,702 2,387,767 2,483,359 446,111 2,259,757 2,483,359 222,509 Solid Waste 101/o Utility Tax 152,012 2,200,000 2,200,000 15ZO12 2,300,000 2,300,000 152,012 Community Development Block Grant 28,268 886,193 886,193 28,269 789,717 789,717 28,268 Paths and Trails 1,895,150 170,600 100,000 1,965,750 172,216 600,000 1,537,966 Technology 235,810 149,250 385,060 149,250 534,310 Jail Service 164,252 2,335,748 2,500,000 (0) 2,700,000 2,700,000 (0) Strategic Reserve 3,000,001 - 3,000,001 - - 3,000,001 Parks Reserve 1,120,891 5,000 1,125,891 5,000 1,130,891 Debt Service Fund 3,118,184 2,446,368 2,446,368 3,118,184 2,446,459 2,446,459 3,118,184 Capital Project Funds: Real Estate Excise Tax 4,110,900 5,521,000 7,055,343 2,576,557 5,576,000 5,788,245 2,364,312 Downtown Redevelopment 3,496,123 - 205,000 3,291,123 - 150,000 3,141,123 Municipal Facilities 175,185 175,185 - 175,185 Parks 1,497,896 367,000 367,000 1,497,896 767,000 767,000 1,497,896 Surface Water Management 1,744,296 2,044,312 3,359,608 429,000 1,556,230 1,805,273 179,957 Transportation 1,125,725 19,269,000 19,912,000 482,725 50,927,649 49,507,000 1,903,373 Capital Project Reserve 369,963 - 369,963 - 369,963 Fnterprise Fund: Surface Water Management 2,897,393 6,226,871 6,450,608 2,673,656 6,228,298 8,104,300 797,654 Dumas Bay Centre 1,132,949 1,155,846 764,097 1,524,599 792,696 773,784 1,543,510 Internal Service Funds: Risk Management 1,158,255 2,307,763 2,657,763 808,255 2,120,877 2,329,131 600,001 Information Technology 3,734,945 3,243,845 3,646,229 3,332,561 3,288,945 3,393,541 3,227,865 Mail& Duplication 255,919 135,947 154,901 236,965 135,947 161,901 211,011 Fleet & Equipment 7,621,866 2,425,039 3,336,067 6,710,838 2,399,475 1,711,734 7,398,580 Buildings & Furnishings 2,161,252 728,099 789,772 2,099,579 603,099 664,772 2,037,906 Health Insurance 3,579,885 4,956,000 5,256,726 3,279,159 4,956,000 5,256,726 2,978,433 Unemployment Insurance 245,846 70,000 175.,846 - 70,000 105,846 Crand TolalAll Funds S 71,207,836 S 145,723,974 S 154,758,165 S 62,173,646 S 181,349,382 S 187,211,223 1 S 56. 11,805 Ordinance No. 23- Page 4 of 6 MlBrf B 2023.2024 Adopted Budget Amendment p1 2023 2024 Beginning Fund Beginning Fund Fhdng Fund Fund Balance Revenue Fxpenditure Balance Revenue Etpenditure Balance General Fund $ 27,500,556 $ 58,056,122 $ 76,002,369 $ 9,554,309 $ 61,040,879 $ 61,590,721 $ 9,004,467 Special Revenue Funds; Street 359,300 5,975,158 5,834,458 500,000 5,595,163 5,595,163 500,000 Arterial Street 999,047 1,563,000 2,462,047 100,000 1,563,000 1,563,000 100,000 Utility Tax 4,643,952 12,I96,316 12,050,524 4,789,743 11,782,564 15,072,308 1,500,000 Sales/Use Tax- Affrd.&Suppn.Housing 147,938 125,000 125,000 147,938 125,000 125,000 147,938 Solid Waste/Recycling 395,438 722,200 725,598 39ZO40 722,200 654,343 459,897 Special Contract/Studies 987,117 - 987,117 987,117 Hotel/Motel Lodging Tax 1,867,690 293,000 65,000 2,095,690 308,000 65,000 2,338,690 Community Center 1,737,337 2,799,376 2,279,893 2,256,820 2,306,857 2,306,857 2,256,820 Traffic Safety Fund 2,445,305 3,000,000 3,846,735 1,598,570 3,060,000 4,122,419 536,151 Utility TaxProposition 1 1,570,837 3,901,478 4,471,873 1,000,441 4,603,704 4,603,704 1,000,441 Performing Arts & Event Center 873,647 2,387,767 2,483,359 778,055 2259,757 2,483,359 554,454 Community Development Block Gant 25,107 886,193 886,193 25,107 789,717 789,717 25,106 Solid Waste 101/aUtility Tax 1,632,178 2,200,000 3,680,166 152,012 2,300,000 4300,000 15ZO12 Paths and Trails 1,888,280 170,600 100,000 1,958,880 172,216 600,000 1,531,096 Technology 459,967 149,250 28,350 580,867 149,250 12,000 718,117 Jail Service 7,487 2,492,513 2,500,000 0 2,700,000 2,700,000 0 Strategic Reserve 3,001,354 3,001,354 - 3,001,354 Parks Reserve 1,132,882 5,000 1,137,882 5,000 1,142,882 Debt Service Fund (1,367,880) 3,814,248 2,446,368 (0) 2,446,459 2,446,459 (0)' Capital Project Funds: Real Estate Excise Tax 3,216,755 5,521,000 7,055,343 1,682,412 5,576,000 5,788,245 1,470,167 Downtown Redevelopment 4,498,575 205,000 4,293,575 150,000 4,143,575 Municipal Facilities 175,412 175,412 - 175,412 Parks 4031,573 367,000 657,664 1,740,909 767,000 767,000 1,740,909 Surface Water Management 4,570,034 3,243,885 7,032,179 781,740 1,556,230 1,805,273 532,697 Transportation 15,937,599 19,323,650 31,642,185 3,619,064 50,927,649 49,507,000 5,039,713 Capital Project Reserve 370253 - 370253 - 370,253 Fnterprise Fund: Surface Water Management 4,510,546 6,226,871 7,588,980 3,148,437 6,228,298 8,104,300 1,272,435 Dumas Bay Centre 1,710216 1,155,846 764,097 2,101,965 792,696 773,784 2,120,877 Internal Service Funds; Risk Management 1,516,609 2,307,763 2,657,763 1,166,609 2,120,877 2,329,131 958,355 Information Technology 4,259,029 3,484,045 3,886,429 3,856,646 3,514,145 3,618,941 3,751,950 Mail & Duplication 279,133 135,947 154,901 260,179 135,947 161,901 234,225 Fleet & Equipment 8,545,676 4550,039 4;944,651 6,151,064 2,399,475 1,711,734 6,838,805 Buildings & Furnishings 2,114,858 728,099 789,772 2,053,185 603,099 664,772 1,991,512 Health Insurance 3,659,129 4,956,000 5,256,726 3,358,403 4,956,000 5,256,726 3,057,677 Unemployment Insurance 252,016 70,000 181016 70.0001 112,016 Grand Total All Funds S 107,954,951 S 150,737„i66 S 192,693,624 S 65,998,694 S 181,507,182 S 187,738,757 1 S 59,767,119 Ordinance No. 23- Page 5 of 6 EXTIIBITC 2023-2024 Amended Budget #2 2023 2024 Beginning Fund Beginning Fund Ending Fund Fund Balance Revenue Expenditure Balance Revenue Expenditure Balance General Fund S 27,350,553 S 59,091,457 S 76,872,596 S 9,569,414 S 61,580,879 S 62,130,721 9,019,572 Special Revenue Funds: Street 359,430 5,991,404 5,850,704 5K130 5,611,409 5,611,409 500,130 Arterial Street 998,845 1,563,000 2,461,845 100,0W 1,563,000 1,563,000 100,001 Utility Tax 4,646,109 12,449,431 1Z,303,640 4,791,900 11,78Z564 15,072,308 1,502,157 Sales/Use Tax -Affrd. & Supprt. Housing 148,016 125,000 125,000 148,016 125,000 125,000 148,016 Solid Waste/Recycling 395,459 72Z200 725,598 39ZO61 722,200 654,343 459,918 Special Contract/Studies 987,302 450,000 537,302 537,302 Hotel/Motel Lodging Tax 1,8%015 293,000 65,000 2,096,015 308,000 65,000 2,339,015 Community Center 1,737,273 2,799,376 2,279,893 2,256,756 2,3%857 Z,306,857 2,256,756 Traffic Safety Fund 2,493,443 3,OOg000 3,946,735 1,644708 3,060,000 4,122,419 584,290 Utility TaxProposition 1 1,571,054 3,901,478 4,471,873 1,000,658 4,603,704 4,603,704 1,000,658 Performing Arts & Event Center 873,936 Z,387,767 2,483,359 778,344 2,259,757 2,483,359 554,743 Community Development Block Grant 25,107 886,193 896,193 25,107 789,717 789,717 25,106 Solid Waste 10%Utility Tax 1,632,240 2,4001000 3,680,166 15ZO74 Z,300,000 2,300,000 15ZO74 Paths and Trails 1,888,688 170,600 366,376 1,69%912 17Z,216 600,000 1,265,128 Technology 459,999 149,250 259,350 349,899 149,250 12,000 487,149 Jail Service 7,260 2,492,140 2,500,000 0 2,700,000 2,700,000 0 Strategic Reserve 3,002,082 - 3,002,082 - 3,WZ082 Parks Reserve 1,133,157 5,000 1,138,157 5,000 1,143,157 Debt Service Fund (1,366,565) 3,814,248 2,446,368 1,315 2,44(459 Z,446,459 1,315 Capital Project Funds: Real Estate Excise Tax 3,217,658 5,521,000 7,055,343 1,683,315 5,576,000 5,788,245 1,471,070 Downtown Redevelopment 4,499,350 205,000 4,294,350 - 150,000 4,144,350 Municipal Facilities 175,507 - - 175,507 175,507 Parks Z03ZO64 633,376 924,040 1,741,400 767,000 767,000 1,741,400 Surface Water Management 4,570,673 3,443,885 7,032,179 7SZ,379 1,556230 1,805,273 533,336 Transportation 15,939,217 19,323,650 31,642,185 3,620,682 50,927,649 49,507,000 5,041,331 Capital Project Reserve 370,343 - - 37Q343 - 370,343 Enterprise Fund: Surface Water Management 4,511,222 6,226,871 7,588,980 3,149,113 6,228,298 8104,300 1,273,111 Dumas Bay Centre 1,710,510 1,155,846 764,097 ZIOZ259 79Z,696 773,784 2,121,171 Internal Service Funds: RiskManagement 1,516,845 2,307,763 2,657,763 1,166,845 2,120,877 2,329,131 958,591 Information Technology 4,260,137 3,684,045 4,276,429 3,667,753 3,514,145 3,618,841 3,563,057 Mail & Duplication 279,203 135,947 154,901 260,249 135,947 161,901 234,295 Fleet & Equipment 8,54261 2,550,039 4,959,137 6139,163 Z,399,475 1,711,734 6,826,904 Buildings & Furnishings 2,115,458 1,328,099 1,389,772 2,053,785 603,099 664,772 1,99Z,112 Health Insurance 3,660,088 4,956,000 5,256,726 3,359,362 4,956,000 5,256,726 3,058,636 UnernploymentInsurance 251036 70,000 18Z036 - 70,000 1IZO36 Grand Totalfi Funds S 107,869,976 S 153,108,665 S 196,051,249 S 64,927,393 S 182,063,428 S 188)95,003 S 58,695,819 Ordinance No. 23- Page 6 of 6 n COUNCIL MEETING DATE: August 8, 2023 ITEM #: CITY OF FEDERAL WAY CITY COUNCIL AGENDA BILL SUBJECT: ORDINANCE: AMENDMENT TO THE CITY COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AND THE PARKS, RECREATION AND OPEN SPACE PLAN POLICY QUESTION: Should the City Council approve amendments to the Federal Way Comprehensive Plan and Parks, Recreation, and Open Space Plan to facilitate a change to the method for calculating required open space for single-family residential subdivisions? COMMITTEE: FEDRAC MEETING DATE: July 25, 2023 CATEGORY: ❑ Consent ® Ordinance ❑ Public Hearing ❑ City Council Business ❑ Resolution ❑ Other STAFF REPORT BY: Evan Lewis, Senior Planner DEPT: Community Development Attachments: 1. Staff Report 2.Ordinance Options Considered: 1. Adopt the proposed ordinance. 2. Do not adopt the proposed ordinance and provide direction to staff. MAYOR'S RECOMMENDATION: 9ption 1. MAYOR APPROVAL: 7 �I DIRECTOR APPROVAL: 1` (' mttce nunri � initdallDate COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: I move to forward the proposed ordinance to a public hearing and first reading on August 8, 2023. C�l1T77f777 ttP.P. C17A7r PROPOSED COUNCIL MOTION(S): FIRST READING OF ORDINANCE AUGUST 8, 2023: "I move to forward the proposed ordinance to the September S, 2023 Council Meeting for second reading and enactment. " SECOND READING OF ORDINANCE SEPTEMBER 5,2023: `-Itmove approval of the proposed ordinance. " BELOW TO HE COrIMPI.F. TF.I) B F CITY CLERK'S OFFICE COUNCIL ACTION: ,,yA ❑ APPROVED COUNCIL BILL # l ❑ DENIED First reading ❑ TABLED/DEFERRED/NO ACTION Enactment reading ❑ MOVED TO SECOND READING (ordinances only) ORDINANCE # REVISED — 11/2019 RESOLUTION # Corr of Department of Community Development Federal Way 3Way 8" Avenue South Federal Way, WA 98003-6325 Centered on Opportunity 253-835-2607 .ci ofPederalwa .com Jim Ferrell, Mayor CITY OF FEDERAL WAY MEMORANDUM Date: July 25, 2023 To: Federal Way Finance, Economic Development, and Regional Affairs Committee From: Evan Lewis, Senior Planner V., 49—%.. Subject: Amendment to the City Comprehensive Plan and Parks, Recreation and Open Space Plan I. Financial Impacts There are no costs to the City for adopting the proposed code amendments; all time spent implementing the permitting aspects of the ordinance will be subsumed by existing staff. II. Background The City of Federal Way Planning Division proposes an amendment to the Federal Way Parks, Recreation and Open Space (PROS) Plan, which is incorporated by reference as part of the Capital Facilities chapter of the comprehensive plan, to facilitate an update to the method for calculating open space for residential subdivisions. The PROS Plan amendment removes one sentence which refers to residential subdivisions being required to provide open space for 15 percent of the gross land area of the subdivision. A related code amendment is updating the method of calculating residential open space for single-family subdivisions from a percent of gross land area basis to a square foot per unit basis. The change to the method for calculating residential subdivision open space is only possible with this PROS Plan amendment. Pursuant to RCW 36.70A.130(5)(a), the City of Federal Way must update its Comprehensive Plan every ten years. The deadline for the next major update is December 31, 2024. Federal Way Revised Code ("FWRC") 19.80.050 specifies an annual process for considering comprehensive plan amendments, and generally such amendments may only be considered once per year. However, FWRC 19.80.050(3) and state law allow for comprehensive plan amendments outside of the annual process under certain scenarios, including amendments to the capital facilities element of the comprehensive plan when done concurrently with the adoption or amendment to the city budget. This proposal is being considered concurrently with a city budget amendment. Amending the method for calculating open space for single-family residential subdivisions, among other residential open space updates, will require a separate code amendment that will be considered and brought to Council as a separate ordinance. III. Reason for City Council Action Updating the method of calculating required open space for single-family subdivisions, from a percent of gross site area basis to square feet per unit basis, will make the method of calculating required open space consistent between single family and multifamily. IV. Procedural Summary Comprehensive Plan Amendment Process June 16, 2023: Issuance of Determination of Nonsignificance pursuant to the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) June 30, 2023: End of SEPA comment period July 21, 2023: End of SEPA appeal period July 25, 2023: FEDRAC Meeting August 8, 2023: Joint Public Hearing/ Ist Reading by City Council September 5, 2023: City Council Second Reading (tentative; date of 2nd reading will be based on the date of the budget amendment) V. Comprehensive Plan Amendment Delete the following sentence from the "Potential Funding Sources" section of the PROS Plan: "For example, residential subdivisions are required to provide open space for 15 percent of the gross land area of the subdivision. " That deletion is necessary to allow for a separate zoning code amendment that changes the method of calculating single-family residential subdivision open space from a percent of gross land area basis to a square feet per unit basis. VI. Public Comments Received The City received zero comments during the SEPA comment period and, as of the date of this staff report, zero other public comments. VII. Com fiance with FWRC 19.80.140 FWRC 19.80.140, Factors to be Considered in a Comprehensive Plan Amendment — The city may consider, but is not limited to, the following factors when considering a proposed amendment to the comprehensive plan. (1) The effect upon the physical environment. The proposal's effect on the physical environment is undetermined. Such impacts would be known and reviewed associated with future site -specific project proposals. There's little reason to expect anything other than a neutral to net positive environmental impact from this PROS Plan amendment. The new method of calculating open space for single-family residential subdivisions will result in less required open space than in the current calculation method (15 percent of gross site area). However, meeting the open space requirement could potentially result in natural areas being disturbed that would otherwise not be disturbed, so in some situations more natural areas could be preserved by this amendment. (2) The effect on open space, streams, and lakes. The proposal's effect on open space, streams and lakes is undetermined except that it would change the method of calculating required open space and result in less required open space than for single-family subdivisions than under the current calculation method. Such impacts would be known and reviewed associated with future site -specific project proposals. There's little reason to expect anything other than a neutral to net positive environmental impact from this PROS Plan amendment. The new method of calculating open space for single-family residential subdivisions will result in less required open space than in the current calculation method (15 percent of gross site area). However, meeting the open space requirement could potentially result in natural areas being disturbed that would otherwise not be disturbed, so in some situations more natural areas could be preserved by this amendment. (3) The compatibility with and impact on adjacent land uses and surrounding neighborhoods. This factor is best evaluated with site -specific project proposals, however there's little reason to expect that the proposal would result in residential projects that are less compatible with adjacent land uses and surrounding neighborhoods. (4) The adequacy of and impact on community facilities including utilities, roads, public transportation, parks, recreation, and schools. The proposal would result in less required open space which may act as an incentive for more residential development; site and community -wide impacts of new development are evaluated for specific projects and mitigation — through payment of traffic and park impact fees, frontage improvements, etc. — would often be required to mitigate project -specific impacts. (S) The benefit to the neighborhood, city, and region. The proposal would help improve consistency for open space requirements between single and multi -family uses. The resulting decrease in required open space would act as somewhat of a balance to the recently adopted Park Impact Fee and could also somewhat incentivize housing production to help the City achieve its long-range housing goals. (6) The quantity and location of land planned for the proposed land use type and density and the demand for such land. This factor is best evaluated for site -specific project proposals, but the City has sufficient buildable land to achieve its overall housing target. (7) The current and projected population density in the area. This factor is best evaluated for site -specific project proposals. (8) The effect upon other aspects of the comprehensive plan. This proposal is consistent with other comprehensive plan chapters. VIII. Compliance with FWRC 19.80.150 Criteria for Amending the Comprehensive Plan — The city may amend the comprehensive plan only if it finds that: (1) The proposed amendment bears a substantial relationship to public health, safety, or welfare; Allowing open space for single-family residential subdivisions to be calculated on a square feet per unit basis would result in reduced quantities of required open space which could support housing production in the City and may also decrease the chance that trees and other natural areas are removed solely for the purpose of providing usable open space. This bears a substantial relationship to public health, safety, or welfare. (2) The proposed amendment is in the best interest of the residents of the city. Allowing open space for single-family residential subdivisions to be calculated on a square feet per unit basis would make this requirement consistent between single and multi -family uses, support housing production in the City and may also decrease the chance that trees and other natural areas are removed solely for the purpose of providing usable open space. Achieving these outcomes is in the best interest of the residents of the City of Federal Way. (3) The proposed amendment is consistent with the requirements of Chapter 36.70A RCW and with the portion of the city's adopted plan not affected by the amendments. The comprehensive plan amendment under consideration is consistent with the following goals of RCW Chapter 36.70A.020 of the Growth Management Act (GMA). The following goals and policies are not listed in order of priority and shall be used exclusively for the purpose of guiding the development of comprehensive plans and development regulations: Parks, Recreation & Open Space (PROS) Plan (part of Capital Facilities chapter) Policy N.3: To gain maximum effect on overall parks and recreation system, audit and revise City code requirements for on -site open space, and revise to require contribution to larger parks system rather than small, on=site parcels. PROS Plan Goal B.l, Policy B.3: Explore ways to allow for informal play and recreation opportunities by incorporating unprogrammed spaces such as fields and forested areas. Land Use Policy LUP 2: Use zoning regulations to achieve a greater range of housing options in multifamily designations. 4 Land Use Chapter Goal 3.1: Provide a wide range of housing densities and types in the single-family designated areas. Policy LUP 15: Revise existing land use regulations to provide for innovation and flexibility in the design of new single-family developments and in -fill. Policy LUP 17. Encourage the development of parks and the preservation of open space in and adjacent to residential areas to provide adequate recreational opportunities and preserve the natural setting of Federal Way. Land Use Chapter Goal 4: Provide a wide range of housing types and densities commensurate with market demand, adopted housing targets, and the community's needs and preferences. Policy LUP 20: Allow and encourage a variety of multi -family housing types in designated commercial areas, especially in the City Center Core and City Center Frame. Policy LUP 22: Multi -family residential development should be designed to provide privacy and common open space. Housing Goal 3: Develop a zoning code that provides flexibility to produce innovative housing solutions, does not burden the cost of housing development and maintenance, and diversifies the range of housing types available in the City. Housing Policy 14: Review zoning, subdivision, and development regulations to ensure that they further housing policies, facilitate infill development and don't create unintended barriers. Natural Environment Goal 1; Policy 2: Preserve and restore ecological functions, and enhance natural beauty, by encouraging community development patterns and site planning that maintains and complements natural landforms. IX. FEDRAC Committee The FEDRAC may take the following actions regarding each proposed comprehensive plan amendment request: 1. Recommend to City Council adoption of the proposed comprehensive plan amendment as proposed; or 2. Modify the proposed comprehensive plan amendment and recommend to City Council adoption of the amendment, as modified. 3. Recommend to City Council that the proposed comprehensive plan amendment not be adopted. X. Recommendation to City Couneil Staff recommends that City Council approve the proposed comprehensive plan amendment. XI. Exhibits `A' Amendment to PROS Plan (incorporated by reference in Capital Facilities Chapter) Exhibit A - Potential Funding 5ourceS Amendment to PROS Plan This section provides an overview of potential funding sources to fund projects identified in this chapter. All funding sources discussed below will be considered when determining a budget for a project. A combination of several sources is typically used to fund projects. City General Fund General Funds from the City are allocated to the Parks, Recreation, and Cultural Services Department. Capital Project Fund — Parks The Capital Project Fund provides for the acquisition or construction of park facilities except for those facilities financed by proprietary and trust funds. The major source of revenue for this Fund is general obligation bond proceeds, grants from other agencies, local taxes and contributions from other funds. All park costs associated with acquisitions, improvements, issuance of bonds, and other costs shall be paid by this Fund. This funding source is tied to the City's 2-year budget cycle. Real Estate Excise Tax (REST) As a city planning under the Washington State Growth Management Act, Federal Way receives REET funds which are generally used for capital projects as described under state law. A REET is derived from a modest tax on the sales of real property within the City. As of January 1, 2018, the City's REET rate was 0.5 percent.' Voter -approved Bonds/Levies Voter -approved General obligation bonds can be used for acquisition or development and are typically repaid through an annual property tax levy through the maturity period of the bonds. General obligation bonds typically mature in 15 to 20 years. Counc€lmanic Bands Bonds issued by the City Council. This type of bond does not require citizen vote but must be paid out of the City's annual operating budget. Developer Mitigation Fees These are fees imposed by the City for park land acquisition and development. This is a funding source derived from mitigation monies required through SEPA (State Environmental Protection Act) environmental review of development projects located within the City. FEK f'2lsideA*9a1 subdivism^^r are Fed Many developers provide a fee to the City in -lieu of constructing parks. 1 /6 ORDINANCE NO. 23- AN ORDINANCE of the City of Federal Way, Washington, amending the Parks, Recreation and Open Space Plan and the Federal Way Comprehensive Plan Chapter 6, Capital Facilities, to facilitate an update to the method for calculating open space for residential subdivisions (Amending Ordinance Nos. 90-43, 95-248, 96-270, 98-330, 00-372,01-405, 03-442, 04-460, 04-461, 04-462, 05-490, 05-491, 05-492, 07-558, 09-614, 10-671, 11-683, 13-736, 13-745, 15-796, 15-798, 18-843, 19-866, 21-907, 22-938, 23-954, and 23-956). WHEREAS, the Growth Management Act of 1990 as amended (Chapter 36.70A RCW or "GMA"), requires the City of Federal Way ("City") to adopt a comprehensive plan including a land use element and land use map, a housing element, a capital facilities plan, a utilities element, and a transportation element and transportation system map(s); and WHEREAS, the GMA also requires the City to adopt development regulations implementing its comprehensive plan; and WHEREAS, the Federal Way City Council adopted its comprehensive plan and land use map (the "Comprehensive Plan") on November 21, 1995, and adopted development regulations and a zoning map implementing the Comprehensive Plan on July 2, 1996; and subsequently amended the comprehensive plan, land use map, and zoning map on December 23, 1998, September 14, 2000, November 1, 2001, March 27, 2003, July 20, 2004, and June 16, 2005, July 16, 2007, June 11, 2009, October 28, 2010, January 27, 2011, January 23, 2013, August 14, 2013, July 29, 2015, January 26, 2018, April 2, 2019, January 19, 2021, October 12, 2022, April 12, 2023; and June 14, 2023; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Federal Way Revised Code ("FWRC") Chapter 19.35, the City reviews Comprehensive Plan amendments under Chapter 19.80 FWRC, Process VI; and WHEREAS, under RCW 36.70A.130, the Comprehensive Plan and development Ordinance No. 23- Page I of 7 Rev 1 /23 CP regulations are subject to continuing review and evaluation, but the Comprehensive Plan may generally be amended only once on an annual basis; and WHEREAS, the Comprehensive Plan may be amended more than once per year under certain circumstances described in RCW 36.70A.130(2)(a) and FWRC 19.80.050(3); and WHEREAS, under RCW 36.70A.130(2)(a) and FWRC 19.80.050(3), the Comprehensive Plan may be amended outside the annual update when such amendment is to the capital facilities element and occurs concurrently with city budget adoption or amendment; and WHEREAS, under FWRC 19.80.050(3)(e) the City Council shall hold the public hearing on an amendment to the Comprehensive Plan capital facilities element that falls outside the annual update process and occurs concurrently with a budget amendment; and WHEREAS, this amendment to the Comprehensive Plan is an amendment to the capital facilities element and is occurring concurrently with city budget amendment; and WHEREAS, the City adopted a Parks, Recreation, and Open Space Plan ("PROS Plan") on December 3, 1991, and subsequently amended the PROS Plan on November 21, 1995; September 14, 2000; June 29, 2006; January, 2013; May 21, 2019; and June 14, 2023; and WHEREAS, the PROS Plan is adopted by reference into the capital facilities element of the Comprehensive Plan; and WHEREAS, the PROS Plan and capital facilities element are consistent with the GMA as they contain the following components: (a) an inventory showing the location and capacity of existing capital facilities; (b) a forecast of future needs per capital facility; (c) the location and capacity of proposed new or expanded capital facilities; and (d) a six -year capital improvement plan identifying sources of public money to fund these improvements; and WHEREAS, the City is in the process of updating the open space provisions in its Ordinance No. 23- Page 2 of 7 Rev 1/23 CP subdivision and zoning code to provide for more clarity and consistency with respect to open space regulation among zones and uses, and to implement the Housing Action Plan; and WHEREAS, adoption of the proposed open space code updates requires a corresponding amendment to the PROS Plan; and WHEREAS, Washington State Department of Commerce received 60-day notice of the proposal on June 8, 2023 (ID 2023-S-6156); and WHEREAS, on June 16, 2023 the City's SEPA Responsible Official issued a Determination of Nonsignificance (DNS) for this proposal; and and WHEREAS, no public comments were received on this proposal; and WHEREAS, the SEPA Determination was not timely appealed; and WHEREAS, the City Council held a public hearing on this proposal on August 8, 2023; WHEREAS, the City Council desires to adopt the proposed Comprehensive Plan and PROS Plan Amendments, as proposed. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FEDERAL WAY, WASHINGTON, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Findings and Conclusions. (a) The proposed Comprehensive Plan and PROS Plan amendment, as set forth in Exhibit `A', attached hereto, is consistent with the Council vision for the City of Federal Way; bear a substantial relationship to public health, safety, and welfare; is in the best interest of the residents of the City; and is consistent with the requirements of RCW 36.70A, King County Countywide Planning Policies and the unamended portion of the Comprehensive Plan. Specifically, the proposed Comprehensive Plan and PROS Plan amendment is consistent with the following Ordinance No. 23- Page 3 of 7 Rev 1/23 CP Comprehensive Plan goals and policies: Parks, Recreation & Open Space (PROS) Plan (part of Capital Facilities chapter) Policy N.3: To gain maximum effect on overall parks and recreation system, audit and revise City code requirements for on -site open space, and revise to require contribution to larger parks system rather than small, on -site parcels. PROS Plan Goal B.1, Policy B.3: Explore ways to allow for informal play and recreation opportunities by incorporating unprogrammed spaces such as fields and forested areas. Land Use Policy LUP 2: Use zoning regulations to achieve a greater range of housing options in multifamily designations. Land Use Chapter Goal 3.1: Provide a wide range of housing densities and types in the single-family designated areas. Policy LUP 15: Revise existing land use regulations to provide for innovation and flexibility in the design of new single-family developments and in -fill. Policy LUP 17. Encourage the development of parks and the preservation of open space in and adjacent to residential areas to provide adequate recreational opportunities and preserve the natural setting of Federal Way. Land Use Chapter Goal 4: Provide a wide range of housing types and densities commensurate with market demand, adopted housing targets, and the community's needs and preferences. Ordinance No. 23- Rev 1/23 CP Policy L UP 20: Allow and encourage a variety of multi -family housing types in designated commercial areas, especially in the City Center Core and City Center Frame. Policy L UP 22: Multi -family residential development should be designed to provide privacy and common open space. Housing Goal3: Develop a zoning code that provides flexibility to produce innovative housing solutions, does not burden the cost of housing development and maintenance, and diversifies the range of housing types available in the City Housing Policy 14: Review zoning, subdivision, and development regulations to ensure that they further housing policies, facilitate infill development and don't create unintended barriers. Natural Environment Goal 1; Policy 2: Preserve and restore ecological functions, and enhance natural beauty, by encouraging community development patterns and site planning that maintains and complements natural landforms. (b) The proposed amendment has complied with the appropriate process under state law and the FWRC. Section 2. Com rehensive Plan Amendments Adoption. The 1995 City of Federal Way Comprehensive Plan, as thereafter amended in 1998, 2000, 2001, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2007, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2013, 2015, 2018, 2019, 2021, 2022, and 2023, copies of which are on file with the Office of the City Clerk, is amended as set forth in Exhibit A, attached hereto. Ordinance No. 23- Page 5 of 7 Rev 1/23 CP Section 3. Parks, Recreation, and Open Space Plan Amendments Adoption. The 1991 Parks, Recreation, and Open Space Plan, as thereafter amended in 1995, 2000, 2006, 2013, 2019, and 2023, copies of which are on file with the Office of the City Clerk, is amended as set forth in Exhibit A, attached hereto. Section 4. Amendment Authority. The adoption of the Comprehensive Plan amendment above is pursuant to the authority granted by Chapters 36.70A and 35A.63 RCW, and pursuant to Chapter 19.80 FWRC. Section 5. Seyerability. The provisions of this ordinance are declared separate and severable. The invalidity of any clause, sentence, paragraph, subdivision, section, or portion of this ordinance, or the invalidity of the application thereof to any person or circumstance, shall not affect the validity of the remainder of the ordinance, or the validity of its application to other persons or circumstances. Section 6. Savings Clause. The 1995 City of Federal Way Comprehensive Plan, as thereafter amended in 1998, 2000, 2001, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2007, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2013, 2015, 2018, 2019, 2021, 2022, and 2023 shall remain in full force and effect until this amendment become operative upon the effective date of this ordinance. Section 7. Corrections. The City Clerk and the codifiers of this ordinance are authorized to make necessary corrections to this ordinance including, but not limited to, the correction of scrivener/ clerical errors, references, ordinance numbering, section/subsection numbers, and any references thereto. Section 8. Ratification. Any act consistent with the authority and prior to the effective date of this ordinance is hereby ratified and affirmed. Section 9. Effective Date. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force five (5) days after Ordinance No. 23- Page 6 of 7 Rev 1/23 CP passage and publication, as provided by law. PASSED by the City Council of the City of Federal Way this day of 2023. ATTEST: CITY OF FEDERAL WAY: JIM FERRELL, MAYOR STEPHANIE COURTNEY, CMC, CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO FORM: J. RYAN CALL, CITY ATTORNEY FILED WITH THE CITY CLERK: PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL: PUBLISHED: EFFECTIVE DATE: ORDINANCE NO.: Ordinance No. 23- Page 7 of 7 Rev 1/23 CP Potential Funding Sources This section provides an overview of potential funding sources to fund projects identified in this chapter. All funding sources discussed below will be considered when determining a budget for a project. A combination of several sources is typically used to fund projects. General Funds from the City are allocated to the Parks, Recreation, and Cultural Services Department. Capital Project Eune - Parl,.,s The Capital Project Fund provides for the acquisition or construction of park facilities except for those facilities financed by proprietary and trust funds. The major source of revenue for this Fund is general obligation bond proceeds, grants from other agencies, local taxes and contributions from other funds. All park costs associated with acquisitions, improvements, issuance of bonds, and other costs shall be paid by this Fund. This funding source is tied to the City's 2-year budget cycle. Real Estat.-_ Excise Tax, (REET) As a city planning under the Washington State Growth Management Act, Federal Way receives REET funds which are generally used for capital projects as described under state law. A REET is derived from a modest tax on the sales of real property within the City. As of January 1, 2018, the City's REET rate was 0.5 percent.' Voter -,approved Bondi/Levies Voter -approved General obligation bonds can be used for acquisition or development and are typically repaid through an annual property tax levy through the maturity period of the bonds. General obligation bonds typically mature in 15 to 20 years. (Zounciimanic Bonds Bonds issued by the City Council. This type of bond does not require citizen vote but must ��b9q,,ey paid out {o�f the City's annual operating budget. Dle,wel erlr igation F_e2FP These are fees imposed by the City for park land acquisition and development. This is a funding source derived from mitigation monies required through SEPA (State Environmental Protection Act) environmental review of development projects located within the City. For--example,-residential-subdivisions-,are-required to -provide -open -space -for l-5-percent-ef-the-g+oss-lane!