ARTS AGENDA 11-02-23City of Federal Way ARTS COMMISSION Thursday, November 2, 2023 9:00 am Federal Way Community Center 876 S 333rd St AGENDA Notice: Meetings are held in-person. To request an accommodation to attend or provide public comment virtually, please contact ashriya.guptar@cityoffederalway.com no later than close of business the day before the meeting. •CALL TO ORDER & INTRODUCTIONS •EXCUSE MEMBER ABSENCES •APPROVAL: September Meeting Minutes •PUBLIC FORUM •COUNCIL LIAISON •ACTION / NEW PROJECT - DISCUSSION ITEMS: •Kiwanis – Arts Explosion Gerwen/Eide •Federal Way Graffiti Ordinances Gerwen •UPDATES: •Arts Alive Update – Need votes Swan •Contract for Services Swan •Traffic Graffics Swan •Workplan Retreat Swan •Tree Lighting Swan •PAEC Lighting project Swan •COMMISSION REPORTS •Future Meetings Dates •Arts Commission Regular Meeting – December 7, 2023 •4Culture Meeting – a.Follow this link – https://www.4culture.org/about-4culture/board-advisory-committees/ •ADJOURN