09-18-2023 HSC Meeting Minutes FINALHSC SEPTEMBER 18, 2023 Meeting Minutes Page 1 HUMAN SERVICES COMMISSION MINUTES September 18, 2023 COMMISSION MEMBERS PRESENT: Ken Stark in at 5:25 p.m. Vivian Alexander in at 5:25 p.m. Aaron Walsh in at 5:30 p.m. Betty Taylor in at 5:30 p.m. (Zoom) Cynthia Ricks-Maccotan in at 5:30 p.m. (Zoom) Katherine Festa (Chair) in at 5:32 p.m. COMMISSION MEMBERS ABSENT: Grace Ssebugwawo (Alternate) Kathryn Scanlon (Vice-Chair) Mary Schultz STAFF PRESENT: Sarah Bridgeford (Community Services Program Manager) Kim Bachrach (Human Services Coordinator) Patti Spaulding-Klewin (Human Services Coordinator) CALL TO ORDER: Chair Katherine Festa called the meeting to order at 5:34 p.m. PUBLIC COMMENT: None. APPROVAL OF AUGUST 19, 2023 MEETING MINUTES: Commissioner Stark motioned to approve August 21, 2023 meeting minutes; Commissioner Rick-Maccotan seconded the motion. Motion carried 6-0. 2024 CERF APPLICATION PRESENTATIONS: Highline College: Phon Sivongxay, Rich Shockley, and Andrew Powers StartZone and Small Business Development Center (SBDC) • StartZone began to address business needs for new startups with a large focus on immigrants whereas SBDC is primarily for established businesses past the three-year mark. o Technical assistance: primarily one-on-one and may include business plans, licensing, loans, etc. o Group training and workshops to include in-person and online. o Provided examples of businesses supported with StartZone and how they move to SBDC. • SBDC: one-on-one business advising HSC SEPTEMBER 18, 2023 Meeting Minutes Page 2 o Training and services address online marketing; profit mastery/financial education; research service, leverage state wide live and on demand training. • Reviewed past outputs and outcomes and staff for the programs. o No questions El Centro de la Raza: Miguel Maestras West Community Campus in Federal Way • Has property in Federal Way with offices • In 2022, purchased Pattisons Skate Rink and the property adjacent. • Provided concept renderings of the West Community Campus at various stages of development. • Mercado will be the first phase and provide indoor/outdoor space for local vendor/events and a commissary kitchen. • Community center with child care and program services will be second. • Long term is housing. • Funding request is for $160,000 for predevelopment work with planning and design. o Has $4 million identified in Federal funds toward the approximately $8 million project cost. Commissioner questions: 1. Question on how this is or isn’t different than farmers market or potential development at TC3? a. Response: Will have indoor and outdoor space. Seeking diverse vendors. 2. Question on use of federal funds and that the agency is primarily Seattle based, but new to Federal Way. a. Response: El Centro is committed to South King County and Federal Way and goal is to develop a new and welcoming campus. 3. Question on how they will be selecting businesses? a. Response: Predevelopment work and focus groups are planned to identify scope; however, the West Community Campus will be modeled on current services and community connections to assist businesses in starting or growing. HOUSING REPAIR AND MINOR HOME REPAIR PRESENTATIONS: Habitat for Humanity: Kristina Copley and Maeling Amorin • Housing market and property tax increases have led to homeowners at risk of being displaced. • Programs cover general home repair and safe access mitigation. • Completed around 430 repairs and about 80 of them in Federal Way. • Average cost for critical home repair is about $17,000 with fluctuation. • Experienced with Federal funds. • Minor Home Repair: Focused on homeowners 62 and over, living in Federal Way, and in need of home repairs. o $100,000 for 20 households. o Maintenance, protect & prevent, and replace o Accessibility; leaks; etc. • Housing Repair Program: Focused on critical home repair o $150,000 to serve 10 households o Larger projects with roofs, etc. HSC SEPTEMBER 18, 2023 Meeting Minutes Page 3 • Both programs use onsite staff and have a network of subcontractors, AmeriCorps Volunteers and Habitat for Human volunteers to perform the work. Commissioner questions: 1. Question asked about whether this is a loan or grant? a. Response: Critical home repair is a loan-based program with repayment returning to the City. Minor home repair is a grant-based program. 2. Question how does Habitat for Humanity perform outreach, language, translation, interpretation. a. Response: Staff present addressed translation services available and adaptable outreach services tailored to community needs. 3. Question asked on where outreach has occurred? a. Response: Staff explained past outreach efforts and how minor home repair assists in outreach as it builds a network and word of mouth. Commissioner Ricks-Maccotan and Festa recommend working with service providers and providing materials and community-based organizations such as faith based. 2024 CERF APPLICATIONS REVIEW AND RECOMMENDATIONS HOUSING REPAIR AND MINOR HOME REPAIR REVIEW AND RECOMMENDATIONS: All applications for CERF and Housing Repair and Minor Home Repair were reviewed and discussed. Commissioner Stark made a motion to fund all four projects. Commissioner Walsh seconded the motion. Motion carried 6-0 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AD HOC AND SUBCOMMITTEE UPDATES: Manager Bridgeford reported the next subcommittee meeting was rescheduled to October 2, 2023. Staff continues to work towards a draft Needs Assessment to present to the subcommittee and subsequently to Commission for review. Work is on target for completion by end of 2023. STAFF REPORT: Coordinator Bachrach reminded Commissioners of the following: 1. ARPA grant applications for Workforce Development and Financial Literacy closed on September 15, 2023. Completed application packets (10) are ready for pick-up. Completed reviews are due on October 12, 2023. 2. As Commissioners are reviewing ARPA grand applications, please keep in mind the following: a. Do the budget/narrative/resident goals/Service Unit measures and Outcomes make sense for the amount of funding requested as well as the supporting narrative? – Keep in mind service intensive programs tend to have a higher cost/service unit. b. Accessibility and equity: Do the organizations have intentionality in creating accessibility and equity, including culturally relevant services, to address diversity, equity and inclusion in hiring practices, staff trainings, board recruitment policies, outreach/program marketing, etc. Coordinator Spaulding-Klewin presented the last visit to South King Tool Library was completed. Please email Coordinator Spaulding-Klewin with additional suggestions for site visits or presentations to the HSC SEPTEMBER 18, 2023 Meeting Minutes Page 4 Commission through the end of the year. Commissioner Taylor suggested a visit to the South King Tool Library’s new location at the Auburn Super Mall. Manager Bridgeford reported the Human Services Commission will be meeting every month through the end of the year to stay on target for: Comprehensive Plan Human Services Chapter, Annual Action Plan, and grant application review and funding decisions. November and December meeting dates may be rescheduled due to holiday schedule; Coordinator Spaulding-Klewin to send email to Commissioners for potential date changes. COMMISSIONER COMMENT: Commissioner Walsh clarified due dates for ARPA grant applications. Commissioner Ricks-Maccotan commented recent funding opportunity from Common Spirit Health received 38 applications for $1.6 million in funding from King, Pierce and Kitsap Virginia Mason Franciscan Health hospitals. Many applicants from City of Federal Way; will report out at next Human Services Commission meeting on the results. NEXT MEETING: Regular Meeting October 16, 2023 at 5:30 p.m. Hylebos Conference Room ADJOURN: The meeting adjourned at 7:33 p.m. Attest: ____________________________________ Patti Spaulding-Klewin CDBG/Human Services Coordinator Approved by Commission: 10/16/2023