17-105892CITY OF Federal Way [_ n1r; t. 1:1f'.� i_11 f..d"fiati�CilvL�''..�f_ e April 16, 2018 CITY HALL 33325 8th Avenue South Federal Way, WA 98003-6325 (253) 835-7000 www.cityoffederalway.com Jim Ferrell, Mayor AHBL Inc. Email: tsawin(@ahbl.com Todd Sawin 2215 N 30"' St, Suite 300 Tacoma, WA 98403 RE: File #17-105892-00-AD; SITE PLAN MODIFICATION CONDITIONAL APPROVAL Northshore Heated Storage, 2010 SW 3561h St, Federal Way Dear Mr. Sawin: The City's Department of Community Development is in receipt of your December 8, 2017, request and resubmittals on February 9, 2018 and April 10, 2018, to modify the approved self -storage site plan as it relates to building location, parking layout, utility connections and stormwater. The project was granted Process III Site Plan conditional approval on January 4, 2013. Extension of the approval was granted on September 22, 2017. The one year extension expires on January 4, 2019. According to your application and revised site plan, the following modifications to the approved site plan are proposed: • An open-air stormwater pond will replace the previously approved underground detention vault and StormFilters. ■ Three, 40,000 square -foot self -storage buildings totaling 120,000 square feet were previously approved. They are reduced in size by 700 to 1,300 square feet per building in revised plans. The locations of the buildings are also revised. ■ The parking lot location is moved to accommodate the new building locations. • The fire access road is relocated and reconfigured as a "hammerhead" turnaround. • New utility connections are proposed. There are no changes to site access points or impacts to the environment with the requested site plan modifications. The proposed building size reduction is consistent with the approved January 4, 2013 Process III decision, does not create additional impacts, and complies with Federal Way Revised Code (FWRC) requirements. Pursuant to FWRC 19.15.090(3), the modification request is consistent with city codes and policies. The request for a minor site plan modification is hereby approved with the following condition: The driveways on 2 1 " Ave SW and SW 3561h St. are located within the left -turn pocket. The City will monitor traffic conditions (queuing, collisions, etc.) and shall limit access to right -in and right -out at such time deemed necessary. The original Process III approval decision and the site plans approved and referenced in the January 4, 2013, Process III approval are still valid and applicable, with the minor modification approved herein. Mr. Sawin April 16, 2018 Page 2 SOUTH KING FIRE & RESCUE: BUILDING PERMIT REQUIREMENTS Fire Flow: The required fire flow for this project is 2,125 gallons per minute. A Certificate of Water Availability shall be provided indicating the fire flow available at the site. A hydraulic fire flow model shall be requested from the water district. Fire Hydrants: This project will require 6 fire hydrants; if strategically placed to cover all buildings a minimum of 4 hydrants will be permitted. Fire hydrants shall be in service prior to and during the time of construction. Fire Access Roads: Fire apparatus access roads shall be provided when any portion of the facility or any portion of an exterior wall of the first story of the building is located more than 150 feet from fire apparatus access as measured by an approved route around the exterior of the building or facility. EXCEPTION: When buildings are completely protected with an approved automatic fire sprinkler system the distance can be increase 20 percent. Fire apparatus access roads: 1) Shall have an unobstructed width of not less than 20 feet and an unobstructed vertical clearance of not less than 13 feet 6 inches. 2) Shall be designed and maintained to support the imposed load of a 75,000 pound fire apparatus and shall be provided with a surface so as to provide all-weather driving capabilities. 3) Shall be not less than a 32 foot inside turning radius and not less than a 40 foot outside turning radius. 4) With a dead-end in excess of 150 feet in length shall be provided with a cul-de-sac or Fire Department approved alternative at the dead end. All such cul-de-sacs shall be not less than 80 feet in diameter. 5) Gradient shall not exceed 12 percent. Designated fire lanes may be required for emergency access. This may be done during the plans check or prior to building final. Fire apparatus access roads shall be installed and made serviceable prior to and during the time of construction. Fire Sprinkler System: An automatic fire sprinkler system shall be installed in all occupancies where the total floor area included within the surrounding exterior walls on all floor levels, including basements, exceeds 5,000 square feet. Fire walls shall not be considered to separate a building to enable deletion of the required automatic fire - extinguishing system. The system demand pressure (to the source) required in a hydraulically designed automatic fire sprinkler system shall be at least 10 per cent less than the correlative water supply curve pressure. 