09-14-23 Diversity Commission Packet OUR MISSION: To advise City government to ensure Federal Way is a community that is united amidst diversity, where everyone is equally respected, valued, needed, and cherished. Equality is not sameness; it is equivalent value. Staff: Levi Luft, Diversity Equity Inclusion Analyst *TIMES ARE ESTIMATES ONLY REGULAR MEETING Agenda Hylebos Room September 14, 2023 5:30PM-8:30PM Notice: Meetings are held in-person. To request an accommodation to attend, please contact Levi Luft, levi.luft@cityoffederalway.com, 253-835-2653 no later than close of business the day before the meeting. 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. INTRODUCTION: Commissioners/Staff 3. PUBLIC COMMENTS (2 Minutes/person) 4. COMMISSION BUSINESS: Topic Action or Info *Est. Time Presenter A. Approval of Minutes (August 2023) Action 5 Min All B. Updating Annual Workplan for 2024 Action 1 Hour DEI Analyst Luft C. Recommendation on Public Comment to City Council Action 10 Min Vice-Chair Wallace D. Commissioner Attendance Action 10 Min Vice-Chair Wallace E. Community Engagement Agreement Potential Action 5 Min Vice-Chair Wallace F. MLK Event Info and Action 10 Min Vice-Chair Wallace G. Representative Roger Freeman Award Info and Action 10 Min Vice-Chair Wallace H. Federal Way Community Festival Info 10 Min Commissioner Fine I. Community Listening Sessions Info 5 Min Vice-Chair Wallace J. Commissions Involvement Subcommittee Info 5 Min K. Community Engagement Subcommittee Info 10 Min Vice-Chair Wallace L. Retreat Info 5 Min DEI Analyst Luft M. Community Safety Info 5 Min Commissioner Abdullah N. Monthly Expenditures and Revenue Report Info 5 Min CS Manager Bridgeford OUR MISSION: To advise City government to ensure Federal Way is a community that is united amidst diversity, where everyone is equally respected, valued, needed, and cherished. Equality is not sameness; it is equivalent value. Staff: Levi Luft, Diversity Equity Inclusion Analyst *TIMES ARE ESTIMATES ONLY 5. STAFF REPORT (10 minutes) 6. COMMISSIONER COMMENTS (10 min - 2 minutes/Commissioner) 7. NEXT MEETING • October 12, 2023, 5:30pm Hylebos Room, City Hall-Federal Way 8. ADJOURN DIVERSITY COMMISSION MINUTES August 10, 2023 Diversity Commission August 10, 2023 Meeting Minutes Page 1 COMMISSION MEMBERS PRESENT: Allison Fine in at 5:30 p.m. / Joined Zoom at 6:20 p.m. Shante Lane in at 5:30 p.m. Trenise Rogers in at 5:30 p.m. Ron Walker in at 5:30 p.m. Lisa Wallace in at 5:30 p.m. COMMISSION MEMBERS ABSENT: Saudia Abdullah Shermoin Clardy Gin Hooks Tirzah Idahosa Chika Onyejiaka STAFF PRESENT: Victoria Banks (Administrative Assistant I) Sarah Bridgeford (Community Service Manager) Joanna Eide (Assistant City Attorney) Levi Luft (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Analyst) CALL TO ORDER: Meeting called to order at 5:30 p.m. INTRODUCTION: Commissioner/Staff: Commissioners and Staff introduced themselves. PUBLIC COMMENT: Community member Shijuan Haynes spoke about the lack of representation and commemoration in the City of Federal Way for John and Mary Conna, an African-American couple that donated over one hundred acres of land to the City of Federal Way. Former resident of Federal Way, Mizu Sagimura, spoke about being a founding member of the Diversity Commission and following its growth and accomplishments over the course of years and expressed interest in naming a prominent place in Federal Way after John and Mary Conna. COMMISSION BUSINESS: A. Approval of Minutes (July 2023): DIVERSITY COMMISSION MINUTES August 10, 2023 Diversity Commission August 10, 2023 Meeting Minutes Page 2 Commissioner Fine motioned to approve the July meeting minutes and Commissioner Rogers seconded the motion. Motion carried 5-0. B. Chair Nomination and Election Process: Commissioner Fine motioned to postpone the election process to the October 2023 meeting. Commissioner Rogers seconded the motion. Motion carried 5-0. Vice Chair Wallace also referenced the prospect of a retreat for the Commission. This has been noted and will be considered as an agenda item for the October 2023 meeting. C. Community Agreements: After reviewing the draft Community Agreement, Commissioner Fine motioned to edit and abridge the document. Commission Fine will present the edited version to the Commission during the September 2023 meeting. Commissioner Lane seconded the motion. Motion carried 5-0. D. Recommendation on Public Comment to City Council: Commissioner Fine stated that the