-area-of-the-sUbdivision: Many developers provide a fee to the City in -lieu of constructing parks. do COUNCIL MEETING DATE: August 8, 2023 ITEM #: 9c CITY OF FEDERAL WAY CITY COUNCIL AGENDA BILL SUBJECT: ORDINANCE: RESIDENTIAL OPEN SPACE CODE AMENDMENTS POLICY QUESTION: Should the City Council adopt amendments to regulation of residential open space in Titles 18 and 19 of Federal Way Revised Code? COMMITTEE: FEDRAC MEETING DATE: August 8, 2023 CATEGORY: ❑ Consent ® Ordinance ❑ Public Hearing ❑ City Council Business ❑ Resolution ❑ Other STAFF REPORT BY: Evan Lewis, Senior Planner Attachments: 1. Staff Report 2. Ordinance DEPT: Community Development Options Considered: 1. Adopt the proposed ordinance. 2. Do not adopt the proposed ordinance and provide direction to staff. MAYOR'S RECOMMENDATION: Option 1. MAYOR APPROVAL: ■ 7 Com � tee E nUrre DIRECTOR APPROVAL: t!n 1Z3 L Initial/Date COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: I move to forward the proposed ordinance to First Reading on August 8, 2023. CA wVL\,:— Committee Chair Ca ember Committee Member PROPOSED COUNCIL MOTION(S): FIRST READING OF ORDINANCE AUGUST 8, 2023: "I move to forward the proposed ordinance to the September S, 2023 Council Meeting for second reading and enactment. " SECOND READING OF ORDINANCE SEPTEMBER 5, 2023: "I move approval of the proposed ordinance. " (BELOW TO BE COMPLETED BY CITY CLERK'S OFFICE) COUNCIL ACTION: ❑ APPROVED ❑ DENIED ❑ TABLED/DEFERRED/NO ACTION ❑ MOVED TO SECOND READING (ordinances only) REVISED— 11/2019 COUNCIL BILL # First reading Enactment reading ORDINANCE # RESOLUTION # uVf "0 CITY of Department of Community Development Federal Way 333258 Way 8m Avenue South Federal a WA 98003-6325 Centered on Opportunity 253-835-2607 www.61yoffederalway com Jim Ferrell, Mayor CITY OF FEDERAL WAY MEMORANDUM Date: July 25, 2023 To: Federal Way Finance, Economic Development & Regional Affairs Committee From: Evan Lewis, Senior Planner V , 49�- ., Subject: Residential Open Space Code Amendments Financial Impacts: There are no costs to the City for adopting the proposed code amendments; all time spent implementing the permitting aspects of the ordinance will be subsumed by existing staff. Background: The City of Federal Way Planning Division proposes amendments to residential open space requirements for single family subdivisions and multifamily residential uses. The proposed residential open space code amendments are intended to: 1) Improve the consistency of open space definitions and requirements between and among housing types and zones . 2) Clarify aspects of Federal Way's residential open space requirements that create ambiguity or confusion; 3) Implement Housing Action Plan (HAP); and 4) Update the method for calculating open space for subdivisions which would provide a consistent open space calculation method between single family and multifamily. The proposed amendments to Federal Way Revised Code (FWRC) subdivision code (Title 18) and zoning and development code (Title 19) are consistent with this intent. Context: Federal Way's subdivision and zoning codes require both single-family subdivisions and multifamily developments to provide on -site open space. Below are a few visual examples of open space commonly required (images from Google Street View): With some exceptions and subject to certain requirements, when open space is not provided developers can request to pay a fee in lieu of providing the open space. Such fee in lieu requests are reviewed and either approved or disapproved by the Federal Way Parks Department. Most residential open space requirements are found in the following sections of Federal Way Revised Code: 1) Title 18 Subdivisions code; specifically, FWRC 18.55 on subdivision design criteria. 2) Title 19 Zoning code; specifically, use charts for multifamily residential uses within the Suburban Estate (SE) zone (FWRC 19.195), Single -Family Residential (RS) zones (FWRC 19.200), Multifamily Residential (RM) zones (FWRC 19.205}, Neighborhood Business (BN) zones (19.215), Community Business (BC) zones (FWRC 19.220), City Center Core (CC-C) zone (FWRC 19.22), City Center Frame (CC-F) zone (FWRC 19.230), and Commercial Enterprise (CE) zone (FWRC 19.240). For residential subdivisions, current code requires residential open space in the amount of 15 percent of the gross land area of the subdivision site; and 10 percent of the gross land area of the subdivision site must be `usable' open space. Residential open space requirements associated with other residential uses, as specified in FWRC Title 19 use charts, are primarily based on a certain square footage of open space per unit and subject to more prescriptive requirements or guidelines for that open space and its amenities. Proposed Code Amendment Overview: Below is a summary of the proposed code amendments and reasons for the more substantive or significant updates. Title 18 Subdivision Code Residential Open Space Updates Update Reasons for Update 1) Update the method of This update will make the method of calculating required calculating required open space consistent between single family and open space for single- multifamily. family subdivisions; from a percent of gross site area to s . ft/unit. 2) Exempt single-family FWRC currently requires that all residential subdivisions be subdivisions of 5 or subject to open space requirements. Staff cannot find an fewer lots from open example of other cities that require usable open space for all space requirements. subdivisions regardless of the number of lots. Also, maintenance of small pockets of open space can become difficult when that open space is owned and/or maintained by a small number of property owners. 3) Update the process and The new fee -in -lieu calculation method would be consistent method of calculating with the new method for calculating required open space for the fee in lieu of open single-family residential subdivisions, and it would be more space option. consistent with how fees -in -lieu are calculated in Title 19 for other residential uses eligible for the fee -in -lieu option. Title 19 Zoning & Development Code Residential Open Space Updates Update Reasons for Update 1) Establish an active and Current open space definitions create ambiguities and passive open space possibly unintended loopholes during development reviews. definition. Definitions also do not sufficiently differentiate between 2) Clarify existing open different types of `usable' open space. The proposed space definitions. definition updates would be relevant to both FWRC Title 18 and 19. 3) Expand multifamily fee- This update would directly implement the Federal Way in -lieu of open space Housing Action Plan. option to the BC zone. 4) Remove allowance for FWRC currently allows landscaping tracts to be credited landscaping tracts to toward common open space requirements for several uses. count toward open space Since common open space is used interchangeably with requirements. usable open space in the context of multifamily housing, landscaping areas shouldn't count toward usable open space. Most landscaping areas are constrained with trees, shrubbery and other groundcover, and irrigation systems and are not practically usable. 5) Improve consistency in Some multifamily uses are subject to different open space open space requirements quantities, amenities and other requirements among among like uses and different zones. The proposed code updates will increase the zones. consistency of open space requirements for like -uses by zone. A few other updates were made to improve clarity and consistency, The proposed updates would reduce the required on -site, usable open space for most single- family detached subdivisions and for certain multifamily housing types. Required usable open space for senior housing and for residential uses in the neighborhood business (BN), City Center Core (CC-C), City Center Frame (CC-F), and Commercial Enterprise (CE) zones would remain unchanged. Such reductions are warranted in context with and consideration of the following factors: 1) Benefits from the recent adoption of a park impact fee which will provide a new, consistent funding source from future residential growth for necessary public park facilities that mitigate impacts from that growth. 2) Reduce barriers to new housing in certain zones and for certain uses. 3) Decrease the potential for natural areas being destroyed to accommodate usable open space. 4) Improve the consistency of open space requirements between uses and among zones. 5) Bring residential open space requirements more in -line with other cities (see Attachment 3). Procedural Sunimarv: 5/2/23 Planning Commission Briefing #1 5/12/23: Public Notice of SEPA Determination 5/17/23: Planning Commission Briefing #2 6/7/23: Planning Commission Briefing #3 3 6/8/23: Notification given to WA State Dept. of Commerce of this proposed code amendment 5/26/23: End of SEPA Comment Period 6/16/23: End of SEPA Appeal Period 6/21 /23: Public Hearing 7/25/23: FEDRAC Meeting 8/8/23 : City Council 1 st Reading 9/5/23: City Council 2nd Reading A separate Comprehensive Plan amendment is underway to facilitate the amendment to the method of calculating residential open space for single-family subdivisions. That Comprehensive Plan amendment will follow a different adoption path that would still align with the final adoption date of this code amendment. Public Comments: The City received zero comments during the SEPA comment period and, as of the date of this staff report, zero other public comments. Planning Commission Action: The Planning Commission conducted a Public Hearing on June 21, 2023. There were no additional comments from the public received during the public hearing. Following Commission discussion and deliberations, consistent with 19.80.240(1)(c), the Planning Commission forwarded the proposed code changes to the City Council with a recommendation for approval. Decision Criteria: FWRC 19.80.130 provides three criteria for development regulation amendments. The following section analyzes the compliance of the proposed amendments with the criteria provided by FWRC 19.80.130. The City may amend the text of the FWRC only if it finds that: 1. The proposed amendment is consistent with the applicable goals and policies of the comprehensive plan. The proposed FWRC text amendments are consistent with the following Federal Way Comprehensive Plan (FWCP) goals and policies: Parks, Recreation & Open Space (PROS) Plan (part of Capital Facilities chapter) Policy N.3: To gain maximum effect on overall parks and recreation system, audit and revise City code requirements for on -site open space, and revise to require contribution to larger parks system rather than small, on -site parcels. PROS Plan Goal B.1, Policy B.3: Explore ways to allow for informal play and recreation opportunities by incorporating unprogrammed spaces such as fields and forested areas. Land Use Chapter Goal 1: Create an attractive, welcoming and functional built environment. 4 Policy L UP 2: Use zoning regulations to achieve a greater range of housing options in multifamily designations. Land Use Chapter Goal 3.1: Provide a wide range of housing densities and types in the single-family designated areas. Policy LUP 15: Revise existing land use regulations to provide for innovation and flexibility in the design of new single-family developments and in -fill. Policy LUP 17. Encourage the development of parks and the preservation of open space in and adjacent to residential areas to provide adequate recreational opportunities and preserve the natural setting of Federal Way. Land Use Chapter Goal 4: Provide a wide range of housing types and densities commensurate with market demand, adopted housing targets, and the community's needs and preferences. Policy L UP 20: Allow and encourage a variety of multi -family housing types in designated commercial areas, especially in the City Center Core and City Center Frame. Policy LUP 22: Multi -family residential development should be designed to provide privacy and common open space. Housing Goal 3: Develop a zoning code that provides flexibility to produce innovative housing solutions, does not burden the cost of housing development and maintenance, and diversifies the range of housing types available in the City. Housing Policy 14: Review zoning, subdivision, and development regulations to ensure that they further housing policies, facilitate infill development and don't create unintended barriers. Natural Environment Goal 1; Policy 2: Preserve and restore ecological functions, and enhance natural beauty, by encouraging community development patterns and site planning that maintains and complements natural landfonns. Policy L UP 22: Multi -family residential development should be designed to provide privacy and common open space. 2. The proposed amendment bears a substantial relationship to public health, safety, or welfare. The proposed open space code updates are one set of several recent or upcoming code updates that should support increased housing production in the City. The code update increases the clarity of certain open space code provisions which should improve the quality of residential open space. The increased flexibility in meeting open space requirements, and reduced quantities of required open space, may also decrease the chance that trees and other natural areas are removed solely for the purpose of providing usable open space. Increased housing production, better clarity of open space requirements, better quality open space and preservation of natural areas all bear a substantial relationship to public health, safety or welfare and thus so does this code amendment. 3. The proposed amendment is in the best interest of the residents of the city. The proposed open space code updates improve the consistency and clarity of residential open space requirements, implement the Housing Action Plan, and help avoid unintended barriers to the desired amount and types of housing in Federal Way; particularly in the context of the recently adopted Park Impact Fee. Achieving these outcomes is in the best interest of the residents of the City of Federal Way. Options for Decision: After consideration of the proposal and the Mayor's recommendation regarding the proposed amendments, the Council may: 1. Adopt the ordinance 2. Do not adopt the ordinance and provide staff direction. Major's Recommendation: Based on the recommendation from the Planning Commission and above analysis and decision criteria, the Mayor recommends that the proposed amendments to FWRC Title 18 (Subdivisions) and Title 19 (Zoning and Development) relating to residential open space be approved. Attachments: Attachment 1 Questions & Answers from Planning Commission Briefings Attachment 2 Visual and Numerical Comparison Example of Current vs. New Open Space Requirements (requested at 617123 Planning Commission meeting) Attachment 3 City Comparisons for Residential Open Space Requirements (shared at 617123 Planning Commission meeting) 11 Staff Report Attachment 1 &A from Planning Commission Briefings June 6 2023 Planning Commission Meeting ReVests or Questions 1) Can staff provide a visual and numerical example of the open space changes? a. Staff response: See Attachment 3 for a comparison example. 2) Does Federal Way have design guidelines for trails? a. Staff response: i. Zoning code does not have design guidelines for trails; only pedestrian paths, with a few requirements for pedestrian paths found in Community Design Guidelines in FWRC 19.115. While there are a few references to trails and some guidelines for pedestrian paths, it does not provide design guidelines for trails. ii. Public Works Standards provide design `standards' for non -motorized paths and bike lanes (standards in section 3.2.16 and 3.4.1), but not specifically trails in the apparent context of the Planning Commissioner's question. May 17, 2023 Planning Commission Meeting questions 1) What fee -in -lieu of open space amounts did the City collect from the following projects? a. Staff response from Parks Dept: i. Performing Arts & Events Center (PAEC): No fee in lieu paid as the outdoor plaza qualified the open space requirement. ii. 1st & 348th Mixed use project— No fee in lieu paid to date because the fee is paid after units sell. iii. Sound Transit (specific project(s) unspecified): Parks is not aware of any Sound Transit fee in lieu being paid for a project. Sound Transit is mitigating the open space requirements at various location along the route. Currently they are improving some acreage at Laurelwood park to meet a portion of the requirement in the City Limits 2) What was the funding source(s) for Panther Lake Trail? a. Staff response from Parks Dept: The Panther Lake Trail was paid from the 2008-2013 King County Levy money that the City received Ma 3 2023 Planning Commission Meeting Questions The following questions or requests made during the 5/3/23 Planning Commission meeting: I. What was the intent behind Federal Way's existing multifamily open space amounts? a. Staff response: Below is one example found so -far for stacked multifamily which currently requires either 100, 150, or 400 sq. ft. of open space per unit depending on the zone: The required 400 sq. ft./unit in the RM zone was set in the City's initial 1990 zoning ordinance (ord 90,043; see pg. 66 of PDF). The intent behind that specific amount is unknown. ii. The required 150 sq. ft/unit in the BN zone came from the 2017 ord. 17-834 (see pg. 26 of PDF) which amended several design requirements for multifamily uses among several zones. The intent behind that specific amount is unknown. iii. The required 150 sq. ft/unit in the BC zone came from the 2010 ord. 10-678 (see pg. 6 of the PDF) which reduced the BC open space down from 300 sq. ft. Per the ordinance, the intent was to encourage development on vacant or redevelopable land (presumably for this specific zone); it's otherwise unclear why 150 sq. ft/unit was specifically selected. iv. The required 100 sq. ft/unit in the CC-C and CC-F zones came from the 2012 ord. 12-727 (see pg. 5 of the PDF) which aimed to reduce open space requirements in those zones to be "more in line with urban, mixed use development to encourage the type of development envisioned for the city center" and since (at that time) "recent proposals for multi -unit, mixed use development ..... .. had difficulty" meeting open space requirements. For the stacked multifamily example above, for the two ordinances where the intent behind the open space changes were clear, the reduced open space amounts appear meant to (at that time) encourage multifamily housing in the BC, CC-C and CC-F zones. The reason behind the specific quantity is unclear, other than being a 50% reduction from the totals that were previously set for those respective zones. 2. Could Americans with Disability Act (ADA)-compliant amenities be specified in these amendments? a. Staff response: From consultation with Building Division staff, the City has adopted the Accessible and Usable Buildings and Facilities code, ICC A117.1-2009, which does cover playground equipment under the building code. 3. How are fee in lieu funds are used by the Parks Dept? a. Staff response: A representative from the Parks Dept. addressed this at the 5/17/23 Planning Commission meeting. 4. What is an appropriate slope for `usable' open space? Could steep slopes ever be an asset for `usable' open space? a. Staff response: A representative from the Parks Dept. addressed this at the 5/17/23 Planning Commission meeting. 5. How can we factor in behavioral health and human -centered design research into our residential open space requirements? a. Staff response: Staff is still looking into this question and hasn't yet found appropriate research relevant to this code update. This is a larger issue that may more appropriately be looked into during the comprehensive plan periodic update rather than this more narrowly - focused code update. 2 Staff Report Attachment 2 — Visualized Open Space Example; Current vs. Proposed New Code Single -Family Open Space Visualized — Example for the RS 7.2 Zone' r----------------------- Current Open Space Requirement Single-family subdivision usable open space visualized for 4-acre parcel; 10% of gross land area. Usable open space quantity=17,424 sq. ft. Proposed Open Space_ Requirement Single-family subdivision open space visualized for 4-acre parcel (150 sq. ft/unit) (assumes appx. 70% of gross site area can be subdivided; RS 7.2 zone (7200 sq. ft/lot); 17 total lots) Usable open space quantity = 2,550 sq. ft. Multi -Family Open Space Visualized — Example for the Residential Multifamily (RM) Zone r------------- - - - ----_ Current Open Space Requirement A_ Multifamily usable open space visualized for J 4-acre parcel at appx. 18 units/acre; 72 units; open space of 400 sq. ft./unit. Usable open space quantity = 28,800 sq. ft. Proposed New Open Space Requirement Multifamily usable open space visualized for 4-acre parcel at appx. 18 units/acre; 72 units; open space of 150 sq. ft/unit. Usable open space quantity=10,800 sq. ft. Outer box f (solid line) represents an appx. 4-acre site Outer box L� (solid line) r� represents an appx. 4-acre site 1 Single Family assumptions: Zoned RS 7200 (min lot area of 7200 sq. ft/unit); appx. 70% gross site area can be subdivided 2 Multifamily assumptions: Zoned RM 2400; 18 units/acre Staff Report Attachment 3: City Comparisons for Residential Open Space Requirements The list below shows residential open space requirements among 13 comparison cities in King County. Staff has aimed to provide as much of a 1:1/apples-to- apples comparison a possible among the most typical open space requirements common to conventional single-family and multifamily development types in these cities, in order to inform Federal Way's updated residential open space requirements. The list below specifically does NOT inventory the following types of open space or related code requirements: • Open space requirements for cluster housing, cottage housing, planned unit developments, senior or assisted living housing, or incentive or bonus open space to achieve more density or other zoning flexibilities. • Open space requirements such as maximum impervious surface (lot coverage) limits. • Open space requirements specific to the preservation of environmental critical areas unless such areas count in usable open space requirements. • Open space requirements that may be required for design review districts and found within design review guidelines for these cities that might exist separate from their online code books. • Fee -in -lieu of open space options or other options some cities may provide to allow reduced open space from the requirements below. Multi -Family Residential Open Space Requirements City Multifamily Notes and Clarifications Code citation Open Space Requirement Auburn No apparent Higher density residential zones (1110 thru R20) require 20% of site area as landscaped open space applicable but that's different than usable open space/recreation open space. requirement Mixed use residential developments appear to have point system for eligibility for flexible development regulations; greater of either 10% of site area or 250 sf/unit. But it's an optional bonus for mixed use only; not required. AMC 18.07.030 Bellevue 800 sq. ft. Requirement is for developments of 10 units or more, doesn't pertain to Downtown, totaled up to usable open max of 10k sf. Exact code language: "New multifamily developments of 10 units or more shall be space + 50 sq. required, as a condition of Building Permit approval, to provide a minimum of 800 square feet of ft/unit over 10 unpaved, usable open space with lawn or other soft surface for an outdoor children's play area, units plus an additiona150 square feet of usable open space for each additional unit beyond the initial 10 units, up to a maximum of 10,000 square feet, except that this requirement does not apply to multifamily development downtown or to developments devoted exclusively to senior citizen dwellings as defined at LUC 20.50.046. " BMC 20.20.540 Burien 200 sq. ft/unit "New developments of 4 multiple family dwelling units or more shall provide a minimum of 200 square feet of required common recreation space per dwelling unit. The required common recreation space shall be in one or more areas on site that are available and accessible to all residents of the development." I BMC 19.17.010 Des Moines 200 sq. ft/unit 200 sq. ft./unit of common recreation space. Also requires 60 sq. ft/unit of PRIVATE outdoor DMC recreation area. 18.155.050 City Multifamily Notes and Clarifications Code citation Open Space Requirement Issaquah 48 sq. ft/unit "Outdoor space" requirement for multifamily and duplexes. Can be private or common. Same amount also required for assisted living facilities, sr. housing but applied to both indoor and IMC outdoor areas for those later uses. 18.07.440(5) Kent 20-25% of gross land Appears to only be for zero lot line developments in single family and multifamily zones; 25% is in area single family zones and 20% is in multifamily zones. KMC 15.08.330 Kirkland 200 sq. ft/unit For 4 or more units only. Specific requirement is for "at least 200 square feet per unit of common recreational space usable for many activities." Furthermore, "The required common recreational open space may be reduced to 150 square feet per unit if permanent outdoor furniture, pool, cooking facilities, playing equipment, and/or a recreation building are provided in the common open space." KMC 115.23(2) Redmond** General: 25% Requirement is for most residential types and it's 20% of total lot area - i.e. the impervious surface of required requirement. For dev. 30 or more units, 25% of required open space must be common open space open space (so that amounts to basically 5% of gross site area). ALSO: the 20% includes critical areas thus it's for not a good apples -apples comparison; only the common open space requirement is. See RMC developments 21.08.180 for more. of 30 or more units (which **For downtown: Residential common usable open space of at least 100 sq. ft/unit up to 20% of appears to the site. See RMC 21.10.130(E) for complete requirement. amount to appx. 5% of **For Overlake area: Usable open space of at least 6.25% of gross residential floor area. See RMC lot area for 21.12.120 for more detail. most uses) **Marymore Design District, presumably 15% of site area but unclear. Residential usable open space req. is 15% of ... something, See RMC 21.13.120. RMC 21.08.180 Renton - High 600 sq. ft/unit For higher density residential (mf or sf); R-10 and R-14 zones only when 4 or more units. 350 Density Zones (350 common, sf/unit of common open space; 250 sf/unit of common open space added to that for all non- + 250 private ground units; for ground units that 250 sf/unit can be private open space rather than common. but see notes) Open space definition is: "Any physical area that provides visual relief from the built environment for environmental, scenic or recreational purposes. Open space may consist of developed or undeveloped areas, including urban plazas, parks, pedestrian corridors, landscaping, pastures, woodlands, greenbelts, wetlands and other natural areas, but excluding storm water facilities, driveways, parking lots or other surfaces designed for vehicular travel." I RMC 4.2.115 City Multifamily Notes and Clarifications Code citation Open Space Requirement Renton - Design 50 sq. ft/unit For all mixed use and attached developments of 10 or more units. Requirement is for common districts A, C, D open space and/or recreation areas. RMC 4.3.100 Renton - Design 150 sq. ft/unit district B (private Requirement is for private usable open space for all attached housing developments in District B only) abutting each unit; may include porches, balconies, yards, and decks. RMC 4.3.100 Sammamish 90-170 sq. "All single family, multifamily and townhouse developments of more than four units, and mixed use ft/unit developments of more than four units, shall provide recreation space excluding environmentally sensitive areas as defined by SDC 21.03.020 for leisure, play or sport activities as follows... Attached residential developments at a density of greater than eight units per acre, and mixed use: i. Studio and one bedroom: 90 square feet per unit; ii. Two bedroom: 130 square feet per unit; and iii. Three SM C or more bedroom: 170 square feet per unit." 21.02.030(I ) Seatac 5-10% of net site area ONLY for Angle Lake and City Center subareas. SMC 15.300 Shoreline 50 sq. ft/unit More specifically, the greater of 800 sf/development or 50 sf/unit. Applies to all multifamily. Important note that "Required landscaping can be used for open space if it does not obstruct access or reduce the overall landscape standard. " That somewhat waters -down this requirement. SMC 20.50.240 Tukwila 400 sq. ft/unit Minimum of 1000 sf of recreation space. Includes zero lot line townhomes in multifamily requirement. At least 250 sq. ft of the 400 must be private, ground level open space. TMC 18.12 Single -Family Residential Open Space Requirements City Single -Family Notes and Clarifications Code citation Open Space Requirement Auburn Case -by -Case and SF open space determined case -by -case for single-family: "Where dedication of land far park only for and recreation purposes is required, the hearing examiner shall be guided by the policies and subdividisons of 50 recommended standards of the Auburn parks, recreation, and open space plan. It is the or more units — policy of the city to require park land dedication where a proposed subdivision will result in a determined by substantial increase in demand for park land or is needed to prevent or abate public hearing examiner nuisances. Generally, this will occur where a subdivision will result in the creation of lots capable of supporting 50 or more residential dwelling units; however, where it is determined that. the proposed subdivision, together with any reasonably anticipated future development on adjacent or nearby land, will act in a cumulative manner to substantially increase demand for park land, dedication may be required of smaller subdivisions. The acceptability of the size, configuration and location of land proposed for park dedication shall be determined by the hearing examiner based upon such factors as topography, drainage, natural amenities and access. " AMC 17.14.100 Bellevue No apparent requirement BMC 20.45A Burien 5 - 5.5% of gross Varies by zone, ranging from 5 to 5.5% of gross land area by zone for open space to be land area dedicated or reserved and set aside. BMC 17.60.070 Des Moines 778 sq. ft/unit Code language: "Proposed residential subdivisions shall either provide a minimum of 778 square feet of park area per lot consistent with the requirements of subsections (2) through (4) of this section or make an in -lieu fee payment consistent with the requirements of subsection (5) of this section in order to comply with the level of service standard of 6.5 acres of park land per 1,000 population established in the City of Des Moines 2010 Parks, Recreation and Senior Services Master Plan, Section 2.3." DMMC 17.35.180 Issaquah No apparent City has a 15% of net site area open space requirement for cluster housing, but couldn't find IMC 18.07.420 requirement any open space requirement for conventional subdivisions. Kent 180 sq. ft/unit Applied to subdivisions of 20 or more units. KMC 12.04.060 Kirkland **This only appears to apply to medium and higher density zones, not low density sf residential zones. For 4 or more units only. So this requirement might not be a good 1:1 comparison since single-family subdivisions would likely be less common in medium -higher density zones (which don't include single-family residential zones although some appear to 200 sq. ft/unit** still allow single-family detached housing) KMC 115.23 Redmond General: 25% of Requirement is for most residential types and it's 20% of total lot area - i.e. the impervious required open surface requirement. For dev. 30 or more units, 25% of required open space must be space for common open space (so that amounts to basically 5% of gross site area which can still be RMC 21.08.180 City Single -Family Notes and Clarifications Code citation Open Space Requirement developments of substantial). ALSO: the 20% includes critical areas thus it's very much NOT a good apples- 30 or more units apples comparison; only the common open space requirement is. See RMC 21.08.180 for (which appears to more. amount to appx. 5% of lot area for most uses) Renton - High Limited Not a good comparison example. Similar to Kirkland, Renton's sf/unit open space Density Zones requirement — not requirement outside of its design districts (appx. 600 sf/unit) appears to apply to all uses but a good example only within high density R10 and R14 zones, where technically sf detached is allowed but seems less likely (at 10 and 14 units/acre) than attached/multifamily units. R M C 4.2.115 Sammamish 390 sq. ft/unit "All single family, multifamily and townhouse developments of more than four units, and mixed use developments of more than four units, shall provide recreation space excluding environmentally sensitive areas as defined by SDC 21.03.020 for leisure, play or sport activities as follows... Residential developments at a density of eight units or less per acre: 390 square feet per unit" SMC 21.02.030(1) Seatac Unclear Couldn't find single family open space requirement; unclear if req. for Angle Lake and City Center subareas cited earlier would apply to single fam subdivisions in those areas. Shoreline No apparent requirement No apparent SF subdivision open space requirement SMC 20.50 Tukwila Unclear... seemingly Could only find open space requirement for Southcenter area - not citywide and unclear if it Title 18 - Zoning (tukwilawa.gov) - no for most areas applies to sf subdivision. No common/public/usable open space req. found in subdivision see table 18.4 code for sf subdivisions From: Laserfiche@cityoffederalway.com<Laserfiche@cityoftederatway.com> New Attachment: Sent: Tuesday, July 25, 2023 4:10 PM Public Comment To: COUNCIL <COUNCIL@cityoffederalway.com> received 7/25/25 (day Cc: Brian Davis <Brian.Davis @citvoffederaIway. >; Public Comment FEDRAC of FEDRAC meeting) <PublicComment.FEDRAC cit offederalway.com> Subject: Written Public Comment for July 25, 2023 FEDRAC Meeting [EXTERNAL EMAIL WARNING] This email originated from outside of the City of Federal Way and may not be trustworthy. Please use caution when clicking links, opening attachments, or replying to requests for information. If you have any doubts about the validity of this email please contact IT Help Desk at x2555. The following public comment was received for the July 25, 2023 FEDRAC Meeting. A confirmation of receipt was sent to the requester and the written comment is available online here. Name: Benjamin Taylor Topic: Open Space Requirements Comment: July 25, 2023 Finance, Economic Development & Regional Affairs Committee (FEDRAC) 33325 8th Ave South Federal Way, WA 98003 RE: Federal Way Open Space Code Updates Dear Chair Tran, Councilmember Dovey, and city staff The Master Builders Association of King and Snohomish Counties takes pride in building communities. Our 2,600 members are professional homebuilders, architects, remodelers, trades people, planners and engineers, suppliers, manufacturers, and sales and marketing professionals in your community. We are committed to ensuring that all people can attain housing and have a safe and healthy place to call home. MBAKS wants to thank the city staff for their work updating the city's open space code. After passing new requirements for park impact fees, the reduction in open space requirements is a necessary and welcome change to the city's code. MBAKS members appreciate the changes staff are seeking but would ask for,one additional provision: that Federal Way align its open space exemptions with its short plat threshold. Federal Way currently allows lots with up to nine units to be developed under its short plat code, and if the open space provision exemption is set at five, the result is a strange middle ground for homebuilders'looking to develop smaller projects that may end up with projects becoming infeasible and housing not being provided. Please consider raising the exemption threshold to nine to preclude this possibility. As always, MBAKS appreciates the opportunity to comment on these changes and looks forward to continued collaboration on housing opportunities in Federal Way. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, Ben Taylor King County Government Affairs Manager ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE of the City of Federal Way, Washington, relating to residential open space; amending FWRC 18.55.030,18.55.040,18.55.060, 18.60.030, 19.05.030, 19.05.150, 19.100.070, 19.125.060, 19.200.020, 19.200.040, 19.200.045, 19.200.100, 19.205.010, 19.205.040, 19.205.050, 19.205.070, 19.205.080, 19.215.050, 19.215.070, 19.215.150, 19.220.050, 19.220.080, 19.220.100, 19.225.070, 19.225.075, 19.230.060, 19.230.065, 19.240.085, and 19.115.115 (Amending Ordinance Nos. 90-41, 90-43, 93- 170, 94-223, 96-270, 97-291, 98-309, 98-330, 99-333, 00-375, 01-381, 01- 385, 01-399, 02-423, 02-424, 03-450, 05-506, 06-515, 06-542, 07-545, 07- 554, 07-559, 08-583, 08-585, 09-593, 09-605, 09-610, 10-652, 10-658, 10- 678, 12-724, 12-727, 12-735, 13-754, 16-822, 17-834, 20-898, 21-921, 22- 929, 22-932, 23-949, and 23-958) WHEREAS, the City of Federal Way ("City) recognizes the need to periodically modify Title 18 (Subdivisions) and Title 19 (Zoning and Development) of the Federal Way Revised Code ("FWRC"), in order to conform to state and federal law, codify administrative practices, clarify and update zoning regulations as deemed necessary, and improve the efficiency of the regulations and the development review process; and WHEREAS, the Washington Growth Management Act requires that development regulations be subject to continuing evaluation and review; and WHEREAS, residential open space requirements within subdivision and zoning codes should be clear and consistent among uses and zones; and WHEREAS, updates to residential open space provisions of FWRC are needed to implement the Housing Action Plan, and to more fully implement the Comprehensive Plan; and WHEREAS, on June 6, 2023, the City passed Ordinance No. 23-957, which adopted a Park Impact Fee in the City for the first time; and WHEREAS, updates to residential open space provisions of FWRC are needed to attract the Ordinance No. 23- Page 1 of 128 Rev 1/22 types and quantity of housing necessary within the City of Federal Way; and WHEREAS, current open space requirements under FWRC may sometimes increase the potential for natural areas to be lost in order to accommodate usable open space; and WHEREAS, the City's residential open space requirements should be generally consistent with other similarly situated cities to as not to disincentivize development in the City; and WHEREAS, an Environmental Determination of Nonsignificance ("DNS") was properly issued for the proposed various code amendments on May 12, 2023, no appeals were filed and the appeal period expired on June 16, 2023; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission properly conducted a duly noticed public hearing on these code amendments on June 21, 2023, and forwarded a recommendation of approval to the City Council; and WHEREAS, the Finance, Economic Development & Regional Affairs Committee of the City Council of the City of Federal Way considered these code amendments on July 25, 2023, and recommended adoption of the proposed code amendments. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FEDERAL WAY, WASHINGTON, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Findings. The City Council of the City of Federal Way makes the following findings with respect to the proposed amendments. (a) The recitals set forth above are hereby adopted and restated as findings of fact. (b) These code amendments are in the best interest of the residents of the City and will benefit the City as a whole by ensuring conformance with state law, protecting public health and safety, and clarifying items within the Code resulting in less need for interpretation. Ordinance No. 23- Page 2 of 128 Rev 1/22 (c) These code amendments comply with Chapter 36.70A RCW, Growth Management. (d) These code amendments are consistent with the intent and purpose of Title 18 and Title 19 under FWRC and will implement and are consistent with the applicable provisions of the Federal Way Comprehensive Plan. (e) These code amendments bear a substantial relationship to, and will protect and not adversely affect, the public health, safety, and welfare. (f) These code amendments have followed the proper procedure required under the FWRC. Section 2. Conclusions. Pursuant to Chapter 19.80 FWRC and Chapter 19.35 FWRC, and based upon the recitals and the findings set forth in Section 1, the Federal Way City Council makes the following Conclusions of Law with respect to the decisional criteria necessary for adoption of the proposed amendments: (a) The proposed FWRC amendments are consistent with, and substantially implement, the following Federal Way Comprehensive Plan goals and policies: Parks, Recreation & Open Space ("PROS') Plan (part of Capital Facilities chapter) Policy N.3: To gain maximum effect on overall parks and recreation system, audit and revise City code requirements for on -site open space, and revise to require contribution to larger parks system rather than small, on -site parcels. PROS Plan Goal A1, Policy A3: Explore ways to allow for informal play and recreation opportunities by incorporating unprogrammed spaces such as fields and forested areas. Land Use Chapter Goal 1: Create an attractive, welcoming and functional built environment. Policy LUP 2: Use zoning regulations to achieve a greater range of housing options in Ordinance No. 23- Page 3 of 128 Rev 1/22 multifamily designations. Land Use Chapter Goal 3.1: Provide a wide range of housing densities and types in the single-family designated areas. Policy L UP 15: Revise existing land use regulations to provide for innovation and flexibility in the design of new single-family developments and in -fill. Policy L UP 17. Encourage the development of parks and the preservation of open space in and adjacent to residential areas to provide adequate recreational opportunities and preserve the natural setting of Federal Way. Land Use Chapter Goal 4: Provide a wide range of housing types and densities commensurate with market demand, adopted housing targets, and the community's needs and preferences. Policy L UP 20: Allow and encourage a variety of multi -family housing types in designated commercial areas, especially in the City Center Core and City Center Frame. Policy L UP 22: Multi -family residential development should be designed to provide privacy and common open space. Housing Goal 3: Develop a zoning code that provides flexibility to produce innovative housing solutions, does not burden the cost of housing development and maintenance, and diversifies the range of housing types available in the City. Housing Policy 14: Review zoning, subdivision, and development regulations to ensure that they further housing policies, facilitate infill development and don't create unintended barriers. Natural Environment Goal 1; Policy 2: Preserve and restore ecological functions, and Ordinance No. 23- Page 4 of 128 Rev 1/22 enhance natural beauty, by encouraging community development patterns and site planning that maintains and complements natural landforms. Policy L UP 22: Multi -family residential development should be designed to provide privacy and common open space. (b) The proposed FWRC amendments bear a substantial relationship to the public health, safety, and welfare because they encourage production of housing in the City of Federal Way at a time when the increasing demand for housing is unmet, improve the clarity and consistency of current residential open space requirements, better preserve natural areas, and provide better quality open space. (c) The proposed amendments are in the best interest of the public and the residents of the City of Federal Way because they improve the consistency and clarity of residential open space requirements, implement the Housing Action Plan, and help avoid unintended barriers to the desired amount and types of housing in Federal Way particularly in the context of the recently adopted Park Impact Fee. Section 3. FWRC 18.55.030 is hereby amended to read as follows: 48.55.030 Density (1) All lots in conventional subdivisions, both long and short subdivisions, binding site plans, and small lot detached developments shall meet the minimum lot size requirements of FWRC Title 19. Minimum lot sizes and density for zero lot line townhouse development are as allowed in FWRC 19.205.010. Minimum lot sizes and density for cottage housing are as allowed in FWRC 19.205.020. Ordinance No. 23- Page 5 of 128 Rev 1/22 (2) Lots created in cluster subdivisions may be below the minimum lot size requirements of FWRC Title 19, Zoning and Development Code, provided the total number of lots created does not exceed the number which would be permitted in a conventional subdivision on a site of the same total area, after reservation of required open space as allowed in FWRC 18.55.040. The maximum number of lots permitted will be calculated by subtracting the required open space and 20 percent for streets from the gross land available, then dividing by the minimum lot size of the underlying zoning district. (Ord. No. 07-554, § 5(Exh. A(2)), 5-15-07; Ord. No. 01-381, § 3, 1-16-01; Ord. No. 98-330, § 3, 12- 15-98; Ord. No. 98-309, § 3, 1-6-98; Ord. No. 97-291, § 3, 4-1-97; Ord. No. 90-41, § 1(16.230.10, 16.230.20), 2-27-90. Code 2001 § 20-153.) Section 4. FWRC 18.55.040 is hereby amended to read as follows: 18.55.040 Cluster subdivision (1) Purpose. The term "cluster subdivision" applies to both long and short subdivisions. The purpose of cluster subdivisions is to provide design flexibility, sensitivity to the surrounding environment, and innovation consistent with the site and the comprehensive plan; promote compatibility with housing on adjacent properties through lot size and design; promote affordable housing; promote reduction of impervious surface; promote usable open space; and promote the retention of native vegetation. (2) Standards. (a) The gross land area available for cluster subdivisions must be a minimum of two acres. (b) Lots created in a cluster subdivision may be reduced in size below the minimum required in FWRC Title 19, up to one-half of the size of the underlying zoning requirement, but in no case Ordinance No. 23- Page 6 of 128 Rev 1/22 smaller than 5,000 square feet, per lot; provided, that minimum setback requirements are met. This provision cannot be used together with FWRC 19.110.010(4)(a) (affordable housing bonus). (c) When the cluster subdivision abuts a single-family zoned neighborhood, the lots in the proposed development immediately adjacent shall be no less than the neighboring lot size, or the underlying zoning minimum lot size minus 10 percent, whichever is smaller. (d) Refer to FWRC 19.120.110 for additional development standards for sites with slopes of 15 percent or greater. (e) Open space. (i) Open space created through cluster subdivisions shall be protected from further subdivision or development by covenants filed and recorded with the final plat of the subdivision. (ii) Any subdivision created by this section must provide all open space on -site a"`�'�si (iii) The subdivision shall provide at least 150 square feet of usable open space on site per residential unit. At least 50 percent of usable open space per unit shall be active open space. (iv_i-i) All usable open space must be readily identifiable from streets within the development., and easily accessible by the residents, and have points of access centrally located within the development. Usable open spaee should be the eentfal foeus and an (f) Cluster subdivisions can be constructed with zero lot lines under the following conditions: (i) No more than two units shall share a common wall. Ordinance No. 23- Page 7 of 128 Rev 1/22 (ii) Zero lot line cannot occur in zones of RS 9.6 or greater. (iii) Each dwelling unit shall be built to respect privacy of abutting homes. (iv) Zero lot line development cannot exceed 10 percent of the lots proposed unless it is in a multifamily zone. (v) Each unit shall be intended for owner occupancy. (g) Cluster lots are not eligible for accessory dwelling units under FWRC 19.195.180 or 19.200.180. (3) Approval criteria. The innovative or beneficial overall quality of the proposed development shall be demonstrated by the following criteria: (a) The subdivision provides innovative development, otherwise not allowed, but which promotes the goals of the comprehensive plan for architectural compatibility with single-family housing on adjacent properties. gross land area ffmst be ttsable on site open spaee, "ieh is identified with the develepment an (b) The subdivision provides the required open space. (c) Native trees '-rare retained in accordance with FWRC 19.120.130 et seq. (d) Cluster lots immediately adjacent to existing neighborhoods have incorporated design elements through lot size and architecture to be compatible as approved by the community development-erviees director. (e) The cluster subdivision will not result in destruction or damage to natural, scenic, or historic features. Ordinance No. 23- Page 8 of 128 Rev 1/22 (f) Each dwelling unit shall meet the design standards in the FWRC community design guidelines for cluster subdivisions. (Ord. No. 09-610, § 3(Exh. A), 4-7-09; Ord. No. 07-554, § 5(Exh. A(2)), 5-15-07; Ord. No. 01-381, § 3, 1-16-01; Ord. No. 98-330, § 3, 12-15-98; Ord. No. 98-309, § 3, 1-6-98; Ord. No. 97-291, § 3, 4- 1-97; Ord. No. 90-41, § 1(16.240.10 — 16.240.30), 2-27-90. Code 2001 § 20-154.) Section 5. FWRC 18.55.060 is hereby amended to read as follows: 18.55.060 Open space and recreation. (1) For- the pwTese ef this ehapter-, . hall be deseribed in the following eategeries.! tally sensitive feattifes, the eensefvafien ef "ieh would benefit suffetmding , Ordinance No. 23- Page 9 of 128 Rev 1/22 (1 2) All residential subdivisions, except for subdivisions of 5 or fewer lots, cottage housing., and zero lot line townhouse development, shall be required to provide usable open space in the amount of 4-5 pereent150 square feet per dwelling unit. At least 50 percent of usable open space per dwelling unit shall be active open space. Q Open space requirements for zero lot line townhouse development are found in FWRC 19.205.010 and open space requirements for cottage housing are found in FWRC 19.250.070 and 19.250.080. (33,) Except for cluster subdivisions created under FWRC 18.55.040, and small lot detached development created under FWRC 18.25.030, a fee -in -lieu payment may be made to satisfy open space requirements at the discretion of the parks director after consideration of the city's overall park plan, quality, location, and service area of the open space that would otherwise be provided within the project. If the city determines that the location, quality, or extent of the required project open space, particularly on smaller plats, short plats, or other divisions of land, would not fulfill the intent or purpose of useful common open space, a payment of an equivalent fee in lieu of the required project open space shall be paid. The fee in lieu of open space shall be calculated based on the most recent assessed value of the subject property, or in the absence of an assessment, an appraisal conducted by a state -certified real estate appraiser. appraiser If the applicant offers to payer the fee in lieu of open space, and if the city accepts the offer, the amount shall be determined based upon the square footage of open space which otherwise would have been required to be provided, multiplied by the then eiffre t „-,a,-ket vah assessed or Ordinance No. 23- Page 10 of 128 Rev 1/22 appraised value per square foot of the property times the then euffent market value per- square fee For lots within an existing subdivision, where open space was already dedicated or a fee in lieu paid, the percent of open space required will be the difference between the open space dedicated prior and44Tereent the required increased amount, if any, resulting from the new development proposal. Any fees eelleeted shall be utilized within the park eempr-ehensilve pl—all. planning area that the s*eet pr-epei4-f falls within, unless the appheant by veluntai=y agr-eemen Open space created through small lot detached development shall be protected from further subdivision or development by covenants filed and recorded with the final plat of the subdivision. All usable open space must be4eadily clearly identifiable from streets within the development and easily accessible by the residents. Usable open space should be the central focus and an amenity for the project. Ordinance No. 23- Page 11 of 128 Rev 1/22 Open Catego Area (44,) An administrative alteration of the open space-e�� percentage requirements within the A..o eategories may be made by the parks director on a case -by -case basis, but in no case shall the combination of categories t tal less tha ' result in less than the overall amount of required usable open spaceper-eenunless otherwise provided for in FWRC 18.45.010. Review and approval of such cases shall be based on the following considerations: (a) The change in percentage requirements would result in a superior open space plan than could be accomplished under the standard percentage requirements. (b) The availability and types of open space located within the immediate area. (c) The presence on site of environmental features that are unique, rare or of local importance. (d) The opportunities for the preservation of significant views and creation of public access points of interest. (e) The relationship of the proposed open space to the city's park plan. (54) Open space which is part of an adopted parks, recreation, trails or open space plan may be dedicated to the city for such purposes.. and may count toward the minimum open space requirements specified in this title. (65) Open space not part of an adopted parks, recreation, trails or open space plan shall be owned in common undivided interest by all property owners within the land division as members of a homeowners' association or corporation as set out in a declaration of covenants and restrictions, and Ordinance No. 23- Page 12 of 128 Rev 1/22 approved by the city. (16) Subject to approval by the city, ownership in open space may be transferred to a special interest group or organization which shall assume the responsibility of maintaining the open space for its intended purpose. (Ord. No. 10-652, § 5, 4-6-10; Ord. No. 07-554, § 5(Exh. A(2)), 5-15-07; Ord. No. 98-330, § 3, 12- 15-98; Ord. No. 98-309, § 3, 1-6-98; Ord. No. 97-291, § 3, 4-1-97; Ord. No. 90-41, § l(16.250.10- 16.250.60), 2-27-90. Formerly 20-155. Code 2001 § 20-156.) Section 6. FWRC 18.60.030 is hereby amended to read as follows: 18.60.030 Buffers. (1) Land divisions, except for commercial binding site plans, should provide a 10-foot-wide Type III landscape strip along all arterial streets to shield new residences from arterial streets. See FWRC 19.125.050(3). Said landscape strip shall be provided in a separate tract to be owned and maintained by the homeowners' association (2) Perimeter fencing in subdivisions shall be located on the interior side of landscape strips planted along arterial streets. (Ord. No. 07-554, § 5(Exh. A(2)), 5-15-07; Ord. No. 98-330, § 3,12-15-98; Ord. No. 97-291, § 3, 4- 1-97; Ord. No. 90-41, § 1(16.280.10 — 16.280.30), 2-27-90. Code 2001 § 20-178.) Section 7. FWRC 19.05.030 is hereby amended to read as follows: 19.05.030 C definitions. "Canopy" means a permanent, rigid, roof -like structure that projects from a building as a shelter, with no habitable space above it, but that does not project above the adjacent parapet or roof of a Ordinance No. 23- Page 13 of 128 Rev 1/22 supporting building. A freestanding canopy is a rigid, roof -like structure providing shelter that is supported by one or more posts embedded in the ground. Cargo Containers. See "outdoor storage containers" and "portable moving containers." "Cell -on -wheels (C-O-W) " means a mobile temporary personal wireless service facility. "Cemetery" means land used or intended to be used for the burial of the dead and dedicated for cemetery purposes, including columbariums, crematories, mausoleums and mortuaries, and related uses, when operated in conjunction with and within boundaries of such cemetery. "Church, synagogue or other place of religious worship " means an establishment, the principal purpose of which is religious worship and for which the principal building or other structure contains the sanctuary or principal place of worship, and which establishment may include related accessory uses. "Clearing" means the destruction and removal of vegetation by manual, mechanical, or chemical methods. "Clearview zone " means the areas around intersections, including the entrance of driveways onto streets, which must be kept clear of sight obstruction. See FWRC 19.135.300. "College or university " means a post -secondary institution for higher learning that grants associate or bachelor degrees and may also have research facilities and/or professional schools that grant master and doctoral degrees. This may also include community colleges that grant associate or bachelor degrees or certificates of completion in business or technical fields. "Collocation " means the placement and arrangement of multiple providers' antennas and equipment on a single support structure or equipment pad area. Ordinance No. 23- Page 14 of 128 Rev 1/22 "Commercial recreation facility" means an indoor facility and use operated for profit, with private facilities, equipment or services for recreational purposes including swimming pools, tennis courts, playgrounds and other similar uses. The use of such an area may be limited to private membership or may be open to the public upon the payment of a fee. "Commercial use" means the uses allowed in the commercial zones and the nonindustrial uses permitted in the commercial enterprise zone and not permitted in any other zones of the city. "Commercial vehicle " means any truck over 10,000 pounds gross vehicle weight rating (GVWR), as defined in RCW 46.25.010, which is typically used principally for the transportation of commodities, vehicles, merchandise, produce, freight, or animals; as well as any bulldozers, backhoes, cranes, or similar construction equipment. "Commercial zones " means the BN, BC, CC-C and CC-F zoning districts. 1 Mg "Common space " means an area within a development, which is used primarily by the occupants of that development, such as an entryway, lobby, courtyard, outside dining area, etc. "Community gardens " means privately or publicly owned land used for the cultivation of fruits, vegetables, plants, flowers, or herbs by multiple users. Community gardens may be divided into separate plots for cultivation by one or more individuals, or may be farmed collectively by members Ordinance No. 23- Page 15 of 128 Rev 1/22 of a group and may include common areas maintained or used by group members. Food grown is typically for community garden members or as a donation. See also the definitions for "agricultural use," "urban agriculture," and "farm stand." "Community recreation area or clubhouse" means an area devoted to facilities and equipment for recreational purposes, such as swimming pools, tennis courts, playgrounds, community clubhouses and other similar uses, which area is maintained and operated by a nonprofit club or organization whose membership is limited to the residents within a specified development or geographic area. "Community service event" or "civic event" means an event or gathering (such as a food fest, concert, fun run, cultural exhibition, or charitable fund-raising event) sponsored by a private or public nonprofit organization. Sponsoring organizations can include, but are not limited to, schools, churches, and/or civic fraternal organizations, theater and arts groups, and charitable organizations. The event may not be primarily for the purpose of selling or promoting merchandise or services. "Comprehensive plan " means the ordinances of the city, as adopted and amended from time to time, under RCW 35A.63.060 through 35A.65.080 and the shoreline master program. "Contour line" means the interconnection of points having the same height above sea level. "Convalescent center" means an inpatient facility, excluding facilities defined as hospitals, for patients who are recovering from an illness or who are receiving care for chronic conditions; mental, physical, emotional or developmental disabilities; terminal illness; or alcohol or drug treatment and may include assisted living facilities. "Copy" for signs means the graphic content of a sign surface in either permanent or removable letter, pictographic, symbolic, or alphabetic form. Ordinance No. 23- Page 16 of 128 Rev 1/22 "Cottage food operation " means a business licensed by the state of Washington to make low -risk food products in a home kitchen and sell directly to consumers. "Cottage housing development (CHD) " means residential development consisting of clusters of between four and 16 detached dwelling units, that includes cottages and may include compact single- family units and meets the following criteria: (1) Dwelling units are limited to a maximum square footage; and (2) Dwelling units are grouped around a common open space; and (3) Developments meet a set of design criteria not applicable to typical single-family developments as stipulated in Chapter 19.250 FWRC. "Critical aquifer recharge areas " means areas in which water reaches the zone of saturation by surface infiltration and includes areas hydrogeologically susceptible to contamination and contamination loading potential including, but not limited to, sole water source aquifer recharge areas, special protection groundwater management areas, wellhead protection areas, and other areas with a critical recharging effect on aquifers used for potable water. "Critical root zone " means an area equal to 12 inches radius for every one inch of tree diameter measured at four and one-half feet above ground. "Cross-section (drawing) " means a visual representation of a vertical cut through a structure or any other three-dimensional form. "Curb cut " means the connection of a driveway with a street, which may entail a structural alteration to the curb by lowering the height of part of the curb. "Cut" means a portion of land surface or area from which earth has been removed or will be removed by excavation. Also known as excavation. Ordinance No. 23- Page 17 of 128 Rev 1/22 (Ord. No. 13-754, § 4, 12-3-13; Ord. No. 12-724, § 3, 6-5-12; Ord. No. 09-610, § 3(Exh. A), 4-7-09; Ord. No. 09-605, § 3(Exh. A), 3-3-09; Ord. No. 09-593, § 24, 1-6-09; Ord. No. 08-585, § 3(Exh. A), 11-4-08. Code 2001 § 22-1.3.) Section 8. FWRC 19.05.150 is hereby amended to read as follows: 19.05.150 O definitions. "Occupant" means a person that legally occupies a structure or property. "Office use" means a place of employment providing services other than production, distribution, sale or repair of goods or commodities, and includes but is not limited to: medical, dental or other health care; veterinary, accounting, legal, architectural, engineering, consulting or other similar professional services; management, administrative, secretarial, marketing, advertising, personnel or other similar personnel services; sales offices where no inventories or goods are available on the premises; real estate, insurance, travel agent, loan companies, brokerage or other similar services. The following uses are specifically excluded from the definition of "office": banks, savings and loan companies and similar financial institutions. "Office zones" mean the PO, OP and CP-I zoning districts. "On -site hazardous waste treatment and storage facilities " means facilities which treat and store hazardous wastes generated on the same property or geographically contiguous properties, which may be divided by public or private right-of-way if the entrance and exit between the properties is at a crossroads intersection and access is by crossing as opposed to going along the right-of-way. "Open house " means an event held at a specific location, that is open to the public, and where the event holder remains in attendance during the event. "Open record hearing" means a hearing that creates the city's record of decision for an application Ordinance No. 23- Page 18 of 128 Rev 1/22 or appeal through testimony and submission of evidence and information, under procedures prescribed by the city's hearing examiner or the city council. An open record hearing may be held prior to the city's decision on an application, or as part of an appeal. "Open space" means an area of land that is valued for natural processes and wildlife, feT agricultural productionjef active and/or passive recreation, and/or providing other public benefits. In eeftai eases e-Open space may refer to both outdoor and indoor spaces that provide active and/or passive recreational amenities for a development's occupants or users. "Open space, active," means usable open space that allows for and encourages recreation with the primary activity or focus requiring physical effort. Active open space includes, but is not limited to, the following- (1) Paved or unpaved trails. (2) Boardwalks. (3) Sports courts. (4) Swimming pools. (5) Splash parks. (6) Skate parks. (7) Sports fields (marked), not to exceed slopes of 2 percent. (8) Playground equipment. (9) Community gardens. (10) Dog parks. (11) Open fields (unmarked), not to exceed slopes of 2 percent, that are open and unobstructed by trees, large rocks, walls, steep slopes, standingwater, ater, pavement, or other potential obstructions that Ordinance No. 23- Page 19 of 128 Rev 1/22 restrict the ability to move easily and spontaneously for the purpose of active recreation. Open fields (unmarked) may only be used to satisfy active open space requirements under the code if at least two other types of active open space are provided. Only the footprint of active open space amenities constitutes active open space, such as the area of a paved or unpaved trail, the area of swimming pools and their pool decks, and the immediate area containing playground equipment. "Open space, common, " means open space which is normally utilized by the occupants of a building or property. "Open space, passive," means usable open space that allows for and encourages recreation with the primary activity or focus not requiring physical effort. Passive open space includes, but is not limited to, the following: (1) Benches. (2) Picnic tables. (3) Wildlife viewing areas. (4) Rooftop terraces that are usable and accessible to all residents in a development. (5) Bus waiting areas outside right-of-way. (6) Courtyards or plazas. (7) Shelters. "Open space, private, " means open space, the use of which is normally limited to the occupants of a single dwelling. Ordinance No. 23- Page 20 of 128 Rev 1/22 "Open space, public," means open space owned and maintained by a public agency and maintai for the use and enjoyment of the general public. "Open space, usable," means open space that is appropriate for a variety of active and/or passive recreational activities and is not: (1) Covered by parking or drivingareas. reas. (2) Covered by any vegetation that impedes access. (3) On a slope that is too steep for recreational activities. "Ordinary high water mark" means, on lakes, streams and tidal waters, that mark found by examining the bed, banks, or shore and ascertaining where the presence and action of waters are so common and usual, and so long continued in ordinary years, as to mark upon the soil or land a character distinct from that of the abutting uplands with respect to vegetation. Where the ordinary high water mark cannot be found by mark, the ordinary high water mark shall be the line of mean high tide for salt water and the line of mean high water for fresh water. In any stream where neither mark nor mean high water can be found, the channel bank shall be substituted. In braided channels and alluvial fans, the ordinary high water mark or substitute shall be located so as to include the entire stream feature. "Outdoor" means not contained within a building. "Outdoor storage " means any material or item (including vehicles) being stored for or awaiting sale, lease, processing or repair and not enclosed within a building. "Outdoor storage containers " means new or used prefabricated metal or steel enclosures used for the accessory storage of supplies, equipment, inventory, goods, commodities, or construction -related materials; or temporary offices for active construction sites; designed without an axle or wheels; and Ordinance No. 23- Page 21 of 128 Rev 1/22 capable of being mounted on a chassis or bogie for movement by truck, trailer, railcar, or ship. This definition includes, but is not limited to, cargo, shipping, and freight containers; and excludes typical residential accessory buildings or structures such as garages and storage sheds; garbage and recycling containers; containers mounted on a truck or in some stage of transport; structures used or designed to be used as living facilities; and portable moving containers as defined in this chapter. See FWRC 19.125.180 and 19.125.190. "Owner " means, in reference to real property, the person or persons holding fee title to the property as well as the purchaser or purchasers under any real estate contract involving the real property. (Ord. No. 20-898, § 9, 10-20-20; Ord. No. 12-727, § 7, 9-18-12; Ord. No. 09-610, § 3(Exh. A), 4-7- 09; Ord. No. 09-593, § 24, 1-6-09; Ord. No. 08-585, § 3(Exh. A), 11-4-08; Ord. No. 08-583 § 3(Exh. A), 10-21-08. Code 2001 § 22-1.15.) Section 9. FWRC 19.100.070 is hereby amended to read as follows: 19.100.070 Timing of fee payments. Various sections of this Code require payment of fees to mitigate direct impacts of the development approval. Notwithstanding those fees eligible for deferment pursuant to subsections (1)(b), (1)(c), and (3)(c) of this section, the following describes when such fees shall be calculated and paid: (1) Open space fee -in -lieu. (a) As provided in FWRC 18.55.060 and 19.115.115, a fee in lieu of open space maybe made to satisfy open space requirements at the discretion of the parks director and shall be calculated and paid at the time of plat recording for residential land divisions, or prior to building permit issuance for multifamily developments in the community business, city center core and city center frame zoning districts, unless deferred as noted below. The fee shall be calculated based Ordinance No. 23- Page 22 of 128 Rev 1/22 upon the square footage of open space which otherwise would have been required to be provided multiplied by the subject property's assessed or appraised value. (b) For those residential land divisions vested prior to July 2, 2015, open space fees -in -lieu may be deferred, but shall be paid no later than the closing of sale of each individual house or five years from deferment of the fee, whichever is earlier. Covenants prepared by the city shall be recorded at the applicant's expense on each lot at the time of plat recording to enforce payment of deferred fees. The fee shall be calculated at the time of plat recording and divided equally among all newly created lots. The fee shall be calculated based upon the square footage of open space which otherwise would have been required to be provided multiplied by the subject property's assessed or appraised value. As consideration for the ability to defer open space fee - in -lieu payments beyond plat recording, the applicant agrees to waive the right to interest and/or a refund if payment is not expended within five years of collection. (c) For multifamily developments in the community business, city center core and city center frame zones, open space fees -in -lieu may be deferred, but shall be paid no later than the completion of construction and prior to receipt of certificate of occupancy/approval to occupy for each floor or each building if phased, or five years from the recording of the deferment covenants, whichever is earlier. Covenants prepared by the city shall be recorded at the applicant's expense, prior to building permit issuance, to enforce payment of deferred fees. The fee shall be calculated at the time of recording of the covenants and shall be divided equally among all residential units within the project. The fee shall be calculated based upon the square footage of open space that otherwise would have been required to be provided multiplied by the subject property's assessed or appraised value. As consideration for the ability to defer open Ordinance No. 23- Page 23 of 128 Rev 1/22 space fee -in -lieu payments beyond building permit issuance, the applicant agrees to waive the right to interest and/or a refund if payment is not expended within five years of collection. (2) Regional stormwater facility fee -in -lieu. Developments may be able to utilize stormwater detention in one of the city's regional stormwater facilities based on an area fee -in -lieu established by the city. Fees are used for construction cost recovery and shall be paid at the time of plat recording for residential land divisions and prior to building permit issuance for commercial and multifamily developments. (3) Transportation impact fee. Unless the use of an independent fee calculation has been approved, or unless a development agreement entered into pursuant to RCW 36.70B.170 provided otherwise, the fee shall be calculated and paid per the following: (a) For commercial developments, fees shall be calculated based on the impact fee schedule in