ARTS PACKET 11-02-23City of Federal Way ARTS COMMISSION Thursday, November 2, 2023 9:00 am Federal Way Community Center 876 S 333rd St AGENDA Notice: Meetings are held in-person. To request an accommodation to attend or provide public comment virtually, please contact ashriya.guptar@cityoffederalway.com no later than close of business the day before the meeting. •CALL TO ORDER & INTRODUCTIONS •EXCUSE MEMBER ABSENCES •APPROVAL: September Meeting Minutes •PUBLIC FORUM •COUNCIL LIAISON •ACTION / NEW PROJECT - DISCUSSION ITEMS: •Kiwanis – Arts Explosion Gerwen/Eide •Federal Way Graffiti Ordinances Gerwen •UPDATES: •Arts Alive Update – Need votes Swan •Contract for Services Swan •Traffic Graffics Swan •Workplan Retreat Swan •Tree Lighting Swan •PAEC Lighting project Swan •COMMISSION REPORTS •Future Meetings Dates •Arts Commission Regular Meeting – December 7, 2023 •4Culture Meeting – a.Follow this link – https://www.4culture.org/about-4culture/board-advisory-committees/ •ADJOURN City of Federal Way ARTS COMMISSION Thursday, October 5, 2023 9:00 a.m. Federal Way Community Center MINUTES In attendance: Chair Vickie Chynoweth, Vice-Chair Karen Brugato, Janine Barber, Kim Bowman, Angela Hahn Excused: Kenny Byrne, Iveta Felzenberg Unexcused: Joe Clark Staff: Jason Gerwen: Parks Deputy Director, Kevin Hutchinson: Recreation Manager, Cassie Swan: Arts & Events Coordinator, Ashriya Guptar: Administrative Assistant Chair Chynoweth called the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m. Vice Chair Brugato MOTIONS TO APPROVE the September meeting minutes. Commissioner Bowman SECONDS THE MOTION. September minutes were approved as written. PUBLIC COMMENT Cheryl Volheim from the Senior Advisory Committee informs the Arts Commission of the second Seniors Conversation & Coffee event that they will be hosting at the Federal Way Community Center on November 15th. She asks if any of the Commissioners could participate and represent the Arts Commission at the event. Chair Chynoweth and Vice-Chair Brugato will be attending and representing the Arts Commission at the event to present the Public Art Collection Flipbook. COUNCIL LIAISON None. ACTION/NEW PROJECT – DISCUSSION ITEMS 1. Kiwanis – Arts Explosion Vice Chair Brugato informs the Commission that Kiwanis would like to partner with them for Arts Explosion, she has received a MOU from them which Chair Chynoweth will look over. 2. Federal Way Graffiti Ordinances Vice Chair Brugato presents Federal Way’s ordinance regarding Graffiti; this ordinance is what prevents us from having murals around the city. Staff Gerwen suggests adding the Ordinance to the agenda for the next meeting, so that it can be discussed in more detail. UPDATES 1. Arts Alive Update – Staff Swan will request a Special Meeting with Council next. If not, the reception will be held at the PAEC instead. Chair Chynoweth suggests that the winner for the public choice award should also be recognized next time. 2. Remaining Projects/ Calendar – Staff Swan reminds the Commissioners that the Arts Commission retreat is scheduled for 11/9 at Dumas Bay. Staff Swan shares that she is working on purchasing the items (walls, lighting, etc) with the additional funds. She will have a better idea of the leftover funds by the next meeting. 3. Contract for Services – Staff Swan has received a total of 8 Contract for Services Applications. The applications need to be reviewed by the Commissioners before October 19th 4. Traffic Graffics - Chair Chynoweth and Vice Chair Brugato attended the ceremony for the Decatur Box. Vice-Chair Brugato will be reaching out to the Art teacher at Todd Beamer High School to see if a student would like to design the wrap for the box near TBHS. 5. Workplan Retreat – Staff Swan reminds commissioners to start thinking about next years workplan at the AC retreat in November. 6. Tree Lighting – Staff Swan shares that Sherwood Forest Choir, Jet Cities, Children’s Dance Theatre will all be performing at this year’s Tree Lighting. There will be a coffee truck that will be taking care of serving cocoa. The Commissioners will be passing out Cookies with the AC logo on it. Both Cookies and Cocoa will be free to the public. COMMISSION REPORTS • Staff Swan shares about the AC’s mini field trip to the Mount Lake Terrace art show. The small group that went with Staff Swan got some good ideas on walls, lighting, strike points/layouts. • Vice-Chair Chynoweth shares that she has contacted the FW Library about hosting the next Arts Explosion there instead of at the PAEC. Chair Chynoweth points out that the Library would be a better option for the Art show since it has better access for the public. Good of the order: • None. Future Meeting Dates: • AC Regular Meeting – November 2, 2023 at Federal Way Community Center at 9:00am • 4Culture Meeting: o Follow this link – https://www.4culture.org/about-4culture/board-advisory-committees/ Meeting adjourned at 9:55 a.m.