City Councilmembers should also be addressed in the draft of this letter. Also, Commissioner Fine described a meeting she had with the Mayor about the disparaging public comments toward the LGBTQ+ community during the City Council meeting in June 2023. Vice Chair Wallace and Commissioner Fine expressed that the letter should have an explicit inclusion statement incorporated. It would allow for the Mayor and/or City Councilmembers to easily refer back and read it during City Council meetings. Commission Walker requested edits to the tense of the letter, ensuring that it is present and active. The Commissioners want to ensure that the letter is not accusatory or judgmental but illuminating and supportive. No motion required. Staff will partner with Commission Abdullah to further edit and present the draft letter to the Commission at the September 2023 meeting. E. Federal Way Community Festival: DIVERSITY COMMISSION MINUTES August 10, 2023 Diversity Commission August 10, 2023 Meeting Minutes Page 3 According to Commissioner Fine, there are no updates because the subcommittee did not meet. Commissioner Fine motioned to have the Federal Way Community Festival on August 10, 2024 and Commissioner Lane seconded the motion. Motion carried 5-0. Commissioner Fine anticipates having additional information and updates on the progress for planning the Federal Way Community Festival during the September 2023 meeting. F. Community Safety: Commissioner Wallace tabled this item until September 2023 meeting, as Commissioner Abdullah was absent. During this item, Commissioner Fine expressed frustration and concern about the absenteeism from Commissioners. Staff will follow up with Vice Chair Wallace to address this issue with specific Commissioners. G. MLK Event: Commissioner Walker recounted past MLK Events, expressing desire to potentially reinstate said events. Commissioner Walker also wants the Commission to consider planning and facilitating a gala or black-tie event for local leadership and summit that would feature motivational speaking and coaching on job preparation for individuals graduating from high school. • Quorum lost at 6:31 p.m. • Quorum restored at 6:34 p.m. Subcommittee members include Commissioner Walker, Rogers, Wallace, and Lane. Commissioner Fine recommended using a local high school. Commissioner Walker will coordinate a letter to update the subcommittee members of updates. Commissioner Walker requested that staff send the Diversity Commission roster for contact information to the subcommittee members. Commissioner Walker also requested a list of what the Commissioners can and cannot do in accordance with the Open Public Meetings Act (OPMA). City Assistant Attorney will create this letter. H. Representative Roger Freeman Award: DIVERSITY COMMISSION MINUTES August 10, 2023 Diversity Commission August 10, 2023 Meeting Minutes Page 4 Commissioner Rogers spoke about what the Representative Roger Freeman Award (RRFA) represents and the specific eligibility criteria for application, i.e., living in Federal Way or attend a Federal Way High School. Commissioner Rogers also recalled efforts to more effectively advertise the scholarship opportunity. She mentioned the importance of ensuring the application and evaluation process is more inclusive and equitable. The MLK Event and RRFA will remain planned and facilitated concurrently by the Commission. As subcommittee members are being identified, both Vice Chair Wallace and Commissioner Rogers agreed to provide support to staff. Specifically, Commissioner Rogers agreed to partner with staff to update forms in preparation for advertising the scholarship opportunity. Commissioner Rogers advised connecting with the Federal Way Public Schools administration as soon as possible to begin reserving event space. She also suggested using Peachtree, a Federal Way Public Schools application, as an electronic database to store and disseminate messaging to students and parents about the scholarship opportunity. I. 2024 Commission Work Plan: DEI Analyst Luft proposed updating the 2024 Commission Workplan to ensure its scope and purpose are in alignment with City Code 2.65.040 and that the work is relevant, applicable, and feasible. The update would focus on the project section of the workplan, not the mission, vision, terminology, etc. This update is different and separate from a retreat, which will be scheduled in the future. Toward that end, during the meeting in September 2023, Commissioners