17-105892-00-AD Doc, LD. 77033 Mr. Sawin April 16, 2018 Page 3 Fire Alarm: A Fire Alarm System is required. An automatic fire detection system shall be installed in all buildings exceeding 3,000 square feet gross floor area. This fire detection system shall be monitored by a central and/or remote station conforming to the current requirements of the National Fire Protection Association standards and/or the fire chief or designee. Fire Department Lock Box: A recessed fire department "Knox" brand key box shall be installed on each building. Vehicle Access Gates: All vehicle access gates shall be provided with a "Knox" brand key cylinder for fire department access. GENERAL BUILDING PERMIT REQUIREMENTS This Process III land use modification does not constitute a building permit, or authorize clearing/grading activities. If you have any questions regarding the building permit submittal requirements, please contact the Permit Center at 253-835-2607, or permitcenteracityoffederalway.eam. If you have any questions regarding this decision, please contact Senior Planner Dave Van De Weghe at 253- 835-2638, or david.vandeweglhe@cityoffederalway.com. Sincerely, Z3�� Brian Davis Community Development Director enc: Approved Modified Site Plan, dated received April 10, 2018 c: Adam Barnett, AHBL, ABametl(cZAHBL.eom Dave Van De Weghe, Senior Planner Kevin Peterson, Engineering Plans Reviewer Sarady Long, Senior Transportation Planning Engineer Chris Cahan, South King Fire & Rescue, via email Brian Asbury, Lakehaven Water and Sewer District, via email 17-105892-00-AD Doc. LD. 77033 CITY OF FEDERAL WAY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE TRANSMITTAL DATE: 12/11/17 TO: �Co�e E-.yior_t, Development Services Manager Peter Lawrence, Plans Examiner Rick Perez, City Traffic Engineer Brian Asbury, Lakehaven Water & Sewer District Chris Cahan, South King Fire & Rescue FROM: Dave Van De Weghe, Planning FOR DRC MTG. ON: 12/28/17 - Internal FILE NUMBER(s): 17-105892-00-AD RELATED FILE NOS.: 10-102248-00-UP (original approval in 2013) PROJECT NAME: NORTHSHORE HEATED STORAGE PROJECT ADDRESS: 2010 SW 356TH ST ZONING DISTRICT: BN PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Request for minor modification to approved site plan. LAND USE PERMITS: Administrative Decision PROJECT CONTACT: TODD SAWIN, tsawin@ahbl.com MATERIALS SUBMITTED: Project memo Plan set ( s'r GZ z -7 : S15 - 3� PROJECT M mn vP's orma 010n: L9 !CUY C)F FEDERAL WAY. COMMUNITY DEMOPMENT RECEIVE® DEC 0 8 20V TO: City of Federal Way Permit Center DATE: December 7, 2017 FROM: Adam Barnett PROJECT NO.: 2170749.10 Tacoma - (253) 383-2422 PROJECT NAME: Federal Way Self Storage SUBJECT: Project Narrative/Reasoning for Site Plan Modification Approval To Whom It May Concern: This memo is included with the Site Plan Modification submittal package for the Federal Way Self Storage project to be located at 2010 SW 356"' Street, Federal Way, Washington. This parcel was originally granted a Process III approval that was originally set to expire on January 7, 2017. Since the approval, the project has changed ownership. The new ownership, Sherry Development Company LLC, has decided to update the site plan. To do this, they have retained the services of a new architect, Tahoma Design Group, and a new civil engineer, AHBL. We are still proposing to develop the site as a storage facility, but we have changed the site plan with new buildings, new parking lottaccess road layout, and new utility connections. In addition, the stormwater system has been redesigned, scrapping the old design of a detention vault and StormFilters, and we are now proposing an open-air detention pondlstormwater wetland. The existing driveway cuts will still be utilized to provide access to both SW 3561h Street and 21"Avenue SW. On December 29, 2016, a pre -application meeting was held to discuss the project changes. On a letter dated January 10, 2017, the points of the meeting were summarized. All comments will be addressed before full site development permit issuance, but points pertinent to a Site Plan Modification are responded to below: Planning Division Process III approval is still valid for the subject property; expires January 7, 2018 (File #10-102248-UP) A one-year extension was applied for and granted in a letter dated September 22, 2017. The Process III approval has been extended until January 4, 2019. Site Plan Modification Approval (Administrative Decision) or new Process H1 application required. The purpose of this submittal is to apply for a Site Plan Modification. Existing SEPA Determination may be utilized if scope of project does not change. We plan to utilize the existing SEPA determination, as the site plan has gone through minimal changes since the original submittal. Public Works Development Services Division Flow control and water quality treatment will be required as outlined in the 2016 King County Surface Water Design Manual and the City of Federal Way addendum to the manual. A downstream conveyance system nuisance problem has been identified downstream of the project. Previous analyses are available for the engineer's review. If the same conclusion is reached for this project, flow control requirements, which are currently at Conservation Flow Control level, will be increased to Flood Control level. Enhanced Basic Water Quality will be required. Page 1 of 6 :aim io n For the onsite drainage basin, we are proposing a combined stormwater wettandidetention pond to mitigate stormwater runoff. This drainage facility will provide Level III flow control and Enhanced Basic Water Quality. For the offsite basin located within 215t Avenue SW, we are proposing a Filterra vault to provide Enhanced Basic Water Quality. See the attached TIR for further information. Access Management (FWRC 19.135.260) - It appears the proposed driveway will not meet the required 150' access management standard. Please verify and relocate accordingly. We plan to utilize the existing driveways and therefore believe their current location is acceptable. Driveway shall have at least 40' throat length from the curb. The proposed gate on 215t AVE SW must be relocated further back from the right-of-way. The gate at the entrance to 21st Avenue SW is 60 feet back from the proposed right-of-way line. The gate at the entrance of SW 356th Street