effect at the time a completed building permit application is filed and paid prior to permit issuance. For a change in use for which no building permit is required, the fee shall be calculated and paid based on the impact fee schedule in effect on the date of an approved change of use. (b) The city shall collect transportation impact fees, based on the fee schedule adopted by city council, from any applicant seeking development approval from the city where such development activity requires the issuance of a residential building permit or a manufactured home permit. (c) For all applications for single-family, multifamily residential building permits, and manufactured home permits, the total amount of the impact fees shall be assessed and collected from the applicant when the building permit is issued, using the fee schedule then in effect. Ordinance No. 23- Page 24 of 128 Rev 1/22 Irrespective of the date that the application for a building permit or manufactured home permit was submitted, no permit shall be issued until the required transportation impact fees set forth in the fee schedule have been paid, except as authorized under FWRC 19.100.075. (d) Where a building permit is not required for the development activity, the transportation impact fees shall be paid prior to issuance of the permit that authorizes the activity. (Ord. No. 16-822, § 9, 8-9-16; Ord. No. 12-727, § 6, 9-18-12; Ord. No. 10-658, § 6, 5-18-10.) Section 10. FWRC 19.125.060 is hereby amended to read as follows: 49.125.060 Landscaping requirements by zoning district (1) Suburban Estates, SE. (a) Type III landscaping 10 feet in width shall be provided along all property lines of nonresidential uses in the SE zoning district, except as provided in FWRC 19.125.070. (2) Single -Family Residential, RS. (a) Type III landscaping 10 feet in width shall be provided along all property lines of nonresidential uses in the RS zoning districts, except as provided in FWRC 19.125.070. (3) Multifamily Residential, RM. (a) Type III landscaping 20 feet in width shall be provided along all public rights -of -way and ingress/egress easements, except for zero lot line townhouse and small lot detached development, which shall be required to provide Type III landscaping 10 feet in width along all arterial rights -of -way. Said landscaping shall be in a separate tract aNd shall be er-e ite to (b) Type II landscaping 20 feet in width shall be provided along the common boundary abutting single-family zoning districts, except for zero lot line townhouse and small lot detached Ordinance No. 23- Page 25 of 128 Rev 1/22 development. (c) Type III landscaping 10 feet in width shall be provided along all perimeter lot lines, except as noted in subsections (3)(a) and (b) of this section and except for zero lot line townhouse and small lot detached development. (4) Professional Office, PO. (a) Type III landscaping eight feet in width shall be provided along all property lines abutting public rights -of -way and access easements. (b) Type I landscaping 10 feet in width shall be provided along all perimeter property lines abutting a residential zoning district except for schools which shall provide 10 feet of Type II. (c) Type III landscaping five feet in width shall be provided along all perimeter lot lines, except as noted in subsections (4)(a) and (b) of this section. (5) Neighborhood Business, BN. (a) Type III landscaping five feet in width shall be provided along all properties abutting public rights -of -way and ingress/egress easements. (b) Type I landscaping 15 feet in width shall be provided along the perimeter of property abutting a residential zoning district. (c) Type III landscaping five feet in width along all perimeter lot lines except as noted in subsections (5)(a) and (b) of this section. (6) Community Business, BC. (a) Type III landscaping five feet in width shall be provided along all properties abutting public rights -of -way and ingress/egress easements. (b) Type I landscaping 15 feet in width shall be provided along the perimeter of property Ordinance No. 23- Page 26 of 128 Rev 1/22 abutting a residential zoning district. (c) Type III landscaping five feet in width shall be provided along all perimeter lot lines except as noted in subsections (6)(a) and (b) of this section. (7) City Center, CC. (a) Type III landscaping five feet in width shall be provided along the perimeter of parking areas abutting public rights -of -way. (b) Type I landscaping 15 feet in width shall be provided along the perimeter of property abutting a residential zoning district. (c) Type III landscaping five feet in width shall be provided along all perimeter lot lines except as noted in subsections (7)(a) and (b) of this section, except that landscaping is not required along perimeter lot lines abutting rights -of -way, where no required yards apply pursuant to Chapter 19.225 FWRC. (8) Office Park, OP. (a) Type III landscaping 10 feet in width shall be provided along all property lines abutting public rights -of -way and access easements. (b) Type I landscaping 15 feet in width shall be provided along the perimeter of property abutting a residential zoning district. (c) Type III landscaping five feet in width shall be provided along all perimeter lot lines, except as noted in subsections (8)(a) and (b) of this section. (9) Commercial Enterprise, CE. (a) Type III landscaping five feet in width shall be provided along all property lines abutting public rights -of -way and access easements, except industrial uses shall provide Type 11 Ordinance No. 23- Page 27 of 128 Rev 1/22 landscaping 10 feet in width along such property lines. (b) Type I landscaping 15 feet in width shall be provided along the perimeter of the property abutting a residential zoning district, except industrial uses shall provide Type I landscaping 25 feet in width along such property lines. (c) Type III landscaping five feet in width shall be provided along the perimeter of the property abutting a nonresidential zoning district, except industrial uses shall provide Type H landscaping 10 feet in width along such property lines. (Ord. No. 22-932, § 21, 5-3-22; Ord. No. 07-559, § 3(Exh. A), 7-3-07; Ord. No. 07-554, § 5(Exh. A(13)), 5-15-07; Ord. No. 06-515, § 3, 2-7-06; Ord. No. 96-270, § 3(E), 7-2-96; Ord. No. 93-170, § 4, 4-20-93. Code 2001 § 22-1566.) Section 11. FWRC 19.200.020 is hereby amended to read as follows: 19.200.020 Zero lot line townhouse and townhouse (attached) dwelling units. The following uses shall be permitted in the single-family residential (RS) zone subject to the regulations and notes set forth in this section: USE ZONE CHART DIRECTIONS: FIRST, read down to find use ... THEN, across for REGULATIONS Minimums Maximums E Required Yards USE Required Required Review Parking REGULATIONS b Process Lot Size Front Side (each) Rear Lot Coverage Height of Structure Spaces SPECIAL REGULATIONS AND NOTES Attached dwelling units Process lII 10,000 sq. 20 ft. for 5 ft. for 5 ft. for 60% 30 ft. 2 per 1. These uses may be for attached ft. with at attached attached attached above dwelling permitted only if they meet dwelling least dwelling dwelling dwelling average unit, see the following criteria: Zero lot line townhouse units 5,000 sq. units units units building note 13 a. The site is designed to attached dwelling units ft. per unit elevation be compatible with any Subdivision for 20 ft. or 10 0 ft., 5 ft., 5 ft. or 20 nearby low density uses. These uses are allowed review for attached ft. for zero 10 ft. for ft. for zero See note 5 b. The site is designed to only in RS 5.0 zones zero lot line dwelling lot line zero lot I lot line for zero preserve larger aggregations Ordinance No. 23- Page 28 of 128 Rev 1/22 USE ZONE CHART DIRECTIONS: FIRST, read down to find use ... THEN, across for REGULATIONS Minimums Maximums Required Yards USE Required Required Review Parking REGULATIONS nFront �Y b Process Lot Size Side (each) Rear Lot Coverage Height of Structure Spaces SPECIAL REGULATIONS AND NOTES townhouse units townhouse line townhouse lot line of open space than would dwelling development townhouse dwelling townhouse development of the subject units See note 2 dwelling units dwelling property with detached for zero See note 4 units units dwelling units. lot line See note 4 c. The scale of townhouse See note 4 development on the subject dwelling property is compatible with units any nearby low density uses. 2. Minimum site area for zero lot line townhouse development shall be 10,000 sq. ft. 3. Each building shall consist of a minimum of two units and a maximum of eight units in each grouping. 4. For zero lot line townhouse development, the following shall apply: a. Each dwelling unit must be located on its own lot of record. b. Minimum front yard setback is 20 ft. when parking/garage is located in the front of the townhouse. Otherwise, minimum front yard setback is 10 ft. There are no required side yards between attached units. c. For a group of two to six attached units, the required side yard is five ft. d. For more than six attached units, the required side yard is 10 ft. e. Minimum rear yard setback is five ft., except that minimum rear yard setback is 20 ft. from the property line for garages that are accessed via an alley or drive aisle. 5. Two off-street parking spaces including one garage shall be provided for each zero lot line townhouse unit. 6. The subject property must contain at least Ordinance No. 23- Page 29 of 128 Rev 1/22 USE ZONE CHART DIRECTIONS: FIRST, read down to find use ... THEN, across for REGULATIONS Minimums Maximums Required Yards USE Required Required Review Parking REGULATIONS b Process Lot Size Front Side (each) Rear Lot Coverage Height of Structure Spaces SPECIAL REGULATIONS AND NOTES 150400 sq. ft. of usable open space per dwelling unit. Developments of 5 or fewer units are exempt from this usable open space requirement. At least 50% of the usable open space must be active open space. Usable open space This ineludes must include a minimum of 752-00 sq. ft. of private open space for each unit and the remainder as usable common open space. Private open space may include yards, patios, and balconies. Type i....a.,,...ping 10 f : .:a.w shall be previded alang a! aAefial fights of way. Sai i....a.,,...ping shall be in .. . At least 10%o pereent of the publie common usable open space must be developed and maintained with children's play equipment, except for housing for the exclusive use of persons over 55 years of age, in which case !he -apex spae 4t shall be developed with age - appropriate equipment. If the subject property contains four or more units, this required pablie-usable open space must be in one or more pieces, each having both a length and width of at least 25 ft. In addition, if the subject property contains 20 or more units, at least 50 pereent% of this required open space must be in one or more pieces each having a length and width of at least 40 ft. 7. Chapter 19.265 FWRC contains regulations Ordinance No. 23- Page 30 of 128 Rev 1/22 USE ZONE CHART DIRECTIONS: FIRST, read down to find use ... THEN, across for REGULATIONS Minimums Maximums Required Yards USE Required Required Review Parking REGULATIONS nFront �Y b Process Lot Size Side (each) Rear Lot Coverage Height of Structure Spaces SPECIAL REGULATIONS AND NOTES regarding home occupations and other accessories, facilities and activities associated with this use. 8. Refer to Chapter 19.265 FWRC to determine what other provisions of this title may apply to the subject property. 9. Refer to Chapter 19.125 FWRC, Outdoors, Yards, and Landscaping, for appropriate requirements. 10. For sign requirements that apply to the project, see Chapter 19.140 FWRC. 11. For community design guidelines that apply to the project, see Chapter 19.115 FWRC. 12. For provisions that relate to the keeping of animals, see Chapter 19.260 FWRC. 13. Minimum residential parking requirements subject to FWRC 19.130.020. For other information about L Process I,11, III and IV are described in parking and parking areas, Chapter 19.55 FWRC, see Chapter 19.130 FWRC. Chapter 19.60 FWRC, Chapter 19.65 FWRC, Chapter 19.70 FWRC respectively. For details of what may exceed this height limit, see FWRC 19.110.050 et seq. For details regarding required yards, see FWRC 19.125.160 et seq. (Ord. No. 23-949, § 17, 2-7-23; Ord. No. 07-554, § 5(Exh. A(6)), 5-15-07; Ord. No. 02-424, § 3, 9- Ordinance No. 23- Page 31 of 128 Rev 1/22 17-02; Ord. No. 99-333, § 3, 1-19-99; Ord. No. 97-291, § 3, 4-1-97; Ord. No. 93-170, § 7(Exh. B), 4-20-93; Ord. No. 90-43, § 2(20.15), 2-27-90. Code 2001 § 22-632.) Section 12. FWRC 19.200.040 is hereby amended to read as follows: 19.200.040 Manufactured home parks. The following uses shall be permitted in the single-family residential (RS) zone subject to the regulations and notes set forth in this section: USE ZONE CHART DIRECTIONS: FIRST, read down to find use ... THEN, across for REGULATIONS Minimums Maximums ZQNE Required Yards Required Required USE REGULATIONS Review Parking Process Lot Size Side Lot Coverage eight of ure Structure Spaces Front (each) ear SPECIAL b REGULATIONS AND NOTES Manufactured home Process IV 3 acres with 20 ft. 20 ft. 20 ft. 60% 30 ft. 2 per 1. This use may be parks. at least 5,000 above manufactured permitted only if it meets This use is allowable sq. ft. per average home the following criteria: only in RS 5.0 zones manufactured building a. The proposed home elevation development will be compatible with surrounding uses. b. The proposed site plan demonstrates sensitive and thoughtful layout of the manufactured home park considering the size and configuration of the subject property, the topography and natural features of the subject property and the nature of the surrounding area. c. The proposed site plan avoids repetitive siring of the manufactured homes and encourages privacy for the residents of the manufactured homes. d. The streets providing access to the subject property are adequate to support the movement of manufactured homes to and from the subject property. 2. There be at least a 15 ft. separation between Ordinance No. 23- Page 32 of 128 Rev 1/22 USE ZONE CHART DIRECTIONS: FIRST, read down to find use ... THEN, across for REGULATIONS Minimums Maximums ZQNE Required Yards Required Required USE REGULATIONS b Review Process Lot Size Front Side (each) ear Lot Coverage eight of ure Structure Parking Spaces SPECIAL REGULATIONS AND NOTES manufactured homes on the subject property. 3. The subject property must contain at least 400 150 sq. ft. of usable open space per manufactured home e€. eemmen sable for many aeti At least 50% of the common usable open space must be active open space. If the subject property contains four or more manufactured homes, this required open space must be in one or more pieces each having a length and width of at least 25 ft. In addition, if the subject property contains 20 or more manufactured homes, at least 50% of this required open space must be in one or more pieces each having a length and width of at least 40 ft. At least 10% pereent of the common usable open space must be developed and maintained with children's play equipment, except for housing for the exclusive use of persons over 55 years of age, in which case it shall be developed with age -appropriate equipment. 4. No facade of any structure may exceed 120 ft. in length. In addition, any facade of a structure that exceeds 50 ft. in length must be modulated as follows: a. The minimum depth of the modulation is three ft. b. The minimum width of the modulation is four ft. c. The maximum width Ordinance No. 23- Page 33 of 128 Rev 1/22 USE ZONE CHART DIRECTIONS: FIRST, read down to find use ... THEN, across for REGULATIONS Minimums Maximums ZQNE Required Yards Required Required USE REGULATIONS Review Parking Process Lot Size Side Lot Coverage eight of ure Structure Spaces Front (each) ear SPECIAL b REGULATIONS AND NOTES of the modulation is 35 ft. 5. Each manufactured home must be placed on a permanent foundation or otherwise securely anchored and stabilized. Unless on a foundation, the base of each manufactured home must be surrounded by a skirt. In addition, the exterior appearances of the manufactured homes must be compatible with the character of existing dwelling units in the area. 6. If any portion of a structure on the subject property is within 100 ft. of a low density use, then either: a. The height of that structure shall not exceed 15 ft. above average building elevation; or b. The facade of that portion of the structure parallel to the low density use shall not exceed 50 ft. in length. 7. Chapter 19.265 FWRC contains regulations regarding home occupations and other accessories, facilities and activities associated with this use. 8. Refer to Chapter 19.265 FWRC to determine what other provisions of this title may apply to the subject property. 9. Refer to Chapter 19.125 FWRC, Outdoors, Yards, and Landscaping, for appropriate requirements. 10. For sign requirements that apply to the project, see Chapter 19.140 FWRC. Ordinance No. 23- Page 34 of 128 Rev 1/22 USE ZONE CHART DIRECTIONS: FIRST, read down to find use ... THEN, across for REGULATIONS Minimums Maximums ZQNE Required Yards Required Required USE REGULATIONS Review Lot eight of Parking Process Lot Size Side Coverage ure Structure Spaces Front (each) ear SPECIAL b REGULATIONS AND NOTES 11. For community design guidelines that apply to the project, see Chapter 19.115 FWRC. 12. For provisions that relate to the keeping of animals, see Chapter 19.260 FWRC. L For other information Process I, 11, III and IV are described in about parking and parking Chapter 19.55 FWRC, areas, see Chapter 19.130 Chapter 19.60 FWRC, FWRC. Chapter 19.65 FWRC, Chapter 19.70 FWRC respectively. For details of what may exceed this height limit, see FWRC 19.110.050 et seq. For details regarding required yards, see FWRC 19.125.160 et seq. (Ord. No. 02-424, § 3, 9-17-02; Ord. No. 99-333, § 3, 1-19-99; Ord. No. 97-291, § 3, 4-1-97; Ord. No. 93-170, § 7(Exh. B), 4-20-93; Ord. No. 90-43, § 2(20.20), 2-27-90. Code 2001 § 22-634.) Section 13. FWRC 19.200.045 is hereby amended to read as follows: 19.200.045 Permanent supportive housing and transitional housing. The following uses shall be permitted in the single-family residential (RS) zone subject to the regulations and notes set forth in this section: USE ZONE CHART DIRECTIONS: FIRST, read down to find use ... THEN, across for REGULATIONS Minimums Required Review Required Yards Process Lot Size USE REGULATIONS Ordinance No. 23- Maximums Lot reight of Coverage IStructure Page 35 of 128 Rev 1/22 b (each) SPECIAL REGULATIONS AND NOTES Permanent supportive Process III See note 1 20 ft. 10 ft. 20 ft. See note 30 ft. See notes 11, 1. Minimum lot size is as housing and transitional 9 above 12 and 15 follows: housing average a. In RS 35.0 zones, the building minimum lot size is 35,000 elevation sq. ft. b. In RS 15.0 zones, the minimum lot size is 15,000 sq. ft. c. In RS 9.6 zones, the minimum lot size is 9,600 sq. ft. d. In RS 7.2 zones, the minimum lot size is 7,200 sq. ft. e. In RS 5.0 zones, the minimum lot size is 5,000 sq. ft. 2. Any proposed permanent supportive housing or transitional housing facility with more than two units, or which brings the total number of permanent supportive housing or transitional housing units on the property to more than three units, must be distanced at least one and one-third miles (7,040 ft.) from any property with more than three units of permanent supportive housing and/or transitional housing, as measured from the nearest points of each such property. 3. There shall be no more than six residences located within a single structure per lot. 4. The property is situated proximate to, and has convenient access to, public transportation, shopping, health care providers, and other services and facilities frequently utilized by the residents of the property. 5. The housing will operate under a written community engagement plan, approved by the governing agency, board, or official, which Ordinance No. 23- Page 36 of 128 Rev 1/22 USE ZONE CHART DIRECTIONS: FIRST, read down to find use ... THEN, across for REGULATIONS Minimums Maximums ZQNE Required Yards Required Required USE REGULATIONS b Review Process Lot Size Front Side (each) ear Lot Coverage eight of ure Structure Parking Spaces SPECIAL REGULATIONS AND NOTES must address, at a minimum: (a) how the facility will engage with the community; (b) how the facility will respond to community complaints or concerns; and (c) who is the point of contact for the community. The plan shall be provided to the city prior to occupancy and shall be updated and provided to the city as substantive changes are made to the plan. 6. Refer to Chapter 19.125 FWRC, Outdoors, Yards, and Landscaping, for appropriate requirements. 7. For sign requirements that apply to the project, see Chapter 19.140 FWRC. 8. For community design guidelines that apply to the project, see Chapter 19.115 FWRC. 9. Maximum lot coverage is as follows: a. In RS 35.0 = 50%. b. In RS 15.0 = 50%. c. In RS 9.6 = 60%. d. In RS 7.2 = 60%. e. In RS 5.0 = 60%. f. See FWRC 19.110.020(2) for calculation of lot coverage for flag lots. 10. The subject property must contain at least 400 150 sq. ft. of usable open space per dwelling unit. Developments of 5 or fewer units are exempt from this usable open space requirement. At least 50% of the usable open space must be active open space. Usable open space This must include Ordinance No. 23- Page 37 of 128 Rev 1/22 USE ZONE CHART DIRECTIONS: FIRST, read down to find use ... THEN, across for REGULATIONS Minimums Maximums ZQNE Required Yards Required Required USE REGULATIONS Review Lot eight of Parking Process Lot Size Side Coverage Structure ure Spaces Front (each) ear SPECIAL b REGULATIONS AND NOTES includes a minimum of 200 75 sq. ft. of private open space for each unit and the remainder as usable common open space. Private open space may include yards, patios, and balconies. Type III lendseaping 10 ft . .,:.]tl. shall be provided along a! landseaping shall he in a separate traet and shall he At least 10% of the publie common usable open space must be developed and maintained with children's play equipment, except for housing for the exclusive use of persons over 55 years of age, in which case *wit shall be developed with age - appropriate equipment. If the subject property contains four or more units, this required publie usable open space must be in one or more pieces, each having both a length and width of at least 25 ft. In addition, if the subject property contains 20 or more units, at least 50% of this required open space must be in one or more pieces each having a length and width of at least 40 ft. 11. Parking spaces shall be provided as follows: Efficiency units — 1.0 per unit + one per two employees Studio units — 1.25 per unit + one per two employees One bedroom units — 1.5 per unit + one per two employees Ordinance No. 23- Page 38 of 128 Rev 1/22 USE ZONE CHART DIRECTIONS: FIRST, read down to find use ... THEN, across for REGULATIONS Minimums Maximums ZQNE Required Yards Required Required USE REGULATIONS Review Lot eight of Parking Process Lot Size Side Coverage Structure ure Spaces Front (each) ear SPECIAL b REGULATIONS AND NOTES Units with two bedrooms or more — 2.0 per unit + one per two employees 12. Alternatively, an applicant may choose to submit a parking study in accordance with FWRC 19.130.080(2). 13. The housing will operate under a written operational plan that will include, at a minimum, the following: a. Residents must be referred by providers of housing and services for people experiencing homelessness. Direct intake of residents at the site, without prior referral, is not allowed. b. A description of transit, pedestrian and bicycle access from the subject site to services and schools must be provided to residents. c. An operations plan must be provided that addresses the following elements: i. Roles and responsibilities of key staff, ii. Site/facility management, including a security and emergency plan; iii. Site/facility maintenance; iv. Occupancy policies, consistent with Chapter 59.18 RCW, including resident responsibilities and a code of conduct that includes, at a minimum, a prohibition on threatening and unsafe behavior; and the on -site use and sale of illegal Ordinance No. 23- Page 39 of 128 Rev 1/22 USE ZONE CHART DIRECTIONS: FIRST, read down to find use ... THEN, across for REGULATIONS Minimums Maximums ZQNE Required Yards Required Required USE REGULATIONS Review Lot eight of Parking Process Lot Size Side Coverage Structure ure Spaces Front (each) ear SPECIAL b REGULATIONS AND NOTES drugs; v. Access to human and social services, including a staffing plan and expected outcome measures; vi. Procedures for maintaining accurate and complete records. d. Providers and/or managing agencies shall have either a demonstrated experience providing similar services to people experiencing homelessness, and/or certifications or academic credentials in an applicable human service field, and/or applicable experience in a related program with people experiencing homelessness. e. For health and safety reasons, the sponsor and/or managing agency shall take all reasonable and legal steps to obtain verifiable identification information, including full name and date of birth, from current and prospective residents, and shall keep a log containing this information. f. Should the provider become aware of a current or prospective resident who has an active felony warrant, it shall follow a protocol to work with the participant to resolve any outstanding warrants with applicable legal authorities. 14. All facilities are required to be licensed pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 12.35 FWRC. 15. Minimum residential parking requirements subject to FWRC 19.130.020. Ordinance No. 23- Page 40 of 128 Rev 1/22 USE ZONE CHART DIRECTIONS: FIRST, read down to find use ... THEN, across for REGULATIONS Minimums Maximums ZQNE Required Yards Required Required USE REGULATIONS Review Lot eight of Parking Process Lot Size Side Coverage Structure ure Spaces Front (each) ear SPECIAL b REGULATIONS AND NOTES L For other information Process I, 11, III and IV are described in about parking and parking Chapter 19.55 FWRC, areas, see Chapter 19.130 Chapter 19.60 FWRC, FWRC. Chapter 19.65 FWRC, For details of what may Chapter 19.70 FWRC respectively. exceed this height limit, see FWRC 19.110.050 et seq. For details regarding required yards, see FWRC 19.125.160 et seq. (Ord. No. 23-949, § 18, 2-7-23; Ord. No. 22-929, § 4, 1-18-22; Ord. No. 21-921, § 19, 10-19-21.) Section 14. FWRC 19.200.100 is hereby amended to read as follows: 19.200.100 Senior citizen or special needs housing The following uses shall be permitted in the single-family residential (RS) zone subject to the regulations and notes set forth in this section: USE ZONE CHART DIRECTIONS: FIRST, read down to find use ... THEN, across for REGULATIONS Minimums Maximums ZQl+IE Required Yards Required Required USE REGULATIONS Review Parking Process Lot Size Side Lot Coverage eight of Structure Spaces Front (each) ear SPECIAL n tY b REGULATIONS AND NOTES Senior citizen or special Process IV As 20 ft. 5 ft. 5 ft. See note 30 ft. Senior 1. Minimum lot size for needs housing (stacked established 9 above housing: 1 this use is as follows: dwelling units) on the zoning See notes 2, 5 and 10 average for each a. In RS 35.0 zones, the map. building dwelling unit minimum lot size is 35,000 elevation. sq. ft. b. In RS 15.0 zones, the minimum lot size is 15,000 See notes 1 sq. ft Special needs Ordinance No. 23- Page 41 of 128 Rev 1/22 USE ZONE CHART DIRECTIONS: FIRST, read down to find use ... THEN, across for REGULATIONS Minimums Maximums Zgl+lE Required Yards Required Required USE REGULATIONS Review Lot eight of Parking Process Lot Size Side Coverage Structure Spaces Front (each) ear SPECIAL b REGULATIONS AND and 5 See note housing: 0.5 NOTES c. In RS 9.6 zones, the 5 for each unit. minimum lot size is 9,600 sq. ft. See notes 17 d. In RS 7.2 zones, the and 18 minimum lot size is 7,200 sq. ft. e. In RS 5.0 zones, the minimum lot size is 5,000 sq. ft. 2. If any portion of a structure is adjacent to a single-family residential zone, then the structure shall be set back a minimum of 20 ft. from the property line of the residential zone. 3. All buildings must be gabled with pitched roofs. 4. The city may permit this use if it meets the following criteria: a. The subject property is situated in close proximity to, and has convenient access to, public transportation, shopping, health care providers and other services and facilities frequently utilized by the intended residents of the subject property. b. The proposed development will not create unreasonable impacts on traffic, public utilities and services or on nearby residential. 5. The city will determine the number of dwelling units or occupancy rooms or suites permitted in the proposed development and may permit or require modification of the required yard, lot coverage, height, landscaping and other similar dimensional and site design requirements based on the Ordinance No. 23- Page 42 of 128 Rev 1/22 USE ZONE CHART DIRECTIONS: FIRST, read down to find use ... THEN, across for REGULATIONS Minimums Maximums Zgl+lE Required Yards Required Required USE REGULATIONS Review Lot eight of Parking Process Lot Size Front Side Coverage Structure Spaces (each) ear SPECIAL b REGULATIONS AND NOTES following criteria: a. The specific nature of the occupancy and the persons that will be housed in the proposed development. b. The size of the dwelling units or occupancy rooms or suites and the specific configuration of any facilities within these units, rooms or suites. c. The impacts on nearby residential uses of the proposed development. d. The architecture, site design and other design features of the proposed development. 6. The city may approve the limited commercial establishments listed in subsection (6)(c) of this section on the first floor, if all of the following criteria are satisfied: a. Locating limited commercial uses on the subject property is clearly reasonable considering the size of the subject property, the location of the subject property and access to the subject property- b. Any adverse impacts or undesirable effects of locating retail establishments on the subject property can be eliminated or significantly reduced through conditions imposed as part of the approval. c. The city may approve the following limited retail establishments under this section:(1) Grocery stores containing no more than 3,000 sq. ft.; (2) Ordinance No. 23- Page 43 of 128 Rev 1/22 USE ZONE CHART DIRECTIONS: FIRST, read down to find use ... THEN, across for REGULATIONS Minimums Maximums Zgl+lE Required Yards Required Required USE REGULATIONS Review Lot eight of Parking Process Lot Size Front Side Coverage Structure Spaces (each) ear SPECIAL b REGULATIONS AND NOTES Pharmacies; (3) Clothing cleaners; (4) Beauty and/or barber shops; (5) Banks, excluding drive-in facilities; (6) Travel agents; (7) Restaurants, including fast food restaurants; (8) Arts and craft supply stores; (9) Flower and gift shops. 7. Chapter 19.265 FWRC contains regulations regarding accessory uses, buildings and structures. Accessory dwelling units are not permitted. 8. Chapter 19.270 FWRC contains regulations regarding home occupations. 9. Maximum lot coverage is as follows: a. In RS 35.0 = 50 percent. b. In RS 15.0 = 50 percent. c. In RS 9.6 = 60 percent. d.InRS7.2=60 percent. e. In RS 5.0 = 60 percent. 10. Refer to Chapter 19.125 FWRC, Outdoors, Yards, and Landscaping, for appropriate requirements. 11. For sign requirements that apply to the project, see Chapter 19.140 FWRC. 12. For community design guidelines that apply to the project, see Chapter 19.115 FWRC. 13. For provisions that relate to the keeping of animals, see Chapter 19.260 FWRC. 14. For affordable housing requirements, see Ordinance No. 23- Page 44 of 128 Rev 1/22 USE ZONE CHART DIRECTIONS: FIRST, read down to find use ... THEN, across for REGULATIONS Minimums Maximums Zgl+lE Required Yards Required Required USE REGULATIONS Review Lot eight of Parking Process Lot Size Side Coverage Structure Spaces Front (each) ear SPECIAL b REGULATIONS AND NOTES FWRC 19.110.010. 15. The subject property must provide usable open space in a total amount equal to at least 100 sq. ft. per dwelling unit and spaees ..h as pla te..raee. . 1 e e� wee �aa Developments of 5 or fewer units are exempt from this usable open space requirement. At least 50% of the usable open space must be active open space. All eligible usable open space shall also meet the requirements specified in FWRC 19.115.115. A fee -in -lieu option is available for up to 50 pereent-% of the usable open space as specified in FWRC 19.115.115. 16. Any common open space requirements for senior housing or special needs housing may be reduced at the discretion of the director, if an open space study documents that less common open space will be adequate to serve the needs of the residents. 17. Alternatively, an applicant may choose to submit a parking study in accordance with FWRC 19.130.080(2). 18. Minimum residential parking requirements subject to FWRC 19.130.020. For other information L Process I, H, III and IV are described in about parking and parking Chapter 19.55 FWRC, areas, see Chapter 19.130 Chapter 19.60 FWRC, FWRC. Ordinance No. 23- Page 45 of 128 Rev 1/22 USE ZONE CHART DIRECTIONS: FIRST, read down to find use ... THEN, across for REGULATIONS Minimums I Maximums Required Yards Required USE REGULATIONS Review Process Lot Size Lot eight of Front Side ear Coverage Structure n a (each) 19.65 FWRC, 19.70 FWRC respectively. SPECIAL REGULATIONS AND NOTES For details of what may exceed this height limit, see FWRC 19.110.050 et seq. For details regarding required yards, see FWRC 19.125.160 et seq. (Ord. No. 23-949, § 4, 2-7-23; Ord. No. 17-834, § 11, 5-16-17; Ord. No. 12-735, § 4(Exh. A), 12-4- 12; Ord. No. 01-399, § 3, 8-7-01; Ord. No. 99-333, § 3, 1-19-99; Ord. No. 97-291, § 3, 4-1-97; Ord. No. 93-170, § 7(Exh. B), 4-20-93; Ord. No. 90-43, § 2(20.45), 2-27-90. Code 2001 § 22-640.) Section 15. FWRC 19.205.010 is hereby amended to read as follows: 19.205.010 Zero lot line townhouse and townhouse (attached) dwelling units. The following uses shall be permitted in the multifamily residential (RM) zone subject to the regulations and notes set forth in this section: USE ZONE CHART DIRECTIONS: FIRST, read down to find use ... THEN, across for REGULATIONS Minimums Maximums ZONE RM Required Yards Required Required USE REGULATIONS Review Height Parking Process Lot Size Lot Width Lot Coverage of Spaces Front Side (each) ear Structure SPECIAL IG b REGULATIONS AND NOTES Attached dwelling units Process II 7,200 sq. 20 ft. for 20 ft. for 5 ft. for 5 ft. for No max. lot 35 ft. 2.0 per 1. The allowable for attached ft. for individual attached attached attached coverage is unit, see density is as follows: dwelling attached lots within a dwelling dwelling dwelling established. note 13 a. In RM 3.6 zones, Zero lot line townhouse units dwelling zero lot line units units units The 12 units per acre. dwelling units units with townhouse buildable See note 5 b. In RM 2.4 zones, Subdivision a density development 20 ft. or 10 ft., 5 5 ft. or 20 area will be for zero 18 units per acre. review for established 10 ft. for ft., 0 ft. ft. for zero determined lot line c. In RM 1.8 zones, Ordinance No. 23- Page 46 of 128 Rev 1/22 USE ZONE CHART DIRECTIONS: FIRST, read down to find use ... THEN, across for REGULATIONS Minimums Maximums ZONE Required Yards Required Required USE REGULATIONS Review Lot eight Parking Process Lot Size Lot Width Coverage of Spaces Front Side (each) ear Structure SPECIAL b REGULATIONS AND NOTES zero lot line on the zero lot for zero lot line by other site townhouse 24 units per acre. townhouse zoning line lot line townhouse development dwelling 2. Minimum site area dwelling map townhouse townhouse dwelling requirements units for zero lot line units dwelling dwelling units townhouse See notes units units development shall be 1, 2 and 4 See note 4 7,200 sq. ft. See note 4 See note 4 3. Each building shall consist of a minimum of two units and a maximum of eight units in each grouping. 4. For zero lot line townhouse development, the following shall apply: a. The minimum lot size shall be at least 2,250 sq. ft. in the RM 3.6 zone and 1,500 sq. ft. in the RM 2.4 and RM 1.8 zones. b. Each dwelling unit must be located on its own lot of record. c. Minimum front yard setback is 20 ft. when parking/garageis located in the front of the townhouse. Otherwise, minimum front yard setback is 10 ft. There are no required side yards between attached units. d. For a group of two to six attached units, the required side yard is five ft. e. For more than six attached units, the required side yard is 10 ft. f. Minimum rear yard setback is five ft., except that minimum rear yard setback is 20 ft. from the property line for garages that are accessed via an alley or drive aisle. 