will review and update the 2024 workplan. During the October 2023 meeting, the updated workplan will be reviewed and approved by the Diversity Commissioners. By November 03, 2023, the updated workplan will be placed as a packet item on the Parks and Recreation Committee meeting. By November 14, 2023, the workplan would be incorporated as an agenda item on the City Council Committee Parks and Recreation and Human Services Public Safety meeting. By November 21, 2023, the workplan would receive approval from the City Council. Thereafter, the workplan would be prepared for implementation on January 01, 2024. Vice Chair Wallace expressed concern about the approach and timelines for updating the 2024 workplan. In response to this concern, staff agreed to connect with Commissioners DIVERSITY COMMISSION MINUTES August 10, 2023 Diversity Commission August 10, 2023 Meeting Minutes Page 5 to determine which dates are feasible to meet for a longer period to facilitate the update process. J. Monthly Expenditures and Revenue Report: Community Services Manager Bridgeford facilitated a presentation on different formats for the Monthly Expenditures and Revenue Report that the Diversity Commissioners were able to select from. This would be the report that the Commission would receive on a monthly basis. Commissioner Walker preferred the more detailed version of the report, while Vice Chair Wallace expressed concern about superfluous detail becoming difficult to read. Commissioner Rogers referenced the supposed mismanagement of funds from the Diversity Commission that needs to be addressed with City Councilmembers. Community Services Manager Bridgeford reiterated that it is staff’s responsibility to manage finances, including the authorization of expenditures for the MLK Event in 2023. Community Services Manager Bridgeford stated that staff would address this issue via email with City Councilmembers. Commissioner Rogers suggested tabling the item until other Commissioners are in attendance. Assistant City Attorney Edie acting as a resource provided additional information about how the Commissioners are able to connect and communicate, individually or delegated as a representative for the Commission, with City Councilmembers. Community Services Manager Bridgeford informed the Commission that the Monthly Expenditures and Revenue Report would be a recurring item during meetings. It would be at the discretion of the Commission as to whether or not they receive the information within the report. Commissioner Walker asked additional questions about the allocation of DEI funds within the City for the Commission. Community Services Manager Bridgeford provided an explanation and referred to an email sent to all Commissioners on July 31, 2023, explaining this information and addressing concerns regarding allocation and financial managemen by staff. STAFF REPORT: None. DIVERSITY COMMISSION MINUTES August 10, 2023 Diversity Commission August 10, 2023 Meeting Minutes Page 6 COMMISSIONER COMMENTS: None. NEXT MEETING: Regular Meeting September 14, 2023 at 5:30 p.m., Hylebos Conference Room, City Hall, Federal Way, WA ADJOURN: The meeting adjourned at 7:29 p.m. Diversity Commission | 2023 Work Plan | Page 1 of 4 City of Federal Way Diversity Commission 2023 Work Plan Diversity Commission | 2023 Work Plan | Page 2 of 4 Terminology D.E.I.A. Diversity: Differences of culture that may include race, gender, identity, ethnicity, neuro-specificity, nationality, social- economic status, language, level of ability, generation, belief system, lived experience, and/or political perspective. Equity: The quality of being fair, impartial and just. Ensuring processes are fair and accessible for everyone. Understanding that everyone does not have same starting points of advantage. Inclusion: Encouraging a welcoming culture for a diverse array of voices. The act of making a person or thing part of a group or collection. Accessibility: The practice of making information, activities, structures, and/or environments sensible, meaningful, and usable for as many people as possible. OUR MISSION: “The purpose of the diversity commission is to advise the city council and city staff on policy matters to ensure all members of our diverse community are part of the decision equation.” City of Federal Way City Code Chapter 2.65.020 To enrich the lives of all people who live, work and play in Federal Way by advising and guiding city government with an equity lens on