will be located 65 feet back from the proposed right-of-way line. Driveways will be restricted to right -in right -out if such access would interfere with the 95th percentile que lengths from any existing traffic control device. We propose to utilize existing driveways. It is our understanding that the current driveways are functional as is, and therefore should remain as so. The applicant must submit Vehicle Turning Diagram to the Public Works Traffic Division. This diagram will show how the appropriate design vehicle can enter, maneuver, and leave the site without encroaching onto opposing traffic lanes or mounting a curb. A diagram has been prepared, as requested, and can be found in the submittal package. Intersection Sight Distance — Verify intersection sight distance analysis consistent with AASHTO standard. The intersection sight distance has been prepared and is shown on the turning template exhibit included in this submittal package. Community Development -- Planning Division Becky Chapin, (253) 835-2641, becky.chapin@cityoffederalway.com Clearing, Grading, and Tree and Vegetation Retention — The applicant is required to obtain clearing and grading plan approval as component of the land use approval. Please consult FWRC 19.120.040(1) for items that are required to be included on the plan. Approval and Notice to Proceed shall be required prior to commencing clearing and grading activities on the site. Reference FWRC 19.120.060(2). A clearing and grading permit will be applied for along with the full site development permits. A tree and vegetation retention plan as required under FWRC 19.120.140(2) must also be submitted with the land use application. The tree and vegetation retention/replacement plan must be prepared by a certified arborlst or certified landscape architect. The standards require each development to maintain a minimum tree unit density. The minimum tree density in the BN zone is 20 tree units per acre. The subject property's density would be 45 tree units (20 tree units x 2.210 acres = 44.2 units). A tree unit is a value assigned to existing trees retained on the property or replacements trees. The larger the tree the greater value is assigned. Required tree density can be comprised of retained trees and replacement plantings per Project Memo Page 2 of 6 ®O Federal Way Self Storage 2170749.10 December 7, 2017 FWRC 19.120.130. (Note: required landscaping trees may be counted in tree density.) The tree and vegetation plan must clearly show where the 45 tree units are to be located. The formal landscape plan must detail information about tree unit credits and replacement. A tree and vegetation plan has been prepared by the Landscape Architect (see attached plans). Landscaping - A landscape plan prepared by a Washington State licensed landscape architect shall be submitted with the formal application. It must depict perimeter and interior parking lot landscaping requirements under FWRC Chapter 19.125. A preliminary Landscaping plan has been prepared and is included in the submittal. Garbage/Recycling - The project must provide trash and recycling facilities as described in FWRC 19.125.040(4) and FWRC 19.125.150. The trash enclosure area may not be located within landscape buffer areas, must be screened according to the landscape chapter and must be architecturally consistent with the design of the primary structure on site. Refer to comments in the Public Works — Solid Waste section of this letter for additional requirements. A garbage/recycling enclosure has been provided and will meet the above requirements. Public Works — Development Services Division Ann Dower, (253) 835-2732, ann.dower@cityoffederalway.com Land Use Desi nation — Stormwater Surface water runoff control and water quality treatment will be required per the 2016 King County Surface Water design Manual (KCSWDM) and City of Federal Way Addendum to the 2016 KCSWDM. This project meets the requirement for a Full Drainage Review. At the time of land use site plan submittal, a preliminary Technical Information Report (TIR), addressing the relevance of the project to the nine core and five special requirements of the KCSWFM will be required. A level 1 downstream analysis shall also be provided in the preliminary (TIR). The city has 1"=100' five foot contour planimetric maps that may be used from basin analysis. A preliminary TIR, meeting the requirements of a full drainage review, has been prepared and is included in this submittal package. 2. The project lies within a Conservation flow control area, thus the applicant must design the flow control facility to meet this performance criteria. In addition to flow control facilities, Best Management Practices (BMP's) are required as outline in the KCSWDM. The project also lies within Enhanced Basic Water Quality Area. Water Quality Treatment shall be designed to meet the treatment criteria of the Enhanced Basic Water Quality Menu. A downstream conveyance system nuisance problem has been identified downstream of the project. Previous analyses are available for the engineer's review. If the same conclusion is reached for this project, flow control requirements will be increased to Level 3. We propose to provide Level 3 flow control. More information can be found in the attached TIR. Public Works Traffic Division Sarady Long, (253) 835-2743, sarady.long@cityoffederalway.com Trans ortation Concurrent Analysis FWRC 19.90 Based on submitted materials for 115,890 square feet mini -storage warehouse, the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) Trip Generation — 8th Edition, land use code 151(Mini-Storage), the Project Memo Page 3 of 6 Federal Way Self Storage 2170749.10 December 7, 2017 130130