5. Two off-street Ordinance No. 23- Page 47 of 128 Rev 1/22 USE ZONE CHART DIRECTIONS: FIRST, read down to find use ... THEN, across for REGULATIONS Minimums Maximums ZONE Required Yards Required Required USE REGULATIONS Review Process Lot Size Lot Width Front Side (each) ear Lot Coverage eight of Structure Parking Spaces SPECIAL b REGULATIONS AND NOTES parking spaces, including one garage, shall be provided for each zero lot line townhouse unit. 6. The subject property must contain at least 400 150 sq. ft. of usable open space per dwelling unit. At least 50% of the usable open space must be active open space. Usable Developments of 5 or fewer units are exempt from this usable open space requirement. Usable open space This must include inehides a minimum of 200 75 sq. ft. of private open space for each unit and the remainder as usable common open space. Private open space may include yards, patios, and balconies. Type I$ lance width sh ll L.,.provide along all aAerial right -- Of Way. Sai and shall be ,.redited to reVirernent. At least 10%pereent of the publie common usable open space must be developed and maintained with children's play equipment, except for housing for the exclusive use of persons over 55 years of age, in which case the -epee spac�it shall be developed with age - appropriate equipment. Ordinance No. 23- Page 48 of 128 Rev 1/22 USE ZONE CHART DIRECTIONS: FIRST, read down to find use ... THEN, across for REGULATIONS Minimums Maximums ZONE Required Yards Required Required USE REGULATIONS Review Lot eight Parking Process Lot Size Lot Width Coverage of Spaces Front Side (each) ear Structure SPECIAL b REGULATIONS AND NOTES If the subject property contains four or more units, this required ramlie usable open space must be in one or more pieces, each having both a length and width of at least 25 ft. In addition, if the subject property contains 20 or more units, at least 50 iefeent%o of this required open space must be in one or more pieces each having a length and width of at least 40 ft. 7. Chapter 19.265 FWRC contains regulations regarding home occupations and other accessories, facilities and activities associated with this use. Accessory dwelling units are not permitted in either a townhouse or zero lot line townhouse development. 8. Refer to Chapter 19.125 FWRC, Outdoors, Yards, and Landscaping, for appropriate requirements. 9. For sign requirements that apply to the project, see Chapter 19.140 FWRC. 10. For community design guidelines that apply to the project, see Chapter 19.115 FWRC. 11. For provisions that relate to the keeping of animals, see Chapter 19.260 FWRC. 12. For affordable Ordinance No. 23- Page 49 of 128 Rev 1/22 USE ZONE CHART DIRECTIONS: FIRST, read down to find use ... THEN, across for REGULATIONS Minimums Maximums ZONE Required Yards Required Required USE REGULATIONS Review Lot eight Parking Process Lot Size Lot Width Coverage of Spaces Front Side (each) ear Structure SPECIAL b REGULATIONS AND NOTES housing requirements, see FWRC 19.110.010. 13. Minimum residential parking requirements subject to FWRC 19.130.020. For other information Process I, II, III and IV are described in about parking and Chapter 19.55 FWRC, parking areas, see Chapter 19.60 FWRC, Chapter 19.130 FWRC. Chapter 19.65 FWRC, Chapter 19.70 FWRC respectively. For details of what may exceed this height limit, see FWRC 19.110.050 et seq. For details regarding required yards, see FWRC 19.125.160 et seq. (Ord. No. 23-949, § 20, 2-7-23; Ord. No. 07-554, § 5(Exh. A(4)), 5-15-07. Code 2001 § 22-664.) Section 16. FWRC 19.205.040 is hereby amended to read as follows: 19.205.040 Multifamily dwelling units The following uses shall be permitted in the multifamily residential (RM) zone subject to the regulations and notes set forth in this section: USE ZONE CHART DIRECTIONS: FIRST, read down to find use ... THEN, across for REGULATIONS Minimums I Maximums Required Yards Required USE REGULATIONS Review Process Lot Size Lot Side Coverage Front (each) Rear b Ordinance No. 23- of ZQNE SPECIAL REGULATIONS AND NOTES Page 50 of 128 Rev 1/22 USE ZONE CHART DIRECTIONS: FIRST, read down to find use ... THEN, across for REGULATIONS Minimums Maximums ON Required Required Yards Required y r �1►i USE REGULATIONS IG b Review Process Lot Size Front Side (each) Rear Lot Coverage eight of Structure Parking Spaces SPECIAL REGULATIONS AND NOTES Multifamily dwelling Process II 7,200 sq. ft. with 20 ft. 5 ft. I 5 ft. I 60 In RM See notes 1. The minimum amount units (stacked dwelling a density as percent 3.6 and 13, 14 and of lot area per dwelling See notes 5 and 8 units) established on in RM 2.4 15 unit is as follows: the zoning map 3.6 zone. zones, 30 a. In RM 3.6 zones, the 70 ft. above subject property must See note 1 percent average contain at least 3,600 sq. in RM building ft. of lot area per dwelling 2.4 zone elevation. unit. and 1.8 In RM b.In RM 2.4 zones, the zone 1.8 subject property must zones, 35 contain at least 2,400 sq. ft. above ft. of lot area per dwelling average unit. building c. In RM 1.8 zones, the elevation subject property must contain at least 1,800 sq. See note ft. of lot area per dwelling 5 unit. 2. All buildings must be gabled with pitched roofs. 3. The subject property must contain at least 400 150 sq. ft. of usable open space per dwelling unit of ueh as ree€tep tex-aees p Developments of 5 or fewer units are exempt from this usable open space requirement. At least 50% of the usable open space must be active open space. A minimum of 25 percent%o of the usable open space provided must be common open space. Private open space such as a patio, porch, balcony, or yard may be credited toward total residential usable open space, if such private open space is a minimum of 48 square feet and has a minimum Ordinance No. 23- Page 51 of 128 Rev 1/22 USE ZONE CHART DIRECTIONS: FIRST, read down to find use ... THEN, across for REGULATIONS Minimums Maximums ON Required Yards y r �1►i Required Required USE REGULATIONS Review Lot eight of Parking Process Lot Size Front Side Rear Coverage Structure Spaces (each) SPECIAL b REGULATIONS AND NOTES dimension of six feet. At least 10 percent%o of" the required common open space must be developed and maintained with children's play equipment. If the subject property contains four or more units, this required open space must be in one or more pieces each having a length and width of at least 25 ft. In addition, if the subject property contains 20 or more units, at least 50 pereeat%o of this required open space must be in one or more pieces each having a length and width of at least 40 ft. 4. If located along an arterial or collector and is visible from the right-of- way, up to 50 percent of the total length of the ground floor facade of all buildings facing a right- of-way may be developed with commercial uses allowed by office/retail use zone chart, FWRC 19.215.010, or entertainment use zone chart, FWRC 19.215.020. The commercial ground floor uses may occupy up to a maximum depth of 15 ft. and a minimum interior height of 13 ft. of commercial space for any single tenant. 5. If any portion of a structure on the subject property is within 100 ft. of a single-family residential zone, then that portion of the structure shall not exceed 30 ft. above average building elevation and the structure Ordinance No. 23- Page 52 of 128 Rev 1/22 USE ZONE CHART DIRECTIONS: FIRST, read down to find use ... THEN, across for REGULATIONS Minimums Maximums ON Required Yards y r �1►i Required Required USE REGULATIONS Review Lot eight of Parking Process Lot Size Front Side Rear Coverage Structure Spaces (each) SPECIAL b REGULATIONS AND NOTES shall be set back a minimum of 20 ft. from the property line of the residential zone. 6. Chapter 19.265 FWRC contains regulations regarding accessory uses, buildings, and structures. Accessory dwelling units are not permitted. 7. Chapter 19.270 FWRC contains regulations regarding home occupations. 8. Refer to Chapter 19.125 FWRC, Outdoors, Yards, and Landscaping, for appropriate requirements. 9. For sign requirements that apply to the project, see Chapter 19.140 FWRC. 10. For community design guidelines that apply to the project, see Chapter 19.115 FWRC. 11. For provisions that relate to the keeping of animals, see Chapter 19.260 FWRC. 12. For affordable housing requirements, see FWRC 19.110.010. 13. Parking spaces shall be provided as follows: Efficiency dwelling units — 1.0 per unit Studio dwelling units — 1.25 per unit One bedroom dwelling units — 1.5 per unit Dwelling units with two bedrooms or more — 2.0 per unit. 14. Alternatively, an applicant may choose to submit a parking study in accordance with FWRC 19.130.080(2). 15. Minimum residential Ordinance No. 23- Page 53 of 128 Rev 1/22 USE ZONE CHART DIRECTIONS: FIRST, read down to find use ... THEN, across for REGULATIONS Minimums Maximums ONE Required Yards y r �1►i Required Required USE REGULATIONS Review Lot eight of Parking Process Lot Size Front Side Rear Coverage Structure Spaces (each) SPECIAL b REGULATIONS AND NOTES parking requirements subject to FWRC 19.130.020. For other information Process I, II, III and IV are described in about parking and parking Chapter 19.55 FWRC, areas, see Chapter 19.130 Chapter 19.60 FWRC, FWRC. Chapter 19.65 FWRC, For details of what may Chapter 19.70 FWRC respectively. exceed this height limit, see FWRC 19.110.050 et seq. For details regarding required yards, see FWRC 19.125.160 et seq. (Ord. No. 23-949, § 21, 2-7-23; Ord. No. 17-834, § 12, 5-16-17; Ord. No. 07-554, § 5(Exh. A(7)), 5-15-07; Ord. No. 07-545, § 3(Exh. A), 1-2-07; Ord. No. 02-424, § 3, 9-17-02; Ord. No. 01-385, § 3, 4-3-01; Ord. No. 99-333, § 3, 1-19-99; Ord. No. 97-291, § 3, 4-1-97; Ord. No. 93- 170, § 7(Exh. B), 4-20-93; Ord. No. 90-43, § 2(25.15), 2-27-90. Code 2001 § 22-667.) Section 17. FWRC 19.205.050 is hereby amended to read as follows: 19.205.050 Manufactured home parks. The following uses shall be permitted in the multifamily residential (RM) zone subject to the regulations and notes set forth in this section: USE ZONE CHART DIRECTIONS: FIRST, read down to find use ... THEN, across for REGULATIONS Minimums Maximums Required Review Required Yards Lot Height of Process Lot Size USE REGULATIONS Front Side ear Coverage Structure Ordinance No. 23- Page 54 of 128 Rev 1/22 (each) b SPECIAL REGULATIONS AND NOTES Manufactured home Process III 3 acres with 20 ft. 20 ft. 20 ft. 60% In RM 2 per 1. This use may be parks at least 5,000 3.6 and manufactured permitted only if it meets sq. ft. per 2.4 home the following criteria: manufactured zones, 30 a. The proposed home ft. above development will be average compatible with building surrounding uses. elevation. b. The proposed site In RM plan demonstrates sensitive 1.8 and thoughtful layout of zones, 35 the manufactured home ft. above park considering the size average and configuration of the building subject property, the elevation topography and natural feature of the subject See note property and the nature of 6 the surrounding area. c. The proposed site plan avoids repetitive siting of the manufactured homes and encourages privacy for the residents of the manufactured homes. d. The streets providing access to the subject property are adequate to support the movement of manufactured homes to and from the subject property. 2. There be at least a 15 ft. separation between manufactured homes on the subject property. 3. The subject property must contain at least 400 150 sq. ft. of usable open space per dwelling unit e€ spaee usable f6F Ma" ae0vities. At least 50% of the usable open space must be active open space. At least 10% of their required common usable open space must be developed and maintained with children's play equipment except for housing for the exclusive use of persons over 55 years of age, in which case it shall be developed with age -appropriate equipment. If the subject property Ordinance No. 23- Page SS of 128 Rev 1/22 USE ZONE CHART DIRECTIONS: FIRST, read down to find use ... THEN, across for REGULATIONS Minimums Maximums Required Yards M Required Required USE REGULATIONS Review Parking Process Lot Size Side Lot Coverage eight of Structure Spaces Front (each) ear SPECIAL b REGULATIONS AND NOTES contains four or more units, this required open space must be in one or more pieces each having a length and width of at least 25 ft. In addition, if the subject property contains 20 or more units, at least 50% of this required open space must be in one or more pieces each having a length and width of at least 40 ft. 4. No facade of any structure may exceed 120 ft. in length. In addition, any facade of a structure that exceeds 50 ft. in length must be modulated as follows: a. The minimum depth of the modulation is three ft. b. The minimum width of the modulation is four ft. c. The maximum width of the modulation is 35 ft. 5. Each manufactured home must be placed on a permanent foundation or otherwise securely anchored and stabilized. Unless on a foundation, the base of each manufactured home must be surrounded by a skirt. In addition, the exterior appearances of the manufactured homes shall be compatible with the character of existing dwelling units in the area. 6. If any portion of a structure on the subject property is located less than 100 ft. from an adjacent low density zone, then either: a. The height of that portion of the structure shall not exceed 15 ft. Ordinance No. 23- Page 56 of 128 Rev 1/22 USE ZONE CHART DIRECTIONS: FIRST, read down to find use ... THEN, across for REGULATIONS Minimums Maximums Required Yards M Required Required USE REGULATIONS Review Lot eight of Parking Process Lot Size Side Coverage Structure Spaces Front (each) ear SPECIAL b REGULATIONS AND NOTES above average building elevation; or b. The facade of that portion of the structure parallel to the low density zone shall not exceed 50 ft. in length. 7. Chapter 19.265 FWRC contains regulations regarding home occupations and other accessories, facilities and activities associated with this use. 8. Refer to Chapter 19.125 FWRC, Outdoors, Yards, and Landscaping, for appropriate requirements. 9. For sign requirements that apply to the project, see Chapter 19.140 FWRC. 10. For community design guidelines that apply to the project, see Chapter 19.115 FWRC. 11. For provisions that relate to the keeping of animals, see Chapter 19.260 FWRC. For other information L Process I, II, III and IV are described in about parking and parking Chapter 19.55 FWRC, areas, see Chapter 19.130 Chapter 19.60 FWRC, FWRC. Chapter 19.65 FWRC, Chapter 19.70 FWRC respectively. For details of what may exceed this height limit, see FWRC 19.110.050 et seq. For details regarding required yards, see FWRC 19.125.160 et seq. Ordinance No. 23- Page 57 of 128 Rev 1/22 (Ord. No. 02-424, § 3, 9-17-02; Ord. No. 01-385, § 3, 4-3-01; Ord. No. 99-333, § 3, 1-19-99; Ord. No. 97-291, § 3, 4-1-97; Ord. No. 93-170, § 7(Exh. B), 4-20-93; Ord. No. 90-43, § 2(25.20), 2-27-90. Code 2001 § 22-668.) Section 18. FWRC 19.205.070 is hereby amended to read as follows: 19.205.070 Senior citizen or special needs housing The following uses shall be permitted in the multifamily residential (RM) zone subject to the regulations and notes set forth in this section: USE ZONE CHART DIRECTIONS: FIRST, read down to find use ... THEN, across for REGULATIONS Minimums Maximums Required Yards Required Required USE REGULATIONS Review Lot eight of Parking Process Lot Size Front Side (each) ear Coverage Structure Spaces n SPECIAL tt b REGULATIONS AND NOTES Senior citizen housing or Process II 7,200 sq. 20 ft. 5 ft. 5 ft. 60 percent In RM 3.6 and Senior 1. All buildings must be special needs housing ft. 2.4 zones, 30 citizen gabled with pitched See notes 2, 4 and 7 (stacked dwelling units) See note 2 ft. above housing: 1 roofs. See note average for each unit 2. The city will determine 2 building the number of dwelling elevation. Special units or occupancy rooms In RM 1.8 needs or suites in the proposed zones, 35 ft. housing: 0.5 development and may above average for each unit permit or require building modification of the elevation See notes 14 required yard, lot and 15 coverage, height, See notes 2 landscaping, and other and 4 similar dimensional and site design requirements based on the following criteria: a. The specific nature of the occupancy and the persons that will be housed in the proposed development. b. The size of the dwelling units or occupancy rooms, or suites and the specific configuration of and facilities within these units, rooms or suites. c. The impacts on Ordinance No. 23- Page 58 of 128 Rev 1/22 USE ZONE CHART DIRECTIONS: FIRST, read down to find use ... THEN, across for REGULATIONS Minimums Maximums +� Required Yards Required Required 1� USE REGULATIONS Review Lot eight of Parking Process Lot Size Front Side (each) ear Coverage Structure Spaces n SPECIAL tt b REGULATIONS AND NOTES nearby residential uses of the proposed development. d. The architecture, site design and other design features of the proposed development. 3. The city may approve the limited commercial establishments listed in subsection (3)(c) of this section, if all of the following criteria are satisfied: a. Locating limited commercial uses on the subject property is clearly reasonable considering the site of the subject property, the location of the subject property and access to the subject property. b. Any adverse impacts or undesirable effects of locating retail establishments on the subject property can be eliminated or significantly reduced through conditions imposed as part of the approval. c. The city may approve the following limited retail establishments under this section: (1) Grocery stores containing no more than 3,000 sq. ft. (2) Pharmacies. (3) Clothing cleaners. (4) Beauty and/or barber shops. (5) Banks, excluding drive-in facilities. (6) Travel agents. (7) Restaurants, including fast food restaurants. Ordinance No. 23- Page 59 of 128 Rev 1/22 USE ZONE CHART DIRECTIONS: FIRST, read down to find use ... THEN, across for REGULATIONS Minimums Maximums +� Required Yards Required Required 1� USE REGULATIONS Review Lot eight of Parking Process Lot Size Front Side (each) ear Coverage Structure Spaces n SPECIAL tt b REGULATIONS AND NOTES (8) Arts and craft supply stores. (9) Flower and gift shops. 4. If any portion of a structure on the subject property is within 100 ft. of a single-family residential zone, then that portion of the structure shall not exceed 30 ft. above average building elevation and the structure shall be set back a minimum of 20 ft. from the property line of the residential zone. 5. Chapter 19.265 FWRC contains regulations regarding accessory uses, buildings and structures. Accessory dwelling units are not permitted. 6. Chapter 19.270 FWRC contains regulations regarding home occupations. 7. Refer to Chapter 19.125 FWRC, Outdoors, Yards, and Landscaping, for appropriate requirements. 8. For sign requirements that apply to the project, see Chapter 19.140 FWRC. 9. For community design guidelines that apply to the project, see Chapter 19.115 FWRC. 10. For provisions that relate to the keeping of animals, see Chapter 19.260 FWRC. 11. For affordable housing requirements, see FWRC 19.110.010. 12. The subject property must provide usable open space in a total amount equal to at least 100 sq. Ordinance No. 23- Page 60 of 128 Rev 1/22 USE ZONE CHART DIRECTIONS: FIRST, read down to find use ... THEN, across for REGULATIONS Minimums Maximums Required Yards +� Required Required 1� USE REGULATIONS Review Parking Process Lot Size Lot eight of Spaces Front Side (each) ear Coverage Structure n SPECIAL tt b REGULATIONS AND NOTES ft. per dwelling unit and atriums. Developments of 5 or fewer units are exempt from this usable Men space requirement. At least 50% of the usable open space must be active open space. All eligible usable open space shall also meet the requirements specified in FWRC 19.115.115. A fee -in -lieu option is available for up to 50 pereent%o of the usable open space as specified in FWRC 19.115.115. 13. Any common open space requirements for senior housing or special needs housing may be reduced at the discretion of the director, if an open space study documents that less common open space will be adequate to serve the needs of the residents. 14. Alternatively, an applicant may choose to submit a parking study in accordance with FWRC 19.130.080(2). 15. Minimum residential parking requirements subjectto FWRC 19.130.020. For other information I,11, III and IV are described in about parking and 19.55 FWRC, L parking areas, see 19.60 FWRC, Chapter 19.130 FWRC. 19.65 FWRC, 19.70 FWRC respectively. For details of what may Ordinance No. 23- Page 61 of 128 Rev 1/22 USE ZONE CHART DIRECTIONS: FIRST, read down to find use ... THEN, across for REGULATIONS Minimums I Maximums Required USE REGULATIONS Review Process I Lot Size 4 b Required Yards Lot reight of (each) lRear Coverage Structure SPECIAL REGULATIONS AND NOTES exceed this height limit, see FWRC 19.110.050 et seq. For details regarding required yards, see FWRC 19.125.160 et seq. (Ord. No. 23-949, § 22, 2-7-23; Ord. No. 17-834, § 13, 5-16-17; Ord. No. 12-735, § 4(Exh. A), 12-4-12; Ord. No. 02-424, § 3, 9-17-02; Ord. No. 01-385, § 3, 4-3-01; Ord. No. 99-333, § 3, 1- 19-99; Ord. No. 97-291, § 3, 4-1-97; Ord. No. 94-223, § 3(D), 10-18-94; Ord. No. 93-170, § 7(Exh. B), 4-20-93; Ord. No. 90-43, § 2(25.25), 2-27-90. Code 2001 § 22-669.) Section 19. FWRC 19.205.080 is hereby amended to read as follows: 19.205.080 Permanent supportive housing and transitional housing The following uses shall be permitted in the multifamily residential (RM) zone subject to the regulations and notes set forth in this section: USE ZONE CHART DIRECTIONS: FIRST, read down to find use ... THEN, across for REGULATIONS Minimums Maximums ZONE Required Yardsi Required Required USE REGULATIONS Review Parking Process Lot Size Side Lot Coverage eight of Structure Spaces Front (each) ear SPECIAL IG b REGULATIONS AND NOTES Permanent supportive Process III 7,200 sq. ft. 20 ft. 5 ft. 5 ft. 60% In RM See notes 10, 1. Any proposed housing and transitional 3.6 and 11 and 14 permanent supportive housing See note 2 2.4 housing or transitional zones, 30 housing facility with more ft. above than two units, or which average brings the total number of Ordinance No. 23- Page 62 of 128 Rev 1/22 USE ZONE CHART DIRECTIONS: FIRST, read down to find use ... THEN, across for REGULATIONS Minimums Maximums ZQNE Required Yards Required Required USE REGULATIONS Review Lot eight of Parking Process Lot Size Front Side Coverage Structure Spaces (each) ear SPECIAL b REGULATIONS AND NOTES building permanent supportive elevation. housing or transitional In RM housing units on the 1.8 property to more than three zones, 35 units, must be distanced at ft. above least one and one-third average miles (7,040 ft.) from any building property with more than elevation three units of permanent supportive housing and/or transitional housing, as measured from the nearest points of each such property. 2. There shall be no more than 50 residences located within a single facility or complex; and the minimum amount of lot area per dwelling is as follows: a. In RM 3.6 zones, the subject property must contain at least 3,600 sq. ft. of lot area per dwelling. b. In RM 2.4 zones, the subject property must contain at least 2,400 sq. ft. of lot area per dwelling. c. In RM 1.8 zones, the subject property must contain at least 1,800 sq. ft. of lot area per dwelling. 3. The property is situated proximate to, and has convenient access to, public transportation, shopping, health care providers, and other services and facilities frequently utilized by the residents of the property. 4. The housing will be operated under the authority of a reputable governing board, social service, or government agency, or proprietor, to whom staff are responsible and who will be available to city officials, if Ordinance No. 23- Page 63 of 128 Rev 1/22 USE ZONE CHART DIRECTIONS: FIRST, read down to find use ... THEN, across for REGULATIONS Minimums Maximums ZQNE Required Yards Required Required USE REGULATIONS Review Lot eight of Parking Process Lot Size Front Side Coverage Structure Spaces (each) ear SPECIAL b REGULATIONS AND NOTES necessary, to resolve concerns pertaining to the property or residents. 5. The housing will operate under a written community engagement plan, approved by the governing agency, board, or official, which must address, at a minimum: (a) how the facility will engage with the community; (b) how the facility will respond to community complaints or concerns; and (c) who is the point of contact for the community. The plan shall be provided to the city prior to occupancy and shall be updated and provided to the city as substantive changes are made to the plan. 6. Refer to Chapter 19.125 FWRC, Outdoors, Yards, and Landscaping, for appropriate requirements. 7. For sign requirements that apply to the project, see Chapter 19.140 FWRC. 8. For community design guidelines that apply to the project, see Chapter 19.115 FWRC. 9. The subject property must contain at least 4OO 150 sq. ft. of usable open space per dwelling unit of faf many aetivities an' spaees siieh as plazas-, .. 1,.1.1.:,... ..«.1 �a Developments of 5 or fewer units are exempt from this usable open space requirement. At least Ordinance No. 23- Page 64 of 128 Rev 1/22 USE ZONE CHART DIRECTIONS: FIRST, read down to find use ... THEN, across for REGULATIONS Minimums Maximums ZQNE Required Yards Required Required USE REGULATIONS b Review Process Lot Size Front Side (each) ear Lot Coverage eight of Structure Parking Spaces SPECIAL REGULATIONS AND NOTES 50% of the usable open space must be active open space. A minimum of 25% of the usable open space provided must be common open space. Private open space such as a patio, porch, balcony, or yard may be credited toward total residential usable open space, if such private open space is a minimum of 48 sq. ft. and has a minimum dimension of six ft. At least 10% of th_eis required common open space must be developed and maintained with children's play equipment, except for housingfor or the exclusive use of persons over 55 years of age, in which case it shall be developed with age - appropriate equipment. If the subject property contains four or more units, their required usable open space must be in one or more pieces each having a length and width of at least 25 ft. In addition, if the subject property contains 20 or more units, at least 50% of this required open space must be in one or more pieces each having a length and width of at least 40 ft. 10. Parking spaces shall be provided as follows: Efficiency units — 1.0 per unit + one per two employees Studio units — 1.25 per unit + one per two employees One bedroom units — 1.5 per unit + one per two employees Units with two Ordinance No. 23- Page 65 of 128 Rev 1/22 USE ZONE CHART DIRECTIONS: FIRST, read down to find use ... THEN, across for REGULATIONS Minimums Maximums ZQNE Required Yards Required Required USE REGULATIONS Review Lot eight of Parking Process Lot Size Front Side Coverage Structure Spaces (each) ear SPECIAL b REGULATIONS AND NOTES bedrooms or more — 2.0 per unit + one per two employees 11. Alternatively, an applicant may choose to submit a parking study in accordance with FWRC 19.130.080(2). 12. The housing will operate under a written operational plan that will include, at a minimum, the following: a. Residents must be referred by providers of housing and services for people experiencing homelessness. Direct intake of residents at the site, without prior referral, is not allowed. b. A description of transit, pedestrian and bicycle access from the subject site to services and schools must be provided to residents. c. An operations plan must be provided that addresses the following elements: i. Roles and responsibilities of key staff; ii. Site/facility management, including a security and emergency plan; iii. Site/facility maintenance; iv. Occupancy policies, consistent with Chapter 59.18 RCW, including resident responsibilities and a code of conduct that includes, at a minimum, a prohibition on threatening and unsafe behavior; and the on -site use and sale of illegal drugs; Ordinance No. 23- Page 66 of 128 Rev 1/22 USE ZONE CHART DIRECTIONS: FIRST, read down to find use ... THEN, across for REGULATIONS Minimums Maximums ZQNE Required Yards Required Required USE REGULATIONS Review Lot eight of Parking Process Lot Size Front Side Coverage Structure Spaces (each) ear SPECIAL b REGULATIONS AND NOTES v. Access to human and social services, including a staffing plan and expected outcome measures; vi. Procedures for maintaining accurate and complete records. d. Providers and/or managing agencies shall have either a demonstrated experience providing similar services to people experiencing homelessness, and/or certifications or academic credentials in an applicable human service field, and/or applicable experience in a related program with people experiencing homelessness. e. For health and safety reasons, the sponsor and/or managing agency shall take all reasonable and legal steps to obtain verifiable identification information, including full name and date of birth, from current and prospective residents, and shall keep a log containing this information. f. Should the provider become aware of a current or prospective resident who has an active felony warrant, it shall follow a protocol to work with the participant to resolve any outstanding warrants with applicable legal authorities. 13. All facilities are required to be licensed pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 12.35 FWRC. 14. Minimum residential parking requirements subjectto FWRC 19.130.020. Ordinance No. 23- Page 67 of 128 Rev 1/22 USE ZONE CHART DIRECTIONS: FIRST, read down to find use ... THEN, across for REGULATIONS Minimums Maximums ZQNE Required Yards Required Required USE REGULATIONS Review Parking Process Lot Size Lot eight of Spaces Side Coverage Structure n Front (each) Rear SPECIAL tt b REGULATIONS AND NOTES For other information I, II, III and IV are described in about parking and parking L 19.55 FWRC, areas, see Chapter 19.130 19.60 FWRC, FWRC. 19.65 FWRC, 19.70 FWRC respectively. For details of what may exceed this height limit, see FWRC 19.110.050 et seq. For details regarding required yards, see FWRC 19.125.160 et seq. (Ord. No. 23-949, § 23, 2-7-23; Ord. No. 22-929, § 5, 1-18-22; Ord. No. 21-921, § 7, 10-19-21; Ord. No. 09-605, § 3(Exh. A), 3-3-09; Ord. No. 02-423, § 3, 9-17-02; Ord. No. 01-385, § 3, 4-3- 0 1; Ord. No. 99-333, § 3, 1-19-99; Ord. No. 97-291, § 3, 4-1-97; Ord. No. 94-223, § 3(E), 10-18- 94. Code 2001 § 22-669.5.) Section 20. FWRC 19.215.050 is hereby amended to read as follows: 19.215.050 Multifamily dwelling units The following uses shall be permitted in the neighborhood business (BN) zone subject to the regulations and notes set forth in this section: USE ZONE CHART DIRECTIONS: FIRST, read down to find use ... THEN, across for REGULATIONS Minimums Required Yards Required USE REGULATIONS Review Process Lot Size 4 b (cach) Height of Structure SPECIAL REGULATIONS AND NOTES Ordinance No. 23- Page 68 of 128 Rev 1/22 USE ZONE CHART DIRECTIONS: FIRST, read down to find use ... THEN, across for REGULATIONS Minimums Required Yards Required Required USE REGULATIONS Review Parking Process Lot Size Spaces Front Side (each) Rear SPECIAL n tt b Height of REGULATIONS AND Structure NOTES Multifamily dwelling Process II None Same as these regulations for Same as these See notes 15 1. All buildings must be units (stacked dwelling ground floor use. regulations for _ 18 gabled with pitched roofs. See notes 4, 5 and 10 units) ground floor use 2. This use may be located on the ground See note 5 floor of the structure if the ground floor contains one or more of the commercial uses allowed by office/retail use zone chart, FWRC 19.215.010, or entertainment use zone chart, FWRC 19.215.020. 3. The commercial ground floor uses must occupy at least 50 percent of the total length of the ground floor facade of all buildings facing a right- of-way. The commercial ground floor uses must also occupy a minimum depth of 15 ft. and a minimum interior height of 13 ft. of commercial space for any single tenant. 4. The subject property must contain at least 2,400 sq. ft. of lot area per dwelling unit or one acre for every 18 dwelling units. 5. If any portion of a structure on the subject property is within 100 ft. of a single-family residential zone, then that portion of the structure shall not exceed 30 ft. above average building elevation and the structure shall be set back a minimum of 20 ft. from the property line of the residential zone. 6. No maximum lot coverage is established. Instead, the buildable area will be determined by other site development requirements, e.g., Ordinance No. 23- Page 69 of 128 Rev 1/22 USE ZONE CHART DIRECTIONS: FIRST, read down to find use ... THEN, across for REGULATIONS Minimums Required Required Yards Required USE REGULATIONS Review Parking Process Lot Size Spaces n tt b Front Side (each) Rear Height of SPECIAL REGULATIONS AND Structure NOTES required buffers, parking lot landscaping, surface water facilities, among others. 7. Chapter 19.265 FWRC contains regulations regarding accessory uses, buildings and structures. Accessory dwelling units are not permitted. 8. Chapter 19.270 FWRC contains regulations regarding home occupations. 9. For community design guidelines that apply to the project, see Chapter 19.115 FWRC. 10. Refer to Chapter 19.125 FWRC, Outdoors, Yards, and Landscaping, for appropriate requirements. 11. For sign requirements that apply to the project, see Chapter 19.140 FWRC. 12. For provisions that relate to the keeping of animals, see Chapter 19.260 FWRC. 13. For affordable housing requirements, see FWRC 19.110.010. 14. The subject property must provide usable open space in a total amount equal to at least 150 sq. ft. per dwelling unit and fn spaee ueh as afeas the a:_,., ter a,.,.ms appfepriate• Developments of 5 or fewer units are exempt from this usable open space requirement. At Ordinance No. 23- Page 70 of 128 Rev 1/22 USE ZONE CHART DIRECTIONS: FIRST, read down to find use ... THEN, across for REGULATIONS Minimums Required Required Yards Required USE REGULATIONS Review Parking Process Lot Size Spaces n tt b Front Side (each) Rear Height of SPECIAL REGULATIONS AND Structure NOTES least 50% of the usable open space must be active open space. A minimum of 25 pefeent%o of the usable open space provided must be common open space. Private open space such as a patio, porch, balcony, or yard may be credited toward total residential usable open space, if such private open space is a minimum of 48 square feet and has a minimum dimension of six feet. At least 10% of the required common open space must be developed and maintained with children's play equipment. If the subject property contains four or more units, this required open space must be in one or more pieces each having a length and width of at least 25 ft. In addition, if the subject property contains 20 or more units, at least 50% of this required open space must be in one or more pieces each having_a length and width of at least 40 ft. 15. Parking spaces shall be provided as follows: Efficiency dwelling units — 1.0 per unit One bedroom dwelling units — 1.5 per unit Studio dwelling units — 1.25 per unit Dwelling units with two bedrooms or more — 2.0 per unit. 16. Dwelling unit parking stalls are in addition to required parking for all nonresidential ground Ordinance No. 23- Page 71 of 128 Rev 1/22 USE ZONE CHART DIRECTIONS: FIRST, read down to find use ... THEN, across for REGULATIONS Minimums Required Yards l Required Required USE REGULATIONS Review Parking Process Lot Size Spaces Front Side (each) Rear SPECIAL n tt b Height of REGULATIONS AND Structure NOTES floor uses. 17. Alternatively, an applicant may choose to submit a parking study in accordance with FWRC 19.130.080(2). 18. Minimum residential parking requirements subject to FWRC 19.130.020. For other information L Process I, II, III and IV are described in about parking and parking Chapter 19.55 FWRC, areas, see Chapter 19.130 Chapter 19.60 FWRC, FWRC. Chapter 19.65 FWRC, Chapter 19.70 FWRC respectively. For details of what may exceed this height limit, see FWRC 19.110.050 et seq. For details regarding required yards, see FWRC 19.125.160 et seq. (Ord. No. 23-949, § 24, 2-7-23; Ord. No. 17-834, § 14, 5-16-17; Ord. No. 05-506, § 3, 10-18-05; Ord. No. 03-450, § 3, 9-16-03; Ord. No. 02-424, § 3, 9-17-02; Ord. No. 00-375, § 17, 10-3-00; Ord. No. 97-291, § 3, 4-1-97; Ord. No. 96-270, § 5, 7-2-96; Ord. No. 93-170, § 7(Exh. B), 4-20-93; Ord. No. 90-43, § 2(40.50), 2-27-90. Code 2001 § 22-725.) Section 21. FWRC 19.215.070 is hereby amended to read as follows: 19.215.070 Permanent supportive housing and transitional housing The following uses shall be permitted in the neighborhood business (BN) zone subject to the regulations and notes set forth in this section: USE ZONE CHART REGULATIONS I DIRECTIONS: FIRST, read down to find use ... THEN, across for REGULATIONS Ordinance No. 23- Page 72 of 128 Rev 1/22 Minimums Maximums ZONE Required Yards Required Required USE Review Lot Height of Parking Process Lot Size Front Side Coverage Structure Spaces (each) ear SPECIAL n a t� REGULATIONS AND NOTES Permanent supportive Process III See note 2 20 ft. 5 ft. 5 ft. None See note See notes 10, 1. Any proposed housing and transitional 8 11 and 14 permanent supportive housing housing or transitional housing facility with more than two units, or which brings the total number of permanent supportive housing or transitional housing units on the property to more than three units, must be distanced at least one and one-third miles (7,040 ft.) from any property with more than three units of permanent supportive housing and/or transitional housing, as measured from the nearest points of each such property. 