policies, procedures, practices and current/emerging issues. COMMUNITY COMMITTMENT: To partner and serve as conduit to the community for City leadership with the goal to help remove barriers and increase accessibility to City services for our diverse populations. To collaborate with City leadership to eliminate all forms of discrimination intentional or non-intentional and help diverse communities be an active part of city growth. The Diversity Commission is dedicated to helping Federal Way become a city where all people feel a sense of belonging and where there is equitable access to information and opportunities for all. 2023 Work Plan ONE-YEAR STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES: The City of Federal Way Diversity Commission shall: • Engage with Federal Way residents and businesses through community listening tours with intentions to build knowledge about local and regional D.E.I.A. issues and partner with City leadership/City staff to co-create solutions to remedy challenges. • Commission will partner with City leadership/staff to co-develop equity processes/tools to increase equitable outcomes for all residents and stakeholders for City of Federal Way. Equity tools can be in forms of best practice check lists/worksheets to assistance updating current policies/procedures/practices to increase equitable outcomes for all. Equity tools are working documents and should be adjusted to best serve changing demographics with community input. *Complexity depends on staff/community need. Diversity Commission | 2023 Work Plan | Page 3 of 4 Equity processes will ensure community members historically negatively impacted by current/past city actions to be actively engaged early in the decision-making process to prevent harmful impacts. On-going Commission Responsibilities and Objectives 1. Serving as advisory group to City Government and staff. The Diversity Commission will: a) Present at least twice/year at City Council meetings community needs (i.e. education, community safety, social services, etc.) and collaborate to promote D.E.I.A. for all community members. b) Partner with other commissions, community organizations/members to increase civic engagement to promote inclusion and equity. c) Provide Public Forums: Actively participate in community outreach/engagement with communities that have been historically marginalized/vulnerable communities and/or experiencing most barriers to City services/programs. (i.e. Seniors, disabled, Veterans, Limited English Proficient, Homeless, etc.) 2023 Annual Diversity Commission Projects/Investments (* Projects may alter due to community needs.) - Sponsor/host City of Federal Way annual Dr. Martin Luther King Celebration. - Commissioners will participate in/share professional development opportunities to support City growth and innovation. - Analyze budget with equity lens to support community events as needed. - Participate with City Comprehensive Plan creation to promote D.E.I.A for all community members and stakeholders. Subcommittees The Diversity Commission shall create subcommittees to carry out shared commitments that are community driven and sponsored by City of Federal Way City Code 2.65. Subcommittees may be either ad hoc or ongoing. Diversity Commission | 2023 Work Plan | Page 4 of 4 2023 Estimated Timeline* Project Summary/Objectives Commission Task When Status Community Listening Sessions Research diverse communities/community organizations historically absent from City policy decision equation. Hold community forums to gather information. On- going all year Present to City Council Share with City Council/City Committees community findings with Staff support -organize data for City Council -Collaborate with City Council and staff to remedy community need May 2023 and October 2023 Equity Tool Co-creation with City Staff (with Community data) Co-create equity process tool for departments as needed and maintain communication with community to monitor for changes needed. -Keep community & staff connected for continuous improvement On- going all year Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Celebration And Coordinate Annual Food Drive Celebrate legacy of Dr. King Jr.’s legacy. - Research/execute logistics for MLK Celebration. (Recruitment of performers & location) Aug. 203- Jan. 2024 Roger Freeman Memorial Scholarship Honor Representative Roger Freeman Legacy of: Justice, Integrity, Compassion and Diversity with scholarship awards to students in City limits. -Advertise