10-05-2023 Agenda PacketCITY OF Federal Way City of Federal Way PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION October 5, 2023 5:00 .m. H lebos Conference Room MEETING AGENDA Notice: Meetings are held in -person. To request an accommodation to attend or provide public comment virtually, please contact ma .'aenicke cit offederalwa .com no later than close of business the day before the meeting. 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. PUBLIC COMMENT (3 minutes) Please limit comments to 3 minutes. The Chair may ask citizen to briefly summarize comments that continue too long. 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES — September 7, 2023; Regular Meeting Minutes. 4. COMMISSION BUSINESS Topic Title/Description Presenter Discussion on the Master Plan Proposals and PROS Plan Proposal with AHBL A. Consultants AHBL B. Finalize By-laws Commission 5. STAFF REPORTS Topic Title/Description Presenter A. Update on Maintenance Facility Gerwen B. Update on Trail Repairs Gerwen C. Update on FWCC Pool Gerwen 6. OTHER BUSINESS 7. FUTURE MEETINGS: The next PRHSPS Committee meeting will be held on October 10, 2023 at 5:00pm. 8. AGENDA SETTING 9. ADJOURNMENT NEXT MEETING: November 2, 2023 @ 5:00pm is Iparks comm mtg noles12023V 0-05-2023 agenda.doc CITY OF 11 Ridaral kNay � Centered on opportunity This page was intentionally left blank. CITY OF FEDERAL WAY PARKS AND RECREATION PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION September 7, 2023 Hylebos Meeting Room 5:00 p.m. MEETING MINUTES Commissioners present: Chair Michael Campsmith, Vice Chair George Vadino, David Berger, Monty Stewart, Jerry Knutzen and Karen Brugato Commissioners excused: Sabrina Ettinger and Rayna Ross Staff. Jason Gerwen, Parks Deputy Director and Mary Jaenicke, Parks Administrative Assistant II. Chair Campsmith called the meeting to order at 5:00pm. None PUBLIC COMMENT APPROVAL OF MINUTES Commissioner Brugato moved to approve the May 4 and June 1, 2023 Parks and Recreation Commission regular meeting minutes as written. Commissioner Stewart seconded. Motion passed. COMMISSION BUSINESS New Playground Installation Discussion The tours took place on June 1. The two sites being considered are Alderbrook and Celebration Park. There is currently $225,000.00 in the playground account and $750,000.00 in the King County Levy that could be transferred to the playground account. Commissioner Brugato added that she would like to get a request for proposal for a park for neuro divergent individuals — something that is more passive and calmer. Questions and discussion followed. Commissioner Berger moved to solicit proposals for both Alderbrook and Celebration Park. Commissioner Stewart seconded. Motion passed. Steel Lake Shop The commission reviewed a drawing of the site for the new Parks and Public Works maintenance shop. There is also an area for the Police Department for storage of some of their larger equipment and there will also be a fueling station. The new facility will be built on its current site and will go down to 308a`. Trail Repairs Public Works is actively working on the design drawings for the trail repair at Alderbrook park. The asphalt trail is going to be replaced with quarry sand; this product is used at many of our parks. The tree roots are uplifting the asphalt which creates a tripping hazard. The City's contracted Arborist has identified 35-50 trees that may need to be removed. The goal is to go out to bid in January and the project will be completed in the Spring. is\parks comm mtg notes\2023\09-07-2023 minutes.doc Parks and Recreation Commission, September 7. 2023 Page 2 STAFF REPORTS Red, White & Blues Recap — Survey Results Deputy Parks Director Gerwen reviewed the survey results that were collected at the Red, White & Blues Festival. Chair Campsmith suggested having translators available and to have the surveys translated in different languages. Update on Park Impact Fees - Approved Parks Deputy Director Jason Gerwen informed the Commission that the Park Impact Fees were approved. There is now a dedicated funding source for Parks. This funding can only be used for new Capital Improvements. Update on FWCC Pool The grand re -opening for the FWCC pool is tentatively scheduled for September 16. We are still waiting for the final inspection from the King County Health Department. There is still some internal work that needs to be completed. The city has entered into a contract with Rock Project Management for the locker room renovations. We are in the design phase and hope to start construction in a year. Update on Master Plan Proposals and PROS Plan Proposal Staff has not received an updated schedule from the consultant. The first public meeting on Brooklake is tentatively scheduled for October 12. Parks Deputy Director Jason Gerwen will invite the AHBL consultants to the October 5 Parks & Recreation Commission meeting. The updated schedule will be sent to the commission when staff receives it. Update on Ordinance 23-960 Parks Deputy Director Jason Gerwen informed the Commission that the Legal Department had an ordinance passed in July. The goals and objectives for the update was to review all code chapters for commissions, committees, and boards to make necessary technical changes for consistency. Ensure the code was accurate and up to date, and reflects current practices. Provide additional clarity of direction, goals and roles. The current Parks and Recreation Commission By -Laws will be updated to reflect the changes. OTHER BUSINESS A discussion took place on when to hold nominations and the elections for the Chair and Vice -Chair. Questions and discussion followed. Commissioner Stewart moved to have the nominations in November and hold the elections in January. Commissioner Brugato seconded. Motion passed. Commissioner Stewart asked for clarification on the difference between a Community Park and a Neighborhood Park. Parks Deputy Director Jason Gerwen answered that it's generally the size of the park and the volume of usage. Neighborhood parks tend to not have as many amenities as the community parks. Community parks are also intended for longer visits. He also asked why some parks have dog bag dispensers and other parks don't. Deputy Director Jason Gerwen answered that the dog bags are something- that have evolved. There is not a policy on providing dog bag dispensers in the parks. Commissioner Berger suggested that this may be something that is addressed in the PROS Plan as a need. Vice Chair Vadino arrived at 6:15. Commissioner Stewart requested to invite Corey Dembeck, the creator of wind phone to the October meeting. The purpose of the phone is for people to speak out loud to lost loved ones. Discussion was held. It was decided that it would be better to wait until the November meeting. is\parks comm mtg notes\2023\09-07-2023 minutes.doc Parks and Recreation Commission, September 7, 2023 Page 3 Commission Business AHBL Consultants By -Laws Staff Reports Maintenance Shop Update Trail Repairs FWCC Pool Update NEXT MEETING/AGENDA ITEMS ADJOURNMENT A motion was made by Commissioner Knutzen to adjourn the meeting. Seconded by Commissioner Steward. Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 6:35pm. is\parks Comm mtg notes\2023\09-07-2023 minutes.doc 41k CITY 10';:tSP OF Federal Way PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION BY-LAWS I. ORGANIZATION A. Official Name. The official name is the City of Federal Way Parks and Recreation Commission (the "Commission"). B. Membership. The Commission consists off ) nine (9) voting members and up to two (2) alternates appointed by the City Council. C. Officers. The officers of the Commission are the chairperson and the vice -chairperson. Their duties are as follows: 1. The l:llQll�Jelsull plesldes over the Commission Qrld exercises all powers incident I to the office, retaining, however, the full right as a member of the Commission to have a vote recorded in all deliberations of the Commission, to propose motions and to second motions. 2. In the absence of the chairperson from any meeting, the vice -chairperson performs all the duties incumbent upon the chairperson, and retains the full right as a member of the Commission to have a vote recorded in all deliberations of the Commission, to propose motions and to second motions. 3. If the chairperson and vice -chairperson are both absent from any meeting, the members present must elect a temporary chairperson who would have full powers as chairperson during the absence of the chairperson and vice -chairperson retaining the full right as a member of the Commission to have a vote recorded in all deliberations of the Commission, to propose motions and to second motions. 4. Officers are nominated at a meeting in November and elected at a meeting in -January and begin serving- immediately through the following January. 5. Officers hold office for one-year terms. There is no limit on the number of terms to which officers may be elected. There is no automatic succession by the vice chair to chair. All officers must be elected at the annual election. In the event of a resignation by an officer, an election for the newly vacant position will be held at the next regularly scheduled meeting of the Commission. 6. Committees may be established by the Commission. The chairperson of the Commission serves as an ex-officio member of all committees and appoints a Commission member as chairperson for each committee. II. RULES OF PROCEDURE A. Quorum. A quorum consists of a majority of all voting members of the Commission. Parks and Recreation 1 October 2023 Commission By -Laws B. Voting. 1-1^When a quorum is present, a simple majority vote suffices for all action. No !iia ' No vote may be made by proxy or alternates. 2 Alternate commissioners shall Have the right to participate in the debate and the deliberations of the commission on the regular business of the commission. Alternate commissioners shall not be part of the commission quortim and shall not move action or vote on matters coming before the commission, except in the event where a meeting is scheduled and no quorum is otherwise present an alternate member may contribute to the establislunent of a quorum such that the meeting is commenced or called to order. the chair shall specify which of the alternate members is contributing to the quorum and may artici ate as a voting member for the purposes and duration of that meeting only, which shall be noted in the written record of the meeting C. Conflict of Interest. 1. All members of the Commission and alternates must abide by the City of Federal Way Code of Ethics established in Resolution No. 91-54. 2. Each Commissioner and alternate must submit and annually update a declaration of conflict of interest to be held on file. 3. When the Commission or alternates are conducting business, any individual having a direct or indirect interest in or who would materially benefit from any matter must disclose this interest and, if deemed appropriate by the Commission, refrain from participating and/or voting on the matter at hand. D. Meetings. 1. The Commission shall meets at least once per quarter in accordance with the commission's bvlaws. The meetings will beheld on -the first Thursday of €-ae4the month at 5:00 p.m. Additional meetings may be held upon the call of the chairperson or at the written request of at least three Commissioners. All members must be given notice of additional meetings. 2. Not less than 24 hours notice must be given for the posting, publication or cancellation of any meeting of the Commission. 3. An executive session may be called by the Commission to discuss matters within the Commission's authority as authorized in RCW 42.30.110. 4. Regular Commission meetings will begin at 5:00 p.m. and will adjourn no later than 7:30 p.m. To continue past this time of adjournment, a majority of the Commission members present must concur. Public hearings shall not exceed two hours, unless a majority of the Commission members present concur, or wish to continue the hearing to a later date. 5. Civility and decorum shall be observed by commission members and attendees and shall be enforced by the chair. Parks and Recreation 2 bra October 2023 Commission By -Laws 56. The types of meetings to be held by the Commission and the contents of each shall be as follows: a. Regular business meetings on the first Thursday of the month shall include minutes of the previous meeting, public forum, staff activity update reports, informational material review for CIP projects, Commission comments/committee reports and correspondence. b. Special presentations, on a date other than the first Thursday of the month, shall be limited to one subject only. The topics shall be citizen -generated, subjects referred to the Commission by the City Council, staff overviews (with or without Consultants present), or Commission -generated topics. c. Public hearings shall contain only one subject. The sequence of presentation shall be: staff summary of pertinent information, public comment and questions, Commission comment and questions, Commission deliberation and recommendation. E. Attendance. 1. A commissioner may be excused from a meeting by providing notice, preferably in advance, to the Commission chairperson, vice -chairperson or administrative staff. 2. In the event any commissioner has unexcused absences from two consecutive Commission meetings, the Commission may request that the City Council remove that member and appoint a replacement. F. Conduct of Meetings. 1. At Commission meetings, motions are made, seconded, discussed and voted upon. Any recommendations made by the Commission will be forwarded to the City Council Parks, Recreation Human Services and Public Safety (PRHSPS) Committee. 2. Except as'provided by these rules and procedures, Roberts Rules of Order (as amended) shall govern the conduct of all Commission meetings. 3. The Commission operates under the provisions of the Washington State Open Public Meetings Act. G. Agendas, Staff Reports and Minutes. 1. A copy of the agenda for all Commission meetings must be sent to each Commission member and alternate five days in advance of the meeting. 2. Minutes of all Commission meetings are kept by a staff person and made part of a permanent record. H. Amendment. The by-laws of the Commission are subject to alteration, amendment, or repeal, and new by-laws maybe adopted by the affirmative vote of a majority, of members present. Such changes must be presented in writing and distributed to the membership five days before the Parks and Recreation 3 janu tfyOctober 2023 Commission By -Laws meeting at which the changes are to be considered. III. CERTIFICATION The undersigned chairperson of the City of Federal Way Parks and Recreation Commission does hereby certify that the foregoing by-laws have been duly adopted by the members of said Commission. These by-laws supersede any previously passed by-laws of the Commission. ATTEST: I0 Chairperson, City of Federal Way Parks and Recreation Commission Date Parks and Recreation 4 janu ii�-ctober 2023 Commission By -Laws