2. There shall be no more than 50 residences located within a single facility or complex; and the subject property must contain at least 2,400 sq. ft. of lot area per dwelling or one acre for every 18 units. 3. The property is situated proximate to, and has convenient access to, public transportation, shopping, health care providers, and other services and facilities frequently utilized by the residents of the property. 4. The housing will be operated under the authority of a reputable governing board, social service, or government agency, or proprietor, to whom staff are responsible and who will be available to city officials, if necessary, to resolve concerns pertaining to the property or residents. 5. The housing will operate under a written community engagement plan, approved by the governing agency, board, or official, which Ordinance No. 23- Page 73 of 128 Rev 1/22 USE ZONE CHART DIRECTIONS: FIRST, read down to find use ... THEN, across for REGULATIONS Minimums Maximums Required Yards Required Required USE REGULATIONS Review Lot eight of Parking Process Lot Size Front Side Coverage Structure Spaces (each) ear SPECIAL b REGULATIONS AND NOTES must address, at a minimum: (a) how the facility will engage with the community; (b) how the facility will respond to community complaints or concerns; and (c) who is the point of contact for the community. The plan shall be provided to the city prior to occupancy and shall be updated and provided to the city as substantive changes are made to the plan. 6. For sign requirements that apply to the project, see Chapter 19.140 FWRC. 7. For community design guidelines that apply to the project, see Chapter 19.115 FWRC. 8. If any portion of the structure is within 100 ft. of a single-family residential zone, then that portion of the structure shall not exceed 30 ft. above average building elevation and the structure shall be set back a minimum of 20 ft. from the property line of the residential zone. 9. The subject property must provide usable open space in a total amount equal to at least 150 sq. ft. per dwelling unit and m aefive lebbie ett.,.......eas tl..�..1:reete deems apprep. Developments of 5 or fewer units are exempt from this usable open space requirement. At least Ordinance No. 23- Page 74 of 128 Rev 1/22 USE ZONE CHART DIRECTIONS: FIRST, read down to find use ... THEN, across for REGULATIONS Minimums Maximums Required Yards Required Required USE REGULATIONS b Review Process Lot Size Front Side (each) ear Lot Coverage eight of Structure Parking Spaces SPECIAL REGULATIONS AND NOTES 50% of the usable open space must be active open space. A minimum of 25% of the usable open space provided must be common open space. Private open space such as a patio, porch, balcony, or yard may be credited toward total residential usable open space, if such private open space is a minimum of 48 sq. ft. and has a minimum dimension of six ft. At least 10% of the required common open space must be developed and maintained with children's play equipment, except for housingfor or the exclusive use of persons over 55 years of age, in which case it shall be developed with age - appropriate equipment. If the subject property contains four or more units, this required open space must be in one or more pieces each having a length and width of at least 25 ft. In addition, if the subject property contains 20 or more units, at least 50% of this required open space must be in one or more pieces each having a length and width of at least 40 ft. 10. Parking spaces shall be provided as follows: Efficiency units — 1.0 per unit + one per two employees Studio units — 1.25 per unit + one per two employees One bedroom units — 1.5 per unit + one per two employees Units with two Ordinance No. 23- Page 75 of 128 Rev 1/22 USE ZONE CHART DIRECTIONS: FIRST, read down to find use ... THEN, across for REGULATIONS Minimums Maximums Required Yards Required Required USE REGULATIONS Review Lot eight of Parking Process Lot Size Front Side Coverage Structure Spaces (each) ear SPECIAL b REGULATIONS AND NOTES bedrooms or more — 2.0 per unit + one per two employees 11. Alternatively, an applicant may choose to submit a parking study in accordance with FWRC 19.130.080(2). 12. The housing will operate under a written operational plan that will include, at a minimum, the following: a. Residents must be referred by providers of housing and services for people experiencing homelessness. Direct intake of residents at the site, without prior referral, is not allowed. b. A description of transit, pedestrian and bicycle access from the subject site to services and schools must be provided to residents. c. An operations plan must be provided that addresses the following elements: i. Roles and responsibilities of key staff; ii. Site/facility management, including a security and emergency plan; iii. Site/facility maintenance; iv. Occupancy policies, consistent with Chapter 59.18 RCW, including resident responsibilities and a code of conduct that includes, at a minimum, a prohibition on threatening and unsafe behavior; and the on -site use and sale of illegal drugs; Ordinance No. 23- Page 76 of 128 Rev 1/22 USE ZONE CHART DIRECTIONS: FIRST, read down to find use ... THEN, across for REGULATIONS Minimums Maximums Required Yards Required Required USE REGULATIONS Review Lot eight of Parking Process Lot Size Front Side Coverage Structure Spaces (each) ear SPECIAL b REGULATIONS AND NOTES v. Access to human and social services, including a staffing plan and expected outcome measures; vi. Procedures for maintaining accurate and complete records. d. Providers and/or managing agencies shall have either a demonstrated experience providing similar services to people experiencing homelessness, and/or certifications or academic credentials in an applicable human service field, and/or applicable experience in a related program with people experiencing homelessness. e. For health and safety reasons, the sponsor and/or managing agency shall take all reasonable and legal steps to obtain verifiable identification information, including full name and date of birth, from current and prospective residents, and shall keep a log containing this information. f. Should the provider become aware of a current or prospective resident who has an active felony warrant, it shall follow a protocol to work with the participant to resolve any outstanding warrants with applicable legal authorities. 13. All facilities are required to be licensed pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 12.35 FWRC. 14. Minimum residential parking requirements subjectto FWRC 19.130.020. Ordinance No. 23- Page 77 of 128 Rev 1/22 USE ZONE CHART DIRECTIONS: FIRST, read down to find use ... THEN, across for REGULATIONS Minimums I Maximums Required Yards Required USE REGULATIONS Review Process Lot Size Lot eight of Front Side Rear Coverage Structure 4 b (each) I, II, III and IV are described in 19.55 FWRC, 19.60 FWRC, 19.65 FWRC, 19.70 FWRC respectively. ZQNE SPECIAL REGULATIONS AND NOTES For other information about parking and parking areas, see Chapter 19.130 FWRC. For details of what may exceed this height limit, see FWRC 19.110.050 et seq. For details regarding required yards, see FWRC 19.125.160 et seq. (Ord. No. 23-949, § 25, 2-7-23; Ord. No. 22-929, § 6, 1-18-22; Ord. No. 21-921, § 9, 10-19-21; Ord. No. 09-605, § 3(Exh. A), 3-3-09; Ord. No. 97-291, § 3, 4-1-97; Ord. No. 96-270, § 5, 7-2-96; Ord. No. 94-223, § 3(G), 10-18-94. Code 2001 § 22-727.) Section 22. FWRC 19.215.150 is hereby amended to read as follows: 19.215.150 Senior citizen or special needs housing The following uses shall be permitted in the neighborhood business (13N) zone subject to the regulations and notes set forth in this section: USE ZONE CHART DIRECTIONS: FIRST, read down to find use ... THEN, across for REGULATIONS Minimums Required Yards Required Required USE REGULATIONS Review Parking Process Lot Size Spaces Front Side (each) Rear SPECIAL n tt b Height of REGULATIONS AND Structure NOTES Senior citizen or special Process II None Senior housing or special needs 35 ft. Senior 1. All buildings must be needs housing (stacked or, with housing: same as these requirements citizen gabled with pitched roofs. dwelling units) SEPA, for ground floor use See note 3 housing: 1 2. Commercial uses Ordinance No. 23- Page 78 of 128 Rev 1/22 USE ZONE CHART DIRECTIONS: FIRST, read down to find use ... THEN, across for REGULATIONS Minimums Required Yards Required Required USE REGULATIONS Review Parking Process Lot Size Spaces Front Side (each) Rear SPECIAL n ty b Height of REGULATIONS AND Process III Structure for each unit NOTES allowed in this zone may Stand-alone senior citizen or special needs housing: be permitted on the Special ground floor of stacked 20 ft. 5 ft. 5 ft. needs senior citizen or special housing: 0.5 needs housing with a See notes 3 and 8 for each unit minimum floor -to -ceiling height of 13 ft. See notes 14 3. If any portion of a and 15 structure on the subject property is within 100 ft. of a single-family residential zone, then that portion of the structure shall not exceed 30 ft. above average building elevation and the structure shall be set back a minimum of 20 ft. from the property line of the residential zone. 4. The subject property must provide usable open space in a total amount equal to at least 100 sq. ft. per dwelling unit and fn spaees sueh as plazas, a#iums. Developments of 5 or fewer units are exempt from this usable open space requirement. At least 50% of the usable open space must be active open space. All eligible usable open space shall also meet the requirements specified in FWRC 19.115.115. A fee -in -lieu payment may be utilized for up to 50 pefeent%o of the usable open space as specified in FWRC 19.115.115. 5. Any common open space requirements for senior housing or special needs housing may be reduced at the discretion Ordinance No. 23- Page 79 of 128 Rev 1/22 USE ZONE CHART DIRECTIONS: FIRST, read down to find use ... THEN, across for REGULATIONS Minimums Required Yards Required Required USE REGULATIONS Review Parking Process Lot Size Spaces Front Side (each) Rear SPECIAL n ty b Height of REGULATIONS AND Structure NOTES of the director, if an open space study documents that less common open space will be adequate to serve the needs of the residents. 6. No maximum lot coverage is established. Instead, the buildable area will be determined by other site development requirements; e.g., required buffers, parking lot landscaping, surface water facilities, among others. 7. For community design guidelines that apply to the project, see Chapter 19.115 FWRC. 8. Refer to Chapter 19.125 FWRC, Outdoors, Yards, and Landscaping, for appropriate requirements. 9. For sign requirements that apply to the project, see Chapter 19.140 FWRC. 10. For provisions that relate to the keeping of animals, see Chapter 19.260 FWRC. 11. Chapter 19.265 FWRC contains regulations regarding accessory uses, buildings and structures. Accessory dwelling units are not permitted. 12. Chapter 19.270 FWRC contains regulations regarding home occupations. 13. For affordable housing requirements, see FWRC 19.110.010. 14. Alternatively, an applicant may choose to submit a parking study in Ordinance No. 23- Page 80 of 128 Rev 1/22 USE ZONE CHART DIRECTIONS: FIRST, read down to find use ... THEN, across for REGULATIONS Minimums Required Yards Required Required USE REGULATIONS Review Parking Process Lot Size Spaces Front Side (each) Rear SPECIAL n ty b Height of REGULATIONS AND Structure NOTES accordance with FWRC 19.130.080(2). 15. Minimum residential parking requirements subject to FWRC 19.130.020. For other information L Process I, II, III and IV are described in about parking and parking Chapter 19.55 FWRC, areas, see Chapter 19.130 Chapter 19.60 FWRC, FWRC. Chapter 19.65 FWRC, Chapter 19.70 FWRC respectively. For details of what may exceed this height limit, see FWRC 19.110.050 et seq. For details regarding required yards, see FWRC 19.125.160 et seq. (Ord. No. 23-949, § 26, 2-7-23; Ord. No. 17-834, § 15, 5-16-17.) Section 23. FWRC 19.220.050 is hereby amended to read as follows: 19.220.050 Multifamily dwelling units The following uses shall be permitted in the community business (BC) zone subject to the regulations and notes set forth in this section: USE ZONE CHART DIRECTIONS: FIRST, read down to find use ... THEN, across for REGULATIONS Minimums - ZONE laicRequired Required Yards Required i�y USE REGULATIONS Review Parking Process Lot Size Spaces Front Side (each) Rear SPECIAL n ty b Height of REGULATIONS AND Structure NOTES Multifamily dwelling Process II None Same as these regulations for 65 ft. above average See notes 4 1. All nonresidential units (stacked dwelling or, with ground floor use except 20 ft. building elevation — 7 and 17 ground floor spaces must Ordinance No. 23- Page 81 of 128 Rev 1/22 USE ZONE CHART DIRECTIONS: FIRST, read down to find use ... THEN, across for REGULATIONS Minimums Required Yards B Required Required USE REGULATIONS Review Parking Process Lot Size Spaces Front Side (each) Rear SPECIAL n tt b Height of REGULATIONS AND Structure NOTES units) SEPA, abutting single-family residential (ABE) have a minimum floor -to - Process III zones Affordable ceiling height of 13 ft. dwelling and a minimum depth of See notes 2 and 13 See note 2 units: 0 15 ft. for each 2. Building height may unit not exceed 30 ft. above average building elevation for the portion of the building located within 100 ft. from a single- family residential zone. 3. Multi -unit housing and accessory living facilities may be located on the ground floor of buildings on the subject property only if ground floor space that spans at least 40 percent of the total length of the buildings adjacent to the primary vehicular access, as determined by the director, is occupied with one or more other permitted use(s) that is open to the public. Parking in conjunction with other uses allowed in this zone may also be located on the ground floor of the structure if non -visible from the right-of-way or public areas. 4. For 100 dwelling units or more on a subject property, 25 percent of parking shall be underground or on the first floor within the building footprint, except for visitor parking, which can be surface parking. 5. Parking spaces shall be provided as follows: Efficiency dwelling units — 1.0 per unit Studio dwelling units — 1.25 per unit One bedroom dwelling units — 1.5 per unit Ordinance No. 23- Page 82 of 128 Rev 1/22 USE ZONE CHART DIRECTIONS: FIRST, read down to find use ... THEN, across for REGULATIONS Minimums Required Required Yards Required B USE REGULATIONS Review Parking Process Lot Size Spaces n tt b Front Side (each) Rear Height of SPECIAL REGULATIONS AND Structure NOTES Dwelling units with two bedrooms or more — 2.0 per unit. 6. Dwelling unit parking stalls are in addition to required parking for all nonresidential ground floor uses. 7. Alternatively, applicant may choose to submit a parking study in accordance with FWRC 19.130.080(2). 8. Chapter 19.265 FWRC contains regulations regarding accessory uses, buildings and structures. Accessory dwelling units are not permitted. 9. Chapter 19.270 FWRC contains regulations regarding home occupations. 10. The subject property must provide usable open space in a total amount equal to at least 430 100 sq. ft. per dwelling unit; patiesand may ifieNde ffiVa4e and baleenie&,--as wellether afeas the dkeetO gyp. Developments of 5 or fewer units are exempt from this usable open space requirement. At least 50% of the usable open space must be active open space. A minimum of 25 pereent%o of the usable open space provided must be common open space. Private open space such as a patio, porch, balcony, Ordinance No. 23- Page 83 of 128 Rev 1/22 USE ZONE CHART DIRECTIONS: FIRST, read down to find use ... THEN, across for REGULATIONS Minimums �{�Nl, Required Required Yards Required B USE REGULATIONS Review Parking Process Lot Size Spaces n tt b Front Side (each) Rear Height of SPECIAL REGULATIONS AND Structure NOTES or yard may be credited toward total residential usable open space, if such private open space is a minimum of 48 square feet and has a minimum dimension of six feet. At least 10% of the required common open space must be developed and maintained with children's play equipment. If the subject property contains four or more units, this required open space must be in one or more pieces each having a length and width of at least 25 ft. In addition, if the subject property contains 20 or more units, at least 50% of this required open space must be in one or more pieces each having_a length and width of at least 40 ft. 11. No maximum lot coverage is established. Instead, the buildable area will be determined by other site development requirements, e.g., required buffers, parking lot landscaping, surface water facilities, among others. 12. For community design guidelines that apply to the project, see Chapter 19.115 FWRC. 13. Refer to Chapter 19.125 FWRC, Outdoors, Yards, and Landscaping, for appropriate requirements. 14. For sign requirements that apply to the project, see Chapter 19.140 FWRC. 15. For affordable Ordinance No. 23- Page 84 of 128 Rev 1/22 USE ZONE CHART DIRECTIONS: FIRST, read down to find use ... THEN, across for REGULATIONS Minimums Required Yards B Required Required USE REGULATIONS Review Parking Process Lot Size Spaces Front Side (each) Rear SPECIAL n tt b Height of REGULATIONS AND Structure NOTES housing requirements, see FWRC 19.110.010. 16. For provisions that relate to the keeping of animals, see Chapter 19.260 FWRC. 17. Minimum residential parking requirements subject to FWRC 19.130.020. For other information L Process I, II, III and IV are described in about parking and parking Chapter 19.55 FWRC, areas, see Chapter 19.130 Chapter 19.60 FWRC, FWRC. Chapter 19.65 FWRC, Chapter 19.70 FWRC respectively. For details of what may exceed this height limit, see FWRC 19.110.050 et seq. For details regarding required yards, see FWRC 19.125.160 et seq. QOrd. No. 23-958, § 8, 6-6-231[ELI]; Ord. No. 23-949, § 27, 2-7-23; Ord. No. 17-834, § 16, 5-16-17; Ord. No. 10-678, § 3, 12-7-10; Ord. No. 07-559, § 3(Exh. A), 7-3-07; Ord. No. 07-554, § 5(Exh. A(17)), 5-15-07; Ord. No. 02-424, § 3, 9-17-02; Ord. (Ord. No. 10-678, § 3, 12-7-10; Ord. No. 07- 559, § 3(Exh. A), 7-3-07; Ord. No. 07-554, § 5(Exh. A(17)), 5-15-07; Ord. No. 02-424, § 3, 9-17-02; Ord. No. 97-291, § 3, 4-1-97; Ord. No. 96-270, § 5, 7-2-96; Ord. No. 93-170, § 7(Exh. B), 4-20-93; Ord. No. 90-43, § 2(45.60), 2-27-90. Formerly 22-756. Code 2001 § 22-755.) Section 24. FWRC 19.220.080 is hereby amended to read as follows: 19.220.080 Senior citizen or special needs housing The following uses shall be permitted in the community business (BC) zone subject to the Ordinance No. 23- Page 85 of 128 Rev 1/22 regulations and notes set forth in this section: USE ZONE CHART DIRECTIONS: FIRST, read down to find use ... THEN, across for REGULATIONS Minimums Required Yards Required Required USE REGULATIONS Review Parking Process Lot Size Spaces Front Side (each) ear SPECIAL n ty b Height of REGULATIONS AND Structure NOTES Senior citizen or special Process II None Senior housing or special needs 65 ft. above average Senior 1. All buildings, except needs housing (stacked or, with housing: same as these requirements building elevation citizen for related parking dwelling units) SEPA, for ground floor use (ABE) housing: 1 structures up to 65 ft. in Process III for each unit height (six stories), must be gabled with pitched Stand-alone senior citizen or special roofs, unless the building needs housing See note 2 is taller than 35 ft. (three 20 ft. 5 ft. 5 ft. Special stories) with a rooftop needs housing- 0.5 that contributes to the multifamily open space See notes 2 and 12 requirements. per each unit 2. If any portion of a structure on the subject property is within 100 ft. See notes 4, of a single-family 5 and 16 residential zone, then that portion of the structure shall not exceed 30 ft. above average building elevation, and the structure shall be set back a minimum of 20 ft. from the property line of the single-family residential zone. 3. Commercial uses allowed in this zone may be permitted on the ground floor of stacked senior citizen or special needs housing with a minimum floor -to -ceiling height of 13 ft. 4. For 100 units or more on a subject property, 25 percent of parking shall be underground, or on the first floor within the building footprint, except for visitor parking, which can be surface parking. 5. Alternatively, applicant may choose to submit a parking study in accordance with FWRC 19.130.080(2). 6. Chapter 19.265 FWRC contains regulations Ordinance No. 23- Page 86 of 128 Rev 1/22 USE ZONE CHART DIRECTIONS: FIRST, read down to find use ... THEN, across for REGULATIONS Minimums Required Required Yards Required B USE REGULATIONS Review Parking Process Lot Size Spaces n tt b Front Side (cach) Rear Height of SPECIAL REGULATIONS AND Structure NOTES regarding accessory uses, buildings and structures. Accessory dwelling units are not permitted. 7. Chapter 19.270 FWRC contains regulations regarding home occupations. 8. The subject property must provide usable open space in a total amount equal to at least 100 sq. ft. per dwelling unit and fftay spaees sueh as plazas, a#ian3s. Developments of 5 or fewer units are exempt from this usable open space requirement. At least 50% of the usable open space must be active open space. All eligible usable open space shall also meet the requirements specified in FWRC 19.115.115. A fee -in -lieu payment may be utilized for up to 50 pefeent%o of the usable open space as specified in FWRC 19.115.115. 9. Any common open space requirements for senior housing or special needs housing may be reduced at the discretion of the director, if an open space study documents that less common open space will be adequate to serve the needs of the residents. 10. No maximum lot coverage is established. Instead, the buildable area will be determined by other site development requirements, e.g., Ordinance No. 23- Page 87 of 128 Rev 1/22 USE ZONE CHART DIRECTIONS: FIRST, read down to find use ... THEN, across for REGULATIONS Minimums Required Yards B Required Required USE REGULATIONS Review Parking Process Lot Size Spaces Front Side (cach) Rear SPECIAL n tt b Height of REGULATIONS AND Structure NOTES required buffers, parking lot landscaping, surface water facilities, among others. 11. For community design guidelines that apply to the project, see Chapter 19.115 FWRC. 12. Refer to Chapter 19.125 FWRC, Outdoors, Yards, and Landscaping, for appropriate requirements. 13. For sign requirements that apply to the project, see Chapter 19.140 FWRC. 14. For affordable housing requirements, see FWRC 19.110.010. 15. For provisions that relate to the keeping of animals, see Chapter 19.260 FWRC. 16. Minimum residential parking requirements subject to FWRC 19.130.020. For other information L Process I, II, III and IV are described in about parking and parking Chapter 19.55 FWRC, areas, see Chapter 19.130 Chapter 19.60 FWRC, FWRC. Chapter 19.65 FWRC, Chapter 19.70 FWRC respectively. For details of what may exceed this height limit, see FWRC 19.110.050 et seq. For details regarding required yards, see FWRC 19.125.160 et seq. (Ord. No. 23-949, § 28, 2-7-23; Ord. No. 17-834, § 17, 5-16-17; Ord. No. 10-678, § 4,12-7-10; Ord. No. 07-559, § 3(Exh. A), 7-3-07. Code 2001 § 22-758.) Section 25. FWRC 19.220.100 is hereby amended to read as follows: Ordinance No. 23- Page 88 of 128 Rev 1/22 19.220.100 Permanent supportive housing and transitional housing The following uses shall be permitted in the community business (BQ zone subject to the regulations and notes set forth in this section: USE ZONE CHART DIRECTIONS: FIRST, read down to find use ... THEN, across for REGULATIONS Minimums Maximums ZQNE Required Yards Required Required USE REGULATIONS Review Lot eight of Parking Process Lot Size Side Coverage Structure Spaces Front (each) ear SPECIAL b REGULATIONS AND NOTES Permanent supportive Process III None 0/20 10/20 10/20 None 55 ft. See notes 14, 1. Any proposed housing and transitional above 15 and 18 permanent supportive housing average housing or transitional building housing facility with more elevation than two units, or which (ABE) brings the total number of permanent supportive See notes housing or transitional 9 and 10 housing units on the property to more than three units, must be distanced at least one and one-third miles (7,040 ft.) from any property with more than three units of permanent supportive housing and/or transitional housing, as measured from the nearest points of each such property. 2. There shall be no more than 50 residences located within a single facility or complex. 3. The property is situated proximate to, and has convenient access to, public transportation, shopping, health care providers, and other services and facilities frequently utilized by the residents of the property. 4. The facility or complex will be operated under the authority of a reputable governing board, social service, or government agency, or proprietor, to whom staff are responsible and who will be available to city officials, if Ordinance No. 23- Page 89 of 128 Rev 1/22 USE ZONE CHART DIRECTIONS: FIRST, read down to find use ... THEN, across for REGULATIONS Minimums Maximums ZQNE Required Yards Required Required USE REGULATIONS Review Lot eight of Parking Process Lot Size Front Side Coverage Structure Spaces (each) ear SPECIAL b REGULATIONS AND NOTES necessary, to resolve concerns pertaining to the property or residents. 5. The housing will operate under a written community engagement plan, approved by the governing agency, board, or official, which must address, at a minimum: (a) how the facility will engage with the community; (b) how the facility will respond to community complaints or concerns; and (c) who is the point of contact for the community. The plan shall be provided to the city prior to occupancy and shall be updated and provided to the city as substantive changes are made to the plan. 6. Refer to Chapter 19.125 FWRC, Outdoors, Yards, and Landscaping, for appropriate requirements. 7. For sign requirements that apply to the project, see Chapter 19.140 FWRC. 8. For community design guidelines that apply to the project, see Chapter 19.115 FWRC. 9. Building height may not exceed 30 ft. above average building elevation for the portion of the building located within 100 ft. from a single-family residential zone. 10. All buildings, except for related parking structures up to 65 ft. in height (six stories), must be gabled with pitched roofs, unless the building is taller than 35 ft. (three stories) with a rooftop that Ordinance No. 23- Page 90 of 128 Rev 1/22 USE ZONE CHART DIRECTIONS: FIRST, read down to find use ... THEN, across for REGULATIONS Minimums Maximums ZQNE Required Yards Required Required USE REGULATIONS Review Lot eight of Parking Process Lot Size Front Side Coverage Structure Spaces (each) ear SPECIAL b REGULATIONS AND NOTES contributes to the multifamily open space requirements. 11. Housing and accessory living facilities may be located on the ground floor only as follows: (a) ground level space that spans at least 60% of the total length of the principal commercial facade of all buildings, as determined by the director, is occupied with one or more other use(s) allowed in this zone; and (b) ground level space that spans at least 40% of the total length of all other street -facing facades of all buildings is occupied with one or more other use(s) allowed in this zone. Parking in conjunction with other uses allowed in this zone may also be located on the ground floor of the structure if nonvisible from the right- of-way or public areas. 12. All nonresidential ground floor spaces must have a minimum floor -to - ceiling height of 13 ft. and a minimum depth of 15 ft. 13. The subject property must provide usable open space in a total amount equal to at least 438 100 sq. ft. per dwelling unit, and may inelude private well as RMMRB A=]Plh peels, aet afeas the diFeet6F deems appropriate. Developments of 5 or fewer units are exempt from this usable Ordinance No. 23- Page 91 of 128 Rev 1/22 USE ZONE CHART DIRECTIONS: FIRST, read down to find use ... THEN, across for REGULATIONS Minimums Maximums ZQNE Required Yards Required Required USE REGULATIONS b Review Process Lot Size Front Side (each) ear Lot Coverage eight of Structure Parking Spaces SPECIAL REGULATIONS AND NOTES Wen space requirement. At least 50% of the usable Men space must be active open space. A minimum of 25% of the usable open space provided must be common open space. Private open space such as a patio, porch, balcony, or yard may be credited toward total residential usable open space, if such private open space is a minimum of 48 sq. ft. and has a minimum dimension of six ft. At least 10% of the required common open space must be developed and maintained with children's play equipment, except for housingfor or the exclusive use of persons over 55 years of age, in which case it shall be developed with age - appropriate equipment. If the subject property contains four or more units, this required open space must be in one or more pieces each having a length and width of at least 25 ft. In addition, if the subject property contains 20 or more units, at least 50% of this required open space must be in one or more pieces each having a length and width of at least 40 ft. 14. Parking spaces shall be provided as follows: Efficiency units — 1.0 per unit + one per two employees Studio units — 1.25 per unit + one per two employees One bedroom units — 1.5 per unit + one per two employees Ordinance No. 23- Page 92 of 128 Rev 1/22 USE ZONE CHART DIRECTIONS: FIRST, read down to find use ... THEN, across for REGULATIONS Minimums Maximums ZQNE Required Yards Required Required USE REGULATIONS Review Lot eight of Parking Process Lot Size Front Side Coverage Structure Spaces (each) ear SPECIAL b REGULATIONS AND NOTES Units with two bedrooms or more — 2.0 per unit + one per two employees 15. Alternatively, an applicant may choose to submit a parking study in accordance with FWRC 19.130.080(2). 16. The housing will operate under a written operational plan that will include, at a minimum, the following: a. Residents must be referred by providers of housing and services for people experiencing homelessness. Direct intake of residents at the site, without prior referral, is not allowed. b. A description of transit, pedestrian and bicycle access from the subject site to services and schools must be provided to residents. c. An operations plan must be provided that addresses the following elements: i. Roles and responsibilities of key staff; ii. Site/facility management, including a security and emergency plan; iii. Site/facility maintenance; iv. Occupancy policies, consistent with Chapter 59.18 RCW, including resident responsibilities and a code of conduct that includes, at a minimum, a prohibition on threatening and unsafe behavior; and the on -site use and sale of illegal Ordinance No. 23- Page 93 of 128 Rev 1/22 USE ZONE CHART DIRECTIONS: FIRST, read down to find use ... THEN, across for REGULATIONS Minimums Maximums ZQNE Required Yards Required Required USE REGULATIONS Review Lot eight of Parking Process Lot Size Front Side Coverage Structure Spaces (each) ear SPECIAL b REGULATIONS AND NOTES drugs; v. Access to human and social services, including a staffing plan and expected outcome measures; vi. Procedures for maintaining accurate and complete records. d. Providers and/or managing agencies shall have either a demonstrated experience providing similar services to people experiencing homelessness, and/or certifications or academic credentials in an applicable human service field, and/or applicable experience in a related program with people experiencing homelessness. e. For health and safety reasons, the sponsor and/or managing agency shall take all reasonable and legal steps to obtain verifiable identification information, including full name and date of birth, from current and prospective residents, and shall keep a log containing this information. f. Should the provider become aware of a current or prospective resident who has an active felony warrant, it shall follow a protocol to work with the participant to resolve any outstanding warrants with applicable legal authorities. 17. All facilities are required to be licensed pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 12.35 FWRC. 18. Minimum residential parking requirements subjectto FWRC 19.130.020. Ordinance No. 23- Page 94 of 128 Rev 1/22 USE ZONE CHART DIRECTIONS: FIRST, read down to find use ... THEN, across for REGULATIONS Minimums Maximums ZQNE Required Yards Required Required USE REGULATIONS Review Lot eight of Parking Process Lot Size Front Side Rear Coverage Structure Spaces (each) SPECIAL b REGULATIONS AND NOTES L For other information Process I, II, III and IV are described in about parking and parking Chapter 19.55 FWRC, areas, see Chapter 19.130 Chapter 19.60 FWRC, FWRC. Chapter 19.65 FWRC, For details of what may Chapter 19.70 FWRC respectively. exceed this height limit, see FWRC 19.110.050 et seq. For details regarding required yards, see FWRC 19.125.160 et seq. (Ord. No. 23-949, § 29, 2-7-23; Ord. No. 22-929, § 7, 1-18-22; Ord. No. 21-921, § 11, 10-19-21; Ord. No. 09-605, § 3(Exh. A), 3-3-09; Ord. No. 07-559, § 3(Exh. A), 7-3-07; Ord. No. 97-291, § 3, 4-1-97; Ord. No. 96-270, § 5, 7-2-96; Ord. No. 94-223, § 3(G), 10-18-94. Code 2001 § 22-760.) Section 26. FWRC 19.225.070 is hereby amended to read as follows: 19.225.070 Multifamily dwelling units, senior citizen, or special needs housing. The following uses shall be permitted in the city center core (CC-C) zone subject to the regulations and notes set forth in this section: USE ZONE CHART DIRECTIONS: FIRST, read down to find use ... THEN, across for REGULATIONS Minimums ZONE y—L Required Yards Required Required 44 USE REGULATIONS Review Parking Process Lot Size Spaces Front Side (each) ear SPECIAL n ty b Height of REGULATIONS AND Structure NOTES Multifamily dwelling Process II None Multifamily dwelling units, senior 70 ft. Multifamily 1. The city may, using units (stacked dwelling Possible housing, or special needs housing: or dwelling process III, modify units) Process III same as these regulations for ground 200 ft. units: 1 per required yard, height, lot Ordinance No. 23- Page 95 of 128 Rev 1/22 USE ZONE CHART DIRECTIONS: FIRST, read down to find use ... THEN, across for REGULATIONS Minimums Required Yards Required Required USE REGULATIONS Review Parking Process Lot Size Spaces n tt b Front Side (each) Rear Height of SPECIAL REGULATIONS AND Structure NOTES floor use unit if coverage, and other site Senior citizen or special See note 1 See note 1 underground design and dimensional Stand-alone senior citizen or special needs housing (stacked or in requirements for a dwelling units) needs housing: structured proposed development parking or 1.7 per unit that meets the following criteria: 20 ft. 5 ft. 5 ft. if surface a. The proposed See notes 1, 2 and 10 parking development will be consistent with the See notes 16 adopted comprehensive through 20 plan policies for this zone; and Senior b. The proposed citizen development will be housing: 1 consistent with the for each unit applicable design guidelines; and Special c. The street, utilities, needs and other infrastructure in housing: 0.5 the area are adequate to for each unit support the proposed development. Affordable 2. No setback is required dwelling adjacent to rights -of -way units: 0 for for senior citizen and each unit special needs housing, when publicly visible street-scape amenities, as defined in FWRC 19.05.190 are located along the right-of- way; the siting and design of which shall be approved by the director. 3. A minimum of 15 percent of the ground floor must be comprised of nonresidential uses open to the public. Where any portion of the subject property is located adjacent to the intersection of multiple streets, the ground floor space for a distance of 50 ft. from the nearest point of the subject property to any such street intersection, shall be limited to entertainment or retail uses. Ground Ordinance No. 23- Page 96 of 128 Rev 1/22 USE ZONE CHART DIRECTIONS: FIRST, read down to find use ... THEN, across for REGULATIONS Minimums Required Yards Required Required USE REGULATIONS Review Parking Process Lot Size Spaces n tt b Front Side (each) Rear Height of SPECIAL REGULATIONS AND Structure NOTES floor space limited to entertainment or retail uses under the preceding sentence may count toward the 15 percent nonresidential use requirement under this note. 4. Primary building entries to residential, retail, or parking must face an arterial street with no multifamily residential ground floor parking visible from arterial streets. 5. Building height may be increased from the permitted outright height of 70 ft. to 200 ft. in exchange for providing publicly visible streetscape amenities, as defined in FWRC 19.05.190 along the right-of-way; the siting and design of which shall be approved by the director. 6. The subject property must provide usable open space in a total amount equal to at least 100 sq. ft. per dwelling unit and fn ine-lude private epen spaees w as yeFa well as eemmen epen ..,1... ...1..zas spaees Developments of 5 or fewer units are exempt from this usable open space requirement. At least 50% of the usable open space must be active open space. A minimum of 25 pereent%o of the Ordinance No. 23- Page 97 of 128 Rev 1/22 USE ZONE CHART DIRECTIONS: FIRST, read down to find use ... THEN, across for REGULATIONS Minimums Required Yards Required Required USE REGULATIONS Review Parking Process Lot Size Spaces n tt b Front Side (each) Rear Height of SPECIAL REGULATIONS AND Structure NOTES usable open space provided must be common open space. All eligible usable open space shall also meet the requirements specified in FWRC 19.115.115. A fee -in -lieu payment may be utilized for up to 50 pefeent%o of the usable open space as specified in FWRC 19.115.115. At least 10% of the common open space must be developed and maintained with children's play equipment, except for housing for the exclusive use of persons over 55 years of age, in which case it shall be developed with age -appropriate equipment. 7. Any common open space requirements for senior housing or special needs housing may be reduced at the discretion of the director, if an open space study documents that less common open space will be adequate to serve the needs of the residents. 8. No maximum lot coverage is established. Instead, the buildable area will be determined by other site development requirements, e.g., required buffers, parking lot landscaping, surface water facilities, among others. 9. For community design guidelines that apply to the project, see Chapter 19.115 FWRC. 10. Refer to Chapter 19.125 FWRC, Outdoors, Yards, and Ordinance No. 23- Page 98 of 128 Rev 1/22 USE ZONE CHART DIRECTIONS: FIRST, read down to find use ... THEN, across for REGULATIONS Minimums Required Yards Required Required USE REGULATIONS Review Parking Process Lot Size Spaces Front Side (each) Rear SPECIAL n tt b Height of REGULATIONS AND Structure NOTES Landscaping, for appropriate requirements. 11. For sign requirements that apply to the project, see Chapter 19.140 FWRC. 12. Chapter 19.265 FWRC contains regulations regarding accessory uses, buildings and structures. Accessory dwelling units are not permitted. 13. Chapter 19.270 FWRC contains regulations regarding home occupations. 14. For affordable housing requirements, see FWRC 19.110.010. 15. For provisions that relate to the keeping of animals, see Chapter 19.260 FWRC. 16. Parking may be provided underground or above ground in structured parking or may be permitted as surface parking. 17. Dwelling unit parking stalls are in addition to required parking for all nonresidential ground floor uses. 18. Surface parking areas for multifamily development must be located so that they are not visible from arterials or pedestrian oriented walkways. When determined by the community development director or designee that such requirement is not feasible, surface parking may be screened from public view by a compact evergreen hedge, a solid Ordinance No. 23- Page 99 of 128 Rev 1/22 USE ZONE CHART DIRECTIONS: FIRST, read down to find use ... THEN, across for REGULATIONS Minimums Required Yards Required Required USE REGULATIONS Review Parking Process Lot Size Spaces Front Side (each) Rear SPECIAL n tt b Height of REGULATIONS AND Structure NOTES wall or fence, or in a manner approved by the community development director or designee. 19. Required parking may be reduced under the provisions of FWRC 19.130.020(3) (a), (b), (c), and (d). 20. Minimum residential parking requirements subject to FWRC 19.130.020. For other information L Process I, II, III and IV are described in about parking and parking Chapter 19.55 FWRC, areas, see Chapter 19.130 Chapter 19.60 FWRC, FWRC. Chapter 19.65 FWRC, Chapter 19.70 FWRC respectively. For details of what may exceed this height limit, see FWRC 19.110.050 et seq. For details regarding required yards, see FWRC 19.125.160 et seq. Ord. No. 23-958, § 9, 6-6-23I[EL2]; Ord. No. 23-949, § 31, 2-7-23; Ord. No. 17-834, § 18, 5-16-17; Ord. No. 12-735, § 4(Exh. A), 12-4-12; Ord. No. 12-727, § 3, 9-18-12; Ord. No. 07-554, § 5(Exh. A(18)), 5-15-07; Ord. No. 06-542, § 3(Exh. A), 12-19-06; Ord. No. 06-515, § 3, 2-7-06; Ord. No. 02-424, § 3, 9-17-02; Ord. No. 97-291, § 3, 4-1-97; Ord. No. 96-270, § 5, 7-2-96; Ord. No. 93-170, § 7(Exh. B), 4-20-93; Ord. No. 90-43, § 2(50.55), 2-27-90. Code 2001 § 22-797.) Section 27. FWRC 19.225.075 is hereby amended to read as follows: 19.225.075 Permanent supportive housing and transitional housing The following uses shall be permitted in the city center core (CC-C) zone subject to the regulations Ordinance No. 23- Page 100 of 128 Rev 1/22 and notes set forth in this section: USE ZONE CHART DIRECTIONS: FIRST, read down to find use ... THEN, across for REGULATIONS Minimums Maximums ZDNE Required Yards Required Required -fir L USE REGULATIONS Review Lot eight of Parking Process Lot Size Front Side Rear Coverage Structure Spaces (each) SPECIAL b REGULATIONS AND NOTES Permanent supportive Process III None 10 ft. None 70 ft. or See notes 16, 1. Any proposed housing and transitional 200 ft. 17 and 20 permanent supportive housing housing or transitional See notes housing facility with more 11 and 12 than two units, or which brings the total number of permanent supportive housing or transitional housing units on the property to more than three units, must be distanced at least one and one-third miles (7,040 ft.) from any property with more than three units of permanent supportive housing and/or transitional housing, as measured from the nearest points of each such property. 2. There shall be no more than 110 residences located within a single facility or complex. 3. The property is situated proximate to, and has convenient access to, public transportation, shopping, health care providers, and other services and facilities frequently utilized by the residents of the property. 4. The facility or complex will be operated under the authority of a reputable governing board, social service, or government agency, or proprietor, to whom staff are responsible and who will be available to city officials, if necessary, to resolve concerns pertaining to the property or residents. 5. The housing will operate under a written community engagement plan, Ordinance No. 23- Page 101 of 128 Rev 1/22 USE ZONE CHART DIRECTIONS: FIRST, read down to find use ... THEN, across for REGULATIONS Minimums Maximums ZONE Required Yards Required Required 4 -fir L USE REGULATIONS Review Lot eight of Parking Process Lot Size Side Coverage Structure Spaces Front (each) ear SPECIAL b REGULATIONS AND NOTES approved by the governing agency, board, or official, which must address, at a minimum: (a) how the facility will engage with the community; (b) how the facility will respond to community complaints or concerns; and (c) who is the point of contact for the community. The plan shall be provided to the city prior to occupancy and shall be updated and provided to the city as substantive changes are made to the plan. 6. Refer to Chapter 19.125 FWRC, Outdoors, Yards, and Landscaping, for appropriate requirements. 7. For sign requirements that apply to the project, see Chapter 19.140 FWRC. 8. For community design guidelines that apply to the project, see Chapter 19.115 FWRC. 9. Where the building is located near a right-of- way, the ground floor must consist of nonresidential space(s) with a minimum floor -to -ceiling height of 13 ft.; or residential spaces that contribute an active presence to the streetscape. 10. Primary building entries to residential, retail, or parking must face an arterial street with no multifamily residential ground floor parking visible from arterial streets. 11. All buildings, except for related parking structures up to 65 ft. in height (six stories), must Ordinance No. 23- Page 102 of 128 Rev 1/22 USE ZONE CHART DIRECTIONS: FIRST, read down to find use ... THEN, across for REGULATIONS Minimums Maximums ZONE Required Yards Required Required 4 —fir L USE REGULATIONS Review Lot eight of Parking Process Lot Size Side Coverage Structure Spaces Front (each) ear SPECIAL b REGULATIONS AND NOTES be gabled with pitched roofs, unless the building is taller than 35 ft. (three stories) with a rooftop that contributes to the multifamily open space requirements. 12. Building height may be increased from the permitted outright height of 70 ft. to 200 ft. in exchange for providing publicly visible streetscape amenities, as defined in FWRC 19.05.190, along the right-of-way; the siting and design of which shall be approved by the director. 13. The subject property must provide usable open space in a total amount equal to at least 100 sq. ft. per dwelling unit and m inelHde private epee spaees sii" and waleenie " well as eafflfflan open play,._"....a. Developments of 5 or fewer units are exempt from this usable open space requirement. At least 50% of the usable open space must be active open space. A minimum of 25% of the usable open space provided must be common open space. All eligible usable open space shall also meet the requirements specified in FWRC 19.115.115. A fee - in -lieu payment may be utilized for up to 50% of the usable open space as specified in Ordinance No. 23- Page 103 of 128 Rev 1/22 USE ZONE CHART DIRECTIONS: FIRST, read down to find use ... THEN, across for REGULATIONS Minimums Maximums ZONE Required Yards Required Required 4 —fir L USE REGULATIONS b Review Process Lot Size Front Side (each) ear Lot Coverage eight of Structure Parking Spaces SPECIAL REGULATIONS AND NOTES FWRC 19.115.115. At least 10% of the common open space must be developed and maintained with children's plav equipment, except for housing for the exclusive use of persons over 55 years of age, in which case it shall be developed with age -appropriate equipment. 14. Any common open space requirements may be 14. Any common open space requirements may be reduced at the discretion of the director, if an open space study documents that less common open space will be adequate to serve the needs of the residents. 15. Surface parking areas must be located so that they are not visible from arterials or pedestrian - oriented walkways. When determined by the director or designee that such requirement is not feasible, surface parking may be screened from public view by a compact evergreen hedge, a solid wall or fence, or in a manner approved by the community development director or designee. 16. Parking spaces shall be provided as follows: Efficiency units — 1.0 per unit + one per two employees Studio units — 1.25 per unit + one per two employees One bedroom units — 1.5 per unit + one per two employees Units with two Ordinance No. 23- Page 104 of 128 Rev 1/22 USE ZONE CHART DIRECTIONS: FIRST, read down to find use ... THEN, across for REGULATIONS Minimums Maximums ZONE Required Yards Required Required 4 -fir L USE REGULATIONS Review Lot eight of Parking Process Lot Size Side Coverage Structure Spaces Front (each) ear SPECIAL b REGULATIONS AND NOTES bedrooms or more — 2.0 per unit + one per two employees 17. Alternatively, an applicant may choose to submit a parking study in accordance with FWRC 19.130.080(2). 18. The housing will operate under a written operational plan that will include, at a minimum, the following: a. Residents must be referred by providers of housing and services for people experiencing homelessness. Direct intake of residents at the site, without prior referral, is not allowed. b. A description of transit, pedestrian and bicycle access from the subject site to services and schools must be provided to residents. c. An operations plan must be provided that addresses the following elements: i. Roles and responsibilities of key staff; ii. Site/facility management, including a security and emergency plan; iii. Site/facility maintenance; iv. Occupancy policies, consistent with Chapter 59.18 RCW, including resident responsibilities and a code of conduct that includes, at a minimum, a prohibition on threatening and unsafe behavior; and the on -site use and sale of illegal drugs; v. Access to human and Ordinance No. 23- Page 105 of 128 Rev 1/22 USE ZONE CHART DIRECTIONS: FIRST, read down to find use ... THEN, across for REGULATIONS Minimums Maximums ZONE Required Yards Required Required 4 -fir L USE REGULATIONS Review Lot eight of Parking Process Lot Size Side Coverage Structure Spaces Front (each) ear SPECIAL b REGULATIONS AND NOTES social services, including a staffing plan and expected outcome measures; vi. Procedures for maintaining accurate and complete records. d. Providers and/or managing agencies shall have either a demonstrated experience providing similar services to people experiencing homelessness, and/or certifications or academic credentials in an applicable human service field, and/or applicable experience in a related program with people experiencing homelessness. e. For health and safety reasons, the sponsor and/or managing agency shall take all reasonable and legal steps to obtain verifiable identification information, including full name and date of birth, from current and prospective residents, and shall keep a log containing this information. f. Should the provider become aware of a current or prospective resident who has an active felony warrant, it shall follow a protocol to work with the participant to resolve any outstanding warrants with applicable legal authorities. 19. All facilities are required to be licensed pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 12.35 FWRC. 20. Minimum residential parking requirements subjectto FWRC 19.130.020. Ordinance No. 23- Page 106 of 128 Rev 1/22 USE ZONE CHART DIRECTIONS: FIRST, read down to find use ... THEN, across for REGULATIONS Minimums I Maximums Required USE REGULATIONS Review Process I Lot Size 4 b I, II, III and IV are described in 19.55 FWRC, 19.60 FWRC, 19.65 FWRC, 19.70 FWRC respectively. ZONE Required Yards Lot Height of µ 'b ;ide Spaces Coverage Structure each) ear SPECIAL REGULATIONS AND NOTES For other information about parking and parking areas, see Chapter 19.130 FWRC. For details of what may exceed this height limit, see FWRC 19.110.050 et seq. For details regarding required yards, see FWRC 19.125.160 et seq. (Ord. No. 23-949, § 32, 2-7-23; Ord. No. 22-929, § 10, 1-18-22; Ord. No. 21-921, § 23, 10-19-21.) Section 28. FWRC 19.230.060 is hereby amended to read as follows: 19.230.060 Multifamily dwelling units, senior citizen, or special needs housing. The following uses shall be permitted in the city center frame (CC-F) zone subject to the regulations and notes set forth in this section: USE ZONE CHART DIRECTIONS: FIRST, read down to find use ... THEN, across for REGULATIONS Minimums ZONE I ryiL, Required Yards Required Required USE REGULATIONS Review Parking Process Lot Size Spaces Front Side (each) Rear SPECIAL IG b Height of REGULATIONS AND Structure NOTES Multifamily dwelling Process II None Multifamily dwelling units, senior 70 ft. Multifamily 1. The city may, using units (stacked dwelling Possible housing, or special needs housing: or dwelling process III, modify units) Process III Same as these requirements for 85 ft. units: 1 per required height, yard, ground floor use unit if landscape and other site Senior citizen or special See note 1 See notes 1, 3 and 4 underground design and dimensional needs housing (stacked or in requirements for a dwelling units) structured proposed development Stand-alone senior citizen or special parking or that meets the following needs housing: 1.7 per unit criteria: 20 ft. 5 ft. 5 ft. if surface a. The proposed Ordinance No. 23- Page 107 of 128 Rev 1/22 USE ZONE CHART DIRECTIONS: FIRST, read down to find use ... THEN, across for REGULATIONS Minimums Required Yards Required Required 11 r USE REGULATIONS Review Parking Process Lot Size Spaces Front Side (each) Rear SPECIAL n tt b Height of REGULATIONS AND Structure parking NOTES development will be See notes 4, 8, and 10 consistent with the See notes 16 adopted comprehensive through 19 plan policies for this zone; and Senior b. The proposed citizen development will be housing: 1 consistent with applicable for each unit design guidelines; and c. The street utilities Special and other infrastructure in needs the area are adequate to housing: support the proposed 0.5 for each development. unit 2. Multi -unit housing and accessory living facilities Affordable may be located on the dwelling ground floor of buildings units: 0 for on the subject property each unit only if ground floor space that spans at least 40 percent of the total length of the buildings adjacent to the primary vehicular access, as determined by the director, is occupied with one or more other permitted use(s) that is open to the public. Parking in conjunction with other uses allowed in this zone may also be located on the ground floor of the structure if non -visible from the right-of-way or public areas. 3. Building height may be increased from the permitted outright height of 70 ft. to 85 ft. in exchange for providing publicly visible streetscape amenities, as defined in FWRC 19.05.190 along the right-of-way; the siting and design of which shall be approved by the director. 4. Structures on property Ordinance No. 23- Page 108 of 128 Rev 1/22 USE ZONE CHART DIRECTIONS: FIRST, read down to find use ... THEN, across for REGULATIONS Minimums Required Yards Required Required 11 r USE REGULATIONS Review Parking Process Lot Size Spaces n tt b Front Side (each) Rear Height of SPECIAL REGULATIONS AND Structure NOTES that adjoins a single- family residential zone shall be set back a minimum of 20 ft. from the property line adjacent to the single-family residential zone. The height of structures shall not exceed 30 ft. above average building elevation when located within 100 ft. from such property line. 5. The subject property must provide usable open space in a total amount equal to at least 100 sq. ft. per dwelling unit and fn baleenies, as well as siieh as plazas, eft Developments of 5 or fewer units are exempt from this usable open space requirement. At least 50% of the usable open space must be active open space. A minimum of 25 pereent%o of the usable open space provided must be common open space. All eligible usable open space shall also meet the requirements specified in FWRC 19.115.115. A fee -in -lieu option is available for up to 50 pereent%o of the usable open space as specified in FWRC 19.115.115. At least 10% of the common open space must be developed and maintained with children's play Ordinance No. 23- Page 109 of 128 Rev 1/22 USE ZONE CHART DIRECTIONS: FIRST, read down to find use ... THEN, across for REGULATIONS Minimums Required Yards Required Required 11 r USE REGULATIONS Review Parking Process Lot Size Spaces n tt b Front Side (each) Rear Height of SPECIAL REGULATIONS AND Structure NOTES equipment, except for housing for the exclusive use of persons over 55 years of age, in which case it shall be developed with age -appropriate equipment. 6. Any common open space requirements for senior housing or special needs housing may be reduced at the discretion of the director, if an open space study documents that less common open space will be adequate to serve the needs of the residents. 7. No maximum lot coverage is established. Instead, the buildable area will be determined by other site development requirements, e.g., buffers, parking lot landscaping, surface water facilities, among others. 8. No setback is required adjacent to rights -of -way for senior citizen and special needs housing, when publicly visible streetscape amenities, as defined in FWRC 19.05.190 are located along the right-of- way, the siting and design of which shall be approved by the director. 9. For community design guidelines that apply to the project, see Chapter 19.115 FWRC. 10. Refer to Chapter 19.125 FWRC, Outdoors, Yards, and Landscaping, for appropriate requirements. 11. For sign requirements that apply to the project, Ordinance No. 23- Page 110 of 128 Rev 1/22 USE REGULATIONS 4 b USE ZONE CHART DIRECTIONS: FIRST, read down to find use ... THEN, across for REGULATIONS Minimums Required Yards Required Review Process Lot Size Front Side (each) Rear Height of Structure I, II, III and IV are described in 19.55 FWRC, 19.60 FWRC, 19.65 FWRC, 19.70 FWRC respectively. Ordinance No. 23- SPECIAL REGULATIONS AND NOTES see Chapter 19.140 FWRC. 12. Chapter 19.265 FWRC contains regulations regarding accessory uses, buildings and structures. Accessory dwelling units are not permitted. 13. Chapter 19.270 FWRC contains regulations regarding home occupations. 14. For affordable housing requirements, see FWRC 19.110.010. 15. For provisions that relate to the keeping of animals, see FWRC 19.260.010 et seq. 16. Parking may be provided underground or above ground in structured parking or may be permitted as surface parking. 17. Dwelling unit parking stalls are in addition to required parking for all nonresidential ground floor uses. 18. Required parking may be reduced under the provisions of FWRC 19.130.020(3) (a), (b), (c), and (d). 19. Minimum residential parking requirements subject to FWRC 19.130.020. For other information about parking and parking areas, see Chapter 19.130 FWRC. For details of what may Page 111 of 128 Rev 1/22 USE ZONE CHART DIRECTIONS: FIRST, read down to find use ... THEN, across for REGULATIONS Minimums Required Yards Required Required 11 r USE REGULATIONS Review Parking Process Lot Size Spaces Front Side (each) Rear SPECIAL n tt b Height of REGULATIONS AND Structure NOTES exceed this height limit, see FWRC 19.110.050 et seq. For details regarding required yards, see FWRC 19.125.160 et seq. (Ord. No. 23-958, § 10, 6-6-23; Ord. No. 23-949, § 34, 2-7-23; Ord. No. 17-834, § 19, 5-16-17; Ord. No. 12-735, § 4(Exh. A), 12-4-12; Ord. No. 12-727, § 4, 9-18-12; Ord. No. 07-554, § 5(Exh. A(19)), 5-15-07; Ord. No. 06-515, § 3, 2-7-06; Ord. No. 02-424, § 3, 9-17-02; Ord. No. 97-291, § 3, 4-1-97; Ord. No. 96-270, § 5, 7-2-96; Ord. No. 93-170, § 7(Exh. B), 4-20-93; Ord. No. 90-43, § 2(50.55), 2- 27-90. Code 2001 § 22-809.) Section 29. FWRC 19.230.065 is hereby amended to read as follows: 19.230.065 Permanent supportive housing and transitional housing The following uses shall be permitted in the city center frame (CC-F) zone subject to the regulations and notes set forth in this section: USE ZONE CHART DIRECTIONS: FIRST, read down to find use ... THEN, across for REGULATIONS Minimums Maximums ZDNE rr_ Required Yards Required Required L L USE REGULATIONS Review Parking Process Lot Size Side Lot Coverage eight of Structure Spaces Front (each) Rear SPECIAL IG b REGULATIONS AND NOTES Permanent supportive Process III None 10 ft. None 70 ft. or See notes 15, 1. Any proposed housing and transitional 85 ft. 16 and 19 permanent supportive housing housing or transitional See notes housing facility with more Ordinance No. 23- Page 112 of 128 Rev 1/22 USE ZONE CHART DIRECTIONS: FIRST, read down to find use ... THEN, across for REGULATIONS Minimums Maximums ZONE Required Yards Required Required USE REGULATIONS Review Lot eight of Parking Process Lot Size Side Coverage Structure Spaces Front (each) ear SPECIAL b REGULATIONS AND NOTES 9 and 10 than two units, or which brings the total number of permanent supportive housing or transitional housing units on the property to more than three units, must be distanced at least one and one-third miles (7,040 ft.) from any property with more than three units of permanent supportive housing and/or transitional housing, as measured from the nearest points of each such property. 2. There shall be no more than 110 residences located within a single facility or complex. 3. The property is situated proximate to, and has convenient access to, public transportation, shopping, health care providers, and other services and facilities frequently utilized by the residents of the property. 4. The facility or complex will be operated under the authority of a reputable governing board, social service, or government agency, or proprietor, to whom staff are responsible and who will be available to city officials, if necessary, to resolve concerns pertaining to the property or residents. 5. The housing will operate under a written community engagement plan, approved by the governing agency, board, or official, which must address, at a minimum: (a) how the facility will engage with the community; (b) how the facility will respond to Ordinance No. 23- Page 113 of 128 Rev 1/22 USE ZONE CHART DIRECTIONS: FIRST, read down to find use ... THEN, across for REGULATIONS Minimums Maximums ZONE Required Yards Required Required USE REGULATIONS Review Lot eight of Parking Process Lot Size Side Coverage Structure Spaces Front (each) ear SPECIAL b REGULATIONS AND NOTES community complaints or concerns; and (c) who is the point of contact for the community. The plan shall be provided to the city prior to occupancy and shall be updated and provided to the city as substantive changes are made to the plan. 6. Refer to Chapter 19.125 FWRC, Outdoors, Yards, and Landscaping, for appropriate requirements. 7. For sign requirements that apply to the project, see Chapter 19.140 FWRC. 8. For community design guidelines that apply to the project, see Chapter 19.115 FWRC. 9. Building height may be increased from the permitted outright height of 70 ft. to 85 ft. in exchange for providing publicly visible streetscape amenities, as defined in FWRC 19.05.190, along the right-of-way; the siting and design of which shall be approved by the director. 10. Structures on property that adjoins a single-family residential zone shall be set back a minimum of 20 ft. from the property line adjacent to the single- family residential zone. The height of structures shall not exceed 30 ft. above average building elevation when located within 100 ft. from such property line, unless the project proposes utilizing an existing building. 11. All buildings, except Ordinance No. 23- Page 114 of 128 Rev 1/22 USE ZONE CHART DIRECTIONS: FIRST, read down to find use ... THEN, across for REGULATIONS Minimums Maximums ZONE Required Yards Required Required USE REGULATIONS b Review Process Lot Size Front Side (each) ear Lot Coverage eight of Structure Parking Spaces SPECIAL REGULATIONS AND NOTES for related parking structures up to 65 ft. in height (six stories), must be gabled with pitched roofs, unless the building is taller than 35 ft. (three stories) with a rooftop that contributes to the multifamily open space requirements. 12. Where the building is located near a right-of- way, the ground floor must consist of nonresidential space(s) with a minimum floor -to -ceiling height of 13 ft.; or residential spaces that have been designed to contribute to an active presence to the streetscape. 13. The subject property must provide usable open space in a total amount equal to at least 100 sq. ft. per dwelling unit and m baleanies, as well as ieh as Plazas, Playgfeufl4s-, FeeFeatieft foams, afte. aefi,e 1,.1.7 ies .....1 � peals, atritims. Developments of 5 or fewer units are exempt from this usable Men space requirement. At least 50% of the usable Men space must be active Men space. A minimum of 25% of the usable open space provided must be common open space. All eligible usable open space shall also meet the requirements specified in FWRC 19.115.115. A fee - in -lieu option is available for up to 50% of the usable open space as specified in FWRC 19.115.115. At Ordinance No. 23- Page 115 of 128 Rev 1/22 USE ZONE CHART DIRECTIONS: FIRST, read down to find use ... THEN, across for REGULATIONS Minimums Maximums ZONE Required Yards Required Required USE REGULATIONS b Review Process Lot Size Front Side (each) ear Lot Coverage eight of Structure Parking Spaces SPECIAL REGULATIONS AND NOTES least 10% of the common open space must be developed and maintained with children's plav equipment, except for housing for the exclusive use of persons over 55 years of age, in which case it shall be developed with age -appropriate equipment. 14. Any common open space requirements may be reduced at the discretion of the director, if an open space study documents that less common open space will be adequate to serve the needs of the residents. 15. Parking spaces shall be provided as follows: Efficiency units — 1.0 per unit + one per two employees Studio units — 1.25 per unit + one per two employees One bedroom units — 1.5 per unit + one per two employees Units with two bedrooms or more — 2.0 per unit + one per two employees 16. Alternatively, an applicant may choose to submit a parking study in accordance with FWRC 19.130.080(2). 17. The housing will operate under a written operational plan that will include, at a minimum, the following: a. Residents must be referred by providers of housing and services for people experiencing homelessness. Direct intake of residents at the Ordinance No. 23- Page 116 of 128 Rev 1/22 USE ZONE CHART DIRECTIONS: FIRST, read down to find use ... THEN, across for REGULATIONS Minimums Maximums ZONE Required Yards Required Required USE REGULATIONS Review Lot eight of Parking Process Lot Size Side Coverage Structure Spaces Front (each) ear SPECIAL b REGULATIONS AND NOTES site, without prior referral, is not allowed. b. A description of transit, pedestrian and bicycle access from the subject site to services and schools must be provided to residents. c. An operations plan must be provided that addresses the following elements: i. Roles and responsibilities of key staff; ii. Site/facility management, including a security and emergency plan; iii. Site/facility maintenance; iv. Occupancy policies, consistent with Chapter 59.18 RCW, including resident responsibilities and a code of conduct that includes, at a minimum, a prohibition on threatening and unsafe behavior; and the on -site use and sale of illegal drugs; v. Access to human and social services, including a staffing plan and expected outcome measures; vi. Procedures for maintaining accurate and complete records. d. Providers and/or managing agencies shall have either a demonstrated experience providing similar services to people experiencing homelessness, and/or certifications or academic credentials in an applicable human service field, and/or applicable experience in a related program with Ordinance No. 23- Page 117 of 128 Rev 1/22 USE ZONE CHART DIRECTIONS: FIRST, read down to find use ... THEN, across for REGULATIONS Minimums Maximums ZONE Required Yards Required Required USE REGULATIONS Review Lot eight of Parking Process Lot Size Side Coverage Structure Spaces Front (each) ear SPECIAL b REGULATIONS AND NOTES people experiencing homelessness. e. For health and safety reasons, the sponsor and/or managing agency shall take all reasonable and legal steps to obtain verifiable identification information, including full name and date of birth, from current and prospective residents, and shall keep a log containing this information. f. Should the provider become aware of a current or prospective resident who has an active felony warrant, it shall follow a protocol to work with the participant to resolve any outstanding warrants with applicable legal authorities. 18. All facilities are required to be licensed pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 12.35 FWRC. 19. Minimum residential parking requirements subjectto FWRC 19.130.020. For other information Process I,11, III and IV are described in about parking and parking Chapter 19.55 FWRC, areas, see Chapter 19.130 Chapter 19.60 FWRC, FWRC. Chapter 19.65 FWRC, Chapter 19.70 FWRC respectively. For details of what may exceed this height limit, see FWRC 19.110.050 et seq. For details regarding required yards, see FWRC 19.125.160 et seq. (Ord. No. 23-949, § 35, 2-7-23; Ord. 22-929, § 12, 1-18-22; Ord. No. 21-921, § 25, 10-19-21.) Section 30. FWRC 19.240.085 is hereby amended to read as follows: Ordinance No. 23- Page 118 of 128 Rev 1/22 19.240.085 Permanent supportive housing and transitional housing The following uses shall be permitted in the commercial enterprise (CE) zone subject to the regulations and notes set forth in this section: USE ZONE CHART DIRECTIONS: FIRST, read down to find use ... THEN, across for REGULATIONS Minimums Maximums ZONE Required Yardsr Required Required L USE REGULATIONS Review Lot eight of Parking Process Lot Size Side Coverage Structure Spaces Front (each) ear SPECIAL b REGULATIONS AND NOTES Permanent supportive None 5 ft. See note 12 None 45 ft. See notes 13, 1. Any proposed housing and transitional Process III above 14 and 17 permanent supportive housing average housing or transitional building housing facility with more elevation than two units, or which (AABE) to brings the total number of 55 ft. permanent supportive AABE and housing or transitional four floors housing units on the property to more than three See notes units, must be distanced at 9 and 10 least one and one-third miles (7,040 ft.) from any property with more than three units of permanent supportive housing and/or transitional housing, as measured from the nearest points of each such property. 2. There shall be no more than 110 residences located within a single facility or complex. 3. The property is situated proximate to, and has convenient access to, public transportation, shopping, health care providers, and other services and facilities frequently utilized by the residents of the property. 4. The facility or complex will be operated under the authority of a reputable governing board, social service, or government agency, or proprietor, to whom staff are responsible and who will be available to city officials, if Ordinance No. 23- Page 119 of 128 Rev 1/22 USE ZONE CHART DIRECTIONS: FIRST, read down to find use ... THEN, across for REGULATIONS Minimums Maximums Required Yardsr Required Required L USE REGULATIONS Review Lot eight of Parking Process Lot Size Side Coverage Structure Spaces Front (each) ear SPECIAL b REGULATIONS AND NOTES necessary, to resolve concerns pertaining to the property or residents. 5. The housing will operate under a written community engagement plan, approved by the governing agency, board, or official, which must address, at a minimum: (a) how the facility will engage with the community; (b) how the facility will respond to community complaints or concerns; and (c) who is the point of contact for the community. The plan shall be provided to the city prior to occupancy and shall be updated and provided to the city as substantive changes are made to the plan. 6. Refer to Chapter 19.125 FWRC, Outdoors, Yards, and Landscaping, for appropriate requirements. 7. For sign requirements that apply to the project, see Chapter 19.140 FWRC. 8. For community design guidelines that apply to the project, see Chapter 19.115 FWRC. 9. If approved by the director, the height of a structure may exceed 40 ft. above average building elevation (AABE), to a maximum of 55 ft. AABE and four floors, if all of the following criteria are met: a. The increased height is necessary to accommodate the structural, equipment, or operational needs of the use conducted in the building, and/or all ground Ordinance No. 23- Page 120 of 128 Rev 1/22 USE ZONE CHART DIRECTIONS: FIRST, read down to find use ... THEN, across for REGULATIONS Minimums Maximums Required Yardsr Required Required L USE REGULATIONS b Review Process Lot Size Front Side (each) ear Lot Coverage eight of Structure Parking Spaces SPECIAL REGULATIONS AND NOTES floor spaces have a minimum floor -to -ceiling height of 13 ft. and a minimum depth of 15 ft.; b. Height complies with note 10; c. Height over 40 ft. is set back from all residential zones by one additional ft. for each one ft. of height over 40 ft.; and d. Rooflines are designed to avoid a predominantly flat and featureless appearance through variations in roof height, forms, angles, and materials. 10. Building height may not exceed 30 ft. AABE when located within 100 ft. of a single-family residential zone. 11. The subject property must provide usable open space in a total amount equal to at least 100 sq. ft. per dwelling unit and m as yeFds, patios, a baleanies, as well as ieh as plazas, playgfetuids-, teffaees .1.L lobbies, an� peels, aefi,e 1, atritims. Developments of 5 or fewer units are exempt from this usable Men space requirement. At least 50% of the usable Men space must be active Men space. A minimum of 25% of the usable open space provided must be common open space. All eligible usable open space shall also meet the requirements specified in FWRC 19.115.115. A fee - Ordinance No. 23- Page 121 of 128 Rev 1/22 USE ZONE CHART DIRECTIONS: FIRST, read down to find use ... THEN, across for REGULATIONS Minimums Maximums Required Yardsr Required Required L USE REGULATIONS b Review Process Lot Size Front Side (each) ear Lot Coverage eight of Structure Parking Spaces SPECIAL REGULATIONS AND NOTES in -lieu option is available for up to 50% of the usable open space as specified in FWRC 19.115.115. At least 10% of the common open space must be developed and maintained with children's plav equipment, except for housing for the exclusive use of persons over 55 years of age, in which case it shall be developed with age -appropriate equipment. 12. Minimum side and rear yards shall be 20 ft. adjacent to single-family residential zones and five ft. adjacent to all other zones. 13. Parking spaces shall be provided as follows: Efficiency units — 1.0 per unit + one per two employees Studio units — 1.25 per unit + one per two employees One bedroom units — 1.5 per unit + one per two employees Units with two bedrooms or more — 2.0 per unit + one per two employees 14. Alternatively, an applicant may choose to submit a parking study in accordance with FWRC 19.130.080(2). 15. The housing will operate under a written operational plan that will include, at a minimum, the following: a. Residents must be referred by providers of housing and services for people experiencing homelessness. Direct Ordinance No. 23- Page 122 of 128 Rev 1/22 USE ZONE CHART DIRECTIONS: FIRST, read down to find use ... THEN, across for REGULATIONS Minimums Maximums Required Yardsr Required Required L USE REGULATIONS Review Lot eight of Parking Process Lot Size Side Coverage Structure Spaces Front (each) ear SPECIAL b REGULATIONS AND NOTES intake of residents at the site, without prior referral, is not allowed. b. A description of transit, pedestrian and bicycle access from the subject site to services and schools must be provided to residents. c. An operations plan must be provided that addresses the following elements: i. Roles and responsibilities of key staff; ii. Site/facility management, including a security and emergency plan; iii. Site/facility maintenance; iv. Occupancy policies, consistent with Chapter 59.18 RCW, including resident responsibilities and a code of conduct that includes, at a minimum, a prohibition on threatening and unsafe behavior; and the on -site use and sale of illegal drugs; v. Access to human and social services, including a staffing plan and expected outcome measures; vi. Procedures for maintaining accurate and complete records. d. Providers and/or managing agencies shall have either a demonstrated experience providing similar services to people experiencing homelessness, and/or certifications or academic credentials in an applicable human service field, and/or applicable experience in a Ordinance No. 23- Page 123 of 128 Rev 1/22 USE ZONE CHART DIRECTIONS: FIRST, read down to find use ... THEN, across for REGULATIONS Minimums Maximums Required Yardsr Required Required L USE REGULATIONS Review Lot eight of Parking Process Lot Size Side Coverage Structure Spaces Front (each) ear SPECIAL b REGULATIONS AND NOTES related program with people experiencing homelessness. e. For health and safety reasons, the sponsor and/or managing agency shall take all reasonable and legal steps to obtain verifiable identification information, including full name and date of birth, from current and prospective residents, and shall keep a log containing this information. f. Should the provider become aware of a current or prospective resident who has an active felony warrant, it shall follow a protocol to work with the participant to resolve any outstanding warrants with applicable legal authorities. 16. All facilities are required to be licensed pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 12.35 FWRC. 17. Minimum residential parking requirements subjectto FWRC 19.130.020. For other information L Process I,11, III and IV are described in about parking and parking Chapter 19.55 FWRC, areas, see Chapter 19.130 Chapter 19.60 FWRC, FWRC. Chapter 19.65 FWRC, Chapter 19.70 FWRC respectively. For details of what may exceed this height limit, see FWRC 19.110.050 et seq. For details regarding required yards, see FWRC 19.125.160 et seq. (Ord. No. 23-949, § 36, 2-7-23; Ord. No. 22-929, § 13, 1-18-22; Ord. No. 21-921, § 27, 10-19-21.) Section 31. FWRC 19.115.115 is hereby amended to read as follows: Ordinance No. 23- Page 124 of 128 Rev 1/22 19.115.115 Design criteria for residential usable open space and fee -in -lieu option. The following guidelines apply to residential usable open space that is developed pursuant to FWRC 19.200.100, 19.205.070, 19.215.150, 19.220.050, 19.220.080, 19.225.070, 19.225.075, 19.230.060, 19.230.065, and 19.240.085. (1) Common open space. All common open space proposed under this section shall meet the definition of "open space, common" as set forth in this title and all of the following criteria: (a) i order- to be er-edited toward total residential „sable open s The common open space must be a minimum of 225 square feet and have a minimum dimension of 15 feet. The inclusion of additional contiguous open space areas that have smaller dimensions, but enhance the use and enjoyment of the overall larger space, may be credited toward the overall minimum usable open space requirement subject to director approval. (b) Indoor common areas such as recreation/workout rooms, swimming pools, and gathering spaces that meet the criteria of this section may be counted as common open space subject to the criteria in this section. (c) The common open space shall be readily visible and accessible from structure(s) with entries to residential units. (d) The common open space shall not be located on asphalt or gravel pavement, or be adjacent to unscreened parking lots, chain -link fences, or blank walls, and may not be used for parking, loading, or vehicular access. (e) Pedestrian access ways shall only be counted as common open space when the pedestrian path or walkway traverses a common open space that is 15 feet or wider. Ordinance No. 23- Page 125 of 128 Rev 1/22 (f) The common open space shall be sufficiently designed and appointed to serve as a major focal point and gathering place. Common open spaces shall include a significant number of pedestrian -oriented features, furnishings, and amenities typically found in plazas and recreational open space, such as seating or sitting walls, lighting, weather protection, special paving, landscaping, and trash receptacles. In addition, the common open space(s) should provide one or more significant visual or functional amenities such as a water feature, fireplace, and/or artwork, and should allow for active uses such as physical exercise, children's play area, gathering area for group social events, and p-patch or other gardening activity. (2) Private open space. A minimum of 48 square feet with a minimum dimension of six feet will be credited to usable open space. (3) Publicly accessible open space. Publicly accessible open spaces provided on site may be credited toward the minimum residential usable open space requirement, as long as the open space is directly accessible to and available to residents for their use. Only the portion of the public open space directly accessible to and available to residents for their use may be credited toward the residential usable open space requirement. (4) Fee -in -lieu option. A fee -in -lieu payment may be made to satisfy up to 50 percent of the residential usable open space requirement for the development of public parks and recreation improvements. Fee -in -lieu acceptance shall be at the discretion of the parks director after consideration of the city's overall park plan, and the quality, location, and usability of the open space that would otherwise be provided on the project site. If the city determines that a fee -in -lieu is appropriate, a payment of an equivalent fee in lieu of the required open space shall be made. Ordinance No. 23- Page 126 of 128 Rev 1/22 The fee in lieu of open space shall be calculated based on the most recent assessed value of the subject property, or in the absence of an assessment, an appraisal conducted by a state -certified real estate appraiser. If the applicant offers to pay fee in lieu of open space, and if the city accepts the offer, the amount shall be determined based upon the square footage of open space that otherwise would have been required to be provided, multiplied by the then ,.meffent market value assessed or agppraised value per square foot of the property. By choosing the fee -in -lieu option, the applicant agrees that the city will not be restricted to using the fees in the park comprehensive planning area that the subject property falls within. --and ±-6-± they may be used fer- park and r-eer-eafien city enteF frame zoned areas. See also FWRC 19.100.070. (Ord. No. 17-834, § 9, 5-16-17; Ord. No. 12-727, § 5, 9-18-12.) Section 32. Severability. Should any section, subsection, paragraph, sentence, clause, or phrase of this ordinance, or its application to any person or situation, be declared unconstitutional or invalid for any reason, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this ordinance or its application to any other person or situation. The City Council of the City of Federal Way hereby declares that it would have adopted this ordinance and each section, subsection, sentence, clauses, phrase, or portion thereof, irrespective of the fact that any one or more sections, subsections, sentences, clauses, phrases, or portions be declared invalid or unconstitutional. Section 33. Corrections. The City Clerk and the codifiers of this ordinance are authorized to make necessary corrections to this ordinance including, but not limited to, the correction of scrivener/clerical errors, references, ordinance numbering, section/subsection numbers and any references thereto. Ordinance No. 23- Page 127 of 128 Rev 1/22 Section 34. Ratification. Any act consistent with the authority and prior to the effective date of this ordinance is hereby ratified and affirmed. Section 35. Effective Date. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from and after its passage and publication, as provided by law. PASSED by the City Council of the City of Federal Way this day of , 2023. ATTEST: CITY OF FEDERAL WAY: JIM FERRELL, MAYOR STEPHANIE COURTNEY, CMC, CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO FORM: J. RYAN CALL, CITY ATTORNEY FILED WITH THE CITY CLERK: PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL: PUBLISHED: EFFECTIVE DATE: ORDINANCE NO.: Ordinance No. 23- Page 128 of 128 Rev 1/22 COUNCIL MEETING DATE�3 ITEM #: C Y OF FEDERAL WAY CITY COUNCIL AGENDA BILL SUBJECT: ORDINANCE: MFTE EXPANSION TO COMMUNITY BUSINESS ZONE POLICY QUESTION: Should the City Council amend Title 3 to expand the Multi Family Tax Exemption to the Community Business (BC) zone? COMMITTEE: Land Use & Transportation MEETING DATE: June 5, 2023 CATEGORY: ❑ Consent ® Ordinance ❑ Public Hearing ❑ City Council Business ElResolution ❑ Other STAFF REPORT BY: Keith NivenN DEPT: CD Attachments: 1. Staff Report 2. Ordinance Options Considered: 1. Adopt the proposed ordinance. 2. Do not adopt the proposed ordinance and provide direction to staff. MAYOR'S RECOMM EN MAYOR APPROVAL: TION: Option 1. Initial/Date (�bw&DIRECTOR APPROVAL: 3u 1E � Initial/Date 23 June 23 COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: I move to forward the proposed ordinance to Public Hearing and First Reading on July 18, 2023. MA t'k CL Z-00 Committee Chair PROPOSED COUNCIL MOTION(S): N 1A Jack Walsh, Committee Member Member FIRST READING OF ORDINANCE (6/20/23): `1 move to forward approval of the proposed ordinance to the August 8, 2023 Council Meeting for second reading and enactment. " SECOND READING OF ORDINANCE (8/8/23): "1 move approval of the proposed ordinance. " (BELOW TO BE COMPLETED BY CITY CLERK'S OFFICE) COUNCIL ACTION: /�'!!�� ���� yy��CCJ! - ❑ APPROVED COUNCIL BILL # cbw b5t, ❑ DENIED First reading 07 719`2O- 7, 3_ © AHLED/DEFERREDJNO ACTION Enactment reading 3 MOVED TO SECOND READING (ordinances only) ORDINANCE # REVISED - 1/2022 RESOLUTION # CITY OF FEDERAL WAY MEMORANDUM DATE: June 29, 2023 TO: Land Use & Transportation Committee VIA: Jim Ferrell, Mayor FROM: Keith Niven, CD Director OPI-- SUBJECT: MFTE expansion to the Community Business zone Financial Impacts: There are no projected costs to the City over the long-term for adopting the proposed code amendments. Should development projects choose to utilize the Multi Family Tax Exemption (MFTE), the City would see a short-term (8 or 12 years) decline in property taxes collected from MFTE properties, but revenues from those properties would be significantly higher following the exemption period as redevelopment would have occurred. Background Information: Heartland, LLC was hired by the City to look at existing codes and policies that might be limiting housing production within the City. Heartland presented to the Planning Commission in January and to the Land Use & Transportation Committee in February. Based on their existing conditions evaluation and gap analysis, Heartland recommended 9 actions to address issues they found. These recommendations may be summarized as: 1. Expand the Multi Family Tax Exemption (FWRC 3.30.030) to the Community Business (BC) zone; 2. Reduce the amount of ground floor non-residential space that is required; 3. Increase building height within 100 feet of single family for the BC zone; 4. Reduce the parking requirement for the BC zone; 5. Make consistent the open space requirement and allow for a fee in lieu of option; 6. Allow stormwater to be placed in vaults within the BC zone; 7. Provide predictability for school impact fees; 8. Remove the City's inclusionary requirement; and, 9. Remove the restrictions on building form. Since recommendation 1 is the only recommendation to impact Title 3 (the others are to Title 19), this item has been forwarded as a stand-alone recommendation. There are 3 zones in the City where housing can be built over 3 stories in height: BC, CC-F and CC-C. These zones represent the City Center and the properties where denser development is expected, such as along Pacific Highway. Since the adoption of the MFTE program in the City in 2003, no projects have utilized this tool. Based on information provided by Heartland as part of the study they conducted for the City, this is likely due to other factors including recent high school impact fees, rather than a lack of interest in the MFTE program specifically. Staff believes that expanding the MFTE program to the BC zone will help the City reach its housing target and increase the production of housing in the City in accordance with the City's Rev_ 6/2020 March 6, 2023 Land Use and Transportation Committee MFTE Code Amendment Page 2 Housing Action Plan, Strategy 5: Ensure that financial and regulatory incentives for mixed -income housing are effective. ORDINANCE NO.23- AN ORDINANCE of the City of Federal Way, Washington, relating to expanding the City's multifamily dwelling unit limited property tax exemption program to the Community Business zone; amending FWRC 3.30.010, 3.30.020, and 3.30.030 (Amending Ordinance Nos. 03- 438, 09-600, 09-606). WHEREAS, in 1995 the Washington State Legislature adopted Chapter 84.14 RCW, to encourage increased residential opportunities in cities required to plan under the Growth Management Act, by providing for special property tax valuations for eligible multifamily housing in targeted urban, residential areas; and WHEREAS, Chapter 84.14 further authorizes cities with a population of at least fifty thousand to adopt procedures to implement the special property tax valuations; and WHEREAS, in 1998 the Federal Way City Council adopted the Federal Way Comprehensive Plan, to implement the planning requirements of the Growth Management Act, Chapter 36.70A RCW ("GMA"); and WHEREAS, by Resolution 02-380 and Ordinance 03-438, the City designated the City Center Core and City Center Frame as a "residential targeted area" pursuant to RCW 84.14.040 and adopted implementing provisions in FWRC; and WHEREAS, in 2022, the City hired Heartland, LLC to look at measures the City could take to improve housing production in the City; and WHEREAS, in 2023, Heartland, LLC recommended nine actions for the City to take to improve housing production in the City; and WHEREAS, one of the recommended actions was to expand the Multifamily Dwelling Unit Limited Property Tax Exemption ("MFTE") program to include the Community Business (`BC") zone; and Ordinance No. 23- Page 1 of 7 WHEREAS, the BC zone is described in the City's Comprehensive Plan as "allowing a broad mix of uses, including general, specialty, and service retail; commercial; office; commercial/residential mixed -use; and supportive uses"; and WHEREAS, the BC zone envisions mid -rise (three to seven stories), high quality developments containing a vibrant and compatible mix of well -integrated and designed pedestrian - oriented and auto -oriented uses; and WHEREAS, the Council finds that the BC zone meets the required criteria in RCW 84.14 for designation as a residential targeted area; and WHEREAS, the Council desires to expand the City's MFTE program to include properties in the BC zone by designating the BC zone as a residential targeted area, and adopting applicable code amendments to implement such designation. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FEDERAL WAY, WASHINGTON, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Findings. The City Council of the City of Federal Way makes the following findings: (a) The recitals set forth above are hereby adopted and restated as findings of fact. (b) The BC zone is a compact identifiable district where urban residents may obtain a variety of products and services. The BC zone is compact and identifiable because it closely follows the Highway 99 corridor in the City, and does not extend far from that narrow corridor. The BC zone is also identifiable because it is a single zone. The BC zone provides a wide variety of products and services, including all types of retail, commercial, office, mixed use, and other supportive uses. Ordinance No. 23- Page 2 of 7 (c) The BC zone contains several existing business establishments, including shops, offices, banks, and restaurants. (d) The BC zone contains adequate public facilities including streets, sidewalks, lighting, transit, water, and sewer. (e) The BC zone contains a mixture of uses and activities including housing, recreation, commercial, and office. (f) The BC zone lacks sufficient available, desirable, convenient, and affordable residential housing, especially of the type and character desired in the zone, to meet the needs of the public who would be likely to live in the BC zone if such residential housing were available. (g) Providing additional housing opportunity including affordable housing in the BC zone will assist in providing additional desirable residential units, including housing units, help the City reach its GMA housing targets, will attract and maintain an increase in the number of residents in the BC zone, and help to solve the problems of urban sprawl by focusing urban development in a discreet area. Section 2. Conclusions. Pursuant to RCW 84.14, and based upon the recitals and findings set forth in Section 1, the Federal Way City Council makes the following Conclusions of Law with respect to the criteria necessary for adoption of the BC zone as a "residential targeted area": (a) The BC zone is an urban center. (b) The BC zone lacks sufficient available, desirable, and convenient residential housing, including affordable housing, to meet the needs of the public who would be likely to live in the urban center, if the affordable, desirable, attractive, and livable places to live were available. Ordinance No. 23- Page 3 of 7 (c) The providing of additional housing opportunity, including affordable housing, in the BC zone, will assist in achieving one or more of the stated purposes of Chapter 84.14 IZKr.�� Section 3. FWRC 3.30.010 is hereby amended to read as follows: 3.30.010 Purpose. As provided for in Chapter 84.14 RCW, the purpose of this article is to provide limited, 10-year exemptions from ad valorem property taxation for qualified new multifamily housing constructed in the community business, city center core and frame zones, in order to: (1) Accomplish the planning goals of the Growth Management Act, Chapter 36.70A RCW, and the City of Federal Way Comprehensive Plan, specifically Goals CCP 9 and 10; and/or (2) Encourage residential opportunities, including affordable housing, within the community business, city center core and frame ; and/or (3) Stimulate new construction of multifamily housing in the community business, city center core and frame to increase housing opportunities; and/or (4) Assist in directing future population growth into the community business, city center core and frame, thereby reducing development pressures on single-family residential neighborhoods; and/or (5) Achieve development densities that are more conducive to transit use in the communii business, city center core and frame; and/or (6) Promote community development and community business, city center core and frame revitalization, in fulfillment of the Comprehensive Plan. ." (Ord. No. 09-606, § 1, 3-17-09; Ord. No. 03-438, § 2, 2-18-03. Code 2001 § 14-230.) Section 4. FWRC 3.30.020 is hereby amended to read as follows: 3.30.020 Definitions. Ordinance No. 23- Page 4 of 7 In construing the provisions of this article, the following definitions shall be applied: "Affordable housing" means the definition provided for in RCW 84.14.010. "Assessor" means the King County assessor. "Director" means the director of the Federal Way community development series department, or any other city office, department or agency that shall succeed to its functions with respect to this article, or his or her authorized designee. "High cost area" means the definition provided for in RCW 84.14.010. "Household" means the definition provided for in RCW 84.14.010. "Low-income household" means the definition provided for in RCW 84.14.010. "Moderate -income household " means the definition provided for in RCW 84.14.010. "Multifamily housing" means a building or townhouse having four or more dwelling units designed for permanent residential occupancy. "Owner " means the property owner of record. "Permanent residential occupancy" means multifamily housing that provides either rental or owner occupancy for a period of at least one month. This excludes hotels and motels that predominantly offer rental accommodation on a daily or weekly basis. "Residential targeted area " means the community business. city center core and frame zones, as designated by the city council pursuant to this article. (Ord. No. 09-606, § 1, 3-17-09; Ord. No. 09-600, § 17, 1-6-09; Ord. No. 03-438, § 2, 2-18-03. Code 2001 § 14-231.) Section 5. FWRC 3.30.030 is hereby amended to read as follows: 3.30.030 Residential targeted areas — Designation. Ordinance No. 23- Page 5 of 7 (1) Pursuant to this section, the Federal Way city center and Community Business zone, consisting of the ate -parcels zoned CC-C, aR4-CC-F, and SC. are designated as a "residential targeted area." (2) If a part of any legal lot is within the residential targeted area, then the entire lot shall be deemed to lie within the residential targeted area. (Ord. No. 03-438, § 2, 2-18-03. Code 2001 § 14-232.) Section 6. Severability. The provisions of this ordinance are declared separate and severable. The invalidity of any clause, sentence, paragraph, subdivision, section, or portion of this ordinance, or the invalidity of the application thereof to any person or circumstance, shall not affect the validity of the remainder of the ordinance, or the validity of its application to any other persons or circumstances. Section 7. Corrections. The City Clerk and the codifiers of this ordinance are authorized to make necessary corrections to this ordinance including, but not limited to, the correction of scrivener/clerical errors, references, ordinance numbering, section/subsection numbers and any references thereto. Section 8. Ratification. Any act consistent with the authority and prior to the effective date of this ordinance is hereby ratified and affirmed. Section 9. Effective Date. This ordinance shall be effective thirty (30) days after passage and publication as provided by law. PASSED by the City Council of the City of Federal Way this day of 2023. [signatures to follow] Ordinance No. 23- Page 6 of 7 CITY OF FEDERAL WAY: JIM FERRELL, MAYOR ATTEST: STEPHANIE COURTNEY, CMC, CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO FORM: J. RYAN CALL, CITY ATTORNEY FILED WITH THE CITY CLERK: PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL: PUBLISHED: EFFECTIVE DATE: ORDINANCE NO.: Ordinance No. 23- Page 7 of 7 COUNCIL MEETING DATE:, CITY OF FEDERAL WAY CITY COUNCIL AGENDA BILL ITEM #: SUBJECT: ORDINANCE: RENEWING LAKE MANAGEMENT DISTRICT NUMBER 1 FOR STEEL LAKE AND SETTING A SEPTEMBER 19, 2023 PUBLIC HEARING ON THE ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR THE DISTRICT POLICY QUESTION: Should Council adopt an Ordinance to renew the Steel Lake Management District Number 1 and set a public hearing on the assessment roll for the district? COMMITTEE: Land Use & Transportation Committee MEETING DATE: July 10, 2023 CATEGORY: ❑ Consent ® Ordinance ❑ Public Hearing ❑ City Council Business ❑ Resolution ❑ Other "= DEPT: Public Works STAFF REPORT BY: Dan Stemkopf, Pollution Control Specialist_: Attachments: 1. Staff Report 2. Ordinance Options Considered: 1. Adopt the proposed ordinance and set the public hearing date for the assessment role. 2. Do not adopt the proposed ordinance and provide direction to staff. MAYOR'S RECOMMENDATION: Option 1. MAYOR APPROVAL: DIRECTOR APPROVAL: 'fib %1yr. rninal+Date COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: I move to forward the proposed ordinance to First Reading on July 18, 2023. UP)" a, (Wr v I (x 7SAm "Committee Chair Committee Member Committee Mem er PROPOSED COUNCIL MOTION(S): FIRST READING OF ORDINANCE JULY 18, 2023: "1 move to forward the proposed ordinance to the August 8, 2023 Council Meeting for second reading and enactment. " SECOND READING OF ORDINANCE AUGUST 8, 2023: "I move approval of the proposed ordinance. " (BELOW TO BE COMPLETED BY CITY CLERKS OFFICE) COUNCIL ACTION: ❑ APPROVED COUNCIL BILL # ❑ DENIED First reading ❑ TABLED/DEFERRED/NO ACTION Enactment reading MOVED TO SECOND READING (ordinances onh) ORDINANCE # REVISED — 11/2019 RESOLUTION # 66# 057 7-1 &'=o I CITY OF FEDERAL WAY MEMORANDUM DATE: July 10, 2023 TO: Land Use & Transportation Committee VIA: Jim Ferrell, Mayor FROM: EJ Walsh, P.E., Public Works Director 4/1� Dan Sternkopf, Pollution Control Specialist.PF =G= SUBJECT: Renewing Lake Management District Number 1 for Steel Lake and Setting a September 19, 2023 Public Hearing on the Assessment Roll for the District Financial Impact There is no cost to the City for the renewal of Steel Lake Management District Number 1 ("SLMD"). SLMD activities are funded through the collection of special assessments that will be collected annually. These assessments are collected from property owners having properties adjacent to Steel Lake with lakefront footage or with deeded lake access. All City of Federal Way staff activities related to the SLMD are funded through these assessments, and thus this action will have no direct financial impacts on the City. Background Information: After 10 years of successful lake management, 2023 will bring to a close the existing SLMD (2014-2023). SLMD provided an organizational structure and funding mechanism that allowed for proactive lake management focusing on the protection and enhancement of water quality, recreational use, and aesthetic value of Steel Lake. On March 17, 2023, citizens involved in the formation and operations of SLMD submitted a signed petition to the City of Federal Way City Council to renew the SLMD for a new ten year period (2024-2033). At the April 18, 2023, City Council meeting, a public hearing date concerning the reformation of the SLMD was set for June 6, 2023, and a resolution of intent to reform the SLMD was adopted. Following the public hearing, Council adopted Resolution 23- 840 calling for the reformation of the SLMD subject to a vote by the affected property owners. Voting is completed and a majority of the votes cast are in favor of the reformation of the SLMD. The next step in the process of reforming SLMD is the adoption of an Ordinance reforming the SLMD and calling for preparation of the assessment roll and related public Rev 7/18 hearing. Following adoption of the Ordinance, an assessment roll will be created, published, and sent to the affected parties. A public hearing set by the Ordinance will be held September 19, 2023, after which resolutions establishing the assessment roll and Steel Lake Advisory Committee will be brought before City Council for consideration. Subsequently, another Ordinance establishing the time of payment, interest, and penalties will then be brought before Council for consideration. The final step in the reformation process is the selection and appointment of the Steel Lake Management Advisory Committee. Rev. 7/ 1 S ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE of the City of Federal Way, Washington, Renewing Lake Management District Number 1 for Steel Lake and Setting a September 19, 2023 Public Hearing on the Assessment Roll for the District. WHEREAS, on March 17, 2023, the City of Federal Way received a petition for the renewal of Lake Management District Number 1 for Steel Lake ("SLMD") pursuant to RCW 3 5.21.403 and Chapter 36.61 RCW; and WHEREAS, the SLMD was originally created for the purpose of generating revenue to provide ongoing aquatic vegetation management, water quality monitoring, community education, and other related projects; and WHEREAS, on June 6, 2023, the City of Federal Way City Council passed Resolution No. 23-840 declaring its intent to renew the SLMD, calling for a vote by the affected property owners on the renewal of the proposed district; and WHEREAS, the City of Federal Way City Council conducted a public hearing on June 6, 2023, for the purpose of accepting testimony in support of and in opposition to the renewal of SLMD; and WHEREAS, at the public hearing, testimony was provided by Steel Lake Advisory Committee members; and WHEREAS, under RCW 36.61.090, a simple majority of the votes cast by affected property owners shall determine whether the proposed lake management district shall be approved or rejected; and Ordinance No. 23- Page 1 of 6 WHEREAS, the ballots were tabulated on June 28, 2023, and the proposal to renew Lake Management District Number 1 for Steel Lake has been approved by a simple majority of the votes cast; and WHEREAS, the ballots cast are available for public inspection at the City of Federal Way, 33325 8th Avenue South, Federal Way, Washington; and WHEREAS, the City of Federal Way desires to renew SLMD, collect associated assessments, and perform lake improvement activities; and WHEREAS, the City of Federal Way has established the 2024-2033 Steel Lake Management District Management Plan ("SLMDP"), which forms the basis for the annual Lake Management District work plan and Lake Management District management goals; and WHEREAS, the hearing notice requirements of RCW 36.61 will provide an opportunity to evaluate the assessment role for each property within the district. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FEDERAL WAY, WASHINGTON, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Renewal of District. SLMD is hereby renewed. The parcels in SLMD are represented in Exhibit A, which is incorporated by this reference. The duration of the district shall be for ten (10) years, from January 1, 2024 through December 31, 2033. Special assessments totaling $15,232 will be collected annually to finance SLMD activities, with the total amount to be collected during the life of the SLMD estimated at being $152,320. The special assessments will be imposed based on equal charges for similar parcels. Single family residential (RS7.2) lakefront developed properties will be charged $95 per year. Single family residential (RS7.2, RS5.0) lakefront vacant properties will be charged $33 per year. The multi -residential lakefront property (RM1800) will be Ordinance No. 23- Page 2 of 6 charged $306 per year. The Steel Lake Park parcel will be charged $2,279 per year. The Department of Fish and Wildlife public boat launch parcel will be charged $3,895 per year. Unallocated funds left in the current SLMD will roll over into the renewed SLMD. Section 2. Publication. Within ten (10) days of adoption of this Ordinance, the City of Federal Way shall publish in a newspaper of general circulation in Lake Management District Number 1 for Steel Lake a notice indicating that this Ordinance has been adopted. Section 3. Creation of District; Limitations on Appeals. Pursuant to RCW 36.61.110, no lawsuit may be maintained challenging the jurisdiction of authority of the City of Federal Way's legislative authority to proceed with lake improvement and maintenance activities and creating the lake management district, or in any way challenging the validity of the actions or decisions or any proceedings relating to the actions or decision unless the lawsuit is served and filed no later than forty (40) days after publication of a notice that the ordinance has been adopted ordering the lake improvement and maintenance activities and creating the lake management district. Written notice of the appeal shall be filed with the City Council and clerk of the Superior Court in King County. Section 4. Special Assessment Roll to be Prel2ared. Upon passage of this Ordinance, the City of Federal Way shall cause to be prepared a proposed special assessment roll in accordance with RCW Chapter 36.61. Section 5. Public Hearin. A public hearing will be held by the Federal Way City Council on September 19, 2023 at 6:30 PM or shortly thereafter at the City of Federal Way City Hall, 33325 8tn Avenue South, Federal Way, Washington. At the public hearing, the Ordinance No. 23- Page 3 of 6 City of Federal Way City Council will consider the objections to the special assessment roll of the district, shall act as a board of equalization, and may correct, revise, raise, lower, change, or modify the special assessment roll or any part thereof, or set the proposed special assessment roll aside and order a new proposed special assessment role be prepared. The City of Federal Way City Council shall confirm and approve a special assessment roll by adoption of a resolution. Notice of the proposed special assessment, the procedure for filing written objections thereto, and notice of the public hearing shall be mailed to the taxpayers of record of all property within the district by the City of Federal Way pursuant to RCW 36.61.140. Section 6. Severability. The provisions of this ordinance are declared separate and severable. The invalidity of any clause, sentence, paragraph, subdivision, section, or portion of this ordinance, or the invalidity of the application thereof to any person or circumstance, shall not affect the validity of the remainder of the ordinance, or the validity of its application to any other persons or circumstances. Section 7. Corrections. The City Clerk and the codifiers of this ordinance are authorized to make necessary corrections to this ordinance including, but not limited to, the correction of scrivener/clerical errors, references, ordinance numbering, section/subsection numbers and any references thereto. Section 8. Ratification. Any act consistent with the authority and prior to the effective date of this ordinance is hereby ratified and affirmed. Section 9. Effective Date. This ordinance shall be effective five (5) days after passage and publication as provided by law. Ordinance No. 23- Page 4 of 6 PASSED by the City Council of the City of Federal Way this day of 2023. ATTEST: CITY OF FEDERAL WAY: JIM FERRELL, MAYOR STEPHANIE COURTNEY, CMC, CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO FORM: J. RYAN CALL, CITY ATTORNEY FILED WITH THE CITY CLERK: PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL: PUBLISHED: EFFECTIVE DATE: ORDINANCE NO.: Ordinance No. 23- Page 5 of 6 City Of Federal Way Exhibit A Steel Lake EXkVft9 Land use Map M.oD.W"2M C , d c.err Wad 33M M A.. S ' . A— "fi : .41W_- x !xwrmR _ G7wr�er a7aarNrr~ L4 j ��AR j ■�sR ! I S-•-ate. �: Iliµ r ` Land Use Category open space' Single Fancy Mlitl-Family Park vacant 0 260 52o- i�detal way Feel • Ordinance No. 23- Page 6 of 6