scholarship opportunity -Update Scoring Metrics/application -Score final applicants and present final awards Sept. 2023 to Dec. 2023 *Keeping in mind events are community driven and may change per community need. Source: City of Federal Way Chapter 2.65 Dear Mayor Ferrell and City Councilmembers, As part of City Council mee�ngs, community members are allowed and encouraged to par�cipate in public comment. This is an important part of our democra�c process. One of the most important tenets of public comment is respect for all. At the City Council mee�ng in June 2023, two residents were allowed to use disparaging, hur�ul language towards members of the LGBTQIA+ community in the City of Federal Way. These statements were made on a day that was meant to honor and celebrate LGBTQIA+ Pride in our community. Instead, they were met with disrespect and condemna�on. While a core principle of the First Amendment is freedom of speech, disparaging, hur�ul language targe�ng gender and sexual minori�es should not be tolerated in the City of Federal Way. As the Mayor and City Council, we believe it is incumbent on you to advocate for all members of the community. The Diversity Commission advises you to use your elected office and posi�onal authority to reiterate and reaffirm that the City of Federal Way is a safe, welcoming, and inclusive community. The Diversity Commission recommends a statement of inclusion be read before and/or as needed during public comment at City Council mee�ngs. Toward that end, please, see below for a dra� of this statement: The City of Federal Way and its elected officials do not condone disparaging, hur�ul language targe�ng gender, sexual, racial, ethnic, disabled, and language minority groups, in any context or capacity. As the Mayor and City Council, we affirm that the City is commited to the inclusion, safety, and prosperity of said minority groups. If you need further support in dra�ing the statement, please let the Diversity Commission know. Our lived experiences, collec�ve knowledge and skills, and dedica�on to advoca�ng diversity, equity, inclusion, and access, may be guiding and valuable to this process. Sincerely, The Diversity Commission of the City of Federal Way SONDER: The profound feeling of realizing that everyone, including strangers passing in the street, has a life as complex as one’s own, which they are constantly living despite one’s personal lack of awareness of it. 1 Commissioner Engagement Agreements 1. Listen to understand. 2. Be accepting and inclusive. 3. Be accountable to the group. Be prepared for meetings and honor your commitments (but don’t be afraid to ask for help!!). 4. Allow for vulnerability. 5. Respect the agenda and timeframes for discussion. 6. Be mindful of the space you take up. 7. Respect different communication styles and assume best intent. 8. Ask clarifying questions. 9. Address harmful behavior immediately, and with grace. 10. Introduce ideas to the commission that fall in line with the commission's purpose, with the intent of shared commitment. 09/07/2023CITY OF FEDERAL WAY1 7:39AMPage:expdetl.rptExpenditure Detail Report08/01/2023through08/31/2023Periods: 8 through 8GENERAL FUND001HUMAN SERVICES7300HUMAN SERVICES083Prct UsedBalanceYear-to-date EncumbrancesYear-to-date ExpendituresExpendituresAdjustedAppropriation Account Number0.000.00001-7300-083-562-21-311 BOOKS, MAPS, & PERIODICALS0.001,000.001,000.00 0.0078.450.00001-7300-083-562-21-312 OTHER OPERATING SUPPLIES0.00300.00221.55 26.151,661.670.00001-7300-083-562-21-318 FOOD & BEVERAGE0.00800.00-861.67 207.71Total SUPPLIES82.860.00 1,740.12 0.00 359.882,100.004,082.190.00001-7300-083-562-21-410 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES0.0011,900.007,817.81 34.301,200.000.00001-7300-083-562-21-490 MISC SERVICES & CHARGES0.000.00-1,200.00 0.00Total OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES44.390.00 5,282.19 0.00 6,617.8111,900.0050.160.00 7,022.31 0.00 6,977.6914,000.00Total GENERAL FUNDGrand Total0.00 7,022.31 50.160.00 6,977.6914,000.001Page: 09/07/2023CITY OF FEDERAL WAY1 8:03AMPage:revdetl.rptRevenue Detail Report08/01/2023through08/31/2023Periods: 8 through 8GENERAL FUND001NON-PROGRAM0000HUMAN SERVICES083Prct RcvdBalanceYear-to-date RevenuesRevenuesAdjustedEstimate Account Number001-0000-083-367-10-000 CONTRIB/DONATION-HUMAN SVC 3,752.00 0.00 2,000.00 1,752.00 53.30Total GENERAL FUND53.300.00 2,000.003,752.00 1,752.00Grand Total0.00 2,000.0053.303,752.00 1,752.001Page: